a tti column one year. - - iwmv One-half, column, tine year, ' flo.Ou One-fourth column, one your, 15.00. One iqaara (10 linen) 1 insertion 7 Srv additional insertion, 60 Jsofeesional and lhrines cards ol jiet more than 5 llnea, tier year, 5.00 uniwr, txecuior, Aumiiiisirauir -sin! AwlR-nre JioiMjc-o, 2.5o Editorial notice pVr line, . , -,, -10 jfttfmnCieAldvrtUnig less than 1 tnmithl 10 ceuU lint, i A i edmtUemcnt for a shorter pe rlo4 thai one year Br payable atthe . tiwjr f ordered, hi id il not tW ' ka panoo ordering Uiom will m h Id; sApantibi for the money. . ' tfT '.I " - -q? , Pooti-y Now Su and I Went Fishing. i .i- - , i '.'" ' '". UT C. L. WOOD. "JfoW dearest John, enl.l Hue to in, "I lonff have been a-wlshing, To (ro with you somo ihiy ami soo llow good I am at tlflihm," Why, certainly, my dear, mild 1, Ronntdnt In nlcnsiutt weather. Ourneivea with tackle we'll supply, lf .- Aud try our luck together. 'And, John," said she, with pleivlinR look, "Those nasty worm they're awful!' "Oh well." said I, "1 11 huityonr hook, I'm mire 'tis not unlawful! And fuitlurniorc,,lH ttriint your fink Innplte-ol all their ei-rimling. Provided you'll observe my wish - L And keep yourself from irtfjlinjf. Ifot once, you see. did I demur, Hut then, 'tin little wonder That I to rashly promised her, And made ao big a blunder; For Sue and I were newly wed I illicit at well confess it, lor if I left it all unsaid, ' You would not full to guess it. flie filial ilny arrived nt last, And we set out quite curly, ind took ulong n light repast, Hince fasting ir1uk one Hiirly. Tietream,1ike other meadow brooks, Wu beautifully Minded, And noon lis quiet dales nnd nooks Were ruthlessly invaded. "Jow, Sue," said I, "If you'll keep BtUU ?he hooki I'll coon have hated, And then we'll exercise our skill Ihete flah are surely fitted." 'Ya, yes," said she, I understand, I'.l certainly be quiet, I'll .lave a fish upon the land Before It knows I'm nigh it!" Wlti cautious trend the stream we neared. And dropped our hooks wit bin It, But Sue, 'twas Just, m 1 had leared lif not keep still a mbi'ita. "Oh, John, do foe tho fish!" she cried, rargettlnjj nil I'd told her; ''W1, you may catch them," I re- .Iitr,i, And Jeft lest I should scold Lor. !'" 1 worvl.y.'il on along the tt rt-ant, Wlii-rC birds were softly singing, Hut p"eently Sun's piercing b renin Bet all the echos ringing. Of course to her r'-lli'f I lie 1, As fiist as I nould hurry, Hut when I reached her hide, she said, '"Tin nothing, pray don't worry." "Don't worry! Well, thnt'seoolus ice, Thiit'a worse than seiiM-less chatter. But sluce it Is your own advice Since nothing lit the matter I'll certainly not show it, Aud when I run beenjise you stpieal Just let you uncle know It 1" Sue answerednot. Her tongue at bint Grew wonderfully quiet; And I, unmindful of the Jxiht,. Itesolved onoe more to try It. But, ah I 'twos foolishness or worse, Niuee Susan with me tarried. And I was almost miule to c.urso The day that we were married For when a splendid two-pound troiit!HUl' w'lu lir.vin I k, he tut ue I Wo for uiyllsh hook rencliiii-;, The trout aud I were both scared out By Sne'e nnearrhlv screm'liiinr. 1 looked around to learn the cause, When, greatly to my wonder, She pranced aud danced a.id sltippud her jaws, Ah oh I ehe howled like thunder. It seems ihe'd protied a hornet's nest, To fliul out what wa in it. When lo! but wherefore tell the rest? one knew in just umluute! Ami seemed aspectaulo of woe. 11 i i round ner, nit I was reooiii'ilMl . t,.,... With 1. I 1 . . Tliat punishment hod found her. You .. I nun.. ,t t,.u u - 1 . - ... . w k tunc il even, And hoped to see her humbled, ""t when-it HeaU over heels she tumbled. ,JI oonrse I tiulckly fished her out. .u wrarn irave ltlue in 1m..,,i,i-. 1,11 ...... Ana - -i m inn ail tins iusm about ? ."ay, what are you after t" now Sue', turn to take offense, wud Mie, "You have uo feeilmr:" u imi worue, you nave no tense. J ve proved It by your lruealinr.,, "hr Ml draw veil before ubsemjent oonfiwion, UI not try your patience more, wiin tlilii noiiuluslon: 4n tfrls excel at antrllni. J "r 'terwardg, somehow, "ure tai-A 1. . Iltteu. i " ' "w in f k.. . . v..... t . otn -w tin 1 tim r vnii mi n . 1. . . -J---T -J L 1 toi,,J Hulf .lie f Vf M .r. bre.Uo.J f l"li, 'i' .ioV -' " B i Mil rt j SaA'Ji3 VOL. 19. - MIDDLEUITUG, SNYDER COUNTY, Revenged. "lie wilt euiely co ne, for ho pro .uiaeJ me,V ewl.i.nej Winnie l.ylft ..with !- bHjfit with eiJ.,lltti.m. and eyes alovr wit!, j,,,. , do.Ttlnml whcii Ul.t. ti town 3'ie it st ! 1 nj u il jr an apptetree, 0)r Ultn wit't frirnt blosi nni en I the s?iii bitis freiht-d Hi thir fur hi dm. eeeinHi) a Qtti'i fr i n t f i' tiiu fur youut( irl standing there ; u .lone Iv in lior eser watching, bet greiit blue eyes so full of Unppiiie. Some Inon slie st :o I ill iro, .V tiu t'olo I look crept, iii to the w t t-yes, and the wuiies left her face, I'mnllr ! u.j4 a gentlemsu' form in the Ju-tmit'e. utid with a clsp of hur hand, rlie calls yy fully: I'bvio bu is I" aud dots fui'.vurd u slip. As bu appro 1'i'ies, her l;p lie.n hie Willi disappointment, an I bnr eyes itr.xV 1 1 u vVitu uuslie I tears. I'lie HtlHn,'i'r, a t ill. ilr vi i i muii, of ib ml t vjuly i io, .1 1 f n hut and s iy 'Cull yol lell iD'i win-re Mr. l.lu lesi I -s t" "Certainly, sir ; t'lii in Iih . o i deliCi'," hiiii'lii to vnr I the ho i ur 0 ii r bv, D y mi wis. I to el. buu r "is this Mm Lyle t" 1m .i;ii i in ijuirts. ' "It irt," s'.io replied. ' rii-n I iil tell you jiy erruii 1. Jr. Liiiiihei t is oblige I 1 1 return to the city iu the lu n nni. mi I as lie it very busy piepinn,' f u- Ins di-pm I - lire 1:0 Mrtk'.' I inn t ) deliver this to VOII. 111 J ll llin 11 lief a lottof. lie witches tne y ni i jii- pile, seen toe lips tpnver. mid thinks to liiiiiscif : 'd iy h .1 1 iite !" 'i .e o inuno Im-is." elm f.il Ins. "Ho w is sutu 11 ni, I verv mid 1, oi ly by 11 teleyjlini fr 1 n In 1 f.itii.u, and aa very ti.ny in p, ,:;i u-.uo len ve." 'If yon will oxen i mil, sir, will rnid this tiO'.v, no ierhap.s J can eti s.vcr it by yon," "Ct'lUMli, ' U'ld tin w.itcaei her .u ui,u liwi;!.. 1.......;, t.. u.. .1 1. ( .... . . 1 ,0 an. 11 lends : J t MJ)ir!lnj Winnie II i Cin si.y -hat I am ub .,,t to Aulj-et ib uiiiii un r.ti.ia 1 11 in 111 .riling 1 received a teleoi'iui fnun iav failmr req l.istiiii.' my imiiiedulH present n III Vr Yol lit Hlid I10W, Winnie, coiueii I he inudeht pint of it nil. I WHS. ttlli'Mirild III A 111. 1 V III Vum V.. it before 1 ever knew )on, I kini how base my conduct bus been, and fortune has decreed v. hi hIiouI I never bit mine, I am a brute 1 I ask no uieicy 1 1 can only .iv a lust lure will 1 (iv I.AMHtltr. The y un iit!itlnmn wntnhiuo her, nil hur grow pain, an I Htin,'-;ar. Then with a lujinof pain, hur head mule iisni her linn Is It 'V.i i p i if il t st i h tr i' inf. AWHV. I I'Aslilitlv I1.1 fnlt. A I. i.l t...w.l. .. .' . " ' nn Ion Ul'in u.l.l lllriuil.. u I..... with pilo fice and etr timid eyes stan, liii-j beside Imu : 1 "I'liis, sir. shall lie his ans.iir.'' srt.l shit l.iiif m iiliiin I .i...tL 1 n i " ". .'ll-l.. ,LI hi.lmnd. tl'Ml - ..... tin you not permit i luster Kail a to b vnnr lrn f.i.. ti.lt" h,m" r u,',,h,' roso asked tent ly ' jmi I ext-iim I hur Inn I. -I)!, tint k me, y ere very! ' M''' K'" ' ''"!, ,,0t k,,W X"" kind lo olfur it. but I have 110 faith I left. With ti bo v, let t itii.'liu l his - ha', I and walked a.viiy, while alio' entered I tho house with u slo step. "Guv Ltni'iel t 1 y nl am a nlis ir. able bruio 1'' lie et tl n n 1 1 is st.ei . inir Ida way sj.l.v baeit to t twu the girl's e ii roiv-sti'iTtan f ion r tsu up before hint, just as she stool there, the ttpplo-bljiso oi frt um her io. : ; ' 1 . ' i' ' 5 ' ' . ''' ' There eLe is, Guy isn't she love ly t Chester Eirle Ijuolied lue friend npou tie aim. "Yee, ehe ie beantj ; who did you way she in '.Vlise Itavere, that wealthy Aire Resale's ufuoe and heiress She istini belle at preHeut. Char ay I'oan proojised in a an introd nt o I'll l(o SU I chlim it." I'lieiH hit i." and Ltiostei' liarlo ui iv 1 . (i v iv lie Was tall and o t n o in liu ( in ip pearanae, disliauisu 1 1 ikmj. a 1 1 favorite iu ineiety. , Ouy Lambert etond 'still. Hnt'mx in admiruliun at the.' besutif.it y oiiur lady poinunl out W biui. Slie wat tall and beautifully fjnnel y Her face aa proud sod cold, unless she waa J)leaJ at iouibtbio, wbeii' t 'mouth would he wreathed In bewitching emile Her featnrei were a cleorly out those of a c i- )m': A W"UU f t,,a ",,,,8t of ' oU,u0 l,pt w"i,- r H.o lorely ,b,' f eye,. j""J'fl'5otnre. i rt-eentiy luy saw Ins fnebd pre sentej, and s.i Uer j iicl tiled Uliier with him, Iiilir iu t;ni oJinu liu met Chester, sgnin, "Wei!," he s.tvs. if VoU have a 'no lueut to sptre. s Ijijiosu yon iutio ilncti inu to )1iih Itev, to I ' "A'ltli (tin Kreutost of pluusme Guy,-' ho replies. , Uil.v cr.ises Hi? room with him, to tlie piaij.j vhe)u il"Veio is t tes. lit Hillloiiii . ,l by Her .llnlal Ciiu.u of iidiuiici N. Thii Cnole iipcn tj a I nit thiMi, and M.. Lnu'.ieit l- I lenji.lej lo hir. t ID bib Ifir till, y.u to .llil. Hill Wltil H I'll If ill I' SiU'lu. in iki's ro en f in ii ii ,r, , (,! One by olio tin) olii m 1'iv.i, in il he is It It iilono ili Inn-. I'll w chut tfnU for s Hint li ue, :iu I he itt n i ".ii.iM 1 1 V . I . . he:i. v-r 1 1 io!i nt y.i, 1 .mi rua.ii.de i tit s nuo om liulll 1 C tiniot e , I t till , I, ( a I I uiu tt'iiu 1 Intvo nuvei met you by line." 1 lei mm tl i.ih f ir mi iusUul mi d.uiieatii luo oioj,no la-ni. s, I'm-' al i slio kii s : ". le J on ipiili. Hiiro iei- (l ine euie. 1 1 l I I ,it'i mat 1 Level c oll i tiav.i f . ,te i y i .' -h hoe I. Ill Mioennj ii'1 IY- i h-dji uieut ul I.im c-oi.t -Ii nn-n la "V he contlinle I. "yo ir .!" jpilplex all I tan'all.-- um 1 al :ot. Out 11 -t u nto c ni i.ii In 01 wu. 11 tl.l'V t Ill, lid llo '' l-i l" is cm. m,' t,.':ii',. Cl in I Mlu. U innio take hue' ..I I t t:m..u v.... ui:.v. ....-. , r..-. so I Mill I 1. Ve I I I til discover of V ';'.,1 I n iiiiii l mu." mi I bowiu, jjnicn j luii), b,.e . '1 loin. 1 0.1 1 j . a. ui f jiu, li ny I. mu bt 11 IiU I mill 1 a-U u 411 iseoivle, ul .N. -.......0 ... I). I l ev L.i. I feoLe In Litii'pv. ilierii.o yjil il liajipii.uss, ..e I liud ilie.l ;U luu vnJ ol to yens 1 liu 11 lui lied lo .S" v i 01 ti a nn. a.i I liad bi 1 11 ul hoiiiu (mV. I .I .U..I..I s 'Litu U.t U-.i envliU l..i I uvul I t All l hill evening lie iiulchu l .Vit, I li"Vu'e, as II ' lio.m-liu , an. I wumi a ' Vacuiil beat 1:01. 1.1 Lu i.l, lull. e.l, hi an nl her hi Iu, Ad .h 1. vui.t. r In ... .u.a, !... . .. .,i.,..-, iv . , p 1 . nv her i.hiliie. He iiliil .(i li.tle ueie her most favoie 1 suitors. V lien spring come, and she went with her unit, to toeli lioall.fll I'l l deuciioiiihe liu I soi, he f mu I it iu his way lo visit a fnun I living IJcur. Unit mot iiiner him took a book, and I'ai-siu to the sido (,f the! hiuisn, suitted herself .in I nr a tion s I tin hi .stand it nil, Y.ui used spteadilijr uppld ir.to. nun of her, I liu poor innocent out, try iil. to fivoiitn h.innts. A ueutleiii in 0 ml- illy your power, of fascination upon. , Iii-i alon' tiio p it ll o.un I in adnlii l I 1- I rs tion ut the lovely vision seated there, while 11 bewildered look crossed his face. 8, rised ii-r I lul lUs,.nl..'il.. '.- '" ' . . 1 I'". '"'-"P". saw Chestirj j .''.m le approauliiu-;, 1 ..uimn 1 iiu,;uiiiv. i lion v l 4 .... .. .1 ... . . . . ... ')0:mi I ext'inn 1 hur Inn I. . ! 1 1 ... .1 ail I O.ltK'hXltMl tl) rOMiO Up ll'tH. Anl I iini Hfiru tliuy Htll nil n t' yon " be ue "Are von f '' ho as'ie I c i .irly. "t'eiiiiinlv I am.'' it 1011111111, mid iKino his ez up. mi tier said, ill a hesitating ,n a : lies Kevere, were ymi ever' iu Mi,i Utile V "I have been there indeed, I lived tin io until my uiiut adopte I me, four yens i." . It is a veiy iltf place. I spent a summer there nuoe witn a fiiiiul" Iiidee I f Yes. it ia rt pretty plsoe. .My bniue tvus h short distance from th.. centre i it beautiful old place ilh splendid old oiflhiird, in whinh 1 dti'4'ii.l to sit. Yin a.e i have h t eiitjioAtl my (omit. is pr i ." and rill" glanced lanKhintf al the apple lien under alneh tl ey We 0 sen I ltd, He I t.. ke l at, tier cjosefy. ud denly his bicu lihted up ami put- int out hit hltud iltipnlsWely. Lv ex - wuiineu i T.e now -what has pnizle l Inie'n'K"' anximi llid ffrun I central luml e Jonrf. Yon are Misi Lle lH-V I ' "I sii 4Vi I.yla I but how cid! its she rxtctidcil tier lito liwti.t to, mief bta. '" " ' " jiimivis on. and (he comets pnrmie 'Voitr 1 pnrvottnilinjfs,' Iho npple"thu trucks rf tim l oinml." In lili-fK ins Jind U IU4 i-(oiy (Tecldnd m illers of faith I'ctpirdmif theoloi me," jcal doiuiis. she milt all decree t ( 'Yes, I was Iti-m Ljlo, but I enf) tUoiee for the pnrpese of pivaerinu, hnrdly icalio it." . nnitv. and sho may enforce hi lh-f J' Ynii nfuscd my offer of frinhd- the ruck and torture, but a L ithcr ; ahip "tico dj 0U refuse it tid Meltncthoii will InCiils their let.; No ; have I not n!it:lv Riven n.'U my flint) Irtliip .'" s!i repli.j I 1 ii(,'!iini,'. ' Yt s. I tit it doc not sutisfy iue j I'lu y no longer iumvt i the pii u j iltliitiuh it Imt h-on veiy MVeet. I;M,.r bus pivnn pi i.v. to (he iMi inte! nine in mi .M'W ini'K to you. lo tell y .ii how dviidly nu I truly I love you 'Iv yoin ii'Viy :i iiu, or t.. nii iin depi'iids upon yon nlone. Winiiso in v d'litinir, shiil! I m or stuv f' !n voi.'rt was tro u il nu wi'.'i feelil A faint pink c.lored her u-nvi!!,v pile face ; Imt raisin ' her ureal bl.in Mi to his, hln Hiisiveied ! ' I Imii. .lav, Chester !" Let lis lime them for tl few hours. nt., I ictiirn t i tin I x ititiie M-ati I in the i n 1 ,r, al ,.,. I'i i il' v. Ilia : -V Hit unt, i'l'',' I .'A- 1,1 li') , t. an be en el , 1 l . i ,, i, I his l etlpeets to M ,s lleve. f : "J mi utv nl ine this evening j .,f what ereyoi so IiiIhIv thinliin; Wlitin I eutele t ."" he ill, rule, 1, with an utt.-uipt nt li.yfuln. rfH. "t If linn y t Mi . I.'.tn'i. i t." 'li' .'.I 1 but li'.pn I I'ceupie 1 a ,,, t f tJL.,u ;" , Hlil,l si litiuintlt !V -Y.i'J did," she reinied. ainiiillL'. ! -O i. Ms !l,v,..i-uv lu hn ; : I nu.'.t I 1 1 mil ho v deeply 1 love !.m ! Wll Jo I be ininn ,1 il bu.; .'" Ne.er ! .dr. I.miUeit t'li.voi cut 11,, t ineiui it. You ,. . . . 1 ; ,.ir mi:i.w . . lie I li.r.Mte.l. '.V hir !" him 1 1 i lied col.lly. "1" 1 "nit ,-l I, ol st It a lt ci-n I the I, ,ij..i (11 1.; a'j'.o I , I.. v.. .'" L,e in. i!ui, ,1. I ' I . si l ,1 !'' i'"lr ....-....,..,.....,,,.1 ,..ni- I ' yu u,i. I 1 en tl ilhns iih in.' H I III h no i.los ; I one j.,11 imt ( al ! ici. uf oi e f, n ine "'" j ".N. t i.iie 1 11 1 1 nlo uf I ,ve 1" h!e. in ii'.ie I 11 'a.n. hat l. ivn vo: il lie to ,l, -i 1 v eU ,lv 4llll !lU ' ti(, UlU l, ,., ,ly. "J'.ii ink um thai' Well, I will t. M M.ll. ' III! I llllfl isptti l I nvtet hill) ore, hle I, .' 1 it up t him. J ''Winnie l.ylti bn exclaimed, , huskily. ' Yis ; Winnie I. e mid Winnie 1 ! Hefco are unit! Do yon unit 111, 1 I now, what you h avu d imt ? ' mi I slut thiew her heal ba-k jiroiillr. 1 "t-'h, Winnie, have mercy and ! . pity me! I did lovo you jn leu l 1 did 1 Let me explain '' "No i I wilt li-teu to no cxplan i- I'hiU. when she tui'itud mil live I 1 von. y tirod of Imr, thiew her mnda for a new toy. I .1.) nil. y von. but do not I tve yon." I t I!., 1 .l;.l ' , "I'liin; but I cannot no. 1 1 . I .. 1. .. I ! . "'Hi! U.I'O ,iisbi'.i iiwiiy, willlll 1 1. . V . uiu ui-.i yo ir 1 iiinicssuosii. "Why cannot y.ut iv mo hope - .y' " . " .' """"" V""' ""l oilier : un.l Her l'V s shone bll-'htlv rti.iiMi.,.' ,'..l.. i,,. l ..... v. ., tj.rn I cuilii. foi ivu. ,1 ieie i, taiiie nu niii'i. f c... .ill n.i." Ii.. ,'i.liii.ii.i 1 1 sej nil no', Un retiiruu I. luokeiilv. "t on l.inir jii her. t.i.n- ter. This h my puuislnuotit !" Willi blrtlll llll'l I. 111! hlll till) house ciiryiu ki'th iini the picture of the two happy I mos tsft buiiiu 1 him, Ecleclicism in Medicine. As all theories will have their fol io wots, it is not t he wondered ut. that tho medical professiou baa beeu divided into sects, nor indeed is it lo be regret te,. ss iiidopoudent iu v. situation would thereby have beeu ariested and an en I put to progress. Tb re never can.au I tnere never Will bn ilininiiuity 'of iipiiiion iii any sci ence uot eiutnaced iu tint citoht of t la el lot Bulonces, Tnis is true in i elation to f t,hi bihiist ml I I nvest blanohes of knowledJit'. Tho lloiuuil Catiiolio ofmrcli may jhsii.j hur Me cree an t ud foi tii hur bull, for lbe'MiHi. but mid uin.v pro lmint i pui pone of, at rvatinir the eaitltiii her.LloH st, tilts abroad, but virtue in eou.il nary, and he td hurl . her auathe. oped .defiance. n.l iU bid len re- m ttuuiuvt the . tterv iQusseu 'erltrentsi aud vsnanist ioj the hidden ' PA, SKPTEM15KU tut rcai Jitss of nil tlit sn the w ul.l n, ,,,.. ... u,-r in- vest icat kiun io !! open .or f.f tn- Kef .nmlion l oo writing of tl,.. fit hill N of inedieilio in 'iv IVnUMe. . .Seientilio tre, i-e. m as the m nil;- iih leniidn liave jjiven pl iee t" ittn l llllll tl III llfill theology 'l'!j,, I'l 'ln' iiihtitnte Coillite I eighty y tein", of tieolot-y, tthicli Imd b n i'.pl "1m I by in .i.l. I il piv.'sti.' iti.ei llo ui iiiv systi'ius of ine In-lee h iv p - ndawiiv, mil liowniiuv ni'-r ni" , 0 tx l-ll to 111 III' ! " le I (the bath, woo enn tell? N i mm is h I f I it'll, I lo science ill i.nv ,h'i It till " t ,,f investigation Alio w.-l' I atte opt io l!n a an lion I vri"i' ac ml hi. 'li'"'!.. ''' " I"'"-''-' in union I10 may tin C I ixi 1 T . 1 coiitn'eitioii lo m len.-, is f u r 1 ; nh 1 n' a fossil r-11 11 1 11 for tnecil'ii. t ,.f ,ni,. futnin miti.pu-iin. Keh .-li ciniii rejects n ..inino of tho pnt that is n.uthy of ii pla-o in the dooitei 'f J tine tiie.1i.Ml s lie-. .!, a 1 .pt eveiy' thinj .,f tu- ineseiit, tint l,iorou-ti juvetu-atinu mi l cperieiico ha-i' ; d on. ilstiiit.i l t 1 bo valu ibln. W,;!,i 1 estrael ine; tini lines, it is cilufill H't I to dwt m b I hn whe it In i's J , 1, 1 C ' lice, Il does Hot , nlrov 01111 din is,.1 by loipt.iM in ii:e.l lr : by l e nov ' ill'' tilll I I !'-. It .1 es II it H 'lbs' It ,l,. ; ,, .. 1,.,. 1 ,,. In .11 ateiia in-liei. ..ii .,,.!. , a. .;,,. r. u.., 1., I,.,,.. ie.li.oii'"io..i .Ai'i'fi item -1,, . I I 1. . . I 1 1 . 1. 'upon .licenses . wl.teil I ' 1iui , y ill e ai- pile I, so th It, w lell Ue i'..-.. i-.n 1.. l . 1 1 1. I.. .., ,,,',, It , 11": C" i' is. tn .t calii',1 be a'.en in nei.H tin 1 loo I'll,' III'! Hi of I'm v:im ! li I o 111 a ..i -nil aled w 1 1 eotlt 1 It l"t . I I 1 1 ell,-.'! s, i.ii l !. iv- ,,, , ,1 nt. II lillei'te 1 1 ; ! to- i,l' l,;not .li ed in li, is ti oi v- 1. ai'- li.-e 11 1 tl po s,-i ins ; of I os, 11 .'. 11 ii !, ,!. ar l:.'!ei"'. 're-n!.4 of '.uedi ..In, III I Wil 111 I V l-lii :, 'll-l I' ll V. -ni '. at .11 11 .', c'c., i i 0. X 1 pii'. si, 'i 11 ,v 1 . I111 la., "ii a , ti -e lu a 11 t h- d.-p'ii I nien'o. ll hi'im i'i. ;ti 1 11, 100 lit hill's pi 11, M it 1 ni 1 lei a '0 sctio d of in. l.eiiie he or -on hi.; ul ' bud 1 I. I' 1 1 ; l.p! 11 1 I 'mu 11 ,t b "inv ititi ir s iu il.ii the .1 i t ir, 1 1 m 'tihe s!ioi! 1 ii it fur 1 ni -ii "it r t.t Mills.;.. ! vith the e em 1 it io ta tin 1' winch I li is pas I Hue.'" ill II IV. 1 C el -t I'll I ssfll lv lie K'i I ir. ' him a course of liiof. 111 I ei'il I : j,.)k Kt Iv, mi I b -n I til his eu-r ji.- 1 lo piitieui. an 1 protriee I invnsti ; 4-! lion ill nil the di p 11 ttii-titn of luedi-l cal sen nee t j, esMimiial Unit the pn''o' ' h,o:ild h.ivo u,,t,,i hin-e in the me li t f,.,.i ,l in th . mn bed 1 , , !,al Ihevmiv. Kverv !.,. to .n.o. u'i.mi.1 ! ,1 tlioron ,1, 1 ' ..i...t,... 1....1' ,. '..,.1 il.. ,, ,., , (ll(,nil unl up. . -lit 1,1 ,! his habits I .411.1 llell ll Illlellt. Il Wolllil nil 111 I. 1 tl., to noeo Un-do 11 s ti llnp,.sii- 1 li.t.it.. 1 1 t o 111 11 1,, t o I he n, mil lenei. . , and saucl ilv of home a reckless 11:1 1 . vicious phvsici.m i iirnormice werel jb.lter than akill assoriite I wil.i, I "nnal .lepravity. I liu po-ltiot. o, ..m.i...l I.v ll,.i m ,r.,m.. i issiteii thai I . ... ... ,. f pliysicians can eeii a .vouieriui iu-i l.i t i luencu for i'ood un ni the eo niu'liii-1 I. ... . . . I i. ,o,. o , w ,,,,. i u io bo true lu, ti,u t,Kt ,pos,.. iu them, mi 1 1 jll)(.,.t j;. , llltJ v,lst r..sp,iusioili I ltj,.g ,y ttl,.!, ,iHy , Hlll'l' LIU l",. I'I'ohm, ilnitiiin siuill rest ve it li special weio it op m tlioiio ho elaini to be iff , l iners and molical jnrispi n leiii'H, mid thny should labor most .etilotisly to convii.co the world by superior medical skill and tho ex posure of in ll ptiictiue, til.it thny are s.irthy of iini na ii' Iu this an of protfress und conll'Ct of thouhl, when moht of the sciences aru in a transition stal.t, it budotiies every man of eeience, an I espeeiaby every member of Hut liberal professions. t' be constantly on the y i vin ut iu q iiry, au 1 to proseO'lta tile work of investigation, puslnn' principals to Ihoir ultiiinites, until tho nhdolute Mtlih if ossible is reached in eveiy. thinj ooaiiecV'd with h'i'il on ktiO'vU i dja an ) liuioau huppiuusa. ! Ivvtl to the task of ineetino it in it bold, 4 4 I '22, IS81. NO, 10, ucl sltin ks, I nt ren 1 it e limy hi fntiiid for i's pi-OHeiuiion imlrinili- ciition t the bene i l ire. Imt tin mm e powei fnl in li.lote is nt bund lo lind im.i H ply tin sn ni;encii'4 toi gmM is tho woik of tho hihiiithiop i t and Ihu physician, and lie is i- u,v ,v, (j1)nl,,M , ,,.,,., ( i, . . . . , , . . 1m,,,, , , ,ip ,.,,.1 ,v, ,, ,,.,,.,. ! .,.,, i... i . , f ()llt,..,Htl Ul l(l l,.t,u. flM I ... I I.. ,, , .... I . ,1, I..i-.pin: the tl'lt'l i 1 I C il'ee'in. !ni.s in pi-i-t ice. it I, is ti!el' ii. a i. n' b r. p ov, i f i' ni r.n r. h', l in I ive-i ill t in i'l il i n i' ihn.ntirn prof, -"-i on. us t' nenl" of I r - it lieu! i', I t l I :)( h t ii-tii I -v ..-.'-i1v "I' Me ilt -i ii v ..-iii-il r .ft. 'id li'i'l '1 Ol! t V, I, .in",.. .V le! ii. never, .ii'-i:mh .t t I" I.n. i Kef t ,,) i . in 1 union o-i'v ' u i 'it ! it .-oil, ' ' , tt . ' -i c I- I':,,, j he'll s.i'in I - I -t it -t r.i j M 1 1: i . i I i i t i 1 i I ,mI! . it.! l: .pe t, ;.. .,f Nil. I. ' t I. I. to I ' 1 ; ' ' : li .i I Ii, lbi...tiii pit. 111 -i.l ,. ,,, ,,,, 1, ,. , ,. easion.,1 ,v inc-nent b lh. i , i.f e.Miee i, i iin-ii, le-', and their i.il. nl m l n:,,, ljllt , ,,M ,..,.,,. Xlie onn un lhB ()l.r ,,,,( . m!,t o ,.,.t!y. (eaih-Hly m,. fn-. lei.lly I f(. ,,, ,,,,1,1,.., , ,.,.t,,M u I savs, 111 p.iiiip'il.-'.- ao 1 bo.ik, 110 1, 11 II M' h.'nimu k 1 1 nl I1.1 bi ni.iit 11 ,! li' i-i .',; 1 I ,i' 1 :i 1 1 1,11 111 i-i- . an I thny s ,ail e a'4o I 1 Mi,, i s ,:e;,ni I m - - In 1 v.ilu .. It ,i H n tO tie II ,.1,'a 1.11,10,' A, I I n.lll,,' H ' plo lo niicuio e vei t li inij lino d ll.lt 1 1 1 1 I -1 -1 1 1 , 1 . loo I i :y I ,1 t.t 1 ! . nl' e, sit 1. llliii l t'.ot l.i, y l.u.o'. ,1,1 tll.tt is aorlo !,n. living. lit' V do ine tioul'l'i t in in " .-s to 1:. i'iuv nr. loose tiiin.'.t of une.h to a.i- l-l.iu not. It 1 1 1 jl.lt 1 1 1, .1' f .1 uv.'i v Il 111".-!' i o,a 1 t 1 r. 1 1 01' li 11.' 10 1 1.' , I a- 11 I ir i.l a liti .t a 'iv ...4 j . Ii Jit ni I. I wiien 1 ti' . 1 a.i liiinii.y Oil I. IC I, 1 i oil 1.111:1 II I, 'li IS I'll 'it' , i I 1 in or I T t 1 It ,. ii 1 1.1 11 ,'U- II II , 1! I I po I 10 , 1 , l .1 cola' I I lo II oliC'l I 'I ' .V . I ' 1 1 O. lii 'I I s I t .1 I . t-iloi I ol 1, 1 t a . I . .j 1 ". o 1 Ii 1 1 l. 1 - ; I' I I 1 i.ll I I I ,il .I'll-:.. I I 1 uli l,l' I 1 ',' .1 1 i,- : i .ti l i.ii'.'ii 1 c! a olo 11 . I 'or in soil i . t hs I'll ea-1 1 un in ; p lysici i',i, ,'ii.;it"l in a cert il l sisi'ii. I 1 y i'i ni I i' all ! .tints .11 hiiiiio i.; 1. 11 I only .v e.'.iiy . i t.n vilest epit in Is. Ail otli.n' 1 iv j-u'ians i-llsil.t, tu-ir pit' 11c ill. 1. 'Iiooi, ill a. oiin Wo i I till ! if, in t in-1 1 '...I, .'. . ,1 , . 1. ' " I'piie.i.i. It n -i I )'il .ill" 1 4 11 1. I I 1 llllll IV. ni 1 'i ol f 1 11 I WHO all! I. V ' 1" II 11 ' Wlsll I I III, 'I IS II C . t. fit 1. I'.l V p III,' C lilt." Ill ... 11 ' , I. I' ' ' 1 llil'l IO I I 111 Sll III t I "i'l I II IV 1. -, 'O - .1, j , It'll Mil ip'.IOIi'l, rt l.l' II l!J I V b'.l II I li.lt ' ii" Mi 1.; t 11 ii.sl. li 1. ol ill, ll' Il I . . I'll I I ll ')' I. e I ll, . II . ol II. , . I. .' , I . I ... VII' I . T . - ' . '".' ' ' ' ' ,H on I t 1 lj 'locii.'is.it. X . " '" ' 1 H j 1 do I iu , oo;i isiu ' I sistiiu Hole,, I... IHs'il.il I! j HV-jtrtn ,ii 1 i,,,ui. 1,.. 1,.., 1 1 '. ll i I'j i.n, .t.i I H ' a i . i el I it no I si in I in opo el I I I t i llli .Ml ii It Hit V , ,t I o' .' i loi, it n I ! no ' el'fe I I'l It t I 1 I I I ll'S of t I,' ti'ii i il In iron ;'il v un l i 'tan I I 'iscii t d in .ron'ilv u.i l.vi'iu I l I t.t,ll .1 ol t ill' I' ion, an i tlitlt'fi I illl" j .stilled 111 I II I ' IV ti ill t.t I". ' I nvii llin b.ii ii ii !.ii"iiueo win.- . o i.ni oo .oil. I c . i ii loi' 1 1 i no j i t, silli, i,; ijriii'., i,i 1 nl'ii.i no li'illif'll att i in s ii 4 It Uo i I IU j '.it. ter wohool iv'leeticj by pel'S.j.'i- .t illing tiiuui lelvea All i)4tino an deserving of t'dtl (,'IUatot C0UUL' from every li nieit. 'm i, wo.i'ioir.ir t ie.tr tun unit illo l for fl.l.-liiii,' cut of lidio'ilit, I ut nucu tiiin'.t to iu)au: this 1111(11 l;u i vs ii it. nu of w.i it be attempts to as-lel't. If tiioso wis linn km: iv Uiijlhitje; at ull llboli liele.'lii'ism, limy wo aid not pe such arli"l.iH r .li'iin'e tl.emselvi in the eyus of tUu p ililio. To assur tviihont ktiowli'dtti and proof ia tin I'haiueli'iiitio of one devoid of U t d''ii.tiiidinj,, and il is to bo hop4l that lllipaibs will not disirai llieiusulvos and., the pr ifesst ) l lo (hie a ay as they have hitherto done I'hat tQere are ixnorrtnt ptrsoin piaotiojbfj uiejicino, in ail schools un one will douy. . iut Iii eoudema i wliule aynteiu aa uuwOthjr au; r ieet. beaanse idf Hie ijjr.oraoce . eoiue. i.lowa an evident luck of tint lurl:e. ev-ty Tliundiiv Ereninf ' I Jhiruj'diAit CRoasK, Prtp4 Turn of Su'osenption, , i u dollaiw ri;p. anm;m. rt. ul ntlmi si moutliit ,nr fS.Otifnnt f'lid within the yciir. Proti)r (li C'ntinu"i ii'.t.i !', rrrrivrnin are I'lii.! unlt-si nt the option of the pub li'linr miI'( rim'rms mitld bf Iho count "WtMt.B 1.1 AOViNCK. tjsI'iir iM lifting nnd n!tlif pnporl ..lriM-.'. .o .iili 'i lcciiini'til.srrilni md are li.iMe furtlie j.rioe i f tlib paper I " !.t tii tli 'ii. in I'm f itm-.i ia, o-heir no tnit of ti oi 1 hilly ail unjust Hsiult ., , ,t t a! un J .Hf()r (,j inoumta peaca und Imimony Im ee:i inet) other nil I Working to ."ther !'i l.toiherlv loin for thd " l.ellt i f snivel in hii'iistiilv. I.. Il Mi l II. ten,; !. ntrnmnransu Twn C!'?i Vptlicittrs. ()".(' f tl." 1 I,, mi fc( ,,e liejiii's thai ii"rt.i' i-mii n M 1 liipi Ii ji d r.. i"i 1 111 dy t'ir iveilcnns; it j. ii '. .a;, 1 o, i enr-s rctM,ir,.fe Tn-, in--1 mi I r, il-i'i lii V ; it iiiM 'M'dv le lid mi I I ..eUseli.i ; if s I 1 1, , M Bel follSfl"1! '.VI. -i vromv ,v.. 'i ,.)' I iei ; w!i rt ioi "i' l ac si i' 'd k!,'.i. l o re ft' 0,1 rants is mi 1 nt n o ne 11 1 1' ,1 i a 1 . I 1 e lack d.i'i-p i'ii-i's i)eiirs!.'ia, 'sn,r''4 .1, t 01. ..'on Uny ,e-o 1 li f 1 I ! rp, ii I t he p i,it a 1 lie on . -n ', it 1 in;,i h's bark (ro 11 h" v en ;- U. " i. ;1' Il tit t lie (Iteel . 1 . i ,. 1. ,. , ii'mlj 10 k!ep; If 1 1 ,, ', every s k mill jl 111 ay Hn i .l. 's 1 I. ir. mis, "if he sleep ho I .I v.i ;i." An 'l ei 1 xit!1. nt iiiedicine in tun '.'lie. 'llioorll I'.rpiiies 111 re o! I', 11 er.iliyj aid p'iv.ii'!le. It li ne.ie si, 1, 1 l.it.e t! nn iiv rp'one, m s 1,' l int tlniii po, pie-. J) c p, for "Ver cuiil.'i,i, br conrnloirt, Inr h"tiiiistiui, for r.e ! iiioholv fr rve MthiriL', Mill." yi lir Kauim sunny oi l cli. nrtul ; bn Id y ttr bonne a.) is to eon, n, in, ,1 il,e fiuiliM till day "'' c IIV.il ill ol' b 11 1.11 iyn' 1 i's 1 1 1 I iii N , '.v Yoilt 1 l.o o, le r , lav. it wis nii..n'iu ui -c I '-o vnl u 't I " il l ro,,i.'.i in t 'i.'ir m i -ti n I In r, 11 'I' r lie 1 b'l'il; l!l',Vt!li ll SSI j of i.l , I I.,, f.-l,. r ,,: .J i, 1 i i, f ,r. I 1 1 ' i ' I't'i'S, r. mi, v- l s t I lllllllIlH III j o. I l fl. " I.l 11 ' Ij'l' Ol 4 hnie,' i.ni.iiti-l I. -hi.il inlilH-y land i.ni a'tir, l.'oal hmiie tit px .Inn jnde fnil.til- II '1 I r-.li 111 nil c i.oles. - inn rr-m cri'T r''T'P Liu i !l ni bu.iL. r.F M.LI3LY CUi.LS . V II. n.; t (1.7 ,'''.,0 '1 li.s, .1. S,Tftt I-. ;.' it: tA.'ii n 7 r I". Jr., T"l it: I'l'T'.'t'iM 1 :i 1: r u rv r. .r t I ' rf "I si. ),, -,- iM, i,, !,, ,1 i, nlt. 4t ,,.,,. 1 Ii, . In 1 "f, . . ,1 . ..I n ii'ii, t'miLV ;rsr 1 1 1. t. li ." I 1'iinli' r. :inl 1 1,.- 1 . i.ni - I 1 '!"' "I 1 ' : ,' t 1; 1 an I io i 1, 1. 1 .-o i-, id. , I ii.t Mli, 1 .,r j f .,,' s,ii,t,,.., l' ,. nr l tl i' . v Skin I 1 'icl i 1 -.if, 1111 rt'eilOl. i.nli'1, l.stii Kiel 'U'try .it.m..'. I ..... 1 1 wi .1.1 luu. ' ir, or i' to, a.i I iti'all ,4 i,...tii, It Itf.rtiut. VV 'i-li .,! 1, vf-t- t nt'i-if n .t , IM(ttfot rru i iui nu nn i iifi i niifi i ( n,i it it i,u,ua i ii' i, .((it, i . tn nnti t ir s( -t. .-: ll l .!. ( i v ,U f.'.ijil i, u tu 14 tn I mi t i y 1 ri i n i i -t tt I l-r . ' ' t i r ; ((...) Imiuli a If ti ri,i. i In . ( m ''.ti pi :i tiiu '"! ht e p ti !( -ei j i rui..u, rt y t i.ru.l i,j iu i ui ur Ui ..u Hit-, 9iO f;il4 iMirtt.l nl i ni r ,.t,i Hl'ti'l " I , Oil.. L' 14 !H.,'dVKNt t' ..d lly T it A IIU I i f 1 1 t iii f-o r T tl Hi M tV -ll.ltfl inl ll i l j t'H Tl' .1 I Uet !( "f o... ,,.;:;i 'ft W ll ti i 'i i i r i ft i him f ii i,. ..)( i.;t: ' ! i-ir.-K an I s.'.iv , . ..h hi, i il i t . I :i Kite .- f. II. l ull, I , I I f '. . I e I t.i! 'I. fit ,j I ii ,'i. s i .. o '1 . , I i , ,,.! Ie I o ., , . r 1' tr. :l. Ml i.. i'!nri.! In .ie i. n "ll.i mS l.iii.i-. I. u.i niel ts.ii. i ' . , , . i . ...... i,.. iit.i.l ll ... It .1 l. I -t. I. el, M'llt L llr t li il II,. ('It,,,'.. I. t.i.l T- i .1 Ml. I .',, I I. r, .I i. l i. I ,.v r I,.:, i. . , I I I .. I ,. . I I I ll I tiA ..I'll.,. ' I .' I ..I 1 li.i I fti. I Hll tu il.i. . . "ll j ! S. i'.l. j H a, V. 'i .ii.ir, It. .tun nil .'Mirr I l.i e.ie. , ".,..i i, i ioi. -m, : li lie, , , ni i I. ) ii . .' oiOutit .-.lilrr i. Ir. ui H I. ' : ii ., , l ll..' I., - , ,' ... 4i,l . u,, i. , .i. r I v leiiiit .1, I, on on tiiHl I n. i'u.i'.I, sua 'ru- ' ' I. ti U .' ,.i ti , '., f ,..fi. ii.lp fi..,.f,l. I 4.IV- IHrtu ... 1-lilM till Hi) ftui'.'iru lli.tt I . . i .' ll I.e. , II It ' i 4 I e 'Ir .le. wr.' A. ilirii.i ul. I titi l1V,u (, i, ,B I'mlL'tit lissi ii U4 ..nil itii.y tin. i.l ..ur.j ;:,oi. . Kilt lidttiois. .Mm. S 1'. Wl,l,i.f, l.sritur, ill., r,j ,hi Imr l e s ii.4. s,el .len e i, .it ii -rii.,iy er iinli'ipi r.w. lis. a ..iv.tui 'win t, iui nt I'Ttit Sit1rrl lumf 1 1 v 'tu I trn, I rtv. ry. iilns. feriunuaulii cursa l uiw.lr . sm. ,lif. t'litlriiiit iiS'iifl 1I.M nr.. r,ir vtls t,f nil .'rr!jjM. ii4 I . 'l th r ,n. ll. l.vli, 0 .lell?. nut ill I.ni... "i 'c , I ri. I'l'in. 41: t'lrntJiA Kki.ul.1 st; us new lltniia uiinr il p r lutts. tjivt I'Hl MkI'IIISIL leltIT '.iu. t't'TI in. Ur.liie: u Sh ,v u SoaC, Ii, I In U.r r i,i, irs mia urrfM con. aumr., do. ritittl l dvisii. WCKKS k I'liTTHII. H "Hen Msn. . esVAll n.lliil Irt i n lol,l si p itM. srtl I sjm "s r.Jinis' (-iu.tio C -fc"ifO liii riii, I'lmniii, wi. wwiJg3!i'tciR.o:;lrf ;i'r'i"e I".', VS. MSTt UOIlut,... I I,., IMUI l- ml , ,,"ili, l.l. 'l ndiil nut. Ms! is In. I vr .n iti s s it.l Xi'lui y tut L'rl my .in,'.nil it. tn.l ui.' to i..r . uvr (lis i-ii at us luuiMOh, o.r His kt li'r. er sny ntlt'iHtvi lit. C.ISS it l tl . Kill ItU.'lfMl,., Yf.tV.Ks fe ftirli.U, llOM.lON, . I'LAIN & FANOT WMl ITRS AD a'SHiI-sKIi, tlf ruUn .1 leht(i Mil1 mpSMtl.lllr Irfbfut llij uuim iui n is p ..r.a in u Htn mi i tin. I evlti iiiumi'lly st liy,i rmlss. '"' "J ,m I I J I .' i".s. lioua ,op,