&-. 17 Awt-vr' lUtrut ttntmti 0j coTHmn one jrenr rtn.ou One-half, column, on year, W OO Otic-fourth Column, owe year, 15.00 finMiiire (M !iiM)l iiwertioa 7ft Crerff additional insertion, W etjfertloneland RuineM cants ot not more than S line, per year, 6.00 Auditor, Executor, Administrator and Assiprnee Notice, t.D0 tutorial notion per line, 15 AUttatwoient advertising Iom than months HI wnli line. Ail evtvertmeiuonU for shorter ntt- rtod than one year Are payable at the time they Art ordered, And il not paid fr person ordering them will oe ueld: HpuDHDii wr wit luuuey, - Pootry. Tlit Green Mountain Justice. ' ' "Tli tnow hi ilp," the Justice wild ; "There's mighty tnlehlef ovcrheatl." "High talk indeed I" hit wife exclaim ed i "What, elr I shell Providence be bhunsd f The Justice, laughing, said : "Oh, no i I only meant the load of snow Vpon the roof. The burn I weak ; 1 greatly fear the roof will break, go hand me up the frpoda, my dear. 111 mount the barn, the roof to clear." "No ;" raid hie wife ; "the barn I high, And if you flip, and fall, and die, llow will my living be wcureU T Htcplmn, your life is not insured ; Hut tie a rope your waist ttroiuid. . -Ami it will hold you safe and sound." "i wilt," said lie. "-Now for the roof, All snugly tied and diinger-proof I Eicelxior ! Excel but 110 t The roe Is not secured below !" giiid Uttchel, "Climb, the end to throw Arrow the top, and I will go And tie the end around my waist." "Well, every woman to her taste; Tou always would be tightly laced. Kachel, when you became my bride, Itboaght the knot securely tied; But lest the bond should break lu twain I'll have it fastened once aval!!." "Mow the arm nits tied around. Mis takes her station on the irrouud. IB BUM rim virnr um itjnrr fmit-. routes sliding down, to plunge below. nj a he tumblm with theslido, 1'p ttachul goes on t'other side. ust halfway up the justice hung, uet half way up the woiuan swung. ilooillaiido'Uoshen!" shouted she; Why, do you see it 7' eunwered he. he rouble, dangling In the breeze pike turkeys, hung outside to freexe, It their rope's end and wit's end, ton, liuut back and forth what best to do. ried Stephen: "Take It coolly, wife. Ill have their upH and down In life." Iioth lUchel: What 11 pity 'tis joke at such a time its thin. man whose wife is bein hung putilil know enough, to hold his tongu." - ---- f ow, Rachel, as I look below, a tempt lug heap of snow; Ipposn, my dear, 1 take my knife Id rut the rope to save my life." shouted: "Don't! 'twould be niv deuth: tt some pointed stones beneath, etter way would be to mil th all our luight for Phebo Hull." lirei-d !" lie roared. First he, then he, f e tongue : "Oh. Phebe, Phebe, l'he I Hall!" in tones both flue and roarse, t'K'li to muke a drover honrse. Phebe, over at the farm 1 sitting sewing, snug and warm; hearing, us she thought, hvr mute, fnS up, and to the rescue came. Id the scene, and thus she tho't : low a kitchttu chair were brought, I could reach the iudy's foot. raw lier downward by the boot, ' cut the rope and let him go; nnot miss the pile of snow." h'S her moving toward his wife, ti with a chair and carving-knife, rreue is aware, perceives cud asceudlug to the eaves; tuesslnfc what the two are At, Mued from beneath the roof, "fctop pat: tiake me fall too Tar, by half !" Iiebe answers, with a laugh. ' tell a body by what riirht brought your wife to such a Itfbt T "m, with well directed blows, utne rope and down he goes. 'e. untied, they walk around, lol no Stephen can be found. kll in vain, run to And fro. ok around, above, below; or token cau they see, per grows the wvsterv. whel's heart within her sank; "ffAt the snow bunk Rht a little gleam of hope- movement of the roue. rfl sway a little enow; thlsr Ahatl Aht h.'.H.i. ward heaves the snowy pile, ne swuks In tragic style, nJ with a roguelsh smile. ""i sees, with i,..i found, the faUen rise. latest Ash tor is ahnnt a N Of whinh ... nn4 M by one to b a yonog paoiner a yoooj ligr, aqd M young jog," Nodoobt JJOUOg UgAf, Such ADilDAli found in dam. H was on- ( avo that a AfUan 'J,0B bippopoUmae waa Ida Of A two DOQDd liaaa in ivlLlll - m. ; v..i, xnA DAaa im m wflr Ana am bMa kaown sheep Aeroee a. forty acre . rwA r Sit VOL. 19. MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER TOUJrY. -AfpAtllng SUttttiot. : llow many drankArda re thsrt reckoned to U in the United 8UW I To I tat it At roach lets tbAil the most carefully prepAred AUUstios Mm to show, w mAy iAy 800,000. How many die every year f By a slmilAr eooapoUtioo we tniy My 30,000. flow many nnder the Influence of intoxicating drinks Are lent every year to prison T The official estimate ia 100,000 men and women. ow many children thne eent yearly to the poor house t Probablo 200,000. How many murdore time yearly committed T Probably 503. flow msny auicidee t Probably 400. What is the proportion of (last lis of those who nsa these drinks lu tein perately to those bo do not t According to records carefully kopt, both in Euglaod and America, it ia four to ono. llow do the nss of these drinks effect crime f The testimony of magistrates, chaplains and prison keepers goes to prove that foar-fiftbs of all the Crimea bava their origin in intoxi cating drinks. What relation does intemperance bear to pauperism t On the tame authority it is the cauto of seven eighths of tho pau perism that exists. What does it cost the United States every year to support pau perism uuj crime I Sixty million dollars, Aocordiog to statistical reports. Some Familiar Sayings. Shakuepear gives us more pithy snyiuftg than any other Author. From him we cull t ' Count their chickens ere they Are hatched," "Muke assurance doubly sure," "Look before ywii leap," W'ashiu jtou living gives ua the "Almighty dol lur." Thomas Norton tpieiied lonrf ago. "What will Mrs. Urnudy say t" while Gol'lauiitu answers "Ask me uo questions and I'll toll you 00 libs," Thoinus TiiBHer, a writor of the sixteenth century gives us "lis so ill wind that turns no good," "Hotter late th in never," "Look ore you leap." and "fuo stouo tuit is rollioir will (ftther no roost." "All cry and no wool" is found in Hut ler's "Uudibiai." Dryden sajs:"Noue but the brave deserve the fair," ".len are but oUildron of the larger growlh,'' 'Throitglt thick aud thio.'' "Of two evils I have chosea the leant," and "The eud must justify the means," are from Matthew Prior. We are indebted t Colley Cibber for the agreeable intelligence that "llichard ie himself agait '' Cow per tells us that "Variety is the spice of life." To Milton we owe The Paradise of Fools." From Bacon comes "Knowledge is power," and Thomas Southerue reminds us that "Pity's akin to love." Deso Swift thought that "Bread ie the staff of life." Campbell lonnd that "Coming events cast their shadows before," and "Tie distance lends encbautmeot to the viow," "A thing of beanty is a joy forever," is from Keats. Franklin says "God helps those who help themselves," and Lawrence Sterne comforts us with the wind to the shorn lamb." Uanchetter Timtt. A Tidy House. Ae a general rule for living neatly and savioir time, it ia Letter to keep clean than make clean. If yon are careful not to drop crumbs of bread end cake on the carpet, And take similar precautions, you will es- cspe en untidy room And the troal le of clesnieg it. In working, if you make a prsclice of putting All the ends of your thread into A division of the work-box made for the pnr poae, eod never let one fmll on the floor, the room will look veiy dif ferently et the end of a morning from wbAt it does wbeb not etten ded to. A boose is kept fsr clesner when the mevbere of the family Are Uugbt to wipe tbeir feet thoroughly on oomiog from ont of doors then it cad be here this ia neglected. There are a tbooMnd wsye of keep ing clean and Mving labor and time which it ie well worth while to prac tice. la Wriibteville. York eooutr. re aid seventy eltiseoe whose egee are DAtwwan nuy aid eereoi yeara, take the Pork. A Quaker, bAving been disturbed by footsteps arottod hie dwelling one night, arose from his bed and cautiously opened the back door to reoounoitre. Close br was ao out. house, and under it a Cellar, near a window bf whioh waa a man busily engaged in receiving the oooteoti of bie pork barrel from Another ia the cellar. The Quaker Approached, and the man on theoutsiJe fled, lie step ped up to the cellar window And received the pork from the thief within, After a little ti ne Asked his supposed Accomplice ia a whis per "Shall we lake it all " The owner of the pork said, softly : -Yes, take it all 1" ah I the thief banded np the balance through the window, and theo came np himself. Imagine bis consternation when, in stead of greeting his compauioo in crime, be eoufrooted the Q uker. Both were astonished, for the thief proved to be a near neighbor, of whom none would have eiupocted sncb conduct, lie pleaded f jr raur 7. begel him not tJ expjee him, poke of the necessities of poverty, aud promised faithfully not to steal again. "If thou badst asked mo for meat, it would have boon givea thee. I pity thy poverty au t thy and esteem thy family. weakness. Thou art forgiveu. The thief was greatly rejoiaed, and was about to depart, when the Quaker said : "Take the pork, neighbor." ''No, no," said tuj thiuf, I don't want the pork." ' Thy necessity wai so great that it led 1 100 to steal. One half of the pork thou must tuke with thoe." The thief insisted th it bo could not eat a morsel of it. The thought 01 tue cruuo would make it choke him. He bugged the privilege of letting it aloue. Out the Quaker as inflexible, eod furuisbed"tho man with a bag, put Imlf the pork thorrio an 1 l.iyiug it upju his ,bao!i. sunt him borne with it. He met bis neighbor diily fjr several ye iri uftet f.tr I, t'toii faui lies visited tJguther, but the m ittor was kept a sooret, au I th j!i iu af ter years the cii'o.iiusl iuoH was men tioned, the oa ue of the djlinqnont was never mi le knojvu. The puo ishmeot was severe and eTectual. It probably was his first it was cer tainly his last attempt to steal. Had the muuboeu arraigned before a court of jus'ice and imprisoned for Ua petty theft, how different might have been the result hie family dis graced, their peace destroyed, the man's character rained end hie spirit broken . Signs of Spiritual Decline. 1. When you ere Averse to re ligions conversation or the oompaoy of heavenly-minded Christians. 2. When from necessity. And without necessity, you Absent your self from religions services. 3. When yoa are more concerned About poifying oonsoieooe than honoring Christ in performing duty. 4. When yoa are more afraid of beiog counted over -strict than of dishonoring Christ. 5. When yoa trifle with tempta tion or think lightly of sin. 6. When the faults of others are more a matter of oeosorioae conver sation than secret grief and prayer. 7. When yoa Arc impatient And unforgiving toward tue faults of others. 8, When yoa confess, but do not forsake aio 1 when yoa eoknowle Ige. bat still oeglectdaty. 9. Wben your cheerfulness has more of the levity of the no regen erate than the holy j y of the ' chid drea of Ood. , 10, Wben yoa ehriuk form self- xamiuatiou. 11. When the sorrows and cares of the world follow yoa farther into tbe Sabbath follow yoa into tbe week. . 12. Wben yod are easily prevail ed opou to let your duty as a Chris tian yield to your worldly interest or tbe opinions of your neighbors. IS. When yoa associate with Men of tbe world without eolioitude of doing good, or having your own spiritusl life injured. tk- ..4 tbi,t,five pAtietite in lb. --fatten T! llT M M Pro!00 mfakfi , Jbeet erop. Whe the plow- : ' " - The Largest Firm In the Worfd, The farm of ' Mr. , DAlrymple, lit Dekota Territory, has a wheat field containing 30,09) acres. A eorree poodeot of tbe Chicago Inter Ocn. Aagast 13, thus reports aa interview with Mr, Dlrymp1e 1 We asked or Mr. D.i1ry raple, and he eame djwa fro-o sotjs roan above 1 a slender, quiet looking man. with a pea bohiad his sir, whin yoa would ja tre to be soli l tetoW or clergyman at eight. His bands wore soft end while more Accus tomed to the book of pen than the plow end bfo fn'je, wnro it not cov ered by beard, And not so pinch burns Pas ihlne, fie met us cordi ally iovitel m to epood the day And dine, and sujgnsto 1 that be would hive a team hitched np to drive as over "the pi toe." Ia the meantime I nuked him a few question. The first one was aa to the yield this year. "It wav a late spring," said Mr. Dalrymplo. "At the ti ae when we are usually putting ia a crop the place for mile end miles Around hero was oovored with water from tbe melted snow, ml yoa could have sailed a bo it over a fiM where now there is wbett that will yield. I feared at 000 tine that the pmd would be a failure, but am very positive now that the Average yiet I par acre will not be below twenty bushel' ' Have yoa sold your wheat " ''Our plan i different from the ordinary method. We are sending About three train loa Is a day to Buluth." "How many bushels i that f" "About 30,033 bushel. Wo have A vestol at Duluth every two days and send it t ) BuTtlo, whore it is sold on arrival at mtrkot prioj." "What ie that f" "The price to day," fa! 1 ;Vr. Dalrpmole, on i!li'if a tHlora'ii, "is 81.27 At Buffalo. Freights are about 27 rents, SO it "nolo" "in ahjut Slabuihol." -What will your cr ip a-nouut to?" J "I am oxpnotiag 11'itit li)l(QII IhihIioIh. Ilosi Ids thii we hive about i ),) u uitHuois of oniH, wuiou we keep for our slock." "Do you keop stock eno'igh to eat np 90,000 bushels of al f" Mr. palrymple smile I pleasantly and remarked that e'g'it hundred horses and mules eat np a g od many oats. "ow muoh does yjur crop cost yon f "It costs na about 80 An Acre to produce a crop when we use our own stock nnd pay our men by the month, bit when we hire men and teams by tbe day, it costs ae about $9 ao acre." "WbAt do yon pay your men V "We pay $30 a month for regular bands and 82 per day for extra bands during harvest,' What machinery have yoa going to-day f" "Two hundred self-binding har vesters end thirty steam thrashers These 200 harvesters eat an Average of 2 800 aores a day, and tbe thresh ers turn but about 30,000 bushels a day. As fast as it is thrashed we bog tbe wheat, cart it over there to the cars, empty tbe saoka and send j awav three trains loads daily." "Where do yoa keep yeur men 1" "If yoa bed been here At 5 o'clock this morning yoa could have -eeen 800 men At breakfast We keep forty oookb." Mr. Dairy mple explained at length bow tbie monstrous business is con ducted. Tbe 30,009 Aores under cultivation are divided into five di visions of 8.000 Acres each, nnder superintendents, who Are responsible directly to Mr. Dalrymple, the com- manderin.cbief. Each of these re giments ie divided Agiio iuto battal ions, with a foreman or major, who has ebarge of 2,000 Acres. Under him sre three companies, eaou bar ing a captain and cultivating a see- lion which ie 640 aotea of land. Eooh superintendent plants bis erop and ( harvest it, reportiog from time to time to Mr. Dalrymple, who directs end oversees tbe whole, bat spends the greatest port of bie ' time at tbe offloe, planoiug And CAlouUtiog for tbe best results from tbe small m! outlay. The superintendents Are responsible for tbe good order of tbeir mea, stook end machinery, a there is a decided rivAlry be- - - t PA, NOVEMBEU.10, L88L NO, 1G ing commences In tbe spring the men go ont ia gangs, each taking 610 acres, nnder the dirootioo of a foreman, who rides along on horse back to see that the work la done properly. Everything ie in tbe mil itary style. Pearls of Thought Frugality is founded on the prin ciple that all riches have limits. No ashee are lighter than incense, and few things burn out sooner. Unbecoming forwardnese oftener proceeds from ignorance than im pii'lcnce. , We seldom find people ungrateful as long as we are in a condition to render them services. Old men's eyes ere like old men's memories 1 tbey ere strongest for things A long way oft. The fortunate ciroainstanaes of oar life ere generally found to be of our own pro lacing. The generality of men have, like plants, latent qualities, which chance brings to light. The most miserable pettifogging in the world ia that of a man in the court of his own conscience. Everything without tnlls the indi vidual tbal be ia notbiogi every thing within persuades him that he is everything. Be courteous with all, bnt inti mate with few 1 and lot those few be well tried before yoa give thom your confidence. Truth cau hardly be expectod to adapt herself to the crooked policy and wily sinuosities of worldly af fairs, for truth like lig ht, travels on ly in straight linos. Cunning is not boot, nor the worst of other qiialitiva. It floats botween virtue and vice. Tlr'ro is scarce any exigency where its place may not, and perhaps ought not, to be supplied by prudence. Equine Friends A" pair of hordes iu au F.ngti-h rtn- hle, whose box-stalls adjuiuod ouch ether, vcro Arm friends. The ono who finished his bay first invariably received fro.n the other enough to keep him buy until butb lol were consumed. Ono day one ol the uor-e made its way out of its own loof-bix, the door of which was uu fasteoed, and fetiud out a bucket of mash which wit Mtmlia in the eo Irince of the stable, and, txkiiig tbo oiinertuuiity while 1I10 cuachmau wu in the left overhea t, he was helping himself freely to it tempiinn con tent. The other horse, who win lutened to his own loose-box, cnuht of his friend's proorsdmir eod neighed loudly, evidently du)uudintf a share for liiiuitelf; and the coach man was ss tobinhed to see the hire which wus enjoying hinisfli fill bis moutb with the nia-di and poke hi ooe '.(trough the hire of the l"te-box for hi friend to take it from hix mouth. This was done several times. A Dutchman in -flbany went oat to histnilkman io the street with a dish in each band, instead of one as nana). The dispenser of attenuated milk asked him if he wished to fill both vessels The Dutchman re plied, suiting the action to tbe word. "Dis is for de tuilluk, end dis for de water and I will mix deu so as to shuts mine self. A health jonrnal says that "an at tack of hiccoughs may be stopped by holding tbe bead nnder water. It doesn't say bow long tbe bead should be beld nnder water, but we should tbiok sb nt two boars would be plenty loug mongh to stop tbe worst case of hiccough ever invented. Tbe Mormons have a recruiting station at Scran ton, where eonverts, mostly from the Welsh emigrants, Are made, end eooa After shipped for tUh. L Tildeu ie quietly At work Arrang ioga programme for 1884, aa be mesne to give tbe Presidency Anoth er triaL A bom wouMii belts. N matter biw old a crowbar muy be it Is e pry as ever. When -a man says he makes bis living by keeping a country tavern isn't it a sort of declaration of inn dependence. "Tbey quarrel like a church choir,' Mid lira, aiobson, as she saw two bout blacks fighting . FLASHES OF FASHION. We ere Indebted to Messrs, Kb rich Hros., of Eighth Avenna, New York, for the folbwiog notes on the fashions for the coming winter soa- son, extracted from ed vance sheets of their . magazine, the Fatihion Quarterly. Pale blodoa cannot wear gray. Linen cutis are things of the past . . . . r mi 10 the arm-bole are occa sionally seen Very long pile plush ia much nred in millinery. Feather turbans are revived to A limited extent. Derby felts bid fair to remain a porronnoot fashion. , New Perbies have low crowns and no roll to the brim. 1'ntrlmraod striped skirts will coutinne to bo much worn. Ombre (shadod) stockings como in si' the new colors. Hunting jackets in new forms continue to he faxhiounhlo. The hair is dicnoed close, flat, and with very little fluflliieas. Spaniah lace, both black aod white is ns much the rage as ever. Cuffs are ruado vory deep, reach ing somolimos almon to tho elbow. All kinds of lacos are fashionable, bnt Spauish lace taken the lead. Yokes and collars, simulating yokes appear 00 many imported cos tumes. Orunite cloth Is one of the Land sotuest fabrics shown for suitings. Many large pokes are trinimod wih a wreath of Dowers within the brim. Velvet, plush and for bands will all be used for tiunuing midwinter suite. Tho majority of bonnets have very wide strings, but some havo narrow ones. In mercantile invoices, all large hoc note are classed as pokes, small onos cottages. Moire will bo much osed-ia com bination with cashmero aud other woolen stuffs. C'uhIi meres end cheviots continue to be the leading fubrics for ordiua ry wear. Loone twisted chamois leather and undressod kid gloves are as much worn aa over. ;? 1'eiby felts, under new names and only slightly ditTtrent forms, will again be worn. Peaked or pointed bodices with gathered acarf punier draperies w ill be much worn. 1'veti when new skirts are round aod clinging in elfoct, the draperies are extremely boufluut Floral decorations, . either of real or artificial flowers, are coming ia vogue for wedding cakes. Heavy double box-phtited rucb ings adorn the bottom of the skirt of many Laudxoiue costumes. Large collars are worn by child ren, girls in their teens, young la dies, matrons and elderly women. Pretty fancy apron s are made o all silk, satin and moire with tritn miugs of lace and artificial flowers. llroml Byron colters, trimmed witb Tunis lace laid on over the lin en to look liko embroidery, sre worn. All sorts of felt, plush, an 1 furry beaver bats and bouoets will be worn, bnt pokes sre the firnt favor ites. Jackets are giving place to long dolmans, Freuou pelisses, circle end i'ompadour or Mother Hubbard cloak. " Camel's boir clotb, serges sod a new light clotb called ithadames sre the leading woo len dress goods of tbe season. Feathers of all kinds, from whole sod half birds, beads end wings, to ostneb plumes end tips sre extreme ly fashionable. Over-dresses sod all draperies Are looped high giving tbe psoier effect Around tbe hips, and tbe rooster tail effect in tbe back. Large, very large booneta are tbe moat fashionable, but, email aod me dium sixes and oottage aod turban shapes continue ia vogue. Lace ie need to en enormous ex tent in trimming all sorts of wloter garments dresses, wraps, fichus for bouse wear, basques sod jackets. Bnoklee. elesps, slides aod ell sorts of oroameote in abalooe or oompreee- ed mother-of-pearl, jet, silver aad Rhine crystal, silver, steel and" gill will be maou worn. Published every Thunder Xvenfasf JXBIHIAIX OROUSI, Pro- Terms of Snbscnplioti, TWO DOLLARS TEH AKXUM. Psr Able vitliin six month, or $2.60 if not paid within the year. No paper dis continued nntil all arrearages sre fiaid unless at the option of the pntx isher. Bubecriptions ouUide ol tkeecuuty FATADLR lit ADVAHGI. ftSrlYrsorw lifting And usin papers addressed V other become subscribers and are liable fortlie price nfthepater Scrofutou, Itching atul .Scaly Tin morn of the Skin, Sr.atp ant UImhI Curtd. MIIIM-I Mlfe-tl Ri:. I will bow itst lhl I ms1 a alrarntnnf car ol n l lb irt of (kin Mtmn-m knuwn. Th p.tuni I. m.n fnrtf r" il'l hA tufTorxl flrta mn. II ! ttp an4 Dtirlj bU whnl Ik.(, rl1 Mrkllill . fwrn. Hx.l th att-ntlnn ol tiT- 1lrtr. nt pli j.Mo., wbo (rMrll.d th bot rm. A mt iBnm IA th irollna, ffdb l lHl.t pitt.lam, arf-nltf, K..rrrtiv tiiillriii. hmi parlll. tn. Mil Hi'l fIM mlir trmtt mipt with hot UllU fIUf I rll4 " bin ia viAih I VTirm KK-nt.viiiiT lntrnl If. SBrt th tTTK'r nl Ui'iU'i's Knar ilnrnally. II illil m, anl waa compltt-lf ffird. Tb Pkln on hi hal fa.--, anl manf oibar part, of hi tm.lv, which pre,entt a to t Ifiathiom f-eartii', t, at ,'rt anl inirfilh al an Intaol',, with no fear nr trae- Af lh dlnui ln Iwblnil. It bat sow bn car. 91 twftlv amntli. hind hjr , r. II. IIROWV, t.'l-flarnwall. ,!. nori i,4oitf:. It. 1r , In tilling hit tiprrlani with Hi i rnci nt HuaaiMM 'nalS lhat Ihr.maa I'lvln frtivlilcnr on uf hit prlhl.inr til ra-t.it nl Arntulnnt tor- which wa alowlf ilralnlnit a-af hit III. I Hi. CcTin ni H ni.(T lntrollr, aad t'PTirpH an'l I'l'Ti. I'l-MA H.iap aatrnallt. Th potaun ibat haj t0 thtJlaa wat eoo)plily erlvoa oat. i:-I:i a. Nlt-B month alnc in truptlea hrdk col on mv Ia nl blh rt. which iurnil ui ta l t.r,uia, anil vautwl m rat pain and an noanr. I triAd varlout rtn.llk with no hmI r. ull. until I s.xl th l l'Tii t a Ua mi.vknt lntrtiallt antl rt- rirt aA at.i C'i ti. 1 i k maf cil. rnallr, which ntiraif rur.l m av tht in 1 ahia It at naNt. sad mtutai at vr. I. EN. M. t'KAILCV, SI South Ht.. Hal tl mor. I Tl I 114. Th ( uticura trralnv nt for tht for nf Akin, Ncalftiaml lltoo.1 Iti.caa., conaitta tn tb In. I. riml u At l;t mi h llKHni.aT, Mi ft HIimmI I urlhflr. anil th itrnl . or I'm- i iiA auil Ct rii i'tt Hoar, tb Orat HhlB C'urct. Hrlo of ItfTii'i nt. small Iwiaa. r I lar line,, f I I'riirtIA Kkmim.vkht.1 ir hitil. t't'lM I'lta Kiiftf. Vc. II TIM Mt bllAVIhU hil', IM. ilil I'r all ilrunvUlt. Iiai-t. Wl.hK.Sk f il l KM. lt.iamn. M,t. CATARRH Setoi's EaQIcal Complete Treatment For $1.00. SrntttVa RaokU Orni. Catahhhai Hft VKNT nui 1 m riv ici Mh Al w it tmipeil Id out 1'trkiiift), with full direction.". Mia -r skit ev-uif t.vi.s frr ffti tilir. ai inr etninrr Kjifti t ari. , Kruui ft plmiil nh nr inflaBft to th rat tlotf. siliHiirlitnH nil ilvfttti tl ihm pnejiot stu. II, ti n.t Ufurlnif. tiiia nrl TmeAf im iiitrmi. I'oiettnoui m u roue (irsmu'i tliiQi r rmiil, tit rDtirei lutuibrtsnf rifDMl, lUlnlextil, mll. tet ftnu her Iflkt re.tiirl Bil Cin"tUutiMtlal is.k nttwrlie.!. TtiO, itorna My nil liiUrimtl. loew tLU atrel omuttifi al rm-ir wnrli. Insttntly rwilivlntf t-nd peramnantlT Purine tb m-Pt HMrt.'letl DJ tlbkroue lor iu UvbVrfti An oil, WtEKS mTTFR, Itoen-jO, Mf lints. Nlrr, jk Hoachw. Water Hu ' . .... ..... 11 . ', Antaatt ravcDuu.lv I'fAlt.stlN'! fcX- T fc.lt V I N AT ft and til .Nolmr nl lil mll. H.tfll .rta. rl-t ami lioutholl often clr'l In a tlol 1 nliitit. Hai and cnapai m ainr iu .u world. No lallur In 30 ar. tr b.. i warrantatl. Snld hr all roocrt aril ilrutcsuta. Atk lor PAHSnjis1. iiauci n.r ate. oj WEtKH A I'UTTtH, llotlun Mm. "PsUrtoult conatttillT Impnuiti." Euais (N. Y.I Hl-aiiAM'M t. Cheapest and Best. PETER?ON"SjyrAGAZfflB. Splendid Prcminms for Getting dd Clute. Lare-si7.o Steel Kngraviug. IlaDdsonio Miotograph Albnro. Extra Copy for 1882. I .A Kl'rPf.BMKST will n lcn lnrf nuiulK'r fur IUJ, i biitatnlnai a full-tlr patti.ru .r a la.l'a, or rhlM'a lr-i.a. fccrr BiibtiTllwr will rcctlvc, iliirlim tli fiar. Iwclt til llica p4ticrn. worth iuut, alone, tlian th tiiL-rii. (Ion prlr "AS fBTktuinN'a MtnAXiKit It lh beat and cheap Infill lady'a honk. Il Hit' luorn for lh niotieir, nil conibtnvB tfrraler luerua, lun anf other, lu abort II hat lh Beet Steel Lur ravings, liest Colored Fashioos, liest Dress 1'attorns, Kent Original Stories, JUeht VVork-Tahle Pattoro-i Host Music, etc., eto. lit Immena elrcnlallna anil Inns eatahllthtit reputation euable it preprielAr lo Sivianc all ouuipnillion. In lanil. It will coolalu trilllaut uoooasiuti or SpIendidBIIIiistratcd Articlcg."' Tb ktoriea, im1U. fcd. In Ptrpon' ftdmUteil tube?tb hr-sl pulllilisMl. All Hi Mi'-t minlar ftn) m rU-r rout r I but It) It. In IJ iMitit 10" oritfintl Aforlfi will t ptlveia, ti(t la MHtt)D mix cofVHiuH r Novm.rrri, l.y Ann K. HtihiJ, Krniib Lu UsiiPtlirt. Jt.DeU. Anettlhf ftUr.rHt Holly, Luc H. liuoitr, ud JirC. t, I.Uuabtug. Ib Tbe Colore. Steel ration Plates In "Ptterton" Bra ahesJ of all other. Th plate are isrta na eUHil. vwtra tits t'BUAb bikb, auil ar uueiutlil for hweuly. They will be eoperoly rolra4. Alen. Huueehohl, I'oofeerjr, tail other rcelplat Brllulel fta Art Kinbrulilery, I lower thillure, Hvum Denirallon la thari v.rjrlhlus luureallog to I fell, TERMS (Always tn Advanee) $3.00 a lear. 5TTJnparalle(ed Offers to Cluiie. jf tt,rnplM for SI Oi;,rwple. s . Wlthaco.tlr ettlDirljii, "Ht'tal llon'v' Will Tutai,"ora hanituin PunToaaera Abnual, fcM yeUini up lu Club. 4 Copt far ea.aei(e t-itc ir e.oo WMb aa xlrBoApy of lb M amain for IVI, at A praialual.to th paraoa stlli up Ik t'lSh. 5 Cerpta ASS.eOt VUwale frriM With both taotr pf of the NMH m for Mi Sn4 lh lama tteal enffevlne. at Fmrro. BAPU Album, te tb pernoe sl tins Bp tb Club. . For Lrgr tfhilta Still Greater Id , duceiuents. ASOrwU, wal-nt. i Charle. 1. Petertori, M ObMtawt St., rhlladelphla. fSr -I eet aaa aewt trS It , If aHtteti fat.htaWt p .Uhcniik. , I ir a a r la P. a- r r-. h 10 10- 11 .1- t itr BtS m. vs uel nrw a 114 at . IB- :-fv 7 m
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