Alvortlalngr Ilatea. (ft column one yer, 180.00 (me-half, cvlutnw, on year, So.oo Qnffortrth column, on year, lo.tH) 0n square iiu line) i insertion in fitert VtKlitloTiAl insertion, 90 f roftMiinl irui Business oarls ol not room than 5 lines, per year, 5.00 Auditor, Ifcecutor, Administrator ad AMrigne Hot I of, 8,50 gditAial notices par line, 16 A'fl tranecient advertising leas than f months 10 oent a line. All edvertiaemcnla for a shorter pe riod than one year are payable at thr tinra they are ordered, and it not paid ib person ordering tiiam will oe oeld; tapontibl for tha money. Poetry Tht Old KHohtn Flra. BY O. WBSLRT SKHVOS. In tha home of my childhood, wbre tell poplar grew, Wae a huge fcltehen flraplaoa, homely to view, With Ita old fashioned erana and It trammel ot wlra, That twang the "eook-pot" o'er th old kitchen lira. Itak-lor were, la winter, piled up to theflae, With fore-sticks of blck'ry,' or maple In lieu; Whence bright, cheerful flainea would leap higher and higher, Till all waa aglow 'round tha old kit :h- enflre. In apring time the baeon and should- era and liaina Were hung up to eura In tboee ample old jamb. And all tha home eotnforte that heart could desire Were plenty and free 'rouud that old klteben fire. When tha chorea were all done and the back-log in place We drew 'round the table, and, bow ing for "grace," AU Joined In thanksgiving, pronjunc ed by the sire, For blessing aurrouudlng our old kltcheu tire. Oft-tiiuea waa that kitchen t'.ie neigh bor' resort For social enjoyment or Juvenile sport. And children would cluster ar juud our graudslre To hear his war tales by the old klteh en fire. And mark how he shou'dered bin crutch as he eyed The old flint-lock gun, with x veteran's pride, Where It peacefully hung di ita green baize attire . Upon rude wooden hooks o'er the old kitchen Are. ' Each fortnight "the preacher" came 'round on his bent, And there lit sweet union the faithful would meet; Nor envied the churoh, with it cloud piercing spire, Coutent to commune 'rouud the old kitchen fire. The purest enjoyments I ever have known. Were thoie when I mln J at home with my own With parent and children, and house hold entire, Assembled around the dear old kltoh en lire. One aoul was as gentle and sweet as tha dove The bond of our circle. It centre of love. Whoa hands, though oft weary, seamed never to tire Of labor of lov 'round th old kltch en lira. A the' mother-bird guardeth the nest of her brood, Thus watchful waa aha for our safety and good; And of ten she tolled after all would retire Our garments to mend by tha old kitchen Or. Contentment and happiness reigned In our home; We dreamed not of sorrow or parting tooome; Nor thought wa howaoon our beloved might expire. And paaa to her rest from th old kitchen Are. Death entered our fold, yet we mourn ed not alone; Friends kindly commingled their tear with our own; Our grief stricken heart little cheer could acquire. For tha gloom that o'erskadowed) our old kitchen fire; Tho' th' lily waa pluoked from our garland of love, To bloom la ambrosial gardens above, How eould w but murmur at Death's cruel Ira, A w bora her remains from tha old kitchen fire? v ... . .. ." Wa tenderly garnered her aahea away, ToraattlUthadawaof earth rally ing dav:, .... Heath low-drooping willows, where bloomed the sweet-brier. Then, heart-broken, turned to w'rd the old UtoUea fire. , BMU wended w thither each desolate "nurhti . Tho' the angel had vanished the hearth was 11111 brlirht. But th charm had departed thatone did InsDir - Our longing to meet at tha old kltohen In aearah of enjoyment I'm roved tba world 'round, . . 'atone grave and th feativ and jat I've not fnn:l ill VOL. 19. MIDDLEBUKG, SNYDER COUNTY, In all life' allureinenta one charm to admire Like th' home aoene of yore 'round the old kltohen Bra. Chicaoo Ixtbr-Ocxax. Th Midnight Train. Aeroaa tha dull and brooding night A giant flies with demon light. And breath of wreathing smoke; Around hlin whirl tha reeling plaiu, And with a dah of dim disdain. He cleave th sundered rock. In lonely swamp th low wind stirs The bell of black funeral fire, riiat murmur to the aky, Till, startled by bis mad career, They seem to keep a hush ot foar , As If a god swept by. t , Through many a dark, wild heart of beatb, O'er booming bridge, where beneath A mighty river brawl; By ruins, remnants of th past. Their Ivies trembling In the blast; By singing waterfalls. The aluiub'rer on his sil nt bed Turus to the light his lonely bead. Divested of his dream; Long league of gloom are hurried o'er Thro' tuunel sheaths, with iron roar. And shrill night rending scream. Past huddling huts, post flying farms, High furnace flames, whose crimson arms Are grappling with the night, lie tears along receding lands. To where the kingly city stauds, Wrapt in a robe of light. Here, round each wide and gushing gate. A orowd of enger fares wait. And every smile Is known. We tlmiik thee, O, thou TlUn train, That in the city once again We clasp our loved, our own. All tiik Ybar Rousn. H e 1 o o t T n. 1 o . SAUCE FOR IHE GOOSE, SAUCE FOR THE GANDER. Asa mle detectives do not enre to relate inciJetita in which they have figured nnsnacesufully, but the fol lowing tory illustrute the clever uesa with which they often Lave to deal. J wa io Pari, enjoying few week vacation. Among tho ac qiiaiutanoea whiob I picked up there wa a certain Francois Dultou, a law yer. To soy bow I become acquainted would be rather puzzling. Tha proff ered cigar, and exchange of uowa- papers or a passing reoognitiou, had ripened under his frieudlj gaiety into familiarity. I bad passed more than one even ing at hi snug office in the Hue de Lignt where he received bis clients, a remarked one evening with bia irresistible smile . "Ah, mooaieur, how would you like a scamper across the Cooti oent T" "Well enough, said I, bat my funds" "Do not speak of money. I can offer yoo a splendid chance to com bine basioass and pleasure." indeed ! Nay I ask wbera and oowr "Twenty miles beyond flnda- on tba Danube at Kihihoobati, is a beautiful manor." "Wellf" "Yoo will simply take charge of tba only aon of a wealthy baron, Emil von Magar," adding, in bis bright, bland way i "Ha Is bat fir. teen, and has been placed in a Paris school bat alas I diieaae has de veloped itself, and tba father has determiued to recall him. It is im portant that be should seek tha qaist of bis native valley." Another questioning broagbt oat tba facts thai a liberal som per week and expenses wars to ba paid, and that H might require aoma oaation to past through Austria for Han gory wbera tha baron lived waa then auderbao. Tba baron, it seems, waa already suspected for complicity in plots, and tba son bad mall dis cration of speech. It chimed in wall with my iodine Hons. I desired greatly to sea ths borne of that proud Magyar people of whom Kossuth waa ao noble an example. . Really," thought t, "this is lucky. I am to ba paid for doing tba vary tbiog I long for.' Aa it waa necessary to have a passport, I, in company with Fran sola Dalton viaited tha sohool wbera Emit waa at present Ou enteriog tha department, from tba lawyer's description I at ones recooii4 tko lad from among sooi other forty or fifty yoatbe. There ooald ba no mistaking his sbarp fee- turee, raven bair aad blaok eyes. "This is tba gentleman, Emil, who has eonsented to taka yon borne," aid tha lawyer. Emil looked Into By foe with a questioning glance, and then grasp, iog my hand, said with such out spoken sincerity that I felt drawn to bioi at ones t "Sir, I aball bava no faara with yoo. It was tba hearty expression of an unsophisticated mind. Dalton then poka ; "ffeisaa American and ba will be kind to yon. Remember to obey bim exactly." "Then ha bate tba Aoslrians. ffeis one of that nation where all are free where oar grand Kossuth was treated like a prinoe I This good American aball see bow our noble people are treated by. tbe dospioable tyrante." "Hosh, hush, Emil ; you must oot lake like this l' then turning to me he said t Tbt very children of that pound race are filled with tbe deep eenae of wrong." . "Not to be wondered at," said I, aa I reoallod tbe accounts wbioh M. Dslton bad given me. "Whoa I'm a man T exclaimed the handsome lad, "I will killJAos traios they are not fit to live !" "Kiuil," I eoothingly replied, "ray dear boy, repress this feeling, or we never shall reach your borne alive.'' The folio in? day I and my charge started In due time we reached Vienna. A hundred mile up the Danubo and wa should be at tbe baron's castle. Unevontful dnys they wore. I actually suffered with tbe emotion of my little friend 1 1 loarnod to ad mire hi proud spirit, a I watched bia flushing eye whenever ho spoke of bia beloved country, or when he shrank from the questioning of some distrustful official. I saw bis quivering lip and dis (ended nostril when, after some of tbe close question of an Austrian officer, ho sank back in bia eeit, mntteriog t "I trust all to the goo J Ameri can." After dinner I stood on the door tep of my hotel, and waa aoojstud by a police officer, asking me about my pnHsport. "1 bnve never been in Austria be fore," 1 aaid ' but in Franca I have given a gene Urms a couple of frauka to taka my paper to the bureau of police " "Tbe same may bera be done, tba official politely answered. nappy to be rid of tbe journey, I submitted the document He harri ed off, after com paring tha descrip tion. After Emil, who waa greatly fa tigued retired I started to tba Grand Opera House, and gava myaelf np to tbe enjoyment of tha aplendid mu sic, I presume I had been there for a half hour, when a tap on tba shoulder called my attention, Tour passport t" I explained matters, bat to no purpose, Tba offioial waa obdurate. I mast go to ths polios bareaa aad ocooant for myaelf. Going around with ma to tbe hotel, I learned that tba paper bad not yet been return ed.. "Well," I thought "it will ba all right. I oan explain matters to tbe chief." Vain hope I After exhausting my eloqaeooe, I was superciliously in formed t "Until this passport is found Uext moat remain in prison " In vain I pleaded tha unprotected oonditioo of my charge. To prison mast go. Once iosidethe bars, I felt how often I bad been iostru mental in sending others there. I was mad aa a hornet mad enough to bite a nail in two. I bava often siooe thought of tbe proverb i What ia aanes for tba gooss is aauoe for tha gander," bat it did not oooar to ma then. When morning came found my dander rising very bigb. I demand ed to ba broagbt before tba Ameri can consul. When wa (for the polioe agent bad ma still in tow) reaobed tbe embassy I began to feel improved in spirits, aa tbongbt of tbe stmericam eagle, tba stars aad atripes, and other in spiring thoughts. I meant to glva oar proud bird a vbaaaa to soar a little, and strike ou mr -. iaaan i r . . m w . J& tv1 VI aaa. CI T-i 1 in a aeeood like Austrian chains. An emaciated, spindly youth, with gold eyeglasses, was present, scan ing tha Herald Tba exquisite never tamed a hair at my entrance. Ua went on read, iog, giving an occasional yawn. I ventured a delicate little cough, aa a signal that I waa anxious to inter view one of tba tall feathers of the American eagle t Mot a qniver in tba attitude of the daudy. I was not accuatomed to auch im pertinence, ao t let out a little plain Yankee talk. Down went tha newspaper t tbe gold eyeglaases were directed to ward ma i a drawliuj; voice Informed ma that tba chief of the embassy was away. Tbo old Adam in me grew as lig as a circus tent I yelled i "You are placed here by the American government to afford protection to American subjects ' "Lord, my good man, I can't do nawtbiog I ' "Yoo were placed bore either for use or for ornament yoo little whip per anapper 1 hut you are a dog gasted fail ure iu either capacity." The now frightened clerk drawled out again i "Here Snm-rauol, shew this paw- son tho door 1" Out I rnsbod, followed by the be wildered Austrian, I need not toll of four hours ad- ditional labor, tbe result of which was my release, bowover. I waa driven to my hotel' My heart was in my mouth whon I learned that Emil was not there. I vieited evory hospital and police station in Vienna. All in vain. My heart bled for tbe poor Hungarian boy tbe gentle lad who was doubt less languishing down deep in an Auatrian prison. A day or two of fru'.tbts labor and anxiety followod, until I wa compr-llod to coiifoss mysolf beat en I, a Ynikee deturtivo. Tho poor, trUHtiii youth, with liifl oft ropo itod aisuniie of ftitli in the "goo l A'tiecit! in," the hoart broken baron, the diHtrm tud Dallou oh, I was in a pretty pickle. I telegruphed to M Dalton : "Kuiil is lost I For Uod' sake come on at once.. I received an answer shortly : "M. Dultou has gouo. Left no ad dress." I cussed my carelessness, and flashed to tbe baiou at Kisochati : '.Your son baa mysteriously dis appeared from my charge Hasten here l" Tbe answer drove me almost furi ous : 'Baron von Magar not known i no anch place as Kiaocbati." Was I in a dream 1 I could not sleep for tbioking of those big, pleading eyes, which seemed to fol low ma wherever I turned, I grew beggared, and mnst event ually have fallen into brain fever, bad I u t bean reoille 1 to K.ris by a telegram from ooo of my own agents. Not knowing what else to do, I returned to that magnificent city. Tbe first person I met, while step ping off tba train, was Philander Pbog, an old acquaintance. He was amated at my condition, for I bad grown thin, and anxiety was doubtless painted on my face. Philander hurried me to bis room, and leaning me fast to a bottle of wine wanted to know what waa np. 1 gave bim tbe history of tha case. ''What was the data of your de parture from Paris t" ''November, 17 Wednesday." . "Just a month ago," ba exclaimed With a bound, be bad taken down a newapaper file, and was turning over its pages. Presently, with a guffaw that (airly shook tbe rafters, ho fell back into a chair, abonting between bia spell t "tin, bora i on, uord I Tbe bast detective in America taken indona for l" Tha blood rushed to my face I angrily dousanded ai explanation bat it was impossible for hita to do or say mora, JI rolled orer tba floor and held bia sides, I grew mad, aa was na turaleven madder than when I waa snperoilliously treated by tbe fop at the American Legation. - 1, toj, turned to tha newspaper, la an iuatant I aaw it all, 1 had aotually smuggled one of tha most aJruitlillla thieves. snd confidence lL 1 l'A., JANUARY operators out of Paris right from nnder tba noees of the police agents. I bad Immortalised myself bycb ip eroning Clara Richat out of the reacb of justice. Tbe police bad tracked hor, after tha most tedious opera tions, to a oertau point Emil waa tha very princess of ad venturesses apy, thief, forger, and mnrderer. Her laat feat had been to rob the young Counte-s de Bia- onia of bar jewels. Dy tbe coonivaooe of Francois Dalton, ebe bad been admitted into tbe school as a Hungarian boy. A that point tho Freujn detectivo lost ber. Tbe cordon of French and Flera iah agoote were dying to know bow aod where she oroasod the frontier, for they bad made every point ae eore. The proprietor of ths school waa innocent and be declared that Eini bad been bis most docile, bis most intelligent pupil. M. Dalton, it has since been as certained, was tha roan of reference, the "fence,'' who direoted her game. It was believed that be bad elnpod with the dashing young queen of tbe criminals. No wonder, iudned, that Philan der ejncnlated "Ob, Lotd 1 Oh, Lord I' nor thaf I beat a Lasty re treat from faris. The atory leaves a bsd taste in my mouth to this day, I oonfoss. Hit Honor and Bijah. Jamos Fitxpatrick bad on excuse for drinking two glasses of whiskey on top of three glasses of beer, It was bia roolher-iu-law's birthday. and he full it his solemn duty to comreemorato the eamo. Hut he bad no excuse for auuoving a Con gress Ho st Hang The I Andt And t And t Am tin 'Ho plaioo goss c but In No, the la his lit wnrbi 'Oh, I Mint As he II With l the ti Hi N. avlia dolla No disco tailoi Oh, i tl And Het b Ai Tl yell ... . , lar walked bim off and put him be hind the cold iroo bars. 'What did you want to act in that way for ?' naked bia Honor. 'Ob, I was just having a little fun,' replied the prisoner. 'I didn't know it was agin tbe law to make poetry.' 'Naithor ia it i but bow would you feel if tbe tailor should stand at your gate and sing t O I Jimmy FiUprtrick I again on u spree, And his eyes are bleary and red ; All over bis buck of mud there's stack For he took a soft ditch for bis bed.' 'I'd unhinge bis constitution for him 1' waa tbe prompt reply. 'I presume so, and will now nn binge jours to tbe tuna of sixty days to tbe Work House.' 'That's a bad tune, your Honor.' 'Yes, bat it's good enough for a poor singer. Stand back.' The Traveling" Tarror. Tba editor waa stting in his re volving cane-bottomed chair, when Tornado Tom tba trnaaUiaf terror of Texas, came in and aWaaded a retraction of tba statement4: that ba bad a windled aa orphan out of 14. ''It's a lie oleir through," . aad tbe Terror, striking tba table with his fist, "I'm as good a man aa smells tba atmosphere in this saotion. "Perhaps you are better," said the editor, meekly, ' Uy rreord'Jl ooofare ' farorably A w 4 2C, 1882. NO, 25 with yourn, aaid tbe Terror with eneer I "perhaps tbere are a few lit tie baok racketa in yonr life, sir, that wouldn't bear a microscopic invesli gation." "Ob, sir," said tha editor visibly agitated, "don't recall the past i don t bring np tha momories of tht omb i I know I've led a hard life I don't deny it I killed Shorty tlnriies, the Dowery boy of New York backed bim all to pieces with knife. I have atoned for it a bousand times. I blew a insuV head off at a log roll io Kentucky ind bitterly bava I i epented of my folly. I slew a lot of inoffensive cit issna of Omaha over a psltry 14 pat simply becaoae I got excited. Oh. nould I out cheat tbe tomb of Ibt men I have place in its maw I would ba happy. But it waa all owing to my bigb temper and lack of early training. I know that I have b. eo wayward, wicked i and yon have a light to come here and recall those nohsppy memories, but its d d mean for sll that. Nobody with a heart would treat a man like you have. Dou'l leave, strangor. I'll tell you all, I sawed a man's bead off with aoold army anhre jnut for.' Tho Toxas Terror wuh down and halfway rouud the corner, while tin editor, Inking a frosh chew of rattle snake twist continued his peaceful avocations aa quietly as a law and abiding citizen. The Arab Boy. Arab children ho found always in foresting. Iu reply to a question as to bis tdons of lifo I "One littlo fellow said that be wa going to save up hia money sod but a fow goats, and after that bo should keop on saving hia money, aod buy lour cows. t will you do tUun ?" 1 ask- V, I would sell tbo goals and s, and buy two or three cum artor you get your camel ill you do " r, theu," he said thoughtfully ! got married, "' jailor iuui wuat will you i II, suppose," said bo, after a ausn, "after that I mast get to die." Boy'a Composition on Fall. t in a boy' composition on -"This i full, bet-suss it fall season ol the year. Lnve n, as well ss thermometers snd Irs of straw bats. Old topers, io tho pledge in summer, are to tall wbea la! cider making , for straws show whioh way der goes, Husking corn Is cue plensures of W, but plca-ure O'xl fr boy's I don't think, en want a little fue ; let ihtm 1 A husky old mso oan go ;h a good deal ol oorn, anojo Dhrgiog taters is anoth r of ll amusements. The way dig later is to wait until . .re baked olouly, aoJ then dig them out o( their skies. Most win'er schools are open in th fall. The brst winter school I ever went to didn't open until spring, and the first dsy it opened tba toachor look sick and tbe school house waa locked up for the season, Once in a while wr bae a very severe full, hut nothing liko tbe fail of Adsiu and Eve in the Cisrdenof Kdeo. Suuiimr Is iuis oa.ned. It should be called Pride, lor doesn't pride go beforo a fsll f" Smith's a Liar. "Father," begin s jouag Dvfroitet the other evening, "were you la tbe war t" "Y, my on." "Wis it awful f" "Ys." "Lots of dead aad wounded ms' 'Yes " "Did you kill many ?" "Well, I shouldn't liks to aoswor that question." "Are yen very modoat, pa t" "I hop 1 am too modest to brag." "That wes what Mr. Smith meant, than, when he ws telliog tbo men down si ths drug store that you bado's any war record to brag of. "He did, ah t Smith is a liar 1" "Tbst's what I thought, I old th mn that yon ran so ft that bs soalda't eaten yoa oa boreebeok, and tit m aay nor snows mat a nor oa rate t nao wite a'fff koa T11W PQUTi Published every Thursday Cvenhag 4JCBKMIAII CROVai, Fro Terms of Subscription, rVO DOLLARS I'ER ANNUM. fy. able vithin six nnmt1i. or vjyiifttot paid within thyr. No fmper dit continued until all arrearavM a -e fiaid unless at the option of the pub isher. Mulierrlptlone mitxida of the countf FA YAIU.K IN AUVANCg. ttlVrsim lifting end using pspet addressed 'xi otliors become iir'rilre mil are liable for the price of the paper E A IS) 8 CLOTHING i"oit Tin: rvDODISdDtfH 1 1 mm TIIK Largeott off AND ff&ra (DBoftfoioiig in Snyder County elsewhere or OVERCOATS OVERCOATS, (tYtiltCOATS. For Men, Youths and Boys. Uhd'rclothing from 25cts upward. GENTS Famishing Goods A SPECIALTY. TRUNKS, V ALICES, SATCHELS, &C. MEDICATED FLANNELS and a large variety of other goods. Call and examine my stock and be convinced that I sell hotter goods and at lower prices than they can be had elsewhere. S. OPPBTTOflR. , ,; Balirsjrove, Pa, ,