W"l 1 1 nzBOKaesnnRr! The Post. ZJtddlebnrz, 3ept 22, 1831. Tch1wS.C C0llr 4 Propretor. i mi . . - . Ooiutt. TicUet. For District Jitlg, 2. VjERRIL LINK, nf Lewiaburg, iMm! U 4mI(IM of tk DlMrfat CMlmil. For flheriff, DAVID REICH LEY, ol Centre, For County CommLilonars, JOHN RF.IIZ. of Frank Hit : JOHN M. MOVER, of MiJiHoburg. For County Treasurer, AARON rf.'lIELFRICK. of Beaver. For County And I tor, DANIEL DIEFFENUACII, of IVnn, OEOROE W.SIERER, of Vrt Irrv. NUtto TivUct. Ftafe Trn'trer, SILAS M. HAILY. of Fayette. oi r LAMETtn rRixiiirT. 19 Anil's Ml FiWjs THE PRESIDENT IS DEAD ! AT THE BEAT J BSD. THE PRESIDEST'IREM 4IN4. At 10.35 p. m, Monday night Pre aident GatCclJ wua pruuutiLccl doad. Tor uoatly tbree moutba Le haa birne tbe raoHt iotenae enduring with remarkable calunett and ho ro le fortitude. The prayera aud bopea of the nation Lave been defe iteJ. Tbe bigbeat medical fckill haa been baffled, aud all that hnaan affection could conceive waa in vain In bum ble aubmiaion tbe oation bowa to the will of Him who holda in Lit bandit tbe deatiuiea of men aud na tion 1 One of those pretont io tba obam bar of death at tbe fatal tuoint ut tbue daioiibet the scone : "There were preaeot whon the Treaident awoke only Oaoeril Swaim and Col. R ok-t!l ; but the atteu 1 ante were apaeJ'ly an U'UJQal. Mra. OtrfielJ. Die B'.in, Hamilton, lljyut iu an 1 Col f.jc'i.f jit iJ l'.i veto Secretary Ur.wi reicbud the room within a f muniuta. M.'. Oirdeld i up in tbe ba Nili bold. iDg lb bi'j I of bur Jyinf huibaul. Dr. Btmiltoi atij I ou the oppitite aide, aud tUn otlnra wore groupol about tbe I'renijut, who ii uu oouaoious, evuu before the fmt of tboae aummoned re.iohei tbd cha-n-bar. No otaer poraoaa were iu tbe roim. Mra Col. Koi'kell, with her daughter and Mua Mollie Oaitiul l, aat up in a I" Iok iu tb- ball. The eobred aerviuta of tb Frooklyu cottage were grouped outaido the door tf tbe eic'i room peeping io. The PreiJjut wa breathing beavily, and ut iuoreastog iotervala. The Dootora wlii-pored to ea.b oth er twi or threo ti on, b itaaid from thia oo word waa ttpoken, Two or three eigba, and aouie auppreaaed robbing. wa beard from the groupa of oegroai iu the door, but all the reat were tilit. The heavy breath iug of tbe Preaideot conliuued for bout fifteea mtoutee, and than oeaeed- Cooaciouaoete did not re turn, sia death waa abaolutelypain leaa. Wheo all waa over Mre. Oaf field quietly withdrew to her room. s Dr aaailton e oootbed tba feature oi tba dead Prettdett, and the other pbyaieiaat and attendant atralghU eaed hia limb. Mra. Oarfleld retoraed about half an boar Uter, and aai eifeotlj npo ;. tb bedeide, tha toere running (a flood over ber cbeeka, but her whole demeanor manifeating' ber beroio plritaad aelf eootrol in tbiilbe Loan Kbarcr, Sept. 20. 4.18 4. M. i. i -it , i i lie body wui ue emoaiuDett ana an untoc-tv will titktt olaoe to morrow afleinooi. Arranjeinints f r lb - fnaeral will be tnvl in acs'irlaoee with tbo wither of Mr. Otrflol.l Nothing ban yet len dofinittdy de termined, hit it it at pooled that a apeeial train will leave here on VYed- oeeday netl for Watbington and that the preeideut'e remain will lit a state in tha mtuoJe of tba eapitol luring- TborsJsy and Friday. Oo Kridey evening it it eipeeted that t will be taken to Cleveland, Obio, where tbe body will lie in at aft dar ing tinnday. Tbe fooeral will take place on Monday. Tbe plaoe of in terment will be Lekiviow cemetery at Cleveland, io accordance with a freqnently expressed wish of the president in bit life time. 4RTIIIR TaKKI TUG OATH or office. New York. Sep. 20.-Vico VelnVntimoted to toe -auk cf Major. At tb Vrthtir to-night took the oath of office ta Preaident of the United State. Proceedings cf the Judicial Confer-. The Rfipobliotn Judicial Confer mce met at Middleborg, Soyder Co-, JnpU 15. 136 1, at the boute of J. t.inibert, Coufora fio n MiSio Co. A. M. rogram, Wm. S. Settle, Frank A'eoti. Conferee from Snyddr Co- Philip li Moyer. Coufore fro oUidun Co. Calvin SI. Hayes, Alfred nyot. Kttq. On motion, A. M. ograiu wa choeen chairman of the Conference, ind Alfred Ilayea, Hnc'y. ja monoD, ivcaoiveo, mat me luleatea preaeut from each county onct three votet for each county. Oil m ill inn m-i,nun,l...l ti n.t.rtin.. ion Calvin 'tt. Hayes nomumted j l. Lion. Eq , of L tariaij ir, :t- 'iindidate for l'roMn'. Jndg of the iOth Jil licial Dixlricl. (I t muli.m ..i liHUIU.tllUlll I 1st Ull.t-Uubn e.i.lv. b Calviu M- II tye. ciat t' forJ. MLiun. Ksq. Suvdor C.fc,fau ior KHi a a coo,iu iu iiiee - 11... til... ..r.l... .1.1........ .... ...... mi by Phi'ip U. Mover, diet three votee for J. M. Linn, E-. .Viifliu Oo. dev alined voting on tbia ballot. J. M. Liuu, Eq., of Union comi ty, having received eix votee out of the niue, was declared the nomi .iee. Oo motion of Frank H Woutz, -ecooded by Wm. S. Settle, tbe nomination ol J. M. Linn, Eaq., wasj mad nnnnimoiia. R . r u. I . , !., . nj i ;.lmor or l, hnnnd. North by land of ftl..ll aad llihf.il f'ulrin V llavaa an.ll,,,'ra,1,,j ubuUt 3,010 VoleB. Ibiejmor, Kr-b. Kal bp l..,da of V K. -hin.ll.lt tUaaa-arala.il . tttlTlll Jl lieje SU.IJ .i , .a ,.,. :'s-.lli I.- land. ..f John I rh, and W..I b, I... I.) -...lull-, tlan b Io were an.),. ntl n I' B" 11,6 P' 8 UF U D ,0eof tl. ll-ir. ..r .l..i.u l l.l,. dc.a..d, Lrr.un'lriBaa lauauat ... . Ractive uol.tic-iiiud on all tbeo oc t" '" "r 9 On motion. hi ,t. VI..,, I., wur. n ,. . - 'ommittfla to n .tify J. il. Liuu Kaq , of nfiiniuatl0.1. SJ. M. Linn. K., was iatr. c.J io the Convuntioii, au 1 m tde it brief , ... peecli, occnpti') thj noruiuittiou made. Ua motion. alj iarnoJ sine .lie. A. M IN'Uit VM, Chairman. Atteat : Ai-rttKD Havks. Seo'y. J ue auove proceeaintra prove ttie harmony esiatii.-g io the Judiuia I'iatrict, aud tbe unanimity with which our esteemed and learned tewneman.was tendered the nomin ation. Aa cousistent Republicant and fiii nda of a well qualified can didate, it ebould be our pleasure aaJ well aa duty to give bim our united Huppoit- 'lino, this is an office which perhaps ehould not have beeu diawu into tba arena of poliiioa ; butlganaudaboiitouebuudredmileauortb such ia the case, and tbe Ropubli - cans, baviag a Urje m tiority, pre. - ... .. .i..: ... .t. cui a B.iuii(je( v.niiu iu n tuwu uui;d guida VUU UIIWI Ol UlgUiy 1U - the Democrats. Let us give Mr.Iil.mmable matter, and once baioB2&i1aVi l ll.r.,11 ... I .i....n..w wm. - ary majority, U ilturg CWi.tbiutf Ju iu oourse. Towns, villages.l,u," du, -iu.niiot.i r . -f. J. MERRILL LINN. J. Merrill Lino Wat bora on the 18th of October 1833, and is oouss pieutly j ist ii years old. ue was admittud to tbe bar iu September 18.)1 aud haviufj giveo aeveral yearn to ddixnt study eutarel into prao lice iu partnership with his father 1858, and from that time oo with the exception of four yeara io the army, and nearly a year to recruit from the malaria gotten io tbe Service be has beso ia active prao lice. Ilia father read nnder James Mar- rill as his preceptor io Now Berlin, tod aetlled io Lewisburg where he vat in practical from 18J6 until his death iu 18G9. and it was from bia father's preceptor that ho reoeive 1 bis Christeoed name. From 1833 until the present time Mr. Lion has been in active success ful praotiue noted for bis osreful and laborious preparation of bia casea, bia practice taking a wide range, both io bia oo eoonty aod neighboring counties aod in tbo Supreme Court After gardnating at Lewishurg io 1851 then Dot 18 yeara of age be pent two yeara at Lancaster, io Fraukliu and Marshall College aa tutor of tbe Languages, and while there etadied tbe Oerman language and ia thoroughly acquainted with it and baa been a reader of it for thirty years. m rr. H . Ibe study of lew after bit admission j 1 l . . I i , . . V ana oeiore on entered me practice. l Zecouies tborouublv equipped forl.levotion ta the uGTorinff President.! a a place on tbe bcncb, in bit cbolur g J aUaiiirtieute, iu bis devotion tojmininlrutiot). Its bie profeteion and moat of all in tbe loug yeare of practicial etperienee in bie profeeaioo. The Candidate for State Trea arer. Gen. Silae IL Baily waa born in Uuiootowo, Payette eonnty, in tbia jtate, in 1836, and waa educated at Uadiaon College, in bie native town. He learned tbe trade of a jeweller and on attaining bie majority went into boaioete for bitntelf, which hi haa tinea followed, with tbe excep tion of the lime be waa in tbe army. 50n tbe breakout of tbe rebellion b waa elected Captain. I be company waa attached to tbe 8th Penney! vama Keeerves, being known ac Company I. He waa toon after pro battle ol Galuea' Milla, oo Jone 27, 1862, be waa w muded, and did not return to duty outil tbeoigbt before tbe battle of South Mountain, aelbut bo expects to become a great then aeeutned command of tbe regi meut, which be retained, being com mitaiooed a few months later a Colonel. At tbe battle of Antietam bis boiae waa abotuuder him though be oKCSpt'd without injury i but iu tbe battle of FreJerickaburi, una December 13, 1861, be waa badly hurt by bia borae falling. At tbia battle, tbe brigade uoder General Fianklin waa almoet cut to piece Tbe divixiuD was tbeu tent to Alex andria. Ya., and did provoat duty until Oeueral Grant took command of Ibe A i my of tbe Potomac, when it joined bim aud followed bim in all tbe enbrniqiieut battles, outil that of SpottHjlfahia, heo. tbe lime of '' ' Itio 8th lUgimeot bnviiig expired, Ci.loni'l Uaily ,waa imiHtt-itd nut of Ki-rvicu. wilb lii aan. ILiHWitain June lhU4- lie flo-ik the ri-uinit-ut bi.nif and eu! a -q""'"' -m J.bi.M.n co...- Hievut. Hiitfadieil coutiucl lu II if . .. . fl OUrftf. Utf It uruu' ti Itia 1 .11 ki i . aku ii t niiiiJ v UIO t-' t -. - m a ivu -a towo, wbeio be wut nfterwariUl oomiuated for the Letfinlutaie. Tbe I kcounly being Utmocratic beVI '1'', K Vi. L. J 1 Ih. will .nil Ttifillt nt Jnlin Kl waa uulHatBiI. Agmu be waa uomi niite.l in Greeuo couotv. where ha ... . met witu ibe aame lute. I breoi yoare ago ue was a canuuiaie lor CCoogread atinnt Morgan Wiae in the i weuty-urnt dielrict. but wae m.. ... j ,...,, .0 . . .8 S"; , ' " ' JPJJ" - D. . , , ficies. IuJtiue guro-lio d lor Ibe lit publican pitityM . i l l.. r. . ... . : L-IUDL-I BWtJ VOUBtlllll!!!- I8SJ, he was a dele. gitto to t lie IU nllicuii Nutiouul Cobvoulion at Cliicio oud wus in that body it member of the "Old C.or.l" r.f Hlllt ttl.n fcl.,n.l l,v fli anlS - -- - -v - aud tbo Third Term from Grnt lutit. GuiuihI Jiaily ii a lull, com pactly built mao, with a lull board inud a pIcuHunt way of talkini;. ue lis a K-JOI couverialioiiaiiet. but Uaket no preteimijUS t) ability BS a publio epenki-r. The latt tire in tbe Stale of Micbi Sao. is of tbe most hoartrendiug .iouuo Throe couoliei in Eastern MiohU ebuudredmileauortbl t)Vt?. imFif. "'' been laid waste with J EC,:T0B8 j irought m tde forests - Vj t,.D,.t.ry oa ..f I.S..I.I. S-.tV.HAEL EHnLT, d jof Detroit have been lire. Tuo lonj di ..1 . . i -i i Boauvuitm tuo uia aweu w - wiy - ... .1... r... ....... Ifariu-houses. baros. orchards audi . .. - .7 t... ....... A !. . I. ... . OiaciieoeJ, ainoiueriorf mass iua , i i i, bodtoa of men women and children who were overtaken io their dwutJf'X uie now being gathered aud rover.H... ently buried, often ouly by atraogeia Au (li lML Jot:Li.VMuior. ae i-ntii e families were destroyed tmHlhur. Anlma.lt wild end titmel " inloerisbed by the buudreds. Tb e; lL couutiutf coutaiucJ u t)ontllu - r Linn of 72.01)1). MuMt nt Him linrnhd district was highly cultivated, bouu - tiful farming laud , In Seuilac County the fire burned a clean swath sixty miles iu leutU and from; ten to thirty miles wils. mu Ired- of square miles of territory were burued over, leaving intnv iho't aauds of people io utter due itutioo.I file Mayor of Port Huron, one of tbe cities which was totally destroy ed, has made an appeal to tbe oharitv and generosity of the Ameri can people. .... Senator liuroaide died sud-f denly at bis residence in Bristol, II. I , oa Tuesday laat. The General played a very couspiosona part io our late war, and roae to high die- tiuction. ....There ia oo doubt that Utah io ber mineral wealth If tbe rioheat Territory io the Union. 8be baa aa mnnh anal ii PaiBDailvanta and aa Jmueb gold aod silver as Colorado. t ....... . ' wb.oU ia au the mora reason that Mormoclstt ahoald be aopproaa - Tbe platform adopted at arris unrn urung io npiminuiii I .. ! l . I !( am a ... ... tnd emphatically endorses bit aJ reference to re form menanree ia alear, oonoiae and - . . . "It ; . 1 -itraigutiorwarn, win rvoeini iu nearty approval of tbe party. Tbe j ndoreement of Ooveraor aoyt e ad- miniatralion waa timely a well a leaerviog, and there ie not a Re publican io tbe etate but will ap Drove of it Altogether the deolar- tlion of priooiplee it jott what the people will endorse, beoaoee il eon aina nothiog bat what ia fair, hon at and truthful. Poor old Sitting Hull ha been heard of again. He wanta eomr 'arming implementa eo that he cab 'ill the ground, iaacalping knife dull i be aay he it not a chief, and ben be Kettle down on bit little farm, which be ie waiting for bit- Great Father to preteot bim, he will bow tbe pale face how anperior be i to tbem. tt doea not want any jordiuary folka to bear hi words, - lfarmer in the near future, A w w. Mann, the widelv known atationer, died at bia country renideuce in Uaddonfield, N, J., aged ixty-eeven years. Silver Cheek, N- Y., felir- 0 Gtntn -I have been very low, anil linva li-ind ovprvlliinir. to no advan f'Mce. I beard your Hop Dittcrt rec ommended by o many, 1 concludetl to give them a trial, did, and now Hin around, and conalantly improving, and am nearly aa strong aa ever. W. . WELI.ER IX it simply marveloua bow quickly constipation, bilinuaneM, tick head iiclie, fever and aiie, and malaria, are ured by "Sellert' Liver PilU." Sept. "L.i.liiw highly praiae Malt Bitter." "fliyairiana precrilie them freely." "The lirifl bottle and beat me (1 l.ine." "Our bet people take .Vult nitlere." "1ure cure for clulla and liver dia- a c.,n ...... PUBLIC SALE. - pp3 lalaol W..I H.r tnvnahip, Bn-dar eniiai. 3,,K. fc), Pmr.ialonal Hrlea to tba P.., dT..l. .Ill ..pa-1.. eoi.il. H.I.. at h.IJ.VAiVaV "kVhuI lad IliJalSS. lata ri-al-l-m-a of aal l dreraaad, about t Dill J JMg,w INorlkor McOIiiiw, oa Fridnv. 8ent. 23rd. 1891. Tb.fnllnwtnf dnwrlbrd Rl Katal ltaat In th townakip aud touot alor.Mid, eouiaia .... HHi Acrt-a r.r..r-.io,t.l.r.io-.t.ry Frame Hoiihb. Bunk Ham an..tl.ri1.-..arToit'-iiii11i-i i-lini w.W AirOltNEV AT LAW, r,.. Ai...nl in ti:ni!t of lh tract lad jm.I TIVII1-.H I. AM, th i.alaur r'-ar nn. i lr ko.n1 f,-ni-a aad In hub al ..ft.' .ltlvatli.ii 1 TIIM'T No. 2-ltiat.i In lb towoaii.n audi coubt arur-aa.a, uo.iia.uinn Fifty-seven Acres inT or i. .a. - H.UI no Kim.t aa aror- ..t-1, trf-tnri it, oti.uar tnt.r.i oc a cvrtaiuj r tu u LIMU KII.N ANKOLAHKV. II .'h USS S.I to c..mmuc. t IU o ol. a. H, nl nl.llV i "Ida - htn -tit a'tndao- will b flvu aud ...lilariua of aal mad known hv .vjl u u r- war. JKUCM1AH ENKPP, Ktacutora. kJ CI D anntf bi . n r.I . ebaora lau lllaWlaall alwan k Vnariafcf m a k I a a aaa a a o i o a a i.ttarod, thrb. kilna nof.rtv. VTniorili'ao.Hlaiianafnrmakln ii,.n.y i.ii.rm, .n-r..ir .-..u.p.mw ...).., t wt.lla thoa wbo do not l.uprofa ...ok obanra n, b-.fa and atlrl to work f r u rU'.t In Ih.lr nan InralltlM. Tb bu.ln- will pay mi.r than tan tl.n ordinary u. w farnl.b an xpnalv nuini and all that yoa nd, lr. No on wbn njaa fall, to iuk tnonay ry rapidly. You ran dvot y.o.r whola tlm to th work, or only your .par momnta. Full Inlirmtllon and all that la nlil aunt lr Add..MTis a u., Portland. Main, ' ' -... NOTICE.-Letters tha ll of Ml t'CHA doad. lata a J Mld.llMrk r wp Aaidar coantr. Pans a. w a.tai ra riuaia io uibk iwui..o tf fm.nl. while tuoaa ka.lna claim will nrwaat ... , LEVI tuLJj , 3 .. E 1? XEGDTOR'S NOTICE-Lettera Dl.t..uauiT 01 tba eataia ar Uaa il Jamil dard, 11 at faint townahlp Jsn.d.r ouatF. Pa.. wr aranud to tb.uua A IMl In I It A lUKU I rvi.M.ni u - - i of ad.nlnlatratlna oa tha aatata of KAKAI1 MAKTIN lata of F.rry twp. Hny Ur Co .'., n.i. kbn arantxi to lb unnr. Cland. All pron knowlna lkmalva In labt 1 mA InuMuul. will all. Imm.lt.l. at tnat jitlthliftTlD Ultiit auaH.it ialO l william hahkino Jaly M, 11. AdnlaUiratar MARRIAGE Gold for both 8CXE8, to th aiarrt.d and tho cntvntplailutf niatnac a brtlliaot. faacl uat.ue hook. acou..Mliwfurtbn.llUonon llaltk, OIe, and m I'byalial Ufvvf Man and Woman: pur la laaauaaw, ami andnraad l.y phya.ctab 'rjrwlier. rrlca, BO eente, by Dr. A. ti. OI.IN. tha oldi Hincl.h.t I. tba NonhwMt. who will pay $0pO f..vry raa ol private or ilintnln di-oaav of I'llhvr ari b nnriertak and fall u. cur. ni.d two .tamp foe i .tamp. forClilde to Female PTlla, SB ladioa ouriiia cou Soode and t Ircular of Healtn. Reilanie l a BOX. A qui. I bom Rubber Coode ; iuluiuai.on. by viurw lBiporuut ruluiuai.oariiy .lpr., BO Oente. PDU.i. HUDD.T ui Dr. A. G. OLIN. Kntncky Block, (Ot 8. Clark St., Chicago. M- A ff 1 1 1 aad Bnrphlar at.r ri 1 1 II 1 1 1 -wt tala kytk.aia.lt. I aad Bnrahlar aat.r. rand with. lva. ao.a ..f)r. BATS. , taicaea. I1AC0UR. RI F.QKL A CO., (J WHOLESALE OCALCBS IM FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. IVo. 333 Market Ht. Rhlladelphla 1?a, I Stla-ka-Wk r 17" A T T"B, - . nn-.. u. ..i.. i...i. in. fcrtaWittS? 'pUpJXTWr fJb bllll.. U 11 Sal 4 A A.k IIIM.S kllexL.lAkli raT Noia ' ..ik. STuaSTVI. Tii.l7. ) V&Vji .4 i tonieys-At- Iai w. ,'t7f E HOl'SW EllTII V ATIORNEY AT LAW, ......J; Hr.usFonovn, Pa., J " etmni inu nimtnwr ivrai oniinn" prmp y a .. . . , i..t..a tA 4taB.MIUaituuai la -i.Tleh .r,iltl.tl Of MlJJlOUrff ftOd TlflinifV. Jaal,iau. II. DILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Lnritburg, Pmn'tt. All holott aoiruMaJ le kit ear il bs prompt I eiuaiied to. st, au, i one. J O. DEITRICH, ATTonn ET-A T.LA w. Market SI., Srlituyrove. fa All paMlnl batrnwi protapllf atoodxlR Uoaialiatltiat la Kaallta aaSHarniaa ra. ia.'M, WUNDERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAVV. MidiiUburg, Snyder C , Pv Caa baaoafaltrS la tnallik orUar aaa. Jaa. It.'xo, N.MYERS, A Homey A - Late, lllrilrkrc, Ptaa'k All rrilal kaiiaaat aatraitad t kta oira will rnlr prompt atlaatloa. UuaiJiUal.ia i.iii aca uraa. Oct. I0,'T. TACOB GILBERT. Attorney-AtI-aw, M1DDLKBUKQ, l'A. ,, Allknalna aairaaiail ta kit ear will raoal rooipt tuoii a. Jaijr u.'n E. liOWEK, AflORNEY-AT-LAVV, HMMiurrf, Pa (OIBoa la olBo of J. P. Oroatalitar, Laq.) coltntioai aaiia. Uoaaaltatloa In Enallakl aad Oaruiaa. jud I. -ia.il. L. SCHOCH, ATTORUEY-AT-LAW, New Berlin, Penn'e. PrnfMlaai bnalona alrntad a kl aar wlU rel prompt allaulloo. Jnaa ,'!. QHAS P UUUCui Attorner Counsellor-At-Law,' OlBo In App'e llaildlae on (loot Nortk.ol KaraTuiia nuxsi.. Kvltnawro v. I'enn'a- (lollaotlnn and all othar prnialoaal baal- 'aaa I olloltad aad will rol narlul a all Ipriimpt ailaatloa. Api.ii. n.n. ! T prCROSMlLLKU, ATTOilNBY AT LAW, Mifflinburg, Pa., 'ilHarhiaproletiotiB larviaa to lh pub lie. Collection! end all other profranional ihualnta anlruaiad to bia eara will rc-W. prompt miention. Jaa 8, 7lf TJ - SMITH. ATTORNET AT LAW. MIIIULKIIU K, SNYtUH Oil., PA pabll F J. R. ZELLER, ATTORNEy.AT-LAW Mifjlinburg, Union County, Pa all hn.ln.aa ntro.tad to bia rar will ll aad r.llhfiillr atiandoO to. Will prartlr b eonali.l In tb Knicll'b oi C Oct. Ik. '7tl una o nornar ana auii.iiiiiii CHARLES 1IOWKR, Suli'iM'rnve, Pit Iffar b! profei'alonaN.rrio, to lha put .10 (Jollaelloni and all oll'.ar prolraaioDn buainaaa aitlruaiad lo bia oir. will rr oeifa prompt allenilon. Otboe two Uoor .niilli of lb Normal Hobool. I lau ft. 'li ATTORSKV AT LAW, T.awiaburx. Tn OOTan bi profeaaional avrtioai lo lb publio. Cwlleoiioni and all other pro fea.looal litiainea oiruid to bi ear will roitprouipt attioiioB. Sept. 30, 1880. V. PJrfER, ATIOKNISVS AT LAW. SeUosgroTe. Pa , OnTar thfir i.rof.a.ional a.rvioa lo lb nuhlio. All lil buineaulrtil 10 llirir can will reocive irootpt atleolioo. UUioe at hit bom on Mala Strait. July. 4lb '72. 3 CtanoaL attaaaa. aoaaua allbmb mj nil a." m a tu jv vttiu ATTORNEYS Al LAW. Heliiiisifrove, ix. All profiiool buiaai aud eollaotlna alruatad to Ibair lari will bs promptly (aliened 10. Caa bi eomultnl ia Engtiab or Oaruaa. OlBo. Mark'. Hqitara. II. il. Urimm. Wm. H GUIMMaScDIIL. Dill Attorneys Councellors!:1, A I'U A IK, 0!B?e Near the Post Office, i'rlitir, I isn't. Con.iiltalioa ia boib Eugliah and Oarman Uanguag. leo.l 7iir. JOUN II. ARNOLD, Attorney nt I jaw, JIlDOLEBUUa, PA ProfaiiloBal butnr nlruld le hit ear. !!.' bs promptly atiaadid lo. f Fab J THOMPSON BAKER, Attornoy-at-Law, Liwlihurf , Colon Co., P agV-Osa be eonanltod la the Enallah an 0r a laagiiafiek.-TM . OP I ICH Markrt Btrilt, ippoille Wall. traits UO I Blori O sv WW. VAN GEIRR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewiaburg Pa Iffara hit prnfaaaioaaliarviot lo 1 pub Lie. Collodion and all olher PioIomiob al buainaaa lotruii d lo bis sare will re- oaivs prompt attiatloa. g T. PAKKg, ATTOBHRV AT lW. 8BLlNS0aVB. d.NVUKa COOItTT. P S.pt.16, 'ttltl A C. SIMPSON, tX AfTUftNKT AT LAW, Seliuagrove, Pa. JSati bis profanleael Mrvlooi le lbs pub .Is. All busiaaaa eatruiied to kit sars sill bs sroatplly aUadad le. . fJaa. IT. ,B7lf ft tJ MTJKL H. ORWIO. J " A TTOBNEY A T LA W, I 1 iy Hssjt'wJj Physicians. &c. ID J. Y. SHIN DEL, SURGEON AND I'llYfllCIAH. Miuilleburjt, Pi loth, el MKTCD ail, Uf .. m aaa QR 1IARANU UOTUROCK, Fremont, Snyder county. Pa. UraitnMtaf nalllfnrlblla t lattiatat Dd im, unr( kl rarathl rU to ik puull. Hp( Kaf Ilia and tiiriata. Mart., IT, IMI.tr. J J. SMITH, Physician It Surgeon, frrmont, Snyder County, Pa lidtrt In tntmlnal MfllHi talk ratli Offica aa Mala Kraal. Jaaa 11 ,, QR. J. O. WAGNER, Pliyslclan and tare on. DfTam hi prftfiMMiAnal Mrvlraa to tka a'tlaai f Adkia.aurt ana -iriniir. An. ,-". J. F. KANAWEL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. retilrellle. njrder Co., r )flri kit profeailoael tervloaa le lb nubile. if J. KCKBERT, SURGEON DENTIST, kCKBKHTt BI.OOIC, 6!en'nfrmie, i'mn'a IprolMdoaal batlaa praaptlf a)taana1 ie, ira, 'TV. JDR l oiuer barber PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ii,ln(t loralfd at MIDDLCDURQ, PA., oltiea a few ilnora Will of Ilia Uoiirihoua. i a Ber't Drlek builjina, oflar nil pro- !r-iilonal arrfiqa Io Ike publio. H lptkl Engliah mat Oarmaa yel.17.70. ERCIVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Krattervilte, Snyder Co., Pa Oflar hit prnralonal rga ta tha elt list ol Kraitarrlll aa-l fl-iloltf. 4 aa. t.,'7 QR. A. M. SMITU, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEOS OtTcra hi nrofeMional atrvioei lo Ibt olti tBi or Adamaburf and vielaiiy. 8rp4, 7-1 F. VAN UL73K1RK, lUROICAL A Mr.CII NtCAL DEKTIrll SeiinHitrove, Penn'a. Justices of th e I'eare. A DAM SMITH, J.tK(oft!i3 Peace & CoDTcyaaccfi IieuuerSpn nfit, Snyder Co., Pa. All o-llfllal boaln. -tahlnr dpnf'tlonnd nro.nutl llo ll to. UollMtlona and r.mll tani . promptly aiaila. May It.' 171 1 yiLLIAM II. SNYDER. JiinIIc i ac Salam, Snyder County Penn'a All Collectione and remitanoob promptly made. Hot.SI.'T tr. ISAAC HEAMCR, , USTICE OF THE PEACE and General Collector. Ml'l llrburfr, 8nyJr County, V J. " KT. H. fon.a, ollfOlloD oil A. II. Ilo.r. II b uadrB lWar.ll-74, Ppeeial biudiioo pai'l to o II kind. Haiuillanse will proniplly for all ol'.ulioDi maJe. Mar. L'lal IrjTK ir. H. WAONHR, Esq., a JU8TICK OP TUB PEARS, ,Iok-oa Township, Snyder Co. Pa., .Villatliad to all buainaaa eolriiitad lo ia oara and oa the moil reaaonahl. iarmi. March Yi, onu QAVID S- 8 HOLLY, Justice of the Peace, Vnion',Tiwixhip, Snyder Co., i'u. Will attend to all buina antruatid lo bi oar on moat raonabla irot. P. 0. iddre, Uuodora, Hnydert'o., Pa, Mar. 4, '80. J II. I1AUTMAN, JI'ITICE OF THE PEACE. Sc. CJnveyn.icjer, CtN THE V I LLK, Boydar County, Fa Uollaotloa aad all buainaaa partalolaa ta tba ottira of Jaatloa ol ta raaoa win au-nnq to at abort notion a p'r ITT gEIll MITCHELL, Juatioe of the Peace & Conveyancer, .T.rkMtn TowuahlD. Hovd.r L'oontv. Pa Ooll.rtlou.. t .......y.uoi.iir. aua all ntlt.r bn dm. Mrlaluln to tb. OISi-. will r.e.lv nromrl ali.ntlon. Poal.01o.addr.aa: Maw Merlin, Union couu.y, Pa. . Aua. in, 1017 JOUN K. HUGHES, Eq., VDST1CE OF THE VEACE, Peno Twp., 8oyder Co. P TAMES MIDDLES WARTH. Justice ot the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snyder Co. Pa. Will attaad promptly to all aianaarol bail aaa paraa.ning aa a..onac,. iNtada. ArtlalMka.. wrtttaa. alDra, UollMtlona nial (Jaly tl,'7-tl YM. H. HARDING, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE He Conveyuncor, PaEEMDNT, Baydireouaty, Pa CollaotloB and a I buala partalBlai ta th. orlle. of Jtialln. of tb Paaaa will waattaudadlo al abort nolle. Apr. wis. A. WKTZKL, Justice of the Teace, Beaoertown, Suyder Co., Pa. All kladi of loll.oilon mad oa liberal i arm. Promptly altiad to all buaiaea iairuaiad Is bit ears. -(Juol 2H, 'Till TER B. MI DOLES WARTH, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE ase COWVETANCER, MoOluro Olty.flnyder Co., Pa. f Co f J aatlo af taa I at akart aatlaa. OallaattoBi bbS all baalaaa vartalalaa la tka will MalMaOM u jaifn.'iu. A Q HOKNBKRQKR, iZrZZt, uWiCat. ri ju&tiob or lam. pkacb Jutlct of (As Ptaet & Chnvtym Pennscreek, Snyder Ca.f f. Naatjaaclng stall aa4 akaapl- aataJ. A.tU Grand BoDlcYanl HuIeL . Corner 69 St. 4- Uroadieati, NEW YORK. , , '... On both American A f,i ropean plans: rrnnllaa an Oanlral e.rt. th aul nmm- art, BroaavaS rift-.NIatk 8t..lklt Hot.1 ocmplaa Iha aallra KJii.ra, h! aa ball! fnnUhd at aa aipm of arar t.eot. It la oaof Hi aini iM.ai a u . kn .. U IomimI la tha ally kaaa paar C kv. or mm mn moa.m irnpraomanu. aaa It wltkla maiqnaraof Iha tpterui ailikaa Rlfblk i..miif birrwra r or miji B.rr ta Hi Hrmd.ir csr nnlal ant aoraaalbla from all pari of tb alt-. Room Mb avarl, at i-rd.j. HpvcUl rawa lor faoilll aa pwaaa. E. HASKELL, FaoraiaToa. A Of. N.'W.lf. 60ARDIN6 HOUSE. TUB Uodaralfead woald rp.otfully (a form tka Iravf1lin( poblie, ba.laaat bib, wltaa and )aror la altandaor at anr Uourt tbatb baa mad aaiplo praparallon for hlr aoon.aino.latl.ia aad win adaor I aa. i.rul hi patron a lo (nod at-1 at tka aanal r.awiaabl rata, Hordln( Hoaaa a few Soar wt ol lb Oourt Hoa. U A URIEL Bt AVER. Apr. St ;. I y. Proprietor. WASHINGTON HOUSE! 3Iiddlebui'pr JOHN LI M BERT, Proprietor Tbabo-a popalar Hotal hai kaa raflltad and rfurol.bl in tka bt attl. It. antral locatloa naka It onBlnt far ku.lna.a rftn i wroa la atUadanra al Ooart and all otbrhoarralld to MlddUbarr. Tkta kl I lnaupplld with tb Mat la Ik Bar t tb liar with nnd liquor aad tka fftabl aiti'dii by .araluil koatlara. Tarau aiedtrai April 4, 187fc, CENTKEVILLE HOTEL, (Lata Mr. Waarar'i.) Caurvll. Sn-Ur Co., Pa. PETER HARTMAW, Propria! . Thl loot tabllkd aad wall kaowa kata iiavlna; bn parinad by th undr,l(Bd a Holt a hare of the pabll pat ronar. . ...... 1"I1TA Ul.TNlIf April, S, tin. rpIE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOCKLKR, Prop'r. tgolinntfrove. Pa. rhla riotl I nlaaaanllt lo. at.d l tt. .nd ta rdairbl- plar fur tr.lr to.' itio aanTof couinio.1at..iia at tow rat.. Iv? .onaatopplua-onca a in b. -. to call aaaln. Ha it of Honor In tbal-at a-A flratola 0aturaiit laconuM-llnnwl tb lioUI. Apr.la.'.'A iTlcrclianU9 Ifiousr. liri.t; 115 VOIlTlt THIRD STIIUKT. MIU.A A. Termn'-Sl 50 per dsiv. HENRY SPAUN, I'ron'r. o.V.SlAIIi. Cl.rh Apr.i.'it. Philadelphia Cards. J. S. FARNSWORTH. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot 3oiscry, Notions, WH!te Goods, Emtol dcrios tTeuts FumisbiDn; Goods &c, No. 5U Market Street, PHILADELPHIA: w. H. Bhlbly, T. 11. Mibtrl. GKAVUILL Co., W HOLaiAia Dbaliii is WOOD AND WILLOW WARS )il Clolha, Window Abad, Ilro-tBi, Mtl liruaba Collou Lap, Orals Bag, t'.J Natl, Huckeli, Twin., Wick, to. No. 420 JTarkit Dtnit, rbilaJ.lpbla r'ab. 7, 'C7 J." 3ELUE1MEU DBALKD IN HARDWARE Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Faints, Oils. Coach & Saddler Ware AND MANUFACTURLA OF Stoves '& Tinware, MARKET STREET, LewiHlown, Penn'a, Navamher ii. 1871-lf WM. MANN. Blank Book Maker Sta tioner, and Steam- Power PRINTER, Vv lioIeMivIe He. 1 cot nil Ho 529 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. J'romttneit. One Vies Selling Prict Marked On AU Qoods In Fi gitrei. Apr. QAVID WILLIAMS, Waanfaeturaiof k Wkol.ialiD.aUr la 6111. Maborany, Walnst and Resewee lOOKirIC3 GLASS Pioturo ft Photographlo Framea Hot. tM anl m irck Street Fkiladilpkia Pa. Framss Raaaired ia Iks keat assss Alio, Raglldiag la all lie brasikn. (Tt rjNION PLANING MILL BELIRBOBOTE, BRTDU OO-.TA Keely fc Wagner Lumber Dealers Ooors, Boer Isies, Wlaaews, la alter wiadsw exes, liiaos, Basfe, atair , rixlass, laad Ralllsn, Iratk eta. IsbMIbcs, VlMaiaE. sobull a a w mo a ua auirr Tvavitva) uagiaa, laatia, dke., . Ordirs solloliad aad tiled with srswa asss aad daipatak. rieass sail aad esaai las air steek ksfere parekaalag elsswk ' .Tw-aaa- mrm m m m mm . a J I V V Wjs K44p cnnana u tf ey . i etoMs, Y,r0 r"N '