The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 03, 1881, Image 1

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    1. JiiTn t wf, w.ou
Whalf, oohtrou, one yef, 80.
Lr.iurih colnmn.wie W, 1.
U ','' HO linM) 1 InsortioB J
uirv addiH.m! iwtrtkm, . W
W,.miotil and HiisIiifjs oartt ol
Ut more than S lined, per fear, 0.00
Lilitor, Executor, AuniiniMraior
Ln.1 Ansiim Notice, 2.1V
.torial notice rr line, 10
All Iransoiert advertising Hs thun
Pontic. W H""a '
111 advertisement for a elictrtcr pe
il thun on yea payable at thf
l thev lira ordered, and it not paid
I person ordering Hhjih will oe uelti;
boilHIDIO tor lim luuimi.
1'oet i .v
A Few Brief Years.
by nioii p. M'osnxoTr.
Iw brief yenrs, Miid 1 shall lie
Isth you oulin nU peaceful cky.
ki breast la whit with note anil
lutiKhlnK music of tun stars;
40 bosom, spread from pole to
leuce will uiy grave console..
i rtrbjhtened llutb my hao wil.
d ajralnst my oofllo preattod;
kiour by hour, and day by Uy,
,j i bj ne will pas away.
band tbat write will then be
iirunk and eaten with the uiotiM
Le aul death uiid dark deiiuy,
tut by Joiut return to clny,
iad, (lie fear, tlio torment aore,
lad my heart-triiis nevermore;
a man vilos, nor wordly ntrit,
k-ely wiu tho bread of lil'e,
fer, within my narrow bed,
1 or wake uiy wearied bend.
Uand years will aa me by,
lit a change In lund or sky;
iter' ujw, nor summer' heat,
ft disturb uiy wiiiUin sheet.
inii'i cloHe, I'll meet no hi ire
Is tbat wait lua at the door;
In aud dales uiid streams will tie
(orevenuore to luo.
will wake dim at It dawn;
on meadow field or lawn,
udscape smile beueutU tin
plnjj childhood to mu run.
of life, my humble lot.
ndohlp' vow will be format;
lie world will livu the sa.ue
rver he.J anaiuj.
VOL. 19.
1 1 1
NO, ).)
paopendyke'i Picture Hanging.
"Well, my dear."Biil Mr. Spoof)'
nudyko, with a tail Id hi month, and
Gems from AdJrosses Delivered by
Preside tl Qarflcl J.
Killo oitiajn I UIju N mil
imlaticioK hiiusolf WikTeriiiKly oq R,d'irknM arc ro:M 1 abmt him !
diuiugroom cliair, "all you'. ot tojJIm piriliitn in l irlc witjr ' nrt I
Jo now i to et yonr pictnie rendy, ,hit ! cl ) 1 1 of I'm kin fnlirtrt
ind I'll UoW you bow to bau tlie an I j 1 1 umit are Ihi rHbtblinl'iiivut
of in throim Mjrcy an I tr it'i lt-ill
;)licf(ii liiitfiioiil rvUocitieiii!
(1)1 roin. and the G it-i iiiiiuut at
VVaHlnut 'n till li.M."-.l4h,ir.
t Sci? Vcirk at tin itnn of thi
mimuli mi of l'ri 1 j:)t jino itj.
' I lii ! bu t'l ii-) tire ti u m i i the
liiHlory of iiie i it 1 1 ii iti ,n4 tv i in
tin) Uti 1 no near tlio vail Umt ep
III ltn 111 II t ill Hll I I.U II lit til. till)
Hints to Mothori.
Wlmn your du'iy'.iter pnrf inn a
'! In an ill-fa'hione I nrinnorj al
will My, "I'liem I I roilit n well
liiive d.ino it nivanlf in the. fiit
I'lice," nnd then t.ike tlio oik out
her band nnd do it yonrHlf. Thi
will pnoourfie t tfit 1 not lo trv to
A f iorlda Typhoon,
; in preat ilmtinn. After tlio alonn
itl It. n , 4im ikiiI tilmliii'd nfa rumiil
Dn llm nnproaeh of tho nntnmnj, J
ill piiimit 'iil'n, I in'n in i r i n nil iiiiiii-
llii I'loiidinn rjuiikia wil'i nppridien
ion. tl M tl)' ilret I nei-ioii
liurriiMtien. Tixnitnj tuto' llm Went. J
In lien, tlvy often Htrikn tli coatt j
will) np.iri!.ly a ii it m of wirnoif :
houses ara nrei thnvvn, H.iilh ut
do llm tiling tiext tiuio ahe i fet i h i. n fr i n thu v iter mil "i.iti;e
lviiit. it.
Never permit your a in to hive
nnv nniUMemioit nt homn. This will
iuiliicii him to reek it in plniv-i
wheie yon will not lj a in oyod by
t tin f 1 1 MHO.
I liete in no i1:ioo liku homo. Im
v'liiven mvept li.'iruof le.ivi m an t frtnl
OIHH of till til I Keillor hxv tlivj
i"in ileterl aint of the nloi'iii u .dm
lii f.'io it hieilti upon tliim.
"Voil f.'i'l It ill tho nil' lief if" it
r iimm," .in . ,ri (. I In i, however,
all ill l.-li. lite xi'ii. The .1 v iiit.iti Ml
l ttili'K eertitnlv proven
preKMthii truth up.iti ,nir rliil.l. e-i , ,ni,, ji,, t ru-k eertitnlv
iroiu ciei niiy, an.i men iioiu tiieir ny mitKii) notiio m diiii,i eenDirf nu 1 . it Vou "f. - it after it. c i ne.
Jo I (li it they citu almont hear thu ) iiiiltku tiny other plueo an p imilile. I ,)f t'i i i : vivi i nu vi .iti t!i
Never tielft Hid lon'j on the 0l)at evetv e n i'lm .l.iv mtv In
every loaf of graon,
golden leaf;
every fudln flower,
ripened pbenf ;
very parching beam,
drop of rain ;
every sunny day,
liu star auiit.
every warring wave,
Jpretty shell;
every noun J of woe,
oyou bell;
very papain etire,
totber' kin;
what could better bo,
r child, than till.- T
at of Groceries
M.iiJ a farmur'a wifa to the
wunte, "V9 are out of
you "ill Lava to go to
a tnnRt get alon ai it
nm do without until I
with uiy mull I ran't
as now. You kn iw the
liy if we do uot ow we
Iba aava the uext ilfty,
of ooffoa, a well a su-
will have, to go to town,
you oio't do without
mast get along aome
Ret through wtU my
Un do let' eo. citu'i
,o Mr: Kid lleberger'e
oiua ontil I get tiiua ?"
lay Jobu uid to the
ma a chew of your to-
lid t but I waa just go-
for a che," replied
laraaaU John. ".Veil
to get to tou, titer.'
We are out of tiro.
a ronohioa, takes a
to town for groerie.
o down t. ee-
all with hi wile'
!l bar to b th real,
a lit error
'teoi-e of Lie wife.
nol hoiiet. Why
be icniid pe.oh. on
ure and ilia little
"Same reon, h
oot of yonr biiuaa
tk gate chiefly slop
o earrful with flr
thoQ bov earria'l a
pocket, tad one day
) wa a witnniintf
Udly wuatoff. He
Mewko lovkiu.
It' awful eweot of you, pot."
tjiid Mr Spo ipeodyki, ntt'irnntely
iiilibintj the fra uo of a very beotic
ehroiuo aud nukin tnu thumb ulu
hud been h o ni i'i for tua l.nt
twenlv minute. "U'j vful aweet
md th ouxhtful of you. dor, t ollor
your iitxiiliiioo at, .u i i li u i. fir
do h'jlipvo I n.iver wo tl I Ii iv.
. a
irnt a mil driven in tit it alopi t!
"Of conrao you wouldn't my dour,' ' betting ait I fi'iil tti.i piUttion of
litnhed -ipi pi) i lv '- " ' ' 0,,r ! the iiiii-nto. Through eiieli a tinio 'pittitry. Smiu hoy have proleibly tri-lit mi l le mtiful and tho tl nvei
kuw a o.nn lint R.mll drivit it mill.' tw n, n.,t pm,i. iVimu t i tinned out lirit el h Ii o .tehri:t!ier hvnvy with hei mid hnniuiiii lurdn.
V.m cnil lu't drive it tlvniUH.I iMr.jhuti lied and tifty tho.Hui I tTtv.i 'Kl on iioiviunt of tin judicious Shhn-nei in',' m tit hi .vli , uv.-r
pet tick in it 'Itven p uu I til 1 1 luf of jHpinU pne I from the lie! I i f honor treftl mei.t in tally childhood. j, (;. ,-, tlm i.e,ir!et. car limit
putty. An I Hpetliiii of di ivnij thiouh tint 'Inn vml ti Ilia pre Never permit your chil lien to ' twitlera in tie hcicms A c.n.iiii;:
usil. I'd liku to knoiv if you'ni O'er '..eieo of J i I ,md w'i,i I (it. Itt it oonti i lid. I,et them know lint ,,-, ,. py thru i-'i t he lemes .f
...I,., I,, i, n i hi timt i in ii .it t. oi 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 i ' r. ,i ia .. ...I i i,ui ...... i . i .. i ii. . .. .
. .r ... - . ,.- , , .. ., , ........ i.hh , ..ii ! , l; ...,i in..-. ; tlm With nnd j:u.tiy MWt'!," llm un
ripe onin 'ch. I'lmi I id L'liil iar
hh'Hii llm iluili L'teioi iiiiitinruve
llll-lle. ail I the "III 1 liil at. ln.v
I i h are c ivel i! I Willi peimivii em
lens an I villiU. 'I'll" dr. i y I mi
of tho miif i hi'iiid. and I'm l'ihiIi
ed nil h em l io, mi l il.'iideves nod
pi'iiMoe,n drop front Ihe lenlles nr.
iie.e tiee (i ilden ntn ilestlojed.
fei ei SH.vept awiiv. nn l tlio toiment
el I'iorili ill liu three miitilim' woil,
ind no pity to repair d limine. w
'on Trttn.ii'r!fl.
A Slimy Witness-
A hitn liUiiiln r of the New Yolk
ill rn,1 ones ll.e following ineidetil
rrma ioist.
fAiMihel every Thurmlav Kreahv
Terme of Subscription,
ahle vit Inn fix month, or f2.00ifnn
pnld within th year. No paper di
continued until all arrpHrayna r
paid mlc at the option of the pub
tinier Hulmi riitiin nntnido of the COtlittf
Il'trsons lifting mid uning papejej
iii eneil j oi Ii Tit iiecnuieNiiim rioer
unl n liable futthe price of the paper
'irnf'tt'tiu, '.'((' .i, rin lSc'ifi !
iiiort of tlit Shin, Sralpawi
Cur,, I.
meat poitiiduf, or whatever you ve : i ohi .mi t to tho coiupiiny of tho I u t-'ii lititf yonr chil in-n's '.mil
heuu umii'. 1 liiiili i Cau itnvii n.Ui ; ,,.,( i,M l, 0( (lie HepuliliC, tho nevi r f.uot to uietitioii lnev uiiici
with uiy floow t" 1 n ilioj Htiiod a.) tie.'tr tho vml tint hittei the Jouos chil. lien l,c!niv.i.
It' the htova bun. lie. love," nn l i,, iii.p.r4 of I i I were h -t I by Tliis chiihh Your little oiua ev
Iih. !Sp lopetiihku Ijnekly hunle 1 . i,ttS childiun of men," lu t'oulc ei laMliiigly to luve tho Joui.a chil
up n inytorioUH-lonkin iiuplcneiil ,m tint a iHiiu.ttiou of I'lu-ilJuut 'dreii.
itliuuwoj icu , u,:,. . IiiUo frffjuoiit OPCtwotl to tell HW,. il ,,, ,., , ,i,,,,JwI will
aud the niiduij'iw of it wh .Biu ikciV Tin , ly will ha si lly muiuuru- Uour childieu how much more f ivor-1 LM,,,. h.,.o,i
bio h i I nM a ti uiiluu h:i.(Ii mi- ltd their lot is thun yours was wheu j Almost iinperceptihlv the wind
dure, which U.. I Kiant ni ty bo till lyol mnQ R u' ir) u)vVllv pl0 lv dies awny l ies of le. lis and ,.lcr
tho lalsj liable of record.. I sut to chil lieu to be constantly re. ! bii.U full upon the ear p..,f,,l
uru ,U.J VHIUUI13 111 UIIIU.lll lllL,)l V I ., . , 1 II.. ,r . I,t i;...u
iu...... .. ... ...... ,...,iK..,
'tut t;i i.oi ft nr..
I ill nnw mil l',nt ni. l tnlr. nU.
'ire "I mm ..I Ilia xur.l r i. nf k I It
ti'nin. I ir i ,iin. U n tii'n dirty ).rt ol-l t
i,i .iiifrri. i ii'tirn .nri ltt e, .ilp Bail
imiiriT Ilia Imln l-ili .r. Mhl. Ii l.lilfiil p
I'ori'i' it. II el Oio nil. ntt.'n nt twtiT. illftar
' I l.l. I l.n- lii iiri..,i, l .,1 rm.
which ot'Ciitc I III Hie I'ooitiliH I'.ilice I "" k""n" " l"t- .-ti I-Sl I.
, i oi mu in nri.iili-. (iiirriiaiia ,i,i, .i. inra..
' 11 nil t, a lew , ivs '..i. when a it-1 1 ""!' '' ' ' I ' m-e.i tri-
"i. t Ki ti1 in in raiiri r.,.i9i np,.p
I lies nent to test il t' the unod iliar "'in ( iikoi.vk.'.i mi rn.l.
i l-v "i"l H...I1H1M nii'i iii'tiiim hMtr
aet'l' id lit CO'lll'ltlll'lli. I'. it IIC It Ai" I """i-l't. II" 'HI . an I w
' '-'I III. iknii-n lit lira I U. , .ni manf
! ( i hi Ii. who w hh dial id it h bh mil I - -1 . - e in m 1. 1 t . . t . w i. n-b itfm.nii . niKt
.. i.iii. " 11-ir. n-, ( n.ij a ill .at
and Iml li I V I ill! II til H Un too in ' ii inU"i, i li no arr nr li.oa nf
I , I 1 . I iisv uun VWWH V.I'
'j in I ill ni ami Weill Kin net piy inio
ll:e jjelieiil. v,'V of Hill Mi'lii.tlk to
l-lllt HlO 1 1 1 ' UII lilt M COIIII!'!.
I wic. lie tlio I lo Ulliht tin. tori til t
el tcoiniiiiiii, mu I Inliii j in it, ho
loi't lo Ii lilper .III. I S lid :
, ' I 'id n; i t el tnU .1 ill ill !o i!'iltli,
Ml :'"
'No, di I ve ivit d i il v.iuik 'f " ; M n t
..i 1 1 ..... i . .... . . i ..
"ID-., t- 1 1 I till! C MI.IM'I. with an
li- 1 1 1 .ii.', Il It Wnte.illl' him I I ' , 1 1 a
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s for a t.iiuHt, "lis it c.nlolu
4 i
liilihlle l of IliM ii "
u. I la. ha in ..ii' l.a
l(i...ri i 1. 1
r. ii. niiiiA i.1m iinrnw.ii. s,i
ittM i i.i.xusf:.
I vi .r , m .11 oiinn h't.virrlnltli
so ii. i.i -.nnl ii, i iiir iuiii
. I'll. I I, a .Oalil'lll.r ant.
,ia ,.,r.- ini"i waa aluwljf
iiif, by liw I 'r h i Ka Km
- - i i n o n ,a. 1 1 , an.l . . i ii i n i (. ri
' I H 1 -, M- I'J OH .,,li . ,.,,,,q Hut ,J
I ll l in- ,i . i,.,. i, iU le:! urltro gut,
Inn., ri'.iilni
-ii'. i ..I ...,: ,
ii! , I 'i . i i. , i.i
ll I ' n.l'i. t in ati flrili.tlin lir.ika nnl
I l i 'ail. ilii-ii nu. irt
' O"' ' Ol-r l 111 jail ,..ii, .n.l try.
"' " 1 I. .'I ariini. rm.i,, lt n,
I I- "lit . il..' II I il-n I Hi. I I' TO tit Hu.
' S "" IO '".'I 1 ' M' I . A at.i l'' r.
s' I' 1M lli.lllv, "j'.l.'U ailna , Piirr.!
i Hi it II. al. in I- ,r a. ii o, a l. I o.lillal .1
I I t M .!. I K.tlLI V.
In Hint all ? " l'. itll I'm ttitlnis :'"""'
oi -S'.'.ll. M., ll.:ta
plyurs at the other.
O.i, it' .1 st ivu ti j.i't. i it f" siid
Mr. Si i ip mi ly'-s t, retrliu tua
wespott Willi a tiliiHter i-vjueisiou
Now, if you'd handed mo up n ilou
iron, or a pair of ntcelyuidtt, I'd have
beeu li'ot lit homo, but a htove
hook ! itually. my d jar, I'd nil her
nn lurt i!iw t ) Invo it u.til who a
i'vtllM II llldle."
" it tiu .vll' s s ifl !tu 1 I jvuly.
dear, il te.iliy di ives tiioui b. a ltiful
!v, dear, it lea liy ilnvi s tht u b. au
tif.illy if t ie)' woil I only itti'jt,'
ni I -Ir-t. St ijiau lylc ). iAt.i:' liy
hhaiply I'uni yu havcu'l bate lhej j u .
licor.l vit. t
it i . i . . -a a. , .ti. I M
lliiv. iii lieat tho ice ud . i bo-e ; 1 r i u..- .1
i ii'. ..i i
nil ill bo 8.. ilo I up a 'i I diilivero l t
lIlH I tjllllpotl'llt J lld;d." .l tho
hint Miitntemary of till ilo.iLi ot
I'lenl lent l.liiiMlil.
,l''i'oui H.o jji-iiiiis of our Govoru-
ti 1 Mr. Hp i.ipou-
.v .ii . hi e. i no
liy all in. 'itll!, ' fio ii too ui'i'iiil, clo'i I loil
so it n-e lat and
; ii in,. any ; but if you have a teuij'er, ' a bloii' wind wind hh llm i nlih- I . eif clnl lr n t itle of it a of- tor. Jiiurv luiuuto it ne i mm ) in
Idiit'lucliv-iiL'H. Tho mil l hens in
I'.ui't lot your sou iirl'iln in any ' il. in iilic up" an alarm. Not a
kind of outdoor ,;itu.i. Keep him hi uf sail .'i u.h move I ho I. in.
lo Ii'h li-iok. It will nmlio it 1,'ti'itt -ky m .ivm ini, and I ie e.i-1. i u hoi
n. hii of him a .nu) day, if ho Hlmuld zon is uiilny . v 1 1 . . t r'ol il 4 1 1 lej
liov r lie liiU'lilille I to romp. I, e ,;ui t I lOlili t ie w itui' .01 I Ii I'l lin
II I.'.. I ... 1 ' 1 '
" ' - ."""''. on ;,...i n..v into iiitiU'eMtin iiivulid, tho roeii lo tvu. A I
l.ii..'..o I., s open to all- INo ,.t,sl of ,,v )U MV ; f
lUlflOl' H.l Ml 'il lllll tli.l tltHat.t I1.1V I . a . . t
iiiiiv 11 11 11 lii I'n ii'ii 1: 11. i 1 1.1
pi I III 11 tVIJ AtUl'IH'UII UJ'U 111.41 V
I I . ...
iu,u,.,u1,M,ii ine,u.n u.nH. llt a mother alwiilJ f,v. An omiuo . . o.lotv nAul tin-
our heul U beat will, 1, .,jk:U l " ,.,.,,. ,..,(..Ul.0 .(..oepti , up,.,, hoi' 'jtntlio ntur.r Jielu Hiu, ih'k ,
oound. wtuo worn by tho H.u.a of ,,j :,...,,,. at .hot, f , -in ... hit. ud
povt-tty, vvoo coM.jnutB.1 otwcuiity. Tail; hli,.hti.:i;'y of your hunl-md ' i n,., .;,m Un.,,,, .,.,,., ,,
.i.d t.o'.'uuie lixod Hiars m oar tifuit J u, jour le.ys nnl fill's. This wiliulo it- is 11 .tl... s . .1. t.,o
I nriliti tli. iu leepoi't .t hi ir I'.ithef. 1 ulmiii I .111. .. llm loll 1 n in.- i-irll.
"I iuolii.'d forward i:li j -y aodj T,.!l your chil I lie ih.i.i not . . a t,lf. , 1 p. ,,,. ,,,, ,
uopc to too thy wtuu out' lUiivii'Hiiin; and I'.en h i Llm leaM) toil in- t iih.ii, nut an" ult.ilv pon .In-.
..i -pie, t : 111 hem t, one in Hnui it- t o 1,,.; jour c.iiimmi.i. lliit will .t;..u 1 u,vs .111 I otm-r s n t.l nir.l ,u
jUi iitliyl ' f.;r fin , I nn nu l pi 'ico. ' lt, wxt.xi. lo d ) oil Hilbse jileul I iilie l I.) .1. it i by lo o!. -a 1 t is.aii.l
.-ii.ill son Hi a tlu .1 .ti Aii - iiiiou'.i 'oecnion. th.iloin Ih. iii m ehmi 1.11 on , 111,. I
.hici we h kii ti ii' U i wis lint it proniies to your children, I t n 1. n 1 . i.;.i m t in hiiiicu
1', KiKi'it lull liiiii'.'li '.'in nn I t! nol.ct to keep tlm 111. ol 'tun hvo ,m' a . I .'Uu-t 11.10.
Iim'ipl.iitj'l.v wiiic.t til) iliiit I'll. J'lii will lii 1 y nir chil lieu not 10 All livm .; In 1 i .ii i;i;i.i.'. !' ill
pelihir ol heiu loll. n us pi ion loo much 1 1 lliinco upon ) our ; piue-i ale tivistu I a Maunder I I,,,
oil to Limner and ijoului' li 1U011.1I wor 1. and n n.ii I I I 1 it fr 1 11 u toy htliu I.1110 ol .ml m a i I ne'tu l r
l.'o. !ilnip)oilitmeuln. un iji liau co V wi;.;.. h II t .1. 1.1 l-
"I bavo ii'jtieeiit.)d fjr uiauy j t hen join hot s," ts couifortnlily Ion lieu I t 1..1 u.'.i.iiiii ;( . , , 1
yeitmu dottiua lit (Jiurus w hoio 'ajfHied in the easy -chair. taUut fioui Ihoir ureal. ,u, m-, ,. ,,.,1, a;, (,,
:ii.U'b.Uion I K'.eitly ilesiro I. but ; (,;, This w ill in luoe hint to ao . ibs of an u uoi -.1 1. I'n.i fn.r ,.
lCM'OI d '
' .-aniiiKoii'it," .1 tin tied tlio witiitifh
kI'1I Ij. "IlilhleW II1I1.1 I. un, lit I 1
rhiht-tilie w ilii t!io Itniti u.ueut Je
UHi. J oie!f. " j J
l'll hlllise J'lel.t i'liU'il'S put t'.i
lll ll nilno-s Welo .0.11 .1 K ililn fo'
tin il bli
1 .1 .
hi r i. ai-n-n. f.r t'.a ro' nt tin,
l o ti-.., i..,.,a,.va 11 ,. I,,.
.1 11. r .. . 1 1 1 it. U .,., t, h.-T
. 1 1 u 1 ... i. 1 1 . - rvt.'rn : ii'. n. i'r ri.
I 1 ' 'I ' A .-ivu , i,v ll-iat Mil
I '
1 1 I.
1 11 1
,11 I ,..a
v i- ,r at I
I. 'a.
11 irm
Ivk ontyinptu tly ; "ii'i.v I'il bet
yo.t never wot lii" uri j'.Uf t o 1 tt
diiiijio nail bof ir you sturled it.
rintl' why they didn't flick for jun
ii'ica ei.l'jtiu l iv) ! Ar.t yu 1
n;o to stantl neru'i'-ly by tin I cc
.ne brat my Luu.-ule into 11 hi. up ;Ich
pulp with this d 1 1 -.i-iito I niuiHly
lUiirliu.spiku V
' dour," fui I Mrs. 3,vopcii
lyko, consolitiiily. "Vou d 1 ii"i so pm t
....... t i .... r ,il ,il Hi,, li. at, : lit'.
too. aViybe i titrui'iC nothing
lmdin the jiliftcr. Try iinuthei
plauo' tho way I uia'.iu,:e.l
that "
"Du, yos." Hiiid Mf Hp ) ;)i n lyku .
"thiit'e tho w tv y ju m iu irjo l, and
f.111 iiivb piinnio'i mm". a...i..,. ... iiiuiiu 1. iiiuy euum. pe. mips, u ( pi Ciillo "l flood Hili. when ho oiiv I liu 1 lit l.-t ps liu 1 1 iim I..111 10.IU
bi-rii to play cribbs;j;o in. W til you ( ilo iotis.o il to hiv it. I yet deirod l0,,.,., Hj,..U to ilu seat 111 it . veiy 1 e. u i.m p .(.. liKu ifisi,.i
Kimnio nuothiU' 11 lil l ""'I you f en 1 , lnr,. thn Mpprob.ilioii nf one ! eiowded hut so cir. fof eainp.. j-liot. i 110 ionvu.1 of iliu (.eia t
I've knof'ise I this one il it, an I oiu't
pry it up ituin "
Klun't nnpry it np auiul"
ejaonlate l Mrs. Spo ipun lyko io a
very gentle voice, b.tu liu him an
other mil. "i'ju'i uupry it upajjuiu!
.Veil, if that ain't tfiaiumor I
"Ol.. ain't it I ' fai.l .Mr. Spoopeu
dvkt, with a iiiont h'jrriliod smile.
"Of course it ttiu't, you old feuntle
soibiii uy .1 oi'iioko I bull iu your
OUpoU AiU I Koiuo; to KCilool to
yon, or a u I driving tuil ("
Wad, doir, siuud .1 ii. Sp.iop-
endyke, "you'io surely uot aliuviu
"No, you can just but I'm not
driving uails, aud you can but I iiiu't
a-h'oiuK to tiy uo mora nulls, tieith
. . . . ,, . ,
er. Au t you can uui, coiuiuiiuu
Mr. Spjopeudv ke, with .till dulmify
iu intensity, aud a wai-.i'iuo
llourish a bo leape I to the tl 1 r,
aud yon cau just but your lii'h
muck-a-iuuck, if you'd aet that meas
ly old chrouto of your ou the side
table, I'll throw tuia dod yastu I
tbioaf o f ir t trough it tout it w n
get back iu tt century, Uruokljn
Ntur luv ; ii bo liimeal ah
awer would have tua la a uiiiukuy. .
Th li.liiwin.i letter wa received
by an molet laker Irom u aflliute I
widoer t "Alt' 'f ' '"d uu
w.ui t" ba burial to-iuerruw nt
NVutkejr klock, U i w. wuir to diii
the 'y ib fide u my niber
two Wail' let II ln 'hep"
A tfu 1 Hiking old (Jerniu'i Willi
1od har silt lowu nr ratiior up iu a nu t waa a.ked wl'. tlur
be would have bis hull- sliin ed
Meiu Uott, no I I t biir
per. mi, mid his iiniiio was tiaitiultl.
ile is Hid only uiitn I tnu compelled
lo fleip with, and out with, an I live
with, and die with, mid if I could
not have his npprobali 111 I ttliould
have hud bad company." Llufuro
the Ohio .Sou ale, lbMj.
Toll your children 1 1 1 y aro the icruh niu w iped mil ninl linuf slinns
I A M it ill! SI ti-plOsl. I
"I 'tflii.. w il; up an I i.t. ji huoi
in.." hi I a '0I1, 'it v... 111 m ti hoi
hnleiti I. '
j "I'll f V Il V.l III Ifcter LOW ' he
nli" I ti lii li.ilfriii.o l 11 1 in bo. I,
"V .li t you ('I. Msi! t,.;i snot in,; .' 1
If on only Itii.ov l.o.v l,oi:i. ici il
111 i i.. int. I'm t-iuc toil wo.;M."
'i Ii.i.m a 1 Ii ! .tow t:ie dili'i. ctli
luv in. . 1 1 t mi. 111 t in vo l 11 mi"
ml; (" ' !
" by. ton l.iio.v, .!,ii!i:i.r, t' -:t ;
I ho home 11I1 tlicciist finni wl.'ih
you tooli ill" a j i ill In i o, wis oil 1
ly h ill a mill) fi ontu I i-.-i i u inen t
lil.-Ilol II, all I i'V.. y t.niot'iU HI, 010
It i"ll.ll 1- lm 1. I 'il II . of l..i i. (n it
I jill C ill'l -I I I I i'. I 1 lt.ll I l III)
lour i lo an i l.uii. h ..10; Ii I lo io--peei
f. ir hi I'o.. I iit:
A lid I hoti I h 0 1 11!.. un: e 1 I nti.
if mil o;i his ! 1 1 ; m ij. fiv.i nvij
ute h id htir b'tt!.. I in Ion .i vi
i"tis of t hii ol I h 1 no crept upon
!. . -"ii- 1 1 in
0 . I I I v ...I Ir.ial
I' I I. V l.l hS , .,. 1 i,k 11 .ali'Pi. M.aa
a at .r.w.; Jl'LI 1 I in. I 11 ia II tm . aaaj
iI.JUl 1)
11, 1
CjinplcL' Trnalment
Tcr SI .03.
i.yr n''5 "aim t. t'rK-t. at a kmi i.
t v . s ( tn 1 Im I'-onvn Immu k m ri)ii
, n i' t i, 1 1 .ii , if!t i t tn. Mini
, I 1 t 'rt i ir ' tm JI :r A
' . r 'i 1 r r- il l "I I 'hip
t r mi t-i 1 .!'.( - tr 1'inti-n i lo t b mt-
in . - i 1 . . t - f 'i .it ii. o h'9r t
ft!l 11, l.i-l ii 1. I ' -it Mirf. t i KfMt r. ,u it
1: !' - , ,,,,a iM.t.,i- Hti(lllU,'
f-t .s "?! 1 v 1 1 , i',.. . ,t i ntii fn
-' t'" 1. '1 1 nf " t, in !l 14 1 1 h r
i-.-4 H',',.r. 1 11 ti.'inl rT't
'-' I 'iu , t . 'r c, 1 y l-trriftllv
. i. 11,1. r. .t . . ..hh ,.i re-Tv .ly w rit
;i- t i,t ' v r ' t ipi! h . 1 rrii nen furlnn
'i'' li iifck 1 4 . 1 ' t t ntil t'.i.tritbe till
JM Hi. f I,
rcia-r 1 K-tit. Whl.KSA- riiTnH,
ai, Mif
4 -- - t nnniii. r i nnnrm
.aiMif WHfOr lUf
Ml l.l'-1 M il Ilk''
ir- t- i 1 vfiifU'ly;
. H'MN-N ..
I .t V TU Rli t
1 if N nr I li l
mu. I to. hum. irn-
I f I In PitiHl
v iilti klllflf In tn
1. vt f-t t i il r ute it it.
' I t I- I I 'f .a,'. tf
1 n.u. n. t u .m.
1 "
n . iti 1 ....-t.. 1 ,1'. 1
1 iitt.t l.-.; .111 I i'.a,i.e-
1 1 . .1 1 r ' . 1 ' '
- I'll,
lUll.'tl 1
"i:v;a a ia .'
IN V .1 lit "IIAM.S .
1 1 " Kl alla
wolst you ever ft, an I limy will
no doubt endeavor to tu.urit your
tVlnppud II. lo lllll.. Iiu-uies.
A' 11 n 101 'Il i v pal uetto is blown
as ll.ll .id .1 Nirineiii .V ictt lijid, an I
I till) do.i I tss of I III St' I lllll I
Uslicd Into lino . ml. li.jitids In
I Cheapest and Ecst.
An Old Ma.'J's Ojjmiou
Sim hud bocn c tlio 1 an old maid, ; too "'lf mil sl'ic, 1, iho wind and
..1..1....... ' ... . . .
"luuivinuiiis iuiiv wear lor U time ....,1 r .1 l...r inunni.. I it. Sol m snui eoiiium' nun Iru.l of lent .11
tho nloiy of our institiitiuisbut they " am ptt forty I litvu 1 oou the uir. Inn duiics 1110 caught "f ' "."," '
cany it not to tho Kiavo tvitlt thum. . ,om, I tniuk youknujv I li tv.i hit I hodily aud bdiod tluouxh ihoi '" w'"' "lvcn f',r our
I . I... f I .. . ' . . ... ..! 1. 'llC.ton.
l.ikit iiiiii.iiuii. nmu ooiiven, tlll'V i ,,1. ..l.iiit ODD )l tllllltles to IlliirrV. 1 "' " 'i net iuum uiyay. 1 uo
I St. WiIIutii Juufs's Oiscjvery.
,.,,;:,;:V,i;:' m f,m, mm
, 1,1 , 1 I'lirue-M'. .Menl I'.lii'lavi.iif.
.lo'elllii 1. n f.cln I" 1 t-pooli in the, , , , ,,, an
1 I 11 iiid.iuiiiu Ihotooiapli All'Uiu.
Allaulic. oil ll.e coit-t of Africa, this; EUtl Copy for 1H82.
t inscription, iu Aiiibic, uhovo the.
M ri7t T'nnrin TlnH
1 vif-i i.'i 1 . a.'i
edi- lull Lii
! r? 1
li'l l. VI rl I". ' ' I'il f V I
iJ lUUiJl lUUUiUJ.
may p tsi tiii'on.jii tint ciicl'j of the
shining ho v and a Id to its lustre,
but tvhuu they have sunk iu the
euith aaiu tho proud arch still
Mpaiis the sky and hbiues ylonouhly
" Wo hold reunions, not for the
doitd, for there is nothing in all the
earth that you aud I unit do for the
duad. Thoy urn past our help aud
past 1 11 r pal iso. a tan add lol
tin-in no nlory we can y i 10 to Ihiiui
uo iiuiu oi l thty. Tuey do uot nee I
its, but forever aud fui evermore wa
need them."
A reiieipt for lo u in p'o vaguely
ad ls 1 "Then si' on a stove and
tr ouii'isutly," Jut a if any one
could sit on a fl.'Vi) without stirriuj
Wtoua are tired.
He si way at leisure to do good,
Out of aeusoii ait empty epiue
box. Ciiliinity is a maa' true tonoli
slone, Tu i father of the oureul ia Pop.
Th'. old man of the eu was an
ocean buoy once.
All flush ia ara and aoiae of it
ia very ru.
"Live lighten labor," a (be matt
ko'd off. Vy ot put X'.m U'ukl.' nu
! . u a. tr ,..1. r - l . l. I
,, o.v..U f -.ou a.... -a. ...a- ly h wU d(jJog
havu bet.n tin los-m ti I a ho or 1 of
limes, I in-lv myself with whiith oue
of thu bu tutii'ul oirls that I h ivu
HHiiu tuko thn mi i'i ijo vow would I
exchuuirod to-d ty Not oua 1 Some
ara living ati'trl front thuir liushaiids;
aome are divorced 1 miinu urn fit'et
ofilrnnkcn men 1 soma 11 ro haniii
oil the tho liiKh'nl udo of society.
endeiivot in to keep up sppo'iiunccki I
hoiuo aro toiling to sitjipooi t nu I
e l ucs o thuir chil Iran, au I thus aro
tbu least luismulilo 1 soiuu tru td thu
u arrow line beyond the boundary of
w bioli lias tha mysterious laud, and
some have ;oue out in tho durknus
and unknown horror, and aorn 'are
dead, A fow thera ara who ara lov
ad and houornd wives, mot bur with
happy home 1 but, olu, ouly a
few." .
loaiil of tin) sua is h.,10, itli
Hie bouses ou tu, mu.nhtud. ;'"'n..uoU dndln.-s
Tbo bust men ofteu have the woist
Nothing ie a good a it seem be
fore hand, , t
Tlio best oritio ia the world are
our relatione.
Ilo who ha lost hi houot C to
lose nothing more, 1
Thera is no rief like the Rrief
that doe not apeak. ' "' ;
The oriitlnal tfieeobaak party wua
tha watermelon, , v- ' .
l,voy and girle should . raal (be
oewipspert more nod dim ovel
o. iiiios up butiveoit tnu cracks of the
lloor like steam ,
Woo to ILni OtVnni of Hitilhotls
un l bout boities. t Luko Woltb
the Ciiiihtr, a heavy, 1011 lo boilom
ed sail boat thirty .two fuut loii, was
jiickud up Iioiu her ways, miii;,'
slid all, a lid curni d iicii'ss thu luliii.
u li'ulu uwiiy, without t ilicbiiij thu
wulul. A bout was toi . 1 It'oiu bur
tuooiiiis, fioui 11, a water, and
dropped into a nt in ii'ol) eihl hun
diod' u.Vij. In tin) fill of
1 87(1 I no Ida Ninth, a huga auhoou
er ruuuiu bni -tee. 1 ovy, .-jiuyrna
aud Jucksouvilla. wis 101 11 fr.ilu her
uuohor and Bliaudi d ou a marsh
five hundred yaid- iro u tha hip
Thu coast-survey i..noer, iu a
jjood 'Laibr shoiterel by aaod
liiuk. threw out Unen lOnlior and
Kept her wheel woiknii Kiiilt the
wind under a full bai l of Httam She
diagad her anchor hhviiiiI hun
dred yards, an I iiarely escaped da-
' Tha hurrlit.itie last 'I'oui seven to
eiht hours, even lui'T. During
tha lull rain f ill in t n t tit. The
tide rise to a great height, oarryinj
away wharvee an I boat boiiae and
fliMiding thaoon itry for mile. Tha
paean leap the sandy barrier
of the Ooaat, aud vfloo le the India
sad other ealt-watur ilvere, ; InroW
Life, for the
and leliiou duties,
Not for i!ciiiir.tli!o in lul.-iwn j
Wealth, to be liher.i'ly,iwod,
Nol itvi.t iciously hoarded 1
And loariiiiit! lo prodnco good no
Not empty disputes.
trarv . Il.a.-i ilhpf
I. nf IIih..
tttr. Hie .,ii... up.
TUs Colorel Stud Fashion Plates
r P ri msr will Iim rlvin in mrmr
ill lor lUrt plll'IlitsO l rU!l(.:' 1 ' '' r f -t li;, .--.I t at-. it-ic full .ftitrii
I will r t IVi , 1.1, l ' I .. r )
lisiMi 11 irt of iiinrul " i' i' 1 ttt
r 1: r i n-f 1 M vi aI n I 'h 't ('I r-hfftp
i'it"M,i.i t4.' 1 ''ii. I( t(ivf iii..fu ft-f tun
It. -in , ali 1 . uiibioae Kintfr Ua.TiII, tiUAU ftOf
uIikt. ln.itrl it !. lit"
lit ht iSli t'l Knrnvieipd,
litht CmImIcI l tihliitiDrt,
iffril 1 l t"H l'lltttMliflt
Jiuht Oriiviutl Stoiltf
Di-ht Woik-TftlJo rottertu,
Iti'ht Mu.ii. uto., olc.
Ii imnieijM. i-ltriilitiun m.l Innic faUIivhsl
r' 1 1 11 1 h f i 11 mu 1') I" iiu rifinr tt iliin all
I'miU'i-titiiui, In 11 mil runltlu tbiiliuul
niu t ei it ti i'f
Syluiitlii IlKiitratcd Ai tides.
Till- aliinr-, nni i'lrla. a. a. In ' .'lif aoii' sr.
.'Illllllr l l.i lit Un l..l .iil,haha,l. All 111. HltMl
. ...llr lanntiu arrllrra I'til'l ' lli.lta I.i It. lull.',
.iti'iiit lial iirilll.l alitrli-a .ill Im ( I V?(1, .ml la
..I.IIIIUI1 tall 1 ueVKIIIIIT Nnl Kf.RTS. Ity AOS Ml
Stt'iiliriia, Krsiik lttt limit. I. ct,'U, Aualliti
1tlar1.11. II 'Hit), Luc) II. U..UI .I, mil Mr.. Hi
I .t.'a.iniis. 'IU.
In "I'etrrauu" sr. alii .il of all ollo'ta. Thus .r. SUatr iVcil nil atliMl.TWIUS TH S Ibl'Ali
BlSK, .ml .IU llnrill.lal fur li.4lllf. 'I'lll.lll
Ihi llj.i.rlil) i'o.,. I. Slaaj, HuU.i'ii.llil, l.'tHifcfr)
.ml ulliiT i.i'i-lit-t iirlii-1... ttu An biubruitWy,
l.iivur tlii.t.irw, Iin11.1t UiMinr.tluu iu U'.rt
wv.rvllilus lulfmalius In UtllaW,,
TLUMS (Always In Advance) 13.00
CirL'iiparalleled Oiler to Cluhs.
a lojii.. iur l am J.c u, o
With coat ly i.l.niriui(, "Hraul iKis'v
WaSKS lilts, "or. Ii. u.latiuii. I'liui uua.ra
ALHIM, U aiillllia Ut liir OlUll.
4 l l'l'lt. let ttl.oui, t U Ir. lor te.OO i
Willi un aura ciiio ul lie. .Mau.iin. f..i laV.H,aa
I ituiiuui.ltt lii (aiaoL kn ii.f Ui iba I tuba
S tuplta ia(8.tlUi t.Utiplr. lur.llssra
Willi buih autlrai)if ulilia alwaiiu. far IMS
suu Ilia .! .1 .u.r.ali.s, or fMuTO Ai.(umi tv ilia v.tauu .t
UbS U(i Hi. club
For Larger Clubs tStill Greater In.
Aduna, oat-talil,
Charles J. Pelenon,
0 Ukaalaal tH CfelUS.lrk., Pt.
eaT aaM tUl, at.lltt. flaT, Ws
p vlsaaaiuu.
Tin iio of 11 policeiuaii cannot bo
told bv iiis ml lies,
Tho rocks in the cri llo of thu
deep are all at thu bottom.
Lazziuuss grows on people, u
tbi roapeut it resoluble com
Will tho man who went to grass
grow up with tba country f
If a man only saw him-nilf occu
sionully na oth'U sea him, ha would
out hi owu itcijiiuintauca ou the
The hornet and tho nulla are too
tondiirhenrted to look upon suffer
iug. They al waya turu their back
when they strike.
Don't throw away your oM flour
bmroU. They are useful. It bus
been found that an ordinary flour
barrel will hold 673,900 lilver dol
(low doe Father Time travel
rtyciute. of enurao,
Can a man witb fire io Lie eye
commit a cold-blooded crime t
A wag aye of a toper Com
baa patwed the fnb.oanJ. .
IWattaiaaa ataaaaar-.- -. K