The Post 1WM1aW NnV J. CR3USE, Editor 4 Propretor. IJusy still expresses biittsclf in "Tsvoruf Grow and (.'even. Will tlj Vuformoi s, socalla J, opp sa f We'll see. J l Turns will be no extra so. ,j,)0 cf l't3 L Mature. Q )VJrJjr )yt jg avorse lo calling r.bblu" to goller. Tbe I.onJoo Daily Telegraph consumes twenty .oue tons of wbite paper for every eJiton. Its ciroula tioo is ouly 2 (J J.OJD eopiet I The total Ions ovor tlio whole Trovioce of Ootario by LuhL fires during the pwt sestoi is estimated at between $10.000 .000 auJJlj.UO).. 001). The Apache Indians in Arizona nre committing fresh outrages. Fivo moti, two women and one child rtnirJeroil, is ono of thoir latest atiouilios. A gold mine b it boen disc ivored in Colorado, which nvero-fis iMOl), 0i) per month in gold. Tbo owner of the miue has been i.iTuiod $ 5,003, 003 in cash for bis rights but shakes Lis bond negatively. Uiiinons is gonortlly bjomiojf, and seems to have recovered from the many interruptions of the year thj drouth, the death of tbo Presi dent, the elections, gruia corners, etc. Ono of tho bum! men iu Wash iut in j-xit now is Piosi.lont Arthur and he will bo kept busy uutil tho meeting of congress. A new cabinet and a thousand other things bavo to be looked nftor, not omitting tbe roes(ign, which roust be Mritteo in si Je of tbrco weeks, The National Tariff Convention, to be held in Now York on the 23th and 80th iustaots, is creating great iuterest throngh-ont tho country. Ofat 45i) deligitei alieidv Leon elected. It is estimated that representatives of more thau one thousuud millions of dollars of capi tal invested iu mtnufaalurot will be present, while mechanical labor and firming interests will be equally xvcll represented. United States Senator Warner Miller, of New Voik, will be permanent chairman. mmmmm mm) Dr. Talmage has boon speuking of tbo plagues of the oarib, among which be classes narcotics, tobacoo, alcohol, etc. Everybody takes to bacco, be said, including the speak er, who need to be a slave to it, and who usually gove ten cigars to a sermon. It is tobacco that makes clergymen nervous, be remarked, and sends thetn t Europe for their Lealth. Tobacjo must treat clergy men better thau it treats nespap!r men, then, for no matter low ner tous it may make thorn, it uever Bends them to Europe ! BaaaawaawawawawawawaBawawawja It is estimated that nearly 2,000. 000,003 pounds of paper are produc ed annually, one-half of which is ne ed for printing, one-sixth for writ ing, and the remainder in coarse paper for packing and other par poses. The Uoitel States abne pro J ncea voarly 2 J J, 0)0 tons of pap er, averaging 17 pounds per boa I for its population. Tbe English man comes text, with abont 12 pounds per bead ; tha edncated German takes eight pounds, the Frenchman seven pounds ; while tbe Italian, Spaniard and Russian take respectively three ponnds. one and a Lalf pounds and oue pouu 1 annually the consumption of paper being roughly in proportion lo the educa tion and intellectual anJpjltictl ac tivity of tbe people. Tbe eldest, and doubtless tbe richest eonvict in tbe Ohio poniten tisry, is Horace U rooks, age seven ty-finr years, whose long fmprisoo meut is likely to be aoon termiosted by a bug's rose cancer," which Las appeared open Lis forehead.- 11 was received at tbe penitentiary Noveaaber 10, IS-0, under a life sen tence for mnrder in the second de gree, and baa, therefore, been in tbe prison for thirty-one years. 11 ownej a farm ia the subarbs of Clevelaad through which a rsilroal passed i tfJe exre raa over an J killed aome of Lie sheep, aod to average t'ubi bjjary Crooks obstructed tbe track, threw off a train,' and killed five persona. lis was indicted for mnr der by tbe grad jury of ' Cayebog a eoooty, aod acnUaced to tbe peoi testier for life. At the time of bis ooovietioo kw tu m wealthy man, ' aad tbe property ke Msa owned baa becosM Mtrecael fsJaaUe, having ioes) beeosse a part of tbe city of Cvvetaad, I fanttry Qmy ft .reports.! M) Ik L k 1 k$i fir uveroor Gnlnnha A. iro for rv ..... I'lwi'li Cfeit f.r lioulenaol governor next full. It rnqnt be di miltod tbut Mr. Ufa, slme fent for settlor, bll Wl'u j I like a a u -i aivii'luiiVM'i xuv , . . iV,llhlh.piir,V n. ju not tu T ,1.. ivniN ,,,, ..iiu wad Htm tn for the purpose of ileiHtiliutf (lie Kep;t!)lioia nominee for (remniur, but kopt aloof from it as be woulJ from tiie pestilunse Wolfe and bis follower fuiteJ to throw tbe state into tbe lianas of (bo IVraocaris, and like tbe Liberals of 1 872 tboy can now ponder over tbeir own folly at tbeir loimne. If Mr. Grow shall consent to be a randiditte for govoroor in 1S32 be will prove a tower of strength, and with Mr. Coven as second on the ticket tbe qruslion of Iloyt's sac cession will bo at once eottled. The immunity of tbe notorious James family of Western bandits from prosecution arises, it is now said, from the fact that they reside iu Kentucky, and do nono of their robbing iu that State. So long ns they cross the bordor into Missouri to commit crimes, and 'are peaceable when at homo tho sentiment of com munity is that they are good citizens nud ought not to be disturbed, their borne is iu Nolsou County, but whenever a strsngcr begins to make inquiries about them be is speedily made to compreboud that his life is iu danger. The Jameses are iguorant and brutal, but very voututcsohjo aud cunning. Tbeir depredations have brought in consi derable wealth, and they are said to be proud of their leputution a plundoiers. No one can contemplate the stat istics which reveal the wbolesile slaughter of railroad breakmeo, wh lo they are engaged iu the duty of coupling cars, without bciug shocked iuto the conviction that so rue means for preventing it ought to be enforced. A law compelling tbo nso of safety couplers was in troduced in the Couuecticnt legisla ture during the last session, and laid ovor for a year to afford the railroad commissioners cfthe state time to coosidor tbe subject. Tber are instructed to report at the com iug session, and to Mint end r.u nounce a public hearing upou the whole subject of car-coupling at thoir office in tbe Elate cnpitol ou November 29. .... Diphtheria is very bad in Cleai field county, ... .All the rooms in the Norris town iusane hospital are filled. . . . .There are over one hundred cases of smallpox at rittutou. ... .There ere six destlis from smallpox in Allegheny last week. ....It is reported a wbite deer was shot near last week. ....There are hundreds cf rafts ready for ruuniug in Claiion as soon as tberivor rites, ....The mules in some of the coal roioes'in the state are troubled with the new horse disease, "pink eye." . . . Moro freight passed over the Pennsylvania road in Otobor thau in any other one mouth iu its his tory. .... A large fly wheel was mado recently in Norristowo for tbe Cot tesville rolling mill. It weighed 3, U00 ponnds, ....George Henderson lost a log on the Heading railroad, near Potts ville, on Friday, while steali ng a ride. ....George DeHart, a Derks connty farmer, bas fonr bnndred turk eys ready for tbe Thanksgiving and Chi in t mas slaughter. .... Forset county ia now overran with Guinea fowl, which ia tbe dry weather of the past anmmer were batched acd lived. ....David Eby, of Hamilton township, Franklin county, raised COO boshals of white potatoes on four and oce-quarter acres of ground. ....Josiab 7oover, near Epbrata, Lancaster ooauty, sold fonr Laodred pounds of hotter daring the months of Joly, Aagast, September end October. ' . , . . A Loy osmed iAroer, lived in Franklin connty, bad bie eye knock ed oat by bie teacher throwing a stick at blco wbea be was miabe having io school. ' ....Tbe cottoaj factory of tbe Oomsville tnaonfaetariog company, operated by Armstrong k Hawks, at Ilnmeville, Ducks county, ws totally destroyed by fire Toeadsy eteoing. Uo, f Z-),0W , Josoraoc, $l2,0-)0. , ....VerjeoneiderVja nnml;.nr f-rmer., h9 Lt 1aT to t Un . . w. v I A !d gW J io UiO forest fires there. 4 reigning to Pennsylvania Im poverished, to ft')d shelter a noog theire former fiieuds. . . . .Tbe remnants of tbe . Phil i dnlphia centennial exhibition have been sold at anction. Tbe great organ which cost f JO.000 went for 15,000, and it is to be removed to a Uoston fir building. The largest mirror in tbe world, eleven by eigh teen lost, in one plate, originally costiog C3,000,wns bought by a sa loon keeper for (900. It is nndorstood that President Arthur intends to "tackle" polygamy this winter, and will recommeod to Congress aomo action which will prove effective towards wipiug ont tber Utah barbarism, Ten boilers in the Inmberaod salt factory of uniltoo Mo'JIure k Co., near Kaat Kawmaw, Michigan, ex ploded on Saturday morning, des troying I&25.C00 worth of property and killing four fire-men Michael and Joauph L ihan. Francis lilancb ard and Charles Carponter. The oxploiiion was caused by low wa ter. J, no ward Wells, of .New York was arrested last Monday, became he bad written letters to J. Gould. threatening to assiuato him. Wells was an oporatjr iu stocks and is considered to have lost a considera ble amount of mouey Ilia losses iu peculations appear to have crazed him completely, and in bis infinity be attributed his misfortunes to Jsy Oould. Eahii.y I'uovkh. It is eauily proven that malarial fever, coimtipntion, tor pidity of the liver mid kidneys, toner- al debility, norvoutneiift, and neuralgic ailments yield readily lo this great dis eime conqueror. Hop fitter, t rc )ir the ravages of di.-eare by convert- ing the food into rich blood, and it tives new life mid vi;or to the aged and in firm alwavs. "What every ono nays bo true,' that ' Dr. Seller' Couch Syrup" lis no equal for coughs and colda. Try it. Price iJuo. Nov. Hon. Win. Taylor, Huston, is well again, t einpluieiy curod of a serofu Ions humor which poisoned bis blood, covering bis luce mid head with sores. ty Cuticura Resolvent internally end ex(nnm!lv. Nov. E K1E CLOTHING mm the AND CEofEilnj ia Cnydcr Ccuaty cr elsewhere. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, i IVI-HCOAT, For Ken, Youth3 and Boys. Und'rclolhing from 25cts upward. GENTS Fnrnishing Goods A SPECIALTY. TRUNKS, VALICES, SATCHELS, &C. and a large variety of other goods Call and examine my stock and be convinced that I sell better goods and 'at lower prices than they can be had elsewhere. 3. GPPEIJHEILIEE, Selinsgrove, Pa, Oct. 13, 81. Stock of Mil, . 4 1 iorncys-At-Tsi to. Jtto tlLKIT. (H o.caoViB. ' GILBERT & CROOSB. Attomoys-At-Ijaw, iUDULC.llUHU, 1'A. 0f thslf nr-lnnl Nril)M (Sa tie. All knfliiw Dfruxvil tolh-lrr will r- ! ironpi iinuoB. fulltlon. In Inn. IMS aS UariBall. ( 11. U, !. Yy.M. E. HOUSWEHTH, ATIORNEY'AT LAW, Phmxsohovk, Pa., Coltlni. tnl iHothir tnl lnM prompt lv .ll.adM lo. UootalUtluu. la tllih aod U.riaaa. JllBtt, 1MI. H. DILL, ATTORNEYAT-LAW. Isteinhitrg, Peun'a. All ka.lntM ntru.t.rf tt kl ear Hill be prontpilr aiUailMl lo. 8apt. SO,nS. G. DEITRICU, 'ATTORKEY-ir.I.tir. ifirb l Ht.t Sfliimgrore. Pu. All profl-nO I' pronpll, atlrml.d to. OoB.mialUiaa b tatllaa ouil larnan rb.l3,'M.. I. B. WUNDERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, MiMlrbtirg, Snydrr C , Pa Caa boan.ult4 Is fcoglUk or Oof an. Jo. ivoo, N. MYERS, Attorney A I- Lair, MltMlrltara;, Prau'i. All prnfa.ilnnal ontMtil to hi. ra lll rooalro prompt atlaftlimi. UunfuitatiuB. Iu fcogllib acd Uarman. Xi. 10.TS. jl E. BOWEII, AfTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mildlcbiirtf, Vi (USlM Is offios of J. t. Uronnlilor, Ei.) !olnioa. nado. Uoa.ultatlnn. In F.nlU .iad (J aruitu. J una 1 J, 'la.if, 31. L. .yciiocii, attohney-at-law, New Berlin, Penn'a. Prnratalanai bualna -nlrn.l. t n bla eira III raralT prnaipl attention. Jnna Sd,'ra. QHAd P ULKICH Attorney 4 Counsellor-At-Law, Odlea lo App'. BulMIn nna dooi Nurth nl KKV.TUiia Hot.l. flclliiNjrrove, I'enD'a. Oolleetlnni anil all othar prntr.alonal tnal oat. la aollnttrd Sad will roct lra raralnl and prompt ait.olloa. Apr.ll.'Jo tt. T P. CRONMlM.I'i:, ATTOUNEV AT LAW, Alifflinbnre, Tu. OIT.r. hi profi-Mlnnal Hrrl.a. Intbapanln Cuilaollon. and all mhar prolMlnnitl Pud aax aotlu.tad lo lila car will raoa.vo pruaipl allaulluu. Jan. l.'oT. TJ. SMITH.' ATTORNFT AT LAW, MIMtl.KIlt R(l, SN YCUU OK., HA trartl l. Profomlnnal Harriot, lo lb. pabll .nn.uii-ifnn. ia r:ntfii"B ani irarwan. P J. It. ZELLEU, ' A TTOR NET-A T-LA IF JiJtintmrff, Union County, Pa All bitfln-ra anlruatad to till cra will wall and faiibrully alton.l-0 to. Kill i rai-ttr rv.irtiav ( keoun.ullOil III lb- tliKll-b or Uariuaa lauanaiia '1311 11 ina aovarai oonria o rnTiar .an aiiiuii.iu. c IIARLKS llOWKU, ATXOKNKV AT LAW, Solinsirrove, P.i OrTrra h'a prnf.'Utnnal HrTlraa In Ida po'llo. lui roii'ii, aim ail iiiuar iruiaiiloortl bum. Itc antrdiad lo hi. e-tr will raitaivo rutnpl ttuntlii'. (unna two door. uluut Ilia Normal Mcuool. Jan. i, m. J M.LI NX, ATTOnSKf AT L W, towlalniro. Pa UlTara til- rotrMl dI to lb. pnli'lo uuii-oii'in ami an nioar proiaa.iiiBai nu. uau outiufl-'i to ! raro will rocal,o praimil aitanllou. Bap. .10, MO. 'a n on jVA' v a t i a w. Seliosftroro. Pa , Otl ri bl. prnraait'iual tarlnei to tho pohlla. AH kkbi uulnaJ amru.ta-l to h'a ore ill r.eaiTO irimpi aitaiitlon. o(Tlj at bla bum. tB Wain Jalv 4,-1'i. JOUAUE AL EM AN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HelinHfriove. 1 All prule.aional bu.ln... and folloettna on ira.lad lo Ul. car. will l uroiapllv aliaud- 1. .... WW l.DM . 1 I. ' 1 H I V. (larniaa. tliSoa on Market buuara. Out. HI, l. H. H. GUI MM, Attornev-nt-I-aw, AMD UlsraiCT ATTUU NKV flJil SN VDEIl IUUBH, Frcrbm k rn. OAB.BllatloD lO bo Lb Kn.lilb and riarman In t. s, lnl. JOHN H. ARNOLD, Attorney fit I.fiw, . MIUULGBUUO. PA Profarilnnal bn.lno.. .nlrn.tal to hi. car mill b prwwpny Brauai lo J THOMPSON BAKER, Attorney-at-Law, I.EWISUITRU, I'NKJ.N UO.. fA. Uan bo o.nanltrdaS In tb. Knall.b ai.d Uarman languan.i. umoa a iar. t Htr-al, opoo. I alto Wall., Koiiiii . Co'.si. ra. WM. VAN GKZKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lowiaburg Pa. UrTor. bl. praf-Mlooal aarvlao to tbo pubtlo. vonaaiiuua ami all oiuar proraaalonal butt, w outru.iad to al. or. win raoaira. iroaipl aiumluB. g T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. dBLINSOROVI, BNTUKB COUNTY, Pa apt, ia, oi, C. SIMPSON, " ATTOUNKY AT LAW, Seliusorova, Pa. OffortbUproroaaloBOl aarvlaat lo tbo pabllo. All oalru.latl to hi. oaro will bo proaipMj atwBooii to. AS. IT, S, (JAMUEL U. OUWIO, ATTORNEY. AT LAW, N laiatkHrs:. Vfilosi Co.. Pai: OOino door lo T.lasrapk Prlatlac oA.o .... .... i .. . . . araw. aw, tail.,,. WJC keep off Aon all kind oj Blank much man, Warranto, Least; Subpoe a,tj, do. v rijsicians. Ac. I SOUS SARRKS. o. id. saaai Rota. BABBS1 & HASMHSL PHYSICIAM3 AND SURGKOSS, fl . Il I . . . . . , J. . . lv nrfitw rn tho rllt.ana ..i m voart lino, in Haarar'a I ali.lln !., Iwl. Hp'- J- Y. SH INDKL. U 8VRGEUX AXDPIirstCIAir, MidJlcbnrjr, Pi Offartblprnri-lnnataorrcoito tho oitlaoa. m.ddl,UBr,..d,K,B.,r. ) MARAND IIOTUROCK, FremonL Snyder county, Pa. Uradnatoof n.Utmoro Doll. nf PhT.lnlaa. to ibo public. Mpaaki tuillin ami Uarmao. Mareb, IT, ISMt. tf. jj j. smTth; Physician & Surnron, Irrmonl, Sny.trr County, Pa. bl. pmra-atnnal iarvlrat talb mill 0ro on Mala.troat. Jaaol. jyn. J. O. WAGNER, I'liiRlcInn and Snr on. iff-r. hl. prnf lon,l a-ralca. to Oia eltli-n. nf Adau.biirg and .irlnila. Au. . 'wxr J)U. J. F. KANAW'KL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Or.ii-Hllfr Mnrder Co., p 'JJS LU r''lB-l Mr-toot lotbo publlo. n. J. ECKUHRT, a SURGEON DSNTIST, Ki KUKHTH SMIOK, Miiuiioee, Penn'a. Prof.filonal kailnoi. proiapttr ailaartod to, pERCIVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, JCfulzrrvillc, Snyder Co., Pa. OSara M profoa-linal aarvlso. to tho alt tin. ol, ,o Tldlolir. A," )R. A. M. SMITH, " PHYSICIAN AND SUliOEON Ott-r. hi. p-Tfanio .,.(- tn th, ,,,. f l I 4 'I- ,l",,b",a -- l' iolt. Jj FTVAN BD3KIRK, .t aaiCAL 4 MECHANICAL DENTIST Solinagrovf, Penn'a. Jufitio -s of the 'eare. DAM SMITH, Jsticcof tbe Peace & Conveyancer iturcrcjrt ngn, Cfayftcr Co., Pa. All AfflAl.l ,... . . . promptly allamlwl tn. Collcetlooa and remit tanr.a proroi n, m.'lo. May ,;y w ILL1AM H. SNYDER. JiiNlJro ol ih Prnir. Salem, Snyder Counly Penn'a. All Cullaetlooa and rriulttanroa promntli lii.Uo. Ko. si, VStf. JSAAU HEWER, JUSTICE CFTHE PEACE nml General Oolloctor. Mini.i ni a, SnjilprVonnnt)-, Pa. ilpaalal attanilon paid to eultaminna liaiuluaaoa a III ba m.da I maiuilr I....H Mar. Ji.'7il. rullrcllua. b.uoo. V II. WAd.NKIt, Em,., Jl'BriCE OF THK I'EAIIiI. lacksoj Township, Sny.lor('o. Pa., Will attand to all kn.ina.a ai.lrot.l tn lil, otro ami oBba uiuat ro.xuoablo tarua. Mar. li.'Oa. QAVID S. S HOLLY, tice of tho Pence, Vuiou,Toirimhifi, Snyder Co., Will o'lrndln.ll t.n-lnaii rn'rn.lid to hi. caro in Ilia mo.t ra..inabla trrmi. I'nat- nmra aiidr.M. Hi'kuoiih, Kntdar Co. Pa. biar. 4,'). J U. II A UT MAN, JI'STICR Of TIIK PEit'E. Sc Conveyancer, CENTUEV1LLE, Hny.ler Couuly, Pa Oolloatlon. and all bualna.t nartalnln. to il.. otnro ol.Iumlca ol tba Paaeo willboatti-nded ir at abort notioo a p'r IT'7n gETIl MirCUELL, Justice of tbe Pence Si Conveyancer, Jackaou Towa.lilp, Sii)d.r Connljr, Pa. (Jolla.dl.m, llunvayauolua. and all oiliarhn- aluaaa pallaluluu to Ilia odlcawlll r-eal.a prompt altanllan. Poatoiao.addraaai Maw BitIIii, llnluu oouiilj, Pa. Aug.ia, IBTT. JOHN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE OF TflE PEACE, Peso Twp., Sovder Co. Ts JAMES MIDDLESWAIiTH, Justice of the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snydor Co. Pa. Iirill mtl.mA .1. .- .11 ' . . naa.uartalnluii to tbaoffloo. dollar lion, ma io, ja, ivta. o., w rilian. I J III. .I.TIOtl. TfflU. H. HARDING, J14TICE OF TIIE PLATE Sc Conveyoncer, FKEEMONT, 8aj Jar count, Pa CallMllnaa anil. I knaln... ...i.i.i .l. oBVtaal Ju.Hoaol iboPaaoa will baattaudadto Q A. WKTZEL, we) , Justice of the :Peace, Beaver town, SuytUr Co., 1'a. All klodi of (lollaotloB. ai.d. on llliaral tarma. rivwiiiif.u,ni a, i nu, int.. aoirB.tod lokiaaara. JanaM.Ma. ER B. MIDDLESWAIiTH, JUsTlCJi OF TBI PEACI A alii ' CONVEYANCER, KOGlure Qitj, Bnyder Cc Tm OollaotloRa and all Im.lBaat partalala to tba an.aal luailaooUka faaao will boattondad lo -im juii si'mr A 0 HORNBHROKa, JUS TICK OF THE PEA CE Porrf Towa.klB.aafdarllaaatT.Pa. Callootlor., Oi nrof aanlaa, .fa all all baa Sot.jioriilBlss o bo Ho4 wf, ks faii)U MtaaiiMito. uos soar rrotaa..Tiio "-Sit J. DOWKtiSOX.- uetlne of the Pea-,e ! -- n- Pennscrfek, Snyder Cc . and R-wmtani. prnwiHi, a .11 Coarajanrln. aaailji aad abaaidf a . . - , Apr, t. at. BOARDING HOUSE. Tn8 Und.ralgnH wonlj ra-pM)rull la form Iht travtlllas poblio. ST!'W'.,.'"'."?W. nA I?"" at ant hai- i '" "J MrPrallona for halraeno'n.nodailon aod will anjaa.n. i, ... lanalnhl. p.irona In food S i7a Voll roaa. n.Hi. t, ardn( H.oao "low l waatoliuaocort Uooao. 'r Apr. II 'TS. I f. r, , ,ott HOD ! -MKiieimrflr, itx fOnN LIMBERT, Propri . " in -n UWM HtTia. Iti alti(sail b I R..Ss.Val aillni.llaawl .Ilk a L "a. 7' B " Bir .tbaod-;;,r;r.d RNTRE VILLI? HOTEL, (Lata Mra. W,i i Coatorrlla Snydar Co., Pa. PETER HAHTMAM, Proprlats . Thla . . ... .. . ...ii i. " .-"!. bo ana wail known bo u,?i. "fifc"" f""" ht b ndor.l,.V lloli. a ahara ol tho pablts pa t roaaaa. April. S.HT1. HAKTMA JHB NATIONAL HOTEL. tAttU V M a-.. viiv i. i ut'KI.KR, Prop'r. C 4 o raennj-tj-rove. Pa. Tb i.rtot.i i. .i.....itrrr!... .. .a.iopp,,..n.. wiilt-,.o'; fil f ol liquor In tha bat anaain. TkS aiap-A n..i u . . . tha llotoi. -..--urani laeoncartlon wl Itlcrclinnts9 House. VORTIt THIRD STREET, riML'A PA. ienns,1.50 per day. w .....IIENUY SPAHN, Prop'r. V.SI'AIIW. Clara Apr.l.-T. Ph ilarielphia, Cards. ' J. S. FARNS WORTH. JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers of Huissry, Kotions, WHite Goods, Entire. mm mil trnmiti mm k No. 511 Jlnrket Street, 1 xIILADELPHIA T. n. ronoa, (Mat. IS 74. . ii, W. H. Shalblaf, a. ii. Jioioblti. CI RAYUILL A Co n'lmi.iiii. rt... . WOOD AND WIT.T.nw nrinn mi., nuobau. r.7u;.,'. tb.'i"74."') Mn,k,t 81 Pblladalpbla. J SULIilllMUll OKALF.D I If HARDWARE Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Pnintq Ot'To Coach & Saddler Ware AND M AND FACT t'HUt fir Stoves & Tinware, MAKKKT tJTUEET. WM. MANN. flianis noon Malcer Sta tioner, and Steam- PRINTER. V IioleHtxIe & Tf-etail No 529 Market Street. PHILADELPHIA. J'i'OlJlljhi rOil . C7ft.. Price Marked On All Qoodt In Fi ffitree. Apr. 18-T3. QAVID WILLIAM 8, Maaofaatorora and Wholaaala rtaaiaaa i. fillt, MnliOKAiir. Walnut and Roiewoed l.OOK,INQ GLASS Picture & Photographlo Vramea iios. z.iu ana zss Arm street PUILAPKLPHIa. Pa. Fram.i Hapalrad lo'lba'bo.l maaoor. Alt Fob. u, n, ' JJNI0N r-ANINQ MILL BELIN80ROVE, SNTDEK UO.,PA Kccly fc Wagner Lumber Dealers ass nasuraoTPsss or Oeors, Door Boxes, Windows, 8b alter window Uoxes, HlluUs, Hm, Hialr Fixing, Hand Knlllnrs, Braca cts, Mouldlitcs, rioorlac. SOBULLSAWaatJABlMKTTVHIIlrlO Bhinglea, Lath, Jco., o. Ordara aollaltod sad BUod wttk promplaooo aud dMpaiok. flaaaa oall aud tuaii, our .took baforo parokaala 17XECUTOR8 NOTICE.-LatUra J J iHiiuii.t.ii os tho oatalo of Ml-' CHAI.L tHlLY, do.oaod, lalo ol Mldillaoroak Twit.. SBjdar ooaotv, fano'a., kavlni baa sraatad lo tbo Bdar.lfaod, all parwua kaowlon tbomaaltaa IsdabiaS io aolil oatato aro raauotlod to RiakalaiBMdlato pop Biaat, wlillo tboaa kaaloa alBlaia will proaoat tbaa duly satkaoUaatad tor aottlaaiaat lo WAHRt.N bHOLV, . .... LaSVa-MDI.V., mi, Ksoostors. Buy only Richardson's ElIllRA nAIID-UADi: BOOTS, Every pair ful. ly warranted. CAOH price C3.25 at'IL' 8. oonnoYER'a, ca- ItMoi-wirivA. Ti-k. 1 li.jtVW . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers