The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, December 08, 1881, Image 1

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    .-- .ii . .mil
A.tlvatttrtlnff Hate.
eohtmn cm year, 60.00
rwhal'. column, on yeaMr. '.
Rne fmirth year, 15.N0
wittftre ( 10 lines) 1 Insertion 7ft
iter additional insertion, . (0
rofeional mid Buine card at
not more than 5 lines, per year, 0.00
Auditor, Eseoutor, AdnuniatratoT
tad AMurnee ft otlceu, f .60
gilirorial notice per line, 16
All transient aUverllsing lose than
month! 10 cent ft Hn.
All advertisement for a shorter pe
find than on year ere payable at tha
tjwe they are ordered, and It not paid
Jie person ordering them will u dld
vjpouaiuiaj lur ui niunev.
X o e 1 1 y
S3 to
3?'" c IX 1 S
is f
All Trie world.
jll the world U full of ehtUren,
Laughing over little Joy ,
Sighing over tittle trouble.
Finger tousled end hr kon tuys,
Wishing to be Die older, Urger,
Weeping at tome fancied woe J
0, the happy i hapleas children I
Still they oo me, and still they go.
A the world la full of lovers,
ITalktng slowly, whiiperlng sweet,
Dreaming dreamt, and building ct-
that mut crumble at their U it ;
Breaking vow and burning leitor.
8inilliag let the world (lull kiio I
0. the following, trailing lover I
Still they eoine, and still they go.
AH the world is fuM of people,
H irrying, ptMhlng, putting by,
faring burde K carrying cr.d,
rising onward with a sigh :
Homi there are with smiling f.tces,
I) it wild he ivy heart below ;
0, the sad -eyed burdoned people I
Bill, they ctnte, and still they go.
The night-Jew was falling on hillside
and pliiln
IFnen one who was weary and ptor,
H'ltu traf el-woru foot a id iu aivkness
and paii),
Rtturiied to hi own fit'tor' d I ir.
Forsaken andfriendloii, in sorrow and
Onoe more to the home of his childhood
lie came.
JT was ragged without, ho was hungry
ins soul had gone wiUriy HHtr iy ;
P Vrinxin luxury, riot, and sin,
. ailbwLinftit liml wn.lA.l
With torn, h'epilina feet, and with in
covered heid,
He came for a shelter and morsel of
The Ktthor, heh lding hi penitent son,
B tjoiced lltat tint lMt one wa f mil 1,
.... . 1.. ...i.. i.
Ji ir Cllliie 1 llt'll uaraiiiy wr wiiiw no
had done.
JBut lifted him np from the ground
He saw him rolurniiiig, no longer to
And joyfully, teiuhrly welcomed him
Are you wa-tin tho year of your
manhood away.
In vanity, folly, uJ sin ?
Your friend will forsake yon, your
strength will tlseuy.
The reaper will gather yu in
Than liaato to your home, cm you die
in (Impair,
Your Father is waiting to welcome yon
Your soul m weV and yon. slut
may be great,
You htavenly Father to-day
Will greet yoir aain if you knock at
the gate,
N ir turn you In anger away.
Tho igh far from Hi preeuoo lit sor
row yon roam.
With kiaduess and love, he will wel
oome you home.
Tby killed the fatted ebicken for
ma add madd much of me altogeth
er and to crown all, as the train
did not stop in time to take mo on.
aa I waoted to go, and a it waa on
ly a matter of fare mile or eo, what
did tho landlord do bat btlnt op a
rosty old coach that waa tncked
away in tho coach house, and order
ed bis wan to drive ma over that
evening. It wasn't an extra, mind
yoo. It waa aheer'ajood will. So I
shook band all.arouoJ, and remem
bered tba chamber-maid and the
waiter with half a crown each, and
off 1 rodo It waa getting dark fast
and tho road wound away amoog
tba billa in a very romantic sort of a
way i why. it made you thiuk of
ghosts, if you wero a commercial
"Here's tho plaoo," aaya I to my
self, "where the ol 1 gentlemen of
tho road would like to Invo met
mo and my black bag fifty year
A hundred yeara ago, anyhow, 1
would not have felt aa aafo aa I do
Heleot Tale.
Beforal begin my atory t mast
tell yon that I km a commercial
traveler, born and bre J, to to apeak,
to tbebnaioeeo.
I have my wit about mo, and, as
I often happen to bavo a good many
valuable articles also, 1 bavo need of
I am an Englishman Englisb to
tba baok bono and live on roast
beef, bottled alo and old port wloe,
I am ono of tho men who don't
dream and don't faooy. ,
When I aeo a thing I aea 1L When
I boar a thing I bear it. And what
I oaw on ono particular oocasion
moan to tell yon.
Yoo wui not offend ma If yon
doubt it.
Nevertheless, I shall, as I said, tell
tho atory.- ...
It waa ia the year 13 , and tba
month waa May, and tba plaoo Was
England. 1 bad left London five
deya before, and now I waa miles
and milea away from it, in tba vary
heart of the eonntry, traveling to
ward a little town where I bad
boaiueaat It waa an old-fashioned
too, aid the people wora kind and
Traveler did not often atop at
that inn, anepeot, for they wora aa
particular abont my meal tboogb
1 LxJ bona a prodigal tot eom
kra for tba holiday.
Just then tbo ooaob came to a
sadden pause
"Vallo," ctied I out of tho wind.
ow i "wbai's the matter 1 '
"It's more than I can tell, air,"
said the man. "Blank . Jane has
turned sulky i she won't move one
With that he began to sliont and
crock hi whip, I, with my bead out
of tbo window, watohiog him , when
suddenly the beast started off Ike
mad, and 1 drew in my faoj and saw
bad company,
While the coach wa at a stand'
still a lady and geotleman had slip
ped in.
They aaton tbo aeat opposite roe,
aud though it wa au intrusion I bad
not tho heart to find fault, for
prettier pair 1 never aaw In my
If he wa twonty-one years, it was
jut as much as be could be, and
she wa not sovjnteen.
1 have seen a pair of china lover
on the mantlo' piece the puriect
image of what they were, as pretty,
and lre9Jl imnU tlm same.
Hi hair was p ) adored, and her,
too. She bad on a yolbw silk, lo
er iu the neck than I w ml I like a
daughter of mine to weir it, and her
arm would have been bare only for
ber king kid glove. She had pearl
iu ber ear aud on her throat, and
she had just the most innocent fane
my two eyes ever rested upon. As
for the boy, ho had a chocolate vel
vet coat aud white eilk stockings,
and I .toe ruffles at his wrtat. Aod
they had ono largo clonk his,
fauy-cast about the two of thorn,
though it dropped buck a bit as they
aat down.
"Two young folks going to a fan
cy ball, perhaps, said I, "and just
took a lift od the way ."
And I touched my cap to them
and aaya 1 1 "Fine evening, sir."
Ho did not answer me,' but au
looked at mo and stretched out i
little white hand.
Oh, air," aha aaid, "look oat at
the baok of tho ooacb, I pray you.
and tell mo if ho is gaining oa us."
I looked ont of tho window.
"There' a man on horseback rid
lag up tue roaa, aaia i lor l aaw
"Ob, heavena I" aaid aha.
"Courage, Betty t aaid tbo young
fellow. "They shall no ver part Us
Then I knew it waa a runaway
"I bee how it is," cried 1, "Keep
np your heart young man. If tba
yonog lady like you, ahe'll atick to
yoa throuzb thiok and tbm. i ll
do my beat to belpyuu. '
"Ph, heaven V aba cried again
''Oh, my darling. hear tba horses'
foot. There are mora of tbem, Ob,
ir, look i tell me,"
Hooked and aa many armed
horsemen following awiftly.
"Closer to my heart, Betty," cried
tho yoaog man. "My beloved, tbey
Ho drew hi aword,
Among other thinga ho wore a
I pulled my pistol from my pock
at. Wa all stretched oor bead for
ward, and at that moment tba ooaob
tamed a rooky point of tba road,
and t aaw wo wora on tho margin
of a preoipioe.
II tbo time Blaok Jade had kept
ap hoc furious apeod, and t wa
wora ia daoger.
"Batacaral"rlod , :
"Faster I" cried tho young man.
Suddenly there Cama Jolt and a
scream from tho young lady. I
heard bin aay, "At last wo dio to
And tho ooroh lay flat on ita
side not over the preoipioe, but on
tho edge of it.
A man Is a little stunned by a
thing like that.
Wbeo I climbed cut of ths wind
6V and helped old Anthony np with
the coach, and ooaied Blaok Jane to
quietness, remembered tbat no one
else got ont of tho vehicle, and I
looked abont in vain for my pretty
lover. They were not there, nor
wero there any signs of tbo troop of
boisemen I had seen dashing np
the hill. Tbey coi.ld not have pais
ed us in tbo narrow path by any
"Wo ran a chance for our live.
master," Said Aolbony. ''Yet I am
called a good driver, aod Black
Juno ia the kindest thing t ever 6aw
in harness. Thank Ood for all Hi
mercies. It' a strange thing we
did not go over the cliff."
"But whore did they go V I ask
1. "Why V said Anthony.
"The to lover the pretty creat
ure in fancy uiena. tue people
who were after tbem n here are
they 1"
"Where" Login Anthony, Then
he turned as pale aa death. "All
?ood angels over ns P ho cried.
We hive ridden with Lady Betty,
It'e the 10th of May. I might bave
known better than to try the road
tonight. Protect ns all. Yea, we've
ridden with Iady Betty."
Who is Lady Betty ?" aaid I
" a pretty a creature a evor I aaw,
at all event. V ho ia she
Old Anthony stood looking at me
and shaking hie head.
'It's on old atory," ho sail.
Booklearned folk tell it better
than I. But a uuiulrea years ago
and more, on this blossed night, my
Lady Betty' lope, tho prettiest lady
rao off from a country b ill with her
father's youug nocietary."
"They put ou i cloak over their
benda, and an old servant drove
tbem, knowing it wa worth his life.
But before they had gone far,
behind tbem came her kinHfolk, arm
ed aud ready for vengeanoo. And
when they readied this poiut they
saw that all waa over.
" 'Better die together than live
tip ait,' be said holding her close,
Then be railed out to the servant.
How goes t "
'All is lost, sir,' said the man
Tbe horse can t bold np five mm
ate louger.'
" 'Then drive over,' said he.
The mao obeyed order.
"But over since tbat night, sir, a
are a tbo l"tn ol May comes
around tbere'a plenty here tbat will
tell yoa that whoever drivea a coach
past this road after nightfall won't
ride alone.
"Tbere'a nobody tbat remembered
tbe night would do it for a kingdom,
bat I forgot. I'm getting old, and
I forget thinga whilea j and ao we've
ridden with Lady Betty,"
That's tho atory old Anthony told
me, and what went before ia what
aaW and heard, I'm a solid, sensi
ble man, bat faoU are facta, and
bera yoa bavo 'em.
"Can I aeo tbe lady of tbo bouse'
inquired tbe peddler. ,W ell, Jes
yoo cao if yoa ain't blind!" anapped
tbo woman who answered tho bell.
' Ob, beg pardon.madam; yoa are the
laby of the hoUse, then!" "Ye I am!
What d'yer take mo tat? Did ye
thiok t waa tho gentleman of the
house, or tbo next door ceighbor, or
some of tbo farm-bands.or tbe eat or
tho iee-chistP "t didn.t know.mad
am, but yoa might bo tbe youngest
daughter." "Oh. did yerf Well.that
waa nat'ral. too," replied tbo 1. of
the h "What d'ye want, slit" Then
tba peddler displayed hi wares.and
when ho left tbat door-step naif an
hour later bia face waa full of pleas-
are and his pockets were fall of mon
ey, lit understood bamsa nature
and made a good aalo.
Ona of lha 9 jflrtta o( Crtmabdfl.
Ho waa a jolly-looking mao, ' with
round corporation a burgundy-tint
ed noee, and tba 'general exterior of
contented mind, aud aa be offered
na a good cigar, lit another, and
said i
"How about this local oremation
scheme "
"Well, how yourself F
"Tbe fact is," said tbo stranger,
reflectively, "I had a pretty tough
xpurienoo with one of these cadaver
roastiug concerns once, and 1
thought maybe you might like to
make au item of tbo facta so aa to
wara tbo people hero in time."
"Fire away."
"Well, you see, it wa in New Or
leans, My wife died there, and as
a cremation company waa having a
good deal of a boom there just then
she made me promieo to bavo ber
spirit sent up through their flue, as
it were. Said she thought it
would be nice and melanoholy fur me
to carry ber asbea around wilu me
wherever I went in a vase, yoa an-
lore t aud."
'And you compied J"
"Why, yes. It was her Uvitwisb,
you know, and beside 1 thought it
might bo useful in kinder preparing
ber for tbe here but never mind
that now. 1 sent the remain round
to the company' oflloe in a push
cart, got a receipt, saw Maria touch
ed off, bo to speak, and two daja af
ter tbat they returned mo a beauti
ful majolica jar full of aahes, scented
with forget-me-not, and tbe stopper
tied in with pluk ribbon."
"Tbat wo pretty."
"Yea t 1 was very much pleased at
first, but 1 hod to keep tbo bottle
out of sight after a while, though,
because peoplo were all tbe time
opening tbe jar, under tbo impres
sion tbat it coutsiued preserved gin
ger or chow-chow, or something.''
"That must have been unpleasant.
"Unpleaaont well, 1 should smile
I meau I should weep. W by, ac
tually, one day while I was living in
New Yolk, 1 enme Li tno and fun ml a
uew servant iil !ihiug knivu
with the remains j'Kt think of it."
Terrible, fir, terrible I"
"But, whut I was going to say was
this. About a year after wy wife
wa kindle ! I meau cremated I
wa in New Orlouua aaio, and I
happened to meet the superintendent
of the refractory ore I should say
the corpse-buruiug furnace at a
banquet, an I bo got eo full that I
bud to aeo him homo. On the way
we stopped in a place or two for a
steadier you know how it is and
the result was that he got very com
municative about hi company in
fact, gave the whole business away,"
"Did eh V
"Yes, air ; be squarely owned up
that tbey didn't barn tbe bodies at
all. Ho aaid they just dropped 'em
through a hole in the bottom of tbe
farnace) took 'em out tbe back way
at night, and sold 'em to tho medical
"Qraoioue 1 and the ashes 1"
"ifule asbea, air nothing but
mole ashes) Tbey would just out
up soma old mule carcass, tbo su
perintendent aaid, pitch in enough
to make a bad smell, and then tell
tbo ashes to the grief-staioken rela
tive at S25 a bottle, Terrible oheeky,
now, wasn't it!"
"And all this time yod had-'"
"fad been carry iug tbat old Jar
of mule ashea all over tbo eonotryi
Just imagine bow mean t felt.'
Yoa threw it away then f"
"Well, uo," aid tbo widower, aa
bo winked a tear oat of bis loft eye I
"tho more 1 studied over tho matter
tho more I concluded tbe male asbei
weren't ao maou oat of the Way after
all. Yoa sea, poor Maria waa ao aw
ful Btubboro woman t-r-e-m-e-n-d-o
tt-e stubborn and ye, I kin
der thought mulo ashea would do
mighty near aa well, all thinga oon-
And heaving tho resigned aigh ol
ona who had suco ceded in bracing
np under great sorrow, tba anti-ore-mationist
amiled softly, lit another
cigar and walked out.-San Fran
ilco Poiit
Recently a Novido msa Invented
ft lying machine, and went around
(ryiog to sell 'em. Tbe machine wo
warranted to trot out a first-class lie
on any subject, at a moment's bolide
But it didn' sell well, lie took it to
a horae trader. Sail ths trader t
"Come, you, get out of this. I tell
tbs trntb iu my buaicvss." Tb in
ventor presetted it to a lawyer, but
he also lootied borrorstrickeu aud ol-
feuded. A firihiOii party looked Lank-
ering at it, but ihjjir language wa to
tbe effect tbat they abhorred untruth.
A young mn who was engaged t
three dilTi-reot gir's also felt ludigoam
at ths offer. At last the dishearten-
d inventor tried ao editor. Tbe
writer flow mal In a minute.
"You scoundrel." ba cried, do you
mean to insult me P
"N," tremblingly autwored tbo
poor map.
"Then what the blaze do you
mean by offering roe that thing 1"
"Why, I I thought yoa might oo
casionally want to use it iu your
"You wretch, what do yoa take
me for '
"Oh, sir, I didn't mean to insinu
ate tbat yoa were a lias 1 I don't for
a minute tbiuk, sir, you could tell a
lie 1"
That's it 1" cried the editor, "that'
what I'm mad about I You conceited
as, yod tbluk you're able to iovent
a machine tbat 1 can't lie all around
and that without ao effort. 1 uever
wis so insulted in all my life I
Get 1 11"
Health Hint.
Do not Sloop in a drangtit.
Do not go to bed with cold foeL
Do not stand over Lot-air regis
Do not eat what yetl do not need
just to save it.
Do not try to get cool too quickly
after exerciaiog.
Do not sleep Willi insecure fa lie
teeth in yonr month.
Do not start the day's work with
ont a good breakfast.
Do out try to gut along with lege
.ban nine horn s sleep.
Do not eleep in a room without
ventilation of soma kind.
Do not use your voice for loud
speaking or singing when hoarse.
Do not stuff a cold lout you be
next obliged to starvo ft fever.
Do not try to get along without
flannel uuderclolhing iu win tor.
Do not steep iu the same under-
grrmonts you wuur during tbe day.
Va not eat suow to queoch thirst i
it brinus ou iuflamatiou of tbo
Do not toast vour foct by tho fire
but try sunlight or frioliou instead.
"Whv men drink la what ataggors
us," aay a womeu'a Jodroal. What
men drink la what stagger fas
A Chicago man has auooeeded in
mating bear'- oil out of saofloOer
seeds, end a Georgia genid baa pro-
duoed dellolont batter froaa oolton
seed, Talk about Mf tfoontry
siting ahead of u
"Tammy. said a mother to her
ovoa-yeuri-old boy, "yoa must not
interrupt oo when I am talking
with ladiaa. Yod must wait till we
top, and than yoa can talk." "But
yod never atop" retorted tue uoy,
There ts AO charity id helping ft
mao who will not help bimielfi
rt the Penitentiary.
'Yon are living a very secluded
life," said a travelor to ft man at
whose cabin be bad stopped for
driuk of water,
"Yes, rather. I got tired ol' aoci
"Must fioJ it lonenomo out here to
the wood. I uin-t coolers that you
like the woods of Arkauna bettor
llisa I do. Say, are you tired of so
ciety 1"
' 'Yes, worn. out. I hnvo bocd iu
iliiT, root cireumaiaoces. Last year 1
lived in Little Hoc it. I had a duo
houre aod plenty of company, Fre
on cully when men came to town
Iroiu the country they'd stop with
me, but I grew tird of company. I
lyiavs tip the largo houae nud left
"Out luto debt, I suppose."
"No ; didu't owe a cent. Gave
up the hou-e willingly, and aid much
more cootooted in this little hut."
"Very ti uoge case, Don't UuJef-
stand it."
"erfeotlv plutn. I was iu the
The man who Was abdnt to roar
ry for tbe sixth time, and wbo ro
plied : "We've usually sot," when
abkud by the miuister to stand np
ho been heard from again. He
recently led 7 to the alter, and
when asked far the ring, replied :
"Parson, I've hooked onto six ot 'era
without a ring. and reck 'n wa Liu
get along this time.
I'll try and remember it in the fu
ture, though.
A Canada llaokwoodamau promis
ed to send tbo minister fifty pounds
o( maplesugar for marrying him
Time passed and no maple-sugar ar
rived to sweeten tbe minister's bouse
bold. Some months later be saw
tbe newly-married busbaud in the
town, and ventured to remind him ;
-"My friend, you did not rend tbe
maple-angar yoa promised. lib
a saddened countenance be looked
op and replied i "To toll you tbo
truth, governor, she ain't worth it I'
The French are notoriously an in
genious people. The death of game
tbi season ba created a new art.
Tbe juices of pheasants, partridges,
and similar birds are extracted by a
prooesa imperceptible to the buyer
of tbo birds, and these juioea, placed
in hermetically acaled bottles, aro
enbaeqoeotly used to give a gamey
flavor to aotreea ot pigeon and
obiokena, which aro represented,
and, above all, charged for, aa tba
real article.
Pu1)lltid ertrf Thnrmlat vtnlftf
Terra of Sabscrtptiofl,
able lthin aix month or fZflOifnot
paid within the rear. No rwprt di
continued until all arrearages art
paid union at tho option of the pub
lisher. Subscription oiitir,i of tbo count
M-I'prm lifting and lining pup erf
addressed Vo other become uicrtiiert
and are liable for the rice of the paper
Oa Do Smith wont fhld a cigar
stO ecn Woodward evenno and par
chased a cigar for a nickol. Oa
lighting it be took occmion to put
about a half box of ms'cho in hi
vest pockt t. "Look bore." Raid tba
tobacconist, "next time yon junb
bring your mafahrs aloug, and I'll
give yon a ciirar."
Morse, who invonted the lolograpfl
and Hell, tbo invenhr of tho tele
phone, both had dnafmttta wive?,
Little comment is neccaiaryi but
just sco what a man fun accomplish
when everything is quiet Lowell
The coiKKirt givan by I'atti in
New Ymk City for tho benefit of tho
Miohigan sulTurors, netted S',00').
A manufacturing concern ndvoij
IIfcs that it has a eeparata room for
girls 210 feet long.
".Short but,'' as aa otd maid
Said whon kIid kissed tho dwarf who
was on exhibition.
Tbore aro Indians in California
Do not drink ice-water by the known ns thu Suit Biver tribe They
glass take it in sipB, a swallow at a must be Democrats.
Do not try to koop tip on coffeo
and alcoholics when you ought to
go to bed-
Do not strain yonr eyos by road-
ing or workiug with insufficient or
flickering llht.
Do not try to lengthen your days
by cuting short your nights' rust i
it is poor ecouomy.
Do not take) some olhor perron's
Itoo't 'ol.iiiii ,, Si-rof'iilnit tfl
tfr ati'l (''filii tlilmora, Ah
accuses nii'l Uhmtnlnr
Mr. Vh-rt FiniHurv, i;m, V. II.,
medicine because you are troubled
nmntthnt aa llinv Ware lt' H ou',l t-oK "' rtf 'in ami in
somowoai as nicy were. , k)n ,.,, ,,, lh,B.,i, , rK,..,
Do not use the eye for reading or rt r .Niinu.i i.rhm .. .i 'ini-;.
J , I'uivliaM'l jour rani Ho i u. VTirrn ll.
Una mi. -tit in thn tuMlii'lit of the OVO- ' hi.thst lnt-mal!. nn.l I'rticru i i ti
" I m'i' Mmr itrrnnll
mog or early nlorn.
Do not wear clone, heavy, fur or
rubber caps or hats if your hair is
tbin or fallsout easily.
Do not eat anything between
moals excepting fruit, or a glass of
hot milk if yod feel fitiut.
Do not blow out n gaslight an you
would a lamp many live are lost
every year uy tin tniaiaKO, ur.
Foot's U'. iUh Mtnthly.
nil In 'lion tlirr
tnontim rt-rtril ft.)ini'i fur... uni hai iml
b. en trmiiiir.l .ini-. inrrnliorl-l I'J HulUra
ft. fuller, DruxKl-H, Kmik.N. II.
c. itiun.Ht o tin ii,
.t. W. Aittii. Ni-Kurk. (Uiln. : "PrTH
rrn Kiatmrxn th irlt nn lli-lnoJ
on Mr-lli II ) Hi worn f- lt rbuin Id
I thin fliillntj- MP m i i her I1 II twain "!
nil in ioi iiii irnm ii. i (ir-ricr
woui.l liar .! h-r III. My arm, hrit
and hnl. mtrm nim f,,r ri, wKirli
niiililnv rll"'t nr rnrcl until I u IkiM r.
Ii l Hkmii.tiikt tnlfrnallr. (nil C't'TlH'H
mai I CTu l B Kn.r ularnallf.
Dad Thoughts.
Dal thoughts, if cherish), blight
virt uo, destroy purity, oud nndor
mino tho etubloat foundations bf
charactor, Tliey uru lilio rot in tim
ber i liko rust iu iron. Tbey eat iu
to man. And whou tho proceed has
gone on for awhile, and there coiuos
the strut of aa outward temptation
U.K. arnntT, K , llen,l-ron , V. Y.
ur.1 nr r pnrlL .-ir lspriiif, nf iirnty tsara
aianillna:, liy III ilrnri Ha In
tarnalif, an,l I'rtn I'm an,l IM'Th'Kha Moat1
namallf. 1 Ii tnont n,irful ea m rn
fM. tJur n-filii..l l'i liiir a Ju-iln nf tti
p-a ami (imminent ritlti-nt. AM ami-la,
llh ItPhlnic anil K-aly ill..! tkuuM nil la
u far tult ttlu)nll In lull.
! Atvr it ii 1 1 ,u.
Tli.i- wlia hart irl-nKt Hi tnrmrnta of
Wait NhfUin oan air.rl.u Hi atcuny 1 n
ilur1 lor yara. nu'll rur I hy (ha i:iitii'I'H
Ha-iM.viiii Inltrn.illr an, I l'i ru i n HuArai
Urually. iiiw. WM. I'KI.I.IN I TUN. Sl.aron, Wu.
C't'TK I'ltt.
and I'l'Tirraa wotr1 mifnllt n-l flrTii rnt
down they go lUtO a mass Ol ruin ' ry p.ilol lluinur, irom acoiuinoa I'lmiil
Pflii ill iM'Tirrn. mll linxi. Ms i laric
!, t t:i-Tii i MA iiar li-itil.
boar, I60. H.1,1 l.y all ilrumiUip.
I)0H,1, WKKKS k I'm I KH. II, f ton, Mali.
Ships go out to ea all bright with
froali paint, their aails all spread
and streamers dying, nud uovor come
baok, novor roaoh the port Why 1
They met a storm and went down,
because they wore rolleu. Under
tho paint was decay ! Just so bad
thoughts, vile, impure thought, rot
the manly ouk of character, runt the
iron of priociplo, sluckeu all tbe
stays of virtue, aud leave the man,
the woman to thu of touip
tatiou, with no iuturior of reserve
nower to withstand the shock. Had 1
thoughts fed aud fattene 1 aro thi
vice of rjoiety.
What tbe editor said to tba bur
glar : What do you want bere 1"
Said tho burglar, gruffly i "Mouoy I"
"Hold on a momeut,' ' quoth (be
editor, and I will help yon i I've
been looking for money myself for
ten vears. but perhaps two of tt
may have bettor luck.' '
' "Tbi bouse for all,1 waa tha
way tho landlord spelled tho an
oounoemenL A amart fellow cama
along and asked, "when will this
bouso sail i "At soon as some
ono comes along wbo aan raiaa tba
wlad," waa tha aool answor. .
A shoe born A sherry cobbler.
A stage whispor -"Fare, please."
A guilt frame -The prison window.
The study of inusio has a sound
Sound investments Those in
After a will ia filed tbe lawyer
rasp at it.
Tha charge at York town ten dol
lars a day.
Tba wormy chestnut contain tha
most moat.
Walla have ears but no noso
Nevertheless they often wear speck.
IIow to make heavy bread light-
Soak it in kerosene aoJ ' apply a
It take, just tbras people to keep 1
a aeciet properly, but two of tbe
three must ba dead.
A Texso roia was lynched for rid
ing a mule oa Sunday. It was
another roan' mule, by tho way.-.
Complfttd Treatment
For $1,00.
HrnRnfl Raimcai. Ci-hk, Catarmh Nor
VKttrkflt. I ia) cumuli Ikhai.ku. wltl. ,. (1
lircrtluiii, tntiv no ti b-t't all i rtiMM I
hr-atly wmiiptxl In oo 'a knn, for ene Uul
llf, ARK li rAKFHHI' If A I'M A L I III.
Tbli funoinipal mil uer. r-( llthif I rait
Hwitt lnHtNbilv ) ! than .(.!
I I'Utrl't muiui, iublu luHfttnmftttn !
standlnn In l tjva,t4r ftml Ittrost.rtatorrr
ihm pntei i -mill. lunt an'l lirtintr. wtivn
alKCtll, live tliv li.-H'l .UierUowl, eli
And oi o, lit lirtli !, Ilia) liromthluw
miy, fttiJ vvary f t in ft raiP'ui am
aoDinai con iiuon, iniarnmiv miium itnra
It rlaan-M tda an lira trui-ua 'TMin Ihrouab
tba llonj. i ti ll u tur.n of ut a"tl vi
alwayi t rnent In UaUrrti. Itaooaiuiaotlt-u
II tirtiKitlalP.
tlaoaral Agatitv, WEfHS POT
rin, I
, VaM.j
It ll 1 4. Sllro,
llnartipa Willi Huira
an, I llf. I ami Itiaim
t Ann ai ravrnuul
TbhMINATtlR an I
ill No (ar or In I
amlla. Harm. aran.
rlta aftrl In UmI ililulcn drarvp in ai rxl
Blal t. I'm anil el rat. rt vr,in k tliai in tun
nrM Nn lailur In ;rar atiry
i. Kiil'l i.v i i aierii anl ilruaiiltia,
Ik fur H Hkons'. Malli-d rnr 1 cuuti bf
U Kf.KH, llnttuD Man.
WannttnnatAptaaSnlU'JUra f.irfali4iia.raMf
Trait Mark a, lX)iyrllila, Ui., lur lh Uulte SUlm.
aoaua, vuum, ciiRiunu, rraiic. itrrniany, mo. wo
Lav had thirty-It yar'BP riear.
nUHiUnbtaiiMd UMUvIt u ara pnuct la to set
tKTIria amRiOiM. ttiia larg anil ili imJI illua
trlUal wmk Knarwr.aa.BOa nr.ahowa Urn rrooraa
ol aiimwe, U frv lutumallng.iuKt ba an ru.ruiiut
an mvhs ext., nuwii cvmki.
tun, Pub'tcl Scmtitirin aimairaii, 7 Park iwtt
prw nira. fipiw pi.'a hhkh ,-airntairrw
IS. to th aiirricl
arriair a hrilllatit. h
r for tho ttitlllouoii Ilea
I LI In of Man anil Aom
ndimnt hjf yhraiotini
oent.byW. Oi
lTl.l lu 111 NllflhWMt
fluid lot both StXtS. tot th aiirric aaeW
in. nBttmulaMUa' marriair a hrilllatit, had. x
nanus BiKia, acuMn.olivr rnr llio itiilllnuoii lie. II.
UUaaaa, and Ibo I'k.liHl Lltaof Man anil A Oman i
ur la laugiiair, unit ndiirant hy yjitdstan
vnrrwliar. I'tlca, oo
Ot.lN, th ellta'l Hpacl
Who Will lr (OOO roc vury raa m hrlvai ui
chronl diaoaai- nf Hlir ax b nnd'ftaka ana
fulla U tan. bind two atauipa tut DUldO tO
i cent
Or. A. C. OUN,
Health. Reliable 'male
DO. 0.1111 IIIIUI lor l.4lltt OUIIIM vUU4
na l iroular oi
nm lor
Rubber OoorM
Ooarf a
rW aita. 60 Cent a
Or. A. C. OUN, .
battle Blrwk, SM 8. Clark St, Chi, 111.
nnilllfl' riarnhtM lr Mil i ltk
llUl!lP,M Mii--lla.
UrIUI .IvrTkrr S&