fejfa.-LLi I I A-dvertHlnar llnten cohimn one year, IC0.00 Ont-harf, oolmnn, one year, 80.00 On-'1 e1nmn,oni year, " 1P.O0 On square (10 lines) 1 insertion . 75 iCory additional insertion, . $0 professional and Business cards ol not more than 5 lines, per year, 8.00 Alitor, Executor, Administrator sad Assignee Notices, 2.60 Editorial notice per line, 16 All transclent advertising lesa tban months 10 cents a line. All advertisements for a shorter pe riod than one year are payable at tht time thoy are ordered, and it not paid lha person ordering them will oe neld; sponsible for the moner. Pootry ... AN ODD Y0UNG1MAN. He vu theuiot amazing in an That ever struck the town ; To-day there axebut few who can Correctly write him down. Ht seemed to be quite guileless and A little frh, mayhap ; And yet they could not beat his hand, Or get him In a trap. He made remarks that other folk Would never dare to make ; And Uiose who thought hlsstatement jokes, Discovered their mistake. To catch him In some awful He Their deepest arts they nsed t The more to catch him folks did try, The more they got confused. . They cannot fathom him at nil, Which makes thorn feel quite cheap; But every one agrees to call The fellow "awful deep." An aotor shrewd, who chose to potts For simple, fresh and green ; And yet, whose like they swear alas, If ad ne'er before been seen, - .But 'twas no mystery'ahout This very puzzling youth ; The secret's iu a lino let out, He simply told the truth. ' UoHToir Voht. MARRIED DIED. In the columns side by side, Stands the caption. Married, Died. What line Irony In this Thut shares with death our nuptial That blends beneath our earnest gaze The story of two wondrous dnys t The kU' of death, of uluriiiig brldd, ' Sura. .is blend lu Married, Died. 'irojblng breast of heart thut bleeds, irful, bright or dull eye reads . es whose message is not clear, irred and broken through a tear ; y lingers, hand of uo, .ace the line alonn the pitf ; euth nnd oupld side by side port lu muu with Married, Died. I." U i . nlem, there aon, , d and roll their notes along, age bells that rliitr or toll a glnd or pawing soul ; 'i 1 chanool coll the crowd, tJlu,. satin, gown or shroud, To tin. , 'iirch we twice may ride, Heed the landiniige Murried, Died. HolHt the anchor sail away ; Bummer winds of sunlit bay Lure thee o'er the outi'r bur, . Where the white cupped breakers are Mauiicu thy painted Miullow be, Wrong to ride life's restlfHs sen, Ood shall rule the Hurglng tide That tups theshoresof-Hurried.DIcd, Orange blossoms, ripen wheat, Springs of rue or lilies sweet. Curls of gold or looks of snow, Wedding robes or garb of woe, Hands in loving hands to rest, Or folded He on pulseless breast ; Who shall blooms and fruit divide. Bo hear the stories Married, Died f j . Death of the Old Wife. She bad Iain all day in a stupor, breathing with heavily-labored breath; bat at the tan tank to rest in tht far-off western Aj, and the red glow on the wall of the room faded into the dense shadows, the woke and called feebl to her aged partner who waa sitting motionless by the bedside i he bent over his dying wife and took her wan, wrink led hand in his. "In itnightT'sbe asked in tremu lous tones, looked at hiin with eyes that saw not. ' ' "Yes,,, he answered, softly. "It is" growing dark." "Where are the children P the queried "are they all in!" . Poor old man I bow could he an wer her j the children who bad lep for long year in the old churchyard who had outlived child hood and borne the heat and harden of the day, and growing - old, had laid down the cross and gone to' Wear the crown, before the old fath er and mother had finished the so journ I v 1 ..,,., .., "The children are safe," answer ed the old man tremulously '-don't think of them, Janet, think of your elf j does the way team dark J", . "My trast is in Theei let rae nev er be confounded. What does it matter if the way it dark I I'd rath r walk with Ood in the dark, tban walk alone in the light. I'd rather alk with mm by faith than - walk ion by tight John, wbere't little r . tie. asked. Her mind t iaio in th past The grave It If VOL. 19. MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, dust of twenty year bad lain on Charlie's golden hair, bat the moth er had never for-gotten him I .The old man, patted bor cold bands, hands, that had labored so hard thn hey wore seamed and wrinkled and cnllonaed with years of toil, end the wedding ring was worn to mere thread of gold and then he pressed his tbin lips to them and cried. She had enoonrnged and bad strengthen" ed him in every trial of life I Why, what a woman she had been I What a worker I What a loader in Israel . Always with the gift of prayer or service. They had stood at many death-bed togotbor closed tbe eyes of loved ooes, and then sat town with tbe Bible botweeu them to road tbe promises. Now she was about to cross the dark river alono. And it was strange and sad to the old man and tbe yollow-bairod grand-daughter left thorn to hoar bor babble of walking in tho woods, of gathoring May flowers and stroll ing with John, of potty honsohold cares that fche had always put down with a strong, resolute hand t of wedding feasts and death bcl triumphs, and wbon at midnight was hoard tbe bridogroom t voioo, and the old man, bonding over her, cried pitifully, and tbe young grand- dunghtor kisaod her palo brow, there was a solomn joy in bor voice as she spoke the namos of her child ren ouo by one, as if sbo saw thorn with immortal eyes, aud with a glad smile put on immortality. Thoylod tbe old man sobbing nway, and wbon bo saw ber again tbe glad morning sun was shinning, tbe air was jubiluut with the song of birds und sbo lay asleep on tbo couch tin der tho north window whoro ho had so often soon hor lio down to rest, while waiting fur tbo Sabbath bell And sbo wore tbo sumo bust suit. aud tbo strins of cold boa U abonl bor tbin neck, aud tbe folds of white tullo Only now the brooch with its miniature w.is wanting, sad in its place was a white roao and spray of cedar sbo bad loved oedar, sbo hid lovo 1 to sing over hor work : "Oh. may 1 in his court be sewn. Like a young cedar fresh nnd green." But what stroucf) transformation was tbore f The wrinkles wore gono, The trnces of aero, and pniti, and weariness were all smoothed out the face had grown strangely young. and a placid smile a laid on tbe auld lips, Tbe old man was awed by this likoness to tho bride of his youth lie kissed the uuruspousivo lips nnd said softly t 'You've found Iloavon first. Janet but you'll come for me soon It' our first parting in ovor soventy years, but it won't be for long it won't be for long 1 And it was not The winter snows have not fallen, aud there is anolhor grave, and to-day would have been tboir diamond wedding I We bad planned muob for it. and I wonder I wonder but no 1 Where they are there is neither marriage nor giving in marriage. M. Qauil. Perils of the Deep. The worlJ-renownod twinromsr, Capt. Faal Boyton, in an interview with a newspaper correspondent at tbe seashore, related tho following incidents in his experienoe : ' Reporter. "Captain Boyton, you mast have seen large part of the world ?" Capt. Boyton. "Yet tir, by the aid of my Ilubber Life Saving Dross, I have traveled 10,000 miles on tbe rivers of America and Europe i have also been presented to the crowned heads of England, Frauoe, Germany, Austria, Bolgiam Italy, Zollaod, Spain and Portugal, and have in my possession forty-two medals and de coration! 1 1 have three timet re ceived tbe order of knighthood, and boon eleoted honorary member of committees, clubs, oordera and soci eties." Reporter. "Were your various trips aooompanied by muoh dan gerT Capt Boyton "That dependt up on what you may call dangerous. During my trip down tbe river Togas in Spain, J bad to "shoot" one hundred and two wtterwalls tbo highest being about eighty-five feet, and innumerable rapids. Cross, ingthe Straits of Messina, I bad three rite broken, in a fight wilb sharks and eomiog down tbe So maoe, riser in France, 1 rocolved charge of shot from an xoitJ aaJ started huntsman. Although all this was not very pleasant and might be termed dangoront. fear nothing more on my trip than in tense cold t for, at long at my limbs are free and easy, and not cramped or benumbed, 1 am all right Of late I carry stock of St Jacobs Oil in my little beat (the Captain calls It "Hnby Mine," and has stored therein B'goal rockets, thermometer, compass, provisions, . cto.)-and I have hnd bnt little trouble. Before starting out I rub myself thorough ly with tbe articlo, and its action on the musolos is nondorful. From constant exposure I am totnowhat ubjoct .to thoumatio pains, nnd nothing would ovor benofit mo, until got hold of this Grout dorman Remedy. Why, on my travols I have met people who ha J been suT fonng with Rhonmatiritn for years i by tny advice (hey tried tie Oil, and t cured them. 1 would sooner do without for days flmn be without this remedy for ono hour. In fact I would not attempt a trip without It." . The Captoio bocarao vory onlhn- sinstio on tbe subject of St Jacobs Oil, and we loft him citing insUncos of tbe curative qualities of the Gront German Itomedy to a party around him, Chicago Intcr-Oceun. Table Manmrs. It is not now tbe custom, ns it na- ed to bo, to wait until evory ouo is ho'pad : haste or impationco aro out of pi ico, but it is propor to oat wbonover tbo food is pluood boforo ono. Ono is not oxpocted to ask twice for soup, fish, or salad, aud is AolJom holpud a socoud tiiuo to de sert Preference for wbito or dark meat, raro or well done, hhoiild bo ox prcssod without boxitulion, and nil food taken or dooliuud promptly and in oourtcous terms, ell-brod pco nle nuvor bandlo tho el;ixs, silver or china nr.noCMsaarily, or tho food thoy nnvur tnuko bread pills or di ink or speak with food iu their months, or loavo tbe tublo wbilo caliu or aompluiu of the dinoor. Whoa the child is Btrong enough to manago a folk, givo bim one in stead of a spoon, aud when tho dig nity of a kuifo is arrived at, ti-uch him tho use of it, aud also, wbon done wilb the kuifo and folk, 1 1 lay them in cl se parallel acroas tbe plate, tbe haudles to the right. Tuaob him t use a spoou prop erly i to lay it in tbe saucer wbilo ho driuks his tea noiselessly, (hold ing tbe cup by tbo huudlu), to loavo it in the saucer if the cup is to bo re-fillod, and to plaoe it in tho emp ty cup when done. Table mannors forbid all unneces sary clattering of knives and forks, Salt is taken on the knifo, which is tapped on the fore finger of the left hand, instead of tbe fork. Tho hand is tho propor medium for re moving grape skins and fruit pits from tbe moutb to the pinto., aud (he napkin should hide all use o! the toothpick. Vegetables are genorally oaton with a fork or a spoon. Asparagus may be takon in the fingers ; wator- k w crosses, oeiory raaisues ana onvos are always to eaten. Choose id gen erally taken with a fork. Economical housewives oover tbe table with a square of baize, canton flannel, or cloth of some kind, over whioh tbe linen one is spread i this improves the appearance, keeps tbo cloth from wearing at tbe edgos of the table, and prevents noise. However one may economize in housohold laboi, good taste aud muob paint taking should govern tbe appointments of the table and dining room. An attractive table is a good ap petizer and bat somothioir to do with good behavior. Human nature is easily affected by the atmosphere with which it it surrounded chil dren cannot be expected to behave wolljn an hour given over to freU fulness, disorder and flurry. Table manners for tbe housekeeper begin iu toeing that her table it neat and attractive, and oaloulated to inspire cheerfulness from it the should ban ish as far at possible, all vexatious, caret and worries. Faith isilrapte, it is to boliove faith is tublimo, it it to be born again. ' Happiness and nnhappiness are qualities of mind, not of place of po. sition. . A. Tho Lime-Kiln Club. "Doan' sook to make angelt of yer- selves," quiotly began Brother Gard ner at tbe meotiog opened. "In de fust place die am no tort o' ken try fur angels, an' in de nes place ver would be mighty lonesome. Do man or womau who becomes so sweet an' soft an good dat dey ox peat ebory minit to riso up an' fly doan tnko ns much comfort ns folks who fool dat it will be a ' clue shave to git inter Heaven. A tootle wick odness pickles a man an' makes bim koep all do bolter. Wbon I trade males wid a man I prefer dat he should suspect me wid su intvnbhnn' to tnako an obon J25 by dj opor.i shun. When 1 do.d wid a butch cr like to feel d it he will work 4iu f j ouncos o' bono fur tbery eight outi cos o' meat if I don' watch him. I like to havo do boot-uuket' toll mo dat Ainorioan cow skiu nm I'rancb calf, an' I am ploasod when do sto' clork warrants fo' cont culikor to wash liko shout iron. Do man who am not a loollo wicked has no cbanco to fool sony no uso fur prayor ; no nood o' churches. 7e can't say to a follow man i 'I wronged yor I'm sorrv shako.' De man who oobur sins mnkes a poo' no' douh ooigbbur. De woman who keeps follin' of hor shoulders to see il wings havo started makes a poo motbor au' a wnss housewife. If you havo novor injured a man au gono to him an' axod his pardon nn mado up you doan' know what roal happinoss em. If yer conscience hsB nobor dribeu you to prayer you cnu't fool do goodness ob do La wd, My advico to you am to bo a loet.o wicked uot 'nuIT to uiiiko tnou four or hato yor, but jist 'uulT to koe you convicted dut yon intmt help to support churches au' pay clim ntton- liuu to what do pioachoan say or you'll be left bohiu' wbeU do pur cosUuu starts." VViicn to Stop Advertising. When uobody eUo tbiuks "it pay to advertise." When you want topvl out of bus iuoHS with a doe It ou hand. When otl want to tret rid of tbo trouble of waiting ou customers. Wbon yon would rathorlmvo your own way uud fail, tbau tuko advico and win. Wbon men stop making fortunes right in your - very signi, soioiy tbraugh the - discrout use of tbis mighty agent. When population consos to multi ply, and the generations that crowd on alier you aud novor heard of you stop coming on. When ovory man has booomo so thoroughly a creature of habit that he will certainly buy this year whore be bought last When you can forgot tho words of tho sbrowdost aud most success ful business men concerning tho cause of tboir prosperity. Wbon you have couviucel evory body whose life vtfl touch yours that you have bettor Roods aud lower prices than thoy can over got any whoro outside of your store. When you porooivo it to be tbo rulo that men who novor do and nov er did advertise aro outstripping their uoigbbort in tho same line of bnsinoss. E. Don't Doceive Me. What I asking me again for mon ey ' replied a Michigan avenuo morohant as an old woman requested him for mercy's suke to give hor a nickel. If yon ploase.Vir." "It wat only' yestorday I gave yon a dime." "I know it." "And I'll bot yon went right to a saloon with it. "Ob, no eir." "Don't deceive me." "I wouldn't deceive you for the world, sir, I'm too muoh of a lady to go into a sajoon, and besides that I have a trusty boy whom I can tend with a bottle." "Did yon buy bread or whiskey with that money T" "Well, sir, I flippod ooppors with the old man to soe whioh it should be, aud tbe penny fell iuto a crack of tbe floor and wo couopromi'od ou gin and a riot whioh sent him to tb Work House for eixty dayt. I've no one to flip with now, and the money shall go for the tilk stock ings i ve ueoded these many wi." : .1. wH PA, JANUARY Weighing a Hog. A doj fight senils the pulse of vllhge up to 130,taud a f ot-roeo or a knockdown will nlmost restore gray htiit to tboir original oolor j bat for real exoitemint lot A man oome aloog In front of tbo tavern about sua Iowa driving a hog "Ilay, where are you going t "Going to Bell this hog." "Hel l on a luluuto I How much does he weigh t" "Oh! nhoot iiV "You're oJj ho wou't go ovor 200." Evory chair is vncalod on tho in stant F.vory oyo is fastono J on luo hog rooting iu tho guLtcr, nnd every man flutters himself that ho can gnoes within a pound of tbo pork er's woight. That hog will jit exactly go 19.1 pounds" says tho blacksmith, after a long Hij'iint. "Ho won't go an ounco ovor 1S, adds tho cooper. "I've got a $2 bill that snys that bog will kick at 210," says tbo hard ware man. "You miiHt bo wild." irrowls the grocer; "1 cant seo over iw pounds of meat tboro." Twonty mon lako a walk nronud tho porker, and sipiint ami shake their heads and look wixo, aud thn owner I'm ally a ays : "If ho don't no ovor '2-) I shall fool I hat I am no guosscr." "Over 2-0 S If that ho' wei-'li 200 pouudi I'll treat this crowd, ox- clai'uo tbe owner of tho bns line. "7 dunno 'bout thut," mnsod tho 'Suuiro. who is ou his way to the grocory aftur butter. "Sumo ho weigh more and nomo loss. What brood is this hog ?'' "HorkHhiro," ' 'Well, I've soon aomo o' them Bor'uMhiroH that woig'io I like a load o' sand uiul thou n-'iti I've soon 'cm whoro thoy was all nkin nnd bono. H is anybody guessed that tbis hog will wei,;U GOV "No." "Well, that' a Inotlo sleep, but I'vokiudu not my i lot on 25(1.'' lly tbis time tho crowd has iu crnasod to n hundred nnd tho ex- citommit is intitn.ia Tho '.Squire lays half a dollar ou 250, and tho ownor of thn hog ralcos in several bets on "bctwnon 220 and 225 " Tbo poikor is drivou to tho hay scales nnd tho silenco is almost painful uh Ibo weighing takes placo. "Two hundred uuu calls tho weigher. Growls nnd lamentations nmito tho evening air, and stakeholders pass ovor tho wngers to tho lucky guossors, chief of whom is tbe own or of tbo bog. "Well. I'm clour beat out," Bays the 'Squire. "I folt doa 1 sure he would weigh over 300." "Oh, I know yon wore all way off," explains tbe guileless owner. "When we weighed him here at noon he tipped at oxictly 223, and I kbow ho couldn't havo picked up or lost ovor a pound." The Lower Classes Who are thoy T Tho toiliug mill ions, tho laboring man nud woman, tho farmor, tbe mochunio, the nrtia- an, tbo inventor, tbo producer 1 Far from it. These aro nature's nobility No matter if they are high or low iu station, rich or door iu pelf, con spiauous or humble in position, thoy are suroly upper oirolos iu tbe order of Nature, whatever tbe factitious distinction of society, fashionable or unfasbiouablj dooroos. It is uot low, it is tbe highest duty, privlugo and pleasure for the great man and bigh-Bouled woman to earn what they possess, to work their own way through life, to be architects of tbuir own fortunos. Borne may rank tbe classes we have alluded to as ouly relatively low, aud, in faot, the mid dling clussos. We insist tbey are absolutely tho very highest. If there be a class of human boings on oartb who may be properly denom inated low, it is that class who spend without earning who consume without produoicg, who dissipate on the earnings of tbeir fathers or ro latives without - being anything in aud of themselves. The Mechanic, "I know," ssid a little :hl to ber elder slater's young man st the sup per tshlo, "that you will join our so ciety for tho protection, ef lit i lo birds, beosuss uiuimuit says you art very food of Urk," Thu thore, wus a silenco sod tbo Limburger obotse might bsvs be on hoard scrambling around io its tin box on tho cupboard shell, 5, 1882. NO, What We May Do, No tinman boln enn te i-ntuM Ud solf-sustained. Tbo Btronxrsi and brivost and met helpful have yot, scknowleJgcd or uuaeLuowlodg ed to themselves, moments of bun gry oul.yoarnigi for coapuntonfthir and sympathy. For the want ol i hi, what wioc'is of bi uisnity li strewn tbnut nt I youth wasted fo muking si'iublunre of friendship art lilt at the mercy of ubsaco for tlx grnxh of a firm hau l, nu l a kin IK loving Lcsrttii cjuim.-I. t is t ti r yosruin.', so fatsl to its pesses-er i not ruIJo'I rightly, ouuli a I To sncho' if afoly placed. "Frivadles I n nai irtfouy lucre mar be liul'loi io that ono littlo word I N inn to la bor for j nono to weep or .niilo wiih Duoo to care wiiothor we loso or win in life's single ! A kinJ wrd oi smilo, coming to such a ono u exp 'c tcdly at forh a criis of lifi, how uftcu b in it boon 1 i 1 c tlie plank to Ibo droivning man 1 lucking vvhi bo lun-t BUiely lui vo puiinli'd Theo, surely, wo tuny bout iw a-i w pnes thoso los favored than our hi Ives, w lioso souN oro Wititiug l,i our pympalh"tio rcecgniti'iii. As Usual. Tho commercial traveler o! 'hiladolphiii hoiiso while iu 'I'm iicshoo upproached a stratiger h the train was about to start, and said: "Are you going on this tiaib T" "I nm." "Havo you uny bngjjago f" "No." "Well, my friend, you can do me a favor, and it wou't cont yon any thing. You see, I'vo two rousing big trunks, and they always tnaku mo pay extra for ono of them. You enn get ono checked on your ticket, nud we'll ouchro them e0 r "Yes, I soo i but I haven't nuv ticket." "Hut I thought you snid yen woro going on this train 1"' "So I am. I'm tbo conductor," "Ob I" - Ho paid cxlrn no nsnnl. Grit. Tho foi co of will is a polnn t elo- nmnt in doteriiiiuing longevity. This singlo point must be granted, without argument, that of two men overy way nliko, and similarly cir cumstanced, tho ono who hs tho greater courage nud grit will M tho lougor lived. Ouo does not need to twcutythron,Jpructico mcdicino long to learn that men die who might just as well live if thoy resolvo to li vo, and that myriads who aro invalids could be come strong if tbey had native or acquired will to vow they would do s ) Thoso who havo uo other qual ity fuvorublo to life, whoso body ou gnus aro uearly all disttusoil, to whom cicb day is a duy of pain, who aro nest py jiro-fchortoning in- lluouaos, yet d livo by will alou.. J)r. U. M llmr.i Life on the Farm. In the best at least, of the older oouuti'ies tbo tradeBinun, tho teacher, the mochunio not to say tho com merciul traveller would congratu late Liujsolf on the good forttiuo that promoted him to the standing of a freehold farmer, even though his actus should bo fow enough to bo counted ou his lingors The notion I hot a man elands a littlo higher who wears linen and bouds over a desk or a counter than the mnu who wears cotton aud holds a plow-ban. die is a backwoods notion. If it bus had any infliieuca us it doubt less bus had iu boguiliug youug men from tbe farm to tho ofllce, it will not havo it much longer. As a new country sentimeut it will go the wuy of the log cubius and corduroy reads. GoimI Company. i i ii 1 1 In Good Hands. He was a young country follow, a littlo awkward and batbful, but of sterling worth of character, khu was a Cincinnati bolle, aud hud sense enough to appreoiute bis worth, dospito bis awkwardness and basbfulnoas, and was bis fiunoes. On a very gloomy Suuday eveuiug last winter thoy wore standiug iu front of the window iu tho parlor of ber home on East Walnut Hills, watching tho enow-flukot rapidly fulling outside. He was net np in sooiety small talk, and being hard np for something to say, remarked, ss he watched the snow fulling t "This will bo hard on tho old msu's sheep-" "Never mind, dear," said she. shp pling bar arm around bim, "J will take cure of one t.f them.'1 THIVPOHT Puhll.'ihod every Thurs lavvonmg JAUBMIAU CUUUS, Prtp Terms of Subscription! two DOLLARS PER ANNUM. Tay able vitliln six months, or 2.6tiifnnt paid within the your. No psjiet die , cnntiiuied until all srrcsrnRnt ar paid unless at the option of the pub. lisher. tmliserlptlon nntslde of the conntt I'AYAISLK IS ADVANCE. t-l'rrsons liaintf and tisinp psnert addressed jn others become sliUrriberS Ami sro linhls forthe iiice of tho paper CLOTHING L k 9 AND in Snyder County or elsewhere OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, OYIUaCOATM. For UXer, Youths and BJ7-. Und'rclothing from 2cts upward. GENTS ForoisWng Good s A SPECIALTY. TRUNKS, V ALICES, SATCHELS; &C. MEDICATED FUNNELS and a largo variety of other goods Call and examine my steel: and be convinced R E that I cell better goods and at lower prices than they can be had , s. oppemeejer;- Se!insrroVefx Pa, r; ; out. i , ei. . v '