; Alia ttiddleburg, l)EO. 15, 1881, !rnl lSovi Sec, WwTnaa ttntnTr fniHT.-fh Coari nl kityilwr Oanly ar tiM tin tb Inurta Mondayi I FMirttarr, May, n. sptiabr, nil dond Moatlay el DwiiHr, All communication, lninfurKa let era Ac, for tlit ollk-c, to aectire prompt Attention nlinnni un aiulrttFtil a follow, t Thr Tout, MitUllflung tfnydur Omnty, Pa. Advertlctiienta. oomnniiiciilioii Ac. muni be liiiiidr.l In by Monday ito on, to senile ineor ton in next leatio The allenilnnco nt Court U hire,; Tlio ground wit covered with enow t n Monday morning, The Kt. ('titer's H. will hold their annual Christum fi'Mivafnit Situr.liiy evening 'bo. -I, '81. All ure invited to attend. Frisk Rum and the Celebrated L'hsnibersliur Numeric. fViink W a niinon-pnro, native-burn Fr.mk.lin townahiper ft live agenta truthful mid fnir-d!iliii yo'iiix man repre senting an old mid roli.iMo Nursery. li yon buy trees from him yon will he ure to got whut you wmit. Mrs. Pan CiM'He. of fmvii, came on licre to nlloitd her mother', Mn. enjtuuin Vit'.cninyers, fluent. The ilclnys itltuinling such a long journey rev.iitcd her from roaching hor par vnts home in time In lie present at the funeral. She brought with hern very interesting It tta i"ii. ChrititmiH Tree nro lo iilui at-l will l0 in full bloom on or about thu -'', inst Tlio Iciio vinif ones my tho Kviin Helical troo will hloom on I'li.lny cve- . iiing tliu Lutheran ml Saturday cve- liing tho V. U. on .l.indiiy evening Dec. ii, 21, and 2(!. Ckstuk .1 MR ti. Valentino V;ilter' liig hog woighod, i!reo I, ."srjllw. nv prdiitirr. ShuriiF lt"ichty an I O. W. Hundern, committee on gu'Mi-ftind awarded it to Uuoiko Stino mid Sam Hhruder their gito-M wns fie 'ii juutof tlio fun I fS Juiiies Fiukholii', whopo n crju iM ii 1 ol tho murder of hi ftlnr in l.uuvr Mahnnoy, took plui'H onn year ago, nnd who hits broil Kept in jail aloco for vniit ttT (nil lo keep the pence, trim re. loused on Siitur.liy, Jti bilim i..i during IiIm inciirecrtion in hhLI lo have been veiy good. S.iii'ihi'J (1 ifttr. Tliree men were ivinm.lrii, in Lew-i-itown, on S iitur!ii , '.y one dixi'limi of ii gun. Tlioy had lieeu hunting nnd u one of them pullu I a g i i out of the wiiguii hy tho barrel, the luiiiini r cnuglit mid it wad dixcltiirvd. One man was shot in tho client mid the two others, in t'luarm. Tim onn nli.it in die chest is very severely rvotiM.li.'il. Tin Kt.ny of the pci formmicfi of a remarkiililu rnMut d g i inui's to us from l' i it tuv.nV'. Tit a ii i a I'elougs to Mr. . II. Speelit, living on Hon. J. II. Packer's lo ver fai'.n in thai to'.viiihip Thod ' drove a ra't'dt in t in hollow o. mi l 4he.i willi a ie i f uit pule Mtirre l it o.it tin I i iiu;;iil it. For n n explanatiu'.i of Ii w tl i i h ivuk l'iin wo would leter liupiiriug renders to the owner of the du. S luhnri (lit trite. . Aga n in lail, Willlnn Iloiigl.md, who w.ii eon vlcted In the courts of this county in 1S70 for burglary uti 1 was senteueed to 13 years imprisonment, mid who daringly miidn his escape from the Jail with three others one pleasant eve ning laxt summer, was captured in Kidgewny, Klk eounty, on Thursday night last, and after passing the night and Friday in the famous cell I where English was Incarcerated, he wag safely landed again in our Jail on Katiirday night at one o'clock. His rapturers were two policemen from Kidgewny nnd he was taken without any reslstenee. Bunbuhv Daily, A History op Lasdiioi.oino in Eno I.axd. Hy Joseph Fisher, F. It. II. 8 J- Fitgerald & Co., Publishers, 143 4 ill Avenue, New York Price 13 cents. This work hears in its title its o"" sufficient recommendation to public favor. Toe question of 1-nnd Tenure is to day exercising the minds of think ing men everywhere, nnd no one who lias the heart or the intelligence to take a part in this grand contention, on the one aide or the other, can adord to disregard the rosulu of Mr, Fisher's laborious investigations.' The book is temperately written, its conclusions are firmly baaed on fuels, and often the author pj's well known historical incident's in an original light. It is Published aa No, 27 of the JlombolU Librani. and is for tale by A. K. GIFT. Mothers Doh't Know How many children are punished for being un couth, willful, and indi Heron t to in (ruction or rewards, simply because they are out ofhoslthl An intelligent lady said of a child of this-kind : "Mother should know that if they would give the little ones moderate dose of Hop Uittera for two nr three weeks, the children would be all a Parent could desire." Ayer's Ague Cure alionld be in house hr.ld In regions where Fever and !.. .;i ii.UmI.ii. i.l-.. oa Ague prevail. It ahould be taken rsv4,Uliv by evary resideul and ller ia naUrUl JUricu. Letter fnm Utah. icntmg Migineers Camp -Denw St monrniKt western Kmi Hoatl fW tulles Kast Ureen river On or near the Colorado line. Monday Nov. SI, 'dl. ToDiUI. 1). CoNRAO-My Denrljfr lou will plea.se excuse the liberty I take in writing you Dut as you al ways wish to be reniPinliered in let ters written me from home I thought it not out of place to write you giving you a hasty and rough outline of Wes tern Camp lire T-.norrow (Tuesday Nov. 2S.) w move eiinip 18 miles Kast crossing the Utuh line, Into Colorado, about the centre of the western boun dry then I am in a Mtatk once more. Our camp consists of 14 men, 8 mules ii horses, a wagons, 4 tents and all the necessary camp equipments. In the ofller tent tin AV. Km . Trunsittuan, (your humble servant; Ivehiiun mid ltodmaii sleep the tent Is the best In the camp, furnished! with tables, boxes, stove, drawing a per, ink, eandlen. Mktm'AL inicsr. and nil kind of official pirpcrs on which t j send In our weekly and iiionthv re ports- bHidea we have a chest of 13 SllAiti Kiki.KS and ftOO rounds .l aiininltion ut the foot of my bed xtnuds 8 loaded rifles and the client by the side of the centre table are 2 revoi vers (7 nh.ooters) now this is not be cause there Is any danger but when an iuiiiiergeucy iIomh occur to be prepared for it. The men have a sleeping tent with a stove in it -ho they do not trouble us muchyou nee we are kept very busy in the ofllee tent work hard all diU-In the field ntid In theeveningpl.it our worli the men all know ubout the rifles and ninuiii t ion und could rush right to them in case of any surprise-In fact tiny man has a right to claim a rifle and 1.1 rounds of atnuiiitioii whkdi is charged to hi account until he returns same In good condition. Since here I have seen no Indians, but we see plenty of signs of their being In this vicinity we see iiloccnsln trucks hi the Mind and fretdi pictures on the rocks (a few of which I have copied.) we are at present on an old Uoservatlou of the LfKS they having been moved by the L M. Troops t j tlieiru t.v Uesar vation about JM miles to our North yet they countdown this far to hunt From our present e.iiiip fan (teo where two lights with tho Indium have occurred within the year-but it js winter and now sejiu conlldent that there will bo no trouble 1 have been in vamp now for two mouths and besides our own party mid uuother F.ngneer party which is following us, have seen but 8 men one u "Cow Hoy" from Ari.oii took supper with us, chattered around our Camp (Ire slept in one of our wagons and in the morning when we got up wa.S uunk. .Ie wai a wise fellow ii native of 4-1 II . . . irj;uun wen eilliciileil, Unt was "roughing it"-u:id like all "Cow Unys" was urmed w ith good revolvers iii'lu giio.l pair oi ".spurs" broad riiiicd hat unj leather breeches t other two men I saw List Suud.iv they wcro also "Cow llovs" huutiiiu (tattle; they passed our camp Ju-.t us we were going lodinncr but did not stop for dinner; wore in a h i ry t in ike (fraud Itiver. Our camp woul.. like to mu a little fresh meat we luiveli ul nothing but bncon lno;.t of the time for four weeks and a little I'resh meat would taste quite well -the men have be.ui out the last two Sundays for deer mi l altluuh the country Is full of them-they were unable to get any. We are living in hopes that the next team from (ireen Stiver which we expect about Dec. i to I I, will biin us some. You eau talk about "roughing it" and amp life but to reali.e it uud get the full benefit you want to be there and very often you would w ish you were elsewhere, (Dr. "there's no place like Pen nr.) The class of men I am thrown in within the o.lloj tent are geii' -rally r.usiern men well educated many of them College men ho we have very nice times talking on ICiwteru topics but the laboring men are generally Mokmo.ms and that means that they are Ignorant, bigoted, and supersti tious generally tay in one party about a to'tl weeks uud then try uu other party und now as Winter sets in they return to their homes in the settlements content to live on their scant summer earning?. You know that tho Moruittiis have the "Dee Hive" as their "Coat of Arms" und I thought a better "type" for the char acter of the ieople could not have been t!ien they resemble the Dee In this respect they (the Moriuans' work all summer uud rest all Winter. The It. It. will have a great tendency to destroy Moriuonisui, aa it is bring ing so many Eastern men and Extern capital Into the country. Marsh, is in the Territory, but 1 cannot say when I will see him. We have about U to 8 weeks work out here and then it is rumored we will be sent into Arizona or California as the winter will be to severe In this section of the country Elevation 63J00 feet or 1 mile above see level. I hope they will ship us aa I prefer a warmer climate, there Is snow all around us at present and we have had several snow storms already, Now Dr. you will be glad to get to the end of this' letter nevertheless I would be glad to hear from you at any time and remember ASY NHW8 are interesting out here give my regards to Sou Ire Wetzel, Dowersox and Sheriff and all the enquiring friends. You and father can talk the letter over then write me and if this letter is not too much for you I will try and do better another time. Yours Truly. A. M. L. FrnEcm Al Urenao. 0n ,ri'', ,vl" vliu " ' Is M'1" wt. Hsk your rte-iicr lof llie ' A,,0 arMV u uU, no otU. cr, Kve; y u has our uuJ tui k on. aept. 23 'SI Qui. Ml H ... ... l-r " weea-overertiwoeu. lVRi.oNKn.-The Pardon .osrd. at its r.eoeiil 'meeting recommended tho pardon of II,.,. .Vcoit, of l-Anna County, imprisoned in the Poyt.,..y .....b.,.cr interesting ono. He was a resident of Archbsld, a quiet, inoHeii'ivH limn whom . tlio Molly Mi up ires of Hint region tried to induce to join their or der. Scott pvrsistciilty refused and one night a party of Mollies lay in wsit fo. liini In ii bridge lending to his home Among llicm was iridium (lnllughr known us the '-King .f lite Mollies," ho had iiuiKiiinccd publicly that hv intended to punish .Scofl nt tho list o. poituuity. Scott was wm ned Hint tin .Uollies were wnlting for him. He tinned back, and seeming a pjstol, re- miirked liiul be luteiidcil to di lend himself nnd unco more started foi lioiue. o cm lied the pistol opcnl so tlmt all could see it. As he iicnie.l the bridge tho baud in waiting cron.l ed nl. (nil nnd sought lo Injure him 4cotl wiirucd llioni to keep oil; llnd iug himself press d too li.nd mid lu ll lo in danger, he fired, killing (i.illiiit- lier. ft wns gem. rally conceded thai Scott lim! rendered tho public a ser vice. Ho was n nested however, tin charge of murkier , uud by ono of the peculiarities of justice, c livicted ol uisiislaiilitcr, nnd given Hie heavy senienco .ifliHiH line mid leu ers in tlio .'iislorii IViiilentiary. His Iriends have inndu rept-ntcd (dibits to have him piiidoucd, mid Oeiiersl W. II .lfctniiney, of W'llkcsl.nrre, made an bloquenl plea in bis belialf. A Good and Clioap Kansas Paper. We mo in receint of tlio WKKk't.V CAPI'l'VI m ,i ia i CAlllAb. so nghi.puge. 4S-cohimu weekly paper, published at Topukn, kiinsns, the Cnpiinl of tho .Slnte, nl One Dollar per year, to any address. It is brim-full of slato news, fonrs pondence, crop notes, murk els, etc., nnd is, in every ies eel, a journal. noun iu miiic iiskc.i lor 11. 1 nose who want to learu nboul Kansas o.. ..11 1 1 .. . ,i.i. . .. -liould send lor tlio t VPIIAI.. .id- dress, 7W.VU Huh On.itat 1'ublUhiuo f biiiyi oi", '';ir.-1 A'uiiiiii.1. .Nov. 21. Iw. .Sol Oppciiheiuier Inn knocked I he props out from under high price nnd tins determined to ibsposo of his large stock of Fall and Winter Ooods at Pi ices loiver than ever. II j and ce. rA.The very lu st Umltr.-tnthh; fiom i") els, nod upward at Oppeuhviiuvr's. Seliusgrovu, P.i. Clear head and voice, env breathing sweet breath, neilecl smell 1 ..... .....1 : .. : ..vi.niin, mi oiiyit, no distress, llnse arc the coiiiliiioiis brought iiIh.ui in Calarih by Hie use of Sanford's Kadi lmI Cure. Completu lie.itiucnt for ti. Nov. Lndies ('..alt selling now cheaper than ever nt .V. Weiss, Sehusrorc. Illsck and colored ("ushmeics in full variety nt S. Il'cis's Helinsgrove. fNlks.Sntins and Velvets utS. WeisV $c!iusgrove. .'vciything iilmut Maufud's liadical Cure for Calnrih invites contiilcucc. A is the piescription nf one of our ablest physicians, nnd is piejinred l.v ono ol the largest and most reliable drug houses in the Pniicd .States. - llutlon Jtmrivtl. Dec. Indulgent parent who. allow their children to cat heaitliy of high-scson' ed food, 1 ich ides, enkos. .vc. will have to use Hop idler to prevent indiges tion, sleepless nights, sickness, piin, and, perhaps, death. No family is safe without tlieiii in the house. Deo - - - . . 11 you nro in neo il or nny Carpets nnd Oil cloth call nt & Wcis's Helins grove, there you can I'm. I a very largo assortment nt prices which me hard to bent. VA largo variety of Mens', I.ndies nun uioiuiuiis iiuuerweur ntn. Meis s, nchiisgmve. People visiting Selinsgrovo would do well hy calling nt 8. Wcis's nod tnke n look nt his Inrgo nnd well selected stock of Dry goods, notions, Ckrpcts etc., all of which he is selling at bot tom prices. New goods rccoivod dnl ly. Doo. 1, '81. 2iv. We invite tho attention of orr rend ers to the advertisement of the Duck eye M'Pg Co., Marion, Ohio, in another column. They offer rnre inducements to earn an honest living. .Sept. 22, Cm, SANTA LAU has established his hondquarters dur ing the Holiday at U1IS Ce HillS, at DEAVEU'S CORNER on Market Slieet, iiiddlehurg. 'a., the greatest variety of TO Y8 of every deacription ever before seen In Middleburg. DOLLS a specially. CoatN, TTlMterM, ol- manti and Nlmwlsj in griat variety. Also a full line of ,' 1NCX OOODH. Any person ueeding anything In this hue will do well In cU on ... 111 1 ill mind u. liliicii .li i JIII. , Aills. Don't forget (lie ver'a Corner, Middleburg, fa. 1 lie West llOHWr Rrtirli" will nt- MOomI.' r,ir..UU,. fl.wl.. ,.f SJ,. p,)tlor ,,,ulty( Bt mmi re.1JI(,nwlla f.rl... IU,.. I. :...'.- a..l: y.,, "'.--".-, a-o, a f'Ctirf i tj e ,, prK.e Imaginable at Sol. Op' ,,,,,,, ,.,., 1 aw-.v full line of Fall and Winter , M.rt,v.,.. 1. 1,. !Wi;i,w Oppelihcaner's Clothing Emporium, ftchnsgrnvo, ra HOW TO INCREASE YOUR , INCOME, .Inst nt this season of the venr there nre, ainohg our renders, those looking forrinplovineitt for the nvxt tl months. We have lutelv received from K K. Hrown k Co., th.i well known manu fncturrs of specialties for" agents fo handle, n request to nut them In pom. muiiicntiou with one or more suitable persons in tills localltv. to net ns agents in iutriMluidntr several of their patent household articles to this com munity, nnd lifter consli'eriition. we take tills method toeonq Iv with their request. The firm arc iiiii'iiiiUi. liners ra large liuiuber of hoiiselud I nrtl- ehs. which thev llilrodin-e lo llw. mil,. nr iiy iiieans in tmenis. Iiuvlmr some. ' times as nihuy as i.issi p rsons in tlndr, i ,,r- m. i ii-iitnr arncies wiuen llll'V sefk to illlr.Mln.e hcfe nt lliij tllll", lire: Prowu's l'eiuless Sifter, giMiernlly nckn u Id .th.. 1),.; in l no worltl. ol whie Ii nearlv one mil lion were sold during the lust venr:' the Kitchen ijoeen. the latect nod liest invention in Coal Oil l.miips, nnl, 1 1 it- only nosoriiet v naie Lamp m i.le; the Centennial Cake and Hake Pan. an article which has n national reputai Hon. nmt Is the ileliirnt of everv lions.-, keep.-r; the Half Mhmte Kgg Heater, which always sells at slcht. nu.1 tlie new Alto Itellevn Hroue Profile 1'iist' I .1 A il Ks A. t AKt I Kid . With III.' luoi'ial frame the t-st selllnir article ever put IiiUi the bauds of nu infent,' the best of Till the portraits, chromos or steel ftigruvitiirs that linve been olTcred. It Is a truer likeness of the martyred hern than anv we have ever seen before, and Its price brings it within the reach of all. for this count y, Messrs. Mrown ,V Co. de-ire ns many agents as can work advantage- Hy. Any smart. Intelligent Indv ..r gentleman can :n ike a line income In tins way. 1 lie linu will send to any responsible person kiii:k who will a slime the ageiiev here and go to Work 11 complete olltllt of these gn'sls, to the umout of live dollars. The reputa tion of this house is llrst rate ; the good art what thev reiu'cM'ut them 1 10 nc. ineir rerius are lilteral, and I ndvlsn those looking for genteel, i remnerntive einiiK.vnieiit to send to ,!., f(ir fther li.formntion. Their I address Is I,. K. ItUOWN ACil (It Walnut !t.. Ciiicinati. O. Oct. 27,0 w. MIDDLEBDESPHOI)DCE MARKEP. cinsrctni sssklt nr .7 . M. Preesoi rotntoes (lo Itutter per pound llggs jx-r doen 'I'alloiV per pound l.nnl t'herres Seeed I'herries KlaeklH'rriea Piisberrics lou :m .'a in 01 111 J-' III 4 totl 7 to H 1 1. r''''1 Apples :' i.li: ill i il il I v h 11 v;s H 'Ai livt c-mnicTr.il ukkkiv nr Kimont.on, Harln'i- c ;t: 1 1. it s .: as. Wheat per bushel Wllvt, .No i. live ( 'oi'll lilts it do do Potatoes m t'lovepieeil per bushel I'KnhlU-l, Cherriee, pilled. IMieriies, uupitte.l I thick berries ltnspbc I'jfe Dried apples Sill III) ( 'tlinkIH is :i y sr, r, r, H Turkeys, I lut (hi-, prinio Ek's ( IlliollS I ,ard Tallow Oak Ties (O.iL. Pea Coal t 'hestnut Coal lilacksuilthCoal Egg Coal 2-1 3.1 lIKI 111 lilt ar, to .'mi 2 no 8 ii no 4 00 ji i:i In Venn tp., Nov. X ifaggle, tiiiugnter or Jienry i in M uah Artley aged 8 years, S mouths uud 4 days. Dee. 0, In Franklin towiiHhln, Aman da hli.ulicth Mrunk, daughter of Kuril. -i and Anna Btriink, ag l, H years, 4 inonthsaiid ii days. Deo. H., in HeliiHgrove, llittle Ileese, ii grand daughter of Dr. Hen ry iegler, ill her llth year. Xov. 10. in Ceiitreville, Mr. John D. Waiter, aged 7? years, 0 month and days. In Waselngton twp. Nov. 80, Joseph llutner. aged HH years. In Washluirton two.. Nov. OA. f?inA Agnes llovls, aued 0 years. 8 month.. uud 4 days. In Perrv twn.. Nov. 2V lfurv. wlf of Will. Hover, aired 40 veurs. 7 month uud It) days. In Centre twn. Dee.' lfl. Ruheeea. relict of Andrew Walter, aged 70, years 11 months, and 4 days. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY vii toa of a writ of Fi. Fa. iaati iilnnlAf Ilia lliturl nt iln ... 111-. - nny.nr rounif. r... aud lo a i rut..l lil Im i.o.a lo r-ul !, U Uuurt liou., iu Hid Jl.burv, au Monday, Jannary 2nd, 1882. I 10 o'clock A. If. Ui fnilorlnf ilnoribad Rail tUI, to wil I A aaruiit Mot iiroHu.l liu.i hi uis viwn oi ii.fttr.rioa. pravar ftuwti.alu afuiMld, totHindvd Nunl.ty, Mkrk.l Homi. tmt ill lot of Jobu It.ldl.ft0ll. HiMltkhVmM Alien, Wl hf Inl of fcllll"tl) Htoluiltir, Oou. uiuIuk UNK IIALK aOB" uor. r Um, Uwelliog. Uoqaa, Carpenter Shop, Stable, nd ollirr onllili lldipgi. HrlMd sod lakau In fMlttloii and lukiuli u Ui iruirr ! JOHN L. U A M . v. iHii.tN vm. nurlff. Btwrlt' U tc, Mldauburi, Iw, It, W Urlkr, all iwnii Iml.liud lu l 14 u. taMtir rwiuiiM.4 w.lu lmaidui pky. "J kuM ,Uhat or d.maud. M W,,,,U )tt tM dBlll.i wm Mil HOT MBit. II knul dr U . lo ... yyipw,",i.Mk 1 M AO Ml NIST U A TO R'8 NOT I C K liti r. el iilnlalitratloa aa Ik niti. r IJli, A , lia ! I'ulua lowu.lilp , Sn. Il.f ' tt . It .. it.t'il. k ! vrsBlxi bi o. I " e TOWN LQWEK! THAN . ever Congress Hall SqI ins g v o y s i V a Open Again For Bar Gains In rtrT in The above Store I m been chisel lor the Iiim ." 'vccli-t death of the pi ;u i. I, the und. i. i.'iiC'!, i.u nccnniit of the r, .Mr. It. M mix. nly n-pcclful. I ul.lii! ueneiallv. !y iinnoiince to the Hull liavij l . i .ci, cli u.e of the Mime and have in a. Mil ion to the lame sl.n k nhii'h c me into the stoic ju.-it before my hiiidiainl die I, receive I another largo invoice of Ai ,., . , f , 1 ... lirJO lfHlMH'Dt Of Mm, o fiion 4 aim i niiihiiii Ormlt-H t 1 14 1 l'i 'wo. Slifi,' i.r a ii nmti IM jxh The Soar Tip S!iD33 for Children From $1.15 Upwards. m r I in In large Variety. A. Full VHMortmuiit L1HCH, SATCHKLH. I would moit respectfully auk the publlo to cull And look at my ttouk and examine my price, which will ah araya be found Jut aa low an tho low eat; I will continue the biuinenii'iiml pro poae to keep alwaya the best quality ol good for the leait inonoy. 7oplng to receive a full share ol the patronage of the public, I roinuln, Betpectrtilty, Deo. 1, '81. W till & Qj INI 4 Uti to i ;r, " TIT IffTn I TT I lTniT I nn nnxmn MiM-MuMMMis HOW MMH HBSTUBED . For hd auQ Bays, niTCHELl., Lt:Vm Minufactureri of FA It. If .1 J IIB. Ml IfMF.I.L 5TANIIAKI) At.dTtirr.princ mil I'- Mr-Spting W.-i-nn-. W0lfc I..VI jt.iiucuutui.4.l. "-n I t il .till! II 1. t. - t .v e i n ... , is rv.,e,anwire as c?rn- m ii.iv lit.. I S'lrf ft.rr. ..I.,, it .!, .,.,ri , ol i.r mnr sn.l nil.. r win. lv,. i..n ,1 t. n 1 1 11, ,...1.. 1 . . ., S1HO..II.S I.IHK.II tll.it lis Mil II. m ,i'a i aj j ) ,i... i" 1 .r iiti.ii'i it ,11 ru l, ,.,- ..ri,, Xloii iit. mtH' liui .l j nil ii.,,, ,;imi li.in.'l kou sali:. rpili; iiiiileisigi'i'.l oC'i'ls for n'n In k. l or ru'i Kt. o.il mi or n.r,-. A. . II .ml. I'ri". I. t'l. tf. Wrl'ltirs, sti).lrr .... I'n. A i iimsi it roiisNtriii'i:. A. t.sifsr- nl n inilnl-trntinn on 1'is tuts nl I'nvi.l .invil. r, ilr, M'.. 1tn ill I nl. iii Mimlrr ri.nulr, IVn..',livlli Iri-n vr.inlr.1 In I lis t. I'llrr.larr.l. all i rr-' n hnimiliu 1 1. fill i. r lii.lri.is I iii ii.i rt its 'tis re ur.ti.'t t.i inslis Iliiliis.Milp iymi'it, whits ll.- .p l.ivltiu rliiii will .r.riu Ihp.n iluly 11,11 lioi.Ui'.ilf I fur (Qtllviiirul in St'SAV SNVIll I! ! t, tl. A.niii.i..tritrl. A! dminmsti! Toi.-s xoricr. !'" Slmln .tu.lli.ti nr. Ill . i .. ;n i.l "hum it iii I I . ill .r.ifr l. Into Ml! illpcri I v , Miv.lf-r int v, l'r.n'n , I. -i 1 1 tu nil prut!'.'. I In iMi ii ,t. . r-U " i.'l . nil i...n kn.m Ilk t:irnii.vr ... I l ti-.l l,, ,. p.. in nr rii.iir.titl ., iinkit litiinit l.nli (.itn.rnt, wlillr. it...., luvlnir i-IbI'im 111 jTrnt li.em I iiy .iiill.tiilu'iitril l.ir ftoiili-tiipiit In 1ILN lll .1. KMITII. ic I, ls. Ailiulnisirutor. fn I" e sir, n.rnt" wnntir.u 1.1 ni ilo' ism mini nl iiii.nrr lor I In. II il II n y . ..nl NllitrWHril Inn, . mil. I iSSn tin Hum. I. ill . rnl nt nli.'s l.,r trrm m, I lull i i, M.-ul in i.l IIKKI.i lt't i.iiMI'I.im r; AN AL. -IS 11K I III. IIIHI.K I ',-i) , I'r.i. .1 ,, n.nri.im!!, inn uf. ..vcr I m lull ; 1 j.. Illiiinriil ".t. .11,-1 rnrjin in )., II n I. , n", itlri lvo. M,, :,i . r.itiufiit I'l.rmi, lul'illy n t t, itrik 1, nit o en llnutiiia iinmi'lie ..I Hi. ll:n nmt a il ln:' .lilip-l. iU v..,K un ....UIF...H tnlr. Al r.,l .iu 1)' .l..ll.'en-l in in t try im -lir-r n. iniiil.i.ii nl Ihs llii.l". I i;.i.il.nt a.,1 .,.lliln to II. o .risrt unilsrutiMi.ttiiu ol I', iv... I " 1 .i His I11111S nr Unlliltiy f.rrFVfl. rtc. "..'1... i. unit Willi frr liminii'tiittiM M,n.i, Tfrrlt"ty s-'l 11 rioiiiliv. 1 11 A 1:11. M Kl III A M a rn., (I.iu.llol.) Ml Ar. Ii si., I'l.ll.i., 'a. PRIVATE SALE. fPMM undersign)., .t;Vcrs nf privntn 1 Si If. II... f..l!. 1 ti it .Is .irl'.c I l-liilr, l 'l. : V I'nrl.litl 1.-4 'I ..I I n I il 11 un In A.l iii twp , .siivlir . .iinly. ! , ii.ul. iulit nUlU-fii.t ul 1' roxi.lv lllf, O'Jtltttlllil.K :i:t Acres. 11. nre or )tt, Mr r 0.11 sra rrcr'f l S""'l I r.11110 1 wull i 1 1 r I 'oitse, Slal.l i nn.l nthrr niitl.'iM'tlntf" wnll nt if .,1 1 wt.itii- nl ll.s tlniir tlirlvlt.u M..ti( nr i,ll..t nl i.'i I it trull tri' runtilim H.iinr 11 1 tin I inn-ii.ni. h ourri i.l tl, it .,... o I. u 1 (ih.Imt I hi. I, II, 0 I. limn clear ...! lu a I. Ml. t 1 10 nl villi it ulluu Titr.iK .'Hv . r.ir lit. Il.or rarlii iil-.r-n.Mrt -t I'AM I.l A. I 1 lil'M V, Nov. SI, I msi . if, rr..ci-. i l.- tn.rr X K V, V T O K S' notici: liniili Hull In ul W.fliltiL-tiiti ,VI, -,nx,.., I't. I.., iti''il, I. it o li. 11 .'tiint' 1 !. 11, n tin 1c- r -turte-l. All cr-in kiow!ti'4 the laMtl vi in ilttitil ItiHrtl-l lri- iinil.n liiiinisl:- Hts. i,vMitfii mUWn ilui'i I - V I n it Hm-ih iu"iint f-l.l t-t.iio will (To ci.l ll r-ii .t nt'i 1 liiti ntit to u II (v III 1 Hi 1 rs j 1, i 11 1 11. OT. ), . KP Ml -j. .Iii"t inilillflifl I, k now e 1 1 f l ' n nl Mli. M'U Xt.U UK MAS i l.Kiiu a 1 ki. Kh-av 1111 ti,. r hIii'hI curx I Himrmn turrii or St iniiiul Wt.ir.iir.-n Inviiliuihiry oin.nO liso-, I uiu I 11 in y AIvmihI mil riiHiiil iti'iiii.n'l y. lit. j in -ilimilM t tliirrUK'', ul . t' hiu nptD'ti, V Mir-i.M nn I Hl 1 lit-l'ifoti by S. J In lulur, luf mutual eilrnv.initin, k,-, ) Tliw relwlr.ilpi hu li'r, in tliU n.tnilr i M !' 1 v. rlrly l.H..nMrnt.( I- ' miny n:ir l mcoffHii I prtn'tlfu, tlmt ilt Hl irmluM oinn i(Ueni.0t( ,.0.,iimm( in tv l.o rml Im 1 1 y mi i f.l t".ihit 1 11 w nut a hhh0 n t urit ut onre cerdiln mi'l tllotuxl, ly wiiliMi vry null ri', rw li il(ir whm liltf coiiiIIiIoq inuy lit, tiny euro liliuctill cbftnrlv, prlvtialy itn I ruilliMliy. -1 bl I'ccturo uliuiilil lio In thfl liavnils of very youtli noil crnry iiiHn In tln Inn t. hei.t, im nl, in u Ulit ttn volo) u, n nuy aiire, un ruelit ui tlx couIm, trtwo inmt )io triiupi. We buy aWo ftiuro enr for T.iim Worm, tiiki riAi:i(wi.i.h MEint'Ai no., 41 Ahfi SI., Ntw otk, N. Y-l ut i'iVc ll..I,4oS0. G0IDJ Ureni ctinc tu iiinkt IlliilltiV. 'I'll. i.li wild ilw.t t t'.ka ttilvmitUKS or tli vo -it tkiinoa. lor n.ukliu tri.mc.ir ! inn. ... uiiaru.i, Monitrmiy lvooiuh No.iu.y, wlill tkn.atttiii tlu not uiiritvit .uuu nliaui vt r.nln in .ovrtr IV it 411 1 mu won, .. i 11111, on ti l Hlrli u worn lor ut nul.l In lli.tr nan luoalll., Auy nu r,i du tho wok .ruwrl Iro.n Hi ilr.t .Itri, 'l lil..nln will .y nionit tlntn in lim. ir.lin.iry wn 1 Kx .n.lv uulliliiii tilfcli.! fr.'. N ou who n. kk 111. to milk tin. nay rapl.liy. Y.m rmi ilernt your wlinl Hint to II. nrk, or o,,lr your .r inn.us.il. Full lo'nr.n itl ..1 nail ll tlit I" nilii -tit rru. A.iJ.tm STintua Uu. rurilKOil, Muln. VALUABLE FARM AT Private Sale. rPHK fnllowioff valunhlo Ilfnl Fa. -1 ut lotIrd at prlmt ml mutt b old 1 All Ul crtlu nnnuiyi tnwul, and Tract of Laud lylm la I'nloa towntblu, ttny.ler eounty, bouudt-d honk by lo.lt ol Wllllitui lUtlrUk, KM b tli Tllln of 1'nri Trivorlun. Huuiti by lfto.li uf Jftoob Houts bad iull l,t, ud t.l by Uml ot W. U. Hrruld. and, cuuUio. In line uDurcd Acres, ranr or Iru, nf whlcli ,liout 1 ori II aaod tluibar. 1 bar I a aood larva Hank Uarn on Ih prrtnlt. loni fruit tr, nd Gtt f 01 wrnti ao. wbian win ll ..y r'T vaign sai. umh. I.wi.liiirir. fa. OrM. U rjCliilOU, Mw iiarllu I'tt. It Haut.StVkl. f" 1 j. ta noiww a ki 1 . ViifilX&ZlMi iM.ddi. 't Di.i ' iltl!.lf' ' a l..rfn'l & CO., Uaclnc, Wis , it ; I u It T u O JT; vj a.ff . I'LVI M)I:M M'llNli WAliON. nr. I rn. I.u -.-.r.. ,n 1 ir.i.iru. I I',,,,- I 1. 1., I.I.WIM A, i 't., Its. Ins, ma, ... . . . ilLwsi.iy i.v Pr. J. I. Phfimvi'n nio'Iio;! ....! iu.'..... . .. .... " .1 . ' 1 V "on", or 1 "r i.i 1 nr ti I I'.- nrviiu4 II!!, .' I I'Pn .. y ' . .. : w Hunt st. I nr. I . , ., n,l SHtunim, . I, a Iter I'.at ttriy ill.tr Christinas Gifts ! I I T ..r l,',-.l.t f it.. , I'rio -.tn -.in 'I t'l l,v n I ..ttmr mil.. .tr- nt i.,i-, , v v'. -Iv I -r rtit.(iii,.. "I .1.,,:,. Iil." I, l1!, Until I..,.'.... I I ' oil r.Oitit,! lftti-;i. v t'l r.iit I pvniiil tin. it -nt. i l. N n ll I r I nft . . Ill ,! t ,,, . ,, it., , .,. ,. ',... .? 1,11.. Itll I till lint. a. I ..I...-I.... ' " it-' "r". Jttfi'i ;.i n-i-it, (in-l tit.ntf a imil.li. I Ml .'t,N-l, I ' II . i. i.i,. to, -VI. ttn.kiui.iiin. It. I' Woman's Friend! Wliv "'. ml I l,j In lt itn t,t Mi ni . f lionllh m l nt , .t Lou . l,,i,',ii, f,, i.t iiai,,( Tho Celebrated Six- no r .di tu i, or uiti:, :ta j, . , , , (l ,.r nnlv N...H ,,, f I A it I t'i...r T.luo. iii. f.f i .in.. t.FKti mill in i,. i !,,, t in nit lit, .ii i t liny iro inlir. it ii,- it.' yinnty till i liivtt fur.-u . I - ii ii .,,., j "'L,r i n ." '.' . ti tt I tn. . tl fir ...., ii. they 1 I- r ii til 1 1 : .. t !. I'.-.tn H ,, , ,,, ,vn in unit nu it .in .ii,-:,.,., i , um r ulil nr n It. I ,r.i irl nr bin, ,i in,, I, ,,,!,. .U .t l- I i.tti tor ii.i t n, l, ii,, wi,i,a MJ. or ,a ut iirtnt i i h rn e , .ir t. Tlli'y HlVtt (iioiii.M', I'ujy niv.J yotH' iTirjt,- Tin y n ivi t tnu. T!ir minir 'ntrr. tfs till . Vitflthifx H icrti. Tl.it Mm..ii,,. 11 ,. .1 ,, p. . j, , ttv fc,d rtl(1 t.t . ,,, it .1 i.,l . in ti... w ii I, 11,,. 1,,. i.r. ,,,,, III. -I WK III'lllilNI'l.i:. Ili.y ,, n, 111", til ' .Ii ..'Il ..HI II ,. f An :ii'. . Kvily Si wini .M;icii,o should ,nVe CuoUis uud id imrniiHhuit ivilh- niiL them. Tlmrfiiii I Ihk.-n "Il n I'm K.-wInu Vai'lilnd an. 1 ni'.i' 1 Fit t,i 11 t it nr tu i inniitrul, nmkii.tc a mil, I in ...ii.i .,.,ir 1ijno.1t ,ri, 1 lu.iM j iio I I lut, lo not f.iil (o oft n fit. Tin-.mil. ri .ii. , I I Aii-iil fur M.i lur, Mifflin ami ti.i'.u 1 1 ii.iii t. Cnt. W. II. Kucpp, 'i hum i.i i i.r. k .tnj.l-r C..., l'i, I !. I.., t-.-lt. 1:.! LWK"! I'OU'S NoriCK-Lellera I iln l.itiirtit ny i n II. o f.l iiB n( Liil'iirlii SailIll 111, ill'. il, I. ill. ,, .l . IT t ltll-lllp ."li i.i r r.,iiiilt, l a., iviTi. Kt.oin.l t.i tlm in. ilrr.Miirii'.l. .ill i.hmii. .... tt I nu thcn.i.gWw ll'.li 'If. I p.ll.l ft a t It ' It III ,ln Uf LP. kti lliuilit. tll.t'lt r-lMll. l... till n I ,, Il ItlliK tlllllllH Mill io..-i.mii ii.cit li.r to. t.i.. 1 1 1 t.i I.. I.. II A IN KS. Ani, 1- I. i.uto'iilur. Public lie 'IVI!, iin li'i .;ni. .1. ! '-o,Mit.-ir of (hnj I t...t Win 11 11 1 '1 ..utnti-.i i.r t'at'iirlriii s .1; .. in. IjKi nl limvi.r n ur-i.iiii, ,tly.lr ii'i.i.tt, l'i.. ,1 .... i-ji, .v.. nt..-, it i'u.uj Mllu, I..1 III., (.rut. Ill 1 II III A l in ,.-(, 11 1 Sitnr.hv, I) 1: -j I ih, Issl, Ih'l InllnttlllK 'tf'Tll.ll I II .t ,li;.t lilt, tt Wit A it .1 I II l.'U' Or' . (. I. I .lti,ls- l,n lon nnl .', .1 1 irt-i.urr nt-u 1 1. 1. iii!ol y, t.t, l.t l.iiii'It'ti.ni.li'rt ,oir,. .N.irtli ny tin Ally, S 11. tl. I.y 1 ' (, I.l In linri.l, uti, t-t Iiy ir,in y u'M' in II. lirru-v ni.,1 11. in., huriua ra uruoto.l 14 uu.., ttuii'iitrt .111 lu I l'liitni' lloilM', iil. ..II II A UN r.tl ir mill nil, littttt, noi.il -I'Tiuk nl tv.itnr n.'.ir 1 Ii h ,1.. it- wti i 111 ttttnoiiont I'Iium ll.i.li) Ir.lit tro , Jut. Ainu 1.1. Ill r Ti.i' ti I 1 Ih iit.intit in tl w 1 A ri.'l I ur ulu.ctaiU. Al.i I tl e luwn ul A.lutnt. -I .Inn ini.r nr I., .!tu .11 1 11 nrr t 1 vn'it;i, I n I. 11 1 ri. .t.i ul .-.Hi. v m . 1 11 in t ul ivotiiii, vsii Men n 1 In . Ii 1 i .t t'll... r..ra. P...I.I. 0 in 1 - I X .r 1. I.y It'll .it Mlt'iml ll'h. mi l, ri in .111 1 W.ni in (m l nt 1'., 1 1 ii ninr, aua . tu I.y I11. I1 .I II-1.1 v Kui n, cjntnluluij :i Ait-. !itli to cntnnen n t I ) i,int .. of tr.l l ilny win nil rti inliiM.ir will Im itlveii nj lerni j n hIo in in itn r 1 ly U, IIA1NK-4, Dei?. l Ihsi, hiinuiur. I MOMOETAYLOR UiTAHI.l.silKO 1S4I. 113 WATi:il AT., NI WVORk. The whitest, nicest and best good made. Cuarantccd pure, superior in qu-iity and ityle of nackarje to any brand .in tho world. lakei leu quantity to do Ilia iime woik. Ask your roa.r fur it, and have no other. Sheriffs Sale BY rirlne of a writ of Veal E . Mrilil mil ortlm Ootirl .rihiniuin. fl... ..t Hnjtor I'm. ft. ud lu in dirtMtrd will aw uatJ luuitbllcMl ou lb ei.iul.m ou . . lloDilay Jan. 2nd, 1881, I" oVbwk .., Ih nillnvlnii d.nrrt Kt.y .Unt vll : A corlal li.i uf I.hI Mtual. lit w.l IVrty iuwii.lilt, Miiydur ronni. fa., Iiuuu. dtid Nnrlli ud K..I by l.uil ar Hnliwiiua Ariii marly. Huaib by Uad j,tliu ih rtivlt. aud -Wui by btud a AJr.w K, ,r, uluiua. ' Niooty Acreav ' mi l or !'' h rvoaaraar it a uweuiD aa MW.MM.H.I Mid and ll !!. .w.ilit OHlbnH-IInK. - lra III iTtvTilto md t h nt ... "" in i.n.i.mw,r ii 'ki r C M f1