The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, January 05, 1882, Image 3

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    i j mi
mam. m ' -a
Hiddletrarg, JAN. 6, 1882.
IjOOrtl IVowh, Ate.
Tn Oodbtt Cob.t rhe Court of
InyWr Count ur hald an th fourth Mondaya
SI February, May, n. tteptenuar, and tfeaond
londey or Daee inker.
feillJ J-'t l-l -I i ' ' . u
All communication), business let
lfr Jc.( for this tonorure
prompt Attention should bo rvtrlrpssoil
M fallow. Tim Post. M iiMlcburg
iJnyder Cbtinty, Pa. Advertisements,
communications Ac. must be linntlptl
n by Mondny noon, to secure inser
tion in next Issue
TTIy tl fbrtr)
ei t oKo. p.
ltOWkJt.l. A' O ii
BurkiiiRtmin's Dj e for the whisker
Is n otegAnt, eafo And relinbTo article,
cheap, and couvrnient for use j will
not rub off. Try ill
The Fifteenth Annual Meeting of
tho Pennsylvania fitato Toinperanco
Union, for the olocllou of oillcora and
olltor business, will open at tho rooms
of the young Mon't ClirUtiun Ainoum
tion, Second and Iocust Streets, Jlar
rinbtirg, on Wednesday, January I8tli,
1S82, at 7 P. M.
Tho members and frionda of the
Union from all parts 'of tho Slnto aro
titrnostly invitod to attend.
That Sol Oppoalioimor has tho con
fidence of the public that ho tells
good goods that his prices io mod
eratethat he makes no misrepresent
talious-that you get eod Ilia that
you always got the worth of your
money is well established by tho im ',
menso crowds always seon in his store
by the vast quantities of goods he
sells ; by the exproumms of good-will
and cstooni heard from all (jiiiirlers.
Prof. eo. P. Hible. of llcllefonte,
Pa., AKruduiite ,(f Philnd. Hehool of
K locution and Oratory, ntteiided our
Teachers' Inntittite, Itut week, mid
wns the very soul and life-blood of the
Institute. Abstract mathematics.
dull grammar and peculiar form of
government ic, &c. were inte.-nper,-ed
with dram.', tragedy uud comedy
well rendered,
Mr. Hible is a modes'- rnpreteiitioiiM
yonii man who lout I eeii the architect
of his own fortune X r which he
deserves credit and cue niroKeuiciit.
W'v wish him success.
Death Record far 1331.
The following is the list of dcathe
which occurcd in this Jloiouh and
J lankhii township duiing the umi
J ear. .
I o rough.
Fob. 5. Cnrrio K. Oilburt uj;ecl .1 yrs.
July, 7. ulantson of Cliliriul Weaver.
July. 'J'J. orberi J. Slotler uo I - yrs.
Kept. 0. livolyu Uurlhii tfiiiilli " '.) uios
a. iu, youiioua (Jronuu uyoj Till yrs.
Jan. 3. Jackson Howell aged 5S yrs.
Jn. '1, James l Tlioinas a .n. ' yrs.
Koi. 1. .lury TIidiium, atjod iiJ yrs.
Apr. 5, AiIiiiii L vter (Mi, n;,''?.! '.iyr.
.nay, .'.). .um, Buioiuo J'io;k " bl yrs.
July, 25. Mary E- Ivlosu. mind 1 vr.
Oct. is, ilr. Ci.hi. thiKiiuii. ' (W rs.
Oct. 21, a n of J dm 4V niter, " 2 yr.
0 I. 2:1. J d ii Ud.;or, age I 'i I yra.
uv. 2i, dajKiitur ot Uoury Kciser.
aod 1 vr.
Dec. 4, Judith Wirtenmyer, aged 6:1 yrs,
lcc. U, iinuuda li. iSlru'uk, aed IS vr!
JLec, 19, and M, Ida and Kullieil'ord,
cliildrou of (rank and Mimyie M'ul
tor, aged respectively 4y. Umus.
and 3y. 5uioj.
8ol Opponheimor has UKDL'CA'D
1000D3 TO LOWEST PRIClij. Go
and see.
You may as well co through Ibis
Pile warm, comfortable and decontly
k'ad, bo then, go to Opponheimor and
pet a new, Wiutor suit from bead to
Overcoat at Oppenheimers at Ro-
hxi Prices, at BoliusRrove.
At Oppenheimera, Selinsgrove, you
tn got Uudor-wear cheaper than evor.
Furs, Fur Cape and all the modem
hppliances to keep out cold can bo
lad ai Onnouhoimer's at Sulinserove.
Truth and Bol Oppeuheimor are
"iu brothera and if you doubt it, go
ina price his goods.
We would cll the attention of our
t Mett to the advertisement of D. It.
Iiratford. Persons in neeJ of anv
''"g iu hit lino will do well to call on
Should be In Every Home,
Every one of our readora, whether
"it in Village or County, will And it
ellytohi interest to secure for
s2 the 41at Volume of tho American
riUurid, wh loU supplies at very
ill cost, a wonderful amount of most
ualileand Important information
"thoroughly practical, and reliable
te.-, with about a Thousand In-
ucuve and pUasing original JVu-
'ngt. While moat valuable to
7 cultivator of tho soil, to Stock
'en, rut Qrowers, oto., it is not
rey a Faim and Garden Journal
ny means, but is ' very useful to
7 ouse'keoper and Instructive
entertaining to Children and
"Ul, It) constant, nersistent ax.
"'as of iumbugs and swindling
ues will save almost any one
"7 times Its cost. Now is the time
"Ucribafor Volume 41. IWms :
F year four ooDies r (Knulish
rrmao edition) ; single number 15
specimen cod 10 cts.i Ad-1
r 'Jfange Judd Co.. 761 Droalwav '
TYoric , .. -
Tl,f-e,,v f.,ei, n, .drt
t. u i... .. ip i. i i
ctltiite convened In t hp court -house at
Mlddleburtf, Mi Tuesday Dee. 27, HH,
The convention was onlled to order
at 10:50, A. M. by tho pres-idi-ut,
county ruiperliitonilont Win. Moyer.
After devotional exerclfw;, thn orgiui
Ixutlon took pliten, nt which the fol
lowing oniccra were elected i Vice
iresidenta, llnrvy W. Kant and Ad
am Hmith I secretary, J, It. Arnold,
Ku. t nsxiHtaiit secretary. Win. II.
Kline treasurer. Miss Vestn Wetzel.
The chair appointed the following re-
porter) i
I imks, T. K.
('oiiuku, H, T. l'arks. Kso.
K. t:. Walter : I'ost.
R. W. Younir.
After the president a Inaugural, It
was decided to hold the morning ses
slons of the Institute from 8:!M to lt:H0
the afternoon, from 1 to 4, and the
evening from 0:i)0 to AlMlim;M.
During the afternoon session, the
teachers exchanged opinions on call
ing out And dismissing classes ; some
objected to giving a recess to tiio pu
pils during the sessions of the school
day. I'll tachem, however, showed
their strong objection to such n view,
by an Almost unanimous vote in favor
of recess. At tho close of tho session
there were present as Active members
of the Institute, seventy three, teach
ers and seven others.
The evening session opened by de
votional exercises, conducted liy'Prof.
A. K. Wobble from I'nlon Seminary at
New lterlin. Prof. Hen. P. Bibfe, a
graduate from the National School of
Kl. wilt Ion and Oratory, at Philadel
phia was Introduced to tho conven
tion, and he interested the nudicn -e
by comic recitations and readings ;
among others, " Artemus Word's Lec
ture in London." Prof. Oohlile gave
tho convention instruction on dia
graming. Mletler's ('ornet Hand furnished
music, besides that by tha organist
and audience. Adjournment at nine
o'clock. "
Wkksksiut Doc. 88.
After the opening exercise, Prof!
Itihle continued his instructions in
elocution, giving directions, in devel
oping the muscles used in breathing.
Prof. Fishel being Introduced to the
convention begun giving instruction
in drawing, by using straight llm-s ;
after this, Miss Vesta Wetel conduct
ed a recitation in geography, with
Hiii4.ll pupils. Prof, (lol)blu cotitiu
'"1 iiiMtruntioii on nm of diiiruiiiiiiK
bv using the verb as an example.
Prof. Win. .N'oetling from the
lilooiiihbui'g .State Normal school
illicit ii short speech upon various
The afternoon session began with
music. Mr. ('. II. Albert gave n take
upon touching primary geography.
Prof. Hible concluded his iii-lruc: ion
by a recitation from IShakespeare,
uiid "How wo Hunted a Mouse.'
Prof. Gobble diagrams, a subject for
a composition. Knowing now easy
cmimiipition writing can lie inaile.
After answering ipiestions from
qilei-tioii-liox, mid il recitation bv Mr.
II. W. Kaiftz. Prof. Hobble delivered
a lecture on "Thought Culture," treat
ing the subject from a metaphysical
point ot vimv unit giving some whole
sonic advice to teachers mid parents,
After a comic song by tho organist,
Prof. Helm vlcr.froui ,wistown Acad
my, delivered a lecture on "What Is
a Hood Hchool t 1 hooch neither
lecture won humorous, lot!i were lis
telied to with interest by u full house.
TlltlKsliAV, Dee. 2J.
During the devotional exercises Ifv.
Reed led in prayer. Dr. Hchuyler be
ran Instructlon'oii Kii'illsh hiugungi',
and Prof, Noetliii;; gave iiislru 'ti ni
on teaching jirimary iirithmetie. Dr.
N. O. rtehaelfcr froni Kul.lown (State
Normal school wus introduced and be
took up orthorr.tphy, (jiving the ad
vantages of both the oral and the
writ-ten iiii-McmIs.
In tho afternoon the director!! tok
barge of the meeting for a time;
they chose I-'. K. Dower chairman. In
this meeting Dr. N. t Hchaeller tie
livered a stirring and iustriietivH lid
dre.M on The l-'ive Hateways t
Kniv.vli'.K'", II. T. Parks on Too Uu
hit ion of Directors to Teachers. Dr.
Schuyler on l'lie Kelatioii of Directors
to tha Public Prof. Noetliug on
Standard for Fixing Teachers' 8ul-
aries, he thlnUins It will bo a good
way to p:iy teachers itecoribng to
their success. Hunt. Mover also ad
dressed the directors. Dr. Hchaelfer
concluded bis live remarks ou ortbog-
iii puy.
in the evening Dr. HchoeuVr lectur
ed on Pestalo..i. the Founder of Mod
ern Popular Kducation. ' The address
was well appreciated, as was shown
by tho close ' attention bv the large
audience. K. W. Young rend u pa
per on .School (ovcrninciit ; It. A.
Kantz on Thu American Revolution ;
Adum Hmith on Tho Kvils'of Ignor
ance ; Tliere were recitations and
remlings by II. T. Parks. 11. W. KauU
and J. W. Heurlek.
FniliAY, Deo. 80.
Devotional exercises were conduct
ed by Kov. H. 1. Drown. Prof. Fishel
complimented the teachers of Hnyder
county on the attention they had giv
en to their work Dr. Hchuyler in his
instruction on Hngliwh language, urg
ed the.toplcal method of reultatlon as
tho best to acquire language. Dr.
Hchaelfer Interested the convent'on by
ma insirucTion in icncnnig nistorv.
Hv an almost unanimous vote the
teachers showed their preference for
holiday week for holding tho next In
stitute. In the afternoon the teachers con
ducted boiiih special business, lifter
which they unanimously chose Mid-
dloburg as the place of holding the
next annual session of the institute.
They then elected the following com
mittee on permanent certificates :
Miss Mury Elliott. H. T. Parks, Ksq.,
Hev. H. P. Drown. Adam Hmith. Kso..
and K. W. Young. Dr. Hchaeirer gave
a very able lecture and irood Instruc
tion on Hchool Discipline. F, H.
Dower, Khi., on behalf of the citizens
of Mlddlehurg, thanked the teachers
for being In their nitdst ! Iu response,
ii. l. l'arks inaiiKeu the citizens for
tlieir kludnehi. A vote of thanks
was returned by the audience to the
instructors, and to Sup t. Moyer.
un Tuesday tlieclialr appoluteil tlie
followinir coiumltteu on resolutions :
J. K. Dual, J. I-. Heinburlluir. J. M.
Rearick, It A. Kant., C. K. (Mass, J.
II. Douglass . Miss Me o Miller. W. H.
Arbogast, II. C. Hampsel.
1 lie folio wind were elected dele
gates to tho next Tuaohers Htute oon-
ventlon at Pottsvllle : K. H. Arnold,
Mr. Kalriter, J. H. Douglesa, H. 1.
Drown. K. W. Young. Miss Vesta
Wetzel, Miss Lupfer.
Throughout the session very much
and excellent musio was furnished.
with F. O. Moyor. Jr., aa organist.
Kach evening KtetlerV Silver Cornet
Hand furnished that good music
whiouhaa been so often enjoyed bv
different parts of the State, tin Fri
day evening the orchestra from Free-
uurg Musical College entertained the
audience with iiiiisiu. The audiences
enjoyed the wit that was seen ocea
sloully to pass between the "live
Uerks county Dutclimau" and su
perintendent Moyer.- There were
i14rKe .mdieimea
l tne hundred and
ten teachers wera present,
tne aes
ou.,".ow,1i w,ul r's .nuautwn ny ,
Jir.DtUMBKr, MUJ-. Km
on Pridiiv.
I Tha fimniitleu on lJesolutlon re
Plfully bed leave to report
I , , i 1 1 rr i . n
lTiiMiKAs, iioino lenc.uers ni nr
,Ib flmliilif ,lun)n 11 f. It ilnl n mm
pnvnexo ill nccoru miu a iiino-nonor
eii custom, 10 express our views on
educations! mattors, and make a Droit'
cr auknotvledicmont of tho obligations
we owe to the eminent educnt ors who
have so ingenuously insirucloJ us
therefore bo it
Htmlivil, That we aeknowlodio Ood
asthe Almighty Jtnlerof tho imivcr-io
tho givor of every good and perfect gift
the lounlaui ol all trna knowle I $
Jrimlvl, That tho large increase in
tho Attendance of toachors the inter
est manifested, by the nuhlio. in do'
rnrtmuul. Attention And uumbors, bear
tesiiniouy or mo aiivaucmnoni or our
cause, and that tho friends of cduca
lion have abuuduut reason to bo eii'
con raged.
Jl$oUriL That wo heartily conraln
lato our worthy Siipcriiilendont
, H ilhiim Aloycr, in this, that his I li
ciiMicy, roiourcoH, iitilnniy an I goo
laitli liavo lroiiiit torlh such an ei
tensive and noble cxprosmii of appre
ciation ai evinced by tins li I v
large ami ilunionslrativu aemtilagn ol
teachers large, iillentlvn ml. I inlolii
gent auiliences ntli'n,in tin) Inilitntu
Ihiougboiit lis nil u lengUi.
...)( 7. That in Profs, (iol.hln, Pil.le,
Scligyli-r, l islier, .Neotlmg and
fer wo ri'Conio uu alilu corps or
instructors Inivinc peers, but fnu
superior! -that we have been butiolit
ted largely thauiigh their luburs,
J.'miiccif, That wo tender our th auk"
to Sletler's Cornet Hand for the- excel
leul nuKic. I'urnithcd. ami to the'tJniiei
Sabbath Scliool, of .Ifiddlob.irg, for the
use ol organ, to tho ladies and untla
men whofurnished inuHiii through the
several wcxions of tho institulo ti
tho 0mmi4ioiicrs fir the ihh of the
Court houNO to the Janitor for hi ef
ficiency and promptness to the
citizens of .iiddlebiirg and viciuiiy lor
thrir presence. , encouragement am
ViVjioivJ, That a uniformity of text
books in our schools is utisolntclr no
cessnry in onler to iU'coinphli the
greatest good,
lif.iolVKi, I Hat wo pamcstlv urge on
dirucioi s ttio linpoi'taiico of attending
tho county limlltuli) at least in ' i-
I'cctors' l'ay," and '.hat the co -opera
tiou of the directors, the lengthening
of school term, the increase ol teachers
Sulariis, are iudi-tens.ilile and iilitolu-
tely necessary bolore our schools will
rim to that standard J much ilcsiicci
by tho public.
Ji'H'lint, That in "district Institutiv
we recognize the greatest aid to the
advancement of the school and would
puiv ilircctoiM to rslai'Mftl) llieiil lit
every dielncl in the county.
J. K lloal,
l A. KhiiIZ,
C. .'. tilas, .
V. S. .libogust,
II. (.'. .Vain paid,
.1. M. Rearick,
.1. I.. I 'eiuber.'iiig,
J. li. Voiilas,
N'kw i.oo.ikii:i.i .lis., Jan, 2, ls'-o
w ish to say to you that 1 have been
sull'ciing for tho last live years with a
severe itching all over. I h ivo heatd
of Hop I'illers ami b ivo tried it.
hnvn used up four bj'.iles, and il h.
dotio 1 1 10 more good Hum all tlie doc
tors it li 1 1 liiciluincs thai thev CKiilii
use on or witli me. I am old and
poor but feel to blcs you for such n
relief by your inedicinu and from tor
ment of the doctors. had lil -li
cu docloi-i at nn. O i ) g ive
mo seven ounces of sjiutiou of ar-ti-nio
; another took four (pi irti of blood
froin inc. All they could tell was that
il was skin sickliest. N'o.v, after tacte
four bolt Ii.m of y ur mo'liciiie, my sliiu
is well, clean a i ul smooth nrvcr.
I'll).' Ill 4XlO (ilCilMI.
One dial will convince von that il is
Iho best. ,lik your dealer for tin
Fiaxcr Axle l.icase, and taUn no oth
er. J'.very box lias our trade on
Sept. 2J '."H (im
Wo invito tho attention of our rend
ers to the ii,vcrticmcnt of tho Duck-
ye M'f'g n.)., Marion, Ohio, in another
column. ' They oiler raic ludiicouiunts
to oaru an honest living.
& t. 22, fim.
m m , - -
Auclonocr. Qeorjyo II. llacljcn-
burg, of Middlccrcek, P. ().. would an
nouueo to tho ncoplo of Hnyder conn
ty, that ho will cry sales for real an
personal properly, at short notice and
on tho most reasonable terms.
guarantees satisfaction. Mur.15.78
.7. "W. D r e o h o .
Potutoes do
4 to 6
7 to 8
ltutter jier iouinl
Kcl'S lier tlo.eli
Tullow per pound
Dried Applea
Uliddleburff illiirkel.
Simonton, Harbor tte Co.
Wbaat per bushel 1 ai
Wheat, Xo 3. 120
live . ! to
(!orn ! 1
Oats do 4H
lV)tntoea 1 (K)
Cloveineed per bushel 4 SO to 4 75
Cherries, pitted
. 8
2 00
8 75
6 00
4 00
I Hierrles. iinpitioa
Dried apples
HprliiK tdilckens
Mutter, prima
Oak Ties
Pea Coal
t best nut f!oal
Kjfrf Coal
lillectioti IVotino.
T0TICK ia hereby (riven (hat U
1 Annual Klantlna of Dlrartnra nf tl.a MM.
dlabura- Mutual Kallaf Ao l"ll ia of Ml Wo :
bur, Pa , wilt ba aal.l at III nil... uf lli.i Aaa
aiatlon at MMHIrbarir. on Tuaul i tbo I' th
Hf of J", I vi, bttw.'n tha l.ouri i f 1 an, I 4
r, m. au nuaibara -' r.qur't I t.iMi.r.
p. m
an'. ll.NX, l'i,
(I. M. )ui b(L, Mail.
JB. U.'aaV ,
Den, lit, by ltev. M, h. Deitler,
KuiHUt'l D. Hteiiiiuger and Mis Dcii
lull Kllen Snook, both of Middleereek.
Dec, 23. by the same, James D.
Dreese of Adamoburg, and Miss Daura
I. llcn Htraub, of Puinter.
Dec, 19. by ltev. J. P. Hblndel Oeo.
W. Miller of l.nlon county and Miss
Kate Knhlcr of Hnyder Co.
Dee. 27, by the sumo Allen Doyer
and Miss Clara liolig both of Hnyiler
Deo. II, at Heaver's Hotel, New
lterlin, by Key. II. W. Hross, Hanincl
II. Hholler and Miss Caroline A. Den
ver, both of Hnyder Co. Pa,
. Dec. 33, at tho resilience of the
bride's parents, New Merlin, by the
same, ltev. J. D. Hhortesn of Union
Seminary and Miss Minerva, I Spit
tle r.
Dec. 27, at the residence of the
brides parents, by the same J. Win
field Hampsel M. D. mwl Miss It tie A
Hpangler both of Centieville, l'A.
Dee. 8:', at. F.v. Par.soiun-e by the
sain- Daniel C. I'ere,. i.f.Wiulield, Pa
and Mirs Kate Hnyder of Forest Hill
Dee. 11. bv th Rev. W. A. Haas
Mrs. Anna Wullmrn, of Heliin grove.
t W. V. .Mayes, of l,e istown.
Dee. H, by the Rev. W. A. Hai
Miss Clara Hord 'ti. of Huilthgrove, t
Hen). F. Row, of near Hmitli,;rove.
November In Perry townsliip, of
diplitlierlii. Marry I t lenineyer, son ot
AI'Mtloin and Peuline Hcbiiee, aged 4
years, H iiionths and Allays.
Noveniber '.", Ill Wat lilngtoii town
ship, of dipht lii'i'ia, Clara M.iy. daugh
ter ol I iiiobiie .Mover, ngeii o years, 4
iiioutiis and t days.
December 1, iu Perry township,
Rudolph Drugger, aged' ." years, S
mouths and '.'days.
December v, 111 Washington town
shin, f dipht hcria. Dealt Kdith,
daughter of C.iroliue Moyer, aged 10
vacs, '.I iiioutiiA an. I P.i d ivs.
December I I, III 'hapiuaii town-hip,
if dipht heria, Thomas I'.duiuil. oi'
Joliiitlian mi l l-'ielta Welser, aed I
yar, 'i moid lis and t day.
December 4, Iu Washington town
hip. of diplillieria. Annie l.auia, aged
S years, .1 iiionths and '-M davs. A Iso,
Deccinb -r a. f tliphtheria. Ada
Rebecca, nged II .w-ai's, I ,n mill and Pi
days, children of Charles Kissinger.
December p). Iii Washiiii:oti town
ship, ol tliphtheria. John Wilson, sr.n
if t liarlcs and Anna IMs.ilijCer, aged
I year.
Dec. 17, in l.itcliilel.l, Mich., at the
residence of li.-r s ci l i irg", after an
illness of il weeks, Mrs. D.iui 1 D"obler,
foruielv of Fraukliu township, thi-t
oiuity, aged years.
Dee. SI, in I'enn township. Arabella,
I uightcr "f Samuel rt. uud Cia'i-ih
it M ci;vi', a,;"d I .' years, I uiontiis
and '.) davs.
Di e. in, iu Perrv lowtis'iiii, is
I'raiiMiu. son of Lewis and Mrirv Arm
Minium, u,;ed 1 year, 4 months ami 1
I. IV.
)ee,l:l. In Perrv township. Chn'-lesl
Wilson, ii,:. -d '.' years, 2 months nu-.l 14
Dec. 'II, In J;i"!;s oi to'VUsliip. M iry.
wile of icovo Heiuiiiigl o.l, aj.i d In
ve.irs, , moot 'is an I ','titlavs.
Near ItulVal X Roods, f'nio:i coon
tv, AlilMhaiii Hend. ;c!s, f.iinierlv of
.Middlc.-reeK to'.vn-hii'.Siiv.l ! county,
afcd about yi) e.n s.
Dec. is, ut New Merlin, Nnliev, wife
f Joseph Se. l old. l. .-d ' ears, 2
lilolit ! i. lid ile s.
'i'iie il"e '.i;. I c.iiiruilie I suield ' by
nui; lug In iM-lf i n tia' i.a.'u i of
Iu Hi
n.v l'lasters elaiuiiii t b t an im
prove me lit on AI,I,(.)t.'!i'o l'DKl l'S
Al.M'Ot'K'.S is tho oi iiiial mid on
ly K''uuiiie I'liIl U'S l'LiAS l'lJll ; all oth
er so called l'i ill' tlrt l'l.A-ifii l ur.t Imi
tations. llHV.UUC! TlltfM.
H.'othat you et ivi Al.l.C' K'K'S
l'LAS I'lUt, wlileli Wo guarantee Inn
e .Tec ted more uud tpticker cures than
any other external Remedy.
Jan. 5, im G.a.
Kule.'u Wiiliar, tins ul lisnlrs tw, Hiiv.ler
O.J. I'n., .luo'.l, hsva tiai'ii crania I to ilia uit ler.
slsn.. All i'ftrona kuowliiK llieiusslv In.
ilaijlail loaalil etie will i.iais nik luuie.ll
ata luyiuanl vtilla lUo-a LavInK olslini
a M null will urasant I he in lur illii ant to
Jsu.l, lM-'J, AduiluiaUllur,
ICli'ct ion IVotieu.
ATOTtCK ia beroby givou that tha
Xl Anna! hloctlon nf lirnci..r nl Ihn A'tiia
bum Miitut Knller Aaais'laOun or AilaitialnirK,
Pa. will Ihi Iii'I'I at liia nm,- ul Ilia Awtiillo.i
at AaaiDsburs Pa. ou Tuua.lay lie Imli .Uy of
Jauuary A. 1. Ishj. K. Iwa. u llm llmira ul Uaa
U'l tl.raa u'.-l'sia P. At. uf al I ttay au Ul;u
Wars aro rwiitatto.l I-. b pr.i.t.
(IfcU. M. &U1TH. Prl.
r. M.risiiKii,uu.
Die. ti. lata).
llerliou ISotieo.
NOTI CF. ia bercbv Riven that the
Anunal Eleollun lor lilrtotora of tlia Au
rora Aid AiKioiation ul Pa. lll La iba Aaioolslluo at
llaavartooD, P. aa suturduy Jan, lull, lt',
baittaan lb buuta ot I ana 4 P. M.
H. I). W Hi R K, l'rsi.
J. Thomas 8tuuciikukii, bao.
Jan. 4, luM.
liloctiuii IVotieo.
NOTiCK ia hereby pivon that (ho
Anual tlaotl .n for Dlraotiiri of tUi Uaa.
Trlon illui Ur lu. C of Haafarlowa l'l-
lllbabal.t at tlia oiltou ol' Hi ':ouiin ai
Hanvartown, Pa , on Nalurdsy Jau an, Issa
bniwsan Ilia bnurl ul ona anJ Nva o'olook P.
M.ufaal.t u. AU luaminn aro raiua.l.
U tv b iiraiaul.
A. II. Ilowsaiux, Ha.
Jau. , lai.
A-iulltur'M ISotieo.
rpilli unJeraigtiod Auditor appoint.
X ! by ilia Oriil.aoa' Court uf Knvilar do.,
lu Ibu lo lUo luaila In Iba banila ol J.K.
Ituvia an. I tia... Hobour uiriliiK Eaaeulura
ol Hiaa.ll ul llaurjr O. I'.Jfar, ) t ul tha ll.iro
ii. f.iH.,A1... .in
01 en.1. n4 row. onuar i-v.
l lur ti.a
Urlti.ia 01 blO apiiulUllUt'DI at til
aiuik llul. l. In ill ll.iruUKU of calluawrorr, on
TI K:4u. Y . V I. II. nil. laaj, at ll a'alueM A.kl.
un al'J kl,Mt all i arn lutar.-atarf Hiu t
Uud li tur tblaa tvpar.
all 0. J'l fjf..
. Jaa.a, IIM. . Auditor.
Now sfnnda crnf,rcdly c tlirr lira 1 t r!'.:bvlr!jdda Journalism hi
All that liuikos a thoroughly complete, general mid 'family news
paper. It Is inoro "ompleto I i li t news, in :s npeelul rnrrcspon
denit), In IU varied eouiribntloiii o.i r II subjects of popular interest,
and In all tho tpulitlc.t of a tKHvapaiJur .'.ir f.r f..ini!y circle and
fr tho bnships.-i mm tii:ttt mty of Hi oiiiciiiporarien," because lis
facilities and rt.tources aro cj-.i:u to e.try v.m.t of a lirst-uhiHS-national
"The Vkm
dnrliVTtln pT t yecr. I: tt
tho foreiiio.'t iiieu t.t tae
literature U sll .dil", 1 i.i u,
aa well to women in t ii.oij ! ! c, i.'.t
ftenco Is full uud a-.-i-ui-.ila mi I !: i I o'iiic! i i
less, liberal p-ovis! ni i ih -jIj l,,r li . r-r. . t'
matters, tiav.-lt an! .-.'.v. rt.i.-e. h,
clironlele i,f f s-: d e.i n.'s. I.i i-'l i:
pens of the best v.iiN-i i cr-i t 'c.--v lie
Journals aro inado wuli e t c,
TllR "A Mr A ll
Contributed by pro.nitie-i:
a Viilnable feV.ur C f, ,
ueposi'.ory ( I su -:i in :"
aiuireett. Thi.i deparliiieii', i
up to tho blali it'.-M j ard i (
and nirreinul i i: Ti.wn i f. r 1 iv 1. 1
irt, nix iv Hurt vorr. t r l e v ;'. i . . . ...i.
the vF.r:r.LY 'iii.p..r.
H'H'lliit.i".;K'c Lilly .r pti . .1 t . i in ,'..: v i.::- .ft. I,
cepy.K.00: Fh'ef.'!.'i,ta."; T. i .- c: ...
cey sciit fh-c to oi-r fert. a .ret::.. t ! l-'.-..if I n . i
tsrt luiewn uud im4 li-d i.t !. .-i---i of .
Two Pc.llnrt s yen', jm f.-..v. (' n . , ; . ; i-c
bifunniillmi. rl'lili.-.l . n the i ;, i . I e- v
ef 1 l.n;;e, ln-iu-nri'y ill i f W. I... ;. 1 j- pp.,;...
Kurth uud s .iitli. l ilc'.i' i.
acs.m.;:; a.l l'.tt?j a-o cvi m co.'"
Ut2rSEND ro-a a ri
Till". nnilcrti''tie 1 offer nt t-iiivnfe
S.lo. ll.s f .lltvilnH .lo'.Tl'.o l Ural Kil...
t .wll: A . sr'iin l.-.t 't .1 ln I mill In A. I.
snti. I mi i , n. .Inr -u it I v. I's , sl'itilj i.ditA
N .utli-i'1 ul Truftilt lnu,
:i:l Acres,
ii nm or 1 05ii, wlicreoti ftio areclcl uttu-l
Ivclliit llousv. StuMi)
riril ottiir on t li'i l1t ntc well f " I w-ttir nt
tin diinr ihrlv.hK V'tt orilmtil o cii-l,
fruit Irrn rtiiuilim wittr mi tli Mrm
H mt'Tr "I 1 1' ll u H-iii tiiiilfr Ini'il, (l,o
iin e i-lfir ami In .1 ttult ft to ul vuMnulloi
j'rnti nv
yjt lurlhor inrtl ulnfw n-1lro4
I ) A 1 1'. I A. liHtVMAV,
Nov. 21, tHM, if, Tr.ixHvlllit Snyltr
liml niit 'Mily
I III -I ll
f II i ti 1 1 tr I 1 h S i AH IM Nl I.Kit S SKUt
l.f.nii ll- '.'ttth T-.i r, Juii. N'rtl'hi!n -l
I 1, It s m; tt I t i li.' nl I- -i mi I in .-t i.irn.
Ur t-np'-i nf M t'liin-. Kv,iy mi i Iit 'n'.ilim h
At i4ith, 4 ' litntf (i1hiiiiin, nli u - ii v Ciiuti'.
Huim-r iiin n'l AH'ii'tiT lf'rrtvii u. t is
.mwl il cr III" H St ., if , I'ot-tiy. Vt(.
Uu ur, rni', i:t -kin.,' a n. i i iiiunu 11J
iiirtriict t: I M.l -1 1 1 1 , r - It I'M'"" I-i'i'I'In
SW I'llllorN lllitl t'M lr ll ll'MfVl lalltl'll I'.jJ-
t li ul nii'1 1 vo or iit'i I ' I il i . H v.-r ti y n,ii in
it, fj '.i. ii in w rt.i'I H, nii'l ii. (tiny '') 'n. yrmr
I I l y I- r I hn if-t i 'if i'i'tf in tipii in r tn
n r rn.ti' . V 7 i-. fix tii'tt sliwr li t
stn "i,i ur1 i' i.t w nli tli n It it kit on j tr. hit'
ottt.-r Mii.uili -r-imI'I'h-. S I o .-.-itiH .ir i
HKHlll.ft 1 1 Ui ti H v. ltd fi.ll i A i . i vlt , .1- ,'. i ,-f ,
r or I'miiiOi ft win. In (-, ( t iu.i'i, t
miiI now. AM-i,
li ; NN i.i; i i h u co.. iiimh US , n. it.
rpiIF. Tleira of Michael M:niutn
I ilpe'il fiflor nt trtvitw Sitt. itm follolrtK
i1orr it.el Kt;.m t : A mrii. In inrH-
iifiH awi '1 i.i't ul I iinl Itti'i'e In I'rrrjr t
ll yilur t I'n. Itotiliileil i. Ii ilin rli mU a
limii, mii tho N'ortlt li y tiihU ul I.h m U Miitiri,
-:1t lv ;irl ( l- i'. S litti l I ill U
il Mury Wi ! r, mi'l Weal ty luuU I'-uiol
AtlnKi"l idUtttllllliif
i Aro,
mr r I'1' Hlih thi tv jMirtotntiPcf, tn
whlv'U U cr ctcil n K Mi-i i iiinry
l-'niiiiti ouhc. l.iiiik Inrn,
D'l o l.or uulliul illi'i', tl-ti nn rcltiirl of
t'tnilra irult, ux'atlliiiit w.'ifr n-ar i m ilour.
I-or tomii h'Iv to I.KWIS W I 1 1 l ul
Mount riciNHtii SI l Mm MHlrr t.'ti Pu , ur to
I. la Atijr, J.WMHi (jILULH T, Ml.i.l.oiiurK,
I eo. 'J3, 'Hi.
e'tt m of .iitnilnlfltritltin on tlm MtntA nt
.iniin A'hmud, lii ol l nlun tmMiiMp., isnv
ilor i u , ri( 'tt'M, hnva tinii irrnnitJ i. the
iubcrllier, nil tr-.tin t n l 1 l to Hi - tnA
tai iirt rt ijuttrtt. t in m.ika liniiiPiliitto iy
mmt, diitl ih-ic bnvlriK olulni ur ilfMian li
nuniiiMi tli' Diliin l ttio ni l dncuilo -t Will
Uiaik knuHl. iixw uauio, wilhoui u-l-tV, to
davii s, Hin. i. nr.
Deo, 16th, tmi, A.iiuluiHrAtor.
pUllLKJ SAI.F.., The nmler.
1- liineil, 4i1mlnlHtriitir of it.i fnut of
John U. Siiilttt, hits ol Jtmivr tot rirh In Hnr
ilur county, r., ioeiii. y vluu.t o n ir
iliT iHtfUfl'l out uf tti tirplinnn' durt ul pnll
couuty, m l sv j e to rulllo ! mi A 1 V H
(Uy, JAN. 14, un the rinl'e ll:c In I .w
Iiik ilai-iTli'dl fliinvl K-tulo, tn wh: A trt4ln
tniot ol IriuI aituita In townritilp nf Iteaior
lor1tl, ooi.tiittitiu 50 AM( Kt iimk or
btiumleil N' r h lv lnnl ulOAurifQ l(tUr, Ki-t
bv IhimI of 1'ftul Hvi.fur. Huutii iy Una of l..o.
iil: er Kml Vt ly nnl or ;rrulty.
mIh ru u :ir ft lillnn HHI'SK, IM K
oil nihr outbn ilillnu nnver f-tlllntt wnt. r
ii lIltcHAUli of cUolos truii. t 'n v i.U;t la
iimi'Met Mini clioul. lhlt ri erty will uf
lively ittrueti ofT to Hie lilulieut MUlor nt ur
let' re 3 o'clock p in rf null) iIjvv Sa to i ctn
Deuce et lo o'clock a tu.ol mlit ilay wua due
At'euUnca will itiveu n4 toruu ul vale
ujftJe kaoMo i-y I
11. O. SMITH!
W. t. K I I'M.
Deo. SO, Hfcl. AdistltiUtifttorft.
Milffi M Fur All.
DAN1EL0. BKItOSTUKSSFR dnelretoftu
onuiH'eto ll lntritiil. Tbet ulnrp the die.
nlutluu of the Firm ol Htrutr aarr k Ulrirh ol
lie lit of April, Uu (ma opunetl ln III iuw htiilU
ii(f iu phiiii itrova.ou Wfttxr ntreuttttbovetf lue,
upuiitv J.H. liuuniufs atore,
Leather Store and Fin-
ishing Shop,
wlif r will bo fuiiuil at all lliooaan aaaortnionl
all uf Kliiialio.l bltHd, coiialalluii uf Ilnr
uusa. Nolo, l'ii.r, Kli aud Calf Hklua, Morra
oua, i.iiiintfa, ioi.iinriaiio.,nriiinuriiiitqiiaiiiioa
aud pricea, Tlia atlautlun ol Hb'H.uiakara. Farm
ara, aad all othara la luvlled, bslura iurctiaalik
Tlilrtjr-nvajrcara aa a praoliralTannsr qiiaUIU'a
hliu lo ihIk Ilia iulltlea ot titook.- Uldaalakra
Inaiolian. fur Luailior.
K, U. lltnOSTIII-'.BStlt,
Juna T-'Itl aolluanrova.SiD-dar Co., I'a
l.atlan of .linn on tha ailala nl
NAMUKI. KMOI sl;. dooaaat l. la'a ol Atlrl-
dlaonak tan., bafdar nnuntv, t'ann'a.. batlnw
MWili".", a.l t-erauna
knualuu lliomarlvat Is.l.-UU'.l t.i lild aatata
ara ra.tioatai t.. uiaka tiunittihata iiajmant,
tablla Ul i.'a ialn ruini lll pra.ant luaia
d Jlr lur aalil. uiaiit lu
i bkAiuN I Matrrii.
Ovl. 1, 11, . . Ailiniu.a'
lii nr?rly doubled Hi
f u-i'.'i i lru'ire
autrK: -.-tor i ficnii .i U. l i wet k nre miioiig
t;.-. li, i o l ts t'.i- .nvt uiot.t ( iicv.-s, nr
- .. ia.i wt .- ,.r, n Ii ndciitrd
: t 1 1 ii ' poiiticil inlrlli
t ,.. i.'ai tdreo nr., I fi-ar
.tic i.iiil lnii' l.-al
l i liinii-i mid the
i-rartnients thu
:: i ; i s iVnin t!.i r
1 1 te I.i,
.ii t.i
arj as.-c.l.
f iiuwrilici Mi lory
t t ie ri ! i llinti, i-.m
i' i . tlie a l ee,i.;i,-.od
: -. I i II,
-rltti i ii or Soiithrrn
c'l i.-t i ll t.tln r.
id bj Li p: fully
':-r ', ci.ra.
M Ml.
i-v r
i-i i...-,-s, j.. .-li.i;o
"f li e rtli "-. t
r r. .'I. :!. 1 1110
.'I. Au Kxlru
1. 1 ', !it "
i,. lulls t
i) link,
i.".-l-r l'. i:;'.'i-lni;,l. :l,cr
-.r. 1 i t -i 11 C.-lils n I" .y.
A r il ! lute vi liinie
.! l-:.r.k.j..uit in tlie War,
.':;,:at:on3 to
;;t v.. r:.i!ai:liihl:i.
Iv.ri rj, urn ittl'i.p. vril. a in i-i
11 1 I., n il nral .-.i refill'..! i-j.uu-. 1 Ii. Ih.
Euckeyo Force Pump,
Io M'lrV vi (to .iry l.i-tt-t ,tHiro. tin h
tn rutiijoi. It ! f' nrlf I 1M1 an li unb-r
wMn(i ttiHia'- it v t i . ),. r.iti . 1 1 -- i
I a(if t It,. I'.in-! p. nn I . t"i- cm
li- tiirotin ilpoti ii v ItiHHfii' in i-rt -i- rf ihi.
Vitii cn wt'r viMir l irtli-n mxl VurU, WL
W IikIohi, Waih llnt(i:i, an I lisv a
cvcrran ly ir4 y ioi mtn ,
t h n li aii orilinur iu in p.
Cannot Froe33
In i
.1 ttuslt'-r, II I...V..II I it it mil, t.
1 in
V.TV lll,l ),ir .i"S( -V.'IU. '1'p.. W.l-l.ll, i.lll,
l-e i ii Ii -r Mini luiii a'i.1 i ,il v i. a wllhn n irn
l .l'i lluo I .'!.. U'llT.!lii U U tXf ll)MI!t I!
Iron Ttc'liino Wind Fncino
I ..ia urfal luiiii.trniiiaiil In Win. I lltiirlura
I'siMn I m..i. tiifM, (.iiiuj,, lt (.i.,-auiiii, ,.r lui
liiiriu-u.aia aJiln.ha
V. (,', If It ,T I f IN,
l.rsl li.-.n,
ii.-t.niii, Mimm iMiiui:, p..
Thu umtrraKna.t tiavlnir r"r,'li"'' ttiaSo 'lnri.l.i Work, ba la uuw I u 1 1 y iio.
(.arod to mniiutucluro.
Hflnnraci!!s A 11 d HciIiIcups.
lla mimmcr nt tIi" trnrh lower llmn 1irrto
yre, aiiJ loiror tLau La ever l-ccu Uur;e lo tl
onnt v.
lift- luir lti-t Te"flvf.1 ti tnt-fjn nt or )elKn.
of nil tiio lufft Rtylen of Mitntimrntft IiwimI
atonp", I ii ni ii ulvn rutUiiirtlnn In rtylc
and (Ti'-i't, to nil lout wl-h tn .l.-r.-nu iut
irrite ol n ttoi:irtol frlent with ft unit, rlt ni
,i)iiiuii'itf , I'fiiiitt r MrttiUi itiir.
1 Mvn aIpm itiii!o nrriiltiftttiM ntn, n a o I f
ni-lo to lurnlrh tn nh rt nii'9, JNnrM, N.iml-
o'. nt. or iitiv ."trr t.lD'1 ul iloor nnU U IuJum
si", Ot pr(i-c tt unit tl.e .iirrl(B-r.
I'ir-oiu In hoe. I ol iinv ot ihn ut ovw nrlli'lri
will hivo tuon-iy I-v Mf u nt tiio Srtiri'ur.itc'le Wn'l.11 lii-tofe iMircliii I n v clr hco.
I uli 1. -ii( l.'iink'n I'.irptit ' lutviiiiliu I (Irave
lii-vrl lor aalo. Hve dliiurcnt Ntles, tuino
Aii'l n f
Vi- l M. f.onn of A ,,f l.tirir. Av"n f r tli
un it r-iy ii- 1, wi cro ell or l r w IU r -rolve
id iy 4, Ju-tl. V.! KANTNKK,
I i Wiiut llenvarrl)i-ra lur rnrvlrf tn Ilia pill
lie n in. Atii'Ll.'iionr. Aity In need i.i nn
Autluucci wudiil do uvll I,., .alilu;: un.n Mr, &.
tHcpl, -I.i, JSH 1. ,Mi.i..r.'.'k, I-. ll,
hi ih r tn.. Pa
Notary Fg'jiic Surveyor, Conveyancer
Rpal Eslatc ajidjiisnraiicc Agciit.
I'tn. Ilonilr ftn.l MortirnKOn iniarel nnl
liin'Ia ul convey nolou uitomlet) tu iirouiiahy
wttli ne.iltio hii.I ats urruoy
Sii.-al bUctition ul.rn to I iitImt nml rrHIn
Hol Ktfuto. Oiica In Fruoinniit, M i!-rt'i
Vit,., H. . A l.lrem, Alt. 1'lcio.utit 'IMr. ny .1
t.'o.. Pcuu'i. Auu.6.''4
.oBii. hi KdKij iV ro.f
Countv Rurvovor
Krntici viHo, Snyder County Pcnn a
Buruaylnu and 'unn.;itirlnir ) rnnip ly aud
tkilllully ailomla.l I". A almraol tiio iub
llo i-uironur.a lollolicd.
Jul U.'TH.
Troxclullle, Finjihr county, .
I'ndartaklni In all IU braaohrr prorartlT at
I ndad lu. HI a roll u,' IV.
ISAAC KtiAVttlt.
con Dentit !
Middlcburg, Snydor County, fa.
Orrnu in rxni.m m t Uiroi
I?vryUiint? be1nriltiR to tlm fro
la..l"i. dnna In Ilia laat iiiannar. All iruili
vnrranla.1. Taj. J",i mix'tirata.
II wilt flo lisi,d tu'l atcry tau
ark) t IVntirHlla a, lltavai.
loan AMajil-jut uud I'u.iuuvillr.
rjviF if-fi-rn 1 rk iTiif-.T. f it.
.-nre n Chin Si-nlp M'.s.t bl-rs-,,
'ni. In lh i.nrri si io ..f ( rn-i Hi
lim-or ti hlis.a .ur.isr ns) ths
I rntl n nl i i-tii i im n.l t)rfn v IKr,
tho t RI "Kin riltfH,
a t ii' nm:i yt.
Wl'l Mi'P.n-tli. -JMl p.nrh.rn Sr., Ch'tvrt,
tnlt ra n cV'.'.x :.trsr . ore o- si lliieant
oil tissil. tispk. fsrs itru'tnl l-s lur raven'
ls n t"r i net suts l lis .f.t nn km If
S'i'Mns r r .n-iir : nl '. In lift,.'
f fer ilit f.ri Irl -.1 h'Uflr'iftnf
.Inrli.r rrt.n.'iine. .1 hli en.t. h-y-toPt t ir
mt"nt'r rnro.l or t'uili-ii-t (l., fli..n.
reirirter) In'erf.nPr ,tn I I'lii fnri sn.l 1'ntt'
nuis siisp (it. nr4l ,kia . srsul tttsrnriHy.
rxoiu t .
II. V.. Csrrn"T, V', llcnf rtm , IU. T.
naril i1 In. litems .f t..rny. , 1 ' y ffs ft'
Dlsniltnir, l.y tint lit in i ut ItK.fH.rsr ft
lertiitli v, an.l l 'i-rn l il t nn. I'i ri'Cilt ant
tritts:iT. 'I le' in. r0 tsi rsn-
ri t o-s . run a I i -f r s ,i..i- ..f tin
l-.t. una eliltsnD. All silirtr.f
with lii-iil-it sn I.-.Ir .T'.-if. sUoul I sJ j
tiir Is'lli-i eilnl In full.
ti iv 2m; ,.::,
K it '.'( i . , ir ai. Mi .ii, r.- t i,
mil I nil l. -tu.'j .'i lr . n i ui i H i.. ... w.iht'i
HI I Of I lei .l. I.. ,,, I f,r...
.s rlf lnti r .v I 'ill ptm Ti.e lit "I rirelnl
,1 .i nflni I ,' . I f.. h f i,n1 4.t ,ri .f t, n i
I ill. I Ii ii, I I'.nl tr t ll...irs,t (ilii.l
I'll Illsil t'lsr sll', I' i.. , i-.!
s,il i Itii. liruvl i.ln . -.s,. rvirr -illr, ml
tt .--if .1. .hi I let. rin.lno I im.i rttiw wollt
m in Mt:c
Mr SI H. Alii . 1, ) ,..l,if, MlS'i . rl'n
i Ii it i..r r.ion, lis.i,f tn 1 ' .no inrh rfh r '. il -w-i
slm ,' tsf . lis ..I i .v -r I ,uti ... n ui.f
'.rn, p.irtre.l H.rf illv nn I i r i . fl.vrvli'1'14.
l orn! lis .IU- -n's I I v -.1 1 1 - r K anlra .t
O I....I n inn-) nt,. i'iiiIi nr.i unl (ibi
tirfnt kkIii f-ii i p I
I l it C UC ft .
llr'ii",l. nr li"
n . s'1 .IrnifiM'M.
t I 'I l-i. I'll .
, l,.i. , ,i Ol (,.(.
,','i .: i ir i. it.. 41 ' 'r ri -eu t 11k ,.i.t ks r.
' Im 1 1 ..I I'ii ill...-. 9 , r lini'ls. I'cri.-i iiV
.iniii. -r.eiiiT s.r, fi-rei'iit
l .sum, r. in rr H kc, : In f .r
lii.r'i rt ..til I iro imiuiii,-ii. ist, "rt.r.-lptl
".....l., vt.t;!;s; p.iTi i;ft, ii.tnn. Mm.
Sanford's Radical Cure.
Saaford's lladical Cure.
f lfn 1 r?t v: t..r t,.i.ii-1 ts rfftm tU
nti l ! . !ti i N'ti.t 1 ii Him l.-a l, N.-rv-.u.
i. i.l.ii-iiA a.i 1 f; III an I I'.-, r j-tnntly rilhv
tMioklM . ,.trl.l iiiivha In .tlo(1fir. ntiih-fttil
rji-mm--1. I i ? i ! iiu 1, hri'iiti -i.Mt
iiM'il, Miii'll, t:i-'-, im i ti'a -Imk r"tnr,tl ft ml con
titUlo(i4t rttv.i,-" l wli I.
4loiii:li. I'.i- ii.M'!-, I r"ip t lito ilm Throrit,
I' tint in tin i Mii'ii, 1 1 . -I'-tivU, Vat i tu; of
Mrt'iith mi. I M -S. I. -i of SI pp. V'.. 'ir...
Ono Imtlle Hull -.! Cuff. t4i It it i'urrtia
Solti-ni Biol tuio ir, s.i.(nrlH Ioiiili-, In one
('k'uro f all ilrii.'inJt , nr i. Aw f -rS-,.
iniitk'H lUtiit-Ai. tt'iiK. WtKIM'Ul'ltU
II. ilou.
I - ii 4 1 ti rk-r lifti 'or
n' Yoi.-wir I'I.ah.
1 t.R In r lli'vit'tf ftiti
Mlil f'.illtlint. of Mill
K I 'ii- v.,,:vir K I'iiM,
ll'm timtlNiii N iiirnli;!
Hvm rli, l-'. mli WeiV
ii' --. M itiriii at. -I r'i v p
Mt A if. P lire .1 rti
h. i.i. ,r;w.e e.
tn to mf
(.'H( ltlH 4
olime of t'e Kiv..
ihln.f tiionef ct:nl K''y i-ft- ct:nl K''y i-ft"oiiii wnalthvt
Mir toH li-t ito i.ol Itiitfovi' mi eh clifttioe
rtotiH in in ior 'iit v V w mt m itly tnu. w
inrn, Un i iti-l i t r I to w- rlt (or m rljiit la
tht'tr 'mi In ' Uu-, An ond r i-i t the nnrlc
pn v l m ?i M.o tlr-t i irt. The Iiiinlnfi4 will
l'V moil.' ih tin ten tlmei iplln ry w i- I'x
j.fntv mi Ml liirnljli'l irno, N'.iane en
.nm-t ill tn miko nofifiy ript llv You curt
Irvoto tilir wli 'If titi ! It; wirlt. or nil
oiir ..uro nioiuontP Kill' tn or nitl i in I
ll It I1 nor IfJ 'lit frr. A 1 L'L'M.4 STI hdOX M
ro.. ronUti'l. Molno.
V omaa's Friend !
Whv all ...I.I mU I.A.Il. In mim t...tlll
m l il.oney, w ti' ii lio do m I-v lift' l v
I Tho Celebrated is-
vvhesl Casters
iitt'-Minl to her n aImi .v.ii'ii'Hf, nf 4p'fl nf
uiilv T-'."" t'r art I A- i t'-o t ( 1ior vlne.
:u n.ii ii r,i li i lo tfi foil Hi ! It-t (wnlvn
ni 'ntti, mi'l tin1 :n tiiu i v ?rryltiMlf
who Im re fnifi'ln'.i.t i'i vn. ni(ti i a
ihoir ntijf io ii- the t in' Ihrlr -..f , titer
.til I' ll'ft lOo' l oiit" o null. I to i"tw
H m i oh I he 'T 't!' "O'la1' i'in to t hn r ttflit of
I. ft, lor wuitl r Iti'i, r In'n Ihh?iiIio t
tlt'D lur ooiiiiu t or ll .-lit ui.iie sewH, of U
any pari nl Ilia It 'ito t I r o U
Tlicy bivo n)i)iut, Tlioy sivo youi
tarH.?B, Tlify ave timo.
The smnn Pattern Its ttlt
Ma oh hies jiet fvethf
Tie M u-Miiv will Man 1 rff.'ilr Ml o.f
t ol nidvn vliil" n l'h i In- TiKter" AAi
IMIS WK fM'MtnSVI'KK. Thy cKr til
ril"i tho .Vt?)ilni) onr 'nlf mi :iMi
Kvt'iy Srwlng Mncliino fllmiiM Imve
CmbIois nntl U nnl!niHlioJ with
out tluiil.
TTier fHn Im falcon of I he V.iiin
no'l aiti-he I ton h.ifr In a m mm oil, tmikliitf 4
aiiiiiHil luvrtll'l rltair inv i-el will Wnl m i Fa
Vo not fuil to (jot n prt.
Tlinioli'ri 't'1 la A -iit for .ny W'f. Ml flf lit
ami l iium rounti i.
Capt. VV. H. Kncp.
Snjr It r tv..., ' .
fee. I.', tvl. 7m
ts rrscji :.
f'pilK finiutu' i Ii clicn fur fiiiiolinn
Ol IllO I It M ,l .V Ml 11 A I. 1IKIII-TK
A SSI 11 Jl A I II I V mill I.i. I.H.l .1 II10 ll'.H.M
Ulhiv. ! .M I.I.I rl.urv uu 1 1, 1 K.VV. I t N. 3111,,
11 J, nt lu u'o'ii'-l. A, nl,, ul n.railiia
rlih khi.lilara. uiriui.arr, ai.-l Inauru-l, Mia ro
ini'.lcd lo taku nuilri..
IJI.IAS HI M.'.ItL, l'fe.
I' . 8TITI UU. "t
Hoc. 8;,1.
I O 31 A I.I .
rpilE poor bh wtU H4 t Ito ii. li, ilin
1 nld a p a. tin. yonnir, th lli, aa g
-.. Ilia liu.t.aml, ,'iu fn'inif maiden aa ll a.
Ilia nunu uuin, tua tlrl a. n il na lh lint,
niayiuataa nail .r.i a fw ilullirt In bnneat
ein lnyn rul. a tualt nrrnind Ihi holloa and
nail li.r olhoia l i ro II lur th-iu. Wa can
Hlvevuu riui lyinent, aillli- lima, or durturf
y.inr f ia Imura unly I Irmellim, r 'n your
una poiiihuurliuod, ainunif V'.ilr trlenda M
liuqnulalaii'ie. If yuu il.. nut enr lur aintiiuy
muni, a can Imtiart ralualilo Inl.trmii'li.a t.r
)uu frra of enat, It i'"t y on i nly nn
ocnl lur a Puaial eur.l I., writ., rnr our Pf.l.Hie,
tua, and It mav I. Ilia in au.of luaklnil uu
gixid many .l.illara.
Uu nut ii.u'u- t llil. nripnrinnliy. ' Yaa) ia
nni lima 1 1 li vat Inrta nun . rnnnav, an. I
run a real rl. ul lualnaj l. on lll raadlly
a II.t II vlll Laananry iiialmr ( in . a
froj t ti '0. a . all, and a.ia'.ilah a I era.
live, and lnilr.ti I tin.liftaa. l.i.i...niiU,
B111.UI ii'irward .hd nriil'lai-le. Aliend tn ihnl
111,.1-r Miw. nr h . a n.ns r v I N i f lur
,11 wliii uai a will. Iia. Vt II' tun "' tvx
bi,d nu will wur.'' r w l.- - i.u i.t- tvrt.ia i.
ur 11 "a Ma a.xu n 1.1. rm .on . rvi.
A.l. Irate
Pt". KV'.vr M'I'il I'll,
(M na ilila u t j At ahivn, iyu.i
i i
, -v t -'
. iV-r .
..jrKyr;t..--yiJ'g w "K.MMVW