fc!iddlebuf& JAK 2X1882. Kurra HmteTY CooaTS. The Coatts et fcartar Cdanrj ara k1t sa tha foortk Moo.lay jt ''JjJJJ'1 "''a ees setae! tTattomalVionlbUiiVueM jet ln aVel toe tlii Otflcey to secure oro-npt asUawlCon shnuld be addressed s foUoin'l TrtR VOiT. Midd.er.urt; rfraydtot CXiinty, Pa. Advertlioinents. Conitininlioiit Ao. Must l handed Irt by Monday noon, to MeNue hucr- Oft lAfMXi Mill TI!!0PAPEn B a St OB't. r. hOWSI.LfcCO' Bcaaao II tiw1, worn uTrr new vork. nan fwmna Mala Jtesroati'j'. We hare printed bill or advertised for the follwtnjt ealea r The heirs of Aftchaal Mininnm, de ceased, offer Heal Estate at ,1'rl vale Sale, in l'urry iwp. ' ttanlol A. Fuhrman, offcri Real JJs Ute at Vritale Salo in Adam twp. Thursday Feb. 9. John Wluey, will sell Ilorsea, Cattle, Farm Implement, ouseliold. good Ag., near JJioli field. . !.. . VVtdnosday, Feb. 8, Samuel Snrder, will expose to Puhlio Sale, ors M, Cows, Fnrnl Implements, Household goods Ac, nenr art ley's Cb arch in Jackson twp. Saturday, Feb. 18, Sheriff Raich ly will anil Mountain laud at the Court lYouso. tbursday, March 23. enry Schoch will tell Honca, Cattle, Farm im plement,, 7ousehold Uooils, Ac. in Middlccreek township about 1 mile Eael of Kramer Station. Saturday, Feb. 13, Win. Yarding- A miuiiitratur of the estate of JltUm Oarinan. dee'd., will ate 1 1 Uuul Et tale in il'aihiiigton lirp. Fiiday, March 8, J. C. Bowcrsox, wltl oil Homes, Cliws, Fnrnl Jinple menu, Ac, in Contra twp. ' rVtunley. Mad' 11, Inter Cinrinn. will sell lit ro. Cattle, Firn n- filemQuXS,"' Household Goods, Ac, n Perry ' p. Eaturday. March IS, Peter GArnmn will aell at .4 notion a laru;e vmiety of Store Uood.i in Perry twp. Tuesday, M.mh 14, J. D. Miller, will ull mses-, Cow. Fnrnl Impla inenU, Household (ioo.l-i Sin., iihnitt 1 mile South Vast ol.Dreis-l.-ich Church ill 'ulfalo township Union Co. Thursday. Feb. 21, Isaac jVick and J E. V.'noyci t will anil Hunt, Cows. Farm Implement. II nn hold Omuls, Ac. Hi the residence of Win. Luck about 1 milo South of Troxelville. Dr. Ilassinger atartod for l'hihidel phla on Tuesday morning hut. The current new of the week, sketches of pronilmmt I'ennnylv.iniuna an agricultural p.t.io, n pun :te c rn r, a review of ths ftuhioil. Relent .l mat- ter of interest an aotne of tlie filatures of TUB PtIIL0UbPlIIA WttUKLY 1'rbss. $1,01 a ye.tr. Send for aopeui men copy, or Join the club at your poit-o.uoe, and get It tor ft a your. Gen. II innoelt liiu djoiJol not to ciinrt-niiirtlal Perseililt M.non for hunting at (J Jite 1 1. Seerefaty Dhiln, J a 14 ,Ier IlUcU, Walt Whitman, .Ii-iTeMon IVivi. KoU- ert TiumiIu (I.Mifiil .Tun .Tnlin t n ttild othur puhlio men e'nally fninouH. were ainontr the eontributora to TilK 'iiiLAiiRL,i'iii Wkkki.y I'him, ilur- Inif the l&Ht year. l llKl'imss enifuir en the peua of luiiny of the ubleat wri ters in the coiiu'rv. Itiaant to unv addreHu for one year, with a xplonJid map oi I'euasyivaiiiu, lor fl.OJ. "The Snyder Comity Medical 8ocl ety" will h )M iti next quarterly meet ing in Middleburg, on Wednesday, Feb. lit, '6i at 1J o'uUo't iti the fore boon. ThbSkcrkt or rinc Sitcck of Thh rillLADKLl-HIA WBKKLT 1BK!8 ilea In many thing, but notably in ita complete fulUlluient of the need of every member of the family oirole. It in not a newspaper onty ; it U a re ponitory of current literature, and at wayi contain aomethinir to Interest lame and children, aa well a tbe men of the bouse. U. B. RoberU' Poultry Powder will cure ma worst case or cholera or Rapes, With M. B. Roberta' Poultry Powder you can increase the number ofeggsSOpercenl. Sold every where l 25 ceaU per package. . Th W Dainlnlanmiui In f l.A Tint riULiDBLPuiA Whkklt Prkm are mil of intereat, dot only to the youiiK men who have (frown to man's eatate 'nice the war, but, to old aoltllera, on either side. To the latter, readlmr these thrilling rnrl In liba "ulinnl. dering their crutch and fighting thuir wuaio'ir," ! L. Uoldernan. SAlosman.' of the ll-knowq flow of LancUs A Myers, Vork, P. U canvassing Snyder and Ju flat with a full line of 1832 Spring pou summer styles of booU and shoes. e UKsa ailllOUllCHS thut If. ailh r,,,l... t,' riaJt the oouilng year, all the at- leature WUICI1 UttVe given It .v! F ?!"', prestige and popularity, pd that It will add w e.rturei.. iiak ngit still more desirable as a auilly Journal, braclmen oonloa -are '"urea. J.J?. Culla'n.' aoaut l.a Gt.,.. 1 . . . . wiiiw m Md. Co., of Philadelphia, called at ur office on business Mr Cullen i an lc', accurate, dashing business ''n- gentleman of excellent social inaliUcs-anrl on of those intelligent "'lues menwlth whom li is a ,,las lr to transact business. hfth Tuuld of your home paper heehSiW.hih ,Klt au,f furuJehisj w u iuiww llarrls- . gaovrtu rcnnsylvaaia news. Adjourned coiirif. ' ' Priiomr'i SUWrhenL ICtTEtCC OP THC-COt'ltl. - Among other bdalneet trnrlnatsted at the adjourned Cowt oil tile 1Kb Inst, tbe following trntinpired t Uriah Moyer stntid nn: Hare Von LAtiythlng to any why entertne' of death suouju not ue prooouneea upon you I To which Uriah If oyer replied: ''I ran say . I never inurddred aijy "body; Mary Hartley lied the whole "time, and Lvona lied as to what lie "said. He a.tid that I had killed old "Mrs. Kintrler. It is a lie, I did not "aayso, and if tlutd said so. It ivould "have been a lie, because ldld not do "It. Hamilton, who war out with hl'u "lied tn tTii lata war abont uie. I'll "Just Veil yon now What Jake Moyer "who stood up and swore ao terribly. "said hlirnelf. Pari Ulntraman who "lives In Koore Pliria, Mrohigan, Jake "Moyer )old ine that be yaveDan "HIiiKaman a suit of lollies, and par ticularly his buck akin pants and his 'I IV shooter arid ningaman went to "Klntiler'a. Ilat then he said that "Bingaman was aliased or run out of "tbe house: and then I have heard "since I have been In Jail that Jake "was outside of the hotise that's all "1 have to say now." rntence ol (be Court. "We are about to perform the last sad duty Imposed upon us by the law In the disposition ot thla annappy ease, with which you are ao prominently connected. To say In this hourof your extreinitythat we pity yoo is but a reenie expression ol our mougnts and feeling; but, alas, for you, the law ha no pity no compassion. It de clares that the punishment ineeted out to the murderer ahull be death on the scaffold. At touh a time a this I would not say one word that miffht add to your eup of bitterns whieh, II you are not dead to all the ennob ling emotion that ordinarily exist In man. must be full to the overflow. The few remarks t him Unit Imayuttar are not spoken for the purnose of ad ding to the depth of your nuiiiillutloti nor to wound afresh your already ach ing heart. They are made that you mny be brought to see the enor mity of your transgression in it pro per ugut, to tna ena mat you may prepare yourself to meet the doom that enrelv awaits you. IT perchance, yon should think the punishment about to be men tod out to von to be avere. think, oh, think of the offence you have committed. Think of your unhappy victim, to whom life was as swjet as it la to you. You were rhargx 1 with the murder of O ret if en Kin tiler. You dented your guilt and . appealed to a Jury of the county for safe deliver ance from trie charge, iou had the assistance of eloquent and faithful counsel, who labored with unwonted I.liirenre and matchless skill for vour Afquittal ; but all in vain.f IThe Jury, mainly or your own selection, arter mature deliberation pronounced a verdict Of guilty. Utility of what f iuiltv of murder in the first degree. The Jury under the evidence could render no other verdict. It was plain from the testimony tint you together with vour companions in Inloulty went to the peaceful home of old John Kintzler In the silence of tho nhrht, invaded hU dwelling with force and slew hi wifeHretjren KltiU- ler, In cold blood in order that you ml,'ht obtain tbe fruits of their indus try and frugality. You doubtless thought when you Applied the torch of the incendiary to the KlnUlcr Jwslling that the con mining fire would conceal your iniquity. You believed that all "trace of your" blood v transgression would be bidden amid the Mack and smoking ruins of the Klnt7lr hahifation. l)eluded man ; Your iniquity baa bvediscovered. Your guilt Ua found yo.i out. For a season you b-iTlnJ all eifort to ob tain a couvlition, and it see ned that you wuld escape the penalty of your oirene. Hut avenging Inxtice with sleepless vigilcnce kept ri .'lit on your track, end at the moment l.iHt sus pected by yourself, vou were con fronted with the evldeii'-es of your guilt. The grave to which hud been consigned the charred and nudixtln guislmble remains of your victim yield ed up ita contents, unil.tlie Identity of a single bone established beyond cavil the death of Orctgen Klutlr, and added one of the strongest link In tho chain of evidence whirh thi t'oiu iitonweulth wove nroutid you. Your guilt is manifest, and it la fitting th.it you should expiate your offuiita by yielding up your own life. It your unhappy situation admonish us till to flee from temptation, practice virtue and walk in the path of rectitude. Your melancholy fate tells us all, that murder will out,' and that deed of dark iniquity cannot be hidden. It tells ii that the way of the trans gressor is hard, and the punishment will surely overtake the wrong-d.er. Iet me admonish vou to banish all hone of escnne. t sdinre von to de- Vote the remnant of your davs on the earth, which will Ue few, to prepare Tor the death that surelv awaits you. Humble yourself in penitence before (tod, whom you have offended. He I plenteous in mercy, and will heed the cry of the distressed. To Him, and to Him alone can you look for lardon, peace ami forglvnes. IS ot li ng remain but to pronounce the dreadful sentence of t lie law. The sentence of the Inw I, that vou. Uriah Moyer. be taken hence by the Sheriff of the county of Hnyder to the jail of the said county from whence you came, aim irom tiienoe to the place of execution within the walls or yard of the said jail, and that you bej hanged by the neok until yon are! dead and may uod nave merer on your soul. A $20 00 Bible Reward. The nultlishers of RuIUIoSb Stonthlu in the price pur.xle deparlment of their Monthly lor retiruary oiler llie rollout- inn easy way for some, one to make IJtl.00 To the person tcllini us which is the shortest verse in the Old Testament Scriptures hy f Vhruary 10th, W'i, e win iive f'ju.uu in ko:iI aa a prise. The money will he forwarded to the winner Fehruary 15ih, 1831. Those who try for the print must send 2d els. in silver (no p stsfje stamps takn) with their answer, for which they wjll receive the March numlier of the Monthly, in which will In imlilisliwl liie name ami address of the winner of the pr'ue, with the correct answer thereto Cut this out : it may he worth fX 00 to you. Addreaa, Atm.RiMj Puulish IKU Qimpakv, iVa.tou, l'a. Jan. HO, 'Iti 8w. i r . A Large Stork of Trunks, Palchels and Valises lo be sold at a great reduc tion, Otvs me a calf and he convinced. MR3.R. M.1KX, 8elhlsMve. V A big lot of : Chun loots arid shoes lo le sold at bargain! al .' . ,: ,- MRS. R. U.IRX'8 Store. ' ' ' - f rViHnsxrove. l'a tieoerilt JarriflS A lVrfei f oluiif rW- ed as a private auldief wol mustered la as Lieutenant ; Hnia home a one- Jl y;vd Oent rol ttfYiSjH wtt Uureli. tioi Ihe VgU Itiinning "While," U stands' acknowledged king of Sewing machine. C. C SoeboM ha dpened a branch olTlce at Aellafoilnte and Phil ipsbu.x Centre Co. T. arid arc rrtnn aged by H. J. Doyer of D mlsburg Pa. C C. Seebold hnl just received a cur load of the Celebrated "White" for Selinegrore, Jiddleburg arid McClure ofneea. He I now preparing to sell more "White's" this year than any year heretofore. To day there are more than 8l)J familio In Snyder Co, that use the "White" all are walling to buy the "in. its" Hie king. - John F. Kelhl ha been appointed Traveling Agent for I. M. Osborne & Co. Harvesting Machinery, Auburn X. Y. The Company could tint hay made a better1 appointment as Mr. Relhl is wliVely nown as a fair-dealing, honest, upright and Intelligent agent He bos been bitched to the right position because of his large ex perience In the sle ot Agricultural Machinery.", "The Okt S'KWiiPKnrtvF.n l'ln- LKILKn lf 1'KJjJiaTt.VAIv" This is one of the many co nplitii'ntarv thing said ahout the I'iui.adkm'ki l'RBS!4. by Ita eiintemporarli's. It Is Indeed an enterprising and thoroughly readable newspuHr, whose pages aril never soiled by the unclean things which make so in any journal of the day dangerous visitors in the femllv circle. If yon are not arvader of Tllii l'RR!4aalre:idy, send for a epeoiuieu copy. Sol Oppnnhuimer has REDUCA'D OOODJ TO LOWEST PRICES. Oo and see. You may as well go 'hroiitfli this life warm, vomfoitsliln and decently clad, so then, go to Oppeuhcinivr and get a new, Winter suit from head to foot. Overcoats at Oppetiheimer at Re dilceJ Prices, at tfclinrgrove. At Oppetiheimer, .Velinsgrovo, you can got Undvr-wear cheaper than ever. Fur, Fur Caps and all the modern appliance to keep out cold can bo had i Oppeiilioiinur at i'cliu"j;rovc, Pa. Truth and Sol Oppcnheimcr are lain brothers and if you doubt it, to and price hi good. We would cll ill attention of our renders to the 'advertisement of I). R. Stratford. Person In peel of any ihing in his line will do well to call on him. Auctoneer. Goor II. llaeken burg, of .Middlccreek, P. 0 would an nnunce to the people of Snyder conn ty, that he will cry sales fop real an personal property, at abort police and on the most reasonable terms. guarantee satisfaction. I Mar. 15.78 MIDDLEBURa PK0DUCE MARKET. COS I SCI D ftlSKLT T .T. W. DrcoHe. "otntoe do , Bultfr per pound Kggs per dof.en Tullow tier puuul Ird rberriea Seed I nie Bia-kberrics Haberru llried Apples Soap .Sides 100 i) ill) t'l 12 04 1H 1I t;3 1)4 4 to fl 7 to t coaascrsa aassi v it Simoaton, H.tfbor Co.!!;'','l7,.l,v'''1'll'"'IULr'a" 8o' nn I AM HUMS. Wheat per Inishel . XVlieut, o2. Hye do f'orn ! lata do Potatoes wlovenieud ier bushel ntODltK. Clierrle. pitteil f'herriee. tiiiilted Blackberries KiiKpberriee ' ' Uried apples Sprlnjr Chickens 1 30 ) r H0 7.1 4 1 M 4 30 irt 8 a !'.; 6 0 S 98 83 100 10 00 35 to 00 Turkeys, Dutter, prime Ktfira Onions Tallow Oak Ties COAL. Pea Coal 2 00 4 00 6 00 Chestnut Coal' Hlacksmith Coul EtfiT Coal 4 00 M.VR.r4Mli3I. Jan. I. by the'lt-u. M. U Ueitzler, Isaao C. 8arti and Miss Mary M. Uowemoti both of Troxelville, Jan. 6. bv tlie same Jna. Owen Snook and Miss Mary E. Waughen both of West Beaver twp. Jan. 13. by the same Aaron D. Wle der and alias A. Hobouold, both of West Ueaver twp. - Pee 83, 1. E. Fisher of Penn twp. and Misa Mary M. Moyer of Washing ton twp.- . Jan. U, by A O. Ifornb'erfrer, J. P., Wilson Oluoe and Mies Mary Moyer, both of Chapman. lec. t9, bv Uev. S. P. Brown, and MIssI.luU khoads, to Mr. Ttioa. P. Derr, both ot West Perry. Dee. t. at Port Treorton, by thai l:cv. J. W. Bents. Miss I.ydia Som.a, of Aline, Hnyder county, to Nathan Breasler, of Schuylkill oouuty. Jan. 8, by the Rev. J. F. Wauipple, Miaa Katie C. Beaaer, to Thoinaa C. Walter, both of the vicinity of Kew Berlin. II I I I'll! L.j On New-Year's evenins;. In Middle; creek township, of diphtheria, Lytlia Catharine, daughter of Warren ami Mary KM ley, aed 11 yers, 1 mouth and II daya. . Itee. 81, In Perry township, of oon suuitiitn, Nleoduina llrosina, ajrej 4j y earn, tt uion tha anil It duya. Dei.8t, near Klobfleld. PathMrlrii Kline, aved U3 year, a mouths and U d.iyV, - , Jart1, ll id WasXInVU, . iownslllii. Of diphfheria,- Kilen, danghte ' of JsttoS A.- and Sifiojri Kimer, ajfed II yV.rri(. inontnn miu t oay. t - fnPerVVlwK: Jari. ii, hi msM fever, ' ver. atatrt. liafirifper. (Uuifblar tt! iiiaa?Hi aiat? jr t X'lliliira,- 8 a WM . M . .. -1 " Z f easTst v iwvwra amt erwywr Mr.ioeiail Hart, of Ducks county, by reason Of his relation to the Sunbitry and Iewlstown Railroad ha been brought lit contact. In a knslne way, with Our people along (lie line and la highly esteemed for hie honorable course and falr-deallrlg. He bus done more to awaken the people of Hnyder county to a true realization of the re lation existing between them and their railroad than any other partic ular individual. His earnest protests against litigation -his fair proposi tion for tho amicable adjustment of all differences hi promptness to meet all fair demands have made his name a household Wordendeared him to the people and awakened us to a propef regard for the road which ha brought us enhanced propeity vnlde better markets safe and rap id traveling facilities and a'Jthousand tdher advantage!. 1 he road is part and pacel of our domain and as su h we sjiould coiuider it. An Enthusiastic Endortcment UomuM, N. II., July 14, 1S70. Qmt Whoever you are, I don'i know ; hut 1 thank llio Lord and feel grateful to Vuii to know that in Ihis world of adulterated medicines t'ier i one compound (list prorrs ami doe all it advertises to do, nnd innre Four years aco I hud a slight shock ol palsy .nhit'h unnerve I me to such nn extent that the last excilrnien l Wculi! make me shake like the puuc. I.nsi May nns induced to try Hop Hitter I used one bottle, tut t did not sre tiii cliuie atintlier did ao change my nerve that they aru now at steady us thev ever were. It i.srd to tako both hsndi to write, hut now my good light hand rites Now, if you continue i manufacture as honest ami giod nn article as yon do, you ill accumulate an honest for tune, ami confer the greatest lilessiiiK on your fellow-men that was ever con ferred on mankind. 71.1 UURC. ' A pure, wliolcmimo distillniinn ol witch hsxel, American pine, Canada fir, tnarigold, clover blofsoms, etc., fragrant with the heating essences of Imlsnm nnd of pine. Such is .Si n foul V Radical Cure f.r Catiirili. Couipietc treatment for l. Jan. - - We invite the iilfciitiuu of our read er to tho Hdvcititcmcnl of the IimL eye M'I'g Co., Marion, Ohio, in another column. They offer run inducements to cam an honest living. S I. Ce. Cm. Notice to Settle &c. Ir. . drier Ttnrl t r, of Mid.lli I tirp. having fui uied a co paitm-rnliip nilh (J. A'-Uar II is-innnr.'-M. .1). desires lo se I lo his individual Outstanding ac counts. Therefore, ell pi-r-ons kiion-. im; Vhcn-.c!MM imMile-l and those having claims will nuiku payment nnd i resent their t-lainis f, r ii.lju-t inoiit on or before the 1st d.iy of March nct. I'K 1. tillll.'U ll.VRULR. Ian. 'SO. lv. stawusuaawrrgJrTBrr. Miuiuama (utienra 'UK CI'TII't ni IBKITVKVT. fo- liuirnl Skin Si-.1l, an I II I lt-r thr Sialu sn-l II toi Pt.rs'e,. cnnai.t. In Itis lnirnsl uae nf Ci nri a.t tiu SOI.VKNT t'-r naa lilo.nl ptirlfer anil II,k ,- tLa avi st attia rurea. mii.t m:i M. Wi Mrll.tn-il I. VAt P'srtrn SI . t'hlf aa-o, airsltld ly spkit(.w;eit-ra rure nl iit itt.ruin nn hai'l, nak.uia srioa-.it t I-.-, i ,r asvsn tsto ?4ra i not slils to w-ilk SKuspt nn Uamla it kns. f-r nDftsar i a-t a'.li in htlp l.lm asHfor siutit Tsarat trl- .l le-n-lr.-,!, of rctns-lle. ftntlora prnnouDen.l hi. ri-s li-.r--ti.aa i -r manttntly tnr-l i-t l'uil-tlr HxoWsi.t (bloml rnrinrr) Inta-a al'y an I I'm-rnri an. I full, curs Soup (tL srsst kie rursai sjiurfiallr. I'M! It I IMO II. K. I'srpsnisr, f'a-i , HsB.l.rao-i, H. V. ciirnt of I anilafia ir l.rproay, rf insntf ysra' tsn.llntr, I'fi Ihs (teritl-iiA Itrntn.vaNr In. irrnal v. son I'i'Tii'i'HA sn-l I'lrnes hoar titrrnslly. 1 hs m -at a-mtlsrlnl fss un isn ofl. I'ur c.-rtlil-'-l t-i l.af-trs ju-'lt't of tha p-sts an.l prnmlnanl Pl-lisna. All sltll- tril atltt ttfttilna sn-l arslv rlias.sa ahoulJ Mail to na lor IUIS leatluioDUl IU lull. Niiiv iiii:iM:. r. II. Iit-ak. ra- , lisirnlt, Mloti. antlarM h ynn.l sit tta(rlnttnn Iro-n s asl-t -It ana whins ai ssr't nn kla hsitria, h(t snitf-.es, si 4 ne.-rlr ileatrnysil bli usa. tha moat rsrrlul dut-iurlnv In I If I tn hnlj alia, ami, aliar an tis-l Isllrit ha in- il Ilia !ilrura IUaoKs.it ii-Io-mI purlttar) liilartsllr, ISillrara sua t'utlears Knsp Ilk srsat akin curasi SIlsrl-allT. sad wi cnr-.l, aod tm faalo4 Kibaii aall I Hl' ll-IORl. Mrs. H. V. Whlpnla, liMtiir, MI"H.. arltaa tbat Itsr fsas, tiJ sail to ins parts orh-r tt-nly laa-ts aimo.t rsw. HssdanTiirail with aoaat snil oraa. aultareil fsarfitlly an4 trl tl avrrvihliig. rrrmtnsnilr aursd bf I'mleura, Hraultrani thl ol puriaar) and Culloura sail bit.p lb( irsatskla carat) CITICIIlt. Rrmaitl's ara forslsta'Mruialati. Pries f C'UTicuai. a Mllolna( .Uila, amsll bnssa, Kk-.i lr" n.'ia, fl. Hdtici'sa HssuivBsr, ths hi n. Piirlllar, l pVr bouts. UtTievsl MakirlnL VoiLtT Rntr, l'n. Cl'TleDSA msinrisiisL ItttlsT Hose, Ita i In liars fur ksrhsrs and largt ooDauioara, uo, 1'rloolpal dun. t lMpot, WEEKS 4 POTTER, Bo una. Uais. CATARRH Sanford's Radical Cure. Head i el , W.larf Dlscliartaa from tb Nns. tu4 t .as. IIIokIi-s Mularato tba Haa.l, Narvoaa luJi;Uaud OtnilaauS t'arar lu.tauU; nnl. d. Ohnalut. putrK atSenl la 4la!e(dal, maaibraa alaatiiaml, dlalulaclvil auU aaalvs, Itrralli as-aa... ataS, a.n.ll, la-, and laawrluf raaao.ad aae ooj" .lilaiiusal raaeaai-aaclll. UcMish. Urvnclifte; prtieptaira Into tl.a Tlirnai, aati.a la Ilia lliwli llawwl.. If a-lins at airausU and f-a-sa, tt-tsa ul al.s ac.. eutaj, lliia iwilla Madk-al Uai. ,u b ial.t.h.1 slolf anl and una Ur. ataufuriiia Inlialai, Iujil abaaa of all druiiatal . fu- SI. Aaa li-rrtiN. Ktai. a ItAUitAi, Csas. 'Wttkisla f Ut I kit I . LIGHTNLNCi" larai t-ii.srrh'it aiat Ttvi' Surair H,. f '.'III la filta-Sibjl a.fiu Im' . . a. ,... j. ( ioa a, tsata l.iaar a T i aiiiattt.li.; N.tt-'ai, , t lit.. PTaiari. r-aiatii 7 s. . t"- i. l',HiiiNitu4lifaf trv, Hai.Ni TIME Kow aland oonfbaacdly st tlio hea l of ri.iladelplila Journalbm In all that ninke a thoroughly compu te, p neral nnn family news paper. It Is more comploto In ila new, in it ttpoclnl eorrespon denne, la Ita varied contribution. on nl nul.J.ieis oi popular intcrr.it, and In all the qualities of a newspaper for tlic faintly circle and for the business man lli:in nny of Its cntitfiiiporarirs,' iKX-ausc Its fitctllUe and resources ure uquul to ivtry nunt of a lrat-cla- national Journal. "The feitfij during tho past year. Its the foremost men nf t.n natlnn, mid no i!-p irtmcnt of news .r literature I alighted iu iuy iiuml-cr on i.ny pretext. It l iinl:. t,d aswoll to women es to ini-nt hence, nllii-.'ii. ii lit pulitleal Inielli gence la full and a"cuntii nnd lis political e.l tori.its tree mid rir less, liboral provision is in i lo f,r literary, Ir:imnti,- nuil luii ieal matters, travels and m'.vcntur", f;in, j-oetiv, l liirms imd tlm chronicle of current soelal rventi. Inr.il i;...e in i ..rtm-i:ts f.io pen of the tt w riters i re ea.r.ejr I, x.-hiio f -:ict; m fr. in otli. r journal oro mndj wltli cure, l.wK.uui ruUnun i:.-lur unurp::bM J. Tub "A!!Iai.j r nr.: W. n" cViptn-a of iihvr::ti :i hift.r.y contributed by prominent ti t im in l'.,'i .r.r of t:m rels-llii.it, nrc a valuable f.-aluro of Hej j.nj. r nnd liavo become n i -oognl.xd depository of such nm'.ter, v. Jn-Mior from :.oi :lni-n or S nitliern sourcoa. Tlii dernrtmen:. n n ; i.M alu r, v..U bo kept fully up to the high stu.idjrd cf former v i 5 THE DAILY TJMCS-p : n4 tmrrouiHlriift Tnvn I r Tw-.lw Cam r. v iitv, aix ynimn yir, or i.y i t:-:i i, u THE WEEKLY TIMES c ,.t tt ch.,t resilln.rssH-l,ll7 pr.-p.irvi Ui li-wt llio vti.ti i : v.t.l. i.-1 1 1 r r v'.. i. oris copr..); river..ktvo: T. ti , .:.!.-. r T-...i.v-1-U li' '. An Kxtra u T sent fh-oli) any rxtvinri-ttin,; nn i In'.. . f l r . r iit l. THE SUNDAY T.DITIOM tswtkliuwiiauJ mil l aeenne-li-lii-l v- t.-i . ., ir :IW I . In e.l.nntii ivuvy week. Two pullsrs s year, r-o.tuc.. ttm. f n :! r., i.-s. r,,i:r c -m.-. THE TIMES ALMrrAC -AV.Mul.riMiile.lnn.lMl.er luroraiotl.m. .ul,llla.l i.a i', 1 l.v , ; .1. v. , . , )- ,, ivi.natrry THE ANNALS O;: Trlii VAR-.vMo-tavv.;iHir nrV)riwlwmiMllrillu.tra-...l. V,i..i.:il, r.-;.ilP;. I'u.li liutitslatlisWsr. North anil S jnth. Prl r, TT '). Aoatcs all icmno AND CTiirn CVVIIN:CAT;0N3 to TIHCS CL'ILrdNC. Chestnut nnd i:i,-!i:: r,ircci. riiihulclpliln. ti DCssend for a sp; PRIVATE SALE. ioU : or.tri lr"t m ism I iU-i-ito in Al- twp , Sii.1ir c Mini v. Tat, annul j nili Aoutb-vt ul Tni-lvtiir, ciiiulnlng nmr or 1e, Lrn r rtx'le I fioo l t'ratu Dwelling IIohpo, St'i11o rd nthrr onlti'illillnirB wall of vn 1 wtr ti Hit lHr tl.rlttn: )'iuiiK or I nt'l il rt.-lr fruit re ruiiiilriki wnttjr An lli lum-ilxnl t ftcrri nl th ! kooI li r 1-ti l. the i uUt it t Ifii r nuil lu . IiuU t.-t ul culih nt lun Voi mi ii c v l-vr Imll.vr tnl til r 1r HAMKI A . I (HUM A V. Nov. SI, IM'. If. tuiUltl &nlfr t '. I'IMVATK SAI.K III'' REAL ESTATE. rvur. iu. 1 rto. offf VII H off .fiat i.rlvai Snl. Hio l.iltHliisr .f str i.l ).! I'lnt vi; : A rcrttlti men. 'h ImI i rmel nl Unl Mti'a In Mttrry twp. Inw, nil It.t Nurtli h) littiiiM n l.liji'U fniil, M'l UV IHTl'Ii HI I'UII'fll tlttttl uiu It)' inn lo nl Mry Wsjll-r. nnl Wtt by UuUi I'lUluI AfbiKAat .'UllUllltllrf ix Arms m-r nr IfM with ti, Hi piiriniitt'iPei, na huku i tr rio i a k ju i pint) 1 I rllll t tl8l, liMiik Iwiil), nl tl)r otitl'Uliillm l-o mi i.rhtrl li'i' Initl, i"U.4nl wif n- ir .f lot tr i id M in l.t.WlS MIMI'M Cf r ln ml I ir im II Siivlir u , mi in bin Any. JAt'O.! t i I L, !1 hli l, .Mi.Mitljiirrf, "Li arr uo, i . I'f. Si, 'HI. li.MiN il I ISA It ill A NOTirK a litM i inilnU'rtf Inn nn thu ei tfi .liitm A"mio, Uio m I'ttlnn in n r.t., Snv iler n , !,, "VcM, hvt h)n nr in-r t tn itm ulPlltrr, Mil prUII4 IhilMhteiil m til- H I.' tali ir rriit .) t.i incite li'iinr'lhite iinPt, ml iti-p haftru i-IhIim m inun u nwalli't thx it.l nl tha .4lil tU".!., I mtl UlMke ktlUWO tU gaVtUA. WltllM'lt lr.y. to lA Hi S.NHMf.lst. In. I'll, AOtUl il-t' Ur A, iMiN'isinTou s Noiin: ffi-m of liniiintrntioh .in Ids fPtntn uf Hi-b. . U ul er. hit r l iitm t. hny.lfr t'o V. ttr'il, .vm hm n ur int I tn tli nn lnr elune-l. AH -rMiit ki owlf.K t tic u.pflvtj) in ilfi-lcl I h in will t-iCMffj utmUm tuiiiinlis t t) v in rut wtille tlHii tisivlnicclilniTa mum hit' lulJ atstt Will l'ftel.t liidili (nr Hfll Iftlifht tU aSAlliat.NU.Ie WAIal K K Jan. 6, Ailmluutiriur, AUtlltorT-i IVotiM In thr Estate of A.M. Vfthtrrt dtcdt Mill I! tun.ft niiiol Audit''' np -int- 1 td hf tli Ort'l.atip (.port rf Rttvler o., toiiuirthiita tli 1-in U In ttia huriiUi n Mury 4. I'lhl-r, AilinlulitrtrU, ol tbej fUt of A. Ma HUliler, Ut at th M ri. of H I Hii.iri, llr eminiv, 14 , ifiritiil, will t r lh iuriuM of hlf app ilutraaot it liia o Tift In tt )liro. ul Mlil'lUliarri, Knjrilar loumr, nn KKIDAi. Jam. 'hi at 10 uvuvk A. M whan anl whra all 'ttl"i lutarat il may al taad If ilia lUlnk iro. r. i. li. Wl'MUKlU.V. Jan. Ii( M. Auilitur. Vmlit ii"m rSf iiris. lit the rti'ifer n thv Ijlate of W'm.d. Jlfirulit, d'ts'it. THK nndeiricned A mlilor appoint ad i.y tha flrt-t.s'ii C'ottrl nf 8nyd.-r rnonir to inaka diairltNiilua at iba tanda in ita landa ul N i'. Iliin-lura, A-hnltill'ral.ir of tho so-ta af Win. tl. Ilarruld. lata ol I'nlou tow nrhli., ayd'-i nni y, .lao'd. will .It lor tlia purpnaa nf altao.llns to tha dtlilaa ul hla app itnitoa-.t, at tl.a "iirt ll-iu- la tba llnrouati ol it 1.1,1 lo bars, i d Friday Ilia iriti, day nl Kal.ru. ry ,, l. IkH.', sl In u'oluck a. iu. whan sud ti.-ro a-f pari l. e-u raaia-l lu tal-l luu-lt ara rrnua-i,l lu ai paar at ba daiurnii Iroio r. ialrloa- auy. tblg out uLiatd tund. v nu. f. cnuN vi 1. 1. eh. Jis. Wtt Auditor. AI.MIVITIIATIIIX Ntn iCI'1. till I I SI II I III A .V III li-l l,i.tla-aof a1inlie.lr.llon on t a etl.tenl itKoN.lKIl SN Itr H.ilacaaa ot Lta ol t'n kia twp., hnyder rnuuty, l'a.. bavna baa sran'i-il to tha iinilsiiln U. all paiaubs knnw lag Ibaiuialrra ln.iabta-1 to (aid a-lala sra ra. qu. a adto roalii l i.u.-liaia payoitai. wttl-s iaiMa iiavms riaima sin praarnt inam uuir aiatltaniicaisd lor tllamrrt 10 MANY B Y "F H, Jan. II, 'si, l-d. A.iiulfiiatralrli. Vuilitoi'' rVotleij. In the matter of theeUte of Jacob Tinker deod. VOTICH ia hereby given (hat the la nn-laralirnril Andltor, ai-U-lsta-i kv l'a .mini ill.lrlhola ilia raaarard tund in Ilia ban. la r-f Win, A. Klanar aurltn sduilnls. Irator ol Jaa.ib tLwr. rlao'it l'i an-l ata ina Ihuaa lanally anlltl.l lu Iha aaota will ail lor tha purport i.l bl appn-nl mam, nt lla Atulf lluuan. In iha llnrouab ul aiailnlKr-ira, l'a a K.lordaf. li 4, at ID p'C m A. At. at wblflk Oii" piaca all ptr.orii rrttaraat. Jj, ara ranulrail to is tka Us n mi asanaa, riaar ,,.laufral Iriid. (irtlulpltinf la Said dl-iribsiluui : , v, Jan. W.MI.' Aa.litoT. A UGH Ih'I, e-aataal-aaalarawanatararf f fu a. ..( h .. .. a .vahU--". rruJ. a... faiMiaaHi,.. It. ia uaaa, . .aru-ai, arl.a I UV '- avaaj a i I r,m ttsM,t lm ataaffe aesall a"'-! I taCaVaVf Vaa W fMWM tvlaa.l. I m km T'RM MIA Timo3"; liai rtcirly dotiblc-d It l.,.f,P l'lflrl ..If.,t l.tl l,.. cimtrll -f I !ti I'm C"y r.r rvin'. k. Mm, t-'in-r iiini-ih", l.il .t go - cim;m fniY. YOU WILL BB SOBfillfe. () 1 1 rrilr i b ft I rldtht Mli a it ii. b i -lo nut tir( rairrfiillr ituinr ilia Buclievo Force Pump, P'tt Hirkf U Vv U"t-I I iti f ii v i 1 1 -1 Hi Hump. Il l$ i niilnioii-1 iti nr-rlmn-iu'r' wltiftt nifilfr vt-ry hiit o triit. (!' '!. I Urli-. In tin ll -t. ve. rmnp, :i.1 Wt.T rt hrlhrKMii n mv litill'litiff m r of lit. nn . n f. r fn'if Oir l. n n.1 Trd, Wib VVtlnJu". Wi ltiimtlf, q, uv a FIRE ENGIIIE rrrn if mi ruip an i r in i uo uvir en IhftU III Oi iilli.-j .H'iU, . It CllllTlDt Fr5323 In ol.l lhr. llnrsMi. bx'.in I ilu ilil. Tin -rv ii-i,i f ir .li,(i whIU. r.,H w.,rtln4 .fl. ri lt.U.-r ".iniii..,. an. t itlv.. within -r-t Is. ii llnsl cu. u mr. N ailing In ii-c ak-iai Ii i lie Iron Turbine Wind Engine la at.'- rrt In. pre insnt In W11..I Kr.(li."a Cailai.i.,- l'i.-4 p imp. 111 op-ruleiti, ir l-i parikuiaia a 1irs W. r, IIIIATTOV, Ik. 1-1,1 - II, C):I.T t:a.lf. Miffllll ruiibtj, 1' . Tlia InrelirriA.t fr. . I n a... I at - a.-. I lil'atr-tvfl i ir. to r K, LO U Huff lull awtd to tn tiiifurtiir. .uM lL!)tS. ! Hintinaifi I i A TT,-. i'iJuili.luiilj il U U Mm numttior n t'rl"" irri-h lnu-rr I M. I rrtlu uro, stii'l loivur tUau bu ovr teu tltL in tt.e ! pnnrtT. 1 llHvlnir (lt f'lflresil 1ir lot Of flrlrn. 1 1 "ti uti-t j iPt (,r m..iUh m m. t -mei, 1 urn a)'l t atlvft ntiU tim, iti ylt , an I iri'i', tu nil that mMi tu ilno. mta tt.f Kf ivfis) nl a Jiii iri I frier. 1 IM. nrn, rluai j "litlins til, I'tmilsnr llritiUi.Mir, I 1 li'iv !' ma)a arrulnatiMii r.ti, mi a tn I, 1 Bt'ln t' fiirilUll HU U'Tl tl""' . r..lflt, Nm'm). utiMHi. nr ui-v l;r kiflil nl ilm r aru! Win. Inw n;", ut iriifj to It tti i t. r'tiuirr. 1'rrrMt.a In nnail ( ,.nv of tt.o -' 't I ! rll' ivf irnni-i l.v f iltifu nl 1 .ell'iiiriva Mrt t Mi" V 1 1 r l ln"l.r? iMif ''I., flitst rl nl,no. I !' rlii (iH.k' 1 H Ifl; t I llllVNIihq.l ( I rn Oti-if-it r,,r n!e, va H "rront ptylen. ruint 1 fcTl't r. j 94" t. II. I.ft'in of VU'if 'l-'irit, .ir. I tr li utflnralii'ir , Mrttnra U ur-l -n will melt j J r'Ullj't ltntltrin. a! o 4, :o-il. V, Ii, K ANTNI II, .tic;ic:. minimi .-lection for I'ivectoi I ntlhn atTtlVlll.lV Ml 'If A I. HKtir.F A HSt ii ' I I i IN will I.a l,',l at iha lliona om-f.al Ml I.l ri,urx on K II 1 1) A V . .! A N , Still, l'-al, Nl 111 u't- I't-W A. ,M of wllh-tl Inralltiat rtn.'kliittilara, utatnimra, suit loiurnl, aia is nuiatcd tu t4lio uuti(a. K..IA IH itMEL, I'm. "alix HTCTISB, San, Pao. USH. ICIei't ion IN'ofii'c. "VOI'ICKia lieiel.y iriv.-n Unit the 1 Annal Klaatl -o for irot-.ra of tli- Ilea tariown .Mul. 1'i.a litt.ca. ..I Ha-tvort- wn t at a ill ha I. all sl Ilia n!fW nl tha t-itip-tny si llaararlown. I'a , nn Sniur liy Jan J. Il n-iaran the hour nl una and flva o'l'l-.- k I'. M.nla.l.t day. All uias ta-i in ra, ia.. fx' to tt praaaDU V H A. Wl.TZCL I'loi. A. II. tl'.siKsaox. Sao. Jan. a, tssi. Ati(liUf,,ii Iollci. rPIIF. nndetsit'tietl An-l.tof H'niir. I nl l,y n.a iirpt.anai I'nnrt "f fny lar t'o., tn rflatrllillla Ilia Innda In tha hands lit .1 . it Itavla i.n-1 Ha t. Solinura aurvivlii l-.vei'il ora i.l iha arta'a of llanrv 1 1. to ar, I .la ol Ilia ll-.r.i nl Halinaw ruva, hay-lur i:u.. t-s , ita.-asaa t, wilt ill lor iha i-u.--p.ta nt Itla api.ollitiin nt at tha mU lloial, lii 'tei ll-. -uuli nf Nallnas-nvr, ii Tl LhllAV. rhll.llll. Ita:, at tl i.'i.ln.-k A M khfO an I l.ara all irn.l inur- ate.l uiaj at lUl Il t.tt Ulns .ruar. jaa.M'M. Aaditor. DMIN'ISTIl vTou'sxoricn i I attara o' a.linl nlatr -lion on tlii aaii.ta oi ,ittr;i, Kltill iK. tlananaal, Isla ol At I.l. .....r,,u i, .say iar ooiinlv, I'auii's., bailn. , ,,n a'l ln tha on -laralaand. all rara .n. kniial-.a tllina.aa Ind -Iliad in and aai.ie sra ra.iia-til In ru'Kt l umadiata p.) maul wnila iboia hatf Ins claims will pra.aat Ibaui dJly aulliaali eatao Inr a. itl.iurni in " UK NT UN .1. xaltTH. Pao. I, Hal. Aduilu a ialor. DMIN1S! UXTIIIX N ' I' I C R. I.at tan o' a.lnjt'lrallog on tlia aa'ala of Kt'lii.rH HIILUil.ltt tlaosiaad, lata u' Tarry twp, Isydar aoonly, I'a., baring baas SNiiilsl lolbaaodaralsiii-il. all par.uoa knuw li-K Iham-slrs. lodai.la-l lo laid a.uia ara ra -toaalrd to mala liuul-.lala p.y.aaol, Whili, liiu.a barliis elaima wilt pro. -ul taaia Jui aulbaalloa tad lor aattlamasi in tLUaatlliHUt'iiiKH. imU. tli VI. A-tCllulal.altla Fasrair-I ,I-i ,'l.lpa ,an.l hllpnla irua spkoiew pra) ap 'uvad k -arar'.s a-lAsaa aurraas li.au.a b aui in) an., ul art- No.-wa.pa-ttit-.S. SI-SI...I. ha 0 lor olraul ir and as Calaru.a 1 sails a... Ion. I'l k., a'or auk. Cits. Jaa-J, IsCie. m HOT DECEIVED f!y I'im ti rs claiming td Ii an lia provciiunt on A!.!.A('!' i'(it')l'rj I'i.A.STKItS. AI.I.CUCK'.'J is the ordinal and on-" ly genuine IVjUam aTl-Asmi ; all oth er so cnlli d Pi. nor Pt.AfTiisj are lm; latintls. ItliWAltSi OK ;TIIi:M. Pee that you fet nn AI.LftVK S PI.ASTEI'. which e gimrmitee elf ci led more nnd nnii lci.i.fI liliy oilier extei i. el Heuirdv'.' SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. .luii ft, h;.. cm. . Sslins Grove MABBLE .WORKS! D. Pi. Stratford, il..s"ruve Ik prepared lo rinnU'l at (ill A VK8TONI5S, AND BUILDING WORK f it I l;n I tn 11 . ri rr.t nl tistetonuni rid Hi-li. "llo-. . nt i.l I'.a licst Harblc t ',nrt scvlif. A.I soik asiritLltd t- . !(. -I M. -l Iric . a:l r t (.tumti.ti s v malerlslsful losr li t I'tl H l-Mti UiTliKillg i.Urt. .!! f., li-Jj Mitlici in ltifl it ion j i!i 'if J tit .1 il l.i'tt. I If It. r ful ' t i t iO- tl ili-lren, ho r !. l'i ,a; .1,.,, ., ii.in. t - I. - nil 11. n 1, in 1 1 l'. tiiarrl-cl will. J'onra ill l.r-" I mrrv. f..r. I st rv -It t., i" t. -n i ItiMI I'a 1 I . 1 1 v Uli Sit I. .tM.it,".: win 111 1, 1 1 11, iii.rs 1 ...1 oins i. It, .. . . i,i 11, a-un , ( . Bl, )h9 l-. ...rlnii rtiil.lrfni . I I , .,rli llrln, 11 .1,1 - I' ti-rin ir-li- 1 l h A I 1.11 On linns' ami 14 , nil .If e.i ap-l. r.: Aneit,ii ft ,.lnif wn-.. I p. at 11 'Arm l.lr-" is ,.iilli II-n. I. (ml. Kin 111 4 ; ! 'illii'U w li" r- -1 1, a in s 11 'art n.. I'a ; i;.nn. Sfllic il a..l 1 1 1. tl,na pi.tl i lll... r-l-lr (a ll on. ; I. .Initials .-.i. I'.., an M int. H II at !.., r,. t ,;. J tl.t,,,, a llri.iUHl, jtinlal in I'i.Oi l.i 1 i , nl wi,.rn at, minora in i : k.vt I 1 'ianii.ii iiro i-iis-a nl nn fnll, .Innltlin-.,., ',.; smu ijolttoll who la in In -i nn.l I.a I -r hi. sutinilun I ! M. 'Ifsla; tlai'leit, l.-li. II Ittit-f.ijrtle I wllh .l.intOt.ii I II. -I.).!, t. ic.ut 1 - till ..nor. I.-ha sn-l I s ; ri-prt-i. nnri,-.,.i 1 ..... ..,it 1,1, ( .(ri. 1. 1 1.1 :.li mi) iti-r ."mi t. r , il oejat. I. S 11 .u l.t-ti-l.v i.miiii,. 1 11,, 1 ha ir ut nf 1 rll i.l 1 1- 'il, I 11,11 l-.ut. 1 ui ,1! (lis llrplisna' l'nrl il ,r f titnv. "ti I III -nt, il,,-l I j tin I r, in 1 11.1 a I I, li-I.l . n ll.e pri-mlaita .1 I .l il t, 1, ,.!,.,, ,..H.,, 1 ,., rr, wBal,lp, s -'r- !. ..... tllMin, rfcll. a Hi, ' s 1 -j ..vitii-k A. M. 10 in ..la 1 aril. I n ..r ' t.il.eili.,11 . I 1 .a I.. ,il I -Mill. ,, il, . ,1,1 ,(.,; . t.t-11 nn.t s h. n- j"ti ma) u- mi it t,iu thlnll I r-'I r. ! A VI II 1.1 ICHI.V, Sh-rltT 1 . in. 4 I iti. TO SELL A ioCTLD AkTICLEi nor n) wt I fin II. o t M 1 I'l l N l I hp t!i l.ua't in t, MiriK MMldeli 4 MI n ii. it ..n Mr. Ill h Mr na lm .f tliii Pstni il fnt iliiltfi In h.masi rtii I ! v i t , ii t it 1 1 nri'iin.l tl, lv u Bn. , wnii i r 'mi i'ii i.a lirn tt i-r t'l-m. v q lnUfj mi,,.) ijiii-.-t.t. 'Ml.- ttm, or .l.iririi i "i,r - - rr urn (ul ; lmrlln.-, nr n ..f bjiu'iiih 11. nr inert 11 m Hi -.,11.1 1 hi i hi-r If vu nn rar fur mh'itf inn 1. 1, uu o in I in u ' I v in . Mo In In. it. u il n 'u )imi Urn nl fitaf . It wilt rt.it ton nntf nn T 1 1'iftil Nrl 1.. W f Up f'ir our rru"lMlf- I II n.av I a ilia in it ol in 4 W n i( y"U c,."-l tnrti-v -l.-ll.t.. I'o i.-. i i...r i t pi-. . rt ii r I ' ,-. Ynn d-i not li.ua ..nr,i i l.ra i tn i I im tin., an i tin a e. 1 1 rl-i. i, i...li, t'. V i In r. ni -ia lu it It nlil hast, ,-- iti..lt,-r t iu a fr.-.n t u I . , Lo n .-aU. so I "t I'-ll h a 1 rr. till-, an I l:: li-p .'a l l.ti -I n (. ... h., ,,,.',;i riri.lv kit ir.l , .l ,riM;i- la, ten , to Italy II u'l, r M tlv , lor Ihn-c ti 111 iN f IV. If li.r II l.lioe' nail, will, Ita. V. a a l. rut rl. i i oil at.d ..'U will iion-i ri'V .-'l n-v... ari-la lu it. i a.,ia W ii , i. 1 1 i.., i- mi i i i l Mia i a, in. Adlri.ra T I I-KLVK MTU 1 11, f in., thl" i -r ) ,n m.oii, i In to, Si'l t. '1, lat.i tu. IMV'i'lOUS NitncK..L,.tti ii it vn i-f fftr iriia I '-niini in, ilc. .1, l.iin 1. 1 HtM'tr , itvirLlLi i Sii-.li f reiuii t v , l a . wfitt ktr.u-.tfi.t i.i tdo in. .l.r:Kt.t I. .!t ( riii koaiM ltitiit. ai ! h ilfi.fi I t.i f Al'l r-t ip it HI lr..sie tnnkr luiru-- llt j lyin-m, mIi la I m.'r titilLy ci.iiiii will Wi'tui t!.eu !r ieu!eiit til to 1.. 11. HAIVfM. DISSOLUTION 6 F P A K r ii S i I IP. xroric;' i- liinetii- civ-it t'l ii t!ij i ' i-e parli ar. I.ip ln i.l,i a-!lOn ba t i-an I. lalil liru". l,a.i-.i,u- ',., ,lva.a-a i Wli..t I null, a., air. I.-. i lur-il ttuplainanta, aa baa hcon thli -:iy di.a-'laad I y nimu tl o ni'aiit. i; i Kit i. tl.t-).,. Jan, lit, 'nJ. I w. vir'iic .f ii w rit -f l'i I'a is: ,t -ul i t tha I' irt of I ttra n n I'la la nt pi.wla. rniii.iv, l'a.. ai.-i lo ins U.aolad. will la u.-.a. d U I'u-.lto ssla on J Siitilld.i.v. Tel.. I, at th Ci urt II niaa tn tha tl -r . of t I I llla'eir it l-i i. cl a m.,i'i -i . , -.llui 1 itar at In l-ial ..I -wins It' a' I.a. at-. to wit: a oart.ilu uu- -llrl.Iud traci l Mo'intuin In ml, altnatad tn tta..vr Ian, Soy lar Co Pm.1 ii -uu-la-l an-l iia.onl d aa foil -wa. lo aril J n -nn l a I. .u.l nf '-. I In .n l o'nara. K i.y a d IK. A. Wotsol, South i.y Hn-ela liuun laln and Waal by 1 ,ud ol l-.-Uu S. SaiUa, ouu laiuluif Two llnndred ami Ki'Mtbo .Vore-. tlitira' or laaa. , . . brla-l, lakn I'.to rKaint'ns. so '. to' !. a I4 mi tits piuparty ot .la- a l'ra.n3r iiAVin la.iuu .y, aurriti SliarllTa llinoa, Uf.l.Jlanar,, fa.. Jaa, .,'.'.' CJiiiii-l: lrclrtin?tltn.- WTIIKIIKVS tbe lion. Joseph lv. I I Hurhar I .aaldaut J-j-lka nf ilia Jtidl. nlal lilalrls' oaoip-ad af .'ha nannilaa Hnwl-',' l,i. Phi '-.i-l Miui.1 au tiiram it .Na.l a.ol Haui l. '!. Ya-I r a.u.. Aaamlka ludaa lo soil Inr May lar o-mtilj bars laauad Ihatr ,pra eat t btarl.ia, il la 'ha Ink d l Jan. A. IV l-'.i, I" iua dlrai.ia-l I -r I', holding- - I au l ir. bari auitrt. a a wr nl L'oaiisnM H.aaa, cidTf .1 Ctyar aod I'anu Bar and Oanaml Ui.,rc ul faariar sra.l ma at lbs paa-a at . iil-ldiai,arrs, i.,r ta a ini nl sni i-'i . i h lis Mum, (hatnat lbs 7,h day tf rb. I PI f .a.f ounilaea' una aak. . , . j rlultoal.lh ralor litnby lan Id 'la flara Bar, lut'taa. or n.a t'.uia I it I'ua. labial In aud for lhaa.tanty nf -.ny.la-, to a-fa.rfn b p oiaar oar-nna web tbatr n is rcoor-la. Iui r . -iituua. aYaailu itmn atid oiaar .aaiviu r.nraa tu i.oa Ik-Bs fo tu-tr ..Utoaa tad .a I'. r n- . ball paru la lu bo dona and witna aaa qt.,.r. ansa eru a.ul-a l. iua 1' ul t':a vnaua'-r. aaaltb auaia.i any fwM-.una .ra -a n I ' ad a' lb-a a .d ihare siuudm-. a" a t asparvluf attkout laava at ,bair art. ail.aaar4 r. a-isatad lu aa paaa.u.l la .bait wltaa.laaHie st Vua aeii -IuiihI ti.ua aranat t ia m.n. a liiaas unilai- say - mo and aaat at. US tlba. , M's uakaa ia Mtddirbsri, m t ik alar uf J . ' A. li.. a,. luosaaad clyjhb usdta aaai aiskij-lsg. . 1 tJ.lt iti Ltll Itt . Vk.f 11,1 i