jiddleburL '.DEC. 22, 1881, The Wish. In friendship tfue, mt wish to you A merry Christmas, Hayi Abundant wealth, Vigorous health, And light In jWisdOins way. " Wilmcr Mayer's horse, mil away on fridsy nlgllt Sod 'fcompletely Wrecked Itibuggr. " ThSS.AL. R. R. Company moved the JsitUnd Station 'ouse to Kra mer that's cheering (o UieSraithgrov lift end the arrangement trill he properly appreciated. . ', , The 7on. Charles Wolfe want n digger Convention tliii lime, end full ticket 7e defined hie position lately inJ U Against the ticket to be nomi nated at the next Sinte Convention. Aycr's Fill contain no cro'on oil, calomel Or mineral. Tlisy are " com pounded of pure vegeUlilo extracts, whioh have poeltive virtue and al ways cure, where ourea are possible.' During the Mover trial, 0. 11 . Stahl one of the Jurors to try the ciue, be came lilt-indigestion, no doubt but wai toon brought round by the prompt uie of the propor remedy. Dotective Lyone was overcome by (as and the irregular temperature of the court-room and fainted cold-wa ter application squared him up again lion. A. 8. Sassaman, Treoident Judge, Captain Oeo. W. Durell, Rev. John . Leiuhaim, and Win. O. .Voir Jiciila, Esq., of Rending, John Uernant end Iasno H. Halm, Iqrs.,of LocsporU iorka county, were the guests of A. K. Gift, Eaq, during court-week, Btetler's Cornet Band 'uremtded the Berks enun tisna, and Judge Snssaman and Cnpt. Purell said some very neat, nice things to llio Band in response. Killed by the Cart. iVr. Wm. Lilly, who lived at Long- frll.iw, this county, was instantly kill ed ly the' tars at McVeytnivii on Thursday, A freight train standing there hud been cut sp.irt, and Mr. lilly undorloolc to croas llio tr.ick ly Ihe narrow paasngo between the- two cars. While doing so Ihoeuglne shov . cd the cars togotlior cruahlug Mr. Lil ly between the bitmpors. He only breathed a few time after being tak ii out.'-Lew'Moivn Democrat & Seiilinal. Muiical Cj tvenlioi. Frederick C. Moyer of Freeburji T extends a cord in I invitntion to his old friends and musical public generally in Snyder and other counties, to at tend tbo Dili annual Giiivontioi) in the Musical Oillege .'jtinning on Jondny evenioj; Jan. 2nd, I8i When the convention will bo organized and tu prepared programme; for the week be Jeud by the musical director, to con tinue in sesesion mil il Friday night. daily sessions me free, and a rich musical trout is promised, on Tursdnv evening tho aildres of welcome will be delivered byJCol. A. C. ' Simpson of rvhnsgrove, followed by Prof. E. I. Kefler the celebrated .Yiolinis. ifrom Lancaster City, and Prof. W. E. Non. kivol the noted Cbmlc Singer, Prof. P. 11. Meyer of Uoa'sburga distinguished conductor ot musical conventions will then take chage of the convention as staled by eminent Artists and practiced lingers and musicians from different part of the Slate. Snyder County Teachers' Institute The Institute wilt be held In the Court House at Middleburg, Pa., De cember 27-30, 1881. In addition to the Professional tal ent in the county, the followine named instructors will be present the will give . struction on the leading subjects pertaining to the School- Room, and entertain and answer questions on Discipline and Afetbods suggested by the Teachers: Dr. N. 0. Schkefier. PrinciDal ftate normal School, Kutxtown.'Pa. Dr. P. Born. President of Jiaainnarv Institute, Selinsgrove. At: Prof. George P. Bible. Elocntionut Kew Baltimore, Ohio. Col Qeorse F. McFarUnd Pri MolUterville a 0. School. . Wm. H. Dill. A. M . Prlnolnal nt vtFi.i. . . . .. r uiiamsiown i'ubiio Schools. Prof. A. E. Qoble. Prinoinal of ITnlnn Beminary, JVew Berlin, Pa., 'fUliam II. Schuyler. Th. D.. Prlncl. Pl of Lewiatowa Academy. Prof. H. IF. risbel, Industrial Draw- log. i Address of .Welcome by F. E- Bower, Eaq. y- ' Response by Prof. B. T. Parks and othen. ; ; r 0. Stover. Jr. Oriraliial Viral TUn. tiat Church. Lancaster, will oiva dall drills in Musio, and have the Institute jo practice) approprikU School Boom Meotions. .'. . directors, Patrons, and alliens. 'you e oordially Invited to attend. Teach ers, you are paid for the week-Let all Je present. "Let every Teacher 'fool wet It Ms or Her duty to participate ,l the exercises. A strong pro rantme wiU be presented. Ooo4 muslo will be furnished by oietler' Cornet Band of Ifkldleborg uNtege Ochestra nr Freslmrg. i ' trwpn 't si. w i nit, 'tUllJL-L!"!.LL"J COURT PROCEEDINGS. Court eontened, Momiar, Deo. IBth, Present, Hon. J. C. Ilucher, rreirldttnt Hons, illram O'Nell and S. H, Yoder, AjhocTOtas. J ThtStaves: Henry Hearlok. Levi alRenninirer, John Mohn, M. P. Arnold, K; Ik Bunngtnn, John Dorn. f OBPnAJts' ,otrTv John O. O oss appointed guardian of EmmaOldt, inlnerehlUUf Oldt, deed, i John H. Beohrist gun r Jinn of tYTWatS Sholly, minor child of Peter Ulioily dee'd. ' Lovl Teats guardian; of ." minor child of John Oetiiett, docVL , '. ' I Auditors Rouortl confirmed: It. Al- leman or! 'Eioei'tious to account of Adinrs. AtifitT. Howard fclljie, dso'd. A. C. Himpson to distribute funds In hands of ' Chaa. V. Rlshei, Admr. Ito. of Clias. II. Hoyer. deo'd. ' .' D. T. Parks to distribute funds In hands of Adinrs.' of Samuel Fobrof, deo'd. . . .'","''., P. B. Bower, John Hook s estate. . J. II. Arnold on Exception to Met. of Abraham Elsenhower's Admrs. John P. Croninlller act. of John Bowersol's Admr. "!",.' '". ! Real I-'ittate Riiloseorlflrirlfld! Chris tina Felker; Mary SohrtvJer: Peter Hahn; Win. Warner: Oeo. FW.er, W. H. Smith; O. W. Mhowem. Widows' Apprnisinents : Isabella Hackmelster widow of Hamuli Hack luelster, deo'dt ' ' ' ' ' Elizabeth Merts widow of J. V. Mertz, dee'd. ' ' Hophln Moyer widow' of fuMuM Moyer, dee'd.' 1 Administrators and Executors Ac counts: Acct of H. M. Miller and II, J. Arbogast Adinrs. of (Jeo'rfe Arbo- gast, dee'd. Firxt and final acct. of J. G. Ii. Shin del, Exrs. of Cutharlne App, deo'd. First and final acct. of Louisa Wen rick Admx. of John II. Wenriclc, dee'd. Acct. of Mary A. Pfuhier Aduirx. of A, M. l'fahler, dee'd. First and flnnl acct. of J. E. F. Ha shiver Admr. of Rebenca Frank, deed. First acct. of Thos. Swurti and Ben. Hummel Adinrs. of Peter Biiigniiiun, deo'd. Firnt mid purtialaoch Qo. Ri-hnnro and J. K. Davis Exrs. Col. H. E. liyor dee'd. Acct. ofjostah Oberlln and John Mnbn Adinrs. Miuhaol Oborlln, deed First acct. of N. T. Dundore acting Admr. of W. O. Herrold, dae'd The iisunl amount of business in the way of petitions, citations Ac, itc, wrut considered. In tiik Common Plicas. RufusC. Elder, of Lewistown, and F. 8. Hliiipnon, of KeliiiHgrove, were admitted to practice law in the sever al courts of 8uyder county, TheCivIl Lint wascoutiuiiod to Feb. Term, except several cases ngainst The' People Mutual Aid Society in which the plaintiff asked leave to take non-suit. . Is tiik Quarter Sitwtoxs. The Ctruiui Jury dinpoHod of the ma jor portion of the criminal business leaving1 very littlu for thb Court to dis pose of. . - Ovbr AND Tjirmiskr. On Tuesday at 10 A. M. the Court directed the Sheriff to briiiK Into court, Uriah Moyer, charged with the mur der of Uretclien Kinteler on the night of December 8th, 1S77. The prisoner was arraigned and beiu ricked how ho wished to be tried, answered "by tlod end a jury of my country" where upon the Clerk proceeded to call over the regular panel from whli-h, after the usual examination, the following named Jurors selected, from the regu lar panol took their Seats, in the Jury box: 1. Miehael F. Woomer. 2. Samuol F. Brower. ft. .T. H. Htahl. 4. Jwis Wnmer. A. it. W. 8tahl. 0. James N. Houser. 7. Henry C. Shaffer. 8. Heury ii. Fisher. 0. Daniel U. llelser. 10. krvin Boworsox. 11. Diuiiel Oldt. The clerk announced the regular panel exhausted and the Court direct ed a Venire talkb db ciruumstasti BU8 to Issue for 13 persons to serve as Jurors the Sheriff having returned his writ the Clerk drew from the box the name of Philip Amlch who after the usual examination passed Into the box and mnde up the numbs of Jur ors requisite for the trial. The trial progressed more rapidly than the former trials, because of the familiarity of counsel with the ease but none the lees careful.. There was not much Interest manifested by the people in attendance because it was the old story over again. The testimony: of Jacob S. Moyer Moyer who was not a witness on form er trials created some Interest; His testimony Was substantively that in the roll of 1877, Oetober, Uriah Moyer oame.to the cornfield where he was at work and asked him togoalong and kill the KlnUlers and on anoth er occasion Uriah came to his house and asked him to go along and help kill them stating that Klntzler bad money and no friends and that no ono would bother about them If they were killed that he, Uriah, bud money out of Mifllinbui-g bauk and that be had no money to meet it, and his father was bail on the note and he would not let him stick. The testimony of Theodore Smith, a Western detective, and Major Hamil ton was as follows: ; ,' When the requisition from the Gov ernor of Pennsylvania to the Govern or of Michigan was read to Mover, Lyons said to Moyer "ami you killed Gretchen Kin tiler" to which the pris oner made no reply. To Lyons he sold '..'.' 1 don't like to go back to Snyder county, the people will abuse me, be cause I helped to kill the Klutzlers. This la substantially the new testi mony Introduced In this ease. Judge Buoher eclipsed all former charges by the fair, impartial, lucid and learned charge with which he equipped this Jury for mlr. Impar tial and just deliberation upon their verdict Tbe jury retired at 4" p. in. Friday end at 10.80 p. m. returned a vsrdlct of guilty of murder In the first degree. Connsel for defendant . (Wed reasons nri)Ill)rraiotild Mnskal Cdllvcn." tlrth of Krceimric opens In lioyer's Hall, tn Monday next. The ablest inntrue tors bt muslo In the country will par- tlclput. A grand time Is expected. . A CnnistMAS Hist f there ere any little once in your neighborhood that Santa Clans will neglect, pro vide for them from your well filled purse. A little money la this way will make many beirts happy, and jour reward will be treat, ' ' ' The State Normal School of this District, at Bloomiburg. IV , will begin the winter term on Tuesday, January 3d, 1.S32. Orsduntes of this school are In rdomand1 A beautiful location, comfortable rooms, antistic- tory board, rcisonub!e terms thorough inatrnctinn and a Ptxlo Diplnma fo among the attractions. The Inst cU numbered firly-nue. Tun at eiidi'toe in the Fall was never as lnri?o as now. r.nrffl additions to appumms mid ex tensive . hnprovertteitts have been mado. iSoud fir a Catutoie. ' CfTi.Ocnls' Furnishing Goods of 8u perior q'Vjv'ity, at the miwt renannslilc prices al Uppenheimer's, Seliusgrove, r. .0VERC0.VT3 of every quality, style and price imaginable st Sol. Op penhoimers, HotirtNgrovo, Pa. fttTA full line of Fall and Winter Itjiidy-nM.ta Cliithing .jmt openol si Oppenhcimcr'a Clothing Emporium, Suliusgrove, Ta. riuxcre Aile Gi ruo. One trial will convince von that it is P .,.. i.,.,i '. .rL'. V," ' Kvere !... i..,.'..i,.. iru.ln Sept. H '81 Gin Sol Oppcnhcimer has knocked the props nut from under high prices and has determined to disposo or his largo stock of Fall and Winter Goods at t'riccs lower thin ever. Uj and co. rSuTlio very best Uwlcrclolhinfl from i" cts, end upward at Opou'.ieiincr's, Soliusgrovo, Pa. Everything shout Sun ford's Kadicnl Cure for Ciiturrh invites confidence. ft is the prescription of ono of our thlnst phyaiciuns, and is prepared by line ofil.o largcKt and most reliable hug bouses in the I'nitcd States. l!o'.on Juuriuil. Dec, Indulguut parents who allow their children to cat lioartliy of hlb season ed fond, rich pies, cukes, Ac., w ill have to m-e Hop Jitters to prevent indiges tion, sleepless nights, siekness, p.iin, and, perhaps, death. No f.iinily is mi IV without them in the house. Dec. Wo invite tho attention nf nur read ers to the ndvertitoment of tho Buck eyo M'f'g Co., Marion. Ohio, in mini In r column. Thoy offer re d let mollis to cam nn lianost livin, A t. 2', ll'ii. HOW TO INCREASE YOUR INCO'.'E, Just al this sensin of th year there ure. anions our readers, t!nMt l.mlcin;' foreiuplo.vineiit for the next U ini.iillis. Wo have luvely reeeiveil from I,. K. Brown A Co., the well known liiiinu factiir-)rs of spm-laltiM for eirents to bundle, a reiput to put them in com mr.nieatiou with one or inoie nuitulile person In this locality, to net ns ilKfiits in introiiiieliifr several of their patent household uiticles to tliii eom inunitv, mul iilt-r coiiHlilemtion, we tuUo tiiis iiu-thoil to comply with their request. The firm are iiiHUiifiictiirers of u large number of household arti cles, which thev introduce to the pub lie by means of agents, having some limes as iiuiuy us 1,1)00 persons In their employ. The piirtleuhir articles which they seek to introduce here, at this time, are: Brown's Peerless Hlflcr, generally acknowledged to be the best in the world, of which nearly one mil lion were sold during the lust year: the Kitchen (jueeu, the latest and best invention in Coal Oil Lumps, and tbo only absolutely Hufii Lamp made; the Centennial Cuke mid Unko 1'hii. an article which has a nutiouul reputu tion, and is the delight of every house-' keeper; tho Half Minute Kgg Benter. which always sells at sight, and the new Alto Uelievn Hronze Profile Out f JeVMES A. GAKFIKLD. with me morial frame the best selling article ever put into the bunds of an - Uk'ent, the best of all the portraits, chromos or steel eiiKravines that have been offered. It Is a truer likeness of tbe timrtyred hero than nny we hnve ever seen before, and Its price brings it within the reach of all. For this oounty, Messrs. Brown A Co. desire as many agents as can work advantage ously. Any smart, intelligent lady or STcntlmiiun can make a flue income in this way. The firm will send to any responsible person rilKie who will as suuie the agency here nnd go to work a complete out lit of these uoods. to the amout of five dollars. The reputa tion or tnis nonse is nrst rate ; tne stood are what they represent them tube, Their terms are liberal, and we advlsi those lookinir for irentcel, romnorative employment to kuju to them for futher Information. Their address is- I- K. BROWN ACO. 04 Walnut St., C'iuoinatl, O. Oot. 27,0 w. SANTA LAU has established his beiulquiutors dur ing the Holidays at miss c. Mills, at BEAVER'S CORNER ou Market Slieet, Aiddlolmrg, To., the greatest variety of TOYS of every description ever before Seed in Middleburg. DOLLS a specially. Z?ontSf,k TJlutfirs Dot nlinas ttntl Hhawlss in great variety. ' Alan a full line of FANOV OOJfe. Any person needing entitling in tills ill do well to l t. M iss , 0 r..i .),- lino w Wills " .'. ver's Corner, Mlddltburg, V I Some articles were urun'oidnHy 'ordwoicxl out of this firsiM. According to our usual run ton) we will not lastie a pnbnr next week. '' The" A.e to buy your holiday Roods Is ut Miss C. MIIIn Heaver's Corns r. A temperance wldress was ilellvordd in the Lutrwiraii Church at Adams bnrg on Haturday evenlns; lasf. B. Raber of Willmmcport, Itlsre- jmrted as having been a flnnpejeli. A new timetable went Into ffwt on the Sunbury At Lewlstown U, Ron Monday lost. Trains arrive at Mid-: dleburff, as follows : Mall east 9.M a. m.j Mall went, 8.20 p. in.; Accommo dation west, 8 Ola.in.t Accommodation eont, 3.40 p. mi th'Kt nv as Exi't.o'tox. Two ymtng men, .'innnmixii end .Tents, were pre- pnrlng n bln-l in one of the nta mine South of Krnmer one day liml'nerk The powder was iguiied and Ding man and Tciils were badly hurt. lhn tors arberand finsinirpr dressed the injuries and st last accounts are doiuit as well as could be expected. Extensive Fire at Rcctlsw llo. The most destructive fire that ever v'uited the Big Val'ey was Hint whie.h occurred al tuedsvilln on Monday night !nnt, deslroyin tho warchniiae nf (tine A -nry and tw.i a Ij iniiig dwellings. The lire started in the warehouse, and was first discovered between two and three o'clock Tues day morning, too lale, owing to lack ofw.itoranl other iiioaih, to hriiiji the fire inio 8.il.jm-tion The ware- 'home contaimMl ah nit 'JO.tKlO bmbeU of wheat, J)l bushels of clover seel, s cur load of s ilt, a quantity of bran, and the ariiclc usually kept in n warehouse. Very little, if any, of tho wheat can be used, but tho salt scoin cd to have sullrred little injury. The books of t'no warehouse were saved There was an insuranco of $1,000 in (ho Home of New York. f'.,(KKllii the Phoenix of f.nudnn and and KM in the Kistuicnqnilliu Valley .Vutual. Thedwcliin house were occupied by Wm. Henry and Sallio i'lylnr, ami their houshoM rllecls wore all remov ed by too eclio neighbors. Tho warp house nnd ouo dwelling wcru owned by G. Clifford Kioo. and were insui . I in tho Vu'ley Couipiny for HOiirly fl. 0tX. Tho oilier dwtlling bclongiid to Miss Taylor, an I was not insuro I. Tho dwelling houso of Peter Sivino hart, iiboul 'Si feet front the ware house, was In great (linger, bul wa saved by the active cll'jrl of tlio poo ,le. Tho total loss by tho fire Is p'need al 'to.Oirl; tol.il insurance, about !", 000. A purl ion of tho wheat whs on slorsge, Thcro had been no lire at llio end ol the building where t1o lire started, and it is believed to have I'cct the work of mi incenili irv. Thy n particularly of so much wheat, is tin most serious Millli unity has hm! for several years. LnatfotM lc;n u:il nnl fit ittiihtl. MIDELEBURG JWCE MARKET. cnrarriKit wsski.t sv .7. W. Droosoi Potatoes do Butter per pound h)gi:s per ilo.eu Tullow per pound l.urd t'berries Noeedllherrle Blnckberi'ie Ituslierrieii Dried Apples Soap Hides UK. ;;o '. on ii 04 1H in 8ft ot 4 to (1 7toH ill hhllf burg llliirlict, CilSnSUTSU WSSSI.T ST Bimonton, Harber iSc Co. GflAIS & SHEDS. Wheat perbuHbel 1 25 1 an HO 7ft 4(1 1 IS) 460 to 4 73 IS H 8 28 A 6 H 24 2ft 100 10 (HI 8ft to SO 2 00 0 7ft e 00 4 00 Wheat. No 'J. Rye . 1 1 do Corn flo OatH do ' Piktntne Cloverseod per bushel VKODUCK Cherries, pitted t'berries. iiupitted lllucklierries Raspberries Dried apples Spring C'hicken Turkeys, Butter, prime Kjtk Onions Lard Tallow Oak Ties COAL. Pea Coal Client nut Coal Blacksmith Coal Kgg Coal IM.VlMtli:i . Deo. 1. at Beavertown by Rev. 1). M. Utetler, Miss Hiisun Youtiginuu and Irvin Howell, both of McClure. Deo. 4, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Htetler, Miss tiuxali June Row, of Monroe township, and John A Oer hart of Centre township. Nov. 24, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Miss Ellen C. Ktruub and Mr. Noah Wise, both of Washington township. Nov. 27, by Rev. W. A. lloas. Miss Sttvillu Balleyi of Monroe townsliip, ami Mr. frauds Miller of 1'eiiu twp. Deo. 1, C. W. BaiKluis of near Cen treville ami kiln Kmiuis K. Moyer of Union Co. Nov. 87, John Mengte of Washing ton township, and Miss Mary K. btlv er of l'erry township. . ...J ! IUU.-1 XL 111 Ill .1 JDIKD Deci 8. In WasbhiKton twp.. Matildu, wife of Sylvester Reioh, aued lid years, 6 mouth and 2'i day. Nov. 1, hear Adumsbtirir, Sarah El- i .U,...l.lu. i k'.liraliLll Vintar T Tl w t . Nov. 27, at Bsayertoni Cor L- ifettw, d. .Jgiiter or isaao ami f-ina:iqBrtia w uk. Wfc hum . l-'all. iged years, 8 mouths anUl M4X IB Mfx. CZ1 ta Congress Hal! Open Again For Ear Cains In s IT3 e79 m (51 Ms tiB 5 Tho nlmve Stem has been cloned or the hint 11 weeks on nccouni of iln dentil of (he proprietor, Mr. I). Mv;:x. I, tl'O iiiiiiei i.nned, hereby rri-pei S fa a I -'y iiniiiiiinre t i the public enenilly. thiit Imvit l.ilifii rli.tit'O of llio aiiiui' mid liuve iu addition to llio lurce ilnrk ttliieh i'r uie into the aloro jtist helore tny Im-haii'l di id, received another lare invoico of ii A l.ll'IO dasnrtmciit of Mi'u'h, Wo men 'h ii ml Children's HI iocs of All (jinnies and I'iuts. Tho Solar Tip 3hoe3 for Children From C1.13 Upwards, WOMAN'S BUTTON FII0ES In largo Variety. A. lllll -VwMfltllliMlt JjTHlJH, I would inoi-t respectfully ask the nulillo to call and look at my stock and examino my prices, which will al ways be found just as low as ths low eat. I will continue the lutslnesa ami pro pose to keop always the tost quality of goods for the least money. 7nping to receive a full snnre of tbo patronage of tbe publio, I roniuln, llesnoctfully. HIHS, II. A1ARX. Deq. 1, '81. . . isornoii3s Tilt! Si nnsl flection for tJircctorS of lh fRANSI.lN MITlJAl. Rct.trr SSSOUlSn i'l.f will blilit l lb Hiiuia oiBM,at JUIililiii'tn ruittV. JAW, a:in, ima, l IS i'imIi A. M afwSlah luaaimc t4KkVllar,' Muibr, sud IsiitftHt, sts . ni.sias.ij, rr DOWN LOWER C'Sl'lt t -TI.SB, S0, UllTCIinLL, tXAYt Manufacturers of F1 It. TT f.Vi . re -ru TUB MITCHELL KTANDARI) A1o Ttir-e-Spnnc Pour-Spring Wni-nrn, nn-l Silc-Sr!nf lUtftvirt. Th.MITCIIKirVArinrliiM,Srrr1oflhK-i.h..nir,-vcrv l- .tnclc lnt In lit CM).' tfncttoii anH ma.is by lh brM wt mochinict in ih worl.f, ilie Spring 'ac'n ariS flngirv . (Mttmrnl nlirvljr KiuraK fr.mllht ) m ( li ).. Ant f"r lh intnf iri,iruf tu W roikw havt fuiluwi uniurUMd. SmS for tl..ipi i.l lil i.lr iir.M'rin I i.t. ntTI'llPXI.. I,KVIS Ac ., Ilarlno, VI. swVslBBS7WSsssssssssB.sBMsjijsssBs SsjrWSjsjsjjssssjttssa,sss Tt.i - f ana,Ctt-3 rn'r dry it n s'iri t r -ii mi IK -iftntrf ffr ITHnuliTI - t i v i-riv.r -tort stsjt , oeM tor hi- 1 tll B irr riirn. n'n rtnlnwrmn II of H'1r IHsf llD't S( ) Wtirt h"V- . rt t 'I I' i it nn I tn..r site IP. tir,n r f'-t' .tli-.M. m)blMf ftm mnniy iJt k l H.n- . nentfja, I'liDs. irte f if r inaiiti-tfrt m.ot ( ,t I't.in. W cHtir M'aa. 1l tirVis)g rmI f rlil . aS-leSSS ssi fsW'l-a" S- S I) dlMSMMlU'! S NOi t('i: t tor ot n 'iMlnlriMnn ori . ol llpvl.l SiimI. r, il r "'.1 , 1 1 w ol I -ilo i I .v i'., Si.V'icr r.f-nl v, lonit' . Ii , i It'tf l i-n irr.'ii'l lo th nti.in .ir rir.l. 1,11 i . t -on it n- Iriir i i--tn rlvrn Iri'lci-'o'l lo .it.) ,it rjon-l.! M innl, lnioiN.I-,t frnviM ' I. wttln Hi htvlrm lii' ill ir rot ilium iluljr J!bnl!cntt.l fur ,ititiiiient lo 8VMA V SV lifU. I'or , ibi. AilniluiKtt.itils, dm; 4 I l'f IINMSTI! TOU'S VoriCI' S VIKI, h hll i , iliTPreO . Iflfl, l.f At i .. ill r ft twp., Shv'rr r,i;i.iv. I' tfin'.i , I fv irn lieen iirsn'f.l .,, nu Irr-L fn-l. all i fcn tw I i m tliir-iItsi iM-l-ttrr-'l t.i m t)siit9 sit rs. istss t in iMn tn'iril, kfit i(rnni, w htlo lliiti tmvffiif fl.itm will r-fnl lltoiU il Jlv iiiitUntirtiiil fir!-tDfit t.. I1I-..N .1. I-VI1 . Prt. I. As1ii:lnir.ttr. a in 'mniiinr DllilUD 10 U'JIUlJsd Mo nw Y ir, jml ni-enl" w mtir ir In nnU Irira 11 rr ut ni' Ti-T li. the Hi H n y . Mill itltnrWitNl I tin, fa f u til ln0 no limit, tnit e til ill onre I tr trrtt.? rif l i.l nrt h'til ira nl iir!;i,irM mi i y, anm.wn tty TIIK Hllll. M'lirip, I'ra.'M il, l "r.imi, puK ufr Itio fu'l flip ItluMrtitlnnn nn.) ah itrutet mi if), M.in N cii, l tr fit r. r irx I ciiritnoliistU'lly nn ! nutli nnn i in tlntt'iiietmrr.sHvo ut th rUT Inr '! hi irtlit : ititit. Ilfsvliitt sin ltttm(ti nle. Alnihito Ijr nllepf)nikiii to mry 'r- hr nful multit ill tlld Mlt.. I'll" tfrrMt.-.l ! I li.ti-H.I 1 1 IH 0 porlffl umlnrntnn-llnii of "itixl'ii Wnnl.' .I't this hitttk .ir 1 1 1 1 I T trnf.,.t-, I'rlff s)'t.W. out in Kith trv ! et rucl 'tmn l.". T.rrlt 't? m t mindly. I II A V KM. 1 Mill. AM k. 1.(1., (I.lmiio.l.) Ml AMi I'ltlU., l a. FWVATCSALET J Sr, ttii Mluwln.1 il04rt!i I KpH I t.lf, wit : A i:ori.siti t vl nl I m l sil iiit hi Ail- ntnit twp , Siiv.cr p mntv, V , .iittj ml: t boullfisi.it ul l'iusllllf), ooiilskliiltiK Jilt Acres. .1 nr nr to, wLcraun ara erifiH a goal t ruina Dwrllinrf llnnue, Sliiblo .n .! nlli.r niiMi-t li!l,!- .tpM "1 v '.!! w it.- ut lio iIimjt tin Ivltg v unlit nr I il"l fli I "I iru'l lro rumiln,: :itnr ftn Ot'- rrm- -l-irii ftTCi nlllia nlmve I K'"l I '"twr t.. ,.f . tli i I'linrr rli tr mul In a Innb ft to ol citltlvttlun 't'min. n.v yt foi Ihar prM-iilM lilre 1 1 A M I-.' t I "IIT'M V. Nov. ?l, isl. il, r. null HI.' Milr-r c.i. S0TII YEARM.' Ilia) uu I i 1 1 v t ! .1.1 f it ill II V -H tT. Tie IS 1 Alt 1'A M.l.hU II A N . ' It, ISM il" :'"in .r, .i.m, . ii ism, Um it t. i! '.l i.'-t tin I in...t n i . i. Ur pi: p. r o i' hhs. Kv -ry mi y tntmin s m-i!f p irn, 4 I'-i'ir "''"h, wm. njnv r.imif. liUlll'r llf Hl.-I Al'H'i-'l-sa t'MV't (4 It II .-mvv.I'Ml t. ll ..( Mi ut St trl. H, '.., v. U i'. Ihlmnr, Km , M'tknij jinmr In iiii':n mmi tlflM'l't I'll 'Hll Ittuil'. It t''ii'iil Vl.t'll'S, rtwiMllrn mi'l t-'t' ut 'if J pvery Iiim In i;ihi-1"H, titiiltiii Inn ut- inli l-lul i ', f,v,h y h.t If, if . U I ttsf riM'l M, il U I nnl I I si. A )'-.' . 1 1 I a I 1 1- M." I" rl.'t ,. .t, )il'- ' 1- 4- n r ;i iitf .. K " 7' t", t-t tiitr nl vrr h- H .mi if Al -a lit '.TlMl tint (I i.''i-r Oitu 1 I'll r. f lit .' ..t'l.r Hifxiili ft uil'l it , Snii'l tl est i in- Mtiaiil It Ml 1 1 1 1 a M ll ti fill J'ttl 'i tux, lit' fi i , 1 rl l.ir lt.tiii oi H V h-'li- t ir, jnj.. ctiuvli I K 1.1-;. si n i v. VI I' ll.'sN.S I.U I' I 11 l (Ml.. Itir.H.UV. S. II. j'Kiv.vTr. s.i,n or REAL E3TAT2. f JMM. Mtirs .f Miidmit M:iiit!-. I iiiiM (l i- t lir nt S ilo, Hid r. H I -c s,rtti.l ikI K-1. i In tit. A riirl In I.i. 111,11 in il 'I i.i. I nl I it- I liiit'i'ln 1'i.ri y t p. n; l,r I II. I' i. I n ill Ir I I'M I I It rllM.I tin Inl Inn . ', Hi" Ni'l I t t ) I ii 'l "I Kn mil Mllilli, I-:,.! l.v inti.i. . ( It'iTt el I. li it, s nil, i.y Lin i nl iMary Wn. In-, ii nl VVki b; l.iSU li.n.ol AtbtKl cuuulii'n i A i i o mnra or tftN wiili tl.n H.nirtiiiiaii00f, iq m lit. a l art it ul x 1 1 'i tiiiiry I'niiue niifi, liniik D.itn. rt'l nthtr oiitliitliiMnr.", nl-o nn nri-liiiril ot rbulne Irull, axcell.iul wntpr n- nr tn .! i ir. V'nr taunt .'IV Kl I.t. WIS .IIINIIMi nl Mount I'leitantit aiiiin Stitir I'u 1'it . n in 1,1. Any. .1 A i (ill (III.LIhlll', Ml.I'Dol'ur, miller i'.o. fa. ieo. 2.', 'Ut. SHERIFF'S SALE. m Iltrto rf ft writ of Ti, Fa lunu mil if til" I'ullrl i'f t'li'ii'ii iii ni'l. nt Sn)ilfir I'li'lflr. I.. n I In til'. 'I i r.i'-Ii I wlllli.t .iniNi.,i in rittnio it', ni iu tJinii'i ii"ii , in llilil(-iiiiri'.ii iMondiiy. JimiHit 3 1 1. 13S2. nt tOnVI'H'k A. M. Ilii' f'illii Inn ilr rlli". ltal lata, in wit : A c' ft In Ki nf yrn.iii'l .l-intD III lltn fir lli'lVITtltWIt, )l"lVl'r lltWllMlll, .ifuta-MliI, t'liniiili-'l Niiriti Iiv .'litiliit hir.i't, Kim liy I"! nt .1 tini. K i'i'i"tiiiiii, k n ii iiy i, Alh'V. W,'tt lif lilt nr knritlti-lll l.tft. lunar, c.in. ta tnlii K OSK IIAI.K ADUt, luura nr Iim, lmiaill ila arHk'lo i a li... n:., . II Cnin.i.ii,. Ul.-n itiinijj tiuii'i'i 'ini'iniii """J't Kliiltlo. ml nllmr niitliiillillr.'. Mi'lcJ ami inkmt in "ti-.'U'lnn in it in be mlil lha itr.i,..'ily f JOHN I,. HSMP. a. u....i BticrlA'a Uflca, MMiliaburu, In.'. 11, 'al. ii. hi ti.r. ur , finnnu, A.1 DM I N ISTU ATI) U S NOT KM . John Aninan, laia nl I'nlun tnrlili., Nny ilorro , l' ilrs'il, hva baon a ran ail in iha ubaarlbar. all iartuu lti.lei u.il in Hi aitlil t-a. lair ara re'iiat-U in uitka Imruaillala pay in.nt, anil tli'na haying tlaltaa nr di ioamU aa.ln.t lb a.ia-i nl Ilia aalil daaailant will Baka knosa lbs .aina. It li'tut 4. In f. In la V ll' r, niitii.iiv , 11 M. litb, IMI, Adoilblauator. DUBLIO SAf.F, Tlio nndor L aiitnail, Ailmlnlilratura of lit a.la'a of nlilralma of lit .taol Haaror loai Julia U. Hmlik, lataol Haaror loan.blii, any a. in ll il oamail. by ulitu or as nr. rlrr Uiue l out of Iti Orboi (! urt of elt ilay, J AN. 14, IHtt, nn Iha praiiiUat. Iht lo low. ,nJ .lawirlhail Kan I K.lala. In wll: A rarl.lu tra t ol lanil alluala lo t"W.UIp of Haavsr aloraralil, auntalnliiN ts Af'RKa). unirs or In-. bnuttilail nrnn ot lann oi uaorK unaor. i.art bt l.aJ of Paul Hanlar. Hosts ny tauit or lied. Hlluar. end Wa.l sy lamt Kl - Uroialay, liiVraniiars a-aotan a lUaillny NOIlgR, UAKM anil nil ar oulbnildlBiir Satar (lll"a waur an OKI H AUO or plU)l!S trull. C'iiorrlnl to Dtar.alaail rahoot .tbl wnpartw will ol llalv ls .truck off U Iba I'labt.l bUSar alar i.ar..raao'altvb ft. nt. nfaalS Sav. HaU In aim Caanoa al 10 o'olotk a ta.oi fatil Oar whin dua afatSaoea will os alias ssil is ai gala "J ri.o.aMn.. W. II. H III Tl W, I sal. A 'islnl 'rtir-. - i L CO., Hacirt Wis,, V HEIGHT ft OjrSi Pl.ATPOHM ). Vki.no WAIiON. MlO - i J.7 U Dr. J. A. H n-.n's metliol . t .,! vl;i,uii th u 'i" Ift m.ll.t. Th." n l..i I , , 9, rs M I I li t. , M .rr M.. ,,r. 1 1 l Itltl I I ml . !,' 9 r.l ..(. tin - .' y. I ; ,. ,rr. ,.r I.t. r -I v ,rr r '- Ii. n m n- r,l rnrli I ,'. - i V'.j'r v N. V :m wi,,,, mi. v l.,r. I . i. ...I M.lxiiUra : ft itituiinr, iiar itii tro-f i.n.rr SSSIS - ,ss I . Christmas Kit V1; . I (1 .1 v -ii "I I .1 -m ' ' ' ,r a . i' i J i". " I C. ..I l'H-. l." ' -M fuhf.l .IwHltTv I . r I ',. N,im-III.. v . ii I. ml in i ii I II ' I. , ' lint v'i n ml. v . lor k mi I ntfrniH. s-ni ut n... Mini'. I II I" ., N.; ..'I, ii.i!n .in. I. iii . f ii . Ii.". lit ',... "i Ak "( ' . Ii 1i;"IT!()!i i Nth I'. K.,., hm I 'll rlli'j'ni t-n o i- 'ii-t r( 'nt I't'io S ill.lii in. lr. .t, iiiir t I t ' tr llsnriitp Sfiwl r I'l.illilv, I n , urn- t").h. , ,t lliti m llrrMtff I . .Ml frii ti k . . -w ! tt tli Mn-.' rs) I r.!i i, i t i ptil h 1. 1 :; ! s- n .. lr In-fit : dl 'o i j ti r i. I'... h! v in 4 -iutii t n ill i".-'ui Liirxn iir suaicn. 11 tit Is. K. II A1M-1. AtU l". . .(! l..r, Public Sale 1 MIT. en l. 1 -ii.ii ed. Ilveenl.ir nf ItH In.l iil itl I 1 o.i.in.ui.t nl I'Klhirlni .siiIiimi ip. l no oi i:.M' r i mi, hi., n.ir 'iiif.lv, r.i, il'i iil, wmi .1 H- i,t I'u.illj sle, nn Hi" .ri-'n 1 in I n.'i-ir (. 0 1 S.ttii,l.V, l 2Hii. MSI. ihn 'Minvln ;.r. 'rl. 1 t:.. 'iiii'it. 1 1 wit a il IM I.I 1 1' lK i.U II . II lilttK In 1114 ttiwn nl A iluiniit.il iiliirv.l.l, Imunilail t'.t tv lOlll'Irnl il.li'. hHri. Nnrlli l.v 111 A 1 1 r j M-.t.tti t.jr 1'iiitl" l:..i.l. mii'I Ut-t i'V vinr. f in v in ll. nr. r i-n h.i il . i, it , n huraun ard orn.'ibil K'Ki'l -.l'l,m h i i r.lo I 1 l until I louse, oiliili It a l.'N n.l ill., r mill ,nl,lliir, n..i l rlnt nl w iht in hi mi 'l.iir with utt in.ii..'rnt irill4 llmli.0 Ii lit Irn, s.i. Al. Ki t Tl.t'tl l.oli tllMiin In Hie r. i m i Hi, tun ii uf Ail inil' I ii t k ul'in'-.iiil. A I.- j I .('Vifl tn.irttor lr., f Uu ,io In 'I iv?r t'vri'ii, in I. '4 i ft.il-i nl i'l'tiv it :i,ii A1i. it Ir ,--t nf U n mi, I Mi ..in mi it. Hi-, t.,,. ,1,., mum. .il l. n I I Ml ir'M liy l i'il uf Mlnliinl W. nn.l, K..I ml ', !; Iinl nf ',i ll ru-r, urn UU t) l..n,. . I t.rv Korn. .unl lining ;i a 'r It --it i-"i 'i. nt l;t : X. M. st lil .iiv Hii ii.i ni tiiii-,, t ,'i. . H.ii i.o iilrvn an-l lit iii4 I - i.o iii.i ie biinvru t'r I.. It. mmf. Poo. IV lt. Ctni'uior. : TAYLOR it.i w.iti: r., ni:w vomit. Tho tilii'ct, tiiccl and best goddj mails. Cusrantccil purL', superior in ipmlity and sly!'! of M biT to any lirand in ths woild l'.ikci Ur f;iuiililjr to da the ntno miiI.. Ask your grocer for it, and linve no other. Sheriff's Sale B,y. vil .iH' of Ii wi it of Vein! IU. 1 i ., .1 il nl l!.- I '.i I- nl I ' nil ! 11 ii tit .1. t r t i. I t I'l jr Ttl'.l Will bl Cl i -uli nn ti.ij ;.i in t.-N sMtiinli. .Iiti 2n l ls-', lit "'. I .'k . m., t'i.' ftill itVtiit; r- ti-jij'iril iitrni l-.stn't rl : Ai ' t'.tt i li'l 't tt l l.i l stiUMl, .il V, -I r ,y t" ' i I. 'i', M.y.i. r s-.tin v. I'm . I uu !. I N irf'i hi. I .it ti.i UihIk of Hi I'm i it K'ni" ll.tTl . Mill li I T lifl'l Ut .lolilt (I'll. tit. ttnt( W iMi I l.i Hit J A ii lf,iw H- tm ol ur, c ntiluiu Xiimty .rrcfl, in 're itr1' ll ri"iinepr cii'.l ft Pwcllin? s'iniBo, lnrn unit otlirr niiitiMiMitit!. . Mi i ti n. tail. i ii tti sr 1 1 ! n a I n l m1 1 an liitj uriitiKiiy of .htsKl'll IKI.Nt;r. . I lil.l Nilf- H. SlurlfTj Shi-rir.'si Hlhro, Ml.liil. 1-urt', I.', VALUABLE FAUH AL Private Sale, flMir. follow ii viiliiiil.ln Kriil v.m I il l iitlirnl ai irlvnia tla an I ini.,t bS 1 tnld l All ll-ut rarlaiti i iirrruaua tenauieul, SD.I Tract of l.nnd Irlnir In I't lnn lnanrliln. SnTilar loiiflir. I l".ui...il auriu by Inn j nl mum lllii.k 1..I l.w il. v I... i.i I'nrl I rnvnrfnr. Kn nh - - . ". 7 . . .. . , t.v lan.lii nl .liirnli ll iiill anil It'll la I.i im', ar'i l.-il by luU'ii nl w. ir. nai rui'i nun, buoiaiu. Ono noilrcd Acrtfl. mnranr If", nf ahlrh aimut 15 sorai III oti tluikar. Tbaio Ii a itobil Ursa I mi nk ll iro on tti prrmlai iiirda trait traaJ, and a flnrf lnua nf walat. t'ot lartni so. whloh lit t a aay apply to t'MOM NAT. nNK, , I.awUlmrir. fa.' Of M. I.. M( Hll(IHv , Now Barlln Fs. Sapi.M.'at. tr. tX HOI! TO US' NOTICK X il ailan tattamamarr no lbs sf ,1'iilah lliilf.laia nl Wa-blnsnin twp. riyilar IJo. fa., ilea'il, bavo ttai a uranlal in I hi" OS tar lanO'l. All uartHina knuwliiif Ibamaalfaa la- dalitail loaabl ait4ia will niS'ta imika I mm ail I-' daiitad loaaiti ait4ia kiu iiiO'ta imika innaui-' alt i.ytueol wlilla ihoa barlurf olalnn aiiali alii attaia Wilt firaanl tliam Inr aatlTaii anl Is rft.ian ii ninitri. . . , . esaiuiiir iu rr. Ko. 10, lssl, Kaat'Slora, lOir.HAIslSs fPIlK nmlxraitfiied fiiTnia for nit L aaaaral Rlmnladtlaiiaillan f haap-Sna.la j uxk. for vriaa fea. sail au oraMi.i.s J, lv.ksxmOs i--:i.uu.i;.n;:jt v iZ e-W l-iwh K I 0 Caci P 3 . .A.H-mli ... tae. I Vsi.lf. mrPtSTStsti'dt u., i .... Obun'jr 8itptstutti)denwtor oe. trial'' , Dec. 181.' Jjs. s v I Dm'. tl.'U.