The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 20, 1881, Image 1

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    A.(tvot'tliliKur llnrvn.
A. MHWin jmr, aw.w
. A. r " 1 IK I
ions-half, column, on yroif,
loe-foiit'h column, one year,
lT . (1(1 Imaall li.anrtinn
' 00
f.-ery additional insertion,
.-uiiiikAl aim! Bu.itiosa card of
more than 6 lioaja. wr year, 8.00
iiKTHnf, Executor, Administrator
.A Assignee Notices. 2 J )
editorial noticos per line, 15
All iransoienl advertising v than
i ajoottn 10 cent a line.
AU advertisement for a shorter pa-
thArt dim year ere payable at thr
ti they AT0 ordered, and ii not pshl
person ordering them wlli oe oold;
ppoiMihle for the money.
A Pgetlcal Wedding.
A romantic cotiil were united in
Ohio by tbe following poetical cere
mony !
Tli In woman wilt thou have,
And ch erlxh her for life ;
Wilt love and comfort her,
And seek uo other wife f
H B.
Tltliwomvi I will tifct
That stands bet Jt um now (
I'll And her bread aaj elotliiM,
And have no other "frow."
An 1 for you r husband will
You take this nice young man,
Ojey his slightest Wish,
And love bliu all you cnu ?
I'll love him all I can,
Obey him all I chooite,
And wbeu I auk for fund
lie never tuuat refuse.
Then you are man and wlf ,
And happy may you be I
A many be your yearn
A dollar lu uiy foe I
And vliat U aolitude T Aiid
Tw rouoi away aud
hold communion
.. .
AVbore sounds of revelry and d.u of
Ritreat to ncthingnesM ; to eve l the
And tileiit wood, ai.d stroll the brook
Vhote sliver waves tut ripplo f ,rt:.CIltt'' for minnle l,iV U,i"
atUj jtruuk," and Mr. Spoopondvko bang-
Oipruito Him v.hwm boun ll.w e y at tlio Imp ao l breitliol
tirundeur crowns iburj. Hut his bmt elTirti c ml I
The unteri'e of thought and d ;ed only nun tbo key ha!f wny. Oil !
"J trut!l I Bin t I !,..! v.,ii't I.m-L it !"
With love's refuhjiuit llk'ht : to
I not, nor e'er has beon, nor stain of
Pbilutes the frcgrni t air with Incense
Of crime and woe and path; where
grandly buw
TL kI.iIiu uuk uiiU tender wiidwocd
To Hint who reiirns supreme the
Klu of Kins.
Nut so to me. To hUii1 within the
And here tint jjHtllng sway that strife
doth invto
Tu tliose who wnlk upon
tl;e thor-.t
VI miny relllnn puln ; o Htaml where
Is all aflame with love for power and
Andttrdeiit, eager, tliroiiL-Inij nmns,
of cluy
That iti'Ind humanity to dimt for
Bold ;
Where might is right nnd honcoty 1
And he who would not bonn Infidel
i'o curse am loud blaxpheuie the God
- 01 IfOilH, -
I shunned as though a fool and luna
The drege of ull created thought ;
to live,
To move, and know uo symputTiiztu
breast .
Iu which a heat doth dwell as virtue
Doth burn responsive to thine own
wild hopes :
To feel there Is no heart that beats
for thee,
Or loves to think or dream of thee as
Or call thee some dear name, as in the
Ah I this is solitude I A doleful state ;
me wildest, deepest solitude that
To human ken the dregs of earthly
'' woe :
The spell of death and blackness of
Ooiteaa aooonaced tbe other day
that be WanUd to marrv. and the
oldier who shot at bim furnished
him with a miss.
A photographer down East, ofter
getting bis victim In position says t
rieeae oast your eyes to about, the
level of that frame on tbe wall." Id
tbe frame ia placard Jearing tba
ttagio worda j "Terine Cash." The
photographer wonders why be cao.
not get a pleasant expression on tbe
face of any Bitter. ,
Praotioe makes , perfect It was a
railway etation. The trains were
being made op. Puff wont tbe loco
aotivea, whirr went the wheels and
tbe whistliog 'wse terrifio. There
was baoking and forwarding ana all
sneer of shuntiog on a labyriuth
ofraila. "What tba deuce are ty
doinc t" '.''raotisiug for art i"
1 i
Locking' the Trunk.
"My dear said Sire. Ppoopenrtyke,
n alia arose from ber knees, hot ami
tireJ with pncVioK, and robbing tbe
anall of her back aa the atraigbteo
eJ np, ' I am all through now, ao 1
I wiHlyou would lock tbe trunk."
'C(irtain1y," replied 3ft, Spoopeo.
dyke, dropping hi pupnr an J alana
inln J.iwn the lid." All yoii have
got t-do in j iBt to fit the baip in
the lock and turn tbe key, aol"
But tbe key didu't q lite turn an 1
Mr. ypoopondyka bit the bip with
the aide of Lie firat end tried it
"Don't it work!" asked Mra.
Spoopcndyko, watching the prooed
iog with coos!deral)le iotereat.
"It'll work if you'll let it alone,"
said Mr. Spoopntidik", auvercly, and
be raited the lid. dr ppd itniia,
poii'i lod tbo h:tip and reuolio d at
tbe key with all bis utreo;tli.
'Stuud buck and give me room, can't
you f" ba growled, as
he Preesedib,,l"red'il,,lo,'in'''
down oo tbe covur and ie the koy
quio'c twiuts io vuin tllort to catch
the lock nnawarea.
"Why don't yon reU ynnr weiubt
on it ao I lot roe lock it?" asked Mix.
8p Ktpeodvke, ll it ori iir aro in I her
buibaod and w iodjriu if ho
thoroughly aware Hint bU plu hit
was immediately uodcr tbe li I.
'llave yoa got tlu time to knt'p
,awry from the thiu an I
Ijt iit
work it ?" d j hi in 1j .1 Mr. Sp'topon
djko, CJnte nUtin his wife with a
Hpartau exprmion of vimgn. ''Sjt m
1 cn dj a iyttiio wit!i y l sittnif
on my olb ? If y i t'll u 1 i
. . , . , .
8 Ciai11iOt 'lrs. ponpiinijf, ...
jioa t0 bUt hur "!1,1U growing
wralli, "I forgot to put in your
w .l .iog i ano."
' LoJ (.' tl.e ctinp 1" rpnltoicd
M hpoopeudvktt, ' SpoKu its gnimt
to lock any e.inier with a d id g nt j I
Witlkiug cuio stiuliiiig out at onu
i-iid f Who tmvs 1 cut.t luck i) T
Wh'il'i the renHon I can't lock it V"
ik Q.I be etoo.l off und f.itchu I IU
hifp a tra nan I.j.h ki.ik. ny
thing il-e you'vo forgotten to put
iu '!". i 1 ho spiutig en tho lid mi l
i,' red nl the key with bin Lend
f.inwn luck and bin luelh e-t." O il
ljf ..jiz .... Vo t ;v lit in her?
. - -I .(.. 1 11. .1 i
u,u! luu -
vrimn ll.t'3 HI mis irillaK I 11 an 1,
to put in that dod ganted its ou the
too iloor who trios I pliv Iho lid
il!o '' and ho (looped o!T on to the
lioor and b ingo 1 at the Imp aaio.
' Lot tub bit ou it,'' iiugovted Mis
Sp.iopeu ly ko, cli x'n I u i
for a responoe. "Nov try it."
Mr. poiipsudyko fnnibliil urounl
aud worked at the banp 'and key,
jet fruitlessly,
'I'au't yoa sit any harder than
that!'' bo yelled aa the key struck
aud wouldu't tnru either way.
'Fraid of breaking the meusly thiugT
frees down caut ye V
Mrs. tpoopeodpke squirmed
arouud and said, "u dear,'' HQ I
then looked over to see tl i w he n
getting on, but still the lock was
"Uoadgast the measly old truuk 1"
buwled Mr MpoopuoJyke, firing the
key out of the window aud giving
tbe trunk a futewell kick. "If you
waut it locked you get a blacksmith
aud a steam derrick," an d Mr.
Spoopeodyko threw himself iuto a
chair aud proton la I U bury hiiO.elf
in bia paper
"I dou't know bow we're ever go
ing to get it open. said Irs. 8p oop
endyke after a long silence,
' Oot what open t" growled ber
"Tbe trunk. Now I remember,
its got a spriug look - and when you
took the key out it looked itself.
don't suppose we oao ever fiod tbe
That's it " yollod 5poopendyke.
- Vou koow all about it now ! W by
diio't you tell me it waa u apriog
look? What d'ye you keep it to your
self for 1"
I forgot," whimpered Mrs,
Spoopeodyke, "bat it will be all
right " I oan open it"
Ob, yon oan open UP - snorted
Mr. Spoopeodyke. ' "You're an
opLerl All you want is to be sharp
ened on both aides to be au oyster
Vv' I ith a lautern aud a
'I r 1 1 ' i f'' ak hi
it 1 If yon bad 4 e handlo and
one corner Licked off, you'd got rich
as a screw drivor 1' ' aud Jr. Sxtoop-
endyke tore out of the house to see
if he could borrow something to pry
open the nnforlonate truuk.
'That gives ma time to park tbo
valise, murmured Mrs. Spoopeudjke,
"and as I've got another key to tbe
trnnk, we'll do pretty well after all,''
and the worthy lady bogau to jam
night shirts and hair oil iuto the
b.ig, together with sandwiches and
tooth brushes, wondering between
times whether Mr. SpoopanJyku'n
silk bat had boeo so bs Ily smashed
that it wouldu't do to go fiabiog iu
oo rainy dtys, evnn if itdiJu't look
well cuongb for church.
Grains ol GdIJ.
Seek oot to plense the world, bu
ymr own ooumtiouoe.
The defect of great men ate tbe
cnutf lii'io of dunces.
It there Is anyiliiug belter tliau to
lie ig wise wuu nevHi- a' l' whd
uui re.on, and uevr Hi.'in-t it.
To win, w rk and w. it but wor ,
s :oik1 ileal m ire than toil watt.
It i" n 1 sit'.llcieui f ir doiri-s to bu
lion! ; it is Decennary that they he
ro'ilat. d.
TlfOiily aiiaran lii'i'' fl rv-r on
ear h is virtu i ; the on'y la-t o& treu
a ii re, troth
W "h'Hi d k 'ep o'tr 'orn for our
own weukiKM-", tin I onr bin mo fo'
our own hiii.
Where there in innoh prrten'lon,
ni'icli bus heoii b.iirowjJ Nuur.i
neve' preien.jH,
Lrt nu livus he pui'4 ns rno
fii'ld, wliuie nr f nit utep le.vo a
maik, hut ii t a at tin.
U'iuir ciitiviiK ill that any rciliin
hubit ii iiij iri.tii.', apply wi)l-powor,
and it enn be overcmue,
Chimueys ro nut swept until the.
Dre is ont, When tli e p.iMiom srn
exliiirfnihlip I unlit purities Ins heutl,
I) i tint u-n ci''i"ii w!ii' ii ctIIi'.I
upon t (In u ol tiling, nor oieu--e
win' n you ft io reproauho 1 luf Ji
i ii u a ba I cm?.
Mi u uie gui'led lo by C"noi
eni'o iliun by glory ; Hnd yet tlie
itliortest miiv to y lory IS Ij bo guided
by roniei-nce.
It is u point of r x.j! li"i t winliim
to Li vp tli tfoiilen ln'idle ol tit.i lei s -:ion
upo'i nil iU-' ulT'ittioU'i wo eier-
u "fry tiling.
Thu jrrca'esi mi l nr-Ht unliable
orivile-e wl.roli thu rich ei.i.y over
.1. I... 1 .U...I. tl,uu ..-
ci' i"" !(.- "i'i oii -
luj them li.ippy.
Keep Your Hcait Warm.
Winter is at hand
"Keep blow, the wind.
And e.iiild thp northern blt." j
The autuiun leaves are beautiful
in their bright colors of crimson and
purple and gold ; but it is tho beau
ty of death 1
Cold I The dnya grow cold and
col! grovv tho nilits. Soon the
Kroiiud and rivois will be frozen
hard. How bright and how cheer
fnl now becomes the blazing, glow
ing, open wood fires t
did, cold t true it is, aa hna been
written, tbat disappointment is the
j!ot of mortality that was made to
nionrn. ToWwry. one coma bis
griefs and morrow Of t irly friea Is
many are dead, a few estranged,
bile some are precious beyond
price or espresMiuu.
Oue thing should be observed
above all other, amid the imitations
and sorrow of life. It U to keep
your heart warm, lie true, be gen
erous, be affeotionate yourself. O th
eriae three rem tins no sweetness.
no seat in life, and yon die before
your time, and your spirit becomes
extioct while you are still in tbe
flesh, and your blood, though king
gisb, still creepa throagb your
Keep ynnr own heart warm. Cling
to tbe memory of the dead. Cling
to tbe love of the living. Co shall
jou abed the sunlight of beavt-n ov.
er mortals careeron jonrt-elf and
oo others. Tbe heart tbat has al
ii ays been warm shall be felt io its
benefioence long after it has ceased
to beat,
I . L 1
A cruel maiden t "Are yon lone
ly to-night, Mise Ada I" "No, air i
I wish -were lonelier." . And be
baSe'ber adieu. ' .
Vaai aa tha mountain air i
euse tbe liberty I take," as the oon
ict reotatked aa be eoeped ttvt'
ir ' 5rS
Saylnjs of Garfield.
GuMen Worth from th L'ipn anil
Ptn of lh Devl Preitenl,
After tbo battle of arms comes
tbe bsttlo of history.
. I would rather be beaten in right
than atioceed in wrong.
For the noblest man that lives
Here still rotuuins a conflict.
Treseut evils always seem great
erthnn tlioto that never come. J
Orowth is bettor thin permno
ence and penuaueut growth is bet
ter tbau all.
It is one of tbe precious mystorie
of sorrow that it finds solace iu the
uneelHeh thought.
$Utetu insliip consists ratbor in
removing the Cannes tLau in punish
ing or evanding the results.
Ideaa of thu great warriors of thu
world, and a aar that bus no idea
behind it i simply brutality.
Kternity alone will revoal to the
human race i' debt of gratitude to
the poerloHS and immortal unwo of
Occasion may be the Imglo.cnll
Ihut Hitiuuiiins an army to b ittlo. but
the lilmtt of a bn'lo can tmvur ui ik
swl diets or win victories,
1 d.iulit if any mun eqnnllod M viu
nel Adam in formutiiting mi I ut
tui ing the lierco, clour and nmxir
able l.vic of thu Involution,
riiroughout tho wholn web of ti i
ti iuiiI exintniice we tritc tho (ildeii
thread of human progress toward
tli i high T and lio'tor entnto.
An act of bad f lith on tho piirt of
a Mate or municipal cori ir iti ti,
like poimni iu tbe blood, will tr:iiiM
tnit its ciurso to succuudiug i:euer
at ions,
Had faiih on the part of an in li
vidmil. a city or even a Stato, is a
siuiill evil in comparison wiih tin
caliiitiitieu Mbich follow lutd fitith on
the part of u sovereign government.
If there be olio tiling ol tliiii eui tll
llmt inniikin I lovu in. 1 ii liniiu better
lliiiu Hijotlii'i- it i a hmvu mini ; it i i
a iiihii who d ues to look thtidovil in
the f.ieo snd tell him be i a ileil.
We Mi'iul I d i n it'ii'ig iu.M i.itnnt
with the Hpirit and teniii of onr iu
Htmition. Wo slixild di tioUiinj
for roventfe, but everything for ku-
eniity i nothing for tbop:ist, evury
thing for tho preseutand future
Womanly Economy
Thcro is much lu!k of tho extinva-
i;aticH of a woman, nnd thero i no
doubt that when n womun pntn her
hand to tho npendiug of money nho
can do il with a perfect loo.-onori.
AVomcn nro Dntuially cxttomitits,
and do whatever they do an I thiuk
whatever they think with all thoir
tuigtit. Hut to tlii qiOStil'l of
apending money thero are two hi lus,
aud the bulauce decidedly inclines
towards saving rather than spend-
mg. omen ara naturally eoouo
mists. They have twice tho skill of
saving that men have. Tbiuk of
the "ani l clothes made to look
amaist ns well as ne.v,' think of the
bonnets retrimmed and brought out
in the latest stylo i tbiuk of tbe
twixtiog and turning, the contriving
and saving to which tuaa.y a woman
resorts to keep bar family looking
respectable, while her husbaud never
thinks of Minting himself in cigars
of liquor, Mauymkni4 kept from
panperiHtii by the contriving of bis
wife i muuy a family owes the com
fortable house they inhabit more to
the ecouomy of the mother thuu the
savings of the father, Hefore men
talk of the extravagance of a woiuun,
they should strive to learn a loeson
form their economy.
The Irishman baa his braina elose
to bis lips. "Pat," said a conceited
ooi-comb, "tell me tbe biggest lie
you can oo the inatant and here are
two shillings for yoa. "Ah.' said
Tat with a eigoifieaat leer, "Yoor
Honor is a giulletnao.T
The idea that there was a thresh
iug maobina rnnnipg oo liloomfleld
street yesterday waa erroneous.
It originated from tbo poise made
by a Louisville man eating dinner io
a restaurant.
Analogy : liable (aged tws'bty)
to Edith (agsd fitei -"There, Edith
do stop bugiriog 'mej you'll !rff
me to de
lYon rlidu't
PA, OCTOBER 20, 1581. NO, 14
An Irishman' Strange Fight. I
It was in the Island of Borneo,
A noeer p'sc i it is, I tell yon, an I
the qnoerset lot of people I ever r-aWjhe was hin,'ing on to Ned and
in mv life.
n .t .t tkA.smn tim. if a man
gets nsed to their ways, an old sa.lor'kn'fou I't out. .ariag No I mal
niik'ht Imvo a happy tima livn g wit" "go, dan sing wildly nb ut,
among the Pyaeka
I landed from my ship one d y,
and with Nid Mclvittick, a buy from
the Kienn isle, I startod for a cruise
on the "true.
We reekonol on a hunt, and
brought Run, th itth ae didn't
know what kind of gain we were
li iel.v 1 1 so i re np.
And, if I mnt toll the troth, we
didn't neither of as kno nmoli
about a gun.
Heth. acnohla," said Nod, phnl
kind av a cnuuthry is this at all atjbiui, for I didn't know what kind ol
allfljookat the threes. Ify tho tioublo he'd get into if I wusu't by
rent gnu of Athlone but did e iver to help him.
see such big wns in all yer loifo V didn't fully realize myself bow
Whoio wo landed there was a lit- l.ngnrous it was to chase a wound
tie river making its way diiMi to the ed oran, but I couldu't Lave left
sea, and whilo we were wslking npjNo-1 away.
to tho woods, a Lijj water miiike, an I Ho w as a good runnor, and was
thick as my arm, wout b up over-hauling tho nnui-m iiikey baud
tho slrenm. ovorfist, when four or five more
Nod K vo a w,r whoop and j imp- J dropped from tho trees and joined
od four feet from tho ground ; f ir if their companion,
theru ia anything oo tho lace of the! "Hold hard their, Ned," I yollod.
enrlh that au Irihhman hatjs it is a "Oou't you Ken ho s got help f
y,,,,,, j ".Sorrt a bit I cure I" roarud N-d
' Look at that fellow," ho cried '"lean whip the p.irty, av tUoy'll oa
"Slioot, Seth. Kill him. WboopI ly light fmr "
I niver saw nech a baste in all my Theoiaugs setup a clmtlorinir
iftli" and yelling such as you never buatd
I flit him o'liet lifter a whuu. and
n i
wont on into tho woods.
Ned wan wild at tho fruiti and
flowers ho H't.v, and il h tl lot him-,
he'd Imvo poixoiied bimaulf a dozen
times before wo got a mile on tho
Wc kept Hie river for a guide, be
canno neither of on knew tho coun
try, and if we once got lost iu the
trackless wood, thero ns little
chanco of our over totting out ulivo.
I Many a queer higlit uii 1 h mud
idi-tiirlied us, an 1 ut Intt ;ve nut dowu
j under u tree and took onr luiieh.
I bud jnxt nnx" 1 a little still uoru
of urog, when Nc 1 titiiitod up,
-l.n. k vhi- hero. Sotli." ho said.
See the hairy m m. l )t out av
j that, yo hi to't thafo av tliu will I.'
I Not f ir iiwuy. Htiinding in a stoop.
iln.r nocture, with Ilia 'il ur n
Hwining by his ei.ln, was a Luge
urnr.g-outaiig, looking ut ih in
queer, inquiitivo way which sceins'irroiin, and my enemy
so tint irnl to lujnkeys an 1 thosu of
H,r tiibe
ieia a big follow, iiuiilv ns tnll
i a tu in ; nu 1 no wonder Ned, who
had nover Hueii nnythiug like i t.
thouoht it wit a man.
I didu't Nty anything, and -Nel
ritoo 1 l ukiug at the ot atig in tho u,'
ly way p icalinr to an iihIiiu iu who
thjiiks himself impose I upou.
"Look heio, ye rncal," bo suid.
ongnly, "d'ye want anything out uv
The orang did not move or make
,,- eound, uod Ned began to not
He shook bis head and walked to
ward the orang io a lighting pott iirt.
and I followed, because I didu't
know what he was going to d .
"Now, look,'' aai I Ned. extending
bis hand. ' I've got five fiugors or
fonr nnjur an 1 a thu uii, which
manes tha same thing as well as
von, au' b t n o i v ir tv a du't
spake till mo. I'll s i nv vj h v they
do iho trio'c in ui! I fro! 1 1 1 "
"I wml I n't atn 1 1 t ih n i mun.
if I was you, Ned." I said, seltiiiiT
him on.
He di I n't nee 1 any b . 'iking a 1
went cloaer.
'Now, smell av that tl t," he s ti I,
"an' ui an k tue whibi I -pake. Av ye
don't bag ine par Ion for not answer
ing a civil question, may I niver aee
ould Ireland aain av I d int knook
ye iuto amithoreatiB."
Tbe orang nttered a harsh, grat
iog eekle, which Ned took for a
langb, and be at xlaPDed tba
orang aoross tbe jaws and danoon
arouud him with an Irish yell bis
baode np in true fighting atyle.
No one but an Irishman would
have ever thought of such a thing.
and I was baratiog with laughter. ,
Step np, ye villain," roared Ned.
-.'How d'ye loike tbat, now V
Tbe orang gave a jeli like a pan
ther aud sprang at Ned a throat, .his
eUwa going like a aiolmiU, j
I. .. time thaffit takes, to tell It,
Nad oa worel-looking Irish -
mat In 6r about tba Jand f lior-
i . ' a,
SMF!. Ji jwT 'ui'll jfftjP i' i a 'i iiiai mcv - -y .
j "r ii is itiaB'
0 SI I
I don't kno t what wiutl have
jbappened ti bi n if I hadn't got out
a knife and give tha orang a dig,
.for I didn't dire tj llro at biui while
clawing into mm.
'he mi, into the orsng foil ttie
nu. I iiluod runnini djwn bis face
from a doeu cr.ilchea.
"liyecall that fair fighting, yt
Hack t'l.ifo J" hi ronroJ. "owld
on t I'll co'ito tiil .''
To ny Htirpiine be ret out on n
run after the oriu-ontnng, which
was runuing sway among the trees
looiking ocr ins t-iiouiiitr wiiu an
anry snarl, and l.ckiu the blood
which fluatnd fr no his wounded arm
Ned wouldn't top, aud tho only
thiug I co. ild do was to run oftei
'". vour nio, uireo or tiiein. tho olio
I. had hurt among tha icht, b.-L'tm to
n w h.. .
como toward ns with such mischief
u (uir eyes iu u 1 kuo.v me wore in
for a lilit
' Lo .k out, Ned," I cried. "File
tit tlimn or you are gone. "
I pulled on tho big folio I had
t ui't, 1111 1 he knelo 1 cvur bonutiful.
Ned, who began to have a faint
ido of the truth, had thu good luck
to brc.iU tini leu of another.
Tlie pitiful yell he utti-ied brought
I ho others ut tH, iilnl iliew mv
L,.i'.. r 1. .... 1 .....o.
wr "
,.!l.!.. l l.i.! t ill.. ,.i, l ,l,ul,.,.1
nil. Ji ll tlio oni:ri'' ut wliu-li lid
j Mi nek leaped back to avoid tlie blow
and stood chutcring.
I My ant ioiiint m i 1 1 a jump at
Uie. an 1 I lult the .hii'ii cliiwa in mv
i t'lroat, und Hlrnctc out wildly nnd nt
I inndo n.
nn 1
heard a I. (If hmiian
lay doa I at
toy fent.
As Ijumped to help Nol. I i
liim astri lo of t'i'i ouriing which ha 1
pitehod in t him, pnniiucling him to
hia hout t'a content,
''i, wn I ye,
"Taste llmt. an'
How d'vo loiko
"' h i yell .l.
nu' that.
that t"
Co mo awav. N-d," I said
"Von'll h ivo a w!i do colony of tho
hairy things ou your buck if you
don't look out."
"Whoop! I'il larl-e thim to pitel
('til a thrue-hcarted Ziish byo that
niver barme I tlii n in his loifo
fitste av that lue jowcl."
I dragged him off aud got hiat
didu't toll him that thoy wer
en't ruon wo wore fighting with un
til we got to the Miip, and he wai
braing how mauy Pyaeka bu'd
Then I toll tha story, and a
madder man you never saw in your
Of a mrse it camo to a Cht, and I
had to win.
Tims Hiiiliraee 1 i Two voiin men
luey euiorace i tmg youu men
who move in tha very but Austin
society went on a spree not lonu
since. Alter ttiey were pretty well
under way one of tbein said in au
iuebriated toue of voice i "Lei's bid
each other good night, Dill f "Why,
you ain't goiug borne alieady 1 It's
riuht io the sbauk or tbe evening,"
'Of course Via not goiu botue uow.
but after a wbilo e don't know each
ozaer from a shido of sole leather
sho let's shay good oijiit' right now,
before ti'su too lata." Thev em-
An article in at .
tied "tihriokag
refer to tbe br
seats apiece i
don't surmk
When .y
Jka kAi
. ?re.iotf
I soot wb
Published ernrf ThursdaT Eve
Tertni of Snbaorrpboti,
aide vitbin sis months, or IZfiOifnot
paid within the year. No paper die
continued until all arrearaeea arc
faid unless at the option of the pub
isher. HultecTlntlonsmitslde of the county
aj5sPersons liflinar and nnins; fianera
al(lrpsnd ' others hexomesuhiicriliere
and arc liable forthe price of the paper
mmmm "?"aaaa"" mf
Sad parting : "It may be months,
darling, before we meet again." he
said, aqneexing her band as if that
grip was tbe last t "raonntaioa and
valleys will divide ns, forests end
prairies, perhaps tbe river of death
itself. Can do anything more than
I have done to make your cherish my
memory and keep your love for me
unchanged t" ' Oh, she exclaim 1
choking dowa tier sob, "bay me a
bos of tortoiso shell bairpioe before
you slurt."
I'xptodo gno powder io your bed'
room if yoa want to drive away
flics and tuosqnitooa. A twooty five
pound keg will do.
Or fflo I l'oitmliirj, trfiinh R'ull$
in, ('''frit, .Voret,
C'lrbunetfs.HoiU awl Itch
in t Humor a. Cured.
What I ti-ll .iii la th. tru'V loM Inr n-i All)
mr .ii .i. ni in m'Uf In tha m.rlla of tha
I'm. i in BKiKi'Uf. Mr I ralarli-k Vaat
nl tlila 1'iivn. It. I -n ti-Hhl.-t tir ir.ra ltll
fv.r .r. uti tin. nl hl li.a, 1.-t afi't
.11 wlni.r Ii oi'il I h ir Ut ir ilk . atap I in.
1ii.l hli.l to l.k. four IU:i4KiMNa. H. ...
laaan '... ii Imir hnill-a ri Tio m Raan: t.
mi r. an I tli. 'erirrn .nil ilenerMa
Sup rTlaruall v. Hi. Ia tnl la .1 o it
wall an l lia walk w Ith aa- ltaa ft .Wilt
In liaii ii I hi n'k. a .Hurl varf btaif.
I ih ) i i r iiii.i ...i iua ik to il.. Tb ehaog.
(J I a.t'iiil'h v iu.
i II TKIPP. 4llr.J, Ma.
Will M -n ini' l. 1st: 'Laainan at.. 01,1.
""' kh.uti
. ,m h 1, i..k. !.-ua , 1 i.i Mr ..ran-
i "1 "ik .x.-.i-t on bo i
a.iu fit.. i'iriii,y,ir;ii.ii tum (.j ft, p fi..
''i,. "ZZ Z',
trla.l hundred, of ram
in ernnii'inn , I 11 a n... hnn-la.a
lrin.n.ntlj eurl ly tb. t'unours Haioaillai,
Tha half haa nut ba.n tnlit at to th (ra
mr vl iwra ir in. (Irrii i'Ma Haw. mat.
1 h.ra pil l linn Ir. la uf it iilar. Mr m..llolnai
tu -lira .lia.t-aa nl Cia nlml ant .km ani
an. I navar Innn l anyihln f.t to .niial las
tll'TH'I'H l(KMa.niK4.
11. 1 . A. Wll.i.l,rlt.(io.. K.t.
Th. Cnt rnra traatm-nl Inr th. tora of SkiS,
Srai. anil III. 1 1 1 li.aaaatt. niit,aia It, tha Iua
1 1, rual 11 nl i;i ii, i Ht, (lia B.W
1 llliio.t 1'iirlnar a ..I II. ..
1 i ua .11.1 i'i tU LHA Soar, tba Ureal bkla
. u ...
J'riwnfiTTiei n. imalt 5-u 1 lars
,..a..i tu rieeua uin., st.1 ii.r loila.
.' v .-! ..r. lit-Tt.-eaa Ssatish
1 1,1 "T n iinunlai.,
CCmpleta Treatment
For $1,00.
Oar kaal an. I nil.-., .aa? brf.lhlnt.
at tin am, i,., lo.-t am. II. la(a ao l kaar-
nu. ni oieii'ii. n't einiaklnk, ni illatraa..
i h.aa h ,t.pv ara tiroiikbt annul
n tha lautni.t i-anaa i.r calarrb l that
ni'1-.l ntiraanlila. .iiniiml'al. aal.
ill.t navar Ulllti aiM.illld, NatriiH(a Ran
1 l ( r ("ii nil.lani InUlllnla Ira.l
iiuiil. c.inliln ol una li lll. ol tba Han
i ,l in hi-:, nn. ut 0thhii riLVk.r
ml m Ivi-mivaii laHaLKS. all rapia.
in una l with tr-iall. ana illrai.ll.ina
ami -ma l.v ail lrajli(a furfl. a.k far
-lAarniiii''. liaitii l iM'kic.
U.u.ral Agaula, WfctKS POTrr.R,
II... ("n. M aa.
llMls Mlra..
0 lloarhaa Watar Hurt
; an1, nail afiu ni.-a
e.tla..t raa.oouilV
i'HAHsHN'H ;.
I r.H M i N ATilH aaS
dla Nulrar of bad
mall.. Ham., araa.
aria, aai hiiuaaliulil. iilian (ilaaral In a .logls
uwiit. Ha.t an i v.nnli klii.r In tba
w.irul. No lillii'. In :i0 T.ara. tv.,r b (
warratitad. SuM Iit all gritta-. anil ilruirsuu,
Aaa Ii.r PlIiaiNI', .lail. I fir iaj. li
wttK.s i-ur rfcit, Ujiwo .vi.,.
IV I man. hip would raaiwritullr Inforoi tka
fiuhllc that alia I- prair.if to ilu plalo kDt fas
it lr.K rnniiil at (hurt ootloa.
I 'Skill
patruuasa raitiaotiunr aouniiaii.
Aa. I, IMI
Onlil. for hoi h SEXES, fr Ui. marries an4
thua riilitrmiilallu (narria-ja a brllll.ut, faarl.
tintliiu Uuk. aciiiiiiarlur fot ih. million on llaalLh.
N'1,,-,ml "iu t-hjai. ai i.iiaui Mapaud Woni.ui
ln nu . ,,.,, ,ni .uiloraaat br eioaician.
(il ls. j nlili-ai i-.u..jL.i Iu iba Nortlmaal,
whiiwlll i.y 9500 turi'iert raaa or iniaaia or
vi rsainare. mi DO cents, or or. A ,
BO cant., br
i-iimui,' niacua.' nl i illi.r re. D. Uliilbriafcua alia
(alia to euro. Kvnd liao aiainp. fiH-QutdetO
Health. Reliable Female Pills, as
n Box. A quiiil home lr lauir. duni'f cou
ni. nidi. l. Hubber Goods aud flreii:.r ol
lUijurLaul n.lwiutaiiuu. ly Liiiroa, QO Oente.
Dr. A. C. OtIN,
K.ntncky niork, tOI . Claik ML, Chicago, 111.
an. auriihlaaaaUTararwttka tala kl 1 krai-alrr. fc.S
aiaaiuror partirulan.lir.BaTI.
la Suria lkroa kU, Iklcasa.
Onifil sent free-to those who
lab to an.., la th. sail pl.aaant ass
iirnni.bla Luam.ii. kuotiD. t.ari Ibtuaf
oaw -.nai aoi raquira.t. w . taut inr.iaa
o. aa.riihlns. ID a i'.t abil npWaM. la
a.illy mail, wnbonl ataytu awaf rrts boaiS
av.r alaliU No rlik abal.aar. Maav saw
i.r ara waa-4 at ais., ki.a ars aiaklas
-i-waa at Iba k ' !" -tia a
ai. ' aaka
( .'
1 .
--I V , , ,
f .