Wg," DEO. 8, 1681, flittrit, hot Bcity iiali at Hair i flofnsbody, fin mn((f who, lay that DrXMln; (iitfh as Dr. Ayer's labors-lit Wife "should I Ilka fount lamb ten tory InuM, indispensable: to many, dcr and street and nhss'y dresstd. with Ayer's Hair Vigor lion of the wont 1 plenty of fil!lnfrs, hut without sauce." fojrtl IV ..) Ad 3PAFE11 the at rs'lllcj sya Bin at OKO. f, f irr iumtl'M Tinii its Spruce) ) Mf H - Will! U i Latimwrr cnitaTo. rs cu i I ' " . - k. i i . r .iL . r - I . .ffllV nww m'l ln n w main nwn-iayi ,Dcouirr. communications, business let Hp. tor una ouico. to secure L attention should lio addressed ,;,,: Til R riiHT. lMiildlciuirg fhitntv. T. Advertisements. , niicAl ionn Ac. must be handed i iiiiUv no on, to secure inser- , next issue liwldsare prevalent. Liars aredwlndlliifjdown to their Ut duration. i people are ovorcome by vanity iy over-work. city paper 1UI0 that oranges e cheap this winter. ciiristmiu draw near the storo Li increase in beauty. Lre you visited the schools to aee I-our children are Iraniing and ktmif themselves ? Lliro moat linportnnt tlilnga in nrUI both begin with the letter i honey aim niysoti. , I I I - P a sallirronseu iiiuumcrsuip oi ciun- klioola a uolicable. Christmas ; :jly ilrawinjj nili. nitcco Krower are required In fur l-evi'iiim ofl'ioor with a true state , rnrilicd by oalh, of nil anlea nr I tobacco, number of hoynhuatN, tor pounds, with the name and we in each instance, of tho per- in whom add and the place to Ih it i shipped. are reliably Informed thnt J. I. II, well aud favorably ku nv.i to Itriiicr friends, will, vurly in the In, rpin nil Implement Store in Litrovn, where all kind of Farm Implements pan at ull time b II. We prodt for Mr. Klo'tl auo I in tltl.n new enterprise. Joe la a tmsinesa man and in widely Ivu fur hi fair dealing. hili'iTM.VH PmtiKXM.--IVra-nta dw- to buy C!irl.st:n.n pre-aiuta for friend, should not fail to rail on land examine, tho Catalogue of :tiey, Cooke Si Co., Jewolern. Clhi- I. III. (iold an I Silver WatchoM, rs riateu-wari, in fuel every- In the Jewtdry line. 1 have It with th above lli'iu for ahrxit 2 Kuri l found them to b a fair denl- kinl lionat aet of in mi ; who make liitiep.'eaentatlon-tax to their (rooila. liiHwiahliff to odur uny gjodn tMdjaont ont-tf as I will nend In iirlstiiiim order in a few daya. Your Itfupertfully, J. 0. BL'I'riN(lTON. kthiwix's M i v'.txn fir Jari i-. ' limit H'iperli ir.itulx.-r ever lued Imt pup ilar ludy'a b ok. There lwontfel en.iriivinii, "'lluppy Ah fien, and "I'liiyln At Doctor, ll.iitiT one of the mobt nmii'-iii. of Iiiid we have uliii mt ever hoeti. I'ntliene, there Ih a double-HUu. 1'itria fiihiiljii plate, elegantly Ire J, a picture in itself ; and also a beautii'ul colored pattern for Mnniii crewel : a- "Sun' Flower" K'l, an embellishment alone as ex- rive an the flnest ehroino. In all, are about llfty eiiraviiijja hi number, counting tho wood en- uig. Thestoriea ure ull original. J'i tliU number, appears, oa a Hnp- lieut, a full-aize tliarum pattern i tout Ilo.lioe for a lady, the last fi In fash ion, Thia alone la worth price of the number. The price In a copy, for one year, pontage everybody ought to take "I'e. hn"for 1833. Addroaa C'HAiJ. IKnoN.SOaCheatnut Street, l'uila ',ra, . dellKhtfiit we have evef Uaed. It fC atorea Hot only the color, but rIom and luxuriance, to faded and gray halr - Another Spook. On a certain erenlriff, about A week ajfo, a young pentloinan from Beavrr- towu, on hla return Iiouio, from eeelntf home Ilia aweetheart who IWea about two nitlea west of AclamnburK, aaw a tremendous pook which had eve (aa deaerlbetl,) aa larK na an ordinary plate. It no happened, that while In hla fear and aoreania our friend John heard him, and went. to hla aaalatanee, and tried nil possible mean and Wnya to explain to blm what It was. Aaour friend John said ; it wna only the moon that at times Was clouded and then ahone again throuirh the thick foliage of the trees of the woods close hy. Hut when hearing our friend John's hoira make a noise he said, don't yotl hear the chains f I am sure the moon does never make noise like that. There ! there ! don't y:m aee It ! After our friend John wave and means of persuasion and explanation were all exhaiuted he concluded by aaying, If you don't like to pass the spook you can stay with me till the morning, when spooks are known to go to bed. He llrst asked, what would you charge me T O nothing, said Jn All right then I'll stay. This la aa far nswe could follow him. How the poor fellow felt after he got to bed, and at what time he went home In the morning wo are not in formed. James P. Raudenbush shot epiite a large catainout near Adumsburg, the other day. AOAM.sut-lirt, S, '81. II. Ifyouaro in need of any Oarpcla and Oil cloth call at 8. Wcia'a Helios Krove, there you can find a very largo assortment nt prices which ate hard to beat, A larpe variety of Wens', Ladies and childrena' uiidurwvur at S. Weia's, .Svliusi;rore People visiting Sehuagrnvo would do well by railing at S. Wcia'a and take a look at his large and well selected stock of l)ry goods, notions, Cupel etc., nil of which ho is selling at bot tom pi ices. New good received dul 'y. Doc. 1, 'SI. 2w. A Religious Newspaper. We desire to call tho attention of our reader to one of the grcn esl nnwapapcie of tho age one that se cures lint btst writer in t'.iis country mid Kurope, regardless of expense has tho best nud fullest book reviews of any paper in the country ; bus able Hi'tii'U'4 upon financial auhjet ; has depart men ts editid by Npeei i lists and devoted to Fine Arts, Music, Science, Iteli-ions Intelligence, ilissions. School and Colloo.News of the Week, ynin Note, the .Siiudiiy-scliool, Le gal nud Ssiiiinry questions, il.lcul ICescan h (someiliinj; tliul cannot be round in uny other nusp:iper in the Uniiud Sillies), Fiiiin aud Uardim, anniui-e. Wcekly'.l.irket 7,'eporis, etc. in fuel, a newspaper fully suited to the requirement of every family , con iiiiniiu; a fund of Information which cuiinot be had in any other shape, iind having a wido circulation all over the country not in Kurope. Wo ic ier to 1'iik IxiiKi-KSOKsr, of Liw York. "I'lio largest, the ablest, tho host." Sec advertisement, in another column, ami send a poatul card for free speci men copy. Clear beiid and voice, rasy breathing sweet breath, perfect smell, taste and hearing, no cough, no ditrc. These aro the condition brought about in Catarrh by tho uso of Saufor.f Radi cal Cure. Complete treatment for $1. Nov. The following Item Is taken front an exchange:, arid ontalna so much truth (hat we ask our rentiers to give it more than a passing glance: "A doctor will alt down and write a prescription; time, five seconds, ptfner and Ink, one fourth of a cent, and the pTtlent pays one, two, three, five or ten dollors As the cns Inn be. A lawyer wrltea ten to twenty words of advice and gets from ten to twenty dollars from bl client. An editor writes a half col umn puff for a man, pays a man n dollar or more for putting it In type. print It on several dollars worth of paper, sends it to several thousand people, and then surprises the puffed man If he makes any charge." , m- . . A Good and Cheap Kansas Paper, We nrn in recoipt of the WEEKLY CAPITAL, an eight-page, 4H-column weekly paper, published at Topeka Kansas, tho Capital of the Slate, at One P illar per year, to an y address. It Is brim-full of state new, corres pondence crop note, markets, etc.. and is, lit every respect, a journal, worth tbo money asked for it. Those who want to learn about Kansas should send for Hie CAPITAL, Id dross, T)irk't Ihlll; (il)iitul VuhUthivj Company, Toptka ATuusrit. Nov. 24, 4w. FrnxrrM Ante Or rase. One trial will convinco you thiit It is the iieal. tsk your dealer for the Kraer Axle (ireao, and take no oth er. F.very box has our trade mark on Kept. W 'Ml m. MILIJii:!lYr ! Tho Missus Dorus would respectfully inform the public that they have ic store the best selected s ock of Milli nery Good, and are prepared to do all kinds of work neatly, cheaply, expedi tiously and iu good stylo, tiivo them a call. Nov. 3, 'Si. S Oppeuheiiiicr ha knocked the prop out from under high price and hn.1 determined to disposo of liis large slock of Fall and Winter (loods at Trice lower than ever, (jj and SCO. t?3uThc very best CnilrrcloOiitiij from i. eta, and upward at Oppeiibciuicr's. Selinsrove, P. Trial List, Oeo Term, 1331. Coilrt commence on Monday n xt 'Money ta the root of nil evil," yet m at Of 0 a e or t nt it. R.msted lemons are snid to tubdue lb whooping cotigh very effectually- It 1 prepared a follows "oast a lemon wiihout burning It, Whon hot, rut and squeeze the juice Into sugar. Olve a teaspoonfut as often as the cough Is Irniibledsnme. This i a cure for any kind of a cough, and perfectly safe to take." Tt will pay pvei v bodv to examine the immense Slock of Furniture for oilo by lha Popular Furniture man W. II. FKLIX Lewistown Pa. W, II. Itii clint, u. or Jasnb C. AraM t, .,nn r. ,, ,-w. .I.Bch (. Nnilsr . H. fc U. II. It. Uo. .Inn. M. Hlli . mn. ! IJo.v.r. .lun, ,. .ham II Itnmlg. Ilsrntis t Hclilrr i. W. Uaugiir kj o, I'lrl h , I ni.i,. Ksims vs. J. W. (Isnvlor. asm t. J. w. iiMKiBr, iurlrlni pirtner ctia Hns-sr v. I.. It, Hn.um I Jul.o V. nuka kiiil wi t, t,e. n. W . A. Muter n l W. II. Il.okii.. On. I NtruU . John II. Fn. klrr ami wtf MsrT Hnluiai U. )ilna Uut- llco. nt Ana elil:na. lic A il.ii tk lru Hegur r. lUrl l TUuriby Dl Wits. A. II. Krsuolious fc Co. vs. E, H, It iUljoa nJ wll... W. A H-hr, lurrlvliin Exiont r. vs. K. J, HetiMCh. iooUiii omul,; . t . n. i tupt' Mul. Aid Oso. (Uu iIt st a I. rs. Hsma. llnrv -.'iir il ti Ht,. A. .1. r litlisr. uo tL. va. run. M. A. A.hU Ari.iciiiun. 4 Ku. f Prior Rl, i soon luicuirjr vt. . u likriwno st at. II. V. Au-ilo v.. 11. 0'Nill. iiusnllaa, a W, II P-U' Mel'rn r. t..l.n K. WoT. tll.n Wuli, !. ntor at. . jnlm S. Wolf, r rul.l .Uanl n C'u ?i. NaUnll Witiiar. Bf"X.Oents' Furnishing tloo I of Pu terior quality, at the most reasonable luiccs nt Oppenhvimcr's, Sulinsgrove, Pn. BrL.OVKnCOTS of every quality, slylo nud price imaginable at Sol. Op penlicimers, Selinsgrove, Pa. CaTA full line of Fail and Winter R udy ini l ('lothinx j'lst openo l at Oppeniieimer'a Clothing Kiiiporitim, .Selinsgrove, Pa. HOW TO INCREASE Y0U.1 INCOME. Just nt this season of the year there are. aiiioiuour remlers, those looking foreinployiiient for the next (I luontlw. We have lately received from L. 14. lirown & (!., the well known iiiium- faetnrrs of specialties for uirents to liauille, a request to nut them iu com uiiiiii.-ation with one or more suitable persons in this locality, to net as agents In Introducing several rf their patent household articles to this coin uiunltv, nnd after eonslilerntion, we take this method to comply with their request. The linn are iiui'mifneturcrs of a lurcre number of household arti cles, which they Introduce to the pub lic by ineitns of iikii-nts, having some times ns ninny as I.IKHJ persons iu their euiplov. The particular articles which they seek to introduce here, at this time, are: Itrown's Peerless Sifter, generally aeknowlcdu'cd to be the best in tho world, of which nearly one mil Hon were sold iliii-iug the hint venr: the Kitchen lateen, the latest and best invention iu I'tialOil Lamps, nnd the only absolutely Safe Lamp made; the Centennial t'rtke and Hake Pan. an article which has a national reptita tion. and Is the delimit of everv liotise keeer; the Half Minute Kgg Heater, which always sells nt slvbt, and the new Alto Uellevo Hronze Protllo I'ast f J AM I'.S A. HAKFI I4LI. with me- mortal frame the best selling nrtiele ever put Into the hands of all nirent, tlie best of all the portraits, chroiuos or steel engravings that have been offered. It Is n truer likeuens of the inartvred berotbaii any we have ever seen before, and its price brings it Klfllill f!ie reach tif .tll; F:r thik count y, Messrs. Hrovm - I 'o. de-ire as many agents as enn work ailvantaie ouslv. Any Hiiiart. intellh;iiit lady or iretitleuian cm make a line income in this wnv. The tlrni will send to nnv resp'insible person kiikk who will n-i suine the agenev here nnd go to work acomplete outllt of these iroods, to the r t'uiiit of live dollars. The reputa tion of II. is house I.h 'iri-t r:ite ; the iron, I are what they represent them to be. Their terms lire liberal, and W"ndviM thore l iokiicr for genteel, ' reiniiHi-ntive eiu'ilovoi 'lit 'o send to them for fr.ther infoiii.iitlon. Their nddi-CNs is I . I:. HIP IW S At 'i . CI Walnut iSt., Cinciiiatl, O Oct. 37,1) w. rn have lately received four ele- iUel engravings, publlahed by rrs. Stliison Si Co.. and a dozen Mliful chroino flower panels : afl fine works of art, and do credit to puml-h rs The tl engravings Mry large slr.e of each 80 by 40 I1 The plates were engraved In tlou by well known Kuglish uias- r' art, and cost, when they eame lie owner's hands in Portland. hu duties paid, some thirty two Mund dollars. These engravings f f the class that sell in Europe for guineas per eopy, which Is over "O dollars. To engrave a single 'of the size and desriptlon of Xiuauship, requires the labor of a 1 Wilful artist from one year to I V8rs, and of teu longer. These el- I't'Ugravinirsareatitltled "Choos- J'h Weddlug Oown," "The Prayer inaatth." "Tending Qoata," and Hlghlaud Hearth," believed, aud generally con . that these finest and Hint alwant iut nt of high art aver brought out by publishers. American Nihould be made beautiful by M worksof art. aud irlots for re- l"d and meritorious plotures are 7 'ow that there can be no ex- lorths walla to remain tfoimv. '"'"d.and eheerteas. AineHoan Ladies Coaa selling now cheaper than ever nt S. Weis's, Selinsgrove. Black nnd colored Cashmeres in full variety at 8. H'cis's Selinsgrove. Silks,Satins and Velvets atS. Weis's, Selinsgrove. Everything about Sanford's Radical Cure for Catarrh invites confidence. h is the proscription of one of our ablest physicians, and ia prepared by one of the largest and most reliable drug houses in the United States. Motion Journal. Deo, "A lady had the flush eaten off her arm by scrofula. Could see the sin ews Working. 'Lindsey's flood Searcher' cured her." J. Ralston,- El dei ton,' Pa. Dec. Indulgent parents who allow their children to cat heartily of high-seAson ed food, rich pics, cakes, Ac, will have to uto Hop Jitter to prevent, indiges tion, sleepless nights, sickness, pain, aud, perhaps, death. No family is safe without them in the house. Deo. To Every Republican I Invest fl.OO in making Republican votes among your German Democratic neighbors by subscribing for "DER NEW YORK REPUBLIC NJ?R" for 18S1, for one or more of them. In this maimer you can uiako permanent Re publicans among this available le nient with the least troublo and ex pense. Annual subscription fl.OOj for Clubs of ten or more, 75 cents for each subscriber. - Address, DER NEW YORK RE fUBLIKANER, New York City. We invite tbe iieiTtlon ofluir read ers to tho advertisement of the Bui k- . w . , k v., tutu iwm, vuiii. in wuviiirr WlOUld h insula K.fl..l ...4. . ..' .' tDdn..V. r.T ,r.T : . i rr luauceroenu o3 ueauuiui me uv oil tana ... , vuniiini, iinr ouor (art ttJ.0i,:,, w'1f!uto,!v.r.,aa honest living. Miursth.;:.:, "T" vss,. GTiAND JURORS liawu for roular term o.)'nruonoiug Dec. l'2tb, 1881. F.KAvrrt- S. A, Wetel. llfcAV Kit Wkst Henry C. Krebs, F.d wnnl Mitchel. CKXTKit -Frederick Hingamiui, Jere iniiili Howersox, Uriah llerger, Jackson Hailey, Charles E. Samp sel. I' UANKI.I V Ileury Henfcr, Jacob C, Walter. Jacksos Amos Jurrett, Ileury Moy er. Minnt.KCttKKK John Fields. lloxmiit John Young. Pkns David K. Ixnk. Pkhhv Wkst George P. Zliiiuiertiian Skunsohovk 'L 8. Keely, Wiu. P. hnharf. Uxiox Isaan S. Longaere, David Snyder, James K. Hums. Washinoton Frederick . (ilasa, John Houtz, Oeorge F. Miller, PETIT JURORS drawn for regular term commencing Deo. IZtil, 1SSI. Adamh Isaac Hackeiiburg, John Kechinan. UKAVElt Oeorge A. foss,s Aula tiross, James F. Keller. Samuel Lupfur. Hkavku Wkst Samuel L. Itrower Reuben Itower, Samuel S. Sellers. CKXTKK Samuel W. II art man, John 8. Long. Chapman Henry C. Shaffer, O. V. SttthL Franklix Thomas Dower. Irvin Bowersox, John Gilbert. Jackson Robert P. Cornelius, Daniel Oldt. Middlkhurg Ellas Hummel. Miudlkcrkkk Aduiu C. Fields, Allen Kramer, John Sieber. MONRoB Daniels. Ilelser, Theodore Humuiol, David Moyer, John Wendt, Pbnx Jacob W. Fisher, Isaac Mohr, John P. Riohter. P&RRT Suwarrow Miller, Michael F. Womer. Pkrrt Wkst Jacob D. Harris, Lewis Womer. SxLiKsaRfiVH Lewis Aniig, Geo. 8. Davis, Anion ' Z. Suhocb, M.' 1 Wagenscller. . -' . Uxiom James N Houser, Hiram Kelley, Adam 8 Hpangter, John Bhotzberger, ). L, Btahl David Witiner. . WAeuixaToK I Jeary-C FUbor, Ed win 8. Griimu, William A. Glawi. Lcvlo. Cioj', rvtcr L. Haojes. MIDDLEBDR&JPH0DU2E MARKET. cia'-KCTrii ssrm.r nr .7. W. Hi'vtiHo, ffitntoes do Hutter per ponn l I'iriTH per ilo.cli Tallow per pound I. anl berries Seecd 0 berries HlnekberrieH liasbei-ries Dried Applu.4 S. nip Side T ever bet?! ! Congress Hall Open A;ain For Ear- Gais In m s - " '., iss . .a MITCHELL, LEWIS tk CO., Haclnc, Wis., Manufacturers of F4ltyf AYU FIlEtaiiT a O JTSi THE MITCttKI.L JTANDARU I'HTKiiKM SI-KINU WAUUN. Al Thiw-rnin ncl fnnr-Sr-ing Wrm, anrt Sule-Sprintf l.nuir. Tha MITCHKI t. W AliON M rnirih ol iha l....dl ..nl lh vny l-,l tnrk uvH In lit (m. miction and made br lli! hr.l w.imn m'h.inir in lh woil J. I h Sprmu V j.m and Unity l)f. fartmcnl I. tnliriU- .cpiMlr fir in I In; Farm W.non lin. And f.r tli tnimifulura vf tliia iLua al wuik wa luva Untitle ua,uriAaxd. Send for l..iiali ua and lll.i.ir.i. .1 1'rLa l.ia. niri llllL, Lltn iU ., Il urine, Wla. I'OIt SALU, fPITK nii,l,.,-Hi. nrd c-O'eia for enli I r.aar.l Hln.,,rdi anadlan SliM .-.! Ilfnl te. k. lit f im .o, rail .in ora t lr A. A. It mlif. I'ee. I. I'il. tf. Mrl'lnra, Sn)ilr cu.. I'a. A l dINIS I It TOI' S X ( VI Ul)Z- . l.nir. ,.f a n.lnt. trail. n ..n l ..,la'a liaI ISn'l r. C. r,i.n,. . iiM'Miiii li. si,,,!fr ci niily, 1'aniCa , liKvlna i m arantrd ode nnilrfaliii.rit. ill i ,r. n kn.iriia ,- rlrM Irnlr lire.l li, alld nr ii f-i. ri-iilr.li. l-i nuka oiiimmIuip envtie-iit. vrrileOi nr lurinir hiiinawH .i.vi ikeiu duly a Jll.alillcalrd 'er (tlllrlitcnt Iu SUS.'J SNYIIK.K. Ic. I, IMt Adniluiklrslrlx. A miTN'TSTH TOI.'Sl)ri('K- V I ai'ara n' a ttnlm.tr .Hun nn Ih" rits ol A M t'KI. li III 1 1 :, ,1, i-anar I, lata er VI . dlcicr.ak l... strr e nntv. I'jmi'j , l.iutnu I cm It.n r.l In llin ui, I, r.l-tMld, nil . kllnallS thrtil"'t.c I il .1 lilnl ,. aUala ara ra.itl I I I miKa l:nmni sin I ,, tnrtil , slilla lli.ia having cl Oma ,11 iirc-atit' tliam I lly aiilttlRlenitcd In- pmttlptncnl ti, UK JON .1 SMITH. Kcc. I, inn. Aiiiiiiniaiiiitnr. VALUABLE FARBI AT Private Sale. rpm: 'oMowir.rr vnlunlilo Pral 1 lata la ml ri-1 nt I'rlratn a its and m Ka. mtial l.ai nld : Ibiit crulu inaa. nana latitmani, suit Tract of Lain! Itlna-in l i I m tnwn0,ii. snydrr cotintv, i.i.u d d .iilii Inn u i W-inuin llcltri. k, I nat l.i Him i UIiimo nt I'uri Ttpvti rii'ti. simiii, v I in I .lri. nl II mtr in, I H i.. 1. 1 l.aaa. ami Kt-i i luti I, ul W. il. ua.r J and, contain. iu.; "nil utiili t il Acres, l.l.-h at.iBt is l a uniid ;nrt'a ll'itik I In n m ra nr Ic... ni i,,., a', ml n acrca It nod liimur. 1 l.u'c I, a att.iil nrrs . n I'm i- Pi.a. .mo trull Itcac, and a Ansa H- hi'i ill iitr. Yvt tvril.s ,c. fthlflt wilt I., aaay rrlr lr) I .N MM N r. II iNK, t.oil-lal'lirtf, .. IT Al. I.. M IIIM'II, . . tarllu l'. S. t ..-s. ,,, n li M ir, m d a. rnta wrintit.ir innks I'irss aiitna ol mnM-y In,- tie- llolllnya, ant tif'i-rward Inn, rd-oiiM u,a nn tllna, lull a. i,. al nn fir tcrnn anl lull enrli.'ijlm nt 'MiKtii.i- ft's i iMtri.r:t k aV ai.v.m-i hk TIii-: IHI'l.l-;i-,c.,(., T:i. t ,!, ri.iirinii.i, , ,. ias C'Vur lU'i u I . nirc II In ' rtl I ton ( and i- i-nri"- in loa. II tti'M'iina. A'trai-'lva. .n ,r. fr'.-.li... i... .... n... r inac I cl.r.m .Ii-kI. ally a in umbo una r en ! r..ro I ti. p l t i n "'i""" ar- ivn i,i i i.,.f an l n' -.rl I t I i , oi 'l, i f ,r Illa'Cr-t. Ilav'nu i.n itn-iini aa ixla. Ai.,.1 r.. i... . ... Iy initla an...il in t.i nvary c;i hr nu t aiintn ,t : i n h l. .ii.t.Mi li, it Ilia III . I . Ih. vet. at a td i II. a l i Ida ,,.-,i i, ,t.a ,., i..,. i I,. I'crn.. t ,,.tcri.t..n.. a ol Hi d' Word " I al II, il - I I j. a.id' alis mm n divorce. V i.Vc 1 liiih; i. .i.i, i ,t t- ,. ii .'iii.ii III III. 1 1 HIO.TI 1 '. v , i..,i. s.,:r Hi- M I ItC li.ioli I r lloll.li, i,ii..ii la. I'll,',, al ll'fll llli Ire,. I ,ru,-llni,a a-l.nl 1-ml . I a r:tc v. 1 1 1 1 t ii m imi I i . . i (Limited.) :.ll A r. l. M I'lilln . l a. mi ft. I t'4MIiim:it ion. Atiii:i;i:s ii-e n,.n. Joepi, r. I'tl her l'r--l !cti ..,-a cf H a .1 . cinl l lui rl llii irniai I, h. f fiatt '. i div -.1 'd iy, IHI.iirc- 1 1 I ( a..t nir f in rl nf iv i-r S'it a-, (irav. n - I t Till Ml t - Ii-, . oil nn i ... I, hi ta of Willi ii Ti-ri lli.n all iiiiiiinrr n liiiairnaa a ' M I ii H I, ,1 .i,. v i-. mi i . - nnd S ioar In oi: I hi II o . .1. b i.i . - J, , ... a. al Mil. ii . I nir, ii ii l'.i ,tt 1 1 1 . ' I ' ,i. l.'Ha. In ia I l ox " I: i. h. r ii .. v l t-wnr I If I" e 1,1 i It ... a i.d Sill li- M. II, no,. Ill- II Hi .1 -! nr i- f i, , i ,il .V. Hi IT tliS an I l II d II -i i. in-. ,-.r C, . .11 ,1 toil ho it 1 1 i to. d I ii I, I ,n 1. .i . ,1 n, ,li , ii,, v ail tin - ali in A I i I I I A..rinldv, In an.-i. it ii. In aid r Hi. .1, nli.l In reel fall 1 i i fi 20 Hit) 13 01 IH 111 25 04 1 he nliove Mule lum I r K a Aaani-la-a .ludica Irii i-'iii.t,- la,, ii;:'"' liialr fa ta 11, n HI. i lay ui NS.. A ! -i-d ol llii i-iiunllra Nnv.lnr ' i Ion and .ir,i,, nn, I Mlriin l.'Ni, I Shiii I II V'.l. r K' ' Aaanfla'S .Imlvpa In and lor Mi,lrr ccfit In .ir Inj . d C-M, til 1110 lilt, 1-1, tl lor tlio linlillliii ,1 an lir liHi,a o.inri n i uri id I'o'uiiion l,;iina. ru,t ,,, il iiyar and Tarin liar and (Irnaml rl n 'tnarli r r-. t . if ii e roe a nt Mlddini urv l ir ilia rnnnlr ol sny lar: nn li 'imt Mi, n i, iv. (i-altm Ilia l.ili day ul lino. Infl and oinulnua i nlin arrli , A,j Niiiion a tlicrnliira han ha irlTcn n"lha Hum. nor. ' II t 1,-oa nf li.a I'mvcn a, it I'l.n-Ul.loa In no r invoiniiiiy ni inyilp-. in a,tiir In ilial urar cr-niia n,, uir ,,,l. reor.l. In ii.n. .i..,ia. ainiinuiiina ann nlltcr rPiitciniT.ilnea , In t'.n a llilnn. In lliclr ..in,., and in In lr ha. '"I nan ,priin in na iimia and anina-aaa and iar A I ,.a l'. ..i,. .1. .l id i oe- -al t . i-i.-i. i .1.) ol N i m I, i ii ..i. 1 I'. I I'l.i n; ri:. siirr tr. I'. Ilfcliir. 1'rci.ld.nt "I i I I' 'mis. tkia lilt. roa- oti n ai-l. 1 N I n'aitv,ii, -in ii i ui S f i' p irrn ill i . nnd li I . h m isrca tiinnlli, pit ,.p, a , ,,r-p- c ,r . .in I ',aa mil Ii an Irniii li d aVn -a. rrni,,irii"d iij il j t.ird l- u.tur, liunlt, Kanp. II. out ant: iTi:r ox i:titi si W. A, Urn-. N, anrv. m,lii. .y. : "i'r,. I'lM. u o ... . . 1. . . o .. .. k - -.in , -it ,T liro l, n I ,- 'a IMCOII Inn nartli ll.el ll, wo-.' r, atll rlioillll In ; Una p.innty M v mml pr , ,, i i , , nt ypir", an i in I'ipi intj I ir,in it. j ii ilia ITrTtrt n arim ,1 P ra aa , . ., k. a I . la. 1 u a . 1.... a . aula iri'P''IHi tf l,,l ,,l n (oniin.in. llUstOI'.S I slid lia III, arnrn i, PrPd I .r 1 1. 1 (ia , ra. whlcll wonllli aualn-l any pr.oiia ,rn rcinlrnd In In. - .. I mtliin.- rclloipd nr i n-ad until I u r I Uto hi t. lien ami 1 1, eta ailcndlnii and nut dainrilns 1"l t h i ! im II koi vi r litpinnlii . ti, , i'nuri.., Illioin loava at ihair i ctll. .1 nat I , a aro tv- I an l t ct n i .1 a fu 1 r pxiornnliy. iiioaid in im imni iiial In '.llialr iiitiindauca si 0-1 I'll! J . lha ai'ionti-,l tuna .urucLly in nntn a. 1 l.ict kkiai Illv.11 nndar my liaml ami anil al ll a Shar. I .'. ' Ill's oitico in .MiildlpliurM, Ida Imli day n,r Nnr. I " srjicniar, K" , Hand -ram , V. V. . 11. ona llmuaaiid l"lit liuiidrin ami alglitj-on. PNII L lllil.KNIiKH. sharllt. 3- PRIVATE SALE, i j piirr-l nt I riii-u.) ir l.pirny, rt twen'y vaara1 I anti.lln. I,y tli i'i iiiiiii lU.nivK .r In. ; lornal v. and 1 :i 1 n i u and 1 rtH'rut SuA r IrVariliilv. I lin ni,.t 1, nln-liil p ,.a ,11, ran. I r-l. 1'iiia,-'rtlte I 1 1 lnl -rn a ju-tlce nf tie ;l"'ica-ilid lr,itnlnatt clllratia. All att,p,l altli liniiliiic nnd a.-aiv ,1 la, i,. rhiiul.1 aoud til tip our Iatiui iit'iiuiic nnii a,-aiv ilia. i.i WI'OC 11 f,,r 11,1, ta-tl 1,1 ,1 In iu!t. ilciith of the irou ielur, Mr I, the uiiih-ip'iic I, l,en .- cell cloyed unit of the II. Mui.t. Iipictlii 4 to ) 7 to H 1 2.: 1 20 NO 75 4(1 1 H 4 50 to 4 75 ftllritllcbtir;? Itlairkc;!, ooRRitt'Tr.n wskri.v nr Siraonton, llarber Co. (WAIX&SLICDS. Wheat per bushej Wheat, No 2. Rye do Corn do ' lata do Potatoes C'loverseed per bushel I'ltODULK. Cherries, pitted Cherries, lilipitted KlacKlierrlea Itaspberriea Dried atuiles Nprlnn; t'liickens Turkeys, Hutter, prima Kirns Onions Lard Tallow Onk Ties COAL. Pea Coal Chestnut Coal HlacksiuithCoal Kttg Coal 1 il U 25 r 8 2 UK) 10 OH 85 to no 2 GO 8 75 00 4 00 I ly nniioiinrc to lli public neially, Unit luive l.ik. 'ii cli.iion ,, tho mm,, and have in addition tnilie lniee stock winch c me into the store just bel'iire my IiiikIiiiiuI -died, received auolher larao invoice of niTTf ALT ItJIIH'jr. pill1, nnilert-itfne.l oll'era nt privntc inetsuri' 1 Tii.i.a h, l.nyn nM., i.oci u,o t,rm.nt nt S Sals, tho f'lll'iwlnit ilnanrllifd IIp,lI I.ihIp. . , iilll It In mil i',i 11 innr. il .10 I Im auonv I rn. in H: A nnriniii tnt.it ., 1 m I an ii.,ia In Ad. I lV oil I' ''ured lor 1 nra. im il imiih 1 1,1 11 1, irri,iii llllia I aril.. Sin dor ft mm i' I . a 1 1 . ... I... " . It ,I V. r liilari,.. ,11.1 1 , ....... .... ... suili i.i ol i'los -HI 1.,, o.iiit ilnl.iu tiirn.ilv r,., . . ... MtM. WM.r Ll.i.Vi 'IUV Snaron. Wis. Id ACI'C'H, pinion III 1 - mors nr lc, wliarsnn sis siceiela suud C'l'TH'J'll i. " , : n,l ( 1 rii cny Smr anicriinllr m 1 IT i-teriu i'WclIlllir llonse. .Silllilo "' ' "! T inf-rn ill will .,aul,r,, .ir nd othar niitli'iUdlntia well of ,11 1 r ior at Uto ilnnr-tlirlvlna yoiini,r ,,r, l,ntd nl c'i d -a Irult triiaarunntfi wutnr 11 1 ilia I iriil a Im'it a. a-TPM nl tlio a 11PO u I tin.l.nr I n.l. ilio lia'nnia rluar aii.d Iu, lnh a,..i ..i ..nli 1. .. 1 i.... ! I nriin ,.a.iy . , . ... Kur luilliar imrll ul ,r a ldrna " muei UiIMM A . I 1 1 II KM A . disp si- For Mm M Eoy 0, A Lurn dfsoiiiiient of Men's, Wo men's 11ml Childieu's Shoe of All tirades and 1'iiccs. The Stfar Tip Shoo3 for Children From G1.15 Upwards. Dec. 4, Iu Franklin. Jiulah Wit ten myer. wife of Henjainln Wlttenuiyer, Ke years, v mounts niio;.'3 days, SANTA LAELJ has established his headquarters dur ing the Holidays at Mis C. Hills st BEAVER'S COItNEtt on Market 8lieet, Mddleburg, the greatest variety of TOYS ' of every description ever before seen In 'Middleburfr. DOLLS a specially. ' Coutan, T 71. torn, )oI- maiw nnd Nhnwlsj in preot variety, Also fulf line of ' FANCY OOO UN. . Any person needing an j thing In this line ill do well to cull on .Mis 0. Jifls. , IWt forget the place -Water's Corner, Mid Jloburg, 'i. ' Dec 181, Nov. 21, Hint. tl. Troxclt lllv tnjdcr i'a. A lMIXrSTIATOnsXOTI('K. I iithets f l,pir nt ditilnlairtitliin nn Um atiitn of. , linnlal Kal r, lute nl illd lli nrcpU to p , Sny I'l l. unr ii . i-i,, itrci, na.va i pen ttriin'eil In Ilia auliacrlhar, all i cr.ntu llolnl.t it l III a il, I ra. UK lira ri 'im-t. , ako luiinodliila iay- uipiiI, and ilinfa tnvlnit cluliiia nr iiiiuamU K li.l Hi" P'ln i I Ilia til I ilacedoi t Will maka known lha , with mi d ly. in SA.Ml. tl. KI'NNl.hll, Oct. t;iti, IMI, AdlllllilrtHtur. cry i np n U iuiui ,;j,iuj i o n una I'luinU loS..r.,U. I'rli'a nl I 'c riei i: , ainall Ii.itp, Mi larus lioi-a. I ' l ill', ii l i' . , i v i , 1 ir I. i in. I'i'iiiini lll '.'.., iiit. i it t mi.ivi'I .ii in, !. n i i iir nit Ii'iijjI. .. Iit'i ol. V I- l.lv.s , I'i, i i it. i ,,tn. M ia. a lall'fcal aili ia, , a,iaa,iataaaaaya..Aaa3..i. a,, a CATARRH '11 1 4 til I it VOW Sieriffs Safe." P X KOPTO US' XOTICIv lilaiiaii tn.tntnoninry on tlia intiits nt Joilali II ofl.tma nl Wa.,lnul,in snydpr I'o. I'a., ilen'il, Lava tia. n nranlad in Ilia undar Ivned. All par a ktinwlnir IhamaalTai In. ilaiilad loaalii ct,un sill ,ian,a tn.il.a limncdi. ala i.yiiianl wlilla thn-a liai-lnit olulinn amlt at aid aaule will j raccl tlicm (or rctllcti ant In I'll 1 IV 1111,11 r H, BAUI ;i.LV III KK. Nov. 10, just. l.aculura. IMLOSTilOreTOie T Y vit t.io of ii writ of Fi. I'a. is iMir'l nut of the t.'oiirt of '(.'milium, 'lens of stnyiler County, 'n., audio' iiic directed will bo exposed tol'ublifl Siiie, on Moiidiy Pee. 12, nl the 'nut llo'i-e. in .M ii,lleburj. nt 1 o'clock p. in., the follouiiij; ilcscitbcd ljeiil Katnte to wit .- Tit CT No. J -Ueiinr a piece of wnniiliMid, siiiinte in Fninkliii town ship, riiiyiler county, I'u., Iioinuieit Ninth ami .tsl by hinda Uenri;n fhu 1 iiiiiii, .Vi.uth by liiiiclrt of Win. II. .Imith, ! West by In i nl nf S,iintn-I Vit:ennivir .Inat ntilillkhad, naw s lltlnn ot lilt. I't'l.a llll(i ..il'.,,,, ,.,,i,i.,;,,ii, Vr.KvVl-:i.la'S (lKLsaaTHii Kssav nn U e oii.iis, CiH 1.11 1 In Large Variety. A. lnll .A.MMot'tmoiit oi rntUINIvH, ArA Ia.THI2H, HArrcuii:is. ranioai cura el M crtimlorrln aa or H, minai Wcakm-as Inrohoilarf Sainlnal taiwaaa. Ininu irnry Menial anl liiyid. nl iiic,i,ai,ty. In,. (dllllSiita tu M triakT' , ku., aim ' in HI niliin, Kldlaiiaiand Hit lulnc. Il.y Sof.iiu.en-a or aanual astraiaiii,'a, ao. Tu- r.li liral.d nu leir, In Hit" admlMlda .' pay. claarly ilaisnnatr ili'., Irum a ti.lrly yearn' uooaaalul ,rsi-tli'a, that (tin alarnili'H eniiaa quencea ol aell.alims may ua radlonlly cuted n ilaslua out a uindu n cum at one. certain an I llaciu il, lie wlili'h avcry aoilnrer, nn mailer wbal lita ooiidttliia may lie, may onra liluimll eueaplv, irlvaialy and r , 1 1 a 1 1 y . ar-l lil Iieolure ahould ha In tbe htnila of ery youth uud virery man In tlia land. Maul, uo ler mh. In a lalii enel.,m, to any s Idraaa, nn rpoalj.t ut alt centa. ortao l,oil SKe ataini. M's bay alao s lurs ours fur Tare Worm. Adil'-a TliECt.'t.VEKWKr.t. VBHIOAI, Oil., 41 Ann SI., New Yuik, N, V 1'ott Oltlo I would most respectfully nk tho public to call and look at my stock and examine my prices, which will al ways be found just as low as the low est. I will continue, the business and pro pose to keep always the best quality of goods for the least money. oping to receive a full share of the patronage of the public, I remain, . Respectfully, miS, 11. illAKXa Do. i, 'ai. . . ' , "i . . . . . . , , . . NOTICR is hnioby Riven that the followlna Widow. Aiinrilaanipi,!. nndia the 100 Law, have b.an nlnl wllh Ih. I'lnra of itla Urpliatia' 'ourl vf Murder county, luronn. Oimalluu on Slouilsjr, tbe Will day of lire, Best, Apnraliemant of laa'ielli llsskmaater widow of bamual llsokoiaiter. lata of 1'ar. ry lowutblp, dee '4. Appral.araant of tllralielh Maris wlrlaar of Jolm f, Alans. lata ol Wnalilnutua luam.kan. deed. JO Acres, more nr leas. T 15 ACT Ao. L' Silnnlo in township nfnnaiiiil, liiiiiuiled Ninth by Inmls of Asaph fowersox, Kant and riout'i by IiiiiiIs ol .Vephnni" Miiiinlitu li, West by lands ol'Jo.-ii'pli Doumnyer & Co., COU taiuitir I Acrcri, mote or lca. Ti'A('l' No, :t-Pititnte ii the Hor ouch of MiililleliiiiL', bounded North y loi of lleiiiv Smith, ICiist by Ic.nfTa of Milton Mo.ita, Kouth bv oi rS Mary lletliick. Wist liv rnblic Rond, con tniiiiiiR OXE-FOt'Uril ACUH, iiioi or less, hereon are erected a D filing llcuee, Stable and other oiitbui'airs. Seized ami luKrw ti. execution and to be sold as Ue pinperlv of A. J. .S'pecht l. i:OLl':.NDElt,BIeiiir. Nov. 17. Itol. GOID (I real eharaa ta tnml lunnrji. Hw.uwtin s'wa take adranl.iia el law po-d etlanoee Inr inaklnat mu.v Ihae are oSered. aennrallv lianai na aa.nl,. Aiiraipemeni n, aniiniia aaoypp winSS Ol ' w ' " nv un. IIHIIDIVM a II OH aSa.eaS Hauiuel Moyer lata ot Cleat re Uiwaiblu, ilvc'J, I remain in ierty Wewantmsoy meu, m J.UUOU3E, Ultra O. O. luen, bg. . atrli t wurk lor us riabt ln HoT. tl. 1881. 'Vyvvmu.i. tli-lr . wn IneaiUaa. Any ous ra 4 tl wo-k ' firojierly irotu ibe Ant aurt. Tbe autla aa wilt I 'y Bona than las itiue. nriMn'y wa s. fcm- EXECU rOR'3 NOTICK-.Tttnra 1 r" alHlarnUli.il free. N.tout wke en auuu uiiaiiuuvu-aliSlieri s la ""aka aiuaey rssiJIy. Ynu earn ta.umantsr.os-'tlis ..lats or liana "."., your . Ms llw. H lbs w'rs. or 1.1 Jarralk ilacS, lata of i'oui.t townablp j.n-mom.nle Poll In er.all .ii ead a'l Jnil..r snunty. !., wars arontaa to tbe sue fu f eil s- ol frc. AdUioM oiiuaus ii -den a-ned. All ferauni biiowlnk ll.ssi.al.aa I... forilsud. llelao. Ii'ilahtail In aaiMt'taio will idaaae siaks lwsa . , dime uayiueal, wbifothoio kaylng aUltae will f ' M I0C0 WW. r-suai.a4MHawirapwp. iraaal tboamrlur Mllleai' at u I li ,S" '''""i"ii ,"fsi.i, . -tS ' Lss.outwr. a SlaMil..l .aJla...,i,,J;!311.nla.. . MWaUICS Ijk, l, SivaJ mw, b, aaaa. .1 - !' i; ' I'll. li.' f i - I 1 ': ' -"ti."! ' ii 'U:a. '. !- - -'T. .".( . ; , ! ,;. '..a,- ... 'A '-. a, - s...