-' U.'-U-JIB. lilJiJl LL-i. ..'., V. a . V , eolSMTM. rt, .ou tw-toartn eolumn, one reavr, . 15.00 An square W ) 1 1 neerUoa 70 reiy additional Insertion, fto i.jbaaii 1 ayid Btuihoaa card ol MitMorvUwAS linia. pr vMr. 6.00 luditajr, Esecutor, Administrator AaelgOTltmHwe, ISO AU trncteti advertising lata Ik tit Saponins Wewrreswlrne. All advertisement) for a shorter pe lod Ufaa oe yr M parable at the doM tawy amtxt, and it not paid paraoa ordering thlm willeeldj ajyoasiMf) iw use ianT. Xo b try t mm.'.. rWiH.r ' t' . it'.h-j'.,T t r .i h i rir foee tort mi4 te'tot you, Jf jroor tirt b areas and haunt yon, If the woflel n dark and dreary,. 'Walt KM Md dine wM7.!! I I I . , , , ., .... If the hope you fondly cherish, phed to sjertn, seen sure to parish. Wait with patieoee for to-morrow- .So uian'e Ufa Is wholly sorry. , . . ---"it . .. , i. , ; i. t y oar plain . don't,. wor)$- to', please YOU, ,&.-.. .. e l.-.r , tha rataaahW Vhd MwrtTtorf, yon aaa, ha bright and cheery, Welt a wt aad dlun wearr." ., U Ood give jw fetaore, Uk It I ,j Til Hit gift, a bleealna; make It . r.lth la Hla no whit abtlnr. Serve Hla will by patient waiting. ' Or, If work, Inateed of leisure, , Tain, lnatee4 of tongad-for pleasure, Howsoe'er your Jot aaaiu drearr. Walt a wee aad eUana weary.?.. , t t ' . ' - ..if t FLmATioflrftbvEtti-:1 1 J ': .... . . ,-. liebbsr mVyet'wlntei-'e libli.' on yer rioh- aebor'e woM ' 1,1 Kaa d sllbej froated ougnterjnay a.,,, fliia m nin.1fl.iV i.tbi , U . VMM Wm IHVUfMU Winii i 1 ... i Taint f (tog a bii-W delou J-iTUu tnakaU loiigha.' .njbt.-. i 'or da wind a rat Mm wildaa' allu bring da aokW night r Y r Taint da forty lillllu' w .Inteoat klber p da da tri' kaart, ' or da' Midav ailor ohrom) ta!ta abjut da flnea' art. It'i Taint da thouaan' d.llar harnatt inakda atiddy wurkin nu, Kord.il Itlla plain' drkay putt da caka maai In da bag. Wan fo' htMnh da loony e'wlstiana holin likt d dor auu'i .lid, Put da atronga' dul)la pailo.k on yo' fattex' elilokvn rjK'. fetllH all yV Uttla tronbblea 'thout U . aid 6b oourt huV Uw, Cr yo ll fin' yo itionf fa" KolfflfT fttf dim' yo kin abber olmw. a - - ... Pabber aat de inorrar'a hra ikfaa' till da d ly w'an It la due. KaM di 'iu tmbrano. o') . 1 fatUIn' makaa da faatlu' uioughty blue "A LIU3H 13 WOWrl A HJ.M9RE0 ''I ' CROANS r ' , BT JOBBt'UUiB POLLiaO. ., , - W oftan maat upon tba atreet A friend It la a Joy to greet. Who kindly auiila and wordi of hear i ' , Bid gloomy ahadowa dlaappoar. Ha doea aot ahow the m ixttvt woe, Or of hit trlajg -3 ua kno w, N or yet parfona an aotor'e prt To keep udlaUnt from Ell heart. ' What ha la near we- have no fear, K'r thought that ha la ineioeere ; ' Wo maoh at Uath la lu hla gaze. S. frank and cordial are hla wivl i... . w wuumirthfal eharuu ha aoon die- artna C of our aorrowt and ulanui, And saya, in bright, eleotrio tonea : "A laugh la worth a hundred groanar Wa turn away to bli "Qood-tlay" To one whoeome la aad array, . With laactaanad rlaaffa. and tha air That Soirawtt eUUdren alwa ya wear Tbtra U no aalrUl TMnd kl haarth, Ha adda ttott tha joya 9t arth, , . And falli to comprehend tha Jokea 0t marry, laaghter,loring folka. touch la aoli aa charohyard mold,' iwlthont a word hlagrlea are told ty J tew r ajwloui intend. ;v ? ; Plii tOpa, or own hlia aa a Mend. pJfe'a aonny gttnr tbay never know ' jVhothiu In aambra livery go, aae atabhora. endure . rha Uli a hearty laugh luigbt cure, - ore bleat ajr tlVrrMV- g nd ha aeatur auaahina Vheir waj; ' ' nowhaada la grief not long ae ho aee tha light through avary loud. " - j .. heart mart bear i'to weight of , . " . j,; ; . , . . of Ute, trouw,, b(tv talk'r(Jt jrwhat avail theee aaoamful noaAat wugh 1 worth a haadand groanal' 4 I Ural . aM ' ' a MttTL . a aa w - " to Pouagjl ajai, Wm"br iliW. Coma and aaa bl" ' I'Faith, T will t "o;, r u VJ'. ) raal data f I dcml ear i bot aa Tea Mnnv Utwraparhap, u would ba Ooavaalaal for io eoiaa In ' fcynght," ... : Ba read In a . i HM-i' Aw.UUwU U vri'ltiuiee.. U VOf.19..,;:'.-..-.:MIDDLEBfJKQ, SNYDER COtTSY; Somi Viry Exact Statutist. A Detroiter baa beao for tbo laat two yrara ooilaotiotf and. arrtftgiog Utiatica of aa odd natora, and if bi book ia vr published readera will tad nbtbiog dry about it He ;f oea right to buaineaa oa paga ;ooa by eetiinetiog that tba Dumber of , lick iaga raoeited by tba average boy up to hia fourteenth year at ooa bnn draJ aad twenty-Are... Tbiainoludea tba apanking proceea during, infancy, u Out of every 100,000 people in thia ooaotry 19.000 get op oroaa i tba moralng, but only a hundred or eo remain in that oooJitiou vary long after breakfaat, ;; Qr w iovf dioo w-ym put np taoney oo a bet. Tbe 'reef will erawhah around and finally back water.oh their aeeertioue. .Oolv jlO women pat of every - 60 wno go oo a Journey by railroad eon ealt a railroad map or kave the liaat idea of the direction they Uke, Four baadxed and biaetv -aiirlit . worry ebvut their baggage i 497 are ear tain they took tbe wroof train r 491 tob tbay bad oevar atarted. A The Hit of balog bitten by a dog ia very greatly ovaraatiatataJ. Out ot avery 1,000 big andf ' fit tie doga only 2 care to get up a row with, tha haiaah raea, aod tbeae two are ready and willing to die :Tbe number of men who ean pat in more plaaaant ' aveniog ddWo town tbaa at tbeiriowa fireaide ia on the, tdoraaae, and the - Dumber of wivea who are taklog-a little extra paina to uake borne more pleaaaat tbitn a coucert aaloou ia on " the ' iu eraaae. Out of every 1,000 man who got mad and awenr they will aee tbe law yer abont it only fifteen carry out tboir iotentiona, Out of aver; 1.000 , who ride oo atreet oara only twelve will move along to offer aowtber Woman cbance'to ait down. !Ona bnodred and niuetyeiglit of them argue that it ia a mau'e duty to aUod up, even if there ia plenty of room, and the otbW two are aupremely iuditTttfeut. Uuly one woman in 5, Out) paya the Brut prioe asked for a bouoet aud only oue milliner in 1 ,01)0,001) expecta bor to. Tbe time occupied by tbe average man iu buying a lull suit of clothes ia juat one-fourth tbe time ocoupied by tbe average woman iu buying a pnir of stockioga From the De troit Free Jret. General Garfield's Maxims "I feel a profoondor reveranoe for a boy tban a man. I never meet a ragged Jxy on the atreet without feeliog tbat I owe him a salute, for know not what poaaibilitiea may ba buttoned up under bia ababby Tbe privilege 'of being a young man la a great privilege, and tbe privilege of growing np to be an in dependent man ia middle life ia a greater," Whatever you win In life yon must conquer by your own efforta, aod tben it ie youra, a part of your eelf." .-. a 'Growth ie ' better . tbaa perma neoee. and permanent growth is bet tar tban all." "If there be one thing apon tbia earth that nankiod lovea and bonore better than another, it ia a breve man a man who daree. look, the Devil in tba face and tell him be is a devil." - i "The student should etudy him self, bia relation to society, to na ture, and to art, and, above all, io all, and through all these, be efaould tpdy the relatione of himeelf, sooi" ty, nature, and arU .to God, Ibe au thor of them all" r , '-Great ideas travel slowlyk and for a time noleeleeely, as tbe gods whose feet were shod with wool." Ideas are the great warrior of the world, rode war 'that has no ideas behind His simply' a brutal ity." . . ....., ., MX would rather be defeated thaa 1 make oapital out of religion." - -; AfUi all, territory to but tbe body of a nation. The people who' tor habit iU bills and its valleys are- its aoeUU spirit, iU llfe.M HPor the ooblast man ) tbAt Jives there still remains a cqp4wV. o KJoms down tbe! gJoripne -; atens ot our banner, Every great record we have made has been vindicated ith our blood and with pur truth. sweeps the ttonnd ad. it touch. r;M V' j .Mding four ' galU.."..!ly ;i';r- Miota a. Jt is the death thaatar"' vVO : V. I' ".& roH Free Tree: ; " kooll vf Ua oov.ctsd Unitean, f wit ' : r The Nsw Solent fio American ORisei ' We are glad to announce that tbe Scientific American same out of the Ute Ore In New York, like the fabled Phoeiii. with renewed life. Tbe cuheoripthm flats,'' acajou t book, patent reeorda, patent drawings, and correspondence were preserved in maaeive fire-proof infos, Tba print ing of ttbe JUcientijtc American and Sitplemtnl wsa done in another builJing; .consequently tba type'. plates, presses, papor, eto were on harmed, and no interruption of buii neas was occasioned. !'Tha new Scientific American offl- hr located at SGt Broadway, Coraor of Warren Mtreet, a very ceotraj aod eiollot situation tba nav! building iaoaiai tawarda, Uw City all, the Court Qouae, aod the r ' . . new roai-oinoe a-magmnoetit strocture, which eoa eight milliooa to build. , pearly ' opposite, aud a tew uoujrea loot itittaut from tbe Vcuntijio i nim&n ojos. J Aha eotraaoa to IU (?r-t . Saaoeosloa itridge over the East River, between New York and Brooklyn, which re quired tan. yaaxa to conatroct. and taeaty milliooa of dollars to pay for. Ia , front, alw, of the' Scientiii Amerieu ia'tbe City ljill l'ark aud i'hutiog Ilouae Square, with ita statue of Benjamin Franklin, sod the homes 6f enrieeot "editors and oewspapers, snob aa tbe New York Tribune, New York .Timet, New York Sun, New York Wrll, Nee York llerall Mail and JHeurete Zettung, and others.. The new Scientific American of. fioos are admirably vboaeu for active bueiuea. IIer, in a llitioo to the inauing of their iotireuting pnlli:u tiooa, Messrs. Muoo A Co., sided by traioed etamiuera und draugbtamen. prepare apecmcutioua and drawing for Amorican end Foreign patenta. If any of our readers should happen to make a ee diuoovery (e hope every oue of them may do . so, and gain a fortune), tbry have f only to dropaline to Mmrn A -Obi, 2Ci Brolay, New York, who will reply at once, without ohark'O atatiutr bother tho ioveutioq in "probably novel aod pateutuble.' A handbook of iuatructiona, with full particulars, will also be sent,' froe, Messrs, Uunn & Oa, have bail over thirty- five years' experience in the busi ness. ' Soma New Geography.' "Of wbat is the sutfico of the eartb oompoaed t" 'Of corner lota, mighty poor roada railroad tracks, base ball grounds oriokot fields and skating riuk." " What portion of the globs is wa ter t "About three fourths. Sometimes tbey add a little giu aud nutmeg , to it." "What is a town t" "A ton is a considerable colleo tion of bouses aud inhabitants with four or five men who "run tbe par. and lend money at 15 per cent. interest, 1 What is a city "A city ia an incorporated towo, with a mayor who believea that the whole world shakes when be hap pens to fall flat on a crosawalk," ; "What is commerce t" "Borrowing $5 for a day . or ttwo aad dodging the lender for a .year or two. . - -. w ..'Name tbe different races V "Horse rsoe, boat race, bicycle race and racing around to find a man to Indorse your note." k. iT '.'J "Six eiug enlightened, civilized. half-oivilied, savage, too , utter, Slot worth-accent and, Indian agente "What nations are oalled enugbt enedt" - i u . "Those which have the most wars, the worst laws and produce, the worsi criminate. , i . .f t i "How, many motions has . the earth ' -. "That's according to bow yoa mtx yonr drinks and which way yea go home. M 'What la ibn earth's axts , "The lines passing between New ork and Chicago." r- t.'.'J "What causes day and night V , "Day ie eaass4 by night betpg llred outv.T Night Is caused by every body taking tha street oar and go ing borne to supper." "A map is a drawing to show the jury where Smith stood bo Jooes gave him a left noder the eye " . 'What tt a mariner a oompass 7 Golden Ladder f Charity, ' -. There are eujht ' diJbreet br l steps Msimool les, iu the doty of eharity, Tbe first and lowest 'degree Is . to give, but with relucttuce or regret, Thia ia the gift of tbe hvi I h it a it of the heart Tbe second ie' to ' give obeei fully', but nt prop trtion.! to tha distress of the eufiWtr. Piii third is to givs o'lenrf ill, an I pro. portionatety.but not until we are si icitoJ. Tus fj'irth 1 1 to give o!ie.r oily, propjrtiouiitely and even un solicited but to p'lt it in tbo poor min's huo 1; theroby excitinif io bim the paiuful emotion of shame. The fifth is to give cbirity in soil) a way tbat tbe diatreeaed may rVcrfve tbo bounty and know tboir benefactor without there being kno wo to him. ucl wee tbe coodnet of eome of our aeeiietors, who naod to tie np money id the bind corners of tiialr cbaks, so that the poor U'ight Uke it uo percoived. Tbe sixth, wbinh risoji still hirr i t) know the sabjocta o( bor boii'i ty, but lomwin noknowu to ttio'n. Su ih w.ts tho conduct of those of our aocostora, who used to convey charitable gifts , iotov poor-, peop'e'a dwelliogs, tuking care tbat tboir own persoos aod names should remain unknown. , , Tbe ssvenlh is still morameritiri- ous, namely, to bestow 'charity io anch a way that the beooUaef m iy not know tbe relieved objueta, nor thoy tbo name of .their benefactor t aa waa doua by our chrituWe fjre falbers daring the exiatenoe of the leinplo. For there was iu that holy building a place callod the cbe'tibir of Silence or Inoetentetion, wberin tho good deposiUd succretly Wbat ever their gnuerous h isrta suggested, aod from wh ch tbe mo it respneUbln poor families were maiotaiued wiji equal secrecy. Laat, tha e'ghtb aod the most meritorious of all ia to aoticipiU charity by preventing povnrty t oamoly, to asiist tbo reduce. I broth er cither by a cia4idrtblu girt or a loan of uijtioy, or, by toohin him a trade or by putting him in tho way of buiiueis. 8 f iat hit may enru aa honest livelihood, aod not be force 1 to the dreadful alternative of holdiug up his biu.l fir charity Aud to this Soripliiro allu Ion, wh in it says : "Aud if thy broUior bu waxen poor aod falleo iu decay with thee, then thou shalt support liiio ; yea, though ho be a stranger or a aojouruer ; that he may . live with tboe. I.o vit. 2o ; 33. This ia tho highest step and flie summit of charity's Goldon Ladder. Helping the Party, Id the days gone by, a Detroit Sheriff who had made a close shave of beiug elected had the ill luck to lo.iea prisoner from the jail. Tho fellow made good hia escape to tbe couDtry. but the Sheriff overhauled him about eight miles out sod drove bim under a barn. Tho prisoner l-was captured sod yet he was not. If he wonld notoome out the Sheriff could not get in, aad threats had oo effect on bim. " Ja this emergency tbe officer oalled out I "Say, Jim." "Yea." ''You know had a mighty cloae ahave getting this office." Yoa did that." "Well, I'm laying my pipes for a second torra. It I lose you I might as well hang up. The opposition ill hold it up in letters four foot high sad hundreds of men iu my own party will slip my name. Do Art laa&aias svl A. V' "I do." ' "Well, I ask yoa to come out, not exactly as a prisoner goiog baok to jail, but more as a patriot bound to stand by bis party, ' Come Jim." "I'll be banged if I don't I" re plied tbe prisoner. .. "Tbe judge was ag'n me. my sentence was unjust aod I hate your jail, but (f it's goiog to help tbe party aod eruab tbe hy draheaded oppoailion, out 1 eome 1" 1 .tod be did. tt ia tbe belief tbat the verdict io tbe Guiteaa trial will have a much desired effect 'upon., Aba numerous army of conoeited cranks roaming about the oonntry disturbing society endslolattatf law noder the guise of 'inspiration. 'The ve-hoi "guilty aa indicted is a warning as prooouuo ed iu it mauling toward ma'!ci us- -ri.; v 11 TCV 'tYI-T II !PA, FE BllUAUY A Kist on tha Sly. Thre la to be f tuuJ nrioli rouno moot In a well-proportioned kin. This murh everjboJy acknowloilgeH; though Only a frank fi v have the oouritge to arkn nvlo le it opooly. n l it i a Citri H f t!', yet nnex plaine J by the p'lilos tplier, t.ut t he slyer thi kiss is, the m ire there is in it of refrexti nun'.. A kis th it ii p i.l as a forfeit before a wliult n m full of pe iplo, ij pr haio, ii it t s.iy einbiurt'i'ti'.ij. Toe girl Iti'is. which ' spoils the ro'tiaoje, and th fellow, ten to ono, blushes neither of them tbiukiug muah of it, end they both are apt pretty aoon tfur gnt about it. Hut lot the sinio fal low kiss tba svue girt whou oobj.lr la looking and tho aitiution ia as dif feroot as poiible. Th it sort of a kiss fired olT iu a bnrry behind tho door, or in a conservatory, in like an electric shork, an t it is nu sweet ss erei;u. The Issto of it l.ol.lu on aaJ couiti.titly siig 'Hts f!io propriety. i8 tiij cso nur bo, (if trvir;.' if . .. .' . . fiRinn. An I ihnianguiiig an t iiioti- mi? nro enctlv rovor.ie I. Tim fA low i imrba without st..iil.u ti, rc uanco a bit, aul the girl bl nhes liko a pink c.trnation. It is (poor that the very sime thin should un der such alibtly til tor o.l circumstan- enf, be so entirety difluront. nor is it any less queer bnoaiiiu the ilifiurtmeo has exiHted from tho earliest age of tbe world. Fishing In a Corn-Ficld. In Colorado is a ten-ncro fie,l which ia no moro nor less than a eubtorranoan'luko coverod with soil about eighteen inches deep. On the soil is cultivated a doll of corn, which produces thirty bushels to tho aero. If any one will take the trouble to dig a hole the depthfofa epado-baudle be will find it to fill with water, and by using a honk and tish four or five iuchos long may be ciiMht . Tho fiith havo ncithnr Hcalua nor eyes, and aro perch like in almpe, TLo crouod is a blacU marl in uatnro, and iu all probability waa ut ono time an opou body of witor, on which accumulated vegetable loiitter, which bus biiHii inri.,iixn,l from time to time until now it has a criiNt antiicieutly strong and rich to produce flue corn, although it has to be cultivated by baud, us it is out utrong ouough to bear tho weight of a horse. Wbilo harvesting tho handn catch great strings of tin!) by uiakiug uolo through tho eiu tii. A perseti liHiugnii bis heel cotnming down mtddeuly sous tho growing corn abako all around bim. Auy ono having sufficient strength to drive a ran lurougu the crust win tin, I ou reloading it that it will disappear sl together. Territorial Knterprisii. Why He Objected. A crudo old fiti'tuer living or) the lino of the reoeut railroad surveys, and who was owner of a barn of large dimensions, with hugo swing- doors on both siJes. observed s posse of surveryors busily eugagod indriviug a row of stakes through bis prvruisoM that extended to the very centre of his big barn. Saunt ering leisurly towards the tresspass ers, with bo air savoring uomewhat of indignation ho allrosied the loader of the gang as follows: "Lyin'out nuother railroad ? ' "Surveying for oue,'' wan tho re ply. "(loiu through my barn t" Don't see how we oan avoid it." "Well, now, miuter," said the worthy farmer. "I Calkerlate 7've g t autnthio tew say about that. I want you tew uudorstao' that I've got aometbio' olao tew do besides ruonin' out to opso and shot them doors every time a train wauts to go through." for the purpose of facilitating the withdrawal of mutilated Coin from circulation, the auperiotor.douts of ooioags miota havebeeo authorised to purchase niatillated Cnitod States ilver oolns of standard fiaeoess iu sums of $3 and upward, without meltiog and assay, paying at the rate of ft per ounce of standard sil ver contained. Lara persuaded, says Sterne, but that every time a' man smiles, but much more so when ho laughs, . it sdls something to this frsjuisut of ife. A 1882. NO, 21) Selected Thoughts'. Mionurs is one of the greatest en ginea of iiillneiico ever given to men, Tbo veil which overs (he boad t.f futurity is voveu by Ibe baud of mercy. Hi Iden viitue ia ofto'l dicjiisml. ioasmnch as nothing extols it iu out eyes. Conscience is the vnino of Ihe soul ; the pamious are the voice of tin body. Flattery is a fuNe coin which lm cirenlation only throngd our vanity. Men saldoin improve wht-n thin bave oo otbjr m i loli th.tu tiiecu selves Io copy sftor. You cinnot drenin yonrmilf iuto h character, you must Lotnuit-r and forge youreelf one. JIoilnHty is to worth whnt nbadows aro in a painting i she gives toil stre"glh and relief. Tho prrsHi'vatioii ( lifo should be only t secondary roncero i tho di I lUCtlun of it Clltr liliiininn) j I Uac'? Wl11 (,t anything that can l,e done in Iho world j and no Inl onx, uo circumstduces, no oppurtu uitiesf will make u two-logjud an mat n man without it. OooJ intentions are at luat tbe seed of good odious; and every imin ouht to how thiim, aad leave it to the soil and sensous whether they coruo up or no, or whether lie oi auy other gathers tho fruit. We will not accomplish much wihtout zeal aud enterprise. I!u. the mistake is often uiadeaof auppos ing lb it zeal is hurry, rush, reck lessnesa au) iudilTureiice. It ia u it so steady momentum is on en more effective than uuivbtraiuod vi- or. Natnro seems to exist for tho ex cellent. Tho world Is upheld by the voracity of good mou i they moke the earth; wholesome. Life is swe t aud tolerable in our belief Id such society i und actually or idonll wo luanugu to livo without supe riors. No man has a rlht to complain of hia lot, or of tho times, or to cull upon society to hulp bim, tin I il lie. l,a8 ,,one 011 " cnn IO Help lillDSflf oy ir.diiHtry an, I 11 luiity in the place and culling wliero ho ih. And be who does this will seldom have cuuhd to compl iio. The circus business dontn bi hiuiiII army of performers ami nt nltondants Mr Hui nu iu in the com ing season, will havo over UU0 per sons iu bin pay. Tho "master of sails" will bave a force of l " tout settlers i the head (room, 00 grooms; the leading master, 100 "rator backHi"' tho monuoii, 00 atteulants, aud tho advertising department, 70 men alwsys alici 1 of tho ahow. There will bo preformers of all kind, c tt- orors, snio showtuon, e!c, nt least two htiuilt'oil more in number. The master of tho stih stil tint iu IS miuutes his force of 125 meti had taken down and ptckod in the w t- gous fiftocil touts coutuiniog 200,000 yards of cauvas, to say uothiug ot the rope, poles aud other appoint' meuts. President Arthur has signed tin bill retiriug Justioa Ward Hunt from the Supreme njio1i of th i United States- Jula Hdut was appointed from New York in 1872 by l'ruji l.mt (Irant. Ab mt two yesrjngo ho wn striokou with piru-lyhi-i, an I since thou hl boon dis sbl.'d from survice. Tbo qu"8tiou now is, Who will his suacossor bu ' Wheu the schooboanter entered his temple of looming a fow moro ings ago he read on the blackboard tbe touching legend : "Our teacbei ia a donkey." Tho pupils expected there woald be a rombioed cyclooe aod eartbrjtiake, but tbe philosophic pedagogue oontoutod himself with adding tbe word "driver" to tin legend, and then opened the so boo! with prayer aa usual. Old 'nmbre'las aod buggy topi are now being utilised by ladies foi theatrical bats. Tbe demand fo. tbem almost equals that for Coufod erate bonds. A darksy philosopher says." has aotioed dat ell great mou retaioi in srter life do early impreaslous o childhood, lis acaf beuh ia wba' my fodder bit tee wide ssssufrs eptout. ! Pnlillahed every Thur.Uv RonNvg JSHSHUU CROUSK, l-rcpf Terms of Subscription, TWO DOLL AIM TEH ASSL'M. ry able vitbin sit mouths, or ti.V)ifimt psid within tha year. No paT dia vuiitinued ur.tii all arrearage 'e fmid unlosv at tbe option of the iub iber. iuta riptlonsmitide of the count HAVAIII.B in ADTANCI. lesTTcrnoiis lining and Mine pape aildreasnd othain become smI urnira and are llnblo fortbe prire of tbe paper BROl'JN'S IRON BITTERS witlcur Hjrrpia,liirilmifl. mt. ns. kidney ditroe, liver cvimpUunl, J oilier wuting iliKSKt, BROWN'S IRON BITTERS snrichtu the Mood and purifin thi yeitii euret vntknfM,, lack u( aucnjy, etc. Try s butlla. aBjajaajaja BROWN'S IRON BITTERS it th only Iron preparation that due nut color Ihe teeth, mid will iut cinu headache or ConMipnUoll, ai other lion prcparaliuus Will. brUwws IRON BITTERS Idieand all nuffcrersfrnmnea. ralia, hyUena, aud kindred com plauiU, will find it wuiiuut an tuat. STATEMENT Under Oalh. "I HAVE b eeU afiliotod for itrnnltf ' vi iju n .nnt nki-, 0,n. , emni"" mic u m, -a,,, ,!. m ait lUIIHul ilorn r, It tlnwlr but .oral, riHii,,it iuiu iu, witn ilia t.i nr il.m n ... uiim i. r -rf'i in,, wirii-r if I'uta-ad mvaii lira ittraon in f .riu at ilrv "nnln.. yt tin u.t tlirre vera I ha a lia-u itnalils t iluant l.ir anJ fiiherlnit lniaii.lf alt the time. i;irr tnorntna th rai-nnl I iwi nerlr itu, n.ni ii .,f i'B'aa taken Irnm the .hri o , my I,. , u, of tl.rm half a. Inrae ti,a ,:,!,, , a nnni ilulna il.la lett. r. In the lit t r t nl the ulnter my .kin inuant'e. rrnokln nt.an. 1 trli, atnrytlilns. almont, tht i.t i a tumiaht nl witnuui any ronm. t he j h ol l.mi. I M.rlr t w 1 r. I. In iiie I eonl.l raarh d.e lint Si.rlnm, IvTotl. limit. ... i . t ,i ii,'ui,i u-.x i.t k in inn iiii.piini. ,U nnaliy k-,,t . I,lr l.amlnH. M I .-1 . . ,, i lta-llvlQn. tin.. lr. ir ated ma almut twn week., but ill,) me nn ai'oil. All th until lkalt,uin iln.rt time t live. I o,tn.ilr irave.l In ilt. l'r.rke.1 lliroii h tlie akin all iiver my iiauk. annua my rli,, nn.. h tnna. IHnin. Iit tin,iy awn ila ,, na nill. eame niT. hnaer nalla .leal anit har l at linne hainlea.l Iry ai.it lltel. M aa o, (tram. Ilh, my do. I I linw I ,11,1 fuller I ' Jly Dier.Mra. R H. Tmla, ha I a .mall pai oi a i'i ot I'ntliiri In n,e but'. de wmiiln't sive up i aal.l "tve will t, y t'uti,.a. ra " Some waa a,,ll. on one hunt ami .in. Knreka there a. ti-hel i at,ip:,F, tl,.. l, rri.l, iHirinim a, i,tai,irt irnin ih.. w,,r, an, l ure Immeilaiolv ut the i',i'l-nr itianlvent f b mi,! i u tin t), I'lillcra and 'iill, ur siun lite arent -kin euri-.i 1 uiiinni ntt i,y tak inii ui.e Inl lrMio,iii ,,t iteanlvent thra.i lliaee a nay. alter ii.eala i hail u ln'li i nne a, lay. ,rllul ll,i,l hat uafil tluilnni-a Huan freely : ai'llel IMiiiiura innrnlna ami even. Im Hia H. reliirne l In my linme In uat all .eka Irnm the time I 1,0, and in j akin at .Qinutb aa iblaaheet o l aiior. IIIHAlfl.. UlllfENfCK, Iti-ni'.rann, Jeire a,i i r,i., V. v Nmirn lu belure me H la I'l-Mil I .tanutr. im. a. ii.i.ki-'kimhi r. .i.. Juttlce ul tbe 1'eaes. (TTKI'ltt. llriae,llea are for lhy a'l,lriltiflala Prtre '1 I'll TH I'm, a Me llolnel .IniU, -mall lia, AU .i large Imiaa, (1. tlt'Tlri'aa II,h.vt, the bl ml Hurlfler, SI imr Imt'le. I'l'Tirr M.ini'iaAi, Timi.rt BnAe, ai..' i itinni iiami'iaai, Tiiii.kt 8nr, Hhi.i In hara fnf buriiera aa, larne e,in.il ntra, tus. I'rlneltial ch.t, WKKKS a POTT Kit, Hoima. II aaa. Sanford's Radical Cure. A alD.le rloae Inataolly relief. the miwt VI lU.i ........ Ii,- nr lla.tl lit. I, la. rtle.ra tlia h a I aa tiy o.anlrj, .l'i' eiaiery Uiaohafe horn in t nnae an.i eyea, prevenia nuKii'a dm.-. ,n lire. I. uurea Ne-emia llea.laniin as, I aa'i.itia t;bllla ami later, lei Chrunl,, I'al ,rrb H oleaoaea Hie nanal aaaea of I ut murua' eaturea th- aeuaea of awell. laate a. I be . Ii a ban allei teil, lr-ea the heal, tnrn.t au4 nruLehlal luiiea uront ialte eaatter, ti ai l iu,l purin, l tbe breath, atp Ibe mmli aaa trreaia lb pi unreal ul catarrh toeard uu- .empllOD. Uualiollle Mullet Hure, rbe hit Catarrhal Hul eut and one lir. Banloril'e lib In, In ous ie".K nrelldrniMiaie, tor A -k fnrflae. ok ire Hamcab tacas. Wtr-Ksal'lirt LU lluetnu. Ml I laa-. . too Tmita anna trrartra L a,VJ W ylNS Ikau any other iia.iar rV VvV airV alarlrt., lAttai e lor lialil " aud waki,Ma nr ike Lum Lliar. Kniiul. aad l'rl Klyala, HhaumatHui. Nee talkie, llyatrrla, Paoia a Weaknea, Mrrveba fan a barf oryana, farilal ra-. . faaaaaS A Slaa weeaiieae, aaeieriia Pi aoTtf aad refer aad a Rue. Filed (M. SiaV feeiebere. ?XECUTO!t8 NOTlCE.-l.etUn tameiitarv on ILa aetata r UAHY Hr AVER. ileteernl, lei - . raukllu Twp., rtnyder eouuty, feana. aall a keen arenteil le the umlertlaneil, ell erai aa kanelna tbeaieelvea la.leblail Io ealil lale ere reejuaeteaa Iv aeekelaiaaediate pe, ert, olilla Ibuae hevlna elaliaa "HI r'e-i.. biB Sul eelk, a eaied l"f aettkineeii WM ItlVIII. Val.K, IU7, tleeeer J CATMH r