A "'TV . Car- ., a - ' r5-ra tea--'' "'- '.-'J." 1 .1 -- j TivoPoVt isiiddleburs, J All," 13, ijJi. I. CRJUSE Cuitor & Proprelor. 'Ull.'. 1 . . . Tuere wuro mora pormas lnin,j in this country iu ltfSl tlian ever l.c foro ia a single yimr, wbilo llmei cuargpil with Inking I iiiduo lif more tban duntlo tlio list any twulw Uiontbs. Prohibition ia Kaunas ban lad U a groat locruian in tit n.i of li j iji for woiliciniil purpose. Onn mnn wbote only ailiuout uaa a munll boi ooder hia arm, auocvedud io indue, ing an alaro.e I physician to pra ter 1 bo J ia teii liars tea bottlea o "spirit f:a nt " -in I flirty unf iles oi ooor. i us Don ) low taio to be epidemic in Kansas. The Uuitaan trial baa arrived al tint stage wben all the evidonoa i ia an 1 tbe attorneys are addrcaeiDf me uonrt ou law points. It cannot last now more tbau a few days OjitJaaoontimi to male bin Hub peejbtt'S aul declares tiiat pablic aentineat la tnrniutf in bia favor which be infers from tho lottore b receives. Tbe oouJitiut; of trade for I?S1, a iodicitod by htreet'e repo.ts, was ooif mni!y q ioJ in atl the great lilies. Due of the moat notaMe feature of tbe year' raterpt ree, ir tbe rapid railway dttotision mi gen erel development apparent ra the 8outb. New York has never bad ' enoh an extensive dry goods trade al ia sp t if abort am ertya tbe prosperity of tbe Noilhweat t onconragiaa;. Tbe iTiflaeaee of tb business boom baa ten anfvtraal. Naoa, tbe Apache chief, wao h given tbe people and troops en ear Booth-western b Trier jsaeb troable, baa at last met bia fate. He wen down into Vfeiioj with hie btai and tried to make a treaty of peaee, bat the Mexican ahot hia tad made hit warriors captives. Tbe boot will probably be pat to wr ia tb mines, and tbe sit will be trass formed into hoiae eerveata ia tit City of Mexioo. Tbe Uaa lio KaiUay battle i ended. After a careful survey of tb leld, the supporters of rei I en Bond decided to bow to Mr. Gow eu'a nearly fifty thousand anajotit aa graoelally as possible, aa 1 tb oal of the conptay wna yiateriiy delivered to tbe aew riaiiJont. It bis baoTj appareat fir attejl mjntlis to all except tbeis $n oS aunatoly reaolvel a it ta im, lb it Mr. Vao Jerbiit bell the btlanea rf power in tbe conteet that bas jest ei sej ; when be cast his lot witn Ujwen, the battle was over, and all litigation to hinder tbe aatbority of tbe ouw direction, would be simply saosziu tbe elreaJy prMty wall iq iozaJ orange fr tbe baaeat of lawyers. Tbe abarebollers an! the pnblio genorally will be glad that the Read iug ooatroverey ia ended, and it is alike the interest of tbe ancoessfal and tbe defeated that there shall be a harmonious eiTort to euhieve sua cews for Mr. Qoweu's pulicy. Ux-l'ostmastor-Generul James has assumed the diitiei of bis new noai tiou an proaidunt of tbe Liooula Na tiuoal bauk of Snw York. Two Mormou misiooariea are re ported to be;mikin Bu enroua eoo vi ts in pottious of Wotwu lnu ayivuuw. isiwia W. StJai'jtja, UiiiUJ htaies minister to Kosnia nndor Hayes aUwiijiiitraLioD. diJ a f days ao at bia home ia Now York kixtj. three jeat. An explosion of fire damn in coal tu.au near Lanwf t 1. IV. oaasod a partial caving ib of the mine and injured nine men, several of tuauj toiug hurt to doutb. Mr. 8ooville is raportel to have an-ri-pted au ofTor offl.UUJ fur Uuiteau's body, tbe money to be paid at once uq 1 tbe buyer asnmuing tho obauce of tho amassing oxooution. Tlio roqnisitiona for stamps from poNtmasters at tbe poatollloe dopm t muut ou tbe 7th aregated over eUiuVMJ. This is tbe Urgi-st issue in one day ia tbo bistory of tbe sorvico. Tbe assassin of Treaident Garfie'd seems to be coming to tbe eud of uis rope. lajgeUox sreruaal to allow Lim to makeaspeocb in bis own la fonse must deprive tbe aubsHqnout proceedings of a great deal of inter est or biia. . A number of men assembled in a tora at Westport, Let, quarreled about a horse race i revolvers wer drn, and ia tbe general flxhl . whioh foll iwed three men wro kill ed outrigbt, a fourth was mortally wouodttd and two otbera were t ightly bart Daring the funeral of the pantoi . of tbe Sulom Evangelical chinch, at H noo.v, 111., a panic was created b.v the giving way of a railing, and in t!io rush which followed fo; thv 'irtie abunt frty pertons were in- . ju-e 1. soma so soterely that rioovery is doubtfuL Terribla CalUion on l!ie Rail. - l. Nw Yoa, Jan. 11. Tbere uii ton aeciil.'iit on o NVv V.nh (.,tr.il Itt.lioal I), j ubi. JU.. AU.uilia-1-sprew. wliioli;, waa l.ni t;-tnr luiuiHea lute ou luav- ng Alhiiny. It rait at a liixh rats of pcrd and hid noinly tuado up iu oat time before reacliiug Spn.vten Dityvil. 'I lii're were four pa-nongor ooachca, two mail rara and ooo ex press car. The train bad pained Kpnyton Duyvil and gone about a third if a mile hnu ona of the air irnkns gavo out and tbe train wa brought to a alnp about two bun Irod yards fro'ii Spuyten Divil surve. This curve is oue of the harpet on the raad and aa ap proach! " train could not be seen rteyond the turn. Tbe train waa ielayed five or six miuotes while workmen were examiuing and re pairing the brake. A local train fo r pasMDgsra left Tarrytowa aboal '6.3b, ahortly after tbe exprees ttain had panaed, and left puyten Dojvil at 7,07, beiug due at tbe Grand Ootral Depot at 7.30. A brewkman stool on tbe track live or six frt from tbe rear car, with a ret lantern and a while lan tern. As soon as tbe light of tbe approaching train flashed around tbe enrve tbe brake man sprang for ward aud ran qnirkly down tbe track, awingiog bis lantern, Every one expected to see the approaching iraio atop i oai u crme on apparent ly onder fall headway. As the ap proaching train struck tbe exnres tbe locomotive crushed into the rear compartments of tbe rear parlor car. tan me car waa teieacopixi with tbe rear of the parlor car Empire in rrmH oi it. so far aa conll be learn ed, nobody escaped from the rear oar to tll toe atorv of the diaaater. Ike arecked cars were almost im- eat.ly wraripe.1 in flarnea. The stoves bad overturned, and the live coal finished the woik of deatrnc- tion. About the middle of the rear car sat Park Valentine, 23 years of aire, valentine wra on bia wedding inp, uaviofr oneo married to Mias Lioutse Oaylord, of North Adam, Masaaebnaetta. on Thursl.iv nitrht. Both biido and groom perished in iim names. "Within five minutes after the craab the two rear cars were in flames. Tbe paipenirnrs stood in tbe snow and mud on the slippery einnank-ment ami saw the nre dari ing through tbe wreck of tbe two art, powerless to assist tboee witbin 1io were groaning and screaming for succor. The villagers quickly gathered at the aoene of the disaster and rendered such aid as they could, bat it was several minutes before water, carried for some distance in pane, eonld be thrown npon tbe true. Meo and bovs rolled huie oalU of the damp snow and burled it through the car windows, which otbar meo had broken with frag' aieiita of the wreck. No faces ap peared at the our windows, but ones in a dozen voices were beard from witbiu. It was evident that tbey came from persons pinned fast oeneatn tbe debris and unable to escape. Tbe number of dead bodies taken from tbe wreck at midnight was eigni, among mem Senator Wagner of New York. Quite a number were severely lojnreJ. At Oakalooea, Iowa, three boys ioun runups, son or tbe mayor, 'Jerald Joyce and John Hedmin were shooting with rifles, using tbe sine or a wooden builJinar contain ing 5U0 kogs of powder as a target. wueu a lerrioie expioaion occoreil. Tbe three boys were initantlv killed. and their bodies. frii.htfullv manoled and borued, were burled from fifty aa. l..a a a i' two uuudrea yards away. Hear ty all the plate-gins windows in the vicinity wore broken by the ooooua eioo, and many bouses ia tbe sooth- era part of tbe city were badly damaged, aiauy persons were in iured by tho falling kIiiss and debris The shock of tbe explosion was felt at Mouroe, a distance of thirty miles. The ehlioouer Cara Le arrived at Pigeon Cove, near Uockp.irt, Muss.. bringing five men alive and two iload. picked np adrift in an open hoat. Jhey are tbe crew of the Hdioouor Bird, of Itockland, Me.. boinid for Uoatoa with plaster. Tbe vessel sank, and tbe men, eight in i . i . , i . nuiuimr, ioun io a uoa and were picked up forty ruilon from CnpeAuo . Ou tbe death of the second mate, who waa tha last to expire, tbe five survivors cut bis throat and sus tained lifo by sucking the still warm blood from bia body. One of tbe five buildings that con stitute the euar refining work of ilavemoyor Si Elder, io W illiamaburg Long Inland, bus been totally dos troyed by fire. Tbia rehnvry is said to have boon tbe largest ia tbe world, its capacity boing over 40J barrels a day. tlia building horn ed was six stories high, and contain ed nearly all tbe maobiuery naod in refining valued at $70 ',00 J -and f CU0.000 worth of sugar. The total loss ia pat at about 11,500,000, and 3,000 men are thrown oat of employ melt Tbe Lord loveth a cbeeiful gir- er," but there's oo use obneking a copper cent into the oontributloi box loud enough to make the folks on tbe back acat think tbe coin man ,oo eei vioe bas tomhlud off the alter. . ..,.twdtiilo- bus light..... lbs It Ctrl I ....JjliBitjwo Iim a good tloal of j ii..... i jr..i..Fv.. l: . . . .l',.ilalolrbif. bod camera,'" runll " gel tUree tloHar per day, Kxjclcn are BD.iM.a11y nomer- , !.. D, jmiatA rivur. . ... a ii ftioru to ttoti on iu Wuniiiuytou connty have been a fail-, me. ... .The N ixrows along tbe Ja nintn, n far Lewistowu, are fall of n il J luikeys . . . . Alloona SanJay schools are utmost exclusively taught by railroad oocdnctora. .... Aea Packer's estate has near ly donllod ftsalf by tbe iLeteate io he pi ire of coal. .... A veinof anthracite coal three feet thick baa been foaod recently in tiiccoe ooutity. , . . . Mary A nn Powers, a girl of fifteen years old, died of deliriom tremens at Danville, . . . . Michael Uays, of Rochester, Beaver eenuty, waa accidentally Irowned last week. .... Glial ka RtfrVr, of Oaceola, abot sixteen deer daring the past season ia Clearleld eoanty, . , . .These were six oases of small pox in the poor boose of Washington coonty, laat Saturday. . . Efforts are being made ia all parte of the state to break op tbe peddling done without license. . Joseph Arnold, a eooper at Bradford, drioka a qnart of whisky every tweoty-foar boars. . . Tbe smallpox at Pittsburg is spreading among aohool children, notwithstanding vaccination . .Sixteen boodred ear loads of coke go south over the Cambria and Bsdford railroad every week, .The amount of eoal takes from mines in Pennsylvania dnriag tbe year will reach 28,500,000 to a. ....A soamp selling a patent wag on tongue bas beea awiadling the farmers of Toik, A dame and 1'wJtow counties. . . . .There are iweary-ive Woyt iw Easton each having roet a leg or arm while attempting to Jamp on or off moving freight trams. . . . i At Wilkcebarre there were ao many drnckea men an this streets cm Jfonday laet that ladies and ehildrea were not aafe when oat ....Peter YeoDyke, a travermg shoemaker, had both legs broken oa Sunday last, at Bvrantoa, while at tempting to board a freight train. , . . .Leopold Meyer, a piano taaer, iaanpposed to bare married fi or women in tbe part year ia Warren county and in New Tork three ia tbe latter and oru in the former, ....Forty saloon keepers were fined by tbe court of Lozerne conn t v, laat week, for selling liqior on Sunday, ltooat Ibem for fine, costs lawyer fees an average of 1300 each. making a total of 18,000, of which the lawyer get tbe larger portion , , ..Aa engineer on the Beading railroad, who rone between Potte villa and Reading, never speaks while he ia on tbe footboard. . . . .Engineers for tbe Continent al air lino railway from New Fork to Council Bluffs, Iowa, are at work ia Jeffarson connty, this state . . ..The people of Mil ford, Pike connty, and vieinity. have subscribed tlt.OOJ toward building a railroad from that place to Port Jervir ""The Grand Lodge of Penn aylvania, of tbe Ancient Order of Uuited Workmeo, meets at Pitts burg on tbe second Taesday cf Jao uary ....On Monday Bernard Martin aged eighteen years, a miner in the Freuiatown slope, near Hollidaye burir, waa instantly killed by a fall of roof. . . . .A commercial traveler Darned Voorbeoa bad a diffloulty with a ho tel clerk nt Doyleatowo, in tbe courae of which be bad part of bis ear bitten off. ... .Tbe two-beaded calf at Ma cungie, Lebigh county, ia etill living ami over a week old. Tboasaada of people weot to see the monstrosi ty on Christmas day. ....The 'biladelpbia Jleoord bu Idiug will cost, when completed, $110,000. ....It is expected that the Al toooa abops will turn oat ninety five Dew looomotives for tbe Peon. sylvauia Railroad this year. This, with tbe repairing and rebaildiog of old ones, will be equivalent to 600 looomotives. ....William Burke, alias "Billy it rr ' t a. : - tL .l l lu ' ou ""u, "" ""V "7 ' oapod from tbe jail at Albany on Saturday, tbrcngb tbe oontrivaroe of a visitor, who sent tbe jailor on an errand and then opened tba ball do r with a falsa key. A reward of $0)0 is offers I for tbe capture of tUe-Kil" ' ....At MoaJ villa, last we:, jirm. utriiar.l waa aliol through tlia 7 . Z Lewis. That poor bcdridaii, invalid wife, elnter, mother, or daughter, can be made the picture of health by a few bottles of fop Bitters. Will you let thorn aufler ? when so easily cured. Heath to rata, mire, roaches and nta ; rAnsomr Extrrmisatur. Darns, ranariea and bntiieliolda cleared In a inplo Bight. No fear of bad emella. Ocat and cheapest vermin killer Io be world. Sold everywhere. Jan. ft will nay errv boHv to examine the immense Stock of Furniture for ale by the Popular Furniture man W. 11. FELIX Lewietown Pa. LICENSE NOTICE. Notice ia' karthy f l Ibtt D, r. Kcnuttar, Tranklti lp. .it. niniia, Miuawoarg notm. '. E. BatUy, Perry Iwp. r niMl thalr potHloni for Tamra ItMaM with Hi Ulrk of cturuir -loni ol MifcUr oanty. a inm win m (rmnu.i inr apyrorai aa WtdT, lk I7lk Hr l lk. nit. til iit. J'in lth. nrr. It I arlTa that lh Clark (th ort iBMrt I tka eahll. oalloa of Tatara L.lana karaartar kotlaa thalall Llnanaaa raaia. kf tnalloart will M uu na voi.i, aai in appna aaaii mt thataraa wllhla artaaa data aHar tka aarn iiall bf uaan rat.ll. fe tka prlaatln of rvaalnt frnm tba anantv Trarar ta tka Ularh or tald C'aart, tkkt tka Lloanta f-a kaa kaaa pat. rr n i.ijiii. MARRIAGE Oalria ftivhoth WWK rW. Air Uia narrlaH aaS tknaa enntanpluTiiK mainara a brlllfaBl, bad. oauac konk. aroaiialrrirthamllllnnnn llaaUh. Um,aul tka I'ktalral Lira of Man and Woraaa: para in laDgiiMtn, inn annoraaoj itfa, anri andornad ky pbyalclaaa rlea. BO oentS, by Vt. A. . mi i- iIiii Iu tha Nmhwaas ISOO avary raaa of rlau or rof iiithar aai ha andcrtakaa an4 'arvaifcara. I' Ol.lN. iba oll k will .y tSOO hronlc dltaaarul ill hi la u rara. Ira. Sand two auntpa fDVCutdOtO . Reliable Fomal) P A quiai homa fnr taalaa oaring cia Health oamanl. fVLIbber CrOeda aad t lrcular of oi. uaporiaai luuruiauua, uy aipraaa, rD oertia. Dr. A. Q. OUN. KmtMtry Black, SOI S. Clark St., Ckiaafo, IU. nnillll ad larvklaa aatan rarad wlta. 1 1 III I IB oat 01 ky tkaaiaolraa. aa4 UrlUifi xrJZKZ-'zrJX?' 1 s CO CO Vera ttfaa V wTjafclfV HOP BITTERS. (A Maatolaa, a a a Pylak.) coaTi Bora, bcciic, mawdbabu, PAMOCUON, Aarava rrasar Ann BarrMaitifULQvaU. Tlaa ur iu err aaa airraaa. THEY OUHE All hlNimof ttaHr3mh. BrnrtU. HI, lalTrr, Klilnowi.and rrlDrOrgtni. h9 VBirrpicuDewpsanu HrWif IMaU CompieViuU. IOOOIN COLD. Will ba aald for a aaaa thry will nat aara htla, ar far aartlilua Impure r laiurlua f ouail ib Uim. Aakyoar drvrd't far linn aiuara aad Wy tuoai k(r yu lto. Take aa ihr. D I. O la an abaolnia anil Irraalailbl rara for DniBkauwaa, of oplmn, uoccau4 Sbbd vaa CiacrLaa. aaruwi'va. au ahn, ul ay anaaaaa. CfJVCOB jf T I '1 -ri TAfJITE ttlMiflNO MAOfiliaa Far rjaw-afiTia-M "XlaVwhaaa! THItTaJIITgOU. IWwDWIO aTraBTWa At torn ei is-At - Zr w. icoauT. inu a. ceouaa. GILEEilT & CEOUSE. Attorney s-At-Imw, MltlbLfcllUKU, PA. Offff tk-lr Prf....al tarvMaa n tka fnth lln. All ialnaat amra.iaii ta tiirlr rara will ra-t-l'a froaiBl attaatlaa. Caaialiallotl la Kng. llak aaJ Orraiaa. Ual. II, -- yM. E. UOUSWEIITII. ATT0nsiEY-AT LAW, SKMRftOROVft, Pa., tlaliMtloki aad all alkar laaral kaalaaaa aroiapi. ailaaila t. Ooaiallatloat la Eagllik M 1llll,IMI. n. Dim ' ' ATTORNEr-AT-LAW. tHfahurg, Prnn'a. All kutitaa anlraMrd to hit aar will a 8 t M kttaadad ta. JLJ O. DEITRICTI, iTTORIRT AM4W. JTaraal Sl.,8tlintgmt Pa. Alt yrafarilaaal katiaaat preaiptly atiaadad t. Uaaialtatlaat la Kagllik aad (iaraias r.n,'n. J B. WUNDERLT, ATT0 Rtl EY-AT- LAW, Middleburg, Snyder C , Pm Oaa bataaralud ta BaglUk arOar aaa. Jaa. 11,'ta, If. MIERS, A ttomey- At' Late, Mlataiahwrg, Panai'a All araraatloaal katiaat ntrat4 I hi ar will raealr praaat attaatiaa. Uoatailalloai.r laglltk aid Qaraaa. Oat. It.'Tt, H BOWER, AITCRNEY-AT-LAW, MRddUburg, Pa. 0llrtlai atad. aad Uaraaa. OotalltUa la Baaltth jaaa la, tirf. jyj L. SCHOCH, ArTOMET-AT-LAw, New Berlin, Penn'a. rraTaaalaaal kaalaaaa arilrata ta kla aar. WIU rwsaira yraraat allaallra. JaaalO.'Il. rrai a a r ULRica, Attemer A Ooanaellor-At-Law, OSm ta Aay1 Wtiidinv dai rthf aiTiivni iiutbi.. atttisgrav, reasi'a. Oallaarlaa d all atkar arfalwal tt aa la aallattad aad will tMlararal aad araatat arwaloa. Ayr.ll,'T.ll. Jr. CRONMILLER, ATTORItlT AT LAW. Miffllnbnrg, Pa., OflV htat a-wr.ra'waal aartlra, e haaakil OalWatlaat aad all alha yrofaa.iaai ta. a atrMd w kit r will ralv praast attoatlva. Jaa: l.wr. Ti. SMITH. ATTOaWlT AT LiW, mnt,RBtjRr, a t cbb cu ra 0ar rrafaailoaal aarrXat to Ik yakll uawaanaviaa la iui aaa uaraia. P. . It KELLER, rroia'r.jr-Liif MiJtinburf, Union County, Pm. All waavnaa ntraata4 to hi aar wilt wwtl lalikfwllr atiaadad ta. Will raata aa arra coaraa r-fflar aal Mlaiala, aaeati. tlaa aa BaUil la tha r.glwk r Qaraaa laaaaara. oot. H, 'rStf pKARLES ROWER, ATTUnHar AT LAW. Sddlnsgreve, Pa arvt la ta aikii . Q)r hi BrfrlnBal viiaviivq aa.i an a-yri-itiai iw. aaaa Mtrwriad t hi ja :il ra. r. raaira Mlaailan, KB" two d Jra a-lk ( th Rnal akMl. ;. , 'ay. - J M.LI5N, ATTOftHCr AT LAW, T.wtar(, ft Offrr Ma prafeMtnaal avlM u th B-iMla a aaa alrailad aa kla r wUI raaalra Brcatpl atMBllwa. a,r. H,as. ' A. W.POTTER, as X. I. POTTER. ATtORNEYS AT LA TP. BeltnagroT. Pa , nwar that wrafcMtaaal aarvl to tha akll. All iaBl awimaaa aniraataa i unr in -iu wiv prompt attaanoa. uia a atara b. JalV .' JJORACE ALLEMAN, t T TORN EI AT LAW. Hellnrigrove, X'ca All arolaMlaaal kailaaa. aad aalkwtiaa a trarUd I bi. oar wm aa ar)Btiy aiaaaa ad ia. 'a boaultad In togll-k ar Mar bibb. UBm a Market aaaar. Oat. ar , H.GRIMM, Attorner-at-1-.aw. AID lrlSTBIUTATTnP.NET foa ORTSBB tuini , Freeburc la. OeaaaliBtloa la IboU Kaallih aad Oarmaa jaaaaaga. uaa. a, taai, JOHN II. ARNOLD, Attorney at liuw, M10DLEUUBO, tk rrrtunt baaln. aolrortaa to hi far will aa prvBBiiy anrauaa to J THOMPSON BAKER, AttorneyaataLjaTTf LEWISHUKO, URIUN OO. FA. Obb ba traanllaaad la theEagllik aadlHnaaa lasgaaiM. Offlaa oa Harkal Htraal, vpu. it Walla, bnllk h U'. Stor. B-tt. WM. VAN GRZKR, AltOBNIT AT LAW, Lewisbnrg Pa ORrhl profraalonal rvl to tka pabllo UllaailoBiaBd all atbar proraaatoaal bun. Baal autra.tad to bta aara will rlva lruwi attaatiaa. g T. PARKS, ATTOERIT AT LAW, SBLTIfaQROTI, BMTDia C005TT, Pa aapt. ia,1, . AO. SIMPSON, ATTOBNBY AT LAW, . Selinsgrove, Pa. Offer hit prrMloaal .srvlas to th rabll. AU baiaM anlrailad to bia aara will be Bratly Bttadd to. -aa. It.'ir. ' tAMUEL H. ORWIO, , ATTORNEYATLAW, ; MlflaiMburv. Vmlmm tw.. Pa: oma aail door to Tttograph rtlallaa ma Im.m, Ulf.U. WE keep on hand , all klndt oj Blanke eucK at Kotet, Sum auAuaa XVnrmntt Tjuimum. Ruinam. monttt, warrant$ 10991, ouopoo- MtMitaO i am . t . ,l . . rh jsfcians, Ac. a. to, a AB.1BOBB. BARBER & HASSINCER, PHYSICIANS AND SURGL0N3, Sr thrlrnrafaMtrnal aarilnr n tb rliltaea I 1lMlrl)aia ami rli-lulir. iimoa a raw dnara tl tka Urt llousa, la) Ilaavar'a talirilna. Ual. , 1UI. nn. j. y. - BURG 8IUNDEL. 0RGUON AMD ntrstctAX, Middleburg, Pa OSarlht pra'lonal .ar.lrao u tha aitliaki i laiddiakura aad vioialty. 1 Har. tl.W. )0 MAIUND ROTHROCK, a Fremont, Snyder county, Pa. (iradalef naltliaorallollaaa af Vhaaial... ta ika puulla. apraki Kngllaa aad uaraaa. aa itirlioa, ifllart bit trnlaitlnal Mr-la Marrk, IT, IVI.tr. IT J. SMITH, . Physician A Surgeon, irtmemt. Bunder Count. Pa. I tlffar kll nrereaeteaal aarvlama a Mala tri. j J)R. J. O. WAGNER, IMiTflrliist naisl nr (ar kla amfaarlaal aarvlaa ta MM i.ai at Aaaai.aarg aa vlrlalty. Aaaj. t.'anth J)R. J. P. KANAWEL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Onfrollle, Rayder Co., fm Offar kta arofloaal aarrlMt to Ik vakil, II. ' BCKitRri blooic. StUmgroM, Penn'a. rrtalaal k,laat araaatly a'vaa dad to rtT-TtT 3EHCIYAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURKE0N, v i in. m r -. i v.., - rR. A. M. HMITFT. J PBTSICIAN AXD SUROBON nENRY 8PAIIN, PropY. OnfthMyryreaalaatlMnlrM to tMllbjraC,W'PA,IN Clark . Aar.l.'r. ai aaaauaarg aaa riclally. i nt-i.1- j T. TAN BUSHIER, lUltatCAL A UC0HA1II0AL DI5TIOT Selinsfrrove, Penn'a. Justices of the Peace. jlDAM SMITH, Jstlceof the Peace & ConTBTanccr BtavtrSprinff,, Snyder Co., Pa, AU amt.lal kwelaaaa -laktne depettttea aad rlBtl attoadaJ la. Uallaallaaa aad Mall. ------ rr- mmj i-.-.i.r "yiLLIAM n, SNIDER. Jaattco mt Ika laca. Salem, Snyder Counfy Perni '. All Celltla and Natlltaa preaiptly aiaaa. Re. et.'Tttr. TSAAO R2ATER. and Oenernl Oolleotor . MiaDtBBran, Bay.lrrtoaaaty, Pa. rjHal atiafliton aald to iRote ofaa blad fiaaiTiaaca, wnia I Bd BruBiBll lor all eoll.tlB a.Bde. lar.ei.TS. Vr H. WA ON BR, Esq., JCirtCt Of THB PCACB, Jaekaoo Township, Soy darCe Will atlead to all b.lee atraatod to bk aara ana oa ibb aioi rauaaawe term. Mar. J) T1D 8. SUOLLT, .Ttuattrtft of tha Peace. lrifoa;iiwnW, Snyder Co., Pm. ,k,J Wit B'tead Is all baalaae trrad to hi are "B to sio.1 raaauaaaia carm.. rail. office aidrM, Ocaooaa, Sayder U.Fa. Mar. ,'. J II. IIART&IAN, juitico of Tna rsiVE, Jk, Cunreratioer, CBRTRBV1LLB, flaydar Ceaaty, Pa. niiiaatlana aad all koilnai. BartalBlaa ta the efllre of J aatlos f th t eaoe will k aneaded I at abort aotie ap raria gETU MITCHELL, Justioe of tha Peaee k Oonreyancer, Jaahasa Towarblp, Sayder Coaaly, fa. aollaellona. alaaaa parlelalB to Iba orlee will raoalva prompt iliaoiiooa, unavayaaein, aaa an viaar aa1 BiiaBiioo. r 01 omaa aaa raaa: new rirriin, vaioa eeanly, Fa. Aa. u, hit. JOHN K. HU0UE8, Esq., JJ08TICEOF TBI f BACI, Peoo Twp., Bayder Ce. Pa JAMES MIDDLESWARTH, luitiec of the Peace A Conveyancer, Troxlerille, Snyder Oo. Pa. , Will attend promptly to ell manner at bail aaaa BBrtalnlna ia IIIVRIOI, wvuaotivar vaja, ueeu.. a.rtioie a., writtea, (Jaly st.'Te-U. WM. II. HARDINO, JUSTICE OFTnB VEACE A Conveyancer, , FREEMORT, Baydsrsaaaty, Pa. CollaelloM aadal bnalaaa earlalalat ta .of Jnallaaef there will baall.acJ.d to labert aotlaa. Apr. (T'l. g A. WKT2KL, Justice of the 'Peace, Mtavertown, auyaer to., n, All htBrt. r OollaolloBI ade oa liberal Urma, FremBll, BUesdi la all bneioaw atrattd I hu r. Jaaa M.T. JER B. MIDDLESWARTH, JU8TICB OF TBB PBACI ' ABw CONVETANCBR, lloOlore City, Snyder Co.. Pa. OallMllaa aad all hntlaa. partalalBt ts th mol Ja.tlsaef the Feao will beattaBded t at abort Botlaa. Jal, M."U. Q UORNBEROKa, ' . 'JUXTIQB OF 7BB PEACE Ferry TowB.hlp,8BydrUeBty. B ' aOBlltotmra, OoBveyaaalaB.ard all thr ba, ,M-taU , , u .0 wiiih aau. 1 taauan. uaar aroatata.viii. . t -- -1 J..BOWERSOX, v nV of th Penct f Oonveynnc- Pennicreek, Snyder Co , Pa., CVtlaatlant aaA tamiii... ..ti. . OoarayaBalut Baatly aad ekaaply eaaaatad. , .April t, '(I. , V . . 1 j" ''aawaaaaMwM,-, BOARDING HOUSE. THB rjBd.ml.Bed would racr.alfuHy In form th travelling aablia, bnaln.i ??.'"i.wl..,,M J""". iUadanoaatoaf tlinrrla lhal ha haa made amnlr iiranarallooe tn Bair aooommo.UlloB aad will endeavor ia an. , ft rmf? waatoflkaOourt Uaaa. niiiotri. iiirra Apr. tl n. If. Pr trKtof. WiQmwn irnnn;i If AUilUlUlUll jllUUJll i t iaaanava popalar Hot I kaa kaaa aaattaJ a. rar.r.Ukad'i. Ul M "lV 111 lalirU laMtloa atakaa It aoaiaalt Car ba-'nla "I aro" a atiaadaaa alOoart aadall " ttkrallad t ktlddiakwri at th Uar With anal llaaM aad a..l "l.n b,W,a,n '. "rw BMdaraa "iv CKNTRKVILT.R HOTEL, (Lata Mr. Wurwl.) caaurvll Saydar (J., ra. FltTtU HARTM AR, rreprlMe Tkli toaaaatabll.hi ..a k IbaVlD kaan aaraaaaad ti k . 7 tlrllt a (hara of th oablir nat roaajra. . ten. THE NATIONAL HOTEL. I. vu.vaiiais rropf. oellnngrove. Pa "aal la wlaaaaatly lootl.d la Ika .an.r, "a '"V alrabla plw fo, travalara la.ia'w IlkaaMTaf araoraaiodallaBa at inwr.i.. a... .ter eralala RaaUaraal latoaaaratoawl taanotai. Aw.,7, merchants' House. -413 Ac 41S nuitxn THIRD STREET, PHIVA PA. Termal-81.50 tier dav. BBjBwaawBBBBaiiBBBBiBBaiii . . - riiuaaelphia Cards. J. S. FAENSW0RTH. WITS JONES, HOAR & Co. Importer! ot Hofccrj.MoM, WHlte Goods. Emlirol inriM fnn p'nrnirhintr nnU Wo. 6U Mirk.tstr.At ' PIIILADELPIITA. I Tw W. H. Mhelbley. T. B. Jfelaht!. . w. Haar. (Mar. it't. QRATBILL m C., Waoiaaata Dbalbb ia WOOD AlvTWTi.LO W WABB I OR Croth. Wldawat,A-a n.R.M. ar... sia.a-a, niii f apa, iiravn Baa, riy- at. Ra.ka. Twlaaa, wiek. i. aa. ". N Market 81, FDlladelpkla. snli ?, wV Diaaaa ib . HARDWARE Iron, Hails, Steel, Leather, ' Faints. Oils. Coach & Saddler Ware ttll MLIIIIPTnilll n. Stores Sc Tinware, MARKBT BTREET, Ijflwiaiown, Penn'a, air. a,ri. ITT T TT h Tl tl If AH. iu n, 11 Al . Blank Book Maker Sta tioner, and Steam Power PRINTER. Vt noieamie x xcetuil No 629 Market Street, - PHILADELPHIA. Promytnei$. On Pric Bettinm Prict Marked On Alt Ooodt In Fi aurti. I Apr. 18-T3. QAVID WILLIAMS, "aaBfaatarar aad WbolMala Daalar la ' Cllt. lahofaay, Walaat aad Beaeweed LOOKING QLAS9 Plotnre mt Fbotographlo jTramew Hos. t aai 131 Arc. Street raiLaoaLvaiA, ra. Frani. Repaired la lbs heat manner. Ala Haaiiking ia ail It braaehea, rb. U, '71, FJNION PLANING MILL " ELlNaoaOTCaRTOER OO..P4 Kccly fc Wagner Z. . ,w"w awuwaaa ananiaawiw. TMIa . . .k 5T 'L,,,,, wlta tb kaat Ta lb aav Lnmbcr Dealers ... Ooeri, Doer Beies, Wladews, Blatter winnow Beies, Riiaas, saia, aiair riiln(i, laad Ralllacs, Brack tbel CIS. ealalBKS. PleertaK. - SOBOLLSAW1HO . CABIRCT TUB) I . . , . . aruainwwv m m, v., ww. I Order eallattaa BBd SIM with proipte ana oatpaiaa. riaaaa aan aaa tianiH sar.teeli before purehealB aUawher. "EXECUTORS NOTIOE.-Letterr I uatamauUry n b tate ar Ml- CHAEL. Et HUM LY, daoeaJad, lata l Miauiaoraaa i wa., nayaer eeaBty, rmmm .. karlaa be aranled le tb eadertltBd, all peraoa kolu( lhamMlva ladabud to .aid aetata ar raqaaaiad to makalmmedlBts pay meal, wbil tboa bavlofelalm. will preaaat thaai daly aathBBIIatd lor ..itLmeBt t WHBRBH aauiiii ' ' I.EVI BHPLV, Aas.ll.lMI, KaMBtar. VTMM BBMhaeia aaw aBra th J PL W I pvblla. ToaeaBmakemoB' W r I 7 'tar at work ! a jTmf laiajl M tb.B.t aoylb'B aire. Uir tol aot Baaued. W will atari va. Si a t Bd apaard mads si homa ky tka ladaetrl. Mea, womaa, bay. aad alrl. wealed avarwae l to work for a. Daw b th lima. Tea work la .par time only or fir fear wb ie time to lb bazaar. Yoa tea lit l keaiB aad do Ike rk. hi other biaM will rJ' yoa aaarly sa well. No obb eaa fall t aormoa pay by eea-ailaa al aa, OerHF CMiiOi aud Una. free. Aloa.y mane fart. , it. a.i kuo.ir. Aad.aai tbvb v tr. . 1 a I AafWI,b.aU. I, L 1 " '" "" I iirMi "" -1, 1