T h o Post MidJlsbare, Fx.2. 2, WA I. CrtOJ Editor Propro'.or. ILimi-wo. ia t.ii.i..riii.j A,, it uiw. UinglM IS MLKertiirf ilw it .if., io(f .Mrs. liiocjin ut nJ litou il (m ii- 81 ill. S. 0) MlOiMI wl,.)J) annually. Soioo mnifi'x'is want tlio bill to go bocl in-1iu1 with a pro portion fur it ll.OJO puuuiou to Mrs (lira oil. Bo tli win Jo am deserve lug ot recognition by tb Oovero sue-iN. Bat Mri. Lincoln is poor, Ithile Mi. Gittiell in wealthy, tuad to by tun generosity of her cojntrytmiu t auvl as Presiiloiit Lin OjIu mi nt loast as much of a miii tyi PresiJeat Otrfiell tbore in no g iod reasea why aha shoul I be kept waiting tot money aha actually noeda She. is mam in Now Yoik uuJur treat want for an affection of the eyes au.l epioe the former keeping her in a daik room, auJ the latter rendering her iooapable of wnlkiutf. Tlio tJ. &)i li absorbu'l by til l J ictori ui) I Dorses. Tuis aeoius to be about as d4orving a cane aa the Unite J status was aver calloj upou to exorcise ch.uily in. Perhaps the raoRt mngnilicent pri Tate residence iu tbia eonutry is that I iiliata Jl. V.ioileiinit. ol .w York, which ha just been occitiiiu I by hiujR' lf and family ia that rity Home idea of the oont nriy bo gnth- ered from the fact that betweou six and seven hundred mou were em ployed npon tha interior dec- irtions f r a year and a half. Pity foreign carvers aod soulptors waro employed for two years, having been engaged ia Europe for tho work and hi-onuM totbiaoountry ooder coutrncls which Assured them piy at an avenge late of sixiy dollitia a week aod pusmge both waye This gorgootia pil ico Cost at least two millions of do! Urn, an 1 probably more, and o piaU iu grindeur the palace of AlaJdin. Just aa tbo jury were -ibmt rend" ring a verdict iu a murder enso in Colorado tho other d iy, in favor uf conviction and uo mistake, tho ui or dered (J) man wulk'td into court and rdported undor tho ciicumsliiucuH. Of oourse that ended the matter and the half dead cilprit was ret at liber ty, the jurors deoluring that nevei agaia would they' convict a man up on circumstantial ovidouoo, or any other kind. The census of 1881 nhows thnl there are iu I'tunsylvaiiiu, lilo. 1:H ohildroa over 10 years of iig e Im cauuot read aud 22,011 over 10 years of ago who c.tuuut writo. Votil this ati ipliug party of iguor amuses is greatly reduced tho uttuu tion of PeLosylvauiaus may bo pro fitably turned in the direction of the primary so'iools. They aro not d in the work that was cut ou: for thorn by the comuiou-bchool sys tem. The State Tempoiauco Convention met on Thursday in Ilan isburg, and adopted a resolution approving the introduction iu the publio schools of "education ou the physiological ef f jols of alo 'hol on the hunian y teiu." The formula of a prohibitory amondmont to the Stuto Coiiftitu tioo, to bo presented to the next aession of the LoiMlature, was also adopted. Qjvoroor St. John, of Kiubus, addle-sod the Convention in the evening. Between thirty and forty of the filudeuts at the Medical College iu in Keokak, Ia., have been tukea with small-pox, having used iu the dis ooting room a body from Chicago, where tbe cause of death bad been from (but disease. One of them baa died of the dtRease, and was burueJ at once in the i'ottet'a Fi-ld. Tbe flagman near the fatal spot where the frightful railroad Accident occurred last Saturday, causing the death of nine peraous and wounding of many others, ii nuder arrest, the evidence indicating that it was through his negligence that the casually occurred. Doiiu'' 1841 thore was built in the United States a little over 8.000 miles of railroad. The business this year will exceed this. Tbe miles of road so far under way as to make tboir oomplotion reasonably certain during this year foot op to the enor mous figures of 15.500 miles. Borne masked men entered tbe bona of Joseph Hiller, a farmer, . Jiving near, Georgetown, Ohio, lust Thursday night, tied all the family, aiud, breaking open a cheat, atole fOM in money. They then rode off ju ua oi Hiller's teams . . " ' v The Pennsylvania oil Held pro daoed 17T.fitti7.8U4 barrela of crude ui in tbe twetitj-one years betwet Fpteifiber Wi and January 186i, ui in tbe twenlyooe years between .crairJiucoHyxoriiD. 1 he Court-mum nt Washinpl-m win ctriiHi.'ij n )i.l; 1 on v w liiiMiUy Hi' ruin l"ii( lii f no tliii opfui i of Court. J a I'm tiT, o.i lUKii niu ''' if "'tt . s'.utn-l lli.lt Im felt H iipperntively ntc3iiry that the msu uf OnitfRit should bit brought to u coocluNiou as rood na poasiblp. -It 3 o'clock I'. M. Jud,; Cn procuedo'l to diilivor bis chnrgo (Iih jury, which Irnitpd about an honr nud a but f, and duriug iti delivery thuru wns poifi ct q'liut in tha room, and even the prinoiier kopt absolute ly atiil with the excoptiou of cue oi two aimplti iuteiruptions. After the j try bud boen out about twenty minute a recess was taken until 5 3'J, w bun they infjrinod the bin I ill in ntlondiine tint they were ready with their verdict. They wer; not i tie 1 that Judge Cox bd left the Court so they r6in iinol iu their room ti'itd Court reissoiublod. Judge Cox aoou after entered and took bin seat, when tho jury filed nlovvly into their su.ltd. Erory sound w.is hushed save the voice of tbecleiknsho propounded to the foreman the usunl inquiry as to tlii-ir Imving agreed. Clour and dintii;ct crtiuu tho V((ico. "We find the pri souer g.iiliy as iaJictuJ and so any all of us." .udgo Cox then fnrnod to the jury and R'ii 1 1 "G tiiiloinca of tha fnrv I cannot express too many thanks for the manner in which you have discharged your duty. Von have richly merited the thanks of your countrymen, and I led assured you will tnko to your homes the np provnl of your consciences. With itlmuk). ("ntlom geim.jiuuu ol mo jory, i un- mild you." As GuitoRti was being put in tho run tho crowd of men and boys up ou tlio pavoment yelled and shouted themst'lvi'S ulmost hoarse in mockery of I he priHonei's coiiHtaiit boat Hint "tbo Aiiieiicnu prcHsaud penplo nie ull with biui." "Tho Tin was (pick ly driven a.vnv, followed until out of sight by tho jeers uud yulls of the multitude. S;xty Days lo Liva. fiovrrnor Iloyt senlo 1 tho fnfo of .ix IViiusy Iv.iiiin murderers on Tut a day latit. Ho caused to be untied tho dculh wan nn ts of Flunk aud enry Rumberger, convicted of tin murder of Daniel Troiitm in in tho upper end. of I) in phi n couutyi Jona l In n Moyer, one of tho inhiiiunu butchers of tho Kint.lurs iu Soyddr pounty; John A, Neviling, of Clear tieM, who shot dowu Samuel l'en ningtoii like a murliHtnau would biV gamo i John Coyle, Jr, tho brutal hlnyer of Mins Emma Moycr, uu in ni'ltO of tho Cojlo hoUHchold nt the ferry opposite Jiii.ttaj Frauk Small, of Allegheny, who killed man named Jacoby. Tho ti'ie fixed for tho execution of tho luindtn crs was Friday. March 21. The tvarrunti were issued on tho above named ev ening nud mailed to the b Lie fill' of tho respective counties. Tho wui ruut for the execution ol Joseph Allison, of Indiana county, who murdered his father, was idmiod Homo time back, the time being fixed for the 17th of Fthi nary. Allison's case was before tho lust session of the board of pardous but wns refused, p i' -i-i Now Stale Wa.ited. A delegation composed of promin ent residents uf Dakota, are oa their way to Washington, to urge the ad mission of tho southern half of Da kota rs a. State. All political par ties and opinions are represented iu tho delegation, which uutnbors seven ty-five persons. They say that, while tho Territory is largely Itepub licao, and, with tho presjut party issues, will undoubtedly remain so, all of its citizens Orgo its admisbion, which they claim has become an ab solute nocceseity. They entertain no doubt thut their prayer to Cou. gresa will bo heeded. Emporium baa a drinking asloon for every one hundred of it inhabi tants. One bandied and aoventy-eight bills of indictiueut were foundugaiust I'l'or sellers iu Cambria county last , week', -In explosion of powder took place uear Oirard, last weok, which did innch dumage to property, but no lives were lost. Peter Sinclair, of Warren ehot a bear in Cameron county on the 8th of January, which weighed over four hundred pouuds dressed. New York State spent (59.C75.192 npon bnr public schools Illinois, 0.735,475. I'eunsylvania, $7,010, 110, una Wyoming 98,050. Reuben Painter, a tailor, while drunk Saturday last, upset a cam- pbiue lamp in bis shop at Latrobe, aud was burned so badly that be died a fw hours tberoaftur. .1 II wi" imv cvrrv titlv li rJtAMi'C tli. tiimn'iiKp ftotk if Fun iinr Inr Kt'i. I.v ifi P.iiml.ir r'liiiiimia Hutu ! I iv ii i.'iti iv p.. tl. I Ijuilinnrill ... - ThaVj-l J 0c i.i3 1: if History. 7"ii' lirsi voli of cre.it cyrlii ifli i i :i'iiit'ici;c to no re i iv in i f'w 'l.iv. l" ll rent-he tlio nhimlar.l in .lie .ttnl l,v ita i.r.i.tiri ln it will ho al- t.r,i t;ior ii irivrt'c I in ii lniii)itude, roiiipnliriiivciir", nml si'liolnrsliip, iin.l ill l Im kuiiiu lime w ill Im pluirtnl v within I lie reach eei of any in tlO'tiioti lulioror. Iii'tt'.id of beinn nunlp mi of In icf skctc'ip liy unknown 'ft unor. n nrc rnuiinoniv me nmtori cn! poi'tiiiim of enc-lniviliiis it mil con tain, iinnliiiilrd, the nn-ii t tnhi)iud work of micli ntithors as Mreen, Ma iM.ilny, (Jroto, Curly 1, Uilihmi Utii;.ol, M'Iiiiiimimi, mid ot ! 1 11.4. A very com pn-linnnivfl nlilmlH'tii'nl tnpicHl iiutex coveiimr all the works emlxxleil in the cvclopcliM, will niike reinly connulta- tinn upon nnv riiojpoI convenient, and will er.Hip li)t;cthr mu ll wealth of knowledge nml iiilerc.it iii will Riirprimi the onliimry ri-adcr and diulit the profound ttiil''it. Ppvcinien pngp rcciin'!l nt this nUico show lianiUome l.vpornphy, jrooil pnper and gooil p'ri4-wiirk. Kaeli volmii will con tain iili'int 100t) l.irire, ilonhle coliimn, octivo H'I'cm. nii'l will he koM at the tvnitzlnly low prleps of 1.2-5 for the rlotli hin linir. ana ir ino name hound in liulf Ku!ia, nprinkleil edifen. The iiinoiint of mutter rntitiilneil In pin1!! volume, mid for so low H price, eeini iilnioMt RtnTtlln-r: Volume 1 eon- tuliiiii:;, ii n.itirlilfi'il, (Irwn'ii Liirgpr llistorv of thu Knulinh People; Cur Ivle's HUtorv of the l'renMi Hevoln tlon; Nchiller's History of The Thirty Years' Wiir; mid (Jrennv's Kiftepil De- eisive Unttlen of the World, nil for I.2-V No nnvtiient In axked iu advance hy the publishers, tint hooks will Im Rent to nnv Iirt if the I'nited Stntes by pxpreHR. with tlio privilege of ex Hininiition heforo pnyment is reipilred. It will he wIm for thine wlio want to purehnRp, to write to the puhllser im-mediiiti-lv. hr nt these iirlcPH, the edi tion will he limited liv the inmiher of ordero received hefore publication. ki i i ..n i sent free upon npii leMI,,!! " the ub - hshers. I lie LRcflll KnowledTM 1'un- o.h.-,,,. , ,,,,, lr iuiinirBj,co.,Ml,,Vi WaatUaarar. lihini('oiiipiiny,10j William'St., w 1 orK t ily Terrible itching nn I sc-tly Irim ir. nicer, s uet an I acrof.ilons swellina 0'irpil hy tlio Cuticnr.t an I Cuticr.t o:ip (the isre.it fk iu cures) external ly. Ask ubout ilicui ut your drug- How To Our Expose your self d ly an I nielli, put too much with out pxeicisi?, work too bard without ipst, ductor all the tini'1, take nil the vile nostr um ndvprtised, and then yo l will want to know HoivToCiirr Ww.... Which Ii an- snercd iu tin uu woiJi Take II o Uittei's I Sheriffs Sale. 13 V virtno of unn lrv nYxnn tvriU r' 'vtnmi nl pnni l-ti I out if ih ennt nt frtmtion Pli nf snt1- tiinl r. . pi ml to this rllr.'i'tnl. will h I ti i li S I . tliat'twurt Hot. In .Ml 11 lob j n, iti u o'clock ft. di. nn Hiitiirdnv. F-'..lB.h. 1K8J. thn rnlfiiarlntt il arlbed Rsl p'ntiit: Tt7AOr Nu. I, a nulHtlnir nf o-rl tin lot nr plp of irrniDl.-ttiJ' In t ri-huric, WnnMna- Inn owithlt. nniiilr I n$ jil nt S rtll btf lnrket l)fl, in fM torn, Kil Itv n't.r Iu rtf l. 4 ll.iftP. HnxtV.i hf 411 tiliy fill V( l.y Huuth kjirriet, ' on'olnltifct nu dninh o u tort iuur- or lei wlitru u Mr t 'la I a I-iitiro Hii.'k Dwelling IIohho. TIMilTS.i. 3. ilio.t' Ii Kreolinnr. Wih Inuiuu t wtiii1t. h t i'i 1 -1 1 1 1 'I iiiiid-l I 1ip tn lt : ortli ir M irk -I utreit. K' l y lt-t it innirf K pf. Hikiit U f Rti A"v. Wit hf :l,er lot rlM I. i tiln 14 Intf M- ' '' r. rout imlrtat l-mi I urtii ol n ft urt) uiurt or lci. nli rtu r erej' J l-irgj Town Hull, Imtco jha-1 and nttiar nniMitldtna'. Til AH T n. 3. ailu ita in Wa-hlnetin t-wq itp b.iun.ta-l and iti.inb -d ialoll..wa In wt': N.i lb l. I'uMlo r Kial br Und of .l.iari-h H.iuiti. Si.iuih hy land of Klin n llo'i-ti, an I Waat by Imi'l of Samuat Itouab csnltiulM tan ai)i-a mora or la-a. r-'alcad a ull ika.i In aTaiutlon and lo bo fold aa lb proM'rty ol li mlal s. i;.jvr 1) I VII) It KICII I.Y. SbtrlT Skarltri Om a. Ml l ll.i'iur, P. v,. 1. inn . TVtto, VTOTK'K is hmebv ,'ivon that, the f..p wlna: Will wa A n iralaittianta ttidr Hie iu l-iw, hava bin II II with tin ttrk of tha Orphaiia' I'olllt of Snv..r county, fnron. nnniil 'ii on M inclai, th 3'lh 'lair of r h. n. kt. Aiitral.annt of h Ui'iab Ilru4ar wl .w of l;u 1li.b Uruiinar Uis ot I'oiry twp cleo'J. Arpral'iMoant of Hirah Kro-ii wiil.iw nf Sainuol Kroua lal ol 111 Minorca, twp. d o'd. Aniiaalaeinoi t nf t.lliiinih f.onj widow pf Jacob Look 1st ul .nunru twp. Uao d. Aluir.ua mant of Clira unvdar wl luw of J a' ub I. Suiltr 111 ol Paon tw daa'd. Air alinnt of M.r Hnydar widow cf Uau. II. Mnydar lalu of Uulon twp, dao'd. Apprataamom of Polly Walund wlilaw ol Micbaal n aland lata uf llaarar Iwp. dad d. Appraliantant nT Kmtn !lnyd-r widow of Uanivl nnydur lot ol t'oton twp. doo'd AppralaeiU' tit of HaraU Auini-n wlt'ow of John Auinan Utaof Uuloo twp. dao'd. J.OItOUSE, Clara O. O. Fab. 2, Hl ir you GET ii Coush Oolcl ciiitl want to GET on red quiclcly GET iv 12 n centbottle ot HIJVI3H SYRUP OK ' oiii3inxY ats r e II OAUI IO V IV I. For sale by John A. Moatz, Mid juburg, I'a J Jan. 9tb, '63 ly ADMlxinr.AtorvMKoTicii.-l . 1 !Mn:H or l-'mlOi'ttMiInn on ti titntm fll J Atvii l.tUili, tio,.e..i. mte ul ' H.t rwp. l -i..rter roon-y, t'eun' t., I ilne: been gr ml a J I lo l!ie otider-la' d. nil ierftna kn-jwlnr lit n. ! Indebted I mm relate aro r qull I n ke In me-'l-itepayinent, wkl tho. bavin; il lm will r.eol thorn duly autbutli.aid tor BOlliorat at iv . WILLA D M W-rlTl.Y, Dec. th, 111. Ailmlul.irator. ia-iur. ii. Nwitu3ioiui:rr:;::;n"i:!.,.",'0D f jiiniiiiittf"r, Im imimif tictitretl tt Hal vn fur tho nitro ol tetrt', piloM, itch, Ace., which Im highly r;u. ointiieiidcfl. -V Httru CJnri rVvy it box. Jnn. 'b'2. ly. ALIA3 SU8P02NA IN OlVJRCE. Tti Commonwealth of l'enn lea m'rt, fo J. V. Jlockefeller. dntrriii. i W hwrw.a Utbrln Elt I Rockcfsll'r by (ir mil Iri.D l ae., ke, lb U d.j of ixo., Uhi, prtrr-tl b.r p.tliinntoli Jultiaof our Court ul Uummnn Flux lor lb oouolf ol naril.-r, ri I nil lot Ibo eaa-M Iborrln Ml lurih Hint lj might li b.oluliy illvaro..l trout lb Ixiadi uf mtlrlmony uroil toio with you J. W. Hocltiller, ml -xtl'itf .ll ul aDDOr of luilnM tnd hlui-r, you I .oil opior In your ro.or oroo l.oforoour .IuiIm- i AllildioburK. at Court ol roioinoa Fla-a, to bo bait! on tba 2. tb day of fabruary iial to aniwar Iba va'ltlon or llulo ot Ibo aald i'alb. arloa . Into Hik krialiar and ibow rauro If any yuo bavo w by tba faid atbarlna I;, alo Hovka. I.lar your w tla . tbotilil nt la riivorcad Irom bon.la uf inatrlrnony airaably lo Iba Act uf tha lianar.i Aainu y, in a.iobOMa inaila aaJ lroTldad, and liaraol Ull n .t. WitooMtli linn. J. I). Ilurhai, Piafldcnt JudKa of our tald urt at kluldlaburg; Ibt 'if, nay of t abular A . l. U 'J DAV1U KKlU!!LY,6brlr. An m in is r it vtous noticj:. Lallan of a.lmlnt.iratlon on tha -Xaia of Mlobaal Wlanil, ilaoaaaad, lataol Hravar twp., nnyilar eouuly, Haau'a , bavins baan xrantad lo Iba andarplanad, all .arain knowing tbaia alTci Indabtad 10 aald al4ta aro raqueatad to maka linmadlaia paymaut, wbila IU aa bat Ini oiaimi will pro-am tbaia duly aaibantlcataii fvraattlamaaiia JOHIf Wl Atvn. Jae tl, IM Aduilaiatralor. T ICENSE NOTICE. Motioo is -J beraby lan that , II. r. Kr-(aUar, Franklin twp. .1. (. Hmitb, Mldd!aiurK II . lo. K. K. li-llef. farry id. hm.l)t.,, tnn,nrTornl(cn,,w ia((r ori(1.riar iaalonaol Kntdaronnnty, and tliaaama will bo pra-entad lor approral nn Monday, tha 97th day ol r ob. riant. An I now. l.iin iry rth, la'7, It la ord.rad tliat tha clarli ol tba court II nan Initio publl oallon of Tavoro Llcaimt haroaltar notlio tl.atall l,louaaa araoio by tlio 0 urt will bo null and foiil, untoaa tl a apiiUo int atiall lilt thaaama within ntiaan daya after tbo aatno bail baro baan Kranto.1, by iba pro.turtlou ol a raralut fiuin iho o.unltf Traa-urar to tha I'lark ola illCuurt, that tbo Lluama f. haa haau paid. I'KK I't'UI AM. J. CHOUSE, Clerk U.. S. MARRIAGE Onldo for both SEXES, for tho mnrrkd and lllo-o r.ililnipl:iniM inuriiU'jo a lr HI ml, f;iar(. tiatnii- book, arotn arlorforthepillliuuoh licalth. Illaeaao.aiidino I'lii-t. al Llt.-uf .Man anil Wom-in; piiro in lnr.iiiti. nod end.jracU bv .h)a,rlaiia pw-rrwlirri. I'rbi-, CO CPnt, by lr. A. U. OI.IN. Iho iihti-l Sp-viuiirt I.. 1 1.' Nurllinoat, ohm III pay 9SQO for oxir, raao uf pilvaie or n.ioiiU- ili.cax.. ul i-ttticr ai-a lie iind-iiakca and f..lla l.i (iii-o Ki'tid IWi) atumt.a forCuldetO Hcnlth. Rnilablo Fotnalo pills. 60 B Box- A tii.ot iioino for luiiti's a.irmif vuii. iliKu.il .1. Rubber CoodS aid Irciilnr ol iuipuruut lulu.iujtu.n, l.y vipruaa, CO CentkN Dr. A. C. OLIN, iCt.tucky niork. SOI fl. Clark St., fblciso, 111. aad .'ilori hlnr ralrra rnrid with. 'attain ny iMmaita. hrnn .In r.n. for n 11 tlu I--.. It-.lt ITI'. tl IS .Nurlb 1 brotu St., I bltaio. 3 CO I 4 O- ta-w. 4 aata llaWla, u- blhluUi. -Ii;r.v.ia kWau Vua. r."twut 111 ilra in-l baaiul.lullf l'li.slr-lt Oalalu-ua,ub full lafnaaio.r . Itl.UtaMU U.U.1.111 At!orneiis-At-Lmi I i i i i JACOB uiLBnr. iHK u.l'UObat. GILECRT & MB, Attoriioyn-At-ljiivv, MlUUl.KlU'llU, IM. Offer lti"lr Prcf-miin ii rl ti the Pitt- lla. All lmii.M nirot l lo thrlr cr will r. Ool M, M. yM. E. IIOL'SWEKTH, A7rOREY-AT LAW, Sklusorovk, Pa., (?nlaiitloni and allothar laaal bnalnaaa prompt, ly ttondad to. Uoumltailous la Koiillih and Uaraian. Junf,IMI. II. DILL, ATTORNEYAT-LAW, Iswithurg, Prnn'a. All tnilnaaa antrn-t'd lo hta oar Hill r promptly altaodtd to. Sept. MaO. j.J "b. DEITRICII, ATTOIt.-n-Ar.LW. Markrt St., Selintgrorr. Pa. All profaaalonal buatnaaa promptly atlandad to. fjonaullalluna la Lnallah audtlarmtn ab. I a. 'SO. I. WUNDEKLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAVY, Midillrburg, Siiytlrr V ,1'a Csa boaoniutud la toullab or liar nan. Jan. 16, 'no, La A flam ty A t- Law, MlililUhnia;, Prnn'a. All profaailonal buaioaaa antruital to bla oar will raflalv prompt attaiitinn. Uuoauitotlona la Knllah nod Oarman. lA t. lO.'TS. E. DOWElt, AflORNEY-AT-LAW, itulilleliurg. Pa. Collection! mad, and (Jaruian. Jontultatlono la Knallab Juua IS, 'la.if. jJ L. SCIIOCU, ATTOMEY-AT-LAW, New Dorlin, Penn'a. Profaaatnnai bnatnaaa anlru.td o bla ear will rar.li, prompl allantioo. Jan lu,7a. PIIAS p ruuc'ii, Attorney 4 Counsellor-A t-Law, QtBca lo App'a Kit 1 11 1 n ar duol Norlb ol KKvaro.su IIOTSL Kt'lliisgi'uvt', I'cuu'a. Cnliaetl.ina and all otbar prof, talonal bnal- naaa t aoiiit.i and win raoaiaa raratiit an-i l.ruuipt attautluo. Apt.ll,'fa.tl. J. l CHONMIU.F.l!, ATTOKNEtf" AT t.AW. Mifllinburg, Pa., Ottatt bin prof. utonal aarrloaa to' hopub'ta. Co:lortlona and all oti.or prol-atonnl dual Baal antiualad in l.l oira will roivj irojipt allautlua. Jan. 3,'6T. HI J. SMITH. J. ATTOHNKT AT I. AW. MltiDLKHUKd, 8N V fcltll i:o., PA Orara bla Profaaalonal Maralnea to tb pabll jooauit.aaiuoB la coKiiau aau uarwaa, J. It. ZELLEtt. -trroi.vA,r..i7'.A.t w JHfJliiilniry, 1'nlon Cou nit, Pa All bnalnxaa animated to hit rar will wall and fiilihlnlly alien. Inl to. Will prarllc .ii.i.K.T.iqi.nuii. v t-njocr lull oioiiiiiii :-d llil aa. llan be conaulta l III Ibe tnnll'h (loituau latiKuai;a Oct. St. 7Uil CIIAKI-F.S HOW ICR, AXlOiiNKV AT LAW, iSelinsgrove, Pn tKtrrm h'a profi.aatnnnl aarvtat 11 fit pi'ttlo . C'olliet oa a id ' 1 1 y iMmI 1 1 ,1 n in. l-aaa antruated o l a .1 1 tl I r,ir pro'iipt aiiaotlo'i. ona to .1 tor. S 'Ulb ol lb Normal JtoUjol. Jan. 3, or. J.MaLISSf, ATTORN KV AT LAW, T.cwtshur, Pa O.Tera lil i rofi-aalonal i. rrtrni to the. p ihlli uoil- fllona una all olhar proiaa-ion tl iittal ooaa oniruatad to lila rara will raoali pra uipt atteullvn. Bop. ?o, 'su. AV."POTTKR, & N. 1. POTTER. A riOKXiuYS A T LA II'. Solinsgrove, Pa. ORr their nrofaaalnnal aarvleoa to lb publla. All leaai t'U-inaaa antruttoa to uiairotra win reeelva prompt alleulluo. OttlJouu .M-ln St. juiy t, ii. J JO HACK ALI-EMAN, A TTORNEY At L AW. Helinrwfjfi'ove, All prolaaatnnal bualnaaa and rollaotlns ou Iruatad to bla eara will b pnnui tly niion-1-til Iu. I an oa ooniult, il In Kniill-b or llermaa. Ultlo ua olarUat Siuar. Oot. '41, II. JJ II. GRIMM, Attornoy-at-Lnw, AMD lUbl'ttlU'f ATTDUVKY r'Oil SMVDEU COUNTY, Free burn I'u. Ponanltatloa lo .bulb toullah and Oarman t-aOHUanaa. uct. a, iai, JOUN II. ARNOLD, A.ttoi'iiev tit I inw, MlUULEUUliU, PA Profaailonal bualnaaa aatfnilo.1 to bla oar will b proinp ly atiruilad to J THOMPSON UAKER, Attoriiey-atwljaw, I.EWISUtJKtJ, VMOti UO.. PA. 00 be eanaultadrd In tbo Kniillab andUarmaa lansuaii-a. tnnoa on Market Ntriai, oppu. S . BII.O Walla, Smllb avOu'a btjr. WM. VAN GEZKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisbnrg Pa Uffarakla profcaalonal aarale to tb publio. Uoileotloua and all olhor pruroaalonal bual. ao.a eutruaied to ula ear will raoalr pruuipl aiualluu. g T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, jSKLINPOROVE, 8NYDEII COUNTT, Pa apt, SIMPSOiS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrove, Pa. Offara hli profeaalonal aarTloaa to tb publl. All buaiueea ntiuat.d to bla oar will be promptly attended to. jsa.lVtr, tAUUEL U. ORWIQ, A TTORXEY-A T-LAW, Rlimiiibui's;, tVnlon Co., I'a. Olfto neat door to Talesrapb Printing olBo U.1W, HT7.lt. WE keep on hand ull klndi oj Blank inch as Note$, Hutu- montet, Warrants,' Leases, Subpos nus,ito.t tie. . i . , , , , . Plnj-lciam. Ac. I ,,.., , i , , i M n MM mtm I. ouiKft BAitni.il, av en. nttimiiai. PHYSICIAN3 ANH SURGEON?, ftffif Ih'lr nrnfraalrnal aorrloaa lo tbo rlllaana rl -alddlrimia and (Irlnlty. i imna a faw duori waaiai ina court iiouaa, in.uaaaar'a l uliiitns. twi. a, INI. DR. J. Y.HIILNDRI. 6UROCDM and ptirmrtiv - -......... Middlcburg, I's OSara kla profalnal aaflroa to tho sitliaaa or aiiujioaurgand tiaiaity. Mar.lt.'Sf. )n M All AND UOTUUOCK, Fremont, Snyder county, Pa. ttradnaMol nltl-noro(!ollaa nf Phtaiaiaoa and Naraann. oflari bla rrolaaal iaf anraiao to ibo puhllo. rip-ak togjlaa aod Oarma. March, IT, IMI. tf. JJ J. SMITH, Physician & Surgeon, fremonl, Snyder County, Pa. flnart n't pmfoaatnnal lorvleat to lb iol.il Offlr on Main atroat. Jnn II ;.. J)R. J. O. WAGNER, riijalctun nnd nr on, tiwaea hta profeaatonal aervleaa to (ha pltlaena of Adam-burs and elrlijllr. Au. t.'aoif. J)U. J. P. KANAWEL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. rotitrptllP, ftnjfter Co., Pn ftffera tla prolaealonal aartlcet loth publio. JJ J. ECKIJKRT, SURGEON DENTIST, Kiuop.RT's ni.orK, Srlinsgrove, Prnn'a. I'rofetalonnl kuilnaat promptly n'tandad to. .uay .1, ). JJERCIVAL HERMANN,. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, KratsrrrUle, Snyilrr Co., Pa. Oftera hla prnralnn-.l "nrvtaea to tha elt tint ol ICratiorelll and rlelnlty. A as. tl.'t JJR. A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND SURG EON Offer! hla pryfaaalnnal a..rloi to tliecHliaoa ot auauiai-urs and vicinity. P t. 4,'TJ. J F. VAX UU3KIUK, UrlOlOALA MECHANICAL DENTIST Solinsirrnve, Penn'a, Justt'c -.v of fit e Peace. DAM SMITH, J;;tic3 ortiis P.acii S CouFsya-Kf lieaverHpring, Snyder Co., Pa. A lomicl.l baalneaa tablnp; rtapnaltlnniand ironi' aii.miff-i in. uutieciiona ano reinii. tan. ai prompllr toad. .May 14.' Ia7 yiLLlAM If. SNYDER. JuNllce of Hie Pence. Salem, Snyder County Penn'a. All CoMeoltuna and remltton- promptly mad KoT.n.'intr. y.VAC HEWER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Mini Oenernl Collector. M t iuu r t-h.i, Mij.l. r oonnlf, Ha, Selal attention n il. I to o .lie, tl..o of nil kind namiiiauou. w in no tu-iia promptly fur all culKoiluua uade. Mar. 21. TS. V II. WAdNEU, Knq., a- JUSTICE OF THE PEACfl, Jtiokrtoj Township, Snyder Co. Pa., Will attend to a'l bnalnaea entriiitel to bla .are and oa tb must rciiuaablo terint. Mr. U.'UH. J) VID S SUOLLY, Justice of tho l'eace. CnionTou!mhip, Sntjdvr Co., I'a. Will attend to all tiualnaia entriiatid to hli earaonlti moat roia maht tenoa. I'n.t. otttoa a l.lraaa, Uunuuiic, Snyder Co. fa. Mar. 4,'SJ. f II. HAUTMAN, ' a JlJSl'sCE. OF TIIK PEACE. iVCtHivoyancer, CENTRE VILLE. Bnyder County, Pa. nnllaotlnoa and all bualneaa partalnlns to tb olfleo of Jualloa of tb Peace will b attoniled to anburl outlo Ap'r'.ri gEl'II MITCHELL, Justice of the Peace St Conveyancer, .Tackaon Townahlp, 8uydar Connty. Pa. OoUaetlona. ilouvayanclna. aiid all other bn- atneaa partaitilUR to in omi-e win receive prompt itentlon. Poatotfloeaddrwea: New Hurlln, Union oouniy.ra. Aug. in, ioit. JOHN K. HUOHF-S, Esq., JUSTICE Or THE PEACE, Penn Twp., Snyder Co. P JAMES MIDDLESWAItTH, Justice of the Peace & Conveyancer, Trozleville, Snyder Co. Pa, Will attend promptly to all manner ol boat neaa pariamins to taeomo. onto. Uolleetlone mala Deeoa. Artiolaaa., written. (July M,1-tf. yil. II. IIARDINO, JUSTICE OF THE PfcACE aSc Conveyanoer, FREEMONT, Bnydar eouaty, Pa Coltaetlona and a I bnalnaea nartalnlas lo lb offloeof Juatlooof ibo Poae will be attended to at abort oolloo. Apr. If '7. A. WETZEL, Justice of the :Peace, Heaver touin, Suyder Co., I'a. All kind of Ootleetloni mad liberal terra. Promptly attend, to nil bu.inatf ntruata to hi oar. JooHI.'f. ER B. MIDDLES Y A RTH, JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE CONVEYANCER MoOlure City, Snyder Co., Fa. (lollnatloai aad all ko.liMe partelaln la Ik oolaaof Juatlooof lb Pea will btindd to at abort aotio. . juiy uvteii. A O H0RNBERGKR, JUSTICE OF 'I HE PEACE Parr TowaahlB.8avdarOoaatv.ps. aOollaotloaa, Uunveyanelas, sad all otbar as MHPatUllUf to tho odteo will b Broaiptl leaded t 0af sear Troslajsavlll. A J. JJOWEKSOX ill . ttftice oj the Peace fr Conefyau! Pennscreek. Snyder Cc., Pa. rnltaollona and rWmlltan'oa prompt la miaa Uonraaaclo( aeatiy nod ahaaly ,aont.t pru y, 'II. 75 J ',1. BOARDING HOUSE. TUB Cnlraiint would raplrultt a. form Iht travrllina puhllo. bnilneaa men, wllnaaoe aad Jttrora In elt.tidetire al onf JJoorla lhal ba baa made ample praparatlona fo Kelr aeeommodatlon and will endeavor lo en. terum hla patmna In ood alyle at lb nirwi raae-.nibl. rl, lloirdlu( Huuaw-a faw door. weetoflntOcurl Uuu.e. . a,,-, a OABRItL BP! A V Ft. Apr. II '7t. I f, p, trpio,, WASHINGTON HODoB ! IMIririlebiti'sr, ln. JOHN LIU BERT, ProprI Thflaboea twitial-e u.,.1 w . .- htr-t and rafnrnlaliad In tb beat atyl. ita ,, liMiatlon tnakea It ronvonlant for be.' men l inraona in att-n.lani alllourl and fl otharawhoaraoallo.1 to Mlddloburar. That bla la alwaye anpnllad with the boat In tha m-.f -et the lur wltb aood llijriora and tb ttahlt "i" iM 1,T '" aHrs. Teraii raodaratt fJKNTREVILT.E HOTEL, ILllllfii, Waaear'a Cantarrlle Snyder Co., Pa. PETER HARTMAff, proprleto , Thla tonaatahll.h..l ..A .n w batrlns been pnronaaed by the underaicned. Iloltaaihareoltbe pa hi to r,t rona.e. ' Aprl.,S.l,Tl. PETEK UAHTMAIV rJIIE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. POCKLER, Prop'r. Sel In strove. Pa. Thfa Hot. I la pleaaanliy Iwaled In tha ".on.ra iZ22!.iJ";r"nM: ,,,e ,or " to. top the SkTof aucotnmndallona at low raUa Pe "taatopplnoonr will bo enr to call acaln. Tb tb Hotel. era nralelaa Reatauraat laoontietin. i Apr.lu.'te, !Icrcllnllts, House. 419 AcilfiS NORTH THIRD STREET, PIIIL'A PA. Torml--!f 1.50 per day. HENRY SPAIIN. PrnnV. r.W.aeeAIIM, l.rk ipr.l.'T. Ph iladclphia Ca rJs. J. S. FARNSW0RTH. with JONES, HOAR k Co. Importers ot Huisery, Notions, Wfclte Goods. Emlirol ncrics ucms t ornisDiDi boom &c. Ho. Oil Market Street. PIIILiVDELPHIA- W. H. "hetbley, T. il. H.lcbtH. T. II. loner, A. n. tioar. I Mar. la'74. GHAYU1LL A Co., WHOLHOALtl !)-,. . 'VOOD ANFjaa-VILLOW WARE fill t'lotha. Widow nliadea. Hnwiirn M-w. iiru.n.a, l otion f apa, llrnln Uta, Cly- liuta. Ilueketa, Twlnea, Wlcka. hi. frb "Jlj 0 JUrk,",'tH Pblladalpbla. I II. 6iiL.IlEI.MEi. ' a ULALKn IN CCASitDWAKC Iron. Nails, Steel, Leather, s Paints. Oils- Coach & Saddler Ware AND M AND FACT UK til OF Stoves & Tin uu re. MARKET 8TREKT, liOivlwloivn, l'onn'a. Nor. 3,'TI. WM. MANN. BlanlcEook Maker Sta tioner, and Steam Power PRINTER, vv noiewnio aV xretnll INo 529 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Promytnesa. Ons Juries Selling Price Marked On All Goods In ti gxires. Apr. 18-T3. QAVID WILLIAMS, Menfeeturere and Whole! Dealer la illt. Mahocany, H'alnul nnd Boseweod LOOKING QLAS9 Picture ft Pbotographlo Framea No. 8.10 and 2.1'i Arch Street fUlL.DILrUIA, Pa. Fratnai Repaired la tb be.t manner. Ala tteK-iiins lo ail Iti urauoU.., Fb. 14, '71, JJNION PIANINO MILL SELIN8Q ROTE, SNYDER CO., PA Kccly Wagner Lumber Dealers and MAisvAOTt-aaa or Doors, Door Boxes, Windows, fit-alter Window Boxes, Blinds, Bash, Elalr rixlngs. Hand Ualllii'i. Brark ets. Mouldings, k loorlus;, SCROLL S A WINO a U A BIN KT TUKNINO Shingles, Lath, Vo., co. Order aolloltad and ailed wltb promptneaf aud deapatob. Ploaaa eall oud iamlo our aloes bofur purobaaloa elaewbere. EXECUTORS NOTICE-Letteri leatameoUry oa tk e.tat of Ml CHAKL KUUl-Y, daoeaaed, late ol Mlddlaorook Ywp., Bnydar county, Pna'a.. baring booa a ran ted lo lb underalgned, ell poraona kaowios Ibamaalte. Indebted to told e.tat are requeai.d to makelnimedlaie pay moot, wbll tbo. bavins elalei. will preaaot lbm daly astbealloated lur .ettlament lo WAUHEN EKDLY. LEVI katDLV, Aas-1, 1U1, Exeoatorr. yrC afjbnloi sow oelbr Ibo Sw publio. You eaa make mo w r.. I y Nator at work -tor aa Ba aM ba 1 tb.lalaoytk'a elae I'-o-tal ant neoded. W will alart you, l t daf aad upward, toad al kom by tb Inouetriuu.. alo, worn, buy. and atria wanted verwbr to work for a. Now b tb lime. Voa u work la .par time only or le year whole lime lo lb bueloea. You eea Hi al bom and do Iho work. Nooibar baaia will pay yoa aaarly aa well. No ua eaa lll lo make normou pay by aauatlus at , Caetlf OulOi and tertea f. Moasad fail. aib II, aad koaarauly. Add.aa Taa k Uo" AusuiU, alalaa. (