A. -lirHr'fcHt-i-t 'jtlrttOM. Di column One year, fCO.Ot) One-half, Column, one year, 8(1.00 One-fonrth Col if i an, one rur, 15.00 One square p(Mme)l insertion 7fl JCerr additional insertion, . (0 Professional and ItifMness esYds ol not more than 5 lines, per year, fl.Go Auditor, Executor, Administrator and Assignee Notices, 2.50 Suifcmai notices per line, 10 Ail transc.ieni advertising leal (ban f months 10 cents line. All advertisement for a shorter fe- mu uno jrwir are pevaoie l the lima they are ordered, and H nol paid the person ordorln'tf them will tie ueub sponsible fur lite money. P o e t r y tooforej Prayer. ItAntK BRJfXKTTl! ' O! Chrisl In subtnlmion ' And humble contrition 1 beseech absolution. In my weakness and grief He not to tue deaf Olvo my soul relief. May Thy holy permission Grant this heart remiiwlon f From IU wretched condition. To Thy glory and praise Remove the dark maze That o'er shadows my days. If Thy will It be, " Ijet eternity Solve the mystery. Overrule the maligning, To terror consigning Their wicked designing. May Thy grace assist My poor heart to reslnt . Thoughts It shouki;desist. Help ray heart to rise From all earthly ties Unto Thee lu the skies. Approach ine when dyinjr, ThyJSweet grace applying Death's terrors defying. When I cross the dark sra ' Holy Christ tut It be Thatiny soul rests lu Thee. A Cry from the Shore. 1'ome down, yegraybevd mariners, l"n to the wanting shore I The morning winds are tip: the gods Hid mo to dream no m or.; Cuiue, tell me whether I must sail, What peril there muy be, U-fore 1 take my Ufa in haul ' And venture out to sou! "We may not tell the where to sail, Nor what the dangers are; Kueh snilor soundetli for himself, Kach hath a separate star; Kueh sailor soundetli for hiniMulf, Anil on the awful sea What we have leurued Is ours alone; . We may not tell It thee." Come book, O ghostly mariners, Ye who have gone before! dread the dark impetuous tides; I dread the further shore. Tell me the secret of the waves; Say what my fate shall be VJuiek! for the mighty winds are up, And will not wait for hie! "Huil and farewell, O voyager! Thy selfniuxt read the waves; What we have learu'd of huh ami storm , Lies with us in our gravws; What we have learu'd of sun and storm 1m ours alone to know. The winds are blowing but to sea; Take up thy life uud go!" Wrecked, Twos thus she fell; and the people turned ,,, And coldly spume 3. Old time friends with studied earn. Tossed her by with a stony stare. All day long in solitude She brooded o'er the oleasant iMmt. Andfroiu the future shrank agahst i ... . -a. KBigut. -iier neart was dead, Tli ... Tflf tllA l 1 J L f . .... . - Tiuwiew oeuiirs or air j ..vfiiu uoiu auu uuiuiori uer. eL In tlia .1 ... i i ..i unu sua wsuea ma street. " 'sou. xreatiuig co meet er soul in sleep. "Charity's" door she bastied thuf nl.rhf .umik wmo mnr i iroin aiirhr im tiAir..i i . .... ui ouBiiuneu room within. 'hJ t . uoiwiessi v. un and down. "e walked the streets of the slumber ing town. i ould we but know' what Christ's own hand rced on the sand. ... ni no uouoi ne wrote suoh as her sweet words of hooa. eannot know-so let It be. P nd down, with vuwin. r..t " trveLxl the deserted.street. . ' morn nor tool Had fled. ! 'y found her-Ueadl ' ',. ' - ui ton ine sad volood bel . i -r .uoa as ner, Tis well! , tinned against and desolate. . wajlre blush of womanhood. " "iiie sea, sne stood. Chicago Tbib vnb a me mso WUO "00M3 fetty flgore.". , ; 'MJ wife remake FitlDoodle; . . ' over" the wiuer "UQS. Nua'a 0n4 tK. J.l.-.i lord, aid tha fnrm.n nt "lory, when giving In .the er- a Sad the man who stole lbs am ' ' i .m r- t - . '"""iT'"" - , nii,.--r -,T- VOL.19. MIDDLEBURG SNYDER COUNTY, How to have a Bad School. 1st. Elect the most ignorant. bigoted, close-fisted old fogies, for Directors, . 2 Oil. Employ the cheapest teacher yon cso get, regardless of qnalifloa lions, repntstioo or sxpsrlenoe. 8rd. Find all the fault yon can with the teacher, sod tell every' body especially let the pupils bear 4lh When yon bear a bsd report boat the teacher or the school cironlate it as fast you enn. Cth. Never visit the school or en courage the ttacbor. Cth. Take close notice of what soems to go wrong, (quiz the schol ars) and tell everybody abont it ex cept the teacher. 7th. Never advise yonr cbilJron to obey tbo toucher, and when oue punished, rush to the school room before your passion is cooled, and give the .teacher a bearing in the mat tor in the presence of the school, or allow your children to insult the teacher without reproving them. 8th. Be indifferent about sending your children too regularly, nod if they uaake slow progress, blumo the tencher. , 9th. Never bavo yonr children study at homo,- or inquire about their progress. 10th. Do not bo conccrnod whether tlioy have tbo necessary books. In general, conduct yonr school ou tho chespot possible plan, and let your chief cmiceru he to find fault sud deviso ways of retrench inent. If theso rules ft re faithfully carried nut. you arj not likely to fail in.hav iog a bad school ; to seo your child ren grow up vicious and ignorant or look back with bitter censiiro on their parents for robbing them of birth-right ; you will seo tho morals of your district degenerate, decent and enterprising people move out, taxes increase, property diminish in vul no, and the wholo community on the high road to a devil's para dise. . Whcro tho Drums Come From. Granville Corner is situated about two miles north of the Connecticut line. A large mill stream rnns through the place (a brnne.Ii of the WostQsId River), furnishing a num ber of privileges most of which are utilized. Mcssl'1'8. Noble Si t'ooley are by fur the largest manufacturers iu the place. They say that in Do- ceiuier, ioj, they Uitl inu la a drum in Mr. Noble's fathei's kitchen, from a board found in the bain, teamed it with a tea-kettle, aud ns ed two hog 'a bladders for tho Loads. Nest they made a dozen drums, and sent them away in a boot box. They now , bave a fuctory 110x10 feet. They lave made and sold 79,000 drums. Those were made of wood, tin, brnsa and niello. They used for the beads of all theso drnms .80.000 sheepskins, which came from Liverpool, of the kind known as salted flosbes. Let none of your resders wonder where all the toy drums are rnado bereaftor. The firm also made 100 gross of toy pistols, 23,000 boxes tenpins 700 gross rolling hoops and 13,000 boxes wooden toothpicks. Ttiouflhllul Thoughts. No man is wise at all times. Smile with the sword of truth. A whisper soporateth friends. Charity is the band of porfeotooss. Every one mast bear bis own bur- don, Neatness and order are eomaond able The first freedom is the freedom from sip. Mental gifts often bide bodily de fects. . Modesty bas more charms than beauty. . , ' . . . . ' We sow a good many seeds to get a few flowers. : There are remedies for all things bnt death.' Every season of life. bas. its ap propriate dutios. ' Few are tbe orators who know wbea to stop talking. 1 ' Strong language utterly fails to bolster a weak argument. ' , No priuoipal is 1 more sober, os there is none more bcly, tban that of true obedience. Beware of treacherous friends. Thieves steal olocks out oXorr's town school boustf,"V,. , . Religious Drumnfore. . Religion comes bsn4y in basins, Tho greatest liars, as a rule, are rhareh members, s'ttif riost "drum mers" naturally belong . to aim cli met). Ooe ef the travelers for a Ne Yofk dty good house recently arrived lu so interior State to Bud that onr of hl best customers ws about t" trani.f r his custom to a llolon firm. "P'Ju't we nlwsys do well t you V as!el the Nw Yrker, as h" sat down for an explanation. 'Ye, I beliovs so." "Didu't wo ship goodi to yon prorop'ly ! ' "Yes." Did we ever pres you in a pinch? "No, I cso't sy that you did " "We cnu't nudorstsod why yon should lesve our hnue sll of a sud den, srter buying of os several yoar.' " suppose I ought to mnke ome cxplanatio n, and I will lu so," re plied the merchant. "You know that I sliced cburoli t" "Yes ; and sa do I." "DoyouI didn't know that. 1 in lo ikod up n as a Cliri-ti m," "And so sro I, I have llio tints of my baptism r'ht bore in imto book' "Ii t li nt so ? well, our churoli I io nrcd o( repairs. We wore talkinn it ever tho other dny, when tlie H s ton drummer was in here, and lie nt onco subserlbed tco dnlliir," " J en dolluis ! Wliy, that's only two tegi of (tails ! Tut mo d wn (or $:M cash, s now silk hut and u suit of flotlirs lor tho ujitiitcr.'' "Do you mean it V "Of foiirso I do, nnd if thnt two- cent Christian from Host on d ires to five snnthor ?5. I ll send you down a ?(!00 I'hnrrh oignii ari'l n 8.")00.u-ycar miiu to pliy co i'. W are a houxe that ucvor nmke any'gre:it 'di-pl'ay'ol gospel liynri" an I religious tructs, but when u lloston drummer tlulf-, we show our irligion bauJ, tii d coop the put evey lime." And the merchant si ill continue- to deal with I lie New Yolk lit ui. .Old Schoolmaster Saws. In a school of yonug ru scuts the schoolmaster isal.ays tho prioci psl. Tl e cnrioM'ty I huve to show you lo-diiy, children, is perhaps the most wonderful iu the collection lie bests nil. The srlionl'imstor, it is said, (ruins tho young idea how to shoot. He is not, himself, given to shooting, however, flu take- uioro duliuht in the rod than the gun. The schoolmaster is uot a military man, but his priuoipul assistaut is. Tbe namo ef this assistant is Corp oral f uuishinent. ll is to be hoped the corporal will soon bo reiuauded to private lifo. The schoolmaster thoroughly un derstands the rule of threu, but al ways iusisti upon tho rule of oue. So you see bis understanding is out of all proportion to his rule. Although the schoolmustor is a ruler of tho boys, be bas bis' own rulor. If be is no stick himself, his rulor always is. The schoolmaster is a very in quisitive person. lie is always ask ing questions. His is a question able calling. Special Market Report Young men Steady. Qirls Lively, willing and in den mand. Papas Firm, but doclioing. Mammas Uusottled, but waiting for higher bids. Coffee Considerably mixed. j Fresh fish Active and slippory. Wheat A grain belter tban bar hy. ' ' Kggs Qoiet, but will probably open np lively In a abort time, Whiskey Steadily going down. Onions Strong and rising, Dreadatufls Heavy. Boots and shoes Those lu mar ket are "soled" and constantly going op nnd down. : Hats and caps Not as bigu as last winter, exoept foolscap, wbicb is stationary. . All tbe school children at Titus- villehsve been vaccinated, . Tbore are fifteoo men under sod tenco of death In tbe state. " Diphtheria is rsglog la tbe north em part of Cambria county, A roan who bad scolding wl.", being asked what be did for a UvloJ, Wanted to Pleaie. There are men atway anxious to plonso. Even if they bave only one artiole, so willing are they to suit you thnt they will call it by any namo yon desiro. They do this solely - to iccommodato t they are good tnVn nd never tell lis s. Klinktun is one of theso men. Dliiikum put np a notice rccontly in our post ollieo adeertining a cow for snip. Now on a square trade Itliiiknin csn't be bent. A ocighbor f ours wanted to purchase a cow, iaw tho notion and cnlhid on llliuk urn. I understand roti hive n cow to jell,'' said the purchaser. "Yes, sir, and she's as good n cow 49 ever whislced hor tail iii mosq'ii to time," said Hlinkum. "How old is she T" "J tint nin yeitrs old last spring, nnd not a dsy older." "Drench I" "Not a breach," said Dliiikum. "What kind of milk does she give r "It ain't milk. It is clour cream, and forms intj buttor balls nil stamped bef ire you can get out of tho yard. Why,' contiouo I Dlink um, warming op, "hor butter Im taken tho first premium at tho Ox ford county fair f jt tho last dozen yours." What Sin Called Him. A well knowu e liic tlimulist vouches for tho tri b of tho follow . ing : A toucher iu a lower grudu of olio of our publio schools received u new p ipil tho other day a litllo .diss of six or seven years, limited MatTio Drown After taking her uauie fir the school roll according to the custom, the tencher said : W but i your pupa's uittue, Mat tie .'" Mr. Drown." "Vcs, but wliat is his first n-imu?' 'Don't ki.o.v his u.tit.o is jiut Mr. Drown." "Yes, yes. I know i (lien a bright idea struck her, "Wuat docs your, iiiuiumn cull him ! Ou ! 1 know what . ou moan now tho iuuocent child l epliod i "Ma, ! ing fret fill, peevish, fault tin ling and sho culls him s darned old fool ! ' j discouraged. No two pers uH.no It is safe to coiicludo that the untttur who they nr-, should halut-leaelu-r did not reg inter the child s ' unlly ' sleep togotlier. One will falter us D. O. I''. Ui own. Good Byo. It is n hard word to spouk. Souio mny luiigh that it should be, but let them, Icy hearts nre never kind, l 'n n word that bus choked many no ntternuce nnd started many a tear I'ho Land is clasped, tlio word is spoken, wo part nnd nre ou tho groat ocoan of lima wo moot where 7 Ood only knows. It may bo soon i it may b3 never. Take care that your good bye ba n it a ojld ouo 'it mny bo tho lust you may give. Kro you can mootytfur frioud again death's cold band nny have closed bis eyes and clialnod his lips forevoe. And be may bave diod thinking that yon loved him not It may boa long separation Friends crowd onward and give you their band. w ono you dotoct in eaob good-bye tho love that lingers there, and how you may boar away with you the memory of thoie words many days. We must often sop ir- ato. Tear not yoursolf away with careless boldness that defies all love, but make your Inst word lioger give the heart full nttorauoa and if toars full, what of it 7 Tears are uot uumanly. Tbe berths on board ship do not oeoessarily aid to the census. The hatchways are not hen's uests. The way of a ship is not tbe extent of her avoirdupois The boatswain doos not pipe all hauls with a meerschaum. Tbe ship doos not have a wake over a dead calm, Tbe swell of a ship's side is not caused by dropsy t nor is the taper of a bowsprit a tallow candle. Tbo bol I Is tot a vessel's grip. Tbe trough of a sbip is not dug out of tbe ship's log. Tbe crest of a wave is not tbe indication of its rani. The buoy is not the captain's sen. Ships are never boarded at hotels. The bow of a ship is not evidonoe of polite ness. A sailor's stockings are never manufactured from yarn of his owo spinning. Tbe sails of a ship are oot made by an auctioneer i nor are Ibe stays oonstrnctod by a milliner, j "T'lfbioj, Points in , life street svrtisrst PA, JANUARY Lotcri of Money. Pardon me for trotrbling yon, sir, but did you drop a ti t g kl piooa T ' asked a ronn with an earnest look on his face and a motmrnudum book-in his hand, of a well-dressed individual, on the rornor of Jefforsoii and Woodward nvennes. Tho man nddrussed ran his Imn 1 nervously into various poeitels and replied t "Well, now, t declare ! Cun it b p-issible that I ws o carohm . m to drop that coin! Yes, it's gone, 1 must have lost it riht here, near whore we stand." Tho tu in oponod li s m m r nd l n hook, t ok from his vest p ic'tet the stub of a pencil and said ; "Will you favor me with yonr name and address 7' They worn gi-cn, nnd the ques tioner stinted oil. w'leil tiu oll- Irosiud ram crieil : ''Hi, there WUoro's tho in joey 7 (live mo my g jld piece." 'Oil, I didn't find nny iminoy. I took a notion this morning that in n city like this, wlioro thousands and thoiwtnds of d'lllais nro lniiKlled every hour, tlu ro miiHt be groat hiHses. nnd starl 'd out to iuvesti ate tho inslter, J'utwoun horo ivi 1 tin river I found H.-ven men that had lust twenty d illarg il 1 pieeo-i, and I j expect to run tho lint np to "JiVj Im fore I reach the City Hall. Ujjd day, sir." Stccpira Apait. Moio quniTilsiriso brothers, betweeu sisters. between I between hired giiln, between, clerks in stores, ! between Lirod n:en, boltfeon hus- bunds, nnd wivcp, owing to elect lieu! changes through their systems by lodging together iiilit nfier vnU under the samo bedclolbos than by nny other dmtnrbing cm.. There ts nothing that will so derange the nervous fore,, as to lio nil ...glit in bed with another periot, who is-a sol Uon t iu noi vous forco. Tliu nb sorbcr will go to sleep and lest nil night, while the eliminator will bo tumbling and to-sing, reslhss nnd iieivoiis, nu. I witlio np in tho morn- t In i vo nnd the other will lose, is the I i'v. Aurn if t.if,'. This Fraver is tlio crent reined v ngainst nngor, for it must suppose it in soiro degree removed before we prny, nnd then it h mora liliely it. help theitisolves. Lightning can will be finiilio 1 wIi.-.mi the prtyer is j reieh tLo eal tli without any usin d oo. We must 1 iv mi l i tha act. of j tnnco it'l l yet men put up li;;ht-! anger as a preparati u to prayer t ning rods fur lightning to slido so that if a ra in, to cure bis nngi r, 'down on. resolvos to address himself to (iod Tho only jokes women liko to lead by prayor, it is first neooisiry that nro thoso that relkct ri lieiilo ou the by bis own observation and diligence lie lav tho nnzer aside, beforo his' prayer can built to bo presented nnd when we so pray, and so en do Ivor, we have all tlio Messing of prayer which Ood liatli promised t it to be our socurity for success. liUhop Jeremy Taylor. On to Washington and tliu widow ers : "ins, dear, of courso wero going to Washington this winter 1 tbo President's a widowor. von koow," "How awfully loo utterly sweet !" 'Yes, nod the new Diitixh Mini ster's a bachelor." 'ow too . precociously consum mately lovely 1" 'I can't marry tbotn both, you know, dear." "No, dear, lcavo me just one." Not noticing some travelers, a Col orado farmer went oa loading and liscbnrging a double barrelled gun always timing nt some crevice or opeuing in tho rocks which lay in groat profusion around. Firmly oonvinood that ho was a IuqoMj, tho travelers detormiuod to treat bim as suoh, and that was, as is carefully explained, '-mighty darned civil." "Qood-bye, stranger." they said. Tbe man looked up, bat said nothing "Plonty o' shootiug. around here, Is'pose 7" Styi no answer. "Why, what do yon fiud to kill there was askod, as the man let off another hot, "Kill be darned," said the man. "I'm planlin. wheat. Pou'l yon see that all tbe soil in this darn ed section is between tbe rairks ol the rocks, and I bave to sboot in the seds I" CiiQ a man, with fire iu Lis eyss, commit a eold-blooded crime 'v '. t iTFii-0; U JSS2. A garden party Sntnn in Kdcn, Ask a woman hi v oi l s'ie is if you want to see her eho v lur rngj. Sermons on tho slmrlnois of lifo should nlso bo short Ho to prevent now boots from sipio iking iu chinch stun 1 in the ile. No woman slnuld Inirow t'us husband of another, beennsii it i not good for iu iii to bo a loan. "It is never loo lute to mend," which is why the cobbler never hni. your boot douo ut the timo promis ed. Tlio young man who gavo up drinking to propitiate his girl, wi. I) concluded that a inns i-f as goo I ai a smile. I'titiM: on tho zebra "Flint kind rf n baste is Unit the initio wi l l,i riln on the outside of his sbl.iu en tirely !" 1). ug stores iu M lino nn 1 Knnstis nro closing up for watit if cns'.om i it Iiaviii boon decided that rock and rye is not a nii-dieinc, Ono redeeming f. aluro cd Mor uioniMiu seems to i't- that it does mil throw tho burden of the supputt of a liiihhund ou one wonnm. What is tho d.lT.-ietico between l iudaiiiini nu I .Mirulitini .f ol I T Ono is the juice ef the poppy Hint tliu other the poppy of the .lewi, (b-logits in a ngreud Unit tho earth in inil'.i m of years ol I. The mouutaiu tops huvo been bald as f ir b.ielc as wo can remember. It is a me-iu mm who wi'l f. i (lies by having the sax liguio of a bald-hen led mail iu his loom to ut tract tltein from liiui, 'I'ho Hi's t tiling linit sonio women will want to do when they get to heaven will bo to bunt lor a i.Ul ,lubt nnd eh.n l.n.i,,. broom, u ; H,(ia M t,XHWx.wlu , a0 Lollj(!8 ,lt No ,lllvo tlluil UIf,t,1 Tlu ullUhiou,lblc lmlUl ,a -,. .. . . It seems a litllo strungo Hint jams should always bo found in a wide- iuoiithid bottle. Oulv tlie iiiu inns f,e.ri0ut tho uarrow-ueelied bottle .... tled for yenis like an nnuiuri ied ludy of advanced line ? Dci'sliso it is old madi), mid nouo t'uu woise fur it. Jones, on heuiing a bund of "picked nuiMicians" toittiring a tnuo nt a recent concert, said, "Ah, I un- doistand i they wero pieKed be- .'J'o thy wero ripe I" Always help thoso who nre sb'o to men. Henou, wbeu a wum iu picks 110 :i imi'.n. tho Cmt li,iii. kI. 1,.,, - lot is the uinmago cjliimn. The gill who was locked in bor lover's arms for threo long hours, explains that, it wasn't bur fault, be claims be forgot tbo combina tion. "I'.i you think you will bo nbloto pull through f" anxioiiNly imjuiied tho ueedleof the tbreud. "Eye guess so," was tlie cm t 1 espouse. A voiy sweet breath is sitid to bo an iudicatiou of blood poisoning We fear that blood poisoning is liul epidemic in tbo L'uilud .States. Will 1'dith have some potatoes '! said a fond mother to her little laughter. No t was the prompt re ply. No What, dear, says uiuiumu. No potatoes was tho emphntiu reply, A small boy went to see his grau 1- tnolhor. After looking eagerly around tho Lnndsomelv furnished room where she sat, be exclaimed, iu'quiriugly : "Oh, grndmumm.i whero is tbo raiserublo table papa saj s you keep t" Wishing to pay bis friend a com pliment a gentleman remarked . "I bear you have a very industrious wife." Yes," replied the fiiood, with a melancholy smile, "she is never idle. 8do always fiuds some thing for roe to do," A recent advertisement contains tbe following : "If the gentleman who keeps tbe shoe store with a red head will return the ntnbrella of a young lady with whalebone libs and an irou handle to tbe slato-roofed grocers shop, be Will boar of some thing to bis ndt nntago, as . the same is the gift ed n deceased mother now 11 a more With tbe - name enirraved . a NO, M 'opou It. r rnr-- iiit ii i mm an Tin: ro.sT, r'uMMir.l every Thursday F.vcnmrf JKrtKMtAlI CHOUSE, rcsrY Terms of SubscrrijtiAft, I WO H)J.r,A 1LS I'KK ANNUM. ry "tile vithin six liloliths.or .'.'slifnrrl paid wiiliin tha yesr. No pnprr (lis coiiiiuued until sll snesrsiros nry paid unless tit the option of iho pub". liiilier. fciri.se.riptltnrmtMe of the count f IMVAIil.K INAt)VANC. Irersfsis lHlin nnd using put erf d.lress-r.1 i ofln-fs beroniesttbsrriis-nl ind sro linl.lo fotthe ftrice of the fnper E AO CLOTHING 'on. Tim OA nv Tin-: AND in Snyder Coun or elsewheroi OVERCOATS OVNIsCOATS, IVICICCOAIX prr mJfnrt rr 4.1 ' J I Audi, xOUtxlS 0,11(1 Und'rclothing from 25c ts upward, GENTS FnraisWng Good 's A SPECIALTY, TKUNKS, V A LICKS, SATCHELS. "&C. MEDICATED ELUW and a largo variety cf other goods Call and examine my steel: and be convinced that I sell better goxla and at lower pri3cs than they caa be hid elsewhore. S. istvm Oct. 3, Bl. ir"?,i'