The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 24, 1881, Image 1

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    t)j column one year, tftiUK)
One-half, column, ono year 80.00
One-fourth column; one year, liVH)
One square (10 line) I insertion 78
iTt additional insertion, 10 itnd BimIiipss cards ol
not more than 9 lines, per year, ' 6.00
Auditor, Executor, Administrator
nail Assignee Notices, 2.50
Editorial notice par line, IS
All transeiont advertising lets than
I mouths 10 cent a line.
All advertisements for a shorter pe
riod than one year are payable t ih
time they lire ordered, ami it not paid
.he person ordering tliom will oe nohl
sponsible fur the mane v.
In (jlfnesls the world began,
'Twas then that God created man.
In Eiodrts the law wan glvon,
A Israel's guldo from earth to heavn.
lievltlflud, from Levi' name, ,
Th tribe from which the priesthood
Then Numbers tells ftlioUt tho way
What God would have us do and say.
Deuteronomy, which mentis "twice
The truth, once,, learned, must ne'er
Krow old.
Then Joshua came, In M.we.-t' place,
When Law hail fulled, Uod brought lit
(trace. .
He next by Judges Israel ruled;
lllil love toward them never cooled.
And then, the story sweet of Rath,
Foreshadows very precious truth.
In Samuel First we read of 8ul
The people' KIiij hlsrlsa ami full.
In Seoond Samuel then we hear
Of David man to Uod so dear.
In First of Kings the glory filled
The temple Solomon did build.
And Heoond Klnirs records the lives
Of Prophets, Iti-igs, their sj.h and
wives. .
In First of Chronicles we're shown
The house of David and his throne.
And Second Chronicles reeerd
King Solomon's good deeds and words.
Then Ezra built God' house again,
Which hud for long in ruins lulu.
And Neheiulnli builds the will
' Round Judith's City, great and tall.
Then Esther, Jewish maid ami wife,
Knifed up to save her people' life.
And Job his patience sorely tried
At In t God's dealings Justified.
Then comet the lhiis, whoso sacred
fx lull of truth for tvpry nge.
The Proverbs, which the wise man
Fur all who will their teaching take.
I'crleslnstes show how vain
'i he very best of earthly galrt.
Tim Song how much wo need to prize
The treasure s;t above the skies.
Isaiah, first of prophets, who
IV retells the future of the Jew.
Then Jeremiah, soonied by foe,
Yet weeps for faithless Israel's wo is.
The Lamentations tell, In part,
The sadness of this prophet's heart.
Kzeklel tells, in mystio story,
Departing and returning glory.
Then Daniel from the linn's den,
Hy power Divine, is raided again.
Hosea shows the father's lk-art
Bogiieved for bin on tiprultu's part.
And JoeJ tells of Judgment near:
The wicked nations quake and fear.
Then Amos, from theherduien gent.
Culls hurdoiiod sinners to repent.
In Obadlah, Edom's fall
Contains a warning word to all."
J'inah, though prophet of the Lord,
et lied to Tarslilsh from his won!.
Then Mioah sink's In sweetest lavs
fTUe glory of millennial day.
nd Xahum tolls the foar and gloom
f .Nineveh wul of her doom.
labhakkuk, though the fig-tree fail,
mitb and trust In God prevail.
hen Zephanlaa tells of eraoe.
nd love that oomeslu Judgment'
"d Haggal In the hitter day
"peats, "Consider well your ways."
, t
Zuehwluh'i wondrous book i
And eight vision, if we look.
hen Malaohl, the last of all,
Peaks iL,n tin iu.,iv n
o I e o t T n, I
' Molligan wu lolf made
Pi d4 he aJwayi boasted that be
I not "born with a silver tpoon
mouth ,"yt, with the Ioood
joQoy of hnmaa nature, wbeo be
fjn wealthy,'.' h obanged tbe
'n name of Mulligan to that of
1 Jtuee and called hi flood wife.
J Aoo, M at iaoua.
warm ' ifteruooo," Mre. FiU
. - h uBjr iuuwiis iriaBUi ur.
U 14 L.. .-!- 1 l
r,' wore altlisa Id tbe ffarden
Utieoool breeze. - Suddenly
f ill i I ItW IPX
VOL. 19.
tbe sound of a fish horn wti bniyd,
nnJ Mrs. Filz James' florid complex
ion ashamed a ghastly pallor.
Mr. Seymour inquired if she wis
Sho replied tlint sho wan in oxceU
lent health, but a aound of a fish
bora always aiTooted bur unploasaot-
A Iho wtll-known cry of "Mack
erel," mat heard, her agitation he-.
came painful to itnoas, nu.l nhe im
plorod bcr friend to accompany
her to the drawing room,
There was evulunUy A mjstory
cooncctod with the lish-boi u.
The next morning Mrs. 1'itz
James arose very early i by seven
o'clock she was sitting iu the gnr
len. Once more she board the
mournful cfy. " m ickoral 1 ' drew
ncnr'or aod n oar or. notil a fish cart
stood buforo the door.
The vondor looked np snd bo-
buld tho portly for.n of Mi. Filz
Then he npproaohe 1 the bo tn,
"My sietor Mary Ann, Iy jingo 1"
"Bill Stokos,' was the answer, in
tones of agony, "for mercy sake
dou't spoak so loud I You may bo
And suppose I am ?" was tho to
joinder, ".D'jt you are not pleased
to see me. Eersiuse my arrival
in Liverpool 1 bavo boon trying to
discover where it was you lived
and now I have succeeded you np
pear to bo ashamed of your brotU
It ia trno," wai Iho reply of Mrs.
Fitz Juuios. "that wo are iclativcn,
but are our sioiil robitions- I aiu
wealthy, oud have fusbionablofiionds
who would cut my acquaintance if
they kuuw of my low origiu ; there
fore, I implore you novor to sell
fiU iu this neighborhood, or to blow
your horu iu thi stiuut t for Ihu
blood curdlos in my brain ecry
time I bear tho sound. Tika
this fivo po.ind uote ; I will iy you
tho samo amou-it weekly if you prom
iso novor to. bjtiuy oar relation
ship." "Kcet) your mousy, woman 1" was
th'e indignant reply. "I am not am
bitions to claim kiudrud with snob
a cold-horn to.l wretch. It is tnn, I
nm not u guutlomuu I lut rumom
br, you are rich, you oro
not a lady. If ever you become
poor, your refined friend m ill not
associate iLh yon. aud you n.ay jot
bo glad to acknowledge tho fish ven
der ns jour. b iotl.i'1."
Bill Stukj thou dcpoitod, nud
tnuob to Mi. Filz James' disgust,
blew Wit horu with renewed vigor,
nud criol ".1iokuiul," iu loudur
tones thiiu ever.
rivsperity Lad LardcoGd Mrs.
Fitz Jumo' heart i jot her consci
ence rcproachud her when she re
flected that she bad disowned bur
brother, whose only siu wau that of
being a coHtermou"cr.
But she was fusuiouablo nod it
wa 8 impossible for her to acknowl
edge such a low connection.
If was vtry sultiy and Bill Stokes
was exhausted wheu Lis day's work
was over. As be approached his
bumble dwolliug be blow a loud
blast on bis born but now it Was a
weloomo sound, for it announced to
bis wife and child the comiug of the
cue they loved, .But the father
missed tho little luce at the window
that alwuys greeted bim. His heart
sauk as be opeued the door, for bis
wife was bending over tbe sick led
of the boy. He lost all bope when
his wife whispered that the child
was suffering front that dreadful
malady, dipbthoriu.
lie endeavored to appear cheerful,
sat down and tried to eat i but tbe
food oboked bim, and be pusbod tbe
plate away.
"Nellie, my girl,'' be said, "what
shall we do 1 We must have a doo
tor for our child. Sickness brings
many many expenses i but, although
I am poor, I am too proud to
"If yon oould only find your th
ter Mary Add, 1 am sure she
would belp ns," waa the wife's reply-
. "Nellie, I bave found my tlutor,"
waa tbe answer, "and she offered me
money not to acknowledge her as
my own flesh and blood, tibe is
ashamed of my occupation, and has
not tbe moral courage to acknowl
edge the, Ssb vendor a her broth
r. Tbe gentle woman endeavored to
eonsole.bur husband, and persuade
I bim tu tke tha rest be su lunoh re-
'qnirevL Tbe poor cauuot all'ord to
Indulge idlo tfriof, for I boy imlst
ca o their daily bread and tho
mother kept her lonely vigil by the
bedside of ber child, aod prayed the
long hours of tho night away. im
ptoring Moaveu to spire bar little
A few days passod I the child was
convalescent i bis mouth became
parc'jod t be cried for fruit, an I re
quire! d lintio whic'i tho poor can
uot obtaiu. The mother, utialilo to
gratify tho littlo sulT. tcr, implored
him to he patient until his father
returned. Although 60 young,
poverty ba l 'taught the boy self
control, and ho was silent.
Onco again tho noun 1 of tho fl-fli-
horn was hoard. Tho child's face
brighlonnd. IM1 Slokes approached
the bo 1, Tiny snni ouoircled bis
neck, and a feeble voice askud for
an orango. Tho father shook bis
head iu silent despair, for it had
been aa unlucky d iy and ho was
without a pouny. flo thought of
Iho lost resources of the poor-thoj
pawnbroke. II) gave a busty gl.nce'
around tho room. Everything of
valuo bad disappeared. A small, j
feverish hand was thrust into hU
Aud a young hero assured bim that
ho no longer wished f jr an orango,
because the last ono win sour. It
was tho child's Gist untruth. The
anguls wept in pity, and couceal tho
sin for tho molivo was noble.
The mother bccaiua desponlo.
frido, elf respect, all were forgot
ten, or sick boy was suffering for
necessaries. Shu iinplored bur hm
bnud to sutk uaaistauca from Mary
' If a gift from bor would save my
own lifo 1 would not accept it," was
the father's answer, "But I will de
grade myself for tho fciiLe of the
Bill Stokes Ira IgV 1 many a weary
ufilo before tho fashionable tesidence
was I'cuchod. As he wua about to
I ins tho bull he noticed that tho
blind) wore I'oitulu l vis
iti 1 tho in i is l. Til i sj''v i it in
forme 1 him th it it woul I bo iiu
possible for liiiu to sua Mrs. Fi.t
James, a s'n wu j lit j piuatiafud
by the losl of her child.
Misery rotidurud B!1 Stuke 'des
perate, ile pushed tho asto.un.led
menial away, and entered tho great
druwiuj room. .
His sister ruisul hnr tear -stained
face an 1 bo'ield bur brother. Ho
was pd .1.19 d'Jlth. M rtf llt'l'lU hud
ciiuplnlely broken his spirit, o
nppro.ichod her with respect and a. I
diessod hoi' as Mrs. Junes,
llo told her t'mt hU eliil 1 wu re
covering liom diptluirit, but that
tho boy was sinking for want of ucc
eNSirie. Aud than ho wai silent.
Natnio triumphed over fashion.
A repentant sister throw bor arms
around tho poor coaturmongor'd
"Oh, Bill 1" said Mrs. Fitz Jamos;
'I've been puuished for my prido,
for I have been deprived of my
child. Hereafter, 1 will only value
monoy acoording to its worth. To
morrow I bury my little one. Co mo
to tho funeral, aixl by your presouco
ooavioco mo that you bavo forgivou
my udnaturul conduct. Do uot fret,
for the boy shall have all that be
requires. To-night I will sou J bi n
a basket filled with all the delicacies
necessary for an invalid, I am still
ashamed of your occupation, but
now it is an honost shame. I feel
degraded when I reflect that I am
rolling in afilaonoo, and yet allow
my only brother to hak fish from
door to door. Your future shall be
my care. And yon shall be tho
owner of as fine s fish store as there
is in tbe city,
The souud of tbe fish born no
longer affected Mrs. Fitz James,
The cry of "Mackerel I" failed to
discompose ber j and bor fashiona
ble friends have never discovered
what was Hie skeleton of Mrs. Fitz
Don't argue with a fool, o r listen
ers will say tbere are two of you.
Tbe wise man never makes tbe
same blunder twioe.
. When two rival . oyster-oponerS
get together there is likely to be an
equiknocksUell atorm,
"Uncle," said a boy aa be etood
lookiug at a spockled tro ut this
fish bus got tbe measles, basu't it t"
A Colorado itom t "Arizona Jack,"
one of the.tjpe of dims uorel heroes
that are entirely too common, at
tempted to "ran tbe town," aud is
oow running a auall IA iu tbe ooine
I"' , .
. . B . '. 1 . .
Spoopendyke'4 Bib.
Dim that (Jetitlcman llchmel on
Via Om'Imoh of an AlUUn
to the i'arn iy. ,
"Well, Well, well," said Mr.
Spoopondyko, with a grin that in
volved bis whole head, and ail' effort
at n tip-toe tread that shook tho
whole boiiBO, "and si it's a girl, my
-lrs, Spiopnndyko smiled faiutly
and Mr, Spoopunlyko picked np bis
' It's the imngo of you,-' Bbo a i! 1,
rcgrirding with some trrpidaliou
Mr. Sponpondjko's method of hand
ling tho infant.
' I dou t 'oo how yon mnlto that
iont) B!li,i Hpoopendyke gravely.
"I don't know when my noso lookod
liko the thumb part ol a boiled lob
ster clav. 1j I utiJorstinl you
that my eyes boar any rrn jmblauco
to t,ho bead of a screw f"
'I moan tho gjnoral foatnroa,"
iniurmuro I Mr. Spoopnnlyko.
.-The general features seem to be
.,. oJ M, a,v.(,OI1.
- 41
dyko, examining bis acquisition.
"If our general features aro at all
aliko, my visago must remind you
of an earthquake Hi 1 kitchoe 1
kitcheo ! What mukes bur fold her
fold bor logs like th it t"
"Slio cau't help it," rciisono 1 Mrs.
Spoopondyke. "They'll straightou
out in tiiiij."
"No time liko tho prosint," quot
ed Jr, Spoopondyko, and ho took
his daughter's foot and commoiicod
pulling hor legs. "I don't want any
bandy-legged first in this family
while I'm at tho head of it."
.Naturally the buhy began to cry
aud Mr. Spjopjn lyke esiayod to
soothe it.
"Hi I kilchoe I kitcheo ! kitchoe
eo-co r be chirruped. "Great Scott,
what a caveru I Any idea how much
this mouth weighs Hi 1 kitchoe !
uiteh-o-o 1 Vou'll hiivo tj got that
inoiilh rootol in h..f..rrtoll w.-nHi.
er. Whit' tho mallur with bor,
anyway t"
. "Forliaps yon li'irt Imr.
take her, plea-te," plea lod
Lit mo
Mis. Spoopotid j ke.
"She is doing well cfio'),h. Hi !
you 1 Mol l up! Haven't yotl nuy
thing to catch this mouth in It's
apilling all over tlio neighborboo 1
lit! Topsy. (leuovieve, Cluopatrn,
dry up ! I'm g ii-g to l.avo trou'ilo
breaking th is young ono's temper, I
can see that. JL ro ! bend the oth
er wny ouno I" and Mr. Spoojien
Jyko tried to stiaigldon op his off
spring, wit hcut uvuil.
"Let hor coiuu to mo, d., please,
moaned Mrs. Spoopondyko,
Mr. iSp lopeudyke wis forced
hand hor over.
"Well, that's a quiet biby," said
he, nurslug his knoe nnd eyeing tlio
iufaut. "What are tho.e bum'ia
over its eyos for t What prepou
doranco of iutolligoooo d i they rop
resent 1"
"You musu't talk so," reraonstral'
ed Mrs. Spoopon lyko," "lio is the
handsomest child you over saw."
"Well, she's go to stop biting
her naiU buforo she g ooS any further
with this processiou. Here, tike
your bauds out of your mouth, can't
you ? Why dou't you put her bauds
down T"
"Why, all babies dj that," explain
ed Mrs. Spoopondyko. "1'oa cu't
stop that."
"I'm going to try," said Mt.
Spoopondyke, and I don't want to
be interfered within bringing this
child up. Here, ou, Maud S.
Bonosottor, put your bands in your
pockets I Dou't let mo see any more
nail-chewing, or you and I'll got
mixed up iu an argument. She guts
that from your family, Mrs. Spoop
"Say, dear, don't you want to go
and order some things V asked Mr
,"No," rejoined bor husband, "I
want to see this youngster. Where's
ber obin f Do babies always bave
their upper jaw set right on
their shoulders Kitaboe I kitoheel.
nor soalp comes oloar to tbe briJge
of ber nose. I doa t believe she's
quite right. Where's ber forehead 1
Qreat Moses I Uer bead is all on the
baok part I day, that babys got to
bep reused. That's no shape."
"Get away," exclaimed Mrs Spoop
eudyke, indignantly. "She's quite
an angel. There's nothing in the
world the matter with her. '
"Oloomse you know,"
Mrx J Spoupendykei "ion don't
wol aa) ting ra-netbant fog" bora
and ralasjitJut uppropriatiou to be
l'A., NOVEMBER 24, 1881. NO, 17
n rrplian asylum. If I bad yonr
faith and tho oolio I'd mako a living
ns a foundling's homo 1 ' She 11 bo
old enough to up ink la a wook,
won't she V
"No she wont !" ai 1 Mrs. Mpoop
endyko. bho'll never bo old enough
lor lint."
"I'll hot aha will," gruntol Mr
Sponpondjkn, "if sho isn't she'll get
it beforo nhn matures up to that pe
riod. That' all. Let me lake ber.
Here , let's have her,"
But Mrs. KpoopenJjko flallj' re
fused. "ICcn; your dod gaslod baby,
then 1" roared Mr. Spoopenbyko.
"Ifjou knov mora about libio9
than I d j, thoti keep hor. Th'j w ty
you co l lie her ono would think sho
w is now pasto for tho complexion.
If you ba'l ono inoro brain and n
handlo jouM mako a fair raltlo box !
Fit up with a brokvi sol'i on 1 a
gronso ppot you'd do for a fcooond
ban Inursery."
And Mr. Spoopondyko MartodolT
to find bin friend Hpeeklewotlhi,
who cougra.tulalcd him. aud stin ted
off with bim to as'iist in tho selection
of un overcoat and a pair of ear-mud
as prpcaulionary against tho ap
proaching wiutur. (Vo(iy E ij'.c.
Ai Obstinala Brida.
Tlio other eight a young man from
Northern Arkausas and a young lu ly
from the suutliren p irt of the -SI iL-
met nt a hotel lu this city u I wfre
married. Alter tin? curo.UJuy tho
youtig mm wont out and sat in fruit
uf tho hotel while hi wile went up
t tho room usxignoJ as the bri ld
olirt liber.
"fiiis thing of potting nnrrie.l in a
lilo-long busiuosn," he sai 1, u 1 lress
ing a mau who li.i i just Leon divorc
ed from his wilo. "I reckon you hivo
fou'id it so," ho a 1 I 'd, to a single
man. "Wall, I tecknu I'll go up.
Piud if don't sartor ha'.e to go
IIP thur, to). But I novor W41
a Ice rod of a wunnu.
He wout up uu 1 rnppod at the
"W.iO is (Lore ?" JeiuunJod l!u
Il'n mo."
"Who i mo V
"Dou't j'uu recognise my talk,
hooey ?"
"N-, I don't."
"It n your own wi lo awnki auJ
living husband. Letiueiu.'
"lio away Iroui I'nat door ; you
i-ll ill Dot ono iu here. I a.u nut uu
quaintod with yoa yet."
"Siy let me in. Them fellers
d iwu i-tair air liiuhiug at me.
. lift, f it I'.il i.l.ittt
I "i v " " -..-r..
'ond ha ynwuel hkj
a man Wiitiu
Ul u ui.,11. l.i-li,
"Thought you said that yon. wore
wiJo awuko t"
"I was a while o;f, hut I'm pow
erful !eepy now. Say, in n't you
goin' to open this door "
"No 1 oiu'i."
"Why did ycu marry me ? '
"'Came I wanted to."
"Wall, why don't you K-t mo iu t"
"Cause I dou't want to."
"AH rixht el 1 gal ; I'll she!) out
fur homo and leave yoix to pay the
hotel hid I never eod tho woman
that could pull tbo wool over my
Tho lateb clicked aod tbo door
opooed. Tho hotel bill had frighten.
I'd her,
"It won't do for a womaa to buck
ain me, lemiuy toll you, lur t wa
raised ut tbe cros-roiid 4, uu' wont to
mill early." -Little Hock Gazette.
The Priio Liar.
During the triul of a case in the
Common .fleas at. Newbury port,
Mass., on Jonday, a witness was
aeked by the district attorney.
"Diju't yoa boast, whon you livod
in Boston that you were tho great
est liar in that whole oily 7"
The witness looked wise fer a
moment or two before be answered t
'"Ob, I know what you tueau.
You see I went into, a room oue
oigbt, and found half a dozen fel
lows who seemed to be telling sto
ries. Says one of tbem, 'Here's ,
he'll take tbo mouey. ' 'What mon
ey f ; asked, 'That quarter ou
tbe table,' was the answer i .'the
man that tells the biggost lie takes
it.' I merely remarked that ' I
shouldn't try for it, as t never told a
lie iu my life, aod they give me the
quarter I .
It will pay every body to examine
the immense Stock of Furniture for
sale by the Popular lpuittiture muU
W. U. FELIX Lewlatowii fat
Somes Foolish Thing,
Talking slaogi
l'raising yourself
Wearing tight shoes,
Tramping for a living.
Borrowing uowspapcr.
'Jetting mad at nothing.
Kissing poo. lies in public,
Living beyond your income.
Trying to "cram" school children.
H'.ecpiug awuy thoeuly tuoiulng
Hunting for white-handed em
ployment. Counting your money beforo it
Trying to do business without ad
vei tiiin ,
M irryin nmin for hi splendid
1'udorsing noto for fiiou U an 1
Thinking it dju't pay t econo
mize in trnles.
Flaying the gallant to every wo
man but jour wife.
I'i.tpocting to bavo money without
working for it.
Leaving oil' heavy flannels loo car
Iy in the season.
Waiting your amilei oa every
man but your husband.
Lonuing a'l nuiVella without bid
ding it an etei n il a lei t.
Exposing your ignoraiifo by pre
tending to know everything.
Moping through life when its jlt
us easy to daneo through it.
Getting miriud in livohasto and
rcpontiug at dead leisure.
Judging a man by tho cut of his
coat or a woman by tuo sua l joi u-r
Euvying other poiplo their wealth
wheu you might bo a pile
f . if
np lor JOUrxelf.
l..iM.'i, ... I A
a wvtinj
hvirnrtiwtli lu.f.trA vnn Un 1 -n-
luueh slin nni I for llinm
iuiu u siio pan ior mora.
Joining si tinny lo lges and
- j wu
church societies that you bavo no
titno to become acpuiatod with
your family.
Turning up your noo nt ordinary
ways of earning an honest liveli-
hoo l. and waiting for somo gouteel
job to turn up.
du nning at tho owhnin t'nt
lpeiutio you como of rcpectable
' jc k, you v tr. t die in tho poor
house, if yon fail to 'provide more
comfortable i'i irtcra tlsowhero.
.14 my '.-...
It s A'l R tjnt.
A cilieu of Mroit
.Vicliigan avoutie grocery
entered a
tlio other
a private
day au 1 s ii.1 ho war.ic 1
word with the propri-t ir. When
jthey had retire J to tuo dot hj be
gun :
"I writ timikj oifessin aud
j reparation. K't you re ui n'ior cf
I toy buying sugar hero two or thife
(days ngo '"
"I do."
"Well, iu paying for it I wnkol
off a couutei ijuater on the clerk.
It was a lueau ti ick, aud I came to
tender you goo 1 money,"
"0'.i, dou't uieutiju it," replied tuo
"Hat I want to make iti i,-ht."
"It's all i"ht till right,
I.M1AIV u'lit iittij.l tltfi il 1 1' t iti rn ti a
and that afternoon when your wife
.1 - 1 1 1 I ; II 1 i
seui tiowu a uoiiar uui una wanioa
a can of sardiues I cave her that bad
quarter with bor change. Dou't let
uiinf i 1
yonrconsoieuce trouble you at all
it's all right."
Tho short crop will make a cornet
on tobacco, nud some speculative
dealers will bit j off more than thoy
thoy can cheu.
A littlo boy was nsked by bis
mother to take a powder that she
had prepared for bim- "Howder !
powder 1" said be. "Why mother,
I'm not a gun.
What animu! took Iho tuott lug-
gago iuto tho ark, aud which took
the least f The elephant, who took
the trunk i while the fox aud -the
rooster bad only a comb and a brush
between them .
A teuoher asked the smuttest boy
in tbo class t
"Who was it that said "It is not
good for a mau to bo alone 1"
Tbe lad answored , "Daniel, sir j
when be was in the lion's doa "
"Come, Ituberl. gdt up," Said a
father to bis son, tbe other morning.
"llemeiuter that it is tbo early bird
that catches the worm,"
'Wbat do tare for worms f" re
plied thejoaog hopeful. "Mother
-fiwou'Hetme go a Ashing."
-i - ,
miig post.
Published every Thursday Evening
Terms of Subscription,
able vidiin six months, or ii'.Mifnot
pnid within the year. No pnper die
continued until nil r?rrearnres are
pnid unless nt the option of the pub
Bubseriptlon nntxido of the Cotintf
K9rersina lifting and using papers
vldroi'cd Vo others beeoinestibscrilifirs
and are liable fortho price nfthepspef
A TriHa Mixai
A young lady visilo 1 S)
cookiug ec'iool tho other nftornoon,
whero her ntlcntion was oqnnlly di
vided bet vecn a noy dress worn by
an arqtifiititnnco and tho directions
for milking a cuke, npnn returning:
bo-no hIio nn iTtjok to writo don
thoi'cci,io for tho cake her moth
er, nnd tho old lady as pnrulyxeit
when sho re id. "I'akotwj pouod
of ll inr, ten rows of pleating down
the f.-ont, tho wbit'M of cut
bias, a pint of milk ru ll I arsaud
tho neck, half pound of c irraols
with seven yurdi of boi l trimming
grated lemon peal will) Spanish laco
lichu, stir wu!! aud a 1 1 a a eni filing
paletot with visito sleovos, butter tho
pirn with Brazilian topia cccMnco,
garnihh with icing and j ilto I piso
meutiric, in a lUDdoralely hot
over until tho ovMhkiit is tucked
from Iho waist down on cither aido
ond finish with large falin bowa."
Her mother mii I alio wouldu't eat
such a c.iko and alio thought tbrso
now tangled ideas iu cooLiug ought
to be frowned down.
i.'to tf' t!w Sl:in, S' liti tut I
Mi:tt;i i.ot s ( i it 12.
I will now rtita ilil 1 r.n a!
.-ir .-ii - ni t:i- .v.irt r.rt "f ,i(in iilfc..i
ki..n. I'k- it n ' ti n-.n turijr :r oils
tj'frfpi )rjrs. Ilia re'.pfpftii.l
nurly I in , .i i ... h ( r -r'r I it I l.-ktlsl -l
irn..c. II ,1 ii, (. n!i ti ..I iih. .Iiitrr.
.r..i .,n. ,uOi I..III4
i.'.,,.,,;-'J',iu1M.;V.5V.' 'r'nV.ii
inn.l li!i l tit III "Mrf 1 t rrl'1 a n
I lint. u..-ll. i'i-ti.-i-h K...i.'vi:t Inl-rnil-
' 'i 'I l' in.!K f.-l l'i in i-io
o-riil'Tr. Ile i!l-l ti, an I ruiltl
':"'' 1 kln .n hlhl !.-. ol mr. fm ol l.l uxly. i
whi.h lrttnT.l ft miMl
lth 'nn aM-rn". n o a ill ant
.,, Ih ,n ,,,,.,. ,,, n ,ctr , ,r,r, f
ilSV"'"' u.''ntu''""1' ' u" J"
1; Oi' .r i I f
r. II. HHfiWV. r.'i., Bartwfll. S,lv.
SC'ttOI'l 1.'oOUf.
lit. Pr , in .'-tailicf h.t Trrlni- with
tl,a i i i n i k Ivi.nii.ik. l ial thr ust
WW..' XX'W'.Z:;
tUralnlnrf Mn ltii, If th I I'tk i ka h!
' p t. km tpirrnslly, hp J rrTt.tit k tt I Vv n.
t'l IM o V iTIlilllj. Tf. yulf'Tl tLtt Ll
ttl tl.e Uueuco a c uiflctoty drlrt-o ouf
j lU ZI'-.M .
I slue u i-intiia -Inc.? an rti.tlon bro' out
on mr If-- a .! i. i;i t.-ft. .. M.-ii tur.i-! lui to
' t I'd ti a. at! r tu -r I n. raat i a.Q ftn.1 aa
11 -J am. I trtf 1 vr...j rrrrr'l- vita n
K 1 r-ult. until I u-t-,1 o ei rii rm K-
l vs I inti-ri.i.1!-, an 1 I ' : ict k at.'t t'v Tl-
i i, I .--t r . xt..-r. . u v , wlii-'a Mtif f
n a -o I!, .t uf .km l ii ,:a c. aa I ntturti ai
j l.tN. T I K.MI.KY. CI -J ..ih St.. Paltl
more. t i riri Ht
T ' 'm; '-i-fa tr arrr. r ( r ty fu rf Sk'n.
S"j., at 1 li.'ioi l'i,.o. 1-1..,., in ta lu
l r:iilti't"H l IK4 h -i, ..r, 'to Btf
H ' --o-l 1 ti r t r- l (t f.ui iv of rrri.
t - .1 l 1 I'rrt. .: ? -ir, dr at Sam
C it
l'ri.,'''(i'frirri't. ni!l 1 ' !,r
l"-M. t'i i i.-i u I: Lr.. i v .. r, T .r I- to.
't H' : iu .i,i.. ilr: tti Mi iv:l
S"M; 15.-. n 1 1 t-t i l -:tj;.'.-.'.
1-ot- t. WI.KKS I' M 1 I K ll t n. Miw.
jiuu iunur.
Ccmplcts Trcalmer.t
F:r $1.03.
Sivroniv'i .:i:i U Cim, I'ttilt lit
1V1.T-Ut lU f-Ut'lt 1D 1S.I.IC4.4 r.ll J
io .it. a iti:i. eti t..II tiir.-tt-a. ,cj
, '"Hini .inuii'ii I r oua a A.l
: ':nr S4nf r l- h 1: - i'jr
5 Kruin a lu.jO C O I rr ln.1 i o r to tt Tot
l f""' -I" ml loi m l t.i t a tn.aui
WO -i.. II, t.ii an t he irtn. t , . rt rnu iv
f' ui-fcur. I'-it'iiiui lun-.-ui itviail'i-
Anii--I. Ul-lni(t.l, in-ll, tti-.a a.ul b ar
" iriu.-.r-f, mo. mii., Divai.raiir
tw rt..u.rpl ant i-.tiiti..iii t .al irtf
a ' I uu. aitrrna i) y auO lutariiali ? .
l.l.tai 11,1, i:r--l tf ilinuil. Al l.:n, .tr w .fli
niianiir r. iii'tunic ami irinaiianor curlnif
ua im.i kKtaataU bdU iiitiikar'iu fuiuiv
I I atartti
Uouoia) Aiiaull, WtlUS.ti I'OTIKR,
llultun, Mint.
ItlllH. HHP.
H'mhmiim, wiitr iiuici
' an I Ko.l anil Hiao
''I'TOA -?-ninri rii-rauiiiir
u. In -1 . t. if .1 I fl' . 'I'lll . H .
ill Nu Irar ol b'tj
orlei ami I ou!n I .1 ollan r) rt-i In llni- )
tin lit. Karat, uri-
nlslit K't aii.l i-liaiiiieft vurinio klliar In tliu
wuriil No f illura lu iu year avrry l... war.
r.iii(i1. Sol. I i.v . u frott- ni it ilrusKl'ia,
Auk for PA HS'tvs'. .i.ll d i..r stvuuta uy
WELKS k I Ol' T till, H.i.lou SU-S.
W fontlniie In art m Rnllrltnri fur rut.nti. Cnrratai
Truili. Murka, tV'iiynnlitj, no , ((r the I'nl'oU bUi. -i,
i unuiia, t tn, r.iiKiinia. rrtttKHt, tiennany, pus we
luivtttiail llilrty-llvo yem vKrliiare
l'at.iitii"l'Uiiil Uiriaiitb ua are iHHIwii la tbuSci-
KNTUia AHKHIC4N. TllH lttrni Utlli Klllflltllll lllUV-
t't H'lmiro, U vi-ry liiUirt'Httnir.itud baa an ttooniKHi
clraulullon. AU.Ireiot I1UNN A iK I'lUeiit Selh-t
tura, I'uli'a. ut Hi iKNTini) AUKKteAN. 87 l'ark UuWi
hi'v Vnrk. HunO. unfit uimin iwwnta tree.
llnldo fur hath SEXES, t the tnarrIM anil
thuaa cimtnuii'latiii nmriluita a brilliant, faaol
DalliiK book, acoiuiauliir fin ilie tullllonon Itaalth
llUaawo, anil lha I'byali al I. lit' of Mail and Wotiiaiit
pufo In lauguam and uiloiad by iifiiraiclaiifi
oviTTwhuro. I'rlco, 60 eontS, ly lr. A. tl,
Ol.lN, Urn ol.l.nt Bpwiali.l lu Ilia Kotthwoat,
who will pay $00'
Chroulo dii
full, ti) cur
llnuau uf
iq inr OTary raa 01 finvaDB or
altbttr aoa lia midttiakua and
Svnd two tlamiM lurCul4a ta
Health. .Reliable Female Pills, 19
a Box. a 14U it-t buiuu f
fuuiuont. Rubber Qo
uuputUffUl (uliuiuauua, b),
n uiiiri, uuiuu ior lauica auriua c-jti-
ljf.axprafa, SO ente
Ottftsa ana v inuiar oi
Or. A. O. OfclN,
KnWcky Biook. SD1 8. Clark 8W, Uhleaa, IU.
M B ! I aataw tw4 at Ithj
ram B ffMfjfMaivaa. - a
jdUifv. ja.
i Tr i i . .
-ar "sjnr; . .-v "--' 1
MMifnwiijnar A.