r- ill A''' ... f The Post tliddleburg, OCT. 13, 1681 Htnto 'IMolf et. 8tU Tressnrer, 6ILAS M. BAILT. of Fsvette. A miin who from 111 youth np, ha. to iht th battlf of Kopntilioniiiain In it region where) no hoiwi of Biterdrs could rultl viifor ami irai to the coti tewt, ami wltli no rHwanl srvh tli eoiiKcioiiMiiPiM of having Mrvei the CHM h lOVCli. A limn who lia Mttvl hi lovs of liberty anil Uvr. by m-rvlec on thi flxld of itlory ami of hlol, who won hi iromotion in the flo tous IVnnavlva nia KoiKirvni, from. Captain to ltrlua lir, by meritorious service on tlm field. A man who stood In the hell of bat tle at Dralnenville, on the IVnlnmiln, at itiiiiieV Mill, Clout It Mountain. Antiftain. FrediTlrkMburif, and the AVIfuVrnfMis, arxl who bore vritiiPM 'With hi blood, that lie loved hi country well. He bear npon hi pemon tho roinrh bt If ft by the cruel cannon bull, and will carry to hi Krave the evidence of lil fMirtnotiKin ami nnnriiire. lie I able, and worthy to lend Ko publinaii to Victory aa he led hi re fciiumit lo wr.-!Mwh of Attory nerel l'uhut-r, la Republican State Convention. Comity mc-lcc't. For District J mine, J. MERK1L LINN, of Lcwisburg, For Sliorur, 'DAVID REICIULEY, ol Centre, For County CoininLMiunwm, JOPlV RBITZ. of Frank I'm ; JOIIX M. MO YE It, of Middlt'hur(. For (Vmnty Trennrer, AAID.V rUIKLFlUCK, of Ik-aver. For County Auditor, DANIEL DIEFKENB.VCII, of I'eun, EOR(iKW. MERER, of Wont Terry. 1 - - . - 1 I'rosilent Artlmr wu fifty ono ears ol J Inst Wadneailsy. . . iue pouto crop or Ulearrieia ouuy .K.r o.. j tr .DN .. u.. wr ..... .u,.,w,u, A number of noted Indian Chiefs) re espcoled t visit tbe Indian school at Carlidle this mouth. Rich gold, the grains as large ss fhtsoeil, has been found in tbe sand at Little River, Tnunexsee. The debt stutHinent shows the de creasi of tbe public dobt during tbe month of Sjptoiuber to be $17,133, W1.6C. Barnom's circus train was wreck ed at Long Point, Iowa, on Mond v. Two engine were demolished and. igbt circus horses killed. ' On Wednesday Governor IToyt ont notice to Insurance Gommiss. ioner Foster stating that be will not issue any more letters pitent to mutual assessment insurance com panies. He base! his action on tbs fact that as he construes the law, the business is not being conducted le- A violont atorm of wind and rain did great damage in Knox county. Ohio, on tinnday. Fences and bocks of corn were blown away, od ft number of dellioga were damaged and destroyed. There women of ft party returning frrm nhnrch near Danville, were drown d while crossing a stream was swollen by tbe storm. rbich The centennial celebration of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia, promises to be, next to the centennial anniversary of our natiouel iodepaodancaa, oh of the most interesting events in our cation's history. Tbe celebration begins on tbe 13th inst, and closes on tbe 31st, and tbe military and naval display will be very grand aod imposing. ' A locomotive now being bnilt at the loootaolive works in Peterson, 'sw Jersey, is intended to create revolution in steam, od do away with tbe burning of coal. Tbia lo comotive, which Is Dearly ready to commence running, will generate end bars hydrogen gas prodnoed f rout water by tbe Holland process, end it U estimated that it will aavs 93 per cent, in tbe oost of fuel. The length of this engine will be' ' thirty feet, and it will weigh forthyeigbt tons, The pooullsrity la ' 1U con trootioo is in tbe farneee and fire chamber and tbe number of 'fines ''for the passage of tbe flame. Tbe flats ere or copper, very am all, hd placed close together, -. Tbe eoeot pf tbie locomotive ia Menred, wd before tbe end of "the month it will , , be nuts iaglietw eo Net ..York ' CbjMgO. ' The 7sgerstown Okb of ft re cent dale (ella of ft cam of iwift re tribution to ft farmer in Washington connty, aid,, "bo, becoming die pleased with tbe drouth, onrsed the Almigbtv for not oiling rain to promota lbs growth of his crops. While the oath sa jet upon bia lips, or immediately ftftor utterance, a paralytic stroke waa received in the month, which eo'corapletelylsffected bis power of speech that he has yet been noabl to otter word. I 1 ! 1 I The bottom appears to have drop- ded ont of tbe story recently circa ted in Washington oooeerning an alleged plot to assaaainate President Artbor. Mr. Biiley who first gave tbe information to tbe police, still adburea to bis original statement of having overboard ft conversation between two strange men, one of whom declared he would shoot bim in month." Tbe police and do tectiws bare made every effort to reach tli parties referred to, bnt bave failed to find ont tbe men or 'bim" spoken of. Sam. Malt Friday who, for sever- al year has filled tbe p osition of Chief Clerk in tbe offloe of tbe Seers- tary of Commonwealth, and Auditor Genoral'e office, has been nominated by tbo I'spoblicsos of Lancanter connty for tbe office of 1'rotboootary. If pre-eraieot fitness for tbe of fice and admitted ability for an in- telliont discbarge of its do ties, and pure, unadulterated Republicanism in tbo nominee moved the Republi can of old l.uncastcr to make this nomination, tbey bave done tbeir work well. General Beaver will Uke tbe stump for Guueral Bail. N'v Yirk'sfja! for tbe Miobigau sufferers approaches $100,000. Telephone wires are being erected to oonnect Itoadioj and Fuilalul pbia. . lion. JenmiitU Blank made a mis step on Tuursd tv aod fracture J his right arm. Tbe next annnal sesiion of the jvoluotoer firemen of Pennsylvania wi I be be' 1 in Bradford. Jitmos W.liiame tell down an air hj rft toa tulnes. near Wi,,,,biur9 0Q Stordav, and was instantly killed. A physician in Armstrong county is ropjrtod to hnve cured a wnullUy man of cancer, and received as a foe 85.0J0. Four men wra in tbe fit-omen's parade, at Reading from IriactSturVi whole segregate waigut was eluvuu huudred p Minds. Benjamin Ransey, ft very aqjjl man of Huntingdon, who died re cently, bad bis life insured ou tU speculative plau for $130,000. Sadie Osrsus, ft Mercer servvit girl, took two doses of arsenio to make her co uploxiou clear. She died after tbe aooond dose an 1 a companion named Jeannette Dunouo, who took oue d was biroly sv- ed. Arthur is the third Proiilont Ne Vork bus f irnis'ieJ t le oo'intry. ul- thougrt only one of the a n JirdJi jy chosen to fill the position. The clerks of the weather all ngree in tbeir tally pronouncing Septem ber, 1831, the hottest fall mouth ev er etperieucel in th I itit 1 1 1, Kaiioka. Mo., Feb. 0, V0. I purohiixed nve bottles of your If op Hitters of HlHhop Si Co. Uixt full, for my duiiKhtdr, aiut am well i)ltiui.l with the Bitters. They did her mors i Ko an all the uiedlclue she has taken for six years. WSI. T. McLURE. The labove U from a very rellnbls fanner, whoe daughter was In tioor heulth for seven or eight years, and could obtain no relief until ahe UMed Hop Hitters. She Is now iu as good health a any person In the eountrv. We have hints saleav andtUey are making remarkable cures. W. U. BISHOP k CO, Catahuh. Choking, pu'rid mu cous accumulations are diloUed, the nasal pasages cleansed, disinfected and healed, breath sweetened, smell tnste and hearing restored, and con stitulional tendency checked by 8n ford s Radical ( ure. Oct. "Sellers' Liver nils" hare been tbe standard remedy for malaria, liver complaiut, costiveness, etc., for fifty years. Oct. CHARTER NOTICE. NOTICE la hereby givsn that' ap pIlMtlea will ba aaaia U U Hoa. Jawnh Bur aw rratmaal jaaRa Ol Ba;Iar Csunli Pa rhaab M hi abaaikaaa la aWwtobava. B. W adaaMai ika It. iai al Itoiob. lani ai urcmi aa. io ta afval f a artlSaata for lb lafor aora II. w or a corpora. Uo u ba aa U CI.I1 THAI, ff.nn bYLVAMA MUl l'AL Alb A KMOOI ATIOH of ilaulnrlll aiarSav Oeaaty Paaa. Tba aaUJ abarur will ba appliad lor bbSv aaS la urwaM al aa ectaS aaaaM iiUis Aa Aat to aroalS fur lb laaacpairaikia aad lagalatlna rUla ilerawtaibait." lioaalatlaa Thetll I-be tut eeorperalad aarler Ibe SrelUleae Approrec u S. day a Be. aaaaf a aril a. ll. lata aueaber IX aad k.a f.r lu obiM t tba ami eoelety tor baa Sale I ud preteotlr parpoaM lor lu Daeiober froa) land eo lie. led iber.la, and to laeue earUleew of meaiteraklp avaewiad aaaaatal. pay able la Ik beaeit eeary s ID aeaUaoo as a eertale tiaae l bee el a eaoaitoood epo ik a tolimiaMot of tko Mkdtllua U.erela eoeuleed, ireei a laad ma Odkf MMSMIWMkM. . V. K. WJrVLX Attoraov. CseUseilte, avN Co. raaa. Oet. , (. E A P I CLOTHING FOK Til 13 rvDSDDiODD 1 1 THE Lsiirgesti Stock of AND in Snyder County or elsewhere OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, OVEKCOATS. For Men, Youths and Boys. Und'rclolhing from 25cts upward. GENTS Fnmishing Goods A SPECIALTY. TRUNKS, VALICES, SATCHELS, &C. MEDICATED FLANNELS and a large variety of other goods Call and examine my stock and be convinced that I sell better goods asd ct ta7er prices than they can be had elsewhere. . . 8. 0PPEimOI.IE, Selinsgrovef Po Oet If, 81. kDrusaft mam DESC Public Sale. Tit 2 ondersigned, ; adminisUrtor wt'tf o? Joka M. Mfnltk, laM of b fpMra Orr iMiUna M nf lh OrtMMnt nvrlafMlSeeoii, VIII ttfa St Pbll Sal, Batorday. October 29, 1&81. hw Ik arwalM, th fbllowlnr, SmrilWI IrMt or (nSallaM la la towatblp of SHtM raroaia. CO Acres, m t few. bmiSS WnHb hy Un of Ar Rllvr. K&M bv land at Panl Urnifar. Boulh bf iwi Mri tniru wm dj uaa ot Uromlay mimi wa ten t Dwelling. Ilonae, Barn, bntMKiiM vtft Sninf wtter o nrnnsra nf frlt el lo marl- Sal. tn-toniBOTM al IS sVlook A. M. f WIS S7 Vaaa Una will M awlt known by H. O. rfinllh, 1 W. O. Bmllh Od S. tSII. A4mlnllar to ra. AGENTS WANTED raraohor to Mil oar B.ao tlfot Ckramo-Lltb iraph Platan et nf law Praaldaat lames A. Garfield. TslabMa-iral mark t art la rlt4 la Ian .nlnra, n hav pftpr, and woantart r-aaf i kaiana lh wall It la oi onl a nrraxi uor. frail, i.ai alio eonia n- tna maiorn-ai aaaoi. 01 tla liaa. akowa lha H-ata it M intdil a..- intriok and II. a lnnn-Hia Kcial. Ilia xafiMla-al McaurUI rltra. Jlrolar al taraa rraa. Adnraa,H. W. KRLLET ft I'O , TUSAXMa STBirr, PHILADELPHIA, f A Sapl, W, 'II Im. MARRIAGE" tWfc Tt both 8 EX C St A tba married and uxe ciitlirmplitiriu uiarnam hrilllanl, faacl- natlti bioa. acoaiiaalurfttrtliamllllnnmi lloallb, tMaaa,aSbi. fbralraJ Llfvof Ma ai.d Woman! pure i laniniaa. ann ariniirami nr pnyaiciani OIJVC, vb. ol.l'.l Hh- laliai Ik lha Nurlhwrm whAwlnYav flSOO rert rm of priaia r rrronlc oi-n-f f eiihar ax ha nnortak and Ml.mrirn H. nd tarn atampa rut Guide t Health. Reliable Pamale pills, ti Bfli, a oai nnn lur luuiaa auritt cud- taporuaai I nan i. aunnar GOOffa i' irruiar ol iniu lurmaUua, by axvraaa, BO Cnta. Dr. A. G. OLIN. Rmtnckr ntork, SOI 8. Clark St., Chicago, 111 OPIUMS! Ntrt rire with lsaialM. Hrn4 rilflr.nr.BAlK. S5: (Vilfil sent free to tbon who lab to OBnaaa In tka moat blaaaant and omnia lil. hoaiaaaa Kooan. r.Tarrlhlna Bow. Ilapital ot roquirai. W will furnlfh f oa aiarjihliiK. 0I a day and npwonla la oaallf ia.l ollboal alaylna ? frm bom or alabl. No rlik abataar. Maar na work am aat-d al ooaa. Manv aro aaaklm farloaa at th baalnaia. IaiIIm aiak at aiaeb a nao. and voaaa bora aad flrla make r- at ar. No oae arbo la wllllna to vork lain X aaaic mora aaoaey avorr nj taaa oaa o aiad ra a w.kat af ordmarv aaploymant. Iknaa aba eia at ooo win nan a .uori oroad tofortwx, AdJraia at, UiUlTt AO H rtl.al. -afaina. R-HbHaJM---' A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. ftarof adraldl.lrmtlonna th aetata 0 aid oetbto will proaoat them for Mttlement td in (lot nLnni w rr,bii, AdBlalaUaior. T EI KEPLER, Notarr Public- SmroTor, CosreraBcer Real cjsi . Itjo unt . Vk. eWsais SSet Martwaaa aeeMuaal J . kl swewoeaaolaa 4 leaded u MamsUts al w"eai .ael beeartaer. - . ' tjaiaarw rennr iae 01 iranano twp. rtorier IJo. la,,4lo 'd, bar bora created to tho andor rleaei. All neraoal knowlna tuemeelrea In ile'ited toaald aatato will iIm make Immedi ate neimont arblle tbore bavlna el.lnia aeralnat !-ff- sewatie) aire be barf lag aad llf a eefA o , Laeaa la Prewmoat. aSari r.A.O.S4ati.Ht.pUaeal HuaVseil O", l',SSS'a A.?.' Attorney 8-Al-1st w. co maiat - . ja .oiooaa J - GILBSRri CROOSE, ' AttornoJrH-At-Iaavr, MIUbLKBUKU, PA. OSW thalr Pref-Mnkaa aarrtoM to IH Win Ma, AllkaaliMW aaira.iad aqlhalraar arm ra mit broaapi alMatloa. Ovaialiatlona la Kng. Uahaadaarwan. 0 IS, 'tu W M. . HOUSWERTU, ATTJRNEY-AT LW, 8bLinsobov, Pa., Ooltaotloki and all older lal baalnaaa promal- I attoadM lo. UoaaalUtlvas la K(llab d Uoraaaa. . . jaa a, wl H. DILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. tstnuhurg, Van's. ' All boilss satrnaled Is kls Sars will bs promfiilj alltaded lo, Ppl, SO, t88o. J "orDEITRIciri, ArrouKT-4r.Mvr. MrkH XI., Srlinnyrvvr. Pa. All profbaalnaol taoaaaa prirmpllT atiaaJad to. Oooaaltailuot la Kllth aud lara v.o.ia.'aw. I. U. WUXDERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. MUUllcburg, Snydrr C . Pa Caa boooatalud Is KaalUb or liar a an. J a. la.'Mi, La N . MYERS, Attorney-At- Law, All arofoatloflal bMina.a ntratJ to bll Mr vill roiwlr prompt tlHna. . UuBiaiUUvai la Kanllab rd Urmn. IKt. IO,T. jdl E. BOWER, AflORNEY-AT-LAW, itidtlleburg. Pa. (OrBM la oBao or 1. r.urooiaiuor, ti ) CollMtloai mado. aad (loruiau. Oomullatlona la Emllnh Juao II, 'li.ir. M. L. SCHOCU, ATTOEHEI-AT-LAW, New Berlin, Penn'a. Prof.r.lnnal botlnaaa vnlrnatod tile eara will receive prompt attention. Jane ,;. QHA3 P ULRIUU, Attorney & Oouuellor-At-Law, OlBeo la App't Holldlnat one doot Nortk of a ititur a nUTIfci 9rilev.F)trovf, rews'a. nollMtlon and all other proleealooal baal naaa la eolleltod aod will rMeleo narelul aad prompt aitootloa. api.n.'ia.ii. T P. CRONMILLER, Jo ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mifflinburg, Pa., Olfershl vrolosilona sorvior to lb pub lie. ColleolloD and all otbrr profeaalonal butlneei ontrualod to bis oaro will roerit prompt ailonlioo. Jaa 9, Oiir T J. SMITH. ATTOTtlfET ATI, AW. MIDDLtllUKd.SN Ve.DeiOO., PA orort bla Profenlonal arpe to tko pbll Uoaaultatioo la Eamiii aau uarinaa. J. It. ZELLER, ATTOhSFA'-AT-LAW Miffii nbitrij. Union County, Pa All bii.la.aa animated to bll rare will weiiee4r.iu.rnUy atlemlvil to. Will prai-tlo et tiie aererei eiuii. o Noyder end ail)uiuiuy o iutiea. tlen bo ooaaulia.1 lu tbo Knitllrb or ijaraiau lanauniie Oet. SI, 'Tetl O ATfOllNKV AT LAW. lt l Itt.ltM Mil VVIt'lf Solinrtirrove, Pit. Offer hi prnfceeioualaorvtoe 10 Ibo pub I lia. Collaction snd all other profoaaion ualaeae niruHil 10 bit care will ro solve prompt mention. OAioo two door auuib of lb Normai Sobool. fjaa 6, '6 J M.LINN, ATTOUNEy AT LAW, Lfwiahurr, pa OITeta bi profoeaional icrvio lo th pobllo. Cullootioii and all olbrr pro feeaional bueiii... enlruel.u lo b car will roivproaiptaUaiion. Bept. HU, 1S8U. W. POTTER, ATI OR XE YS AT L A TP. SoUusgrove. Pa , Olfer Ib.ir. profeaaional erio lo Ibe public Allletal bulDeiilruld lo llieir car will r.o.if trompi ati.mlua. Ullioo al hi. bum on. Hla Btr.et. July, lib '72. I0IL ALLMW. aOBAOS ILA S. ALLEMAN & SON. ATTORNEYS Al LAW. HelinMf;rve9 I?ti. All profeaaional bueinoa aud collect ln riiriilfd to llieir inr will bo promptly attoaodlo. Can bt cooaulted io Enfli.b or Qerman. Oltloe, Markst Squsr. jJjTTiRIMM, " 4.ttornev-'vf-tiUw. AMD I'JSl til 1 ATTOHNKI r'OU MN VDEU COUNT. FrerbMi-c Pa. Onn.ult tl a li. tbolu 1 aall.k and lluau Laaeee. Cel. , Iknl. JOHN H. ARNOLD, . Attorney txt Iay, . , . MIDDLBDOUO, PA Profeaaional ba.ln.M.nlru.t.d to blseare wii: b proroplle alloadad t. f Feb J THOMPSON BAKER, . Attorney-at-Ijtiw, Uwi.burg, IJaloa Co., Fs Me"Oan bs soasutlod la tba Eocll.h aa Osnaaa laBgaab.e4Bj UFMUE Harkst Btrset, oppo.il Walla Smith 4 Go's Stsrs 8 dv WJI. VAN GKZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisbdrg Pa. Offors his prnf..lonl.rrio to h pub Us. Oollosiions sad all sihsr Pir.loa al bu.ia... ontru.l.d ts his sars will r ssivs prompt att.atioa. P.!-. PARKS, ATTURRIT AT LAW. miRSQROyg, SNTDER COU.fTT. P lpi.i6. 'eitt A ' C. BIMPf.OIJ, ATTORN BT AT LAW, iSelinairrova. Pa. Offsrt his prafsssloasl sorvi to lb pub .. ja. ww.H ...ruaifa m m,m oar I .. - .11 .,.UMAa. ... 1 A . t T ill ! promptly Mtsad soJo. fJsa. 17, '6711 eAMCKL H. ORWIQ, . 4 TT0BKEY A T LA TT, ttiniahwrc, lNlmsi ).. am ftll I II T tAl VAlAmevvmaak a a I.. Ala . 1as.ss.lsii.tl. . " ""aMPruirle. u uo will b ptwrnpUr ' '.aJadlv. lim.sBoarTrviuma.vllls, Physicians, Jtc, ;"BiBBEIl 4 HiSSIHGER,"'"-" .. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, OB.f thlf prnfaaalrnal Mtvloaa to II rlllaati of Mlddlohar and Tlolnltf . iifflxa a Itm dnnrt won of taa voart Hoaat, la uaarar'a biMi. . Oet. , IMI. J. Y. SniNDEL. 8CR0E0N AND PMTSICI4. Middleburg, P JnorskUprofoMloaalsorvieos U tbs sli ton of Middloborg sad tlololly; Marek 2167 )n MARAND ROTHROCIC, Fremont, Snyder county. Pa. Oradaaloof Paul Oallonaf Phaalitlaaa and Horaaoa. oflar bla prorotatotial aarrloo U Ik public, apaoki Kngllak aad Morma. Mwn, IT, 111. tf. JJ J. SMITH, Physician A Surgeon, frrmonl, Rnirier County, Pa. I Sora hit rmtfoMloaal wrvloo lo the l II omrt oi MUtitnal, Jpnall'TW,, J)T. 4. O. WAONER, Pfiyslelftn ntsrl Dor on, flfara kl. nrofaaalnnal aarvleaa lo ha olliana of Adaai'Mrf sod tlrlollr. An. 1,'MHf, DR J. P. KANAWEL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OntrHlie. nrrler Co.. Pat OITori his profooaloaal sorvloos to tb public. ' . fVrfmr II J. ECKUKRT, SURGEON DENTIST. IM'KSKItra, HI.IKIK, Srliruvfrove, Penn'a, rrar.aalonal kaelnwe proaptly al tan dad to. Mam, It. pERClYAL HERMANN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. . Kralxirrillr, Snilrr Co., Pa- Offer. M prifamlonel arle to tho tit line of Kraieerrlllo an I rlilnll. A . SJ.V DR A. M. SMITH. PHYSICIAN AND SUROKON Olfer hi profeaaional ttrvtee lo lb dill ion of Adam.burf aod vicinity. Sp4, 73 K. VAN UU3KIRK, SURGICAL A MECHANICAL DENTIST gslinsirrove, Pnnn'a. ,1 aat i as of the Peace. DAM SMITH, Jstic3 ofl3 Peace & Conveyancir BettoerSpri ngu. Snytler Co., Pa. All offMelal b.talnet. taklna depnaltlno a and promptly attended to, ljulleotlona and remit, teoi-ee promptly mad. May It.'.l.; "yfLLIAM H. SNYDeIT JllNlICO I ' I1C- Salem, Snyder County Penn'a All Collections anil remitancos promptly made. "or. 81, '7 tf. pAAO HEAVER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ami . fjreneral Collector . MiiMlchur;, Pnyilrr County, Pa. Pproiitt allenlton pnid to colleollona of all kind. lleinllUnce. will be iBaoo prom pile for all oil!uiioui mole.' Mr. 'iUi lai P ir. V II. W A (IN Bit, Kho 1 JUHTICE OP TUB PR AO i!. Jaokxou Townnhip, Snyder Co. Pit., Will attend to all bu.inea enlrn.lrd to hi cere and on tb nioal reaaouahl lerui. March VI, 'li8lf J) WID S. S HOLLY, Justice of the Peace. Cnion,Toivnhip, Siiylrr Co., Pit. Will attrnd lo all buain.es .nlrual.J Id hi oaro on moil reasonable lertn. P. O. addrt., Uundore, PnyderCn , P, . . Mar. 4, 'i)0. J." I1ART1IAN, JI'KTICK OP THE PEACE. Sc Conveyancer, CENTRE VI LLK, 8ndor County. Pa Dolleetlona and all baalnaaa parlalnlne to tho ofllee of J uatlee ol tbo Poaea will b eitrd.,l lo at abort aolleo Ap'rtT'T gETli MITCHELU Justice of the Peace Si Conveyancer, .Tec. eon Towneblp, Hnjdar Connty, Pa. Hollaolloae, lltioveyaueliiH. and all oilier bn elie. perialulne to ibe odlce will reoelve prompl allebtion. PeeloOleeaddreae: Mew Horlln, Unlou ouuiuj.ra. Aug. Id, l.lt. JOHN K. nU0HE8, Esq., MUSTICK OP THE PEACE, Penn Twp 8ojdsr Co. P JAMES MIDDLES WARTH, ' Justice of the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snyder Co. Pa. Will attead promptlr to all learner ol boat ia. pertaining to taeorare. ofBr. Oolleetlo. meie beeda. Arlloleab... written (Jalf Kt,te-tl. yyM. II. HARDING, ' JISTICE OP TIIE PEACE Sc Conveyancer, FREBMONT, Sojdsr sous!, Ps Oolloellea and a I baalnaaa oertalalna ts the oBlceor Juatleeof thePeae will ba attend.d to al abort aolloo. Apr. ST 'It. U A. WETZEL, Justice of the Teace, Beavertoten, Suyder Co., Pa. All kinds ofooU.otlon mad on libsrsl larms. Prompllv sltsads ta all bu.in.. Intrtui.a lo ols i ssrsi (Jun 8tl, 7Slf JEll B. MIDDLE8 WARTH, JUSTICE OF Till PEACI ASP CONVEYANCER, MoOlare City, Snyder Co., Pn. OolleelloB. aaS all kealn.aa eartalalae to tba eoe el Jaalloe of the Peaoo will beatuaded to at (hoTI aolle. ' Jalf ss.lltl. Q U0RNBERQKR, J DS TIOB OF 7 HE PEA Ci " Krrv rowi.hla.SavdorUoaatv.Pa. Colleelioaa, Ooaeeraaelae;, aad all other ; J. BO VYBRSOX,; if sties o th Ptaet A ContMyararje Ptfinscretk. Snyder t5et ft. CollMtload and W.aaMi.. ... .mji. .a. Oora;arin aoatif aad SkMply otaoatod. ' ..... . aiorn i, . - I - Corner 59 St. Sjr Broadway, NEW YORK.' , ! - On both American 9t Aropeart plains: Frmrlln on Ontral Pr, ifr rrn J Honka. lor and all mod. re lmpreTeaeo4e, end le within oneeqnaTaof the dcp..te of Ibe Sltih end KarMh Aeenne elevated ft. R. eara aad atlll nearerlo the Hrnadoay eere oaTeient ad Seiaeelbbi from all parte of the ally. Rnnm wllb boerd Sd perdae. Kpaelel ratee for fan I Ilea aadMna. ..tit muilL E. HASKELL, FBOVSllalMaT, A. H.'SS.lf. BOARDmO HOUSE. ' .,' TUB 0adrlint would rapotrally la form lb Iratellinn publio, baoiao.s m.n, wllneaee and Jnrnri In ell.ndesre at nt tVwirte tlial be bee mode arapte preperellena tat heir aenommodailna aad will endeaeor taea terteln hla peirona la aond etyle el lb one renewable ratee. Hoarding Houae a fow Soon w.rtof IheOcort Houee. . OABBItLBEATtR. Apr. W'TS. I y. rroprteOor. WASHINGTON HOUSf! MiririlelMirfr, JOHN LI M BERT, Proprietor Thaeboee popalar Hotel ka ba refitted nd refiirblahed in th beet atyla. Ilaeeelral location mek.e It eon Ten lea t far hualaaae me t pereoaa ia aiUBdan- al Court aad all otherr. who ere called to MldillaUerw. Tkota ule la alwaya an polled wllb the beat Tn Ike mar aat the Her wltb ood lloaora aod tka Stable attended l.y earelull boetlera. Terse aiudelal April s, I.? CKNTRRVILLE HOTEL, . (Late Mra. Weaeer'. V Cnirl)8nidr 6., Pa. PETER HARTMAW, proprloto , ThU loDa.tabllahd aid well know aM kaeinabeen paroaeteU by tho andanleaed 11 Holt, a .bar of tho pobllo pat rVnaVe ' a.eii.a.1... PETtK UAatTMAl rpiIE NATIONAL HOTEL. h JOHN B. FOCKLER, Prop'r. tseunHgrove, Pa. Thla i nolel I. nleaaanliy located In tbe "aqnara aad la a yerydealralde place f, treeelere lo.i'o llieaaeTof aeeoniaaodaeiaBa aa - . ' aonaatoppliia;oui!e will be eare tooall avalD. The br.loflio.ior In tkeliai """ ria. ll -A flratola.a Keeunranl th Hotel. Apr.iv.'lt. Mcrcliaiits9 House, SOttTH THIRD 8TKEET. PHIL'A PA. Terms --$1 GO per day. HENRY SPAHV l'r,.n'e Philarietjhia Carifa. J. S. FARNSWOKTH. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot Huiscry, Notions, wnite Goons, Emtol aeries Gcuts Farnisliiui Goois k, No. 511 Market Street, l'HILADELPHIA. T. B. for.., A. H. Hoar. (Mar. 12 '74. W. H. "helblet. T. H. Belcblrl. rjUAVBILL 4 Co., TT HOLRHALS UlAlll. II vtrnnrx awn nrT . -w ysjj Aav WAJUAiUW Yt AUt )il Clolli, Window fihnde, Broomi, Sdaii Bru.be. Cotton Li. Grain Raa f t Net, lliinkei. Twin., Wiok. 4c. No. S'.'O jVarkt Htrt. PhllaJ.lnbla J B. 3ELUEIMER VXALRO IN hardware: Iron, Nails, Steel. Leather. Faints. Oils, Coach & Saddler Ware AND MANUFACTCtUK OF - " w k atw a... liltivi a be jar 'I'inirnrp. MARKET STREET. .AURlialBrM lJnaaft m-.m-t w al r-t jf Z vsnher , 1871-lf WM. MANN niHiiK riHiir in a irar n uoner, ana steam Power ' A. B a P B.I H. TBI V 1 . -1 I Aa. TSfl1 V v m m wa mm m, m J SJkJa eV- No 629 iflarket Street, PHILADELPHIA, Promvhift. On iVa GM Price Marked On AU Goods 1 Apr. iB-Ta. JQAVID WILLIAMS, Misufastarssof Whole.!. Deal Gilt. Mahnranr. Valwat mni IMV LOOK NQ C3LA&3 -w - . "Jf . wweai va w- Picture St Photosrsphlo Fr Xos. SM and 131 Arch Btrcst Philadalphia Pa. Frame Rpaird is ths ht Also, Rfgildiag ta all its bro FTNION PLANING MlU BUNBOBOVE,aiCTPM j Kccly&Wca dumber ueaitr, ASB MASVVAOVVSSS 'J Ooort, Door Boies, WladoeTSieV Window Bsios, Iliads, . ruiKt Baiiian. yf ots. Moaldlncs. riooiitfij an.ni.i.aiwiiin a. it a aiaTCT Tf7, lOfcCARlHaTri"-! I.LAtla. e0.. I d sad Ulslwflj A, Plaaaassll'' . Baloglea Orders lalUltad , aae aaa weepaea - riaw. - i a ..v ai..u 111 In o'ir atosi bsrsrt psrsssusrj isslsiT Wjb ATeea on nam 'Minktiuch at NoUi-J monies, Warrants, Zw'ii Haif&c, die, . I r. . f . ba. .m, nmanwaraaa r llif-n inn Bt Ihla Uoral on-arlM lb oaHro aajifar. aad bnill and fnrntahad at an Oipoaao of over S40,K4i. It u oaanf rha moat alaoaa M ball aa balha th la. tnoarM la thaallr l baa a r,a.a.. IL .