The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 13, 1881, Image 1

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    JJ. -
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0 column on ;t, . W).W
Ons bsJf, rlumn, on year, ' , Jtn.oo
One-fiwnh column, one year, . WW
n Square 10 lines) 1 ionwtion TS
BrrtUlirtrt'i tl insertion,- CO
ijftjontil and Itrtslnns cards ol
' net nvirth t lio-aa, pur year, 6.00
Avn tor, stwcotor, AdiutniMmuf
4 Assigstss Notiw, - S.90
KJ'torisJ MtieM pet Hn, it
All mnMlvnt sJvUip .1M . than
I Kont: 9 10 oMifa Uo.
All .MrtiwmwM far a ahorvr
tf ra-
rtod Uo im rM Alt bAVoble alike
tjmo thwy ordrd, MdU DM paid
- Jk person ordering thmn wilt ie M;
aponaible for th roonv.
I o t ry
Th sun that mitles on at to-day
Shall Um rm sravwi wber-ln we Uy.
A hundred years to out.
Th world will then, m now, plod on,
And Bon will know that w are gone,
A hundred JOnrn to noma.
Ths y tbs sptvkb-ii now no bright,
Bhatt then be closed In death's long
A hundred yar to coin.
If grief can eaa the tear to start,
Jior Joy arouse the nilent heart,
A ha ndred years to come.
Th Up that now we love to well,
Ha word of love or worn can tell,
A hundred year to cow ;
Jfjg Sf at will He aeteep, - -VWaett
tongue must lt neeret
,. A hundred year to rome.
- i
All ilvlng now will than be dea l.
And flower shall bloom above each
' head,
A hundred yearn to com".
TV (of art and Klug alike will rent
Upon tlie same fond tuutber't breast,
A hundred yean to cotne.
Tlie heart we trust will all be cold,
The hand we clasped im turned to
A hundred yean to rome.
The feet tlmt front u turnml awny,
Phall rent with ours along life' way,
A hundred yearn to ooiue,
Who'll press for gold thU cr:vlel
street, . '
A hundred year to eo ne t
Who'll treat! you oburch witti willing
A hundred years to eouie ?
Tale trembling age and fiery youth,
Aud clilldhood, with it brow of truth,
The rich and poor, on laud and sea.
Where will the ml ;hty million-, be,
A hundred yean to eouie ?
W all within our graves shall s'eop,
A hnudrej yearn to come ;
No livlug soul for ui shall weep,
A hundre t yearn to ootne.
But other men our laud will till,
And other then our street will fill.
And other bird will sing an gny,
Aud bright the sunshine an today,
A hundred years to com.
ITodo "Jeeun Kenp Me near the
rW'eare prontrate In the dust,
iHtrlnken, mid and weary ;
IYt thy irovideit we truit,
No to dark and dreary.
rnatlnj Htill, truHtlug ntlll.
Ml our ucej (1ml kuoWetU ;
ind he doeth all thintf well,
r'Uy, himnulf will ttiow un.
Lord we lutw to thy behest
r title we mourn In norrow :
ird, thou knouri'Ht what In bext,
Feaoe uiny uomn to-uiorrow, (CuoriiH.1
I a nation bow to thee ;
le who tuiitea will m:
l thall bin Mil vat Ion eee,
hy, he will reveal un. (CIiomh.)
la iparrow cannot fall,
trd, without thy notice,
rely thou wtyl blen un all,
kou bant not forgot ue. (Chorun.)
! the rtrieken houaehold. Lord,
u thii atricken nation ;
the tympathUbig world.
ut to all Miration. (Ohorua.)
J Idlt Boyi.
Vdleneet it the mother of . tice,
boy who It allowed to grow np
KlUtooM it pretty tare to be a
i)W man. The parenta of tnch
nhftTd a fearful reetoaaibilitv
iog poo them when they let
out ran about lata bourt of
igbt instead of keeping them, at
reading good oewepapera and
, and training them iuto
W htbita ao aa to become ret-
ble mto-ioitead of Idler, ram-
f wt, Mmblera and loafera.
U tare to be the ette with the
runnera and day idlera, then
Mpootibility la looreaaed. Uira
P'aoty to do, and you will
their morale. Better a
body than a vitiated mind.
American obese carried off
n ofaailear madal at the lata
Wa and dairy abow at Bir-
ut, England. Itlajoat what
i aaT been ntiiA. Kmi
fc0 caeete la lively and atrvng
to carry off ao ot, without
?Z oo hit haodo.
h?Mof tomako doll boy
Uod what oooeeieoea la o
f uoany atkad i "Wha t makea
roMomfortabla after yoo
wro,r -T'atbtr'aleato
? '"rthaliey,
I ! I
The Apple-Woman.
f AMI WMMltt.
"Goiog to be married, ah f taid
Mr. Rivena, with o annrl. -What
doea ail them girlt that they can't bo
content where they are V
Mr. Rieeaa waa the proprietor of
the large ooreetf ic tor y where Floeni
Field worked Floeti waa on of
Mr. Riveu'a beet girU, "Sod oonte
qnenlly be did not took with any
favorable eye opoo her matrimonial
"Yet," confe teed Kloanie, with the
rotient of bluabet. 'Neit month.
Mr. Rivent, if yon pleaae, and ao I
aboold be obliged If yen ooulJ auit
yonreolf withio the week"
-Uehaw P aeid Mr. Riven. -Who
it be.
"Ile't a conductor on the railroad,
ir. And lie'e tarniog a very nice
little income. And we are to live on
the aecood floor of a very respect
able home in J erne j City and"
'.I dare any s I dure say." eaid Mr.
Rirena, grufliy. llut it will eud in
the poor bonne, my word for it !
Take my advice, Flottie Field, and
elay where you are well off V
Flossie went back to the work
room aomewbtt dispirited. The
girlt who bad overheard toiDethin
of the dincntnioD, weio whinprring
and tittering among tlieiunulvut.
"A man whone motlior keep to
npjle stand,'' tnid Miooie Ritm
eey. 'Brought np oo charity," a 1 leJ
Knle hetvitt
FlosMte turoed qnickly around.
"What are you talkiog of f" taid
' Of yon,1' taid M it 7edgoe, with
a giggle.
"Au apple-stand J" cried Flonnie
hreathleHsly. "But you ar ajto
getber wrong. Ho hut no mother.''
"Vet be 1 1 a-." said Minn, Itauisny,
''an 1 fiht toll peao ite an 1 api!en
down on I be wbnrf, by the ferry
boats, an I bet too pr ill to it.
.Urn Odllaher that' her name.
Mark Gallagher'f mother. Aak bim
yourm-lf. A Gue elogant utuli-iu--law
to have !"
And a general laugh went round
the long row of seeing ratchinei.
. Flossie went homo bewildered and
bitterly reentful. Never beforo bad
he noticed the venders wlm throng
ed the pier whore the ferry b at
landed, but npon this particular
evening she lookod enruently ut the
mny cbeukad old oui'iu in the
conrne plnid dress and worsted hood.
who wua holding out ber wares.
She rose as Flossie advance!.
ft it Mm. Gillagher I" null tho
girl hesitatingly.
The rosy old cheeks deepened, the
e'ear blue eyes sparkled.
"Then yon kuow me f" said abe.
'-Bless your sweet faoel you kuow
who I am t Dear heart I've watch
ed yon go by this many a time, 1
never dared speak, lie wunlJu't
have liked it."
"Are you Mark's trotber T" asked
Flossie. "Why he never told me of
The old woman hesitated."
"It's natural my dear," eaid she,
7e'a made bia way in the world, and
I've stood still, I'm Working wo
man and I'm not ashamed of it, but
Jark is different. lie want's to be
a gentleman, and I won't stand io
bis way, but if yon wouldn't mind
lettiug me kiss that boooie band of
yours it's all ornt, you know, as if
yoo was tola j to b my own
"Not my band," eafd Flouie.
"Ob. not my baod."
And abe pat np her fresh red
mouth to kit the old apple woman.
"God bless yoa. for that, my ou
lady rose I' said the old woman, with
swimming eyes. "And I'll not
trouble yon again. You'll make
bsppy, I know, that's all 1 have aoy
right to expect,"'
Flossie Field was looking very
grave that night hen ber aOhuaed
lover nss nsual came to sea ber,
MMark,M aaid aba "you never told
roe of yonr mother."
"My mother f
"Yes your mother, t have teen
bar oo tba pier to.dar,
Mark .Gallagher bad eollected him
self hy this tlws, Tb fact grew
bard and cold, bit lip war com
"I se do occasion," Le aaid. "for
obtruding all oo'aaffira ou, tbs
world, aba's my mother, I grant,' but
ab will not trouble yun, I have
tstUsxl oil that. , eh tvppOTtf ber.
elf. Kb baa always dw so."
- -Mark." FIomUs indignantly cried
out, "what do' yoo take me f.r f
Why be yon deceived . m f ' Do
yoo aopponer I should not tova yooir
Dohr 1"
.. "I shall ask oo aneb concession of
yoo," be said. "My mother will io
Urfer io oo wny with as. Tb will
go her wsy, we 001"
Flossie polled the gold engagement
riog from ber finger, and gav it to
bim saying 1
"It is enough A man who can
thus discard bia mother would hexl
tate no less to fling aside bis wife."
"Flossie," cried Mark, angrily,
" you are talking oonseute idle
sentiment What it the use of pro
claiming to the world that one't
mother is an apple womnu f"
She looked at bim with large,
wistful eyes.
"Mark." slid bo, my -'mother
'died when I was a little babe, and
all my life long my heart bxt yearn
ed for a mother's teoderuuss. And
you yon spurn it from you I No,
Mark, ws are too widely dilferont iu
btart aud miiid ever to be one."
He sat sullenly frowuiug at the
"Flotisie," said hn, "yon are at
tempting to dictate to me, aud I
ill not endme it."
"Very well," she answered quiet
ly, "theu we pal t."
And they did part. Flonsie went
bark to the corset factory and told
Mr. Kiveu that she had alterod ber
miud, aud would remain in his eto
ployment, to which he gruffly ins i
11 ply. "that be was glud of it,"
Aud she became f.nt frieuds with
the old apple-woman, whose grief
was great lecaunu the 'match wss
brokeo up."
"It is not because do not !ve
bim, said Floii, pitifully, -'but be
cause I think we should not make
each other bnppy."
"My dear." said Mary Gallagher,
"is it because I am hie mother."
"No oh. n "crin I Fl tsnie.
The olJ woman drew a long sigh.
"I was afraid." be said.
'. 80 Flonirt timli to vinitio vld
woman, evening after eveniu, and
they grew strangely food of e.teh
other, tho very ol I appl wo uuu
nud ibe beautiful young girl.
I'ntit 0110 evening, sad news came.
There had been a railroad accident,
nud Mark Gallagher was brought
home for dead.
But he an nt deal, sorely
wouuded aud bruised, and iu
hour of trial old Mary took the
place that she had held at bis cradle
years aud years ugo,
Mutlior," be said whoa they firot
allowed bim to talk," I should bave
beeu cold aud dead in my grave but
for you, dear mother, I bave been
an ungrateful brute. Can yoa ever
forgive me "
"Oh, my ton, ray son I"
"But yea will find that I shall be
a changed niao uow," be said fondly
pressing ber broab old band. "I
Lav been spared to yoa, and to yon
I aball henceforth devote my life.
would like to sea Flossie
once," bo added, speaking as
if to
bimself, "to tell ber that I see now
bow right she wss But."
"Would yon like to see Flossie
Field my son " Tb old lady rose
briskly and opened tbs door of ao
adjoining room,
"My dearie," she ssid, ''Come
here. My own rose bud, be wants
to speak to you."
And to Mark Gallagher' infinite
snrprise, Flossie Field herself came
io all smiles and blushes,'
Yes." Mark, it is I."
And then hi mother told bim
bow near and dear they bad grown
to on another.
"abe ia a tress nre, Mark-iuy J"los
sie I" cried Mrs. UatUgber. euruest
ly. "A treasure I be echoed, bit terly.
"God help n I Yen, but it is a
treasure which I bsve for-eited for
ever. Yoa two ai withio th gatea
of paradise, but I am abut out, aud
through my own fault"
Flooti cam to bia side, and
looked atbitu itu tender, pittyiog
eyes. .
"Mark!" b Isltmd. "Ob,
Aark, if I thought -if . t believed
that I oonld mk yoo happier" 4
"Floesi I Dai Hug bill Fhs.iel''
And t-tu b ko that all was
sa it b4 ten befor,
Aud Uu Maik O.lUuher arij
marrird to pretty Flossio FiolJ th
mowt boBcrid, Kcnbor of tMr b-
. . i i . '
py home was tb rosy Sheeted; elr-
A '..I.I .nnlA.MAaA '
A Boi't peh.
I ga agaioat tobacco boais it
goes against ms I eschew It. I
will not Chew it. I will tell yon why
I. I do not like lb last of it. .It
tastss worse tbao tb bitterest mdf
oio ev pat to my lips. It I such
sickening stuff. S. I don't like' tb
looks of it lath words of anoth
er, when I tee tobacco pity j the
month that chew it. and when I see
the mouth that chew it pity ' tbe
tobacco, h has sot o taking color.
It is a dirty dirt color. 3. I don't
Ilka tba effect of IttTiaei, It o iei
tb teeth yellow and ,brown. wloi
they should be white 1 it make the
breath soar std offcniiv"'i)ri,t
should bo sweet t it injures the voice
so that those who chew oan D"t sing
end speaik to advautase the voice
breaks, and the chorister crotk like
a raven, wlieu be should sing like a
buboliuk, tbe orator merely birkn,
and a tobltacco bark is very dinngree
able, 4. The bubit of cUewiur is a
filthy habit. Look at tbe ctrpets,
tbe stairways, the sitting rooms,
where the cheoore gather together
and roll tbe qui I like a tweet morxel
nuder the tongue- Every boy that
chess ungbt to wear a bat shaped
like a spittoon, aud un it a such
wherever be goes. Indued be ongut
to where it when bo sloops ; such a
tiight-cap might save tbo pillow.
caHeH from stains. 5. 1 i4r ubf-o
crcatea ao appetite for liquor. It
lights a fire in tbe throat which wa
ter may not put out. Youth's Ttm-
' perancc Manner.
Her Husband's Plan.'
Wriggle had some teeth pulled
lately, aud t ijk cold io bis jaws,
which swelled until it looked likes
prize watermelon, lie poulticed it
aud liai.dagiid it, all to no purpose,
and walked the tloor several nights
with it, quoting choice extracts from)
Bob Ingernoll's leutnres, but all to
no purpose ; it kept on swelling,
Tbe otbsr tnoraing he rn'uarked .to
hit wife tint tier t arfo - jT" to"dy
one that would hit bim a tremendous
thump oa it sud leoly without bin
expecting it, to see if it wouldn't
burnt tbs swelling. Tbe dear wo.
man smiling to herself, weot and
githered a boot jack, au I stepping
np quickly buliiu I the old mau a he
was trying to strain some coffee
! thronqh bis teeth, lovingly inq ure I:
"Where does it paiu yoa most,
Wrigt" "0. Lord 1 right her," re
plied be, as he turned bis jaw up
and pointed to tbe apex of the pro
tuberance Taking a step bank the
dear woman raised the boot-jack on
h'gh and hit bim a regular Jbunj
starter rtgbt i-tbe ntr -lb
calamity, and smilingly stepped
bock to await results. Tbe old roau'e
knees flew to bis chin as b shut up
like a patent rat trap, and witb bob
lew groan be rolled off tbe chair oq
to the floor. But be. was op in
moment aod at be ilsoced the can
cao with original variation, bis
wife smilingly asked t "DM it relieve
you. deir ?'Aal as be tried to
bowl out ao aoawer old lira, fry,
who had just dropped in, beat a
hasty retreat ' Aud now the whole
neighborhood bus It that Wriggles
has got 'em again. And aa Mis
Fry remarked-, "That er oomit
will bo th death o' tbess old Ball
beads yet setttO up tj vautol) it." ,
1 Hard h Please. . '
.Some 'people are neve content
witb their lot, let what will; bsppen.
Clouds and dra-ine ate4 over their
head, alike whether it rait) or shine.
To them every incident isj , ao ac
cident, aud every acoident a calamity.
Even when tbey bave their own wayi
and, indeed, eonsider their snost
voluntary acts as matter of com
pulsion,, W saw a striking illus
tration tba other dsy of tb , annui
ty apeak of in th coo loci of a
child aboot three years old, H wss
eryiug bsjeoas bis mother hod shnt
th parlor door. "Poor thing " aaid
a neighbor eompaasionetsly I "yoo
have shot tb. obild outf i"n M
th tsm to him," aaidrte ' motb p
'b would cry if I called biian. and
then ahot th door, It't a peonlisri-
ty of that hoy, . that if bs. ie Uft
rather snddsnly oo eilbsr sid of o
door, b oonsidsrs himself shut out,
aod rsUla acwordlagly " ,',s' -
Tbo OMtorlid for ke4 tc
Hit CnJn TrouMPt, . 4
A 4vtu ia)v Ok4svs -last sjwek
ordered pair of new tr ni4er4 fro 0
the tail if. On try in the n on t iv
proved to be ssveral iucui t lod.
It Wniti Itt4 oa Stttirvtty niht, tbe
tailor's 1 1 1p sit cUitl, ailth-j
elitor t )k the tro ver to hi wife,
aod ankel her t o it thi q off an I
bem then ovjr. Tat g)l laly,
who oumler or melon perhaps
d isagrsed with ber, brnaqosly Cfcfus
ed.' T:ii vim reiilt filljil ai
applic Uioo t) the wife's sister ami
tbs el l.wt dk't thter. B it bafire
be ltimu the wife, relenting, took the
pants, to I, ilttiti off sit iucti"
from tbe 1-g. hem ned them nicel
and rostored tbena to the closet.
Atlfaa hour later the daughter,
taken with oompunotiju for her on
filial couduct, took the tromors and,
catting off U ioohns, he n ail an I
repl.mnd them Fin illy the sister-iu-lv
felt the paags of omncieoce,
end she, too, perform I au a I bti u operation "uo the girio tnt.
When the e litor aptare I at briik
fast ou S in I iy the family tli 1 rut
Higblaud ohieftiin ha I arrive I. for
the trousers
fondled ouly to lb
middle of bis thigh.
Hit Conscience Smote Hi.n
' What's tbe foeliu' iu thi yore of
fice abjut lendin' ma a quartor t"
asked au atluumted trit up at tho
cashier's desk of tba L'jjU olBce
"Tlie re are strong prejudice
against it," returojd the cashier.
"Doit go so fir as to reaoh itself
to a dune inquired the tramp.
"1 think it reaches to tint extent,"
said the cashier.
"You don't appear to recognize
me, pardner."
"Well you dou't refer to any
thing of which 1 bave exten n t u-
i.ti,... . ..ui j..i r
io mo if I'm properly worked
I .u-
ly ueo l keerful handling."
"Money iu you, bow 7" anke l the
rnsbicr, becoming interested.
, "If I weretukeu where I belonged
., ,.. . ... . -.
lllMrM.l nHHt urttallll Fill !, hn h
I'.-. J : ... -
M US i lUCillll IU lUU UI UUUI UU41"
"Givo mo yonr a 1 Irons and I'll
senil you over," si I t is cashier.
"M ike it twenty-five outs au 1 I'll
give you the iuforui ition 'it up
something for a gnainteeo' good
faith and you've got mo. Two bit
in cub iu Vested iu roo will make
your eyes bang out."
"'II go a quarter oo yon," said tbe
cashier, banding over tho m moy.
"Who are you f How' aoytbiog to
ba mad nut of yoa ? '
"Stranger," said tbe grateful
tramp, bursting into tears t "strang
er, w in'l deceive a kind hearted
man like yoa, I was going to tell
you that I wss Sitting Bull, but I
aiu't i I'm ouly Alexander Stewart's
loug lost dead body.'
Ra mirier, ChdJ Rems.n'jar.
That tail bol l is better tutu a
bold aud it yoa can't get a good sol
id grab on the noe of oironmstauces,
faaten on to tbo tail aod uinke ber
draw you. It may not be pleiinaut,
but it boat staoJing still wit'i your
right fore Auger, io tho uortUve4t
augle of your mouth.
Kemember that every body - can't
be lawyers sod preachers aod doc.
tor and merchants.
titrnugojii) it may seem, everybody
ou t be editors. Now sod theu
there must be "a farmer aod a
Remember that o man ia not a
fool simply because bo is a meohanio,
aud works for a living. If you think
so, just jump out of tb senior class
of so aaateru college and try to shoe
a horse, or set up aod space a lius
ol nonpareil type.
Itemamber that it ia better to oars
)ourself of one bad babit than to
warn a friend of two, 'The wot Id
would not b half ao bad if vr
individual io it would brace np and
stop bia infernal mcsuuess.
Remember if yoa or a paragraph
er that aomsbody will remembei
your old borrow! joke. Don't
tell oa that, tbs boy wuj crawl I io
to tb empty molasse hanrsl wished
for a thousand tongue , for that
boy's gre,it-grod O JilJieu di I be-
for w were born, aod ore
tbootaod years old T
jparn'um asys that o oircue maa
toO)'t odiQit 1 orohsb fir ooa
13, .1881. NO, 13
"Never Mrndth Hal. Mr 6."
GeiiersTSberldsO tut1 Idly saao
tt-rir.g op and dowb tbe lobby of the
Windsor Hotel, deep in thought
ttid complscently poffiing at bis
Havana, aud blowing tbe white
nmok into pretty little rings Sud
Jenly a rough-looking "man, witb
face so hesvy b .tar Jed that one could
see nothing tnt tb twinkling black
eye, approached bim and raining bn
hat with akward embarrassment,
"Good morning, General."
The hero of Winchester returned
the gretiliug, touched bis rap with
military politeness, sod then, trying
to peer thtough tbe miner's beavi
beard to get a glimpse of bis heavy
features, tba Geueral said
"I'm afraid. I'v forggolten your
face, sir."
The eyes of the man from Gunni
son twinkled brighter tbaa ever ss
be remarked 1
"It's not nulikely. General tseoin's
we never met but ouce afore, you
wouldn't be so apt to remember uie'
as I am you. It's eeventeeu years
siuce I saw you last. Tuings have.
.changed siuce theu. It was on the
buttle -field of Cedar Crook. Dou't
vou remember tbe eoldier that cava 1
'you bis borne when yours was shot
from uuder vou bv a shower of can-
inter froiujtlie manke 1 batteriei on
the brow of the bill ?' and tho old
nn' n l.t.iL'n.l itn will, Ait'tur tirid.i iri'i
to the General's face.
"That I do,"answere 1 the ganoril,
ith pleaned interest and a brighter , '.r.'':.i VoC .Irr: '"lIV"?,,:'.'',!
flash iu bis eye, "I remember itiS!"-: -'J; 'u,Xn. H
11 I l' i,n iiimiii fnur boitl.K :cri rnA S-o v.
won. ki r. n I a. I tli tnrn'cnt ss iliir rvsi
1 was limi Soulier, coniinaeo iie.wtl, n, ,,, w,u wuh M , , ,Uhl
miner, prouoiy. 1 reiueiuuor lnu j 1 i,h yononi i.. h,. i t-iir.
ciruuinslauoes woll, sir.
When von
ueu yon
put the spurs to my borte and gal
loped off you left your bat behind
VOII I called to you SS loud SB I
. .. .
;cld. but youreplied
never mioii
the.bat, my boy.' 7'ro
gol lliHl
1. , 1 i,.....i..
my cabin io tbe mountains,'
the rough fellow'a eyes glowed witb
I Mlmridao graspeil his bis Land
and led bim to a neat, and for Lulf
I , , . ,. -. . .
1 n I.. ...,..1.1 tl.A tA,,lna rr
Iix. i... .... li....
V OHIl VIQVI W,W, HHlli. V i
Mean roan. If yon owe your
:neiilibera grudge and are determiu-
Jed to get eveu with bim, you can
j keep within the law by buviug your
pavement wished every uvirnlng.
The populace, after wading pant
!yo,'r premises, will slop past bis.!
'and when the tracks aro dry his
'pavement will look as if it bad not
been wanhed siuuo l'eoo lundod.
They all do it.
"What is tlie ploasintleit war to
diet" aske tU Ilarl ford J'otl.
N'evor board of any way that was
purticiilatlv charming fiotton 'ol
Being "killed by kindness' onght to
fill tho ).l'hiUhltkia A'sifl.
That Iowa girl who was huggod Io
death solved the probUm.-Mod .
At tbe NiiParo Falls depot the
siun "Beware of Pickpockets" is so
placed that visitors cao soe it imme
diately after slicbting from the
trains. People going to the trains
see only the bick of i, tbo authori
ties sparing them this painful mock
Queen Victoria, while at Dslmortl,
has a .Scotch piper play every morn
ing at 8 beneath ber window.
Then she gets np. There is noth
ing better than a Scotch piper foi
that purpose unless it is a good big
alarm cluck.
Tba wbo-shall get-up-to-build-th
fire joke ar rather late this
year on acoonnt of tbe weather.
The fact that ever ince coal came
iuto fashion ores have beea kept np
over oitfbt ba no effect oo them.
Letter-writing: Ooe-balf of a
friendly oorrsapoodtDce ia oaually
seated io apologia tb other bolt
in oomplaiuta about oeglectsd let
tor..; . Th man nsver lived who did not
think tb equalling of bia ova baby
ualnre'town musia compared to th
yell of a neighbor' brtt.
Massachusetts boy aboat at high
aa tb counter recently c o o ioto o
book stoi aod akd for " bok
for Uo csott with oaordor (o It,"
A nao biof tormotd Ub ooroe
pot bio font tbroagb i triodasy. eold
lhMMi was ttmm !3fitstNr.
, - j - --r if,-
r.tVIhl trery Thiirndat Eventnf
JE8SMIAT1 OP.OUsa, 7rcp-
Terms of Subscription,
abl vitbin six months, or tlWIfnot
paid within th year. No paper Ois
eoritinwed aaUl all srrssaagsjo
paid unless aths opUoo of Ut ssjhV
sJubsorintiuna outsids) of ttmsxMuat
rVrsons lifUnsr and using papers
sMrensnd Vn lOthsrs Wnniesuhscriliepi
aud tr liable for the pric of Ui paper
FofTNir Bt t'e Siyin'i
LSttt romjtert crow load.
Kvsry cloud doesn't bring a storm,
Llttht beals of whstt tiaod
vralnlit. '
Gasrly spplss dou't piy for thlr
f xlder.
0ts io tbo moasr goes Io with
the nsy.
(Jornsia'ka it tbt wsJ li'b'a tcr
git cn np. 1
A lying tooga pole a psUh oa it
seiirhh'r, in in lh tree Lou's Lcttar's a
S'ty-cent hsfweter.
WemlV in the cirnen be a bsl as
linles is the p tnlinls
You can't tell hy the blimm
which f the apples will b wormy.
"You ( no t tf'ps hy th sit "( lh
cslf wbt hatter's worth S pound.
Chicken hiwk nsver nif noihiu',
wlicnit' tf nng for tho ahiakea 00 p.
Now tlmt the roennles arc preva I
ent. molber as well an astronomers
nre. lookiiii foe sp it on the son.
r " 1 '"'"'' 7, "'i'"
". ( . .-e,
Ctrliin'fr .fl'tit nn l ltrh
inij uninm, Cure-l.
I U-Iii t t -1 1 yon l (ho IfU'h, tuM t"f SmtN
r purrMiii, I.m' 10 llly l' Ih-. 'onrli rili
U'l rn rm Kukhmik. Mr Krclarlck Vi l n
i "',ul ' CJal'i
imvh h Ttrp. iij.h.
srnmullf n l .! f V,t Hhni
iiuMl,eii, liM.t-,i),i f, t,n-
WIU lliin
I, l' 11 n 4i , ni,i-c4 .
" f" 1 i mopi oa ha4
i( .iruhi : in.i, of nia
ui""'! i""wp'mhiii.iii,i
lljilfur Kn.lll
Ths bsi not Immb lol I an to lh tract
"irvl.s iM,n ih HiiriniM Kukiiim,
1 h n i. I ksrl, .if .loiura ror ma IIDInM
to uro I ol t ilii ui o n an I
nnl n-vor Intiii't nt hln viit in Miual th
'''iTV UJU,J .'!"7. lfJ
U.lV-i. A. vVipul i It , Pr.irl Isics. it.L
- .
tbn t'ot "ir tr"t'n t-r th ("am of slfli
alliin Hin t I lli.o.n, Vi i.D'i In lb ..,
i-ti l tun ol Urn rn Ui:- ii.', tut o
llln.Hl fiirlBar. ,ira,i m or itti.
1 1 ka sud Ci ru ' uA 8o,p, ih Uratl Mill
Prioeofi'PTH I ki. nimlt hiitn. im Urn
l'.l t.ruriH IUi CKvr. 11 ur hrtili.
li rici'H hor. (,iTi. rn AnAVisa
OAl', IS(I X.O.I l. nil Ir Irf
I,.,i. Wr.KKia foriKK. imtnn. Km.
COmpteto Treatment
For $1,03.
OIr ktAfl ind vole. Hnialhln,.
! brnaili, psrioot II. tuts so l b,
m,nw. n eiintsia. hi iiutrua
ri hM hi.(r itos llll.iot nrs br..ubt bt
n lb rnrnrnat mas ' I'aUrrit kv tht
ko'l ornr Uliins Minn, 8amhu'i Rah
mntl asrMitMn. an inoqll.-nl. aiMnil. mt
' i i iiuiapiatn nl Inliliiuli trait
ddi. MaaLtiaa. ni nna k.ttla ol tli Had
r,L ilrnn. nna ifin of iIataku.i ,,r
t,uil oj. Inra.irau sLs, all rnia-l
io innr toKAsa. ilH lri.a ,ol illrsoi,! mi
0lnM b ail ilru;ilaia rorsl. Sis Ion
-Ar..HD KaiicL ounn.
Uauaral Ayauta, WetiKSS rnTTrR.
Hoatuo, Wat.'
K HlSi tlfe.
Hi-arbaa Waisr Mas
ao t h- si4 Hlaas
Aniaaal raiaauariv
VAhNiiN'H H Sis Nul-ar ut bs4
ullt. Uaraa. urnn.
ari-t ssl houMhol.l . olran lr-l la alols
ulnht- Haat an I oha,ia' va mis hiljar la ilia
worn!. No ullnra In 10 voara. Oa r s
narranlad Kcil.l l.t all srooort and drasslala.
an lor rnn i'. la'irii 4ao.
WttKSa fort KM, Uoitos Mat.
rR-J. ADAM IUSKR. of Peotre
lV L towDatala would raanMttullf tnrsfm tka
uublla tkl aus UpraDarmi ilu Plata aal fan.
cyaaalL proinirtlf at Uorl nulla. fuLII
atrasas raajjaoiiunj aeiuiitao.
a us mi.
TH E undersigned has opened 0
Fnrnitnrs fitore, near the Middle'
burs; Depot and keeps constantly oai
hand a largand wellseleoted stock et
Chnmbet Nulto.
t- . a ll J r
uneBiit.ei uunira
VVoodeat Obntrxl
Kxtonolon Tnbleii
I'ablaoje . ' IP-
ri. n- ntwincn, . .
near the pop t
, .: mux
1 1
,,May '.-aiJ"