The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 24, 1881, Image 3

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    "w. 11
Iddleburg, NOV. 24, 1881.
Jocitl Nown, e!fco
nno niiccn
In iw
iiiiu rnri.ii KowXTca4
at wt. r.
tinrtta Avrnrwua tmun 00 apcao
Trrt OotruTT rooT m Conrte (
V"l Mnnlf f kld nn tha fourth Mnndayt
Irrmnut, may. ana stpioaautr, aaa aeoona
aauej v uvwintr.
! . II I -I I I . . I
All communication, business let
m Ao., for thl office, to seetire
litipt attention should lie addreaeod
tlfullntve: Thr roMT. MiddlehurK
atiler Cbunty, Ph. Advertisements,
iiiinieiitloiis c. niuat tie handed
rW Monday no on, to secure insor.
in next lasua
tllme U about over.
) editor' big hog weighed 405 lb.
llthony J. Spccht cut bit Toot se
Hfc day are rapidly drawing to
kliti-fehorteat limit.
Siit fell, on Veducdity, to the
lipti of two inches.
Iv season for sittinif on tlie front
dwrwpU rapidly dnin,( to h clone.
Tljaovornor ln.s respited Erl and
MayY post poning execution to t'
llteiMnunsel opportunity to put tlio
cuoji a proper slupo bcl'uio tlie
rt Doard.
lexchanges have it that Uriah
is in jail in Mid.llelmi,; it's n
niintio but bufure tlio ink i dry on
tlti Iper ho may be in jail.
I - -
Tuiroin olfyonr fcut thin hood
firttlground I damp mid Inu tooth
ncli( jcuriilgin, sore throiit and otliur
liiiutiil discuses in it, siilUcieiit to
j'Ciiettta a pnner sola.
lit tturoely a man or boy In
litis r
try hot carrion a lend pened
porVot. Il is fuliuinti! 1 Unit
pene'ile nru iuri'hncd each
pod.OU) por year.
man who build a homo in
town il on the ouUlcirt nl Is tint
itiuchb mechanic and laborers, burd
ware nil ItlmUor mull, unit ninny
other Iio ate ni ro or lei bonciHlod 1
hy Aiino'inciiiivnta will anon
be in
, ami we beg to remind the
public that tlio regnUr new-
pipnr ithu bunt
and eurual maJiiiin
for surlretur.
w. haa the largo! ami
Hunt ariod htock of Stovea, Cook
etnvcafoator, tlv., ever bmuglit to
tl.i fiunty Trice vary from J.I, to
f 3 v j and eo.
On lit Fri l.iy .1 itiiJ triel to
a'liMit luiti'Bii they'll lire nway at.
Mm diing the tri al, until a atr.iy ball
liappetj to bit bini and probah'y end
L'i niiarable exiiitencri.
Kltlifer, who died in jail nhoot two
vfk go, haa Viecn exlui'iied. bi'
i iinuci taken out and aetit ton chem-
't for itoimiiuiton and anatyMi of the
nintentl, for the pnrpoii. w.s jKovt no,
i't detiniuing whetlnr hu a
of aenic, ami that' all.
ChL H prnclicing for tho R idling
"atchea hia method I not altogether
if.v he put liiniHclf to one aido. ftlono,
tlit.-n put the prunie in hia hat
Mmkea thel then aaya, now Walter,
Col. take Ink and of eoime hrmlt
re yonr"-.throw the bat a aum-
metaaiiU-cxoIaims, 'talo win." "Cul'
K'i tar." i
J. S. HalJomao will canvass Union
tii i Snyder in the firnt week of De-
"mber, witli full line of Sample of
II iota and Shoes from the well-known
house of Laucks & Jyera, York Pa.
Iitucks St Myers, Hand Made Root
hich have gone to the "head of the
lot' will belt veil sneoial attention.
The marriage notice of Will A, Mov-
w and Jennie In !!, which appe.neJ
" Una paper few woeka ago was a
r;ery ; gotten up by some unscruptt
i peraon. We think a pornn who
n capable of practicing audi decep
tion should not be allowed to roam at
'"'tie. He should bo caged.
The only scerot about A ver's Cherry
Pectoral is in the solootion of the best
i i1 t rials for the cure of coughs and
"Mi and skilfully ooinblning thotn
y chemical prooeaaes. This all mod
tl men are aware of, as they are
hrnished with the formula of iu pro
piutlon. A Good and Chtap Kansas Paper.
We are in rannint nt tha IV KT.k'F.V
CAPITAL, an elght-page, 43-oolumn
flypaper, published at Topeka,
Kiniaa, the Capital of the Slate, at
0j Dollar per year, to any address.
" h brim-full of state news, eorres
PMenoe, crop notes, markets, &to.,
""I U, in -erjr respect, a Journal,
ortb the monoy aaked for it. Those
want to learn about Kansas
"uUI send for the CAPITAL, d
Js, TihtD,ut)i Capital IblMwy
ft"jwny, T,pk A'aiisos,
'ov. 2, 4w.
"The dooiora said my wife had non
"mplton. Tried 'Lludev'i nioo,
rvher.' and aha hu mti.., ..i,i.
J O. . Hubbard, Ilamp-
A pltasurt ride, It Pompadorlbui,
reducto to a wreok- but.
Tlie other djr Doctor D. And Afillnr.l
K. It., hooked their fine span of "fly
era" to Leutennt G' Piirinirne ha-
TOthe-i on their newent hat, boat
boots, full, new Mink uniform, And
most bewitching looks then . invited
Misae Caddie and Kate to Acoonipany
them to the ancient village of Nor
ihuuiherlnnd of course, the India
donnod their newest hut. bet Bailor.
brand -eplinter" new good and en.
perl) smile.
We believe they were the ciiest of
Captain Mils than whom there never
was a nobler, braver, m ire g'jtionui
and lioepiUhle gentleman, and we
have reaaon to believe that the truest
did ample justice to hia hospitality and
demeaned themsolve like true 'blue.
Hut It's not always siimhiiie.-the
party sUrledhotneward the night be
came auddenly blnck aa Krebus--Unread
along the 8im(uehanna between
the winding-bridge and Xorllmmbor
btiid la but aingte track wide nine
mnnthj out oftwelvethe rot I in blnck.
aded with huge Inga. U'oll, it waa
either tlirnngh, under or over one
of these inonatcr log the O.ictor'a
boraea tried to Uke the baruiiche n i l
it ocoupanla, making a horrible
fiiilure'-deinoliahinD the witiroit and
npilling the Indies and eontlctnon out
in the mud in one promUcuoiia, mli
prllnneoua, conglomemtivo bomogen
eoua maaa of mtiaclo, lovo, ailk, rib-Itona-aiuU.
and hah lilud gnrmont
and gnitor-boota. rutlled feuliiiiia. dis
appointed ctpeotationn-wadiiig thro'
the mud. black, aa midnight, with a
rare and excellent chance of walking
into lho'"ming cuiiawl" and all llii
make thi little "o'in!oiitnon"
worth telling. Thoy rrrivod at home
and the friend ami relntivea will kill
a turkey or two to keep green in mem
ory their remarkable deliverance.
Taxes A First Llc i.
The attention of towiMhip million
tic, collector and County Cimniii)-
idoner i eallpd to an Act of Aeinblv
passed during the last dava of the e
aiou of the Legiilntiire. Too net can
ho found on pa,'e of the general
lavofl8Sl. It make taxes aaecd
upon real entato a firat li-n upon
which they nre levied : provider for a
lieu docket to be kept in the Commi.
aionei' oHioo, which I to be a notice
to the whole world. In emo a judicial
nl take ptaco, the lieu docket i to
I e mliNliwd before any money goes to
the creditor. The Comniiaaionera
will want a newjaet of books, ns the
aacovcrnll townvhip and borough
A4 well a Klute and county taxea.
C.illoctors should atuily the iict chip
fully and not got caught by the penal
tie of lection thrco.
PcTun-os'a Maoazink, for Di-eeiuUer
nioie than maintain it tnnivalicd
character. Thcio mo two bcnutifiil
ad el enravingH : one of tlium a lovely
iilh-pig, repreienliiig some children,
siiiLing a C.iriitiii.ii hy mi ; hjii Ij-i a
aupurli atcel f.i-tliiou-plato, tho latter
ex iiiitely colored- In addition, therv
U a iniiiii!lcmit Stripe ftr a Ciiair, in
iTonrtilch enihroidery, printed in
colors, which, nt retail, would uuxt fif
ty con t ; tni is pro'iinte I to the auh
ciihcr of "L'oicrsoii" us a Christum
llitt. A -h nniig story, "My C.usin
Maud," ia as ch.irminly ilhistrated.
The niinihr contains a Supplement,
willi a filll-sio diesa-patleru, alone
worth more than tho price of the mini
her. Then there are aomo fifty other
oogravmjrs : of fuhioiia, work table
patterns, etc., eto. Tlio very beat stor
ies are always to be found in "Peter
sou." The price of tlie Mitgnxiiie i
but Two Dollars a year. Addre,
Oil A3. J. PKriClt SO.V, aJt Cliestnut
Street, Pniladulphin, Pa. On Saturday evening last
Patrick O'Xcil met with a horrible
death by being run over by the car at
Northumberland. The Lnckawanna
trainj arrived at Northumberland iu
the evening at 5,15. The train is shift
ed and tiirned' there, and leaves for
another trip aftor the fast line panne
on the P. A E. road thoy poll the pas
senger cars iu on the siding with a
rope. O'.Voil was walking on the track
the engino was pulling in on. Some
one yelled to him to gel olf the track.
He turned and seeing the engine com
ing stepped over on tho next track.
The cars struck him and knocked him
down, the whool passing over him,
cutting both hi legs oil' and torribly
mangling bis head. 7e wa on Ins
way from work, having a situation In
the rolling mill. His home wai in
Danville, having eonte to Northum
berland only a short lime ago to work.
Ho leaves a wife and live children.
Sunbunt Daily.
Bury Me Near lira Old Home.
The latest Song and Chorus, by Will
I Thompson, Since tlie death of
Prrsidknt Garfield the sentiment ex
preaaed in this beautiful song has be
oome universal. The melody is very
preny, anu already the piece has
oome a great favorite. We ad vise
lovers of 'popular muaia to apml
cents to the publisher and receive a
copy by return matt. Published by
f'aat Liverpool, Ohio.
Fraccra Axl Circa.
One trial will convince you (bal it Is
the beat. 4nk your dealer fot the
Fraser Axle Grease, and take no oth
er. Kvery box ha our trade mark on.
1spt. W81 Om.
'if will pay every body to examine!
Min llMltlSIHMtB. Mlikl'lr tt I
sate by the Popular Furniture man
drawn for regular terra commencing
Dec. Hth, 1881.
BKAVKH-8. A. WetteL
Bkavkb Wrst Henry C. Kreha, Ed
ward Mitehel.
Crttrr Frederieft ninjr&innn, Jere
miah Itoweraox, Uriah Berger,
Jackson Holley, Charles B. Hauip
FitARRMX Henry nQfer, Jacob C.
JAtKflos Amoa Jarrett, Henry Moy
er. MtnnMtonRRK John Field.
Moxiior John Young.
PRNX-Davld K. Lenk.
PKRHT Wrst tleonre P. Zimmerman.
SRMNHOVK-Z. H. Keety, Will. 1.
Usiox iHiinn H. IiOnga!re, David
Huyder. James K. Duma. ' U. filuas,
.T..lnt II. .lit. I V Kill...
a. ...... .
Irnwn for regular terra commencing
. . Deo. 12th, 1881.
AoAMS-Isano Hackenburrf, John
llHAVlut.eore A. Oosa, Aula
(.rofa. .Iiiini' F. Keller.
Bkavkii WKKr-Sammd U Krower
KiMlbi'ii Ilower. Nkiiiii1 S. Hellpra.
CK.NTitit-fOiliuicl W. 11 art limn, John
H. jjoiur.
Chapman Henry C. .SluiITer, O. W.
Franklin Thomas Dower, Irvln
Uowitsox. John t.lllMrt.
jACKSoN-ltobertP. Hornellua, D.inlel
Mii)i)I.K!iHl- Kiln Hummnl.
MllilM.KCliKKK Adnm C. Fields, Allen
Kramer. John Hiubcr.
PKNN-Jiw-ob W. Fisher, Ihiuio Mobr,
John P. Kichter.
PitutiY-Suwn.row Stiller, Miclmid F.
l'KtiKV Wk-T-Juco1 D. Harris, IwIb
tUMNsoHoVK Iewia Aiultf, Oeo. H.
Dnvla, Anion JC. Kehoch," M. I,.
Union -Jamea N. H.oser, llirim
Kelley, Adam H Niunt:li'r, John
ShoUberfcr, J. 1. Slahl. Davl.l
WAxin.vrroN Henry ( Fisher. H I-
win H. (Irlinm, Wtilinui A. UIiihs.
LevlS. y, l'cter I. Haines.
Just at HiIh ap'ison of the venr there
are, aniontr our renders, those looking
ror employment lor tlie next u inotithx.
We luiv: lately received from I,. K.
Drown Si Co., tlm well known iiihiiii
fnetnr of ("ieehiltleH for uirent- to
hiindle, a reiieHt to put them in com
iiiuiilcntioii with one or more Miituhle
persona In this locality, to act us
iient Iu introducing several of their
pitteiit liouseliohl articles to this com
nmttitv. Hint Hftii eii:iiil..riit!i.ii w..
take tills iin-tliod to eomply with their
request. The llriu nre tiiiiunfiirtiir'rs
of a luri;e iiuinlier of lioiielioll iirtl-
-lea, which they introduce to the ml
lie liy iiieiiua of Hgeuts, Imvlin,- some
time as mmiyn 1.IKK) persons iu their
employ. The particular urtii-les which
they aeeK to introduce liere, nt t.n
time, are: Hrown's l'eerlei-s Sifter,
(fpiieriilly ui-ktiowledired to be tlio beet
in the world, of w hich nearly one mil
lion were cold during the Inst year:
the Kitchen Queen, the Intent and
best Invention in ( mil Oil l.aiuns. mid
tho only absolutely Sufe Lamp nci le:
the OnteiiiiUI Cuke mid Hake Pun.
nn article which bus a national repnta.
lion, ami is rue n.'iitrtit oi every iioiixe
kecper; th Half Minute Kg ' Deuter.
w hich always cells ut silit, nod the
new Alto Keiievo Hroi.e I'rollle ('nit
f JAM KM A. WAUFIKLD. with m.
moriul fnmie the best s -llin,' iii'tiide
ever put Into tint hands of mi !i"iit.
the not of all the iiortrnirs. rlirouios
or Kteid eiiuTiivimra th'if have l'en
offered. It is n truer liki-liess of the
inurt vred hero than uliy we have ever
seen in-fore, incl IIh lirlce brings It
witl.iu the reiu-h of all. For this
eoiinty, Mesrs. Hrown & Co. di-sire ns
tunny agents as run work adv.inli''e-
ously. Any ciuart, intelligent Indy or
ixentlemnii em make n tine income in
this wav. The tlrin will send to any
responsible person KIIKK who will ns-
Mime the ntfenev here and go to wprk
iicouiplete ontllt of these gooda, to
the auiout of five dollars. The reputa
tion of this house la first rate ; the
Kood are what they represent them
to be. Their terms nre liberal, and
we ndviat those looking for genteel,
reiiinerntive employment to eeiid to
them for fnther information. Their
uddreca la- I.. B. DlttlWN 4CO.
fit Walnut St., Chicinutl, O.
Oct. 27.0w.
Wo invite tho attention of our read-
era to the advertisement of the Buck
eye MTg Co., Marion, Ohio, in another
column. Thoy offer rare inducements
to earn an honest living.
Sept. 22, .Cm.
Clear head and voice, easy breathing
sweet breath, perfect smell, taste and
hearing, no cough, no distress. These
are the conditions brought about in
Catarrh by the use of Bnnford Radi
cal Cure. Complete treatment for 1.
a i
It pays to go to H. S
SCHROYER'S for Boots
& Shoes He is selling:
BOOTS 83.25 per pair,
all insured.
Oct. 87, OW.
MILIJi:llV !
The Jias Dorns would respectfully
Inform the public thai they have in
store the best selected s'ock of Milli
nery Good, and nre prepared to do all
kinds of work neatly, cheaply, expedi
tiously and iu good style. Give them
a call.
Nov. 3, '81.
Sol Oppenheimer has knocked Ihe
props out from under high prices and
has I'oternilned q' dispose of bis
large stock of Fall And Winter Goods
at Prices lower than ever. Go and
MuThe very best VUrtloiUltn fiom
25 cts. And upward at Oppenheimer',
Beilnsrof, Pa.
Asitfit'KXHAM, Was., Jan. 14, 1590
t have been very aiek over two years .
They all gave me up as past cure. 1
tried the inoU skillful physioi.ioa, but
they did not reach the worst part. The
lungs and heart would fill up every
night and distress me, and my throat
was very bad. I told my children', I
never should die in peace until I had
tried Hop Bittera. have laken two
bottles. They have helped tne very
much Indeed, I am now well. There
waaa lot of alck folk hete who have
seen how they helped me, and they
uaed them ami are cured, and feel as
t hank fid as I do that (hero I V val
uable a medicine made.
aajQenta' Furnishing Goods of Su
perior quality, at the moat reasonable
price at Oppeuhoiiner's, Selluagrove,
. Wl-OVEKCOAT of every quality,
slyloaand prlco itnaglnablo at Hoi. Op
penheimcra, Selinsgrove, l'a.
full lino of Fall ami Winter
rtendy-nmde Clothing just opened at
Oppenheimer' Clothing Emporium,
-Velinagrnvr, Fa.
coaascTan wasxir nr
.T. W. 1v e oho.
fot ntoe do 10(i
U..u ..... .u.lllk.l ....
I'-U'k's per doren So
i unow per pounu in;
l.nnl i-i
'herr ea 04
Seced Uierrles 1H
llluekberriea in
Knslierrlea 2t
Dried Annies 04
Son 1 1 4 to n
Side 7 to
illlddlcbiiB'tf ilnrket,
C'laaacTsu waaai.v bt
Bimonton, Hax-bor Ac Co.
Wheat per bushel
itye do
Corn do
i r
1 oo
Mnts un
t'loverseed ier bushel
('berries, pitted
( l.ei rit h. iiupittei
hi led n'ilea
Si ring t'hickeiis
Hotter, prime
' 3
10 to 1i
US to .V)
2 CO
8 .V
Ii 00
4 (si
Ml obliler
Tn Mow
(Ink Tie
(OA 1.
Feu Colli
t 'bestriut f'onl
Kgrf Con
('i t. 'J7. .1. lines K. Il.i!iter of rf.-k'ee
Half KhIIh. Snyder Co.. u.l Mi .l.-o-
nic A. Jiicub of J'lini'.iroi.k Tap., l'cr-
iv l.o.
ii r:i.
Nov. M, in Frie, Monroe (,'o., Mich.,
lohn Ut i ifli, lornieriv of I'rnuklin
iwp., this comity, ned IM yenr. .
1 Cli.ipiiidti rp.. X-iv. 1:1. K'iz -
belli, wile nf John M. A'oiO, iieil
nhout -Vi Vein ,
.It Port Trevorton, Nov. 2), wife of
Het-ter llinolclinau, nud prohnbly
iitrur ii-j t-u i n.
VlKlltoCH lNotit'll,
lOIIN' II. AHVOLD Auditor in
decide on .xi-opllnnl In ei-rnnnt n H.-nul
It.iwun and Itnury I.t'llh0w-r A'ttnliilatralora
ofth-aalal uf Abraham KI.onli.iw t ilnc'J
will Bated ai the olfl of T. I . Huillli.Kaq. In Mid
dinkura' on Natnr lar Nov. '., A. II.
uVliK k A. N . whan and whar all periont In
taraa.a cau allaadll 10 ay iaa uraiia--.
J. u. Aumn.n.
Nor. tr.'il. Auditor,
THR nnderaisuoil offers nt private
Halo, tha followtnaT datarlliod Heal Katata.
to will A uariaia tract o land (It u ala In Ad
am, iwp , Knyd.r lunir, l'a , a bout i oillaa
Buuth-aaat ol Troaalylil, aooUlnlun
33 Acre,
mora or lu, wbtraon ar rc(al a aood
Dwelling Honae, Stable
and other outb-i'ldinga wall of aood water at
me aoor inrlrloa- yoana on herd of chloa
Irult troea-ruODluK water eo tn farm about
laoraaof tha ai-oto la aood tlmbar land, Ilia
balaaca olear aud la a blah atata ol cultivation
Ttnoa rear .
tor otrtkar parllrulare addraaa
Nor. M, ISSI. t(. Troielvllle Snyder do.
flnliUft-ll. eewra m . w . . t
panLOi " in rr i r ii ana
thoeo cnutvinplatrun a bnlliaul, fnari
natlna book. aconiiM-lorfurthenilllliiuon Health,
UlMae,ad ibv l'kj.icai Lite at Vui and Wunieu;
pur In Ikcii.ko, ami andiwaod by liloa'vlana
:...." . . wlw oonia. j r. a. .
OI.IN. Iha oldi-ai K,c, uTi.i In 'the Korlhweel,
wuuwni pay ouu n-ratory caae vi privalo or
rlinmlu fli-i .KMiir -llhw. a. ka mnl..M.l.u. mmA
full, tn euro. Si'iid te etaniia forCuldetO
nenitrt. KenaDte pemaie pi la, a
ft BOX. A iiiloi borne lur luUiiw duriUK con.
rinoiiioi.i. Rgbbnr CoodS and t Imilar ol
iuiuuriant Iiilu(iualiunly aapiuat, 60 cent.
Dr. A. C. OLIN,
Kentnckr Blotk. N 8. Clark 8b, Chicago, 111.
aad -H-bklaaealererartd wllk.
eat pala hy au e
IS korlk Tkraea kl., I klraae.
Premium Silver Spoon Coupon.
Tk M PatVaa fHhtr iviiaf Ok, mtkaPa, Pa.
Till le tn artntty tluU ! aubav-rtbwr of
Ilia paper fiwin which I har aul Uila Cmi
pon, and am am titled, nad.-r rotir breenlum
arraivgernaal, to a fult aei of eitra plaiad kail-
terUpooawilhnvylullaalaeniiratad IkerwHa.
1 ancloaa narewlUl tk ala.. lo bat anu..
parkin, roalna and anrratlnf cliatg-a
M tr 6q reoiibi ofllita' C.Hibon! warlieretie
aare to rwtura M Ih eender, eapaeaaer aaaJ
tnf caucraa prepwaa aa fU, a full art of ala of
our axlra Mated Silver 8ponna,wlth th lt
tiala of Ilia evader, of an other loll tela
di Jlred.eoarated ib.reon. AaP-Thla Oouea
will le Iiunnre4 by ut for alncty ala ye from
Iha del of Ihta paper, altar which t will be
null and mid. iHli.l
b'sioa ahttta l'laitea oa, Pauua'a, P..
tILIlrf! tlHruXiaun..
Timber Land.
fPHE undersigned, Kxeentor of
.J".I",.W,,, T""t at Jsk
I'l.h lU rf W HI Harr lilp.CSTd)'
oaalf. P aMasl,ll ssyoM to takll
ala, o tka prmu, a
Tbnredn.y, Deo. 1st, 1881,
Th foltowfn danrlbad valaabls Rl .
Ut. Ik i
A rrila traal f llmfcar la1 illnal In tk
towniaip afomsM, wlihln ill.tsnn of
Molnr Htttloa, na th Man'.inrr au l.twii
twa Kallro.rf ronislaiaa: .
mi Acre
Old Kiarsh.a, mnrsnrlMii, wall with n
n 1 Pin tliab-r. a'llnlnlna aa tha Noma l.,l.
of Osnl.l llMlnr sail th. hlrf nf Hnrj
-j'l'. mnm ny i.nni 01 naaatiani, norili af
lanita of A. Panlaa, aa4 Wilbf Ua II or A.
Karri and olhtri.
Alas a tartnln thr trict of tlmbar laaJ tit.
aat a arrauld, aonUlalo
148 Acre
T"1 lit norths mrtiiF 1ml. vail apt t III,
llak and Una ahmit a mil, tram Hl.l'iir-
-i. una nn ma n. a i R. u , adj.ilnin ua ih
Won aa.l Smiitk nlhor lamliaf
or Un l of Julia P.rk aad dilni, aa-l North
T load ( A. I'ardaj.
A l.o a IhlcllMol ortlukrt laa.t. allnata at
tr.lil, eualalala
87 Acre
and 31 r "hM aad allowaar, mnr ar latt
-II -t llh Usa Tliabor, and aboa S aula
Imia Mol luro iUtlo, a l.lnlsf oo lb Komi,
lamia of Mrf Kroi. Kt hf laud, of .lorn
H. Horbaioi Mortal lit land, of Mnaaa train,
and W. lif of d.lant 1 ha Cor-anini
ram aro coaranlant to Msilr .! and liirnl.l
tiiunilanooot mat-rial aad ulbor ii.(aaarli.
lor Htaaia Mm Mill.
Fiaioanmm.ief atin a'olnra A.M.ofitld
day han dua atioo-iano will k alvoa an
I mi ol mail know a It
JUltrt II, t'
Nu?mkr 10 ll. I i ru'or.
Public Sale.
HMIE nnilersiirned, Exnenlor of Hie
a ii will aid 1 .iiii-nt uf J ihn t
Itt-of w.t H.a-r townaldc, Mnjrdr aounty.
l'a., ilfcumr I. , iioa Wl ublK Salt, va II, r
pr.mU.-a, on
Wednesday Nov. 30lti 1881.
TtiaMlowlud.rllil taluabla Kal KaUI.,
v :
A rM'ain Ira.-1 of lund .liuat In W..I llaa.rr
foan.i.lp.Siivd-r i'nnlv. H... l..rl all rlrar,
balaut-o a.-.tlrot Tl Milk K LAM), couululna
133 Aete
nd M p.r-b.a, toon, or !, ton ndad aonlh t.r
A. A. an. I J . Itoir.1. Wrat It, ;nd of K-.
..rn i ..a a o.i . a r.'B, .irth lr laud, ol
Klil.lH-tti li-l'nr.l. atid Samtt-l (. Hlnoip'f, and
Wval I., of 41ahirlha Kl'l-r, khowti a.
Ih- 'K lji..r farm-' atid l--ral-d wtOiln 'i uii.
of it. !l-ir BI.II..H on In. H H.
! trail i. unai-ali'd land llual- In tlaa
onalili .forraald, I', liillra fiuul Mn.lura
ilaiiun, touUluina-
13 Acre
and t rtrrrlo-, n or. or , fnr- -i ii
Ian-', of It .iiirar-lo.r, h.u., Ka.t .al
South h. I-. Klah.r, and Writ I f Holdi,- t .a l
A A-m i lal and 1 1 Ai'rra vail M .Willi W lilts
On Fri bij, Doe, 2nd, 18.81.
In Mrl'lnn-, on iha Mnnlmrr ai t..wltown R
It., a valiial I- r-tn rtv rnnatatlnir of attar,
on ar r.vlad a IlKII'k lW I.1.I.1MI llot'Ml
OonI Yard. W are House & Siding,
nd olh-r nitltinlldinir. TWO llt'll.liiNo
LllT.- a iiiin'ris ih. la.i at.. ni.a l ira.
rl. AUo at the .am IliiJ. and ilaa a
Limeslono Lot
la Mi-: irat an I an itvr LI HasroME L'lT
U WuKII I. ur.K-ln-l a
l.iuie Kilo.
al to i-onim-no. at 10 o'clock A. U. nf aald
d.y. w'.ian dna .ll.odaor. will ha- wlvm and
lariuaui aa ioa-1 kuuwii lf
John ii. t'LsH,
N jr. 7, ll.
Real Estate !
rVrc nti lersiened. Kserntnr nf the.
I Leal W,i and 1 clamant nf John f'ah.
mn oi m o.i neater lownah p Nnyil-r county.
-., iiw.i.1, nn'inr an i oy viritia ol rue pro
l.iuni CJDIalna.l Id aald Will k.-., will ou
rneady Nov. !4'.Hb, 1SS1,
, .tpoe tn Piildla Sule. on th preinlaae. iha
iviw.m. 'i.ciiwwj Tiaiii.inia ricai r.ei i lo.tow 1 1
A cerlaio trai-l of land .ltinta in Wr.t Ilea
T.r townahlp. Nnylar ciu'itr. l'a., ami ill J
mil- e V.rih oi Me. 'lure sia'lon on ilia .. Jt I..
il. K , kuuwn aa ib ".tlou'il aln l-'arui" o in
17j Aeres
morn or I.e.. all clear. In a lilah ata. of ctltl
ration, rai-..l about .0 ACItKS 1IMHKH
l.AMI lioun.lad S. uili by l-ubllo Jt"-.l and
laniie or Pet r one-, Ka-t bt lamia of Soloni'i'i
ami Mary Kr iia ami other 'ah.l. ul dn eiert.
Ninth by niher lani'a .it d. i-e l ul. bt
landa nf Henry Rnei,r Uulre, wknr.ou are
reclod a good ilari-Hlb-
Hoiiae, Itutik ll.irn
end oilier ner.-a.ary oui,uldini, HI('IIAKI
in brnrinii aliuu.l.ot lUclily ol water at tioua.
and bai n.
Alan anoitiar tract of land aliuate aa aforaiald
. 1C1 Aero
oiore nr l.aa. bunded North bt land at Pllae
Hoc, Weal by nf Kinanu.1 Knepp,
Nuuib by landa of decedent and Jainea Krb,
end Kaat b other landa nt decedent, all clear
eioei.i iu niinr.n i ihui n UMi undei
noud fence i In a hlah Hate or i-nltlrallo'i
aimnt t mil) aniek of klcf.'lur nation and
about 1 nille. Waal ol Adaui.lur vrkareuo
are iaoie'4
Sow h Cboppinp; Mill,
nwRt.MNH IKltJSK. HANK II A ftN and
other outbulldlnve tihl'tl A II l uood water,
ko., and known aa tha "tildt farm?' Alto an
other tract ol laud, ooBtaluIn
7 A ere,
enaaalad land, l icatrd Pact of th "lllilt
i.riu,- aiioui i. nnrea and nmiar rultl, the l alanre TIMHKK LAN II. Aim
nn ither tract o miaaatad laiid, l.ioatad louth
ullbo "tJldttarm, '-cuntalnlr.r
13 Acre
and liaperchet, adiolnlnr land or Emaanrl
Kneppontli Watt. Muuik by Puhllr Knail,
Eiui and North by iha oldt firm." Alao an
other tract alniaia In Waai Heater tnWnaUp, on lb I'uhllo road lea 'I In a t" Nw
Lancattar, (outalolng
Tbirlj-eix Acres,
about N Aerae clear, th. balane TIMRPR
LAND, whrr-.m ara rtad a aood Iranm
lw-Hln HouaaHank Beru and other oacaa.
anry oulbuildlua-.
Kal tn eommanra at IS o'clock A. M. or raid
day wkrndue a'tendane wilt li given aad
Urmi of eat nail known bt
JOHN H. t'LSIf, .
Not. to, '. - Executor.
Court L'l'oclumatiou.
WHKRHAS (be lion. Joseph C.
Ilu. her I'raal lent Judp of the Judl
alal Plalrlol coiiin. eed of the countlee Hnyder,
l.'ulon aud M fltlu and Hirt'n O'Neil and
rlam'l. H. ynd.r bia. Aitoclai Judaea ia
and lor Hoviler'cuuntt hat laaua.1 their nre.
cam bearing-, data Ilia 3Jlh day ol 8epl. A. Il,
ir.i, ao ma iiiracten inr ine uoininaj ni an llr
pkant court a curl ol t'ommon t!at, court
nl Dyer and Terminer and (leoaral e-mrt ol
Uuartor Hraat.iba or the pea. a at kHddlabam,
lor Ike eoiintl ol anyderi na.ike nd Mondai,
Ibalaa lb lilh del of baa. la.l l aad aontluaa
on weak.
None le thrrwlor hereky (ttea to k Clora
aor, JuaOoee of tk I'eace a Doe. ladle. In
and fur the county of Sny.le. , la ai-i-aar la tkal
r roper pervoaa wfik their raila rweordt. loqu t
naaa. axamloatiooa and etkar rrwtrnibrancaa
I thoa tbloaa to thalr crflcea aaj i th-lr be.
kali peruia to be dua and witaa-aat and par
eoaa iruacultng 1 bekalr ol tk ooinioa
waaltk aaaln-i any pareoat ara'raqalrod to be
lka aa.l there aiteudlht and am daiutriln
wltkoul loara at tkair a aril. J net loot ara r.
Saaetad to k puaoiaal la Jiheir atteadako at
tka appelated llaia .areaval ly lo notice.
tllt.n aader wit head an aaal at tka She
Ill' eNloela Mhtdlebairw, tha link dar af Not.
A. II. ana Uioueaad tlakt kaadrad aad
U-tniKI. IIIILUtUEk, Jkrta.
"Not toe.)
NOTICE is hereby piven that the
v-llowla Widnaa Ani raleeeaenlt auder
Ika 'kJ Lae, hate kecalJ arltb tlie Olerk of
ke Orpkaue' t'oart at ttarder oonuly, for eon.
SrBelton oa Jajoaday, Ik Itlk ot lec. .it.
mppraiaona-ni ai lentani raaeaaaattar
Mow af Samuel Haekutaetar, Ul at t'er
rf Uwaaklp, daa'd.
Aenralaaeaaal af Kllaakaik Mart widow ai
Juka IP, Man, lata od waaklaaioa lownaklp,
Appraltaakkolar tepklak Water widow af
btauaoel kUier lU af itaair loaaukip, d-U.
- .... J.UtoUli,UtlU.O.
Met. it, last.
THE nndareiiioed. (tdminiatralor
.,fnaora W . ahowar., lata of Oaatr
mwnahlri. eof l.r pnnnrr. Pa., d-. ad, hf ao nrd. Iaad oat of th frrphana'
itonrt of aald auunty, at aaptambar Tara A.
v. I, mil
rlatnrdity November 20, 1881,
Tpoaa topahltal, nn Ih pranlaaa In tha
inwnahlp .Mra.m.l, tha lolloalBf orlbad
raal atta, wli
TUAorrl... I A aartfiln ma.o and lot
"i aronn.i ail iaia in th " or I aniraTtlla.
bunailail Worth br Walmil S'raat Kaat bt lot
or Honorl KnllsT aioa-li l.f an a I tat, aad
ai ii. lot or Mia. dnhn K. Kpanalar. a. U In
'ha aanaral plan of aald low i, i nllnU if UK
KOtiNTH AOHR aura or l.u wbroa ar
riad a two itorr
Frame (lonsa
ad otktr ntbiill.llnt.
TRAtir No. S- A aortalo rransir and
lolnf arnnnd altnaio ama a Irani rVo. I
h-.nmlad North by an aliari Kaat by lot nf
'oka I south ty Wa'nnl airaot. and
Wait btPnt.Hi) Koad tvintslnlna nnr Pot; r II
AUMC laoraor lata, wl-ara-in utraotala
Carpenter Simp.
THA!TNo.S-A partatn ra-tanir and
tra. t of land al'uat In tjaulr lown-lil... aitlil
"oomy, koondoil ,x r'h bt land, nf (laoia
nsian, onn ainiin, atra. i-ar ll irtman an I
lanry P. I.nim, i,y a publl road, H . oil,
i y l.n.laof f;riiMio Waltor. ao l Wait b
laudiof llonry P, f.okaj, oooiIo1q,j
Thirteen Acres
mora of laaa, all iar laad.
imai i b.i-a .art. In ma-n( and
tract of wood land altuata In a una townalon
'i-iond -IN rlh by Ian. la of .laoh f .k, ,at
a nnn.i-i nir.. ll'-f ir, Honili fif nt
I. ma. liat.onK, Waal by landa ol llaflJ Krr,
Sixteen Acres.
mnr or t-M.
I r.M t m earp.nt.oftha nn-i-haaa nna.
f to b inld ann at tha ,- tiiarty I. atrni-k
in ona hall tha kilaor n-i il,i .t .lay nt
apill whaa p-i.aa.alon will bo alrtn, an-l o
rainamlar un Ihn lat, day ol lartobar A. II. I-.
h Inat payioont to tar Intrraat from A a.rll
Hi, la. '
Haia is co mm an fa at lo o'clock a. m.nfaald
Multilist), show ;!!),
rlTK nnderaionerl. (Inirdinna of
th-ralnnr rhl'dren of W. Il.rrt Nn.l.h.
tale ot II airer lown. bin. Hntd -r oiuntt r. ia or-iai- laane I nut -il
tirpbana' tjoort of aal I a ant.; will aipoae t i
Publlo Hal on
.Saturday, Ken. 3rd. I US I,
'B the premlaee. In Adrtmaiiuri, Snyder county
l'a., tha toiiowmc ''.ti t.'iut. ii wit :
rermlo lot ot atriuml aituata in A tt n. hurt.
'mi "iv ai'ir.K.iid, in etoa. . r.xtiully In the
Itallr jad depd, cintalnlii4
Uoo-bnlf Acr,
m-r or leaa, hoimd-l Nnrtt. bt the track i t
the Munbiiry h lawlatnwn Railroad I i at Ik
pa ol .li.nalii.tii S.anier and Robert Mller,
"luih ny l"t nl .s...'.a-e. ItirtlK, tar.m
Il-lltli'k and il.nrya Mini h, at by land !
Paul llenfer, whereon areereot.d a trt.lllr,
Wnre llonse.
KAII.rtl) l SIii.l!OA, YAlltl, kc.
fal- lo co iiineri-e a', in n-.-lu a A M ot aa.l l
day when due ait n.lani- will be clreu an I
lanut ot aaia toaile known by
it p.i n kn nHt:epH
AHN Kit .UlUHLK.avf AttTH.
Nctemler Ij, lain. liaa.dla-i'.
D M I N 1ST It ATI R 3 N't T I ' V..
t l.e't. re of linlnlilr.tlin on the ..'.ate o'
lnlel h-aal r. lale nl .illddl. creek tp . nr
Jcr o , l'a dec'il, here been Kfamed t- ihe
aouacriiiar. all per. una Inde'iU-1 tn Ih- aa'. 1 ara reiiia.t d bi make linineillete pey
to.nt, end ih-aa batlna clal'se or d.'nn
xaln'l th- eaia a nt th a. dei-etr-i l will
uiuk known the aame. d ley. tn
Oct. STlh, IHm. Aiiuiliilatrttnr.
X K II T O 11 8' NOTICIv
1 Jl.ettert le-tamemarr on i',a .atata of
loelab ll''e nl Wa.lilnaton twp. snyder
i'o. p.., deo'd. Lava ba-n erante I tn the on t.r
lined, ail pereone knowlnit themseltee ti -debted
to.abl eatale will i lexe make lmme..
ate payment white tho. a belne- olalma aaalnet
laid cllat will pro-tbl them tor tcltle'n.nt to
juiin k hi mill,
P. A. Ml M. I'. II I PP.
Nor. 10, Ik-1. Kieeulure.
r t -a tm t - r.
'a p3 o fit
(O fp r d j
r' a
a If 3
a ikS(Qj!M "
P ikat'M
is g? &
ri'2 S'0 cJ
J1 S3 'aa.
g ;ssr .
i? m &
Iti TA
w 2 IS 3
P P BUaa
p CD"
P 'fid COT
- w 7
Aud 1 tor'n IN otic. .
I'Mitte of J lotrard . In the Orphant
Kline nVe'il I (brirf of Sni,arr.b.
jfJHB nnderaiirned Anditor sppoin
X a-t Irr th aald rnnM "o dlapoai of
nllha baa-' Slail (a Ika aw.i.1 af
famaa K. K tin and Jama. Aurand a-liart. of
tka aatala at 1. Howard Kiln da-d will
br th parpn. of kla .polnlm.ol, at tka
f'oart llonto In Mlddi' nrf. nnydar t.'oanif
Pa .on Krl.l r tka t'-th day nf Nor. ISI, at I
o-clock A. M, whan and whar all partial la
lataraat ar notified to b praat
Nor. 1 tin.- Aadllor.
TriH nnderaiineil, adminiatralor
nt the ear ate of John It. Stnlih. lata nf flee
ter lown.hip, anyder ii tntt. Pa , dece.aeil ur
virtue nl en order l.aiilna uiil of iha lmh..
court ol aald county, will i potato Publl Hal
Salnrdny. Deo 3nl, ISSI.
nn the premlaee, the I illowlet d'terlbrd tr-t
of land altuaia In th lunaahlp or Ittater
anneaain, euniaiuillaT
oO Acre,
m -re or ea. Ii inn lad North br landnf Oan,
mi.', r .-i iy innnni I'am iiailTi-r, ra-iuin by
land ol fleo-pe lllla.r and Weal by laod of
t.'roDtiey whereon ara erected
Hwollinn; House. Ham,
and nhr oat bultdlnr neter laii water
ennrcberd ol r ion Irult i-ontenlaut t
mirket an I ac'innl.
Hale to cn nine nr-a et to o'clock A. M. of laid
lay wkta ternae will bemad knonnbt
II. tl. MMITIt,
W.. X.Mirit.
Pec. to. I'M. Adiulnlatratort
PXE'IU mif.S iNoriCK TioMor
I Jta'iienta r on ll.a eat.ta nr tl.M.
Il .lerrett iia d. Lata of lennt t-wnahln
sni.l.r ci'unty, pa . wore granted to the ui a
dr.ind. All ierenne knonlnat lkm-ltaa
h-dehled to raid eat ,-e will ideaee make Irame.
Ilnle p.ain.nt. while t' o.e batlne rlalmi will
pltaenl them lor eetllemrnt In
. .. . . JUKI. KflW.
Aual. lul. Eeiacutor.
Private Sale.
fPltK fol1ir,inir vulunldo Heal K.
1 t ne I. nit re I at a it. a'rl niuat be
told : All tbal certain leuameut, aad
Tniet of Loil'l
lylna In t nlon ti nnal.'p. Pryder connty. ii Son l. i y Iaa ia .t V'tiiiam Haori b,
l.aal bt tl.e tlliete I I on T'..'j.f a
nt ol Jar ii It .Hi li t liar 1. 1 Ijt ia e l
t a-l I j l.olt ol W. i J lie r : I atJ. -,itai.
' inn nndred Afr.
mrt or le. of it -h a.
tlioir. 1'iiarr ia a a'"-'!
nt r a-r It fo-
Ibmk Ihirn
n t'.e prrmla-aa.,ine Irult ti- '. and a tine
apilne aal. r.
.ir terma ac. w bldi will I a iv fi l- lo
I Mn.V N A I". IHNK.
1 l"l ur. l'a.
T M . I.. M'rilH'll,
. . New l.arllu Pa.
Sept ;..'t. t,
S'uVV ,lft Itimnumtn . r. rt . rn Itiiiftf
i. Kr ft.
'Ir.n.TtN'i :
Wli. H Hi III- It t:imti It h nrt
r j-ttt r. hr., nn bm -.h ) , ,,f f ,v. trv
fr. li..r isit I t' .f oirO.iiU nf
f miu'iii mm r fit tMitity nt S .i 'nr. irr
tfl-t f- r Mit llirtni mrt 1 ft Ih t tU
tut II tt nlta t'titajlr illnprt I--m fit I. ir -lt f
"inlrnttnttt rMiTitl llt'o With y- u Hi (
man, tint R' l inn tjptii mil mitnr nl tttatn
litl V.i'tllt'Si ItataUf Vr. JtHl m ftfid t.'Itfif t
Tnllf ))PI IicphoO t.i, .T,.lrr, t Mli-
dlfhtirir. t t Conn ul i" mm M, I . i.
ln-M oh th I2ll" ill) of )rrlitf Tt t' tap
IIi-j kttllin nr lit t nf Ih Kallltt .M. Hitdtv
m-Jfl trl mttn-rn faVin , if ft y-n vl,v tht
-.M ,;ib M HiMkftnrt if ti'e, thuiilti nl
bt rti ir 4 frtti ti, toaria of inctrftnriv mgr'f
liljr t. Art .f tl.i iruTi AM-itilily, In
-m h tttt luaJt tutf I f' tidvtl, tbJ L-r-il fail
Wltnttt lion. ,t. f. Poplar, rr1l'iit
.1-t VfeMf.inr v.,i ro.ifi, mt Mi.l ll. iti-n, tbi llih
day f N oaiu.lur A-1. I 1 .
I. l.oLtNM R,ni.r ft.
fil ihf i ntrr nf thr r.if.'r nf John Joirvr.
r, hill' of Cl lih'r fr.ii rMoyi, rit'i ilsi.
To le.cpk Hnwerent, llatld
Una era .t, laaae Howcranv, llnrrl -t Howrraoi,
row Intortnerrieil to Kiiward llnlnr. Mary
lloe-r-.t. nor. Mary f' Int.-rin trrled ltk
Aaep'i ftanti .11 d w h na 'eante In Knyder
'unit. A ..i .'ism II eroat. wtn red lea in
Haril-y tow-"hip, I' lun county. Pa., and
wiin.t (ii-l ttlc. ud tree' la Hartletoo: No.k
Howi r-"I tli . re.lile-.1 Three Klvrn. lot f .t'll-tilren: San.uel, wko.a
In-t kiinwn rt-t.a a aea at Indc.endenew.
H It-la and co ibi) . i ihio. i. llnweraoa. who
r .1 ica in 1:10 e'eia ul vn-littan and trk x
1'o.t tilll . odlre-. I. t.n.'blli-ld, llllladita
couiii;: Mote- Itnai ram, hn re l ls at liay
inn. t l ib': r-ulnm-.n linwi r.nx who reaidat in
It.eMateol lli hlnnnan i wi ne pott-onti- ad.
Irea . I.ll. Iitl...l nal,..e ci.U' tt: Jn. uh How.
arti i wbn real b'. in the eiate ol .Michigan aud
wbote pn-t-nltn'e n-'ilre.a l i (101114', Homrh
cnuiity. Alau threa iiiaod rlill lr tin. 01,11.
Iran nl llenrt Una err . 11, lul. ol B id lin town.
-lit p. I r. ii count), d. i' wlm-e unoiea are
Boiliii.ti Itowt.reiM. wIhi... . II. ad'trc.B le l.o.
i-lnal 1 lilon Co l'a., K at.- It iwi-ra r. nun In.
icrmari tad 1- VVli.iuinier, Hhu.- I', tl. .l
dre-B la l.-wlabnrn I'nloii ' 1 1. I. '.l Krankllll
llovrriu.x.whiiae li.l kiin 01 PimI Intlrned
ilrc.t was Ada, liltnw I'. out v. Kanaae. And
three children 1 1 l ittbailrie U eirn k lurm. rly
ttlmiliaritie Itowar.oc nut, wiia kav
to. been Ititerin .rried to liamel Weirn-k, tli 1
beul u Vt rlrlck who la m ea and riialdea In
rraiiklln ti nn.hlp Mnyd-r cmu iy aud Kll.u
Haa. allien lie ul pet. r r-a.-Hinah. aboil alao
ol ana and n-anlea In t enoa t .wnainp, rauvder
county, and Anion WelrkU win Iaa l.ioinilil
aud a townalili i karxa on l.lmeaiuna towiiahlp,
I'nlon count; , le., kulra an I raiirireiiia.
tltea nf Johu Ibiweraoi, la'a 01 t'enirv titn-
ainp, n)l1er county, l a , tle.a .
Sheriffs' Sale.
Bt, Y Virtue of 11 writ nf Pi, Fa. !
thiied nut of Ihn Court nl' t'oiiiuioit
'leu of Hnvder ('oiiniy, I'.i , end to
me tlireeteti will bo i-knosi-U lo i'uhliit
Sale, 011
Monday lVe. 12, 1H1,
nt the (,'ottrt House, in Middli'huri;, nt
1 o'lIoi Ic p. in., Ihe following ileni'iitied
Kt-nl Fstnte to wit .'
Tlt VCT No. 1 Ih intr n t'lere of
wootlli'iitl, aituitte Iu rViinlJlii town-.
sliip, HiiViIit rnitnly, I'd , hoitudett
North ami A'tst hy lands (renrkin tshu
until, .Son tli hy Iniitla ol Win. . binilli,
Weal hy luud of hiinitiul Wii'.enuiyer
and other, containing
10 Acre,
nini or Ii'.
T It ACT A'o, 2-Siiunlc in township
nfoirsiiid, lioiiiidril Notlli hy liiinl of
Astiih tnwersoif, Enat n nil 'rtotit'i hy
lands uf .Vepliartis Hhitinhni'li, Went by
land of Jusepli Dumiioyer tk Co., eon-.
4 Acres,
more or less.
Tf ACT Nn. fl-Sittmle In iha Don
ougli of MiddlebtirR, bounded North by
lot of Henry thnith, Kiist by lnmls of
Milton Aloeit, Houtlt ty lot of Alary ,
lleHilclt. West bv Fnbllo Itojtd. enn
tuiiiinii ONE-KOL'HTM ACItK, rtiot
or le, hereon r erected n '
Dwelling Hons, P labia
and ntlirr'ontbiiiltllnu.
rki.ed ami taken in axeeuilnn and lo
he sulU a the nrnerur nf A. J. .SVefht.
1. liOLENOERadhiMitr,
Nov. 17, 15S1. , . '
leaaerNO MACtalhS3 ewuwe On. I