The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, January 19, 1882, Image 3

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looal Now, Ac,
...oaa tlotJST roTnrs. kn CnrM of
."T.TTiS.iitt ars kW oa rourtb Mondays
gaaaaf OooacaWr. ,
All communications, business lei
ir e., ror .nis oraw, r
r,mDt attention should be addressed
KC" Tm Post. Mlddleburg
2rl.r Cbunty, T. Advertisements,
.Mm'iitin.lcatlons AC mt be handed
ih Monday noon, to secure inter.
Ion In ne issue
ttwvrkrr AimilBtm ftuii US ".pruos
Sia-E fieri vmrr
la an
Halo Keareejtry.
We have printed billa or advertised
for tbe follwinn aalea t
Thehelrtof Jficheel Mlnlnum, de
ceased, oflur Real Estate at l'rl
vaie Sale, in Terry twp.
Daniel A. Fuhrman. offers Real fa
tale at Private Halo in Ad ami twp.
Thursday Feb. 9. John Winey, will aell
Horace, Cattle, Farm Implement,
ousehoid good tto., near ifich
field. Wednesday, Feb. 8. Ramnel Snyder,
will eipose to Public 8ale, Mors
es, Cows. Farm Itnplomeuts,
JoiiRchold Bootia Ac, near iart
ley'a Church in Jackaon twp.
fUturdav. Feb. 18. BheritT Reicbly
will soli Afounlain laud at the
Court llouie.
Scarce houses in tbla borough.
Philip, bow about those robbora and
that Navy revolver f
It really I au open
wiuter so far,
Capt. Mills, of Northumberland
dropped iu to see us on Tuesday last.
2enry leaver was severely injured
while loading lumber at tbe depot ou
Tuesday last.
ifousebreakers and incendiaries are
worse tliau any wild beasts, and tbey
deserve to be treated accordingly.
Sudden resolutions, like tbe sud
den rise of mercury In the barometer,
indicate little else than the change
ablenest of tbe weather.
Miss C. AIlls will remove her Fancy
Store from Beaver'e Corner Into the
room now occupied by Drs. Barber
A Uaasinger
Bcaixld. -George Stotlor's 6 year
ton upset tbe eoflee-oot and spilled ita
boiling contents on bis neck aud breast
tculdiug him dangerously.
Samuol WitUJumyer has
chased the Schoch-corner lot, for the
sum of $1500. Mr. Wilenroycr intends
luildiugithereonln the near future.
Thursday's snow measured 8 Inches
in depth, and and we think and we
think about Ml) .000 square milt in
breadth this is, bowuvor, ouly esti
mated. Eleotio is for b rouKli aud townsh ip
officer will be bold on the third Tues
day of February. This year tbe elec
tion fall ou the 21st of the month.
Diplherialn ft new form ho ap
peared in some portions of the 6tate.
It effects tbe naaal organ particularly
and with ft malignity that baffle tbe
skill of physicians.
The two important event in the
life of man are when he examine hi
upper lip and sees the, hair coming,
and when be examines the top of bis
head and sees tbe hair going.
Uriah Kerstetter, of Bedford, Ta.,
was home on a short visit. Uriah is ft
good telegrapher and genial compan
ion and every ou Is glad to grap his
warm band.
At the reading, ou the evening of
the 12 Inst., between the Chestnut
Eidgeohool and the Sanders' Hollow
school, the judges decided unanimous
ly that the latter school did the better
There was a full house.
Visitors returning from abroad, as
recent immigrants, will and Oyer's
Sarsaparilla helpful in avoiding the
hardships of aoclimation, and in re
moving the boils, pimplos and erup
tions consequent upon sea diet Its
blood-cleansing qualities remedy such
troubles promptly.
On the return of J.' Merrill Barber
nd lady from their "wedding trip," a
grand reception was given them at the
residence of the groom's mother, in
Jlfifnioburg. The many relatives and
till more numerous friends of the
bride and groom were present. W
ftre informed that the reseplion was
imply grand io all its appointments.
A Cobs. iob Small-pox. The fol
lowing remedy for small pox has the
went of obeapness and simplicity.
A is also harmless ; "I am willing to
risk my reputation a a publio man,"
wrote Edward Hines to tbe Liverpool
Afureury, "if ths worst ease of snuil!-
pot cannot be cured la three day
simpiy uy the ute of cream of tartar.
Una ounce of cream of tartar dissolr
J ....
io one pint of hot water drank at
intervals when cold Is a certulii. iiever
railing remedy. Ji has cured thoua-
ftnds, never cause blindness and
voids tedious lingering." ,
Trie tmnll-poi U ' prevailing to ft
great titeot over the country. .
Senator J. . Mitchell hae ourlhanki
for some (.otisresstonal reading mat
The beat way to raise chickens la to
chuck ft 0h hook loaded with ft ker
net of com over your neighbor's fence.
Geo. Hoover, the boy who thot and
killed hi staler, was sentenced lately
by Judge Rockefeller to two years at
separate and solitary confinement at
labor In the Sunbury Jail. Time.
Reuben Row, o Penn township, met
with ft painful accident one day Inst
week. While engaged in cutting
wood ho broke his thigh by wood fall
ingupnnil. Jlte waa alone In the
woods and his scream attracted ' the
attention of man who was a consid
erable cllatanca away bauliog coal.
He was taken to his home aud prop
erly cared for. Couritr.
A musical convention will begin at
Sellnsgrove, on the 0, day of Feb. and
continue during the entire week. Dr.
IP. O. Perkins, of floston, will be th
conductor, and Prof. iVyer, of Centre
Co. the Pianist. Many prominent
musicians, from abroad will be" in at
tendance, and it promises to be a
grand affair. Singers, of 8nyder county
will do well to attend.
The Infant Class, of the Union Sab
bath School, under the Superlnten II. Bower ami her
able corps of assistants, Misses Wetiel,
Elbe and Little Blendor and Norn
Qutclius gave an interesting It. view Co i
ren in. me ciiurcu on Sunday evening
last. The pupils acqnited themselves
exceedingly well, as is always the cans
with those under the tuition of Mrs
B., who has dono a good work for our
iitle folks.
"Thr LocaaNkwa,"
liulilisheil t)T Men
Mluunp and Focbt, at LewlHhurg,
the remarkably low price of kIx cent
per luontu, uiaae us dkiiut, Jan. 14th
Its aaliitntorv I well written and
well tilled with fair promise.
It furnishes uiitnituknlile evidence
of "bruins enough,'' to conduct It in a
manner to as to be edifying;.
Ita mechanical count ruction la good
and the print clear and readable. All
of which constitute a marked rhnngi
in the Journalism of Lewinlnirtr, nud
which we have no doubt will bo pro
perl v appreciated by the Uuion county
reading public
John Ilachn, son of Peter Haebn,
deceased, has been living at Bellevuc,
Ohio, the past summer. Lately ho re
turned to Selinsgrove on a visit. Last
week one day while in Savngo's saloon
play ing a gmuefif pool, somo ono ex
tracted his pnekut-botik from his pan
taloon pocket. It contained about
fcW in money and an excursion ticket
good for bis return. It i woll knowu
who took it, but sehn fooled away
bis time and mixsed the opportunity
of recovering bis money. Jfoxt morn-
inff the nrv.kLlifiilr ..itlrt!.m
excursiwn ticket but minus tbe money,
wst round on the door step of Oppon
hcimer's clothing store. Times.
Peterson's- Magazine.
for February is already before ns,
more brilliant than ever. Nothing
could excel the principal steel plate,
Fast Cuught, or the sparkling story
it illustrate. Tbe colored pattern, in
Kensington stitch, ")csign For Pan
sies," is one of those costly things
found only in "Vterson." The liter
ry matter 1 even better than usual.
It is a standing wonder to us how so
flue magazine can be published at so
low a price ; the pintle is only to be
explained by the immense circulation
reioreon nas auainea ; mo indies
have learned that they cannot afford
to be without it. If you have not sub
scribed for it alieady, lose no timo, but
subscribe at once. Or, bettor still, got
up a clnb, and earn ft oopy froe. The
price is but two dol lars a year, with
great deduction to club. Specimens
are sent, gratis, if writton for, to those
wishing to get up clubs. Address
nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Animals Frozen to Death.
Several thousand dollars' worth of
wild animals recently bought of Ha
beck, the great animal dealer of
Hamburg, Germany, for Forepatigh's
Menagerie, arrived in New York by
tbe steamship Mosel on Tuesday,
Two white camels, a quagga and a
sable antelope were lost during tbe
voyage, bnt five elephants, eight
double bumped brown camels, one
white camel, one white llama, a zebra,
a white yak, an ant bear, a mountain
antelope, 20 small monkeys, a baboon
five feet four inches high, an ostrich,
an emu, a bornblll and fifteen large
snakes. In eluding three boa constric
tors each measuring over twenty feet
lu length, making In all a cargo of
seventy eight valuable specimens, ar
rived safely. One of the elephants Is
nine feet high aud was ono tbe prop
erty or the late King Viator Emanuel
of Italy. Herdlxpoaltion was so ugly,
however, that she was sold to Hag
eubeok, who on the same account
could not find any one willing to buy
her until Adam Forepaugh, Jr., visit
ed Europe last summer. The next
North German Lloyd, from Europe,
will bring Mr. Forepaugli ten ele
phants, eight giraffes, ahippopotaiuus
seven feet long and five feet high, and
a large saddle back tapir. The ani
mal that arrived on the Mosel were
plaoed on a special train of (be Penn
sylvania Railroad on Wednesday-awd
arrived fti tbe winter quasiers of the
Forepaqgh bow, Kichtfvnd and Le
high avenues, on Wednesday night
The severe coM experienced during
the journey- killed two of the most
valuable camels, several monkeys and
hilf a dozen of the large snakes. . ,
ttrMr. tl.Hwinoiord
of Mlllllnburfir, ln.,
hfiM nmrtufaotured n;
waive for the cmre of
teter, piles. Itch 4tc
which its highly rco
ommontlocl .A. Hure
Cure. Try n box.
Jan. 19, '82. ly.
Full of Useful Information comet
the Amrriean Agriculturist for Feb. 1,
with 84 double quarto pages of Instruc
tive reading matter, and about seventy
engravings. A special feature of this
number is the 10 columns of partic
ular information to meet the wants of
all intending to go West or Invest
there covering the whole country
between the Mississippi and the Rocky
Mountains, fronted Turkles furnish
a splendid leading picture. Much
useful matter for Housekeepers, with
11 receipes for Corn Oread and Otke ;
Boys and Gills pages, etc, etc. IIki
per annum, IS cents per number, one
specimen for 10 cents, Okanub Judd
Co., Publishers, New York.
Ladies Coats and Dolmans selling
below cost now, at 8. II vis's Sellns
grove. Only a few of tbe best quali
ties left.
A large variety of Press goods selling
at greatly reduced prices at 3. Wsis's
elinsgrove. Call and see
Carpets of atl kinds and qualities at
bottom prices, at a). Weis's Snliusgrovo
Jan. 12, '82. 3w.
Sol Oppenheimer has KKDUCA'D
0001)3 TO LOWEST f KICKS. Oo
and see.
You may as woll go through this
life warm, comfortable and decently
clad, so then, go to Oppenheimer and
get a new, Winter suit from bead to
Overcoats at Oppenbclmors at Re'
J need Prices, at Huliusgrovo.
At Oppnnhcimcrs, Sulinsgrovo, you
can get L'udcr-wenr chenpor than ever.
Furs, Fur Cups and all the modern
appliances to keep out cold can be
had at Oppcuhuimur's at Suliusgruve,
Truth and Sol Oppenheimer are
twiu brothers aud if you doubt it, g
and price bis goods.
Wo would ctll the attention of our
readers to the advertisement of D. K.
Stratford. Persona in nesl of any
thing in bis line will do well to call on
Frnxera Aftle Ureas.
One trial will convince ynu that it
the best. Ak your dealer for the
Krater Ax lo Urease, and take no oil
er. r.very box tins our trade mark on
Sept. 1TJ '81 bin
Aucloneor. Qeoreo II. Hacl;en
burg, of Middlecrcek, P.O., would an
nou nee to the ponplo of Hn viler coun
ty, that he will cry sslns for real an
personal property, at short notice ami
on the moat renaonaiilo term.
guarantee satisfaction. Mr.l5.7h
.T. W. I) r o e h e.
Potntoe do
Butter per pound,
Y'll'in per doteli
Tallow per pound
I ,n rd
Keecd Cherries
Kusherries "
Dried Apples
4 to"
7 to 8
Itllddlcbiirff Market.
oosascTsn wnsi.v sv
Simonton, Barber So Co.
Wheat per bushel 1 30
Wheat, Ho 2. 123
Rye do )
( 'orn do 7ft
Oat do 46
Potatoes 1 00
aJoverseed per bushel 4 00
Cherries, pitted
Cherries, uupitted
Dried apples
Spring Chickens
Mutter, prime
80 to SO
2 BO
a in)
4 00
Oak Ties
Pea Coal -
Chestnut Coal
Blacksmith Coal
l'.gg Coal
Tuesday Kve. Dec. 27. at the Resi
dence of the brides, Aunt, by the El
iter. Mower, rrert r . Kramer and
LiUie Ambrose both of Lena, 111. -
Den. t by Rev. W. A. Haas, Mary
aiaiiiua mover, or wasmngron Town
ship, to 1). f Flslier of l'enn twp.
Dee. SS, by Rev. W. A. Haaa, Mag
gie 8. HorTnmn, of near Heliuagrove,
to John Clop of Bellnsgrove.
Jan. 8, at Freehurg, by the Rev J. P.
Wainpole, Miss Laura A. Miller to
Mr. Hiram a. HUhl, both or the vloin
ity of Kantt.
Dee. 27, at Beavertown, bv Rev. D.
M. Btetler, Mlsa Mary E. rJnook to
Mr. Cyrus O. Dietrioh, both of West
Dee. 88, by the Rev. W. R. Wleand,
Miss Mary Jane Keed of Milllin coun
ty, to Lorenso D. Wlleiuan, of Ad
amsburg, Hnyder eounty. .
Dee. 211, Cbas. J. DeLong and Miss
Ellie Fry both of Centre twp.
Deo. 8a, In Mlddlecreek township,
of apoplexy, Ellis Duck, agodOO years,
4 months and 22 days.
Dee. 28. at Colon, St. Joseph county
Michigan, of spine fever, Catharine
Alice, wife of Charles If hues, aged t)
year, I month and 18 days.
An Enthusiastic. Endorsement i
aoftfUM, N. 1I Jn'y 14, 1879.
Gml Whoever you are, I don't
know but I thank the Lord and feel
grateful to you to know that In this
world of adulterated medicines tbere
Is one compound thai proves and
does all It advertises to do, and more.
Four years sgo I had a slight shock of
palsy 'which unnurveJ me to such an
exlont thrtl the Inst excitement would
make me shake like tbe ague. Last
May was Induced to try Hop Hitters,
t used one bottle, but did not see any
change ; another did so change my
nerves that they are now as steady as
they ever were.
It used to take both bands to write,
but now my good right band write
Now, If you continue to manufacture
aa honest and gaod an article as you
do, you will accumulate an honest for
tune, and confer the greatest blessing
on yinir fellow-men that was ever con
ferred on mankind. TIM BUUC.
A pure, wholesome distillation of
witch tinsel, American pine, Canada
nr, inariiiold, clover blnrtoms, etc.,
fragrant with the healing essences of
Imlsnoi and of pine. Such is Snnford's
Radical Cure for Catarrh. Complete
treatment for tl. Jnn,
We invite the attention of our read
ers to the advertisement of the Buck
eye M'l'g Co., Marion, Ohio, in another
column. They offer rat inducements
to earn an honest living.
5 t.CS.fim.
Notice to Settle &c.
Dr. . Orier Barber, of Middh-l urg.
having formed a ro-ptrlnership with
O. f.Mitar l(singer, .If. P. desires to
e:llo his individual outstanding so-
counls. Therefore, all persons know
ing themselves indebted and those
having claims will make payment and
present their claims for adjustment ou
or before the 1st day of March next.
Jan. 12. '82. 4w.
rlira nl Skin Nritlp nil It'dOri IH.f ,
onntl.UIn ths lalarnal of ITTiri ht-
ani.riNT. (I. a now b oot narinsr. Ban in 'i-
t.raal n nl 'i tm iiba sail Cum Ha Soar,
Ibaiirtal .manual.
M4I.T ntu.i'.n.
rill MolmnaM. IMS flaarhora at.. CM-a
irit.rnilT anlinnwiailraM a rara of Sail Rtisuia
tin UMli B. arm. ani iva. lur ro.vh-
tran taara i not Sbls to alk Stasia nil kamla
ami kos" onsar I n l al l- to halp blm
all lor alUt yaar.; Irlnl bumlr.ili at ramailla.'
.loolora nrnnnnaeH bis saaa b. p-lt.. i par
m.i.rntlr aara.l i. t'BlK'M'a Ha..ianl (l.lnnn
i.urlllar) Iniarnal'r ami Hiil.rura and full
cuta snap (ths a'aat Ik id curat) silsraallf.
H. K. rarpantar, F1 , HaB.1r.n. Y. nf I fO-la.l. r l.apr . lia.nlll.irl'
lamllns. Iv tlia llc rn rin IIk.iii.vhh r In.
larnallr, u.l I'l'TH rn ami I i tii'i ih Hor
aitamallv. Tba nml wnnilarlul aa.a na ran
cir.l. dura ci-riina.1 t.i lialura a Ju.'lna "f lha tml nmmlnanl IMiaii. All adit
with llhlna an i alr d tbuuld laud tv
ui lot tbla la.tlinoiilal la lull.
I'raks. rt , Iftriill. Mlh. tirt.ral a
fml all laxTliitiiin lr n s .klu II a.a arhlrh
appaara1 on kla band, lit. I at..) Ia, a- l
.adrlv ttattrnvail hla ava. Tha aanat rarafu
ilMiurlnu falla.1 to bal.l blm, ami, aftarali bal
(allal ba navrt tba lluilaura Haanltani (
porinarl Inlarballv. 'u(loi ai.d dutlnura
koaulllia araat aklu rnraai ilarallr. anil
waa aurad. aaJ baa rauiilua farlaetlf walllo
KiiiN iii noit'.
Mrs. a. E. Whlpnla, P-fatoP, Mlah.. wrllaa
tbat har fana, liaad and loma trl nf bar tidy
nra aini'i.t a. llMdnuvara-l wlih atoa a..ii
lira., auflarad fnarfullv sod trl d aa.rtllilna
prmDamlv earad by c uili-ura Hxnlvai I
(blind parlriar) and Uuileur aad buap (ilia
araat aila eural)
Ramadlaa ars far talskt s' Prlna
nri!VTii-nat. a Madlotukl .lall, .aialt bniaa.
'.: I.rf 'IM. SI. M'Tit'una II.ii.tit.
tha 1.1 imI Porlilar. tl pr bolt la. t'lTiri a
M.xii'iai. Tiiilbt Hoar, Jan.t ( rTIri n
MamaiaDAt. Near, Ita: In bara fur
ha r Mr. and larga coniumara, soa. Prtaelpal
Dapnt, WEKKS a POTTER, Bniina. Mm
Sanford's Radical Cure.
Hsar) Cel'ls, Watorjr Dlarbsraaa from lha Nnaa
and kyaa. Hlunliis Mulaaa in lha Had, NarYuna
Haadacba sad Uhllla aud Fatar lu.taulljr rallai
Uhohlna. oiitrlrt maont ll rllalacdad, mombran-
alaanad. (lialulSL'Ud aad bualad, liraalh anal-
auad, araill, laaia, and barlug raaurad aud eou
atliullaual raouaa csaosaa.
O'tuab, nmncblila, Umpplnaa Into lha Throal
Palua la Ilia Ob.l, l)).ii-l, Wa.nas ol
ritranutli aud rlalh. I,na uf Mlnan. a.'., aurad
Una bonis Hailli al Dura, ua but Cali-rrlial
flolvantaud nua Dr. tlauftird'a Inlialar, In ni-a
pat-kaaa nf all ilrnualat., for (I. A.k fur Ha.
ausica Madioai. Cuaa. WKEKV a POlTtK
l.uot qn obrtban )ol
Lisa Voi.TlK) fl.Aa
vsai m fiiaviug pain
and W. km. af lha
Kiiinv,l.lvar aLm.iia,
Kliaiiruatlam NaurnlMla
Hralarla. tVraala Wa.k
Malaria aud Kar.r
and na. Prli a it cla.
vVutlitor'n IVotiee,
In the matter of thsutats of Jacob Tiaber
NOTICK is bersby given tbat the
odarilKaad AUdltur, app.ilnta.1 by t'ta
Ooarl tadlaulbnls lha ra.arvad fund la lha
haaJs rf Wm. A t'liksr inrvlvlaa adralnli.
trator of Jaaob Fl.har, rlao'd tn and aiauna
tbo.a lacally anllll.d tn tlia lama will ill far
lha parpaaaof kli apiramt raant, at tha Aml
Hoati'i la Ika llorouk of Nalloisraya, I'a.
oa Kilurd.y, lab. 4, 'S'i, al 10 o'aliaik. A. M.
al whlok Uaa aad piaaa all saraoni Iniaraat.
ad, ara raaalrad to tasks kaiwa thair elaini,
or lm f.travar dabarrad trosi prttolpatiog Is
said dUtrluslloa.
JsaalS,1. Asdltor.
kTAl.TiriJkMHVltw.V, ; J .
rai4 1 t, issv 'sr. y - '
Olfss s OrlUloal. Wklta sad wlr
arvwaaalaalaaMa a AraawM. A aM. PtnaSI
'!-''i'iaV .-in t.iilmi:. M,
a 1 In .an
n . r.
Tow stands eontWsdly at the hesil of rbltidclpbla Journallam m
all that makes a thoroughly compluto, pcnoral nml Oimily nswa
paper. It la more eoropleto In Its news, In lis special corroapon
donee, In Ita varied contributions on nil subjects of popular Interest,
and in all the qualities of a newspaper for the family clrclo and
for the business man than any of Ita cintoinpornrlci," because Its
tenuities and resources are equal td ever want of a first-cliias
Bational Journal.
"The Weekly
during the past year. Its contributors from week to wook are aiming
the Riremoat men of the nation, and no deportment cf news or
literature Is slighted In any number on any pretext. It Is silnptcd
as woll to women as to men i hem e, although lis political lutein
gene la full and accurate and Ha xlllVut e.lltorlnN free ami fear
loaa, liberal provision Is made for literary, ilrninatlc and iiiunlcnl
tnattera, travels and adventure, fiction, poetry, fsehlons and the
chronicle of rurront social events. In nil tlioM) ticpurttnciita llio
pens of the treat writers are Citga4.1l, vlillo Melodious from oilier
Journals are made with caro, taato aud fullness that are uiisiirprtnacd.
Tnsj "AwwaUl or Tna Wan" chaplera of unwritten history
contributed by prominent m tors In ttio war of Urn rebellion, njo
a valuablo rWt tire of the paper ami liavo U-entnn a recognized
depository of aueh msttera, whether from Northern op Southern
sources. This detriment, as wo!l an a'l others, will lio kepi fully
p to tba high standard of former years.
THE DAILY TIMES-DtUreraJ In tbi ntr of rhtlstrli,l,K
and tiirrountllng Tmrna for Tclvs Ctxa a wnrk. Mail Scbim ripths, u,r
rwa. Sis DoUait a fuar, or Plflr Osn a monih.
THE WEEKLY TIME3-Pin:.--t r-!im.!.f w , ri,.!r.t
millnir.cnperlaily pn-paml U mnrl tliu na'rbii-f ci klf ti' -;m.rr na.lrra. One
enpr.SXOOi FlTaonptca, tSOn; Ton reptts, StMO; Tr.ity r . It, fiVVi. All Kttia
oopy sent fmo to any pemm arttt'il npfntxrf ! n 1 T imntr.
bast known anil moat accumplkheri nr.loro eoiitrMiiiie 10 lu c luuina viy rtctb.
Two Dollar a year, poauure fr". Slnrto cr ila. r.'ir I VMS.
THE TIMES ALMANAC-A.M.iimi.irrtvri:rain.t,riiior
Infunuatlun. publlahai on tho Find of . ev.-iy enr 1 1 'Uvti (Vina a c py.
THE ANNALS OF THE VAR-A vnlo tavntelnms
of ST0 pairra, Niautifiilly illiLtntntL Wrliion l.y Pijittrnl ranlit.ini In Uio Wat,
North aud H011U1. PrliT, 3.'l.
Chestiuit nnd l"Ulit:i streets, riillodclphln.
TUK nndersiK'ncd ofTers t priTale, tha followlna rla.arlliait Raal K.iala.
lowli : A rariain traKt nl Ian I altuaia In Atl
atnii twp . rrr-lar a mnly, I'a , about mil a
Buulhtaal ul Troxlyltla, anntalnlng
3.1 AcrtH,
n.ora or tsti, wbarsna ars sraotad a good
r rams
Dwellmi; llonse, Slaliln
.sd plhar nutiMiitillnaa wall of amul watar at
tlia il.Mir Ihrlvlna jhudk uri'liant ol clmlra
fruit traaa ruanloa watar an tha larra about
avraa ot tba alHjva la tlmliar I. nil, tha
lialanra riaar aud ID a hlah atata ul ultlatlun
Tarma r-aay .
lur lurlhar parili ul.r. s lilraM
bur. 94, 1 iit. if. TroisUllla o.l.r l'o.
THE Heirs of Michael Mininni
ilaa'd nflSrat prlraia Nala, lha f'llnln4
lca-rliiad haal K.iala vis ; A aruln tuuaa-
uaa and Trart ol land -lluaia In Parry twp.
D'iar t'u. f a. biunda.l au.l dra. rlliad aa fnl
lua.. mi tlia Nurtu l.y laiela uf rairtt rotllh,
K.a.t bv landaol llauiul taa.a, N-ulU by laiel.
nl Alary Wa It, and Will by landa lianlal
ailnil luulalnln
.Sx Arrow,
ra nr a.a with tba appurtananrai, os
abK-li la oriHilad a a,md i .tnry
Kmiuo Mnise, Ituik Ham,
and S'har outl.ul.dlui!.. al-o an nri-liard of
f holra fruit, aifaiiaut waiar oiar t1.
for tarma ai.ttly in I.KWIH AllNlI'll n
Mmint I'laa.ant Mill. Mtvlar Co I'a, nr in
hi. Any, JAI'OH lilL.Hfc.KT, Mlddlshura,
suydsr vo. ra.
i. ai. 'st
MUrra of illnn on tha ratals o'
John Anraao, lata ol t ni"n .nl'lp , Hnr
dor i n.t l' .lart'il, liava Itfan Stan rd In Ihi
.utiaarlliar, all ear.un. Intlaiii..d in th aattl a.
tair ara ianua.ied t.t m.Sa Immtillais rar
mini, aod ih a naflna claim, nr drrrjant
aaamat in aaia.ff i iu iti.i nace.iaitt win
malta fcuuwn lbs lama, withnnt d lay. in
PAVII s.Miiil.l.Y.
Dm. Itlh, IHI, A'lmlnl.tralor.
I)UHI. 1(3 SA I '.K.. Tlio nn.lor.
1 alanad, Atlmlnl.lralnra nf Ida a. lain of
Julia H. Hulibi lata nl nrr luanahlp any
dar onu'ily, Ha , d. rn.a.l. hy vMu ol an nr
dr Iraua i nut nf itio Orphan.' ' urt nr ..I I
anuutv, 1 1 aipn- to Pnlilln M.lann wATl'H
day, .IAN. 14. 1, on tho praml.aa lha In l'iw
Ina Haul H-taia. to wli : A rart.ln
tratl nl land .Hn.ta In t"nililp of liaaiar
alnrarald, anntalnl'iu K) AI'rlKt mnra or It ,
uuuiiiiaii nrrinny lann niiiaurKa linear, r:a-i
bv I. nd ol Paul Itanfar. Hnuth ey land of ti.o.
Iltluar and Wa.t by land of !r rulny.
ah.ra.ia.ra aiamad a dalllna lini'HK. II t H
and olhar iutbiiildln ntvar f-lllna walrr
an OHCM AKII of abnloa trull. Oor-nluut io
mar.atand .ahuol. Tbla prmarty will mal
tualy ba atruak off In iha I la bail Vlddar si i.r
I af ra I o'flt'H-b p m nfaalddav Hali tu rmn-
maacaat 10 o'clock a m.ul tald day whrn dus
at'ao.tanits will ba ahsii sad tarsia ol iala
mads kauwa by
w. o. aj m r ii.
Dwa. SS, IMI. AdmlulHialura.
I.atlrra nf admlmalrallen na tba . rlata of
Hbwoa Vv altar. Iala ol t:aulra twp. Hi,v.(
Do. Ha., dap 'it, bava han uranlatl tn tba un lar
.lanad. All raranna knnwlna Ibamaatvaa In
dablad toaalil aal.ta will innlio linmadi.
ata p.ymanl wbtla thnra having al.lrna ii.Ii t
said a. Iala will pranant Iham lur aattlamant tu
N AlllAMi:!. WAI.I Kit
Jan. I, PM. Adnilnl.tarinr,
A. ulitorM IVotlcs.'.
7n the Mate of A. SI. I'ultler, tlrc',1,
mil K itiii1.raiivnml Anditrir Aniininf-..
- - - t '
ad bv tha nrphant1 Court or snydar Co.,
dlairlbuta tha fundi In tha banda of Mary
. riablar. Admlnlitralrls, ol lbs art. la uf A.
pa ri.ntar, maw mv an t... .11 .i 11m lanati,
Mnydar a.iunty. Ha , daoaaiad, will a t lor t'u
purpnaa uf hla anpolntmaut it hli ufota la ths
llnra, ul Mlddlabaru, snrilir ruuuty, I'a., oa
KHtPAt. Jan. V, ' at 10 n'alook A- M
load If thai tbluk prusr.
' " 1 11 wiiwui'ir r.v
Jaa. II, 'II. Audllur.
.uliti'i IVotloo,
In (As nuiOr of the Matt of
Ilctrolil, deo'd.
THK nndorsift-oati A n litor appoint
ad hr tha llrnhana llonrt ol Hnydar lounH
Io tnaks dlitrliiullos ol tha lands la tl a bandi
ol N T. Hun.lnra, Admlnliirilnr or Iks suits
af Wai.U. Ilarruld, lata uf Union towniklp,
Haydr na. y, daa'd. will ill lur tha purpnia
ol at'amllna 10 tba duilaa of hli ipp dnimant,
si tus court noa.a in tua imroajiB 01 nininia
bura, na Friday Ilia llb, day ol Kabru.ry A.
II. I8i, al is o'aloek a. at, whoa aad ab.nal
parllra luli raatail la tald fu nis ars qua.tad
In appaar or ba dibirrmj fro a ywcalvlaa any.
Iblna uul f said lua-t,
IHO. P.CRUNalll.LKn,
Jaa. It 'M. Audllor.
I on ths stala af
Ot'irlOK H.MNHUKK.daMimd Iala al I'a
loa twp., Haydar aoaaly, fa bifira b. aa
rraatia la tba nadarilaaad, all paranus know,
n ih.uiialvl lodabiad Io laid o-lala ara ra.
qui'alail tn aaka linta.dialo payraaal, wbtla
Ikoaa bavin alalaji will prsii-si Ibara duly
?,, 4. '' AdatiBMrldtrls.
' . 4 ... '.:... -'
lias nearly doubled Ita
runner lama elrciilntlnn
- o
frnu raplarathat eld 1'orrip wllh a saw on
n I J'i nut Ural carafully ataiuln Ika
Buckeyo Force Pump,
rhw Htic-pyr U Hi rfry lnrt liiiiiorniit
In Hiitup, ll In r M.Htrttotf.l Midi lr ftiJMii'r
wlii on iuiik it ti r t t it,"'! .! . 1 1
I n ftltarliril to tlii ltili'liTt I'tHtip, aini Wslnr rs.4.
i tttf.i ii upon ii v Itiitt.ltiitf in cs of l rs-,
Vnu .mii wtr tour lr.rn ami Yard, Vi m
Wiutl'. Wksiu 11 ii ii nI", anil ha m
arra ly oh ymir nt tiramUtl Al u nori tn
lhau an urrlmftrj iitup. ll
Cannot Fre333
In cnltl waatHir. Ilurtili. In.ytii.1 a dnn.t. Thr
varyptimp for d.ap anil.. Tim w.iruliiM pari
ars .t,ihr aiioliniia and valvi'i wlttiln apttm
lam llns I cbaiutinr. N 'llil.iii la l-oay aboul H
I ho
Iron Turbino Wind Cngino
la at." a (rait Imprntauiaiil In Wind Kmrlnri
rail m l t'i. pnniii In oprratluti, or fnl
ittrtlcuiara addiata
la Ulnwn,
Ocl.Sd ISIS IT, Mifflin unlilj, H.
Tba nndaralitnad havlnit tUaSe
ln-nr.ia vl , Works, ba Ii now lully pia
parad tu rnaaulsatsro.
Mannmcnts A n i MWm.
hla lummar al prlra. nmeh Inwrr thar haraln
urs, and lunar than ba, avsr baaa dons la lbs
Ilsvlnat'i'l rax.irad s tsras lot of tla.lana.
nl all ll-a lntal .ivlo. nl Mununiant. & l..t.
atonal. I am abla in ulva aatlpfai'tlitn In intr.
anl prlra., tn all that wl.b In dacorata n.a
irrava. oi a nepariati irianti wtui a nral, rlivap
M.iiihvii1, Vitmli or Itrail.lnnr.
I havo ai.n niaila arrattnrrinaot., .n a. la be
abla t i Inriilrh nn .iiort m.'io, .tarl la Mini
tona. nr anv i-'i ar kind ol .1. .r and Window
hit's, at prlr-o In .ult ll.a
I'ar.oni In naad nl anv nf tba abova artlnlr.
will .ava money hv rallliiu at tha wnlln-urova
Marnto Work, batora eurrbaitna al-awliarn.
I a ..i k 'p .i nk'. I'm. in ilalvaiiltml II rara
llnir.l. .lla. lira dIUarant lt)Ul. Dolus
I II. I.nna of t.rilur, Hi
un.lnralanatl. anais all ur h ra alll r. cclif
pMinpt .ttantlrn.
U.,1S-II. V.I. It A NTN I'll,
rpiiK ,
I of I hi
snnnnl i lreitn for Ilii-pelois
ho I ft A Ml 1.1 N Mt' nri.t
Assiinl t 1 1 I V will ha bald at tho ll.mia
Oltloi.. .1 Mlddlnliiiraoil Kit III AV. .1 A N, 'Jilti.
: I s I, at Pi o'oiifk A. SI,, nf wblfli mealing
I rtn kbmdara. mainiiari, and Iniurad, ara ra
qui Had tu laka uoilna.
K'.tAS 1H MMEI,, I'rai.
I'll VIV STITLUk, Sit),
' lac. ai.'tl.
"VTOTICK is licri'l)? eien tlmt Ilia
1 Anual Klaett n for Mraet or th. nil
tartnwn Mut r'lralm.i's nf Haavartnwa I'.t
will I haltl at lha onttiti ul Ilia oniony at
Haavattown, I'a , on Maiurday .Ian I '"'J
l-twaan tha houri ul una and nvo u olm k I'
H. ul iU day All luam ian ar.i ri ua-t.
sd lu ba praiant.
1 K A. 1'iei
A. II. Ilnwkasni fao.
Jan. . IMU.
yViuIil im IN l
rPHK nnilmaiirneil Anilttor iiMninl
I ed by tha lirplnn.' 1'i.iirl of Kny.lar I'n.,
t'i iii-uioma un' iiinni in tin nanni 01 .1. it,
Ii.ivii and ila-i. Snhnura .iirvivtntf KlKaomor.
i.t tbroitaio .ii llanrr l. I.yrr, ltn ol lha ll ro
or Salt 11. urn vs, Nil 1 ilar t:n., I'a ,, w II I
ill lor tba iiu'p.ia ul bli .pii.tlbliii. ul at tlia
Anita lliiii-l, In ihn ll.iiouaii of Krllii.Hrnvr, 01,
Tl KMliA V, I l.ll. lib, ll. nt II u'i'l.i.'k A.M.
whan and wl.ara all pirilai Intarcits.l way ll
fnd If the y ililnk urupsi-.
A. II. MI. I..
Jan. 6, lisj. Audlior.
ADM I N I S T It A TO U'S O T I ( ' K'an nradmlnlalmtlon na tba a.l ol
HAMI'til. KKIIHHK, danaaaol. la'a ol Mid
dlanrrak twp , hay lar county. I'ann'., haaltia
baan araniad to tha uu.laralKaod. all icinni
knnwliiM thaimalvai ImI Ida d lu ni l o.l.ta
ara ro'iuaitad to ra-iba llurnadiata pajtnaiit.
whlla ihn.a bavlnif clalmi will pra.anl Ikain
d Jly authaatlcaiad lor laiilaiiiant In
Das. I, KM, Adralaiiiralor.
A t.attars ol adml'tratbia on Ilia t.lala of
HI IIUI HII HHI llHAK itacaaiad, Iala ol
Harry Iwp. Snydar a.iuniv, I'a., bavins baaa
ranta I In iba ai.dar.lan.d. all panuna know
tun tbatu.atva. ladabtad tu aald aalata ara ra
i)ua.l.d In maka luiiuidata payniont, wbila
Ittuaa havloa elalmi alll praanal tbaia duly
aalhaaiittatsd lur .ait lamaat tn
c.L.lAUt.1'11 Hrll'HOAK,
Jan. It, 'Ii. AdtttluUMaiiu
t'niravad lu Una and Hilppla Iruat a pkmn.
Tl" I'" .n'lviw. I', nil,. i.aiBaill m . vwi rt
ILfur.r. A Waanful worn ul art. Ninain,
tlilun. Hl.iv'l. rtand mr I'lrnulira and a
.rais'ioa. TMslisak tMU. Hun. t o., fcar.
vtis. waa. jaa.i,ia.4s.
Iy I'litsters clitliitlng to be an lm'
provement on AI.LCUt.'K'M l OUOUH
AI.LCOCK'W Is the original and on
ly genuine I'ouoi'iri.AsrKit (nil oth
er so-called rmtntu 1'i.A.dfiM ars imt-
tat Ions. DltWAHK DP TllBM.
Heethat you get an AI.U()C'K'.4
PLASTER, which we gnnrantne hits
effected more nml iiilcl;er ctn ts then
any other external ttcimvlv.
Jnn. 8, ts-ij. Out.
jsaaasasrssw ail ll an
D. It. Stratford,
at Sclihjrro-e i prepared to furnish
nf il hiuil.i In liift n wrt nl h r.liiniii tlt
'Mi work fit i.t nl tha
Ecst Harblo
t lli.irt r.ill. a. All am It nrraill f ('vs
jIUISi Hoi.
S-l laa.s rail an I riamlns my iixtarlal and
hiar my ( rim br'urc urehatina
Jsi 4, i;.;
rNllic ill 11111 it llla
la if- iii'tlhr nf thr 1..M11 (,
T. fa ok II I Ulnall attn ra.
I ildt.a at Citin-t Mortr, l.i.a: .l..rh
wh.t-a pi.,,iTirt a idrr.. I. . -a r. linn. I, itol
nrii.lh inia m.rnd with II. try
II ha.tat who ra.i'i. at P lalinr'a I arrv. Nor
tliuiol.arl.i d I'n.. I'a 1 I'.illy llrli atl I .tatiiMr
I' d wliii 'I limn.. ilorJ. u, aho.a -i-t ottii'i a.l
..r I Hi. l.nrl.i. .inn ata I .1 , I'. : ai.d iho
Mo "Inn rhll. Iran of 1 nbarii a Holn. 11 aim
Intoriniril. 1 wl'li A ttain I ,r Inar and la
now drvan.rd, vll; Aniantlit l).i,iilllnDt wlio
p.i.toilica att.lrn. 11 noiiiIi It n-l. I ml : I mm
1 In .illltial who r.-l In Mn J .lor In., I'a t I alb.
irim i i ditra wtitt.r p ..t-tiCJ.-a . II urt.
1 I I. JaolM 1 rn , I'.., an I Al.rtlia ll.iod p u
who .1 titl. r I .I lia.. II llrriH l. Innlil
'o.. I'. . II... la-l in.i.ii who'll .ra inlnttri mil tor tl ntr autiduti ilioirfcia Hla . ' I Or.
nml. .1 tltil .1 . i ' .. Ha.; Mnlli Hainan wlnlia
inlnm and haa I. r bl viinr itan I ail M. I' at.,
Haonaii Hal ti-tt ii,ii.rniar la I wMii .lona'haii
Ii. nil r, your lailll. !.., hul a aud I I
rapraa -nlallvaa nl J. din Hrlnlll .ia of Parry
luniiblp,nny.larrnunt. I'a , d fa 1.0 1,
V"n aro liaraii,-notilia I f tut ty vlrina ofa
wrtt ol in'iui.l lun .-nail nut nf Una i trpii i ,.'
('.url ol r...1.-r c.iunty and to tnr dlraftatl
that an tntpiaat wl I p. k Id on II " f
oi.n ilaiiii't. dpon-ad, lit- nl t'arry 1. wnaiilp,
M ,lar . ...iiil) . I ., on .miimm Y, KMI. ll.,
P"ii al lu o't'l.tfk A M to artlll n nf
v.liliillnll I Ida ll. m I I nlntn ol Ilia Mltl ita ' .
1 linn and wb ri nu may at. i d II ynu IbloK
i. VIII ni ll III.V, Pb-rlt
.tan. t I' at.
ion AM,.
fPHT ynrr nn well nn tU rhh, f Iit
1 nlt an ? 11 ar th ronnii, Ih" wtf. rk i-lf
na tl. burliati'i, t In- ?"im tiuii.!n ll a
t ti )iit-tr limn, ti- ar 1 I n w l a ttm ho,
nniv li-t a All rarn a w l Pif In honst
i-in I Inimai f, n atl nr'tnl thi liutki aitil
wall lur nllmr .-aril It I f Ih nu U fart
dive ynii ftini lyitifnl, nil Hi - tlnii, nr ilnrln
f nr ppstri liHiirn tihl i rnrfliu', 'n y-tnf
mn fiftiulilNirlimxl, itth.-nj trtnl no i
at ,nnlal atn p If tt ) finf rur- f.f irtrv
inaiii. rin lmii-t T' ' fnfnrii i kn ut
inn Irra if rt'stt . It will t'tMt J ri nly orif
.'fM tor a INiuhI fnr.1 lo mti'.n fnr nr rroiio
ari'l u nst v ia ttiv in urn nf makitiM yu
utmti ii. an; ilolUr.
It Hot I. -n't t HI "f H'ftltilT. Yon il-V
Bui Imvmi a l.rnt ! m l i"Pi, tt
run a vrcut r I-of I"!'! i, Yom aIH r aM i v
f mat It mH l'4n.y m iit r c-i iiin
rro.n o t i a w. n nihI vsii.iii( a I r
tr, hIm tnitppO' lo t I ii-Iii. lifHioriha.
lrnli'"l 'i ward -n-l if ' 1 4 lm, Arin.l tu thi
H.a'l.T MIW. f ir itt Is MON r V I N II' fo
il! Alioriift.tfi'tiit.i n. V" it a li .mhi rl oir
list mn Mill Tufi'lv P wit f on nnrff Wrnla r
us trlora. w kiii rin. rHr.rt r.Mt rnKH.
lU'tKf-VF M'F'I m.
t yim. Oil ran r I M a Minn, am m.
Ilt. .1, I hi .un.
1 X K 'U TO U-S "N ('it ICK-Tif Horn'
1 ta'tiimnntaiy on tba ait iia nf f'ittiarli.
saliiinnn, ita. d, na uf I err I rrn.l.ln
Nn.d' r fnuntv. i s.. wra ar mind .i Iba in..
Irr.tltlia-I. All I'M. bl kitonllilf tliatii.alia.
Ii'iloi.ied pi pal. I a.U'a will i.lan-a tint tin law-.
IIkio ihi un nt. wi. Ii I ' ..! h vlnu olalnii will
pruaiil llti'li lur latliann nl lu
t. ii. nil. r.-i.
Ana la, IHI. leia'Olor.
I) 11 MS I
l.atirr- of a t
ImlitlwtrHtlon nti t'i 4itaii ot
;arH Mit'l'-r, iioii.wij, liim ol l'n Ion twp.
Nny-ir ruui v, rmt'- . Nivlntt ln ictntol
In tha unHarf lnne.l, i nr ii kiii-wtnii tliaro
tvt a lhiitft. to tti ( ita n re'itif-tO'l t-i
mn If iinmaillitu .unm"iii, w liU tii urn hi n
i-nsium w lit pra-eni tUom tlnly Jtbaotlt-atl
ti. 1, IM A'hultiittriiirJx.
i nMiNisru viouvs nut.cb.
I rtlfri f linlnil' toii i.n th rital uf
I .I' -lr llohll. iiff. fiei), in 1 nl tcarir Ti.,
Si-ytlcr rMin'v, I'ctiin'a., h-tvlnif loi .TininJ
in Ilia uii.l uIk'i.!, all r'ri- kitawlnt ilia ns
p.-lv- litililii to nti 1 cm it nrm r uuiitl tit
inkt l.ttniMtisiwj.Nyiiniii, will a lUu.s. L'ivln
.lalin will 1 rc-i-nt ll an iluiy nut littuilon caJ
lur titliuni to
V I M, ' It MM Iiri.V.
!', Mli. iS, Atltiilui.ii snor.
BY virliia rf a writ -f Tl Fa -anad
out of tba I'n.irt nr I'la uf"
nui'lor ciuoiv. Ha., and I uia d lac la.1, will
ba aiKi.ed tu I'u llo Nata on
Kntniiliiy, IVI. 18, f Z,
at lha rnurl 11 uia In ths Horn MM lllahurr
ai lu o cl.Kik a in.. Iba .UHi Inar. t In taw
'oliowina Haal Kaiala, lu wKia larlalu uia
dlvldod trai l of
Mountain lard.
Itnitad In llaavar twp,, Snvta. Co Pa...
u.iumla.1 and irainrlliavt aa foil, wi. In wit i
north by land irf .an. KoU .nil otiiar.. Km by
lanii 1 1 . A-Matia', nonin iy is n i I sinun
tola and at ky l.ud ul 4ulu It. biuith. cott-
Two Unnilroil autl CiLtoou Aciss;
lanra or Ion.
Halti.l. tak'-n Intn.fannltno ail tu ba ml I
as Iks proarty of .Inba I'ramar
iiaviir iir.iiiiii'i, vaorirr
HhsrhTi Oo, Ml l.llabur, Pa., Jaa. IS,' S. .
NOTICK is hrebv Rer tlmt the
rc.partur.kip b'allia l.lln ha-
laia Itiakl llrui. l.owiMiu'a I' aula a lit-
Wind P.nalnai. ayrlcailaral laplan',' a ,
hfsksoa lull day u.atulvad by u.u'u.1 o..i..u..,. i. uUm
J. a. IS.'M w.
ft, l, Ml-i bulks I .). MltM, t.f MktSSa.1. JI, ft i . .! tit. i Hi'iMr. jrti riis
HltvlHstitMasa -ll . Ma Jl .titiasj HiebltN
UUl 4K.4m4,k4 ,