i ' ii i n i SafeM ft column one reari !V).X One-half, column, ort teat, 89.00 Ote-lbnrth Column, on ytjrvr, 16.00 On square (10 lino) 1 Irtnef Hon 76 HVerv Additional insertion, CO tirrfnul(tn Al Aud Duslnes cam ol not mora than 6 lines, per tear, 5.0C indium Bxecutor. Administrator Md Assignee Notices, 8.60 tentorial notices per line, 16 All transoiont advertising let than t months 10 cent ft lino. All advertisements for ft shorter pe rind tlmn one year are payable at thr ime thov are ordered, and if not paid lite person ordering them will oe neld; aponmui lor in inonev. I'oetfy. four Lovtd Ones Go.it Befort. They never quite leave us, our friend who have pawed Through the shadows of dtatli to the sunlhtht above. A thousand sweet memorle are hold Inft them fast ; To the plane they blessed with theii preaeuce and love. The work which they left and th Wk which they read Fpeatt mutely, though etlll with ar loiueno rare, And the onjr .that they mng, and dear word that they aald, Yet linger and sigh on the desolaU air. And oft when alone, and a oft In tin throng. Or when evil allure u or iudrawetl ulKh, A whisper come gently, "Nay, do not the wrong," And we feel that our weakue la pltl ed on hlh. . . lathe dew-throaded morn and th opaline eve, When the children are merry, or crimsoned with sloep. Vf are oomforted, even as lonely w irrieve. For the thought of tholr rapture for bid us to weep. W toll at our task in the burdei. and heat I Of life's passionate noon. They an folded in peaoe. It I wolL we rejoice mat tucu heaven is sweet. Lvn.loned&y for u the bitter will coins. "We to) will go ho ne o'er the river of reit. A the strong and the lovely before us have gone, Itur sun will go down In the beaut If u1 west, To rise In the glory that etrcles the throne. Jntll then we are bound by our love and our faith I'othe saints who are walking it) Paradise fair ; I'hey have passed beyond sight, at the touching of death. llut thny live, like ourselves, In God' Infinite care. A Talk with Jesus. little talk with Jesus, How It smooths the rugged road ! low it seems to help me onward. Wnen 1 faint bi-neutn my load I alien my heart U crushed with sor row, And my eyes with tears are dim, lliere Is naught can yield me comfort Like a little talk with him. tell him I am weary, I And I fain would be at rest ; list I'm dally, hourly longing (To repose upon his breast ; kid he answers me so sweetly, Jn tho tenderest tones of love, I am coming soon to take thee I'o my happy home above." tlii Is what I am wanting, 1 1 is lovely fuoe to see ; Id, I m not afraid to say it, I know he's wanting me. gave his life a ransom, f o make me all his own. d ha'll ne'er forget his promise fo me, his purchased one. 1 way In 1 ng and weary yonder far off clime, t a little talk with Jesus . loth wile away the time. more I come to know him, Ind all his grace explore, f ti me ever longing know him wore and wore. .nnot live withoutfihn, r would I If I could ; my daily poif-on. h medicine and my food. altogether lovely 5 tne can with him compare ; Kent among ten thousand. d fulrent of the fair. kQ feel Impatient ld mourn his Ung delay. U never can be happy lie he remains away. ' we shall not longjbe parted ; now he'll quickly oome ; we shall dwell together that happy, happy home. wait little longer,.. ibis appointed time, idongthe upward pathway prllgriui feet shall climb, s, In my Father's dwelling, er many mansions be, II sweetly talk with Jesus, i he will talk with me. e4 set is beta made an-alnst Mormons jUoo to the objeel. end the are Bore than ever aronsed f inporUnctof radioatlasr )' polygftomy fron oa country, f meeting, are being held, rd pl re deUrmiood tlil mshnt HI VOL. 19. DOLLIE. S'jebtd been. Calls, tint erar iinoe ahe came a roaad fiood, rosy dieoke , bright-eyed little thing 1 to a family of great, ronb, ten der-heuted, adoring bjys, an 1 sue a 1 been treated by them a ft doll, ip te her sixteenth year. Tjm, D okaal Utttf bvl gine omirket which was ft trip of two liysj Jitok an J Joe bad gone to a 1st ft nsighb triui Una it in ft piooa ofworkftalnt nini o'o'onk n tb oronojQ Djllio' father, Mr. DaraoJ. aid . ' "PoVio, Nl an 1 I are gtioj to t le tilUgo to i t some trading at tho tore. Sbau'tbe btc't until aftei liooer, ) bate an early euppor for is, for we'll by as hungry a .hails." Yes, fklber." iil Djllio brin.r ug out twelve dozen ega in a bask t, f r she know her lalbor'a ways -te alw tys lotiod up the wagon with 'tiutry pr 1 1 , BJXi. apple. pta ocs and other vjg :tiblos, wbioh bo ixcbanged at the store for sugar, oa, cloth, farming implements, etc. "I shan't take a cent with me, for 'oar I sbill be nvjrpenutl)l to my tbosa pesky cattlo of Jim treea's. kuo he's lyiu in wait or ras, for he mostly U m irkot I lys. 1 dj i t wint 0 n an 1 I wout mve 'em if tho) be cheap 1 Dut you snow th r't ni ney in the hr.ie. M illie. There's 83)0 Mr, Kent give ax 1 fjr tbe santh miilj.v bt yestor- 1 iy ia tbe lo), ard b?re it must day safe until I go to Petorboagh ink Si dou't eotertaia straogera ir suspicions looking people while 'ni gone." "No. father." -I'll leave ba s at horns, and I'll 'e back long before dark." So when be bad drawn two mil of water and Nel bad filled np tho ood box fot Dollio, and thoy drove (T. a little pig tied np in tbe bottom of tbe waaron, sqnualing Instity. Djllio liked tbe horses and cattlo, he bens, phiokon, and pigeons, bnt she didn't 1 .e the v'g, so she JiJu't feel badly at all that this one was going off to be etufTad and roasted for somebody's dinner. She jid a biking to do and picalili to nako, and set busily about ber auk. With ft wistful look down (be road and a sud len, unpleasant fuol . iny of being unprotected in that lonoly place for the farm was half 4 mile from any other Dollio came back iuto the kitchen. Whou she bad ti'too a solitary loach of broad and milk at the k itch -eti table, she in tie a nice tea cake for tbe evening m tal and then set about in iking her father's favorito relish picalili. It was fire o'clock wbon Dollie bad finished this last task and carried tbe jars down below. When she came np, ft man bad ontered tbe op en kitchen door and was seated be fore the stove. lie was ft rough looking customer and Dollie was frightened, but she did not buow it. 'Whom do joa wish to seal" she asked. "I'd like sometb tag to eat, if yon please," answered the man in what was evidently ft foigaed voice- But in spite of that and the moffl. or about bis face, Dollie knew, bim. Tt was Jim Qreen tbe cattle doalor, and be bad a very bad reputation. She bad never seen him bnt once be fore in ber life, but she remeubered bis leer and booked nose. She bad bim pointed out to ber' in tbe village, but she did not think be, bad ever seen ber. What did be want here when ber father was away f S XT' With uo idea that this was tbe object of bis errand, Dollie, however, out one of ibe pnmpkio pies and gave bim generous quarter, wbioh be proceeded to eat as well as he oould without too freely revealing bis faoe. Dollie hoped when be had finished it be would go ftway, bat he did not. Instead of that be got np, walldd into tbe sitting-room and looked orotred. lifter ft moment, be walked op to tbe dosk and shook the lid. Say is this locked tn be asked. Tbe frightened blood came hoi and indignant to . Dollie's young obeeks. Tbe man was ft robber! af ter ber father's money, bhe took ber bauds oat of tbe dishwater hers she bad been washing tip tbe "ooktaf dishes and went iuto tbe .ill tag room. -'Scebcre," ifct said boldly, : jj 1 " " " MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, know yon 1 yon are Jim Qreen What do you want bore " "JMooey," laoooically. "I have seen your father at the villaet I knew he has not got the money Kent paid bim with bim, so I think it mast bo here." Tie shook tbe lid violootly end poerud abont tbe edges. How dare you try to rob a bonse in opon d iy f" asked D llio, 'D n'i von know yon will be arrested and sent to j nil t ' "No. I won't," answered Oreer. coolly. "I am going out of Hie oouotry to-night. Come, I want tbe keya." Dollio turned scornfully away, but gave ft longing gluuco out of the window. "I expoct ray father every miou'e. he has tbe keys,'' she said. "You need not expect him at presont, said Groon, still ut work up on tho desk. "Hie horse cant a shut and be' at tho blacksmith's and likoly to stay awhile." "Well, ho hus tho keys with bim," rnpliud Dollio, still cnolly. "Yon had bolter take yourself off My brothers are liable to come homo at uuy moment. Oh, I kuow all about that,'1 re sponded Greou, taking a large pock et kuifo from his picket and pro ceeding to force tbe lock. What conll Dollio dot The house was half a mile off tho main road, su 1 that distance from any living soul. There as uot a weap on of any kind under the roof. If there bad boon Dollie was more afaird of ft pislol than she was of Jim Qreen. Dut tbe snapping of the lock and lb a villain's long drawn -'Ah I' ol Mi'iBf,iclijn, almost freuzied Iter llur honest, bard-working f.itb-i's moticy tbo must save it if si 10 nVw at the r.isoul un J scratched lii-t eyr out. A sudden thought camo to Dollie. She wont into tho buttery and took a small, wide-monthod bottle, close ly cotkod nud marked "Cayenne Peppot." iSbetook oat the cork. concealod the bottle in tho 'palm of her baud, and went iuto tho other room. Qreon bad not found tbe money, but lie hud 1 e zed upon a tine gold repenter which ho used ouly upon rare occasions. His nevor-failiug coiupauion was a bi keeper which be can led iu his fob. "Ab !"' rppoated Qrccn again, and hurried to tbo still open door of the kitchen to exauiiuo the watch more closely. He had lime to soo by tbe fading sunlight that it was even more valuable than it bad at first seemed to bo, but Jim's eyes did bim little other servico for many woeks. Dollie raised ber little band and quick as liahtoiug dashed ft portion of the fiery compound into bis face. With shriek of agony the man dropped tho watch and olencbel bis bands over-bis eyes as be leaped out into tbe yard. With bowls and yells be dances abont tbe door-yard and was tumbling over tbe wood pile as Dollie saw bim last before she shut aod double-burred the door. She picked up tbe watch, restored it to its place and went to tbe win dow. She bad to wait but short time before ber father's wagoa wheels rolled into the yard. She flung np tbe sash as ber fath er and brother sprang out and ap proached tbe suffering mortal, who was still bowling and kicking in the wood pile. "His eyes are full of cayenne pep per, Ned. He was stealiog your money, father." Sbo saw ber vigorous young broth er collar tho already punished man and pull bim upon bis feet, while ber father reooguized bim with ex jlamations of amazement. But bis ories and moans continu ing, tbey finally decided bat he bad been punished sufficiently, and af ter awhile let bim go, He sneaked a ay, and without tbe booty be bad so confidently ex pected to obtaiu. When the exoilment was oror, Dol lio, like any other woman, bad a ory iog spell 1 but ber fatbr aod broth ers, to this day, tell proudly boa she saved tbe money, A suit of cloths, like a salt law, is nooonfortable until you get used to it. mm ftp raas? Who Will Help Mother Now. A scream of agony, a pause, a rush of hurrying feet, miugled ex clamations of horror, an 1 question put from one to anolhor, "What is it f" "What' the matter " "What tbe row, now 1" and amid thorn nil a small helpless figure lying pniiio ud utmost lifolesi iu Ibe dust and noise of the street. The pspers scattered in soiloi ooufii i -u ftliont tho por bniiso I form told the story of his business. mo of tbe uuwtiboys that cry tbeii papers day after day ou tbo cil; itrevts. Pushing bis way llircngh tin crowd camo a rough ra'od fellow. iarryiug under his arm his bund en papers, another nows boy with cu riosity stamped un his face, auxiom o find out what was goin 1 n Dot as he C night sight of tho while fuco and mangled body of the child lying there under tho ga:io of the pitying crowd, an exclamation of iurpriso and s arrow broke from his I pc "Why its poor little Mux, tho pluckiest folio. I nn afraid hu'n Iouh for now. Many' tbo clmp I iiave ll'kud to help that young 'un," with which expression of sympathy be drow his ragged sleeve across his face to wipe something very much like a tear from his eyes. Ho fol lowed tbe policemen as they gather ed the poor littlo nuconcious liure Toru tho ground au l conveyed it lo tho hospital, and givo tho motlioiV 1 Idress, ' though,'' hi aJdo 1, "from bat Max says, I guuss she ain't Hi ed for this world eit'ior." On one of tbo hospital bods Ibe little u!Toror-lay. -;Tho bluo veins!1 jould bo traced on the whito fore- in ul, while tbo poor littlo face, thin,' a id p'mebod oven iu tbo days I "'v , 1 tin o: u 1 ftbcoU bad IrauM ! i iit tho jouo life, grew more tuin undl wbitowitb tbo purple shadow of I death gathering about the wan lips I and circling the great brown ryei, ; that fir a wbilo was awakening to a ; relitigation of lif.) an 1 d.uitli. II ) I wutcbud tho kind thoughtful eyes of ! the doctor ns ho bo hi 11 tlm wee fruil Angers and scanned with tcti 1 .. . t. II I I., i....f ..t Keiln III Ifc UIo Ul IIJU 'n;auii.u y the death initio. IIiikI.ip inim. dint" hn snid. , ,. , , . ... ,.. looking rngerly f r como contiudic - ': 1 l I.:.. 1 too surely for hope to gaiu it pi ice. Tho doctor nodded, as ho answer ed, ' am afraid so, my littlo man. ' Then ho turoo I hi youn f icu to the wall aud there was silunc.1 Who bat (jo 1 could read tho strug gloiu tbat young ho ti t. I .fo even to this uoor little half starvod news . bov, with bis dailylot of toil aud" w.w Tin mother wail ,u i,i.i .....i.: something to mo'io it worth tl,0 longing to hold. Llo turned his fuoo to tbo doctors once more ns be sai l nnd or, what n world of pathos, what a gleam of beauty from tbo heart of this child of poverty shone forth in those simple 11 "I do not mind so much, but who will help mothor wbon I nm gone !"' I Qrund unselfish -words I No thought for tho young life ebbing its. painful way to the great boyond, but foi the mother hastening, too, fast 1 to tho laud to which he was going a little sooner. Angels record such words in tbo great book of eternity and who shall say but those words were the keynoto of a soul's redonip tion. All that miizht bavo been wicked or reckless in tbat young life, that bad not seon fully 14 years, redeamed in the great unselfish lovo that spoke through those dying lips. Stranger bands folded the wasted limbs that no looser fel ft 1, and closed the weary eyes that had fa I leu asleep with those words linger ing on tbe dying lips. Poor little Max 1 Little need for worry for tho mother tbat was all of earth to bim. With tbe news of ber boy's death the lust bold of life was dropped, and ebe, too, lay oold and lifeless for stranger bauds to bury, with no tear of sympathy or loving care to male more bright the fading life. Clod bad answered poor Max, and with bis tender love bad cared foi both. No more weary days of pov tity and toil, no restless torturing naius but safe in tbe leavoo beyoud Mux found an aoswer to bis cry, Who will belp mother wbeo 1 am joooT" ,' Tbe man wbo is ft little nodef tbe wettber will soon get ovsr it PA, FEBRUARY A Pathctio Story, Ttie Toledo Blado says ! In our paitywasan Amoricin gonllmnan who was blessed with an abundance of boys, but 110 gills, and ho nnd bis wife had boon contemplating tho n lnption nf a girl Hero was nn op poilunity tj st'curo not only a girl. nit j;int tbo kind of a gill that In would hive ;ivpii half of his cstat to b , t ! 1 0 f it 'i t of, an 1 so ho open d nog 'iations. An Iiislinnin who know him. rx ol litletl to tlin hither nil t inolhei. but tho ficiitlumft'i vat a mm of nean-, that his wifj w as nn excel lent goo I woman, nnd that tbo child ould ho adopted legolailv lltolel hollies of (bo rtate iii wliiell b' ive I. iiu 1 woiil I bo educated, nuo vuuld rank m nlly witli his own ebil lien in the in itter of inhii itanc . and nil that. In short sho s mid'; t uti.lui stun I that Norali would be renrod a 1 ly, I'bo American struck in. She tbo mother 1 might select a girl lo accompany the child across tbo At Willie, ail 1 tho girl solecled should go into his family as tbo childV uurso, and that tbo cbil I sb nil I in reared in tho religion of its parents. Tho father and . 111 dh r co .silted long and anxiously. It was a terii hie struggle. Ou tho 0110 baud wu tbo child's ndvantago. ou tbo other puental and maternal lave. I'm illy it c juoliiiiju was arrived at. "Qod help mi," sail tho raotbor. Von shall have ber. 1 kuow you will lie gojil ') her. ai no Miu o iiivii mi bronghl th. 111 bud;, iustt nctiu,; tho motbel tlnit be sli ml I leave with tin 111 loi ('oik tlie lit inoriiiii'' ut II, 11110 1 . mniiieiii 111. 1 enon so iu.h u. (diessed and ready to depirt. ! The next mui iiing came, nn 1 (!,. American went for bis child. Sin was drnud, til ill;; h very awkward ly. Tho 111 it her hud never ha 1 any expel ielli'o ,u Jrctt- n ' did bell, (kil l oii, ut 1u.11 hiiu iiu nui : . .1 . t . . .. 1 . . . 1 . 1 ... t ... tbe dress nil wrong Hldo up. Kill I us one who was parting with wry thing that was dear to her, tho la- jther lay ui.d moaned looking from - oiuii lo tlio American, liuio was "! Tho mother took tbo luby ii b. r anus and gave it tbo tinul .-in '"IU!J tllu '". luV'" ki"i f'itlitr touI' iu Lia "", od her, an 1 tho other children look- 'oil 011 astounded, wbilo the girl blood wu,p nr;. "Good bye," said tbo Ainoiican. "J will take good euro of tba Laliv,"und taking her fnn tho mjtUor s uuub u0 Bturted for tbo door. Th?re was a shriek, tho womai durtud to him just as ho was closing the door, and suutubud tho buby from his eyes. "Drop the child !" sai 1 lbo futhci "You can't have her forull tho mon ey in Auiericky !" "So sor," ejaculated the mother, half way between fainting and by t cries, "I can't part wid her !" And sho commenoud undressing the buby. "Take back your bountiful clot bo give me back tbe rags that was or ber, but ye can't have the child " And tho girl commenced under standing too, for she did not wau'i to tbtuiu clothosjuudor false pretense but the American stopped tbe dis robing. ''It's bad for the child," be said "but soraobow can't blame you You are w. loorai to tbe thus. thought" Aud he left as fust as he could, sod I noticed he was busy with Lis handkerchief about bis eyes foi some uunutos. How uiuoy more steamboat boil ers than reputations will be patched this year f A nan tbat is variable is not es teemed very able by Lis neighbors. i 4 10, ISS!. NO, ','8 Tho Scriptural Seven On l ho seventh day God ended his work. On the sevrrlh month Noah's ail touched tbo ground. In seven days a ilnvo was sent. Abiuliiim pleaded seven times fo Sodom. .Iiicil) mourned seven days fo lorn pb. Jic.di served sr.vn yeais fo. Kiel, el And jet another seven yeni nre. .acnb wr jnir"iie 1 asefll dilVi j irney by 1 ill o, A plenty nf seven years and 1 funino of seven years were f .lelob in Pharaoh's dream by soveu fat uu (even eais of lt!nted cm. O l tbo seventh day of tho ffivontl, nontb the ebil lien of Isiael fasted siven days an I leiiiainud suvcu dayi r, their tents. l-'vory sove nth year tbo law wm re 1 1 to tbo people. In tho destruction vf Jericho sev "ii persons boro seven Irumpets sev en days 1 ou tho stiveiith day the, surrounded tbe walls seven times ind nt the end of I bo buvoutU roilt.d tbo walls (ell. Siloinotiwas seven years build og tbo temple, un I fifted Suvei lays ut tbo duilication. In tlio label nuelo wero sevoi lani;x. The goldeu candlestick had feevei. 'ii audio j. Niuman wa"bc l seven limes ii ho river Jordan. Job's ft iends sat with him sovr r tys mid seven nights, uud ofieieil ven bullocks uud hovuu rums fur a: .onoment. Our Saviour epoko seven timri rm tbo cross, ou which be li'iiij. I'Vun huiirs, nnd after his resuriec- on npptarod seven times. Iu tho Kevelatioiis wo read of ven I'bmcbos, seven c in llestirks. ven stars, sever. triiinpotH, sever. agues, hovou tb'iuders, Bevell vials, veil angles uud a suvsu-heudod ouster Samuel's First Letter. It was his fust letter home from b mrdiijg fchoul, aud it lead as foi - I.jwm : Dear I'albei: 1 wroto you In fori i vvnto inalaco. I ktii.v yon bku ti eo ma 111 1 1. 1 lloiil: I will et don,; with my Iossoih first-rate. Tin g'l deli hero W full of cliickeiiK, ami Hikes liie wiilLiii,; l,i. I i hihtuiy I'vo ail us fur IU All Aandi r till ife it. lie em 1 ied a KWnt.l to en! ni'ls uiih. I In ro in un npplii orch .id half a mile oil. Ibe hoys play , ill iu it ; lifter that there uiu'i nilcll liiph s The lilillistel's soil w.o 1 eked tiiis moriiiiig for j.;oin a ti-ih-111,011 S.mday. e ciiight lots ol li ill and suys hu is going u.'iill licxt Suiidny. 7 think 1 like tbe iiiinib ter's son a good dual. (Vud 1110 mm 'ilus us soou ns y 011 can, also a jack knifo an.l 11 top. Two of ih bo eft a piece of wet soup ut tlm luinl f tho stairs just lieforo day bleuli Old by tlm Unit) lbs cook got to tin lottom sho was to sick to brcakfiih' u have piuyois reg'lur evHiy dav. and tho toucher reads out of tbe Di le, hut tloii'l thiuk it's so bully .u. ,i laying lug iu a hay loft. 1'ioui your ufl'uctiuuutu son, S?AMt'RI.. That Message. -I sposo you bus rend do Fiosi lenl's mcHd io V" imi'iiiod nn old .oloiod in nu as he was sweeping nu otliou of Luruod street, tbo otbei lay. -Ob. yes !" "Anything spenhul in it ?" "No, uot niuoh." 'Say nnytbinj 'bout da why per l iters tos iiz up in pi ice I" No." "Git nny fingers in dar to plni poliej on '' "I didn't see nny." "Did be sny it was gwine to Le bad winter ?" "No, he didu't even mention thi subject." ' Didn't give sny cures for cbib aius or sore frouts " "No." "iVen what's do good ol any mns- sge T What's de use of siltin dai ind foolin' round and Lnruin' gas t Sahes to graoions I Tears like if I sonld't squeeze In lossin' or little our for corns la a seben cJumn nessage I'd let de old fin? go, an' take my cl n e on raffle fur s JbliBtmss, f o inn ,'' frf Prt IIK I'OHT. rnlilUhed rvery Tbitrsdav Kvenmrf JBHGMIAtl CROUSE, Profr Terms of Subsrnptton, rwo lKn.LAns rr.R anxi-m. py. sMe vithin sis month r IfJ.'iO if ii'it paid within the) year. ?fo paper di contlinied until all srrfsragws a-e raid iinleis st tbo option of tbo pub- ulsi itpiinnsmitido of theconntf IMVAIU.K IN AbVANOR. ' I' 'Moos lifting sud using pspevS iddremed .0 oth'in liecomssuliserioarfl md sre liuble foi tlic price ofthe paper STATEMENT UnderOath. I HAVr. been nfflietod for twenty I !Mrl lih n t1.-tinl .kl I M, ,1 i f ii M. II -i..rln.l., nn, ih .,.v. (-iipt-ntiK f'i rnv trnlp, an.l, n n,4 I !l I 'iuhl t, Nllh Iht I,, r l, m - klillnl il'i-. r. It .In.iy Out Mirsir .iirnilaj mill yif :n Oila wlntr II i,,,,. pt'f'.n in l-Tin ii .try eil.(. y,,r tli'tat liri. $ir I h h-i , u .mail ,.iiinr tyiwr. fi l Piiilrrmif In n.ly all it, tlm. (. rf II f l' Ill-r- . n il I I n,rl ,ln.-p,hf ,1 of ne. tnl'im lln.ln.i d.i mj M lorn of ln-m h-ill !r ti,r , r, ,t)t,nin -0. i-or l.i o.f 1 .11 r i , i iiar win nrner I rNfMn, ,.pn. I trlal i'HI''l" "I "'"I. Ilnl f-il.l l tnnnchl nl ni. .,u- n rrUrl. Ti. J hnl luna airla.1 va I, In I, .-a I rnni.i rarii n.a )0 Spfln, I tfl'll.il I'fT'.ll, nn i wi. w tn Bwl. Ii .ill I hv. l, I . t.i !, h t.plial, hut nnl ..l..fli. . I.tii.ina, Ml. h , wtiara t ha ' iir llvln. .. Iir ir aia.l m aimiit a.i w.-rk-, I. ill .11. 1 ma ti i;,m.1 All th.llhhl bn l ii-il a .hurt on,- nra. I a,rn.tlr ruynl l., .11.. IT rkwl Ihr. u h th akin nil .ir hit M-'., i-r.. my r .. nrm: lin', .ii, I... It hi Hy wn.itr ,, i.,n n.il rim. n r. iniii-r nil -.r i ami inr I aaion hair .Ira. I ir l lllfl - ai oil ,tr.i. I IU mi (In! I n I illil .lllliT ! My nl-'ar, Ma. V. II. Hula, ha1 .mall ao ni a Ii x ni I'litlonriy In th h in-. Hh M'uiiln't . up i aiil "W will t-y I'ntli-u-a " S inn . ai'illdl .0 mi In nil ami arm. K'i'cka I th-ra . Mi : l ..,.,..,) n,a t,.,ri,i iiMiim ntiailiin Inmi ti a-ura k. ri,(.y iMinwiiii-iy nit nm t iitii-nra llarlanl ii .....I I nrili -i-i, rmii-r a till i'iitl.-iir !nai Mil araul -kin ftlrrM I ni.mm. ni-a.l ly tali in.! i. nti ' l I o . ti I ii t ni l;r.itant thrai lima ilnv. afiar invnla t lial a imOi nnra a ilay, wa . r aiHiui I'liiml In. at : n-ril t'uili-ura Hnap rarly ; n'tlal I'Mlli-iln murntrii nrj'l avan. nu IIi- It , ri'iiirni I u my imuia In jMi alt t. rk linm Hie lima I li lt, ami ui ikln me -Jilt a 1 1. 1 a plia-t n i:ii.r HIKAM I . IMIII KNTKR, llfifi. rnn, .In'-a .n i'u , . V -rti.ru lo taliiro ins O.I lU'h ilty 1 I anditrf, iJ, . A. M.I.KKKINiIWKi.I,. Jil-lk vl Ik l'aaei ' I I 14 I lit. If pnin llt-si nrm f r 1y nM lrUt(if tt. Prfrt M i ll. I'lM, n MtM"tM'il .Ullv, -tntM h"t., Isjrg fi. i'i rn i'pia UK-iti-vinT, i s 1 1 iv I rtiflne-, l i. r ixMili, Ct ri rH ti UK INAt. TI.KT .l't it TH! H4 1 r im i i a i. Toll kt Mni. tn; In hr for 1 1 r'i i't I 1 tr ii uvt iurt, 5trj. rrlnolptl tl t. W F.I.K k liTtKH, Hlon. Mui, CATARRH Sanford's Radical Cm. A -In In li-a In.t itoly r-ifar- a Ida innat vl ilnnl Niiru7...K iir llat.l i!.i.ji,nlaira Ilia bail ia i y ii, nun, i.hm weaiy iii,aharxa Irmn in inati an I iii. ii,eiiH riindnn n ie In tha iii'Hil, I'uri.a Nnrv.iiia lln..Ui'lia an I ijii.u..a 'lull mui l over. In l lironlc I'aiarrli II .'nanaaa Ihe ill. . it .i-.ifH t,,u miji-ua rntnra tie. anii-n4 ni nmell, la-ta an I heai Inii f an .Ola. If I, r i Ilia hail, ibnut nn.l r ii.oliliil liil.ea il uilai.alva m.iltar. aweaiaiia ami luirlma Ida hroarti, aO1!'- th iiu-h irniNi uia iriirvtH ol laiurru Inaril cou II Hi .l lull. Iln.lollla llill.al fill p. ana h.il Catarrhal -.: ,-ti l i, n. , it, s,i,i..r'a lutiu lr. It liai'iail" 'il all .Ini .,..l ., r 41. A.k ..rS-. miii a II.Mi.i Ai. tl na. W'KKK3I'UrrCH II. t..lI -rtt t f A . iwiTmra vnmnwtrill; rAJ "Vy'3 lOiy miliar m-tr nt ... ' ,' . tli. iil iiiiiiiy i..r i-nlii Hi iihi .- nf 1Ik l.iiukt I. ii t, K iii iy- nf:il 1 il initv r if;-, i nrnul rr. ;--nM-' i ni, I. ln"i-i i 11 ! Nfii- -"ftinii, nttftrit, f'ii ' e.i'sTU Hn l 1 ,,vef '"' K0- l ilt PRIVATE SALE. 'PIP' iir.d ii'i.el nlein nt piivstrt I n.Ip. tit-. I.i I., winn ila.flt I .a i:0-:il l:piati A .it j n i-1 o i un i an n o-t In Ail- Jin- twn , su. t-r ii iimti', I'a , iti.iut i mlltl s uitli ual ni '1 r..X'.yliiu. curiiitinlnji :; i Aciih. .nra nr le, ytlirra-a ftie i0v'ta.t otii I'l.lllKI lvi Hmcj Ilonso, Stublo iIIht i ut i I nm. -ii ell ni ii I wtr at tt.a ,....r imlvlna y..i'im nr. l.atil nl rleilc Outi irviia -i iititii'i.. wuinr un "tli.. I rni ai'imi arrpa nl Ilia a uaa la m-io I tuiihar l.illil, th i', i nre .-lour ii. il In IukU flit ul culo atloo I'lirui. . 'iv I ur lie tl.ar . aril ill r. lilr KiVN I CI A. I IIUKMAN. Suv. i, lil. II. limolvlllti SDj.lar I'd. 1' HI VAT SALK OF REAL ; iESTATE. 'PHK lleiis of Michael Minium 1 ilaa'il ollarat rrlvat Sila, 111 l.illiiwlna; limi iO a I l.r il Km.ii vl ; A I'ert.iln maaa. nan .iii.I 'I i.e I ul I.i ii'l -II n at a Iti Carry lp. -II y.lar I'o. I'rt. Iinilll. It'll ami tli li-rlliail al ful' li.aa, un iha Nnrlli hy liinila ill l:n I'll MUilb,' V.iH I,, laii.lanl Hiitiirl l.-a. s. nth tiy Ian la ol Alary M w I. r. ami Weil by lauJa iJaulal Ailigaal iiiiilaliiliiif Six Acros, m'.ra nr laaa Willi Ilia ap'iirtiin0f , 6tf auh b la ar. otnl a K'l" ' Viiry I runie iiiiho, liniik I'nrn. an I o'liar ontl.tillillni.'', l-o an orchard 6t Irnlt, aicallatit walar ni-r Hi- iloor. r..r lamia aiy.l lo l.hU'lM MIMVS nf Vl. un I mu-iii.l At 1 1 1 a isny.lar ('a. I'a., nr ta hit .ny. .IAI'uU UlLiUtHT, MnliHahurnf suj ier Co. I'a. Pas. 21, II. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. VOllCK is heitl'v pivrn Unit the 11 co-rrttir.Li. haialaitirt Irtln !- t-aon MHO Hi oa. I.nw If I uig. I'a., tiaala-a rat t Iml l i,lnaa. tt ih uitural lni ltrrantr, S I ua baon Hill ilay iliaaultvil Ly luuiual ennaabt. klbllla IlllUS. Jan. It, ''J. i w. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTlcfi--l.4ti-a ol ailinlnlairatliin ou t aalaiaof iholitl H MN t ll..K,deaal lata ol I n Inn li., Mi) ilar cuuniy, Ira., barn bra aiaoii il io th i.oi!ai.lti. if, all .tiunt knov) I. at lb-iiiolv. Imlclila.1 la laid Ul r t. .(ii.a t.lt.. u.ki ln.iuilii paymanl, wbllaT iiii.a liarlna rialnia aoo irl.l Uiata Sal auniauooalaj lor atlauiaol K.VUV SNVDKPi J.. U. 'H, S1. Adiululairairu. A DM Lii: it ATRIX N'.iriCB. V l.attar ol ailmlitralWia (m 111 talat of IU IKH.FII bHMKIAK llaaad, lata ( I'arrf IWi. Sly.lar aoaoir. I'., bavins bOaral aranla.1 lu Ih udaraitfn.d. all yrauua know .ne lliaaialva lnilabta-1 lu aald aall or fo iuaald lo auala lioiaailiot ynot, hit tb.ioo l.lu alaluia "III praaaut thai ul 4U(kamlWd lur aatllamant lo KtjIZaSKTII lintllll AB, Jao. ia,i.. atfailbUtrllflS ltt-M. Il.Hvt-itiofortt oi Mllllinbitru-. Iiiik iiiiintifactliretl t Mitlvo tor the euro ol tc4tvr itiless. Itch, Ate. wlitvla Ih MgMy reo omtnnd(L tsurej O uro. Try a. bene i ' i. 'l! t if 5T v aA'l