The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 29, 1881, Image 1

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    VrwiT-m UN .J.U iA aaraaaaaV-.(t tl
A.dvretttlnsr llate
4m comnin one year, 00.00
One-half, column, one year, , 80.00
One-lourth column, one year, 15.00
On sqnsr (10 linm) 1 insertiott 75
Krery additional Insertion, . 50
Professional and Business card nl
net more than 5 line, per year, 8.00
Auditor, Executor, Administrator
and Assignee Notice, 8.50
, Editorial notice pet line, 16
All transclent advertising lei tbao
moaths 10 cent a line.
AU advertisements for a shorter pe
riod than one yew re payable at (be
Mm they are ordered, and it not paid
jie person ordering them will ut a Id;
aipoaJlble for. the monsv.
X oetry
Oh the dram!
There I tome
t Intonation tn the grunt
Monotony of utterance that strike
the ipirit dumb,
As we bear
Through the clear
' - And unclouded atmosphere.
Therntubllng palpitation roll It upon
' the earl
Thri a part
0( the art
Of the musie throbbing heart,
That .thrills a something In us that
awakens with a start
And In rhyme
With the ebime
And exactitude of time
Goes marching on to to glory to thy
melody sublime.
And the guest
Of the breast
That thy rolling robs of rest
Is a patrlotlo spirit a a Contiueutal
die seed;
And he looms
From the glooms
Of a century of tombs.
And the blood he spilled at Lexington
in living beauty blooms,
And his eyes
Wear the guive
Of a nature pure end wise ;
And the love of thorn in lifted to a
smoothing in the skies
That is bright
Rd and white,'
, With a blur of starry light.
As it iuuglis In silken ripples to the
breezes duy and night.
There are deep
Hushes creep
O'er the pulse as tltey leap.
And the murmur, fainter prow Inn, on
the silenoe full asleep;
While the prayer
Rising there
Wlll the (tea and earth and air
As a heritage to Freedom's sou and
daughters everywhere.
Then with sound
As profound
As the thundering rewound,
Come thy wild reverberations in a
'-Antfifefcha hake the trrouud.
Flung on high
Like the big flag it flutter by,
Wings rapturously upward till it nes
tle In the sky.
Mule of Texas, ere we part.
Tell me why you will not start;
Or if really you must balk,
Tray excuse, my wicked tulk.
Hear my vow before I go,
111 be even with you, though.
Hy your long tail nnconfliicd,
. Wooed by every pausing wind,
- By those keels, so wondrous swift
Whiolt can nieq o'er tree top lift,
liy those ears that droop so low,
I'll be even with you, though.
By those ribs I long to haste,
By your show of d. b. taste,
By 'the melancholy bray
That alarms folks miles away,
By your stern resolve to Whoa,
I'll be even with you, though.
MuKof Texas, I am gone;
Think of iue, sweet, when alone,
Fori fly to get a club;
Then your blamed old back I'll drub
If I cannot make you go,
I'll be even with you, though.
Boston Post.
Violets, In the leafless shade,
By their odors are betrayed;
Soft winds, over flower fields blown,
By their fragrant breath are known,
Dew, by freshened leaves confessed.
Wet unseen earth'sslumbering breast;
KUls, from out the bleak hillside,
Swell to rivers, deep and wide;
Rivers flowing fast and free,
Widen to the boundless sea;
All great things that move the earth
To gentle issues owe their birth;
And soft influence still Is best,
Bringing eoiufort, love and rest
Sweet domestic love Is strong
Leads to right and warns from wrong,
Kindly whispers mightier prove,
And to loftier action move,
Than thj fretful voice of scorn.
Of contempt and anger born.
oond in a fit the man with a
new suit of clothes.
Too ranch smoking is Just as in
jurious to a man as it it to bam.
BagaroU fool with money and
the world's people will swallow bim.
Candy len t food for children. A
tick In 'some other form U often
toor wholesome. . . .
A Ciaolonali man lock twenty
- Mvan drinks of whisks sod iaes-
paeted to die. This aboald warq all
drinkers to slop st the twenty, sixth,
The Beautiful Singer.
Oustavus Adolphns, Sweden's
heroic king, was food of music. Tho
sweet voioe of song, especially from
the lips of childhood, often moved
him to tears. One upon a time
Qostavps Adolphns, after long aoJ
severs fighting, had conquered a
strongly fortified town, in wliinli
era citizens who had been born
within the limits of the Swedish rule
hot bad since found new home.
And all these people he condemned
to death. Tbey were marched out
from the town at nightfall, to be
held io camp until tbs following
morning, when they sere Io be shot
tor treason. Several of bis o&toera
interceded with tbs king-for the
lives of these pool people.
2?ut Oustavus felt that he bad al
ready granted enough. First io
tbs ruddy heat . of his passion he
bad ooneigoed the whole tribo to
death i bnt aiooo then hs bad gnat
ly modified tbs aentence, condemn
ing only tboss of the fortuor sub
jecte of 8weden who bad been taken
with arms in their bands i and from
this no power of persuasion or argu
ment coul J move him. All the talk
of his old cbuplain about tbeso eo
ple haviog only joined their fellows
io protecting the homes to tbsir
wives and child id, moved bim not
an atom. "Tbey are traitors 1" he
said, "and ae traitors tbey shall
die 1"
At a lale hour it was past mid
night Oustavus Adolpbue threw
ou bis cloak and drew bis slounhed
Lnt down over Lis tye; ",uT u
bund, wandered forth io the dark
ness. Without thinking whither be
went, be bio sly walked on, answering
the seutinels as thoy hailed biro, tin
td at length hie steps were arrested
by a strain of music
Who is that t" La asked cf a s.-n-j
tiutl whom be chsuced to meet a
moment later.
"It is one of the prisoners, siro
The wife and children of one of tleir
chief men bare had preiuission to
r ---, niut wit5 tu8 huebaad
and atliaa, " . . -
The kinp nodded bis thanks for
bis it for niation, and moved on,
f1 lowly be approached tbc tent from
which the music issued, and as bo
dicw utar be beard a deep, tuauly
oico :
"liubb I ZAihu ! Weep not Clod
Mill provide I" I
The king looked in through the
open seam in the cloth and saw a,
gray haired mau, with an imposing I
presence a grand face and head, I
and a clear flashing eye, sarrouojed
by bis wife and children, who clung
to bim with passionate tendor
ness. . ;
Hnshrhe said.M"It us 'not
make these precious moments dirk-1 Adolphus by that act of mercy, se
er than tbey need to be. It is but cured the friendship which was to bo
the fortune of war, my loved tines.
Gome, my llermioos sing to me,
once more, our dear old song of tbe
Fatbeland I For, tbongb Gustavas
will take my life, yet I love tbs land
that save birth. Ood bless dear
Sweden, now aud ever more I Now
Hermions sing : Come let tby
voioe give my poor heart cheer if it
may be.
Presently thereafter a beautiful
girl of fifteen or sixteen summers
threw back tbe silken hood from her
golden curls, and began to sing
Her song wss tbe Swede's oldest
and most cherished piece of music
the words fnll of lovs and devotion
love of borne aod of country,
and tbe melody was peculiarly sweet
andtoacbing. Aod never bad tbe
king beard it song so grandly. Tbe
words fell op on bis ears with a new
meaning, and tbe musio touched bis
spirit with a strangely awakening
power. As we cnarmtng melody
swelled to grander and grander
tones, and the voice of tbe singer
deepened and strengthened, tbs
listener felt his heart bush with awe.
And finally, when tbe last riob
cadenoe died away, in mellow, melt
ing echoes opon tbe op per air, be
pressed bis bands over bis eyes, apd
burst into tears. - . -
After a time Oustavus lifted sis
bead and looking once more through
tbe spertnre in tbe wall of the Uot
be saw tba family opon their knees,
nd beard tba voioe of tbe old man
raised in prayer, He listened fot a
few seconds aud then turned atd
strode away towards bis , tiusters.
wbsre be found two of ble sttrsd-
acts sitting . op waiting for hip.
Aod to one ol tbea be laid
"Colonel 1 wish yon to go to tbs
prisoners' quarters, and in tbs large
teot nearest to the river it is at the
extreme oortb-western corner of the
camp yott will find tbs family of a
prisoner named lloveo and of that
family Is a girl named Hermions
Bring ber to me. Assars her that
ob barm shall bcfalt ber."
Aod when tbs messengers had
gone tbe king turned to bis table aod
having found the necessary mater
ials be went to work at writing. He
wrote rapidly and heavily, like one
moved by ponderous idess i aod he
just finished his work when the
Colonel appeared with him tbe gen
tle songstress in coinpnuy.
"Fear not, my child," tbe king
said, tbs maiden standing trembling
before Mm, "I have sent for yoo be
cause I wieb to repay yon for a great
good yon unconsciously did me this
night. Do yon call to mind that
you sang tbe dear old song of tbe
Vasas tbe hymn of tbe father
land V
"Yes, yonr majesty, I sang it for
my father, who is to die on the mor
row. Though oo longer in Swedoo,
ho dearly loves tbe memory of the
land that gave bim birth."
"Well, I chanced to hear yoo sing
and you shall ere long know bow
yonr song affected me. Here ! Take
this paper, and go with it to tbe of
ficer commanding tbe camp of the
priwoneis. Colonel Forsby will go
with you. tud my child, the Doxt
time you sing that song, think of
Oustavus Adolphns Vassits, aud
benr wituess that hi heart w.ii not
all hurd, nor cold."
Tbe girl looked np into tho mot),
ireh's face a she held forth the paper
end when she saw the geuiul kiudly
look tbiit beamed upou ber, she
obeyed the impulse of the moment,
and caught bis baud and kissod.
And wheu she went a-ay sho
bore with ber tho royal ordor for
tbe free pardon and instant release
nf nil tlia titiumima Tfiu nt.l !i.n'
ernl to whom the order bad been
directed fur promulgation aud exe
cution wus oue of thoeo ho Imd
4.. ...
uarassiiy pieauen in uenuif 01 iun ,
-. - .,. . , j , . - .Veadilrj
imagine tho joy with which be re
ceived it. He fairly caught the
beautiful messenger iu his arms, audi
kissed In r upon her forehead, aud
blessed her ; aud he went with bur
to the tent where ber father was
held, and allowed bur to publish the'
joyful tidiuys.
And with tha dawn of day the
prisoners to the number of 200
w,.ro mustered into Hne, many of
them believing their hour bad come
to receive the intelligence of Pardon
!flUl Freedom I
What transpired Leyoud that can
be imagined full as well ss we cau
tell. We only add. that Gnstavua
of incalculable value to bim in com
ing time.
And one other thing : In less than
a year from that time Col. Ulrio
Forehy, of the Kinu's staff, gained
for a wife tbe beautiful eioger whom
sweet notes bad melted the heart of
Oustavus Adolphns, aud given life
and liberty and joy to aufforing
A clean band wants no washing.
A bad day never has a good
A careless watch invites a vigilant
A heart unspotted is not easily
. Nothing overcomes passion more
than silence.
He is tbe freeman whom tbe truth
makes free.
Good breeding is a letter of credit
all over tbe world.
He who knows not when Io be
silent knows not when to speak.
He who would be a great soul
in future must be a great soul
It requires a strong, good man to
ssy, "I was mistaken, and am sor
ry." ' Never rnn op small debts. Credi
tors sre like children tbe smaller
tbsy are tbe more tbey cry. '
Ueojamln Franklin says there are
three friends wbo will never deceive
or dessrt Ty t "A tried wife, an old
dog, and reay money. ' " , .
A Syracuse auiidsa has promised
to marry Iva different men. Tbe
papers rater to ,er ae "a promilo V h, '"J1"' M P -arf
uoiely baUe." ' -tklJ toW IW vglu.''
"MOW." ,
"How many of our rich yachtroen
really care anything for yachting f
How much bnppior life might be
if the mind could be trained to for
get past troubles.
How bard it is to avoid listening
and liking to listen to a scandal
about our neighbor,
w tame life would be without
troubles and ditlioukies to overcome
How few vslue or cultivate a good
pair of lens and lungs.
How tbe old are forgotten by the
flow unfortunate that so ranny of
the aged should make themselves un
attractive and eveu repulsive to the
How strong we feel when we nev
er have been sick.
ow many men and women are
there without a weak spit some
where How whisky does bring out a man's
true nature and show the make-tip
and artificial side of his moral char
How much bettor is a "dog's life"
than thut (if some woiuon.
How fuw uov broom, after nil .
sweep clean unless there's a clean
sweeper buhiu tbeiu.
llow soiry somo pnoplo are for
faults which they commit again
next month.
How awfully awful it would be if
everybody without Waruiog told the
How wo do love to shut our eyes
to w hat we four may be reality.
7ow much good wo would do
wcro we only rich.
llow little good we do wheu wu
are rich.
How contrary and ecconlrin seems
one who thiuks for bim or her
self. Hon poor are the mediciual spirits
Mold by oue-thiid of our druggists.
How very large tho book iu which
Uiig'ul bo written all we don't kuow.
How veiy small the book iu which
might be written till we do know.
How fi.-w Imrbcis cuu shave a miiu
w i I boil t trying ou hiui their coiiver -
' n
I -
ihiiimhii pi i.
Hw .uneti more we do kuow ut
twenty thuu at folly.
Zow useless it is to arg
lie With 111
woman wheu sho is uugry
Or a man
How little credit is given to chil
dren fur whnt they sue, hear and un
derstand. How much dignity a cigar does
put iu somo men's mouths aud bear
ing. How charming and beautiful are
the green fields aud groves io
How hot are the grecu fields and
how the mosquitoes do bite iu the
groves out of books.
llow dillioult it is to tell whose
boiler will blow op next.
How sad to thiuk it will bo some
body's boiler.
How we do go on nursing our
hidden pet sin uutil it fiuds us out
and blows ns up.
How idiotio ia to act on the max
im, '-Never put off till to-morrow
what can be done to day."
How trucb better is it "Never do
anything to-day that can be put otf
till to-morrow."
How few understand that if too
many things be nudertakeu to-day
none of them will be well or thor
oughly done.
llow much harder ia liviog tbau
How does she head f
How much more money we spend
than we mean to.
llow Lard it is for the many to
make both ends meet, and what poor)
ends they are when they do meet.
How very poor riches cau make
How will millionaires get their
letters of ore lit recognized and hon
ored io heaven 1
How history does lie.
How many troths are scorned and
laughed at and bow many fictions
are belived aod honored.
How qnickly a man or woman
gets old when tbey insist on being
old, feeling old and acting old.
How little young people care If
tbey are fools, and bow angry peo
ple are because young people dou't
care if tbey are fools.
"Sam, wby don't you talk to yosr
matUr and tall him to lay tip trees
ores l bvtvsa f "Wbst'e de ne
f 18
Dying Nations.
Wbydonationsdie Colli vnted
Greece, and all -conquering JVjtnei
Vandal, aod Goth, and Hun. and
Moor, and Pole, and Turk, all dua l
or dying. Why t Murdered by no
tions more p iworful ? Swallowed by
eratlxjuakts ? Swept say by pesti
lence or plnirno. or starved by piti
less famine ? Not by any of theso.
N'ot by the lightning and thundor i
not by the tempest and the storm ,
not by the poiounod air, or volranic
fires did they die! Thy perished
by moral degradation, Illegitimate
result of ghitlouy, intemperance aud
When a nation becomes rich, then
there is leisure ami the means of
indnlgeoo I - in tho appetites and
pnnions of our nature, which wear
the body and wreck the ruin I. Ax
with nations, ho with familiee.
Wealth tukesawnt tho wholnftom;
, stimulus of effort
idleiiesi open
the llood-gates of passionate indulg
ence, and the heir of millions dies
heirless and poor, nnd both name
Bnd memory inglorioiiHly rot.
If. thin, tl.MO is any truth nnd
force in argument, each man owns
it to himself, to his country, aud
mora tliuu all, to his M ikor, to live
a lif'J of temperance, industry and t ics of Crawford county aro all run-self-denial
as to every nuitual gruti- niug ou lull time.
fu'atiou ; and with theno haiug au
' to the glory of (1 .1. this na
tion oT our will with mcrcasMig
prosperity ami renown until, with
ouo foot on land and another on sen.
tho nttgcl of eternity proclaims time
no longer.
Eve fiirlation
Wiuking rij-'ht eye 1 lovo you.
Wluking lei t eye I hato you.
Winking both ejos No.
Winking both eyes twice We arc
Winking right eye twice I am
Winking left eyo twice I nm
'ulting rii-Ut I'.ire fiugor Ij rlhi
"...v., ! vim inrx ma f
, ...,.., , , , i ,
I I'mlioi, riirlif tlne.l r.,i',e 1 .1 riilit
........ n--
I fl I tt
CVe W'liUUI do VOU luve f . ....Ihl'eO liirjflil .S) III .ivne
.'utting left Lrtlinger 10 ilht eye'coiiuly turn out one tbu,. and sides
Cull 1 see V"U hullie l.,f I.. ,n,... , ... 1 .
.. .- I.. 1.. I.-. .. .1.
eye Poo't do yet.
Draj'ping rj clidr Yes,
lUisiug i-yc-bruws Give uij s
Wiukiuir riilit rye tlien loll tyo
Won't you come t
Winking lull eyo thuu right eye
Will you koj iu. i h-iiiio ?
Covering right eyo with ribt baud
W ll you wulk with me f
C ivi-iing hit eye with Icll hand
Let ins alone .
Covering left ey e with right baud
Have I ollutided you.
C iveriug right eye with loft bead
Wait lid uuotliur tium.
Coveting kit eye slowly Try and
love 1110.
A young iu:tu who lives in Austin,
and wboso moustache is like fititu,
"the evidence of things hoped for.
the anbstaiice of things not yetoveriu Wasbiugton-
hdcii, vitnoii iijiiiu uiv pruspuuiivu
l..t I. I .r.... -..:....
I iniuui-iu-iai., null a,u. uun uuiiuo
that be intedJtfd marrying the old
man s daughter at au earl date.
"It bad better take place ou some
Sunday, so that it will not interfere
with your school hours,'' sarcastic
ally said the old man.
During the burning cf tbe MoCti
cello Wine Compauy's cellars at
Charlottesville, Vs., a few days siuce
the flow of wine intj Scheuck's
branch augmented it to siiiih a da
gree tint Cochran's mill was enabled
to grind having boda suspended b.i
fore by the drought. This may be
reoorded, perhaps, as tho first iu
stauce of a mill wheel turned by
Tbe great Smith family have been
holding a graud reunioo at Peapaok,
New Jersey. Tbe reuuion was uot
strictly a failure or a suocdss, as very
few of tbe Smiths were there only
fifteen or twenty thousand, and that
included the Schmidts, Smite and
Tohmids. It is not known whether
there were any John 8roi,b's among
them. .
A Detroiter dreamed ' that he had
died aud was banished to Satan's
snltry kingdom, and says be fonnd
many earthly customs in vogue there
About si
"ls it hot
every roao be a aiiked iinviUtione from promiuent rolitfion- I
ery man be ny
enough for you T"
2'J, 1.881. NO, 11,
... .F.sslun has more lager beer
saloons lliao tnlieiie.
.., Throughout Tioga county
the crows are vety numerotif.
.... I'ennslvstiitt manufactures
moro chfess than New Yolk.
. . . . PotntdS sell at the rale cf
three dollars per l-Ushil at I'lio.
... .The Schuylkill canal cannot
accommodate its coal Imsinets.
, . . . Hoi se thieve are operating
extensively iu anLinglou county.
.... Doks ma being poisoned in
many of the towuLipH of lMewaie
county. ,
. . . .Scarlet favor lns broken oat
the second liiuu iu Shuinukui thin
slmmor. '
. . . .f'liHter county i abandoouig
(he raising rf Iiom to cultivato to
bacco. ....The cl,;ii oal fnrnacea of
Centre county have mute or li ra
than they can till.
. . . .The chocau fai-torios in Ven
sngo coiinly are doinj a thriving
. . . .tJeii H-trrison .llh-n, of War
r,'u "-auditor genital, keeps a livo
ry stable,
j , . . .The tolling mills and fotin 1-
....Aury Styers, of (Iroene
coiinl v, was giucd to death by an
Infuriated steer in a drove,
. . . .Tho manufacture of cnllery in
Heaver county is to be increased by
additional factories.
. . . I'nipl-tycs of tho custom
h'MiHe at l'hiladelpliiii work more
hours now than ever they did.
Am .TwIhi W ICillintn.p fif
. lou. JoUII . Illimgtr, VI
Labauon county, owns extuusive
tracts of laud iu California.
....Shade trees Met oul last
spring aud orchurd4 planted at the
same time have died by the
.... tti-thlebem, Northampton
j county, is the wool hit minufuc-
i turer for tho euetoru part of the
i turer lor tho
v.uij iiiriiij-iuiii uours,
. . . . in i) -viiii, voi iuieer nro
compaiiiea have reported to appeal
at tho HtuJing to'Ji-uuiuut tbu
. . . .ThiTro is a hlitrWuitU named
Isaac Hirst, iu Tiinkhaunock, who
shues u horso all u round iu forty
....Thomas Near, of Clarion.
Indiana count v, is seveu foet hiih.
" '
aud utteuds camp mouliugs to
....Liipur dmlcrd ia I.uliiIi
couuty say that tiie tiuos and costs
iu the prosecutions) to whioti thuy
are subjected, eats up u II their pro
tits and uiuoli of their capital.
. . . .Tho relative.! of Johu IJIohs
ing, of Krio, who Wii dowued at
Atlautio t'ity, refuse to fuliill hi-t
will, which Dir.flj llml l.iu I, . I. I...
reJuceJ (0 aHUe8 Rt tUo i..iovua
. . . .The small pox is spreading in
Philadelphia. Sixty -to uow cases
were reported duriug tho last week
aud thirty-seven additional cases ou
Thursday and Friday last.
.... V Xnv -loriey wi I v co il lu't
earn fix dollars a wnpb at the wash
tub. She became a clairvoyant, and
hor income increase I to sixty. It
just shows that a man begrudges
the ipjuiter lie pays for washing bis
shirt, while he will cheerfully give a
dollar to stick his uoso into the
other world before tbe sho be
gins. . . .One-half tho mills within fif
ty miles of Alluutowu have stopped
.... A number of houses on the
block of ground between Fifteenth
aud Sixteenth Streets and Pennsyl
vania, aveuue and Callowhill Street,
Philadelphia, have been purcbasod
by tbe lteading Hailroad Company.
They will be torn down and a spa
cious new depot, it :s expected, will
be built on tbe site. The materials
of the holdings is now offered for
. . . . Messrs, Moody and Bankey ,
tbe revivalists, are about going to
Eogland, where tbey will hold reviv.
si meetings j also id Ireland and
Scotland, Tbey aspect to be goue
about two. years They ro onder
lilts thea'e-
frilM I'OriTi
ruMlshed every ThnMdrtv Kventnjf
Terms of StiliMftption,
ahle vithin sit month? , at f2..riifiirT
' paid wilhtti the year. No paper di
ciiiiimied until all ArreuruRrs ate
riaid unless at the option of the puts.
Flils riptlnimiti1e Of the Cttiit I
WI'iTBoim liflim and naif1: paets
addressed (ithr liecofnecnhscriherS
and ro liahlo furthe price ofthermper
Jeff. Davis lias reached L'ng'snJ,
tin will find there, no donU, many
persons of h'ih decree who will re
ceivo hitn with hcarfinesit, sod gito"
to him dixtingtiislmd consiileratiori
The holdt rs if the rnnfeilerste cot
ton loan will protmhly not be among
tho mn ardent of his a tinirers, but
they mihl iuvite him to Join witll
them in Ik-Mid u luru'ir far com
mon copsolalion.
All bnclH-lor wonl 1 ;Le to shake
hands with the luati named Morse
who recently pot married and four
week later applied to the Legisla
ture and had bis name changed let
Itrhiinj Hint tkitlif litti, Sera f
ii?iii.i Imiior.i, t'liirf, Old
Sort itH'I Mi tu'llriiil At''
f'ei'tlnnfi irJifli nil titSi f
llimuiii Aitni'l'
Tlt;ri-TiiTlt TUMI U NT. lr hl
rur mt smn,Si.!, una HI.h1 IM i. n.
l.ia In thn lnt' rnl ii r-f M'Tmi'ka Km"i.v.
nt.iIi n lllnnii l'urln-r. un l Oiinrnl
ol li iici in u. I'rTiMiit ;s,-, in
IrMI Slitn rtiTv.
fr'of suniuirti. tun nfi I Shin a-S
Ciiiii n -' r, n riqul.lts I'MI-i. had, ami
mir-try annnilvr ir,rni w 1 1 ta il..uu
tlifwtroaur una uvslintf b,l-,tn.
Mil It l( Ileum.
Will Wrll .ria, '.'Mil l- srlmfn. Si . t'Uli-"i
urffftilnltjr K.-kn-lt . rur ul It Hheuns
o bo1, uvi'k, Ike, nnrta nn l lr .,r t-rn-lfn
)' : fl I nl'lt In wain I ..n Uafl It
art'l kn- fr nno var t imiI si.ld I , hvlp f u
t'.fflklil yr. t trie. I nf MM
i ; l.M?tur. prnn-iuiii-afl hi e li-t- f
i. ri!iani'iitl; re l l.y tii Culliuri It- i.e llna,
I'soi Insls.
II. F. t illlMntar. . Iln.1-ir " V ,
fiifad ol r.mla-lii .,r I.t.i.y. .f iwt-ntr T''
' ' I- i'i tii i m KK..Lrr lnlr
i,,u, aniiitK is iiimiiim n..r at-
teroally. Tl.a mt w. n'lerlnl c- -n rword
ur orilfiMl lu bfr a juill" at th fa-
anl I'tomlDiint i-liliaoa. All aRllotaxl mtlt
Imhln n I Hrl I !--. Ui iU anil lout
lur tctluiunUI Io lull.
kiii llltruse.
V. II. Irab. a. , li.irult. Mli-i,.. aiiilar.l
! ijU all U.Mriit,i,n 1rm aktn aiaa.a
a t.u-ii n ir. l un bla baO'l-, liraa ana i.-a,
anl murly ,ia,ir-iy 1 Kl, ava. Th mnat
i-arrtul ) u-t'.rl nu lailr.l to l.ali bini. anil allot
II hail ialia.1 I a ua-a tin- I'itii 1 nl Kkboi v.
tT ll trrnally, I'l 111 I HI aul t'fTiei Ml
Shai' atKrnnlly. an I wi n ira I, ; ana ha ra
uialDtU aritMi wall to Ibis ili,.
I OlltlH.
I tlun. Wui. Tavlor. rwtnn. aara : "Aitaf
1 inraa Biumr.f' ua.-01 n,a llit.i'KA If -w ,:f! a;
'au.l u .r...t at ...n.lant auilariBM o iu ku-
I IS?.,!! i,n' ViWu "ll'lV,-
I onun,- iu -aaa iiiaiat ran.rkaLU ..n ror.l.
. I l.av hn ,11 alala I wiiu my tiiivtaa I bat I
llli-lr.1 a u.l tula m aal tha Cullcura Nan auil IL.y wuuhl fur tl-vut.
Kkln Humors.
lira, s E. Wlil.iile. nrialnr, Mich., wfliaa
tli ii b-r U a buail aol aitnta i trta ,r tt-r biy
aar alfnu.l raw. Il?al citiaruJ -lib ai'ali,
an n.iri'i. Suirore l laarl illy ana triad atary.
IMtiK. I'aruiauaiitlr cural by Ijinloura Haul
nt; ui it
Kama lie. un l ir amln l.y all aruavl-ti. ri
a I'l'TH i hv a .Mu liolnal .lelly. aiua.II lnwa.
MV , diva Ixnai. a : i i ti, raa Hum,,,,
Minrisi. i..m r imi.. i-i-..
i uu Mkiih i it 4 i.i i..i H...K iu . .. i...
lur barUTa and larua eunauiuara. ii. i'r,n..i
al itatiut.
vr K5 k I'OTTKH. B.tff.ti Mail
All u.allti Irea "0 reol,l ul ji-ica
Una I'oLiiaS' ti-iiiic
t un mi'- Hi a- i : n. o ..i.
aCTTKa ,re' a.llao -a baVra
' I X-' tli f.iihho. 1 Kay lnunt
ly raliaia ' -f't"'. I.ita' i) nr.plainl. Ma!.
rla, l aaranj .U.iaan.l Kliln-y ami t'rlnarf
tilltlruUI. a. anil in) i o w.iru utar Ilia .i (
iba aiumacb, ufnt Ilia kUuaya. nr any ata.itail
.arL Hrlia i-ui. H..I.I rvarywbara
Wl.KKS fiMTtlt, UOSfu.V, M J,ba.
IRS. ADAM mTssKIL tf Centre
IV I. tnwnahlp wiil.l ra-i.eollijlly It, fi rm ie
ligblk- that aba I- iapim! lu .).. pialu aa l lag.
TrwlLaI Iroi,i,. ly at aburt linr. FlIMIU
liairuoaaa reacuull aulimtail.
Alia;. 1, laal.
Ml II R ninli rii;iiil hits pMneif (t
L 1'lirtilt mi- Si. ire. near the Middle
liurir Ilepnt. nnd ktep eoin.tnirtf ,on'
baud a liiriro Hint . !l reWi-te.1 rtttt.itof'
Clinmbot KtittMa)
Callr-Ht'ittftl CJltaifw.
VxI-it'f SLImli-M
lxtiMCAioti rftibleiw
. , , souiijreNa-
and PTtTvtliiiifr else kept in a flrt rla
r iinimirrTMtvre.
near the lHpo
Apr. U.rtul. Uidilleb'irK, Pit ,
Motarf Pntolc SnmTof, CtiTcrancir "'
Ri Estate am limes iicul'
' Boarta aa4 Mortaa- arar4aaS
aina i aaaTayaariai aiuawi if araaiCHIlf
Its saa'aaM aa aaourraay.
AiMhalal ftti.Bi.n. auaalaia, aAin
a aal talala 0lua In l'raaaa. kaySat t'
ra.. r. vi.
.. f j. t.ldraaa, Mt. ra.ta Mltla, h. j
. raaa-a. . ai. .'
v I
.pie PtaBei