ft 1' f, - T li e. ? o 3 1 Ciddlsburg, DEO. 8, 1881. irCROUSE EditorA PropreVer. tar . 1 - 1 11,1 1'Im poopfe ol UukaU ara ftiUt log tb question of tb ailroinsioo of that Ten i tor j Into tie I'uion as e State. Tbe Chief of Police of Lebanon we tori mely lojnreil by riurnken kvaghs io tbat Uoroogb Inst Saturday nigbt It io wUtel that Mm. OurtiU gets ' from tbirty to sixty lntters a iliy, begiog tii r o )utiib itiiiis. Miatna on tbe bopRero. l)an Rice, of rhena fuiie, it Dow oo tbe lecture platform. to de livered a lecture at City Hull, Pitta' burgh, on Satnrday night, bis tab ject being. "Tbe Fool Wine nt Last." Victoria Woj.Iuult, w 1 1 b. r sinter, daughter ami inotber, ia back from a five years' trip to an I sojourn iu EoglaoJ, full of praise f ir th Enj liib. Sbe goesnpon tbo loot mo pint form, and Lor accoraptis'iaJ d.iugh cr will take to tbo Mope Tbe Supreme Court hi Us led nn ordor restricting tbo Suite, wliirb eVicea fifty seven of tbe slxty-seveo touuties iu tbo Euatorn liatiict sev, od io tbe Western, and tbe balance' io tbe Middle PiHtrict. It ia Raid .. tbat tbia will require tbo Court to it for Dourly aoreu mouths of tbo your io l'liiladulpbia, A (Saoria man who drunk nq'iavt O 'link a fo. ol ita o. , after a ridj of 15 milm wiii tiktio from his rtujm dottJ. Tbuie ia no toiling bow cut) eh fun be migUt bavo gotten out of a judicioua distribution of tbat quart of vtbisky, bit ha clma to hive all bis fan abua aa 1 it pro id fuUl. - "Tbn Auiorican Hook Exoli angQ," a publishing firm which altmnptod tbe revolutiouizing of the book trade by printiog cheap litorfttttra, Inn faite I after a coatly expjriiouut of three years. Tbia fml'ire will b deeply regretted by a large c!;uj of people who becutna extousivo pnr ebasor of its woll-knowa ouJ well printed books. Cbrie. Datis, a colortd flrud, rbi wee in jail at Athens, Ohio, for an outrageous aaa ntlt upja i.i el 1 irly woman named Locke, wbo reside 1 New Albany, in that State, was for oibly trtkou from piison a fow dtje ago, anil huog to tbo Ilockiog bridge whero bia dcU.l body wu- ilitsCJvel'eJ tbo following molting. Guileau, aa described io Coni t by George Alfred Townaend : "A ratty akin, a little like a corpan, nith hoiuo reddiabuess ovei'tfpieadiug the geu rally yellowiah dnuipnoaa Tim faeo w- rather lou ; au 1 pear-a'iapu 1 The hair, tbo skin and thu b ard all Beemod to be dunty nn 1 dampHiied, as though out of some grnvjyaid." Tbo activity in railroad construc tion has caused a ' boom" iu loo rao tivo building prices have advauced and all shops are kept busy. An e u gine built for 85,000 twojeors ago will no aell for .fS.ODO or 9,i00 and tbe domuud for immediate uso id so great tbat a completed machine biinga from $l,0'J t j .',0.)J more than one to bo djl.vurjj iu tbo fu ture. Tbe petition for the probate of of t e vi loftbcl tto (fBjr i Ltwtitu billionaire was filed on 1'riday last a' New York, To bis ife be leaved f '-o 000 easband tlOO 0'iOin United Siattk bonds, the use of hi Louie in tbe city and bis country seutut JackHon. Wushiajtoo couuty. He alaj loivuh ber all bin furniture and directs that she bo piid t '5, )0 per yoar. 1 bia son iauiuol bo gives l ).0J) pur ye.ir, tha lost of (be property biiu. equally divided botwaeu hi foj oiber'childreu. Ibe Now York 'J'ribum inaiat tb it there is no rj nady for the onor tu jui ' expind tare entailed npo tbe oooutry by the Arre.ua of l'i n ions bill. Jt saya t "All tbat Con great can properly do is to reaial every attempt to probng t ie life of tbo nowiaeatatoteaud promptly tei 00 foot a searching investigation of tbe entire pension liat. The eiorraou. immediate drain opoa tbe Treasury cannot be prevented, bat tbe con tinuous yearly leakage to pay tbi fraudulent peoaionere whioh the Ar reariact baa raised op in troopa can be stopped. We believe it to be no exaggeration to aay tbat snob an in Taatigatioo wonKl reduce tbe pen ioo roll to auob an extent as to save ' the Government five or six million 1 nnnally without doiug injustice to ny paraoa wlioUaa a t'iUt to tbe lialiuu'a bouuty." Tbe Mormon and polygamy prob lera will probably be dMenma I soon after Congress moot. Dalegate Conon tioUU the ccitifirate ' of tle RurreUrv of Slate of Utah, while Mr. Campbell bold tbat of "the governor. The Supreme Court having decided that Contion ia oot a citizen of the Uuited States, there would seem to bo but little do'lbt that Mr. Camp bell will got bia Kent, Cannon is a poiTgntuiat It ia tbe purpose of the republicans to object to Cannon tak ing bia aeat, and tbia will bring on a quarrel, as tbe domocrata will pro bably support Cannon. Considerable exoitomout prevails among the farmers near Deposit, N V., a small town located almost oo tbe State line between New York and I'ennaylvanii, in consequence of the discovery of gold iu couaiJurablo qnaotites in a lodge of rocks' ou a farm ownod by Slinpley Brothers Tbe iniuers and discoverers are John Pibbleand Jerome Howkins. wbo have filed tbeir claims with tbe pro per State authorities. A ton of tbe lock baa been assayed and found to contain $23 in'guld and 112 in sil vor. As tbo rock is easily crnsbed it will at tbia rate pay to mine tbo gold. Tbe excitement bus extended into Susqnohsnna county and baa been greater than that iu tbe neigh boriug county of Wayne ovor tbe Quip City oil well now boring thore. Anot.ier Crazy Man i Washing- to A dcapaVli from Washington nays, a man calling himself William Steward Ilnbbird or Albert Lvmnn registered at tbe Arlington Hotel, and again at tbe Kbbitt House, claim ing to be fio.u New York. At the Ebbitt he aked for tbn beat rooms '.n tbe bonao one w.ia givon biin. Soon after be was found utrippod to tbe fleab, and when naked for a do p isit turned over uo Hinpty purac. He Bui J be bad ome bore to save tbe world an I was to a curtain extent 'iuiteau. Ho said be could solvo tbo Garfield problem, but hadn't tbe time, and that bis intentions were foiled wbon be ae placed behind tbo bars, Tbe bog bus no dramatic talent, but in the aausago season it frequent ly appears in em ill pieces. A DMIXISTIUTOir.S NdriCK. L I llri of almlnltrlloD od tha attitu or J Ado 1 Bullll. il.oi..1, lau ol Haarar Tp., Snlar aonn'y, Pann'., hkrliw baq ,trautat 'a th unlrlic a I, all iorn- ka ln Ilia n. . ! Iniiahia.l tn aiM aisa'aara rqua lal to m k Inma llatapairinant. will ta iu Larlnic . I lin- will rennl than) diilf aulUau.UauU lur ulsiutDl to WILLAt I) M KCHTf.T, Hoc. Mb, 1M. Admlulitraior. U "W,""ti" Sow lf..r I ha mj la) Tk. l ulilli-. You can initio mD fl I V '' t w.irk fur o. JaaaVaaalkaf tbaa at anriti'na oIpo t)apl . tal not na le I. Wo wll' atari yon, 411 ad, nil ui'Hanla tnaila at bmna l.j tha Imluairloua. Von, woman, kuya anil alrla waulail orrrwharo Ik work fur ut. Now la Ida lima. You oan w. fk la ara lima onl or l;your wlmlo tlmo to tlio hunloaaa. You eaa M10 at hoiro alln tUo aork. Nouthar butmaat will pat- arorlv aa wo! No or a can tr II to mnko fl.orm u ia Or rBKaaloa at ono. . CoailT Ou'rt' anil toriua froa. M.in.y m'ta fart. oal It, ana lionurahly. AilJ.aaa i'aea fc I'u , Aufuntl, alalliv. fH a wi ok la ymir owi C I " LT lit r. No rl-l llal llln,w Capital Bit U?fJ I luir.Uh rot own torn, (.f n(. k. I:rrt Iblna rcnulrtil. Wa xt,n ovirvthlna: iaiiy aro ivaai i rurtunaa. tj.aiaa miko mm muc k mtn. ami Ht ami Klrl inaks xioit I ay. haaiiar, II you want a huilnoia al wo mi. you can mak ar-at pay all Ih ll n you work, wrlia lot 1 rili ulara to II. llM.l all h I o., Porilaiid, alaluo, Tie Great tt Trial ! A oDi taio anil autkantlo raonnl of t a al dai.o n-atch a, aililroioa and aluillsil luaana a lug u( THE ASSASSIN THaCrlma In Oaufaa ant In Duutoquanraa Stalwarll'm a oi.lnln'l nn tha WKu-in Man. I by Hun. Jauioa O. Ulaln 'Irapolo Ktottlnv a.-nraa In Court Atloirpta bikio Ilia A-aiaatn'a I. Ila k to.ioa of tbo I'Mnol- pal tibarariara oniiaited Iu Ibia world faimma c:tiiuinii ,iriai t'U.uu mwo poiio await in anlaiy U.a vidauoo In Ibis tha inuit Ko oiaik ik'o Trial In Amaricita Hlnory. AGENTS WANTED li avary town. THRRK A H K M IM-IOS" IN 1 T, Noidiurrnla fur oumt, and aoi-uro tarrl. ry a tn-a, Aildroaa, I Mu. fl ULlall INU UU. i'hiu.laipuia. D. D. BuTOElB & CO , Rock Island. I1L JAaaAeriirwiw of SULKY AND GANG PLOWS, Steal & CMlled Plow , bbinq inb wiims CULTIVATORS, listing Plows, COMB J. ED LISTER m CORH DRILL, Harrows, etc., etc, ' Brush Houses, r. Long, no. Kmi city, , T. riDL, llaa. ST. JONEPU, M COLCIBCa, O. BILWiVaUEK, Wkj. OkUHA, Vak. VrUi fur W Diary, mailtifr . ...Hubita sell for teu cents a I air at I'eading. WinsToS, Forsyth Co., N. C Ocuhl ilerire to c.xtireaa to Voo my ibatika for your wonderful Hop Mitlera. I wa i troubled with dyapepaU for five ycara irvlonS to cuminencing tbe line of your Hop Uittert some atx month (,'" My cure baa been won derful. am pastor of the First Meth odic Clmreh of tbia idaee and my wlinle congregntion can tealiiy to ma great viritira of your Ibttcra. Very respectfully, REV. H. FEREBEE. Hee. Keep your family well supplied with "Sellera' Cough Syrup." Use it In time ; yoit will aveit bronchial knd liiiliuoiinry aflecliona. 25 centa. Tec, Alderman Tucker, Boston, says you may state that I have paid for medicine and treatment in 20 years M,cX), without receiving permanent benefit. Entirely cured of bia disease (anil rheum) by Cuticura Remedies. Dec. The Independent Tho rnnmnat rotMlooa nowapapor of tha I'Bliod btaloa." Tits Mir. JoairM Uuva. F.atahilahail In 1M. aa an ariyorato of ant I alitirory and ol rolorma In raiiainnanu ponuc, TMalanoiainKNTat onoo ha anio a rao.ifnli. r.l mwor throovht out I ha rounlry. Ila In fluanar boa ovi-ralnoo boou oontiaoilv urowlna. Ai It baa loiuht analnat alaarr and lur ohanp roaiaao. anlt will nabt aalnt Mn'in lu. ir t.lvll r'tr,lco hoiorui, and for purity In follilra and aon-ral oprlabioata In all thinua. I otnnloya tbo oaat oilllnnl lalaot and apaakf laarlaaaly ou all aunjreta. It iay lor " Irlbulrd artlalra and lor adliorlal aorrloo mora than d luhla tho atatuot paid by any olb or ooakly nawanacar. Itpuhllaho tn-ira rallKtnnt dloatalon than tboKular tnonthlli. and alo nioro Ipfor. motion than an annual oyoloraailia. Iho lonii coblo dlipati rocanlly prull-bod from tbOKioit Mrihodlal Couool' In l.on lo.i ara a Kood illuatratlon ol what Tiik IsiiBrKxiiaur 1. oana-anilv ibilnK. A Hat nl tha ninat promln. nt raiialoua and rhllna opbloil wrlta.a, n- ata and aiorr wrlt, ra In thocin.niry la tho ll't of Ibofotitrll utnri ol Tim iMnarknnoST, Haul l Iho paro aal aaida I ir tiioao wrl ar and lor rdlinrlala.tlicro aro iwooly two dlatlno dc parfaionta.odliod by twanty two ipoaialUK, wbioh Ineludo lllblloal Koaoainh, Haniiary, l.aal. rina Arta. Mualo. Mrlrooc. Tank as I'araonallttlaa, MlnlaiarUI Kaalator, II) inn Noioa, aebnol and t,'olloo, l.ll.ra'oro Koil liloaa Inlalllitani-a, Mlialuna, HumUy aebo d, Nowaoftho tVaok, I'lnan.o Oonjui 'ten. In. uranco, storleaf I'uiilca, and Ar. ullura. i-l fanai la all. Our NeW Tcrm3 for 1882 ii a tuincrlDlUin ono yoar. 93 V) i',.r i inontha. l to '. M a m Btha. 0 71 Ona auiiarilptmn two yo tr(. tuu (in a aunt rlpMoo with ono now inbiorlb-r. In ono ramlt'S'ico. SOO tin auiorhiti..n wlm two Bow lubtcrlbori lu ono rami t ooo. T On (o,..ut)ierlnllun with th-oo now lubiorl- bara. Io ono roinlitanoo. tSO rina iubai lotion llh lour BjW lubiorl- bora, In ono roniliianoo, lOOo Ono .uL. rli Hoi nvayfan lu uu Any nnmbor orar h al tho aama rata, inrariahlt wlm nno rainittano . Tbrao loduord prlcoa por annum In rluha of nva or Uioic)ro vary uiucn inwoi tuao auy o I Iho alatiilafii tollnloua wieklloa, Sum I bo wltli your Irian. la and not tlx tow rai.. W nlfar nil tiramluin. I.'urlraty In tl.a nuatoin of all tha rolliclnna Bowaiaura, iho iHiirrRaio:iT oin uaraa, tar bo aiiiid at tbo oad ol tho tiuia lor which ..aiiwant la tU4lli. hao.1 p aial oard for frao ai'oolman oupy aod JuugO lur yoararii. A.iurrgi. THE INDEPENDENT, 251 Broadway Mew Yok. -1 h si 3 b 3 4 w 2 3 m B 0a, 1 a 1 si 4 H a . la a w t, E A B CLOTHING i THE f AND L.i (at tXAka UJ Lui i2M ?&v n ran in nydcr County or elsewliero." OVERCOATt OVERCOATS, (IVl'liCOATS. For Hen, Youths and Eoy3. Und'rclothing from 25cts upward. GENTS Fnreisfring Goods A SPECIALTY. TRUNKS, V ALICES, SATCHELS, &0. and a largo variety of other goods. ' Call and examine my stock and bo convinced that I sell better goods and at lower prices than they can bo had elsewhere. S. OPPENHEIMER, Selinsgrove, Pa Oct. 13, .81. ililll Largest Attorn cis4t tn iv? J area an aaar. Mia u.uaotaa. GILBERT & CROWE, Attorney a-A t-Ijiiw, MiDULKtiuny, l'.v. Offof th'lf Prof loo l .arrliM t lha T lb- llo. Alliainoaa antrw-toil tnthalreara will ra. ootvo prompt attoailoB. Conaaiiatinna In t'nit ll.k a ad Uaroian. Uov. 13, w M. K. H0U3WERTU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8KU5HOROTK. PA., dollarttnna and all othar lotal bn.lnoaa proapi- aatlamlod to. Coc.ultatlout In Knail.U oad oriaaa. JtlBOt, IMI. II. DILL, ATTORNEYAT-LAW. I.rwinhurj, Pfun'a. All tailaoaa onlrn.lrd io hi. ara will b proiupily altondaU to. Hrpt. S0,'5. 11 O. DUITIUCU, attoiij:v tr.f.iiT. Mjrhel SI., 8elin!rotf. Til. All nrofalonal I. uaioara promptly atiandad to. Uonaaltatluua In tollutt and Mariaao l. I It, '10. . WUNDEttLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAVV. MhiUi fjtirrt, Sini'lrr C , I'n Caa tocoo.ulUd la toglth or (lor nan. Jan. lii.'w, N. MYEK8, Attorney A t-Lm, Ullilill-hurft, Priin'a. AU yMflnnal bn.inai. ail"!. toil to hi. oro will roralvo prompt attoiitioo, Uuoauitatlona la tollib acd Oarman. Oct. 10,'Ta. e. dosveI AflOr.NtY-AT-LAW, Miil'ltetinrrf. It (OlDea la offlra of J, P. Uronmlitor, &).) "ol'ation. mailo. UoB.ullatlona In Knlh aod (Jaruiau. J una la, 'H.lf. L. ,SC1I'.)CU, ATTORHEY-AT-LAy, New Berlin, Penn'a. rmfraainnnt bnalnaaa animated 'o bia oro will rocotvo prompt aUeotlou. Jnna 10,'fo. Q1IAS P l?LIUClf, Attorney & Counsellor-At-Law, onoa lu App'a lliiildlna; nno dovi North of itaraiuHK iiutbi.. KellnaKrut t, I'emi'a. Cntlortlona ami all nthar pm'f aalnnal bo1 nana la anllnttd aud will roo, larnrnliil and ruuipt ailoniloo. Apt. 11, '7.11. t r. cuonmii.lei:, o ACl'OUNLV AT T.AW, M'dilinliiirjt, Tu.. OITara Ma y-ofi a.'onl .rrvlit to tnermh Is. C ullOi'llona ann all o'nar pruiraioo ii no.i ncil antvuatod lo hla euro wl!l laoalvo I rojipl aUoulluu. Jan 1,'OT. TJ. SMITH.1 ATTORNKV AT LAW. MiDiir.tr.niiii, 8N v tint co., pa 'irarr hi. Prafoa.tonal Korvtnoa to tha utll i;r.nuit4tinna ia Kniriirn ami '..arinan. A tto n kk r. a r. a ir Mifjflln h tt v, if t to n Ct n ft , Pa AM l.ilii rMlrukted to till nir ftlll well mi.l fnltiifuily mteiill to. Will .rn.-llr si lit leveriti otiuriM o npyer idh nuinmiv ;n.iiitie. irun it ooutuuvtl lu In Kiiitufi 01 rtnau Imtuiiriu Oct. Jt. 'T-if c ilAULKS UOWI'R, A ri'UiiNK V AT LAW, Soliiinrove, Pit OflTrra bia prnff.alnnal rorvlroa tn tl,o publio. t'1t'ft .o. a ami all aibor proraalontl bi .1 i.on on:, u.tod in bia oro will rocoiva prompt Htlontl in. I ilhio two djf M. ulbol tho Normal School. Jan ft, H. M.LINN, , ATTORSK." AT I, AW. !. nrlahtiri. P OITara b' prof' l. mat r'vlcot lo Ilia inihllit Coll. t.ijuA ui.il Mil uibur pr"fcs luntl nu.l. Ilea, oniiuaieii iu in. , ro will rwuuiio i.roiui t altoulloa. Hap. no, 'hp. 'jWlOLXJCY AT LAW. Goliuisrovo. Pa, Ollora bj prnllml .orvlo. t tho pilbllo, A I? Ii'uiil i.lluaH. on I r il Ha I to hia o iro w ill Icoalt'O promiit uit-ntion. Nou at hit Uouio ou llklu bttaai. Ju'T4.Ti. JJOUACK AL lu iTTi A TTO I! -V E V A T LA W. HoIInwr;rvo, All prolef rlonal burlnora and rulloollna; on truata.l to In. o.ira will no promt ty niiond fd tn. t;uo ba con.ultod lu boHlib or Oannaa. luil ja ou JJ.itUol Scjuuio, Oot. il.'al. II. II. GUI. MM, Attoriiov-at-Ijaw. and uiaruioT attoiixbit ron ydeu COU.Ni V, rrct'iiui'ff rn. Cnn.ulmtton Id both Kngllab and flarmaa L.naiiaaca. Oit. , la. I. JOHN II. AUNOLl, MIUULKIIL'UO, PA Prnfoailnnal bu.lna.a antmttol to bl. ear will bo prump ly attraded to J THOMPSON UAKlilt, VttonaO.v-nt-ljii-AVa, I.EWISUI'ltd, UNION OO.. PA. Oan ko oananlteded In tho Enallah anilijrran lunaunit . uinje on MarKi t Mtr'Ot, onpo. alt Walla, buillb a, Uo'ibior. WM. VAN GKZKR, AITOUNEV AT LAW, Lowiaburg P. Offarahl prof. ., tonal aerrln ta tb ab I la. ' Oollaotlona aud all oihar prufea. tonal boat. sex aulru.tod to bia a ir win racew prompt aiuailoo. g T.PAUK8, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SBLISPOHOVE, BN VOEU COUNTY, Pa D !. J0 Of i , - A 0. SIMPSON," Va ATTOttNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrove, Pa. Ortari hi. profea.lt al aaraloa. to tha pobll. Ail bu.iuaae aiitruatra lu bit e,tre will b promptly atlavdad lo. ,an. XI,' S7, CAMUKL II. OKWIO, U TTORNEY-A T LA W, , Rl.'Clluburf, I'nlwu w Pa:. OiBo aait door ta Talaaraph Prlallaa mo Ueo.iw, l.li.ll. . L'JJ keep on hand all kind oj Mania tuch at NntuM. Sum monteB, Warranto, Leuaes, Hubpot- Physicians, c. I aaiaa BAnnKn. o. id. niaaihaaa. PHYSICIAN? ANp SURCtONS, I'S r fttxlrpri.faa.rnl arrrl'aa to tba rliljatia ol .vi idirnui an. l tiImi,T inio a law do ira ai iu voun ui.ao, iu,naarot'a I.Hli.itnaj ori.a, imi. DU. .1. Y.SIIINDKL. " 8UU0I.U.N AMD I'UTSICIAH, MidJIcburr, Pa OBar.hla prnfalmal aarrtoa. to tha tltlton. i nuuuiaourgaoa fiuinitr. M.r. Sl,'7. ' II All AND HOTUIIOCK, Fremont, Snyder counly, Pa. (Iradnalanl tlaltlmoral.'ntlaa'a r and Ma.iv tiBar. hla r.r..l.,l ,n il .arr.oo to iho publlo. Fipaakl tngfl.a and Oariaao. March, IT, IRKI. If. t J J. SMITH, Pliyslclan & Surgccn, frrmnul, Snytir County, I'a. fittara hi nrnfaa1nnal aarioa ..in OfnVa OB Alain atraot. J... U ';. J)R. 3. O. WAQNER, I'll) l Inn and Kur on, OTora hl proalnnl a.rlcaa to) ho r Hfoi of Adant.bnrx and rlrlnlly. Ana, t,'aOlf, J)u. J. p. kanavi:l PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ('etitif lllc. Nnj-tler (,, im ORtra bl. prolaaalonal tarrloai to tba puMlo J. i:cKj;nr, SURGEON DEN'TIST, K ICIICIt I II LOOK, fr'iittirmv, I'rnn'u. rrori-nl.mal bailoam proiaptljr too .lo.i to, p I! RC I VA LIIEUMANN, ' PHYSICIAN & SURCCON, KrnlMrrrilU, Sniihr Co., I'd. f flr ht n'nfoMlontl jro, tc tba clt tin. ol h.rna rlllo in I alilolty, a ax. n.'i JR. A. M. SMITH, physician AS'n sunanos Oltara hll prrVMlonfil rli-aa to thacltlion Bo f 4 173 "u,,u,ul"a auu vu loll jr. K. VAN UU.3KIKK, .IUJICAL A WV.cn MCAL DENTIN Solitiairrovp, Ptinn'u. Justice's tt f the 1'eai-e. SMITH, Jilicfffjte PuicuSCoiivcir P.eaoerSpri iifn, S;ilcr Co., I'a. All nPMrlnl b Ineaa -takl- 1apo tlon. an. I prumplly altamloj to. t;ullollviia and rnn.lt un.'n. promptly niado. May li.' IbU yiLLI A M Tl'H X YlVi-: IL Jlllf ItO Ol iit t'l lltT. Sahiii, SnyilcT Cju:ity Pctin'n. All Collection, and reinllt.io.aa promptli Ulado. Nor. Kir. jy.AC HE vYER, JUSTICE riF'lUE PE. IC1. innl Menci-iU Oollcftor. Miumi.i i.i n ., snyd, r on-mt'. I'a. Special nlienlio fill to o.U.nlo... f t nni) 11CU11114UO a w in i f in ! i r hii il. Iur all lu.uctl .. luadv. liar. V.'7. Vr II. WAHHK!!, I-.,,., - JU3TICUOF Tllli rUAIIK. Jack o I Towiiiiii,Siivili'i Cn. Jn., Will attend to all bnalneM r tniXnl tn lir ec and oo li. luat i.okab. tcriu.. Mar. l.'.'o. JYID S. HOLLY, lioo ol iho Pence, l'niaiil'ou in'iij, Uniilir Co., I'u Wl'l "en' In all l.u-lneo rn'm.t'd to hi. ear on li. e nnmt ro.itinble tornia. I'oal oUI ! a, ilrt. iH'Miolii:, i;y.lr I o.l'A. Mar. 1,11. J II. UAUTMAN, : ji sMt i; or TUB IT.AC B. a.V Jl''lloI, CKM'llKVILI.i;. dnilor Couutjr, V tlotleotlona aod all oulna partalnlnK to tb otllr ol.luitino ol lb t'e.ca 111 b atti iole.t U' al abort ouilca Apruria gEl ll Ml run ELL, .Justioo of Iho Teapo &. Conveyrincer, .Iti'buon Townahlp, Muy.lur County, I'a. Oolle.-ii.iue, Oouieyanciiiii, and all oiliur bn alnoea perlahllliK to Ilia ulo,:ewill reeelve proin(l attention. PiMtvuVoeddrueet New H.'rlln, Unluo oounly, V. Auk. 10, lull. JOHN K. HUGH IIS, Eaq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Peon Twp., Solder Co. Pa JAMES MIDDLESWARTII, Justice of tlio Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snydor Co. Ta. Will attend crnint.tlv to all manner nl bull ne.a pariaininx to ineomr. orftr. i:olleotluna uia ja, Uaau.. Ariioieak., wrlllcu. (juiy i,';o-ii. yu. II. IIAUDINO, . JVSTICB OT TUB BA: Sc. Convo.vancor, fREEMONT. Snyder count j, Pa (Jollaollnna and a I bnaluee parlaliilna to Ilia offlfeof Juailaa ol lb faace will beatteudedlo al abort nolle. Apr. I7'Tt, r A. WETZEL, Justice of tho :Pciice, Heavertovtn, Suydrr C'o.t J 'a. All kind of OolleetloBi mada na liberal terra. r rcui uy aiianu. io an eu.meM enituaieu to hi eat. JUBS,'Ta. JbJER B. MIDDLES WAItTII, ' JUSTICE Of TUB PEACE v A CONVEYANCER, MoClure City, Snydor Co.. Ph. Oolleotlon. and all bu.lnea. partalnlna lo th ofAraol Ju.lloe silk feaoa will be at tended to al anon boiiu. , , July fl.'ieil. Q UORNBEKtiHil, ' JUi TICB OF tllli PEA Ct .,... . ; Verrf Townhlp,SnderlouatT. Pa. Uolleetior. leetior., t)i eaHik,an ell other tul, e.'perl'lrlaa lo tb nm- will b rrpti . .V of thu Pfact tt C '.'.. ' ' t if Penmcrfek, Si.ydB,- C., ' U0ftttiuK kfaVtl kOJ diiflrl$ V A A ft ?. Pf llthi'i. '". BOARDING HOUSE. TUB UailtratBl anutd rrapcetfult ld form th lrrllln rublta. bualnaaa ibi-b, wllnawa and Jnrora In altandanro at onf tHnrrtalhalhahaa mada ampla preparation fr hair ai;.ninod tllon. and will ...l..... tartaln hla. patrona lu oo, atrl at Ih raoat raamAbla ratoa, llnvrdlug Hon. a fw door ' ...... OAUKIKL BE VH. Apr.tl'7S. If. V, ,. ,or, H001! Mtdrilulmri-, Xn JOHN LI M UK II T, Proprl ii Thah4T aonnlar llnlal baa a..a HI,.' and rafiirnltha,) In th ba.t atyla. lu eantral '""""n miara it otitntnt ror bualnoa man 1 paraona in att-ndanoo al Cuari and all . other, who ara eallal . Vlddlehura-. Tha ta bia la alway. eiinidlod with tha boat In tha mar an the liar with oo I liquor, and tha stabler attended by e.refuli bu.tlar. Verm, molerater Aj'fll 4 1874 CUNTItKVILLE HOTEL, (LataMra. Wrer'.. Canterrlla Nnji'er Co., Pa. PETER HADTMAN, Proprlata , Tbl Innre.tabtliheJ and well known ho haVloa heon puronaaed by tb iin.lrr,lgn,d. Holt a .bar ol tL pol.llo ral rone. ' Apr...S.I.TI. F"tM HAHTMAlf rplE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOCKI.GR, Prop'r. BoUTiHy-rove, Pa. Tlila Tlntel I nloaaantly loeatad In the ".onere I jn.l laa erydolrnMr pl.re for traaelera loalon the KATof aoroiumodatlnnaat Low rtl.i. p ,o,,.,io,,,i,, OBr. will b au,e mcall aaaln. Tha iK-tirf 1 1. 1 nor In tbebat .tfT. "ralolaa Hmtanr.nl Inoonnedlonwl tha Hotel. Apr.lB.'ra. licrchatHs' House, VOItTII THIRD PTKHliT. MIIL'A PA. TormaN-ei GO per day. HENRY Sl'AUN, Prop'r. CW.SrMIIN. ,rU Apr.l,1;!. P ilatielph ia Card. t. J. S. FARNSWORTH. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. Iiu'4iorters ot teyjrtilioiis, White Goods, Emlroi flcriss Gccts FcrnisblnjE Goods &c. 2o. 511 M:uk.'t Street. PHILADELPHIA. T. rt (nn , A. II. Il.jir. (Mai. 12 T4. W. H. HI.elbley, . 11. MIOBltl. p HA Villi. I, li IN,., Wuiii.aaai.il IiaaLsaa la WOOD AND WILLOW WARE nil (tlolha. Widow Nhadca, Hroom, Mat, llrurh-a. IVmn L m, i,raln ll,, Kli liola. Uu. k. u, Iwinv, W li ki. vc. P. 4.U .Marlti I t, I'l.llailalpUU. I 11. sklhi:i.mi:!. .' a IlCAI.KB IN EE AIR DW ASSES rron, ITails, iitccl, Leather, raint3, Oils, Ccach & Saddler War AND MANUKAOTl'ISM; Or MAItKET STREET. ! vlslo ii, l'enu'o, Nov. S.'TI. WM. MANN. Elank Sock Maker Sta tiongr, and Steam Power PRINTER, 529 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. l'roni'tnM. One Vc Selling Prire Marked On All Goods In Fi yitrn. A-r. nZ. : ' QAVID WILLI AM 8, Manufialurar. and Wholeaal Deatan la ('ill, Uitliocnnj, M alum and Rosewood LOOKING GLASS Picture to Photograpblo Frame Kot. no and i3i irrh Street 1'uiLanai.rHia, Pa. Frame, nopal . in tha bt maaaar. Alas ' Fb. 11, 'II, nea:iiini ia au iu nrauabi:, fJNION PIANINO MILL , BrJLlNSaROVE.SNTUER CO., FA ., ; Kccly Wngncr liiiinbcr llcnltvs j AhO MAimrACTi'aiB or . " ' Doors, Door Hexes, Windows, Sliulter Window Boxes, (ill nil a, biuh, ttlalr ' Flxlnga, Hand Ua,lllnt;a, Bracif, els, UotilUliijt.e, r'loorlug, SUR0L.L8AW1NU ItUABlMliT TURNlNr Shingloe, Lath, fro., fro. Order aolloltad and Bllad with promptne&a ' no uuvpaivu. rieeae eeii ai.u oxamu,.., var Hook Lalor purobala lie where. 1?XECUT0R!S NOTICE .-Lot Ura .. , 1 J uatanenUrr oa tha e.tat of at ! til At I. EHlLY, deeeaaed, lata al ' i. Mbl-lleoreek l'W., Snrder eouatr, 1'ena ., barlunboaa kr.ntad to tlia aadr.liad, lr er.ou. knowlnti tbaiu.elre. In.lebtad to raid aalala are requealad to make luiaiedlala par '" '' Bienl, wblla Ibnaa having elalia will prate a I , lbu duly sutbantlcated lor aottlement I I I 11 1 i unt v " I Aug.lS, IISI, kxea'or. FATNS'8 TABU SNOItTll. ' b ' v-tkai a sarrwiaf .- t , korea-power, a.ounud or unmounied. unt .a4 1 lteaiet knalnea maoe. SlSOueweide. band o libwueual Cialoiio 1 6r lalonaaiioa and eakait ev, erwiea e wi. , Huelu. i. V i1 ' '' . i.ftu a 1 J . i ' " . i - "... ' ' vi toaiautj, ao aear irukii.uu