JL 11- -Jft L'JLi..1 ttrortitttnjar RateM. L.tmiin ve rear. tW.OU li.if viloimi. one rwir. 80.00 lf'.HO 75 SO 5.00 2.50 Ifourlh column, one year, jrqutre (10 linen) 1 iiiiertion l.nry additional inxcrlion, fotiotml and RimtiCH card ol U more than 5 linos, ocr year, l.ior. Kroctitor. Administrator L.I Awiirnee Notice. P , L.rial notices ner line. 16 ii ixncienl auvertMina' lets Man Lmllm 10 oenUt line. Ill hdvertiaeinenta for a shorter no- Ulan uih j er rw ivniw mi tne Ia IM rti-fl..rnfl aitil it tint v.nt.1 Hon fmlnritltf tlmm will n nrtlH. Ltuibte for the monev. ' Ioo t BE OF GOOD CHEER. Iif 1 United hard Ufa's knot may ba, d wearily we fua It, ullent touch of father -time Line day will aura undo H. Then darling, wait; Nothing la lata Ilia light that shines forever. faint at heart, a friend la gone; l chafe at the world's hnntli drill ing; Iremble at sorrows on every aide, the myria I ways of killing. Yet any we all, If a sparrow fall, is lird keermth count forever. iepeth count. We come, we go, e speoulate, toll mid falter; the measure to eanh of we.il ami woe .J only ean give or alt or. He aendeth light, . Ilesendeth night. id change goes ou forever. nnf tnlc4 lift, with nltAMrflll rnit.. th fiiitU iii 'the strongth of wuuk nesa I ilendereat daisy rears its bond 'itli courage, yet with meekness. A sunny face Hath holy grace, sjo the iuu forever. verund ever, my darling, yes-- uodnetw and love are undying ;' the troubles and citrus of earth winged from the first for Hying, Our way we plow In the furrow "now !" after tilling and growing the henf ; for the root, but the sun for the leaf d Owl keepeth watch forever. Mary M. Dopuk ' Lova t Endurance. Is make us brave and strong, ufTerliifr make us stsongcr ; I) endures the trial long, . ve the suderlng longer. ii ih 'tis o ! lot t J m'.i tr ii will kindly help us biar, it the ill we rati not cur-, ve will help us to endue. fh Until agonies its own, f luith sorrows greater; rli's whiuhsin alone the chief creator. in beur thuiu, if we will. Ii will klu.lly help in still; it the pnlus we oaiiit it euro, vu will help us to endure. tin hearts go down the way. using, but to borrow lo'ii from their grief to-d ty, nfort for t!idr sorrow. molntiuent, trouble, care. hai kindly li'dp 1 1 th u r. t!u griefs til -y oo'lld H it e.-n. ve lutli ll lip id them to en biro. nr worthinoiH our prayer Hiich sweet ruetiirimee : be praised for faith to bear. aiso fur love's endurance. forbid that doubt of heart r should bid faith depart ; Fus the ills whluh have no cure, ve will holp as to endure. tia End of ths World Com 9 This Year ? ell, yes, aoxiom, trouble. flues- fr, it will. We hope you will utisfied to have the tnatter d- Ny settled. Aud we can tell positiel tbat it wilt. We fasmuob about it as frof. hor, ae Prof. Swift, as tbe tbsonian Institute, 'and tbe looal Obaarvatnr. an.t J f tbe TJ. 8, 8igual Serrice. Yoo been tormented and tortured, obL by Mjtber Sbi D,on. and be oomet and the Cina'dian er, who built bim, an ark and t all ready to laancb for the or Jane be can . go into the business with it now. or sell it o Mississippi Oarge and Trans juiion Company and by tbo pntes, and one loo tbin? and liar, until your mind is distract "d yoo can't sleep, and don't i it worth while to pay your ' All tbe same, you will have Ti or go oak of basiness. And world should eome to an and ao'olook to-morrow tnoroiog, M5 a, m. money would be 1 per oent, ou gdt-ed(e . paper, none to easy to get them. you see tbe fart that tbe world oiog to at) and won't make any renoe Inyoor business affairs, ao't make any change la tbe owness of tbe strawberry boxes fcroo i tbe good berries, will all lbs top tbe same as last year. farnUj staring LLcm in tbe wsukiad will go right 'on, g ana lying, and praying iQgiog, aud aweariag aaxl imU rtvaatly, n dalug Irlolfy S loUi ead iati Iaw;lc it VOK 19. i andjweepiog, on til tbo and comes and the lips that enned of prayed ar hashed alike In tbe quiet of death. For the world1 Is coning to an end. And the comet can't bsleo and a million comets can't retard ita eomtng. I tie bound to come inie year. There ie no help for It. If it sraree you, we coo't holp it. We must tell the trnlb about Mm tliing. since yon have asked us what we know about it. And. indoed, we know more tban we have told. The end of nil things terrestrial is coin- ins to-morrow, end you can t stop it by climbing a troo or crawling in. to a cave. Kery day an I every hour (be end of the world comes to some unsuspecting mortal who in only thinking np his pinna tor next summer, or studying over a boss trade" he has in his toiud for next weeK. Kvery lime your ncart weaia the ond of the world comes for some one, and just as nre as you have, or more surely if you bave not paid your newspaper subscription, itis'u"r' coming to you. And, good eub Hd'iber, fern fill aud troubled about n.ini.tfa nnd m in v thimrs. when it , ., . , . . ,v loes come, if it catohos you olti Jlllir Willi J"UI wiiiiuun, . ... iog out at the edges, your bills tin sottlud, your nolo protested, your subscription not paid, your pew rent overdue mil your pastor run oing into debt for bis living, with your consciouce burdened with wrongs and your lifd bustling with tiuootrectO'l and unrepentant f ni'.ts, vou won't nccl any omot nor nuy long procossion of perihelia to sc ire vou. Vou wou't think of the-planeU then, good man. .You "ill think ibout th'o horse uitb a spuviu you mid to poor Otoenwigi you will think about the hIuhKIv foiir-.lollir overcoat you sold poor H.-tseod for ?:).75jyou will thi.ik about the iptni ts of eiruwberries yon sold evory year in pint bo ton j you will reumin' ber thu sovun cent print you soil to dd Mrs. Thistl.MK)d fjr fourteen mints i you will . think about the!, titkin of axle greaso JoU piiuteo with butter und sold it for thirty Hovon cents for table use j you will tliiuk of the moi'tgago yon foreclos ed on poor Hag weed's farm after ho h id paid yon thirteen per cent, for the money for ten vo:rs pyou will think of the loals of threo-foet cord woo l you hauled to town and s 1 1 at full uialket prioe i you will think of tbe sand'yon sif'ed iu the brown m igar ; you will roraembor how yon rold 1,70 ) p muds of c ml for a ton ; you willihluk of the paper you took fir a year aula half nnd never paid for i you will recall a thousand little meannessos and weaknesses of whiuh you have been guilty ; you will thiuk bow you made your money, ana now precious iittlo good it is going to do you in the country whither you are going i and, poor man, if yon bave fastened your faith aod trust to nothing butler tban Mother Sbipton, or Yen nor, or Gen eral Ilazeo, or some celestial tramp of a comet, tbe sound of the trum pet, tbe voices of the beasts, th'e sev en thunders, tbe bait aud fire mingl ed with blood, tbe duikeoed son, tbe vials of wrath and tbe voioa of the eagle could not add to your fears. Wbou the eud of tbo . world oo ires for you, tbat will be tbe only end you will take any interest iu. It will be awful enough for yoo, if it oomes before you are ready for it, and unless you kuow you bave a dead sura thing on eighty-nine years or more and you kuow whether you bave or not you keep eoe eye open all the time fjf tbe end of the world. So, don't you worry about two comets, or conjunctions, or perihelia, or eclipses, tbe spots on tbe sun. Tbey have oothiog to do with your oase at all. You any n t live to see the world burned np, and you pass away in tbe great 6oal .diosolu tionof all things terrestrial, but yoo are going to live to your end of tbe world, and don't you forget tt. That's all you have to do wills it You go borne now, aod quit worry ing about propbeoies. Admire tbe comet without a fear. Study as tronomy for its wonders and . beau ties, and Dot for fanciful and ignor ant and superstitious terrors. You go bouts an 1 sell cloaa goolf by fall measures aaj! booest weights i touch your cldrks tbat a thirty-live (ftib slick dodso't trreasote sj yard' of 4ret eTde i oWl wsigbr. joarself oa l1--) W. iuJ tb . H M MIDDLEBUItG, SNYDER .COUNTY, make jour too of coal weigh twen ty-bundred, and cut your wood four feet long be booest and square to your dealinge pay your pew rent every week, . and your oespper subscription in advance i read the revisod Testament oftener and go to church rogularly t be manly nnd pay your debts as fast as you can, ami Ii vo so that you can look ejory rami in the eyes when you meet bim t give np sweating aud try family prayers as a substitute i don't bo afrnid of any tu in that ever wore a bat, ajid always stand by jour own houest couvictions, stid then, if some night a o i not wd't a tiil liko a torch-light procession, an I fie pari belimi of J up tor, aod an eclipse of the sun, and old Mother Sbiplon,jcl)iof j,, UooJ BhonW be kopt should file into your fiout yard and : j mi, 1 $ k' nd thump at tho door : "We want you, oil mm I yon Wjitld ""i""j "--"i ' 8UOU "All riglit, wait till I R " "7 trousers l" and go out to ioin 11,0 procession without a tre- Dimi jou iiuiiu s iw, non .paying S'its:riber, the. other on 1 of the world is uothing, if you only eh'ipo this end ns nnaily right as you knjw ' f ' A Train Scaic. tt wns night. Night in Ark 111.111. 1 1 was night iu othnr el ites .ns well but Arkansas is one with which we bavo to deal at this writiug. It buiiig- ot;ryuru to doul. A lightning express was booming along ut the rate of sity miles nn hour. Kvciy cur was full, tuiuy hlaudiug iu the aislea with tb.it mce!;uiH3 and putiunce only seen ou m Amiine in tuilroa l, to iieiwuino d ite the fell i v who w.tuts four suuts all to hiiuielf. The l imp- bl uil fi: fil'y over I'ii p isdungors' d istors, wiiiuli nho'uu 1 to lit U4 traveling daitoid Ubuully do. I ' v " " , , . , low anyone else to d i without tho reipisito pis-), p inching people in wiuofulness iu order tbut ho might punch their tickets. Tho train boy had tilled the pas sengers' laps witli bjjks, to keep tlioiu from bouui'ing in their Beats whilo giin over roagb places. Tbd b.ukoiuau had put bis bead iu and uhoutod : 'Tho next stoppiag place n . tho namo of the stut- m ion b'diig lost iu tho blaiuiuiog of tho door. Tho boy who is always day bad made bis fifty-second pilgrimage to tho water tank. And t'no woman who wants air had just torn off hor Uit re muiniug finger nail iu tryiug to get ber win dow np. TliU was on n railroad iu tbe state of Arkansas Suddenly tbe car door opens. A youthful figure appears, bold- iug something in bis band upon which the light glitters. He pre sonts it in a significant maoQor nud crios. "Now, gentlomen, your monoy Fifty inn turn pali and cry, "Don't eboot " Twenty females scr lam with one voioe, and some faint. There is a hasty thrusting of watches and pocketbooks beneath cushions and into boots. Stroug men fight for a place no der tbe seats where they can secrete themselves. "Gentlemen," again cries tbe boy isb voice, ringiog high and clear above the screams of women aud din of tbe train (grasp for mercy from some of tbe men), "let me sell you aqme of this excellent tropical fruit," and be extends in bis dexter band a banana. It was tho train by, pursuing bis useful aud harmless vocation.- W B5 -1 A kind father f Tho father of a St Louis bride presented bis son' in-law with 80,000 bead of cattle. "Papa dear," exclaimed bis daagb ter, wbeu she beard of it, "that was so kind of you ; Charley's awfully fond of ox-tail spup." Chieityd Trh bum). Numerical impossibility i "Jlafy says you csb 'I florae (o sea ber Boy more," said a boy to his sister ad rotrsr ' W&y not t" "Beennee' yod curoVjaaei her eyery evening' frrfw,) sod ou!d 0 eoWe-.y aw' mJM f$ How Marriage In Pennsylvania re vokes a1 Will. t Rome very bard cases bave afisen under our law in regard to this sub ject, A man about to marry baa made bis will in favor of bis Intend ed wife, and a woman about to msr ry bus made hor wilt in fnvor of her iutendod busbaud, aod in both eases the wills have boon rovoked by tbo marriage. It lias happened more than onco that purchasers wbo bought from I ho devisees or legatee a under a will have lound they bad failed to gut a title til tho whole properly on account of an a'ter born child of the testator. It is im portant, therefore, that the following summary of the- law Ly tbo late 1. Tho will of a eingld woman is Irev,.ked by bor aubseqnnut marriage, aod is not revived by the d.-atb of ber busbnnd. 2. If a man mnkes bis will nnd marries aud dies leaving a widow, so far as regards the widow bo dies intestate that in, bis will is re vokod protanto (or in that respect) 3. If a rann makes bis will nnd baa an after boru child or children not provided fur in said will, nnd dies leaving snob after born child or children he die intestate, ns bis will is revoked protanto. i If a ninn makes bis will nnd marries, nnd dies leaving a widow fiud child not provided for in micb will, bis will is revoked absolutely, ns at common law, but only protan to. fi. If a man mn!;o his will nnd marries and dies, nnd leaves a will ow, but no known heirs or J. iiil! - ( red. it iscleurly rovoked, so farnxj to give to bis widow both tho aud porsouul eat ito absolutely. roul Tho law refusos to admit that a man ran intend to disinherit 1 ' i - children uiiless ho hIiows that in- tint ion by a will uio boru. tu.idu ufter I) ay Brace up Old Man. "Rather poor business for nn old man like yon," i .'mn ked is Honor, ns Jasper White stood before bim. "That's a fact, S.piar' that's a fuct." Vou must bo nonrly sixly years old V "I'm sixty. tw, Sqnar','' . "Aod you wore brought iu hero so li'iipsy dnink thnt.thoy could h ivu tie 1 to ir lojs iu a do iblob j f knot." ' "Tha'.'s a f i :t so'omn fact S.par'. I've made a fool of myself and I'm williu' to own right np, I sot in tbo cull tlisr' this mornin' thinkin'it nil over, an' says 1 to myself : 'Jaspor White, you've went no gone an' ma le n tarnal fool of yourself, an 1 if you are sent to .State prison for life it will Barve you rigid," Yon don't livo bore I" "No, Sinar', I live np bore in n book county nnd I'm down bore on bizness. Fact is, one of my ol 1 naybnrs lives bere, and be bad bis ,eye on s second wife for me.' 'What I at your age ?" "Jist like me, Squar. I see it now, but I didn't yeatorday. I'm a sort of an old twain fool' I am." "And did you marry !" No I was kinder bracin' op with a Iittlo beer to go over and soe tbe oritter soloctod for me and I braced too much." "Do you know what you want to do t" 'I reckon I might as will take pixeu " No, sir. Yon go for your satchel. Then go for tbe depot, then go for home and don't ever get out of sight of your farm again." "And you won't jug me f" No." ( . Nor fine me f "No." ; i "Sqnar', you're a Loll load of bricks I Bay shake bands with me Thar You've saved my life, and be tbe big ben if I don't send you down a car-load of apples and pop-ooro then I'm a sinner. Good-bye good bye I'm of going straight home going to stay there savod my life never forget it good-bye I . Illinois has 2f,390 pensioners' who draw p.Oqo.OOO a yeoY. ; 'j Finger want two io olios lafng are the pr'dfl of a Ualtimore womio 7lf lyjrtisns pfaoed a' raifirfmy f' board t remteol Ufa I ihM smSsssjs iOWa j j ill!'; 1' A,, DECEMBEIl ... ' Won His Bit M"r. Taylor, of Rail's hardware store, afnt into an argument with Hsnk Monk abobt tbe site of some agricultural muchioery belonging to Hail, which wai lying it the depot. IlitnW insisted thst the mutd'inery nowsdays was liizht end nnrrliahh'. Taylor off.-re J to bet 85 that In Coulda't crry n single pioco of it from the depot to the store. Ilauk d'ponited his coin and s'artod. 'If he ttets up hore it il msko bun sweat,' quoi'i Taylor. "Us'll win tvory cont of bis bM, sdJ tho hands. In about fifteen minutes 7ank hovo in sight, nnd they all saw that be had nothing. "Cmolu lod you'd lot out tho j b to a dray, ch 1' tlioy nil end, looking at Hank's woeful condition. Well, broujht P a nleer," he, said, ss heentorad tho oloro. "Where is it t" "Hero," bo ssid. with a quirt R' in, "chipped it air with a hammer." ' Ho proluoed a corner of a csin ahnut the sito of a linr.elnut. 'I coull Lave got a bittr piero, hut t Ii o bet was "o nniull it wiiHii't nn objeet you seo I'' Monk W0ft sway with tflS mnnny, tind his fuce wero Unit solf-inti-fied smils nil nlternooo Ctriii City .liWlf. Words of Wisdom. l'.incy raus tn ut furiously wher. conscience drivos it, -Many tivo miserably nn 1 meanly just to die manilinently nnd rich. Trout your enemies ns if they woun 80U10 tnuo or otaoi bo your fi ietiiln. Jws nro ahvavs multiplying hrv- vni's. nnd U W vers always inal ililviliif i , ' - j . - " laws. Impossibilities, liko vieiotis dogs. ' tl v buforo liim wiio is u )t afr.ki 1 of them. It is only thosn who bavo dono nothing who fancy tlioy cnu do everything. 4 Lovo is u coinpond of honey nml gill, mixed in various porportions for customers. Follow llm fashion t yon had bet- , ,or Jisplay other peopled folli'js than your own. Many pri lo thetnsolvos upon being wit I youug muu who are ouly wild boasts, ilo win knows hw iuorance is tho prcfdsMor of tho rarest kiu 1 of valuable knowlu l,'o . Shnt uot np a bron I of evil pas sions in your bosom ; liko enragod sorpootsthey will bito their cage. He Loved Ilia Flag. A Woodvard avoniie salonist was decorating bis bar tha ot'ur diy with :n H lligi, when a str iugir, wbo ha I just gJt outsi la ' of four inches of whisky, toano 1 bis elbjw on tho bar and obsorvo 1 : 'Strangor, I di Ijvj tint Hi. 'Do.ohf. You bot I do. Were yon in war ?' 'lot exactly, but my beirt was there." Where was yonr bady f Say, that's the ouly thing I blame this government for. If thoro ha lu't been snoli golden chanoos to mske from $100 to 83 J3 by jumping the bounty I'd bave died for the Aug and my old d 1 nnd two brothers would bave die I for bor. It was a menu trick of Undo Sam to shako $000 at a follow who wanted to wrap that old dug around bim and die 'on tho Sold. I jumped tho bounty four different times, and biteen me and yon, I wish I baod't. You soe I ain't got the face now to ask Uncle Sim to grant me a pension for a brokod log reoeivod on tbe sooot through Canada, though I may work up to it in time, lilose the old stars aud stripes 'and gimme S little more of the same brand ' Detroit Fret tre. " Mitigated misery i "do iuto tbe room aod bring that cake off the table," said au Aubtio mother to ber son. 'It's too dark t I'm afraid to go" into tbe room." "Oo right into that room this instant or I'll go in aud brioa out the strap." ' "If yon bring out the strap," replied tbe boy, sobbing, Vbring tbe cake aloDg loo:'l'ixrtt Si f tiny. Frogs eofttinue lo gioM for five veers. : . ' Charles U died uddWy-Uk io taid of yp!ttiry7 1, ISSL. NO, 18 Nolo on Live Stock in Winter, the form animals at this sonson are directly dependent upon lbs care and attention of the farther; To pass tbe winter with profit they must bo woll kept. Animals arc very complicated edgirios, and must bt run by careful engineers. Tbe fooi' they receive is tho fuel, nud tbo dai y rnbbing, clcsuing nnd oiling of the oninb. Tho fuel must be f fnn' to the demands made of tho nnioia iigiuo, else tho machinery will.be ruu at a disadvantage, nnd thorefore itU dim'nisbod profit. When th' wnler is low nod tho fire almost 'out.( tho rngiue is n source of loss to tin owner. On tho other bund tho fir. may bo brisk, nil 1 thu boiler well supplied, but soino snrow is loosn, or n part rubs another to closely and tho freilion thus produced nciitialues mucli of tho force. So in tho animal marine, nil tho parti mint work harmoniously together. or iu other worjs thoro must bo per feet health tooMaiu tho best results An nuiiual may havo tho best of food iu sufTL-icnt quantity, nnd still piss n bird winter, nnd without profit to itn o'.vnor. Km I of the bout kinds willnut nhelb r, is in the animal economy liko fii-il iu au en gine that is rmty and loose nnd out of order. Dotli nro exnmi-ivo inetli- o Is of arriving at desire! results. It takes to inncii force t run th" machine in both rasef. As it i eheaper to havo a g iod engine kept in g lod ord.-r, h it is to havo au animal in health and com'ort The thoughtful f irmer will see muu , otiier poiuts ol likoaess bet.voeil tho a:ii- nr.il michiiio a i I tlieouo c omlr i.-t-(id by hiiinvi hail 1 u but this is ouotlgh to mlggest tho importune i of keeping farm aui'iiaU in u IhmHL ful nnd comforlablo condition by uieaDfl of warm stables with clean tloors au! pnro 'air. Aimriritn A'jrii'itlturix j'tf rc.oi''c. Do You Hear ? non," fluid a tiittlo "My non," said a Littlo Hock mother, "go dowu to tho grocery and gut mo a cau of condensed milk." "I should Ripiirm to wiggle," an swered tho boy. (io on, I tell you." "I shall limp to jump." If you don't go this instant Ml toll your father whea bo comes homo." "I should blow to tuttlo." "Never mind, sir."' "I fdiould whoop to Klpleill."' When tho father ciimo homo the mother said : "I wish that you'd , whip Tom. Ho positively refused to go down lo tho grocery, nud told ! thut I wus a tattler, nil 1 that bo would jump on mo." "Tom." vYcs, bir." "Whnt was thut you imid to your mother ! ' "N'over said nothin'." "Then I am a story teller nnd you are a pretty boy," saia tho mother, "Look here, young mnn, if yon don't behave , yourself I'll thrush you. Do you bear " "I should titter to snort." "Come here to me sir," nud the young roan sipuruieii to wiggle, limped to jump, blow to tult'e, wlioopod to B'pioul aud tittered to snort. MMBBMMMBHMM m Thrillinir courtnlaip t "Don t coi.. IraJlet mo. SaiU Hie Siern ipilieut ' a i ou uuva ueeu Hoeing aeeiuii iu i .... i - i.ii:.. :.. torviows with Charles Moueternit do Montmorenci." lie was a proud but faehionuble tailor and not to be trilled with. "How did you find it out f" sobbed the daughter. Won uever saw us." "No, I uover saw you, be returned, luaignuuiiy i 'but my faithful Bruno came run uiug to me this vory evoting with a mouthful of cloth. I recoguized the pattern at once. I cut tho piece to make a pair of pauts for yonug Montmorenci two mouths ago, and be hasn't paid for thorn yet.'' All nho answered was, "Father, dear, it's too awfully too-too," and she fell likes little faded llowor at his foet - Brooklyn Eayle, Out of proportion i Atf Oil City man purchased a small hnnd bellows, took il tome and told bis" wife he bad eoouludod to blouf bis braius out t whereupon she replied that a smaller gimt bellows would bave answered! (b purpose better Oil Vitj iVrV TITIJJ IOHT. PiiWfr.ncd every Thursday Evonlnr JEREMIAU CROUSB, PropV Terms of Subflcrrntion, TWO' DOLLARS PF.R ANNt'M. Pay able vilhm six months or t'-'iOifnof pnld within tha year. No paper die-' continued until all nrrcArngfs are' fmid unlein at the option of the pub inher. Subscriptions ftiffxl.le of tnft Cbttnt PA VAUf.B IN ADVANC8. frrersons lifliiij; and using pnnnr addressed " othrs lieconieiiiii.rribers ihI sro li'i'.'le f'irtlic price of the paper Charles I. diod on the scaffold. James I died from driokfng and the effects of vino. Tho most thoughtful man hnrf leen discovered in New Jersey. Just boforo bo died bo Said to tbo nndertnknr. "W,en you rut moon ce. do rtft wnpfd' nny on my foot r they bavo already been frozen." It was a IVMon Jmf who. wnlkiDg" ine day with bis guardian, ttivr tt Irnuken Roldier lying in thn street, ind pointing to the recumbent fig- 'trc', remarked : "Pitpa. ( cue's liV Invsn't belong to thfll Standing irmv." (jiticnna "oo7 'o'.liti, ',,)) J, .S'.TO'l'olM pi ;() fffn'ii 7 lltiinnr.1, .IV trtfif.i nifl ChlHihtt'lV ,SV' ftiil'ji. t.r.in t'oioMu. Vr. S'i-f' Kln",lHifr, Ki.n. V. 11., trmtli.' t ! with in-l hieitnr n n I, nn. ni"'i. rn; r I.T l Milni.ln, i I'Klnlrr.l t HMti.. It wrtiil.l li-ik ' ' iri.'li n ti untlh't Ir tn H" uriiti. Irifi Iti!!,1! In l-.ri iint, .titfir ri i-ril iiiMiniiM ItfMriir t ! -tlniri.-ir. I'ti rit4.r.i f-nir rt.iu( lift : it.fil rTlT'., II ;. .nl.vt i lilntii,il!v( ft ;i. I 't 1 1. r h ni (r r ... in H..r xiiornilK. In I-.. 'Inn ihrM n'itt I !. - r'T- rl.l i dm. Ipl.t i.iir.-. nnl i' he n tiiii.l-t -in ii r"i'H t i i,y Hrliri I o-lrr, lrui 1. 1', Ktiui'. N. It. fim:.Ti: i f ns v. ir ru. I. W. A.lilil". N. wnrv. IIIOii. iy, : i-ti-I'li . Hum - f it, '.. f.. ,it tiK i..n-, .itipi-tli I141I th f.t fi-, -ill t:ienn In Mil- i. n,i r v v tnnO rr ln-.l It I w. n- Vfur-, ,n t tn l't .tie.! ft It.. I i..-Hv ri Tiiiit w .111 ' .1 h i , t -r, . it i 1 li. .My nriti., bi-i4H in'l lifl, win o r. 1, . 1 o.l I r tt.rp TMrM, wt,'.'t rmtliitik- rpll-rl .ir . ti 1 e.i until I u.e 1 tt e 1 it r -f.-t l: t lifi'l. k 1 litrjpillv. t, . I t'cret'lM nil 1 1 11 H 1 11 ism r tt.Tn;:iy. I'soni iKie. . 11V" 1 '.I'l'miitr. f i. Il.'til r.iin, . 1 . .'itii'l nf I it ..r l.i-r.'.; , 1 1 ttvpiity ynf4 t tv!ln.f. I. I'm C. tn 1 1. If i'.iii.v i n r If. I if r;ul. v, in i'i ' 1 . 1 r ,1 I 1 '1 tn r it Snip i t i ti t 1 v I m nt .. imlrrliil 0m tin ren. t I. Cum i'. r I f . I t'i l.itl.irn i.Oin nf tlm i....ii. nti.l t'rn-iilnotti oit)'n. AM s'SI.-tn.t with lli-lilhif ntt I Iv iII.hi-.. ult'iiil'l pnil ly i 1 . 1 r thii to-tliuonl l In lull. i 1 1. 1' It II I.I Tti.ia wlin hnTe niirlini,t ' torment nf nlt ltd. urn t'lin niiri rim ihH niony I tn. litre 1 inr ymim, un it inito I ,t Hit, i:i rii'l'H II K-ui.Vi. r Inlorii.iliy au l cr Tiers hiai isrniiliy. Mnt. WM. rH.l,IN..Tn. Shsrnii, Wli, f I Tit I It t. ml I TTiren f n r tnrnllT in I Pt Tift n Kk-uI.v, nt Intrnttlly will tm'lilvslr rur t rry ,p i'IcuI lliiiniir, fr tiu s I'li.iiiiiun flmpla .i -ii'mliil. rr!.v nl I'fTirt-n. itmU bnrtt,. IWit t trtrs iw,tl 'i m i in l4ki.ni.vK r.ll f bi'tlo. I'I III l ilt NlMI', Ifti.. ( I Til I'll 'MIAVIJUI Siiai Kit. Si. 1,1 hy nil OruuH l-ta. Il t, WKt.kS It I'OTI hit. Ilontnn, MH. CATARRH Complcta Trcalniont For $1.00. S tvrnnr' Il mv t. Cvn V kt run Soi '-' KST H 11 1 I MI KUVKIi I Ml A !. It, wtlll Hflfl( 1 1 r-.-i luii", niMV tin t it a l l nil iriistsii'', I- dtly wr.iimI fn oni m knB, r nn ilnl nr. An lot HANfutHi'n It urn ai,I i rk, lit I tn"Tnir il nn I fvr Ultima tra&t- rt'-nt Intnntlv rlnnfl Dirt nit iisiauei ( iutrt1 muni. ililnea Inllmiiinr.tlnn when vtnnillnK to tt.w ey..ir fi l I Ummi ,rtnr ' lm nen "I mnall, tml nnd litilnir, wl.ft iiintrl, IstAVftN ti lit'Hil 1eu-lorll, clem Anil uteri, tit t rf nth Ut lrixitlilnit Mxy.Kn I eriry pitti in 4 unttrful n -iimNe i CMfi'iif lu't, i n'vriwiiir n i n if 1 i tre t rlennNQt tli entlr nu u lin tliruuitb :hr l.loo.l. w .-t. It i urlfl ol ll.e nMJ V"l -t Iwityi iirtunnt In Culftrru. Uotuii.fOJriJ v nil ilrtimrUt i. ioiiora. Aijootf, WKKKH V I'OTIFR, A Unarl Water HuM 7 ii Q l 1 ftml H i ! m im ;vvv lTui rail rni lit ii. jr r' i-.x N A Toil idI i'ii Nu f. r t i bsiil f rlf dI I Url i l.ip oltrn (-'run p In i lnttl n 11 1. I i i r.l r l.t rt f i mln k II er In tuu w nrhl. ln f m 1 1 urn In 'Jt mi vory ii wr rn I'Miil. H'M k i i ie i n rui ilrnw wlntji. A k li t IM IJMINS'. hll il fi r 'J6 oui.tt ty W I IKMi I Oi l KM, l - Mi n Mm. PATEWTS V mnllnuo in iut aafiolli'ltnni fnrrntcntii, Cimtt, Tnnlti tlnrki, t iiyrlKlu. i., fur lira Lnluil blti"v ( IIIIBlJll, 4 lllill, KlIKlitllll, Frillirt. I.ITTIIRIOt. tl. Mil buvfliad llilrl,-llve iourMciM'rlriici..' 1 I'lltl'llU ill(illtlli tUmilirt) III lint Ih .U't-d III tUf Tt- rsiute mkhii'n. Tin liirmt and ili'iliil llliu- irui"iifkiyiiT.$u.!ioiiyt'or,iihiiwiiKi,rfiffTti fif Ni'llitii-i. Im vi.rtf liit.iriwtlnir Bint hat In f.miriii.i.i i rirriuaunii. AUintt Ml 4 ro.. ruiftn Mi.iH'i. I11N. iihd..f tti'lVKTivm Aufulr.M tl liurlf ll.il i, ...... l .... - - Vnrlt. H.iniJ lNwh uht-ut l uit-iitisfrHv MARRIAGE Oulrtti for both fJEXTS,'"' ! mrrlJ ndf thuii c iii i .,n .l itin ; iim' i ut .' 'i tn llittM, fjie tiKitnu li.Mik. uciiiiiiii lur tin ttitt inllliiiiMin tU-ltli,' UUutt",!iiiittit l'liyi al I lii nf Maliuntl Womitlir pnrn in luuuitL'it. n'i'1 uttilniniHt hy i)ivftcialia i'rryhrra. I'rlc, JJO cents, Ity l A. li.' til. IS, 1 1. ohli -i Hnt mlii-i i.i : li 1 rtrtlit.; w In, will l'S500 fiircvi r, in-, ef nilrilu or rtiritnlu tlitiui.' ol t.tihur vx h uv rll- nnii Honlth. Reliable Female pills, 34 n Box. A ((i.'.'i. iiiiimii lm' wiii1 tiutii ". inn. niiuiuunt. Rubber CoocrW jiM le i ' ir of lioturiut luiuiuniituii, iif ti iu., f o Cento. Dr. A. C OLIN, Esctucky llltx k. 9X1 t. Clolk et , Cblci;o, 111. Mil in rum Hrnd to tiitni nr I'oino to OPIUM Ml Siirp;artittinrMviiUI' nut by lhimflvn. St-nS' imui Io' iirliralnr.lr.BVI'kt III !.rtk 1 krojD Ml., I It logo. i" .; u " o,".....' r.xv -." Iin-- ...it -- ..tt7 ' mz, j ;iv mm i or jnaaaj"! ,..,) - . ... ....... 4' '-' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers