A.dvertllrisr XI a ton. j column on year, 100.00 One-half, column, one year, 80.00 Oo-fcrth column, on year, 15.00 0n squar (10 lines) 1 insertion. JCrery additional insertion, SrofMalonAl and Business Canlt of not mora than 8 Unm, (Mir year, Auditor, Executor, Administrator ad Assignee Notices, Editorial notice pr lin. All transoient advertising lets t months 10 ewlit line. Alt advertisement for a shorter ne riod than one year are parable at thi time they are ordered, and il not paid J person ordering them will i ueld; esponsioi lor we raonev Poetry,. CAREY OF CARSON. i . . i i . CBARXBS O. LBIAXO. ; The nlght-mlst dim and darkling,' As osr the roads we pass, ' Lies In the morning sparkling As dew drops on th (trass. . . .. . Even so the deeds of darkness. Which come like midnight dews, Appear as sparkling Items Next morning la th news. Away In Carson City, Far In the Silver Land, Ther Hve on Jostle Carey, A man of head and hand; And as upon this table The Judge a smoking sat There rowdled In a tougher Who wore a gallows hat . He looked upon the Justice, But the Justice did not budge Until the youngster warbled, "Bay don't you know me, Judge!" 'l think," said Carry, meekly, "Your foee full well I know I sent you tip for stealing A hors a year ago." ' - . . Ay, that Is just the hairpin I am, and that's my line; And faer I twenty dollars , I've brought to pay my flns." Tou owe no line." said Carey, "Your punishment Is o'er " Not yet," replied the rover, 4 'I've eotue to have some more. 'Fust-rate assault and butt'ry I'm going to commit. And you're the morafal victim That I Intend to hit And give you such a ecrarapiii' As never was, nohow; And so, to save the lawln I guess I'll settle now." Up rose the oourt in splendor; "Yonng man, your start Is fair, Bail In, my son, sail over, And we will call it square I Go In upon your chances Perhaps you may not uiIhs; I like to see young heroes Ambltlonln like this." The young one at the oldr Went In with all his heft, And, like a flyln' boulder, At once let out his left The court In haute, ducked un lar Its head nnooiniuon spry, Then lifted the Intruder With a puncher in the eye A regular right hander; And like a cannon ball, The young man, when peroussi Ined, Went over to the waP. In Just about a second. The Court with all Its vl-n. Like squash vines o'er the mea bw, Went climbing over hiiu. Yea, as the pumpkin olambers Above aa Indian grave. Or a the Mi.-wixulppl Thunders with Us wave. And merrily slops over A town In happy sport. E'en so that man was clamber 1 AU over by the Court. And In about a minute That party was so raw, He would have seemed a stranger Unto his dearest squaw; Till h was soft and tender. This raorsal one so to igh, ' And then, in sad surrender, - He moaned aloud, "Enough!" Re rose, and Justlo Carey Bald to him ere he went, 'I do not think the flghtln' You did was worth a eent; I charge for time two dollars, As lawyers should, 'tis plain; Ths balane of th twenty I give you back again. "I like to b obllgUV To folks with all my powers, Bo when you next want flghtln' Don't come in offloe hours; I only make my eharges For what's In legal time Drop in, ray aon, this evenla1 And I will not charge a dime." ' Tn young man took th guerdon, 4 As be had taken ths soars; Then took himself away ward To th Olnla City cars. t , glorious when heroes Go In to right their wrongs; Bat If you're only hairpins, . Oh, then beware of tongs I , , . ' Fom St. Locis Rbfcblicab. I o a t Tale. Adyertislny Story, ' ."Anything ovr, Ben!" "oi dollar 1 1 just paid th Journal bUI for advertising, wblcb i jm prtty aneb cleaned n oat." "Bow muoa r Portj two dollar and twenty. ovteenU', "Boo, I don't like to Ull you that ,uuar n biggest fool on the rt, bat you era,", . ' , . ''Wait Jot,, and ,' returned u other, with a oouiil.ni smtlo. ' than vtf" ,-Jfc0J."," VOL.19. MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, "Forty-two dollar for advertis in P 'Jastao, and for thro months' idvertisiog." . Th applicant for "anything over' gav a peculiar whistla to define th length, breadth, and depth of his tstonishment. This con vernation oconred in the tore or Benjamin Weston, a yoaog and enterprising merohaat, whj had just oommenoed tasioes on his own ooonnt The other person, who to Qs bis own classic expression, w "bang op." and wanted to borrow fifty dollar to make np the amount of a note dae thst day, wss Joseph Weston, a cousin of the other. They bad been playmate in youth and staunch iriend in maturity. Though there wss a great diversity of opinion on many topics, a strong sympathy existed between them. They had oommenoed business at about the ssme time, and under nearly the aame circumstance, both being obligod for the want of suffici ent-capital to mortgage the stock io their respective store. Thus far they had done well, and the prospect was that both would become wealthy and distinguished merchant. They had married sisters, and oo- copied tenement in th same block. Their house were furnished in sub tantially the same stylo, and with no material difference of expeadi tore. Both had been brought np to business habile, and eduoated into the principle of a rigid economy. 'Forty two dollar for advertis. ing, repealed Jo. "And if I bad th money to spare, I would spsnd djuble that earn," replied Beajsmin. "What benefit do yon oipact to realize from it f" "Von are behind the times, Joe. Benefit ! What a question ! I ex pect to make my fortune by it,"1 "Humbui. I" ''Look at Brandeth and Swaiav" "Both humbug " "No matter for thit if these fel lows have been able to m ike prince ly fortune by advertising humbugs. bow muoh mora o will he who duals in substantial realities I" "All gammon 1" "We differ i time will tell who is n the right" "Seriously, Ben, yon will roin yourself if you go on in this manner. Forty-t wo dollars a quarter for ad vertising " 1 shall spend a hundred the quarter." "Don't do it Ben " "Bow does it happen. Jos, that yon are in the atreet borrowing money f I never did such a thing sinoe J commenced business. "How does it happen, Ben, that yon haven't got any money to lend?" asked Joe, with a smile. Because I spend it in advertis ing." "Better have piot it for opsra and 2:40'." Wait, Joe. wait." "I apent nothing for advertising t bnt I will bet you tba oyster my ale for th last quarter are as large as your.' "I will take you np on th nsxt quarter." "Why not th lsst" "Advertising is somewhat . like plantiog potato i yon mast wait for the crops." "Don't believe in it, Ben. When I have a fifty spot that I dou't know what to do with, I aball pnt in into my family. Bay a library, a new sofa, or something of that sort I should rather go to the white Moun tains with it than throw it away upon newspapers." "Yon don't know your own in- tereet, Joe." Don't I t Some kind of busi ness might thrive oo advertising i bnt our, never. Do you believe the women look in the newspaper be fore they go shopping f " , "Well, there was a lady in here juat now, who said ah aaw soon and such good advertised by me." '"Paha I and on th strength of that yoo intend to apend fifty , dol lar mor in advertising I Be p. yon era craiy " and Joseph Weston tureed bia heel and left tba store, assured in his own . mind that bis friend was going to roin. In bia aatimation aaoh loose prin ciple wonld vntuelly bring bias to baokrup oy. Bat , Ben was hi friend, and he deaply ooutmiserated bins bou b oluog to suon weak sad praiioa doctrine, . . , CHAPTER II. Business prospered with tbeyonog men. By prudent and careful man sgement, eaoh had not only made a living, but bad been able to pay a small portion of the morgage on the stock, at the end of the first year. Joseph had th advantage of his friend in possessing a better loca tion, and though bis rent was some what higher, the difference wss more then compensated by the increased facilities it ofTordid him. The pros pect was docidedly bright to him. (f hi business increased a it bad done, he would be enabled to clear himself of debt in another year. Under this encouraging aspect be ventured to expend a hundred dol lars in addition to his furniture, which bis wife insisted was absolute ly necessary for their comfort and happiness. The house bad been fur oished altogether too plain for this progressive age, in her estimation. She wae behind some of her friend, wh , she wss sure, were doing no better than her hnsband. Joseph was a little obstinate at first ; but then there was something so decidedly comfortable in a aet of stuffed chairs and a lounge, that he did not hold out io hi opposition. He was doing well, and the expon diture would not seriously embarrass him, With a nice new Brussels carpet and the new furniture, Mrs. Weston's little parlor looked exceedingly plea sant and comfortable. Besides, it looked as though her husband was prospering in his business. It was so very nice that the young wife oou Id Lot bear the iJea of bav ing the parlor shut np, so that no one should see it till the furniture bad grown rusty consequently she made up hor mind that they must have a party. Thoir friends had parties why enouidut tbey T It looked stingy not to have one. Mrs. Weston was an el 'gnnt debater, and ehe gaiued the day io this mattor. It is true the party was not a very extravagant ttffairi but it cost Joe some fifty dol lars; In the meantime Beojumiu bad paid q'lite as much for advertis ing as his friend had for new furni ture and the party. Joseph laugh ed at him, and finally came to be lieve that he was iussoe, and would certainly come to ruin iu another year. Mrs. Ben Weston, too, felt decid edly unpleasant about the improve ment which had been going ou in her sister's house. "Why can't we have a rosewood table and a set of stuffed chairs. Benjamin 7" asked she, pouting her pretty lips into a very nnamiable po sition, "Simply, my dear, beoause I can not afford it replied the philosoph ioal merchant "How can Joe afford it T" "I presume be know his own bus iness best" "He has pat over a hundred dol lars into bis bouse." "Ben whistled "T'other aide of Jordan," and made no reply. "Do, Ben, bny some new chairs." "Can't afford it" "Yea, yoo can." "No, I can't" Toucan afford its well a Joe." "Perhaps can." 'Do bay some." "1 should bs very glad to gartify yon, but I oannot take the money from niy businosi. A year hence, if business prosper with me, you shall have them." "A year henoe," pouted the wife. I must spend a hundred dollar in advertising the uext quarter." "How foolish 1" 'Very foolish, my deari but it must be done," "That' the way you throw your money away, xou don t catch Joe to do aocb a trick aa that " "True but though be ha advent age of having a corner store, I paid three hundred dollar mor on my mortgage note than b did." 'Then yon ran afford th table and chairs." 1 ' "Nay, my dear, I will not spend a dollar for superfluities whil J am io debt," "Mrs. Ben Weston felt very bad abont it, bnt her husband was firm, and sh wss forced to content her- at If with th plsin furniture ' Mr. Jo Weston enjoyed ber nice parlor till tba novelty wore away, and then sh discovered that there war - a . great, many .otbar articles waotad to make thing look uniform. The two window ronst hav drapery onr tarns, a pior glass was neoded, and some pictures were wanted to relieve the walls. Her husband, who h d once exceeded the limits of his means, fouod no great difficulty iu a . . uoing so again, ana tbinos were brought. Bat Jo had some scruple about it His notes began to be tronble ejme aod every day he was io the streol borrowing money, is busi ness, too, had not met his expecta tions, instead of increasing in the ratio of hi first year's experience, it hardly hold it own, and the poor fellow began to have some serious misgivings about ths future. Before the year bud half expired, be wss obliged to intorduce'a rigid system of retrenchment into bis family aod business affairs, in ordor to keep hi expense within hi means. CHAPTER 111. Another year had passed away in the bnsinoss experience of the yonng merchants, Th book had been balanced, and the results stood in blaok aod white before them, Ben bad followed up his system of advertising through the year. He bad exponded large auras, but had made the outlay with judgment and discretion. The result exoeoded his most sanguine expectations. His store was crowded with customer i with genuine bona Ji t customers, and with but a small proportion of gad ders and fancy shoppers. The news papers had borne to thobost families io the citj and country full descrip tions of his slock. His name was as familiar as "household words" in the dwelliug of the rich and poor, of the farmor, the mechanio, and the laborer. Truly, the harvest was abundant, and Bon rubbed bis hands with de light as he cast his eyos over the figures which conveyed to him the pleasing results of his year's opera tions. He had tbo means, not only of clearing himself of debt, but also of gratifying his wifo by giving her all the new furniture she required, besides a liondjonio surplus with which to increase his business. The now furniturowas bought and set np i every debt wns discharged, and the importers aud jobbers were esger to give him unlimited credit One day, while bo was ruminating upon this pleasant stuto of things, Joe Weston entered tho store. For some months past, the intercourse between the youo? merchants had not been as cordial as formerly. Joe's nice things had rather "set him up i" some of the upper ten had con descended to visit him t aod he had attended the "Aluiock" parties w itb hi wife. He was gottiog ahead fast in his own estimation, and cherished a supreme contempt for the slow mo tion of hi friend Bat when, ia the middle of the year, he found himself running down hill, and discovered that Ben's store was crowded with shopper, while hi own was empty, a feeling of envy took possession of him. Be a must be underselling, be concluded, and sooner or later the oonsequenoe would appear. The prosperous merchant could not but notice the sad and dejected mien of hi friend, as h entered the store. "How are yoa, Joe f Toa are al most a stranger, lately. Where do you keep yourself 1" said Ben. "Business, Ben Dasinesbl" roplied Joe, demurely. "Good 1 Business before plea sure." "Anything over to-day j" asked Joe i but the query was not put io that buoyant, elastio tone, which had distinguished him in former times. "A trifle i bow much do yoa want!" "To tell the troth, t am 'bang np.' ( bsve got a note of fear hundred to pay, aod have not yet raised th first dollar towarda if "Too are late, it is half past one," replied Ben, consulting hi watob. "Ben, I am in a tight place," said Joe, in a low, aolemn tone. "lodeed 1 1 am sorry to hear it,', and Ben's faoe woi anexpreasion too of sioosr sympathy. "Nothing serious I bop f" "I sm afraid so," "What can I do for yoa f and th young merchant took down his check book, aod examined the atate of bl bank account "I can girt yoa a oheok for three PA, JANUARY S M . A uunorod, ir mat will lo you any good." continued he, tnkiog np the pen to fill out the blank. "manic you, ion t yni are very kind t but 1 don't know aa I ought to tnke it." "Not take it ! Why not T" "If I should pay this note, there is hardly a possibility that I could get through the month " "So bsd as that t 'i'on my soul, I am sorry to hear it." "Smith and Jones advise me to make an assignment." "How does it happen t I thought yoa were doing well f" "Business has been driving with me." "Well, no i it hss L jen driving with mo." Joe knew it bad t indeed, his present visit wss not to borrow money, but to prepare bia friend for the "smash." which was uow unavoid able. "My sales havs boon light," con tinued he ; "1 can't account for it," "I cau i look here, Joo." Ben took down his luilgor, and pointod to the account "Chargns," where the sums pnid for advertising had been entered. On a slip of pa per he had footed thoia up. "1 ive hundred and Bixty-fivo dol lars for advertising. Joo ! That's what did tho bumm-Hs." Joo was astonished. It wns quite as much as ho bad paid for fine thiugs for his honso, and for parties, and the opera t but tho invostmout had boon vawtly more profitable, iu- untouch as. taken iu connection with his careful management of his busi ness and his economical maouor of living, it had laid the foundation of his luture fortuno. It bad trivoo him a good start in iu business, aud a good beginning is half the buttlo. Joo Weston fuilod, and paid only tweuty cents on a dollar. His fine furniture was all sold, and he was obliged to bonrd out. But ia his extremity Bun was bis true ft ion. 1. He received him iuto his house, and when his business was sottlcd up, took him iuto partnership. Tho firm is now one of the most lespoctublo and prosperous in the city. Joe, ever sinco ho was "bang up," believes in advertising' an 1 any one who opens ths Journal, or, in deed, any of tho daily papors. can not fail to notice the oonNpicons ad vertisements of "Wustou Si Co." Oliveh Optic. Old Age. An old man is like an old wiwoo with light loading and careful imago ; ...:n i . i ... ...ur yo.H , ouiono neavy iuu ur ouiiuuu nirum will urenK II. AM n . . . I I .. ... T Til I . .. I and ruin it forever. Many neonlo reach the ago of fifty, sixty, or sov- enty, measurably free from most of the pains and infirmities of ago, choery in the heart and sjund in doatb, ripe in wisdom and experi ence, sympathies mellow by age, and with reasonable pospec' and op portunities for continued nsofulness in the World for considerable time. Let such persons be thankful, but let them be also careful. An old constitution in liko and old bone broken with ease, mended with diffi culty. A young tree bend with the gale i and an old on snaps and falls before the blast. A singing hard life i an hour of heating work i an evening of exposure to rain or damp; a severe chill an excess of food i th unusual indulgence of any ap petite or passion i a sudden fit of anger i aa improper dose of medi cineany of theso, or other similar things, may cut off a valuable life io an hour, and leave the fair hope of usefulness and enjoyment but a shapeless wreck. Sitting down on a hornet's nest is stimulating, but not nourishing. A new line of telegraph is to be constructed from Washington. Pa., to Pittsburgh. A man named Robert Stnart over one hundred year of age, won a land suit in th Cambria county oourt last week, th verdict in hi favor amounting to over five thou sand dollar. - Kentuoky matrimonial quarrels r curiously adjusted. An Aliens ville wife left ber husband, swearing she would never return. , lie went after ber, found , ber at Bowling Qreen, promised ber a box of prize candy if aba would go bom with him, and the consented. 19,1882. NO, 24 The Use ol Short Words. The following patapraph is si tribute! to 7oratio Seymour, of New ork. It practices what i preaouod tuetein, since there is no word in it with more than two sylla bios ssve sncb as aro quotod fur purposes of Illustration : "rt'e must not only think in words bnt we must also try to uso the best words, and those which id Kprecli will put what is in our minds int. the mind of others. This is the great art which thoso munt gaiu win wib to teach in tho school, th church, at the bar. or through thi press. To do this in the right wav they should uso the short words which we learn in early life, and which hnve fof. o sense to all classes of men. Tho Knglish of our Bible is good. Now aud then some long words nrs fo iud, and they al ways hurt tho vorso in which yon find thorn. Take that which says, "Ob, ye generation of vipors, who hath warnod you to flee from tho wrath to come f" There is one long word which ought not to be in it, namely, 'grncratioa.' In tho old vor- sion the old word 'brood,' is used. Head tho vol so again with this term ami you feel its full force, 'Oh, yo viper's brood, who hath warned yon to floo from tho wrath to como V Crinio sometimes dons uot look like ciiiuo when it io set before us in the many folJs of a long word. When a man steals, aud wo call it a de falcation,' we are at a loss to know if it is a blunder or a crimo. It he does not toll tho truth, aud we are told that it is a caso of 'prevarica tion,' it takes us some lime to know just whot we should think of it No man will ever cheat himself iuto wrung doing, uor will ho bo at a loss to judgo of others, if be thinks and speaks of acts iu clear, crisp terms. It is a good rule, if one is at a loss to know it an act is right or wrong, to wait it down iu short, straight out EuglisU." Tho Womo.i ol Thibet. Tho ronpectablo woman of Thibet always appoar in publio with their faces painted black, so as to disguise their charms, and thus prevent frail mati from the perils of too great admirations. Hjforo going out of doors ther invariubly tub their faces with black, glutinous varnish, some thing like currant jully iu appor ance. The object being to render tberaxolves at uuattraotive as possi ble, they daub this coinp eition over overy f nature, so as to reudor their faces s unlike those of human be- a9 1))g8ibj,j( M. 1(.ij, iu his U -..1 41.- country, asoertaiued that the siugular custom bad its origin iu the docroe of a Lurna kiud, sumo 200 years aio. This king, be ing a man of anstero hubits, was de sirous of checking the license which prevailed nniong the people, and which bad even spread to tho prieets of tho Buddhist monastrtes to such an exteot as to rolux their discipline, and issued an edict that no Woman should appear in publio otherwise than with her face daubed in the manner described. S veral temporal and spiritual penalties enforced the decree, among t; em tho terrible wrath of Buddha. Tradition says that the women wore perfectly re signed and obediont, and that, far from the edict giving rise to a petti coat rebellion, tho ptaotice was cheerfully adopted, and has been fuithfully observed down to our own time. Now, it is considered a point of religious creed and.evidenoe of a spirit of devotion, the women who daub thoir faoes most being the most religious. It is ouly ia the largi town that wotten are seen iu the streets with unpointed faces. V. Y. Hail. Harry Jones, a house painter, married three girls, in McKean county, and then ran away with the wife of a young farmer f ji whom bo worked shout a month. The far mer i th fortanate man in th lot l - - a . M A negro was suspected of surrepti tiously meddling with a neighbor's fruit, and being caught in th gar den by moonlight, nonplussed bis detector by raising hi eyes, clasp ing bia bands and piously exclaim ing i "Good heavens, dis yer darkey osu't go nowhere to prsy nilbout beiu dint ui bsd." . TIIK POST. Published every Thursday Evening JSBBMIAII CROUSK, PrOpT Term of Subscription, TWO DOLLARS 1'KR ANNUM. Tay. able vithin six months, or i'iGO if not paid within the year. No paper dis continued until all srrearnKes ' paid unlaw at tho option of th pub lisher. Sulist riptlnnsnntjiide of the count f PAVADI.K IN ADVANCE. sjr'l'rrsons lifting and using pspers addressed thrs heroniesttlwcriUr md sro liable forlhe prire ofthe paper OS E AED! CLOTHING (VHSBIIioini ! ! mm mum. THE Largeofc off AND .oftDuiinig in Snyder Coun or elsewhere. OVERCOATS OVERCOATS, m?l(COATSe For Men, Youths and Boys. Und'rclothing from 25cts upward. GENTS Fnraisfiing Goods A SPECIALTY. TRUNKS, VALICES, SATCHELS; &C. and a large variety of other goods Call and examine my stock and be convinced that I sell better goods and at lower prices than they can be had elsewhere. S. OPPEIIHEn.IP Selinegroye, Pa 1?M1