The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, January 12, 1882, Image 4

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    tpun pool?
Dddiebufg, JAN. la, l3l
IVowi, fto;
.,,,,,1 Ontm-rr CrwaTs. fas Cosrts el
a..def Coasty ar hold oa th fbarla Monday,
PKbrasrv. klsy.ssd wspwenbwr, aidaaeoaa
leader sWW.
All communication, buiine let
tort Ac, tor thi nmcl, to secure
Tronipt attention should be addressed
f. r..Viawsj Thi Pot. Mitldleburi
toydor County, P. AdertiiemenU
jorrnnitnication Ac muat be banded
In hv Monany noon, iu mu inac
tion in next ih
ant i a nnr-?n sr. tax t?
llliu rttrcu
w on. p,
yfearerarsa AawsaTswsa
Ihrssaa 41
Kirat of April will fall on Saturday.
The year 1882 began on Sunday and
thi on Sunday,
The82dof February wilt occur on
Wednesday thla year.
Vennor think we will not be- both
ered with many now-falla Until the
middle of February.
Judge Pearson, of HarrUburg, waa
on the bench within a few day of thir
ty three years.
Take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to stop
your Colds, Coughs and Bronchial
Affections before they run into Con
sumption that you can not stop.
The year 1881 is gone with aTI
joys and sorrows never to retunrn.
has been a year
long to be remem
The Pennsylvania Railroad on Mon
day increased tho passenger fare 'on
that road to four cent a mile, instead
of throe cents, as heretofore. Ex,
Re. II. C.Shindel, of the Lutheran
church at Port Royal, was kindly re
membered by his people during llir
holidays. Juniata Tribune.
Found. Iu the U. B. Church, on
the morning after the Christina r'cs
tival, a Oar breast pin. The owner can
Lava the same by calling at this office.
Sheriff Reichly ha assumed the
duties of his otfee and promises, if ev
idences are worth anything, to make
an aotive and elficiont offloer.
T. ..... . i :n i
trwuiva v iu aitjre niipit-s win nrrji
better in moist cellars than damp ones.
It isu't the temperature of the cellar
that keeps or' waste the apple ; it'
the number of boys In the house.
The Miulinbur Telegraph says Unit
bzi carriage, tuwgie ant wagons
have beon manufactured by the car
ringe manufactories of that place this
Prominent medical meu assert that
neuralgia is a low condition of the
system, and that instead of poulticing
and taking medicine for it, the system
suwuld be built up.
Mr, A. u. Bhellenherger, of Rich
field, has been appointed mercantile
appraiser in place of W. Porter
Thompson, who declined the position.
Mr. Shellenberger will make a good
Officer. Juniata Tribune.
The drawing at S. IFeis's Selins
grove, took plaoe on Jan. 2d. No. 6S8
drew the Bible No. 300 drew the Doll
Mrs. 0. R. ifendrick was the holder
of the first, Mrs. Jere Bowen of the
A number of ice houses, in this vi
cinity, have been filled. Those who
ax waiting for belter ice may get none
this winter they have the consolation
of being ready iu due seas a next win
ter and we dont doubt but that they
will profit by the lesson.
At the spelling match in school
house No. 6, in Monroe twp. the Gran
gers' 2ollow school misspelled about
fifty six per cent, more word than the
Chestnut Ridge school.
On the eveuiog of the 12 Inst., there
rill be a teat in raading, between the
ame schools. Thi will take place lu
be Chestnut Ridge school-house.
Wetha undersigned member of
the Republican Standing Committee
of Snyder County for the year 1881-9
hereby agree that our delegate to
the next Republican State Conven
(Ion, whoever they may be. Shall be,
and they are, hereby lnstrneted to
give their votes and Influence In the
State Convention in favor of Hon,
Chaa. Hower, of Selinagrove, Pa. for
the numlnatlon for Supreme Judge,
and to use every honorable mean in
their power to eueure tha object
W also authorize the publication of
this fact In th Republican Newspaper
of the County and Stat.
A. If. Oemberllng,
I J. Frit.
Nat. Sohainbach,
(Jeo. F. Broalu,
J. R. Arbogaat,
Chaa. K. Saiupsel,
Chaa. W. Sauders,
Hamuel Oross,
J. R. Keeler,
Lewi Miller,
Harvey Sholly,
H. W. Ulah,
J. B. Fetterolf,
W. W. Row,
J. M. Houaer.
O. Alfred, bchoch,
H. J. Gundruio,
mas. Jioyer,
H. U. Fisher,
. W. H. Bover.
O. B. Welser.Jr.
J. Kohler l'eok,
P. B. Mover.
B. 8. Zimmerman
Irvio OraybllL
J. J. Suhrader.
P. H. Knepp,
K. M. Houser.
Robert Bouse, ,
J. P. Wagner,
T. P. Uumjnol,
now fell on Tuesday
TTthe young folks wish (o hate
amusement, real, genuine fun blind'
fold a boy and bar him walk across a
room and blow out a candle. It I
nearly equal trying to catch an apple
with your teeth that is floating in a
tub of water.
We were shown, by onr townsman,
Afr. C L. Smith, a magnificent walnut
chair from the rooms of vine A Broth
er, dealers in Furniture, Bedding,
Fathers. Ao., 64, Id, 68 North Second
St. Philad's,
Mr, 8mith Informs us that vina A
Bro. keep only first-class goods, and
that ail goods are as represented that
their prices are moderate and fixed by
the quality of goods.
Prof. Tlce gives the following as the
probable weather for January t From
3d to Oth. threatening weather with
heavy rain or snow, aooording to Inti
tule t 6th to 7th, clear or fair and
very cold; 8th to Ulh, clouding and
ending la rain fall; 12ih and 13th.
clear or fair ; Ulh to HJtli, cloudy with
heavy snow or rain fall; 17th to 18th,
clear or fair and cold ; 19th to 23d,
cloudy with threatning weather with
rain or snow storm 23d to 23th, clear
or fair; 25th to 29th, cloudy with
threatning wbeatherand heavy storms;
29th to Slat, clear or fair and very cold.
Judge Ditcher ordered an adjourned
Court to meet, at Middloburg, on the
17th, of this month.
The Board of Pardon will meet at
Harrisburg the same day and will
then hear the application of the
Kintxler murderers for a pardon.
This will require the presence of a
number of Lawyers from this county.
For this reason, the Court will meet
bere on Tuesday, the 21th, at which
time the argumeut list will bo disposed
Ladies Coats and Dolmans selling
hclow cost now, at 8. Il'ttis's Selins
grove. Only a few of the best quali
ties left.
A large varioty of Dres goods soiling
at greatly reduced price at 8. Wei'
Selinsgrov. Cull and see.
Carpets of all kind and qtntlittc at
bottom prices, at i. Woia's i'oliiingrove
Jan. 12, '82. 3w.
Sol Opnenheiiner low REDUCED
and see.
You may well go through this
life warm, comfortable mid decently
clad, s then, go to Oppenheimer auil
icet a new. inter suit from bead to
Overcoats at Oppenlieimers at Re'
Juced Price, at tiuiiurgrove.
At (ippeuheimers, .VHliiis;rnve. you
i an gut Under-wcar cheaper than ever.
Furs, Fur Caps and all the modem
aiihliaiire to aeep out cold can be
hud at Oppuiihuimer' at Soliusgrove,
Trutli and Sol Oppenheimer are
twin brothers and if you doubt it, go
and price hi good.
We would c til the attention if onr
reader to the advertisement of D. R
Stratford. Person in nee.l of any
thing in hi line will do well to call-on
li i its.
W. II. Flower, F. R. S. J. FiUgerald
tt Co., 'ulilishors, li'S 4th Avenue,
New York. No. 2i Humboldt Library.)
Price, 15 rents.
In this neatly printed and profusely
illustrated little volume it is shown
how among all races of man, the cus
torn of drnrmint) the body has existed
from the earliest lime. The Austra
lian savage who improves God's handi
work by thrustiiiK a bone ornament
through the cartilage of the nose ; the
Mosquito Indian who perforates Ins
lip to receive a similar ornament: the
races who flatten the skulls of their
new-born children, act only in com
pliance with "the fashion" and therein
are seen to be own brother or the
semi-civilized Chinese who cramp the
feet of female infant, and at least of
the female sex -among the highest
European races, with their earrings,
their high-heeled shoes, their tixht
lacinir. and other ahsured uractices
dictated by fashion. For sale by A, K.
Th UUrary -Rebellion."
Mr. John B. Alden. who oreanised
the "Literary Revolution," which has
given the people the best of book at
uob wonderfully low price, doe not
give up the fight with the failure of
"The American Book Exchange,"
which failure, he claims,- was in no
resDect the result of selling books too
cheaply, but was caused by the combi
nation of publishers and booksellers
against the enterprise ; infamous and
baseless slander oeing scattered Broad
cast culminated in a "panio" among
the creditors of the institution, causing
a "run" which resulted in the failure
of the company, just as it ha often
caused the failure of bankr or other
institution perfectly solvent under or
dinary condition. He and other
friends of the enterprise have organi.
ed "The Useful Knowledge i'uhlishini:
Company," and a literary KebrUton
which propose to carry on in a tight.
The first work published by the new
comnanv is a beautiful edition of Ma-
caumy's"ure oi fTeuericK the ureal,"
which they sell for the marvellously
low price of 20 cents, neatly bound in
cloth. The company propose to be-
giujtmmediateiy the publication or a
series of cyclopaedias one of history
one oi btogrspny, one or science, one
of choice prose literature, one of
poetry, and - one of religious litera
tureeach of which cyclopaedia will
be in several large octavo volumes of
over 1UIW psges each, at th price of
1.23 per volume, In cloth binding, and
will also bo published in number at
only two cenu per number, being con
iderably below even th "revolution"
Drice I They will aend apeoiman pag
es and catalogue free, and friend of
choice literature al low price will be
ur to shower them witb pnUtcanU,
at least. 4ddres lu.iKrvL KKoWt,-
.-Ueet.Is'sw York.'
A slight
Tt Stab Normal School
of this District, at Bloomsburg, Pa.,
will begin the winter term on Tuesday,
January 8d, 188X ' Graduates of this
school are In demand. A beautiful
location, comfortable rooms, satisfac
tory board, reasonable terms thorough
Instruction and a State Diploma are
among the attractions. The last class
numbered forty-one. The attendance
in the Fall waa never as large as now.
Large additions to apparatus and ex
tensive Improvements hare been
made. Bend for a Catalogue.
Nrw Bloom'teld Mis., Jan. 2, 1830.
Wish to say to you that I have been
suffering forth last five year with
severe Itching all over. I have heard
of Hop Bitter and have tried it 1
have used up four bottle, and it has
done me more good than all the doc
tor and medicine that they could
use on or with me. I am old and
poor but feel to bless you for such
relief by your medicine and from tor
ment of the doctor, have had fif
teen doctor at me. One gave
me seven ounce of solution of arse
nlo ; another took four quart of blood
from me. All they could tell was that
it was skin sickness. Now, after these
four bottle of your medicine, my skin
i well, clean and smooth as ever.
rraccr Axle Urea).
One trial will convince you that It is
the bent. Ank your dealer for the
Fraxer Axle Urease, and take no oth
er, ftvery iox lias our trail marie on.
Sept. 29 '81 Gm
we a i i
Aucloneer. Oeortre II. Hank-en -
burg, of Middlerreok, P. ()., would an
nounce to the people ot rtnyticr coun
ty, that he will cry sales for real an
personal properly, at short notice ami
on the most reasonable terms.
guarantees satisfaction. I Mar. 15.78
.1. W. Dreose.
Potntoe do
Butter per podnd
Kirirs oer dor.on
Tallow per khiih1
4 toO
7 to 8
Drifil A I ililcs
Mitltllrburff Market
ooassuTsn wrsblv sv
Simonton, Tlnrber tSc Co.
Wheat per bushel ISO
Wheat, Ho 2. , 1 21
It ye do Hi
Corn do 7-1
Outs do 40
Potatoes 1 OO
loverseed per IiunIicI 4 50
Cherries, pltt-vl 10
('berries, uupitted 8
Hluckberrles ft
Raspberries SB
Dried apples 6
Spring Chickens A
Turkeys, 8
Butter, prime 2"
Kpt 21
Onions 100
Itrd 10
Tallow 00
Oak Tie 3T to CO
Pea Coal 2 oo
Chestnut Conl 4 00
Blacksmith Coul A 00
Kkk Coid 4 00
l)ee. 1, Iti'.fus Knepp of near Bnn
nervllle and Miss Allies C. Worrull of
Pen. 15, W. W. Mayse of LewMown
and Mrs. Auuu, Wnlborn of Rellns
grove. Ben. 85, at M. E. Parsonoire, hv Rev.
J. W. Bueklev, John H. of
Iwistown, la., and Miss Mary C.
Kinney of Bollnsgrove.
' At Port Trevorton. .Tan. 1, bv 1). 8.
Thursby, J. V., John 11. Herrold and
Miss Atuelia L. Wulter, both of Free
burg. At the residenoe of the bride's
mother, Jan. 8, 18N3. bv the Revs. H.
K. Ochsenford and P. Born, Chsjt. P.
ITIrioh, Ksq., and Miss Laura C.
Davis, both of Belinsgrove.
Deo. 4th. by J. B. Nhlnkel. J. P..
Jonathan Brunnar to Miss Kllen Bow
ersox both of Centre vilie,
Dee. 18th. by the same. Georire
Henry of Centreville, to Miss Cath
arine Qrubb of Centre twp.
Deo. 93. by the same. Reniamin
Loss, Jr., of Centre twp., to Miss Hu
nan n a Rarich of Limestone twp., Un
ion County,
Deo. 13. by J. I. Yerirer. J. P.. Lew
is Troup of Cross Roods, Junlutn
County, to Mis Hullie 8. Bender ot
I'erry twp., Biiyuor uouuty.
In Mrtllnburtc, Jan. 5, by Rev.
James Reardou, ofj Piiiladelphia. as-
slstml by Kev. Isaao Mrler. 1). I), or
MiraiiiDurrf, Mr. J. Merrill llarber, or
Franklin, Hnyder county. Pa. and
Miss Kmma Hnmlgraas, of Miflliiiburg,
Union county, l'a.,
The printers In acknowledging ths
receipt of a portion of the wedding
cake hereby declare their approval of
the union congratulate Miss Emma
that she gave her heart and hand to
so worthy m young gentleman and
Merrill that fortune smiled and bless
ed bliu with an amiable and Intelli
gent life-partner.
II . 1 - .' .-J-LBBSasaBBMSScB
Jan. 8. inst.. in Franklin, Minnie,
little daughter of George and Jane
metier, aged 1 year. 6 mouth and 15
At Union, Cass Co., Mich., Nov. 28,
1881, Ellas KpaliJ, foruierly of near
Freeberg, Snyder Co., Pa., aged 68
year. 1 month 20 day.
In Sunbury, Deo. 80, Horace W.,
son of Henry Clay and Hal He Guteliu,
ayea o year s utoniiu wj aays.
In Sellnsgrove, Dec. 29, Hallle, old
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
HpaJir, aged l years 8 month IS day.
In Monro Two.. Dec. M Lora
ElliaKtp. only daughter ot Jauies
ami V Ktar. aed 17 year., 0
Dee, St, in Centre twp., Rebecs' i
, f 1 1 1 1 .. . I m . ..
vvruuiai wvwtrai akw m gxmswf m i
ntkutlu awl I day. I
We Invite the attention nf our read
er lo the advertisement of the Buck-
y MTg Co., Marion, Ohio, in another
column. They offer rait- inducement
to earn an honest living.
B t.2,6m.
Notice to JSettle &c.
Dr.. Grler Barber, of Mlddlebnrg.
having formed a co-partnership with
Q. Igarllossinger, if. D. desires to
ei lie his Individual outstanding ac
count. Therefore, all persons know
ing themselves indebted and those
having claims will make payment and
present their claims for adjustment on
or before the 1st dsy of March next.
Jan. 12, '82. 4w.
By Plasters clnlmkig to be an Im
provement on ALLCOCK'S POROUS
ALLCOCK'S Is the ordinal and in
ly genuine PoRotmPi.AarKH ; all oth
er so called Pernors Pl.ASTns are Imi
tations. Brwarkov tiikm.
See that you get an ALLCOCK'S
PLA3TKR, which we guarantee I nut
effected more and quicker cures thnn
any other external Remedy.
Jan. 0, 1832. Otn.
I Html Portrait ol.
Vlnsrsfsd In I. Ins anil mtprls Irnm s nhniiM
rph aiprTtl lif Mr. Onrrialit s sorrret
mon!. a o'Siitiiui ors 01 srt . no rouit.
tlilon. HlrslsiM. Maud for slri-ulart snl sx
lr Inrma. Tus IIsmuy UiLL Pes. t " . Nor
lcb. C' Jsn.t, IwU.Sw.
Selins Grove
D. R. Stratford,
nt KctiiiHgrove is prepared to furnish
of all klui). la th Bswt n l bsoiituiurst )
siKO ttorkwl mit ot ik
Best Marble
at ihnrl notlrs. All woik risntsil to air
atlils. ll
aTl'lMfS rsll ssil sssmliis my matrrlslsnil
krsr si, .rlc bafot aickailng slaswkat.
Jan., laJ.
Nollt'o itt I'tii'l itioiia
thr mnltrrnj the eaiate of John Ocliu tt,
utvrwH il, obH Oalnalt. oho ra.
M-e at ronntill Illulta, luwa; Juaab ttrlnail p-.atmo" a Idraa, I- Nifiitli Hand, Intl.:
MiaaiM ta tiamaii iinrmarria.i nn uanry
II. Ka.lsl h' ratl.laa nt H.har'. l arrv. Nor-
tbmuMrUi"! Co., l'a. fully Ualnatl lularnmr
rlvtl Willi l'b(ma (lur.loD, ut.t oltlos a.l
dra la Itirhflahl, Jumsls Ci-, anil ilia
lnllwlns rhlliirsn of CaUiarn. (laln-lt alio
aa lnlarinsrrl-l wlih A.Iain u mIIIiik ami la
oa ilaeinil, vlt: Amauiis OimmHIiik: wua
poat-titllos s.lilraaa ia huutli H-ml, Inil i l.iiuna
0N!lln who rralilra In Mnylsr :o.. l'a i t 'aiu
srlns t"odllnif tttioaa nMt-ulttcs aa II nrl
anuli Juolal fo , fa., anl .Martha i1ikmIHi,
wuv-s ui-uinos iiiirnaa it urisntsi, Juniata
fo.. f a . In Isat io ul if bum ars mlnura and
baa lut thalr Kaanllau Oaorna .alia. a til Orl-
antal, Junlalstlu,, f a.l Ham (lalnatt who la a
annul sua una lur nia ansr.nsn i.svi m . ia,
Usunsb Osln-ti Iniartnarrla I wub Junaibau
II. until"', your iwtltlunar, balrs sail l I
rspraaunlstWai o(4ubn ttalnstt I.I ul i'siry
ti.MiiiBhlii. Mitv.lar Munlf. Ha . tl..aaaail.
ied the AluacV. ...,'
WM M8 boJ fast in uu
esliuiatioo. and chr,ub..i .
. . . """ B
sw uomempt for tbs loW m. cboer
b',J!:,0n(?"ut trhnn tr. a.
t.tM our Kuwait. Jl
Aeilvs Sad rellabl me In
avary tuws tu asll Fasaj.
A HL. a Natural Ferilluer
Hiu CoktumaloNa. eownl. te outfit and lull per
sonal luatruotlua, by apeelal faluantea. Apply
at usee wlik ,poatIAca sililrSfa and relereuoe.
Joas T. Wosiists at Umt. tiemiaatowa, rulls,
Latter, ef etlmlitraltoa oa ths saists of
HI IIOLFU HkUUUAK detieaaed. lata ol
Ferry twp. Snyder eouotv, Fa., kavl us baa a
aranta.1 to Iba suderalaoed, all peraon, know
lua tbeinaolvoa iadauteil to said aetata sra ra-
fjueattul to make Imuii'd.ata payueot, wblls
tsoae nsvina eiaima will present Ulcus duly
aulbesileatsa lur eettleiuenl ta
Jaa. 12, ftl. Adulul-tratrli.
Ixitiera of admlnlatrallua on the sstals of
CI bo K lit H. SN YDUK.deoeaaad lata of Hu
tu a two.. Ha yder eounly, Fa., harli a brea
srantad to tba uoileralKSed, all perauu, knuw.
lun tbaiuaelve, luilebted to ,ald ettata sra re.
quaied to nake I'uuiHillats payiseot, wblls
tunes bavins eiain, will pratont luem duly
aaibestloaled fur eettlsiuent io
Jas. 13. 'SI. pd. AdiulBKIratrli.
VvtUtoi,H IVotioo.
In the matter of the Ettate of Win. G.
Jlerrold, dec a.
THE uoilerslgDod Auditor appoint,
ad by tba Orphans Ooort ofHaydrr eouaty
to Biske dlatrluuiloa of tke load la tbs hssil,
el N T. Dun.lore, Admlnlsirator or tba aatate
ef Wm. U, Herrold, late of Uolou tuwusblu,
aydave'na y, dee'd. will ell for the purpoao
ai aueouiog io tua au'iae wi nie appiinttne.ii,
ai tus court itosas is tus uorousn or aii.idie
bars, oa Friday tbeirt. day of Feurearv A.
l. IMi, at lOe'elook a. n. wbaa sad shares. I
partus Interested la laid fund, are rrque.tad
to appesr or be debarred frou revslvla soy.
talug sal sf ssld luo.l.
iNO. r.CBUNatll.I.F.1,
Ja. U tX Auditor.
Vudltpr iVotloo.
In the Ettate aj A. SI. Pahler, dec' J,
THE nnderaifrned Auditor Appoint
ed by lha Orphaae Ceart of Ssydsr Oo.,
lodlsirlbuie the funds Is the uf Mary
A Flakier. Adielaletretrli. of lbs sstata of A,
M. Flakier, lets af lha Hura. of tildillebs ,
sylsr ..unty, P.
ssssssea, win ei, ir tu
atuisut si ble orSee IS tk
ra. Haider eoseti. ra.. in
FnlOAl. JaB. if. 'ss al IS a'eleeh A. M.
ket im wb-rs all parties lalsrssled assf St'
ISSdUtkSj Ul proper. ,
Jt. 12, 'U. aVtHtMoTt
(Tow stand confessedly t tlio Iim 1 tf TMtailcliihl Jonrnallam In
all that make a thoroughly ronileto, ponorul end family news
paper. It is more com pi otn In Its news, In Its special corrnnpon
ilonoe, In It varied contributions on rll subjects of Hipular Interest,
and In all the qualities of a newspaper for tho family clrrlo and
for the business man than any of Its contemporaries, because It
focllitlo and resourco or equal to every want of a first -class
national journal.
"The WeeRIiJ
during the past year. l'a contributors from work to week are among
the foremost men or thn nation, ami no tiepartiiietit of news or
literature la alighted in any number on any pretext. It I adapted
a well to women as to tnont hence, although it political Intelli
gence I full and accurato and Its political e litorlal free and fear
less, liberal provision is tnsile fur literury, dramatic and musical
matters, travols and adventure, fiction, povtty, fashions and tho
chronicle of enrront eoelal events. In nil those (irpartmcnta the
pens of the bost writers sro eun;ir;el, wliile selection from other
Journals are made with euro, tasto tuij fullness that ore unsurpassed.
Tna "An hals of rrtn War" chapters of tinwrltten history
contributed by prominont actors In tho war of the rebellion, are
a valuable feature of tho pnper and Imve become a reetiRnlKed
depository of such matters, whether from Northern or Southern
oureos. Thi dopnrtmsnt, ns well as till others, will be kept fully
tip to the high standard of former years.
THE DAILY TIMES-Dciiis-t in th rj of MiiiaM,,Ma
and surnmndlnf Towns for Twelve Cents a wuuk. Mail Bl ls su-riuss, puatsg
ftvs, Sis IKillan a yesr, or Fifty CVnls a monili.
THE WEEKLY TIME3-rinv.U e himnsof the rholent
nsillnir.csperlslly prrnsrril In me t tlio wsimef weekly iiew4tsr ira.lpiii. one
eopy.Ki.OU; Five copies, le w; Ten er.plt. M ..pil; Twcniy r i lm, An Kxtra
Copy tent free lo any person ai-itlriu opiliitnt f t ni r twenty,
THE SUNDAY EDITION-i).iii.:o.hp.t.ei,i,tpArts. Th
brat known and most sccomtillihcl writer contribute lo Us oolumns every week.
Two Itollsrt s year, poatajro free, Binlu copliw. Cent.
THE TIMES ALMANAC-A MiiniuiloflVltllmliindolhfr
lofunnstlun, publlahetl on tlis First of Junu.iry, uvery year, l'lflcen Onta a erpy.
of an) purtis beautifully lllii-truted. V illlcu by I'rinelui fitrilciuuls in ths War,
KorUi aud Soulii. Price, ta.OT.
Chestnut nntl i:i,tilTi fitrccts, I'hlladclphla.
rpiIF. nndert-icfiipil ofTcr at piivalo
a Mala, Hi- tiillimlss ilaxirli.a.l Nasi r.'iate,
iwli: A enrism tra't l Ian I aituata la A.1-
sni twp , Mnilar e unty, l'a, -l.ut mllaa
South-out ol TroiKlvllls, eoulalnlua
U.l Acres,
mnra or tail, wliaraon Sra araclsd a ood
Dwelling llonse, SlnMo
and othar oulhinlillnsa wall ul tf.m.l walar at
tlia il.Mir llirlvliia yoiinic ori-lisnl l chnlca
frolt traaa runnlnti watar an lli lrm lnnit
n aoraa ol Ilia aMiva la aond tiinliar lumt, tha
i.alan. a elasr sud In a blak at .ta ol eultivailuo
Tartna -aay .
Fur lunliar paril. ular- s litrrx
liANI Kl A. HMIf M A V.
No Jt. Truialvllla Soi.lart'n.
"vhyt T.TT1 a n
I flia nrtiTlnal an.1 cnty
Z.UL1L XXjil.iLfiv.irli.. ...I I
famll) .a..-r. Th- .s i au ia so IIannks,
Iwm n '.'iitti yaar, Jan. la-l. Fiat.liaiie.l
IH.ll, TlH' lUltNlilt la 111. ol l.-Kt ani IM'iat popu.
tar papi'r r l'a I'Uat. r:viry nu i.b -r r intalna N
l'S- p.i.'a, 41 Itiinf rolioiHia, Willi iu.lif fjoiulr.
lluinorniia aii'l Atlrarll.a Ki.KravIrK. It la
en.wili'tl full if Ilia Moila., H.wlry. Vt II,
llutnur. Fun, makliuf a ptfcr lo amnra auil
n.Kirurt olil an I li fp..r..a rrauua
Mweiillera and Clieata ami aterr Inn. la ainu-lns
llialrilrtlvn nr aut-rl .lut'l j. Kvrlt.tly ii...-iU
if, a".uu unw raa.l II, au.l al unl) M oia. a y. ar
It la tiy far Ilia bral, olieapi-at, uiot popular pa.
pr prliila. F- T t'. all Ana allver t-a.
pimaara aalil Willi tho ItNlllierona jatr. Flftr
illiir auimrb praiiiluui.. H-ml .i eeula .,r J
luonllia trial trip, allh full proRprrtna, ot ftn-la a wlmln year, tipeeluiaua FKkK.
Strbd now. A'l'lra.a,
HANNKH ITH'O CO.. I!liia.laln, N. II.
HIE Iltir of Miclmol
itaa'd nltarat nrlr.ila Nata.
.1 I ii...lnd
.11. i . .
eeri..iii uiara.
iiaaerlba.l Haal r.aiaia n: a
uaaa and Trael ul lauil -llua'a tn t'arry ti.
ny.iar t:o. Fa. Iiounilad anil da. rllia.1 aa fob
Intra, no tba Norm by I anil it ol Kn.ieb Smith,
F.aaihv lamia ol Daniel l.eae, rl. utli by Ian lr
ol Alary YYe'ler, an.) Waal by lianlel
Arbaaaal conlalnlnit
ix A pros,
mors or laaa with Ilia ai purtenancei, on
sblch It srreted a kx'I 'i'tory
rramo oiiho. I tt ii k Hum.
snd o'tier outliuliilliuia, al.o an nreliard or
load (For terms apply m l.hWIfi MINIUM nt
, Mount Fleaaaut MM la snyiler Co. l'a, ur lo
AOilrbla Ally. JAUIIIi U1LULKT, MlUdlaburs,
u y dar vs. l a.
1IM. , 'St. .
A n.MiNisTKAToir.s Noi'iri:
PXl leaner, ul ailmlntairatlnn on the eatala of
. t.khM tnMtn. Iitlit nl I'nliin tnarnaliln . KM.
lor t o , r ileo'd, have been aran'ed ibe
aubaortliar, liulaiit"d lo th aald re
tale ars reiiueni.-d lu tutke liiiinottlato pa
inrnt. and ilioaa bavin elaliue nr i. man.
aaalnat tb arla.r nl tha tal l dere.lei.t will
make knows Ike aauie, wiilmut d lay. in
f4. 16th, tail, Adoilulatrstor
PUHltlO RAI.K.. Tim nnder
elaned, Administrators of the estate of
John B. Hnillti, lataol Heaver loansblp. Sny
der eonnty, Fs., d. eeaaed. by virtue ol ss nr
der lasue-l out of lha lirpbaoe' IN urt of aal.l
eooutv, l I eH.e to Fiibllo Maleuo MATKH
day, JAN. 14, 1M2, oo Ibe pramlee,. the lo liw-
Ins de.erioe.1 Heal r.neiet to wits a artain
trai t of land eiiutts Is township of Heaver
alureaald. eonialuluM au Al'ltr:. mora ur les,
boundetl Ni rihbv laod ollla.irita miner, KaM
bv land ol Faul Henlar. Huuih uy land of u.-o,
HlUer and Watt by laud of Droialay.
hereon are s.eolad a deelllns IIHHMK, H l UN
aod other oulbii lldlha sever ftlllia water
au tlltCrfAlin of choice fruit. t.nv. nlent lo
mametand aehool. I bl, proi erty will posi
tively be struck off to ibe liUhesi bl lder at nr
let-relo'olovS p in of aald ilav Halo lo cm
meoee at lu o'eloek a m. of said day wheu due
at'eS'lanca will be alvsn sod term, 01 sale
made knuaa by
W. II. HAM I'll.
Deo. M, inil. Adulolatralors.
Letter, of sdmlulairslinn no the estate of
Kebeeua Waller, laia ul Centre tap
Uo. Ia., dee'd, have been trreuted to the us
i lert
alaned. All trron, koowlns tberriaelves In
debted toaald estate will iiie-ss ntaka Immedi
ate payment while those bavins elalms aantust
,ald estate will preeent tbem lur aettlemeut to
Jen. I, lkSl. Admlulslarior,
OiTyPTT I'no'l loeate before aaelos our
OUU 1. XI. James Klver Keltlemeot. lllus.
eaialoiiue Ira.. .1. F, MANCUA, Ularauiount,
Surry oounty, Vs.
JJlxlrV X X XVUlXi proved Imere-t
Tali a, t 'alao.lar, elo. bant l any address en
receipt of two Three denl ntlau pa. Ad.lreae
CHAKI.L8 , HlUtH, 41. llelansrs Ave.,
I I ter law wtietsr In fanulna diatrtru. Very
S isrsw pavnrns sir comparatively uuia iaoor.
I NaaaaKornill parttpulars addreHalnimedlaiely
M SSMAJHai V. Tal Mraaajr,.r,
Agents wanted at once
to Mil tb tills sad Compute History of
The Trial of Ouiteau.
A sketch of kls srralle career and FULL HIM'
TONY sf Ibe stranae sr. ,s aod Htarillal
Iilaeloaarss nf kte lrlal tbs asoetcos'li aad ie
asaikable IS the aaaals si crime. W.I l II us.
iralad. Will ssll Immensely. Aaasle ostftt 40
ru, Terms to aaaol-HUral Addreea Ht'o
BtUU ttkOoFsbUtker,, IU Cbestasl 81.,
a . . T.t , .
liaa nearly doubled Its
forinnr larco rirrulatlnn
- o
fynn rrplar II, at old Pulrp Willi S nr ou
o l Jo Srat carefully alauilua lha
Buckeye Force Pump,
pia HiicfcAr U tht ry NHsl lninviiirut
In Huiii'H, li li rt.iMlriicitl wiilt iiri'hs.tibrp
vrhioli niAko it vcr ) tt rt , flu rmu
1 1 tUchi'tl 1st thr 1tut-k)-fl Hump, fcti'l wiUr ri
hthrmn urMi mut tmlhlhitf IU rumm of flrr.
Yu f tn fti"r vnitr 0rtlrD ii1 Yard. WL
WiuJuwg. Wali Ilnrfl, in I hv
pxrr.y nti your un prmalMt M no more co
tbftu ttu tirJiOAry putap. It
Cannot Frasza
In eotd waalher. Ilnrilile beyouil a iloul.1. Th
very puitio for .leap aella. Ton workliu parla
are li..iili r audi. ma ami vatv-a within a purer
lain Una J ckauiuer. N jlhlng to 1. cay about II
Iron Turbine Wind EnQlne
la atana ar-at liniirovauiant lu Wlmt Knslnna
t'allail.l aea tlie-e pilmpa III oparat lull, or lur
partlculsra sJJrefa
W. C, BltATTOlV,
O. I.0l:i.lf, M lulls ri.ui.lj. Fa.
The nnitaralsna.l hSTlns puretiaaad tha Ha
In.nrora Manila VV'orka, be la suw fully pis
pared to manufacture.
Monninciits A n d Hcadutonc..
til, aummar at prleaa nveh lower than hereto
ore, and loser tban tiae ever been doue la tbs
Ilsvluslu't reealved s lre Int nr tietlunt,
ol all tlia latent atylaa of Monumenta a bead
atonea, 1 aui able lo ulva latlaritclliin In aiylea
I anil lirirw., to nil mitt .lit to uaoiiritin tna
rat ol ileiiarted frleml with a ural, t lir.p
a.............. i.M.M,. i, ...... ......
1 have alao inaila arraloireuienla, an aa to be
able t.i fumlab on abort sonee, Narble, Kami
aiona, or anv nor kind ol door ana Wlnduw
M':. at prima tu ault the purchaser.
I'er.oiia In need ol any nt the above arllelea
will anve ineiivy by ealllnit at Ilia Sollnricruve
Alnrlile Works before purrherlnK etreahere.
I aim keen Hunk's I'aienKlalvanlsad ilrava
Ouar. la for sale. Five dlllerent ,t lei. Come
and see.
.!. It. t.nns of Aantbura, Agent for tli
undersigned, tvliera all ur.lera will receive
tirouipt attenllen.
ttty 4.TS-II. V. I. IANTNKK,
1 J West Heaver niters bis aervl.-es to the pnt.
llo as au Auci..naer. Any parti. n In need -l an
Auiluneei would du well b tailing upon al r, ti.
t.MANUEL STrlltlN'lF.R.
Sept, -it, W, Mid llerraek, I'. l.
r-by iter Co., I's
Notary Pabiic Snrmor, Conicyancer
Rpal Estate andjnsarancc Ancnt,
Ilead,. Honds and Mortsaices prepared and s
kinds of eonvayanolnn attended to proiuptli;
wltb neatneas and soeurraey.
rtpeelal altenl.on xlven to boylnp snd sellln
Real rotate. Iilfles In Freemnnt, Hnydertio
I's., F. (). Addrsa,, Mt. Fleaaabt Mills, r-rjj it
Uo., I'enn's. Aus.
2lo;iioii IVotifHi.
NO TICK is lircl fivnn that Ibe
Anual Flentlon for lilront ir, of th Ilea
verlotn Mul nf Heavertown I'al
wltlbeheld al the ulnae af the company si
Heavertown. Fa , on Hi! uni ty .Ian 'is.
b'lween the hour, nf one aud five o'elnck F.
M.nfaald day. All member, sra reuueet-
had to be preteut. ....
n n. naibburrtl.
A. II. Huwsnsox, be.
Juo.s, iaa.
yViulitor'n IStleo.
TUK tindHrflifriied Anditor appoint
ed by the Orphans' 1'i.urt of Hnydar t'o.,
to dl.t. Ibute the lunda In the bands ul J.K.
liana and tlao. Hobaure surviving F.seeulors
ol ibe e. tale uf lleory 11. Kyar, nl the Horn
of Mellomrove, no.lar o.. Fs , deceaaad, will
ail lur the put pus nl hi, upp. 'lolni. nl si tbs
Anj llutal, lo tha Huruuxh of rellnsvrove, on
1 Lt.SU V, KtH. lib, Uts, at II o'clock A.M.
aben and where sll parlies Interested may sl
leud II liny Uluk proper.
A . 11. Ill
Jao., 1MJ. Auditor.
"VTOTICK i hereby civon
tbat the
i.v Anousl Election Inr Ulreotnreor ths As
rura intual Aid Assoelalma ul Fa. will l i
he d el the Homeotnr ul ibe AswcianoB at
Baavertoaa, Fa. en Saturday Jan. 14 Ik, laa,
beistea Ibe koun of I snd 4 F. M.
H. II. W F.IKE. Fre,.
Jss. t, US.
AD M I N 1 8 T H A TO U'S N O r 1 0 B
Letter, nf admlniatratlon or, tha rsule nl
hAJi t- tu KHOI rtki, tlaeeasel, laie f .11.1
tllaorvek twp., bsfilsr euunty, Pess's., katlLg
been sreaied to the Su.lertliaeo.l, all lertune
knoaiss tbeHHeltr, ladebted tu a. 1-1 e't.le
are reiiueeie to make Immediate p-jiueul,
while tbues fcsvlas slaims alll present Ibsis
4dll SJlUSllaaiau ..r siileoiebl iu
ItSlNlU.M J. kNII'ii,
!. 1, lJ. AllUilUla.a.ur.
Thk rrtTirtm tbtm;it. ts
rnrsst Sal saalp ss4 B atwt IU.faM,
enaal.ta la ba Intarnsl sacnf t.'DTirrs H-
soltrst . saw hloo (rlnar a.nd His
ral sat oMirTicras ssd Octu tiSA Soar,
tksi.rt (k la cars.
LT ntir.i .n.
Wi laM. tv1 nsarhnrs at.. rM.a,
ralfa ly seknwialaaa rsr i Sail Hliaa
oa haa4, satik, laea ar.ntanl l .,r aatan
Ims yaars i sat alila lo walk staspt an
a.. naa f..r nn-.a.r i n .t ' I- in hale Mm.
aaif for .hi yrt trl-rt k .s lr- il.-f rama.lla.t
rtosoira prnnouaa-tl kla aa.a kne-laaa i par.
mananlly eora.1 h Cat Kara Kalail kUI
l.orinar)'r sn.l t's'irar anH tint),
ars soap (iks araal tkis taratl sitarsslly.
I'M It If I 11 Iff.
U.K. t'areasiar. Tn . Haml .m. n v
asrH ( I anrlaaia -r li rn.y . t riwaniy yaar-'
.ta-ilinv. "T tna tii-rn-rna KNtltl.vtiT !,.
isrsslir, SS4 tirrtcesa ant I'I'm i .i Hne
tisrnally. Ths ! w .n larful aa-s on ia.
'irt. t;sr e-riifl m t s jii.'..a ..f tha
p s an.t rrnminanl rblrana. All ami tad
with Itchlna as la,.aly tl.- ttinal.l taal ta
K (nr Ikla Istllaionltl In full.
tKITJ lli:iai:,
K.M. Itraks. ri , liatrnlt, Mleh, iiltrra l l.s
yond all rleaorliitinn im n ul i II a. .a hl,.h
lpaara on hl hitn1., dai l ah.llioa. ,
i.s .rly ilfutrn i hi. Tus inn.l ca rain I
ilnotorlna' (.tllal to h-.l t Mm, sn.l. .11 r ,1' h. I
Ialla4 k ut it tha l!iul..r lln.,i., (i.,
parinar) Imari allr, t inlm-a ai..l l'ntli"i-a
Miae tllis arsil akin turm, ar4
waa aitrtl. as I ht. rsisilna.l ia I elir wall lo
HIX Ht'.tlAn..
Mm St. K. Whl't-ds. Iliif. wrliaa
rhat hmr raaa. tia, n-l ini .rr r h-r h .r
wra aim wt raw. Ilail.,t-rat with and
nrs. amtara.l ta.rt illy an trl .1 rrttiilu.'.tlt o-l l. cn l. iira HaiivS.
lhl-wi parinar) and I'uilcurs and bo.u itos
a,rast a. In ra ta)
Rame.a ars far ail hy a t drnsicl'la. Trtrs
f flTi. rn. Mel- ,i la t.1Bl hua..
Ml .; Iar ft I'rrii nna lia-oi.r kkt,
ha hi n. I'urinar, .-r Ixmla. Ci tin n
.M.SM'ini. Toil.KT ?..., 'Jh1 J l l'T rl-h,
Mamr m.M. T.m.rT ", n hara f..r
hariwrt aal larja conmioari, Juo. I'rln.'ll
IKpnt, WF.KK a POTTER, Itvitlnn. Mara.
Sanford's Radical Cure.
Sanford's Radical Cure.
HvMrirnlU. Wilry llrrhftrt ) from ihm Sof
Ahrl KytM, Mlnt:1iitf Nit)i in Oi) H-n-l, Ntrvoim
HB(lft-b id Cl.llln tml k'otvt (tint auil; rlli
7hnkln(T, ptitrlil mucul U (.Utfd-I).1, innmb'ftn
Clttla(l, illllir-fl AfHl ttClfl, hrrtllt t
rnt'd, mrll, t -, njtiil hi trlntt rvsitri ftud rou
OoiiKh. Ilrntifliltl, lrtpp1niR I nt's h Thrt.
Plll, III III (MlfVl, l U, Wet lltf Of
IStrwnttth nd VlvUt f 'H nf Hltp, ftiirl.
On i bottle l(iHi-4l I'nrtv. Imt rtrrh
HolVftil antl imia 1r. Kiif.rU'n lnhitlr. In "ti
pa hMt "f H rtntt-'itiBl', tor )i. mk furA
rnHi.'M Kauical trnis. W LtKS fc Pol TEK
p ikfti ' eh r 'liftti Cnl
I tin V1TH' l'.Ae
tr m ii) r lirttif pftin
and W'nkiir'M nf th
K liiiirim latvi-r ft LtiMf,
tliniiiftiim N. m-wIkh
My-t. fl. Fi-maif U'tlt
tu ), Miaiaria m1 K'f
and A:tii. Prl'. eta
mnt . 1 hi'Nwhn alwavtf
ad rant ana nl !) Kn1
rhnr(i lur tnalilhtf Riona
thit am nHreil, Hfn ratlr 1 0"oin aMhyt
wbttft tb'a hi ifo tint Improv auih (thanral
ramaln in pntartv Wawantminy rtn, wn
man, biv ali'l Rlrll t nrk itr nl rlnht In
thair n Inoalltaa, Attf out ran rli lha word
prnpartf from tha t)rt atari. Tha bulna will
pay min than tan tlnai rln rj nii Ki
j.anl nutfll furntihl f( IViona who an
iraica Ull in tnalia mnnaf mpMI. Vnu ran
tlefnt nr wliola tlih tn tha wnrk, or nul
yiur apara mominli Pul tn'nrnttm n1 l
thtln nAtl a nt frf, A IJii MTlPaux M
Co., I'ortUDd. alolaa.
Woman's Friend !
Whf ahttl't aha hriutn i aara bar han.'H
ku.1 iiHioay, whan aha can do jn bftvl'
The Celebrated Six
Wheel Casters
attwctiM to bar S-wlnic Marbina, at t of
nnly f i (Vi par I Aa pro .f nt their vlue
3wi.ii o . nave ieen anci in in ian .waive
tnontii), and thev are an torift, Itf eerbnif
who hftTO pUhawMH Mi'ii sirKniwIe f'nc
their telna to n- tte tm,e thr If cunt, a tbey
n . I the miat d-hrata luily o ehlhl to tn-?
te m irhlae will, ierieM a to the rMht or
forward nr baek, rr tn'u
t.. al.
Hon for com fort nr llvhi while M:tti tt IS
llvhi wi
ss dislred,
any psrtoi tu n iuii
I'Uey savo ni'jiiov, Tlioy anvd
carpets, Tliry bkv lime.
Ttic sawn Pattern fits alt
Machines perfectlii
The Maetilne will stand r-rfe. Ily still and will
not mute alill- In u-e with the llaatrta oa.
THI.t WV. (ItlAKANTKE. They du au,
ralaa tba Mai'titue oua-half aa Ineh,
Kvrry SewlDir Mf bibe honld htt
Canter sod ii trnfininhed with
Otit tbem.
Therrah he lakes olf of tha Rawlnf Maaifnd
and aiiaehed toe rhalr Ina m irnanl, maklua s
aid'-ndld luvalld t'hair Onaaelwin beta lira
lo not fail (o Ret a set.
Thenudaralirned laAtieblfur 8nyder, Mlrfflof
aod Union cuuutlea.
Capt- W H. Knepp,
Hny.lar Co., Fa,
I lee. 13, 1M1. m
in otic; i.:.
THR nnnnal election for Dlrecfrir
of the FRANKLIN Ift.Tl'AL Ft. IFF
ANHOI1IATIOS mil ba held at Ihe Horn
Office, el lltild'eburtfon FUIIIAY. JAN, V7lb,
Ihhi, al 10 o'c net A. M,, of ahfch uiesilss)
sUH-kbnldera, nsaiinri, aud Insured, are re
quested lo lake notlee.
t l.l AS II I'M MEL, Free.
'I.IK S.Tlfl.SB, Sao,
Use. la.'ST.
rpllrl poor a scull a tbe rirb, lbs;
1 oldss weilas taeynuDK. the wile, as welt
as tbe busban l, tue young maldea s, well as
the ynun men, the slrl ss Wri a, the boy.
may Juat as well earn a few d-illar, In boneal aroead tb, boosa sad
waft for otliare to ara tt for th.ra. We em
Klve yos smpl lyment, sil th- time, or dSiHt.r
ynnr ,.ra hours only : tratellnn, nr In y. si"
own neiifbbnrlioo.l, emonn fnsr friends ana
ari,ualataneae If yoe do snt safe for employ,
roant, ws eas Impart vala.iMe Infnrmaifea to
yos free al eoel . It will c.'t yen ehly an
seat lor a Puaial Sard to srlu rnrtrar Frsspaa
lua, and It mav be tk, ta aa, si mskls Sua a
(nnd mane dollars.
Iio sol Dei a. I ibis oppnribnity. tos
bnt hate fyi Invest a l.rss ..m of u.okay, ana)
rua a srsal rl-k of loslna II, Tn will rskillla
see tnal II will beasssy matter lo ma
iruj : l e a Week, and retauileb a I era.
tit a. ami In.leiieideiit bnslnsse. konnrai.le
S'ralshiforward ehd arseia'de atiead In tkhf
mailer NOtT, for ikcsls MORFV in rr far
.11 ahos sss wiivae, ti wit' k'iMm ton
end ins will aaa-iar wky yos sstsr wrnte t
najisfuvs tk s ass iru. rasn. tAM rasa.
(Name this paper Maatoa, Ua.e
Sept. .a, IM1.I.
"C,-rVC - aaa. - - ' V- ' ' : : . .' -
t . nr .kjt.4iULJ. , . y, . . ; .,.. o ....
. V" ' - ' .. . t. ,
T ;-tr;.vt