The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 13, 1881, Image 3

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    HiddJeburg, OJf. 13, 1831.
BaVwwB ihttj.tV fwfonTS. the Cssrta l
feayder Cobbit ar bald ea IM foartb Mon.leya
l Februarr, hley. eosSeptaiBbar, Bad Seeoad
aYoaday iTMwaUr.V
All communications, business lot
Ian 4o.r for this office, to secure
. prompt Attention should be addressed
M follows: Tni Post, Middleburg,
ttayder Gnlnty, Fa. Advertisements,
eomnunlcaiion Ao. must he handed
In by Monday noon, to secure luser
ton in next issue
Miss .4 Ives t
Wettol returned from
Fern und autumn
how in order
leaf gathering is
"The melancholy day have come,
tht saddest of the year."
' John A. Stablnccker, of Franklin
township, lost a t sliiabl home. f
... II. H. .lean inger raised Iris flarn, in
Frauklia, on datunl'ty last.
The time of year has come for sot
ting up stove, and it may truly be
ca'.lod aeoson of perplexity.
Th ton of comp laiut coms from
very town about the high price of
butter. In Pitburg it was selling at
CO cento per pound last week.
Jack Frost arrived Thnrwtluy morn
ing Inst., He had an icy appearance
and sent the mercury diiwn tn3J di
grees at the lower end of town. j
jYassinfrer, Walter A Ca, moved
their Fleam Saw Mill to lands of Chun,
Boleuder, in Franklin township, about,
Smileseastoflhisjiliii-e. yfrlieVel Hi ,U in various C .I
llleVshnctonT!ou1.. (.Liml..t.!0, ''' ''! Vtw at Oppen
fnm.i. l i. i-i.,
. In proper trim with a view to the com
fort of its Kiieeta for the winter.
Every dealer should have printed
nnteheads, billhead and envelopes,
twill cost but a lil lie to Imve them
donefu the best stylo nt the W nllico.
- . .
James Q. Crouse E-iq., a student of
Jacob Qilhtrt E-i, of tin iiUm,
who was admitted to pr u-lii'e at htit
term of Qjurt has gone into partner
ship with his procoptor. See card.
The 1st Reunion of the ulhVer ami
men ofthetMih Rot. IV Vols, will he
held nt tluioim, Fx. on Tliiirndity Oct,
2Uth 18S1. A f.ill ititemUnue is eat
neatly desired.
. Kinionton, B.irher A Un's. new ware
house is being roofed the new Siding
is under way and whuii evervtl.iii!'
is compleed they will tuive lt (IneKt
coal-yard slung the lino of the S A L.
R. R.
The public has long since awarded,
to Ayer's Hair Vigor the foiuost
place among reliable Hur Restora
tivea It is clloctual, agreeable and
absolutely lutrntloHS. It makes ihe
hair fresh and luxuriant, and old nc
care and unfaahiiniadle.
- -
Wliile Pennsylvania has within Ihe
past ten years risen from the position
twelfth to that of the third tobacco
growing 8tat in the Union, it would
fee quit at interesting to know what
position we hold as a tobacco consum
ing people.
Lady Bkautikikih. Ludii's, yon
cannot make fnir skin, rosy cheeks,
and sparkling eyes with all the cos
metics of France, or beautttlera of the
world, wulle in poor health and noth
ing will give you mioh rich blood, good
, health, strength and beuuty as Hop
Bitters. Atrial in certain proof.
-Dive-took an after-noon snooze
awoke at 8 in the afternoon -firmly
believed aud tenaciously held that it
was Monday morning at day break,
nd therefore, thereupon proceeded to
th liable and fed the horses, h ,gs
nd cows. About sun-down the
cloud cleared away and the sun shone
out brightly to which his attention
was called in order to convince him
toot th day ' was just closing, but
vv still held that it was sun rise.
Tbs boarders iay tby got two days
ooartting for th price of one. iow it
this? Th Keoretary of the nduatri
." Men's Association is responsible
for the above
ftnnsylvanlo Stale Sunday School
Th Seventeenth Annual Conven
tion, of th Pennsylvania Hut Sunday
Ohool Association will ho lial.l 1 11..
Presbyterian Church in th city of
uousiown. commencing Tnesday.
tober 18, 1881, at 8.30 P. M., and
continuing Wednesday and Thursday.
Oct. 19 and 20. Each county associa.
on b entitled to send six delegate
J Hieir respective counties.
jM det-gate will be entertained. Ap
plioatLsn for enteruiument must be
adtoMr, John Fulton, chairman
Lr ommiltM- Upon their
riv -at Johntown, delegates will
report to Mr. D. L. Jones in th PAs
njrlarian Church, wher bomas will
Provided for them. Bpeoial rail
0M rates ar being prepared from all
jwbrof th But.. Order lor the
m nwy b procured by addressing
arman of Railroad Committee,
y 'W. 9ublUlUny9Dort,
Tbi Orifin of Nations.
By Prof. 0. Rawllnson. No. 25 of
the Humboldt Library 0 Popular Sri-
tnet. J. Iltigerald A (o.. Publisher,
1434th 4v.. It. Y. Trice 15 cents.
Tliis is one or the most valuable
works published in the Humboldt
series. It auther holds .the first rank
among English scholars, and students
of Ethnology, and the present volume
contains the results of his Vkst re
searches. The book Is an octavo of
about OQ pages, neatly printed on
cedent paper, and is- a marvel ef
cheapness. Files of the Library for
1 - 1 u a ntM
Mil IIJ A, IW, UU I -J .....
JThfi PhilullphU iVeeWi Prtn, the
largest and best weekly paper in the
Slate oders to subscribers a township,
county and rail-road map of the
State free on receipt of the price of
the paper for one year one dollar and
a half the map alone being worth
that sura.
JTImira Hand-Made boot and
shoes for sale cheap at Schruyer's,
Every one is cordially invited to
buy their 'nil and Winter B00U and
Shoes of M. 8. Sohroyer, Belinsgrove,
where you will always find a large
stock and a full assortment to select
from, satisfaction Guaranteed.
- fVThe very best Unttrrelnthing from
S3 cts, and upward at Opponheitner's,
Peilnsgrove, Pa.
OTudents' Furnishing OiHiils of Su
perior quality, at the moot reasonable
pricoi at Oppenheinicr's, Sclinsrove,
?uOVEnOO VT4of evory quality,
stylo ami pries liH.iIinilile at Sol. Op
penhcimers, Solinspjrove, Fa.
iT full line of Fall and Winter
Ready-made Clothing Just opened at
Oppenheimer's Clothing Emporium,
Vuliiisrnvo, Fa. Opponhoimrr Ims knooksd the
props out from under hih prium anil
has dtttermined to dispose of his
liir stork of Fall and Winter Quods
at Pricos lower ever. Oj and
.Sielinssrovo, Fa.
Tritnks, Vilices and K.itehnls of ev
ery dtMcrintion, eheup, very cheap, at
Oppouheinier'x, Sulinirove , Fa.
A larise variety of the latest styles
Indies cohIs at 8. WeisV Selinsgrove.
Liirt;e variety of Hlack and colored
i-nhniKrc fir la lies Dresses Just re
ceiveil ut S. Weis'a Slinsgrove.
F. . Drake. Eq.. has reu ivernd
fnini a tumble skin h im ir, which
covered his head, face and hand", by
uing Oiitlonrii Re4olvent internally
and Culieura and Outicura Soap exter
nally. This is good untrs. Oct.
t'razt-ra AxleGreiiw).
One trial will oonvinno you that it hi
the doit. Ak your denier for Ihe
Kra.rr Axle Urease, and take no oth
er. Every box has our trade mark on.
Kept. 2.1 '81 ui.
We invite the ntlentlon of onr read
ers to the advertisement of the Buck
eye MTg Co., Marion. Ohio, in another
column. They offer raro indueeinonts
to emu an honest living.
Sept. 2-2, in.
Tumors erysipelas, mercurial diseas
es, scrofula, ami general debility cured
by "Dr. Lindsoy's Biood Searcher."
Surprising the People!
U. .Marx, at 8ohnsarove. is sur-
prUing the People with his large stock
of B ots and Shoes he has just bought
at Elmira. New York and hiladel
Oct 8, '81.
Trunks and Valises are sold
cheaper nt Marx's lu Selinsgrove than
anywhere else.
B. .Varx, at Selinsgrove, is sell
ing the celebrated E'mir Iland-mado
Boots at astonishing low prices.
B. Marx, at Selinsgrove, is soiling
only the best make of Boots and
Shoes at the lowest prices.
At Marx' Store you will find
Shoes for the smallest infant up to
the largest man.
You will save money by buying
your Boots and Shoes at Marx' in
It is a pleasure to go into Marx's
Shoe Store toexamlne goods and to
see bow pleased he is at your eomlng
in, and you will And It to your ben
efit to go there first before going els-
It will pay every body to examine
the immense Slock of Furniture for
sale by the Popular Furnitur man
W. H. FELIX Lewistown Fa.
RT virtn of a writ of PI Fi. F.
-IMao4 oatof tkaOoortofOoainioe Piatt of
ayatr uoioii, ra., aao 10 ao Slrastea will
be up mm t Pabli sals, oa
Satorday, Not, 19, 188 1,
at Ibo Court
o'slook A. at.,
li i
o.'la MliMlobara-, ai 10
lunuwiog MM MUM 10
tract nu. 1 aitaoto la
Fraaklls towa.
rble, (iad-r ooaati, Fa., baaadoa Nortb bf
IftlV Ol um Mirp of IP avo'O. Kail DV
land of Jotouk Hkaaaoa. aouib bv uf j.
Drou-a sod olhoro. Wool bf load ar Uatasiiaa
nowar, ooaijaiaiag
' 65 Acre.
mora or last, wharaua era areola a two stori
aatuarboardad immMaf
Hoose, New Bank Barn,
sad etber sal balldlsst-
TBAUT NO. S-WtsaU Is freaklla taws
blp, aordor coaaty, Pa., boaadaS Narlk bf
land ofUatbarlaa Huwor, Esil br Uad of 8aia
aol Boa aad oUste, loa Sbods MuuaUls,
or ar lass, bar at eraolad a good dwel
ling Houaa, Bank Bain
sad otkor oat balldlss.
ttoliod aad ukoa la oseoatloa sad ts be sold
as Us vroaoi M of JoMk kaaa.
u7aoLi6biut, aaoriff.
oct.u.'l. . ...... .
Bay none but J. Rlohardsone A Cot
Elralrt Jfaod mad Boot every pair
stamped on the bottom with firm nam,
all warranted and for sale by M. ft,
Sohroyer Belinsgrove Fa.
Oat. 881 .4w. '
J. W. Dreesei
rot ttots &
Baiisr par foot
ttft fT dote
Tallsw pruse)
"ceded Cksrrlts
Dried Apples
' lb
4 1 A
7 to 8
Allddlebiirflr illiirket,
ooasacTsa wssslv r
Slmonton, Barber 3c Co.
Whtsl psr busM
Rys da
1 fc
1 00
0 IK)
Cora do
Oats de
Clovarsaail ptr bnahal
Chrrrlrs, pitted
Chrrrlfs, uuplilid
Ih-lo-l snnlaa
Spring Chickens
lluilor, rriint
I on
Ham '
10 to 12
8.t to An
i Co
5 An
6 oo
4 (K)
Oak Ties
Ps Coal
''be'inn eoal
HUoki h Coat
Al the parsnnaite in Now Merlin, (Jet.
n.v itev. Hi.iney Koliler, Charles II.
Ilerlisler. and Miss Hallie A .Mitchel,
"id) of Heaver Vjwuship Suyilur CVi.
At Ihe same place, by the same
Oi-t. 0, (Simon (ieis and Miss Maiy A.
HoihIi, both or New Herlin.
41 the renidem-e of the Bride's pa
rents l i New Iti-ihn, Oct. tl, hy the
same, William II. Smieli -ind Itucliel
A:, oldest diinithter of Frederick Fries,
both of New Herlin.
Oct. (i. nt New i'rlln, bv Hev. II.
V. (irons, James Heaver, of ilfiddle
liurir. and Miss Jennie E. Meusch, of
,1ay their mntrimonial ship glide
siniMHhly down thuslruam of life, en
countering ncithor storm nor bre.ikers
and may they be blessed, as they
well merit, with a sumoiemty of
worldly good, and numerous lillle mut
riinonial concomitants.
Conors! Eleotion rVoofimottoA '
t, nAfftr.t. ftor.r.WDBR, tai.h HFrirrfgef
Snvdor eeaaty. OoMMawaKiik n ri,n...
U, do korob; Bitk kaowt mA irlra antlao In
Ibo olMton of Iho eoaaly aAiroMltL that an
III be hale la UosalS ooaatrol
ajdor, oa
Tuttday, Novinir 8A, 1881,
mthaMrpoMofoloellat tb sstaraj mtmii
koroloahor aaiaorl, lo lit i '
e"a u an tks SM STtHaW Traararar
Oaa aortoa lo flfl IDS nfllis of T.M
Jndaaor IhO XX Jodlolal lllatrb-. lJLZ2i
v. aoaniiaa oi I'moa, Ttflt SSrt VlfHla.
Una ponoalolll UiOoffloool BhorlSot Mor
dorl'onatv. '
Oao fonoa lo Bll tb edos tTrmnm Bar
daroanaiT. . . ...a-i '
H i rL a ' Toasty
rflI:lpJ","." ,n.f 11 ,n OWf Aa
oeof air an tilor Ooaair. '
.J '"'"r so kooww a4 ta nxtlea
thai Iho plana of knldla IMsbnnM alaotloa
inn.nTtrii inwnnni ai ana imroushf 'Wllhln
Al ihi. Utid-t'liosn Hall, In aa lor Ibo Uor
Oiwh of Mllnannnia.
Al Ida UouaauT Oaulel Hot It In and for Porrt
Al lha honaa of tlavld If . Mamriit. aa iij k.
vnapmao vnrnanip.
Al Hnfiir'a Tjwa Halt, la and for Waihlajitaa
Ailha honMof ioha M. Mofaf, In lha Bof.
onuh of Ml lillKlmnr, for I'raiiklln Invnahla,
Al lha O.l Hall la Maatarlo.o la
and fur -trt liwn-hln
S.I lha h .n... of Jacob MilUr la and tot fm
Al lha honaa of Jtaioo D. taf la aad tor
Cantm townhlp.
Al lha hn iaa of M. Raotkaaah. la aad ft Mid.
dlarraak lownablii. i
at Ilia How of Hirak A. Miliaria an. I for
pann lownhlp
Al Ihan hool honaa la Kratiarrllla. la and for
Jockaoa lowtiahlp.
ai lha a. k i'ii hanaa at Shamokia Dam la and
for Monnia tuiriihip
Al Ihah m.r of I'hriMlaa S. Orayllll, It aud
for Waal Parry Inwnatilp. ,
Al Ihanoitrtlloiuo lu aud for Iho Dorouga of
Al lha koaoa of Bloator In aad for Colon
At ilia honaa of Iho bolro of Oharlao Mallrra IB
TroaloTlla, lo and for AdaaM Inaaahlp. .
Krorv purinn. otnanlln lha Jaatloot of lha
Paaro and Aldarinon. rlolarla fobltr and por
finnln tha mllliK tarrlno of Iho Htato, who
hall hold or ahall wlihla toontontki haro hold
anv nnv or apimlnlmonl of prohl or truat un
dar IhoOnltod siator, nroflhli Halo and eltr
nr nrpnrtsl dlitrlol, wkothor aeoaamitalonoil
nfflnor or othorwlio, a aoordlnata oiflear nr
ssant woo I'orahallho omjilotad un.lar iho
Laaltlatnro, r.oautlro or JU'imiary Hopari
mani ni mia moia. or oi any 0117 or 01 any In.
rrporatod rtiairlol, and alio, Iktlovary ai-m-bar
of ilnnxrona and ol tha Nlalo laavltlalnra,
aad of lha aalact or ootani.tfi eoaartl nf any
eltr, or ftooimtMlnnorit of aar Inoorooralod dla.
Irlrl, aro l law lnpahlo of holitln or oior
elrlnaat thaaatuo tlmo tlio oflloo or appoint
nant ol .lil'Ua. Inapoi-lor or l.'lam nfanralap.
Honor thit iiommnawaalth, and that no In
porlnr, .ludso, nr nthar ofRoar ol raid alo.
Hon. rhall ho ollvihlo In bo Ihra rotad Irr.
Mr Ibo am ol Anaam'ilf of .Inlr S 14.1 1. lit
aluo mnda"tho iiuty of avoro Mafor, Mhorlif,
Aldarman. Jnilloo of tho I'oaoa, eonnlahlo. of
orary elty. oounty, tonhlp, or Hal rift with
in thu I'limoinnwollh, wkoiiororoallad upon
ly anr nffo-ar nf ao by thrao quatl.
Aad olootorii tharool, Inaloir any window nr
aronua In lha window or aranoo to iho plaro
nfilnrat Klontloo whtnh i'utll naobitrnntO'l
In tuah a way aa to prorant rotor frotn ap
proaithlnn Iho ramo , and II (hall bt Iba ilutr
of arory rarportlva Oontlahla of tuck ward,
ll'trlrt or townnhlp wlihln thia lon.atoawaallb
lo bo praaanl nr by llapwlf, a JiaAjllaaa nl
holilloa Kl riloni, In mtoh ward, Tfrirlot nr
lownnhlp, for tha pura-ia of prararrlnn tha
peaoo aa afororaid.o
Alio that In tlioltb ai.eMnn nf Iho art nf Al
am lily rnlltlad' An act rolatlns ! i'ullnn
and olhar purponr" approrad April lu, km.
It la oaalrd that tha aforauld Ulb nntl in,
"hall not baonntlrnod ai to prrroat any mill,
lla onli-oror oorouah offloar fruin tarring a
Juilso, In'paotor or Olark at any K'naral or
lioolal olootlon In llili Commonwoittb "
Hy an Ai-t ol Aambly appmrod tho 17th
day of April, m. It la ooan'ol thai at
"all alonilon haroaftor hold un lor Iholawa
of ttala Coinmonwaalth, tha polli h til l mn
oil at ! oiolooh a. la. aad olutad at tavon
o'olork. p. m.
1 bo inipaotora an i anoaa 01 ma olootlon"
hall moot at lha roapoxilvo plioaa appolntad
for holdln Iho tin -t Inn In tho ilKlrlnt to which
ihoy ropnotToly iiotoair. bolorafvon o'olork In
tha morning, and aanb of Ihuro lnioritorr
hall apilnt ono f lark wk 1 thai! I10 a qualm
ail rotor nf men dlatrlal.
Tho qnallllad r nan of this rnonty nt all
yanoral, townalilit. bornnifli aol apcoial aloe.
ti, oi. art boroiiy liaroanar aniiiirirad ami ra.
ouattad to roio by tlokoti prlniail or written.
nr parity prlnlod and partly wniton art-rally
rlalflod aa follow! ; Una llnkat iball oinhntot
tliaaamoani oil ludvoaol rourla mtrd for and
to halalwllod ouiallo ".lodirlarr 1 " naa tick.
at ahall aaihraoa tho nainaa oioll aiataoifl iori
rolad for. and ha lanallod 'NliU; ona II kal
ball ainhrana tha nawa of all iwanly oirinora
voto-1 lor. Inola.llna- oinna of Nanitbir. niauibar
aad morabora of Aaiohly. If wntod fur, and
inomliorrof t'nnsro. If rntod for. and ha la
kalla.1 "I'onnly 1" ono llnkot ahall anibraoatbi'
namnoof all IowiibIiIii ofilaara rtgad for and Im
taliallad "Townalilii t' nna ll.-k-a shall ruilira.-a
lha nlLa of all hoMililh oltli art rolad for an I
ha labollad "ll irinjll " aad aarb elaaa ahall ur
dapoaltad In oanarata ballot b-ikaa.
HKaaaa. Tho Kllwanth Amandmont nf II, a
l.'oatil'.ulloB ol lha I nllaU rlwiaa la ai fol'
lOWl !
ew-Tinn I. Thoriahioroiu-antnftko I'nl
toil Hiatal tn yota ahall not ho dan led nr a
hrldaad by tha L'ol'a.l -lataa. or anv Ntata. on
aooount of raoa, oolor, or prorluus condition
of aorvltudo."
nbi'Tiok r Tbo t'onuroaa ahall haro nowar
toanioroa mia arnuia vj approgrtaia logiiia
A all w nans , Tho iionsron of lha I'nitad
Stalaa, on lha Hat of march, I BTii, paaral an
at. ootltlod "An Ant to onforea (ho riuht ol
nltliant ol Ilia I'n Had Siataa to rota In tha aa.
oral Ntalaa of thla t'nlnn. and Inr nthor nnr.
poaoa.'i iho Brat and aaoood a ootid oa of whlon
ara aa lollowa 1 .
NBi-TUiN 1. Ho Itonartod by ilia Fanata and
Houaa ol hnnro-M-nlallr-a of ihaM'tiltod stataa
of Amorlna In lhinroa aaaaiaiflod. t hat
olUtouaol tha Cnltad Htgua. whogrt, or ahall
ba aiaarwiaaquaiinaq oy oi aja at any
alontlnn by lha pooida. Id any HtaM. lorn tor r.
Ilatrlot, oonniy, elty, pariah, lovuahlp, aobnni
niairiri, munioipaiuy or oioar torritoriai aith.
dlrlalnn, aliall bo onlltlod and allow) to r.ita
atallauoh alootlona without wllaUnfllon in
raca, oolor. or protioni conditio ul aorrltudai
an- ronatltutlon, law, nuatora, naaga or roitu.
latlon ol any Hlala or Torrltory, or by, or ua
dar lt auikorlty, to tb oontrary notwlth.
MaiTios 1. And bail mrthar anantad. That
If by r uadar lha autbnrlty, of tuo tlonailtu
linn or lawaof any rltaia. or tho lawaolany
larruorr. aoy not ia or aoan oa ranuirail to bo
dono aa a firoroqulalto or quallfWUuo or rot.
log. and by aoi h mnatltullon or lawa, paranna
or oflloora ara or anall bo obanri d with tha par
formanoool dutloa In (arnlahlas lo oitliana an
opportunity to perform auob proroqulalto oy to
boeomo quallflad to rota, it ahall bo tho duly
of arory auoti poraon and oMInarto giro to all
ollliana or tno uniio-i ntaiaa, iua Santa and
aqual opnartunlly to porloiin auob prarau.
alia and ui baonaia quallAod to rota without
dlattoollon ol raao, eolur or prarloaa ooodltluo
ol aorrltndo 1 and II any aaoli tiaraoa or oidnor
aball rrluao or knowlnslr omit to sirs full tr
iad to Ihla aaollnn ba aiiaii, f ir avery auob of-
fauna, forlalt and pay tha -um ol nro kundrod
dollara lo tbo poraon assrlavo I Iharehy, to ha
rooororad by aa antlon iB tit oaaa, with full
ooata and auob allowanoa Air oonnatl f 00a a a
Ilia court akall doom luaU and ahall alao. for
arary rash olIi-n"0, l-t'larmt l gallty al a nila-
dtwaanor, and ahall na tn)yl ilan Ibo roof, ba
flnad not laaa than Bra kaadosd anllasa, ar ba
Impruonad not laat than oaa munlUaind ant
ra than out itar, ar botb at Ut Oliorttluo
ol tba oourt.
Aid WkatrAi. II It flaclarad BV Ibo aaaniid
action of Ilia Vt arllula of tha lloaMliutloa of
lha unltail Nlali-a that -1 hie Unaatltutlun, aud
lha lawa of tha t'ultal Mutoa wbiub thall b.i
tha tiipronio Itw of lha land, a .. anythlu)
la tliaCotiiiiiuiion or laws of aar Butt to lha
contrary notwithttaudltig.11
Aao WHsasis. ino t-iiaiaiwrworiniat;nm
monwraltb.nn iba Sth dayuf April, A. II. 1170
naatad an not. aallUtd (IA fnrthtr aupiilaniani
lo lha act rolatlog to alactlnaa In Ibla Ooinmoio
wrallb.i tba Miib taction ol whit prorldoa at
fullowat 1
SarrionlO. Thai ao mnob of ortrv out of
Aaaarublr at iirovldaa llial only whlu fraainro
hall ba antlllad to roto or ua raglMorad -
tart, or ao claiming to role al any general or
peoiai neciioa 01 tuit tvioiimonweeiiii. ba tad
the tawa It harahy rapralcd t aad lhal koreefirr
all fratmau. without dlalluollon of oolor. aball ba
enrol lad and rglterad aoonrdlng lo '.he pre.
vlaloutoflbo Brol aorttoa of the. eat aiiDrovftd
aataiileantb April, lu. antlllad "An Ant fur.
ther tumilrmewtel to iho aor relallag lo Ihe alro
llonaoiblt thiunttonwaallb." and when ottvr
wlee qoallSed Budea esletlng law, be oallliad
10 vote at g aaral and aptolal eh-ctloue la Ihla
OommoBWcaltb. a' , . .
Tbe tald abort reel ted amendment ,04 aula
aautt ba atecalod and obayad bjueU aiaaaanrr,
ragiaterwf vutarc, elaelloo aAoera, and otbtra,
that Ihe rUhic aud prlrllesao-giuaanbwd ibera
by may be teoured 10 all Ibo oabeoavsaaabts lm
loonweallh entitled lo Ihe abaya. KZaI 1 T
By Iba 1Kb eoettoo of lb out el aVaatrahlr of
Jauuan bo. Ufa. It to epeoteS Ibaitat aooo aa
lha pollt iball oloee, the ontooraof eta-Uoa shall
Xroceed lo cooal all tbo vuioe eaet-lor taoh on
Idala roUd for, aad makaa a full jiincai of Mie
tamo la Irlplloale, wllha rwlar abaal la ad
dllloa, IB all of wblob Ibo rolat rooclved by tack
eendldalt aball ba glvea after bit noma, irat la
words aud aaala la Agorae, end aball be etgned
by all of tald eatoora aad eertload b avoraeere.
If aB, or If not ee oartlAaa, Ike orareoera ead
any oaoer rataalag lo also or ctrllfy, of altber
af ibeut hall, write npoa eesb of tba relarnt bla
i. wni, wpwa wosw 01 aao rournt bis
ma (or But slgala of eert.fylng
.ToJ.aa ca aa eoaalad. okall be
I felly dec la red (rati the Vladow
or laeir rweeowe aor awe
lacm. The t
uabiiaiy eaa felly oeeiaraa (ram the ajiadow
ehowlB the velae received by aawg tta-'lilnla
ea a omtewo wwjaai. .a. . wtcm eialana.,k
eeaaa ww aaw ejajw awyawaa wj eeemiOB tl LW a. li a
as eoea ae tha vote Is coasted, a4 Um moU
akall ba Iraatedlatelf acted ajeam a dwee eTtba I
tleeerist baai a
w twtvmtaatoa at l Mhiia
kg trigi laaa res arg sball bet lot ed
tap aad bo aoaWd la roaaaoo of Ibo onVara.l
- .nTFrop, .tin mt nnawaioa ramrn aniioi
glraa to tha Indira, vklak ahall contain naa Hal
of rol.ra, ully-papoy aad oalhaof oSloora aad
avMharat raid snrolnpos shall bo glraa lo Iba
mlaorily Inapartor. All Jndaat liriaa with la
Iwalra mllaa of Ibo nroihnnniiry'i 0AV0 or
wltblB Iw.nlr-fonr aiiloa f Ihrlr mldaro bo
m o win, imago or aiy Boon lha Una of a nil.
road laadlag lo lha oouMT oral ball, baforo two
ovkyji poat moridlan of Ibo day aftor Iho al-e.
MM, and all nthar iadgaa ahall baforo Iwalra
oVIorb marldlaa ol tbo tamnd day aftar Iho
olMlinn, dallraroald rularn. Inwalkar with a
tnm hast, lo tha Pmlhonoiary nflho Ooorl of
vuoiiwon riraaoi tna oonniy wnira ialfl ralnrn
haal ahall b Slrd, and Say aad boor of Iba Sling
xiarnm, inrrwfiD, ana anaii no praaarrad hy lha
Prothonotary for publlo Inapaotion. Al Iwalra
0'1-lork on IhO aald aaannd daw fnllnala H.
alaollnn lha Prnihonolarr of tho Court ofOoni-
mnn riraaohall sroooat lha aald ralnrnalo Ihr
.Oonrts a a a 0 a 0
Tba rain ma nrwCanlaS Kw tha Pantafwawaw .h.ii
viwimi nrwua um ra ... mmmi Ana
of llaonloaro aad onlt aworn latanla aa tha
OonW hll aewolni ra Stiaafwawi 0 oftholndar
nrbjnrnowrarrrajar tborrtnrwo ortlSad
nn rarnn 'atapial llon laanad nadar lha aaal
nflhaUm.t a la aow ragnlrad lo bo dooo br
rolnrndndiraa 1 and Iho rota aa an aomnnii .
vrr.tuwi, anan aamanao
rnallap nfhM. i-
aid OOnr ThaoMalons of lha aald ra,i -
aa aa iba niihiia a a a a
And tbo Htharof aall Irlnlloata Ma... .halt k.
piaawa m laaanx ana aaalM np with tho ballnta
. - whaaorar a placo
lika barn nr ahatl ho amrldad h. .Mkm..
"Janyeiiy, enwnlry, lownahip, or boron. h, for
""-viaa oauoi noara, ino lltdsa
and mtoorllr Inanaator ahall af
akK-tkia ahall bo and Iho bai. nr boBao enntalnlna lha llpaata 11..
ofrMaa, and nlhar paiiara. tiara haan
ly bmtnd wlloh tana and aaalad and lh.
Ibo India and lnap--um afflyrd tharnio.
rrnihwltli dallvar Ilia aama. Inwathar wlih tha
ramallilna Kilaa lo tlio Maror and r of
nub rlty or tn conntira, tnwnhlpa, or borons ha
n anrb i.rra. m or paraono aa tha tj.iiirt nf Ooin
mnn Plca if that iir-'por romity may dilKiialr.
t tho nlarn plrl,lrd. aa afoiaaald. wh., ai,aii
than dr-wt llio laid Ihiihi and kap Ilia aamr
In anaw-r Ihr rail nf anr murt nr Irlhnaial
anihorirad o irr thr morua nf tnoh alaoli,.n.
Illron nndar mi hand, al mr nlflaa la MUU.
burg thti wtb day of Mrinawibar A. li laai
d In tho ono hunoratHh and nnh ai aa
ladapOBdaaeo nflho t'nllad stati
if A N 1EL HUI.KNIIKR, SbarlA.
Public Sale.
H'IE Heirs and VVi.low of Tsrael
I Vlke. doretaed. will rip iaa lo I'ulillo Sale,
oa tha prtuiltat. oa
Saturday Oct. 22. 181,
lha followlna ileao rll a I Krai l.aUte. altoala In
franklin lownahip, ny lr rou oy, Ha , near
Haitonvllle b iiindcd North hy lamia of A. K.
llin. Kaal br landa of 1. ..I. in,, ..... . nt iienrajo Koweraot. eg. Weal by leBilt
' . -"-" r
vi vnea. uoyer, cnniatning
4 Acres,
aMnt) Ai'RKt) I' A R. an I In a good claia
uf culilvailon, lha helanra wall ilmlert wlib
Ubeatawt ac, wbeteoa are erected a frame
Dwelling House, Stable.
end other nuthnlldlnae well nf water neir
the door cbuloe trult, an. Alaoacreral velot
of good
Ft-ail and l.iver Iron Ore.
fttle lo commence al 10 o'clock A. M nf aald
day wheo due altemlaaca will be gives aad
termaolaale made known by
... T"r; nr:iRs
Oct . SI. aad Wl low of la-e I r i a. dasM.
Piirstmnt to an order iHanoil ont
of the Orphans llnurt nf rtnvdar unnat,.
the underpinned admlniatretei a nf HurMlnro
K. Ik-r Into nf Wa-t Uar. r townahlp dee'd,
will ezpoee to Public Sale on the pre ulaee Bear
tbe town ol Adaiaatmrg duy Itr county, 1'a. ob
.Saturday Nov. 5, 1881,
the following- deanrlhcl Ketl Katatc, via.
I'a.i r m.i 11 . , u . .
. r. iKiun 11.1 niirii oy lanna o I
V llll. in Marklcr, beet hy land of riamuel
Nhlmr. Month kr laada of Abnar u 1,1.11. iw..ih
and Watt by laadt of Jacob fetroohblll. euu.
Fifteco Acre
mrcnr lata-all being wool lan I and wall tlm
nen d with White llW Ctie-tout an I Kocg
nekand alao soatalulnd
Iron Or
nf an otcelleiiiq-, tllty
imiinui, noun ion Norm hy lead of
.fnxepU Halna, Kwt lan It nl 4,ih.i Hcoenibtou,
wouih by I emit of Abner Mldilleawar'.b and
Wewt by land wt ioeepb Motaet ooalelnlug
Three ami One fourth Aoros
whereon are erected a OVr AND ONF..H 4LK
sl'iiHY I.D'I HUH.SK, Miable ke. Alaotsood
wall aud a ma of dowlng water on lha tireula
aa Good Orchard
and adnata wllhln ona milt of tha thriving
town ol Ademannra.
Sale in 0 na unce at 10 o'clock a. in of aald
dav when due attendance and terma of aula
w III be made known by
.lAtmn rtrr.KKH,
Kept. ,'!. A.lmri.
TIIK nnderaiflrneil. Administrator
of IheofUte n Mry Sbraudi r.lnic nf Chap
man townahlp, Hntdar cnnoiy. Ha - ilceaal,
will aipoae to Huhho hale, on tba prerolaiit
about I!, allot Etatol .Mnlaerville, oa
Saturday Oct. 22, 1881,
the following deeorlbed Real Ealate, to wll 1 A
Tract of Laml
alloefe as eloreeeid, bounded faat by landa nf
Mre HtrrfaB. Month bv landr or llainamln
Nwarlt, Weatby lamia uf Jobs etlue, North by
2 Acres
aad I parcbaa, whereon era e rooted a I ttory
Dwellintf one,
Oood wtll of water eiccllent fruit treat, ke.
Hale to commence at 1 o'clock H. rl. -if aald
day wbaa termini aale will be made known by
Sept. is, 'si, Adaslnlatrator.
Private Sale.
TH h followincr vahuihle Real Ea.
late laaffiire l at nrlvate a tie and mm ha
sold 1 ail mat eertatu mettutge teaemeoi, and
1 ract of I.hdiI
lylnar la t.'ulna towaahlp, Hnydar
bouiiili d Morlh by landa ol William
Hell rick,
t.aal bv Iba vlllaare ol Hurt Trevortnn. Monti,
by lan. la .if Jacob Uouta and liaoli-l Lata, aud
beat by landa o( W. it. Herrold, and, ounuia.
One nodred Acres,
more or of which aimut it aorei g goad
Umber. There Is a good large
Bank Burn
ob the prrmliet-tomt fruit treea, aad a Una
apnea 01 water,
t or ttrniafco. which will baaaay apply to
Laiwlaburv, Pa.
Or M. 1. HCHKtJH,
Haw bullu Pa.
Sept SI.'H. f.
rilUE undersigned, Ailmioiatrator
X of tba aelau of Daniel Ketaler. tela of
Mlddleoreek townahlp, Snydar Oo. Pa., daa'd
will otl.r at Habile ttala al Ibe late raal.i.a..
of tald deoeated, abnut I tall eatl of kramar
Tuesday Oct 18, 1881, -
tbe following Keel Kttata to wit t A certain
Irani ol leaditluste la ibt towaahlD. aluraaatd
18 Acres,
wwrw wr iwae. wwwwiiwu warae won I.1K oy IBBag
ol Htlrt, ol Mlnbeel Krdlcy, deo'd, boa lb -by
loads of Oao. at. Millar, Henry Mobook aad
jobb aicsia, wast ay lauda ol ueory rVeteel,
deed,wi,ereoa are arsstad a good t-alory
Hods, Shop, Barn
aad other ontkaildlagt. food water sear the
door cboloa fruit trace e.
This la a deelreiile pro per lv, beaaUfull lo
aeled aad It oa-aaleal W Vkarebaa, btoreg,
btilli, be.
Alike tame time tadnlaaa trill
ba sold a
varleit ol I'araooal Propacty,
Bale w eoaaatante at III e'tloek A
M. wkaa
u,mt " Mt li ba UBda b nova by
.... tiwg.i. ausbsg
Al 1M1 iUN
The Birdsell Glover
the best and fastest Thresher In the
Address tbe 1UKDSE1.L MFU. CO.,
fept. 1,
Ilf wbli-h anyrblld or Poraon ran plar any
nl the fopular Alrt hy nolo, at alaht. wilhool
711 it, i nr.viui h HK At TIC K, or a en
Minir.i rai.nt ri,e Tuinpinv will KOK
IKI T i.i If any rhlM Irn y-ara old lalla to
pl.y ANYtlNI; nfour Hopuiar Tun.a on the
ilANH DHUAN or MKItiliK i within
IINKHIU'K eli.r rceivlna the Mnalc end
Inatrui-liona. provided Mid child can Soant
with lha figure belura It, Iroua 1 to Ino cor
rioily. 7 Pieces of Music, With Instructions.
vaiiedioanr ellraa.nn receipt of II .ouKb-
poa for
I'etel'iKC of
1 1 unea.
ea. at. Aa'r'ntn wanted In eterv Ntata and
l euoty In the i'nlon.
Edison Music Co.,
I ai 31 7 aibut bind, I'biltda,, Pa.
Sept. a., lin:
fPlie nndcrsiirnel, AilminislralDra
L nflhaaatalanr.lonalliiB Wetrel. late of
.Isckaon twpKnvdrr couoiy, la , deceaaed. will
nll..ral Hmdlc s.le on the pr. mivea, ai it I
mile xoalb ol N llerlln. na the road leadimc
lu fseilnaHrovc, on
iiiiurdny, Oct. 2'.i:h. 1881,
ha following Krai lamtc ailnele In the town,
ai lp and c mniy arnrenal !, 1, .unded Kat and
North hy landa. I sinvo., Kohlar, Wt i.y land
of ila,.ree South b land vl Kubrt
Comellui, conlalolng
Ono ,-lcro
and ninety tti perrh-a. mors or l-at. wharaun
ara erti led a good dwa:lirig
ouho. Hum
and olker neceraary ootholldlngt good water
near Ihe door clioire rrult freer.
Hale to conimence al 1 o'clock P. M. when
trrmc ef aaic made known bv
nAMI'r.l. WKT7.KL,
1)AV1I WK1KI,,
Sril. 1J, 1MI. Admlnlatrntora .
fPhfl nndersiffned will ofTor at puldio
1 saloon the vrcmlaca, In Ktevor lownahlp,
bBfdar count), ra .on
Saturday, Oct. 15th, 1881,
a certain Tract nf f.and attrnta in tht town
ahlp aad count; al'ireaald, containing
Forty Acres.
mora or Iom. .'(olnlna landa nf Wll'lam H w.
cra iv on the feaati landa ol lvie Ttiumea on
thesnutli; lan.U nl le ir- llarman nn the
w-at, and landa of Peter TUomaa on Ike North,
whereon la erecied a
New Dwelling House. Stuhle
and other ontbutldlnga rood wat.'r two Or.
rlurda of choice fruit tree. as Acrca
clear, under Kno I lence. and In a high ttala ol
oullltellon, tba balance
Timber Lund.
Rale o commence at 1 o'clock P. M. when
Urine ot tele-Ill ba made known hr
litunui; KKK.V.
Ncpl. 21, '.
Real Estate !
TF, nmlernind. Kxecntor of the
.att Will and Tta'anitni' of John I'lah,
lata of Waat Ueavcr townahlp Hnydcr onunty,
Ha., deoreaeil, under an I I.y virtue nf the pro
vUioat eoaialncd la tald Will be, will ou
Tuesday Nov. 1st, 1881,
eipnae to Public Male, on the premlaea, In De
i alur lownahlp, Mlinin riunty, l'., tlia fol
lowing ileaorlimd tract nf lan I aliuate In he
ralor townahln al ireaald ahonio uillea Eaat of
Logan lr. n Work, on the Hi e oad leadlna
from Uaootrvillt lo Lawlatowa, oomalnlog
1 1 Aero
and it pcroliaa, hmnlrd North hy Un it of
Levi tllii and Win. Hell Weil by land or
Johoaon Zehiler, South by Hubllo Road and
landt of Loxau Iron Uo., and blati by landa of
.loaai.b Xtigl .r and Lvl inn. whsaioa ara a
reeled a auod, large, frame d Bulling
flouHe, Bunk Barn, Wagon Shed,
rdRN I IIIIH, and mhar aeceaaaary oiithulld
Inst oeror falling wu r t dweliitji
boutc, aoJ two Mpringa or aioallent water con
vauleut to all tha buildings.
Two Orchard
In bearing choice! fruit til rletr, under
gnod fence and In a lilitli aieta of cultivation,
except il ACM Kb) WllltlU IS WKLLII.t
llfcutli. la mark ta a dtalra
bl p opcny
Male to anmmanna at ID o'clock A. M or til l
day when due a'temUnce will ha given and
tcrniaol aie wade kouirn bv
Oot. II, 'St. Eteoutor.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned
Bnl to negotlete oorlaln Pronvltory sntea
drawn lo favor of the nadcraigned aa t'.a lams
wara ttoles on tbaniskt of SepUmuarri, ult.
OctMsci. MU.mUklHAUaH.
epilE poor as well as tba rich, th
X old aa wall aa the yeaag, Ihe wife, at wtll
a lha hoahaad, 'ha young saaldta at wtll at
thr oan maa, tbt alii aa well at Iba but,
may Juaiae wall ears a few dollars la boneet
emi'Ioyment, aa lo alt arnuad Ibt bouaa aad
wall Inr othera lo earn It for lham. Wo oaa
glgejioa employment, all Ika lima, or during
yoajrauara koart oalv i traveling, or in iabi
ewa Beigkbornood, emoag loar rrleadt and
eeusaiaiaaeae. ir you ao aot aare for employ
ment, we eaa Impart valuable InforaiailoB e
IOB fraa Of aoat. It will anal ,aa onlw www
oaa I for a Poaial aard in write far ear Hrutpeo
la. aad II may be the meaaaaf Buklag yoga
good meay dollars.
Do aot B'gleot thU epamrlBBltr. Toa do
sol bare In Inraat a large aunt of money, aad
ma treat rlak ol lotion It. You will raa.llla
tea mat II will keaaeaay atelier lo mats
frgi laioa a track, ao t attabllib a I era.
live, aad ladepaudenl bnilaeea. bouorabla,
alralgbiforward tad pronta .e, Atlaad to th(e
matter NOW, for tbara la bf'JNS'Y IN IT for
ell who aegaga with us. Wo will turvrlaa ?
aad ina will woadarwky oa Bev .r wrote to
ac before, Wa aso tAkTioDLAMa rasa.
Address -.-it
, - . BtlOKKTB BPrci.PO., '
(Name llila neper ) Mabio. Uio,
apt. .1, latiia. '
MIMaS INO ta)ACHI) I Hvaiusi bSTjb, .
Huller and Separator
World. Nend for circular and price Hat
Unrrll.urkc, Pa., or
Hamikl I,. IttKHio Agent,
I,ewNSnr.f. V.
I.ail rraof admlnlatratlnn on tha aetata of
Samuel Mover, lata nf I'eniro Townahlp,
Hnydcr Counir. don'd, baring bees greet
ed tn the underpinned, all peitona knowing;
themaelvea Indebted lo tald ealata ara raqaeat
ed to make Immediate payment, while tboaa
baring olalma will preeest them duly aetheatl
catcd (ortettltmtot to
y.Ai'RIRIA-i Mnvr.Bl
UaiiHilK I KI.IN g.
May 17. last. Admlnlatratort.
A aattiemrnl will ba held at the laie resi
lience ol dee d ob Halurdar,' June 4, Ism.
i 1 l.ettrr nf admlnlatrattnn on tbo rata'
Michael minium, lain ol Terrv two.. Mntder
Do. Ha., ilrn'd, litre boea s'anieil 10 the under
li'na,t. All ieranna knowing thamaclrea In
debted In Kald ealate will tilaaaa maka ltw,na.ll.
I ale payment while ihnae luring claim' etalnal
aaldeatata will praaenl them for a-tll-mnt to
l.EU 1H MINI di'M,
June is. laal. Admimatraior.
of admlnUtrMI a on the ealata
nf donethan tioweraoi, of Centre Iwp.,
Knvder t:n , Pa., tieoaaod litre been orented to
ti.e un.lerala.nrd. All i-err.inp knowlne them
a. ea Indebted tn eeid eatata will picaae make
Immediate patment whlir Ihnee ktvlna el el ma
asaln-t aalileatate will pracent them for acta
tlrment lo
r. b 11 m man-.
May I.', Mil, Admlnltiralor .
1 Jtc
etamentarv nn Ihe CRiate nf liana
I I .larrett nc.'.l, late of Henna lownnhlp
Nntdxr county, la. were granted to tbe una
deralsned All poraon knowlne; thenn-eltee
li .Ici.lexl to aaldeale'e will pleeae make linnw
ilWa paymi-ni, while t'lnae having clalma will
purant theia lur aelllemaiit In
Juki, nnw,
Aug It, liil. beterutnr.
, i)MisTsritrons notici1:
11 l.clicrtof iduiliiiatratlon nn the ealatanf
J.ilm II Smllli . Iiln of I'eaver T wn.liln,
Snydar Dountv, Ha de 'd have bean rreuied
lo the unlarHlunel. All prraoni hnowina-thcin-alva.
Itl lulil cd lo raid ratale will ple.ire
lliekc lllklnadlMt, t'vmtint atl'e th a h.,vlra
cliilma -aa.n-l aald etie will t rt tni tbria
lor n
Aug. 4,'l Admlnlaliat .rt.
aTV I, altera of a.lnilolrlratloa on lharatate
.lunae r irennart, Lite of I ha. .man townahlp,
Nnr.ler I'o. Ha, de'd have been granted to the
underpinned. All pnranna knowlnu tlicmaelvat
Imlehlcd loaald ealata will pleaac make Im
mediate payment while thoae boring claims
asalnat aald aaiata will pretest Ikein for aottia
mtnl to
July 14, m. admlnlatrator.
Tombstones. Htatne, Urn, Vases
LA M IIS, for Children's (i raves,
TouM, LintvU, TMrtnpa, Marblr and
Slutr Mantel, At,
All thoae whodoalre topnrchaaa lomhatnnct
anyttilns ele inaniila.'tnre.l at the aLiivemen
li.ine.l marble workt, ahnnld conrult the under
miio'i agent, ticiore rtircntatnc ti'ewhere.
July It ''MM
lel.urg, Sn der f.'o .
Jual nnl.llahed, a new edition of PR . i;i'l.a
M.tlstl.l.'H rauntiriD Kiitr on the
radical cure of Hiermatorriinea or Hnniutl
Weako-aa lnvolniiiary Neialnel Loaaea, lini o
irncr Mental and incaptcliy, Im.
podimenta to M rrlag-, Ac, alao (Loiau'iiiitlon,
Kpllepayand Mtt t Inlncad hy HilMnJulitonie
orreiual ci'raraitanot, fee.
Tba celebrated au'hnr, in thla artmlratdt Fa.
aav. oleerly deiaonatrttea, a thirty yeara'
ficceaalu I practice, that ihe alarming onn-a.
quancea ol aeibabaaa met ba radically eared t
p.Hntlnc nm e mode nf cure at once eerialn end
"actual, by whlob av.ry nfterer, nn matter
wiint hla oninlltlnn may ha, may enra tl.oaelf
cheaply, privately and ra.ll.-ally.
el lila Deolure ahnuld ho In the banda of
eiery youth and every man In the land.
Sent, under in a plain eavelope, to any
B..lreM, un raoelpt of tls coBta. or two pot
ass atainpa.
Wa have alao a lure sura for Tape Worm.
41 Ann hi., New York, N. V. foal UiSce
llox, 4bkd.
ivo :n:i MurUot Nt.
L'hiludKlphla in.
Ta Lattcrt nf 'adnilnlatratlna nn lha aatale nf
HA It Alt MAiniN.lala ol Horry twn Snyder
Co . fa., deed, bavabeen sraoted to lha un.ler.
Igned.AII paranna kaowlnn lhainaelrea In. lei t.
ed lo aald ealate will t.laaaa in.ii in.,ua.n.,a
paymaot while IbeaaherlnH clalma asalnalaaid
aatata will preaeut H em fur aatilem. nt tn
July tl. 'II. ter.
Ynurae vaa hv
monev when a
chance It oflrred. thereby
alwava L aa i,l n a haa.a.u
froiaryour, Thta who elwtya take ad
vaaiage of the a nod chanrea for makinw nnnaw
Halara ollereii, atnartlly k come aealiby.
I while Ihoaa who do B"l Improve inch cheocee
I remalu In povtrtv. We waut maay men, worn
I en, boya and nlrl In work for at rluiii In Ibelr
' own Incalltlaa. Tho bualneaa will pay mor.
than ten llmea ordinary wtaea. We furalab
aa aviieoaite uuiflt aad all that yoa need, fro.
No one wbn entasea fella to tueUe tnoBcy very
rapidly, You raa devote whole tlmo to
the work, o only your a pare mimesla. Full
Information and til that It nee, led arm Ires.
Addrcaa STiiana a Oo., Portland. Malke,
Oct, St. ItAu.lf.
1?XECI;T0R8 aNOTICR.-Latter
J J tr.teojei.Ury os Ihe aetata of Bll
I HAH. EHIi.Y, dtot.-fl, Itta ol
Mkldlecreak ri., Hnydcr county, Hena'a..
kevlng bee a granted to lha Bn.'ertlgaed, all
persona knowing tkamtelvet laorbied tetekl
allele ara requeeted to make Immediate pay
mini, while Ikoeo kavlng elalmc wtll .reaeag
them duly gatbeaileate.l for aetllemrnl te
a .- . a.lVl getl'LV.
Aag I. 1MI. . Aaaeqtart.
T?MANCEri HTF.iNixnicn
J-i Waal heaver nfJert bit sere Irec to tbe Balw
lis a as ABoUoBaer. . Aav p,m, tjj, mm A
AbHobsm would do well by calilas avea kit. m. .
.1 Aadre-a. . a
Mlddlel.urg, Snyder f.'o P
0cpS), Utl,
a j, eaaciuacrcos, r. I', -aitr
ch r ..-j
A . a.vavut . .-
LIi pen on are Uartf.v abtfotfe'i V -aot
to aatl BaambeSdtea r atbar aeodt i. '. ' '
Will Bet pe an) aloote eontraelad by hli. . '
V. .' , ' a
aa, cwrl r.aataaaaar-s-- -.- y