The Post r-r ".-v v t : UddlobUrg, DZO. 15, 1881. i -: . - v LTr -:.. J. CHOUSE Editor A Propre.'or. WAH W. FOrl MET. fun death of J ilin V. Fronoy ro toivn jnoinineiit fiuro tliitt lin ft. led a lurgfl lice in tlio pub I if; life of I'eunivlf anii itu I nf I life Nation ll.t will be longest remiinb(rl ioJ ni iit (liHlinguiiliu 1 04 Fuiin1ir of 'I ii b i'iiR4 i nml tlionIi bin con iitatiou with this journal coined fotn yim ngj. bit tneiuorj i uuue liiu .... ani A I an.1 utinri .liu. I ill I It nun I' -1 IVVVIW- H U 1 w. . l VI ' . HIV" - ivil'j uii4, over which be luonided with to inns') skill rtu 1 utility tl,,, invui jam iti ' 1,1,4,. Mr. iu .....j honor of entnblisbiii a intuit p iblic ' jouinol which reiunius nu cmiluiiiitf on.) living oioniiiuont throiuh "'AO cuudiu generations, it id only one of his in mi y claims to dutliuelioti. His talent lor politics was us coi, h licuoiis as his capacity in join nul lum. His gift of epoiich was a i billing ai his power will) tbo pen. ile liu I signal tusto and aptitiidu for I ublic life, and through the moHt moiuontous epoch iu the liisturjr of the Republic) bo was , tliointi mato companion and rouusullor of it grandest ebicN. IVuinent as were his services, ho saomej hardly to reach the complete measure of l.ia linnnra , a,i,l ffluiifitl, Ii I A llfu ftny ..... .. ? .. . . i lull ol uonors, it may luriner u? caui i that through all bin career be stood oa the edo of still geiutur achieve ments. Colonel Forney carvol out bis own success. nprun from toil, and whilo still a child to )J ut tbs printer's caio. Huforo bo was of u'n, lie hud uiado bis m tik au.l gavo promise of bis bright future. At twooty-two bo had achieved a rep utatiou as a tiouetiaut writer, and was already a recognized force in the politics of the State. Pi om that time his advance wns rapid and brilliant Very fow of the ro it odi tors of tho county huvu bueu eiiuul -ly gilted as writers nu I orators. In estubtiHhiu Tiu I'hks Colonul Fornoy chone au anpicioua hour. It was the early dawn of a now era. The moral sonse of tbo couutry was lining in revolt against tlu bidooits crimes and the audacious agre ious of slavery. Trobibly tbo full sweep and force of tho coming btorm were not roulizod ; but they made new history every hour, and k.mti inon swiftly Beizud tbom. Wbon Imfllud slavery struck at the life of the Niilioubo bad no pbtco but in the llepublican rauks. His time, taluiito i nl eoerios were fully couaocralod to the cause of tho imperilled Union, He was the iuliinite nsdoci.ito of l.incolo, Snmnor and all the civic lea lrs of tho great struggle, an 1 throngu nil 'tho atirring evenU of the too yoars whioli follj vol Sviai tor ho pluyfid .a conspicuous part, uroso for ll o ini tio ol (tiling His power of work was inimcasur breakfast fgr the boarders, and by able, aud with nil tho dmuunds or Homu moaus a keioaouo lump was his official duties ho dill found liino'0vei tiirne 1 an 1 tUu iull m oible li- for tho journiUiKtio lub n-j which weie bo groatly to bis tiute. l'cr- Lups bis cuntinned moral forco m an editor would have boon greater if ho Lud beou m )io Ken from pub.ic ;p:ao oh ho was during tho prn id of hn grandest efT)i ts ; but wb it a dram i cf history ho ea v aud sburod us au eflicietit aotor 1 Iu his prosooal q-ialitios hu won 1 the affection of all who knew .him. lis was the mont gonorous of men, and his gouial and kindly nature scattered sunshine all around him. If ho made mistakes, as nil man do. te loaves behind him the impress nf A strong career, and tho memory of a gracious and benignant tpirit. J'hil't. fegs- THE VIENNA CALAMITY. The following is the latest uc couot of the bm ui'ig of the Vienna theatre in which hundreds of per sons were burned to death. Vienna, Dec. 10 Many of th bodies Ukeu from tho ruins of the Ring thoatre to-day had been burn od uutil their set wa indistinguish. able, aud every mark obliterated by which recognition would huve beeo possible. Tho remains of 200 men od 107 women have boon rescnod and carried oa lit Dors to Krauken Laus. The lastest estimates of the police show that the exteut of the calamity Las never boon fa'rlyjreal sed. On the arrival of the fire tirade it was found impossible to penetrate beyond the brat tier of the theatre. The rush of suffocating smoke sod air extinguishing tbo lamps' sod toroho3 The firemeu retired under a momentary fear, bo caaie their shouts were not answer ed, that there were oo more people in tbe theatre. Those woo escaped ou tbe first alarm, however, soon nn deceived tbein, Another effort wax then iuuuv iu pomf r(e Uie clnrl" of H e tLeotn '".liieli mo not netunlly folnziiiif. lu (lie iimnm- nnnuu between tli e thiil itnlU-ries A m o! rot wa t-1 i1irnvtri1. Some ro !tM,lv iM-iUkei! (but ii wm l.-nd ly piiHil,ln to jurt tl era 1 lie firs mini (lisrotcii'il was not out n'ive but nil tlm ii'Ht wrie ilend, 7 Lew were pel' us ttbo lout their mny ii ronnMj ii urn of (lie tin nit'K ofT of tin pm, wliioh it i now po r'dlnt.'il w done by Heine iri t-f-j onuible isrsui with a viow to prt-veut nu eplotiiou woiiin in "0 orj fonn with tli e bmiils rappiiiciicb otLert throats, "MibitMiut-iit jiiv!tit(iition sbo'id tlmt, in noma cunr. persons findittp i-ampo lnlIR bin) committed hi i cido It in fluted by survivors tbut woidpu were ccn t throw tliti cliililien fiuin tlio Kullcries Into the I"' At tbo lime of t'uo outbreak it H' A"""", ti e n!liry CRiiocmlly nl lotU'd to ladies was full Due tliouMiud (i no hundred or d tbiity pjrsoiis mo nnnoniiced at Hit: 'olice Ibii can us ininHin, and, ai nuiuing tbut innny of lliuse will turn up, it is feared Hint tlio total K will uot liu much liHi than a thou xiiiid peiftoiis. !Somo persuus who entered tbo theatre a few minute lifter tbo tiro was dincoveied remnrk ed at tho time tbut coinpniatively fow cwnped. Tbo lliratio holds 2, ."' M). Hundreds of ilend nro still to ni0'lit lying uuder the ruins of (be cunt builJini wIioho tLreo walls jcuved inward two boms after the lire broko out. Tho collttpe wuh ciUHed by tbo oxplosiun of a giso meter, tbo roof full, and tho w'jole plnca was ro luuo 1 to , a sui jking niiu. ANOTHER H03R03. I'lTTsiitiuiii, Doc. 10. Jubt on the hoels of the cuUHtropbe at tbo Key stono Mill IuhI night, by which cue iiinii was killed an la unmbur wouud ed, comes nuotber which is appall ing iu tlio eitioiue. About lifteeu minutes to 4 o'clock thii morning a boarding shauly, occupied by labor ers ou the Like l'.rio Itailroad nt Rock Cut,"' lib jut Boveu miles bo low this city, was burned to the ground aa.l uiuo prsoni pmulio 1 i.i l lie tl i uos, whilo twenty Were sen oii.tly nod boiuo fatally burned, riiiih'uauty will kept by a man nuiuu.l Mo Juuo, wlu was in tbo uiuploy of Martin Joyco. the cou tractor at Davis Inland Dam, n neio the balaucj of tlm uuuuuuts ol tho building. The shanty was a ioii,'li alTair, thr)n up iu a bun) merely to mcot live wants. Tho so coud story was used fir sleeping purposes, uud hud two tiers of buuks ruuuiug along either sids of the room Luadiug from the kitchen was n rou0''i stairway c o n mio itiu t) tbo upper roo.u. I'lio h voi' Htory ou tho ground ll oar was occupied by tho women of whom there were tbrco in Hie patty iibjva montioncd, At tbo Lour Mrs, -VtCune ijuid thrown all over the kitchen. It ignite I, aud iu tho epace of a few sooui3 tho whole buildiug wiw ablaze, and tho fl imos lickod up tho rough pino a if it word tin.'jr. Mrs. McCiiuo rushed "out of tho building and yelled us loud as she could to arouse the iiniualos which blio succeeded iu doiug, but tJO Uto for all of lUeia lo sivo thorn- selves . It will pay every umly ! exsniins (lur i , 1 1 1 1 .h o .Stock ol' furniture lor Mile l.y I Iki I r linilluie Ulilll . 11. FKUX Ltiivisiown I'a. Hatti.k Ciiki.k, Mich, Jan. SI, 1S71) (ienlli mm aviii); been ulllicted for a tiuuilier of year uitli iiulic.iiiuii nml general debility, by the udvice of my ihit-lnr I uited Vop iilteis, and limit .iy ility nlTorded me oliuosl iu ftiint reiiel. I a til uliiu to de nlilo to lotity iu their behalf. THUS. G. KNOX. Wi.vhtos, Korsyth Co., X. C. ucith I desire to exprcM to you my lliauks for your wonderful up Hitters I wan Irouliled with ilyapepiia for liie years previous to commencing the line of your llnp Hitter some six month ago. My cure bus been won derful. I am ptiitur of the Firat Meili' ouial uiiiircii or this place nuu my whole conuregation mil leutify to tho great virtues of your Oitti rs, Vtry respectfully, REV. II. FEIIECKE, Dec. AIJsriuAiv Tucker, Ilotton, snys you maystato ibst I have paid for medicine and trenliiient in 20 years 1,000, without receiving permanent benefit. Entirely cured of his disease (salt rheum) by Cutiuira Remedies. leo. $66! wrk Is ynsrows town, at "l St Iraa, No rlak- Kvf Iklnv t-'ai,Hl not nnulrail. H i it lanka yoa aoriftltlnic. tlaay ra uil Mriuoaa. L. at ai uuw at tack a man. and boya ami alrl. oiak xint 1 1 ay. HaaUar. 41 yoa waul a auln al wii rk I on aau uiak graat y all Hi tnoa w mrk, Iwilialurn ! Ulan la U. U4LLiVf av Co.. rvuuuii II, . B. D. DUFORD fi CO., ' Rock Island, I1L Mavtcturrt of SULKY AND GANG PLOWS, Stisl U Chilled Flovs, CULTIVATORS, listing Plows, COMBINED LISTER AND CORN DRILL, Harrows, etc., etc. Branch Houses. ST, LOriS "o- KiMSAS flTT, Ho. ht. TktU Mini. ST. JOSEPH. V COI.llBfS O. HII.W1CKKK, Wis. 03UR. Kek. ffritiforour Diary, mailed fr A DM1 SI SI HA ORS NOT I CK. - X 1 I.llr of ndnilnl lrillon o tk rtlata ol .I.M OI) H'iI'H, iltn-urd, lt ol Nnnr T)i, hilr munir, luna., hftvloic bn vrntmJ In tlr unili-riKinl, all iHirxm knuwlnd lb i. l Inilciileil iiM huh r r-que-t I n make I nrvJlMlepftymtnt. wbll thoi iivlnii rUlma lll ral Ibtm ilalj uututlciill ir i.ttli maul la WILLA! II MFCIITI.T. life. lh, 1411, Ailinlnliiralor. BEST! builneii in lilor Hi Ubll.. You cD nutke mon- ly f lir nt nrk lur' u. IImo at itnyt'i'iw Ilii'l iki nut i I. W win it in .mi, trj nii nl uiiarl rnnilv m liotnv l.y ti In'in.irloiii. Mvu, woman, buy vim Kirm viihbi -rwiirrv lo iii'k lr it. Nun Ii tlm time. Ymi on w rk In r lunn only or ulr .your wlmls llmf In th Imilncm. ru run llo at liotn mil ito Hi vnrk. h olher liuamaa will iay iu ni'iilv af ntll Nu una ean lull In miki rniirin u I v I" fDnliiir at one', ( only Ouini anil larim f a. M m- y in'l lift, tail ly, an. I hunnrauly. AUUmi 1'kuk a, Co-, AupuiirMaina. Ite Great a Trial ! A ruilota ami autkautle racoril oft a avl-iland- reclicl, ailOraiiaa and iludlail Innnu laytUK uf CiM'MJAIJ THE ASSASSIN Tlal'rlmo III t'auia anil In !oHaiuena MaUaril'in ai am.laini"! oo Ilia ll'ii Slnml liy lion. Jiua l lllalnn lraito hxi'ltlnn l.-ni-M In i.'inirt Atumpti Uion tlm A-i uln'i l.lfa xk ic .ol of tl,a I'rlnrl- l-ir I rharni-tri auuaaail In thla wnrlil-laiboui Uilinlnal '.Trial iii.w.ovi) p. u la awali In aailety tho i viiUnr In lli'a tlio mit ka uiarkakla Trl.illn Awrir.iu liu dr. AGEN'fl'S WANTUD In rvrry town. TIII- HK Akh MII,MO.: IX IT. henil 40 eanii lur imiIiii. nn'l i-iiTa larrl- luiy m AiliKtM, I K1U i'LeLlall- INU UU. I'lilUJalplila, fa. 5 is a 2 c3 $ 1 9 :h $ 3 S pi ft H4 M E3 -fi - M K m s g m H w S? H CO Ct ': laat' feH CLOTHING B II mmm. THE Largest iSSCJ AND Willi! 3.&3tii6tg ia Snyder County or elsewhere OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, yi:e.cut.v For Hen, Youths and Boy3. Und'rclolhing from 25cts upward. GENTS Furaishmg Good s A SPECIALTY. TRUNKS, YALICES, SATCHELS, &C. and a largo variety of other goods Call and examine my stock and be convinced that I sell better goods and at lower prices than they can be had elsewhere." S. OPPEUHEIMfiR, Selinsgrove, Pa Oct. 18rl. . . w mm Stk it font cys-At Law. Jttui oittiir. j naa u. eaovas. GILBERT & GROUSE, Attorney At Iiw, . MIUULKIIUhO, I'A. Offaf limit Prof-aaloa l rli-l t- Ika PnH. Ila. Alliiwaioaaa arraaiail lalhilrra a will ra lva iroaiit allantlow. Cuaialiiiliiina In t'nu- llia anil uvriaaa. woi. is, i. , yM. I'- HOfSWERTII, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, HKi.ixtmi oyic. Pa., C'ollmtlnnt and all aihur la il hmlna'a prmapl ly atlaailaii li. C'ontull-lloul InKnulUban l (larnan. j una I, nil. II. DILL. ATrORNEYAT-LAW. LetriitbiiTft, fiiu'l. All tailnaaii animated tn hi rara will br proiaitly altanilril lo. Bi pt. VJ. O. DKlTItiuiL at ro nx r.v- r.i. t vr. ifitrkrt SI. , Srliiimjrov. Pa. All prnfaatlooal lunim fmmt fly n fan. Inl to. Uonialiatlvoa Id KnfliB anil ilarman K. b. l i 'to. J II. WCNDERLY, ATTOSNEY-ATLAW, iIi'l.U,bvrfi,SyiUrC ,P,t Can baonaltfl la tallh or tiar a an. Jan. I,'m, A Homey-A ( Lam, llililltbui'K, Pii'i. All prilanlon tl biiainax antratta l lo kit e. ra will relva prompt attain in-i. Ouniuitatlvni In Koxllih acil Uiroian. ta-l. 10,';. E. BOWER, AflORNEYAT-LAVV, MitMlclmrff. Pa P. tlronmiilar, I1.) (OflBoa la oRIco of J, I'nl'.rtiona tnaila. -mil ilarmau. UoDiultatlnna In Knadrk Juua u, ' M. L. SCII'JCU, ATT0ENEY-AT-LA"V7, Now Berlin, Pcnn'a. Prorialotiai tinalnoa vntriiatail 'ft lila atro will rx-alra prompt aiiaiilluu. .lutir 3o,'Il. 0" A6 V ULRIC1I, AttomT ft Oonnsellor-At-Law. OlBoa In App'a lluiMln nna iloui North ol KavaTuna Hotkl. SclliiwKrwve, I'enit a. ttallectlnni and all otliar prole milnniil bnal nnaa la aolloltMl and will racrlva rnn liil anil prompt aiicniloo. Apt.ll.'lK.ll. f P. CUONMILLKK, ATTOttNET AT LAW, Mitllinburw, Pn., OfTara I, la profoatlnniil aarvlrai lo tha pnli'lo t!oilai-lliii ami all otliar proli i'lonnl liu. nan vutrunol lo lila c.ira will raooiva i.ri.4p! attautliiu. Jan. 3,'OT. TJ. SMITH.' -attorney: at law. MIDDLKIMJ mi, SNYtUII CO., I'A irara hla Hmlaaiional Sorvloei to tha paull ocuiiiilttlon. la Knallru ami -.tarman. J. It. ZELLER, ATTOR NE Y-A T- LA W MifjUnlmrff, Cnlnn County, ra Alt bnnlm-aii "itruleil to lila rara will wall ami lalililully altemli-il to. Vi lli i rartle t tha anvorttl oourla o Snyiler anil ail:olninv -o intiaa. tlan baeouaaltail In thr Ki allah or llaruau laniciiniia Oct. Si , '71111 c UAULKS HOW KR, AX10UNEY AT LAW, Soliunirruve, Pu. Oi'rra hla prnfi-ail'iniil arvlM lo Iha ii'i'ilM. Collirlio ii ami all nlbar pr ileiluii4l bi.i l.ii an'riiainil tolilieir.i will rrrai ifompt ntianiloo. Hiltra tuii.liMir. S.iulliul ilia Normal .SoUjjI. ia i, M7. .M.LINN, ATTORNi:V AT LAW, I.aiv!bur-, Va Ollara hli r,if- ml nnl i.TVlrn to th pilill.; tjoi M riintii ami .1 u ouior prmri 'i.itii mill nc.J CQturtr't to hli i-nro will reooiva pro mi. t atioiitlun. Hap, TO, Mi. w. pjrrEtt, . i TlOhXEY A T 7 .1 W. Solinsgrovo. Fa, (lllrn hli prormaloiial .arvlrai l i t. publls. All leval bui-liirn antril.-ta'l to Inl u.tre o lit racvlva prniiit aiiontion. at l,u buiua vo Alain Siro.:. Ju! i.'lt. . II OUACE AJi I v 4 .A T TO Ii N E Y AT LA U'. HlliiMsr(vc ln.. All prular.ioiial builnei. auil inllootln an IrubtaU lo Uli caia will ia prumptiy aiu-nil ail to. Liau oa oooiutiv.l In r,iiKli-u or (laroiaa. tiilloa on IUael siiuaro. Oct. !,'!. II. H. GRIMM, Attorn oy-nt-Lriw, AND Dlol'Ulcr ATTiill.XKY KUIt JN YDEU COUN1 , rrct'liitiK ln. Con.iiliatlun In botlt KdhII.Ii anil Oarman LanaiiaHC.. Hit. 0, In I. j"0UN II. ARNOLD, 7 .Vttornoy nt lnw, MIDDLKHUUO, PA Profeiilnnal Imilnaia antru.tal tobl. oara will ba pruuipily attruilail Ui J THOMPSON 1JAKKR, Vtt.irie.v-n't-TJ.n.v, I.KWI.SBIIHO. UNION CO.. PA. Can ba aonaiiltadnl In tba Enxllih anaOarmaa laaguaaja. imoa on Markot Ntraat, oppj. ana vr ana, Buiiia ai jo'f atura. WM. VAN GKZKK, AITOUNEV AT LAW, LowUburg Pu Offarabla profrMlonal larvloa to'tka pnbllo. Uollaotl m. ami all otliar prolaalonal iu.. Baaa autrunail to iilaoara will raooiva prompt aiuntiou. g T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8RLINIOROV15, BNYDBR COUNTY, I'a blapt. IV7, A C. SIMPSON, . ATTOUNEY AT LAW, Selinigrore, Pa. Offar. hi. pror.ialonal aarvloaa ! lb publla. II baalnaaa ontru.tnl to hli aara will ! proupily attaailaii to. Jaa-17,' 17, VAMUEL II. ORWIO, ATTOMTEYATLAW, MlOllnburf, Kulon Co., I'a: ma aaitiWir to Prlatlnjt omaa ', ivii.ii. WJS keep oft hand all k I title oj " lilitnke tuen at hotee, Shu. tuoneee. Warrants, Leatei, Sutyvjt itan,Jbe f tttt. . . ' ' . , . w. I. anna Hunnra, n. iKAaiauna. b&rbb3 i mmi PHYSICIAN) ANP SURGEONS, S. r lhrTpm(rlratl aarvtiaa lo tha rliltana nl V Mil Ir hulu n-1 vli-lnlly. lliflra a faw ii.,ra : f,i raa Loan itonaa, la.liaavar'a i.iili.llm. , Ort.S. irol. Dl. .1. Y.iSlltNDKL 8URGKUN AND rilTSICIAX, MidJloburr, l'a Hilar, hla profilnil aarvliai tt ts sltliasa oi lUindiaiiarnanil rlcmltr. . klir. ai,'r. J)li MARAND UOT II ROCK, Fremont, Snydsr county, Pa. ilrailnaianl naltlmora Uolleaa of PhvmrUm ml U'Kn. nflara bla. I rola,-lnn tl orrlra to ilia piiollo. Hpnalii kngilau anil UarmaD. Marrh, 17, lanl. If. J J. SMITH, " Physician & Surqccn, trrmout, Siitiler OtHnhj, pn. Iiifrra hi prolanlnnal aorvlrr l tha mi ll Ullua sn Main .traat. J ana II J)1J. J. O. WAGNER, rii3lrlnn nnd Stir on, lliTura liH prof.ia.ioml aurvlcoa to 'ho rUlrrm if Ailaui.bnrK anil vli-lully. AnK. a.'fcotf. JR. J. F. KAN AW EL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ontiriiic. siijiior cm., In Oflrra hi. nrula.nlooal nrrlco. to tha public -. J. KCKUKRT, SURGEON OENTIST, Kt KUCIIT'- III.IX1K, S-Hnjrove, Ptnu'a. PriMilonal bmlnoai promptly aitamlal to, May Ti, It. pKRClVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, KrtiUrrrWe, Snyder Co., Pn. Oflrra Sti prora.alonat aarrloa. to tha Pit lis. ol kir tixrvllla ill vlolnltf. A uu. Ii,1; )U. A. M..-SMITII. PHYSICIAN AND SUIUJEnX (U1r h. pivlMatonal rli ai to tli. cltlioun m Ailaoiiburg aud vti:ioliy. Ka t. 4,'7.l. Jj F. VAN 11 U3 K 1 1: it. jUujical a mechanical dentist SolinsLTove, I'onn'a. .histic -s of the Peace. DA.M SMITH, JsJlccofltc PbC5 & CoDvcyaasif IkiintrSiri n. Snyitt r Co!, Pit. All omirlal h iilnnia -laklnv ilopoiltlnnaaml promptly atlanilal to. c'ollaotiona no I rrinit. ln a proupily uiaJa. illny li. l;n ILLIA M II. bNYDBU. Jnllic of l!io l'np. Salem, Snytlor County Penn'n All Cullautlus. ami rriulttamaa prnniptli inatlu. Nov, ai.VHtf. JSAAC REAVER, , usti uk oVtiie rE. ici; iiml 'jlencrnl (."Jolloctor . NiiHii.itr.t mi, spjili r oonnly. Pa. Hprrlal allan'lun p:ii, tooollan .,t,a h till WWiil lltnulllaui.i . will lir ni.i:e pr Kiptly lur oil eulkotl oa Mar. ai.'7. V II. W A (IN EH, K7, Jack"o j Townliip.SnytlorCo. Ph., Will altamt In all bmln aaa ri Irii-to.l to r.ira atnl on ILO iuoi,i rtiaiuuabla icrim. Mar. I.'.'ua. )-.VID S. SIIOLLY, Ice of tho 1'eiiro, Uiiiitrwu-ili!i, SnyiL-r lb., i'a. Will a'trafi to all l uOiiria mtrnMi-il In hi. crai.ntlia inuat raiauiiahlo ti-rriii. rot ullko a iiiiaaa, lH'Miuiii:, huy.lur t.'o.Pit. .Mar. 4, 'il. J U. HAUTMAM, ji'si ick or rcirc prace. At Couvoynticoi", CKNl'lU: VILLH, Snyiler Count j. Va (luMo'tlonl anil all uuslnri. parlalnliic to Ika illh a ol .lull In ul Ilia Paaoa will ba atti u lr l to al.utirt uotlra Ap'r?7'7ft gElll MUCHELL, Justino of tbo Ptmco & C'onveynncer, Jvi-knu Towtialiip. rtuidor County. Pa. Utilw.-tloiin, r.inv)-4Uiiiiiu, aint all oihi-r bn aluaaa pHitaliilnn lo tho orfWo a III rrcrlvr proiiirt alirntioii. I'oatoUkaaUUruaa; Mow lli-rlin, Uiiimi oouui) , Pa, Aha. U. IM1 JOUN K. HUGH liS, Enq., .JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Penn Twp., Snyder Co. P JAMES MIDLESWARTII, Justice of the Peace & Conveyancer, Trosleville, Suytlur Co. Pa. Will attaml promptly to all mannarnl bu.l nanpartalnlna: to thaorflra. Oollartlon. uia ia, Uaada, Arllolaia,.., wrlltao. (July WVTa-ll yM. 11. HARD I NO, JISTICC OFTSIBLICI Jfc Cunyoynncur.' FREEMONT, Snyder oounly, Ve Collarllona anil I bualima. pvrlalnlui lo Ilia oltli-aor .liiMlloaof Ilia Paaua will bo atU-noVil lo at abort uolioa. Apr. HI '7 A. WETZEL, Justice of the :Peace, Beaoerloteii, Siiydtr Co., Pa. AH klnil. of Onllaetlona tnaila on llbaral trrmi. Cromiiy aucuu. to an iiniuc antru.tau to Uu ear. Junaia.'TS. JEI p. MIDDLESWARTH, JUdTlCKOr TUB PKACK AID CONVEYANCER MoOIuro City, Snyder Co., Pa. Oollartlon. anil all builaa.. partalnln lo tbo IHaoor Jiuttaaoda Paaoa will baattamlait to I abort aoiioa. . jaif n.iatl O HORNBEKGEal, 'justice of wb peace - T. i 1 . iV. !i -iTi '-naila i to. oiuoaoar IruutuiBtrUlo inr'.Hlaa- to tba aaica will ba mi Ac. j. i50 Kn ,)-i. , uftire of ih Pi-tc if' C- r. ' Pennscreek. Si ytlCr1 Co.;. t'ol ai-imn. ami "iiiiri-r p""-fi L'variyaa.'lna; hhIiIi'm,!, e. - ' ; BOARDING HOUSE milE On-larl.fiei wn'Il fTf5.paelf, (l '"n,n """""'i -i'nmio, nuain,, mi n, wllnaaaaa an1 Jnro.a In altannanra ,i. Iloiirla Hi. 1 1, haa malaipi proparatlnm ,' h-lr acno nmo Uilun ami w.ll rn.laavnr lo. l-illn hla palrona In o.,. alvla at tha 1"' ra...nihl rula., Ilninliuij llouaa law wIt of III IV-. I 14, ... "X" UAURICL DtWnt apr. ft ;. I f. rr i IT -TTniV n nuuji, MIlllolui JOHN IrlM.nKKT.'Propri Thaanovo popolar Hoiol ha. baan rofiti anl ralornlil.a.i m tha bait atyla. It rant... nraiinn ton. a it roiiranlrnt for,,, olliara who arai-alr-l to M l.t.l l9rar. Tl -IHI-IIHIEinilJflll. ariTOIlPt .h.l iii aiwayiatpnlls l with tha ban In Hit a at t'ta liar will, u,t...m . .i .k. u. .. lAIr!ri ,aTV,"rU" 0,l,,r Tario. mojjri J p i; nth i: villi: -hot el, J (I.ato Mr.. Wcavar'i.) Canterrllo Snylor Co., Pa. PLTtK HAKTMAN, I'roprlato . Tlil. lonneitahll.l.a.l anil wall Itnowr u baVlnar boon pnrrnainl by tha unilorlni IK'lt. a iharaol tha publlr pat ronaar ' Apr,,...UTI. PKl'ISK HAKTS1A 11E NATIONAL IIO.TEL. JOHN B. FOCKI.ER, Pron'r. noiinH-rrovo. T TMa riotrt I. plaaaant'y loratril In lb" "iqn,.,. tin KTof aoroinmoilulloiia al low tmU.t"' aiiiiaaiinipinaoiirr i ii oa aua to call attain. Tu -A nratola.a Kvitanraul Ineonnrrtlon wl tballoiol. Apr.l,';i. lerchaiits9 House, -n: t nrs NORTH THIRD PTRKKT. riHL'A n TormHjl.nO per tiny. HUM It Y SPAIIN, I'lovr. la. a . a . ... . r -i .iii, viri'K Apr.i.'rs, d plan Can Is. J. S. TARNS WORTH. WITH mm.?, HOAR &f!n w -er 0 v W A afa -mv VU WW, Importers ot ;ci;s, Icriiis GcElsFGritisbinz Goods &c. No. 511 Mui kt't Streot. PIllLuV DELPHI A. H. foni-a, H. ilo.r. W.ll. I .Mar. H'74. i . it. uaiuuirl. I'.AVUII.L a Vn.. V-fl a raj DiALaaa II VOOD ANreCVILLOW WARE Oil ('III hi. Wlilim 1M la. Itrootnt. SI.... i.riiiu a. i in ii. n I , i i r ill li.tua. Kli. lit t.. lliK'tiota, I winn, Wlrkl. O.C. No. .o Murkot St, Phi a lalpbla. 1 U. SiailKlMUil HARDWARE ron. Nails, Steel, Leather. :cvch & Saddler Wara ASb MANl'KAC'l'l'KMt DP MAItKKT 8TRF.KT. iuv. a.'ii. WM. MAIN. Ulanls Ecok Maker Sta Uoiier, and Stcam Power . PRINTER, 1101011 lo at Uotnil Ro 529Warket Street, PHILADELPHIA. Prounluene. One Vc Sell hi Price Marked On All (loode Jh 1'i puree. t. IS-'?. QAVIU WJL1.1AA1S, Manuri.lurar. ana Whni-rla.nalar. la d'llt. Mulinpinr, Walnut nnd Itonewood LOOKING GLASS Picture & Photographlo Irnm Kui. 2:10 mill n-i Arch Street PlIILAllKl.l'IIIA, Pa. Frarat. Rapaliail In Ilia bait mannar. Alio 'if-a:.iiiua id au ii. brauouu., t ab. D, '71, fJNION PLANING MILL bemn!iruvf.,8NTI)i:r uo.,f Kccly tfc Wagner liiutilicr Dealt rs AMD MAUDfAOTI'lim Of ' Ooom, Door Boxen, H'lndowt, fibutter lll(l0W UOXPa, lllllllla, bK, blltlr Flxlns. Iliml KnllliiKS. Briti'ka et, IIoiiIUIiis", KloorlyR, HOHULL SAWING k UABINCT TUHN1IC7 Bhingloi, Latb, to., tio. Orilart .olloltai and flllad with promptnarl iuu uo.imicb. riiiao can auu aaautioa our atpok L.fora purobaaiaa ala.wbara. 1?XECIJT0I18 NOTICE.-Letlnn I.iloatauiaiitary on tbo aital nf Ml CIIAKL, KhblaV, daaaa.ail, lata of MMillaoraak Twp., Bnyilar oouoty, fana ... bavlnx baan K'lotaillo tho unlrralKaal, air paraon. knoalnn tliam.alvaa Indahtau to fali aitata ara ran,uaaiad to aiaka Iniwadlala pay aianl, wblla Iboia lutvlnaj olaluia will pra.aal lawaa uaiy aaiBoniicatoo lor paiitamani to lifcVlaHliLY. An.l, lll, fexaoulori. Varlical A aWfc-Anmllaw Kaataaa beaa 5 I torarrfiowar. aioonlcw a. lioniMMianl. MwY a ! v ku. kAl " Ulualratad Vatuloil'ia I' n.i i n ,H iA it v. j a; P A 7 XT IJ 8 rA&X IS0XSI8. v ' Vlr k-T2 .a-' 5--rt:-" "" W 5; 7 Hmarvr--jartrv -a. '"