The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, January 12, 1882, Image 5

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    I Oddleburg, JAM, U, IE32.
Ijocnl IV own, Ao:
etnas I'otTgfv most. Cks Cart of CoiatT rs ld lb roartu Moaday
rKnirrJ Uf,d atMbr, asoB1
All communications, business let
tor Ac, for this omcs, to secure
rompt attention should be addressed
1. fullovst Th PoiT, Middleburg
JJmmunicRtion Ac. mutt be banded
n by Monday noon, 10 secure mscn
ilon in next wait
art tin np;n tn
lino rfercu
at oio. r.
howii.l t xri4
Mages (It
first of April will full on Saturday.
The year 1882 began on Sunday and
tbdi on Sunday.
The 22d of February will occur on
Wednesday this year.
Yennor thinks we will not be- both
ered with many snow-falls until the
middle of February.
Judge Pearson, of Harrlebiirg, was
on the bench within a few days of thir
ty three years.
Take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to stop
your Colds, Coughs and Bronchial
A (Tactions before they run into Con
sumption that you can not stop.
The year 1881 is gone with all Its
Joys and sorrows nevsr to retunrn. It
has been a year long to be remem
The Pennsylvania Railroad on Mon
day increased tho passenger fare 'on
that road to four cent a mile, instead
of three ceuts, as heretofore. Ex.
Re. II. C.Slilndel, of the Lutheran
church at Port Royal, was kindly re
membered by hie people during thr
holidays. Juniata Tribune.
Foiwo. In the U. B. Church, on
the morning after the ChrutniMs Fes
tival, a W breast pin. The owner can
have the same by calling at this office.
Sheriff Reichly has assumed the
duties of his office and promise, if ev
idences are worth anything, to make
n aouve and efficient officer.
James Vick says apples will keen
better in moist cellars thitn damp one.
It inn t the temperature of the cellar
that keeps or' waste the apples ; itV
the number of buys In the house.
The Mifflinbiinr TdryrapK says that
oi carnages, tuiirgies anil wagons
Have been iiiaiitiraulureil by the car
riage manufactories of that place this
Prominent medical nieu assert that
neuralgia is a low condition of the
system, and that instead of poulticing
and taking medicine for it, the system
suouiu be built up.
Mr. A. G. Bhellenhercer. of Ricli
field, has been anuoitifed men-nntil
appraiser in place of W. Porter
Xliompson, who declined the position.
Mr. 8hellenberger will make a good
. omcer. Jumata Tribune.
The drawing at 8. IKeis's Selins.
grove, took place on Jan. 2d. No. 658
rear the Bible No. 300 drew the Doll.
Mrs. Q. R. Hendricks was the holder
of the first, Mrs. Jere Bowen. of the
A number of ice houses, in this vi
oinity, have been filled. Those who
are wailing for better ice may get none
this winter they have the consolation
of being ready iu due seaso next win
terand we donl doubt but that they
will profit by the lesson.
At the spelling match in school
bouse No. 6, in Monroe twp. the Gran'
gers' 2ollow school misspelled about
fifty six per cent more words than the
Cheatnut Ridge school.
On theeveuiogofthe 12 Inst, there
will be test in roading, between the
earns schools. This will tuke place in
be Chestnut Ridge sobool-house.
We the undersigned members of
the Republican Standing Committee
of Snyder County for the year 1881-9
hereby agree that our delegates to
the next Republican State Conven
tion, whoever they may be. Shall be,
and they are, hereby instructed to
give their votes and influence in the
BUte Convention in favor of Hon.
Cbaa. Howtr, of Selinagrove, Pa. for
the nomination for Supreme Judge,
and to use every honorable means In
their power to seeurs tha object
We also authorise the publication of
tills foot in the Republican Newspaper
of the County and State.
A. NT. Gemberllng, I, I). Conrad,
U J. Prlta. H. J. Oundruin,
Nat Sohainbach, Chaa. Hover,
Weo. F. Broslua, H. O. Fisher,
a. Arbpgaat . W. H. Boyer,
Che K. Hampsel, O. B. Wehir, Jr.
Chas. W. Bandera, J. Kohler Peek,
Bamael Gross, P. B. Mover,
J. R. Keeler, . B. H. Zimmerman
Lewie Miller. Irvln Grayblll.
H;lm fe0" . J- J. Bohrader,
H. W. Ulsh, P. II. Knepp,
&,Urt,tU"ro1'' M. Houier.
7 VWV,Row' Robert Bouse, ,
J. M. Houser, J. p. Wairner
O. Alfred Soboch, T. p. uS,
A slight (now fell on Tuesday
Tfthe young folks wish lo have
amusement, real, genuine fun blind
fold a boy and have him walk across a
room and blow out a candle. It Is
neerly equal trying to catch an apple
with your teeth that is floating In a
tub or water.
We were shown, by our townsman,
Mr. C L. Smith, a magnificent walnut
chair from the rooms of vine A Broth
er, dealers in Furniture, Bedding,
Felhere, Ac. 64. M. 68 North Becond
St Philad'a.
Mr. Smith Informs us that vlna A
Bro. keep only first-class foods, and
that all goods are as represented thai
their prices are moderate and fixed by
the quality of goods.
Prof. Tice gives the following as the
probable weather for January i From
3d to 0th, threatening weather with
heavy rain or snow, aooording to lati
tute t 6ili to 7th, clear or fair and
very cold ) 8th to 11th, clouding and
ending in rain fall; 12th and 13th.
clear or fair Nth to lUth, cloudy with
heavy snow or rain fall; 17th to 18th,
clear or fair and cold; 13th to 23d,
cloudy with threatning weather with
rain or snow storm 23d to 23th, clear
or fair; 25th to 29ih, cloudy with
threatning wheatherand heavy storms;
29th to 81st, clear or fair and very cold.
Judge ZJucher ordered an adjourned
Court to meet, at Uiddloburg, on the
17th, of this month.
The Board of Pardon will meet at
Harrisburg the same day and will
then hear the application of the
Kintxler murderers for a pardon.
This will require the presence of a
number of Lawyers from this county.
For this reason, the Court will meet
here on Tuesdsy, the 2Uh, at which
time theargumeut list will bo disposed
Ladies Coats and Dolmans selling
below cost now, at 8. H'eia's Selins--H
rove. Only a fow of the best quali
ties left.
A large variety of Drees goods soiling
at greatly reduced prices at 8. Weis'
Selinagrove. Cull and sne.
Carpets of all kinds and qiinlitio. at
bottom prices, at a YYois's 6'oliimgrove.
Jan. 12, '82. 3w.
Sol Oppenheimer bus REDUCED
and see.
You may ss well go through tliia
life warm, comfortable and decently
clitd, So then, go to Oppenliuimer aud
get a new, Winter suit from bond to
Overcoats st 0ipeuheimers at Re-
Juced Prices, at tiulinrxrove.
At Oppeiiheiinem, .Suli improve, you
ran gut Uudvr-wcar cheaper than ever.
Furs, Fur Caps and all the minium
appliances to seep out cold can be
had at Opponhuimer's at Soiioagrove,
Truth and Sol Oppenheimer are
twin broiliera sod if you doubt it, go
and price hi good.
We would c ill the attention of our
resders to the advertisement of D. It.
Stratford. Persons In nen.l of any
thing in liu Hue will do well to call -on
W. II. Flower, F. It. S. J. FiUgerald
t-Co., y'uhlihor, 11.1 4th Avenue,
New York. No. 28 Humboldt Library.)
Price, lo renu.
In litis neatly printed and profusely
illustrated linle volume it is shown
how among all races of man, tho ens
lorn of drftirming the body hss existed
from the earliest lime. The Austra
lian savage wiio improves God's handi
work by thrusting a bone ornament
through the cartilage of the nose ; the
Mosquito Indian who perforates his
lip to receive a similar ornament : tho
races who flatten the skulls of their
new-born children, act only in com
pliance with "the fashion" and therein
are seen to be own brothers of the
semi-civPized Chinese who cramp the
leei oi temaie inianta, ana at least or
the female sex among the highest
European laces, with their earrimts.
their high-heeled shoes, their tiht
lacing, and other sUured uractices
dictated by fashion. For sale by A. K.
Tht Literary -Rebellion."
Mr. John B. Alden. who organised
the "Literary Revolution," which ha
given the people the best of books at
such wonderfully low prices, does not
give up the fight with the failure of
"The American Book Exchange,"
which failure, he claims, was in no
respect the result of selling books too
cheaply, but was caused by the combi
nation of publishers and booksellers
against the enterprise ; infamous and
baseless slanaer being scattered broad
cast culminated in a "panic-" anion?
the creditors of the institution, causing
a "run" whioh resulted in the failure
of the company, just as it has often
caused the failure of bankr or other
institutions perfectly solvent under or
dinary conditions. He and other
friends of the enterprise have organis
ed "The Useful Knowledge Puhlishins
Company," and a literary JUbrllion
whioh proposes to carry on the fight.
The first work published by the new
company is a beautiful edition of Ma
caulay's "Life of Frederick the Great,"
which they sell for the marvellously
low price of 20 cents, neatly bound in
ololh. The company proposes to be
glnimmedialely the publication of a
seriee of cyclopaedias one of history
one of biography, one of science, one
of choice prose literature, one of
poetry, and - one or religious litera
tureeach of which cyclopaedias will
be in several large octavo volumes of
over lUflf pages esch, at the price of
(1.23 per voluine, in cloth binding, and
win aiso ne puuiisneo in numnerSfai
only two cents per number, being con
siderably 4elow even the "revolution"
prices I . They will send specimen Dan
es and catalogues free, and friends of
choice literature at low pnoes will lie
sure to shower them with- pnstalcards,
at least Address TuUCPUi KnowV
cdo PtiHUHiNQ CompihA03 William
ateet.Nsw York.
The state Normal School
of this District, at Bloomsburg, Ta..
will begin the winter term on Tuesday,
January Sd, 1882. Graduates of this
school are In demand. A beautiful
location, comfortable rooms, satisfac
tory board, reasonable terms thorough
instruction and a Bute Diploma are
among the attractions. The Isst class
numbered forty-One. The attendance
in the Fall was never as large as now.
Large additions to apparatus end ex
tensive Improvements have been
made. Bend for a Catalogue.
New LooMrtEt.n Miss., Jan. 2, 1890.
I wish to say to you that I have been
suffering for the last five years with a
severe itching all over. I have heard
of Hop Bitters and have tried it I
have used up four bottles, and It has
done me more good than all the doc
tors and medicines that they could
use on or with me. I am old and
poor but feel to bless you for such a
relic by your medicine and from tor
ment of the doctors, have had fif
teen doctors at me. One gave
me seven ounces of solution of arse
nlo ; another took four quarts of blood
from me. All they could tell was that
it was skin sickness. Now, after these
four bottles of your medicine, my skin
is well, clean and smooth as ever.
Frasere Axle Urease.
One trial will convince you that it is
the beat Ant your dealer for the
Fraxer Axle Ureae. and take no oth
er. Every box has our trade mark on.
Sept. 2J '81 fim
r i
Auctoneer. Oeorire II. ITanken-
burg, of Middlerreek, P. ()., would an
nounce to the people or Unydcr coun
ty, that he will cry sales for real an
personal properly, at short notice and
on the most reasonable terms.
guarantees satisfaction. Mar. 15.78
J. V. Dree ho.
Potatoes do
Butter per podml
4 toC
7 to 8
Kirm wr Uor.en
Tallow per ound
Dried Apples
illiddlcbiirgr Market
Simonton, Ilnrber te Co.
Wheat per liuxliel
Wheat, 'o3.
K ye do
1 no
. 1
1 00
4 SO
STi to 00
2 00
4 00
n no
4 00
('orn do
Outs do
Joversecd per IhikIicI
Cherries, pltt"d
Chen if h. imputed
Dried apples
Spring Chickens
Mutter, prima
Oak Ties
Pea Coal
Chestnut Conl
Blacksmith Coul
Kgg CoiU
leo. 1, Ui'.fiia Kneni) uf near Hiin-
nerville and Miss Actios C. Worrull of
Dee. 15, W. W. Mavse of LeWlNtown
and Mrs. Auua Wulborn of ScliiiH
grove. Den. 85, at M. E. Parsonnpre, bv Rev.
J. W. Buckley, John S. linuhflck of
I.ewUtown, Pa., and Miss Mury C.
Kinney of Helinsgrove.
At Port Trevorton. Jan. 1. by D. 8.
Thursby, J. P., John II. Herrold and
Miss Amelia L. Walter, both of Free
burg. At the residence of the bride's
mother, Jan. 8, 1383. bv the Revs. H.
B. Oelntenford and 1. Horn, Chaa. 1
Ulrioh, Esq., and Miss Laura C.
Davis, both of Seliusgrove.
Dee. 4th. by J. II Hhlnkel, J. P.,
Jonathan Ilrunnsr to Miss Ellen Bow
eraox both of Centreville,
Deo. 18th, by the same. George
Henry of Centreville, to Miss Cath
arine Urubb of Centre twp.
Deo. 33, by the same, Benjamin
Lose, Jr., of Centre twp., to Miss Nu
sanna Kartell of Limestone twp., Un
ion County.
Deo. H. by J. I. Tenter. J. P., Lew
Is Troup of Cross Roods, Jimiuta
uounty, to Alias Nullle H. Bender ot
Perry twp., Unyder Couuty.
In Mffliriliiinr. Jan. 5. hv Rev.
James Reardou, of? Philadelphia, as-
siHieu oy itev. isaao urler. II. 1). or
Mlffllnlmrg, Mr. J. Merrill Barber, of
Franklin, Snydr county, Pu. and
Mias Emma Hnolgraaa, of Mirtlinburg,
Uuion couuty, Pa,
The printers In acknowledging the
receipt of a portion of the wedding
oake hereby declare their approval of
the union congratulate Misa Emma
that she gave her heart and hand to
so worthy a young gentleman and
Merrill that fortune smiled and bless
ed bliu with an amiable aud intelli
gent life-partner.
Jan. 8, inst., in franklin, Minnie,
Utile daughter of George and Jane
Bietler, aged 1 yea, 6 mouths and 15
At Union, Cass Co.. Mich., Nov. SB,
1881, Ellas ttpaid, formerly of near
Freeberg, Snyder Co., Pa., aged 68
years, 1 month 86 days.
In Runbury, Deo. SO. Horace W.,
son of Henry Clay and Hal Us Gutellua,
aged 5 years 8 months 80 days.
In Selinagrove, Dee. 29. BtUlie, old
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Hpajir, aged SI years 6 months 18 days.
la Monroe Twp., Dee. 94 Lora
Elisarxttha. only daughter of Jauies
antl 1 V Keasler, aged 1? years, 0
montits avfid IS days.
Dee, 81, In Centra twp., Rebecot
Uii-iitha aud i da; . I
We Invite the attention r.f our read
ers lo the advertifement of the Buck
eye MTg Co., Marion, Ohio, in another
column. They offer rait inducements
to earn an honest living.
6 t. C2,6m.
Notice to Settle &c.
Dr. . Grler Barber, of Mlddleburg,
having formed a co-psrtnersliip with
O. dgar Hassinger, if. D. desires to
settle his individual outstanding ac
counts. Therefore, all persons know
ing themselves indebted and those
having claims will make payment and
present their claims for adjustment on
or before the 1st day of March next.
Jan. 12, '82. 4w.
By Planters claiming to be an Im
provement on ALLCOCK'S POROUS
ALLCOCK'S is the original and in
ly genuine Porto rs Pi, a mi ; all ot h
er so-called Ponol S PlakTIM are Imi
tations. llKWARK OV THKM.
See that you get an ALLCOCK'S
PLASTER, which we guarantee has
effected more and quicker cures than
any other external Remedy.
Jan. 8, 1832. Cm.
Kntravsri In I. In an Nllrrle from a t.hnin.
raph apprnTxl by Mrf . ll.rlt.M an a eurrret
liken.. A bautirul worn ol art . No . ciui..
llilon. Hla Inx'M . Wei.d fir clrt'utr n l
trticrmt. Tus lIssuY Uill Pes. Co , Nor.
ich.Conn. Jao.S, liuu.s.
Selins Grove
D. It. Stratford,
nt Seliiisgrove is prepared to furnish
of all klud. lo Hi Html arnl biod.'iuirn !
illin. wnrku.1 iut nf ilis
Best Marble
at linrt nollr. All woik ninasUil to (Ira
-flaf rait asil tltmln m, ni.lrrlsUnil
brsr si, Tlc bafor pBiohiitni (UaoLir.
Jo,, Itti.
ISotlco in I'tn-t itioii.
In thr HMltrr nf the tttute 0 John Gihu ll,
literati (,
T .ta 0I1 It Otlnatt, bo ra
l! at Council lllulla, lua; ,l.. U tlrlnxl
h'W B'i-uio. a lUraa. . fv.cuu ImnU. I ml.:
r.liiaixtb Ualnatl lnlanntrrlal Willi llanry
II. Ka.lal h ra.l.le. at rl.liar'a 1 arry, Nur
tiiimiirliiil Do., I'a.t fully Uainait luiarmar
rt'il Willi Tbi'iau llur l 'O, h.o mt uttiua al
trail la Hi. hllahl. Juniata C11 , Ha.i anil ilia
Inllnwlna-rbllilrao ol Caibarn.a Oalntl a ho with Adam ilinilllnii anil I.
now u-oacfl, via: Aruauua OiMHllln wuia
imtt-oille ailtlnM it Muulli ll-ml, I ml 1 I nun
tlnoillln who ralilca in Snylor l.'o., I'a.t l.'alU
arlno i"Oilllt)K wboaa ioal-ort1ca J ir li rl.
.ot.l, Junlala t o , !'., an l Martha (IimhI.Ii,
who-a iMt-olllno ailtroaa la Ortanial, Juniata
t'o.. Pa , tbr la.t two ol whom ara minora anil
bare lor tltolr aaanllan tiaorxa Xalloia ol Or I
ntal, Junlalatlii., Hatu Haluatt who I. a
mlooi and baa for bl nuar.llaa l.arl M.Tnata,
Uaunab (talntt lutarmarrla I wits Jonaibau
it. snyitxr, your iMtuimiar, halra sail l- I
rairaautallru of John tialnait l.ia of lairy
tuwn.hlp.suyilar oounty, fa , il-o.a-l.
TTT a 'yjrpVT Aailr sat rvllahl ma In
W All XXllararr towa 10 .all Farm.
Kiji our H).-1L, Jl AHL. a .Natural rarilluar
HiuCiMniaioNa,eonilvM outntantl lull iar-
uual liiatruolloDa by iotolal almmro. Auply
at iibo. wltb ,NMtibca sdilra-a anil rafaranoa.
J on a T. KuUBttra a Umt. Uarmaslowa, rblla,
Latiera of atltnl.tratlos on lbs aaiata of
K I 1101.1" U IIHlHiUAK daaaaaad, lata ol
farry twp. Saytlar oountr, fa., barl ox oaaa
tranta.1 lo lb andar.lgorij, nil raunt know
In lbtualra loilautaU to .aid aalat ara ra- to ruako liuio il at poyuiaut, whlla
tboaa liarlnif olatma will praaMal tbata duly
atuaatigawii ur aaiitaiuont 10
Jas. 12, 'J. Ailutlul.lralrlt.
Iittara of alioloi.trilun on tha iui of
UbuHtiti H. SNYOKH,doaad lata of Uu
loa two., Ha ydr county, fa., barirc bra
Kraoteil lo lb uoilaralKnud, all par.utia know
lug tbiulr luUbtJ to flil .tt ar r.
qu-id Ui maka l.uinudlat uaymant, wbll
tnuaa harm; olalui. will prauat lliam duly
auibaatloalod for aattktmant io
Jas. 13, 'St, pd. Ailuilnitirairli.
i": -
Vuditor'n INotioo,
In the matter of lite Etlate tf Win. G.
Harold, dec' J.
THE underslgDAd Auditor appoint,
ad by tha Orphan Uourt orSnydrr county
lo aiaka dl.trlbuilon o( tho land In lb hB.I.
ol M i'. Dunilur, AUailnl.iraUir nf la at
f Wm. II. Ilarrulil, lata of Uouiu townablp,
knydarotna y, dao'd. will alt for tb purpui
I altaatllns lo Hi du'la uf hi app ilntmant,
at lb Court Houm Id tli Morouh or Mlildl
bur, oa frlday lb ink, day of febraar A.
U.1MJ, at 10 o'olook a. m. whs and wbaraa.l
Krtlaa lutara.M.1 1 .aid fuud ar rqu.ld
appaar or b dbrrtl from rwslrls any.
tklug out of aabi lua.l.
.NO. . CBONatlLLKt?,
Jsa. M X Auditor.
-A.udltpr IVotioo,
In the Etlate qf A. M. Pfahler, dec' J,
THK nndersigned Auditor sppjint
ad by tba Orphan' Con ft ar Ssyitsr Os.,
ladlairlbaw lb fuuil Is lb baaita of Alary
A flaklar, Adrolnlatratrli, of tba a.tal of A.
M. fiahlar, lat at laa Uur. uf UlddUbu g,
Sotdar .iuity, l' . dMMMd, Will ail I ir tu
urp.M ri ui. npiiaiuut ai uia or l lh
)ro. f MlddKhsrg, , "sydr sossty. !.., uo tiiMloear of kte truH th aotco'l and ra
irMUA. Jas. ST, at It o'eloek A. M. a,.,kbl IS tha aaaaU ol crlw. V.ll II u.
kSBJ Wrall Partle iutsraeUd iralad. Will Mil Imoaenaeiy. Aaeau ootnt so
Usl II iksy tkiss rrPr.
jta. is, 'u, iMMsr.
Mow sfsnds confessedly st tlio lisa l .f riilladclphla Jonmalism In
all that makes a thoroughly complete, rronorol nnd fiimlly news
paper. It Is more com pi o to In Its news, In Its special correspon
dence, In It varied contributions on rll subject of iHipulsr Interest,
and In all the qualities of a newspaper for tho family clrelo and
thr the business man than any of lt contemporaries, Ix-miine Its
taeilitloa and resourcoe are equal to every want of a first-etass
national journal.
"The Weekia
during tbe past year. Its contributors from work to wet-k are among
me roremost men or the. nation, ami no department of news or
literature Is alighted In any number on any pretext. It Is adapted
as well to women as to tnont henee, sUIioukIi Its political Intelli
gence Is fultand accurato and Its pollilcul e litorlals free end fear
less, liberal provision Is niacin for literary, drnmatlo snd musical
Blatter, travels and adventure, Action, poctiy, fashions and tho
chronicle of current soclnl events. In nil (Iioko (iepartincnta the
Iens of the bout writers are cti",:iirc!, while selections from other
Journals are made with euro, tasto unj fuUncas that are unsurpassed.
Tna "Assam ov Tnn War" chapters of unwritten history
contributed by prontlnont actors In tho war of the rebellion, sre
a valuable feature of tho paper and have Iweoino a recoKnlsed
depository of such matters, whether from Northern or Htiuthern
sources. This dopartmwnt, as well as till others, will be kept fully
up to the high standard of former years.
THE DAILY TIMES-Dciiviti in tit nty of rhtisiMpht
and turroondlnf Town fur Twtlr U-nU a Wiik. Mail fi biitios. ptataf
free, Six Itollani s year, or Fifty Ccnu a montli.
THE WEEKLY e litmn. of the cholcct
reading, eaperlajly prepnrrd Ui meet tlio wainicf w Lly iit-tviir rt-aileni. One
copy, ti 00; Five eoplca, 18.00; Ton cr.plt, l ..P0; Twoiiiv n loa, tii.Oo. An Kxtrs
cop aent fro to any perann svttlwr iliitw i f l ii i r twenty.
THE SUNDAY .net. cl,-l,l parrs. The
beat known Sot! moat a-comtlthi.l wriUT" mhtrltnilo In lu onlutniis every wevk.
Two bollara a year, pmuvto fre. Sinslo cupltn. Pour Ctni.
THE TIMES ALMANAC-a Miintml f IV llilml and other
Informatltm, published on tlio First of Jr.nimry. uvcry yi nr. Flftvvn Cenu a rrpv.
THE ANNALS OF THE WAR-Ae.ynlot,rovl.ims
of SOD pane, beautifully llliL'trutcd. V.-iiu.n by I'rjRlk.l nirili;iiiuu la Ui War,
Korta and South. lYlco, (3.00.
Chcxtnut oml IMultl'i Streets, i'hUuJcIplila.
fpiIF. nntlcrhihed ofTcrs st piivalo
1 Hal, tho fnlliiwla ilorlliil Heal K.lale,
t,iwli: A eariain tram l ln I ntuat In Ad.
am. twp . Hn.dar e lunty, fa, -h.iulft inlia
Suutb-eaal ol Troinlvlll. conialnliiK
;i:i Acres,
mnr or wbron ar rctd s good
Dwellinrr Honoe, Stulilo
and olhar otithtiililinK. wall uf K, wlr t
tu iiiiir-tiirivin youn ori-imrtl ol ennir
fruit tra-run-.lnx watar an tb larm tlmiit
a aoreli ol lha ado la a-nod tiiulier bind, tha
balanra elaar and In a blKb at .to ol cultlvutluo
Term, a.y ,
tor further partt'-ular a'lilrea
liAM r:t A. HIUVMAV,
Nov J(, Trulalvllla Snyder fo.
f4uili) l-rtl-ff. Til- S I All IA NOf,l(l ItANMttM,
.i It- '.lUti ynar, Jmi. ftal.limi. il
I I If l n n K It la tun o.iti ni itiimt opi.
mt 'vt r of i lai4. fiver f nu i.h -r r tnt(ttw
i't ..m,4i lotiif ritliiitiitM, with iiiniiy UiHiili'.
Muinnroud aii'l AUra.'tlve lCiira Itk- It I
fH.wU. ti Mil uf the lirit Stitrta-, Wil,
llutitur. Fun, iiiHlfiiiK tr io autn"i ud
ntairiii'l ltl nt nii(ir. It vxpupot Vrnn
Mwfifllrra anil Cltfali at urv iium In s,intiiiir
Ihntnit'tlvn or eulrt iuli 1, V.vfryU ly n U
if, HMho utiW ro l It, aiitl ui only H ota. a jr.-ar
It ( by far tha brat, clM-ait wl, uii iular a
pr tirltiltf t. K" T . all flna llr ta-
aMb.thaar ftaaiit witli the Itainifr nttt )tr. KiftT
itiitr aufnitu irmi iifi . riMi ii fciiia i ir l
immtlia Irlftl trips with full nairrtii, i A t in
f-r ttnimar a whol yar, 8t:luiiia t'Ki.K,
Wud now. A'MrAaa,
HANNKU -M H O Vi).t IIlua.Ul, N. H.
rPHE Iliiia of Sliclinel Minium
1 tlae'il nllar at rirlvnt Sala. Hi fiillnalnir
tleai-rltid Nal vlt : A rert-iln um..
iiK ami Tract ol laud .Itua-A In Perry li.
Ua I n . I . n . I .1 a . 1 1 I . I .
Iowa, ou the Ninth by land ol r;n,ih Mutth,
r.a.. i'T laD'ia'.i imui.i r,'Mi u uy laii'iv
ol Mary Wed-r, and Waal by Unda lianlol
ArbNat conialnliiK
Mi Aeros,
mnr or tea. with tlio appurtenance, oa
wbkb I. eri-oted koo.I 'iitury
! raiitH iiiiMH. liiiiiU Ilurn.
chole fruit, eiuellant water n,.r lm. dmir.
For tarnia aiily to l.t.WIS MINIUM of
Mount Hlea.aul Mill Snyder Co. I'a , or lo
hi. Any, JACtiU UlLHtKr, Mlddlatmr,
nuyder Uo. I'a.
Dee. , 'II. .
I.aitrr. nf eilmlnlitratton on the r.tata nf
.liihn Atimnn, lato ol I'nlon town.hlp., hny
dr n , Vi ilao'd, har been aran'ad to Hi
auliaorllir, all ,rna Indeiit-d tu sit - aald ra.
tale ara reiiieat. d tu lintnedlaie pay.
uirnt, and bavin elaliur or ! mnta
attain. t llm rti. ui th fahl drli.l will
uiak known lb aaui. withuul d lay. In
UAVlli H. sin. 1. 1. V,
IHv. I6tb, 111, Admlul.lrator.
pUUMO RAI.K.. Tim nnder-
J- aluned, Ailmlnlatratora of the aetata of
Jobs B. Kmllli, late ol Hanr loanablp. finy
dr enmity, f.. d.eaail. by virtue or an ir
dr laaue.1 out of th Drpbsoe' IV urt of aal.l
eonuty, l I eipn.elo Publle Hlon MATI K
day, JAN. U, Ixsi, oo tbe prnil. thfo I .w.
Ind.criid Heal Katat. to wit: A i art. In
trai l nf land attuita la tuwaablo of Heaver
aloreaald. eonialnlnit o AI'KK. niura or Ira,
iMiundeil Ninbl.T land oltleurK HIlKer, r-l
bv land ol Haul Hauler, rluuth oy land of J. o.
Hlluer and Wa.t by lnd nf tlrnalay.
hrrn are e.eoln'l a duallln IHIKMK, H t US
nd i. (her nutbu il.lltiw- never f.llli.a wat, r
au DHUlfA Ul of ebulo fruit, ( "ov. nUut to
mar. eland aehool. I'bl proi erty will poal
tlvly b atruck off to lb hlaliaai bl.idar at or
rr r So'eloi-b p tu ofaalddav H,. to ouin
oene at lo o'eluek s m. ol aald day whnu Uua
at-en Unce will b xlvu aud term ol aalo
wade knons by
W. II. HMII'll.
Deo. 20, mi. AtlulnUltatore.
of adinlulatrallnn on tha eatata nf
Kebet'i-e V'alir, laia ol t'antr tarpi ntiyder
Co. He., do'd, have neea vraul I to th u (sr.
lnd. All perron knowing tbernuelvee In.
debted toealil eatiite will t.a-.a n.ak luimadl.
ate payuinnl wbll Ihoa baring elahn agnluat
aid aalal will t re-aut them lor lettlenieut to
Jan. t, loa, AduilhUianor,
OAll'I'IJ I'oo't IneaUMfor aaolng oar
OUU A XI Jama HI var Settlement. Illua.
eatalogue lre. .1. F, MANOUA, Ulareuiuunt,
Surry eounty, Vs.
TTATTr tlDTITI f-.r lr, with lot
XJlialVX X HkJjX proved lmr.t
l abia, Unlaodar, ale. hei.l I,, any edur.. en
reeelpl nf two Three dent Addr
CH AKI.ES , U1H1.8, 41 V . Ulawr Av...
fl Car Ik. wliaur io truing dtatritta. (vrr
I larg return fur comparatively 11 Ul labor.
I -aaajForfnll parrir-tilradilrealninicdltplr
SMIia M. 11 Jaraadwaur, a. if.
Agents wanted at once
to Mil tb lilt sad Cataplet blatory of
The Trial of Ouiteau.
A ktokof kl. vrrello ari-r and VllLl Hll.
-J..II.V af tha .liui.i wi, ... k. . , . . -
ete. Tarae to agent. HUral. Addreaa MCti-
lHbBKOIT trabUaL.r. in Okatsat at.,
trait. '
mrTt-i v.
nenrly donbleti Its
lllnr InFL-ia rlrrlitntlnn
fynit frplare Dial nlit Puirp With t prw on
n.l Jo nral oarefully atauilue the
Buckeye Force Pump,
rie Huckero la Hi varv li.le.t ImproM ihi-ui
In Puni. It If r'Miatriioln.l with air . Iiaiutior.
whioh matio It vi-rv -any In operate . Hoaaeab
la alia, In cl tu thr llui'kie fmnp, and Watar ran
Itatlimail urUt anr hllllilllitt lu raae of flrr.
Vnn i-m at.'r vi.iir tUrdon and Yard. WaaL
Wludoaj. Wash lliltttllea, an I have
FIRE ENGINE mi Tmr own prinlaf M uo bom co
tliau au tfr.liQary pinup. It
Cauuot Frasza
In eold waalhr. Iliiralib. bKvoud donl.l. The
verypnitip lieii wall. workllttf part,
ar IimIU -r lelliilia and vtv. within purer
lain I lo J cbaiuoer. N jllilng lo I. oar about II
Iron Turbine Wind Engine
le al.o liraat lniiriviiiiit lu Wind Knelnae
fall and a.a ti ir.a piimpa lu opfratluli, or lur
particular addreia
1,1 Mr I. tl. n,
O.I.S0, Mifflin ci.iitily. Ha.
Tha under.lirned havlntr purchaaed the So
In-uruva Mari.l Wurkt, b lsuw fully pi
prd to rnanulaatur.
Monomcnts A d i Headstone..
bla ummar at prleea mtieb lower than hereto
ore, and lower than baa vr been don la tba
Ilavlnirlu'l received a lar lot nf le.lrne,
ol all Ilia latent atylai of Munumenta a head
tiHiea, I aut able In ulva .all.faotlnn In mylea
and prlf., to all that wl.h to dam, rale the
irritv. ul a detiarted friend with a neat, llrap
Mi.uitmeitl, 1'ttinli r lleiiilalnl.r.
I have alo uid arraluttenienti. an a o be
aide In fural. h tin abort prnv,, riarhte. Sand,
atnne, ur anv nvor kind ol di.or and Window
rl':, at price, to eull It
I'er'una In nee I ol any ol the ahnva arllelea
will aitve intey by ralllnu at Ilia n.r
Alitrhl Work, bafor puri-ha.ln l.where.
I l.n ki Kank'a I'atenttlalvanlied (Irav
tluardifnraala. Fir dlllareot at) lea. Uom
and aee.
S-.l. It. Long of Amliir, Ant f ,r Ihr
under. iKned, where all ordi-r will receive
primpl attention.
SI ly 4,'i-tl. V.I. (ANTNKK,
imanukIj ktkini"xokr, of
1 i Weel IteaveroSere hi aervle tn tha pnh,
llo so Auetl',ner. Any per.un In need t.l n
Autluneai would do well u tailing upon klr, ri.
Sept, ti, last. Mid ilerreek, v. o.
hbydrr Co., I'a
Notary Patiiic SurYByor, ConTcyanccr
P.pal Estate anijnsBrancc Agent.
Heed. Honda and Mortgagee prepared and a
kind of etineeyanotng attended to promptly
wltb naatnex and aonurraoy.
speoKI nttentiun given tn haying and eellln
Rl rtat. fllfloa In Freniont. rtnydertlo
i-a., r. if. Aiiitreae, mi. r-teaaant aim., rny 11
Uo , I'eon'a. Au..'"
lIt;tioii IVelitJ.
"M") TICK is Imri'liv iivn that Ibe
J.' Anual Kleetln tor 1'lreot.r of tit Ha
rrrtg.D ivlut r'lro lua. i:e or Heavertown Pat
will be held at lha otflee of tha roauut at
lleavartnwn. Pa , ou Haiurdiy .Ian 'in. ikni
btween the hour ot ooe aud live o'olnck H,
M.ofeld day. All utmbr ar reuueel-
net to b I.
n n. netAtutr,
A. II. llowaaaox. be.
Jan. , ls J.
Amlltor'H INtiei.
UK unrlHisifruet Anditor apnoint-
-a. e ny ine virpuana trourl ol nnViler t:o.,
to ill.t, Ibute Ihn lunda In the band, ol i. K.
Harle and lio. Hebnur .urrlvlog F.ieeutiire
of thee, tale of llenrr II. Krer. I.te ol the Horn
of riellnegrova, Hnyder lo., fa , deoeaaad, will
it lor tbe iiuiifna nl hi appnipununl at tba
Anil Hotel. In tba lluruugti of hellneirrov. on
TI KH1IA Y, KtU. Itb. IB. J. at II o'elonk A.M.
when and where all partie luleratted uty ab
teod If tbey tblok robr,
Jaa.t, IMi. Auditor.
121e5tloi ISotieo,
NOTICK is lint ely nivun tbat (lie
Annual Kleeth n lor iilreetoreof th An'
rors Aiutual A Id A..oeltion ol Pa. will be
held .t Ihe Home olflce i, tbe A.aoelalluS at
Bearertima, p. en Saturday Juo. 14 lb, leoS,
btaa tb kosi oft and 4 P. M.
K. II. W KIKE Pre.
J. Thimai 8tsoi'U:sb, be.
Jss.t, HHJ.
Letter af adratfiletratton or, tha ratal nl
riAM V tL K Hul nri, ilueeai!, lai of ,l,.
dleoreek twp., bafdr eounty. Peee'e., hatlkg
been arested to tba Su.leiilxeod, all teraoiia
kaoatus tkeHMil ladebied lu e.ld t,t
r riueed to mek luinidit p-ueul,
while tbue having alalm will preeeul tueut
4 Jly anlbeSllwted lur av.ilriuetil lu J. n Ml I'".
laa.l,lal. Atiuilutai...wr.
Th cwTtrmA TaitTirfT,' r tb
rnraet Rkla neeln and Mend ).eae.
IMll.lll.lll. I.I.H.I KM.. ......... ..
, . ... ...... . pa-
aoi raar I', aw blond pariner and lh
v mat ee iiim Tirri, toil unTII'SBA B0r,
IkSateai kia tar.
LT RHE( r).
Win Met,.B,M.iMt fXarhnra at., rbla.,
grate ru ly arknowiwleiea rar at tat Hiiea.a
n head. nek, lace arm an I l- ..r an
ta year. I el a tile to walk einei.l en bmla
and .nee. f ir on..e.r t n . a'd to help alia.
aif for iht y.ri tr.d k idr-d.f raradla.t
........r n,a n enfM-ieee t par.
iwanenliy enre.1 nt l',i.,r, rleolve-ii (hbol
narlfleri'y and I'nur.., and fell,
ear Mip (ik ereal tkla tared eitaraally.
... r.. ..rpnn, ' "1 neat -rfAN, W. T.
enred nf I enriaeia -r Mprnay, ftwantf year. '
.tailln. by the flrrit t-na H.i vr In.
ternally. and l-fTiri'a. and t't-Titrat rn.e
atiarnallr. The nt'ial w n larfal ea-e tin tea.
t. a. .... ... .. .
ird. t.'arae-rtin d t'i iMf.ire a ju.-b- ..f tha
. ... , .,.,, nil ami fori
with llehlug an I ei aly dl'-ei tboald .ead t
' .HIM WIIM'l.m in mil.
SKIJ iMi:ti:,
F. H. Drak. r1 , ll-trnlt, Mlrh. eitlfered ha-
....... H,, ,.,., n .an -n a i.e wtilrih
appeared on hi. hand., hei l and I tea, a d
. , .no. i raretlll
doetnrlo full I ti h-d I l.l.n. and. .It r ,. h. I
i.e.. n. . , .ui,ra rtn..iiv, ri.Mt
partner) luleri allr. I'mli-ii-a and l'iitlfi-a
.mi, I lt,a ra .1 abl. ....... ... --
aa I h. rera lined pe.f etty well to
ki in .no its.
Mr H. V.. Whl-i do. ILealitr, M l-h.. write
I bet her fee, head and .ini ii irt. if h-r li i.y
w.-r alm-nt raw. Head entire I with nd
r., amlered feirf illy and trl d .rvlu.tug.
rrmm.itiv eom l hy t'u, urn H-etitr' I
(.ll partner) and t'tttleura and bo.n ilee
great a. In ru te)
4 I TM I lit.
Hmedl-a r far et he 'l drnggl.fe. Prtr
f fi-TMi-at, I iif lal ,amill hua.,
.: Irge tr-aiia, ft tiiriifa lla-i.i.r Kr,
the hi od Purifier, SI p-r bofle. t'l Tii rriv
iMieirini. Tnn.cT ,ir, aiw t ii ri i ut
name' a n L luiirr smr, IV: Inhere for
harhart and large eoa.uiaar., to. I'rlnnlnal
Pepnt, WF.FKi A POTT EU, Ibnton. M.
Sanford's Radical Cure.
Sanford's Radical Cure.
ItAarl Tol U, Watery Pine r.a-( aa from V.
Ahd Kva-. KlnKlttii Nnwain lh ILa t, Smrnum
IlKadactia id CI. ill au. I I'vfpr lintlautlf rllcf
Choklnif, pMlrld munn la rtl-foqilait, inomb-an
elttati-(l, tltliif'ti-t ftmt hcalf-l, t.rvalli (
rncil. amrll, ln-if, itiil h arlntf rcatori rnu
atlluttnual ravaire) I'tiiN-kvi.l,
Vniih, UnitifliltU, nMM'lni? Intii tha Thrat
Palna In tht t'hft, IttdpAp-la, Watil)i( of
StmnKtli and I'lfHh, t, r Hl-rp, r)tPv.l,
Untehnttle lttll l t'liro. ti" Ihh ('ai-rrhal
Solvent anl oiin fir. Hai.rrrt Xiihatur, In "tit
ta-lia(r of all r1rimirit. tor Ak fri'
-ihi'h K AUit'Ak tl RB. W LKK3 h PU r T fcH
I.imh ipcrk-r -hat. (.'ot
Ilia1' Hi. a a.
ir.-,. in ri'iii-ving pin
en.t Vl'eak.n-aa nf lh
K 1. 1tii.v. I.ivr k !urtfa Niji".iit
llj.l. rla, F. male 1V
In .., Materia and K-v-r
and Anna. Prl, vl ete.
if W Jk )rea rjhenee In mka
I I I I 1 mutiny. 1 h.'aewbn alway
III II I tike advantage nl the gn-d
w) 0 R aVa aelLne-a Inriuakinit money
that era nflered. gn. rally l um wealthy,
wbll tb'.eehi do not Impm? euiih ehane
remain m poverty Wwntminy it.n. en.
men, bnv. ehd gtrli work lur in right In
their own lne:ita. Any on ran do the work
properly from lh Brat atari. Thehu.ln.-M will
pay mnae lhart ten llaea -irdln-ry wag-e r:
j.en.l. H ouibi lurnl.hed fra, Nn one who en.
ge. talla lo rnak money rapid ly. You ran
ilerot our wImiI time to lh work, or onle
yuurepar mnrnent ul in ormMl .n end all
ttltit I needed e-nt free. A MTIRau.l A)
Co.. I'orlland. Alelaa.
Woman's Friend !
Why ehnld .he In eave har heaps'
and money, when .he can do an l.y bailng
The Celebrated Six
Wheel Casters
att.ehed m her Ni-wlng Mai-hine, at a f
only fJOO peret Aa a prod of their v.lue,
nno 0 0 ete here been .old In the la.t twelve
mouth., and thev are endnrerd by everybody
who have puroha.ed Iheirt .eitniwle fgitig
their lalneiona na timre their n..l. ae they
rnahl- the nine! d.dieat litdy o ehlld tn rni-vs
ti,e m irhlee with nerlent eaa tn the rgbt nr
I Tr , forward or heeb. rr ln'0 faenrghfa p el' -Hon
for pomfort or llvht wl.ll atw'.Sg, or t
any part ol tbe liiuaa dielred.
Tliev savo rooiiflv, Thoy sava yotir
enrpnts, Tlipy save lime.
The sawn Patient fits alt
Machines perfectly.
Th Marhln will aland p-rrertly atlll end will
not tun. whil tn n.a with the Ca.lrro no.
THIS WK flllAKANTKR. They do Sol
ralaa tbe Mai'lilno nu-half an Ini-h,
Kvory Sevrloi? UncLltie sbonlJ hsv
Casters not) U tintlniBhe l with
ont tlifm.
They rah he takes off of the Mewlnf Maattrnd
and attrhd tie ibalr In m .mant, makings
jl.ndld luralld i-ltair Doe Ml wis Uata liW
Io not fuil (o get a sot.
Tbennderalenr-d le Aiientfor Snyder, Wlflrirr
snd Unlou oouutli-e.
Capt W. H. Knepp,
llee. 15, MM. Ira
Nny tar Co., Pa
rpilK annnal floclion for Dfrcflnrpj
1 of the m AMR f.IN MITl'A t, RKI.IKr
AHKIMIIATItIN will b held at the Horn
lllTloe. el tlldd'ehurgoo Pit 1 1) A V. 3 K N, 371b.
IbU, at Id o'e oek A. M of whioh uitlna
aUK khnlilera, meutt.err, aud loaured, ar re
queued lo take ootlee.
ti.tAS HI MMEL-, Pf.
t'Al.vlK nTSfhSB, Sc,
I'M. t'l.'Sl.
ion alIa
rpllti poir as vtijl os tbe rich, thj
1 old aa wila. tb rnuna. lha wlta aa .
ae the bueban I, tue young tDlda a wll g
tha young man, tb girl a Writ ai tb boy,
may u.t a well earn few d itlar In fconat
ruii lot ttitDt. . to .it anmad lb boa. )
waft for olhar tn eara It for th-e. Hi a..
give yoa empl .yraeni. an th llrae, et datfar
yonr ei'.r kuure only : trrling or la i ?
owa neiithboriiood, aa.nit frlertd ana
ar.,ullne If yos do nt eer- for mploy.
raent. we ean Import rain.. nfnraifea ia
ro f r ol ot . It will i .t eon ata ...
ant lor a 1'o.tal ard te wrlu for our Hriranae.
tue, od It m b lb ea skil aaakipg o
gnoii many iiollara.
no not aegi. i ma opporibniTy. Tos a
Sol ht ii Ineeet a l.rae li.m nf m.k. .
rus a great rlak nl lo.lng Ii, Ton ill radliw
e that It will beaoet.y bitar In nia
iroj ! oa w.eb, an I r.lenll.h a I rre.
me. ami ooeuannviii rm.tncae. Sonnrntiic
eiralgliilnrward ehd fMi , ttend to (buy
inaila NIHV. for bi" I MIK Y IN IT (a
II a ho ( wu'sar, V wit' vert ( ,oil
and n will wen-wr why ye ar emt, t
ucMiur a a rvLi. rasrn tiAss ras.
fnXKxiiMri.cio.. .
(Nam tht. pap.r i Msie,Oa..
benl..a,IWl.lui. '
: t
i t. . .
t t '
"a.". a': '.jm J
'-wa... .
T I " " " ' " " e .! A ' 4 v ' s '.'!..'. ... ' V .' j - .
eeawaaaaa- aaaaaaa