V- .. hi- 4 . s t - Tji e.JV'os r I. CiV)U$E Etiltor i Praprr.ttr. " Tlie SfHttt 1 jf uW'; lliroilli Ont tlu cuotrf is C'i.iiHc (lio pao plain many plicoi 1 1 w.tk t up auJ preptn to QHl Ilia malt If. Tu I'imIi Mp na Ti net e ills at tention ti tSa fact tint atiira nrtars anj tint bills are att'ijcl to a Uoituil Slata las. of Uq per oenV The Eria cvrpuiv tne cfi3lii lad try 1i.,b'r rterf to ut in tlmir am ploy aloir th. r ul Ut ilrinlii in t .., lag li.j in, area if L keeps straight ' . ' - It Is proJioteJ tint wuori Ja1e C u svitioce-i "5 iit"i ta b bang. I. as tia sursly will ba called on fi d , he will die of fritfli. A greater cnwArl iliies. not lire Vm'i this rretcue I aMS'sin, Many lai'nbor are still si.'in for ail ettrs ss,ioo of the lniln tar b it lbs (?orunr in a' ill icia iu hitto-iilrj a it ti miki it ctll. So me of lbs inembort ttiitik hio more bnrj henrta! than ent'onomicil. Wolf is hippy, lit -t oinrmitioii will moot in I'bila lulpbia on tlie 2 if b of May, an.l if be is Dominata.l for governor his enp will run over. Gazette ifr 71ulletn. Oorernoi Coruoll, ol Xew Vork, refused io usury ease, to interfere wiib the action of the court . where tha lif i of tbe criinin it waT the price asltel. He is tho urst fi-oToruor of i.iit la to to in ak a a year record witboul lUwurluirf tbe d-tcrw of (be court. Tbat I'nterprisiujj pumiy '!rtr' i tba fh.ladjlplua Hfj.rl, k apt i loiyin alm.id. Saturday luat it prmtel 9J.2J0 copie. ml n tbe s'n it wit a d i'b'a o is o i tli : d y . it woihel oir l.l.OJ) pujj, or il an I a half tons. Tha p iplo of o i t ity are n t only happy but well to do an 1 inJ i pjul tnt. II it o'i'j a'DiiT si!j in aWe. tise l f r tbis trtrui of oimt. In tbure another county in the cjiu- insiwo'ilth thit. eii but t'nt f It ia ail to roilii tint Stnit ir Wa,'nnr l.a I to be burned to daatb il oii9 of bU on rnnili !jit rl r OiM It ii o;i)i,''i t OlMi a cl 'i 1 of a irr t pm ojr t!u fuj of l'alaca Ptillmin. Tiie c jnft bnoo qi-ick d tct r is on bis country tour, and tha public ai j ctutionau ag'iiust purcunsin? dis bijh-tooal as woll na liih price l inoliiinis Several ftr'iir ni in Bradford have been (a'..n ia tbt past week. Steor cletr of all end) ciaraciors, an t wiion yot want madicines jtj to a pbysicauof dra ijist jon know. Tho yonng marderer sunt to tba Albany state prison for life, from llith, N'e Vork last Saturday, is another victim to tbe reading of ba 1 Looks and suusational papeia that i I istrate criinrj aud tire tbe voting h-;art witb i lens of an exoitiux, tbrill injj and aJventuroue character. McEntee was ouly aevetitceu voars oi l wboo be killed another, e Incut - I to aiio'u a work by roadiusr im pure novels aud boys' pipore. l'ur. outs ctnuot bo too ouroful what read ing their children pbruso. Aq elTjrt will ba made J iinu tbe ' pr.'sout a jsaioa of Conrsis to re-, vivo w!i it T4S c illd J the Caa ob jrs b ir Rti .1 Bill. Taj bill wn ouse or t i:e attrt n;)t l t !)- ptsselby the L"gilitsre of Peuasylvauu. bititdii not reouive a au.Biaut u i nbor of To'es. Tbe tr jublo ajjjt Cingresi providing for tbe piymant of tbeie cltiins is tint they hava nearly all passoi out of tba bin li of I'll p ruai slii roiwivjl tin dj n a'e, ail a w ovu-ij by Attorujys au I B'leTu'nt rs. Tbo superintendent of tbe railway nmil service has istued a oiicular to tbo div'sioi auperiotondoots iu w'ilj Le suys: ' la view of tb) pre valjnoeof aioal!po tbrougbjut tba country at tbe present lime you ara iodiuct'id ia every ose abuio a re port id uiaJe to you io regard to tbe matter, aitb tbe request that the mail communication ba nspooletl I . , ... .i. I i. .i:.:.. i i. m nru l ii it 1111 dl luii lui'ai I a. aun i ... .... . . ... . .. fiuara. u tas. oaeaawr, L,,,, ov pyTO pair of fl.iots and .hoes, rooa w.tbout consultiosr tbis ofllce. I, ( ra1m.,io , )r0O(,( for lnlloIl This is oeceesaiy io order that thejlo,, .b they could be houghi department shall oot in any way be hrfr. (kvsrybo ly should call ami reapousible fjr apruaJin any con-1 1 rouvinccil that we dry what we ssy. fy!ona diseases." Tbia is rather ao P.irlica already aipialntod with us ojlorlitvaiauirr. it a jmi bi! U.i..v fnirwiy of deslfng and othc. Ida i . . , liver. W'l SO lie Voars A! OldSr.lU headttd , il llbO tbe OUe Up IU""' ' e,..' , . ' , ' -. ., ,1 pieastHi Hi-. -..o.i... e tha sale of posts,; stamps lo bi; , .'lUaiiking ion fur past patrv a . t t r. .'Li'li . , t PPtt.I except at bid ulUCS, Wlbt '... . I rauia ft . . atop mail ctunmiuioalioo oo tb p'u?hix, Ssile-ja altoetbdr. ... .The mountains near Altoonal ore full of r.iM'its aod sipiirreta, ,(inl Idialile ottiobera of ot- 'tern id bui.); abjt in Ura.lfoiJ cunoty. . . . .There is a ilrrranil for mn f t the 1'orest comity l.iiu'ioiin ru nioo. . . . .TI.h Catholic ptii.'sts in Cm hri ojtinty ate opsonin,; tbe grant ing of lawm liconaes. . ...Kl.var.l Orccn. of A shiny, Scbukill o unity, wis i;ora.l to doutb by a cjw lant Frl.lay, . .k.ltmUnpf anj tlnhinsari com moo Siiuilay pructicea witb tbe peo ple of Clout tllil county. lolin Oroali, a farmar living near Mnncy, f jrninbe l four buulinl naenlj to tramp-i luat yar. . . . . Kiibri.tio Uowok, of Serin ton. wn rlronod in the Dolavaru rivur oo.ir Puila Julbi on SunJiy ....Harry urtmao, a painter full from the roof of a bonae in (Jo itavillj. lust Mod lay. and broke bit iit'ck. . . . . I'clcr Mower, a teamslor in the CleurQi 11 luiKber region, wax killed on Mjn.l ly by rolling ou anj cmribiug bim . ...PbilliD UenJiTPOn, a lime burner Jell into a kilu uuar Oettya burt, Uat TbnraJay, end paiinbeJ before lio caul J bo rescje I. . . , ,Kibruiin Fiauk ebot a bear on tliu road lea liug to Ebenbur on New Vear'e day, wliiob b 1 killed nine bogs in Ibit vioioity tbii win ter, 1... Uov. V.. H. Clianibcrlain, of Cast Spring Htil J, Crawford con nty, dronnud dead in tbe pogtoflk'e in that pluc? lust weak. He was 70 'year old. la'UGftottn parties ore ili'i!!- in;r n well ue.ir Pitt4eld, Wurreu ountr 3 vuii bnn lfi' l feet baa been ji illjJ wiib uo au win ' of oil yet. fiutTi litulril punl bull was the objoct of a rattle ia Io biib co'inty last wuuk, w'liob was ou by a Rmlinj tjbacouist, Hen ry F. T)!ey. .... Uurinnn II nh, a carpantor, wbilo ena'o 1 in joiuioj ti n'idr for a barn in S inirst-t county, fell from an elevation of thirty feet and brok b tb It'is'S nu J Uia left arm. , . . Paasuiore Johnson, co'orod ei)j,-tih'ud iu a roliiu mill at Ptia-nix ville, baa Initb eyes injured by au ex plosion of iron, 1'i i lay last, to mic a decree that it is feared be Mil lor his Hitflit. A father and in conM not go alou yt' tietlier ou tho sami fsrui. nt G ithiio, Miss., and it wn nettle!, n't-r icii'?'j bitvijrin,', tin the son oh i li I loivo. He pai l al bia debts, fnve away hi s re-niiuin property, uu 1 appointed a day for dupaTtui'e. When tbe time cnino, ba sbo ik haiils with bis family, in cl.iilinjr tlie father, who aakb.l, 'Where are you ioiu.?" "To tbo dovil," the youiiff miiu replied, draw ing a pistol uuJ iontautly killing LlilUSelf. I'razcrN Axle Grruso. One trial will convince you that it i the bnat. Att your ib-aler for llie r'ra.rr Axle Ciieaae, anil lake no oili er. Every box has vur tla.lo maik ou. Sept. J: 'SI Out The CuiebrateJ .ji.valt e,vln,; fa chine is renre-iente I, iu Suvdur count v ' by Mr. l-'rod. li. Herman, of Cuniro villo. Arc 1. ie a No. 1 aprent and representi a No. 1 Afachino. Ksamine the Sig wall. Prices ratine from t2D, upivard. Jan. SM, '82. 4w. Iyer's Hair Vizor restores the color aud stimulates tho growth of the hair, prevents it from falliiiij olT, anil great ly increMes its beauty. It hat a deli eale nntl lii-ilin perfume. Its innrcdi ents are liirmlcHe, and for the toilet it is unequalled. DTMr. lUHwlnPlonl 1 IlllllMlmryr, liaH ni!iiiufa!titretl tt waive for tlio d?iiro of ttM, lilF, tf !ll, A'C, wliieli in UlgUly rij ommtMitlccl. vV. Hiircs Ciiro- rVvy iv box, Jan. P.. '&2. ly. CLOSINS OUT. ' IGREU BArtQM'ii ARE OFFERED I infirm my frionds ami customers I thai will remove on or about tbe Ural of dpiil to another place of busi 'neee. F.lty's Store, iu order to start with Jau emlrely new stock at the Now ad, . . '. , ... . . .... iStore. I win ur me iitrxfc iwu iiiiiiibue Will liie.l"B ran "' waniiiiiio my SllH'K ivnaiia my ,n-. w . i. l. I... . ! slock ami learn my prura iH W. JARX Bel utarote. Pa. ,, ui uia. i -i - I'n nil R nrrnrprmrtit at Ihc liail- roml rliilinii Ilia otiirr day. lnlir Con's and Dolmans scllinic brliiw cnt now, at tf. NVia's Slina prnve. Only a few of the botl 'pmli lira Ic:t. , .. A l.irgc varb-ly nf rcs yonds sllim nl rreiilly rrdiiccd prices ftl &. Weia'a Si-liimjrove. (H and Curpr-U of nil kiiuN anil qualities at liuUinii rni fs, ultf. Weia'a Neiini'grove. Jan. U, '2.- Ow. .' . 1 t jn?t rrceivej anollier lot of Elmlra limits lo be l wed out wild the olher stock at a re.t reduction. ' . Mill k. MARX, delin.'Rrove, Pa. Pr(iffor Ti'-e. the distinguished Mete,.r.i1yl-.t and Weiitbnr Prophet of f."l. Iiiix, lii Imneil his ANNUAL N A VI O N A L W K A T 1 1 K It KO R EO A H ra for l'J. in wliifli, besidea furetelliiu Ilia wf.itlu:r for every Uy in Hie year and clearly rxiihiiiiiiiK the theory on Mhli'li liia'prcdicliona are based, be ylve iiiui'h oilier bifornmlion con cerning ntllOllhelic phenomenon the wliote dcsiKiied not only to give tne facts as to Hie weather, but to lencli iho ni inos tli" facts dflerminiii( wi ather chiinnes. Other matter con .erniiifj the furin, garden and house hold, of special Intercut, ia nihled the whole serving to inakn it tlia iivj't rompleie and practical of his long cries of anntinl iuues. lis value to everyone, mid especially the farmer, is apparent. For sample copy and terms to the trailo and to agent, send cents to rii impioii, l ice it Ltiliugs ton, of St. Louis, Mo. IIOW TO OET A MAI' OK THK STATK. Tub 1'iiiLADKLrni a Phkss publish er, ill connection wltli Its weekly edi tion, a new county, towrmhlp and railroad mnp of Pennsylvania, which is uia of the liext and most accurate ever Kotten up, nnd in corrected to the lutest surveys. It is apj i!y Inches, is hnndoitii'ly mounted, and can be had, together with Title Wkkklt. I'liK!, f'iroiia year, for $JM, the price of the map alone. These maps can be found In any pot-o!loe in Pctinsvlviuiiu. Ank your postiiuutter to show you n copy of the paper and map. That poor lediidi-u, invalid wife, sinter, mother, or daunhlcr, can be made tho picturo of health by a few bottles of fop Bitters. Will you let ihein suiter when ho easily eured. Peath In ruts, mice, vniif.lina on.l nuts ; Paksoss' Exilu.misatok. Barns, Uiauaries and lio'isehol.ls cleared in a -Initio niulit. No fear of bud smells. 13. stand cheapest vermin killer in he world. Sold everywhere. Jan. It ill pay every body to examine the iiumenie St.n'k of 'Furniture lor vale by tho Popular Koniiluro mail W. II. FELIX I.ewUloan Pa. li lalU GET tx Cotiirli or Cold tuid -svtttit to GET cured qiiiclcly GET a 3 eerttbottlo tii HLNKH HYRUP OF TAH, VIL,1 IIOAIIIIOUINO. Jan. 9Cth, '4y. A milVT'aTltATOK'.'S N(lTlf!E.- . CIltarif sdmlalatreiloa oS Ibe e.tala al f AiM)l) W in b, ileveeo. iai oi Beaver I wp .,!., aouaiv. Heua'e.. barlns baes sreoled ,Y,'u..tar-rt,.uare..aasaslB4 tksui. s-i- ' ueaidaeteiss r aus-ted u maks liama-llalesevioeot, wkla tk'iei bavins ,i.m. will ereeeni loaat dais astkeolloawa wliA.Ad-iroiT!.y. i 1 .1. Sit. leSt ail lalrr. PublicSale. fPHR nndersined. Administrator l.fth (MoT Al:a armai U' nf sliiulim tMhld. HarUr rountf. F. , drl, TlrtM of urlr lml nnl of to urpkMU 0rl lllsspois lo fvbll uii, Saturday. Feb.feib, 1862. a th premlwt, tlnnt ns ml! tut f fre. moiliul iiirna lull aill-t W ( burn, tiir lulloams Scirrlkl UhI tUIu, it oil : A t rt.lo (ratal ! UaJ mailt mi alort- aiM,CODlBIOID(. Vi Acres, . , , , mora rt l,tns'l4 Mart'h kv IS4 of Em. d r koii niDsn, t.t-i iir itill or Jteoti l.ftii'li, uattt by I ,nl nf JoMtn Urijaa fto J ollwira, whsraoa sis Srfel4 a Urnt Frame uiise, Hunk Uarn, s4 othrr onllmllillns )r-kr4 of ikoOt rralt trees auf UlUna Hpilng si r mt ikeiluor. SiktliionMiiHiil sVloch 9. M.trf M dj hr due eiKDiUnce Will be aires eld Uliai el iade lyuwn b Jea.SS.lnl . AdaieteirnUir. ALIAS SU3P0ENA IN D.VORCE. 2'A Common iceillh of l'ennylek nitu to J. W. UockeftUtr. Outrun : W kernel Uelherlne Elite Rockefeller b ber Beit Iriend ., i, ao the 11 d.y ol Iwe., ImI. reiern s her eelClont ) 'be Jalref our Coerl ol CooimnB fteit lor Ibe eouetr ol toyd-r, l-reyina fur I lie couiee luer.ln eet lurth Ihel be niaiit be elwoiuteiy divorced from Ibe win of m.trlmnny eni.-red Into milt yua J. W. Moekoteiler. ILet eeltlnj e,IJe il BiiMr of builnete eedeied e hte-i-r, yne Ke euS vhi in your prooor rervou neixre our JU itfie ei Mlddleoura. et Ciouri el iloiamoa Ple.e, to be bekl id tbe 3;ik day nl limitary net to uiirer tbe veiltloB or Utile of tbe laid t'eth. arise klaie Hin.knjel.er end ibow eauia. If any you kete why tlie eaid Catharine r.ltie Kooke I Her your 'le. ibould not oe d.rocoei Irjui Sonde ol uiatrl'hnnr aareeiiiav to the Act of me iteoerai AMeato y, la s leueoee wad aaj proviiieo. ana nereui ian n..i. Witncetthe Hon. J. II. Ilurh-I, Pieiident juaae 01 our laid e art at uiudUburm Ike St. day of .Uiuary A. II. Il l DAI 1U KC1UIIL.T, Sheriff. A I) d INISTR TOM'S NO TICK. Itlr of aArolnMratlon on tbe Mtale of Mlokael Wland, decaeetl, leleef H-aer top., cny ur vouuiy, rear a., ne vine been aranie.1 to the antlerilaaeiLell oerinp bnualntf thta. eliee InJebte.l to itiil e,tle ere requeate l to laeee iianieoiaia payment, wnue ttt tee bavins elaliae win pre-eni tbeia duly aalkeatlealed fur (01111111001 le JOIINWIAND. Jea IT. 1J- Admlinetratnr. LICENSE NOTICE. Notice hereby ylven tuat IS 11. r. Knr-Utter, Frsnkltn Iwp. .1. 1). Smith, Middlci.nrK n no. r. IS llelley. Perry Iwp. bare SieS their tll lonr lor Tavora llceaee witb the I'lerk of tnertr 'ylonsnf Snyder connty. nnd ther-m will Ihi pre-entea lor epproval oo Monday, tlio 27th day l I eh neit. AnJ now, .le'.uiry lib, IC7, It li ordered that the clerk of the "urt li ert In ibe puM. felloe ol Tvern Llf-eue, n hereafter a ntlco ll.al alt I ..-,iaa aranie i by the (' mrt will be null nnd mi l. unle-n ihsappllo.nl eliall lilt the rnine within norm d) after ttte esme ball k,ve Utn ure'ite I. hy the ur.lur linn nf a receii'i ir-nn ine o.-uniy t roa-urar to tne i tor , ol f iu Cuurt, that the Llcenee fe b.ie boea paid. I K ITKI A.M. J.C'ROIJSF., l.'lerkU. 8. MARRIAGE RrlilK for both SEXES, Tor too inarrlrrt and tho-a c-inti'nipUtiiu i.i-rnii.'e hr llt-n.t. twh hHtinic buok. ai,)tii,lorfurl!ii-nitilioiMia llrNtik, UlM-aao,alidti.u Cli.nl al I Hi-.. I .Man Kiiil Women; pure tn lniiu tw''1. and ciiihjrped hy h)i'clene overvwlre. I'm. e. BO conts, by l;r. A. O. I'l lN, tlie oMrnl S;- iu..-l lo the NurlliMral, whoa-HI pay $5Q0 f'-rt-vi-ry rr-p- ot private or 't rtitiu (ltv,ioi nihrr erx kit tiiY-rinkr and fille tn rttre frrd m. atattii'- '"'CllidetO Health. Railablt) Femoia Fills, S a DOS, A ii't'ri lumi.i ha IkIil- d:,riM con. ti iir it,' 1 1. Rubber Cooda ni d t licular ot ImportaLt lhlo;Uit.oU, lj ilir.'.r, O CCHta, Dr. A. O. OLIN, Krntncky nifkk. 3ul 8. Clark 8t, t'klcaan. 111. Ji 0 aal il ir.hinferra rerrd wllk. lf( nl rr.lo bl Ihrat-v I,".. . S itamp (or urllralara.lr.r.A'lE, 111! Kurtli Thronii St.. I hu'an.i. 4 CO Atlarncyi'At- La w. tALou oiLhnr. limn o. mol lis. GILBERT & CWC, y Attorneys-At-Imw, ' Ml HDL Kilt; 110, PA. f II Offer Ih'lr ProfvMI'ieAl r vli-ae It the fob- lie. A II bo'liMwe eoiru-teU lothvlreara will rS eelra prneift aileotlo. Coktaliationt In Kns llik and uermau. Uol la, 'si. yy.I. E. UOUSWEMTII. ATTORN Y AT LAW, . Kni.fNVa nov k,. pA., floll-ellint avtit atlntlier leel buln-ei prompt, ly atUadM Mt. Ceaelt-tlaa. la a. eg oee aa4 tiermaa. Juoetliwi. U. DILL, , ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' ; Istrithtirij, Prnn'tt. All bailneaa eh-o.ld lo kla .are will kr i roui lly aHeoJid la. , 8ept. JO.'ao. jj 6. DEITRICII, i ATTOnXKT-r.I. w. Slurkrt St. , Sclinngrove, Pa. All protVtvtnnal bvetaeM promptly attended IS. OoDaall-lloDI la Caallik aud ilermaa Vb. Ii.'t0. J II. WUNDERLY, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, Middltburg, 5jfaVr 0 , Pu Caa beeoMultrd la Losllik or (lore en. Jan. le.'M, L M. MIEKS, ' " Attorney At- Lntr, , . ' MUdUbwra, Peain'a. All Brofaeiliaal buuneti antriMted ts his earn will receive prompt aiteotiou. Ovneul let lone la kaalUb and Ueraiea. t . W.TS. E. BOWER, ! AflORNEY-AT-LAW, ilidJUburg, Pa. Cottentiesi made. UosiuHstlnne la Cntlleh and Ueruiau. June IS, TS.ir, l. sciiocii, ATT0ENET-AT-LAV7, New Borlin, Penn'a. arnfiafaai bnelnee eutrueled 'o hfe Sare i will roi-eive prompt aiieulion. June lo.'i". rniAS V IILRICH, Attorney 4 Counsellor-At-L&w, Offloe la Ap ' Hoildlns one dool North ,ol lt.Ki eTOK iiutbi.. Selliisgro I'ean'n. IVUeutlnne S a'l nther prnlaaalonal bnel neae la ollollcd aud Kill recolverevainl ana orumpt aueoilon. Apt .11, '7tt.lt. "rrTcRoN mii.leu, ' ATTOllNEV AT LAW, Mifflinbnrr, Pa. OITere Itla' nrofrMliiaftl ecrvlcei ta' lap ibie tUolloeltona and all otlar prolxaalo-le o ji. nee enli-u.ied io bla oare will reasVe prooipt alleulleu. Jan. 1,'DT. m J. smith. 1. ATTORlfET AT LAW. MIIni.K'lli;i((l, SNVKUK CO., FA flfare till I'mfotalnnal aervtrea to tba poUII t;ooauiiaiiona le lomiiih ana ueriaaa. If. J. K, ZELLER. -irroi.v.?r..ir.t.f ir JIIifJliii!juri, 1'nion County, Pa All tiielnie etilrtt-ted lo ble rare will well and falthlully aiunded In. Will rai-ttt at the aavrral r'Urle o rinder end aloiuiu. out i. ttun br eooeulia.l Iu Ibr I'.nitllab oi la.mau luiipuare Oct. 'Jatl ftUARI.ES IIOWKII, ATXOii.NtV AV LAW, Kuliusrove, Pu' Orrr. Ma prnf-aal -nil utfui li t it piitla . L'olii-itiiotie a'l all it'll ti- ir,,i, i tl b it i i.ea. en'iuitttil i. til t n I rmvi prootpt aitaMtii.t. O.Hno (at l io.'S S ulu ol the Normal Soo M. Jan. , M. JM.UNN, ATTOUSKV T LAW, l.ewi.rnirg, Ta libera hla pro frral nal Brvrie to the ptMli tolHctlma end 111 olher profea.t'inet tiual. ' no. i auiiuaieil to I. la rare will roool-e reuipt aiianlloa. 8vp. JO, 'an. . W.POTTER, & N. I. POTTER, A TlOhXSYS A T LA IP. Solinagrore. Pa , flll.-rll.elr prnferelonal aervleae ta the nubile. All leaal titi.lneaa eniru'te.l to their ore will rteeive pr'tuipt atteuttuo. Olttoeos Al4la At. July S.'TJ. J.OKACE ALLEMAN, A T TORSE Y AT LAW. Kelinn.c'v liw All priilaeeitinal buelneae and rollartlns sa ouatd io bla cere will be promptly aiiend ad to. fan be eonit.ltd In r.uull-b or flermaa. Oillca un Jdafkst bqaara. ftel. l:, al. - J H. GRIMM, Attoi'nov-at-I-inw. AND DlbllUcr ATTOUNEV t'OU dMIOKU t'OUNi'V, Ficfliurir I'a. Cnnesllatloa la .boUt LCagUta and Oermas Lenauaaee. Oct. S, Uil. JOUN II. ARNOLD, Attorney nt I aw, MtUbLKUUlllJ, PA Profeflioal bntlnaaa entr'tttad tn bis ears will be proup ly allra.led lo I THOMPSON RAKER, , M e AttorneyontLiiw, LEWISUt'Rtl, UMU.1 OO.. fA. Caa be eeaeiiltedd In tbnKnallab and (ier teas lansaaae. urnoe on warkt Hirvet, uppo eue Welle, bmllb a Uo'a fci-'re. WM. VAN GEZER, AITOUNKV AT LAW, Lewisburg Pa Uffcra hie profi-ailonal earvlca to the pablls. VOIieeunna anil an oiuor proieeaiunai vuei aeae euirut iel w ble s.ra will receive prompt aiumlua. B. T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, iBLISftflROVE, 8NVUKR COUJCTT, Pa avpt. is, -sr. A C. SIMPSON, Ai ATTORN KT AT LAW, ' Selinsrove, Pa. OSere ble profeielnsal sarrloae o lbs pubis. All bueiueee enireewa eo uiv rare win ve t aivwvi,, ..w.u-n aw. Jaa. IT.'Sf, UAMUELU. ORWIO, A TTQilNEYA T- LA W, BllOllnbarv, Vnlou Co., Pa. Oftcsaeiidoor ts Tslsgrapa Prlstlaa lieu, iv, ISTfill. U K keep on hand tilt iindt oj JJIuhIci mcU ub Satte, bum tnJni, Warrant, Lean, Hubjue na4,iCo., it a. Ptitsiciant, tVr. I riw in I o. so. a assisubS. I I. usiaa s tntut. barbsu mmm, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEONS, lit' t Ih'lr rmf-evlrniil earelsie fa the ll,aa vl Ml l-IIMinfa and rlolnlff . nm4 few doors "villi vouri Heaee, lu.rlearer's l.ell.lln. urt.a, iasi. DU. J. V. SHIN DEL. eunasuN and I'lirsict ty, Middlcbnrg, Ps Offer hU rtilketmt ervliet ti l'ie silliesi i oi niddiebarg and vlciaity. t , Mer. V,'th ' - )H MAnAXUROTHltOCK, ' Fremont, Snyder county, Pa. (Iradneteef Rattlmara Moltee-s at Ptiytlnleae ad Naraeoa. oflere ble rrofeMion-i lo ike public. Bpeake tujlHh and Uermae. March, IT, IISI. tf. i J4 J. SMITH, f , , Physician & Surgeon, F re inont, SnyaVr Otunty, P,. rfre'lpmf-tnna7earfa,. lathe val.li OfBte on Main elrael. , J nee IS 'W.. J)R. J. O. WAGNER, riijslrlsiii and Snr on. O'era bla prnfeealonal eerrlcaa to he ettltae oi AoauMOurf and vlrmlty. Ans. S,'Svff. J)R. J. F. KANAWEL . , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. r..foiA .. .a' - u" ' fiffere bla prolaeeloaal lervleea ts lbs pnblls. O' IT .T Kf'lfiiiriJT lis siinnrnsi ncwTicT "-"'-"i KCKaKltT'S BLOCK. Seliiuffrove, Vin'a. Prof.eelotial bualneaa proiaplly attended to, M...i na 'I pERCIVAL HERMANN, Buvri'iiu niinorou rntoiuiMis at ouniiLUPj, """ vaer w- l'a Ottera bla prnfoealonal eervleae to tbe etl liae I ol Krataervllla and vlololty. A as. SJ.'f J)R. A. JI. SMITH.,. PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON n k i . vuw.m hi, pryiw-PMioiM l-rTICH to ttlS 9 111100! Hspl. 4,'IJ. ... Hi.auj.uil, .u, .lUIDIiy. K. VAN HU3 KIRK, IT.UICAL MfiCa.lNlCAt. PENTI8T 5olinsirrive, Penn'a. Just ic?s of the 1 'cace. DAM SMITH, J.UBI oi us mw & caaTcnawr HfilHfrSitri . ,..,,.. i .. ' f"' ""' A'lnmirlal bnatneaa -taklnw d.noaitlooa.. npotnrttv .tl.mt-.l ia 1 1-. . j - 1 - 1 - - ..v.i.u.iuu. .nil I 1 1- an- a, prottpll, niade. May IV !: yiLLIAM H. SNYDEIt. Justice of I lie rrnce. Salem, Snyder County Penn'a. All Colleoilone and reuilitan.ee promptlr UiaUe BOV. JI, ,lf. JSAAC HEWER, )usTioi:nTTJiErE,iciM. 3Sl,"s""! nnd 'jronernl tJolleotop. vftniiLknraii. Knyd.r'ooiintr, Pa. Hpettlal attenilnn paid In eillertlona of ell kind neuiuiADCve w in be iii.ne promptly lurall eullaollose u-nUe. Mar. JI.'IS. T II. W A ON Elf, E-q., - e JUSTICE OP THK TRAP!. .laeksno Town-hip, SoyilerCo. Pa., Will attend to att bnelneae aulruatel to bla rare end uu tba uioil reaionable ternie. Ur. li.'os. WID S. SI10LLY, aJti.sticts ol tho Pence, LitiuiiJ'oiviuiip, Siiytirr Co., i'a. Will ettend to etl le.lneia antritaud table eere n tbe moat re.iaon.bin turina. Poat. i, nice aiidreae, Uiieuoua, boyder Co. I'a. Mar. t.-su. f U. I1AHTMAN, i e . JI S TICE OF THE I'Eit'K. V Coiivcytuicer, CKN rilEVILLH, Snvder County, Pa. Oollaetloae and all bualneet pertalnlna lo tba offlr-a of Ju.lloe ol tbs feaos will ba aliunde, I to eteburt Botloe Sp'rST'TS gET 11 "mTtCIIELL, Justice of tbo Peace h Conveyancer, Jeckaou Towniblp. Hnrder Unantr. Ps. OolliM'ttoiia, llouveyeuoliiSi eud ell otber ba-d elirnea pertelnlnll lo the olBce will rroelv- prompt aiientioo. voatomeeaddreeei Hew nrrnn, ouiua county, fa. Au.. lo. lull, 10 UN K. HCaiTES, Esn.. ,j 'JUSTICE OF TU PEACE, , Peon Twp., Snyder Co. Ps JAMES MIDDLESWARTII, Justice of the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snyder Co. P. a. Will attend promptly to all Banner al boil lee perieinins io toeomi-.e. eoSlre. llolloctioni nieie. l)eed. Article, be., wrllleo. tJUly OT,TS-tl. yM. II. HARDING, JUSTICE OF TIIE PliAfF. ate Conveyancer, FKEEMONT. rThyder eounty, Fa. (lolleollnne andal bueiueee perieinins lo tbs oeenf Juaikie of Ibe feaue will be elleiided al abort ootloe. Apr.SI'IS. A. WETZEL, Justice of the :Peace, lleavertown, Suyder Co., tt. All kind orOollentlnae wade aa liberal tsrma. riuaiyilj st'ssd, to an nnaiaets eairndta JassiS,ni. N Eft B. MIDDLESWARTU, JOdTICK OF TUB PEACE asa CONVEYANCER, MoClnra City, Bnydar Co., Pu, nolleallnne ssd all bualaeee perlalalns la Iba sffluaaf Juailneoflbs Peaea will baailemled ts Bl abort soilee. July M.'ISU. A.0. IIOllNDKUOKa, 'itiLeiKn na ri ii U DP I i 4UailUO vr 4e Perry XoStaebls.asyiernoaaly.ra, . ...11....... . ....... w.b. la. . and all olkar er partalrtlns ta IBS olBcs will ba fH-airHj ly, au I Houuie.1). Adaiaa taH.b-W tesledti. daesussr IruuttsuMlUs, . ,.' Aaiibata.Jaalu. A J. BOrt'KRsox, Xl S a. utttct of the Peact A Conmydrtc Pennscrcck, Snyder Co , Pa. Dottaelione and Ramlttaneee promptly miil Conreysorius seatiy and elieSply eocutel. April l, si. BOARDING HOUSE, fptlS CnilcralsBsJ woulJ reapeotfullt la A. form Iks travfllina ruhtin. nualne.a . wllneaaoe knd Jarore In attradajire al oi Jiunrtalbatb. h.aane.l. an.pl, prt ,r,tlone a.tf -hlr aroc ooic l.tlcio end will eadeemr toea. . lartaM l.ie peirona In nod elyle el the moat reae.-aabler.lwe, lMraia( Howe a lw doare " wmoflkeUtart llju.e. ' a:s.. t. a"HilMTH Apr. Sits, tyi ftti.tf. MM Allsldlebiti'pr ria. r JOHN LIMREIIT, Proprl. TheabfteJ bonnier Wa-i a t.... . .. and remrnlabed is the beat atyie, lieeentren loeatlna mat -a It ennrenlent for b..ta..A men pwreoaa la attaadane al Ooart ealsti ethare who are railed to Mldillebar. Tbata :'.".VST' nPPU' "Uk lite boat m tba ts . set-tha liar witb a-ood llqaore and Ike Haul atteadea by e. rerun huatien. Terta, aoderat I CKNTREVILT.E HOTEL. (I.ateMre. Weaver'!.) usnlerrlls Snyiler Cs., Pa. PETEB HARTMAff, iToprlsts . ' Thla tone eitabll, bed and wall known hei bavins been paroneaa.l h. ,h- .,-.tZ..." T' HolU sabers of tba public pet rone.e ' I. PKTfcR UABTMAIV April, S.Iiri. THE NATIONAL BOTur, x jnnvn enmrfno aj. i'ui,ni,r,ii, rrop r.' feollnisgrove. Pa. J. . '""4 Iba "aen.re. ana lea very Seel reble place for tr...l. . ' I the lutnf kuiM.iBMl.ii ..--".'- "F bvet of Hi nor In thelia. iui.i 1 io,u',rnlaeonallo I.. inarllnawl Apr.ltl.'-S. tee notei, lloi -pFi.. nf ii aiwsis VORTH THIRD STREET. rillL'A PA. IermsJ-1-50 per day. HENRY SPAHX iwv O.W. ! "-! I ------ n.i. apr.1,'71. Philadelphia Cards. J. S. FARNSWORIU WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot Hoiscry. Notions, WHite Goods, EinW icrics Gents Foriiisliiiiir oo us n I . " - wi IN o. 511 Markat Steaot PHIT. A nii'T TtTT 1 I n . ' . j a 1110. 1 . . 1.. I II n r ,. ,1. H. Ilotr. . H. Hb.lhl.o T. H. Beloblel. (Alar. 11 '74. GRAVDILL ft Co., WllOLSSSLB DsAtSBS IB WOOD andajvillow WARB I Oil f'liitlia u-l.in 'iJ',..i ... -. . IJrurt.i. fnnn I .n, ! 1" "'"keta.lwlnee, WK-ke.o. ' Kn. fJOM.rkatHt. ni.l. .1.1-1.1. Ib. J. -Si. IISALKB IN IMRDWARE- Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Paints. Oils. Coach & Saddler Ware AND M ASUFACTURlll OF Stoves & Tiiiuarca MARKET STREET. I.invlKlowii, Penn'a, WM. MANN. Blank Book Maker Sta tioner, ana steam ' Power PR IN TER , 1. SI SB ai . ' vs iioiownie Ac 1 Co tail lio 529 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. l'rotnvttie$. One Iric Sellina Price Marked On AU Goods Jn ii gurti, Apr. 18-"2. QAVID WILLIAMS, "aoufaeturen ssd Wboleeals Dealers la QUI, Mahogany, Walnut and Sosewead LOOKING GLASS Piotnre tt Photographic Framat Noi. 330 and .31 Arcb street PuiLADILrul A, Pa. Frames Repaired Is tba bait manner. Alee jieaiitiog is ail lis brauobes, sb. li, '71, . JNION PiiANINO MILL SEUNSaKOYE.BNYDEK 00., Pet Kccly Wagricr liiuiibcr Dealers Doors, Door Boxes, Windows, Shatter vi iudow noses, uiiaas, nasa, aiaip rixliiis. Hand IUIIIiics, Brack , . els. aouldlniES, riuorlmt. al SCROLL BAVYINO a CABINET TUHNlMtf I . . . . . . Shinglea, Lath, &o., &0. I Orders eollolteA sad Blled with protaptsaaa' aud aeapeiou. rieaee eau aua aaaonns ,.. , uaretoek before purcbaalo alsawbers. 1?XECHT0RS NOTIOE.-I -Let ten' 1 A inai.menUvr on Iba aetata af All' CIIAfcL. r.HUiiT, deaeaaeu, lata al Mludleoraek iwp., nayder eouniy, l ens a.. Saving baas afantedlo tba bederala eed, all ueraoiie knoalns tlieoieelve, Isdebted ta Bl4 aetata aia reueeiad to atake luimedlele pay ajient, wblls Iboea baring elaime will preeeBB tiieia suif aatueatiaaiau iur o.mvw.u i , LliVJ aurLv, A as II, MI, , . k.eatoir( aa4 imf aaaabi'elaees Sew bef.ira US 1 J w I .ublk. Tob een aaaks BOB r. I" er laaier at work for aa jLa aVaeiaaaf 1 lb. a at enytb'as slea ' , la I uut n.e.e.l. We will elart you. SIS t Sf ess spwardt wade al bataa by Iba Inaaeirlv.M 1 alaii, wuiaea, boya end alrle waoledav.r wkerey ' lo wurk lor ua. Now la Ike tltaa. Voa eau ml u tiers lima only or ive your wb.la aim. I.. Hi. bualuaaa. i nu eaa llva at baaia if ....i .1. it,, .orb. Kontbar buaiaaee will par- ,;iM.,i,aeell. Mo one sea ivll ts si.kw ,ur,u ua pey by ,csaiis al enav, Ceetlf Haj tiuiB, uid IMiai Iraa. SlaaBB.dS lest ssaai . Xm saaasai t mm -Z