The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, December 22, 1881, Image 1

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All advertisements for a shorter pe
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The Christmas Dinner.
Howe'er we've lived for twelre good
Let's eat our fill to-day, my friends;
And drink the health of friends and
Both near and far away, my friends.
For this one day forget your cares,
Your business troubles ban Inn, do,
And by and by, like morning nilst,
Tour appetites will vanish too.
The dinner-bell! the dinner-bell!
Hark I don't you hear it ringing, oh!
All through this land of peaee and
New songs of plenty singing, oh I '
Kind hearts and helping bonds have
Sure sympathy for sorrow,
Ood bless the deeds of love to-day
In many a glad to-morrow.
Vain were our toll o'er earth an sea
If He who reigns above, my friends,
No helping hand would lend, to bring
Oood harvesting of love, my friends.
So here's a
eheer, and "three times
For this our
Christmas Day, my
May hearts be glad, and all things sad
Be banished far away, my friends.
Christmas on the Cypscy.
"So to-morrow's Chrlxtiuas, muss
mates, an' the Uypxey's mill at sea,
An' we ain't got any turkey, nor even
a Christmas tree;
Wall, times do change as men grow
old keep her a p'lnt sou'weht
We're here at sea, mi' our wives at
home; may be It's all for the best.
'Aye, home Is a plenxant place to-
lilght, full of pleasure an' joy;
I - wonder how the good wife in, and
how is our black-eyed boyf
Ood bless 'em both, an' from care an'
pain may they be always free
Give her a little more canvas lad, an'
or two on the lea."
As the Gypsy rocked the sailor slept,
dind dreamt of his wife and child.
And fanciful scenes rose on hin gazo as
the storm beat 'round him wild;
In his far-away home, just bauk of the
mil), were songs and shouts of glee.
And neighbor and friends assembled
there to lead np the Christinas tree.
The lights burned low the good wife
elept, and all was Hll in the hone,
When two little feet were heard on
stairs, like the tread of a little uiuiiHe;
And the sailor's boy, with a stooking
well Ailed, tiio't of his father at sea.
And hnug it np for Bantu Clans, with
the words, "Give to pupa for me !"
A Good Time Coming.
There's a good time coming, boys,
A good time coming,
And toys shall strew the nursery floor,
And little stockings hang on doors
la the good time eoining;
The children, eyes with wonder bright,
Shall go to bed to-morrow night,
And long, oh! long, before 'tis light,
Shall clamber shouting down the stair,
And raise a merry bedlam there,
In the good time coming.
Krlss Klngle drives his reindeer team.
And hope and love grow stronger,
And life Is radiant as a dream
Walt a little longer.
Again at Christmas did we weave
The holly round the Christmas hearth,
The silent snow posses sed the earth,
And calmly fell our Christmas eve.
The yule-log sparkled keen with frost,
No wing of wind the region swept,
But over all things brooding slept
The quiet sense of something lost.
Who showed a token of distress?
No single tear, no type of pain;
O sorrow, then can sorrow wane?
O grief, can grief be changed to lessT
' Christmas In the Odlen Times,
Heap on more wood! the wind Is chill;
But let It whistle as It will,
We'll keep our merry Christmas still
Each age has deemed the new-born
The fittest time for festal eheer.
And well our Christian sires of old
Loved when the year its course had
And ' brought blithe Christinas back
With all Its hospitable train.
" 0 Holy night; "
O holy Night! which has brought down
The blessed Child to us below,
Who'gavest us the longed-for peaee
U holy Night, we hail thee now;
For he who turns to Jesus Christ,
Who truste In Him in all bis woes,
To huu In life ia eomfort sent;
tlcbt who In trouble to Him goes.
f 1T I 1
VOL. 19.
Meleot Tale.
Ada Van hassaST
It wet Christmas eve. Before a
blaeiog 6 re in aluxarioot apartment
sat a young girl and a middle-aged
man, earnestly engaged in conversa
tion. "I tell yoo, Ada, it is no nse to
urge roe. I will never consent.
You, a Jewess, to marr a Christian
and join the Christian church 1 Neo.
rt 1 Have I not suffered enough from
Christiana already f Do they hot
despise ns because, and only because
we are Je we t Now, girl, remember
what I say. Marry Herbert Gray,
and join their church, and I'll turn
yon oat of doors without a penny."
' lint, father, suppose we are
wrong, and the Messiah has eome t"
The man qnivered with rage, and
springing to hie feet he confronted
the girl with glaring eyes.
'Yon have eaid eooogb," he thun
dered, "never let me bear that word
again," and taking hie bat be started
from the room,
Ada Van Hassan tamed dreaJly
pale, not at the threat, though she
well knew her father meant what be
said, but hie intense hatred to Chris
tiaoity filled her with sorrow. She
bad lately found that "Jesus of
Nazareth ' was ioduod the Messiah,
and beliving on him, his blessed
peace bad come into her heart, filling
it with joy and gladness. But she
bnd not as yet made a pnblio pro
fossioo, and she wished to do so ou
the morrow, the blessed Christmas
day, and had aslced her father's per
mission. It was ' this request, to
gether with tho knowledge that she
loved Herbert Oray, a Christian
minister, that had aroused her fath
er's wrath.
Softly tho door opened, and a la
dy entered who, gliding quickly
to the girl's sida, drew her head on
her bosom and kissed her fondly.
My deer little Ala, mother is so
sorry for you. But, my child," she
oontinued besiUtiogly, "need it be T"
Mother, don't tempt me." Ada's
voice was husky, and it evidently
required a great effort to keep from
brenking down.
"Forgive me, dearest child."
For a little while there was si
lence broken only by the falling of a
coul from the glowing grate.
"iVother," tai l Ada abruptly. "I
wish you believed the Mussiuh bad
"I wish I did. my child," was tho
low spokeo answer, bat farther oon
versatioa wa interrupted by the re
torn of the husband and fttber.
Hit brow was still dark, and be paid
no attention to either wife or daugh
ter, but sauting himself at a table
drew forth a paper and pretended to
read. Yet in reality bis heart smote
bim for bis harshness to bis favorite
obild. and be glanced furtively at
her as -she tat there with pale cheeks
and closed eyea. Bnt pride that
night was stronger than love, and
his "good night, Ada when she left
the room for her own apartment
was cold and formal.
Poor Ada I Her mother's fond
embrace failed to comfort her and
even ber lover's letter so cheery and
bright broaght not the solace it usu
ally did, and with a heavy heart she
looked it in ber desk. Then turning
down the gas, and throwing a heavy
shawl around her, she stepped out
on the balcony. II m bright the
stars were 1 But hark I what is that t
A sweet childish voice is singing a
Christmas carol. Nearer and nearer
it comes.
'Glory to God In the highest and
peace on earth, good will toward
How sweetly the chorus rang.
Ada felt the peace stealing into ber
heart "Peace npon earth," the
murmured as the strains died away.
"Oh blessed One, who once was a
little child, may my dear father and
mother soon fiud Thee and adore
Thee as their Jeesiah."
She re-entered the room and ere
long slumber bad closed ber weary
. Christmas day dawned clear and
bright, and happy greetings an I
merry laughter wars beard on all
As Ada earns down to breakfast
ber her inqorlogly
bnt said nothing, fibs met the look
with on uorcfllod brow and a pleas
ant smile, but be knew in an instant
that her mind was made op.
"Merry Christmas" was an un
known word in that family, and no
gifts were exchangod, for as yet,
with one exception, they believed
not in Christmas. Bat Ada bad at
least one gift, for Herbert brongbl
her an elegant ring. We will nol
repeat what he said as he slipped
it on her Soger, where it stare J till
the day of her death, bat a bright
blush rose to Ada's cheek and her
eyes filled with happy tears as she
read the word "Mizpuh on the in
side of the ring.
The bells were ringing a merry
peal as Ada and her mother e ntered
the Christian temple, and very im
pressive was the service that follow
ed. As Ada bowed at the Lord's
table ber heart was fall, and while
as they passed ont of church, the
choir chanted "Glory to GoJ ia the
highest," a holy joy beamed from
ber face, Bute greater joy it was
to bear her mother say that night.
"Ada, my love, I have found the
Messiah. The Christ child has come
into ray heart."
And the father f Unknown to
either wifo or daaghtor he bad been
present and seen that impressive
serviae. is pride was melted snd
his heart touched, and, though he
had not yet acknovledgod Christ as
the Messiah, he gave his full oonsont
to Ada's auioa with Herbert Gray,
and promised to read sometimes the
Gentilo Bible.
Mny be rend it more and more till
It shows him that Jeans is indeed
the Mesbiah, and "the Light of the
world.'' Farm ami Uanfan.
Good Old Santa Clauj.
The popular idea of Santa Clans
finds its oiigio ia cor tain Gorman
villages. San la Claus, known as
Kuecbt Rupert, was not there an
abstraction, but a in to. to whom be
fore Christmas all the parents ia the
villagesent the prosouts thoy intend
ed fur their children Ou Christmas
morning this man, wearing high
buskins, a white robe, a m nk an I
an enormous fluxon wig, weut 'sol
emnly from house to house. When
he arrived, he called for tho ohildreu
who came timidly before him. lie
would qaehtiou thorn as to their be
havior, and in the end bestow his
gifts. Christmas was a sad day for
the children in the house which
Knooht Rupert passed without en
tering. Most of the heathen nations re
garded the wiatea aolelioe as the
betrinuiuii of the roaewed life and
activity of the powers of nature."
They were as fond as we of the sup
ernal oral, and ia their ignorance
soon believed that from the 25th of
December to the Cth of January
they could "trace on earth the per
sonal movements of their great
The Christmas Incident.
I remember so well a laagbable
iooident in our family one Christmas
eve night My young little brother,
then little fellow three or four
years old, was unusually wakeful!
Of course we wanted to fill up the
stockings, and were anxious to got
him to bed. At last his onole thought
of a ruse to get him to bed without
tears, so he slipped nnnotioed oat of
the room, and, going to the front
blinds, asked in a deep, coarse
voioe if all the children were in bed,
My little brother dropped bis play
things and, ruaaing to mother, ask
ed if that was Santa Claus i she
told him it was time tor him to
come round. Well, such was baste,
it took two or three of us to get
bim ready for bed. Again the
deep voioe asked tho question, and
I laugh now when I think of the
deeply-respectful voioe of the little
fellow as he answered, "Fes, sir,
oh, yes, sir, I am in bed now."
Cubitm as Jot. Ah, it would be
well for ns, perhaps, if we could ful
ly forget all else, and enter
into the Christmas joy as beartil y
and as earnestly as do the children
And it wound be better for ail man
kind if we bad mors holidays, more
time for play ind less work to do, in
this never ending strife for riobes
which we cannot take with ns from .
this world, and which so often fail
to give us happiness ber. For the
possession of wealth is not, sfter
all, tbs possession of contentment.
Or ALL the yeas the happiest vlaux
Is that whloh brings old tJanttt CUus.
The Bad Utile Boy. N.y
He awoke early on Christmas morn,
And ruxlind down to the flre-pluoe;
But he curled his small lip in scorn,
And disgust was upon his fair face.
For there In Iiln best Sunday hone
Were no candles, no goodies, nor
But, suggeHtlve of things lachrymose.
Was his mother's confounded old
Must Not be Forgotten.
The children mast not be forgot
ten on Christ ross eve. Many par
ents are thoughtless about the Jit
tle ones, and, look upon presents and
festivities as childish things that are
better neglected than attended to.
What if tbeso attentions are child
ish t How many of ns cannot look
book to erly days and still remora-
ber the disappointment awaiting us,
when, at early dawn on Christmas
morning, we crept ont of bed and
down stairs to find the stocking's
empty and that Santa Clttus had not
been at our home. Ah I the tears
that fell and the choking sensation
that swelled op in oar throats then,
can nevor be forgotten. And when
we went out and mot our playmates
and found that Santa Claus had not
forgotten thorn, it soomod as if all
the world were unkind, and that
there was litllo to livo for worth tho
Do not forgot the children. Lot
it not be said that Santa Claus has
neglected oue of thorn. Let there
not be a single heart made nohappy
through ueglect on this Christmas
morning. The expanse of making
them happy is small and the reward
that will fellow thoir lusty shouts
when they see their well filled stock
ings will ever repay the amount aud
the trouble. Our first thonght on
Ctiristmas morning should be for
the happiuoss of the little 01104.
"ChristiiiiiH comes but 01100 a year.
And when It comes ttliould brin
good cheer."
A Christmas Composition.
Ryder's boy has written tho fol
lowiug O'Jtnpobltiou ou tho subject
of ChiiHtuiasi ''CbriHlmiH coiuusl
every your aud it is the bust day iu
tho year exouptiu' Fourth of July
which is a butter d;iy to lit o ulT guns
and pistols Hookey firod off uu old
guu oue fourth of july un l it kick
ed hiin ogiu a hiJrout and ao awful
bunch growed on his hoad and he
didu't know much for two hours
Christinas is the bust time to get
prebents my sister Lucy hung up
her stockiu' and I put a mud turtle
iu it aud she was fearful mad you
bet if my aunt Rachel should hang
up ber stockiu' it would bold a
dump cart full of things William
Bradshaw eat so much Candy aud
puddiu one Christmas that his folks
had to put him in a grave after he
died I should like to see old Dudley
the truant officer in a grave and so
would all the boys I should like to
have it Christmas and fourth wf July
all the time."
The First Christmas.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord
came upon them, and the glory of
the Lord shone round about them 1
and they were sore afraid.
Aud the angel said unto them,
Fear not 1 for, behold, I briog you
good tidiugs of great joy, which
shall be to all people.
For unto you ia born this day in
the city of David n Saviour, which
is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign onto yoa
Ye shall fiud the babe wrapped ia
waddling clothes, lying in a man
ger. And suddenly there wss with the
angel a multitude of the heavenly
boat praising God, and saying :
Glory to God in the highest, and
00 earth peace, good will toward
men. tit. Luktii., 9 to 11.
A Cnabm. There is a certain
charm about Christmas that does
not attach to any other holiday. It
may be tbat because it is an inter
eating holiday for the little folk
that tbs older children take such
happiness in it The little ones, af
ter all, are the dearest treasures we
have on earth, and in making them
happy there is a reflected happiness
upon ourselves tbat carries with it
joy and good will.
At Cumwtmas. More than 800 ago an Kuglish poet sang ;
"At CluUtuwa pUy, and make good
I For I'UrUt iuu eoines but onee a year.
Christmas Hymn.
"Let us now go even unto IM lilehem."
O night of nights! O night
Desired of man so long!
Tim undent heaven lied forth In light
To sing thee thy new song;
And shouting down the rtecp,
To shepherd folk of old,
An Aiitrrl, while they watch'd their
Het foot beside the fold.
Lol while ns like to file
Of that keen light lie xIi.mI,
They look'd on his pure majesty,
Atim.t'd, and nore bcxtead;
Io! while with word of elieer
He bade their trembling oeiiMe,
The flocks of Uod swejit sweetly near.
And sung to them of peaee.
All on the IiIIIhIcI.' gratM
That fulgent radiance Ml,
Ho rloxe tlioxe Innocent did pox
Their words were heard right well;
Among the sheep, their win
Home folding, walk'd the whI
An order'd throng of Hlilmilii'r thiii,
White with the smile of Ood.
The waits of heaven to hear,
Oh I what it linixt have been !
Think, ChrlHtiau people, think, ami
For cold heart', for iineleau ;
Think how the times go by.
How love ami longing fail,
Think how we live and how we die,
Ax till were but a tale.
O tender tale of old,
Live iu thy dear renown ;
Ood'xxinilu wax In the dark, behold
That way llix bouts eanie down;
Light up, great Wod, Thy Word,
Make the blent meaning xtrong,
Ax if our enrx. Indeed, hail beard
The glory of thuirxong.
It was so far away,
Hnt'Tlioil could'xt make It near,
And all itx living might dUpluy
And cry to It, "He here,"
Here, in th' uiirextiug town,
Ax once remote to them,
Who heard it when the he.ivenx came
Ou puxtoral licthlchi-m.
It wax so long ago,
Hut tlo I can make iu ne'.v,
And ax with that sweet overll v,
Our empty heart endow ;
Take, Lord tlioxe wordx outworn,
O ! make them new for aye,
Speak "Unto you a child ix born,"
To-dav to-diiy to-day.
AGom in the Heart.
What a cem in tho heart of old
Winter is this holiday season all
tho richer and all the brighter for its
grim aud ghostly sotting. Is there
a sweeter sound on all the earth
than the joyous ringing cf the
Christmas bulls r What an elo
quence sublime a pathos a iniL
gling of remembrance aud regret ;
uuion of the hnppy past with tho
joyous present 1 a wukening in tho
heart of old affections aud friend
ship t a touoh of memory's chord.
which thrills the very soul. All
these sound out upon the cloar,
frosty air upon Christmas morning.
and all hearts are glud 1 care and
trouble are forgotten 1 the burden
is laid down at the foot of the cross,
aud everyone rejoices auew that a
Redeomor is born among mou I
The Yule Loo..
In the olden time Christmas-tide
was known as Yule tide ; tho great
log burned upon the hearth until
Candlemas, when at the sunset hour
it was quenched and the blackened
brand carefully laid aside to light
tba next Christmas fire. We have
no longer the great wide hearth'
stones of our ancestors 1 there is
now no chimney nook where the
good-natured brownie may lurk In
oomfort, and heaven only knows
where our Feoatos hide I Perhaps
iu the piano box, or up among the
branches of the chandelier I There
is no room for the Yule log in our
narrow hemes, and even the forests
have moved ao very far away 1
Two Blossoms. The Christmas
and the New Year are two rare
blossoms, full-blown and redolent
with fragrance, dinging to tho dead
stalk of the dying year, Let us
gather their leaflets while we may,
lest they fall to the wintry earth and
perish. Let us scatter lbs holiday
blossoms far and wide, bearing little
and great joys to human hearts
whispering hope and comfort to all.
A Merry Christmas.
A merry, merry Christmas I
To crown the cloning year)
Peace and good will to mortals,
Aud words of holy cher,
What though the dreary laudoape
lie robed iu drift lens snow, .
If on the social hearth-stone -
The Christmas lire way glow?
' u ' : -
22, 1831. NO, 21
BY BKrt.ltK lllt.U
To every home In C'hrixteudom
A Habe Ix born tlilx day,
For some to worxhip, some to love,
And some to turn away.
Tim light His blexxed forehead x'l vN
Ix holy, and ax bright
A when It lit the mnnger-xt ill
At Bethlehem ti the night.
"Ulve me thy love the Child d th
pie 1 1
Vt Hiiilllug III our face,
Ami ox we nnxwer, xo he xilllx
Our longing, with llix grace.
Kternal Child, niidlord of All !
Turn not Thy face away ;
Hut bide with lix In household joy
This holy t.'brihtinax day.
Oh I we did loxe the xtar, dear Inrd,
The precious offering waxte ;
For we were prone to loiter, Lord,
Or mixx Thee in our h:i-te.
Hut Thou haxt sought for ux ! We
In reverent love, to pray
Hexide the Habe of Hetldehem,
Who aome oil Christ, ii.h d 1 y.
Christmas Stockings.
Some articles of clothing, like
some mon, are born t J Rre'itansi 1
soino achieve greatness, bnt others
have grjatness tlmint upon them,
and undor tho latter hoad must bo
classod the stocking. It is a mol
est and attiring bit of ap irol ex
empt 00 those raro occasions whon
its uoruml filling is of a quality so
fine that to dieplay tho outlines of
the same appears to tho ownur to be
a'raninfoht duty. Yet onco a yeir,
on Christinas ovo, stockings of all
sorts are forced into a prominence
that casts all other articles of ultiro
into tho shade. The stocking
changes its nature, too, and the
incst roinarkuhle fact about it is its
elasticity. A week ago, whilo hang
ing on the family clothosline, a
lady's stocking may bare souinad so
small of foot as to elicit onvious nn.l
even hateful glances from all the
back chamber windows in tho
neighborhood 1 but on Christmas
eve it will accommodate a box of
gloves, a sonl-Bkio eacquo, a grand
! piano or a four story house on ft full
sized lot without breaking a eiugle
thread, while any spare spaces that
result from careless stowiug well ac
commodate package of bonbons,
jewel cases or anything else t'.iat
may bo sioling a hiding pi ico. Tho
tuiiHcaline foot covering has not a
speck of romauoo adhoaring to it iu
any way, shupo or inauner, yet this
also floes into tho traditional chim
ney oornor, conceitedly filled lo the
brim with anticipation which is quiet
sure to bo replaced by reality dur
ing the magical period that comes
butween dawn and daylight. As for
smaller stockings, tho m ro insigni
ficant tbey aro the more they are ex
pected to hold, aud novor do thoy
prove tosuflWout to tho demands
made npon them 1 the wee sock of
tho tiniost popular baby generally
proves more capacious than that ot
the great Goliath would have boon
1. . 1 .1... 1 1 1, 1 n
uttii iui umijiuiuiuoiui uowu vi
such things as stockings and Christ
mas. The trouble with Christmas
stockings is not that they will not
bold enough, bat that some of them
are too big for what will go into
them, Within half a mile, at most,
of any house where tho family hois
ery will be filled on Saturday night
there will be many others where
the stockings will hung limp and
empty all nlgbt long, aud not be
causo the holes are so large that the
contents drop oat. Thors are oth
ers where thore are uo stockings to
baug. Santa Claus, though a jolly
old follow, seems to be considerable
of a snob, and to estimate people
largely by the quality of their stock
ings. As it is the duty of society to
cover up the dofoots of its special
darlings and Santa Claus in spite
of his faults is a darling a great
deal of industry should be display-
edjin muking good tho deficiencies
of tbo old fellow, so that a day which
should of all days in the year be
most joyous to everybody shall not
to any oue be a sorry farce merely
beoause there are unfilled stockings
to think about. iVi York JltralU
Uxi.r One. Mothers, darn the
little stockings up neatly. 'Twill
nevor do to have boles ia tbe heels,
or the little ventilators at tho toes
open on Christmas eve. Have on
ly one bole In tbo stocking and let
tbat k s a largo one at the top.
Published evr-ry Thursday Erenlntf
Terms of Subscription,
aide vithin six months, or S2M)lfnot
paid within the year. No paper dis
continued untii all arrearages are
risid unless at the option of the pub
iaher. Subscription mitside of the count
trcrsons lifting and using psperS
addressed ' others becomesubscrihers
and are liable for the price of the paper
The Mistletoe.
When winter nights grow long.
And winds without blow cold,
We sit In a ring round the warm wood
And listen to stories old!
And we try to look grave (as mnldx
should be)
When the men bring In l.w of the
laurel tree!
Oh! the laurel, the evergreen tree!
The poets have laurel, and why not
Ciimmtmvs Prkxkkts. In bnying
Christmas proxents for tho iittlo
ones, a much care should be exer
cised as iu the purchase of tho de
mands for their every-day wants.
A presont for a child cm bo both
agreeablo and useful. Mony parents
buy articles that plonso the little
onos only for a times, and are then
thrown 0110 si la at melosi. when
tho same money, expondod with a
trilling cro, would provilo articles
that the children would troaeuro tho
whole year through
A RiCiiKii Oi.ow How merrily
tho Christmas chimes ring out t how
joyfully tho suu shiucs, and glistens
upon tho nparkling snow ; how the
cold wind caromus tho chouk, bat to
give it a richer glow 1 and how un
mindful we become of the fact that
rudo Winter is at our thresholds,
and that want and poverty are lurk
ing somowhero near.
"Chmlin'is is very near, and while
I write my soul exults at what I
kuo the Merry Diy shall bring to
countless fellow croatnres ; bnt host
aud du irust, to the children." wyi
nor Mix.
Pon't Foiioet Tho Norristow
thrall says "ft litors always
mombor the poor at. Chiislmas
spoils the charitable etToct h
dinf, "tint is, thoy nevor 1
Mood 'oM');iu7, Srrnfidtn$ UU
cr ami Itchiiij Humors, 1A
tf'tiiti anl (tlmdulir
S 'fell in if
Mr. A'ltart Klnunhurir, Kn. V. H Iron.
' 10-1 witii bvl hnin'r nn 'iinJi xnl n"k. flu
I-'l lv l'l piiltonlnii, (lia'i painter. I At
tl'iiai II woulil b-k ant. cr- opto anil tba
.kin aaparata from tlie daih In laws ptaeaa,
.ntlarlm rant nnnllnual Itrlilnal .'"l tlnich.
I I'uiclia.n.l your raina llai l ua,l Oi'tici'b II k.
oi.vki r intarnaily, an l tirriecs nn.l Oct.
c K.iip itarnaUf, an.l In lii than thraa
nwolui aflm'tail a cmnpiat our-. nt1 haa mil
lean trmitil-il alnna. 0.rrittnratii by Milliard
li ro.lar, limuHktf, Kaauo.C. U.
.ur, kahtii.
J. W. Ailaina, NVwar. HLIn, tap t ''(Icti
t't'KA Kkmkimkm xra Ilia irrta-t ana'tlflnea
no aarth. Mail Ilia worat alt rhauin la
tlili county M , moiljfr hid II twenty jaar,
anl In lant ll I Irnm II. I iM-lOra tlcnei
wnulil bava aavri hrr Ufa. My arnia, braia
ami haul, wara envura.l fnrthraa jar. whirs
nolhlnv rallavaitor rurail until I u.a.i tl.a Oct.
I 111 H t Internally, ami UVTireiiA
and I't'Tii 1 n iteraailjr.
II. K. t'arpanlar, T.'i , Hani 'Mon, N. Y.
rureil or lRortafliN jr l.aproay, ol iwanty yaara
tanilln, liy the III ricfii Rkilvt lo.
terneliy. anil IIiitii cx an l Crni liii XJna
itarnallv. The noil w.tnilerful aa oo rao
oril. t-'ura eirllnl to befnra a iu-tlea of the
' n1 priMulnanl eliliona. All sltllnlail
with itahliigBBilft'itlr iIIm.m tbauld ftBiMe
ut lor Isli taitlmoolal la lull.
8 A. 11" HIIKt .M.
Thoia who baa aiperlancel lb torraatitf of
Malt Mh-uiD aaa appr-olata Ilia agony I en
lured loryeare. unit! cured by the tU'Ticeaa
Ka-01.vK.vr Internally anil CUTuia VoArei.
tliia. WM. PEL LI. to TON. Sharon, Wli.
r n t us.
and t'l'Tii cai mf eiternaltr
ItyaM rttiTicvRA
ItKaoi.vaNT tntnrnally will puilllvely eure ev
ery aavelei ul lluuiur, (rum a Cuainioa Pimple
t ttcrofuta.
Frloe of iii'Tiri'se., email liotea. iuj lariia
lml, CiTKil'M Hanoi. rsT,l per bolile.
rirrni'iu Muv, ur. ci'Tiftia. bHAviae
bor, 160. Sold by all ilruKuleia.
Keiail, WKKKM POI'l'tiH. liittna. Mail.
Mori's lial Gore
Complete Treatment
Hinroito'e Radical Cubs. (Utiui Sot
vt and lui'Hovau Inhaluh, with peolfloS
iireriMine, war now ua aaii 01 111 araanie.B
nrally wrapped la aaa parkaf a, fur ana dol
r, abb lor naarnan'a uiDiviLut aa.
Tblt aeoBomleil aail Ba'-r-falllna treat
meal lualaatly tba aatel paeeaaeeB
l putrid ooueal, auUluai laflaniaiatloa wurn
'Bteadlas la the eye.e-r and leruel.reetor.
be eeaeel of auiell. taata aad beerina. wlienj
t line ted, larvae tba bead Saedenied, elear
nd uvea, tba breath ewe-4.aa.Ba breath laa
Bay, 111 avary eenaw la w eau
oothed aoadltlaa. Internally eeejlnlileri
III alaanaaa tba antlra amuBa osteal tbreuab
Imr Mood, wllob ItnarlBae of tba Bold polaoul
lilwayt praaeat la Llalarrb. kaaaauiBSdaal
W t ''".. ......
aaw .. . Hat.
jr.. 7- nt '
f i '.'rjBBd
Ilea a-
Aek far i
V.fcfckB ,