I t HLJ VUi- - JL--' ' 1 0j coTumn one year, ' t0.00 n-half, column, one year, 80.00 One-fonxth column, one year, 16.00 OMKiilArU0 IKie)l initrUon 79 1 i i .1 i . : r JErery Kiumimni imgruun, v tftoressionat and Business cards ol kit more than 5 lines, bar year, 8.00 Auditor, Executor, Administrator ad Assignee donees, .oo Jditflfcisi notice per line, 10 Alt transient advertising lei than f months 10 cents e line. All aavertisemoni lor a snorter pe fad than one year are payable at the time they are ordered, and it not paid he person ordering them win oe neid; sponsible for the monev. Poetry FOOTPRINTS. HKLBS T. CLARK. Across ihe day across the night Like eonntUss doves In allent AIkM, Floats dowo the feathery, italnleu white, Unbroken gleam a moment' space Without a touch, without a trace. Too soon to dark despoil gives place. The mire of wheels, the haste of feet Gray toil At shivery dawn to inset, The thousand soilings of the street, Oh, thousand ways the footprints lead I To shame and dole, to gloom and . creed, To Joy, and hope, and Chrfstly deed. The whiteness, caught by smirching . day. In secret mode, In destined day, Back to pure snow shall find Its way, The footstep lost in doubt and crime, In love's own way, In love's own time, Shall leave the ellugtng slough and slime. And up the steeps of good be set, Oh, help, ye loftier souls, nor let On longed for word, withheld a yet. Die on your lips I one reach of hand From sunlit levels when you stand, Fall the spent strength at love's de mand i Florrxcb, Deo. 1891. The Endless Procession. Down the vista of the ages, Paints and sinners, fools and sages, Marching onward, slow and solemn, do In nsver-ending oolumn -II ore the honest, here the knave With a rythmic step sublime, To the grav9. Like the rolling of the river, Going on and on forever, Never resting, never staying, Never for an Instant straying -Peer and peasant, lord and slave, Equals soon to mix and mingle, In the icruve. Duty cannot, nor can pleasure, For a moment break the measure ; They are inarching on to doom, They are moving to the tomb All the cowarJ, all the brave, Bxm to level all distinction, In the grave. Since the morning of creation, Without break or termination, Kver on the line is moving, All th loved and all the loving, All that mothers ever gave On to silence and to slumber In the grave. Here no bribe the bon J can weaken, Here no substitute is taken ; Each one for himself no other Hon nor father ; no, nor brother ; Love the purest cnunot save ; Each alone the roll must answer In the grave. Who command the dread process ion That shall know no retrogression Who can be the great dlreotor f Ha I that grim and grizzly spectre, Him that Sin to Satan gave ; Death, the mighty King of Terror, In the grave. LIlrltFoxeT Among my tender vines I spy A little fox named Bx-amo-BtI Then set urjon htm. oniric. I nv The swift young hunter Riqht-A WAT Around eochtender vine I plant, I And the little fox I cAS't; Then fast a ever hunter ran Chase him with bold and brave I cs! No csx ix try i so legs and whine This fox among my tender vines; Then drive him low and drive him hlirh. With this good hunter named I'll RV Among the vine in my small lot Creep In the young fox I rottooT; Then hunt hltn out and to bis den With I WILL HOT KORdKT-AOAXSl Th little fox that bidden there Among my vine Is I don't care! Then let I'm borrt-hunter true Chase him afar from vines and you, Children's Hour. . Btre w on tgwC ''$m And never a pry of yew, . In quiet she reposes t Ah ! would that I did, too. Her mirth th world required ; , Bh bathed it In smiles of glee ; . But ber heart was tired, tired, . But bow they let her be. Her life was turning, turning, la male of heat aud sound. u,But for peace her soul was yearning. Ana now peace lap her round. ; . Her cabined, ample spirit. It flattered fsilsd for breath To-night it doth Inherit . The vaty hail of death . , t X. BATtUW AJUTOLD. s it. VOL. 19. MIDDLED UliG, SNYDER COUNTY, Meluot T n, 1 THE OLD ARM-CHAIR. es, there they go !' i J Mis Pamela, lifting the corner of the window curtain to look down the long porepoctiv of tbe winding road. 'Four of 'em. Ia two cutter, with two wolf-robe and two set of sleigh bell. And it' the- third lira that Ruth and Bessie Lave been nuked out leigh-riding within the month, and nobody ever thinks of ma t' And it was little strange, too, when oue oani to thick of it Mis Pa rani a Pipely was a plump you opt woman of three and thirty, with rosy cheeks, snapping blaok eyes, soJ a figure a trim and straight as saps ling pioo. She had not Ruth's molting, al mond-shaped eves perhaps, nor the pesoby pink of Bessie's radiaot com plexion, but she was universally so knowledged to be the belt hand at pickling and preserving ia all the country around. She coul lu't quote Stviuburne or Juan Ingelow, but she manage I ber wldowjd brother' household with a firm yet seutle Laud, and bad a ohost full of patchwork, be I quilts uod crocboted tidio in Ihe big old garret upstair. In fact, Miss Pamela Pipely would have rn'iJe a first-clss wife to any man liviug if only Uio bachelor around Gray George colli have bu'un brough to preouivo a fact whioh was so manifestly to their advan tage. So .Visa ripely sat before the fire of blazing logs, all mossed over with ilver-gray fringe, an 1 bubbling out their resinous hearts beneath fiery ordeal of the (l imes, and knitted away at 'Squire Sam's gray-mixed stockings, as if sho wero ou a wager agaiust old Time and was resolvdd to conquer a, ull hazards. Am the iragon's head that was carved on tho old mahogany olmir opposite, and the claw-logs and the q ioor lit tie brass kuohs scattered all over it, soemod to wiuk soberly at her, iu the pleasant light a she worked. It was an heirloom in tho family. that old cu nr. aud the fioulvs wdie pro id of it Just then there cam tlio morry ingle of slcih-lxtlls up th-i roaJ, like a poal of miniature laughter. 'Some ooe else out fr a sleigh rid.' tlioucht Miss Pamela, without turning her bend. But to her infinite amazement the tiny pearls ooasud to ouiuie ; tbe sleigh had stoppod . 'Goodgtaciou 1' said Miss Pa roe a. tukiog a Lurried observation from behind the netted fringe of tbe curtains. 'it's Mr. eJor. Aud he's coming here, too !' Mr. Hodior come in a stout middle sired man. with light blue ye shining behind Li spectacles, light brown bair just sprinkled with gray, and a seal muffler buttoned up to bis very nose. Qood morning Miss Annolt 1 aid be, pleasantly. 'Good morning I' said Mis Pame la- ''I've called on business," said Mr, Hedger who was one of those uo- oanonised aooial martyrs, a bashful old baobelor. Miss Palmela, to be sore, wa an old maid, bnt she wasn't in the least degree baxhful, so, perhaps, the two were not evenly mated. "Oo business "repeated the lady, "I'll call my brother at once." Ob, don't do that, Miss Pamela 1" said Mr. Hedger, deprecatingly. Not" Miss Psiuela raised ber jeUbUck eyes in some surprise. "Because my business wa with yon especially," be explained. Miss rmela sat dowo again, mecbanioally crimping tbe boarders of ber apron .with tbe finger and tbumb of her left band, while a very pretty blush crept over ber faoe, Tve been thinking it over for some time, soli Mr. Hedger, rather abruptly. "sve you " said Miss Pamela And tbe crimping operation went on faster than ever. "Of course I know it is taking a great liberty", said tbe gentleman apologetically. "Oh, don't speak of It," said tbe lady. "And then, yoa know, we are aU moat strangers," be adJod. "Ob, that makes oo difference," said Mis Pamela hurriedly. ' "loan hardly muster courage to aak," taid he. 1T4 "Don't be afraid," weet!y smiled the bright-eyed damaet, wondering what Beasie and Ruth wcnld say if they were to come home aud ilud ber engnged. Yoa will forgive ray audacity f he murmured, moving bis chair a trifle nearer. "Of coarse I" responded Miss Pipely, "Well, tbeo," said Mr. Helgor, plunging headlong into the subject, "will you sell me that old mahogany drsgou' bead chair of yours for ray collection of anti initios f I am tot I it has a record for a century and a half, and I have long been anxious to possess it. Kxpense will be no ob ject to me a my pleasuro lies in colluding those valuable articles of virtue,-' Miss Paraoln turned re t and white the cords of ber apron full from ber hand. Figuratively speaking she froze over at once. I prefer to tl rive no bargains for family relics," sUo siid stiilly. "But" "I am sorry to disappoint you, but it is really quite out of the question." said Pamela. "Might 1 continue to hope" "You may continue to hops noth ing ! ' severely spoke tlieU ly. And Me. Hedgor, boginning va gnely to suspect that snmothing was wrong, vanuly HtmnbloJ out of the room. In lu l'amula put lior hoad lowu iu bur hands, nnd began tj cry a little. I thought bo was going to pro pose, she snu, 'and 1 did like turn and I was j'lst going to say yes ! And to think ho only wanted that hoi rind old dragoti's chair, after all.' In tho woodyard outside Mr, lledgor encountered 'Sqitiro Samuel Pipely, who was splitting wojd like a good na'nrod Goliath. 'Oh I' said the S piiro. "Pears to me yoa made a very short stay, Hodgor V I don't think yonr sistor was much pleased,' said Mr. Ho Igor. The squire suspended Lis ao in mid-uir. Not pleased V said he, 'Why what o.i earth did you s iv to hur V I only asked if sho would bo will ing to sell ino the old cluw-lcggud mahogany chair for my collection of antiquities ' 'And sho sai I no V Sho said no, most emphatically.' The rquire struck Lis ax into a log scratched Lis tioso aud chuck led. Ab !' said ho. 'Well, it aiu't ber fault ; she couldn't say yes. 'Couldn't say yes' echoed led ger. 'My graed father Pipeloy was a queer old soul, said S tm, He loft that obuir to Pamela, yoa know.' 'So I have understood,' said Mr. odger. 'dhe never was to part with it no less she married,' added the squire. 'Unless she married f repeated M, Hedger vaguely, But in tbat case,' said squire Sam, seizing his as again, 'it was to become the joint property of her aud her husband.' 'I never thought of that,' said Mr. Hedger, Sebond thoughts are sometimes best thoughts, said the squire, split ting away as for dear life. 'I've always admired ber,' said Mr. Hedgor, 'and i believe I ll go back.' 'Just as yoa please,' observed tbe squire- Miss Pamela Pipely was sitting by tbe fire, witb a little flush on ber cheek and a little moisture on ber eyelashes while ber koitting lay unheeded ia ber lap. She started at Lis en trance. 'Miss Pipely ' sai 1 the bn'ielor. 'Sir 1' she cried brushing away tbe dew from tbe laBbes, wbicb curved so prettily at Ibeir end, and trying to look noooncerned. "If yoa won't give me tbe old chair,' said Mr. Hedger, 'will you give me yoorself V I don't know what yoa mean,' said Miss Pamela. 'Don't youl' said Mr. Hodger. And then be sat down beside Mis Pamela and explained himself. 'I never heard of such a thing in my life C orie l sbe, hysterically, But don't yoa think it would be a capital idea ' orged Mr. Hedgor. No yae perhaps!' said tbe lady. 'You'll tbiuk of it 1' said be. Yea, 711 think of it' said she. And so ther became encased, and Mr. Uedger added to hie aooial U - . a XI W . tus and Lis collection of antiques at the same time. And they are just as happy as if it had been a case of love at first aigbt. When, where, and How to Sscur Western Farm Homai. Under the above caption, David V. Judd, who ha just returned from a five-thousand mile ionpectiou tour through the West, Nrlbwet. tod Soutli-we-it gives iu the Feb ruary American .igriculltiritt 13 coloinu of illustrated advice to thoso seeking homes in the far Went The article starts off as follows i Do not go West with a family, anions yoa have enough money to make a fiir stirt. Do not borrow money to go Wast. Tbe majority of thoss we havo met ia their Wosteru homos, who have f.iilod, have boon those who anno on borrowed monoy, or without onouh funds to ensure a seud-ofT. After roadng this article, aolect -mob region as you thiuK you will like boat. Peoplo geucrally profor to kutip in tho samo lalitudu they have lived in. Go iu the spring and got acclima ted. Tukd as little baigo and as few heirloons as possible. They cost monoy for freight an 1 iu addition aro apt t J be au ououiubrauoe iu a now homo. l'rovi do yonrsnlf with a small ool lection of good b.ioks for the family ; and before going ronnw jour sub scriptinn to tho AuwrLytn AjwhI turht. It will bo j'it as Si-rvico-ahlo iu tho now home as iu tho old. If you aro able to d m, y i b t tor first go out and explore bofore taking your family with you. Dj not attempt t (xpliro tin muoli. Wo h ivo mot pooplo boyond tho Missouri River w!i i In 1 vi-iity 1 nearly all the Ijtn l (Srmts, an t the more they had travulul, tb id mo niiHetll.. 1 l!i. v tv.-r.i t . ivhor- n.,.v - ' ""J i should locuto. Docido up in yo'f clim'o an I lo cality, an t thnii s"lo.'t your Ian 1. If you wait too long, you are apt beomo very mncli iiiijoUIhI ll.i not l'o WoHt if von have a sick family. Change of climito may bon-! tho ii m Iocs, ol ' whluli lie died, and efit lliem, but it is not worth while' that Smith kimw it. Smith replied to to tako tlio chances. iliat th-i horse did not have the Do not gi West expecting not to'l'ud)rH, but had the .iisiumper itn I bo hoiOiisiok. for vour mountain scenery, your forests and your H'roums which proseit sivh a con tract to tho monotony of endless praiues. 1 1 m iy lo very lonely at first, but you will soon plant your own trees, havo pleasant surround ings, aud near neighbors Do not go oxpoolhig to become rich iuimodiutuly. Several years of good crops may bo required to place you in easy circumstances. If you are a clurk on a small sal ary in the city, and have a few hun dred dollars ahead, givo up your clerkship, and strike for the western lands. There is no very great amount of experience reiinired in cultivating these prairies. If you have abundance of money, settle on the lands in tbe near West. If your funds are comparatively lim ited, ro ou still further, where as good lands can be purohased at low er figures. It Wat the Coffee. "Did yoa burn yonrsolf, dear t" That wa the question Mrs. Simp kius propounded as she looked up and w ber husband spluttering hot coffee from bis month as oil comes from a flowiug well, "W-wh-at," spluttered he. "I say, did you burn yourself )'' "Xaw, I didn't burn myself. Do you take me for a crematory or in fernal region t Perhaps you think I'm a blast furnace, though good ness knows yoa do most of tho blast ing business, Naw, Mrs, Mimpkins, I did not burn mysolf i it was that oimfoundod coffee that did tho busi ness, an' hereafter yoa needn't got sny more ooffee at the store that etuff came from. The projeot of the world's fair ia Boston has been abandoned. Talk was pleoty and money soaroe. The oost of maintaining tbe con vict ia the Eastern Peuitentiary last year was less than in any year since the establishment of that insti. tutiou, fifty ye tra ago. It is expoot- ed that to ysars bsnoe the prison w U be lf-aastoiaius. PA, FEBRUARY Love. A woman's dovotioa i illustrated by so aneodote which a ln lr. con nected with Ihe Sanitary Commiss ion, during the war, tells, na follows; Ou a blenk day in February she wns making preparations to visit ll' army at Young's Point, and was to loave in the niuht train for Cairo, A bright-looking woman, lendine two h.indsome little boys, came in, saying "I have bron .ht a box for you to take to my hnsWaud, and my boy for yon t i sen. When yon got to Vickslmrg, please hud Potvr II . I want yon t tell him bis hoys look well, and his wife, too. ' Tell him wo aro all getting along; that I gut pltmty of work, and tin hoys are good and obediont, and not to frot about us." "I am glad to he tho boarer of uo'i good news," replied tho ln.lv i "and I mill soo your hush.iud and give il to him." Then tho lady drew Lor Imn Is from her coarse mittens, nnd liuld them up. orai'kod and blooding "Don't tell him,'' sho said, '-that I havo Wuru tho skin off my bunds wiiHliing evury day ; and don't toll liim that I have put tho little boys to bod w han they como from school to keep tlima warm, as I have no wood nor lights. 'D m't tuli him that often when I como homo aftora hard il iy's s m oH- bing my garments freeze stiiT. It is all truo, but still wn are wull, aud koep warm in bu an I are not inarching iu mud or snow, or sick in hospital. Tell Peter nil the good you c.in,Hiid keep back all tho liod." As Clear as MjJ. Jn Igs wa uotod for tlio way let got mixed ia liu clnrg'-s tJ tlu j'iry. On one oo-mion a ensn wa ttii'J before him, tlio points ol whioh miy . bo Iti li lly staled tlms Smith brought suit nt'sinst Jono. upon a 'Miui'ry ni'to 'given f th j0:liorso. Jones' dolonro was fiiluro of leon-id'Tilietl, ho averin that Ht the timo of ill) li'irolias'. tlio horse hid , that Jooos know it u llO II in' i heiiuht. The judge c'liruo I l j'iry : "lit . utloio m of th ' j'l' )'. ny at teiitiou to the o iaro of the Court. Yoe havo already m i l-' o-m mi trial of tin c.iho bi'oius" y"U oi l not 1"- Rtt"ntiou to tlto chuiiio of th i C ntt, and I don't w int you to do it nniu I intuud to inuku it so clear to y this time that, y i cauu t pisiihly m tik i) any mistake. Tlii suit is upou a note uivou for it tPfiiti'lan.il'u lull-sit- T hotlA von nn- d-rstund that. No, if vue find that at the time "f the tle Smith ha I the j glanders mil .louos knew it Jones cannot reo iver That is oloir gnu tlomen. 1 w 11 statu it aiiain. I you tin l thst st tlis lime ul th sile oiiu In I the diHtenibcr aud Smdli knew it, thou Smith cannot possibly recover. Uut, uouilemsu, I will stale the case a tliirJ tiine, so that you csu nut po.sibly mu a miitaUe, It' Ht the lime of the sale SiuitU had the illuoders aud Juues had tho dis'eu pur, sad th horse knew it, theo neither Siuiih, Jems nor the b"rse can reoover. Lil tiis record he givi n to the jury. Those Canes. la the bauds of nine men out of ten on the streets, says sn exchange, a cane or au umbrulla is au infernal muchiue. It is carried uuder the arm, the ends sticking far out frout and buck The baud which holds it is stuck in the coat or breeches pocket, throwing out the sharp poiut half a yard behind tbv owner. It is laid across (he shoulders, making it dangerous to pass on either nido of the thoughtless creature ; or it is twirled rupidly through the fingers. It is time this nuisauee was abated. It is not a trivial thing, and the po lio should be iustruotod to order tho pretty man itli bis caue to so manage bis pet that Le will not en danger tbe persons of those so uu fortanate as to encounter bim. A mau ia Pittsburg, by the name of Jacob Keep, kept a' pet bear that proved to boa dauierou plaything, i Uitiughi band and arm so severely a tv reader amputation . necessary in ordor to aav Lis. We. , '. 2, 1.SS2. NO, 26 A Man forjen Dollars. An nplnwn alderman recsnlly ws called upon by n verdant country girl, agod abont twrnty-two ;snm mors, who desirod to shuflle off from Mingle blessedness, and asked bow much he charged for marrying any body. He replied ! "Well, from ihreo to ten dollars," or as much mo ro as tho contracting parties Aishod to give. The fair dinel le- nai knd: "Well, I will kivo you tei dollar." and she t!epi ted for del home iu West Gioeiio. Yesterday being market day, the same giddt girl appeared in thnofliro, all sprno- -d up sletdt and clean, and accosted (ho oftlcer with tho following ro maik. "Well, sir, came iu this uioining to get married." ' Very well," repliud tho ftKKriDiin, looking over his spectacles, "Jnst lakes auat, nnd will attend to yon short ly.' After tho poor inuoceut girl had sat on an old bnrd bench fot nearly two hours, sho exclaimed : "I liavu't much time to stop bete; it s gelling luio. ami 1 want to go home," The aldei man, with angel in his cyo, shouted : "Wbero in the devil is the man," an! at this junc ture an expression of disappoint ineiitwas seen upon her countenance as sho i joeulated : "And don't yon furnish tlio man for the t n dollars. '.Most emphatically no." retorted the alderman, uud tho poor damsel depaitud wiser than hho camo. Her Recommendations Twas a dull, heavy eveuing t the light of the dozen gas-jets along the streets only served to make the bue and fog visible. The clock just liuklod forth tho hour of uiue, and, v uh the usual rumaik that "Iwus time honest folks "tie abed," old .Mc-tJ niiiii;;iyio ttudgud off up-stairs fjliowml by the iiged partner of bi sji rows and sandier for bis joys. "Dou't 0 mg fo ks Set up till the morning p ipor o )iue, this time,' slioiitud uUetVor too buu inttr. "No o o," replied a swoot voice fiom the parlor ; 'we wolt, will wtT sai l sho iu nu uud- i touo. "Not if I kuo it," was tho reply. "II l lie oiil IijImh sio ukmii to lie ub sour He this I nuuos 'll kip bow,' itud he reielied for his hut. I "."eo here ! uu.l the Ctrl s eyes i;leamud with i-uruestiioss, "you're t If) li int follow I've had, utid you've 'got to put down that hat, uud sit up ninl court mu in g"od shape. I n. homely, I kuo.v, but 1 can build but- j ler bread, iron a Uosoia shirt, knit a pair of stoekiiii?s quicker, aud niuki ! I lt7 iro forth,.!- tnn line ,.irl in tlm jviUugu. Tlitui's my locouiiuiuda tlllUH. " 1 u.it suits mu i-xnctiy, uii'i tns hat llow iuto the corner, and tost evi uin tho details of the wedding were all arranged. He dtpou led i u ,rl M SIUii' 1 " lu'il tu tfct the bt'bt of tlio old folks Mumping Along. La-t snmiuer as a northern who was looking up laud in man .liu- bama was riding along tho highway he met a father and son riding ul n furious xsllop and both ai med with shot guns. They drew up as they roachud bim, aud tho old mau called out. "Say, stranger, Lav ye met a young man and a gnl riding the same mule and humping along as if Satau was after them ?'' No." "Well, my dsrtcr has eloped with Hill Gordog, and am and me are trying to git within shooting dis til life before tho kuot is tied," "AhT Why, that couple were be. ing married in Bluukvillo as I came through there an hour ago." "Did the gal bev on a blue waist V "Yes." "And it was a (all fellow with a skeered look ?" ''It was." "That was them, strnnger, and Pin much obloeged. Sum, we'er too late to stop 'em, nnd tbe only satisfaction we kin git is to let our Losses jog along into town nnd shout tbe preacher artor we git thar I" Since the completion of the Poun. ylvania lUilroid's osw depot lp the city of Philadelphia tho road may be said to be the best appoiuted (railway ou this conline'ut. Kvery -possible tost of its usefulness dura . oostratea it superiority over all )otUor routei tJ.tbo We,ts rrnre pout. Published every Thorsdsv Pi nisssj JKBEMIAU OBOUSM, ProsrV Terms of Subscription, TWO DOLLAR!) rEU AX NUM.- Pay able vithin sit months, or 3.40 ifnot psld within thtyear. No paper di continued until all arrearan r'id unlcs at the option of the Mib isher. Hubscriptlon outside of the cotjotl PAVABLR IHAUVANC1. "Pcrsons lining and using pspere ddnl others become siibsrrilere nd are liable forth price of tbe paper CLOTHING 3DDiOuD ll to syv.' THE Largest AND m in Snyder Connty or elsewhere OVERCOATS OVERCOATS, vi:i:toATS. For Men, Youth3 and Boys. UndVcIothing from 25cts upward. GENTS Famishing Goods A SPECIALTY. TRUNKS, VALTCES, SATCHELS, &C. MEDICATED FLANNELS and a large variety of other good; Call and examine my stock and be convinced that I tell better goods and at lower pricey than they can be hid elsewhere. S. OPPENHEMER, Se!m8wrorc, Pa, m o-t. ia,fi. i : n w i ; a