The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 06, 1881, Image 1

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I tn mva vaar. f50.00
L lv t W linos ) 1 iiirt'.t To
W m! itmt InwTtimv
-,tJril and tftrtlntM" rA M
4bkt Oifta A U . y ii rV
.oifcir. Executor, AjwiuMtnlgr
lortal .... ! line, 15
IllruVtiftrKufcufrlUlflg laaarihan
ill advsVtisCnVntil f' b'fttr pa-
iltW m .. p.
L per UrUg U19HI Will aaiaj
hip. ro tog wqnv.
D't T&tttto Hurt. r.
TeVf many 4 trouble. 1
Wouloarst Uk a bubbW, ' 1
Vej bf'atr of Lethe depart,
-Iv U AM.wer.ewt place Id tb
r.. . .,.. .. ,M
. Tbere' many a sorrow 1
Weald Yenlidi to-morrow, .
o ow tiling to furnish the
mint. ' i
jto airily Mroflin:.
'Aad quietly brooding, '
Atehes oat MI .eorU ttorritte
Mow woloom tbe Memlng
Of look tbat at bMmrng.' ' 1
krtberona'n weutbr or whether
guaapooii, '-
Ky bright m a brr jr.
. Cbki nA m clierry,
noma and tbe eon ad the
heartache can cure.
Beeolre to be merry,
All worry to ferry .
i the famed water that bid ua
forget .
And no longer tearful C
But happy and cheerful.
feel life ha moon that .Worth
living for yet.
The Archjry Club. "
IH try the arrow
And brad the bow ;
The arvhera are waiting.
And we mut go. .
Out club hat offered
A lovely prlie
A bow and quiver
' -.Of monster mi I
The bow of Innce-wu.xJ
I five feet long ;
She feathered'arrown
Are true and uti-on.
If Iihould wla It- ,
OH, dearie me I
The happiet girl
. Zt) the world I'd be !
weeaon nave a name ,
. In our "Indian Uuu,',' -; 4
. a
"Willi 6nr chieftain, "
VRnb-a-dub-tluU" , .
I am ,'lalebloeoui,"
Queen of our raee
Blele W "Itoaobud,"
Carrie "Brownfaoe."
.EaKle-Eye," ,'Dlaukhawk,n
ThunderotouM," "Snow Halt e."
... Cp-ta-theniky."
Are title we give -
To Charley uud Dan,
ItobeH and Kridle, 1
Lily and Fan.
Oh, which of these ten
TheriiehaU win V
i,near tbeiu coming .
'With whoop auda.lnl
And wow (o meet them
Well aneed away :
Then I thaB tell you '
who win to-day f
powar to do great thing
ally vm from tb willingn
oamlvari, frlbad la mater.
Sartta tW tra'a. jure aod
A tU bawiUfuU-' - - - -v i i
1 0& can hr fatUd to observe
TTwWf fro lib fipoa all with
4 om ia contact. 1
)rry h rntHipa th blad. h
Ik royolatioa . tbat destroys
ibiniT, bol tb fratioa.
3 i lik tb ajt which a we
7 towad it, oaaU tb abadow
t bturdaa behind a. r to
I Oot allow idleneaa to ' deceive
oroiIoa gi,U to-day it
I from yott (omorrowi
etp ar -JBy important, bat
WtA' ldoroed by tba
ItolMdaa.yMca attraoUva.
!rMStblgei a: raah 'do
w giva .belDtnp' hand toa
HI --1 , U ilf 1 Hit '
ntt M AM kn diMoarag.
lata Urn to Rt ovr
ewa niafortan than to bo la
bor good for-
it of inoreaalnar th
ticUJwbtber ibar
' 4I.'J barsit
Lbtaotfclrtarad ia to
I i
" Thw rrnWtnt'a ONfrfcKMM
. JUward Cm mp, onlil lb Pre
dent' removal to Lonf Braaoh, waa
tme of Li faitbful Mr. ' "Ha
walalwayi 'M' cherfat2,aJ4 ,Mr.
Cramp, Trtd bad to . moh , arw
Why, ha oed to utonUlT m .wilh
hie joke tefl waifc h a' offer'
teg horribl. Baffer 7 X boald y
U did. Tbe firei week or ten- 4J
it wa . bia- UL Ha kept Myiog,
Ob, mj Gad I ll ft feel ai though
miilioni of oaadUa war-bio( "ton
throach tbcia. . I ned to aqnea
hi! feet and kaa In . tof band a
bard a I noeribtj oold, , and : that
aeemad'tha. o&Jx ca4.
"."The' Jaf la- w abot and At)
Sunday be kept talking all the time
bat oo Monday b waa . mora qojat,
and then oo Tuesday morniog tie
the dootora abut down on bia tali
tog. . Sunday morning, just after
the big crowd of doctors bad clew
ed oat, I wne aloue with the Proi
dent aud Dr. Hliss. Tbe doctor 4
on one ai Jo of tbe bed and I waaco
tbe other.' Preaident Oarfleld Ind
bold of Dc Bliss band and tariod
hie heed and asked me if I ki ''W
where be fiat eatr Dr. Hi in. I fid
biin I did not, aud be aaid be' would
tell me." . ,
"Hesftid that w'aen - ka ; war a
youngster nnd atarlnd for Itio c. I
loiie at Hiram ba bad junt 13 a
ten dollar bill wbiuli was in U
breast pocket of bi coat and a fre
in bia troueer pocket. He said - le
waa footing it up tbe road, and aa
tbe day waa bot bo took off bia "ct
and carried it on bin arm, takiig
good rare to feel every moment or
two for tbe pocket book, for I jo
burd uarued f 15 waa to pny bi p
trance fee at the college. Aftir a
while be got to tbiukiog over w jat
liollegs life would be like, and ' itr
not all about, tbo pockotbook .for
Muinetimu, aud when be looked
i was gone. lie went back m
full along tbe road, buntiu;
botLaidea for tbe book."
"After a while be came to a iwuse
wber, a vounjr man.
. - , j T4? .. . ,
leaning fre
gule asked uim aa ua raine up wuui
- i a a j .... .
ba waa boating. r'Tonng:0feld
explained bia loss and deaoriUl tbe
property,' when tb yonnj:l man
banded it over. The, 1'resid. U by
thia waa langbiug, and in cuulu
aiou said, ''flint young mau waa
Dims, wasn't it. Doctor 'V TLhDoo
toa laughed aod aaid, "Yea;! and
when Gen Garfield anid, j sav
ed me for college' the Doctor ans
wered. ' Von, "Yu, and tuny beif I
bad not found your ten dollait yon
would not bote been Prceiilant if
tbe I'nitod Rtatea'' Tbe Tiwideut
Uugbad at that, aod aaid tbt if be
got aell and made any miaUkea in
bia adminiatration Dr. Blias would
bave to take tbe blame. '
TJldSaws ft.iet
A greedy man God batee.
A great mark i soonest hit.
A baaty man never wants toe.
A honey tougqa, bart of fall i
A hungry man i an angry, man. .
A great ship most bav deep wa
ter,' . . ' .
A great reputation ia a grenl charge
A guilty conscience needs no ac
cuser. . ,.
A bappy heart makes a happy vis
A bandfol of trad m beadfal of
j A jest driven too far bring borne
bat. , ,.. j
A bandnom man and a fool man
wear tba aama cap. ' 1
A great man' foolish saying.
for wise one. "
A baod aawja a good thing, bat
oot to (bav with.
jak never gslo aa nomy! bat
often loses. friend -
A ; joyful avtnipg may follow a
orrowfnl morning, ,. , .
A Itaodfol of ' comnjon hih it
worth a baahe.1 of learning. .
; A great man will oot trample on a
worm nor apeak ta n emperoc
Indoleno W a atream wbiob flow
lowly on, bat yet nodermiae tb
foandation of very virtu. '
i .....
Woman mak poor aoldiar. : Yoa
bav only to mention powder, , and
yoa Had it' abont fao with tbm.
,I waa tt cboroh to-day and n
ioyd it vary maob," "I am glad of
that. ald bia pioa watbart, "bot
I did not w yea. Oa. wbiob id
didyoarit," vAbom, y, hm,
taAOMMwd, tba vdlcooH4 , ,lwf.
"J ut otr Ut nlaUi Pt . ' . . -
till. I 7 II I I i r,
train fef fiotd.
Good ordef ta the' foundation! af
all good tblog! !
If you art ' aot ivery alevr yon
Vobid u too5nikioy.":,;.:':; , '..
'Eellgloo eoneiat hot ia knowledge
bot lot boly Uf o ' . ' ' '. 4 ' . l f
Aa old, niVf rnpecta . of tbf of
biota ai youB mao boaata
.No aaaa aval looked for tbo dark
id of life without finding it
II who wait to do a great deal Of
good at on cat wi)l never d any. " .
v It ik to lit twice to be able to en
joy tb reUoapoot of yonr jmat life
Have patieae "With all tkiega,
bat obiedy 1mo paUanoa wila yw
aelf. - ' J
' If you loevr bow to pad loss
than yon get, yoa have tba philoso
pher a tou.
Men often jodge tb person, but
not tbe cause, which ia not justice,
but malic. . . t i ;
Then i nothing that i redoe
tb face ao4 mind a tbo presence of
great tbut'e, ,',
Von eannot bring tb best out of
a man uulea you believe tb boat ia
omewbai'e in him. , . . ' '
D not loae coarago by conaidur
ing your own imperfections, but in
atantly sut abont remedying tbem. ;
We may laugh or ' weep at tb
madness of mankind i we bar Oo
right whatever to villify tbem.
Tralniug tb baod ay to do
work well.leada. Indiyidaala to form
correct habit ta other respect.
Wicked men tnmbl over straw
in tbe'way to heaven, but climb QV
er bill in. tb way to dealrnctioa.
It daaan't bnrt a good man to
bav ' bia ' obaractar, ioveatixatad t
neither doe it hurt a coin to try its
ring '; ' t , ;
A nplrit of cectroJiotion is ao
pedantic aud batef'il, that a man
should watch against every iustance
of it. .
Do not begin to quarrel with the
world too aoon . for, be 1 na it may
be, it is tbo beat w bar to live in-p-
Tbot air tba Christian who are
uior careful to reform themselves
than to be abotiaoahy ceuaurrng
Tbe chief properties of wiadoni
are, to be miudful of thioga past,
careful of things persant, and pro
videot pf thing to oomo. '
Neither a mu nor a woman ia tm
tirely aaf until be or aba cau andure
blame and receive praia without x-
citemeut. ,
Th Fortune Hunler.
Th genuine fjrtun banter is
veritable acamp maroeoary, cruel
and greedy. When eome rich wo
men marry om poor men, they lit
tie imagina th ' misery tht y ar
oreating for themrelvea. Amau wbo
woo a woman with .mercenary no
Uvea i rather apt to bat ber for be-
ing worthy of a better fate', ar sb
nndouUedly ia, else bar generou
heart would dot to ran ' away with
ber indgement Th man i - wbo
marrie a woman for her money bad
better kill ber outright, and tak it
Indeed, that i what creator who
makes a match with snob a 'motive
would really lik to do. Ha wants
tb bard gold, oot lb soft woman
who own It, and he bates ber be
cause be ba to tak ber also. Poor
little heiresses, with soon delightful
fortunes -t poor little widows, ,witb a
nag bttl sum settled on yoa by
tb husband that bad your ' comfort
at heart, bow maoh better that ' you
bould be peonilesj women sewing
lor your living Then come ' strong,
loving band might gatbao yat p to
a leader heart, and yoa might be
very tor it wu all for yourself all,
very bit of it. But now, nothing
i left to'yoa bat a loveles exla
teooe a broken life. Ab it' a
dangerou eiperimaot to endow meq
with yonr earthly goods, id plao of
beiog endowed by tbem and yoa
pay tbe penalty of tQU rrriog lb
natoral order of thing.
A lecturer wa one ia a. dilemma
which b proudly never forgot.
While talking about art ba ventared
the aaaertioo, "Art oao never im
prov nator." At that mqme.o
aom oo in th audienc ' cried ftijdJ
ia a groff voio "Uan t, ab T
then bow do yoa think yoa would
look witboat yobf wig IV
. Th lay of tba nighttngal tna
b vary daligbkful to well ff man,
bat tba Hbya of k baa Ar liked bot
tar bf lUB'tBv ' "
4 ft t , T Prmrba. t .
IU wbo faatafo train must ked
bo bar - : xtc- .j
No peach last to sweat aa befor
'onesly is the beat policy j . but
policy is not alway Looeaty.
Me draaJ what aa b raalisal t
it ia th onkoown that is fear 1.
A great thought 1 like a flint tit
requires metal to bring forth re
sult, '
So taw can 1 a ac;emf jl atheist
notll be i atl to retreat Limaolf.
rain Is freq-tenlly mure Itntible to
viglafou than -to fhi frtiysieal
body. . ..m .
Tb brightest hour of th day is
that on ia which all oar desire arc
The waa or womin wbo perform
kipdly act to another is mote bleat
tbau tbe recipient.
Man reiuoui i animal are govern
ed by Justinct. Tb former fie.
qnenlly err, the latter never.
A- powder mill ii oot a tf place
of refuge in a tnnuder (torin, nor ia
a quarrnl to him that tear the
It has been aaid that woman do
not reasou, but act from intuition.
This may account for the ubimoe uf
women atliuiats.
The molt infinitesimal grain of
sand cau ajop tba wheel of awatob i
so th iaa41aet grain of trnth can
silence th tongnu of a boaster
Tb two yonng hairs, wbo bud
been taking their tirat lesson in
grammar, disputed long and earn
tly over a question, and at lust
agreed to decide it by arbitration,
aelecting ah bead of tba family aa
arbiter.with foil powers to aeud for
eraon and papers. The old man
wne graining his bjota bafr tue
kitchao atove. " ,
'Father,' aaid tbo eldest heir,- is
it proper to suy ne ia rich or we am
!rich r
Tba oh) man worked carefully
down iuto the bolljw uf lb bout
nvierh inattp, remained a long
time in hougbtfdl mediUtioo,and
then alowly replied .... ,
"Well. should say it would come
olgber th truth to ay , wo baiu't
rich. . ' . '
And tb young heirs, when they j
thought of tbe time they bad wor
rying out of their paternal
relative, thought it might b that
way too." ', Nat t
Aud tb old man kept on appoint
ing bia boot with extract 'of bog., ,
"When we ar- married, Lacy."
aaid the poor mao'a ou to th rich
man' daughter, "'our ! honeymoon
eball ba passed abroad. . W will
drive to the Hoi, promenade th
Padre,' geae down into tho blue wa
ter of tb Adriatic from tb Itialto
and enjoy tbe iieapolitao anaeta,
trolliag along tue Cbiaja."
"How delicious, n ahe( mnrmnred,
"bot John, dear, bav yoa got mon
ey enough to do all this, for pa ay
I musa't ipectianytbing until be
dies," John' countenance under
went such a o'aeoge thaj she coat d
not refrain from aakiug bin if be
waa aick,
"No, darling" be anawered faintly,
I am not sick. 1 1 was only thinking
bat perhaps we had hotter poatpone
the weeding antil aftor the funeral."
"So yoa'fe not going to m trry Ki
rn lIMn' daughter,' thought yau
know my bean is t on that inatoU,"
tbundsred Sir Marmaduke, the dairy
king, to bi son, Lem Norton, tb
octeimer of Yellow Spring. ''Mo,
i," m"kly roplioJ tbe yoaog mao.
"Aod, sir," roarsd th enraged .nan,
"may I ak why yoa dare thu o
tbwarl my eipressfd will, f "Ye,
ir,"said bis hop, io low, fajot Voioe,
naeajuse oeivr ureuiasu i-ua-
e,oa 1 ak4 ber, and b aaid aheM
rather marry a pomp-log for bram
thso anyboJy ia this family." -Ab
exolaimsd Sir Afrrmadak. will a
lading in flsotioo ; end tqrn-
d away t thjiw AyribirOQW In
tb corner of th lot, too. said, in
i he vole of a ihaoderxoload. "Hn
don j er foot, y 1011114 Imp of k
thiilsptob, or I'll keook , tb iaf
fl o(i(o y with a aeck-ykn 1" And
bU' woaoa kowf iht tb proud-
puritd old ma wa tblqklng of her,
O'..' .' 1.1... ! .,tli!W,
A lfUk f satleman, with tb pa-
ouliar aerapicuity of letemeot aha
raaterUM f bi rao, ) tb abll
fuiaasorala oiaaiog o-pvatty girl ; i
lbeaebwaroB't.lel y' -
a. r-jr- -'Nv a. aK ,
, uaivrpi iiii j'jv.mwhi.
a.i . . A..
, i m...m. I .
liadie beiog iAUoduced kM4
never bow hastily; bat with 1oMil
measared dimity, " V ? l
Th inferior i to b iatrodueaii v
tb sorxtrior, tb yonogee to tba U
er, th gontleman to tb lady.
It la the lady's privilea to ta
cognise the gantleman after aa in
traduction, aod bia duty to raturs
tb bow.
Introduction on th atresia or iu
public place should ba road ao
qiietly a not to attraot publio at
tention. 4
' l'erfect ease aut self posseision
are the easantiala to the making and
receiving of graceful and bappy in
troduction. Etiquette req iiros that a gin 'la
mau nlway raise bi bat when in
troduced t either la ly or gentle
man in tbe atreot.
Introduce toa.nju ot'ier only thoj
who may And acji'uintaoa agree
able. If any dm'ji ettit oa t'n
subject, in lire bofjre ban d.
When introduoin parties, pro
nounce the names distinctly, li you
fiil to un ljrUa 1 tu n t ai when
introJucod, fool at libjrty to in
quire. Due of the dutim of the host and
hostess of a private party is to ninke
tbo guest acquainted with each
other, (lubsts inny, however, make
Intro lueti ni are ofton il
with at a priv.ito ball, it bcinr Uk m
for vrauted tlcit onlv thoso are in
vited, who ought to-- be anqnuinted.
Thua acqnaintance may begin with
out formal introduction.
If upon any oooiiion you aro in
tro liiood at a friend' honss to even
your bitterett enemy, ooartosy ro
qniresthtt yj i saluto hi.n, or her,
and giro no sign of ill fouling ' while
you are the guest of yonr friend.
If caaually iotro Inoad to a strang
er, when making a rail a the bouse
of a friend, otiquette dooa not . re
quire a HnbHoi'iutit recognition. It
ia optional or oot after such acci
dental meotitig or iotroJuvtiou.
- A Mother' Influenc.
I fit is bard fur a young mother, who
has not yot overcome tb wayward
ten loucios of her own youthful na
turo, to realize the influence ah ex
erts over ber little one, oh U
eonatantly aarrounded by critical
imitator, wbo copy ber moral and
manunra. Aa tun motlier if, ao are
the sous aud daughters . If a family
of children are blessed with aa ia-
talligeot mother, who is dainty and
refined in ber manner, aud doe not
oonsidor it necessary to bo one wo
man in tba drawing-room and au
entirely different person io ber every
day life, but who i a true mother,
aod alway a tender, charming wo
man, yoa will iovarinbly aa ber
habits of peach and perfect manners
repeated in ber children. Great,
rough men aod noisy buay boy will
alway too their voice aud atep
quietly, and try to bo more manner
ly, when she atop to give tbem a
kind word or a pleaaut smile for
a true mother will never fail to say
or do all tba kind, pleasant, tbiuga
aha oau, that will iu any way help to
lift op aod cbeer those whose live
aro shaded with oar and toil, Tbo
mother of to-day rule the world of
to-morrow. Exsfutny e.
A German Machine,
An ingenious Gdrraio doctor
invented an apparatus which is de
signed to supersede tbe guillotine,
tbe gibbet and all other means of in
flicting the death penalty. - fa tbe
middle of ao apirtmeat specially ar
ranged for execution atands au al
legorical statue of Justice boldiog a
word io one band and a pair of
aualea ia tbe other. Directly
front of tbe statu is placed aa ..arm
cbair for the . condemned. AfUr
reading tb deaab eeutenoo th
Jodge, wbo ifl alo invested with the
funotiou of aa exeoationer, cant a
judicial taff which be bold io bis
baod into one of tbe ecal. wbiob
Immediately deacend, and . at tbe
earn instant the condemned mao
fu)la dead through tba operation of a
powerful electrie battery concealed
in thoetatue and connected will)
tb rm-deeir, Kxperiuieot with
thi machlna hv beea tried npoa
an ot, a botee end ta dog, wbo
were immediately aitermioated, aa
wa also an no wary magistrate wbo
wa altingtb axperloteat aod
wbo ioeaatioa! 4 approached tba
ear tb fata aim-etir. ' '
. r i "
r ! "wlilj tl itt'A Itltl. '
- i '
tie wis a f ii if oil mil, bj
bnkeL brenul-f lis I at I b)v-le-
gt J. o 1 waan b otrd tb ooart
roj o,b all4 ont i
.a . a a . a I .
"nori Jinuarv woara tor
bo, r;
Ar yiit rI mry Mi) lira f
Yott bat I II v ly f JJjo't koivv
your nt-nc, b it it' all right. H Jt'
lb family f
Pritour f"
"Tbil's u i uif'i' r.
tint of th priair V
"Prioo r y i are oiiirgti
being diuok."
"Cbarg I Wlut di I they want
to.cbtrge me fir t CmMu't they
Me tint I was drunk without cli irg.
in It r
"'iiiir, w!iih mlirfii infli
enoi of intoxicating lij nr you met
an at lor.n'ii o:i tb xirout an 1 of-
furad I) Wi'ciUj hi.n for fivjdol
lurs." Ton're aljiuting. I did, and if
he'd had am I enough to take hold,
I could r'it hi u ou bis back ia fivo 1"
"'loiise don't be ao liilariona."
"Can't holp it, b in. I u
all duy nnd hilarious all night. V'ui
on my wsy to Vork Stale, Stopped
olT here to get my boot tnppod.
and I gtios I tok lit'.le to m ich
iilltoi, Si'll rijht, though how
much is the ! t uie f "
" Where d yon liv ?" of Hr.ia, C nity of J
Hhiivm io, S'..i'.e of Mic'aigaa, U
8. A."
"Aro yoi g )iuj oit thi morn
"That's the cnlkrrlnalinn."
"If I lot you go will yon take the
next train f"
' If I doa't I'ui a apottol woo l
chuck 1"
"Well, yjn mj go."
"That's the checker 1 Nothing
mean about you, Squnr. Which way
do I go? Oh. yea. Well, toddy
"The old oaken bui-ki t. ' "
'The Iron-bouud buckot
Tbe little brown jug which hang ia
the well" Detroit Frit Pre.
Width Av th9 Dura.
"I want a pioce ov a board naWod
off. pUoed on the outside," aaid Mr.
Doolovy. uV'd a few friends, in
at the home last night to a curie
tenia', and the low panel avibe dure
got kicket out iu tbo mcrrimeut."
'ow wido do7ou want the pieco
cut t" asked tbe carpenter.
"Tbe width ov the dure, av course,"
replied Mr. Donlcvy.
'Mud bow wi ll ia the door 1"
"Well, it'- as wide a a chair i
lang, iist Ye kiu jist Ny a chair
across it to kape tbe children in an'
the pig ont. an' it fit as though it
aur matched for it."
"Tut alt chain are not tba tame
ize," said tbo carpenter.
"Aw tbundor.ond turf ! ynr thick
er beaded pure Milton I apiks i the
chair come up jist ovju wid the
edge of the windy aiill."
"lint how high ia tbo wiudow sillf
asked Jfr. Chips
'Mother the badgering tungue
o'y," growled Mr. Doolovy "if
only tb widooes a me bund bartiu'
tb thumb hUhor thuu th rain
wathor that Un Ii outsilu, no' if ye
can't make it from that ye cau't have
tb job, aod I'll tak it to sum car
pintar that understands bi business
aud know the measure av a dure ia
oil bead without makiu' a ohntecb
ism av binisulf. Says, can ye cut
mo the piooe av yer craft that has
half the siose y wur born wid t.
And be bad to go find one.
Our Immense Country.
Americans bav an excuse for ba
Ung ft little vaioglorloua. No oua .
ba aver traveled from New Orlean
to tbe Canada Jioe, or froin rortlaud
to Baa Francisoo, without lu a cer
tain maaar realicing tbe enormous
extent of the country he Uvea io.
ut there are other trip wblcb
would serve to impress tbe magni
tude of tbe catioo far more vividly.
Oo would bo a voyage from tb
estoromost end of Lake Ontario.
Biit even ia tbe intorlot of the j)jd
tiaeot there ar river journey , of
apparently interminable length. A
flat boat arrived ia Omaha rotniy
wbiob bad oouedowa treara 1900
railee. Tbe boat wee eonmanded
by A. S. Labeao, tad it bad atarted
at the mouth of the Big Horo la
Mootaoa. It bee HoeteJ dona tba
TeJljaoD aod Mfaecari aeerly 2
; Tiiji iOf-ty.
Pnli1lhd "vry Thnmdar Evf-nmij
Taroct of Suliscnptioti,
atla Kittvri snwfiHte. or fl)aifiM(
paid wilbja, year, Ko pnr aba
oonttntted ' uaui 1I rraaragii ar
paid antr at th option of tb uitv
llar i. i.-.
ouiaxiriiji-yifrida wf the eorj&ly
afervw.. JSog aa! wain: paper
atJOraaeoi V tmhacnsawiUr4iliar
and are HatJ hrrWtm ric of the paper
000 mile. adiatao4ual to two
third of tb way o th Alantio.
Tbe eargo of tb 0 boat waa buf
falo bide a4d drie I 'meat. What a
romantifl abt at timaipertlou jonro
y it tnost have beta. Yoaog
Imeruua. wbo oau effjrd it, ought
to visit tho distant regiooa Yel
lowstone Park i aow open., to tb
world i it i probably tb meat fsia
n toenery of Color la and Ne
Utxino is within five Jay of f
York. Within a year it may Vie po
sibli to take tbe car at lloctoo and
reach th city of Mexico within a
edt. All Well-to-do American
hoo1d know aomething of th woud
erful country they lire In befor .
spending their money . io foreign
! " 1 1 """ I
Nevoi ui u ol.l niHill'-Oox. 0 ild
i nut to he anc(i'd (it
Where nny evoi liiillng sprier be
found t In ai lndian-r ibSr f ctor.
Or It'oti Pu'tiiuiij, ieli R't itti
iii A,tWii,, Vers Hitrt't
Carbuncle Roil ant lteH
irg II union, Curtd.
XVhM toll nit la lh tfO'S. t')M t'.f a.
r p.r. iMittn loaillf in h- rnvrlia -f lh
I'tTirrm HKItmri. Mr rrtUrlek YMa
..I thi. innn, li h n l'onu.1 fur r witri
a r mi of til. I.t-t n i
ll lntr tt ii. htr llf ik flp I in
tii. hi i.i m tak f'lnr IUi.(. II h
lk,n (our bolll.t Ui'Tiivu -O'.t.
r, m l ii4l Hi iinniTm nl ()itii'c
or itcroallv, Ml. U lul.t la l noat
II. an I h lkawliau- It k ,Uli
In twhol I May, ail illl 'f i4lf.
I li y.i.i flnl.l bia Tb haii
dull .Ull'i f
Oil .4. It. TlttPP. Allr4, ai.
Will VHO int'. l, f.ll nrhirn at., Ohlittct ,
Rrllull mwl-dai ear of Silt KMa.inl
on bHl, f. ri ,t (jr aa-
Imd jn i 0't''lln walk iapt a ka1
n l . (r on ar: i vl i h4 1 hi
Mir (nr llit yira i tria l hun.lrada df rar
dUa i rtnamri prantinaa. hit t"n ! c
wrmanil7 currl by tb Odiiaura Ram.liaa.
kail h IUIS t til Uf
.rrl p,M .f th CrriooiiA Rufui4.
lb p.l I bun lrla of dnlltr for uit.ina.
tarurad'aaaiai of to blnal 4 I
nd naf tniin I anyibla M Ml lb
Outh r4 Bui.
Oiia-J. 4- WlbLI4M,rrJTlt, B.l.
th Outlflnr traatnwnt tar th odr of Skia,
Mmlpaail Hlo-l (' ,,. mh.iii in tb !
Urnl nt )itu'Ui,4 Hniauu, th
Htoa4 farlflsr. Suit th ailariil ua df Crri
run aud Vvtiovut op, th Uraal Skla
PriMofllnTivt'ai, iidall biix, Hj ; lar
t"4,l OrTi0L'4 H0'.r.i j,r bt'l.
)i titiH or. tkM. curiodHa asarixe
Boar, io Hn, bf all tmj4lai
Iut, a PJilfcU. Untna. Mass.
COmpleU Treatment
For $1,00.
ntr ka4 aid vain. aiMf.
wrat kraath. prlt a nll. hair.
InavenMiwh, no bnakiai. ai
Th banpy ia lltl ia ar nrtdicbt ahmt
inlh ravaraat cataa ( Oatarrb hr that
mot 4v,rMaui, Dinomlial. tivaajf, aaM
bi aTr laniart aiMiind, n.. it- n n-
maci.tina )uuipluan4 miallini trot
mot, nanalalla, ol on .ttl ol tha R40
u:l llua.i. on ii of UT.'i't Hnun
au l na- lrit ,ran l-m.L .4. all wrin.xl
la rn iKUkwi. with Ir la an I ,llr4tl.a
lDdai(. by All driu lit, (oral, Aik lor
34r,ao'i HniovL unia.
uaaarai got, wtnxii i-.Mirit.
u Hals. Mir.
rtnanliH.Watar Muit
a4 Hl ana Ulaaa
4 4di. Ml r.anoo.l
ilia. Kotar nt bail
V vT". .mnlU. ll4tB. araa
rl 40 1 bounboMixdenci'.! la a aiugt
nluht lU.t an I ahMM fnla killer la ;a
worlrl. Ho fklliir In W yr. l"
arraut,). M'Ud l.y all r...n an.l ilrwl.u.
Aak l.,r pt'HIVf, .1 Iu I rr . by
WtltKd a HOI rtU, Ouauia A4'-
MRS. ADAM ML'.sSKR, of Centre
lnahlp would raatMctlully liitorn) tba
nulilK Ibal ai, I. pfr.4 iu .i plala an l f
r lr.K prnntily a rhurt BotlM. fauliS
trouai iaKMiuulir aulln.ta.1.
rpJjB ttrrdoralgoed ba oene1 .
1 Pumltiir Ptore, near the Middle,
brtr; Hepot, and keena constantly oai
hand a large end wollaeleoled ofJ
tJtmmbei NuitH .
1 ' ,
Citiii-orttcl critatra
Wtiodaneat Ohalf
arid everyf rilnrf els kpi in a ftat-W"
fjew the Depot, , .
. Apr. 14.8. WdU'rg, l'j