it. AocaI- evr Ac a.tssioefV Cessna. fbe C'esrt 'fears??, elaf. aplac, e SSaae g.lWS.W. All ainnvuhlcnllons, business 11 tuta-a tVa IOr UIN Will WW. v '" pt attention should be addressed :, f.,llowi TUB roer, Midateunrg evmnuniciUona Ac. mint b bended In by Monday noon, to atom tiaser : loo In O0tl Is kiaaeam l'in" Tsraa lie tm wbwa - ,--".-.--- rTWK 8nTJr Ccwmty Kepobl X attaieiwnwltse silt slst Iks lleael vaaa.! Mtd.lMmMrDMIIDAV Mere r IMS tlMt 4. M. trMMi l-na. Stat MitHMi Mf oass o M.i fcMW. cl Hir, Ufcalnsea. I iiuu tWitraa, "-rsari. Hal rteffOBtry. W h!nfjited bills or dvrtid far th fellwing tslee i ..".' "V ''. Thhirof Jtftchl Minlnom, dr cmm9, offsr Rsal Entat 4i l'rl vst Bale, In Parry twp. Daniel A. Fuhrman. offers Real K UM ai Frlval 81 In Adam twp. Ilsnry Km oflsrs 4i Private Sal the Central Jotel 41 Beavertown, Furniture and all, or for rent. Joseph Wltar of Franklin twp., offer hi farm at Private 8ate. Monday, Fab. 27, Sheriff will sell Real Klat at tli Court oue, In Ifiddleburg, iday, March 3, J. C. Bowereo. will aell tioreee, Giwe, Farm Imple manta, Ac, In Centre twp. Thursday March 9. Michael Hscken bcrgwill mII Honaa, Cow. Farm Implement, Ac, in Franklin two. Friday, March 10. John llower, will aell lioraaa, Cattle, Farm Imple ment, 1c, In Tranklin twp. Calurder, Msch "H7""Pr' German, will aall Home. Caitla, Farm in plemani. I tousebold Good. Ac, in Parry iwp. M i.lay, March 13,' Samuel ark en bunt will aril Horae. Cow, rm mpUmanU, Ao. in Franklin twp. Tuesday March 14, J. D. Miller, will sell oreee. Cow. Farm Imple ments, . Household Good Ac about 1-mile South it ol Dreis bach Church in Buffalo township, Union Co. Tuesday, inarch 14, John Moyer will sell Horses, Farm Implement to. In Franklin twp. Tussday, March 14. Samuel Snook will ssll Horses, Cow. Farm I mi Clements Ae., about on mile West of Beavertown. Wednesday, march 15, George Bow ereox will sell Horaoe, Cows, Fariu Implements Ac, in Franklin twp. Thursday. tajarch 10, IFilliam B. Wood line; will aell Horses, Cow. Farm implement, Ac, 2 mil Wtrt of Adaniabnrg. . Saturday. March IS. Peter Gnrroan will sell at notion a tarns variety of Store Uoode in Perry twp. Thursday, March , 23. . ienrv .Siihnch willsell Hnre, Ciitile. Farm m- fiKemenis, oueeholil (JimmIs, Ac. il MMdlecreek tnwiinhip about 1 mU Eait of Kramer 8tatiMi. Tuesday, March Dairld Moyer will wetl Horse. Cows, Hoir. Farm Implement, Ac In Mouroe twp. The Central Hotel at Aeavertnwn la offered for Sale or Rent. See ader tisemvnt In another column. - An invaluabl strengtherrer for the tierrss. Muscles, and dietiv organe-j producing strength aud appetite,'! Brown'a Iron fiiltera. j Ayer Cherry Pectoral ia a really remarkable and ' time-honored -medicine.- It ia the beat remedy known for all diseases of the throat and lung. - Th store of A- V. Watson, at, Cos grove Hall, which bal been closed for several weeks U now aaln Dpea1 " Fob. 2S, 2w. . Afr. Wm. II. Vanderbilt recently f aid to tba Comptroller of New York hia State tax. which amounted to 201,000. I '"i v . I ,. .. . ... , . Dr. . D. Conrad's tfotet at Beaver towa, on night last weak, was discov ered to be on Are, bat was discovered Justin time to aavatha building. Th Conimisslbner Clerk informed as that no arrangement have been made to secure th Lycoming County gaUowa ; aaantbut of which w made m our tast issue. Tba Board of fartjon did not an set on the tlst heno otbing waa don In th Erb 'oese. Tba at raulaa maatbg will March Jvn aa wa BxrtwrB.JvYhii w heard thai Robert gsnllh Waa attend' ing the 8hootlnf Match at Millmont Union ; Co , w predicted that ifob would get th deer, and so he did Rob know bow to alwMt and dow't you ' W hav reoelvwd our iret ia voice of . Tamburg adglngs and Inserting. The pa tiara are htfod Coi sod tb prioss vary WW, .7 ' Dtwse goods seillug now tt greatly raised psioe. , ., .... In Carpet w h a bug aristy at hrylow prioea. , , 1 A full Ha of S.urn and, Satftta. , -., . . Jri bmefc OUatiidar ww hav now a ftfll asoTtu4rt at ' nioea that aaauoi Mbaat; ( . .:i. fleas ran" when you com to our P'to. P5'a4 kitote , Ilitsl. Sslinsfrov w , . i so. S3, "512. L L L-LLi i'JL'JLJ'.'l'HL' . !'..-Mf CLurt eommancea on Monday neit. 4n anrio1ita!ahiiMaj4 and burl' Bar of the tytra f mtrm tassltod and" lack of energy J inch la Brown's iron ti.. - . Vannnr predial much suns) .for March. Prot He bas no no7 on hand for that month. Who Is light T in m I. B.Vandrly has rerooyed hia fnw of&ca Into th room Jataly ooonl4 by the MiddlehurA M R. Association, to D- btilldrufy Vxft ; Th4 Concert, by Btetlef'i .' Cofnst Band, was a complete tucreva is Q re apctv . The nia!Mr drama artiiU rendered lhair parts wall lh inatrn toantal muale was sUeot . aad IU vooal txtr MtraM ThAy go to Bearer town fit Batshfay evening, tnd will koetry visit' MifOintnrf, 'where they U4rcie4 warm' welcome aaoTaa overflowing hooae.-.' .i. On oloe nit over th WmhI gnea n from itioihats, that says. "My daugh ter are n 'TeeWe and aad. with .wo strength, all nut of breath 4nd It fa at the least eiertion. What oan "we 'do lor them f The anawar m almpl and full cf hop .One to font week ne of Hop Bitters will msk them healthy, rosy, aprlgntly, and ttarfnL i i o Mass) aasMMMM T - .'v;. K'RfpVinWinkt. :ur.-.m r, ' 'Tlits, prhap th moat rani one; a1t ie one of the mnat charming ttstehaa which American titeratnr has pro dnoed. aivea the title to a vary beanii fill and rsmaikaWy cheap little toluma jnt Issued by the Useful Knowledge Publishing uo, .new I .or, me vol ume onntprisee all the won Inlsirest ing articles nsnallv Included in "The Sketch Book" of ITaahiiigtnn Irving. It oonlains 240 pagm, beautiful trpe. excellent paper, press work and extra cloth binding, and l sold for only 20 cents, or by mail 23 cents I This is th second volnma published Under the procrammeof the Literary "Rebel linn." It certainly surpasses both in quality and cbeepness eny of the fam ous book of the Literary "Revolution" The reading wihtieoeriainly appreciate the work wf Mr. Alden, whose skill and energy will be rec or nixed in thia new exterprUe. The Cutnpany annnnnca as in press, uniform with Rip Van Winki. Oreau'a Lnrcer Wietory of the Mulish Peop', in ft' volume, ti nt). Crlyte'e French Revolution, 2 sols. 70 rente. Creaav'a fifteen Denlssir Bat tles, XI oents; and Schiller' History of the Thirty Yeara War. 33 cent. I heee same fliu'r famous histories are also to be issued all In one volume, 'model octavo," for the amiiiKly low price of f 1 It. Specimen paea and csUlnuge will be sent on receipt of post I card by the publishers, the Useful Knowl edge Publishing Company, 102 iniliain Street, New York. Mldtllebnrff Market. SSSVTSO WIIStT ST Simonton, Barber So Co. QR.K IS A SLEDS. Wheat per bushel Wheat, No 8. Rye do Corn . do Mitts do v's Potatnea " loverseed pr bushel PRODVik. ' Cherries, pitted . Cherries, uupitted Ulaokberri'. ' ; Raapberriea . I)ried aple Spring Chickens -, Turkeys, . 4 Butter, prime .. Eggs Onions "" Unl . Tallow - . 1 90 1 IS 75 ? 44 -.100 " -woo i 1 I 8 . ... IC 6 8 100 10 w 8fito30 ISO 400 00 4 00 Oak Tie COAL. P4 Coal Chestnut Coal ninokstuithCoal gg Coal i UDCLEI'M PRODUCE 1AEKET. . OoBSSOTSa VBSKir St .T.'W. Drees't, " "I Jl O . f otatoea . . do 100 80 M ' M Bnater per pound . , Vjcm per docen -n - . TwUovi p iund -".C'X'r,'.: iArd h . 't ,- t ' .. Cberriee .u. t . ,. . "j 8edChsfrl e ' 1 04 Blackberries ." ,y;,VV.r. ! Rasbarrtea - 's....- DriedADDla'' JU- . V ' , 1 04 4 to Soap " Side,'''' IviAtUIMHl). Feb. 1 Jonathan H alley of Franklin twp. and Miss May Bariile C. 8tUer of Penn twp, . , r ,j Jan. 24, by Rar. Joha vr, - Swarts, Mrs, IsabeUs, Uarkmaater, Perry twp. and Mr. Joshua Koush, of wt Parry twp, Snyder county. Feb. 8, by Rev. P. Born. D. P. Mia Mary B. Ounkle, of BaaTalo Valley, to D. Norman App, of Monro town. snip, r . ! j rt-i JanuarV Ml by R. -W. A. iiM rr t. Iteara Tsrt, or rVilinscrov. to Mr. MOton F. lMiuih, f daiusborg. FsJk 19, bv th Rev. W. A., Miss Littia arret lo Ma C Laudeif schhi(er, both of Penn township. At lb Jf. r. Parsonac in aVline. trrovaoatb 21 inai. by Rav. J. W, mirk ley. M. 8. Wend, nd Miss )) M. Bakelas both of 8hsmokin Dmtu. JQIISD. Ps.' 1. at Moaitgarner Button, rbllln Mslaaebtkoa) MUW, aged aOy, otu. m At Port TrvortoA Jan. 96, Mrs, Sarah Folk, aged 47yra. ; . In Chapman twp. Jan. 80 Cochran w. MUmht, ag d DSyts, - , In waahlngtoo twp... of diphtheria, Jan, 41. Atuou Dresalcr, agwd Uf, lw. In Bali nag rove, Fehx la joepb Bsstry son of Mr. and Mrs. johi M. Bartr, atastd. .... . Feb.. at F.liioMiort.I.vnomlng soua ty, (V ,ar Couldron. only sou of Klijuh Couldixm, and a natlveof tfet.uagrove, ageUtayoara, .f y , - rn.a, at the sseUanoaof has sUagh-. lar airs, ahsran vogar. at i"Ur ITaror ton, tlUabe;h, mtm of Ira bay res, ag4yn8nio4UwMdUdas. . . . t ... .. w in n aaiunKKiii lowiiauip Mary,Wir .f Cirwd H okliHI t. k-d I La vum J 1,1,11,1 1 . ,..l io .1.,... na years, lilOlltl. sua au lt.t , iia u Penn IU Twp.. rrh.. JT, Ann e, a wm. 1. vs,n Miur , daif liter J ( J njtlw s, . - Thb lMtRic iieftarvLTtauT, fn Jf ireh 1st, Jnat Isstfexf, cmnlaln over a hdnJred lwt(r and snortnr arllefs, giving wseful, ptaatieal Information for the nVm. Oaraeii mt onsebwid, IHuslrated with nrty or mor ngra Inga.' Prio il-fitf ylf ; 1 cents et aambsr . Oxiirog Judw )U.t Psblwhsrs, NTotk. ' Al fbe present time wha tbrt p many worthless Hutmcna In th rrtarkelt would be well to Inquir whict) U the best-lhi will b found In M. B. Roberts' . Cblebraled Embrnrw Uoni It Is a paoacea for' all allmant that rcnir nibbing, iU)r on ma r beast for Ie by all wrnnarta. For .ale by John 'A, Moats, MUJIe- burg, Pa. t Km Jons declsre aba "Will not again accompany Mr, HI latin from tburch on a rainy day, with her new hat on. unless he Urst procure on of Sil.Oprnhrimer' Celebrated Onasi- mar Umbrella th beat, cheapest, handiest . umbrella now manufactured". .. , , .b A ls'Jy who' went West, last week wrote tack to a friend, saying "she lost all her fine clothe jtiet because she bad purchased a worthless trunk alilcll would not sUud th knocks", and adds ; "if yon inland coming nnt bare, the first thing jron do, go to Op pftibeimer' Seliusgrov. where you caa get trunks, satchel and vsllce at the very lowest price and of th very best quality. reb. , '8 J. Sol Oppenheimer ha KKDL'Cf.D OOOD3 TO LOWEST PRICia. Oo aidase. Death to rats, mice, roaches and ants; Psasoit xtksmiator. Barns granaries and households cleared in a alngl night. No fear of bad smell. Beat and cheapest vermin killer in the orld. Sold everywhere. Truth and Sol Oppenheimer are la in brothers and if you doubt it, go aud price his good. . A big lot of Oum ?oot and shoe to b sfld at bargain at Mud. R. MARX-SStnr:,- Selinegrove, Pa. Il will nar everv bodr to examine the immense Stock of Pnrnitnre for ale by the Popular. Furniture man W. H. r t,Ll X Lewmtown Pa. . I just received another lot of Elmir Boots to be clus.! out w'ub the other stock t s great red ifliorl. MRS. R. MARX, Sc'.lmgrove, Pa To thnen that would like tn buy a new inwhine cheap Ac, I say buy the 'Sigwalt." I wilt sell ymi a 2 drawer. Irop-lesf, Cover, lock and key, and all the attarhnieuts in free for 1:20,00 and a plain niachiue jut as good but not so fancy wood-work for 113,00 I am a Sewing Machtn AfPt and hav sold and will sell and don't vmi rget. sm the 'White Hewing Jfacbine A cent. C- C.Seebold. Ftb. 0. 'Si 4w. l- ' -. We invite the attention nf our read ers to tho adverluemeut of the Buck eye MTg Co Marion, Qhio, in knnthrr column. They otter ran iuducenieuts to earn au holiest tiring-' 6 t. 2 Am. PRIVATE SALE OF VEAL ESTATE TTfE und reward offere at privsJe Ml, the Mlswlnf nertll Bl to U; a Turn tlia IB rrkMa rm , M, lar P. uetli el f Hljaiw. Niuii- , 1.1.7 . ' '10 Ar - : r sks kH HA etsa , ksr4 ars tV 4 S SM rSM lll SOMB, fct. 't- 99 aoHJi sf ( ! sr is Nr. artag wklar mm Ik fa tkrlTi taaaear H ! trail Iras rra li kaa.ksef caltlvaaM. TrmM AJJrwt. juicm wr,Tefi, rvk.ts.ta . nuMisssn, ra. 4PA11KBR'B HAmDALOAlX aab a a aaaalaW .. ..aasl hlatw Csa r fsaat PaW Has Bakaai b (arfy tra aa is Maa h pmaat auaaa at ma aav aad a aanaTaancaa HaoaSU.N.M, ' PAiiiosa'o - GKJGERTOHIC A aaajH ItmniM aMSu waaMuhar nai Saaai aV Sjauiy w kaaaa. M dalm my PAaaaa'i Ctaaaa Taaa;. , 41 yaaaia a haayaa saaian at aaMaawaaai a. . ky aaaaal mmm at aaaieaa eaiaa, a Sat Mas uaataaaatoaaveataM PMW(GaM 1 aataM hiWi UrSa Seat C, leCaanhii ifcat aMaaca. kaaal TomcaaiiaM, a i I mt Mm, KinaaS Camas aairaa..laaWC i I Baaal Panaar MailalM Sa aS tSat . If vaaeaiw a eaaeaa at aaa Oihaaa Iaa ani knalaaaaaaaa aaamlS Ma)aia,laBiMalaaa aa haaal 41 4i elaj ijaaasM I i, mail .raiia.liiii Ua.awi c.a. I. ataasaaa,aaaBB)aajK r aavis st'TtM poitsa sua. . Iiaiah aa ia aa haBa kiaa taa atoV-Saa aaMaMaalaakk kaata aaaa aaaaaa fl WM Cbuiwas SM Uaa is ahaaaajra af aaaaaabriaa A, a. n a mmtm m, I aiaartna alllMia , la atim avviaa aa sora Ti C (r ii r c - - ,- K ilMIKJSrrtl'DHi'tjrNDTK'K l I.ail-Mvl ,,iilai:r :i,.a ,. ttaoiAta sr T jaaa -'aiaa. law m twmm ivaav. mt mm- Ua, , , r. iiraM, kata kaaa aaa ail .' ' wcllr. all ijS l-ia ,a - a.W .U'eais ai.sla w a HMaJi,la ai. J 'S aa aavlaa t Ulw a a.ia . . " "s " . . , Ha aal da.aOaua a. Mba Ul, te iAYU.aUU. rNkWz aiaamnila,aAr lm7TZZmZ hi. I. ..a, n. y. 3i ISJ m.Ji a vtn isa, am a i aaranawWaC imImi, Uss. I Ha, .Mi, a. RECEIPTS , . , , . . j" , ToJnilor. Statement fJutwtnf i jwvrrrwewy"'Cr -Sr -.f - ,1 Vistatc-t.' 'ssassvoasv 9 ) pt Aliases, . . ,PSiM IL. Hwarlz. Heaver, Heaver Wt, Chapman. r Raehats.n .V LatA j MaacokJ jonamaa siroun. Oaatr, Franklla, Jaekaow.'v Middlaeraak, Monrfi. '' Miebajsl tmalay. Uuar; Dolebdef JuaL KUnvlr. i:av:::r mwm uit'titaisju WoitA.Coebrvj, MiddWbara; aeaw.8loigr, i'na. Parry, au fJarner, Perry Hoiinagrot UBIOO Wblngton the Ditrsicrs. Oeitsrvees, Heaver Wast, . 5 IRsubfa Heibb,. . Wear. ICJeo. P. Kimmertna . - ','. KliaaPVtee4a, . - .foeefeb N; Haines, iRanroal 0. PiaWi IWUliam Stock, i. W Risenhowar, Pecn, i Beaver Wt, Franklin. Middleerselr, Chrietiaii Wait renn, Isaiirl Row, Edwaro tk lfojsr. Mavy H Pitw, Pater BtAiTs. . Perry, Aelinarov, ' Uoloo, vTaabiaatoa, ISamael W. Wall, iBlias It Swarts. iSaindel Uachmaa. I I M M L Adama, Beaver. Uaver Wast. Centre, ('bapniao. Mlobacl Yalsley, k lurid M. SwarU, Frank ho. Mnm I aihsmWber, John. lUlcblay, J ark son. .Viildlehnrir, Jaoob SUioinger, " Middleoreob, Cbwstrao Waller Afooro. Joha 4. Coebran. Vrry, Perry West, Peon. Oad 0. Hornberger I J one) IV .Oordoo, Neh llarner. Sellosgrova, Hsrvwy II. Piaa, I nion. Aaron cbriat, Washinatnn. Rsranel W. Watt. --Ti?'. V - AfVITCJJW. V. B. Middles warttr, eo." t4d 810 Daniel Dlefrnbach " - 14 00 HMinuel a Maurer 00 J. li. Arnold for aodit'g atate tax 1 00 lROTHOSOTAtV f. , - William Mann for docker- K. i llutter for Med. KesrlstaT Prothouotary's fees for I) t-13 08 II 50 ; twea 804M " isot Jt'BT COMXWIOIHI, ' Henry Hummel fees for 1881 Alvln A. UUh do , do 94 R0 II M 9 00 SHKRirr'atTrtint.- Daniel Bolender. fe as turnkey SniiuiMiiiluir turors tar I VH ' 72 00 F for removing Jiaiinnarunni. rry to llarruiburic Lua Asy'ui 1.191 Far. In Quarter Meaeloti . 11 95 tjubpV wltueases iu Mover's ease 7 ti Taking Thomas Morris to lWy 04 14 District ArrciRsat'uFKKa. Expnaes iu ferritin! out tlie perrarors en aiuiawr. vruuKou EirMoes iu atten line Hup. tourt lu tn Moiuiciae vaavs , U82 26 00 40 00 I fn.-ial Kees KipeOM' in attendut r.rti anil Jon. Mover's cans before Par don Hoard CoMMISHIOSHR'a Or-ri.n. O. C. ftutelius foreipresaje 8 70 141 18 J H (Hi 47 l ItM Ot) g-oon F. 1.. Mutter, Tai IJen Keora, iM-tion blanks, and bonds John Roinlg's salary, endaya. John Ileiti s salary. daya. II. X. WsUel s salary. 7 days J. 1. AuraiKt. elerit, aalary f. N. Mvera. rounaet S3 00 J. W. M. Newlln forleiral service ' ' r , KKiilSTBJiaSD RECORDsjR'a DlKlfi. on tt tax auueai fmjm --.o uv W. Mann for Keeord Hooks . SH 73 it. W. Erliart. mrirsurni Witteomyer 4 ttuai lor writing . fluid 101 J. A. Smith for damage In Mid- dleereektp. ' inn SO 00 Kdward Miller, do Charles Keck, do.; Joliu Bickel, do C. 1 'ax too, damage In Beaver tn. 80 00 19 00 41 69 A. .1. Itowersoi. do Yii JW P. M. teat. s(. al road view fee 3 00 i Fkk ix Commoswklth Cxsaa. Coin. vs. Emanuel Ettluger, et. 83 M a7 0S H87 M 18 1 uu rt (W 10t T7 1 79 t Mallnda Hhamory t riab Moyer " C'otumlssioaera of Co. Oster Ktaai - Johu Troup " Joseph Both. " Tboma Morns " Peter lliugamart " Caroline Stroup - " Marylleihl '" John Krb John Mlllhon " Burbara and Thomas Jor B on 00 1 94 dan i toaipaas. liasslnger, Walter A Co.. lumber f urtiiahed Boworsoi's bridge HO 94 M f saaa Dreese, rep, JJrees' bridge 9 09 C. K. Parks, et al., snaking road taking old bridge apart and eouatructlng tern bridge at Henoch's mill n, N 87 C E. Parka, et A, taking down part of Long's bridge which waa not swept away by the . freshet - , , 84 (10 A. Hauer, for rep. Melser s bridge 4 W7 A. Komlg, (or hauling at Boboou' bridg 9 H. berry, dftaft tor (Johoeh's andlxag'sbrtdg ' 19 40 W. U HsasingtfC, rep. t Bower ox' bridge 1 98 II. Brry, rep. trfl. bridge at Mohocn, amy 75 I. IX Kmnlg. for hauling at Hehoeb's bridge ' - 13 J. 8. 8mith, lur Tilling approach to Smith bridge ... . . '8 00 N. Uenuan. for1 filling approach to lowsr Setisjagrov bridg H Krdler. tot fiiliuiraila-urah to oo lower rJelinstfrova bridge . , 1 00 I. trdly. . at, do t 40 J. H. btadoiwlanibaf furnished ai I Orosa' bridge - - , , , , 79 40 a Bowea, si mU trslnnsr tinea' briiLr. art Oft I J. M. Dock, tHD. at KanU bridge) 8 93 IC K. Iarks. stT at. rap. at (JeUosh' ixinC-orarv beklee. 9 13 H.J. lujrt--. for UVt to loser ttaill-isgrov brlttgr, 1 60 X. k Veebeeis fsp. to f ttfligtor ' WrUtge. M re'sr Umt. hliuk.itiULil ii to kVhoaba tssA brings. 1M( M, e'ranv, tJ M tioatreog ' , AND EXPEND1TU11ES FOU 1881. . . . . n. . - - tht amoH of County and StaU Taxes Asesnn1t Collected, ci ecnv unwniiivMi iiciaiunuil fur I year J.OOJ, ' J Coiic-V J CKSkiraio I L.ukaAViuBir DiTT jl "' I .st I Ststs I rrT9 I WUU. ( I) l Wiete. I iiaty 1 1 . , . vsai 1 4MIS. ' 678 17 1481 61' 14fi0 AA 78J 4f HHi A4 1509 U 1189 9l 794 00, 610 0i JYb 8U9 81 . 8M6S 919 It Rflrt Ofl 891 7M at a ok1 t m 1379 881 1314 14 1.503 W 4H5 60 19i 73 94S 22 4i 00 486 00 709 07 . 1S52 72 Qt'Q 12 I aoaijii iiS"nM3 a.i I i 1175 'ii Collections and Ex n rations nf Outstanding Taxes of previous y e-xrs per Auditor s Report, OvTTAeie J . I, Csoavv stats. Yaaa. "1878" 6 H79 4 J' a ' ' u 1830 195 4 12 10, ir.t; n! 2n 99 40 25; 141 70 00 v- 73 Ml i 102 97 1H2 27 116 Otll 2!4 22i -815 6i .295 27, r 117 83! 814 04, 82 fi l '' 88fi - , ' 8-'ft I ' . i ,.8700 293 98; 8G 08 1U8 52 $:W 181 210 20! 871 H0r 3.21100 Total lirWire, , 14 OC O. W. Keefer A Pro. arectlns; Bchorh and Long's tirldire's over Pena erswk, atenoch's , J(XV 00 , , Long's 404 00 W. I. nirt. for rep., baallne: and labortng at Paitoovills bridge ' 19 40 J. Kotuig. hauling at Burns' bridfr. 60 M. France, rep. Paxtonville bridge. 20 80 H. Oti, storsgv of Schoch' " bridge 8 00 J. 8. Melser, rep. Melaer'a bridge 75 M. Kwljr. rep. to Good' bridge. 12 00 1. H. Millar, rep, to aUaU'a brldgs. 1 67 W. H. Direse, blaeksmlthlrur t Hood's bridire. '.160 BnJ. Ulrteh, rep. to lower Sollns- rove wing. t an I. II i.mmI n ir.. niAainrv Ia 7a. t'onville bridge. , 11 C. Byer, et. ai., for lmuber 4k., - and'reptdr to Uowersoa i bridge 103 03 W. J. Weller. et. at., lumber and , rep. to MKl'tlelmr " Keefer, rep, to Uurns' bridge. 0 t. a ixavls. iat. on Bridge Bonds 60 I. Hiiurli. f. blacksmith to Pa- tonvllle bridge C. Keck, et. aL, rep. Meiser s bridge. 0 J. I. M'isaeliunn. stone furnished IHeliimgruve hrlitge. . 14 It. Ilvern, hnu at KelliiHgrov bridire. 9 M J. W. (iaugler. for repairs and fur. material at SeliiiKgrove bridge A3 37 J. UHinblv. ran. Kratserville bridge 6 60 J. Ituriia. reo. Burt s A H i n-er s bridL-e, 577 P. K. Hleker. HU kmul hlng at Hums' bridge I 00 F. Hones, rep. to Sonet' bridge 4 8 P. Long, latHir at 'hoch's and lying's bridge 10 00 I Kwnrtfc rep, flood's bridge W U. '. Mover, furninhiiig khiuglc l Wetzel lirtnge wwi 'Bchorh Bro'e for nail furnished to bch a-h'e and IxMig bridges 16 1'. J. (nt. lor hauling at Uong bridge .8 00 J. Iliuuiuel A Co., lumber fur nished to Scho, h. Long's and elinsgrove bridges 87 54' ii. Row. et. al., masonry to fcMiim grove brvlga f 00 CULKTV JAIU R.Mwelt Rothrock, M. 1. medl rin.'AiU atteu'ee to prisoners Kotli, KtUng k Krb Bt tr, Jno. 8. StetU-r Watohntsn B.rt 00 C. H. Punkelberger for ooal fur d 97 A3 N rvhamharh for blarksnilthlng 4 74 IV Bolenrier Mlt'.t Iniardiiig pria. 27 30 1). IloleiMlrr a a for twcleteaU bt-ddlng and cleaning Jail 1). T. Rlioails repairing spouting and roof nnd col 'nv A. J. Seclit repairing piliilp. J. 8. Stetler washing for A rep. stepa in yard J Hufflnirton for rnAlrinff 83 00 M4A . 1 M 10 00 1 00 190 John Liiulert for whiskey for 1, Krb ... 0. C. tidtelirts cloth I for J. Mover & Rrtl , 118t Stetler & tiro, eofnn for F Kttlng- rr f 13 oo and ooarj rurns d for rep. I. ii. Harber it. D. exainftiiag I, Erb roritT rtoos. John lWn liuilu.r John orn Janitor eitra work 10 30 6 0) 40 00 97 93 rei chairs, stands eta H, 11. Renniiiger, denk for clerk of I'-ourt and one dos. ehair 20 Oo C ii. Duuklbergr coal fur nlnhed J. VV. Oreesefor matting mdse, 7 4T and postage etc in p fUrnd D. T. Khoaci rep. stovs h cap. ing ehiiiiney tv Vfitlrnuiyer 4i bon for eoal oil eftrtitt. Petit Jurv H8l lb y Telta irauid ea oi uw 4il !oin.Uble R-tur's" " Mi-iiogr.ioher " " tJourt Crier H ' " Tipstavea) " " Petit Jury May Term Umud Jury " Coustunlee Return May Terra Stenographer " " inrttUr " lipstv " " Petit Jury h p ember Tsriu Grand Jury " , " 1'ohstablrs Ret'" - M Stenographer " " ' ' I'ourt Crier M ' TlpeUves " 11 Patit Jury Ieeinbr Tar;u (Irs. ml Jury r Cohatablea Rrt't " " fttaograuirr ," , lourttner " " 1.1 oo j ml 1 iastave , . aiai. W4 is i aoiKti 74 08 26 82 . 192 15 78 02 89 6H 653 81 89 12 t 7 76 125 68 44 23 6 68 436 27 76 47 51 3 661 87 4B 49 80 8 91, 303 8(1 ' 08 U9 13 7k! 74 97 , - L'4 2 V 6 31 ' ' 7J84 P 04 - 0 7( . 811 04 - 4710 187 411 10 8K4A .9 47 179 13 7 6.1 690 60 49 81 8171 178 10 101 V 6 Kl 881 64 .s9 17 198 81 nS.lfO i6 January . I-1881. IrniLterin. I riir'aa. I COPIITT WTTk.J cjrTT I hf T. 1 1' OlfTnTftMHiai, I. J m f stats 18 0J tt 85! I 151 M' 101 60' 39 65 13 71 asm .. 80 IM, . 6.1 6t: ' 174 65 , 104 I9j tr 307 7i 294 61 145 431 270 0' , 81 S7! 31 30, . ,. 25.34., 33 13, 236 771 " 80 OH lH2 00 401 75, '.'02 Cl 872 0; "4,502 25 ' I 6 3Sj 70t 1 19. 17 tJ 7 6 J, 8 3H! ; 10 031 8 15l 63' 12 40 158 4'. 23 18 03 47 2 40. 42 01 73 24 87 21 1 7 131 Otr; 3 85 165i 134 41 7C5 4 71 "b'23 72 o 03 8tenngrapher transcribing Ite norda lu houili'lds eaees J. (I. Biuith Itourdltig jury In homicide rne I. . Harber M. D. for att'dsiok iuror Adjairned March Petit Jury Stenographer Tlpstav K LECTIONS. lUturn Judges Feb'y election Constables ad. aud attemllng Feb'y election Return Judge Nov. election lists 47 oo 0 oo 14 M lo oo 7 oo 2i3 o& m o 8t4 4N So 9 lo W. W. Witteninyer et. nl. compt Jfov. election return 8. 8. Hchoch ludloial Ketarn I Jnilia lo T .a w imtrtm n rvm.iHi.U' .iir nmi Election Nov. Sth 1881 89 oo ASKiOR, Isaeasors. am S Payment of Assessors, and R-gl t rat ion of the several district of the county, for ItMl 414 ol PHI.NTfJM. Jeremiah Crousa. o Court Proolaumtion IMS0 2)00 20 00 SO un 90 00 20 00 80 on t i oo M (HI (general Klection I'rooUuiatiou 00 jsfW (Ml jOD wor) iQ Auditor H-port 1870 80 , ourt l'rocliliiiiitloii ll (ieneral Kleotlou Proclamation OS Mob work 1MHI '"'.Auditor's Kmiort l8l II II A. V C Me.yor. Court Proi htiiiatioii ltHl &) 00 Aililltor Kt'iiort ISto 80 00 Mfnoriil Kli-ctlon rroi'laiii.itioii 1H1 9) 00 rrunkl n Welrlck. Court Proclamation Hi l JO 00 Audifor Ruport I twit 80 00 Kills for bridire Inttin U .V tioiicral Klentlon Proclamation 80 00 J A lininbard. floitrt Prochimatlon SO 00 Auditors KfMirt fur ItunJ WO (ki Notice of Atiealfor lhtll Oil Printing 9 Paper Hook 73 nu tienerai Election Proclamation 90 tKl tUlJITI.KIBJlT Fl'l, C. II. Dunkelberger coal for 180 30 70 J. H, A rvn Id for record fee 8 00 Reuben Dreese foralate tax, loan 1 07 K. C. Hamilton hoard ami livery hire in I'riuli Mover r.ift 40 Si W. Y. Lvon Uet-ftlvi; In in canes Moyer, ami Krb Oti Do in th cn of Uriah Mover nun oh Ho ex. in preparing U. Moxr am 2B2 (7 Do for servloes in C. Moyer ease) , .. . It. Fix ct, al, inUCit oil ii'lkinuJ 12 87 J. Holder Peck, et. ai In. J, BterTen 7 87 J, K. Hughes et. al. in. D. Ko- ulef ' 19 19 A. K. Ulftat, aL In. on S. Moyar 14 Hi . HorntiiTger et. ai, on j. Cluck , , 1 11 w Haines, et. al. talesman, Deo. T. - oiw I. Howersoi expense In hoiul- eide ' 8 77 J. p. Kants witness In Feehrer ens.. , , 100 0, H iwer for Cominlhslone 90 0i) " . fee In attending Hti. prcms Cou rt and Hoard of Par don A. W. Potter In same wise C. llower services at bridge 900 00 20J uo letting SO oo Kdward Bossier In'st on temp. loan T.4. Hinlth sain (1. H. Davis do j,, tw 6 . i W. It. Dreese do C. Hower do y tl V. Vi.nNelila do Maintaining Morris In Ptiiil tentiary G. C (iutelius ejpressaga jaaob Gilbert, fee In ease of ot 906 jaoob bwato va. vnyasr Uou 67704 J. Aoiolg tslsgratas and Eg 71 10 prsssage, 4989 Christ Ian ClUs for aTatlf J. 1 1 ( Roth 89 fl Ho war sxpeAse of hasHn; 44 ii) the rscord rrnij'tsd from tl:a tat 13 buprani Court i. ttv bawl U9 97 4dnae 9419 B4tac lvaan for Slafia tn 4m Ithing lo oo C Mower servlc ta It Mayar tli oaf 4T7 97 A. W. Potter same 144 19 'l,r Mainienanc of M. 8S o Hhamoiry fjfto Sending message to Jair IT so Kttingor of dnii.k of hiuan- fc7l uel 9X1 ot , Wm. Bollinger et. a!, fur fog 113 W scalps 9; Oo , Pi'hm & Gerhaxt tor btatiu oool cry.. , -14 16 63 tooo 6t no OSS 196 c ijjlv, 94 Jo I So 64 9o 79 81 1 i t ao.aar tDB-NColikTY, Mt We, th ondf-r Hlgml CoiunilMlusiats, do us. t fy tuat the foregoing itaCcmreiit I tr ! mi't correct of the dlsbttrsinents for tliav year li, o the best of our know leljf e- ' Witness ourban'UaftA m.U this il Amm .it taiin.p. A ll tOMl 1H UKITZ. H. It. WKT2KL, Attest. J'M.MOYKK. t. I'. At HAxn, Cl'k, Coro'er TKKAHUarB'B ACCOUNT. Kri BHS DhRkkk, Tressurer, In - eount wltli HnvdiTft'imnty, for th year ltM. Dft. To thn ainonnt of County and Htats tio. aiu exred for 191 81 rtstn outstanding for put fears . I,)UW To ina'l rec'tl from Brldg ltotnts (,IM 01 " ' atili of luiifber 7 3 taxM cnterel 4 iw " II. M. Ortni'n for oiml In " I. N. Mveraronl inm By balaiico duj Treasurer 2,4 J!) 44 yo,7 M w Cr Br ain't of onl-'rs iaid in 1hi !),A1.l " " ' nt yoara i,m 14 " " ilur Treait'irer Juu. I, H JUPtt tiite tat l I State Trees WSJ " " coniiidfon IMU Hi t'oiutnlMHlon tot'oHr. J0 17 K(iniM-Hliiifnr l.tH mi jTninf'HIouts'ln M8ol " "revious veara n::ti'j Kxoil'of " 8t) o-i T.nlHU V4 Tcs Nlutvinrait ol ill v ri'init ce wl Vnyater i;. J is at id SIN'S Mnii.trrK l'iir.-tu.-d o . 'm 7-i and prKvlinm years 7o H.1 I'nrt.'il Hridk'c ltonrts ."ooo lUluiic lu.; fro,i. Hi 41 7.o7.17 Akts. Tat of H4 out iu ) lio It Ta of ' ainl prvioii4 years ouutojidin j Oil 7 J .o.ry 1 Mahilitie (n exees over - acts I.773,H Til THK HllMtR llt.K. TltK .It HOK OK Tiia Cot'iiT ok Common I'i.kas r tiik Cor vrr or mntpkii : We, the iindrlifned. Auditors of ani,l county, d ci-rtify thai In purMUanno of ail lict of A-uwm-bly, entitld "Au Ai-t relating to CouiitlflK, Townxlilps, 4o.." lift nt the Cniuinliwioiiers' Oflhie, in Middleliurg, In Jnnuiiry. 111 nud did ninllt srut settle niid udjunt the severntivwmtits see lortn in tlie foregoing Nlntetni'nT. In wit n Ma whereof, we hereunto have set our hrwl nud tin 4tli day of January, A. 1). 1 J. J. U. lltKiltK.UiKH,L.S.J t. w. m i;kkii. i i. h. ' DAN'I.IU KKFKN HM'JI.rii County Auditors. WHENCE COMES THE, U3&UD0 POPULARITY OF AM 's Forois Pttr ? Hccatiae they have proved themselves the Heat Eiternel llemedy ever In vented. They will cure aathtna, noil, rough!., rheumatism, ueuraigia, ami any loral pains. Applied to the small of the bark thtry art) Infalllable In Buck Ache. .Nervous Pehility, and all Kidney trouble; to the pit of -t hi stomach they nre a sure cure for Dynpepula and l.ivrr (Jonipl iint. AI.I'tH'K'H I'OUOL'H PLASTERS am painlcf, friigriint, und quick to cure, Heware of tbat bib ti-r and burn, fiet Al.lA'OCK 6, the ouly lifiiuine l'orou Pluatsr. Jan. S, s.n. Court I't'oclamution. T KUK AS the Hon. Josoph f?. Hii. har fral 'aal Jn l.a r lb Ja lU ( il I l.lrloi rwn H nl lha rnunlla, Hntilar, t'nlna an, vfltiu aid liirni ii'Nail ami !am'l. H Y il'r K.ii. Sa.oi-uia Ju4ai la and I r rlnilar enant, ha, a ua, li air ft: aa l hrarlnn. S,ta iha Sun ilay ol Jaa. A. Il, lai, tn ma illrtiriatt ,,- hnl.llna na f an Or. iihaap ci irt a a--ur) wl I'oininna i'iaaa. enar. ol ujaf ami 1 arm, nr an. I Hanaral curt al Uuanar aaaalnna nl li, rear al MI.HIi,at, l,.r ibarnnntv al aaT'lao lai ri. life alua lar. (balm iba .iib ,laj l I'tb. IM. ) aud tonUua uaaaaa. ullFa l lhraiora kraT (Iran la iba Oora. oar. Jui lea, ol iha I'aara ai.rl :oa.(a,laa la oil lor thaananlr af HbTdar.le aeiiaar In n.air r iir'rna alib lUalr rain raeur,ia laqu Inutia at .aiiaaiinna aa l laaiaia r.uoa In n,ae lb n. ,i ihalr oltlraa an. I ia Ih-lr ba ball part,! lana Suae aart aitaaaaa aail par auna iroaa-nih la babair nl iha I niamoa aaaltb aaaia.i aa, aaraaoa are raulrad la Sa Ih.a a, 4 lliara aiuoilia ! nul Hacaitlarf withnat laaae al ibair l arll. Jaillaaara r.. aa,laavBa pan, ia, I If, ibalr atlaaJaata al Iba aapnliad lima a.nire. , Hit- n uerfar mr band and anal al iba Skar MS'i "Sloe la M Mt l.abMra, ma JMb da nl Jaa. I A. t, an lUuaaaud algiil aaadrad aad Da. VI II Kilt HLV. bar ID, cloIngIut. GREAT BARGAINS ARE OFFERED. I inform my fiicmU and i'utomsrs that a ill routine on or about the first of ytpril to another place of biisi in-. Kl'.v's Store, in order to lart wltli an entirely new slock at the New 94KijStore. I will fir the next two month o ua jjj (cll ovei pair of noi and t.ora, Hi al great reduction ii price, for much 4o' '" n,on'.v' t'14" '""y could l bought I before. kvt'rhody ahoiilj call and 7. ii couviuceii mat we do wbal we any. Patties already sipiuiuled with 0 know our way of dealing ami other will pleas cull and exstniue my stock and lesro my priesa. IP will be pleased la see you whether ydn buy or not. Tbauking va (U past Ptrw- I-, 4 ' I aauiva annul I, sVU&B, J.UIX 8eUnSTO. t' i. rJ.nn.2ft, '81 ADMINISTRATOBfi HOtUt -taWaraM SaUaawreiiea ea Iba ra'aar g a-banaa Wa,r. I a al Cearra aar. a aM II. r-daa'S, SSvaaaaeanaaia ha'ia ala4 III miliiaaliHi lbaaaavaa li, ! rfaMad lar.M aaaafa a 111 .,ia aa .k. baati. ai T Yiri Uu a b-vo.a aniaif .(ah I aw iai wm I'raaat iiaawearaaMbBiaa ! KAiaaS.ikA.WSI.lbU Jaa. a, lb, Aiiastlaasf. Ay..,lM Vu 'l't.V. "1' b IU . ,5cN tlmmM 'I p.",l ' . " r-t. -'W-MAiaHrftaUi'lV. " 'imbCXSXmtmmt.