- 'J"tT"'Tirxr, ramtMBHM.. J.L..J ' - The Post, r.Milebarg, Sept. 15, 1881. li CRWSTdUoV A Proprtior."" County Ticket . Ytit Dirtricl Jit.t, J. SiKRKIL LINN, iif Lesislitirg, VIM M 4attle f US DlslrVot Cesferaat.) For WierifF, DAVID REICH LEY, of Centre, For Count? Commissioners, JOHN REtTZ. of Franklin ; JOHN M. MOYER, ofMldJleburg. For County Treasurer, A RON 8. IIELFIUCK. of Beaver. For County Auditors, DANIEL HI EKFEXB iCII, of Penn, OEOROE W. MERER, of West Perry. Htuto Ticket. Stale Treasurer, 8. M. BAILV. of Fayette. ilie Kepubiiciiii convention at KtrrNbuiyon Thursday, nominated e. m. H.tiiy. or iniontowii. myrtle f ... a. candidate forStute Treai.urer,'l,eorjf, NIr y iif. Iii'j honor for VCHfl Or 11. 10-J4. Hon. Charles S. Wolfe. We have always ad'oirol Mr. -Tolfe for bie "pluck." but was of" " ,,. , r . , i bir frreat publi opinion aud gave exproeeion to the , .. , , pininn that bie love of r.otoriaty ) is dnah and anper abno Imce of zi-l would briog about jitwbt bat , nr . , . tr.iiupiro I. W e are truly eorry for' r. n t it . i ii l .ui. Muui. uohiuiiuij woni'i nave ftocomplinhed much in bringing IlKnilfc Mnn.P A.n.liliiiH r9 t . . .r ' . ... . f.ue within the party, but be baa! . . ... I Knt vrvlbio(j. la addition to the break-necli c rime be ia pnreuiiig io hie oandi J cy for iState Tronurer. hie eincori fj ae a reformer ia being badly dam Rf,cd in bia proecntioo of a claim f r more ail try when no LogieUt jr koowa letter than Mr. Wolfe flit '.boy did not render aorvicea for uu-ethan thoy have already recoiv- And we would inform those ho e'e of op'oiou thit the "o intimof t'uie section of the State will rally rSjut Jr. Wolfo" it ie a gru I iui :u';o. A' a matter of courao we em only speak for Snyder to any decree of curtainty, but it it our bent judge ment tht Mr.JWulfe wi'.l not poll a d T'n of votea in Hcivdur Comity. The FrttM, .Mr. Wolfe fiiun I in vryt''iing exoopt bin TraHiirer ninlidaey, reflocte the viewi anil folingi of the party iu tU. -i o aut in the following : "' recognize the force of what Mr. V ;, MtvN iu to ttiw refusal of tlimirio- gurit to uny wuriiiii'rt. Ve eon-. im.U that tbny niiowe.i t im 'Ivhk In Moiinible to )iit Hiid pat riot io u;ip,iU. If it were euuply a iiueHtioii of nunt-'i- iu the boiMoe for their arbitrary and c'tfriiiHive ooiirte. we ulioulj make no iwHiio witb Mr. Wolfe. Hut whatnlmll w itnin if, iu d 'tenting thnin. we ! troy tb party t What nil ill It proitt aiiixou if, in pulling down tli touipu und criubing the Iu ilictinee. he bi n ..fal rmrUliMH in theattuuipt Now an. tti. lioKHt-K to b iletlironil from t lull control of the party by leaving ('..'III il) Ullliftlltd poMf.Klon T If f.ie in lnpemluta werH to fol Mr. Wolfe, what h ipi woiiMrxiu iioof tb I rj.lepan'luitit gaining tll In ixti-rv of tli urgatiu ition t It woiilti dnfe it t!m (tarty, but bow would it drive the iiinuil,Tri irmii iiivir win rtiiiiTiiinriiin j u l now would it advance tlie indu pendent flag ? ru riuit or men a co'iri w mid L.i.,i,.L.nu.ri.. i.. i 1 r''lll"," W Ml Ml tin iiiaiiagHr in ulneilute command lieting nndrtr hie tdaudar I. It i' i' of .hn uranltetion und to put the In-! . , . . , , , dc(.end.M?ts where they V mid not wlM not ' ,0 re"1 '"' ,,,r t', 1 1 uiaki ii further thcht for It-po-seieilon. leion on tUi 4 a:'iject. Mi'. V ilfa m ThoM who follow Mr. Wnlf.i iro on'-! . , , ,. s de of th.. lin-s. When this battle U 0UHt' c "' n ' l",f l,l "r"' t (vr how ars they to oouih hack witb-1 He baa the t-rvi I apirit of Dim en li the lilies and renewthe ooutest toi, , o ... ... i m.n. li.te the party from personal j """"' 'I" ' "I" r Jet How are they to renin the iluuca of niany It n n i i '.Mixtion where thev can wagw the ' ,. .,i. .. i... tight or thesway of the popular will t,04"' " ,,,,n- fl,r i' ;1' ' And vn 1 they oould retoro au I i matter of pi nieipU. If tie eh ill t ik" iimke a euneesiiful striiKgls. how could j- . . t , ,i Sf , thev demand ai-nuiewence In tbe act- HI,"P "Toogtl the .Male ll.e Ion of their majority whan they refuse acpuieeeenee m ilia present rosuu 7 The big bslJooo witb which Pro fessor Riog proposes to cross the Atlautie ocean is called the "Orea' Weatero, and was completed at Philadelphia a few days ago, Tfce profevsor has gone to Minneapolis witb this balloon for tba purpose of making, experimental voyage to tbe oaet, Tba balloon is cooetruoted o as to have a capacity for one hundred thoossnd oabio feet of gas, and the luf itiajf medium will be bydrogeo. TbAallooo proper weighs seven boeJrsd pounds, the Betting, basket, eto , weighing from seven to sight bsoirel mors. Tbe baJlooa is roads of a doable thick- ess of robber slots, a material eo- rely novel to bsllooaiag iotbl oontrr. VJbsa on tbs eeeaa Pro f nor King iatsnds to keep a boot tlr or too baadrsi fset b;b, MiA.ti'aMliifa rf Jrf STAND BY THE FU1 To the Bi tot of TSe Phiht. Prm Lr.wtsuorto. Pa.. Heplember 9. The black flair, ban been raised Hitiut the ndcpetideut Kepilhli cms of Pennsylvania. Please an nounce tlmt on my own reepunibili ty I em an Independunt candidate for State Treasurer in full sympathy sith the Administration arid against IIik rule of the bounce. I will stamp the State and give uiy reseous for such ectiou. Crurai. S. WoLrr. We ere eqnallj amated end ifriev- at this ettraordmary actioo nf onr respecteJ auJ valueJ friei'I. It hie dispatch bal nut reached us Inst oijrhl at en Lour after tuo Ule. lirnpb office in hie rnral towo bed closed, end too late to adroit of furtbwr dminaoication, we elimtld earnestly lime begged Mr. Wolf t desist from tbie illjtl !e I aud un justifiable purpose, as we now conn eel bim to retrace bie baety aud im potnone step. Tbere waa little Deed of sayinjr that be takxe this re tutrkable and astonishing oourse npoo hie own reeponsiliility No other Independent Kinder would have advised it, anil we oaouot be liove lust any otber representative tlepnltticans will approve or sustain it The member from t'nion, fear- lese and impulsive at be in, line : boldly raised the standard of revolt withont 0(,nenltati.jn and with j out f roiluCtu. flit 'rent baa accorded, and etill 'I,;. I ,! .1..., t ..r I uin vi a V re a "J nwBaaBw b reform. Kveu in Ibe fuce of tbn mietitke it hi ontliiu to di-trnet from the value und the courage of io service. There wa time when he etood aduoet alone within the wtll of the Ciiitol bat tling agaiint o rrnption and jobbery and, however much hie preneut error . , . , , ... may be deplored an J ruRtetel. we may be lepl eanuot forget his intrepi I an 1 huroio fight Our prof iuo 1 re r a ii tlit t IsHt hn Qery and impie-uono! ,. , , ... . ,. zeal haa betrayal bun int an ill- haa betray coDeidnred reaolv "Thiob. bonmt ae hie motive doubilei i, will impiir bia naefullnniM no I tnmglit f ir the content which are el ill to be wnn 1 It waa riht to pioteat aguinet the blunder and tbo wroaj at Harrie liiii g. Bat it ie no esgrat.ion to di'dnre that the black rliht been rised ; or if it le not an ejaguari- tion. thnn o munh the more ne I of Mtnnding by the guna and holding tbn venttgd -ground for the battle. It ie n i time to deieM the pmt of dntr ;'io time to go out of the Re publican camp : no time to leave (he luaetnre of the tnachiiiH with an ex ciio for claiming to be the true and eole lofrtnd.tr of tbo lleptiblican ti ll?. Thin ii a battle within th pitly, and the dutti of wine and pat. liotie 'U-L m to remain witlii i Ih paitv an I fllit it out in Hut ri'h' way and al the right time. Bit if, in xnt" of the n n i (trance au I t " appniU whi''h fill be a I Inn! I t lr. 'V ilf . 1 1 i iH xtill pMiH in the oiirio hi 'in maik i I out. if a 1 a o i trilii'.t'i t'i lit th ciiivi!4 vhicli m'lst n ' undurrate I. I'lie ptrt of wi tin i to riiCJgnize the bingnr an I mi u o on evury eafitgiiar I agaiiHt it, I'ha 11 publican of the State will the nx r. I'ttdily b rii it if they appre ti it itm jrnvily and rue to it i noon It will bi eai I Hi it Mr .Vole on put hiiueiilf ouUi I j of tne pi1, .f the party, tint he b n foi fnile I Ihh pmiti d an I inll luncrt. au 1 to it ill carry n ftpoblici'jn vit ' u. We curtainlv hope that wit! M 'r no follower in 'bin imiin.'i'. mi I eli ill I i o'ir f ill purwua imrf hiihidi.c.iu am i-' n , people will come to hear, and It will require enruest elT rt au I can I' I argument to remove the huprnnioo he will leave. The swift develop meut of ton peril ia proof (bit the warning waa oim 1 1 1 in a Ivans if tbe Convention wee spoken in tbe highest interest of the party, TK Prut doea not appr ve thia n ive meut of Mr. Wolfe and will resist it eitbell its power i lint it apprsntU i the feeling which widely prevail ed and sought to save the party from any of iti possible oonse j hu ess. Tbe duty f to-diy ie wild tbe peril of to-day an I it rant be mat in tbe same bigb spirit Mr. Wolfe's appeal is to the Iu de pendent Republicans 7'As will not hs surpassed in true inde pendence' Its record sod its atti tude apeak for themselves. Withont arrogating mora than its service arrsnts, it feels that it baa soma claliutotba atteoUon of tboaa who peedence at ItrrMmrf, and hi the right it tDtoVce the Pepnblicane of the Plate to nUad by Ibe Republi can flag. It kaowe tna wrong of the Convention, and tia not hesi tated to reprobate tbem But it know, too. the greater wrong aud danger of linking down the rauee of Kepablioaniara in the honr of trial aud cloudiug the future witb a democratic triumph. Upon what valid iiroond can eoob a reenlt be nought or jttetifled f Not becanee it ia Decenary ia order to continue Ibe light for popular rnla within tbe Re publican party, for that "ill go right n. Not became there ie o hope of encceee without it, for tbe onward march of the peat two yenre will xooo bring victory. Not becaaae U ie required to aave a public truer from nnworthy hand, for Oeneral Bai'y'e honor ia etaiuleee Thie ia not one of thoee great emergeiioiea bich jnatify and demand re vol o tiooary action leaat of all re vol u titmary action which can have no other reenlt but Oeraocratio enocei. Tbe protett baa been made The l uoe have been etreugthened for tbe next contest The candidate ia per sonally iincxc.pt ionablo. Republi can ilnfeat would carry deep regret through the tVr, rti''i r 1 1 if t'ie whole Uuion and Doinxiratio no cne would be a ead refrain to greet a lV'eident eave I from the jawe of death and toamdain tbe great work . f Dicli lie ie ttie leader. And eo. for tbe Rake of Republican principles for the sake of the President him -If, let the Republicans of Peon etlvania now that their tic ket i in the lield, poetpone their diflTerencen to the appropriate time and stand together in following tbe Republican flag. i'hila ... ,gar maker are io de n tad io Lebanon. .... s a Packer's ettj ia con stnotly developing soma new val ues ... It. will take seven miles of n'pe for the Aater worke at War ren ...Tier are t'tti t m I' 1tt44 fir trokstirot' ia U'tdford c u i . . . . Tb'ire a n wttor f i uino in Lebit'ion v ilUy, -v ii i i i tu ill o- tion t oittlo . . . . '.Vd -btrr. a ir tgiM a p i i fight. iifli t vnnK. fvHftnui for its b i e '4. ll m II f r 31S to th) iii Marietta. Iu most places they shoot tlui'U, ....Heron Little, of Fulton onnty, killed a oiiiek-tu lately t ut. had a g l I I ilUr iu it ....There am inuites in I ha aliuit'ioiHo of C't nbi i t comity who were admitted iu I Noll. . . . .Sixtn.-n h j i Ir I h i'ii4 v i.- shiiiped from So ners.-t n Hi'itv tir ing the month of July. .... lid nbennen prediot a wi titer of greut snowa, on accouut of the dry HtiMiiuer weather . ...Fir lift in of I'eu .Hyl'auia' woidaripin co:n I u I w I i in run on th i Sjriylkill river . . . . 1 1 m i iy p trt i of tna et. tto tbe churches are opn every iiigbt for prayor fir the Preriidmit. . . . V 'vr-ink" 'ui'ir umr th Da.'iwtre '.V itel (lap l Ibe 0'inr ofaautkn vilitjouih . . . I' i J i u ici t III ;i i up-tiiy pai I for I t i r a'. ' j'luft Itt Friliyail i if tr I y, i ) , I II. ... I iii.l!or.' 'It imji 4t tr tud at '"r 1 1 ri o . , ,. A' w ho ('on conn Iv. t ia' .h . i ) m , .f ..) ri ll OS . . , F iii'i in t ie e .nt.i im l' i In ties nr lit'libg their polutos SO HM til oeciire at luiai aa 'uany biiniele ai thev pi tu led. ... Chestnut ii.et. Philadelphia, will U. iHniiini .i I a i 1 i die electiie bgii' on tit i i"!' 15 ll.Hie 4ii be I) i.'U4 . , , ,S iliiuon I'.iij'ii.i, while bl n'lt b- iliig io U iii' ln in Imiii, . Hi County, ri-ceiitlv killed eifbtt f oil istt!esriakea. I mau iu t'nrtj das invented s nctor that is said to furnish pow er foi a fuwttig uiitei inn a tbs oot uf one cent per hour. .. . WVer i m Id foi :'5 cei.ts barrel al Fiackvifle Schuylkill o-'iio-ty- The prolongel d onht has hied up Ibe wills end si i ram-. . ., , Thomas Millet, of Jefferson township. Washington county, out hi 6uger several week ago. and died on Wednesday of blood poisoning ....Michael Hairington, of Brad ford, pelted hie wife tjtb "tonss on Tuesday, and she returned, tha oompliuient by wounding bim io tbs sbonldsr witb a pistol, ,, .Nearly one-fonrth of lb mills within fifty miles of E ttou are said Ml, oa Mcmat ( Iww water in V, ,t,me frtta which tspowsrls A delegation frota the Aowery i kingdom have been at work recently in Oregon exhrnoiu tbe Looea of dead Chinamen preparatory to ahip- ping them to tbe celestial empire. Tba Jwnea of tbe dead heathen are dooe np in aacka and labeled with the names ot the deceased. All dead Chinamen mnat be tetarned to Cblua, or their descendants will be disgraced. The oldest building in New York city is to ba torn down to make roera for a magni6ceot len story sdi fice. It is proposed to nse the eighth, ninth and tenth stories for hotel onrpoaes, Tbs gneets shonl I invist on having a mammoth baV loon ordered to tbe room as a meaoe of escape in oaee of fire. The nationnl board of health hav received advices from Cuba to the effect that yellow fever is steadily increasing on the Wand. 8mil1pon and typhoid fever are also prevalent Vessel which sailed from Havana for United States ports ate reported to have bad vollow fever on board ben they left Sii.vfh Ohkek, N. Y.. febr. 0 18). f7rf - bave been very low, and have tried rvervtblnir. to no adven- tsge. I heard your Hop Ritters rcc. nninietnleil by so many, coni loded to give tbem a trial, did, and now sm around, end cnnMHiitly improving. and am nearly as strong a ever. V. If. WELLE R. Il is simply uuirvelons how quickly constipation biliousness, sick head ache, fever and ague, and malaria, are cured by "Sellers' Liver Pills." Fcpt. "Aadie biithlv prsise Malt Ritters." "'Iiysiciana prescribe tbem freely." "Tbe largevl Uittle and best med icine." "Our bei.t people take .Valt Ritters." "Sure cure for chills and liver dis eases." Pctd. PUBLIC SALE. I Ih will u6 Twtmwnl nfJoh Knpp tttnl WHt Hevisr tnwtinhlp, jt rntin'v. Pi., 4vift, IH tpo t- 1'iiMic Hl-, at IHurib m Mciilurv. on Friday. Sept. '-'Hrd. 18H1. Tli r.illnwlnir rtrrlti R-al Katale altsstp In th loubli suit o-iuntr aforsll, ootitaiu- I On Acres mnrs or twnfn1it fforth lT lifiils nf Snlo. min Kr-I.-. K"f iy IkhU r s u. aiitmpn, H. nih H larnU r J.tl.n I rl. sn1 Wt bit nf fli- fl-lra of Jnlil. t'l.h, driiad, rLrriiu r wr-i'tcl s UrffSIW'i-At.irr Frsme House, Bank IWu ; Mh-l n n.'lll.ne -Irallnnl w lr ummr Iti- h ,.-OI )ll A HO "t i ll'il frill I'Hi h .nl Jt i:a Ka t In shi, lr.l . r"1 Tivni:t , ami, ih i.ini' rir nn lr fMi- .ni h, huh atii ur nltlv,ttoi IKAI'T M i. l-ill.il In t i- hlnDahiD III) oiiriiy sforrasl I, oiiifttiitui Fiflv-seven Aeres mnranrl-aa. THAt'TNn J Sittiat aa afir--aall, loiw ! iin-.haif Intanl of a carlalo LIMf-KII.N AND AKIi V. Nal- in dun n-ni-a at luot-litra a. if. nr aaln daf wh-n 'ii- silan.r..a will lift givftu and icrma ur aaia toaae annwn nv m h. MTJiprr, JbllbMlail KMHP", Kituut'ir. HELP: Ynnrii m hv laltlia im.ny whan s s o I il n rhanft lanff-r-d, Omrftba slwava kanlnit imvrtv froin tour i1oir, Tba who alwaa ikft ail. vanntKft of 'lis icv"! rnnnrfta rir maliliis ne'Say lliftl aift iitfurMl, ftnn-rtllf b'O.i.u waaltliv. hlla lima., who ilu nut luprnvs 'nh bani'ft rftmaln In pnvnriv W ftii mftsr man, wuro. n, b.y- ftirt iflrla s w irk Tir ns rl-it In Ihftir own liicaltttft. Thft buISft.a will jnav mir than las ilinea nnllnarr ajuwfta Wft farnlah an ftsiiatiaifft nuiltl itii'l fttl tbftt yna sftft.1, frs. Nn -ma mhn anaua Uila to uiakft muaaf ff rapl.lif, Ynu ran i..,otft v iif wk ila lima to thft work, or onlr ynsr apftrc m.imanta. Kull tblnrm-iiliin an-l all tbftl la naalftl a-nt frftft. A.IJ' Uti .n a )o., Portlaoil. MalOft, oet.il ismi.iv, lXE ( I TOliS NOTICE.-Ultere I J lt.alaisri.taiT oa lbs tats of Ml 'IIAr:i. KKI'LV, 4rftft.l, lata ol MliLllaofftak t'wii., Sftf ilr nouota. I'ana ft. baalhK ba ftr-ntailio Itm an laralirna'l, all IKraona knnwlae tbftniwlvftt loilftlitftil to ald aiitt im riwUftiiiaii to inftKft immfttllftlft pp maol, fhllft tliufft bavins nlftlna will proaant tbftua July autbasiiefttaJ lnr aftitlaoiant la WAKHKN KNOUV. LEVI EK 01. V, Aas.lt, IMI, Kiftsators. iXEi'uroitN NOTICE-Letters I iit-mi tfttiniaiitftrv ul tLft ftalatft of tlan I I Jarialt ilftril, lai nf I'ftnui tnwnahlp Nniil' r nouolv, e war iiranlail to tba sua a-manal. All pr,..na knnwine tliftm-ftlvaa leilaiiiail I" aalil will ulftaaa maaa Inns - illaift .ini-ti, winlft ihua h?ln llm will rraaani tbam for itltaarnt Io JUKI. RllW, Am ', lt. Kftattlnr. 1 f HIV I vn: IliRS XllTKE.- I V lliar. f ailuilnlniratino on Hi aalat of eaiitn il 1 1 lal oil' ry lap Hua.ur Co . ' ilol. bavfttiaanKrftn(i1 to tli un.lr al k nail, til raoas bnowlnii tbinftlv In ldil l io Sftlil ftalMl will iilftftsft otftlift lutnaillftlft pftamaal wblls lbaharlOK elftUu. aaalnit id na win fr-,iii .nn lnr Ball lani-ni to WILLIAM H Hl)t(. Jslf a. "II. AUulBlatralar. MARRIAGE auloa fnrl-olb SEXES, 'or lb n-arrWd nd thiaa r..iit..ni,j iilu.' im.i-i ,n i hr lltmii, fiwci 1.. Ii hi b.ml. moio ai'liir f.if llir irlltl.ili im llrallb. Il.fa.i,uiil..a l'l.),l al i Ki.nl Man and Human! puia ia laiiK'iw, ami si.d.rU l.v .lia il .ui amrabar. I'rtoi, BO cents. f Vr A. U. til.lN, III ol'li-rl Himjhi,.i i In N.wibwl, wb i will i, (SpO I ar. raaa ol pnvai is r'lnini.' di-oa of iihwr avs hft uiiinaka-i fan to cor enn Ian alampa fia-Ctl'de to Health. Rsllable Female Pills, SO S BOX. A qn.i bum lor twiia diiru, rua duaiu..t. Rubber Coode and In iilar ol unuaruuit mioiiual on, iiy tipr-, BO cents. Dr. A. O. OUN, Kftntackf Block. SOI R. Clark St., t htta'0, lit. OPIUM at Mia r Utaaawtaea. Seal laaift for p i'tlrftlai.lr.BlTK. It SrU Ikraae at Ikk-ai. I ('OH K. HI I'tJKL A (!) . (J WHIILEMAI.K OliLKRH H KOKKKIN A D(M8TH' , DUV UOOUS. No :t.': Marlcet Ht. I'lill i lsllila n. HUMtO ItlWAItl) Wm mmm Mmm l 0 1 1 I UI..4I. . Ii.kI.- 1 1 1 ft-raia-lar frwrudlas aII.Ks) tbsl U.Nl'na'a a-n- atrwavar lans Ml r. rraearaa h i. P Millar, M,U.,it ink atraal. kllftSi-lpMa, rm ivnaft aftnutaa witnost sm aignatftra. and f.f an-sula. All aruvaliu sr ssssral a.nraa av It ar will (at II for fas. SI. SuM IS aia nonaira nf jaaa a BaSftU, vrssft-lat Asa llefa, plain & fmiw. BS ADAM MUJ.iKR. of fentra iv I inaBaklp td rsapaitfullp la farm Ik BwbllstbBt baiaa-ewaraii u da atlala aa.l fa a. ejaelkslewlviskerlsstls. tfeaile At'oi'ii ey.i-At Tm w. w M. U. HOUiSWEIini, ATTORNEY-AT LA'rt, BBUasottorit, Pa., Oollaettnne a '4 a1lnhrMISlaa4 pro ap It ftitftaSfti to. OvasslUtlvut la tsllk asd vtarassa. jana I, las I. H. DILL, ATTORNEY AT-LArV. Lfwitburg, Prnn'a. All tmnlatss aairuaiaJ Is his esre will be preraptly sttsausil Io, 3pt. SO, l?8o. "oVDEiTRICH ATrORK-4r.I.f . AfarfcW St., 8tlingrort. Pa. All profsatlsesl bnataa-i proiaptlr ftt'fta.Ud IS. Oonaaiiallusk Is Kagllak asd ilftfiaao I'ak. II 'IS. I B. WUNDERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. MMUburg, Snyiirr C . Pu Oaa kssasaalttS la Kssllih arOcruaa. Jaa. U.'iw. L.N MYER4, A ttornty A I- fjotx. SMalrbam, PawWa All pra fa 1 1 aft ft I ii,u antra, t. t kll far will rl,ft prompt attaatlnn. Uossmtatloas Is Sftllk aed Uftroias. . Oi l. lO.'tt. JACOB OILBEKT, Attorney- A t-Iaw, AIIOHI.KHIIHO. I'A. AllbaalnMt antruatftd ta kti ear will raKftlva roispt attftftlloa. July it.'Js. E. BOWEO ATIORNEY-AT-LAVV, ifi-l.tlehurfi. Pa. (0m Is otBoft at J. P. Uronialilar, riaq.) Cnllftotlosk mad. Uoaanlltllnas Is' Knllh ssd Usruiftu. Junft IS. Tft.if. M. L SC1I0CH, ATTORHET-AT-LAW, New Berlin, Penn'a. Prufaaalansl hntlnraa antrustaA 'o hi aar will rwr! prompt ftllanllon. Jus !,';. QHAS P ULRIC'H, Attorney s Ooanaellor-At-Law, OlSss Is App'k Ralbllne nn deoi Nortk'nf S ITInii ft IWTIW ellnagr. lo nnw. tlnllMtlnn and all etbar srni-Mloaal baal- Sftaa la aollalud ssd will rolf ftrarnlul anl prompt aiwniloo. Apr.ll,';.tl. I p. c no n m 111 r n, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, Mifllinbnrd, Pa., Iftsr hi erntessiona services Io the nub ile.. Collentlons and all other prnfeaaionsl Siiainesa sotrusts.1 Io his osrs will receive roropl altenilon. f Jsn 8. 7lf 'II J. SMITH. L ATTflRIKT AT LAW. MIIHiLCIIUKO), ft N V f.UK tin., I'A rr hla HrnfftMlonial Saralaa to tba pabll 'lonaultfttlons Is toallak nd llarioan. J. It. ZELLER. ATTORNEY. T.l.A W Mifjfinburg, I'nion County, Pu All biialnras antruatxl to hit "ftt will all and lalUifllllv fttlftll lrit Io. Will lir.l. tlc at tba avrftl ouuru o Nn'lr and ftitiniiumi uiiulie,. Oao b aonaulta.1 Hi tba r.nnnrn or ).rsu launiia Oei. 3.. 'latl CHARLES HOW Kll, a rrouNKV AT LAW. .Solinaj;rovef Pit. JrTsr hi prnfesaionslaervieDk io Iks pun Ito I'ollsollons ana all olrar profeasioitH business entrusted to bis ere will r lelvs prompt atleniion. Orliite two door anuth of lbs Normal Houool. Jta 6, "tt ATTOuNKr AT Liw, Lewisbiirz, Ps Offer hla profeaainnsl serrioe lo III pnhllo. Culleotioni and all otber pro fenaionsl biiaineaa animated lo De esr wlil reoeiteprooipt attention. 8ept. 80, 1880. w. I'urrER. a. r i o n )'V AT LAW. Holinsgrove, Pa, tllTer their professional serviosa is th puhlie. All legal bueinssseulrusts' to their esr will rsoeive f rompt alleniioa. Olliot st his boms on Maio oirsst. July, ttb '72. 3. ALLEMAN & SON. AT TORS K YH A 7 L A W. HelliiMK'rovea All professional buaioea asd eollaoiina enlrusied le their isr will b prom pi I v aiiensdte. ln bj oonsalteil in Kngiiab or Usrmna. Orfias, Marks', tfiiasrs. H. II. Urititui. Wm. II. Dill Attorneys & Councilors I V'LA w, 0 U.ie N'oar the Post Otllce. t'riiui'K. I stin'ti. Conaultfttion ie boib English and flermsn Lssgusges. lo.l 'lilt. JOHN II. ARNOLD, Vttorno.v lit law, UlUULKIIUIIli, PA Prnfeasionsl hiialnese enlruateil to his rare !'.' bs prnmpll atisoded Is, f Keh J THOMPSON BARKR, Vttori.e.v-rvt-T.,nv, liswlsburg, Union I'a aVajrOsn bs sontnlisd le lbs Rnillili an 'ler iian lngusgv.Sja OK IOE Market Hlrssl, oppoaiir V. miib t Co's Store H I'lv VtTM. v AN (JRZKR, T ATTOKNKY AT LAW, LswUburx I'm. Jltsrs bl priifsioualrviee te l pub lie, Qnllsslions sad all otber Pte'eaaioa al beslasss antruateit is bis (are will re ceive prompt attention. B. T. PAUK8, ATTOR1KY AT LA. HULINrlllROVK. MWIIKIl l!O0MTY. P , sepi.lo, HI it A 0. HI VII'HON, ' , ATrOHMIty AT LAW, .. ' ; Sel:niirovs. I'a. 4 ax e bi prsfssslonal ssrvlses le ib pub is. All busies eairiiaitd is hi .ssrs sill be pr.iuipilj aiiemled le. . ( Jas. 17. 'UTll tVMUKL H. ORVTIO. f ' ATTOkNSr-A T LA W, Mlri Im bsi r .Jl' issl ir PfiixicansfAf; OR. 4. Y.SIIlXnEL, aORrtKH. AND PIITSIMA, Miil.llnhnrai. Pa .IS ft hi arpnfaaalAnftl ftAVftlllaa la tba all UU.II.W.U - .1.1.1.. I rrna wi ni.,i(Triirft won ,fiiii. JR MA RAND KOriUtOCK, Fremont, Snyder county, Pa. Urndsaisnl Baltlmorftltollof Fhvaialtaa and samaoit. ortftrs bt pro(ftMl.ioal aarviaa la ik publlo. 8p-aka EaslUk sod liars. Msrftb, lMWl.tr. H J. SMITH, Physician A Surgeon, Fremont, Snyiirr Cnunly, Pa. Offer k'k pmfalnaal Mrvl( telfea inl.1l niBi-s as Mats atraet. Jsas If 'Tt D rt. .1. O WAQNER, riDstrlnn and Rurs: on. OSra hi emf-aainnal arlaa t.t ha siit-na of AdatDnknre and alclnltp. Aas. t.'WMf, )H. J. F. KANAWKL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, renirellt. nvrtor Vn., I "it Offers bis profsitioaal asrvievs le th- pnhtie. . e-dmr J. KCKHKRT, SURGEON DENTIST. aX'KBKari HMIOK, Mimmntvr., I'tnn'a. rrofaaslansl kstlsaM pravptly sttanda1 to, Ma rt,'T. jR. I. GBIEU BARBER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, having Ini-sted si MIDDt.KntlRO. P . ottios s few itnnr Wan of the I'our ihnnae. in Hester's llriek hull. line, otters bis pro- fpaaionitl serviee lo lbs publia. He peaks English sna Oermsn Oel.17.'78. pERCIVAL HERMANN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Kriittrrvill. Snyilrr Co., Pit. OSara bia pmfa-tnl aarrleea to theeltltn of Kraiserallle an I lilnltr. A . t i,T DR A. M. SMITH. PHYSICIAN AND SURG HON lltfer hi profeioal servioi-a to ihe oiil- n of AiUmftburg and vioinitv. flrpt, 7.1 K. VAN BIJoKlIlK. UKfilOAL MECfl V NIC At. DP.NTIsT Selinsirrnve, I'imhi's. Justices of th e Peace. A DAM SMITH, Jsticeoftlis Pc3cu&Coa?2yaiiC!f tlcaiwSpri 7if Sntdtir ra,9 l a. All nmiftUI bi iff nis eatukltiff rlttftonltlnnpanrl pfoinpHjr fttiantU'l tn, (julUdtUint n1 rajmlt taiB proMt'tl) inndt. May lb. l79 yiLLIAM H. SNYDKB. Jiistlc i ' u nc Salem, Snyder Co nty Penn'a All Collections prmuptlj made. autl reiuitanccb Kov.ai.'T tf. FSAAC HEWER. JUSTICE OF THE PEA OF. ami Oonernl Oolloctor. Miil-Uehiire. Hnriler Couniv. t. Ppaeisl silennnn paid la oulli-nilnne of nil kind. Keimtt nnnes will n uisile promptly for sll eoUemioni mads, Mnr. Jlst 1H7 if. VH W.XONKR, Rs.., Is jusrirn op tub pp.A:t!. .1 tnkse.i Twn"btp.SnrilerCo. Pa., Will attend to all business entruaied lo ii care nod on lb most renannntile lrms. Marab VI. ViHif tVID S- SI10LLY, . Jurktlco of tho Pence, Vnion,Toaimhip, Snyder Co., I'd Will stirnd to sll business entrusted lo bl osrs on moat ressonahla isrms. 1', 0. address, Uundure, Hoy.lert'o., P, Mar. 1, 'HO, T 11. IIARTMAN, Jf'STICK OF Till? IKC'E. V- Ctinvo.vaticor, CtSNl lUVILI.fc. Hujder Uounlj. P tlollfti-tlons ssd sll biialnftss partalnln is the oraraoi.iuiiioa oi tss reaaa win ua attrnnau to tabor I buIUs Ap'r UTT gETII MU CH ELL, J unties of tho Peace k Conveyancer, Jarkaou TownablD. rturdar Comity. Ps. Uolla-'ttiina, 1oivM,aiiriiiii, and all oib-r Kn-alu-aa perialuln lo tlia oitti-a win rauaiv prompt Bltaotlon, Puatolftoaddraal Nw Hi-rllli, Union oounlj, Pa. Aug. I". IkTT. JOHN K. HliailKS, Esq., JUHT1CE OP THE PEACE, Pens Twp., Snvder Co. P JAMES MIDDLES WAIITH, Justice ol the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snyder Co. Pa. Will altesd pramiitlr to all aaaarl east BSMpewtattttn lo taeofnre. (lolleotlons oia ia. Deeds. Artlolesks., wrlitea. IJalr t.lk-ll. Y M. HARDING, JI MTIf K OK THE PtitI K Sc CimvoyancePa PKKKMit.NT. Snyder eounty, Pa. (ialtariioaie and a I hnalaeea partalnln la tha ottlceof Juailne of the Peae will be eltiidd to I abort Bullae. Apr. tr't. 0 A.WKTZKL, '. Justice of the :Peuce, Heauertown, Suydrr Co., I'a. , All kind of snllestions made en liberal 1 anna. Promptly slteads lo all business Itiirtialsd le bl asrs. (Jus tie, '7HH Ell B. MIDDLESWARTU. JUSTICBOP THE PEACE sp CONVEYANneil. MeOlurt City, Sny der Co., Fn, OnlleelloBt aad all kBslsauBsrtslslnils tks srSeaaf Jaatlaeeltk Peaee w ill aa at tas lad is at esnri aelies. j.ia m. nati. A o HnRNBicaaKa, - JtlSTIOS Or Tftt P4CM'W fM,n ki"tt Pkse,. r...ki,,s.,..,. r.. m,k$ StfcA as A'Md. iMi'w,,Otevaisaa'na;,sf atlsVaae bs aioitses, Warrant l Iaqh, buif al' ' lift, a . A . ' A -I' BO -YKRSOX, - JuttUn of tK Peat d Cotwyi vj PennicrecR, Snyder Co., Px rsinastinni i n..... Oenaetlnns and ft-mliianoaa eewsipttv ". 1 r mm v y j a.wnta-K April I, SI. Corner 69 St. Jf Broculwatj, NEW YORK. On both Aniriiraii A European plana: ".' v. ... - . -r. " l ft. Tftrd, Hroadvar ftst Plpa.Nlnlh at.,hla Hwal nrrnpia th ailra aqHara, aad waa bnlll an fnrnlaliad at an eipauaa ,.f uaar SI'v.S". It le on-'.f tba mias l-,nt a well a- -ln th its. eat Incarad In Ih ell baa a paa.n-r Ha- ior an , an naon-rn linprn-anint-. and I - W llnl t one aq iar of th d-p.ita of III- mih aud Klahlb ATanii Kleaid K. a eara and at III na.rarto Hie llmadwar ear moa-utent a d ecre-eibie rrnm all paria of th nn . fton.n wib Soar I, VJ p-rdat. rn. lal raiea lur faiaill aal parjia uul ut. E. HASKELL. A. M.'M.lf. PsoraisTos. BOARDING HOUSE. THE Cnderaitned would re-peetfsll; In form the Imeelling puMie. bnalnea- mS. wllnaaaaa and Inror In altandana -t am. 4)mrta that b- haa mad annl- ir-nar,ina ror balr hw' n td.iion an-l will endeavor to en. rtaiii hla patrons In eond stale at tha moat na-'iini, rtft, HoiMing h inee a few door a wastofllieUctirl H io-e OAUBIKL BRATRK. Apr. SI '7. I v. Proprietor. WASHINGTON HOUSE ! illllllni(!'a In. JOHN L I M B E R T, Propr i f or The ehnva ponala Moral haa haaa aflt- tad rforolalil in Ih heal sir I. Itseentrai i.if-aiinD roaa-a it ennvement rnr B-lnas n en t praon in ttBilant-a atOonrt and all oilers wbo are .-ailed lo MM.llebura. 1 be la bit I alftasiipiilld with theiiert In Ih mar eel the liar III. aoon liqnnr aed iba "table eitei ilaii l y eareiull hoetler. Terms acderai April , Ufx, CKNTRKVILT.E HOTEL. II.slsMre. Wearer's.) t.eoterrlle Harder Co., Pa. PETaR HARTMAW, Proprlst . bavins been pareoeeed by tbe uaderslned,si m vun.v w I .11 ,uill- ruoaftft . riu PKTLH It A HTM A April, S, 171. rjMIE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOtKl.ER. Prop'r. HeliitMrove, Pa. This riotal le Dleaaant'y lM-atd Is Ih "aniisre ' sod is 'errdealrahlrpiaoe for traveler toat'ip the BSSTof aocomiooilatlone at low rtUi, par soiisaiipplM:oiira will be an- to call analu. The brat oOtipior In llifthftt ar-A nraieiaae Hsatanranl laennnecllon w! Ih Hotel. Ai.r.lJ.H. 'm -Mawa-waftakBawaaaaaaawaBBBaBBaaaaMaaaapBaaBi Icrcliunl House, VoftTH TllirtU 8TKKKT. I'll If A PA. Terms 150 per dny. HENRY Sl'AHN, 1'iop'r . W. I' WI. rirrk Apr.l.'Tk. Pliihui el thin Cards. J. S. FARNSWORTII. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co Importers ot rldisery.Nolioiis. WuiteGoofls, Euitrci ficries Gen Is Fnrnisliinz Goods &c. No. 514 Market Street, rluLADF.LPHIA. t. n. foni-s, A. It. Hoar. Mai. IS '74. W. II. Nhalhlef. t. it. usiuktei. GKAVII1LL . r0., WlliiLRasLB DSALSS IS WOOD AND WILLOW WARE il Cloth. Window OhHilex, llrnoma, Msie llruahes Potion Lsps, firnin HK, Y'.f Nets, llimkef, Twine, Wicks, o. No. 42n Varksl Hlr.et, Philsdetpliia Feb. 7. '7 I u. le 3 tail KIM Kit URALF.D IN Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Faints, Oils, Coach & Saddler Ware AND MAN'JFACTlttttH OP Stows & Tinware, MARKET 8TRKET. LewlMidtvn, lei.nn. Nevesiher 2. Im;-ii WM. MANN. SlankSook Maker Sta tioner, ana steam Power PRINTER, Y liolennlo ac Tf.otall No 629 market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Promytnei. 0n I'rivt StUbi Prict Marked On AU Good In guret. Apr. IH.-'S. QAVID WILLIAMS, Manufaeluresof h Wboletale Dealer Is dill, Miihoranr. Walnst and Netrsesi i t-OOKIfsia GLASS Picture At Photo rapine Frso Not. 130 and m Arrh Street Pbiladslibia I'a. Frsmss Repaired In ihe heal ninit Also, HlldiB is all Ha braaobss. I'1 JJNION PIANINO MILL. ari.lFfHOROVE.aNTDER uor Kccly fe Wnjjncr liii inner iieiilcrs asd MAkersoviiaaa or Osora, Hoop Buim, N ludows, Bbtllf winnow Boies, minds. Hast, aw ruins. Hand Kalllirtts, Brat' . els. Meuldlnsa. Vlunrlnr. SUKULI.aAWINliacAHlllBTTllRKl1! uniDgies, iaattt, iio., ito. Orders sollelisd aad tiled wllk t'tMl , Bess aad dcapatih. Plsase sail aad llase'tr steoS bsfore purbsinf '