The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 17, 1881, Image 2
The Post Middleburg, NcV. 17, 1881. J. CROUSt, Editor & Proprclor. Thankij v:ng. Qoteroor Hoyt oa Friitny After noon ixiJait Lin iiroclnimitiou fm Thunksgivinj Jay. It rvuJj as to lown I In tlio An I ly tlio nutliority of the (.HHDtnon wchI tli of I'ehiisiylvaiim Homy Si. Hoyt. (ioveruur of luitl CoruuioDWoiilll). A I'RiH'I.VMAri'J. During tho iiflon of tlrotibt nml pnrtiul f.ulnro of the hui ?ctit, whicl in a Iuh fruitful linl wouM liavr brongbt famine and dintreoo, and ii h time of pallia Iriul and liilinlutiut. Allien, under Iran bnppy itinlitntiotip Biiht have led to diuKonriion anil tiilV, the puoplo of I'eniiRylvuniH, Lovo licen proMirvcJ iu Leuilh, it culnle and in pence. Now, thcitforc, , Henry 51. Hoyt, Governor of tLo Coiumou wimltli of lVnnnyl vuijin, do ordiiii and act apart Tliurml.ty, Notctuliti ailh, A. J). 1N81, (bt.'injj thn piiuji dny appointed liy tho PrenLlunt ol l'uilfd .Sintts), for tho obatrvniici of thoao riliiona acrvi?ia, rciiniz injj tbo tictit'lict'Dce and care of I lie Father of n nil, and tbone boiiso. hold cuntoiiia, strengthening tbe bonds of fmnilica and a common 1)1 otlioi bond, io which tho tinu honored traditiona of tho Common wealth have embodiud the thnnka giving and piny em of a giatoful peo ple. (Jiven wider my hrxnd aud the great seal of the Statu nt uri ia'mrg. Ihia tenth duy of Novuiubur, iu the yenr of our LoiJ uno thousiind eight hundred iaml eight rono. and of tho Common tveuilh tbo one Luu lrud uiiI Hi'xth. Hksbv M Hovt. Uovbiuor. I5y tbo Oovernor : 51. S. ay. Secretary of tbo Common we iltli. Result ol the Election. !ni!y' officii miijorily is "002. Jiidjio Rockufullor bus been roe1 cclcd iu Northumberland district. In tho Juniata nn 1 Perry district Judge Juukiu has bicu dufouted by Charles A. Brucot. Tirginin. Roporls from all parts of Virginia thews tbut tbo "Old 1'omiuion" lmn Leeu rescnod from tho control of tbo lSourloo Democracy by tho triuui pbant eloction of tho Jibno Sluto ticket by a majority of 10 to 15,000 The Legislutuio is a'.ao redeemed ensuring a U. S, Senator iu pluoo of Johusou, uftor tho 4 th of March next. Massachusetts- The entire Republican Sluto ticket end Luislutuio liepullicuu by over 40,000. Jew Jersey- The Republicans crtrriod both brancbon of tbo Legislature by uai'lsjine working in li irituis, bp curing a Republ'.ctiu U, S. Senator, Nebraska. Republican majority on Sluto tick ct about 2U,"0U. Wisconsin. The vote in this Ststo is clone but the Republicans confidently claim that is bus ouu Republican. Minnesota' Republican majority about 20,0)0 Connecticut. The Republicans have elected 1 out of -I .Senators. J ho llonss btuiidsllO Republican, ii Demo cruts, 1 Grobnbuckur. New York 'iiis Stuto owiu j to dufuction tho lKpublicau ranks has gone Dein ocratio by a majority of h) to ii1' 000. Mississippi, Miasisbippi is very solidly Demo cratio. A Girl Horse Thief. A singular Bight was seen at on of the tables of the St. Louis Unio Depot dining-room a low mornings sioco a girl of nine-teen years with handcuffs on and in charge of two deputy sheriffs. The cuffs wore takeu off while she ate, and pot on immediately afterward. . Sbo was arretted iu tho southwestern part of Missouri on a charge borse stealing, and made several attempts to escape from tbe officers. She had Lair as black aud as coarse as an Indian's matted over her beudand banging down ber back. Her cbeok bones ligb, and bod small, piercing giay eyes and a very lurgo mouth, bnt re galartoetb. Around her neck she Lad a red shawl pinned tightly, wbioh gave ber face a very lavage appoarance, although aba Lad. a white complexion. Sbo Woro a Loraespon dross and a pair' hob nailed shoes, and ber bands looked like an eagle's talons', TbeUniteaa case earns op for trial oo tbe lltb. A large number of 1 1 porta summoned by - tbe pro Mntin In faatifv mini the anbwuii Wliile tlio conntry ie nolTenos frnitt lim ( iirnm nt Apai-1 nil In nits. :. ; i . i 14.. i in it miihuiiu inn ij riiut luai vuuv niton! to put on tint mullet tbe lament ti;zar crop ever pronn on hat ihlutid. As we are inttrrstod iu oUitig it it" low as possible. lion, unnib'kl Hamlin, tbe ne Minister from tho United Status to Spniii, sailed with bis wife on Satur- lay last in tbo stoi'iiship 1 1 liu.ii from liilsdolptiia, for hurnpo. VRhs I'lititie, daughter of Secretary HlniiiP. and ex-Sonntor John Scott nil wifo, of I'bil idulpliia, also sailed tho s.icno vef-iol. Five inches of now full ut Lisbon, ew llampsbiro, and thruo itiehoi at berty, in Sullivan county, Now oik. uuting tuuisiiay Digni oi iasi eek. Tbcro was one inch of snow in tuu mountains around iiaucu hunk Friday morning, and tbe empcratnre was twonty degrees be- w tho freezin-' point. Tbo oldest twins iu tbo United titos nro (.itoifro and Ldmuud Gravely, of Leatlsorwood. Henry county, Vir(;iniv They will be 03 ars old on tbo lht, of December next, and arc in good health, Tbeii other lived to be over 100, nnd their father died at 93, Thopreat KiiHtern isC79 foet long uid when she wits built 300 foot was tlio't a great length for a ship. Now os .i meaturing over 600 foot uro not uncommon, and tbreo new tenmships soon to arrive in Ameri Cll Uid lUpuCUYUIjr u-v, r.-o 030 and UG feel iu luuglh. Ex-Seen tary Windom, referring u couversation to tho allegod dif ferences of opiniou butwrocn 1'resi- ent Arthur and Altorucy-CSeneral HcVengh at a recent wectiug of tbo C'ubiuet, fui'l that whilo bo'docs not think it proper f r bim to ilihcuse thn imtiiio of tbo bimiuosa trnnnncted it that meeting bo hul no hesitation u saying that tbo published ucuoiinl f tbo pioccodiugs id entirely with al foundation. Letters of aduiiuistrution on tie estate of James A. (Xirtiul 1 have been iuaiied to Mr. Joseph Dudolb by tbo I'robato Court of Lake Conn- Mrs. Uirli.'ld had iutcnJod to bo aduiiuutrutor of tbo estato, nnd it was unnounced that she bad taken out letters of admiuistiation, but it was discovered that fcho could Dot sucura letturs of both administration aud guardianship aud chou tho lnttor, desiring to give tho children Inr personal protection. Pukola is tbe next Territory that will apply for admission as a .Stale. It claims a population of moro than 150,000 whito inbubitimtt nnd i tilling op very inpidly. It has far more population than Nevada, Oiu gon. Kansas, NohraHka, Arkansas l loridn or California bad when they woro a Imitto I. llur aric iitnril wealth is already great and growing fatd. She bus largo uiiueral resour ces, but tboy have hardly boon de veloped. Dakota has pretty strong claims to enter our great family of Stales, and can hardly bo refused Tbe Coiomiusioncr of Internal Ro vcuue is beginning, none too soon to look into the adulteration of boer It is notorious that few, if auy, of tbe brewers in or near New York produnoa thoroughly pure article made from malt and bops . Tbe law requires brewers to report to the Internal Rovonuo llnreiu the mater ials tboy nso, uud this givos tho CommisHioner bis hold on thorn. Iu ventilation sho-vs that some of thorn use no hops at all, making their boor with malt, gluoose, corn meal, cora line, aud rice. The brewers hold that this is not adulteration, nnd that their customers like their pro duce At all events they aro not producing lagor beer, which is at its best when it is well mado of malt uud bops. The bogus thing makes a fiuibbod article of headache, Col, Dudley, Commissioner ot Pensions reooiutnonds that Congress be asked to appropriate $1,000,000 for pensions for tbo fiscal year end ing June 30, 1883. to meet tbe pays rueuta of annual aud aroiaej pen sions. He also asks for an appro priution of $20,000,000 to pay ar rearages of pensions. Poiibioos to deserving men are right, no tnattor bow large a sum biiy bo required to pay thorn, but some belter system ought to be devised to esta'disli the actual statns of those seeking gov ernment bounty. There are uum bers who bare soldonj seen a month of such health aa they onjoyod be fore Ibey went into the aorvioe, who Lava caver appliod for aid, while otbera who bo mora contracted dit ease or otnar aumoots in lue army than the men who drilled at Lome, arafureuiostlq piibhing thoir case llie erliooU at YiuVion, Tnd., Late boon elo.ed otracconnt of tbe taiall-pcx Airs. Gaifiold bai removed her family to Cleveland, Ohio, for tbe wiutir. , Dr. John Noelling, the loeane mau arrested at the White Ilouss on the uit., nas , ucen seni to an insane asylum. President Ailhtir has oppointed Joseph R. Mct'ainmon Commissioner af Rialroads, tioe Tbeopbilus L'reucb. Twenty-Qvo bnndrod emigrants, mostly tJormnns, orrited at New Vork City on tbe 3d, bonnd West Tho Ohio and Mississippi Kin tu tor at Cincinnati, with 125,00) bushels of grain, was completely destroyod by firo on tbe 1st. Wbilo the Dotroit portoffice was boing moved on tbe 31t olt., 60. 000 tbrce-ceut stamps woro stolon by an unknown thief . Tho Urntod Presbyterian Cbnrcb at Ncwvillo, Pa., was deKtro.ed by firo on the morning of tbe 6th. Lose, 15,000 partially insnred. Five hnndred lives cre wt-l in Spanish Honduras by tbo recent .loads there, and tho loss of livo itock and damgo to the fruit interest md railroads is estimated nt (20, 000,000. New jcar there will bo elrctod in this State a Oovernor, Lieutenanl- Oivoruor, n Secretary of Internal Affairs, Memboit of Congress and a Legislatnre, Kakii.v Puovkn. It Is riMily proven that malaria! fever, constipation, tor pidity ( tbo liver am! kidneys, cenrr a! i ty, tiPrvoiiNiies, nnd liourntnio iiiliurntM yield readily to this Uix Mine compieror. Hop iitloi.t. It ro pairs tho ravages of (linearo !y convert iivz tho food into rich blood, nnd it pives new lifo au I vior to tbe agod .nn! iiitinn nUvavs. 'What cvory one s ivh must bo true,'' tlinf 'Dr. SollerV Counb Syrup" has no c(iinl for coughs and culds. Try it. Piico "c. Nov Hon. Win. Taylor, H slon, .is well aain. ( cnipletely curod of a srrnfii Ions tiuuior which poisonpil his blood coveriiip liis face and bond with sores y Cntii'iira Insolvent inlcriinlly and 'uticiira Snap externally. Nov. GO saw CLOTHING mm THE St .of ' 'AND WII in Gnyder County cr elsewhere. OVERCOATS, OVEHCOATS, OVIilaCOATS. For Ken, Youths and Eoy3. Und'rclothing from 25ct3 upward. GENTS . Furnishing Goods A SPECIALTY. " ..'SXsfcS?). TRUNKS, VALICES, SATCHELS, &C. and a large variety o other, goods. Call and examine my stock and be convinced that I cell better goods and at lower prices than they can be had elsewhere. ; -; S. OFPEIIHEHIE, , Selinsjrove, Pa. Oot.'j3, 81. ' , ; ,41 font. cys-At-Law. jacib aiLfutnT. 4(u o.raoval. GILBERT i CR0U3B, AttornoyB-AtIjav, MllvLhllOIK, l'A. OffffHi-lf Pfr-iliiil MrTM ti th t tl- llo. A nirn.tad lo tlmlr r lllra- rlr irmn. llttntlus. CtfnKaiiNtirM In Kna- I nnD4 ura. I'OI. 1.1, l. y.M. K. HOI'S IV EUTH, ATTORNEY-KV.VN, Kkmmhuhovr, Pa., ('ollsolinnt An.l '! nltisr hualnMs nrniM- It tloB.lw la. UonialUktioiit la Knllh ! utrnia. j an s, i"i. II. DILU ATTORNEY-AT-LA'iV, JswMurg, Vtnn'n. Sit aaalnasa anirn-Uil In hl rara will a I rromrtlr attaadwl la. so.'ao. H O. DKITIUCU, ATTORsr.vr.i,tir. Mnrkrt Si., 8liiirorf, Pa. All AmraMlnnal I ins nroainllv allaailad lo. uootaiiaiiuDi io LDgllia auo iirata ib. ii. au. J IJ. WUNDERLY, ATTOhNEY-AT-LAW, Middli burrf, Siiy'Ur C , Pa ess taeonaotud In Eogllah ardar oan. Jaa. Ift.'au, X. MIERi, A ttorney A - Law, MlrfaWbxr;, Praa'a. All r"railinal bu.ioeaa ontrasta.1 to hla oara will raaiva pmmpt aiiattiinti. Uunauiiauuna lo tuitii'B acu uarmao. IX t. 10,'TS. E. LOWER, AITORNEYAT-LAW, MUllkburu, At J. P.Uronoililar, E.) (Ufflao Is oltlta of r'ollationa niatla. Uonanllktlnna In Knultab and "Jar. nan. J auo IS, ', AI. L. KCHOCll, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' New Berlin, Penn'a. Prof-aalnnal hnaliiMs rntruilo.1 o hla oara lll rer.iva prompt atlautlon. Jima HV7K. PIIA3 P ULUICH, AttornT AConnsellor-At-Law, In App't Hnllillng ona ilool North .ol Ottlcs In App KKVaTON IIOTEb. St'lliiftiiii'ove. I'onn'u. -ii- Oollaotlona anil all oiliar prnlrtalnnal bnal nana la anilnlta.1 anil will ts. Ivs cnr-liil an l prompt ausniloo. Api.ll.' T T. CROXMILLKIt, ' ATIUUNEir AT LAW, OliMiiuUur., ru. Dan l,l prf. .al.mal .errlra. lo tha pub is folla'tlnna ami all prnl.. i.imI- .aaaa antl I '.'SI I aham 111 111 PjATB rnilaalVB I prompt allautlou. Jan. 1,'OT. T J. SMITH. ' ATTOKNET AT LAW. Mtnnr.KiiuRd, sn ycuii uu fa irara hla Prnfaaalnnal Harvlra. to tbo pabll lonaaiutlon. la tuuinn and uorwan. J. It. ZELLER, ATTORNEY.AT-LAW . 3litjtlnhirff, Cnioii Count;, Pa All b'l.lni'M antrnatnl In hl( rara will oil anil r.iltl.lnlly . Will prartlr .1 His cavornl oouiii o huyilar an.l ailimiilni .iiitios. iitm b- eniiauiia.l In u'i m Intmau languaga . Oct. at, '7JII nilARLKS IIOWKR. V- ATIOKSEV AT LAW. Selinro7e,- Pa OITrra hta prnl.-ial .ntl axrvlcnn In tha pnblto. mi, a nii.i an .niior priMonainniki n. ai ueaa irruatal In lila e,tra will rsiietvo prmnpt attat llni. timo twoilnora ri mlU ul tha Normal Notioul. Jan. , ol. J M.LINX, ATTOUNKV AT LAV, Lowlsl.itr-, Tn tldara hts prnfrfalnnnl rrlffaa to tha p.ililli t.'iilii ctliina anil allotbar prmaa-innai i u.i. nana oi.tiuaiail tu hla mra win racaivo urauint attantlua. Hap. 30, '1,0. v. pjrrisit, ATI OK 7 7s V A T LAW. SelioagroTO. Pa, nilrra hi prnranlnnal rarvluaa tJ tha puhllo. All loaal liurlnaa. antrunta'l to mi 04ro wall raoalra pruinpt attaotlun. iillloa at hia hoiua on Main tiircai. July t.ll. I TO It AC K ALLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HeliriMfrfovoa, l.n.. All prolasamnal hu.lnaa. ami rollaotlna; an- iriiaiau 10 ma vmrm win urn prumfdiy aiian.i- ail 10. t-an a 0u0su1u.11 in r.uKii.11 or tlartnaa. tiltloo on Alaraot B'luars. UaC'sl,'"!. . J. II. GRIMM, Attor noT-iit-Lnw, AND DloX'UlOr ATTtIM N E V t'UU ttNYDEU rrecburg lu. Cnnialiatlun In both Knull.b ami Oarmao banauaaiisa. lit. I, laal, JOHN II. ARNOLD, Vttornoy .t I-.n.w, hilnni.KniTitn p Pror.iih,nalba.lnaaaantruatao tobUearalll ' bo piunipily attrmiail u J TUOMPSON UAKER, Attorne.vataInw, I.tWlSBUHU, VNl'IH OO.. PA. Can ba osasullrilMj In tho I nullah itndUarman lanKuaaa. (imoa on Markul ntr-ot, upo. 111a niui, euima ut ioi'is. WM. VAN (JEZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LewUburr Pu UlT.ra hi. profrulonal saralaa to tho pu bile. Uollootluus ami all oinar prorsa.iuaal nu Baa. outrurtatl to hla aura will raoalv. prompt otwoilon. g T. PARKS, ATTORNET AT LAW, SBLlNfOROVE, SNYDKU COUNTY, P Napl. la,'7, A O. SIMPSON, ' tVa ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinagrove, Pa. Offer, hi. profeealonnl aervloe. to the pobllo. Allbiialnes. enlrualad to his ia entruatru i an aanauiv. prvuapui attended to., Jen. ITIT, Q AMUEL II. ORWIO, 4 TTOBTfUY-A T- LA W, niffllnburs, VVMlun Co.. p: Omeo neit door to TeUHiaYa1 Prlatlm eOae Dee. 4, - tJJt kten on hm Jialt kbuh qf UtaiJtM wsn ' Notea, Sunt i....... V..,I. m. a . Kiiiu. lllaine,4h.nnrln,iw lJ ""i rr"i"T , - ,--t Plijsicians, c. . rn. nints. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, . . m . . . .... i. Mnli. iMlna law Amn ' Coarl lloaav, la lltrr' l.nli.llng. Or'. lull. DR. .?. Y. 811 IX DHL. SURllKOM An MlVStPt 1W - . . ....... , Middlebnrfr, Pt US'ari hl prnfastMnal sarrlnaa io lh eitlitat ni mia.iiaourn ana ruiollr. Maf. tl.'OT. J)tl MA BAND IlOTflROCK, Fremont, Snyder county, Pa. m llrltia' ol Ilaltltanra Uollrta ol Phtiinlant nil Karamn. uilsra hla aarrlo to Ika snbllo. 8maki tug I la a aail (larmae. Warab, 17, If. J- SMITH, Physician & Surgeon, fremonl, Snyttr Count;, Pa. Iltara k'a prnlaialnaal aaralaai laiha rai.n Ofllc oo Mala atraal. JaaalS'Tw.. J)R. J. .O. WAGNER, Phjslrlnn nnd fiur en, 'Iffars his pmraafhn axrTlraa la lha altlarna uf A.laiu.bura anil vicinity. Ann. ,'mf. J)R. J. P. KANAWKL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Crntrellle, Mnyder Co., Pn Oflara hla prolaaalooal aarrlcai to llio public J-J J. KCKUKRT, SURGEON DENTIST. KIKDKHTI Bt.UOK, Srlintjroue, Prnn'a. Prorasalnnal builnaaa promptljr altamtait lo. iu ay 'ia. pKRClVAL HERMANN, I -L PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, h'ntlirrrillr, finidi-r Co., Pn I OITrM hla prof-nlonnl aarvloaa to tha fit Una oi urtiasmus an I 'Miuitf. A ug. Ti.'l J)R. A. M. SMITH, ' ' ' AM It fit ; (J t. O A II lll'lllll 1 II d a. . . Hnlarf hla prtlaaalnnnla rl .aa tn tbatlllians ti. nuauiaciira aiiu vii.tolly. S t. 4 'IJ. ' j f. VAN UUKIRIv, It, ,t'U6ICALft MECHANICAL DENTISl Solinsirove, I'iMiii'a. Justices of the Vcav.e. DAM SMITH, TdiPfinf thP P.-1P.. . Pnimuiitmi. . U'MiKUKI tuu t UUuU W.IU I LJUUUll liC'lVC) l ll'l.i, timlfer Co.. J'tt. All nir.lelal hiialnsaa -Uklnir tann.illnn.axil -fi. pruinptly aliamlal In. ;vllactlun an.l ramlt- tn. s prumptly laxila. Muy r, l79 YILLIAM II. SNYDKII. Jilwllco of f ho I'rnre. Salem, Snytlor County Pem'n All tullaoilon. ami r.iulltancoa proinptlr uiaua KoT.SI.'.Btt. pAAC HEWER, lruf J ,' 1 'I'TT 7? r1? ,11 .' l"J 1 it Jl i. It Li I Ij.IKsI. nml '-lonei-nl Oolloctop , MitU'i.iiiirit.i, Snji'1 r oo-inty. Pa. Sp''"! attention pil.l In a.illontl.ii,. i.fall kind jtsuiiiiauor. 111 iia pruniptly lur ail cuilietliLa ii.aU.. liar. i'.Va. Y II. W A UN Kit, Knq., a- Jl'STlCE Otf TifK TEACr.. Jiicknn.1 Township, Snyilurfo. P., Will sttan.l In at I lnlrra. .i.trn't.rl In Mr oara anl oa tlia niuat faa.unaolo tonus. Mar I .'.'HI. J) AVID S. SUULLY, JuMtioe ol tho Pence, Uiiioa'lowiuh!), Sitytter Co., Pa WII altan' to all I n In.ia rnlrn.lnl to hi. eara i.n tlia tnnat ro-a inanio tinna. fn.t mil a iilrtta. ithU.iin. Mnyder Co. fa. Mar. 4,'ail. J 11. HARTMAS, JI'STICK OF THIS I'CiC'K. aSc Convcniicor, CENTREVILLB, Bnyilcr Count, T. Collantlnaa ami all bualna.t rarttlnlna lo tha omro uj ustioo 01 tuo rsaca win ia iu b.i.i 10 I at abort noiloo Ap'rtT'7it ETH MITCHELL, Justine of tlio Peace Si Conveyancer, Tai'kson Tnwiiahlp, Hujiilar Count, Pa. Oullartlnos. Iliinvayannliitf. anil all otbar hn aliiaaa pnrtalulua tn tha nhVa will rcalv prnmpl atlentiun. Poatolfieaaililrass; Ns Hi rlln, Uiiluu count), ra. Aug. 10, inn. JOHN K. HUGHES, F.nq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Peon Twp., Snyder Co. TAMES MIDDLES WAUTH. M I a it -1 il. r. a. - JUSHCB Hi l"B redca ivUiiveyancer, Troxlevillo, SuyJor Co. Ta. Will attaa.l promntlr to all mannsr ol ha. I 1 na.f pariainintt u laaomro. olflro. (lolleollon. mala, I IMOUa. Artlolsaaio., wrlltan (juif n,ia - 'yyM. II. HARDING, JUSTICE OF Til U fUACt Sc CoHvcynncor, FREEMONT, Snyder eounly, Pn Collection, and a I hnalna.. nartalnlm to ofllconf Ju-llraol lha Peaoe will ba attanitm at abort uotloe. Apr. I7'T. A.WETZEL, Justice of the Teace, lieaoertoten, uylcr Co., l a. All kind, of Colla.ltnn. a. da on liberal l'n Pruuiil)r iti.ud. lo all Imalnta. antrubM te bi. ear.. , June Jt.'Tl. y n . NER B. MIDDtESWABTH,' JU8TIC1! OF TUB PEACB a m a. lit - CONVEYANCER, lloClor Clty.Bnyder Co., Pa. iiollaatlaiaaand all hu.lne..nartalnlncle the otAceol Ja.tloeorthe Psane will beattnita.l t eUor nottea. ' uiii. ism 4- - t.Y- A O llOUifUERQER, Ice n. ft has . JUSTICE OF THE PS Perr Towashlp.Hnidar tteaatTPa. aar aa ifUlBln to Ike o' j J. r.owr.nix. ,! of tmPi'.'tc if C '!. 1 1" Pcnnscreek. Snytlor Cj , r. Col'aallnfia an.l n'mliliMH,, nrnr,. ' Oonanilng aatllf buj u,j,,It a.- . Aft. I. BOARDING HOUSE fTVTB rnilurslsna.t wnnlit rosTiafltfnll.u A. form lha travailing pnbtlo, bnaiitti r. V "" Ja ia aiiaaaanraaiai, Donrta lhal bo has mails amul prxnarallona kl hlr aevnn alll.ia aad will antlaaTor laaTI t-rulnlila patrons Iu good atria at Ilia nv.1 M..lhl. ..Iu IU...IId 1 1 . - - .'"l 1 1 iiuvaa IOW AmbI a. a..-. I. UABJIIEL BRATEl, Apf. II '79. I f. JroprUs llllllliirir ln. JOHN LI JLB ER X, Proprietor Tnaatmsw papoiar llotal hat boas raiiM anil rernrnlalia.l in tba baat atflo. Iu aaairt. location tnsk-a It rontanlant far ka.lnil sjiao t paraona ia aftn'1ano al lloort anil Ml.l.ltabarg. Tkau - " " -' ' -7 - -' 1'J" . -nn til irmm la ina Olt aat tha liar with rntxl llnnnri aa. tha MaM SthLl """""i ny oaraiuu aostiara. Taruu April a, IUTI xlarml flKNTRKVlLT.E IIOTKL, V (Lata Mrs. Woarer'i.) Cantarrlla rlntilar Co.. Pa. PETER HARTMAIf, froprlaio , This longoalabllaho.1 anil wall know, J having baan parcnaa.,1 ,r tl.a unilaralanJI iiiiiiiaii..i..iik.h.uii... : ' I idih m auara o April, S, IsTt. ... r., . , rnnaga. "IlK HAKTSll rnE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOI1NB.FOCKLKR, Pron'r SellnMrovo, ri Thla flout la rlauanliy i,.,rd , ,h, .. I anil la a vrrvriaalrl.l il. ... . . VI thaaaaTnr at towraUaJ bralof honor In tlil.a, "-aia. ar A liralelaaa Kx.taurant laaonnx-linJ tha Hulal.; i iflcrcliaiU Ilou -n:iat nn VOtlTIt TIliriD STKEKT, PHIL'A ci mil, --.71 i-uvj pop tinvi IIKNRY SPAHN, IV VhiUuivtphia Cants. J. S. FARNSV0IITH WITH JONES, HOAR U Importers ot Hoiscry, Notions, Vlilte GootTs, Er asncs Gents Fr.rnisbins Goods I No. 5U Maris et Stroet, PHILADFJ.rr T. n. fnns, W.H. HlJ l . 11. unar. (Mar. la '74, T. II. III. P H WIiILL (I Co., V-A ' WllOI.KSAI.a rir.i. VOOD AND WILLOW vJ IJM 'l;.th. WMoir Nlm.l.., Ilronmi. i.rurn . ,ii.,n , i,a, liraln Bac nata llnekol", I'wloaa, (.f) o. 4.11 JUrfcrt m fblla.lali.fcU. J K. dKiIlKIMEIl H2ALKB IN Iron, Naih, Steel, Leather, Paints, (J Ccach& Saddler T A SI) SI AXVFACTL'ltKR 0! Cloves & T.tnv.1 MAItKET 8TBEET I jCvtisioMii, Wffl. MAN Blank Soak Maker tioncr, and stea Powor P R I N T E No" 629 market Str PHILADELPHIA. Protnytnea. Onn Privt Price Marked On AH Oouih tttrea. Apr. IS.-'S. JJAVID WILLIAMS, Mauuraatnror. and Wholrmi. Drai Olt, Muliocanr, Huluut and X LOOKING GLA P. PJoture St Photoprepbio M01. M0 mid m Arcli Strt pMiLADKirma, Pa. PrAaioa Rapolrod In lha boat m H Ksa.ilinginailiu brat.i r.o. ia, wi, yNION PAINO MUi 8EI.INSaROVe,BNYPM w, Lmfihcr llent 'AMD HAVDrAOTt'AI 11 Doom, Door Doin, Window Whitlow Bnxri, Blinds, ' Hxlng. lliiMd ItalUnKt, I cl. MouldliiR, Floor1 KOBCLl.BAlNOkCAiliil1 ' 8hingW X-tu, o.rf lha to 'Urilsr. aollelted nnd Piled JfltVi nuU uaaiMion. neasa aan ai-r iMir atouk before perhelai ' j EE CECUTOUS NOTI at, tar oa th. UHA-CU tKliLV. da MlilAUMreah Twik, BnvilsF go"' haslotf'Veen aranUd to taa-uii parauii.'knowlnn llisuiae ra. I lata -ars requested tnali ' LM-Vuly """t V V J. Auia, imi, f I I n , A ' M - ' mnt, wen. fuose uavioei oit."' te ly;- warrant Y COO ;,V, ' ' 'flC'll 11 U N ' -1 . ,' .a si .V ' ' ' aii.aJsJu. i.ue asar s. '