The Post " ; " flliduleburjji 0.V. 3, 1S31, CrtdJSS. E'Jitor & Propieior. Htalo TU'Uot. Sute Trt-setirer, FILArt M. 1IAILV. of Fayette. A mnn who from hi vouth up. lm fought tlm biittli-a of lt';iilln'ntiifiii In region wlirrt) no Iihim tf surcem o.iilil iiiM vliror anil r.f:il to 1 1 1 - con tfnt, ntul with no rtwnrl tmv. the eon'l(" of having hitvihI tin c,ii lit loved. A limn wlm Im nltpxted hi love? of lltiprty unJ law, liy scrvim on the flt-M eif (lory mill of lilo who won hid promotion in tlm iflu lone Viiiiylvn- ii ui K rvi-, froin, l'uit tin tn Uri-ru- dii-r. Iiy im-ritiirioiM rrvion on the fiH.I. A mnn wh.y st-to I In th i li')l of h it tli" lit lr linpvilli", on tho IVnlnmiln, Ht O 1I1W Mill, South Moiiiitniii, Antixtu ii. Krclnrif klnrir. nnl tin WiMunu'a. anil who hore witu with hi, he lovt-d hii oii!itry w,ll. lie tnr it lion hl person the rniiirh neiirn left by the i-ruel million hull, iiml will earry to lil irntve the eviil.'iice of hi liurt riot Inn ami eonrue. Mi' I nhle, mill worthv to leivl Ue pillilii'uiiH to Vietory in lie li'il hi re Kiiniit to war. - 'S''e;'h of Attory ti -ner:il l'.i!iur, ill U.iiililicMti State Convention. C?ouii.v Ticket. For Ihntrit-t Jiiilkfr, J. MI'.KKIL MNN, of I.t'wiilniry, For Shenlf. hWU) tr'MriH.EY, ol CVliIrt!, Fur Coimiy CnintiiiiMotH'r, Jon's ki:iiz. of Franklin : joiiv m. movkk, of Mi.l.licliin. Fur f'Hinly Treii-nirer, AAKON K.'lII'LKKtCK. of llcm er. For Cnuniy Auditors, DAN IKK DIKKKKXUACIf, Of 1'rllll, tiF.oniii: w. siKitEU, of Wi-Kt Terry. Our Ticket. GENERAL S LAS M BAILEY. tbj Ri:l'l iM,lt'.vN caudidato for State TreiiNi rer, is nduiitted by nil fair minded mon no mutter how intense, or what the shudu of, tbuir political predilections, to bo piu-eiuiuontly fl.ted for tho bih truwt which the pi opti of this grand old Common wealth propoHo to impemo ou him on tho 8th day of Xoveuihur, iuetaut. Ik is a man of utorlin integrity one of most experienced aud sue ctssful busiuoss meu iu the State honorable, bigU-miuded, upright and no.i:sr. Tbo vilest of bis enemies aud traducurs have not dared la attack bis integrity. Nominated by a large majority, and subsequently, unaiuiuou.ily de clared tbi) choice of tho Republican party of the State, in a Couvuntioo rum.irkally harmonious au 1 f ree from the usual jarrinj of conventions, he is the CuittliJitte of' the party unit entitled to its undivided eup. port. FOR PRESIDENT JUDGE. Tbo Republicans, of lilllm, Union aud Snyder Counties, composing this, -Otb Judiciul dihti ict, selected, respect ively, three of tboir number, nine in all, good citizens, intelligent gonllemen: some of the u letrne l iu tie law, bo mot in Judicial Con ference and unanimously nominated J. MERRILL LINN', Es.j , of the Lewibburj Dar as tlte Republican candidate for President Judge, And, whilst we da not set ourselves up as Judges of Judiciul tiulifiua lions e heartily concur ia the de cision of the Conference we do know tbat be was and is a patriotic citizen a true Republican a gen tleman of culture and refinement and if elected will make a fair-desl ing, upright Judge. FOR SHERIFF, DWID RKICULY, our candidate for Sheriff is a young, active, intelli gent businoss man and Republican was a brave, intelligent soldier- is ao excellent citizen a man of toady babits possesses excellent social qualities and will make a good , officor. . ' FOR TREASURER, A VKUN a. jiKbirniuK. is a rs markably aotiva, energelio and capa Lis business-man osteemed for bU bigb oorol Cbara'cter nnqaastloo . , -.TV., l-U . A mm a - 'trutb, nprightoeM sod fair-dealing. ' Hi slowly titbit and direful bnsi ncss ra:ins;iiii'nt bich he crown ..j,,, vviCi .ucetss in iua fir the ciiHtody and iDinaq noot of lb finances of tbe cauuty, and their ajniu hie excellent sociul (junli lien will oiiike nil our business rela tions witb liiiu pleannt. MDYEfi AND REITZ, for County Coniiuisiiiuucrs, ttesl the wUdoiu, ititi-lligcnco and ioteg rity of the Kcpublicao party of Sny der County. Tbe county Cwimis sinners are the administrators of all tbi estate, real, ireisoual and mixed i.:t. ... .i.- sir.i- """""" ' of the people aro tn ti.i ir lianas nil inn iiiiiiea pniruviou in iubui . i - it 1 mil for the highont integrity ami ennal canabilitr. and JOHN M. tmiiv Mover of Middluburgnnd JOHN UIKTZ of Frnoklin baveboon sulocU -it 1 a . i I. . I I CM nun mil . ' " i nn.i uiiii in t, iitnrm in ki,k,i i'i,iit ui theKo intereftta. rnanvra FOII COrfOitil. I'KKCIVAh IIKK1IM, M. f-.o: laekbon. 1ih been noiuiniited for re- lli-man, a scholar, and omiuont hia t.roresiiou. nitrrvnirn IVItCiCDCR for county Auditors, ore competent for a tiroiunt. faithful and efficiont liBchargo of the duties of tbo ollloo aio mon of etorling integrity and will audit the occiuut of tha Coun ty correctly, skillfully and ably. A Who'io Village Poisoned. . ... . . . A terilUie eiil imuio ui ij(u-'i, aud typuoiualanal lever is pievniiiu l . . . -i- I ... .... . u l ll Harper, vuio. an nmuj bid 1 ..1 Ullav n,'ivi . i . ... i. . 1 ... ui iiiKe earn ui iii wii;. ino . ter a Cnn dressed a great luuuy chickens, leavinir the feathers, blond til :. .,., .. Sinnul aud debus in a vacant lot. nince .1 . . l. I. ... .....I,, ajl.inli I then a trench has been maJo, wuicn has indirectly led into a new .ell. , . i . ii ,... ililg iuis Biiiiiiui i, miuus'i .juicksaud. Nearly all other wells ,uton went dry during the severe drought, aud, as almost the entire population or the village usua iuis water, it believed that they have ihuH hern contatniuated with the poi-on. Tbe towu of (Juincy, Illinois, is al most completely isolated from west ern communication by the floods, on ly one boo of railroad remaining in tact. About oo.OOl) acres of land have been innuduted by the breaks iu tho Warsaw and Indian Grove levees The lloo 1 H said to be the most disastrous which bas ever oc curred iu that section. Among the cargo of the steamer Leinsig. which arrived at Baltimore ou Sunday from Hretneo, were 8,000 head of cabbage import t.-d from Old enburg, Germany. This is said to be tbe first importation of vegetables ever brought to that pjrt, and is lite to the bigb prices of homo rais ed cabbage. The Court at Washington refused to allow (Juiteuu's plea to be beard, but it has been published, and it very clearly proves that Guiteaii is as sane as any roan who bas ever committed a premeditated murder A man whose private and public life will bear the slashings of oditori al tradncers and declaiming vilifiors is titled for State Treasurer such is Gen. Silas M. Bailey. The second trial of Henry Rum- berger, in Harrieburg, for the tnur- ler of Daniel Trontman, terminated on Wednesday eveuing last ia a ver diet of guilty. Tbe "piuk eye" borse disease bas assumed alarming proportions in New York oily, where there are be tween five and sis hundred cases of the disease. An advance in tbe prioe of coal will be made ou the 6th of Novem ber, throughout tbe authracite re gion. General Hailey's military record is I tbe brightest page in tbe history of bis active, useful life Tba Wilksbarre people cluirn tbat citv as tha biitbplace of Mrs. James A. Garfield. Ex-Governor Cortin la infTuring from a daogerous affoction of tbe eyes. We joe township, Green 'county, marketed 12,000 bushels of wheal last week. . A boned . snake was killed at Uoont Pleasant township, Adams I S mull-pox bns broken oat at I'd iobtowo. Klertric light will be fntrodnced in Villinaiporl Ibis wcik. Ad Kiie mtin v.ns finnl $(1,70 the other il ij for wearing on the street. The poinded body of a mm wan found in Sand; Luke, at f toncbore. the other Jay, by a parly out duck hunting. A large knife was imbed ded ia the body bear the region of the hfiirt, A dispose which rniiniftiNts itself in blindness baa appeared among cowa in portiooa of Ducks county. The city of Erie eontribnted $3, 775 to the UaiGeM rootintreot fund. "Wlml every one iv mut he true, tlmf'Dr. Seller CoiiKh 8yrup"lia ,,qlm fT c,mKt9 B, CJ,U. Try it i, - :.... -... V m Hon. Win. Tsvlor. iton, in well ajruin. ( enipletely cured of a PKrofn loun humor which poisoned hiit blood, , . . , , , ,, covering; hi mce and hend with norm ,v Cutii'iira Ktanlvcnt internallv and f?nt imi i-,i ttivin nvlurtiutlv Vnv I - - - Piiook Kvkhywiikrk. If any Invalid ir ick person h the lent. douht ol thonoweran.lillicaevor II..n Bitter lo euro them, th. yean find r,ie4 ex iK 'ly like their own, in their own Miiiilti if-limul uifh Mfiinf nrtMif ivn tliul liurr tan u (7it-nv mii iiuimi iiiuuui eured, at a trillini; pwt-or ask your drugijist or physician. I f V-t. 11 !. ..-. n n, r eo. , u,y tie ,i,.M ( ,;a f ,!rofuU con aump tit n. Two bottle of your Ilit- ters c ii r tl nio Nov AmilicaliDn for Pardon. N OTICE is hereby piven Hint Is rael trliaml .t.inthn M"Tr eonvlcltil id lli lonM ui nnii i,intnirni nniuir ic.un'.r l'ir Ilia muriiar ol uwrt-u n iniosr i - viia .,wniiii. tM r.tiiniv. win iiik i,. ,.iiriu.ii .ninn i.nm tin, d it miiin nf III lllBIM, rAUIKlH in i Hr rliburs.un luodtiy. N iriiwr i ith '-l. iivsri,,ii.i.uMii'U Attjv'i lr aii)llc. iu. nor. t, mm, MARRIAGE MnW '"f ho,i SEXES, tat lh murrlid nii ,. ,.. lltlynil ,;,, hniiimii. f.ei ltlim Ixmk. niimlnrfiir llm mllllonon lira ih, ,.,,, itnu i i.ii,-.,t .m.u.j wmnan. . IU. IN, lh olil. al H:.vii;,irt Iu Hi Nnrtliwrai .,H put (300 lurnrry rm ol i.nvmr . ,!ZTh?U"Z Health. AR;f.!b?MFoma;e lls. aa ;ut 1.C!:u.c.?ru.r:rtBfj,,;rt8n: Dr. A. O. OLIN, r" ' - OPIUI.'i nS Muriililiir ratvra rarfS wlta aliata lit f tjmniilm. htail j j'tasiiifnr li ti I K, is 3urm i nni id 1.1., i nirairu, CO I I ver a . I CLOTHING roit miii: 9ei 1 1 THE Largest in Snyder County or elsewhere. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, uvi;i:c()ATiS. For Men, Youths and Eoys. Und'rclothing from 25cts upward. GENTS FnrnisMng Goods A SPECIALTY. TRUNKS, VALICES, SATCHELS, &C. MEDICATED FLANNELS and a large variety of other goods Call and examine my stock and be convinced that I sell better goods and at lower prices than they can be had elsewhere. S. OPPHffiHMfiR, Selinsgrove, Pa. Oct. 18, 81. mm AND . AUoi. Jacob oilit. f Mas a. chk.- GILBERT & GROUSE, Attofiiov"tI'iw, MIOi Ll.ltUUil, V. , OITaf tbrlr Pfof Ml iml arTli t-. th Pah- . tla All lulnea niriil to their e,ra will ra falva iroin,l atteultuD. Cubialiatinna In Kng. Iirk aail urinaii. Uoi la, 'II. E. HOL'SWEItTH, ATIORNEY AT LAW, ?H-i,iNS(novK. Pa., Unllaatlniia and a'lottia, Il buln ornni.!. Ii atlvmlail to, l'oaiuilalioiia in Enii.n ana arnmn Janal, mat. H. DILL, ATTORNEYAT-LAW. Lnrinhurg, I'rnn'a. All bntlaaaa nntrnataS Is hit cart will I pronitl allanill U. Bapt. SD,'D. O. DE1TRICH, ' atto it x i:v 4 r.i. i tr. Starkrt St. , .Srfn;rorc. Ta. All prof"lol l uin prnnrtlv allanilad la. iiantttltailunt In tnallih aud ' tarmao r .. It.'M. J IJ. WUNDERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Miililhliurij, SninUr C , To Can baonulld In tnllh orilaan. Jan. I,'mi, L. N. MYERS, A ltorn(y.t-T4w, llilillrburc, Prnn'a All prifa'.lnnal hn.maM anlrnntad to hia eara will rai-vlra irnmit attanlim,. UuntullalU'Ua In bonllfb and Oartnan. (hi. 10,'7. E. BOWER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SliddU'liurtj, I'a (urapa In oflloa of J. t. (Jronmlilar, Eaq.) Oollai-llona mad. (Jonanllatlnna la KdbII.Ii andUarmaD. Jona 13. '7.ll. h. scjncu, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, New Berlin, Penn'a. PmfrMlmial hnlnr nirnalait n hia eara will ravaiva ir'Oil alUnilon. Juna Pius 1 ULRICH, Attorney & Conmellor-At-Law ddloa In App'a llulldlnt; nna dooi North 40! IVKVaTUNK IIVTBbi HelliiNgrot I'enn'n. Oollaotlnnf and all othar nrnlrialonat boat naaa la aollollad and will racola rarelul and prompt attention. Apt 11, '70. 11 T P. CRONMIM.KU, -'e ATTOHNKV AT LAW, Mifllinburg, Pa. flffara tile prof. lonl aervlraa tothapiihlla I'ollentlnnn anil all oil ar prnl. aalnmil lnnl- naaa antiunIrS 10 10a eitre win reoaora proaapt alteullou. Ian .' TJ. SMITH. ATTORNEY ATI.AW MlIlIlLtllUHd, 8SYf.UK UO., FA irerr hta Profaaalonal Marleaa to the pabll :onaulttlona la r.nmian ana vieriaan. F. J. R. ZELLER. A TTOIiSEY.AT.LA If Ulfflinbury, Union County, Pu AH bualnuM rnlruatad to tila rare will wall end falihlully to. Will prartlr Al Ilia aeverai onnria o r-nyner ani auiiiii,nt' vi.n.iiaa. Dan lie eonaulle.1 In lha Knull.h 01 (.luruian laniniavn Dot. at, '7311 riUARLKS HOW ICR, V AirOHSKV AT LAW. ScliiMj;rove, Pit (irrrra hia profrralonal lervlcea to tl.a puiillo. COHOI lone ami an muer iroie aaiunai una,. beaa enti untmn in ma oara win ravei.e prompt attantl tMUe twu ilnora N iuib ol the Normal School. Jan. S, '07. Jt M.LINN, ATTOUNKV AT LAW, I.ewlabnrx, Pa (Iffera hia ro.rl nal t.-rvlnaa to the puiillo Uoili'Otlona anil aiioinar iunra mni., mn. naaa eLiruaiei to iiia rare win receive ureuiut atieullon. Hap. 10, VH. W. POTTER, A riOLZEY A T J,A IV. Solinsgrove. Pa, (IHi-ra bla profaaalnual earvlrea to the publla. All leaai ouainea- eniruaiaj 10 uia eara w in reealve prompt atieniioa. 1'iuoe at uia home vn Main btreet. Jula 4,'?.. JORACH ALLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HelinsH-"tvo, lu. All prolea.ional bualneaa and rnllertlns en- Iru.lad to uia oara win ue proiDH,y aiieou- .I to. i:an oe eon.uiii'd in r.uitn-n or (Icrmaj. HiUoe on Market bnaare. OoU H.GRIMM, A.ttornov-at-iaw. AMU HWl'KKT AT'l'tlH N KY KUK SNVDEIt IUUB II, rrrtbui at I'll. Consultation In botk knsll.b and German L.aDnua.ea. utt. e, laoi JOHN II. ARNOLD, Vttornoy tit In,v, MIDDLEltUDG, PA bnalne.a entruated to hia ears will be proiupily aurmled to J THOMPSON RARER, Attrno.v-n.t-In.vt LEWlSHtlRtl, I'NIIIN OO., PA. Can be eeoenlledi-d In the t nitllah anSUerniaa laDuaiia. iilttoe on Mara. t Htraet, oppo site waua, diuhb at uo'a sti're. WM. V AN lil'.ZKK, ATTOHSEV AT LAW. Lovrisbur Pu Oflara hit prorraaloaal aerelee to tbe publle. Colleotloua ami all oilier proieasionai oust naaa eutruaied to Ma oare will reoeltro prompt aiunllon. g T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tjKLISHUlKlVE, HNYDEH COUNTY, P apt, U,'t7. A C. SIMPSON, A-o ATTOUNEY AT LAW, ' ' Selinsgrove, Pa Oflara bla profeaelon al aarrloaa to tbe publle All bualneaa entruated to bit eare will I promptly attended to. Jan. IT,' sr. CAMUKL H. OUWIO, A TTQBN& r'A T LA W, Niaiaburf. VhIom C:, Pis. omes sen Soor U Telesrapk Prlntlns Uee. xi, leiT.u. Wfi7J keep on hand all Lind " Blank such a Hotel, Sum moniei, Warrant, Ltaiei, Subpo JCCm a. (D. marl sue. Kmrt i H.S3R(3ER, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, (iltf th"lf prnf.rnl arlc I tli rl'lana of MM'l!tinr an.l vlnlulty. ' irfl .a a raw rl io ra Waal at ba Court lloua, In Ilaaror', Imli.tlni. Ilc-.o, IMI. .1. Y.SIIINI)F.L. 8Ua0KON AND I'llVSlrlAN, 'ft tISar hl prn'al ! rla In tha aitliani ni iililillaliuri aoJ lclmtf. Mar. 2i,'at. nil MARA N I) KOTHROCK, U Fremont. Snyder county, Pa. Ilrailnatanl lUltlnora Onllava of PtiralPlanl rofK.I Bl aarvle to ilia pualle. dpi.alit tn(ilti and oar man nil nurKnn. otiara hia rrnfaail'initl i Marr h, IT. IkkI. tf. J. SMITH, Physician & Surgeon, frrmonl, Snyler County, r. nUI OrBca on Main ttraat. nra nip pmie.amnai aerTieri lotra rnkii Jnnell'T,. jyn. J. o. waqnefi, Plirslrhin nnd Stir on, (lara hi profpaainnat aarvlcae to lha ritliana i Aiiamreurt ami tirinii,. Aim. a.-autr. )R. J. F. KANAWEIi PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. aMffB kl s.Pf.lak.lnsaoI laaea la Ik. ...I.IU - IT T l.'iM.,ill.'l1 11. ' ctmrrnaj ncajrier .vnoLui. uuiiui, KCKIIKIIT SIII.OOK. Sflinmirnre, l'rnn'a. . . L ... .. ... rroimiioDai sunineae prowpiiT aitenoeii 10, Mai ;1. ' ' pERCIVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Kruttrrvillr, Snyder Co., Pa. Oflara hta prifaaalonal aarvloea to tbe fit If Hi 01 uraiierriiie anj rimnur. A on. J .,'7 A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND SUIiOEON Olfera hit prTfe'lonal aarTirea to theeltliena 01 AiiamtbutK aud Tli lollj. Sept. 4 r. VAN BU3KIRK. .UllHCAL & MECHANICAL DENTIST Solinj;rov(, Penn'a. Justices of tlte l'eacc. jDAM SMITH, McClft!l3 Puacu & ConVCyanCCf DeaocrtyriHVH Snyder Co., Pa. AII'nTlloUl boalnaaa -taklnar itenoaltlnn a and promptly attended tn. Uvlleotlona and remit. tamaa prouiptljr made. Mil IJ.'.l7 yiLLIAM II. SNYDIiR. J iiNf.ce of Hi Pence Salem, Snyder County Penn'a. All Collection! and remlttancea promptly anaue. Ner. ai.'jstr. SAAC RE.WliR, 7 UST1CE OF, mil TEA CE aii.l Oenei-al Collector. Minm.iiiit'Rii, Snyder oountV, Pa, Kprll attenilon paid to eollantlona of all bind Kainiuano, w in be tuxie pr. mi tly lur all eullcotloija made. Mar. Si78. T H. WAONI5R, Run., - JUSTICE OF THE PEAC. Tack no j Towntliip.PnyJerOo. Pa., Will attend to all bn.lneaa entrnated to hia oare and on the umL ro.aonauie leruia. Mar. il.'iHt. J) WID S. S HOLLY, Justice of the Peace, L'niuii,TawnUip, Suy'ltr Co., t'a. Will attend to all bnlnera rntrnli-d to hia cereontlie innat reiannanie tirnia. i-oat tiUloe a idreaa, Dunoon, Snyder Co. Ha. Mar. 4,'ao. r 11. IIAHTMAN, J18TICF. OF THE rEiC'E. aV Ctinveyiincer, CESTRK VILLE, Sojder Couulj, Ts nnllantlona and all baalneaa rartalnlna to orrlre or J uaiioe ol tne reace win ue aimnnen at abort notice Ap r 37' 70 S El ll JHTCIIELL, Justice of tbe Peace &. Conveyancer, vitrei. Jackaon Townahlp, 8nydar Connty, Pa. UnlttN'tioDN. Ibinvavauolnu. and all other BlliHaa par.aiuiiiK o tn iimra win rrmii. pr- i i trtii airrvvram.n attnatlon. I'eatolSoaaddreaai New Hrrllu, Unlou I lAVlJJ WILLIAMS, oomiiy.Pa. Aus.UI.le7t. I .V JOHN K. HUGHES, Esq., . JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Peno Twp., Snjdcr Co. P JAMES MICDLESWARTH, Justice of tho Peace & Conveyancer, r-rAi(j pANINO MH-I iroxievuie, anyuer uo. i a. Will attend promptly to all manner ol inntr or bill aeeaparietnmn to tneomoe. Deed.., written WTU II. IIARDINO. VV ' JUSTICE OF THE PfcifE Bft0r W.dofi afc Convevoncor. FREEMONT. floder oouotv, .. .. .. ...... .. . olflreof Juatlee of ibePeaoe will beettaodadto t;oneailoaa ana ai auaineaa pertaining 10 at abort aollee. Apr. I7'7e. A. WETZEL, Justice of the :Peace, Beavertoxen, Suyder Co., Pa. All blnda of Dnlleetlnna made on liberal Prompily ntienda to all inainraa eolru.iad " "T 1 ,.Ta. !) le hit earn. Jana'aS.Ta. "fbTER B. MIDDLES WARTII, JIlrtTtnE OV THE PKACR irtiieinv ne ene nvirv its... ASD M CONVEYANCER, MoClure City, Snyder Co., Fa. iniiimiiBH. ... an ...i.h, r.i,.i.i.a w ,., aeUO. Ol W. I- n .iu. , ( oOleeof Juatlee of Ue Peaoe will beattended to ol Jiiba Hook deoeaead. to ee SI abort nolle. July tt.'IM. iaally au.ltled M tbe ;, i.1 Sales A G UORNBEROKR, V . 01 f i e nfrn w nvD'Sii r"' r?'TL". 7.i. f yuuiiuu vr m mi a f a Ferry Town.bln. Snyder Ueanly. Pa. Uotlaelioni. IKateiaealua. and allelber aaewerulaluat te Ike saVaaa will be J J. UOWKR30X, ustiv of the Peace Convey. Penntcreck, Snyder Co., Pa. ffcit'aNon anil tlfimlltaBaa promptl lSea-uclDi mllf aad aLaaly ainaat.' Uotals. .BOARDING HOUSE TUB lTndfaioen'ill,rapolfiill, . form the iMvalllns 'paiblla, buala,! men wltnMa mt.A In.... I. 5r.;i...whlA,T: hnlr aci-oinm n-Uiion and will amlearnr ilir V:V..X'i XStfJ&t&Xi: V? ins.uiiui wun cauast, " I Apr- M 'T. t J, uABRIKli BRATKs, Proptlrtw, Mlddleburcr, JLn. JOII N LI JIBEU T, Proprietor T.h,,,, rpiitar Wntel baa bean rafliu and rrfurnlihail In tha beat aiyle. lit eaai2! ami rainrnlabail in the beat title, iu Ioallon makra It ennfenlent for bn.i.lZ niBMi.ri.n.i ,l.Kn. .1 il . " "- otherawlioareralladtn Mldillehar. Thau bla la alwava tuimllaj mttm n.m k.. i - . L . 4 aat-lrta liar with erood llqanra and the si.Jl attended h, i-arafull huallart. TernM madaru! I Aurll A. lata '"I IKN TUK V IT.T P TtOTITT. (l.ate Mra. Weaaer'a.) Caatarrlle Snyder Cs., Pa, PETER HARTMAN, froprleie , L. rtTtH UAKIRlt Molt al ahtte-aa n eN klla . . April, . ISTl. THE NATIONAL HOTEL. I JL iniiuti rnmrrrn . a. vvlliliiv, 4 rop f, WGIInPigrOVe. P.i I Thla Ttnlal la ntaaanll in.. i. .l. .. . -, --.qmr. and la a varydealrahla plare for trarl, r.V,a iilhihtiii aorotntnniialliina at tuvtii.. . e'liiaalopplnaonce will be anra to call a.....' i -A Oralclua Kealanrant Ineonnarllorr the Hotel. Ar i.-. W.W B j m mi -11:1 at -nn N'ORTII TlIIRn rtppvt rnitu . Torms:-81-50 per day JIUNKY Sl'AHN, Tr; c' w- ' t lrrk PM.- Ph iladclihid Cards. J. S. FARNSW0KTE WITH JONES, HOAR Hi Importers ot I Haiscry, Notions, White Goois. d imm Rnnts Pnrnkliinir rJ.hi No. 514 M.irknt Strm.t Mirkot Stroit. rniLADELrirl IT. It. fnni. A. H. Hor. W.H.'lrl T. II. llmJ (Mar. U'74. Ci RAVUILL & Co., Wholsials PbuiiJ TOOD AND WILLOW Wii Oil t'l.itln, widow Hhadaa, Broomi. ' uiu.u a, , oin,n lira n Ham neta lluokela, Twlnea, Wlclc.. a. r.k mi " '-I- Nn. 4:. Maranl Ml lhll. .I.I..I.I. J B. SELHU1MER DALED IN IBARDWAI. Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Paints. 01 Uoach & Saddler M AND MANUFACTl'RLK OF J Stoves & Tiinvaf MARKET 8TREET, I jOvlrilvil. Ik M .a a ' nun , 1, WM. MAN Blank Book Maker uoner, and Stsa: Power PRIN TE V lioleNaJe a.V lie the ho 529 Market Stri tc PHILADELPHIA. Vromutneii. One Prkt Price . Marked On All Uoofo I Apr. 18- J. bu - I Mannfaetnren nnd WholaleD'f Gilt. Msbcgsnj, WalnulSDdM LOOKING GLA Pioture St Photograpblo 1 Jios. 110 nnd m Arrh im PUILADSLrUIA, PA. Frame! Repaired In tbe beat nil"! Kav.uiPS ID ail III urau.' t'eb. 15, '71, belinsorove OVE,8NTIIll i . w j lXXiu llccly A: una aUUIUUCl' m a Deal .,.,,.ll window Boies, BUiidi, Ps I annul. I. iivinii a I.KBIHP .ue i - a Bhtngles, Ltn, ci I rmAmmm aAllla4 mm A Mllawl tftlk ana .l.aI irA nrthulU H executors Tu'khx'Iy''' NOTIl sM " ' Urma. Mlddleereeb Twp.. Br"" U r . aa eataia are requeateai tu au---, , meat, while tboae bavlos 1,IJ tbeia duly saUieslleated ' liM . Asg.ll, 1MI, jVudltora TiA rpHK nndersifrosd Aa I mA I., ik. ..A..a'.A dl.trlMI1! turpoae ot bla appoiniuiee.v rouab,r Ulddleburs, en , iVdNeiW. .mm all nulla. Inwraiia'J iu trneeei iair eiaiu,". "".toiia be rarevarjuauiea irwaw rr j dleWISntlos. ,t ban trouptij i II. j n4.Jso.f dsc, ....... .sltenisil . UJUs sear Troatmn.t QH. elik, aMX,