The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 15, 1881, Image 1

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    Oj column one year, . fOO.Oo
One-half, ronimn, one year, wu'
OnfouriaoliHnn,oiis year.
One square OO linn) 1 Insert ion 75
Bifrf additional Insertion, K
Professional and Ritilnoss cards of
. nnt more than 5 Ii dm, per year. 5.00
Au4ttor, Eneeator, Administrator - "
and Asaitmee iNotieea, , , 9i0
Mitorial notice per line, ' 10
All transplant advertising lee than
I month 10 cents a line. ,
All edvertlserocnu for a shorter pe
riod than one year are payable at the
time they are ordered, and it not raid
the person ordering them will o h Id;
sponsible for the money.
Hiding Front Papa.
Papa' tost Til babyl
. Searches every where,
' TJndef chairs and tattles
. , .With the greatest caret
Pull swide the eurtaln.
Peeps behind the door!
Never ares the little heap
Curled up on the floor;
Never hoars that whisper,
"Mamma don't yon tell 1"
Nor the little lauKhter,
Muffled, like a belli
Off h scampers wildly.
Hunting here and there,
Overturning everything
" With the greatest core.
Canary had a visit,
Sitting on his perch;
Mamma's apron pocket
Suffers by the search.
"Now I am so tired
Elephant at play
That 1 must take a rest
A minute by the way;
I'll lay my weary head
On this little rug."
Under mamma's towel
Lay her durllng snug!
Then the merry scrambling
Papa lunched to see!
"And you didn't link, now,
That it Cot i.D be ik:"
What I Live For.
I live for those who love me,
Who hearts ure kind and true;
For the heaven that smiles above me
And awaits my spirit too;
For nil human ties thut bind iu,
For the tnxk by God aligned ine,
For the bright hopes left behind mo,
And tho good that I can do.
I live to loam their story.
Who've suffered for uiy suite;
To emulate their glory.
And follow in I heir wake:
Hardu, patriots, martyrs, h.iK'iK,
The noble of nil ages,
Whose deetlri cruwil history pmjee.
And time's grutit volume
I live to held communion
With all that is divine;
To eel there is a union
Twlxt Nature's heart and mino
To profit by affliction.
Heap truths from lleldii of fiction,
Urow wiser from cout lotion,
Aud fulfill ouch gruii J design.
I live to Imil thut season,
I3y K'ftotl mill. Is foretold.
When, mull Hhull live by reason,
And not alone by koI1;
When man to man uiiitel.
The whole worl.l shull bo Ihtblrd
An Kdeu m um of old.
I live foiMhose who love me,
For those who know me true;
For the heaven thut smiles above me,
And awaits my spirit too;
For the cause that lucks assistance.
For the wrong that needs resistance,
And the good that I can do.
The Kits of Forgiveness .
Forgive the hot words that I uttered
In anger,
Tou never can Judge the compassion
I feel; :.
Assuage your resentment, dispell all
ilt pity dtsHolve thv tr.iil
of steeL
Ifear Lady, with shame I acknowledge
luy error;
1 did not surmise that luy words
Would olTeml:
1 hope that my presence will give you
no terror,
l tell me how can I my blunder
amend ?
fouiore Willi doubt thee, or deem
Hee unfaithful;
So mure shall sweet Faucy my con
cienoe pollute:
!try to forgive me and be not un
grateful. 0!
- - ",F w"-'a aav wuv lUin
dispute. .........
''"A forgive the hot words that I ut-
tored in anger,
ue smooth the tresses from off
thv fulp hmw '
hy lips are so teinntiuir. ' so full of
weet rancour,
Tbs kiss of forgiveness la all I, ask
4 Richmond pbv siolaa aavs that
Ppl will tak m K.IK U l.nt
P'keyMdM!Uwioan year, they
Ft rheumatisms and colds.
j" wottidot that spoil the wbiakey.
f ! nothing so ibilereling
J 'pariaooa of tbo amatenr
pnMwbaabaaUpaiipoa th.
4 Uu CvbsW, baud. aria-
' l"-Vt a fret triM
'Who Comes There?"
It wao daring the Mexican war,
wheo I waa a sab in a cavalry regi
manUbatl found Imy.e.f on duly tbe fcej B
at era Crnz. Tempted by tb.!ilon , 7 p
bigb mountaina in tbe vicinity, tb
bnaoliful aoenery and above all the
snperb buotiug, I sallied forth eaily
ono morning accompanied by no
one aava my NewfoundlauJ doi?.
I waa an ardent aportsman, my
double-barreled gao worked to a
charm, and not ontil the deepening
ahadea of evening, accompanied by
an unmistakable growl of thunder,
diJ I give a thought to tbe flight of
time or tbe importance of retracing
my steps to tbe city. I bad not an
ticipated danger fiomtbe enemy on-
less it might be in the shape of
some email band of guerillas lurk-
rt r A in lit tliA innrtntatn rfnrrraa as. 1
toated more by the hope of plunder!
" v w
than by patriotic motives. There is
little twilight, yon kuo, iu the
tropics. Tbe aim bad disappeared
in tbe folds of an immense cloud
which waa raDidlv sorcadimz itself
nurlU nl! 1..,....,. f, ,.,
ita aablo depths darted lurid sheets
. f i 11.. ,1.!
ui uguiuiug, ioiiowuu vj mo lucrens i
ing roar of thunder which had aUi
ready foaud an echo through the )
valleya aud gorges of the mountaiu
did not faucya wt jacket, aud.
whistling for my dog, I was on the
nninL nf rfitraein mtf htnns ilown
the rough mountain roa l when the
. ... i
jingling of spursaoi accoutrements.
,i.. i- . . i. . .i
lue iramuiinir oi noises nil i ine
hoarse word of command was sutli-
cieut for me to draw back iuto a talli
toft of iii'bns rowiu beside mo,
A no in her of Moxicau lancers were
before me preparing to bivouac for
the oiilit, anil uij retreat d iwn tlio I
road was out of tlio (ueHtiou,
Hi'h, prt cipitons rock homo I mo
iu on three aides, through which tho
road I hi J traveled had bcou orig
inslly cnt- The outlet wua tin.v iu
i)iiNB.,siiiii of Lho laiiceiD. wliiiti in
font efme tho steep si.lo of tuo -roHB my path- It waa n welcome j The .ju-Mion Will it pty better
mountain, verging almost to n preci- prisoner or no piiHotur, lto diipou of him ourselvo and
nice alooed towards the citv. 'l0lma le np my mind to risk lifo aud lib-1 "barn the pluu lor or ttku him t
remain wbcro I was would bo onlv
to court death, a nameless futo, an
nuknowu grave, for discovejy was
certain to follow whoa tbe suutiuols
should bo posted
Cautionsly I examiuod tbe smooth
, ,
, . . , .
nnliu r.r Ilia riruelmi.A e,inril hel'A
v., , , , , .
ami inure iy a noiwoiK oi vines
cliuiog to the ciovicua aud lifts in
(he rock for Its uncertain lifo.
Furthur on I hotel,! n dark, irregii
lar line disappearing in tbo murky
depths below, which proved to be a
deep, dry Rally, tbo channul of
some mountain stream long siuce
driod up. Dropping my fowling-
piece and bidding my uoblo dog to
shift for himself, I swung myself
over tbo precipice, clinging to tbe
network of vinea which abook aud
complained boueatb my weight.
Tbe darkness bad increased with
aatonishing rapidity, and and aa
swung over that raylesa void J
fonnd it ire possible to pierce tbe
gloom. I heard tbe abort, sharp
bowl of my dog aa be darted off in
search of me i then, amid tbe rush
of tbe squall, came tbe confused
shouts of men, a straggling abot
or Iwo mingled wilh tbe crash of
tbe heavy artilery rolling in the vast
expanse above mo. Depending
principally upon tbe strength and
endurance of my arms, I carefully
and coutiously felt tuy way along
tbe verge of the precipice, wot king
in tbe direction of tbe gully, which,
oooe, sraioe 1, promised to afford me
tbe means of oecape from tbe dan
ger which euoompasaed me.
Uroud sheets of lightning lit op
with dazzling distluotnese tbe fear
fal aoene, bringiug out '' every un
dulation of tbe rooka, every crevice
and blade of grass, once when I
found a slight support for my feet,
and waa giving my aching arms a
rest, I glanced above amid tbe yel
low glare of the lightning and
bebeld tbe fierce dark-wbisktred
face of a Mexican, peering over tbe
brink, bia eyee apparently fastened
upon me aa 1 buog suspended and
flattened against tbe cliff but a few
feet below him, while tbe eleotricity
twisted and writhed like tongues of
infernal aerpeota around the mnzale
of bia carbiue. Jt waa a trying
moment, a situation well calculated
to inspire a feeling of terror ' la. tbe
haart of tba b I let t. Hoi bather it
wee thereto which was;falipt is
torrents and irlvieg faiiooely bofos
(V, fat te r'" of vl'-J-
from discovering ma I am unablo to
ay. At all eveuta I esoaped bis no
tice, tbs abot did not come, and,
watching my cbaoce in tba lulls of
I bad but littto strength to spura
when at last found myself crouchiug
on tbe muddy bottom of tbe old
mountain gorge,
Nerved on by tbe atrengtb of dos
pair, 1 rashed down tbe steep decliv
ity, reckloss as to where my feel
may wonder. Completely blinded
between tbe mingled glare of tbe
lightning and the inteuse darkness
that followed each flash stumbled
on feeling that evory moment my
steps were becoming unsloadier.
Tbe water was already up to my
knees, and rnsbiog by with a force
I thut made me prip desperately to
:,s a:.. 11
'ijw:iwh 1 nmi 1 una
I" ' U,e rav,oe- 1 inoxplorable
wull,r" ro80 J'ot aud tbe daugerof
l"19 e'"Pit grew wider still. My
,pfrentu- v," faculties were
lMUnX "". "y b'et wero lifted from
. I.H..... . 1 . . . . . ..
"eiirmn IU0. aim llUICKCr ItlUI) tUO t
aemg, en -
veloped ami I tbo siuav and foam of
1 was rusbiuii hulo usslv ulomr n.
,,uin wllitl- 1 ti,i"k I mttsl! lo aguio UoW like cir-
Lve Ut 'y'lf fr a n. jmm.t, but f nsUn,, ,..
' amid tho darkuesa and roar- The ho-.vl atij rmb of thogilu Ul
w uoar.y strangle t lo Jeath.
numuor luaiani an.l . I was wlmlej
hesvil. ..;.. ..:..n: i.:.....
! ' fr a final ef-i
lf... 'I l.n ,.a.I ll..l. . 1.1 II...!
: ...
, "
C ,n",u to tho sido of
Itl... l...i.
......... n.oiuuuruir
. ,
i urew tnvseirotit or the rnu nfi vJiimo the bnttms : broke in an-j'" 1 " iuo
the citri cut and or ialed to a firm ; oilier fiercely j "of what value are ,1,,',i'Ht ImuIi t?mio ao I tli,. c icenr.
foothold on the Khelvinu bank of tuo'tluy f ll4 tlio Klittur of gold I liko!"'1 1 roJ'; l,,,,,k 1 ' Vor Crm wil l
torrent. Tim co .1 ruin revived m. ' to seo-uu I v() huvo alrerdy waste 1 .'" "''"' "'.v nul l up that d.ning
fs'iiu'.!.. I f t i,,tf I too Hindi 1 for ono tli,! romaindur of tllicnin li'U noth-
B uil debris nf f;illi,i, tr,. i,i .l.l...
nn l luite locks, all scattered pro-1 dozou lives tin y siio'll 1 all bu for
niisciloiiHly about on the steep si la foiled llo hit cjmo hero unaskod ;
of the inoiiutaiii, until n faint K'im- ho shall not depart so easily "
mer of liyht stroiimt'd tieiniil uislv : "ush, Juan j you are tjo haitv.
'ty, and demand shelter fr im the
terrible storm that still rage 1, but
luve tn'ns of abafiug.
I was niiarmed i the otily weipou
had sullied forth with had been
un'lo"' of preci- j
Ipico previoua to my attempting the
111 U 1,1 . 1,1,1 ,l IU1 U11UIIH II IX
' 4 i
perilous paxsnL'O. I
perilous p.tssago. I felt my heart j
bull raster as I Loarel tliu door of: uothiug rur your p.uua from bun
tbattnmb e down ranch which loom-1 All this I board distinctly nu 1
od up, a bugo. slmpeltss iiiiihs, amid ; much more which il is uuuo.'om ry
tbe jjloom and solitndo of that will . to repeat That my lifo w it d u-
spot. .1 moiuent's hesitation uu 1 I 'ed was hoyoud all doubt j but I w u
unocnoii resolutely at the loor.
uQuiero i'iV"(who cornea there?)
and I heard the cliok of a weapon,
I am an Americao, I replied, ,
bitterly, iu Enclish. ' A Uuited
States' ofllcer who has lost bis way
on the side of this cursed mouulaiu."
With a jerk the door was thrown
bank on its maty binges, rovoalin
tbe figure of a man of brawuy pros
portions, armed to the tenth, and of
most villainous aspsot j bell a
flaring torob on high, tbe uncertain
light of which fell across bia scarred
and aoowling visage. Keenly and
deliberately he scanned tbe torn and
tattered remains ef my ngiform, then
in a voiae hareb aud growling be
"What do yon want here, and bow
many of you are there T"
1 replied io the best .Spanish that
I could master that I waa alone, and
repeated my doleful alory of boiug
lost io tbe storm-
At tbat moment, to my surprise
and astoniabmeut, tbe faithful New
foundland, ' who, by somo keen
(netiuot of his nature, bad aucceedoil
in scenting me, burst from tba sur
rounding obsourity, ' testifying bis
joy by leaping upon roe and bayiug
io bis deep, powerful tones. ,
"Tbe roan's appearauce waa indi
cative of a mixture of ferocity and
cnooiog, while bis eye, wild ami uns
eettled, lit up with au expression I
could not fathom, aa be bade me
, Strange forebodings filled my
heart aa I gaaed about tbe recess of
the door, leaviog mo to take advan
tage of ibeir etopidity.
When they again confronted me I
was io possession of tbe coveted
corner, with a rifle to my shoulder.
looking them grimly io tbe faee.
while. roj dog, hhj hair bristling
with rage, stood bravely beside : me,
4iplaylog his vbite fange to the en
raged gsxe) of fte greasy foor
i,P.n, V-. l-'K-tl
the hovel. It waa almost bare of
furniture, etvoa table an I to brok
en cbaira. . A. fire blazed cboerily in
the. fire-place, before which were
stretched threo dark f irm wrapped
io Uttered and greasy blankets.
The gleam of firearms, as tbey lay
pilod in a corner, did uot escape my
attention, and yon may depend I
did uot feel tbo oasiest in my mind
as I drew op bufjrs tbe the with my
dog coiled up at my foot,
Id my exhausted state, dospito the
danger I felt waa lurking about mo,
( mast have dropped oQf to sleep,
my head finding a support agaiust a
projection of tbe cbiiuuoy,
Tbo low monotonous hum of
voices full upon uty ear, and c iu
tioinly luconnoitering from bonettli
tho TH.irof 1115 c.ip I found that tho
three sleepers li t I aroiis ).! thorn
I .. 1 1 .
mmyos u.i i were m ,ieai, earnest
jconsuiuii .u mtli tho gentlum.tu
j',,u ' hn I lirt accosted.
.Straining my ou t the ntatoat I
jooold manai;e to wiA ocoaisionat
. n"iient4 or Hentunces as they ,liop.
i .... 1 r- it... I f . f
I""' m "(''' Ul I'll) lour OIU
1 n:es. ivtio wore as Dtomisinir can -
, v
diilalos for tho gallowi ns evor 1
......- ... i. -
(cewe I. but the .icchioimI patter of
ram Irops f.iUlU from tlio leaVtis
...... ... .
that tho storm bad bnt rucontly
pa-son w.iy.
buttons " .cmaikod ouo of tho
it .
-wo von uji ce tun uiiior ui inose
jioir. ...
' suv kiil him. If tlio Yaukeu d.iir ha 1
,aiia!os ilo ini-ht
e mm il j it
thu f.lliv
of i ii . i in I -
Ihouih. ,Suip,i i
JhIhiuII prove an o,li;jr
;anco !"
"1! kh ! Vui talk liko
fiol. J,i
jru ot see bo is too young to l,av
K'une I nny niiportanco. As for
Canales, Carnijo ! oi will cot
not disposodlo mako a vacancy iu
'the corps witliout a Ntrug'lo, un I
jesnucially after imder ,ni what
had iu escaping fro, n tho lancers. i
I felt the blood coursiug through i
inv veins with runewed vk'or ns I
j - - o - i
looked the situation -.pare ia tbo
, ir i i ii
face. My brain grew ale'irer ai the
... ... . i
nntninonco of thu peril 1 was m grew I
more apparent:
Tbe dyiug embers of the fire omit
ted fitful gleam 4 which foil arost the
polished arms of the scoundrels,
piled promiscuously together iu tbo
corner of tbe ranch.
At that mo unut. an 1 as I was
ousting wistful glacea at a outline,
tbe beetlobrowe 1 rascal who ha
lighted me iuto tho don glided
across tbe floor, slipping a stout
bar across tbe door.
"Now, boys, finish tho job, and
then share alike." wore tbo words I
Every nerve In my body jarre I,
tbe blood rushed back to my heart
ns tbe decisive moment arrived.
Up to tbat lime 1 bad dot stirred or
changed my position, leading tbe
scoundrels to count upon an easy
victory, no doubt. The odds were
fearfully against me, and, as the
four turned tbelr wolfish eyes In my
direction, tbe clear ringing notes of
a bugle came rising and falling, fill
ed tbe air with its melody. A wild
cry of joy burst involuntarily from
my line, a tbrlll of , hope pervaded
my wbols being as I listened. . It
canoe from my own gallant , lads a
detachment sent out in all probabili
ty in search for their missing 'officer.
My fonr friends here paused, ascer
tain and undecided bow to act.
They turned for aa instant toward
or we'll all swing," but' not one of
them stirred. . -, j ; " , , ,
Tbat dark, deathlealing rifle bar
erl bad a wonderfully , tranqniliaiug
flWot,',, '' , . ; r .. . i
"Cqtss pa y," shouted tbe lead
all afraid of the Yankee t I let him
in here, and this kuife ahull give
him permission to leave."
Perhaps the vilUin exported to
shake my nerves and cms me to ,eil ,y nft q prtrl,bnrsl, I. P.,
throwaaat'my shot, but I new lp.wtor of the M-tlis in 1 1 ir.i Pros
felt flnner. more determine I, in uiv ' bvtnrUn chuivl. in Nn York eilv.
life, I covered Lis left hrecit with
the sight of the weap in, anil with
report the scouudrel fell headlong
to the floor. Charging thrjib the
smoke tho remaining three rusho I
upon me, but were met by the dog.
who buried bis teeth in the flenti ol
one of them. 1 re nember of strik
ing out with my cl ihiiol ri :lr, of
parrying rapid thrusts and choeritiif
on the dog. whou by s na rnn iut in
1L0 ruolee a horn or ctiiiiister of
powder must havo fillei ami 1 the
hot otnbnra of tho liro. It explj.lo 1
with trcmnn.lotis violotirte,,i
lntiai...B.,.,.rnr II,., I . ....... ....!.....
"o " "'. ii-mm
wain aiun inr an I uuruu m 1 ?
ono si.lo half suTica'o I a I n irlv
jinsmiHiblo. When I fully rmlir. 1 1
1 ! pacing about me. my own
; iro.ips wero removing tt.o iiniun or
1 ..Al. - I: .-U - - . I 1 1...
"""oi iii.niy i""1". u m"
. .....r. ......1 1..... 1 1 .... : ..... ... -
; ,eioiinniau i was ncxniir mv noe.
, It wai, aa I aupiixa I. a n artr si it
i -
n search of my unf .r.r. f,, s,!f.
,..n l they wero r. turnm.; fr.m a
, booties search when tin. rop .rt of a
... npu.u.1 '
. ". ' i lu,f,r
Of conrse wn mt Li Niort wor' of
tlio tliroo miscreants, whi wor-i
draped forth from the l iruiii''
l .. .. i. -n i i . .
'k he ho le I u,or , U f,r
niercv. nut thrit iv 14 n ,t fii.i.i r if ,J
!;., n,. ... ( ,
i'" ,h,"-1 cv,,r to'iipt imi t ) wan lr
jalona :iiuon. tin hilN of .(,.'icj iu
plui-t of (,'iinm.
T.u iV.pti 11 )JJ3.
Its corner si o io w.n 1 ii I on
t'lirtin nth if O.-t i bur, 17.U, undi.r
tho Riiperintcndoncii of Ciptaiii
I II i t ,
.lillmiu II ,1, i,i u,i Ti'ilt ......
-..-..a .... .... ..mi, ui j ii i vi.i b.
j direct from l.i'ilin, who
till! a war I of .r.)l (then tboilirht to
bo a largo fortune) for the il'nin.
lie ii b.iriu 1 in t!m C itn ilij
icometi.ry at Wislnu 'ton, an I h i
dmcoiid nits still live in that eity. ;
j The lintisli ,U r iyo I tliu bail 1 .'
( in tho you ISU, b it. it w n robiilt '
,'y Ciplii.i II 'i n, ail wis tirU
Upouod lor tbo reception of visitor1
on January 1. lnlc.
Ton p utin of f i ir I ifty cj! i nn
on thu north side, u ml. ul in I
H-"'. duriu tho a I iiiuiHtiati ou of
President .lack in.
tl ,. l l..,,l.l... i . . .......I...
. uu i.,,ij uuitiiiii ., fci, o ciboiirn., . , , , , ...
in height, with a fronta,., of ol)0 ' b down her hp-ctacle,. whilo l.or
i i i ,.... . , face licauiod like tlii iuoou in its
bnudrud aud eighty fout aud a depth . . , , , ,
, . . . ,. ? .. , ,foui teeth night. "We . ho asked
of eighty-tlvo feet. Tlu vestilnilo I ..' . ... , ,
within the front door is fifty foot
loug by forty wilo. T he famous
East room, which was fininhed GUy
yoara ago, is eighty feet long, forty
foot wide aud twenty tvj fuot
Ivight large mirrors eul throe
cbuudaliers, of crystal and silver,
adorn the room. Tho walls are
covered with gray paper, nnd the
furniture is trimmed with gray rep
aud inuoou velvet. With tho ex
ception of our public balls it is th
largest iu tho oouotry, aud for its
size, is certainly the baii lsjuiest.
The President's olllco, wbiuh is ou
the second story, aud whioh is tho
Cabinet room also, is uot very largo
It is thiity or thirty -five feet wile,
itb a ceiling about tweuty foot Lifli,
In tbe middle of tho floor is a lou
table, aiiirouudod by leather seated
chairs i loug lambre quia ourtaius
ot a dark bluish gray color adorn
tbe windows, aud tbe carpet is of a
red tint, with largo figures, and a
lurge map of tho foiled States ia ou
tbe wall.
Washington ia a Government
creation aud tbe White House is
chiefly memorable on account of tbe
men wbo have lived in it Evry one
of our Presidents exoept Washing
ton bas resided in this famous
Tbe original cost of this building
io 1792 waa about 133,000, aud tbe
total oust op to tbia time is about
ll.SOD.OOO, 0yWtn Vayt.
. I
. . . .Mrs. Joseph W. Frenob, , of
North isast. gave birth to a well-do-1
-. 4ti ,
15. 1881. NO, 'J,
The D.iy is at Hand.
The f )lloivin bunutiful iw:i;e it.
from a recent disciirst on t'je
woi'tH, "Ati'l thoro win ii'i m ire
"AnJ then ho v stranoly wa are
isxl.ilcd an I bow painfully wo are
insulated from the dear one t'lat
have g'ine into the f .it .1 ro bxforo ih.
No word of tidings comet to us from
aeros the sea. Hy night o sen I
up deep stioog thoughts into the
spirit luud, but wo feel no unswei
and our sihl dies awsv amoni; the
Hence, and tho stars. Not 0110 dear
word his pis-tod between us sitnv
nwHV buck iu tliu in intli and venrs
llMl) (1 uttering spir.ts lm threat lie lit
1 1 ,,, KOod-by. and lo ik.i I its
. , , ,,j ,.0Vi nn j0 ,t0,j u
. .
,,ve loo.i o it o eyes that were
w,. ,tU, ,.oii)t;. An 1 Hie
I j ci HU tlje (, H1) fthovd ;
' IU J it was .K-tic ; and tl.o spii it
' H..J. tiin Bl.jrit t, ,t w:i xvovoa into
ours iih witii ni Mlie-i of h'.,..;!. An 1
! . . ...
llo oun ll . nil o ti.o bkv, not
. . . .
,, i, ur .,..t ,.f ti. 1, l, 1., i..ll
one uiMKr ,v ... me n mm, io u-n
, nd ,..,,1 ,. ,mf ,ri m. Mvhtie nii.'iin.i
- . I
t lU tlmt fl..l!.UI;
, ,;, v, mVu ul) i.y r...n..mlH.r :
,:.,, J Uiey lomeiuber in, we ,
'think. They worship th-re, and we
woinhio here, a LipLoii chorus lend-
. . .
' i-ring one psnlui they with i.yen
I from which nil tear havo botn ten-
del ly niped. ail 1 uithficos IjniuU sitii lojkin0' npoi; tiiu fr iut of
lio.l i wo wilh eyes nit teiit-liudim-i
me 1, stiiuiblin over tliu lonhncnH
i of lifo, wju luring, h ipiii an I wait
' tug till our eilo s!i ill bj rupealii l,
: our lit'.lo i jI in 1 of louuli'iBsi mid ux
poctati HI b-l III 1 1 j c iu t i I1 11 in h witli
Hie cj-tti:i"iit of t!,j rd hiii h i I, and
no more sua iu t'lo uj v city of
Young in iu, d iYt s.vuar. S vcar-
i lil imvtii- vva, i; i I f ii1 a alio purer .
! 1 1 novel' oiliV I t :iH IM'l'l u it : u tior
helped diav a prij in a tittury. It
'H" ' tv '" ' '"r 'ivul'
' It inu t mlro liilHt lil.tuu-
Hi, nvnuu milium llJjlliS. UJI uuv
i 1 s
;oi ii
'i nil w iifi bimot p lunlo
t (!,,.(,,,,!, ,f 'J'liuro ii no oeiHMiou
for m t ..iiin f niiUi I., of m neiisn m,.i-
jollicn, wliolo it is UHtful iu projf
reading and indiHptiiHibiy uecesstrv
in ''.tlin forma to piem. U ban
been known, also to iiiaorial!y p.ssiat
tliu editor in looking over tho paper
after it is printed, llul, otluiriao.
it is a very fo ilih au I wic'u I habit,
'ahin iti HwthH.).
"Mother, ' lomukiid vi Poluth
jfirl, "l think llirry mo-it bo going
to propoNO to iun." ''Vi'liy m, my
daughter t" querio I tlio old la ly.
IUD lUm II.UUIJ II lltnil i IW'14 II v.
ing with kiic'i a tuuuigerio as yoi)
and da l." ?Ai i7yo Etjk.
A Scotch iniuir'ti'i m co ha;d that
no womuu cuiil 1 Lear pain iis will us
a man. That is uot so. Whoro
the mini thut cuo Miin l having hU
waii-t tqueeevJ so ho ran Imr lly
lirestho f r threo hours of sil five,
uing ami not murmur ?
"Vuu do uot fiml any diet In the
butter I put on my tab'e.''
utid a t'ii lieardi'ig minires.
(irnuilir, "o, replttfU a bnunlcr,
"It's eo strong tor Iheiu." Tlml
liimnler was given iuiiucliuto notice
to quit.
"You seoiu aad and tlejectod to
night, Claude, dear." "Yes, darliug.
incu of my emotional ualure are
easily by tbe smiles or
frowns of fjituno." His wusburwo
man bad discharged him.
The Man Who Cheats the Printer.
The iimu who cheats the printer
Out of a single pout,
Will never reach the heavenly land
Whore old Elijah went.
He will not Kaln admission there,
By devels he'll be driven,
And made to loaf bis time away
Outbids tbe walls of Heaven.
Without a man to greet him, .
Without a pleasant grin;
The happiness thut he will reap
Will bealuilghty thin.
Hell have to eat the thistle
Of aorrbsr. sndjvrat. ...' ...
fiihliilul v r Thurslsv r.venltis
Terms of Subscription,
ahle vithin six months, or S2yiifnot
paid within tli B Tesr.- No paper dis
continued until all arrosix;;es are
fiaid iinhw at the option of tho pub
ishrr. tnhsi riptlons nutsido of tho county
SrlVrsnns liftinij and ninif pspera
dlreed ' olliTs lieeonie silsrriiers
mil tire liable f'-rtho price of thepBvr
llchiny ell7 S'nl J f)inri.i,-; S!fT,yf,
koiis inir, f'f'Vr, OJ
V. rf ttinl yttri'urtitt Af
fiction risn nthrr
Human A-:ncie$
Thk 'Tirt-na TK;Tf rir. i.r t
pilr ! SUtn.Hrip mn I MI'.mI M.) , Cm.
In lti lntTtil l rcTiri-m ll,.tv.
. t . Hi n HI , ,1 I'urlrnr, n. t itrr , . I
" nl I'" I ti'l'm Ml J I'l'TllTH lir, lh
Html Mi 1 11 (nr.,.
t nr wunhnri,, Tn nn l rifdiiy !n a-
I'l Tli ln r. an mul'lM tullal, ltli mi I tiliv. lr,irinl with U
ll.ioero-ler il hxll ,t t l-iidi.
.Mill Itli rum.
Will fi 1. jmj ti,..rt,orn. Hi. )iilpfl,
J rll"tlv "Hi i'WIciIkim t cur, .j silt
I "n I. tin., i, nr ut. ni'l lnv f .r i.f.ti
,r 1 nut mil in witlh f nn hin H
nn.1 kin,.- .r tmp y-r : n a i . , -' 4.
9111 hir viMiit yr i inml hun'lrvl, it. rt.i
i ilo.'l ti iirn'ioun.'n.l 1,1. o. h pl J
I i" fiiM l tin- ( nil -ur,
IN111 tiisH.
U.K. ''Hiifninf. V1 , tUn t'i, S t..
pur. t.r ri-u-l r l.t,.r,fv. .. mintf tVkr,
ikii'IIi n. t 1, . 1 '1 ri' l' .1 llin'i 1 r Inlrr.
n. 1 1 rTicrnA I Itrri'-rm mr n
11-rit ills . I'll tl. t .11 Irrt II . I .....
1 i'"'l'i 1 1., i'ri h 1. I'll" el I'u
r' ...i.-r... 1 -w in. ,tn ii i.r.M
1, .. 1 ...... 1. ... ..1.. . ..
;;-,i m .
' 1 1 1 ' , I ) 1 1 u I, ,1),
nl. In til777.T
" Wml. m r..
irV;S;::,'.'.:,:;rb,,,,r CTTrT
J,-!,!,;; ; Vm .'
; rWZXrt U "WW,??:;
."?' V"Lr",'"V ,"?' . " " '-
, " ,,,u '
I Kfl ollllil.
I linn. Wn. l-i-,r, r.o.ion m: "Alirt
ilirnt ae.iiliic uwi ih Ci nrr), ln.tmniM,
hd.i I. jc.u-iiHf rm.tHhi .,iMcrit:K ir-.tii im. i,M: l.i -i n. h m l , aip . n u r
n.ivrxl. 1 , .. i. - that l . rnr,l, o.l .t,i
nmin mv r , , in.i.t r.iritai,l nn tttifi.
I llltli. tfl .ii,tt. Kiiit IU) ,uc. ! ilnt I
hi. (i ,. , m,n ,, , th, ,,, ., . wfll ,,.
I III.'I, mi.i tm,i ii,. m . Hn t,,, t.'ullcurs llnui.
al II, wjuia cum llirin.
I Mill! llllllKlt S.
! Mr. r VMp,,., lumitur, Mlrh., rlm
Ih'il Lr l4- lm. n, Mti'ii ,4rt, ,11 u-r I.
i it,. lini rw lli I ,.,,,iri with. ,
, hii ,ri, Mii..rol Uurl . 1 1 jr u,l trim ttrtt
ii.iijk. I'orui.i.o.aly u,ir,J y ouilout litta.
I Ktllin Una rf fr hy all rinisulnta, PpS
j.'l I'l nrl-.n, Ml. ''1,1.1 lolly. I, III II b.,l.
!n,liiHmi, ii; 'iri.iiiA,
:iimu,.,. Hl.,11 turin-r si , r iolt.. lun
' i n Vkimi iju leiLir i-nr o. I'tti
j rum M m i, i m a,. i V mi s.i ,., I io, j In i.r
! r iw i..r mi.l urn rim itiir.. i. i'nuoe
,i 'ri u
K.r lis h '0t ri-;?;, Mm.
ea.AU li mn. ! Irn ,.n icorli.l ot i-l
l ei I i V.H.TAIO
1 1 1
VfllT.tlff e'!ll9 ' W "" I ll,r l-- jSHSiacn
I'i nrr.K. iri. t.i 6
6vrr iiil.ttr
ir , I ., rll:in 6 l
Itir l.lll.ll . 'I'llKV In.Uni.
Iv rni.u .,) .,,-;,i. 1 1, In il ..ii ii. 4 i
rl. r irr Hi I I a. -A I K Mr,.iv ittnt t'rlnmrf
titll,.u,ll n?i I tDy I d ivi'i-n i,vr tli l-li .11
,liu ,i,i',i"ii. r tti Ml in.ivi, ,ir u 6(li),tr.t
I'.irt. l'il,: i in,. s i.l verlLi.
i.ha fiirrr ii, KnsTdiX, )Um
f H K llinleiviiniefl linn opened ft
l I'uriiitiirr Store, nenr the Middle-
burs Depot, nnd kerln roiihtantly oil
Ininil a Inrffeand well srlerted stock of
OU.ltlMl HllttM4
Cati-sirtttil OluttrM,
'ol-Ni'iit OIinlrM
I'lVllMIN ioil I'fttllfM
ijl 1..
i rl x 1 1 '
;, ..VHryihincelse kept In a flrst-cUss
r uriiiMire more.
Iicnr the Ilopnt,
Apr. U.rtm. MUdlelfirg, Ta
OnMf f i.-'ioih 8EXE8, fcf lb mril..fl ini
lll,i.. .,in',..,,l,1ii1.. ,i,aiili-6-ll lif'IIUhl, n.,.
iiiiiini! ,i, -.ii -,l.,i iu, ine lullliouuii llosilh. l:.i. I'l,,, i n i. ir. i l V inni.i! W iiniiin;
iur in lnDt i'i',-, "il Hi.rt.irwa l,v ili, uii,i.
v. rytth. ru. I'ruu. SO oents, li'y l'f- A. U.
l .I.M. On. uMf.i f lull, Kutlliwwl,
l.i will ily S3C0 I ri'V,.r ia. ul .rll u
cl.rimiL Ui-.. ..r..,iii.,, rvn he nudi nliv mid
rul.i.iiuru Hrml iu r, n,. I.a Cuidsta
Henlth. Reliople Fc,iiSia Pills, S
a Box. A iiii.61 Imniu lor . .ijiuj during i-nu.
"l- Rubber Coede "'S i Irrui.r .!
li.iliui.m.l iul.u,t,uun.v i ijiri... . bo cents.
Dr. A. G. OLIN,
Kentucky Illorlc. l 8 Cltrk St.. I'ln, o. III.
d niirplilartalrn find with.
l rala k IkrimMm. S
nui, fur jMntlralarlir.Ol I U
IS hurts Throi6 St., t klraio.
IVo. Mai'kot Mt.
tNilladolphiti ln.
11 Jll2V'A.ltT
f,,f 6B saa mt HII4, Bi66HISt, liable-, VI.
6. l'tolr,tlnit HII.KS last lUIm's
1116 HrtMMly fall! 14 ur. prtar64 67 i.
P. Miller. M, II., ! An-h HiraaL rkli64alilila,
Ps. Kan H666I66 wlllmat l ilut,r,i
Sand fnr alroular. All SrugsUt r sSBtrml
inrat Kara II or alll ( tt rr T"6. 01. Bl4
IB MldSlatinr b Jtks . M.U, OrssslM. .
Ams.II.4si, . .
fi3 ADAM CwfrV
M Giinmron mm i
nun '.Mi'uiUiiij uuuiur
l"i.S ItJ 6
tivrrsA. -fwi it jf T"
saawB. .. .,, 5. nil wmm--rm