The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 09, 1882, Image 1

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    WWW W.N '
-V I v Jftl slnsf Itntox.
Oi coin nil one year, tH).(Hi
One-half, column, one year, R'.MHt
One-fonrth column, one year, lo.iio
One auttaro (t linml 1 insertion "A
JCtrery additional Insertion, 60
Frotcsaional Hn lines c.rds"ol
not more than i Ihios, per yar( U.fto
Auditor, hteculor, Administrator
and .Assignee Notices, ,
JWMnaX notion per line, to
All transcieiit advertising leas than
o mourns in Mini a line.
All advertisements Tor a ahnrtcr pe
riod 1 1 rati one year are pnvablo nt tin
Mme tlioy aro ordered, ami il not piiir
lie person ordering llicni will je iichl;
jsqotisible for tho mouov.
Poot v y
It'i't nil, bins l.wt hri 1,
1 10 :o' .;' e .;,il'.v.-.. t a . i ! f ji -IjM
eye; .-o'tiry niw 'liliio l.'ou o.i
Fif ut !,! an.' ni.ited ittiiud!
o'::crd lu.' I 1 oil of too n:.
To !.ok rite le.uyle of i.y (i!o..
Thou hast the jewe' i wli'ch t'v in' . i'
in t w -ouir,
l.-auer lui'.ti fT. 't'.iiii!
Thou a' t on- Ho- '-. Y. 'x'.i jv j .;,
K. .'i.iu,j before j,.'c..t N . it: a ..i!
ty ahrliie;
Tor .i.eVho vo.V. .ie 0m '.j. i 1
l.i i'l.'.'e,
Vorpread Ue ele 11..I fi .
Kven lie M'e Ho'.i-en c'' ",
fc :'..'. i t.cj . e ;o '.: ....u . a ii
W ' -P or- hj ., e 1 -.; w. 3
To give the " .-e'ef.
Mi..'iity r. iio-.ijf ;!iv i:
rt; Dd; t tbo'i, iti'U o 0 '. lull'.
J'e niu'ii t'.:- e. i 11 ! i. ip.i,
.. ".li," to kttvy,
Uy 1 lie it j.i wo .' "i 111 .nl!
; on 1 ;i.t i!t?l ve '1 1 ie e.
n.i io il 1 1 1 i.y I'.ivet h
juire tio' ';
'I hoi: cuusf 11 " .) '.,ie c o"N '
ven ro'.'-.i.
Amt.'e fin ,. .11 , j
i.j oin bet on 1. o
4.' 1. 1.) '(I t j e. Kii w.
i'il iu.1
- . i'.;3 o e- .t
L.. H
I. j
I I 'D,
Tiion r. - :
I ,o 1 t'ltf e'".i.
d .
O )
"--ai 1
J I rf t .
.t'.:o" ; UtP , 1... tv vl ua
d : t ue .
Viiy wo i'.h.'.'j .1 .o.'.u ij Xo t;i1
Tho: c . t
AV.e e .ie 'ic
' P7
oV .
it 1 c 0. e,
w. vo 11. 1 .a.
j o." o )j .'
3 .; ovvi! .;
A. id t!:e t'i
:.o . 1
t'.;.i t "..1;: 1: nnili'l..'e.
1 aia.voil.
e l.-o.i: wevt !.! , .
)- ot er
li'B . it n.i ; ,, '
tilH I
1 t.'.l
i-i it. 1 . iu ii- u. ..ri".,
t- u. t!i -.1 .
t 1 1... 1 . .... .1.. .....t.
A lit ..( ,t- . . lilt, tVH' it- It,
.io'mvl o 1, t .'.u ,vvi', f..: ev.'i'!!,
T.t.. !t . ..... .t .. :. I
' - t t. ' ii ;i -i .f ;.i-t,ii ni-h .
A i'l i.e l:i .'j in '. I 'ovt 1 t'i- ; v. 1
p.ilj 1 .. 1 the ii''.i,; li.;'i :.
AVe t :ove '0J0' ''; . . i.e , t
n'r i"d r. c e 1
15- vo 1 .0 '.;o lie-.
i-.t-tSv- l'.. v. 3 ti, :,
Tne .v..Y. en i." ',. :,u '. tl.);;, bile
tiiedl! : Io .' ! -iow.i,
And the ve..,;:et 11.11 ot".iiii. '.e.'
jj.-Vo the iou':;' !:n...l a c.'ov.i..
Tlio boat we.i ,1 . . : 1 .1 , c!.u i i:,", will e
to the d i ' eni.ijt nliy,
I o vne ai a I love.'. . .. Ufw.-eiH, tiie
', i. -lie, , o.:j j.i ni 1 1 3 -.oil 40 uio.'j:
:-i -ve .. f i : 40c;
AVi. . . to. o 1,-ovo '.m C re r ::d
l-iie 1. .iiiV i:lii3'i; vy'I eutii' mev
I, vh ' 'it l!o..-.!.
Three Cm dens.
T h bu -da.i of :f? -Ho m o' ;
IS ron n'rujf'.: : i'o.- ..ctoi os
I ''1 doo.i. o! Cy 1 .0 H-.tjt ..-v.. '
A khip of Ijjeou. I y
On l.o. .uy .tea,
T' e bi'rJ'?n"of Iive A b: 'jbt morn,
'"' t look its loveliest at It d iwn,
"i 'ur hiid icue'e. 'leeu bornj
for oo drive iu!..vii of uiUivy
O'er d.vrkened sea.
T.K) bu.'dpn of Clll-tHr Rllmllli.. iunri
A loiiii'ii;- and love thro' lottm years
A firm, faithful front to nil fear (
Then Klorloiit eterulty
Of golden ne.i.
Yards l.i a Milt.
Mile in KugUoJ or Anjorica, 1.7G0
Mile la Rasaia, 1,133 jmU
Mil la lUly, 2,490 yardg.
Milo io Saotlaoil or Irolaod, 2,230
Mile in Portland, 2,103 yurda.
iVile Q Spaio, 5,02 yard
Mila io Oertaany, 5,80 yrda. ,
Mi ia SweJda aaJ Doomurl,
"--13 ytrd.
Mile ia Huoji-ary, 8,8)3 dd.
A leagaaia Eo-tU-U aud Aaieiit..
8-W3iarlr , ; .
All lllohaililA all ntlf it t.f rmkl..
wyar. Vt tbeyaro all fv8 uiilna,
To Disbands.
Abvays crnplai't of being ('.red
and remombor that U t
,ets lire. I.
Voitf wife sliiuU always Irivo r.
lylhing in reilijeij far y 1 1, bit
jrjtt siii'i a;t d auyiliiuj fv
Vh"i rmr wife s';s for money
ive bar 11 uickh', mid U her wbut
slit ii'nads io dj wil'u it.
Then go do,u '.o''.'!! nod upend
ten li nun tlio a uo.n'. tu( ci.,. :. fni
tbet p.o oeee"nii v.
i (Io dii towu of nn en.'r'i.
tttUad s on nd 011 tlm cuiiitr 1 i
o 1 t-$ 1 1; 4 iu 1 a u Mm
to fcli'.' at hoin j w tli yjnr family.
ClM-e your ifo uoj t o-'hIo
IvH jo Cua tiiiu all lb v irus )n
j like.
IIho 5onr wiN up nn.l iim1'
r ee. but don I roil wl up nnlil ' h
xi m" the fa u.ijf ar. e.nui bruik-
J .i t, ii yon milit lke T'llJ.
W,.,' o' I c' ni' l 11 ' e y i'r
i'V uulidyaa j-ohit i' uu,il y'-i-wifu'e
beallh hi In, thou wo tl i '.ie
IicrI to G c up eoiue, 101' in n'l 0 'n
iii'n you will waat ao. . 1
tie : uo'.io.
Ilae'e for ov;' -1m y y 11
u.-t, but tr;' r id get 11 fiowa 01
iid.'o.u rr c!i 7 .V'..t.' Ii 11 t
jMpma Mil wii mm
VViiat 'Jin H-'.Ij.'VV.o.
N'i)i 1)D ill 0110 of : lie Pii i
police 0 ui I a w.)rliiu:i 1 nccne 1 of
DKlinrjf a piiirof t.oiMHn was din
o!ia:-ji!ii, on the tironnl lint 'lie"
v .not U-j it evi.loi . 0 !V'li!iHii
h " t, i',t '' le 11 l'"p'l """'w '. I' il'
. u Lie p. Iso ifci1 4 1) .inli of iv
h:n bad bivii nnnonnp.n'.
I'lie lnwyiT who bad o mdncleJ bi
dolfiiiie, nbei vin? t J it. bo di 1 imt
m ive, ii.foiinod bin '.i't im wn to j,o about r.a ' I- if he
h:ul imy. i'c h' i. "'i h' !) -ly.
b.ii, C I uit b i ' . 1. II v lb'
t'li e, no oih-?? cis.i b iin 0.1 IninJ
In- co.i.t wjs uovly omplv. A'uo
tioiUMa.n him j bn dofo't'lt'.' in-rjii'.-rd
with d'Miie i -i if.i'.ion. -".vliv
tbo doneo be did uotnt npn.i I 0'"
"'! p lii! 1 a uio'ii'iiil, pliMMo"
i-ep el I ho slen.UiiHt fit' cr. ' and !l
iuu whiipot' n yor. 0 , I c Vt
till nil tho witnoMso for tho pi m.
.in'iji imvo lif? i! 0 court. ' "An I
-bv. 1111 v I -' '!" "J-' O .1 of .lit;
.Htolcii o e: i''ju't yo'l 1:111V
itmid.''' " ! t n-'-t'iie 'l.v I d no:
no l -iB Hid What ah 1 -t t'.io
r..." ..!ytl.'.
;o . e 11 oiti
No. Sir.
A iii-tn who Hoo.oit'l 1.1 o.t i
aud nt loait Ht'i'tu fe -t ': ;
poli o - ii'il oil Woo I n: 1 1
Uttlroii and oxfite l!y ho .1 :
I wis turning I'm e .
'.bore abont tan il .. i.h . ;j
foil d )WU."
"Yes fo.l dowii " r."
"as royone a i! jbt li
iiir ivi
v.. . I
t rao
for falling down '
'Xo, sir. '
"IPo!!, tbeydid i.iv'tn'o 1 11
do. ea of tbe u. Wuon I ,. it i- i out
fellow was bua'' g to a Ja.. p post
aad lambing at if be d e, aiu
ajothor was "
-fei- hi I hi! Thjy
oouldu'tholp itbo I bo ! . t'a i 'io
f.uiDiest aij,'bt i 1 tbe wo ' I '. '
"AaJ yo.i, to), 1I1 u yo
you ata lii,u'i' o.. I
srawloj ou the pivotait 1'
'T-yeu eia'i bulp i't uo! ho !
bo 1"
"Yoa, a publia o. jur, a J luiu.t
to injury, do you t"
".Vo-not that bul -bid La! ba!
I ran imsgiue just bow you wa'dop-
o 1 that ioy .pot 1 Us too fuuuy for
-ha 1 ba I baP
"Sir, I'll report you "
"Yes, I know, but bo 1 bo 1 bo I '
"1'il buve you diaminiod "
, "I kuow it of oouibo but o-o-ol:!
ho I ho I bo I"
The long-leffged oiio made a iusL
for tbe City Hall and eutnred tbe
iffioe of tbe Chief of Police just as
ibat geotleiaao was hub'ug at
leiuark made by a visitor.
"Aad you've beard of it aad ere
oitckliug to !'' yelled tbe Iod-'.u;;-
ed maa with great iodiuutlou.
od be turned and walked out with
hie face as red as a toy wajoo e.i 1
uis logs as stiJ as crow-bai s
Pennylaou ranks fifth ia tbe
nurdor list for 18S1, SI aiurdors
tave bvea onuoittel within ber
juris liet'oo J uiuif the year just
lioiel W boat Mil. itti'i, aod are
izbt oa tba beuU'of Texas.
On Sa il McJi hap;1;.
"Yea, I nlvvnyn ninl;e a' rcactico of
ending noinn pr fftm ly n Tliinlc.
giving tilr'joy," n bfimrolunt jjnnt
w enyin fo hie K'ocor, uud eli:iU
want an exti : one this wi-ck. Ym,
must male nt one mill Lnji
' Ah I JIi nn ble y.) i t" '! 1
Ollt A IIIIIU Will) lllll tlCHII IIBliill Hit
piice of oiiione, tln-n yon me tin
il in l.o Bent tiia tbo lull ey !mi
j mr t '
"li 1 lint o r I'm wem living on
elintr .
I wnn, nnd l.iid up will) n linn
1O.1t and my wifo w.n iiculy diiad
with the chilli-."
"Wi-ll, I'm ;1 1 1 t i rnrt yon
'11I1I iflil vwIl'ii'lil I i iritfi. Ilui Lit. I '
to 111 o d.'.ti rvi.ii-pnmon, nn I I'm
jiii l yoii w r-i hi 1 l.i h i'p.''
'Anil ah ill n tvor,"it you.
I p ' ? iitti I;"- n.i at a r i1I j,
ia'(e 1 1 1 tlirciul.lliin on bin, and
ontnido cf a pint of wliinkcy ftu' u.y
mil', t lul l 111 cnuti'Mi tobarco to
liwt mo nix wet kit. All, may yon
i nior know what it in to bo p-jor,
ii ! '
'. 3 ti 1VI4.3 VS; . a..ty a
V us .rd. 17 1 'UM iioon a mi.i '(,!
pi.'d in o a .V.'iu hi ict-t 1. 11I1 r K.i.ip
'o ;;..t nhivcl. Whilo tho biilno
tv.-t p? iho Htcfl over his f ice.
'.)' 111.: .1 lie ; 111 t i hIiu I tci:8. Thih
I i i ; tin) n'tiMilion of tlio pro
i . o' ti e nhopf bo diruc'.u I l mi
11 pu 1 " of 'ho r.'or to hi im i
t! i .I : 111 it. As ni';ivo cua-
"ii.-.-. 1 ,' ju mull's tciirs II )vo 1 nn-
cp.-.h i'y, nn J I im barber coiitintie.i
to who", bis tool, I'cc isiouuliv cniii;;.
1 ' ii nn I s:.ivi:i a dbcnt
ly m p.'ii'.i!u to aiviVo. i'o lim uf-
-'!i' '1 of his 0 Ht'ini". -!.
Wo r 10 n in t in bi'st r.Kirsin
o lop, si i." a r I t'l'i u: 11 wii'i lln
I Umr cup. "Yoiirf.i-j bu ven
toudur. loes it piin you itncli T''
'A pi.n inu ! I i 1 1 1 h i;i-
)0S0 I'l-.t II III "I Will ;4 111. i)
l-.l JU;ll I'll) TM' H I 11:;
!i'l Hi' .''
.li ,
1 '... 1
V 1 I
; 1 1
ie- I .1
Iiok 1.
'I - '- !o Cii iM i' oil','
. ) 11 ' : V. ,.t. AiiOwie.1
'itv Cmii 1 on;, ne'il. .c'
iho n : :i l.v w'a lliu 11.0
bi l iifiivy
lo Mieln!
for l hi
'I it I ' 1 t f'l ''OIJIMP ill," s ii 1
the b. : be . h.'iI , "1 i-eve:' bbc I a
i;)-o's p :' :!, w ten bis iitt.'l's b it.d
lown. Ujtn-i il ujj'sio.i 1. , iir.d
; e y mr leara with iiiiiih
eiiii mollies .'U-Ia.v uiyso
Fojr. bv thuuJj
t ni I
Ii-. Pa", of Aiik. . al n, tucoiiilv
ed il'.f, li'vi 'g .'or li . oy yo. 18
ro:,iii'dod d',)U lioiia, iu ila mily
a. jHii's .. p. al it 'I'm i inn,
-.' -"1 i oil:;od by a its kol ton Iimdv
(O take i I pi! e'ii"..0 Ji ; o iipon
'Ion, be bis tt'iistol m 1st In 'ha fioo
1 nd co 'at mt nppl c 1 01 of a,itis .p
ten, a id w'lf.j t'jo'f e c il iv.u nit bee i adopted " out the tl t, au 1
boeu com'ii'oo ) w ihj t I 0 j 'se'im n -tr
1 1 b's sjKIjio 8iou bl.ul
p-'lsoa' g euaito. Iu riinaeqiuuce of
the fi 1 pov v.- w'licb sait po.eitL-e
in preventing tbe pa: 01. iiii.e do-
couiposilioQ of mo.;t and oluor or-
'u'o in.:ilea, lc. Dar hai often
proari.boJ for il p. !iuria '.tie.ita
lwijg fur away bom medioul aid the
fietpiuot use of a rarle composud
of a tablu-.pooufol or mote salt dis.
solved u a tumbler of wate,-, givea
ohilJmn who c innoi p;aigle a lea
spooaful or two to d, ' i't occ.ulonal-
ly. Adnlla to use t je j; . s'e as a
piophylaotio, or preveutl e, iLieo or
four time a dny.
A Vlio-ijlibjl W 3.
Wife, just returned fio u a shop-.
p'og tour "Coma and sua what I've
got fur you, Eiie.-e. '
Eugene "Ab, like you, darl
ing, always thinkijg of me I''
lie a Rimei as b wife t j oo.i
I be wrapping ood exposes some fine
drawings from a neighboring igu
bloya.d. HuabiaJ starts b-o aud
ttcU'ms. excitedly t
''G.', l.aura I what il i y m
bri lg those things bere for t" .
T bnu.jhtl'iil wife "Well, E.igaae,
I beavd you complui.t of feel'sg nn
well tbis 100 oing, aod I l bought
vou'd like to IjoIi at acux louib sloue
" , 1
Soma or C -iIuM j'i Siyi.iQi
t n:a nil ci'i nin il.
Mint up and mind your Imsin"...
Tiiii 14 bccfiiiMe yon are a j I'-lt-m,
'Tm a lie, Mr. Lij-ia jut 10 1 I'm
tor. Corkhill (a woi xe tbnn nn ol 1 ho .
The doctoie killed I'lOiidunt (Jar-
I biilito tlenenil Artbnr in a f icinl
or in 1 1' i'.
I'oilcr, you h ive got a m 1,1: ',1 lik
n n o, c it-Hih.
t would lather bo hvi -c 1 ni n
uinii lliiin nn piitte I ai a f ml.
Arthur is I'ri-iidnnt of ilio Unilfd
States mi I I in i.,ti L i 111 s ,
' 'Ihiio i iio'l,inor viil -nr uho it
I I this . 'Tit nil hi.h tone I.
I wih on Ireo and eay terms wi.l
A 1 1 Ii ti r. Jevnttnn I tho !ot.
I lo-olvod to ioiuovh t ii pri'.i
lent for 1 10 H.iko of i'jo Au011c.11.
'Ilmt'a fa'fo. You a:oa liurnnl a
(lennrer. Vur nut a uiiscralilo, ly.
nirf who'p.
1 espirct llie.o will bo nn net ol
Clod to protect too .10 11 uither ll in
or (hoolin.
Ii 10 In' I nn Idea iu my honl foi
lAVen'y Hi il I hIiohI 1 b.i prcsi.
dent of I lie 1'iii'i t! Mutes.
I I. now the 1. 01. 1 1 nplovod 11 c
I' . o bo wa"'o l tho hint incloi i 1!
1 .iu Imi I i-i ii,i fool,
I t- .peft nn net of ! il I'i'.t wii,
I. low II,:. c . Hil l and j try o ll of
win do a to prolt-ct iiii.
liio Wii Jji ;ics3.
1. en 11,' s.vnii; bi-i nt'iiv
t.o n d to CI: tii 'i-llorsvillo bo was in
llieedro of I nt tluk. dins? 11i.1l
S' nib o wiMiiiicis wiiici e iinI
Ii o 11 ' init po nt lo .'.1, lie Kiiu ciil
I'l'Voad. It i". a hliip d com..' i
110 11 tiiuo to nevi'ii miles wide,
tvhici ia pe iiMialt .1 I'-re nn 1 lli :"
by io:' !-, bnl iisdepths f.i ninli safe
itttu uis lor Iho iv' 'c t 1'ioiial. f 1 1 -
Hl'ipelit ai:d I lie f ' i. is II lonely
lio'u nlon even t in benl ( i-1 v ),. 1
Irhaay 111 Initii 1.." pen ', Tim hoot
of (Im .' 1 -i l.eini ' o o (l.o tla.k
lliii lints iii 1, 00, id:it , 11. d ti e di 11. by
III U'l' Isill Kll.ll.l) Ii IViS s tl.lil in
till) d Iht IIS llO C, -iiSeS ' .0 Ili.'llWlt
' l'l I I't illl.) II i't 111- MM.:i::t
I i'linii) is not 11 sp it n i t n m 11,,
j ,i4W ty winua 010 t 1' I en tli
! leu ;lii of a I" ;! in til n 1 :!m iiiiielt.
i ,i.,l hit who won! 1 In V.
It'Otli I e
!: 1 1. 1.
ill il vs
; n t o,'
s iiitili r.
1 H C 1V'.
wholu ioi I I In s only to t:
ly steps I 1 li -,hl or Ii ft.
;oilti ! I ho h : it s i 1 , !,.
Virgin 1 Itl a Im. ior 1 f ,
nets. I't.) i.iways not ,1 t
and Weio ki'o i.'o 11 111 hi.,'
I lie
i'! but iia they k.
Ttod tllO e ' ll'UH
I ... 11 .. 1 : . 1 1 . . 1
... ..mj i.nri, iciiini 1,11 iii-iki a. in
siiiu'U them with tl.'ith. Mel . nrs
Ii vo beoii tl.'li.iii in t in i) bv hot
pil'B lit, imvii to La b'M J
ll lll IDHI) llllV ) 11) l l ) C .
of H":lill
' s li i''o
I. bv I'io
in. I I in
aud tln ie to b 1 drivmi a
slciie. ntybildiiig 8 '!
atiango lonuso iii josi o" tlio dnk
woods. War would Ln '0 uvoidod il,
but w . w it il . , ,u I tfo j l'.vorv
an e of iho dark pole 1 ey 11. 'io nl:
the tangled thiekuU uvo:y disinal
n mm,) and bu ren kil'ill eo ion ! the
bl i"..s uii 1 f oaus of voiin bid mm)
and t jo '..avail of li.non bi.tle.l
lli- o uny toll you tjit it is a
s: igul if Htut for a ,;;app!o of euo-
mot thitsung fir a en tii;, but
biolory cannot paint tbe wo
of even a peaceful rido tbiongb that
desolate tract. M. Ji' v.
Move Alontj,
We find the following 81:3;;. c live
article iu the cm rent iasue of the
I'i'esnytariaii, P.datl and oot if you
area sinner ir this lofpect t
"Having elite ed a pew, umvn
along 1 bo sure and move nloug. I'o
not block up tbe end of the pew as
if you diti not into, it .3 Lave any
body else to enter it, or as if you
were holding it for borne spjoial lo oot rise lo lot olbers iu
but in ivo along 1 ml Ij .ve Hie pew in I
vu.oaiyopuaaotbat tbey w,. koowj
luej urn riuuuie. 11 Fe uomtug;
s.x uas nve aiieauy iu ii, ao noi nie
out iu formal procession to let one
poor, scared womnu go to t'm f ir
thor end, but move alouit aud let
ber sit at the end next tbe aisle. It
is not oeoessary now for a ftalwait
nino to sit at tbe end 1 en J v to insb
out and kill Iu bum, as ponaibly it
was one. ' ,
A trauoe act.uii Wa iiDgm jour
A nsleis watte Oue that will Dot
be npiovluj.
tu-iully Tcm;2ia i, E ::3,t.
0 1 nb'i'pur of mi L , V, k W.
lull ricu ly, iitrivihir imti I mi iutiml ionnliy or nit," niid Joutij
old wlnlei.c nu.l Keiitli'iit'iii li-iii'Jt lylick ICiiichit.-r, th luhlfullv, 'bit
not i'i'0 n liiiun iliitlor. Tim ) nn j J miuii.'Iiow theso imwi iipnn p im
Imvilcf ni-liu I 1 1 his nmiHiui'o, an I niouii I an mvinl lit 0,' uiiivhrdu in
iti lii-lpbi( him with tii! .r.iifii', J foiuiiiliou,''
noil -i'd jf-Hiil..i'd whi-k -Il i-k "IIoVh Hi it f" languidly inipiimd
pi i.f nulih Itinii mi.) ol I in' in-lib-, li i - I'litniitiir in ui. .Inn l Aididi.
, i,,c!i in ol Ion rout. 15. in of .1 i
;, -Ii iniiiir-, lit 1,1.1 i) ni ile I tlio Ii it
ll.., ..t I ho coo "II h ' Sll itirf':', II I''
en nl. 'in.' o it a ll nt, fill:
Will j on 1 1 1 0 :l d 1 k."
Ti e 11M null IMI rri' i-ni.
; Ii.' In tl I ', nn I .liMWiiJ hi 11 ill ilj
ie,u 1. !.!, r il Her . t u id :
N sr j I lift r ink. '
"Iiwoii'l liii. y.i 1." i 1 -is!,
Mm wui, "I stint brt-l."
"Y''iu4 man," xol in. 1 el l I'.'iil'o -
mm, inlcti lini( b r n'l l In1 e ir to hear,
ti' 1 oil ii''iii in ilnnliin wbntltt
v nl w.ll n.i a t ui 1. l 111 in at l'l, 1'
i- Ihe e.iiilse nl iho II I I. Wli 'it I
a ii b -y my 111 illn-i- In I, nn I
1, ttii'i lu di I w n I j c ill 'no t- !
i.i-r I'lti-il 1 an I siil : ".I.1I1.1 avoir
to urn yon viill invi-r I uttt'li u
Imp nl Ihjiioi ."
lli'ii) tin' nl I iii in t'liip,)'' I h s li 111 1 j ...1 I'.iii'i uud 11 -I.e 1 1. 0:11s .Meiji'.e
in his sid't !"). c f i. 11 I it emp y, lo lend 1110 all limb t'il 1. 'i'life wan
11 e ..--I, .. ; t!.i b'lt'ii! ii tin) a .'.ill el,.'s ui"e!i.i, iiu f on nt lli
.iiiinl' t'f anilliui, iio c iili'i'K'l : j I en, m 1 1 Itoilht I h 1 1 'em a. tic."
1 !. .-,.). t ii. .l.i.ii. It ... iiiiri'..i i.iii.: ' Wli-it di 1 o'.t 0.0. in .'Ii 1 hiv f"
il sin tor wn 1) Ir.u'eliu ;."
A "I id '. in- ilm Hi k, h
" e-e,i u to II bps, B'lii I II .f
In;:, lei- wldcli hlio k .!io lii'lo Car.
'.' (C .1 ) '
mr.M ra-taiix
... I
1. 11.
' V pip-eo-ll f I'' I'
II il II it.
1 11' h".; 1
I . v
II, lie. . It S f I
;:iur uii
! ty
I !ll!lH,
T.-y 1 . n
; 1' a.i
a Wei!.
hlj, -
' 1
l e
I I V e 1' i i' inii.i l- lliel II
"el 1
li !
In i" ,t-vo tltiipiic il mn 1 iiu.
'I' y b utt ni It .".!' It. 1 '
fieeM 'S, '..!! it 1.1 I . nit h
T. y '. 1 i I . e 11 1 1 1 I l' l'
l'. and il Hi ! b 1 .. -v .
1 I US,
Ti i . i.e ci iin;i . t i I," 1 ti en :.!
I.I lli.t V lO 1" i I. ol. I il. It If.
I In. I I ; 1 ie! l 1 ' ' I 'in
I p l I Mi l 1 Cl'iJlV l i . '
f ' .l nl
). nil'
in ii' 1'
.. ..' V ;i' I l l
u r nil in
t tJ make
mi .0 .;),.. ) l w.i
i ptl.ib.i.lo.
I l'iv I... li ci l.'i- 1 w
ill... f,l
j ibien tun' s a li ;- o( ti 10 it t. 1
, 1 hcii'ii it 1.1.1).
I 1 ly I n-.lii', -.; the f.i'iies of Im
I p. lilt. 110 or fit! il.e I 10 lubt-.e
. hoopii .; e.i.iii.
Ti a clo.h u.14 o il
p. Id
' . . . . . .
j w.iU r lull iiii nil 1110 no. s 111. inin
j ; ,,. H,Jlo 1
Try hiiulliug powd.i:( 1 b.,
ihn i.umIi ils for ..i... l tjid 1.1
tho he. d."
i'ry an . ::' ia pa:.' . f Rtuok -uga o.' -
sidn of your bhoos w 1 ea t..ii,V . ig io
o jld wcutiii r.
Try walking w''t your I. ml
hind you if you uj'l you. lf b-
oiU I
u-g bout lo.wal'd
- u niik baiol.' chief ov. r Iho
f ,00 when obliged to go u;
obi a
cold, piuici jg wind.
'I'. v a uuWMiianer over Iho chest,
bw ih .. j coat, as a p o.ii'iiou
in o';!y oold weather.
i-ijjj.os iur M.imci. j,Khl,r (.homo from n'h'i.. .
On Cbiistmus day, lhuJ, Wiieu -Sow, pupa, are yo.i autiMl.d?
Cnlederulo money bad begun lJ,ust look at my testi noiiii'Pohti.
dep'ct'.u.o. f. -s M, P.. ,d in a l"l lor cat - uii p v, u ttisf tn'orv 1 li 10 arts
fiom Virginia. lu'ke"a ia Vi ,;iina ur, I miific, very good 1 login, exoell
were woi th ibl 1 apiece, salt tbitly- cut.' " Fathor : "Very much so, my
tbiuo cents a poiiud. whilo "tlio yulol, ;,,.,! esptjcially as re; 1 It your
log'' a a I I"1 a fi.'i'ciii.'kota,,i:, rj, yf your bubiu l bhould un
weie l5 a i. Iu KStiJ tin Leys i.iuis'un 1 uiiything of boiiMU'dieepinu
bad ri. n to a piece 1 whinky jcooking. mending, titid tl:n use of
iiodlti u for ojjg nog. cobt t"5 a the sewing-machine, t""hiips your
g,.l!ou 1 sugar was from i'j to bill a
notiud 1 tloiirfci-5 a bat l, (lull
was ut premium of 1..6UU, and a
plain Chi ihtiuna dinuer 00. t about
HMO. Iu lolil tlour was S-iUU a
. ', 010. 1 1 ,,
ouoce At Cjrifcl,uiu
,. , . ,,,. ,.M
moud, they bad for diuuer a i.w t
bam, sod Ibe liiat In: key tin ibe
pl ula.'on, vulun 17j, w lb $IUt
woiib of cabbage, potatoes aud
homitiy. Corn biead waa stf.ved,
mnd.t of meal at k'cO a bushel and
salt at 1 a pound. Tbe desiert was
black luoliifses at v(!0 a gallon, and
ifur ouo cup of tea -real tea, worth
fiOO a pound, tremuitd for tbe oo
.a. oa us a tJrprib, and uot sirhs
ras tbre was oaQ'ee at disoretion, from weet po atoea cut into
I.ttle stpjaioa, toasted Ld ground,
11 SJ
I A S.:.ieina Th ;t DiJn'l Pai Out Well
: ,.n't kno r Ihcv l it
"Why, I hi i I Hid ",, -t I i,t weo';
1 1 at a pur oii f..lo.v it Si l ot l oiied nn n.iil'ii H i ol n
bank pit-side ni, 1111 I llm Ui M d.iy ic
1 in in- I It. "
" l l'iu' lie, th it."
I "O , no ! be did really," c mlin
j If! I ilieb-ler ; "he walked in) 1 tli,
i null Cm veiy i.e-.t il iv nil I lelmn-
ti ; -I Inn niiibiell.i. 1 ue pii-M.h nl n
I o iiincli list 11. n, ic. I t;,at ho eille l
jtho Joiiii man luck and 111 1 In bin, 1
m c i.tliier at. a bi il rv." !
"lleca iho Iiu s 1 honest, ch 1" '
"U .nolly. S.i, yn'i n i", as I htlj
.'tti 11 olio of tlio Hist -t i 1 1 1. o ol!
iIk, paper, I thought I'd woik Ihej
N.'iititt iiicket bef.eo uny of tho olhnl
b)H caiitjht 011." I
1 - 1
( (l.j.l achi'iuu." j
! ' 1 I :' lulled nroii'i I lo Ihn Xcv .
''iIckii.I 1VI1v.1t isu't !;oin lo !
riin a 11 on 1. yet.' -I 1 .. ov whit 1
lilt .too ll," :id I, "j ', o lend'
' mo ! 1: 11 hi el la. So h. to! I a c'elk j
; to I' t 111,1 li.ivo one, and lu!:o le t d.'l-
, I . S '..i li' .I t.-. I .'.
it. cat ticjtt
I ".irl i'. it a, i'.'.
j vVlii-u I lo. '.t-d 11
i 1.1 1 1 '
Ihn wo-tt of il j
toe I. n. ': ell I, I'li j
- 1 1 1 e - ,t Vr I
! I.. no I..
1. 1 .ut cd f 1' II liiO I ivo
ye. us : o.
I A'i 1 11. e 1 .1 p . b "1
I l'l I HO -ed 0V1T I II') 111 te'
l" V of tlio p. fa. .1
ci:; ireliVs
lltlleli tl'll-
v j) . ) ' ; .," . ticiiii.
A miniflei' ivlio was peib.ijis not
1 'OO 1:
en,' :n Ins I' lln's ws s ind 1 -
0 1 b I
lis 1 '' Mil" im leelolnl
' ;!.'
I s Ileal. 1 ii 'pen 1 cd to
n l I s 1 ic or 01 ii. ' e.l Ii 1 tii to
.t.tit one , .t.n 1
1 "ilil 1 Hal I 1:
piin h tl
" 1 . o
,.it. I'l'.
won d '.ell
v, inv o: I h. tu 1 1. :o
tho ' ho c "tli"
I "Wiien do y oil tli 1
'of ...:e 1.
" ll 1 hi) tu ! 1 '1 ;
'T I. f., f.tid l.o 1I1 : " "hbitvc
a! nihl ; 11.1l when J'e; ;v b:in:;s
v.iit' hot wutc you 1 .1 i I.e vi.i i-
' yl'lH-t .f '.!.fi J.ft bt I'o o ;,"..i
b ...
1 ': 1 :..:. . . .. 1
111! II, I. ! t It' 'Itllll'l
iin iivu i 1 In 11 1 and Hpii ils.
I tin dor. ). luet I'e v Boon ulli l'
'mid aid :
'' n''I h bear. I'f;;gy,
1 ye f nmHter is Jieltei ,''
j .deod. (tie, he's b. I lei', but
ib iill'.eled ; tu soiut-lbingi
g wi' his liiiud,"
'.! ", doe, or, bo ne l to hhavo al
. b. ' o going ' ) be I, I) it now .
tie f lives I I tho mom, be fhnves be
' o dinner, ho ttlmves dinner
' ho auaves ut liighl he's nyo hha.'
The symptoms weio indued very
mun ied life will indeed bo happy
UiiIIiiods do tint cott much; llicy
in ma le let ."evi l.
l!.'4o I'.sii'.ioo I'ooket-piekliig.
What hvo Itl'ers form a sonteuce
of lorgivene.s 1 x ijt 11.
Angel c ike ought to be light and
f.-i tbery. It ought lo line well; too. -
A refiiau'aut keeper advertises foi
a boy to open oysters tifieeu years
Cbsrles Harry, cf Bradford, was
blosu to pieces at I'ichburg,. New
Yoik, oa We laesday, by au eplo-
on of nitrotilycerbje,
George Albright, a ninohiniat, lost j
sn arm while working at a lathe in!
(he shops of tbe Le!iiK'b Valley
railroad at Oelhljueui, last Satui-ilay.
TIU1( lOrtT.
j ruMlshcd every Thurmlar Evenbin
Tt'i-ina of .-iiibHcnption,
I'W'i) Dni.MIH PKH aS.m:m. Pur.
"''In nil. in i iiioiiiIik. orfJrOifnot
pnid 11 ,n, il,g yt.r. x t.r jiM
v"," 'I 1M11 til en-rnriiKce a
;iiiiI iiiilcM nt the itiou of tho nub.
I'll M-I.K IS AliVANCB. 7
-yl . I-..I,, littime Mini iiMinn pnper.
I i..drcli,il,f.f, il. olth.' pnper
Lot n
I'ow 'I'm:
ay n
m m ,1 .. tJ
' r
rcr iYJjn, You. lis and
ttsJ JJf Vii'
from Pacts upwaiJ.
Furnishing Goods
and a largo variety cf
other fjoods.
Call and examine my
stock and be convinced
that I sell tetter goods
and at lower prices
than they can be fcd
Selinsjrove, Pa.
J. -. : ,
1 (' 1 1 11 1 1111 umm muqt 1 -KT '-