The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 17, 1881, Image 3

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niddlebur&" N0V.17 1881
J.soca.1 Ncwh, effcC.
"i i- - . .
) swat-area ADrnmnnn (null IIS
KlTTWI CtntTWTT CnffSTS. TUt CTtf of,
Bny.ler Coast r ere held nn Inn foarlh Mlm
I relimerr. May. and Septtsabtr, SOU aeoonil
toads? or Dtotraher.
All cornmuiilo.tlorts, business lot
ors Ac. for this office, to secure
ornmnt nllontton should ITb siMressed
follows: Tltc IosT, Milllcbtirf(,
rJnyder Gmnty, r. Ailverltsomcnts,
eonmuiiicftlioits Ac. niimt lj hnmlco
In by Muinlny noon, to secure inser
tion in next issuti
Send us tlio now.
Hog killing hit siren. ly commence J.
Cliriatnis nil' cotno on Suntlny lliis
Baking sotU put into fm l for chick
en, will cur llio rholern.
Th next inlliu lidlidny will lc
Thanksgiving My. Tlmrstliiy Nov.
In ft few week the Thnntisclvlnp;
turkey will It ft it g from llio buck win
Wheat fioM s,ra reported promising
in nppenr.inco In nil direction
throughout the Stmo.
live you visiter! llio school lo ce
liow your ebildreu nro lonrniiy mid
deporting tlioinselvcs f
Sxht giuer rue nightly look luff for
the rAsppesrrtnco of the S'nr nf lieth
Jcliom, which wns lust seen in 1-573.
Some Fmers are boldiiiK bick their
pntntni i fij heller price, but the in
' tticftlionN are th.vt thoy will not bo
I'rotty noon turkey, wi'.l be looked
niter with some interest. Tlutnkt
givim U near and Ihey ure it necessary
nrticlo at that part'iculur time.
II ill' Vejctihln .Sicil'tn Hair R
newer I the most rclUMu nrtiele in
tuo for roHtorin.! cr.iy Intir to In .itiji
liitl. color and pro.iiotiu its growth.
It l uid tv i-tliinls of thn bee
will dio tho anniing winter on account
of the dry seiiann, and owner me al
ready nitlcmi' preparatlom to feed
thn-n, an 1 if pmililu sivo iu of
their investment.
JndvfmenU cciisn to he lien o-i reV
arc t ) t u unless revived within ll v years
from their tl.ttcs. An erroneous lot
iireasinn prevail tv'nh niuty persons
1hnt their judgments are kept alive by
the payment of Interest.
An exchanare that nrt f.illint;
sin tho carpet from .ipen rhimney or
from carelessly Imnilli'd stovepipes, if
covered thickly with aalt can !)
lirmdicit up with'iut duntda to the
uvn't heard whether there i a rei
ulitr hoir, committed on dutv this
tir not. From the niipeaiMiicn ii
thine we infer (hut every fellow will
lieobhgod to "judrfe" hi
Dot whether that system
the ftrifn and contention
tins the bicccut porker,
. j
own lis;,'.
will lrjnu
as ' V who
, e
tir j must
People will now take caso'now as lo
liow they detach their lage stamps.
Tor the post ofTAoe tlepartment has jus I
ruled that pot&e stamps with any
fraction of lleiu lore off will no Inngor
le acocptad as prep lyment of posUge
on Hit matter to' which they are at
tached. Look Out. Several of our exchang
es are cautioning thoir readers against
a niackeral swindloi who is in the
rounds selling line tnackeral at a very
low figure. He oiler to soil diirereut
farmers mackeral iu half barrels filled
with rubbish covored with a thin layer
of fish on top. The host and salest
plan is to buy of your home doalors.
Cammittfld Suicida by Hinging. "
W. II. Dickol of Georgetown, of the
firm of W. H. fc II. M. Dickel, propri
etor of a gonoral store at George
town, an! a brother of P. 8. Dickol, a
I well-known business man of the same
place, hung himself iu the loft of hi
bam about 0 o'clock on Tuosday
morning last. He wa first discovered
by his wife while on her way to the
tore to call him to dinner. Mt Dick
, cl hat been failing in mind and health
for some time past, and for the past
'' 1wo or ihreo months he has been un
able to attend to his duties at the
Storo. Sunbury JVeus.
i -'-
hburniiam. Jfass. . Jan. U. 1880.
Z htve been very sick over two yoar,
'I iey all gave me up as past cure.
1 ' tri d tip) most skillful physicians, but
- - thry did not roach tho worrit part. The
,',.. I-heart would till up every
,v night and distress me, aud my throat
waa 4rybaif. I told my children I
INrfcr shoipM die in peace until I had
'-.tried Hop Bitter. have "jiken two
"bottlea.v They havo helped me very
mtrS indeed, I am now woll. There
wiua lot of alck f ilk.s he who havo
seen how they helped me, and they
"' ued theui and ara unreirj' and feal as
thankful iu I Jo that thore la ) vat-
u'abloa ine'leino matte.
Another of our olUst an I m-Mt
teomd ciiixont was called su.ldonly lo I
at. - - f ' l 1 . . i . K
ni -nrii worm, mi rummy, mr.
Charle- D. Kline, after partaking of it
liesrty breakfast, sat down lo road,
w hi custom. He wa almost im
mediately stricken with pnralysi, and
aink.paiuloisly Into thfl oruu of death.
So quietly wat the final change
wrought that the family was not aware
of It until he lie had passed away. Mr,
K. wm aliout 81 year of age, and ha
iwided In Lewisburg the , greater part
oflhtaloug life. For many yoar he
w proprictoifof IJn popular "Kline
tt m t .l r: :.! .
"iwi, aiiu oor ins repiuawsNi fn ue"
ing a most excellent landlord. About
a snore of voar ago ho sold the hotel
to R. Q. IIuUol, and retired from ac
tive business. Jfo will be greatly mis
d from hi home circle and the neigh
borhood, In which he was hlgly es
teemed for his gentle, unswerving
kindness to a'l. fWmfj dronwle.
" Kravkk rtriiiMu. Nov. 14,'dl.
Miu Editor. Allow n thrnuKh the
column of your paper to lendar my
thanks to tho many voter of our coun
ty who lave teen fit lo cent their ote
to elect me to tho nllke of county
Treasurer. In a much a I feel very
thankful to those I do not in the least
feel tingrealful or prejudiced to those
who for a reajotmhlo cause have not
supported tn.- I,ct mo assure yon.
friends, that yott will find in mo a
riiend who will by all reasonable
mean try to favor you in time of neotl.
As it is an utter impossibility to know
who hns or who line not supported
me, I can do no more tht represent'
all as their man and with a view to do
the utmost for our future good. Let
ii lny aside all prejudice, ill-feeling.
and the like, if any have been created,
and Work together iu of ouo mind -
doing right in tho sight of a'l men n
well ns i:i ti e sight of Him who docth
all thinj; well. Feeling Hint I have
b;'on tho pe iple's choice, and knowing
that I can (111 tho olIW with. ml Incon-
vouience to niyself, I will cmlevor
honor our -roiioty, to (111 tim offlce
with honurity, fidelity and credit Iu alM
Allow me to snWribo myself to all,
Vuiir friend.
ItKtvriR Hrnixu-t, Noy. li, "81.
On Thursday evenings Nov. Mih,
our newly electa.! rrc-vuer. A. H
Hiilfiich, was serenaded bylh Ad
auishurg Di'im Hand. After lh sere-
mole Mr. 1 1 el Tt 1 oil respondu I by a
short but a i.piironrmte sneurhitrie
whi.-h ho opciio his door I ) all, '
tpule a tiuiulxjc .f the citizens tilth
thiwo' nf Hit) b:ind, partook of refrh-
meuts or Ireat picpiircd by his wo.
A very appropri iu nauio f. irM.irke'
Street, would bn "While Sir'," on ac
count of tho newly paim houses all
of which sro white.
Tlie .Idiimshiirg Schools opened on
Monday, Oct. 31st, willr.ldaui .Sniitli
nud A. la Hocteudoi'ii as teachers,
having over oni hnudrod pupils the
llrstd.iy. yViare for a neur school
homo for iie)5 year!
Tho Libs(4y ,1utual Aid Association
f tr unmarie I persons, of A lamshurg,
Suydur tMunty, Pa.. U doing a thriv
ing huv&ifs.
thieves area sin niaking their
usual Fall visits to our citizens who
hfve I u 'ul up a supply of meal. They
should bo ashamed to eat nf those
dead hogs and especially to steal it
from a minister of the Gospel. He-
member thief, you are known ! r'ev-
eral such outrages havo boon commit
ted and tho cititon are on a close look
out for you. It.
Si'ictoR. -O ir cl i.ons were a hocked
on .Saturday afternoon on learning o(
tho suicido of William Wise, merchant
tailor, of this place. Mr. Wiso has
beon!a resident of Sunbury for a num
ber of yoarj, carrying on tho tailoring
business, 'and for several year was
employed iu'lhe tailoring dop.irtmeut
of Jeesrs. Whitmor A, Fonder as cut
ter, During the last year ho left that
establishment and commenced btisi
noss for himself iu tho M.isouio build
ing, above Dr. C, M. Martin's drug
store. For some lime it wni noticed
that ho wa in a melancholy mood,
but gave no reasons for his strange ac
tions. Ho wa of a quiot and unobtru
sive disposition, and on several occa
sions left homo and travolod about for
a day urXwo without leaving his fam
ily know of his. whereabout. Last
week his wife was called lo Harrisburg
to attend a sick daughter. During her
absonce he expressed himself several
limes us feeling lonely. On Thursday
he started to visit her, but did not
reach, arriaburg, having wandered
about Selinsg'rove and Georgetown un
til Saturday morning, when ho arrived
in the early train and wont to his shop.
About 10 o'clock Mr, W. C. Lyons
went to the shop and found the door
looked, e looked ovor tho transom
and saw tho dooeasod lying on the
table, and, supposing ho wa sleeping,
he went away. About 2 o'clock he
again wont to his shop, and found him
lying in the same position, Jfr. Lyon
told some gentlemen that there must
bo something wrong. They proceeded
lo the room, and oue of tho party
climbed through tho transom and un
fastened the door, when they wont in
and found Mr. Wise cold in death,
having shot himself in tho head willi a
small pislol, which was dropped front
his hand on the Door, An Inquest
was held by AVpiire I'ursol, and the
jury rendered a verdiet of dentil by his
own bauds, HI remain were then
conveyed to bis residence on Third
street, an I were Interred Jn tho ceme
tery a( this place 'on ' Monday after
juouu al o'clock. Su.ibutj -.tteWuti.
We send greeting to our renders to
day tidings of great Joy. Judge
Mucher has been endorsed hy the peo
ple without (listinetlou of party. The
endorsement is most Complete, ami
without a parallel in the annuls of
political history. He carries every
county fn the district. Union, Snyder
and Miniln, by the magnificent major
ity of almost 2,000 Votes. It Is not a
victory for the Democracy. True he
whs one of the trusted lenders of the
party before his elevation to the
bench, but since his first election his
Judicial garments have been free from
fiotiticul stains. This was innnifented
v hi iitiixiintinents, as well oa by all
other official acts. The Kepnblicaus
appreciated this yesterday. They
1c lined hand with the lion hearted
emoeraey who stood around him like
a stone wall and re-elected him. The
ower of the Kople Is omnipotent.
We are glad that a faithful Judge hue
been endorsed In such an emphatic
manner, aiftl wciieak for him faithful
service In his high ofllce. lt us all
rejoice and be glud,
We clip the above from the Iewls
burg JoriiJCAI. It will be seen from
the reading that brother Whitman Is
delighted over tho election of Judge
Uucher. He I such a strong Demo
crat that we thought him Incapable of
giving the Republican eriNlit for vot
ing for Judge ltucher. We are glad
that he has softened his political uspi
rat Ions and hns not the linr.lihood to
clnliii Judge Duclicr's election us n
Democratle victory.
We print Whitman' article simply
for the purpose of showing how u
Democrat talks when he feels good.
A son of W. II. IUpka residing In
Middlecrcek. township was severely
bitten In the face and other parts of
the body by n dng. The father was
also biltlin in the arm wliilit taking
tin; dog from I. is son.
Mr. Iwna Mccjt, for ninny jrsrs a
protuiuetit ami highly respected citi
zen of Liverpool, l'erry county, iliod
euJdenly iu that place, of heaildi'
iciiBo, on I'rid iy nig'il t!io 1th iubt,
ill f ltn ?!! 1 nt fiiu n .Trt
Wo invito tho attention nf our read-
ers lo tlin advertisement of the Hiu k-
'J'e M'f'tS Marion, Ohio, in another
column. They oiler rare inducements
to cam an holiest living.
Sept. 2J, Gin.
P2UTho very heat Vndfrr'ntUiivt from
'2 cts, and upward at Oppouhoiinci 'a,
flelinsgrove, Ta.
VJLt.lcui' Furnishing Goods of Su
perior quality, at the most icason.ilile
prices at Oppenhcimcr's, Selinsgrove,
J' . .
ft VOYEUCD.VTS of every quality,
style anil price imaginable nt Sol. Op
pcuheiriers, Selinsgrove, I'a.
Ujr A full line of Fall ami Winter
Reaily-iimdn Clothing just opened nt
Oppenheimer's Clothing F.iiipoiium,
.SVIinsgrovo, P.t.
.Vol Oppenheimer has knocked the
props out from under high prices and
has determined to dsposo of liis
large stock of Fall and Winter Goods
at Tilccs lower than ever. Go aud
Clenr head and voice, easy breathing
sweet breath, perfect smeil, taste and
hearing, no cough, no distress, lhcsc
are the condition brought ahoiit in
Catarrh by tho use of Sanford's Kadi
cnl Cure. Complete treatment, for (1.
a .-s a-.
Just at this keiisou of the year there
lire, ainontt our renders, thoi looking
foreinployuiciit for the next tl iimiitlis.
We have lately received from L. K.
Drown III Co., the well-known manu
facturers of specialties for agents to
handle, a retiuext to put theiu in com
munication with ono or more suitable
Demons in tins locality, to net as
agents in liiirouucinir several oi ineir
patent houselioiii articles to tiilseoui-
inunltv, and after cniislderatlon, we
take this method to comply willi their
request. The linn are manufacturers
nf a lurire number of household arti
cles, which thev Introduce to the pub
lie tv means of nirents. hnvlnir some-
tlme's as many as 1,000 persons Iu their
employ. The particular articles which
tliey seek to introduce here, nt this
time, are: Drown' Decries Sifter,
generally acknowledged to lie the best
in the world, of which nearly one mil
lion were sold during tho last year:
the Kitchen yueen, tlie luteal ami
best Invention In Coal Oil I,amps, and
f he only absolutely Siue Lamp made;
the Centennial ('like and Duke Dun,
an article which has a national reputa
tion. and Is the delight of every house
keeper; the Hair Minute I'.gg neater,
wliteli always sells ut slirht, nnd thn
new Alto Relievo Hrointe Profile Cast
f JAM KM A. l.Kr il'.l.H, Willi me-
nioriul framo the best selling article
ever put into the hands of an agent,
the best of all tho portraits, chromos
or steel engruvings that have been
ofTered. It is a truer likeness of the
martyred hero than ojiy we have ever
seen before, unci its price brings K
within the reach of all. For this
county, Messrs. Drown & Co. desire as
many agents as can wora Hiivumuue
ouslv. Any smart, Intelligent lady or
gentleman on make a tine Income In
this wav. The firm will send to any
responsible person KIlKil who will as
sume the agency here and go to work
a complete out rft of these goods, to
the amont ol live dollars. The reputa
tion of this liousn Is lirst rate ; tne
koshI are what they represent thorn
to be. Their terms are liberal, and
u.i advlssj those looking lor genreei.
remneratlve employment to send to for futher Information, Their
address Is- U R. DKOWN &CO.
01 Walnut hi., (Jinciuavi, w,
Oct. 27,0w.
It pays to go to M. S
SCHROYEIt'3 for Boots
& Shoes He is sailing
BOOTS C325 per pair,
all insured. ,
Uut.37, 0vr. .'.
tost ay wn i
rl 9 il I tnM.nVlHil'
i caiuaiHO MAC
HINalV I wa vu-, a
CoSHOTIO arisstr if
.T. W. Dr e e n o
Totatoe do
Hotter ps-r Mund
K.ggs per dor.en
Tallow per pound
Cherries 04
Seeded Cherries . in
Dlackberrlea in
Itasberries SI
Dried Apples 01
Honp 4 to 6
Sides 7 to
Aliddlebiiri; lllarkct,
Slmonton, Tlnrber te Co.
Wheat ier bushel
1 ai
live do
Corn do
' Ints do
lloverseed, per bushel
t'herrles, pitted
Cherries, tinpitte i
I Hack berries
Dried apples
NpriiiK Chicken
Mutter, prime
1 IM)
10 to l
I).") to 00
ti on
4 oo
Uuk Tic
IV Coal
'heft nut Coal
Fgg Coa
Oct. 2. by D. H. Thurshy, Ksq..
Miss Annie ltnusli t(f Chap'muii, to
John K Walter cif Freeburg.
Nov. 0, t the Itefnrtneil nnrsoiiin?e.
Hear AdiiuiHliurg. ty Key. I,. C. -;d
luonds, MIn Henrietta K. f'etterulf,
to Mr. John D. Siip, b tth of Troxel
ville. i)n:i.
Nov. 1 1th. near New U -rlin. Cathii-
rlne lleiifer, relict of Mi. 'had D.-nfer,
aged HI years, 3 in tilths and S'J days.
In WiishiiiL'ton twp., Nov. Hth. Su
san A., daughter of Jaeolt and I'.lira
lieth Snyiler, aired 4 years. 1 1 mouths
ure I 14 ilnvs.
At Ailnmslmrir. Catharine, widow of
William Saltriunn, nir-il TH years.
Ill SellnsLTovn V.y. 11 la. Dessie.
ihiuchter of J. W. Hiid l.vdin Giimrler.
ag-d 1.' years, U iniuithsiind diiys.
Some ludy of this place t-honld take
the iig:ucy for tln popular nnd useful
hook, "Pru"tical MoiiMeUeeping," Is
,J '' li ""'n l'lllllishlllg !!.,
eupolis, Minn. It sells rini.llv
on lis merits. Kvery lady who ex
amines It, wants It. Address tho pub
lishers for term.
Oct. 27th. 4 w.
I'l-tizi ra iIe ;rrtiso.
On I j in 1 will iMiivine.i v.m ih l
it is
the liei-t. Jik your ilenlcr fur Axle tireiias-, ami tnke nn
er. r.very lion li.u mir lralo un.
ifcpl. '."J oil lilll.
Tt will piiv rverv bmlv lo examine
the imineiiMi Stock of Furniluro for
sale by the I'opulur Furniluro man
W. H. Fi:i.lX Lcwlslown I'a.
The ,1issus Dorn would respectfully
inform the publio that Ihey have in
storo (he best selected s'.ock of Milli
nery Goods, and are prepared to do all
kinds of work neatly, cheaply, expedi
tiously and in good style. Givo them
a call.
Nov. 3, '81.
"The doctors said my wife had con
sumption. Tried Lindsey's Illood
Searcher,,' and she has better health
than ever." O. . Hubbard, Hamp
den. Ohio. Xov.
Sheriffs' Sale.
1.Y virtue of a writ
nf Ft Fu. is.
Vsueil out of the Court of Common
'leas of ftnyder Couiity, Pa., audio
me directed will bo exposed to Public
Sale, on
Monday Deo. 12, 1S81.
at tho ftiurt House, in MidillehiUR, nt
1 o clock p. ni-, (be following tlescnOuil
Ileal Estate to wit .
THACT No. 1 Beinir a piece of
woiMilsud, situate in Franklin town
ship, Buydcr county, I'a., bouuded
florin ami A mi tty lami uoorno sun
man, South by lands nf Win. II. 8mlth,
West by land of ttamuel Wil'.ouiuyer
and others, containing
10 Acroo,
more or less.
Til ACT No. 2 Situate In township
aforesaid, bounded North by lands of
Asaph Vtoworsor, Kast aud doulh by
land of Wepharus Hhambaeh, West by
lands of Joseph Hon mover & Co., cou-
4 Acres,
more or less.
TSACT No. n-8ilualo in the Hnr.
ough of Miilillebiun, bounded North by
lot f Henry smith, test ny lauus oi
Milton Most, Mouth by lot of Mary
llellrielt. West bv I'ublio Itnud. coll-
uiuiiigONli-FoUliril AClllC, more
or less, whereon are eroded a
Dwolling House, ctablo
ami ntlinr'onllinildinus.
teixeil ami taken in exeauiinn ami to
be aold a the properly of A. J. Apecltt
T.UIL-D ll.n..Ill
Ii. puLCiittcn, oiiutiu.
Not. 17, 181.
Ontdt for hoi h 8KXCS, tot tht marrlod and
tUoat coutuDjilatTti uiuniatre a brllJiaut. faacl
uatl nil book, acomiMiliir for tht million nn llt-allb,
plavaaa, asil 1st fbyatral tlloas Man and Woniaiij
pure In Inuirusint, audoraod by physicians
cvwrrwimrv vw tntli " "r- " w
OMN. Ilia tlilv ial Iu Ibt Norlliwoat,
kwhowlll pay f j awary Mae of prlvale or
clirwule tllatti oil her ee lit oiiaorialioa ana
Mis to euro. ud two atauiut rorQuldet
Heaitrte raoiiapia rtmiit rina,
a Box. A iUH'l noma lor luuita aurniii
riuuinoiii. Ruhhar Drtads and I Irculi
and i Irvular ol
liuuofisut luluiuuliou,
; luluiuuliou, la mprtiaa, OO OflntO.
Dr. A. C. OUN,
Kestncky Block, SM B. Olark Bt-, Chicago, III
a4 aortua'aeeaUrafartdwItw-
net ran y tkawaaltaa, tx-at
alaaia for p',
U turU ikroasbltkuaso.
Timber Land.
THE undersigned. Execnlor of
th last Will snd Taslsmanl ol Joha
I'll ItM ( W III llcarar toanahlB.
nb.i. k. .... . . . . . .
Ssla. OB tha Mia an
Thnrsday, Deo. 1st, 1881,
Til toltoalng datorlMd
1st, It I
Vklasbl Itaal K.
s.arialB trsrt of tlmtMn lasd sttaau In k
lownttOi a(nraali, wlikla lUmamia nf
mn;,nra i-iaiioa, na ina Nansarf aad L.all
lows Ksllruad tostalniaa
203 Acroo
aS IS nafrthrS. moraarlcaa. wall Ml vlth ri.b
in I Hma ilmiwr, aiijoinin os Ilia Soath
oi naniai nassinsar ami Ihs lialr n Haarf
Kni p. Ka-t bf lamls of laca.lanl, N.irtti bv
lands of A. Parlaa, sail Watlbf Usils l A.
Partita tail tuiri,
A l-a sarialn elhar trsst sf llnibsr Issii lit
sats at sfortaald, onul tlnlo
143 Aero
snit tit ptrhmi mart tr l, wttl l aititi
oak ami I Ins aimnt t ailla. froia Mariura
-i unit nil mt . k K. H , t-IJilnm nn mt
W'tat ami .sniiih nMitr lanils or il. i-t-lnl Kni
hr ianU at Jiibn Kro auJ dMltnl, as I Norm
l7 land ol A. I'arila...
AIoiNlr.lirsrtrtlubr laail, iltsst ai
sljrttalil, tostalolaa
87 Acres
anil V prrctiaa sml Mnwanra, inr or ta
ll t-l win, nk Tlialxr, an t init I tallM
In-in MnLlurt .ttallon, a-lj ilnlts on ts Mnath
Isnil-i.r MsrfKraM, Kai by UimIi ..r J ,n
II llrri-a tr. Nnrih i.t Ian. Is of Mhm Kralw,
ud Wast I. r I in I- nf lt.-n lent Tht r.r.-amns
Irani art ci'0anlant tt H illriol an I furnlau
ai.un.l.,ni!anf mat. rlil sad otbtr u.u ,arlM Slaain N i M III.
Saitin Fomrn. n- t la o'olm-t: A.M.nftst.l
ilaT when .Iu., aitrn.lanat will bt tdrtn ami
tifini ot uuila knus 'f
Jim mii,,
Noreml.ur H ul, ur.
Public Sale.
fPHI' nndi rsiciied, Kxecnlor of the
1. Will a T.'slsm ni f .l.ihu t'l-h
Ul nf ,t llavnr ti.wn.ulp, Knv.lwr tnnniy,
I'a.. dm-i-ai'd. 1,1 ai)iaa to l abile Sits, vu Ilia
rireinUna, mi
Wednesday Nov. ,10th, 18S1.
It.t MIiiiii dt.oilbM valaalila Krai biUta,
l : '
A riMtain IrS -I of lati.l .lluilx In Waal llaavi-r
l.sri.atli, Sn) ..-r cotintr, I'a., nearly all rlrar, 1
uaiauuu iitutiit ni 11.11 lir a I.AI, vuulalliluii
l-'l.l Acres
ami M "Mi, mnrr or . a, Lot, r.,f , Sou'h hv
A. A. l.til J, Hi. II. lit. Wial .) Utiil ef II ..
rl H.-a a.el, .1.1... a hib. Norm l.r Ian l of
HmlHlli M. l'iihlt au.l SaiiiiK l It., an,
W,i lijr lamia i.f!aliarln l(...r, known as
thr "Kalivl.r firin" ami lr al.'.l n i imlra
..f .M. lM.irn al ilum nn t:. S I,, (. .
A lart a tra t nf nnnrilnl land allnalu In thn
lownaiiip I, i'j mil. a In m ll.l'l..n,
aullon, volitaluiliK
10 Acrea
sml 4T firliri, t... rnrr ', I . ni.,1, ,1 N .,rlh l.r
laiela if 11,-iirv ll'.initar.itiar, h-n,, I a-l an. I
S.iiilh I.) I'. Klshrr, IVr.l l.jr Hni'lli' K i.
S A. mi,- li aranil In A. rra orh a.t oilb Wlnln
On Friday, Poc. 2nd, IPS I.
In Mi (i. rr, on. Ilia ShiiLitt a l.r nl.l.iwn R
II., a lalllal In .Mn r rni.alailinr ..f ,, i l.r
uu ait rroiiHl UHKk It XV KI.I.IMI Hi l .-t;
(-o:il YarJ.JiVaro lloiiHc.t Si.l n;,
anil otliar nnllniit.limia T Wo lllltt.MN i
l.uTM a.lnlmns Un-1 t-i it i..i riiti ii.ij
i'rl. Ala. at tin aani iI.iim an. I
Lini. ihIodk T.llt
in M.-flnrn : sn I sn uli r I.I U KS ro'l K l.-tr
'in whl -u Is ar.:la I a
Iiiino Kilo.
S.lla to tntTim.'iioa at In nrliM-k A. f. nt a.l.l
(14J arlian .Ills allt-n ililln-i. drill Ii,. ult. D m l
''"aof tain inaita suown Ii
Nor, 7, lasl. t.i.-.-ni t.
Real Estata !
fPK litldersined. Kxecntor of Ihn
I 1. 4"t Will an.t T.,.,,io . ,t,fca,JLJrt
."ol teal I aar toarn..ii. -."; .-....,.
Fa., lit-... ... ...... mii i oy virtue of tha .ru-
tlaiusi ruDlalnoil Id FiIiI Will k. ., will uu
Tuesday No. 2'.lth, 1S8I,
tkpnat lo I'uhlla Nate, on tha ramlana, lha
tuiuwlns il-iairDi-i' Ittal Kaiata.lnwli)
A raiiam trit of htnil altua't in W,-t llat
rar ttwnahiu. Sny.tsr njqnty. Ha., ahout a
mil North ol Mtu'lur Mlallnii nn tht N. a L.
It. K , knows at iltt "atluuiiltla Farm" cm
lallllllg 175 Acre
mnrtnr laa, atlolasr. In hUh ataa nf enltl
TaUi.n, riaail tlmul .'it AI'KKS TIMIIK.M
LAN It S.uih by I'ulilln lloail an
lamia nf Hntrr Unas. Kaat br lati. la nt K.iluiiliei
and Mary kriha i ul oihar Im.l- of il va.lanl,
Snrlh hf nihtr lam'e nf it-ra..nt, Waal tif of iienrf Knapi't Uolra, ohirnon are
trtoltd s no.l ilwullius
House, Dunk lltro
an.t nllisr tiaeraaarir nui ill.lln, (lltl'IIMtli
In bnarlnK ahun unt auiii ly ul walar si uuutu
and barn.
aim anoint r iraol of lanci tuusta tiarortatu
1C1 Acres
mnra or !. bnnilail N .rlh br lanl nf Kiln
rrlft, Will tiy itnils of Mnanuri Htitii,
Noaih br laoilt tf ileeailent anil Jamaa Km,
anil Kaat by oihtr lanita ol iloif ilent. all slfftr
tnt.t0 AIJMI.S I1HHKH I. A Mi I umla
kimmi Itsot I Is Ulnh statt of I'.iltlvatlou
aiamt i uilli-i toitih of MrClnrt aiallim anrt
abuut t nillss Weal ul Ailsmalurs whtrtun
sit titoltil a
Haw Si Chopping Mill,
oiin-r ni. iiniu.uugi uiicn a n o ooa water,
sc., anil known a I be "Olilt larrn." Alio au
sthtrtrnctol Un.l, oontaiiiln
1 Acren,
snattttd Isnrl, l.xatr.l Kaat of tht "
firm," a.i,m 4 Anre i-l-sr-an I un'iar rnltl-
all.m. tht t.alanco TIVIIKH I.AM. Al-n
anothtr trsnt nl nnanate.l iau.1, loo a led south
ol Ilia "OUtlsim, 'wntMnlr.r
13 Acres
asr l-'t ptrahta, tiljnln Ina Unit! nr Kroannel
i ntie nn til- wnt. nuum ny runii. nuan,
Kast ami Mairtlt btHht ' o,t l rra." Alao an
uther tract aliuait In Waat llravar lowi.ahlp
alnre-rti.i, on lite I'rtiiiio roaii itauina tt paw
La n aiter, couisiuioh
Thirty-six Acres, M rr,a nlaar. tha Imlinct TlMIIKK
LIN It. here in art traett.l a so.u irain.i
Itw lllmr Hnaat Hank Usro and other seoea-
ary oulhul'illniia.
Halt In snmnienKt St IS O'slnnk A. M . of isl.l
lay wbrn.lue a'len.laDoe will bt slVi-a anl
lu run ol salt tns it sutiwn o
JUHIt H. t I.-an,
Nov. to, 'it. Kietttlor.
Siis .V, Pintanum Se. rs Prtry Viiajra
in ii ii.
fliinurtNil I
Whrnaa Ralll M. Illi'ilaman hy h-r Bait
friend c. ke., on Ilia V(Hh liar of May, IS"!, pre.
fared her pniltlnu l-itht Jstti.'f .i.irtl.url of
I'kiuiuimi Plaal fur Ilia roil'ilr of 8nw Itr. uray
lnifl..rtht vanai-a Ilii-rt'S eel forltl 1hl aha
mlshl lit abafillitily illvorred Irstnt Iha hon.ta uf
lualrlluoliT aiilanid llllo Willi ou I'nrry lllnsa-
niaai, that aatuii aaiita all manner oi oiiaiurae
and earner- whataoi-var. yoit lie ana Senear In
voiir propta parson nrore our jioiiri-a, at mm
itlebtirif. at s INinti of of Ihiatinnu Pleae, to tr
bald nn Ilia Itih Say of Urveinhar nest to itwr
the pellllon or libit of the aad Hallle M. lllnsa.
man and show rana.-, Ifeuy "U hare wbtr Hit
aald Ssllla M. Illnnsmaii your wife, ahould nnl
Im illv rin-ad rrflia Iha honita at nialrlluniiv eara-
ably lo Iha Art of Ilia Orni-ral Aafrmhly, Iu
aiiolicale lusdt tud proylded, and kereol fall
Wllneaa the Hon. J. Cl. ftneher, VmldaBt
Jiidctofonr etld court, st Mlddleburs, Ikla IJtu
aayul atvetuitr i. ii
l. UOLENDERi Bhaf Iff.
ATOTICB is hereby given that ap
i. pllesllnn will b made lit tht Flon. Joioplt
I). Uuubar. Preitdtnt Judsa f rtay.lerU.mniy
Pa at bla Ukanibart Is Lstwiabar. I'a on Mnn
Ibt tnproyal tf arlleUt of Intorptrallos ol s
Slat nay ot is or. taai, a it-oiiwa at. w. tor
ttni' for bant tlelal nurttoeat und.
of Airll suilt ISM, No. IX of Hit ftret tlsaa.
The ubjaol of Ibt Soaltty lo be Inaorpora led le
la tiay leoeflle to Ibt ptraona wko beaonta
aaautiitra h SMaeauitnta. and to laaiit renin
ealet of ntoiktrtblp It toth at aomiily wllk all
maillttona and
rtquirtisentaot int rtooiaiy
rluoidsl tmot to it mttiasi st rrtaBnrs
1'haSoolall lobt Iptorooraltd fhall be
now a
ta"ibttliasl Lsauta OSulual Ktlltf Aaaotls
Una tf ft,"
'ti. h. orimSi,'
Attoratf vr Appiittuu.
tktT. MUM.
fPflR nmlersliined, nilminislralnr
loarnalilp. Hnartar tosma, Pa., lttiatl. bf
ein of an onltf laati al nf I ha drphana'
. . . . , --i H.i.y, . . ff,u.,av,r itin n.
1. issi, mil oa
Katnrdar November 2(1, 1881,
ttpoat In pntitlo sa't, os Hit pra sjlats In Hit
Inwnahln .fnra.all, tbs lollosrlns ritMrllit.l
rtal tti, wit i
IH ViM'N... I A tartaln maatataa an. Inl
-. ..,',.1, tRV m.n ni i.t-nirariiia, la-l fnrih ha Walnnt sirtal t ax by lot
ofllnln KrtlltT l s .iilli bj an allay, an. I
ttaai 1., ,inf Mis. .I ihn K. Sianlar. r-'a. lit In
Iha aanaral p'aa -if a. In i, n inlaPtlnt it IK
Utt HTH AUKK m. rt or laat whtrtus art
trtnttJ s two alorr
Framo House
sntt nthaf ra'tiiillrllnta,
TIlAiir .vt 1 A tarlslq mini an)
l "l nf arnnn l tlinalt aamt s lrar-t No, I '
If'smltil A'nrrti b an almtt i.t I n nt
'"mi son in try Winnt atfnri, ant
Waal I.TPnMIs H ait inntalnln UN K KoUTIl
AUII Ii mora or !, wl trt-ia iit.'toltls
Carpenter Shop.
TR Al'T Vn. S-A rrrtsln m-nsT siol
trs.-t nf lan.l almait In ctntrt nnaui,, am. I
f.mniy, Mnr'h i.y of
l!-lti, Jnhn MnliS, Mra. tr ll.irlman an t
llf BfT K. Inar. Kat l.v a nuhllit ...! 9i I.
ly Un.tanf K.ii-.n Wtliar. as I VVtt Ut
lauilsof Honry K. I."t.. ooalalnln
Thirteen Acres
mnt nr la.a, a ',ar ,n,.
TKAI T N'i l-l .'nritlit m'-n-KW anil
trart nf ano.1 Mnit allililn In asms Ina-nanle.
txtun.l.'.l N rlh by Inn la nf I ixnli Kr. rk,
Tlanlanf -r l..,r. t..illh I.y l.nla ,.l
.Tainaa ial..MiK, Waal by UnJa ol DsylJ Karr,
0 tolalulLs
Sixteen Acres,
ntnra nr l.
T KK U s i nar mt nf tha nnr-hiaa
av to l..i pal I a . in sa iha ir.iianv l atrni-k
ntt 'tis half Iha Inlan a nn iha lit ilrty ni
A nll rli.n H,m.alnn ! ha aivan, Bti.l It. a I
r u.n.lar ..n iha lai, tl y n l A H. la-i. I
. nn in., a) main is Mra iiinitft I r .nn Aril,
lat. l.HTi. 1
"ait " oomo tn-a at in oMot-k a, in. oraal 1
Inii nn leroiL'tteil, Oitar.liin of
lh minor rhli lrrn of W. Ilarra M i I h
lata ol II iatr tnsn-lila. Nny.lar o.ii'iiy Pi ,
ila.'" iai I, liv Urius f m or li- l in I out l
ttrphana' llollrl ul l I 0 .U'lly, nil cxpilit-i
rui.iio nsio .in
Siturdiv. Pen. Unl. 18U.
ti tlia prtmlapa In A.l.icnai ur.
I'.., llio i hi i.,m -11 K.iiin. ti wit :
rort iln Im nl r..j ..I .l uita 15 A I i nih ir. ty tti ir ail I, in rl.ia. pnxlinlly Iu Iha
Uullrjj.l ilopit, o iiiltlnliig
Ono-lulf Aero,
m-ranrlnia, i.-m 1 1 I Vn-n. t.y th inrU of
tha sn.iimry N, italMnwn llallr.i .l. i n.l i.t
I. -l ol .Ion uh im Siiii-r am IJohtrt Milir,
Miiiih i.y i,, ,,f .s i, ,,,,. Huinl,., on m.
II. Ilrl.-k an.l ilKiirkn inih, naai lv Ufl .1
laul lliiilcr, tin am arcoi -.1 s I'M. A tlti
W n o II tine,
Itllt.KilMl suit V I I! i.f, V AR1, a-.
S.i.. I i noiiimnnna IU .t-.-l , k M nf ailt
it iy wi an ilna ail n Inn t will I.t kIvsii an. I
lortua ul f,tit m t to know i t.v
Nrramhtr l i. I-.
D M I X I ST It A Tl 1 1! S X( )T ICK.
A. l."lt ri i.f i.l-llril-'r.ltlon nn thn i-alata. ill
IMnlei K-sal r, Ion ol UM.llrrrark t n.. Mn.
r i o , i' , .1, ,m i, ,vr i. ton urana l i-i in
ailhanrlliar, all i,i-r. ih lodai.t ..I 1.1 Hi . a il l
Isn-nre ra.,in-i , i,. m.ka limneli.iit pay
mint, all. I Ih . o lnvln, rUlma or i. null!.
Balna th rsl't . I tlis 1,11 t will
maat known Iht amt, wiihnni .1 lay. i.,
.i .-I t r.l h rvM.ui,
)t. ttlb, ss, A.liuliilalrtlur.
X V l.ttlnre nf a.l'nlnl.tratlnn nn Iha att .. I
Jutlah Hud l.i'o n M'it.,,il(in iwe nyllel
t'o. I'a., il"M, l ave he-tt vranlait to Hit un lr
alunr-l. All konnlna thainselvns In.
labteil to aal.l e,ui. ill lie ra nmka itni,i,n.
ate ii.vuieiil while Iho t kaelna- rlilma u.i...i
alii erUle will urtatnl Ihem l..r aatlloninrit In
ii -ti i ii i i in i:s,
BAM I I I. f. Ill yy.
.or. 10, 1-. a.
13 ;H-1 1HJ ax
G iS9
rhaS Saaal yj. ea
3 w
irrs ,rs ,
V.'ar- I
I O rv-j
1.W r9i ir-e
lO Uael S
it- fink
W .J-L.
rww4 Q iWt fZH3
;?r1 Q
(O w!Mt ,rf rm
. w i-
it. a . grim
!Sr ' VW a
!2 2 a
A-iiclltcar'si TVotloo.
fahil, nf J otnirrf In fh Orjitmni
Klin ,lrc'tl I (biirf of SnpthrCa.
ffIK nnderslnnoil Auditor appoio"
I t l by tht ast.l rnnrt "tn aiannaa nf
n iha tlravll. nf Sla t la Iha arrnjrt of
.larael K. Kllntasrl lamaa A or an. I ailmra. of
Iha atlsla of .1. Ilowat.l Kilns Am' wllat
for tht nsrpn.t nf rot a.olnlmnl, st lbs
Court Hmiaa Irt Mlilillti.sra;. Nnyilar itosstv
ra.,n Krl.lsy Iha J lh rlay nf Nny. al, at IS
o'clnnk A. M. whan ami whtra all nanlaa la
tsltrtit art nullltarl to bt pitaant.
loy. 10 iii . Au.lllor.
fPIIH nnderslnel, administrntnrt
I of iha aaima nf John II. amllh, Istt nf Hoa
yar tnwnahip, Hny.tsr Ho inly, Ha , ilai-aMM l.y
rlrtua nf an oril-r laatilna; nttt .if tha itrnhssa
rnuri ol aal.l louotT, will t,iou to Publlt Hals
Saturday. Deo .Inl. lftSt.
in Hit ti'Smlaaa. tha I iltjwln il-snrthna trart
nlisui Hi. ma in tht tuwsihlp of iltaTtr
alviiraal.l, coulalnt i
M Icres,
m"y or l. Nntth h lamlnf Oan,
till rt-. I aai nV Ian Inl I'.nl llanfp. iSnnlli l,
ImpiI ni lliiKtr an. I Waal by IsoJ ol -
fruiua, w hcraon aia artolatl
iHicllincf, Ihrn,
ami n'lia- nut t nltilln-ia navar l.l'li. walar
an iiri'l nt rimirt Iriilt vnnyenltnl It
mtrk'-t au-t aah'Ki!,
H.I.- . pn iiini-n.-a -t III .ertn-k A. M. of SSlJ
'I'f wuaii taruia will bniia It tm.ii l.
ii. ti. mm i nt,
W. II. SI Mi I II.
Hok. 1 1. p-l. Ailiultiltlrau.ra
Utft-ntitnlsiy i.n tit ratttn nf Imn,
I I .lmit On .1, Mia nf I'anna . wnahlp
Sn. .l.-r f.tiinlr, ra.. wnrt uritnip,! ,t tht uut
iloralmm I Ml rraona kooaltiK ti.tin.alvta t . a 1 1 r. ii win plaa-a innkt linnt'.
ill : .. i in. i,.o I i,..), linTltig rlnlult will
praaam tl.d.u lor aitloue til lo
Au la, ISHt. K.taoulor.
Private Sale.
rpitH fi.llowinr? vitlifihl.t Henl Ks.
I I tin I nft re I st prlrnia aan aid muat bt
old : All curtain nieajuaiie teuatuaui, snd
1'riict of I, nn, I
lylnr In ft l-n lownahtp, ftnyder rnnnly,
l.i.Ui-.l-.1 .Ni r.h I y Ian ill Wllilani llelltlrk,
I ! I. tl villa w i.l I'ori Trai n r. m, Monlli
I.V I m l- ..I Ii I. II nil nn.l lUi l.l t.eaa. and
l:n by ul IV. il. Ilorr l l aud, c. uuin.
'lie uinll'cil Acres,
mora nr la-, of atli'li si ! t ucrei Ii KOid luuti la ii Ki' i l nr. a
haul; I'.iun
n t'.a prrmtaaa :,. fui trans, and s (lot
.'l'i Ins 1. 1 w 1 1 . i .
r'.'r lerina tao. Kl.ta'. will I a n y ni i lv lo
I Mn. N A i. i.iSk,
Uwt. nrir. 't,
I r 31. I., .st. Iitn'il,
... Nl tctlln I'a,
Pt't -.l, (f.
IV virtue of , writ nf l'J Ti, fn.
'I'.util out .1 Hii i.;iri f t'.iiintinn Pie. a of
s.i .li r f.. i; iv. I't .sn l in in. iiirertod wilt
I.t t'il . I'uMiC Srtla,
Nulimliiy, Nov. l'.l. 1S,
al Iha I i.urt Puma, in Mlil.llai urir. at 10
"'al...-u A. M., tht ii.llm.liiM Kal t.atatt to
w II '
I'l.'AI'T NO. l-sitiinlt In Krai.klln town,
i hip, Mi.. r i-nuniv, I'a. I... inula. I North hy
Uu.! ol tha belra nl l. -v I tii. k, ile.''.. r eal I.y
Inn. I ol Joi-ih, a;,,,,, , .y n, f j (
I'roiiia nil. I oihar.a, NV. alby l-u. ul la.liailut
lluwtr, coiitsluliis
(;-t Acrefl,
morn nr tnaa, wtieiei.n ara oraslt I s two atorr
wenllierhoarilu.l .1 n c 11 In at
House, Now Tank 15am,
and other out Inill.llnti.'T Ml. 'i-ltustt In VrinkMn Inwn
ahln aini.ler .-jinnlw i-..m...i m.,i. a.
net It'iwnn an I ituer, slous: -U4Ja Muuulalu,
lf. Acres,
"ore or lent, heroon art trti-ltd s Rood dsel-
HoiiRp, Hunk Dura
an.) other out bulldinga.
Sailed an.l takan In eteaut Ion an.l to bt sold
at tht prup. rly ol J.ia. oh Munn-n.
II. lltll.KMlKH, Sheriff.
IM. 13, vi,
Ctmrt 1 i lii mnt ion.
7IIKUK.VS Ihn Hon. Jonrpli O.
V Mn -her I'ri-Htnt .I'J'l.n "I th .luitU
rlul l"airtri ioitii"iipil if tht entitle Sni'ler,
i iii'tTi -si iii i ii nut I'lrnui t muM
Kml. II. vnilff Kfi. Aforliii .1 mta oi in
nn tl nr snvlr'f'iutiiy hftvo lfint tiiilr pr
rrt hrirlii(r,iltti iltfl Hilli 1y ul Soft. A. I,
11, to iiib tiirrrif"! l. r ino i.tiitiiiiv i uu nr
1 lmr. pttiirt n urt n ('ittnmtfi ritin, rourl
f i yar ml 1 erminir ftinl tlcnoinl o.nirl of
tunrtar hrrxiloim ot tde "(. ftt M Millturic,
lr Ihtj conntv ot Hny lcr; an Ih 'inl Moniliiy
(ielii the I :Ui du ul lue. hM') ml o utlnu
on wek.
Nut're In ttv rt(nr hn ny ulven toMha (Torn-.
tier. JtMtli'etj of tht le avuil t'tin-Ulile In
ml for thtcuunty ol rttiylor, t i.ieir l.i ibel
proper ier(in wlib thalr roll recunlii. In u
Hiuu. ekiiiiu4tnins. nl other iviuein'trnirei
to those tliltiic to their nitlcei in l in 1 i Ir ir-
hell ier I m In Ijo tiune m l wtnn rei nl tier
urn trfw9nui ltr In hohulf ol the I tiininon
lth itKitln-t any er-utii hth rrifilretl to be
tlir-n nml there eitoutllnu til imi tlepartlna
ithntit luiive nt thetr i r t . .1 u'th ea ure rt
qiifloil to hn iun-iU4l In (ihrlr uttetKlenct at
lite nit(iirt time aurfoii'iy o noli- e .
4 1 1 v n iitnlfT in v tin ml nnl irtat at the tther
111' i.itico In f li.Mlf titir.f, U sj I ih il ivni iSnt,
. p., oti tUoucmid IkM huuilreJ eotl
dam i.t, r.oi.KNnnu. miori.1.
In if if tmith't of Ih' tt iff of Jnhn fliwrr
tor t Ititi- o ttnhv ttm imhijt, tl crunnf,
'Jit ,lerih Hi nurit. lUriil
HoerP't, I unite Il.worov, Hirrl t lttwrii,
tin lnterii):irr vl to Kilenr.1 ltJ if, Mitrjf
Ihiit rox, miH .Uitrf Ir ldl er. Int- rut rrle-l wltti
Anih li tf wh mu resiiile In Snyiler
rniiiiiy, AhrAiim Uiwerp, nho re-lies In
Murilry toitnhii, r.iiiti (nuijtv, en I
h Lu.'e "st nttid" nil lre-4 l Hrttlin; Nob
Hii ru tli" re It leu t Three Itl.crt, In tie
state ul Mlrhiuen: seusiiel tluwi'iroi, ho
ta-l known rt"hlen -e kmi ei lriarenilenoe.
lilclrmul county, -,u;i , .-me ltMtrii.. hJ
r In, the huh m MiM en eiitlh'
I'ust OKI', Mrfiii U Istti'tiitflil, UlllciUle
county: Aloe liowarMtit, ini ielde- nt ley-
ton, tihio; huiiunon Howi-rnox who reiii ill
the Siie ut Mlnhlvrnn en I hjt toit ortli t !
.Ires In l.llrhnel l lttlttle nvui tv: im-ob Jiow
enos nh't rel tt lu the mte ot Mloh lr-n en 4
wtiore nt tiine eiiiire! It (ttmcy. Hi much.
foilliiv, a ipo turta if i Mil i rruior-n, inn euiu
Irvn ol llmiry tiowtri, Ute ol Mutllo town.
hif. l'nttii county, oVoi l, whoeueaiec ere
4 tiniK ii llowitfroi, wliosM . O. e0ilrre I It-t-lite
1 i fon Co. P., het ll.iwroi, D n to
ittrmeii it -I tn - W Hnnivef, )iom I. t. el
ilritue i is tni Ttf i niou I'o. I"., n4 l-i eukim
Hii-riTsHU l. ie I mt known 'tMt tuticm til
d it'll fU, tiituwey (ftoititv. Kinui, Anl
thrre chtlilren 1 1 t:ntherlne U'elrlok tormt riy
4)hethrine llowctrritx. now ileotit'l, the tiev
inn Imhiu lulermitrrh'tl Ij lUoinl ueirlrK, vUl
Ktol en Wilrlckt wh-i ti of ene end rehlei In
Krenklin township snyiler ronuty ami Klln
HMianna ulitul J'et' r Sat iii-n. ubolelin
of ect nutl rmlilea Im t entre twtH'tip, rnyier
eouuty, and Aiuon Welrl 'it tto lie Luneilo
entl ft townvlilji rttvrHe on l.'mestone townatili,
I'nion eouoi; t re . neire enu i"i recr rente
tlvve ol Joliu Htwero, I me ut O en Ire Ub
tills bndcr county, 1 , tlto.a I. .
You ere heretv rlie.l to be anil npneer before
the Juitite ol our tiriiiieu' touri, at an lr-
litiMOai' i'ourt to be helil at ellildleburtf on Ul
n.l Mubilt ul I)eceuitr A. It. m.t in
o'clock In tut forenoon, tben ami there to ae
eotor refuae to teke the Keel Eaute oi tal l
juiin iiowlmox nioee(i, ei lue arpreiaeti vhi- '
uatlon put Uhid II by an In ju ituly iwardi I
by the itiiu Cou lt an l returned it the hheritt
of aalil county, or ehow ceue thf the few a
abould not be aold. Anil hereof lull not.
Wltneta the Hon. Ju-u O, ltucher, Eaq.
Pn atdent ol our aald C ourt, al JkWdd.ahurtf
ttiU ird day of Nor. A. l. leek:
.Auclitor'fci JNoilco.
TOHN II. AKNOLD And. tor to
decide on esotpllnnt lo aooounl of aUmu.1
llowirs and Henry tlaauhower Adiululalrators
nftliatalala uf Attraham Klaauhjr dau'd
wilt a-aal al Ilia nm, uf T. I . .Sui . Hi. r. In Mill
illrkuril ou S illl"l) Moa, .S, A.U. HI, ,1 I
tiVloik A. Mi, hen aud wk.raall peraout ls
wtl s taut slttka ii ;uai eat pre. tr.
, J. I. AKNOI.n.
HtS-lMV.. -IUf.
I ., a.,
r - em jioavrwiu, ;