A, column one yonr, g fjO.iW i) y half, column, "i yftr, mm f m fonrih column, one year, -lAn '.)neJ,,l,ro '''' lines) I insertion 75 I'.rrf addUtnoal Imorlion, 60 I'tu V-fional M tines card of . :t nnrrtthniift line, frr year, : 5.00 ', litor, Ktccittor, Adiiiini-lrstor ' d Assignee Notices, ?.50 ,(,(, iriril notice per iine, - 15 ' ah irAiiVienl advertising -less than mOlllll 1 COIlt ! iillP. All wlverlioctncnw for a shorter pe riod than one your aro paysoie si me ,i,.,n the.v are ordered, and it not paid h person ordering them will us neldf ntnonsiuie lor HlllllOT. I e t r .v Ihs Vuice Froai tha Tempest. I sat by A curtniii window One colli autumnal eve, Ami I listened to the nlnlit-wlml, Hmlly taking it len. Uut hark 1 a voice from tlie tempest, Chanting a mournful dirge, l,;ke the walling of a demon - JuHtoii the outer verge. '"f was the cry of the dylwt wind, Its mistily force was upr-nt. It lashed the wuves In angry foam, Uut tit 111 wait not content. .Hut himh ! I hear another voice i This one so low anil aweot ; It came and whispered iu my ear," An I bad fie w.nd retre it. Metlipught, what can thin power bo That bid the wind be stilled ; Then for nn annwer cam-! t me, " Tie I, the Motter.ehl.d." Then I thought of tlwtlnu Heeto id On the wave of Oallilee, When He spoke to the tearful one, And said, "Feur not thou Me." And Peter colled aloud to Mini, "That 1 might come to Thee ;"' The Master answered him and mild, "Come, walk thou on the sou." Hut. a he stepped out fro'ii the ship Hie fultli began to wane , lie prayed aloud In a.oiiy, "That I might rise ug-.iiu. The master, btretchln forth Hie bund, Foreave thii la -It of tf u t j TIkmi l'eter walked th j .tw o:i ;e more. An I or i,;i I t'l ) !) i n t J lit. H i. If we never luck f r faitli. Though teiiipen round iw roar, "We'll eafely walk t'.ies?!i f lif'. And piln t!u iea cftil nhnri. By cnJ B. it y iAxii:i. m j'un . 1 a 'oir I vit'.i 'i ,. '.i i i-'t (, hi a IvhIi ii s .villain,', 1 1 1 . )". u i ,h i f. j i e i .i ' vr.' ill ti.ilu, r nwoetly N Ii f uln ;i i : ; W.iile ra lt.i'.l 1. 1 .t i i U i'. f ", Hop.ire ant brUiit fro.u ll.Mveu, And kneellii.4 d i.va I b .at'.) .' a p.Mjvr T i U j.I forb!ej-ii:i rfi.'.i. JV'ith f lilintr leaven t!i. w n 1 I u ) V Au autumn look iiu.ubi, Viii.re in tUe ha; )' hii.ii ii 'i'il.n t The fragrant roee wax V1 oooiiu f. The wintor kin i.t o.i hi way, His kL-u will xoiiit lie lo-lii; The peaceful hrool.i, la.U Ioii; wili li 'Neath I ;y hoirle r"p mIii.;. I Kit .in I t'.iluk i w'i'ii life Ik n'er A :iJ via kIiiiII Hta.i 1 tox '!)tr, 'i'j cliip the h iu I of frieii 1 or f . In py ice wi:h on s inintlicr, AVli 'ii that great reajii-r urutlnuM nil, AVii.it rihall t a..i Ii ii-n'.m: k.i i,v ii4 1 'hall we be c.ii el le like weed That we ileetroy lulow u ? r will tluicl-id and li.ippyoii of unvcoli draw u hither, Am Kindly we draw near that home Where we hIiiiII journey thither. The harvest,' o i, what uliull it lw T AVe auk of one u lot her ; Hliull we be (fathered by and by AVith parent, friend and brother f 3l'AR 8PAXUI.K1I H.IX.VKK. 'Happiness. Ilo you aek me, love, with fouui cu re, AVIiut seam to me perfect happlueKMr A golden day, and a sapphire kky. An emerald earth, and you and I Hoanilnjr through woodland green together. That's happiness in summer weather. Ami say 'tis winter ; outHlde the snow. And hixide the (Ire's warm, cheerful low And we sit by the it, cheek touching cheek, tSilent sometimes, and sometime we (peak ; Ho I find, iu summer or whiter weath er, llappineH moans to be together. N o 1 c u t Tn-lo JUDGING BIT APPEARANCE "ore's a nice place, I. aura," said the elder of the two ladies wlio bad just entered (lie tmlu. "Aim we will tiy aud keep it undintiirbed too" she added, proceeding to do posit their shawls, satchels, eta, up on tb eud of eaoh seat, wLUu they seated themselves feing eauti other. Tbey were evIJoutly mother aud dauhti r, the mother large, portly and flue I00U02, the daughter blunder, bright faced little thing. tod just as t J mlly people of posi tion!, marked by air the btlotKiugs o( wesltb travelers. " 1 Klljtutly traded Hoeu ul.teis. w iuIU of black llk, stjlisli hats. VOL.10. MIDDLEI3UHG, SNYDER COtfftTY, 1 Air, It kid ganotlots, Russia leath-1 er satohols an I shawl traps wore tboir d slingnished marks, besides that Indescribable air which stamps its possessor as oue used too good suoiety. "Sj very warm ! Do reach my fo, Laura," 'said Mr. Gleiuor. We have a tinioly hot djy for our ride." "Dut there is such a tiice broczo I Ihiuk it will be lovely.'1 rotnrooJ blight-eyed Laura. "Oh, yon'er ulwny conterlod with everything. Dear me ! I hepe the cmriiiRe won't be crowded !" "f bey are nlmoNt that no, in a in- ma. We have the ouly vacaut eunte, j believe." - "Aud I menn to keep them, too, i aiinonnced Mrs. Gl.'npor. j At that moniuut enuke n voice all her elbow. "Is thiit seat cDKned, ini laiu .' o-k one of theee uieu if it h it been Mrs. Glut) nor and ban in both 'seen." looked np to se i a yonn lady dress-j I believe I will," and Mri. O o i ed in a plain tiutiimnied liueu suit, nor inuichol inaj teticully up t one with a brown viilo)Vjrinf ln;r h it j0f t0 uiuil nf jimjii 1 an I iii j lir eutirely. and s'j.i imj u plain, homo od : !y f'co. j Cm you tell wbolher Mr. fit nil. Her speoali was that of a welibro.1 ton's carriage has bjun at fan eti poroon, but her exceedingly plain I tiou lovl.iy .'' attiie stamped her iu Jis. Uleuiitii's! "Yen in no'm I d )u't kn i v eyes as "common folks." not woitli na elTort to be polite to. he turned to the Window and t- .t f i tf 1.. .. ...it i urn uiiMii iu m i iiu UemiuLr to hear, but ifood ui lured u , , . . . j "Aline isn't. Voii are weleo uu t share il." fi.Vu l, notwitliHtandinrf the frown on her ludy-uiothei'e fe, she toetl her "trap" over on the pile already bettido Airs. Oli 'iDor, au I u Iu 1 a lepl.v to the younj' utrangoi's qniut. " l'liitok you." us she sut down liol.lin; lite s.uall tiutihel she eaiiie.l in her hip. It will lire yn-i. There is plenty f room over lu re illi ouir.,' h 1 1 , 1 Linn, retelling out Iki' hand to ward the tu!c!i:-l. They yoiiti l idy pi ic 'd it np n l '.HI Sum I httl'-lflf. Hllill : "I wu afiutl il udht Irtuble von. "Xot ni l!," letnrt e.l Lmrn. uat .it liiinuur. nun a imi.i lcoelit of fpitu, uddiChbed Lcl lmi'iter : ' Laura, dou't make yoin s. If over 'lli'ioii. I wonder how far it is to Ilaiullton," Poo'l the table ' tell you, mam - .'" Kiel b.iok by this train.'' Ni. O.dy the hrgo stations are; . eie I u.u, .v a n '. ' calle 1 a fimil down. Well." with a nuh and a t-binco at the intruder, "ut Imt wo hliull be ub'e to seleut our own eoci - l there." 'Alamuia, dou't !''pleaded Linra iu a 1 iw tone, llin.Ua I ut her uut'ioi' rudeiicss. 'I detest theso triius, where every rude persou who choosu iuy iu trude upou you went on iVrii. Glenuor coolly. Laura know thero was no telling where her lu ither would stop, ouce she was on tha track, aud she notic ed tho flush which ove replead the yonug strangoi'a face. the quietly changed the subject. "Do you kuow Mr. Ilamiltou's family, msiuuia I" "Not the children. Not since they were grown, that is, I saw them whou they wete liltlo. "If they ure like their noble old father I am sure I shall like them. I think ho it splendid." answered Laura. The strange youoj lady smiled quietly. Mrs, Qlennor answered 1 1 dare say they are. Birth aud breeding always show. Liura. I, for oue, could never wistaku a porson of ealtb aud culture for a ooinmou 0 le. ' "Ii tbere 'only one daughter'' asked Laurs. ' Ouly one at homo, the yonngeet one, Ueurietta. Aud one sou Rich ard, I consider it very fortunate that Hamilton invited us lo make this visit, Laura Kiokard Hamilton will be very wealthy, and if you play your cards well, who kuow. what you may do in the way of settletueul T ' . Now, mamma, if you begin to talk that way, I d eolomnly de clare I will take the next train thai pastes tie back borne and not 'go at all I ' . Mrs. Olonnor kno t 111 it the slil was ti'iitu eipable of keeping bet- word if she was pushed iif fur, so she ssld tio 'more, but betook ncUui ij the pr pect iu view from ! her win low.' Tne ride a a itifii one, bit i.mira enjcyan it, ami in spue 01 uer ninmina's frown c'latted with her tent-iutte very sooiiib'y. It w,s oeir y suJo vn w'inth t sin tt ;; 1 1 at Iltoniltm, nil everil pmenj-ir d loeude I a u jr r them Mrs. Qlennor and daurii. ' Thoru was a fornor loVunif sU tiou, wiih a Juty litllo r freihme it UHI ( OUO hl MCI VI m MMIJ V U l.ibtllel 'liilidi linn" Thurj wetetwi or thrji villi p itlirt. with livid iii tboir pjuk'tt. pro n euiiilin up an I il the plttfjrji, ami that was ull,' "Why, jwhat does IhU idmii I" ! frettod Mr, (ileunor, "'.Mr. Hnmil- toil wrote he w nil I be certain to b.ive tbo canine to moot ni ' 'Peili idh it will In hero vt.!i.a t ... .,... ... .i luaiutun, ' mi 1 I. mm, ".Suppns.i you ' there it are a-avniu' n iw'' wu IU cli'litly incoherent auewor. Turning in the diructim of lii ..... t.Xteinl.;. Il.liir, M id si r a hill- ,., . . . . .. ' ' to l,mti, wlios i oyei In 1 il;oi ly informed hur of th.it fact. xhity wuitod ujion the dreary i,i: form nutil it drove u; and the ill'iver diMlioiltilod. Then hu c i no iiy fio steps and adtieescd Aire, ttieuuor, touoliin bi h it repp. ctf il y. I.i li.-H foi Mr. llainillon'e, ma'a,.e 10 j;e, "V. . Cmie, I.iira." "I'bu cn.i ifv i r a ly. Iidi .e. Tlio eprin e u t i Ii i , id re i ly 1 1 ti.ko jour Ingii o tr. Will 1 ( jo:ir ti-!i t ,Alr. Gn-D'jor avo ' i u tb i li :k- .1,1.1 ui. ii i uuas. an I no le.i ij l. ...i. .i.i ;i i i ...... 1 1 r . ... i. . . . . .1 i l JCIlilll-ll KJ .11 Ull UO'llI 1,1,01 111 ,. , .. , ,,,,, t.ie Ii -hi ei t .ihich Inl Mlo.ved t, e cir.'Mg". "Niv no are realy," dtjiilued ill K. film nor. Ull tU'J Coiniilin iijipeaiud to be lokiua' f jv so u j o.i-j t le. Oar y:.'mjj Aliss II nrii tti weui " uy to loan yes'or I iy, Wjopujto I ' ,ftr vu;c.. f,,.m tua 0f i.u I. i,,. lll0ui, and the homely yoiiurf lady 1 in pl.iiu lineo, vv'ti j aharo 1 L ilia's sent, cuue out of her retreat iuhuIu ,uud approached them "Aly (oodneos '." w.i Mrs. Qleu. uoi'e dimayed j leuluti on, a Sue tlutd.e 1 up to the roots of her hair. ltut Luna npiauj forward with tv tended hand. "What .'are j oti Henrietta, Hum ilton .' I em solad 1" "Aud ure you Mia Qlennor f I am grid, too " sai 1 the youn lady, otVoiing her baud 'most cordially' "I would have uiaJd myself known ou the traiu, but I am ul.v.i so shy with stranger, and I wu not sure who you were till 110. v Air. Glen, nor, I am glad to welcome you to Hamilton. Hove your daughter al ready, aud I am sure we shall have a delightful visit. Let us go now ; Sum is .waiting," Tbhi prompt courtesy, so delicate ly igoormg her owu rude behavior on the train, was a .greater rebuke to Mrs. Oleunur thau show of auger could have been. For onoe her ready tongne was al a loss and she ouly followed her youug hostess lo the eairiuge silent ly end with flushed face. Uut uurietta's kiudly spirit soon put her ut her ease, except when she remembered her mortifying blun der. It was a wholesome lesso n, how ever, and the next time Mrs. Glen nor meet a ludy iu the train, whether the is robed like a queen or in plaiu linen, she will treat ler as such, aud never judge by appear mce If yo wish to enjoy bealtb, snys the Chicago inter Oii-in, keep th0 cbest warm 1 The ie man tvUI. bow, ver, positively refuse to build a lire iu his trok. , Tlio causa ef the demand for Coiu federate bolide baa been 'explained. ameaied Willi iSoisuo the, will LiU,o" t-Urettl WW luu '.tjXo roucLee. JI miny more things t'ierohy) pen to be' tint we waat t ia-1 we nee 1. If.fti mildli nf 111 til 1 .4,lkUnna.l I M w iinuoiiui I f .ifi. ii. . . . ..... .v t) be fjuad in a wjiUj oiiiOi lion r How m'l.i'i of t!n soienli l) opin ioa of to I ty is t j be k iowii t uou sense 10) ye uM henei f IIov imny revaliitioni per luinn'-o will a lively ki:t n iu 1't i in pn-iii. of Its own lii'l f . lunch real profit tobmnani - t.y i there in teeing a nowd cf miner ihlo boisU mid birds BuilWi.ijj bv d.iiirivition from their tiaturul '0ju l.tiointnn I cliiuatte, and dyin' "Alu, I a-n n it oi i or I ini. i H t,y iuc10l, vtivto bciu hnled about 'novor ,lu11 bo-tt"'1 1 0"nn',t vUr Bho.v f - wreajs-a jiiaiiiti Iloff can t b ii'.i rio'i mil oitor into syiQint'iy nitli a nur old .' if... ... i. ..i n in iliinV inai I., ,,r ,. I,,., i it." iiicuv uiinnuH . liliu itlil keep ilh a the bouu.U of sobriu' ly t II i v ruviy poopl i reil'y live np to the $ il I ) i rill i. "i i u it i oi, uri !a ye would be done by f ' How many try to livj up to it 7 How in my never try t ! jw iu iny "dj' oi'.ura at every pp irtunity f ill v ium'i brltnra nun's appetite is w!i"u he lull dj mjuey to buy a bro .kf ist t How iu i u y uri i) wore ever cjq viuced hy aru nisut f II 'v in iiiv men fail to h i con- viuced hy bitter expoiieiine t IL nuny poplo fin I tlieunolves if'i id ciiiupmy for thnuHi'lvo f II ow m luy p '( of dirt dix l ten cut rutui-aut cutiiij.' eit IIo v tn i'iv piip'-i r -i"v lu!iivo tln' doi'li ii o Ty a lep i.,t i a i.i OL!nr c u litio'a of cj uj'iiu c.is' ITo.v ui WV peonle tLit.K tllfVVe ., ... .... , . ..... . .i ... ....... .... .i. i"" .,,I.V t , , l,. ll,,,,,,.,, 1..,. but Ihciusihc, . ,, . , 1 II itv innn t- inmi uri ,i Ii ii'l1.!.. tiim. I ... ey mo cer'nin ttiey'il never p iy il i witbin the sp. c.ii 1 1 ti no II i'v iniuy h -v I'ltoe i-yii-i! I irlt lielievo tliej'.I Loco no old iii;ii 1 f iw inanv wint to f ow moVi easier it is tl spend more dolhre limn to imko the 11 f Hot many people aro there who think their Ini'!; has been the worst luck of all the lack in the world f II iw many wouiuu will owu up to their old it 00 f How many grocers will siy they have poor butter when they do have it I How could any of us end ire a man who has never committed u bin of any sort in ull hi life f How oi l J3eu Franklin lied when ho said "Hirly to bed an 1 eirly to rise ui.ikus a unn" healthy and wealthy aud wise."' .Veto Fork (ii-vi'ii'o. A youug geutleui iu who is very pirlieuhrubjut the gettiu up ol his liueu wrote a note to his laicul eni, and st itio iMJ time sout eue to the ohjeut of hi ull'iiction. L' a fort 1 iialely, he put the wraii uddross on the euveli'pes und posted ttiem The woman was puiiloil, bat not in the least elTended ', but when the yo'nu lady road : "If yon rumple up my shirt bosoun and Jrg the buitno ell the collar sny more, is yon did lal ti.no, I sliall have to go sumcwliei- 1-e," .lie criod ell tho evening and declared sho would uover fp.uik t hiui ugiiin. Tbe influence of Koooin't fiiendli oess I wonderful. We have eel peeple who were so kind and o r lit io manner, u rvspnnblye iu I n k an ' greoting and so swili ia doln and aylujf cautious an I grueua tbing-, 1 hat they sem to dlTiie a saet at miirphere around them. How bom tdul tbey were, even though some limo thvy had plain laces so l rough hnul No laoe it ever hopobsaly pluln through bkh a flienHy soul lo' ki out upon the wml I. Man ti a, gudgeon, woibatt the line that doubles o'er bis betJ-s-aod i.ioks bl u everi' ti ne, Bbe ba ts 'he In. ok nd hold tb- p ile ; but tho minister is tlio IHsd thai ttonpa him t '1... a. ,.1 ' PA, DECEMnEU My Companion "I htvo rol" slid Mr. Sp irein. "of one who dreamed a dream, when iu great dietiess of uiiud, about le- lui iu. II th'i't ho t ol in the ' o.ite'r cnurt of heaven, and he saw a rI itioiM hmt m irchin np, eina iujf sweet hymn, and I en 1 lli j(intier of victory (and they nsao 1 hy him tlno' tlio (,"'e, and win u they vanistieil he hear I 1 1 U o din tancj ewcot atruius nf laitvio ' "Who are they f ' he ake 1. 'They are tti lly fellowship vt 1,10 prop'iol. w'j j Uij goni to j' 'ltl1 ' ' A" 1 l" llu''v"l, ; ni ,M : 1 Ihcro Hy an 1 by lliero cix no another bin I e inlly lovely in appuir.iuce, nud eiyially triumph i'it, an I robed ..'in white Tiioy pusti-d within the j, ! portal., and uiin were aho.it of i wclc i.iio hoir l within. Who aro tin y !' "They are the goodly fellowship of the apoHtk'H." "Alan," he said. "I belong uut to that fell iwsbip au 1 I cmuot totcr tbere." Mo till waited n-il linjpj-e 1. with tho hope that he mioht yet R in:, but the next muUitii lj di 1 n t en- courage him, for they were the noble army of tuaityr. o nil I ll it iro with them, nor wivu their pilm branches. Me waited still and s iw that tlm not wa a Coiuinnv of oil! ; ,,. ,'... ly minihter and ollieers f Llirili i-i churches, but he co-.l 1 not j j it!i I mm. .i i.tM us lie wuiniM, nil . a . , . 1 1111 saw a liror hot th.iu a'.l tie rest, J put tot'etber, uiaicuiiitf uu I sicuiK (uodt uiulodiotisly, and iu fiont! walked the worn iu lb it w is a sin- i;er i and the thief tint du I upon the cioss Ini 1 by too :ii.ij ir ; an 1 he looked lon au I hi v taere rua a Aim is. o!i, mil too li!ie ; nn 1 !,.... ..i.l .re.1 h.i e I'll I S.M who i ........ . .... .. . . . .1.. . wm.. ,,,, un.nui . i i vi. a oi Iju no M.L.Lini.U lojui .... HI' I ... ... ... lut o hi in'oniblimeut it srem- i ... . 1 ... ,r 1. .. ......i ,v . . r.iti f (villi i..i in ii ii it..i'L'i .... . .... muvlmi f ild sli.mt n. they pise.l in. ! Au 1 the Anji I ii I to him : j "Tl.uso ire t iey 1 1 it ar mi,'!i'.y sinners, k ive I by luility race.'" I Au 1 then lie h ti 1 : "Ulessod bj (io I f I cm go with them i" "And so ho awi'ke" In 1332. Wiat? Z i lkkT Al iiar. m f M12 hn b-jeii pnblisbe d, und pledicts all 1 ' sorts of pleasant und impli annul things for thi country. It editor. Z idkiel TuoSi j, obtiiu ti'M iu the pre- ii- ' faco that tho spread of un ...to lige.it , faith in pi ...et iiy iulienoo will mm; make everybody acknowledge uhIio- j logy and oompol toe pies ,0 cease ( there abuse of it voUne. The predict iou are tint ia the I liter part of Februiry next great exilo- I moot with prevail in .Vw I'li lt, an 1 a gre it oo;ill ijr iti in will T i!o pi too 111 Hi it City. A 1 e.ii I i.u ! of diph theria and eiiill-oox threatens Wushiugtou for Al.uoo. "About the middle of April .Mil will transit tho ascend tut of t u veroul lugross at Wiiehiugtou, produ"iug groat ex- citemeot iu the State t the I'rosi- lout's poiitiiu will beau uneuvii bio ouo. ' The general outlook fo: this country for six month to come is by no moan favorable. A finan cial punio and the buroiog of a tbenlie are predicted for New Voik i great exciteiuotit, much violence, ind shocks of eailhipiake are anti cipated for tho country at lame. Some great Auicrieau will snfl'ei legrudution. ibit about vlugiiHl next evorytbing will be put in good shape again by the betu ticient in fluence of Jupiter iu Geruioi. 1a- Cellebt craps and important meu- aures of reform io the direction of civil service, trade aud commerce may be expected for next autumn. "I'm not an astronom'," rrmaik ed olJ man Joo. to his wife t'i other oliht, cemlog io off the porch wber lie had beeu iutcrrnpling the moonllglit festivities of bis daigh- er and tier yenog man 1 "I am no q astronnmer, as I said, and I can not oxi'laia It, but 1 kure I 'saw the sum r ' a fee nvuiioat sao, aud il ia dow midnight." Thoo he look ti teSectivoly down at the toe of Ins boot aud Icul ihog!i-1 oil' to tod. ---r! 45, 1831. NO, 10 Sam't Chances for a Wife. If a man has three chances for o wife, he should certainly improie one of them. Yet Sam Hopelul did not micoeod i'h such heavy odd iu his favor! He skill tell bitf slo I nee com ted a gil by (ho name nf)b l.ikii)-. I ma Iu up my mind to J.lt limnifd, U'ell, while we weio K ''"( ' ,u0 dfneou's I xtcppi'd into n mud puddle, uti.l wpla.tered tho mud till OKI Dub I'anl.io'e hew iowii, made out ol her KimidiuothtM' id I clii it prt tic mt. When wo Rot to tlio tb-a eon's ho nske l Pub if elie wonl I tako nni for hur l.iAfol weddj.l hulinu I. "N i," siy m'io. "It as on, ' a-iy I. ',Why,'iy s't', 'I'v) Ii';ji a miHlikiti' to on." Vll, it ;h all tip then, but I j ,ivo her a filling of beads, few i.w'.n, hoiiio otinr tinlion, mil ,,Jrt it i,!l up with her ; mo wu went up to tho dcucon a kcoiiI lime. I was boiinl to couje up with her thi timo, hi when hu u-kii 1 me it I woul I lai;o her for uiy wed.f1'1 "i' '" 11,0 insln.m.-ul, and ii i4 ,,. , ife, siv I. No. h'iIiiI dim mii:h tiling " i Whv,"sivs l.'b, "'.vli it o i airtli tl, mil Iff no-v "W1i."h.hI I have t,iku:i mihl !,i j' to y "i." j y. (1 it H A ov.-r nn iin ; I n' I ,ie h- r a n -w sipmii, no I a f -v 'other liink' i v.i I wu w.nt up a ;i u tt) ,., t m r. i ie.l. We ( xpu ;t-l t'ut un tvntild l li 1 h i fist th it ,i'l i i. turo c iul.lo'1 s( p tr ito iih ; uu I when . rte aslied tlio d mojj if he wo. ill luarrv ns, Mil. b'i.m t ' No '' I do id sue'.i a tiling "Why. wint on eirlh h the 'son : e iy wo. I I "Wliv." nus h -I'v,) tijon n luiUi- to both, cf ion." bust out cr in", the ile.ieou 'M,Htont H.i.d.liuW-! 1 I b i-t out ' . . . . . . .. . ... laii'uiii , an i sue!) a set oi mister I you never d. I hoc. an 1 that is tb ... i .. I Nr . icaion i never iu uiu I. .'ii i ha rolli. ell iiii: j i a Fouiieen G.cal Mistakes. U. . t . . . in n great miatuko to net np our nun Htauditrd of right and llgllt nil il WlOIjg and judge people accordingly. t i 11 greiit mist ike to iiieiqure the enjoyment of oilier by our own. To expect ni ifomitv of opinion in Ihiswurll. ' . , , O loov tor lU igineui 11111 ex- pLli.'i:;!0 ill VilllUl. i To end 'tivor to inol 1 all dinti ii- . ,., tion alike. I ....,,, , 1 . f. ,flclioU iu l)u. 0WI1 action. To oureelvo, And olhcn c m (. ,. , , ( u ft, -. us M j(J 0f cr. Not to in like allowances for U10 in firmities of others. To consider evorylniii iiupjsiblo hic!i we can not perform To believe only whit our iiifiuitu .' minds can gniHp. To expect to tie ab!e to under - nUnd evoi j thing. 'I'lm ifriiiiliiMl. .if nil rnifctfilreil 1.1 tn 1 livo only for time when any, moment u iy lunch u into eternity. ChildliOuJ. Mr. ngor wll, closing a ice lit lecture, euiil : "The laugh of a child will ttiuko tho holiest day in ore si,-. ored till. Ktlike with hiind of (lie, 0 weird mtiNtcian, thy liurp sluing with Apollo' golden hair ; till tbe vast c ithod' il uisloa WilU sympho nies sweet and dim, deft tone) cr of the organ ley ; blow, bugler, blow. nntrl the hi! ver note do touch anil kits the moonlit wave, and charm the lovfis Wiiudering 'mid viuxrlud liills. Hut li.ow onr mill straius are discord all, c.impartd ith childhood's b ippy luugh ti c Isngh that fill tha eye nitb ligLl ind every heart with joy. U nppliu, river of laughter I thou ait tbe blessed bouadary.lii.Q let con tbi beasts an J men, sod every waywurJi wsve of thine doth drown eoml ftet ful fiend of csre. O Laogbtr, lose lipped daughter cf Joy 1 thi re en dimples enough lit thy elicits t catch and bd 1 aud glorify all tl (ears of giuf ,v A viittte that Jaa'trs aic not nill (i ig to lose -lnlieiilH. J.'I t IU i-OM'A'e 1 f uhtUhpil ever TlnTmlav Kvrninf JKHSMIAU CROU8E, Prcp-f Teitus of Subscription, TWO noi.UIU I'KU ANXl'Ar. Par. .ahle vilhin nil montliK, or J.ril if i,,t paid within thsyenr. So paper dis continiMHl i r. r 1 1 all srrmriiKc nre imiil tinh'M st the oj tinu of the pub Iiher. julMritionniit'i(1a of tho cotuitf I'AVAIII.K I.N AKVASCB. fy-l'crsoim Mfliiiff nnd iii'intr pnpers addrciwcd i olli us U'eoineiMHi-riUrs snd sro liahlu fortho price nftliepnpcr A ml ami lyiu'c itches the bi gent Ii h of tho ncnson There is always room nl tho t p for tho attic iheiini ilic. Tlio key thut winds up many a iiiihi'h bioinis in wliihkr, Tho cup that clieerx, but does Hut iiu-bi into The buttercup. Time an I tha mule xh nil I nbvayi ho taken I y the f.riloc!f, never iy the fetlock. A MinKouri c nbiclii's ariiint i Look out for l!io Iron robbeis u!iu;i the bell lii'(;s. 1 Le plio lili'.i r y, vU before Im stiikes, but the I ill dot li d pn 1 until it in stniik. A miiiiel pilr df Alilmni de.if mute h.no applie I for a divoice.--I'n.'p iluiiib ii tilt. is bi'lln cry. All tlm noio tui ii-t rrl trmpi' aro largely co jiposu I of Insliuieo. Tln-y ii'ilunliy t ik'j t i e oi k. The eljle of l'ull ii nim ( i ;iny ha photoi;rap!ii 1 by el iiivnin a l ip : touint.i liimt a Imaid fi tice. The telephone i not iopul.ir in H'HHiv Tlio i iv-hicikin t wu-.lt vety eel linn ii woiKiu ord-r if . I. ry . N l , O"! . I I ! ,' ' . ... I . -l ( ,. ,, w. i-. n il- ler 1 t , .1 i'f i -K ..i n .in I N iiieiwi.'l In . e i' iii ,1 1.1 1'i'iiln T n ,1 l lnK i I ' V Ir.t I 1,1. t' . II I, j k in i. rn i e ir "ii!r rtd -fi I I'll el .. I , ur r,n. Il .-ir- u , i i I: i- i'ti,M In'.ni!',, .r, I i ii i in I .-: i-s r ittrrn ill., ,in-l i.'i I-. 'It in t'lri. ff ,.t. it ...,iir.li.t" 'ir ..nil ',n i,"l Ii n i."ii, . ,1 Jm i ri,n t ,l. ,1 i,j ,l j Ur.l I .tf. Ina.!k-I.l-, K.,iH, v. . unv. u i.m' o i: tit 1 21 .'. w. A.liim., V, mil. niil, 1. iy. ('i t i 1 1 n Hkmi nn . nr. I'm ir-. ili.-t in.Mi-ln 't inrriii IU,! Hi wu--' n . .Oi riioiim la till, i-.unty M v Hint rr I .I It I lllv vtif, n I In I iiM .lis I Ir.ini II. 1 I'lO. I'rTti-trit ! ' ,r ' ' S r III. Mv nn,., 1 mt i "' noei. ' o.yr4 i .r t ni ruOiinw- roll.! p-l nr rii-.l until I u r I tic fi t- r.iiei i l i 11 II i. 'i-i.v i r Ii trtnlii . ni il i'ui'11'..i se I i i'th i ,u i' fxlrn:iiiy, j I'MIEtl lSi. I U.K. rri'nnr. ( , ll.n.l ron , V V , rnr.,1 ol 1 .urU.i. ir l.i, rn.y, r iwtn'f v.iir,' un.lln, i.y t'i i'ii 1, tut li,.iv.r In. . trtml t, n,1 1 1 e 111 1 n I i rtia-n Sot. .'.rui,lv. Hit in "t ir 11 li-l,il ri.M ini r.n. ri. in-.r-riiri it,i..--,i tu.ttr. i,f td-' .:.i ,.,rn. ,,.i,,.. ah mi i",t in f,,r ihi, le-tln.ut iii In lull. ji .t i.t it jr i;i rr. T: li 1 li.ir. i- ( Oi l. i.i-, 1 t.p I ,nni nla nl ilt Uiu inn r in n ,r. ri or 1 iin hh.'Iiv I i n j I'urt.l li-r i ut. u ,, i. i'iii i I 1, v t ' i. tiii.-ii; II ,:-in iim liilrrua:,. an. I i i in i i: a mui- at tnrit.il v li..t. Wi. II LI.1. 1 1 1 ' , ut run. W ll. 1 l'i"I'M'J"U t. ini 1 ru i rn s.np mriiV in 1 i t iirrm i(- i u t lut.-i n iii will ,-n. r.i e ir fry , il.. ui u.iuiui :.iia nt'u 11 11,111 1'iunild I . '..r ,1 14. t..,.-.. 1 1 ,',.'ii.. ,. ... . , ti'..,'i. '',: ' "4 mhvi.o 1 1... s .i-t iiv 11 11 .t i.i j j 1 , ,. ! tt-i. w:iwsi, I'i.ui.u. n..i,.n. Dm, CATARRH I t.m Compltlj 7rralmjnt For $100. M ir,ntii II , tin m. i'.. it-:, fit iiuiii Sim Vk r ,. 1 MI'Ril. .ll I XII M.l II, Mill, l,tlftd I I" I. "it. m.v in i I.u h i l . i nil .ir.n !. jJ'H ull wr ii-i,. I In mi. , i liiajit i J i, Hur. An. I'M K.t.'...it'.. II '.' ! -1-nit. M J 't'1.1 ..' 'ti ..inn ,' n !i I nnv I I iillutf tr.)!-' Jul .1 l:n'i',uy rl .tn-n I n -i m.l i,i....ii 1 j 5 1 f'iOrM iiiihii.. mi'i.Iii... 1 1. n itnir .llon io.: ii m.ii-u i-i t.n' r. i ,r :i n I i ur.i ii.m.t.i-.' v h. i" nio. . I .iu -.. tint, n ti.l I,. i- ln-i, w i,.n 'l.rlo.l, ll'-iv.. t;.j I, I ,(,.. ,i.i' I, p... ml ii, t n, lh hicuS o I, Iu. I .nii.uii ...V, f'4 uvorv .1... i,i i, tflsl "ti-l not I.t; 1 lul.,ii. In-i'Minly ,l'i, v l.r. 1 I Ii'.'i-r. lli.i entlt. n.it u ..i,. ii f I, r . . 114 ii I l I. ml I h I' r'n ,n-. 01 t, c-,i:.l p,... .n il.i. ir.tcni in i.HH.rii. l.tc iuii..lm i.-j 0 i l' 'li ii l-i li.liuiiil Aiivi In, U 1 1 Iv S l iT 1 I II, 1 U-'ltm. tinxatMjtir.vra.Lzz2x.1Aj I Jt f '! ' ' ' - .'i'' I'tl.t ;V pj'ry'r' fi.lt. in..- -i -''li-,'' k IMII-l'V- I.i I! 11-. MUp, Ni ) jit 1 I i' rli' niiil I r'titV 1'U tif'f n i i 'ti im lllfcM. I I l I it.ll . I VI IU f1 k lilt I 1JI link w ut It Ni f.illutv In .ut ) ni ri y hi mr mi tul, N'H in- i ptil tltt'iffAit. eiliirr I'AII'Vo, ,!. il ir '.'icuiiu W- KKK- I'OITf u -n Al t-. Wemnttnnntoai a.Snlii-ltan fnrput(ntvljwtt, Trtul. Maikt, lopyrit'liu. us . t ir llin l'r a bunn, I'miaita. miImi. '.t,tfl,tiii1, Ir.iiM-n. lii-rnrv, nut. Ms luoiliiid lhlrl-llv i'iart'arplt'Hr. rnli-iiuiiiuiiMi Uiri'iiul. ie nn naioil In tlj.Siif VNTJno awkiui in. Till, iurifi' -J ilvndi lliui,-ti-ultil iri-lilir a.-iOu), w.mwalliePnit-ns( ii bi-i'iiri la v.rr luurf-nma-M ha. an fs.a-it.iiia rlrrulul,,iu Allan. MI'.NjT . to. Tutfil Bulnl- t m, riik a.ui Hi iiNrifij A .mu ji. t'rk Iwai .i mY' ilc llnMdl '. ut I'a'-nn Ii ftlARRIAQ ttHlkf. r.rfllfi.l-llsl tt th' MitlMiMitt l!l1l Ji4,ntJvlt4 I'iivuiitl I Itit nl Miititl iX'ttuni rrti Iu l&nav. au'l t iikri4 i- vvrylHr. Tr. 50 Cent. Vt A HI. IN, i'uv uliU hiK iiiT.-i si r)iWiu Alio w-iM ty f, r T' hrtsiic 4ilfM"'iii ttln:r -s ttitiiv-. .A fill l ftiv. S'li4 Ih -un iof CiUll4t(l Menlthe RMabU rm.l PiJU, 1 It OX, A M'url liur Un tUit rVabtii: tum. iuoft.it. a. nubtier Cv iia..)- .c mioiruiil i i.i... . j .. . . . . a tL. f . a, Dr. A. C. OLIU, CnlncVj. JU.r k. JOl C .-li Hi , i ai ti.ju, ii'. i) io-,ki.t-.. i-.r, - Hie 411 i.i. b, IHwclie.. llfi ...wiitMr tit.tli-til.r-.W.I' i fr. I Ui JrtH Si,, I'll .( I ... .". I ' I'.u.i , (,' , I'M vn:i-tn'f !'!,:, Iln,:i"i-, . I V . . Oi , m .(,' . V-.'...,.. i.r ? rr!xo vi v: 'I- '..r Kin I .I I