The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 08, 1881, Image 3

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JLtoonl IN civ, Ajc.
taa Inmnnn Inmate lit t"a
gtat.rt WlH-B IdVtf
Mh .f at may
- Wf
lifMi JIooutt roOBTn rsa Conlt el
tartar iBl ra kal.l aa Hi frtb Moi Uti
M Frarr. -a, aa-l 8f(aior, sad Stooad
lUe4ar ulltaeaajbar.
All communication"., bitaiue let
trrt f(r this urncc, to aecure
' prompt attention should bo addressed
m followi : Tms Font, Middleburg,
, (tnyder Omnty, Pa. Advertisements.
Mm'minicfUioua Ac. must be bunded
lb by Monday noon, to secure Ineur-
Ion in next iesuo
K. C. Walter of Altoona it homo on
ft TiKit
Maury Hlelloi is uuraiug a vory Mure
Miss liltnlt Wttrl hit returned
iss Ida Mink is visiting Mverslown,
Lebanon county, frionds.
The potato crop in thi vicinity U
tint a Mat failure.
f v i. .-.I win n I.. .v...i i
WVi.lll riHIILII n II, iw.i,ij nmn
17 grey squirrels on Saturday.
The Cainpmcetiug km well at
tended on Sunday.
Dr. (J. EJ. Ilasaingcr went to l'hil
idelphiaon Wednesday lal.
About tlifc time the fain open look
tout for rain.
Be careful of ynur horaea tine hot I
and eu.try weather.
Owing to the drouth a butlor famine
ia threatened next
Head the new Jortifi-niotiU in
thin wcvk'e IhSiic-
Whalahallwo dn fur natcr when
the e'.la urn dry ?
Willinniaport h.n seventy vvidowa
and one hundred mid ten I.cIicIhm.
The Stctlcr t-ornel B.mJ k"( to
LcwUburg to attend tho rc union of
tho gallant 61al.
Tho crowd at Cnnip-uieeliuii 01
fundiiy, wua ariou.ily catim.ttcHl nt
from 5 to (itXK)--iii our judgment lliu
number Wiiin'l quite an l uge.
Tlio veterans of the Fifty-first P. tin
rylvani.i Voluntccra will holil tiicir le
vinion on the 14ih at Levvirburg.
.1 fiiny of the trir-t niilla in the conniy
are unable to run on ui coiinl of the
nonrcity of water in the otreiinn.
There will bo fivo cbunci of the
inoou tbi moiilli, and if tiiat don't
chiitigo the Mcalliin it will bo sliuiigi-ludued-
Hui'kwhciit "uke will prnliuhly be
finull and eenree too next winter. In
most places, so urnbiekwheiit crop
wu never known.
Now that llio
over people arc
"what next f
fuir, ofcoiirsc.
i.i.nii -riiei lins !tn
hrtliiliint! to iiii.'liri
WIlV, IliC Colllitv
Wheels of tv.igoiia ii nd I'a.ii.igtjs art
ro coniplulely tlii.d out tV.i'.t ll t,
break if a sudden torn u inn le
vera cannot be too ciiiful.
)i i.
Tho rrcsidontb.ta nrrived at Long l,llWH fHr,.M injury thnn the rain and
Pranch safe and in iti gmil physical j It the. lnequalltica are im
condition Ha could be cx mediately remedied, travel rather
The poslolTic.) du.nrtmcut lm con
firred nuthoritv n postmasters, not
poesesued before, to correct misdirect
ed loiters where posaiblc, and forward
them, instead, aa baa been tbn cua -torn,
of lending lliciu lo the dead let
ter office.
Mia Kato I'fuhlor'a Fostival. Tliura
riay, Friday, and Saturday evening,
S'opt. 8, 9, 10, "and don't forget il."
The purpose of thia f estival U to
assist Miss Flahler to admission to tho
rUtladclphin Asylum fur tho fllind.
At the re-union of the "Sixtocnera"
our friend Kd. 8. Arnold, of Toit
Trevorton, was elected Recording Sec
retary of tho aaiociulion for tho en
suing year.
The liver is tho organ most speedily
disordered by malarial poisons.
Ayer's Ague Cure expels these poisons
from the system, and is a moat excel
lent remedy for liver complaints.
The Patrons of Husbandry ha t a
meeting at Middloburg on Tuesday
last, but they didn't tell what they
said and did, so, thereforo, we can't
tell anybody anything about it.
II. S. Fieod, of Beavcrtown,. ie snid
to be one of the moat expert butohors
in the country out up a beef in an
. incredibly ihort tiine--and ruts the
whole beef into stenk that's what
very few butchers ran do.
. , Troxelville 8. 8. tVnio will be ad
dressed by several eminent speakers.
Don't forgot the day- -Saturday Sep
Troxelvllle-nand-CUke UVIk reall.
ed 115. J. W. S.
p i i in.
Coixar-bonm Baogsa. Palmer
' Walter.ton oFWrn. Waller of Franklin
township, wss throwu out of a buggy,
'on Sunday, at the camp-ground and
, tile Collar bona was broken. Pr. liar
, berattendsd the Injury. The home
became frightened and ran over ait
embcak.nent, the other occupants of
; ibeJsuggr a brother u1 Ucr ane
. not lojuroj but iliu btt;i . It'll !
Williainsport tu laltd by a snow-
er of mln on Thursday Iveulng, dur-
ing wntc-ma aa w anu pinning mum
Rni quickly destroyed
abont f,000 and no Insurance.
According to n decision of the Su
preme Court, iiiado in 197J, order
drawn by a 1'reniJiit of a Hoard of
School director on tne Treasurer of
tlie district are not negotiable, but are
merely warrants tinder authority of
law to provide for the disbursement of
moneys to whom ao.h order are
The world approaching an end
The second advenliat are getting
ready for the "end of the world"
comets ere visible in every direction
-ihu moon wear a blood-red color
the drought the co'tliuous, vi
lloma Lot weather, and the dried up
stream and notwithstanding all tin
Samuel F. Rich I of Lowiahurg goes on
nulling the celebrated Airdsall Clover
duller And Separator and farmers are
purchasing at. readily ae if thing
acre going on smoothly.
Siiott ukh CaOKMKD. -Charles Weti-
I, eon or John ettul. of Heaver, wan
assisting Jacob Uingamea to roof the
hou.-ie of Win. H- Kpeolit. Oil Thurs
day, uotwithataiidiuK tho caution ol
Mr B. Cimrles at on the ehiule-liorte
which gave way and he alid down to
the nnow-brakor at which be cbiikIiI
bold, but the bmker broke and he
full to the ground a diaUnce of 22 fV't
ciinthink' bia ahoiildcr in a friKhtful
jmannir -be l about 17 or M year
of au and will be crippled fur li:'c.
The Comimo Bonnkt. TIh new fall
bonnet in juat too aweel lor aiiytbing.
It ia made out of aome kind of tttiff,
ort of delicate in textuie and of a
rather color, kind, of cut away
Li) the aiilea and ahocd bank on the
top, and "ivmpcd out uudurneath, and
uiuinied ivilh a aoil of ribbon atutr
that looka nice, and auuio kind of oth
er nor I of material that ia quite beooiii-
' tng an I it ia all fixed on it in that kind
;ofa w -iy , which lookn o much like
Minielliing wc cannot remember, and
'the whole effect ijut exquiaile, re-
minding ua of a moat beautiful aoiue
thing or other fthooo name we can
not cull to niiud Ex.
Why FvuMKiti Compaix. An et
nlmnge voryj truly iayB : "A koik!
itwtiiy fiirmera eon))biin, and jiiNtly
too, about ao nmny men and boya
hunting and flailing on their proier
tloe along the adjacent, atreatu. und
the reaaon ia obvious. There la hard
ly a man living alun any of the vur
ioitit creek Who would refune to allow
a pernoti td lil upon bis preiniaet, if
they would only act on the mpiuve,
bttt This if nt niwiiva dr.n-. Fen )
lure thrown do-vii mid injured; tlie
growing crops rutldesnly trodden un
U r foot kiidd.uu.i'.'d, and gateti and
burn left oikmi for the cnl tie to htray
lawny or t recpns upon noighbo'V laud
'giving the oWner of the projicrty a
I goo, ileal of I rouble to find thciu.
j This Is not right, as it imike farmers
utnpry and ilcbarr parties who would
j net squarely from enjoying the privi
lege of a few hours' llnhlug and bunt- Ro.vns is Riil'Aiti. A
I. . .. 7 . . ..
iou.1 oi gravci in season nppn.-.i 10 me
ruts nn.l gullies, s.ivts tho mu'es-ilty of
; two loads applied at the end l the
j1"" .....-.. .v...
helps than hinders rond making.
Cvery one prefers the well-lieaten
track to a new road. It ia quite poa- io oisirtnuie me repaira au rvi-n-
ly through the year, that the road
bed may be always In good condition.
The loss to the fanning community
from bad roads is enormous: It ia
one of tho heaviest taxes they have to
pay. It Is laid on every article that
goes from the farm to the market,
and In many eases the tax la so heavy
that it swallows ail the profits. Uood
roads lessen the coat of production
they cheapen the grocer's bill, the
miller s bill, and especially ine cost oi
the fertllUera, whloh are the secret
of economical farming in the older
States. Work the roads to-day and
save money. Ex.
On Jlonday night a bright light, de
noting ait unusual tire aoruewbere,
wsa seen iu the direction of Van Wirt
and on Tuesday morning intelligence
reached us that our friend Davis
Ksufl'man, Walker township, had lost
his barn and crop by fire. A horse
nd colt and a oow were burned and
many implements used by farmers,
ninety busheles ofcleaued wheal and
wheat and hay on slack. There is u
certainly as to how the fire oocurred.
Tho loss is a severe one. being not less
than $2500, and is made doubly se
vere because .Vr. Kauffman has
roached the aftornoou of life aod los
es the reward of his honest industry.
Later news about the burning of Da
vis Ksull'insu's barn is to the elToot
that the fire was tho work of the
tbioves. who stole wheat, as the chat
off the bottom of the bags could be
tracod. Tracks of a one and two
horse w agon were traced lo Mexico.
The fire began al the wheat slack and
la.said to have hee.t started with coal
oil. Mr. Ifauirman's aon lost a horse
and new lmggy.-Viiii.i r-6w.
sN Kali Mock, the latest
styles, coining iu every k. Sow if
you need a good and chfap suit corns
to Sol, Oppcnhflmsr, at fenm-grove,
la.Tritks and Value. I'M V
peurtvlnwr'a to HniPva r
vYhi of ,v ! 1 1 si lifinei-'e
,. .ln.2ivt.Vi . ..-1, t'
X PltmrrtWedllnJ at MuscsUTf.
MUA'OTh Knira. Ang. 81, 1?1.
A very pleaaant affair took plaee on
theereniugof the t5th, Inat at the
residence of J. . IIalliran, Eq. it
being the occasion of the marriage
of their only daughter, Ulaa Jaoova
F. Halliiraii, to Mr. C. A. Ayere, of
thi place. A tire abudowe lengthen-'
ed, and the Increased light wan
thrown on, the contracting part Ion,
with Mr. HalllKan, brother to the
bride, and Mln Ida Murphy, eouxln
of the bride, took their poalttou up
on the floor, Burroumled by a brill
iant eotupany, and after the un'ial
ceremony perfurmod by Rev. F. M.
I'loklee, of Troy, were pronounced
h unbuild and wife. The bride wa
drtKed In a very rich brown ellk and
preeented a charming appearance ae
he atood by her afflaneel, who wti
dreseed In a, plain black, milt with
white neck tie and vet. The krlde
inald, dreeaed In a black allk, taete
fully triuiiued, and the groninaiuald,
ill plrtlll blnok, fulfilled their ln(wioli
in a luoxt graceful manner and the
whole aervine, brief and gracefully I
prolioueed, caiinvd koine of MuMe
prnevnt to fed, If not eay : "Thia le
the way I long nave Fought and
mourned beeaiiae 1 found It not."
Mr. Ayera, a IVniwylvanlan y birth
I no atranger in Atchiaon county,
and UrecognUedasoue of the tK-st ,
teacher in the county, He ia a
young man of plea-ant add res i has
gathered together considerable prop ,
erty ; la the superintendent of the
Methodist ft. 8. i and U deservedly
tm,itli li Iim ikMi, III II II III'. I'll.
bride Is a young lady of schulftrtlilpl
and retlmunonl. Her education wan...
- I.. . ... ... .11 ..,! ... l I
wiiiiirivu iimiwr nip in riiiiuii ui tins, j
Monroe, i ii-iiismi, ana an' naa
been a uecesful teacher in various i
schools of the county. Willi similur
. . 4. . & II. . I ...
.as es , ,)- ,.nU l,,i ,,, joi.rucyi
welladaptedto each other. Among ,
liiegueia iroiu huiuci we noiicwi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N orris aid
Mia Ida Murphy, from le Knlb, no,
Mr. and Mr. 'ick Kline, of Jackson
county, and the olTlciTiiliig elergymati,
llcv. F. M. Pickles, .l froy, Ooniphan
Co., who, by the way. is an intimate
friend of the groom. Among the pres
ent we notice n Ijenntiful ntid com
plete set of china dinlme, presented by
Mr. und Mrs. Showimker, Mr. and Mrs.
Nick Kline, Mr. ami Mrs. Dan. Mc-
CuuiK.Mr.t.eo l.B, v,n. Miss 1 ,.
Wo"r ,,VT1M- 1 ,'-UV" ! "
..Ice fine cu,p cliair. by Mr. ami Mrs.,
nas.i. an.pi.ei. ; j.i.c,..-. o.u k-omv, ,
Mr. and Mi. m ri-, Hue large lamp,!
Misses Ida and 1 jtuiia IVrgesnii, tine
bed spread, Rev. T. XI. Vickies, liutter
knif Miss Ida virphy, silver spoons.
Miss I.HI!., it. Norrik, p!ele dish. Mi-s
May Wylie, Toals, Mr. ami Mr-. ie.. j
Wyliea ; und oilier g'fts, nil valnubiej
and attract 'Ve. I
A vu y iuviiiiij Ftij'p-r -t- ei vi-.l
alter which Mis- J-.-.i.t '-il!iie. et.ii
Mis Fe'gusiin 'nriiiflicil excellent
MUs!c. I'rem'lltlil ion wrrdh Were
iu.L..n l.v Uei- t' M l'i.klen iiii.Ih
response iiimie ny vr. .yei-in iieiiuii
of himself anil vife, mid tho lu'ppy
company left the newly mud.' couple
t j in i.lilitte ui the wisdom of tbeiri
at. J. T. S.
aaaaa aiajami mi I
Oulraoe by a Tramp.
i f ., ii, i
ill Motid.ty ono of llltsti) bold,; i.cln no frcfiiieiitlv l
. 1 . ' ..
, i,y nam:, liappenej nun in mir
I taa ia last . D.iniel Hreoii
u. )e,ir 0f cry Uiuon, ll..-
nnncr a; uaiupufii a mill, weni oui uiiuw,,,,,,,.,,.. ti.,ii..
a potato paU h on Welcl bill to cull
the folks to dinner. The boy tletaiued
hiliiHelf a little whilu pursuing bumble
bees after the others hud I' It. Near,
iug a cluster of brush in his chase a
tramp suddenly spraug forth from
his hiding place, pounced u )on the
boy a ml tut c his clothes into ah rod
lie then dragged him intj a near
wood, and with a V knife in hand and
heavy throats inaJo him state that hU
father had money. Then bo gagged
him and left him under lb malt not to
stir, to cut a whip or club. Daniel
still had presence of mind and pluck
enough lo attempt an escape and sue
leceded to got away from the brute aod
ran home, lie was so frightened and
oxhausted that ho could scaroely give
an account of the mallor. Mr. Oraon
ill compauy with John . 4'arart at
once mode pursuit for the villain but
he had made good his escape. No
doubt be had been bid in the brush all
morning ready to pounce upon In
nocent prey, MiUMm Journal.
Tom Morton.
The well-known, good-natured
tramp, diod iu the Danville .lsayluui,
Aug. Hill.
Toor Tom Morton," as he was call-
ed, led a roving life from town to
town, living oil' of tho liberality ol iho
people, although he had a good homo,
and his pareuls were anxious to keep
him there.. Although not endowed
with a well balanced mind, Tom was
kind hearted, polite aud obliging ; be
was extremely fond of children and
would play with them for hours to
goiher. Iu appearance he was long,
gaunt aud ungainly. He had double
row of teeth, which did not add to bis
personal appearanco. He was endow
ed with a most ' wonderful memory.
Face and names once seen or beard
were never fergollea. lie knew every
one from rjuubury to took Haven by
name, and could tell every engine on
live road by its tell of whistle, whose
Hand was on the throttle aud wlit was
firing. About eight years gd it was
supposed Tom set Are tor the stables of
John Jarkle and the City tfotel. Je
was takeu to aWvllle'tt, l'l AasyltfW
sud has beeif so inrrVuf' vf ti ttf
tr. iu i,i iw tufi
. fciAQdWttiS1 V ff
a i
t4tI'o yo'ii want a pice droaa bat?
cnrtie to Sol ((ppenbeinicf, Sutinsgrove,
Bargains i Bargains !
V Not ice to the puhlio ia hereby
given that I will aelt Boole and fthoe
at coat for the next two weeka In order
to make room for a big Fall .Stock,
come and buy, you will aave money.
n. MAKX,
Congred nil,
NotP'K. The Executive Committee
of the Board of Truxtnea of the I'cml
aylvuiiln State College h ave dctcrtnlti,
ed to eetablUh Ofty (40) free acholnr
ahipa In the Institution, bne for
etiell riehntorinl dint riot In the State.
All tuition in the College la already
free. Theae ailiolnrnhlpa. In additiou
to the tuition, will entitle the holdora
thererrf to eiemptlon from the pay
lnnt of other college churge, for in
eldontala, rooiu-reiit, and use of fur
The conditions are. that the achol
ar, after a competitive elatulnntlnu
of the studies required fur admiston,
receive the appointment from the
.eniitor of his district, an I that anld
acholar be nt least llftfeu (W) years of
age, of good clmracter, ami fully pre
pared for admission to the Freshrnnn
clasa. Th student so appointed shall
111, ftdtilliwl tlia lulinllli tit lil
.,lol(irHllll, for , four yt1ri, ,(f y.
iiilleif,i millPMA lirnvlillniy lliitt Ilia unri.
. . . . . ,., . ,:.f,....
The subject for fiamiua'.i.ui for
the year lwl Hi are, for nil applicant,
the common Kuglisll branches. I'liys-
li.iil r:....Tni.liv. lllLrher Alirebra 'to
,...- ,i.,.,,irv ii l.n.,k.i. sn.l
' " I " ' N
y, CV
The spe.-lal require
linents (f iipplli-aiita for atliiiisslou to
the NcieiitinV course will le the el"
uieiit tf Nalurul Phllsophy ; the
ia ,.,,,, ,, ,,f VUl.
,,,., rn ,...,. (, HH.ks,,.
Cicero's Oration (n), and Xi-iiopbou's
Anabnsis. A stuib-nt whose ualill
cations fall, in aouiH reslM'cts, below
j the standard, but are In others so
lunch above that standard a to give
a reusonnble hope that he will nmke
up his delleifiieln, limy He admitted
os I'KoilATM.ii. Miould no one pres
ent himsidf who ia entllbxl to enter as
a Freshman, a vdl tpialilb'd Bpdi-
! cant for II Hill KU elua standing muy
, be iidmitti'il.
,.XKUlilml ; of l,I,!,.aIs i
pursuan f the above will be held
Sunbury, on
u. ...ut, of .pteinber. 11,
al I, p. ui.
S. P. WoLVitrT.
Jmwu tegular term co'iiiueDciii
Pipl. 20th, 18S1.
i.,,, i : ... .r .... iii ii li
!::-- w l ie I ri.-ii k liiic,':iiiiiiu, K l
ward I re d. Pnihp Herb-l-r
Hi'.wi'.ii WKsr-ll-nry J
llculieii Wagner,
.. ... .. Lt in
Mliambe Ii
( 'n .( a N - Willum M . Hover.
rH ,jKt,iS. , ., ,,i i Hnssiug.-r, J
I... I
unniiiL" r.
J ai Ksox rriinkllu M.iriiiitn, John
Mii.m.kui i:. .imi'...iu Snder
Mipih.Ki hkkk Andrew lliimiui.d, Ja
i u- u . i
. . . .
i 1'KHIIT lr- .KiIiiimuck
lil,,lsjilIil. .,.,,.. ., .w.
i;sll(N j',. nIin,lers
.1,11 94 B..1tHr iMJIIII 11. 1UI1.111T.
Jolin.M. MutTmiin. l'et. r S. K-igle.
drawn for reulux term coiuiucocing
Sept. 2(ltb, 1881.
A dams-Isaac Leply. Robert Mid.ll.s
w art It.
DKAVKIl Jacob A. Fruml. Isaao tieti,
Billion F. Kobler. Henry Rearlek,
Alfred Hpecht, Ner M. Smith, Wil
son II. Oh.
CKMTRH -David Ocker, John R. Shen
kle, Charlea W. Banders, Buuiuel
F. Sheary.
FllASKI.IN -Franklin Hilger. Isaiah
Itoweraox, Mlllnrd llassinger,
Iwla Miller. Robert Bpade, Heury
II. HhttfTcr, J.lin Walter.
Japkhosi Bamuel Wetiel.
MlDDMiBXIMIJohll Htetler.
Mii)ni.Kt:nKKK -Perry Aurand, Ben ja
mln Hummel, K O. IHrick
MoBlloit Henry J. Aurand, John 1,.
Cisoper, Hugblin R Hettrick,
Wm. J. Belch ly. j
FlCS! Theodore W. Fisher, Henry
Moyer, Samuel 8. Mourer. Henry
A. Ott, Amoa Htetler, William 11. j
l'EKRY Reuben . Hnbb, James ra
bam, Jacob U. Horuborger, Wiu.
Harding, Klliui Mlniiiuiii.
Pkhry Wkht Frederick ArtMigaat,
Thomaa Ilerr.
Sklinkorovk B. F. Crouse. Charles
R. Risbel, Howard I. Behntire.
WAsiimaTosi -Francia O. Ulaaa, Hen
ry A. Hummel, Philip B. Moyer.
Honored and Bleit.
When a boanl of eminent phyiscians
and chemists announce! the discov
ery that by combining some wonderful
medicine was produced, which would
oure such a wide range of diseases that
most all other remedies could be dis
penced with,, inapy were skeptical :
but proof of i'i meriu by actual trial
has dispelled' all doubt, and to-day the
discoverers of that grtat nttdieine, Hop
Bitters, are bouored and blessed by all
as benefacUjri. Amor. '
'Lfildaey's Blood Searcher" the
rtreal nedicine for fever and ague,
malartrf, aud Alt blood potaou. , Uoiil
fait (M dee it.
I If will pay ever body- U examine
:.. mtineoii Slock of .Furniture
.t. W. 13 re e n o ;
14 te 1H
iwvn .
Putter ear ia
tfpi par ii .
Tallow praa4
Saadad Cberrlee
Url4 Apila
1 la 0
7 to
l!lidIlcburf illurkct.
0auTBu ili r
Slmonton. Harber & Co.
Wbrat tier buakal J 91
N. 1 0
Ity da ;s
Cera da f,n
Oal da 40
Potatoe v
Clofaraaad par (nh I I le 4 l"
Cherries. filll4 )a
I'hrrrlrs. unpillad Z
nisckherrl i,
Ranptisrrisa nf,
Priad ptl f
Spring t'bii'ken lui
llnllar, .r(nit j,j
Itnlirr, Ifcon i-olJi j
K. 1:
t'uiona 71
Maia 1.'
lUu.ilUr 1.,
Ilsoo r:
l.ard t""''
I iio u:
Uk I'ira 81 'o "
Pea Coat ;' i
j f'lies'tiil 'onl !t .') ' I
1 lllscki h l'.isl ) . v
r.t 'o
AugUt 11, Tlliillllis t'll'lppi'il nf
t 'ui. hi Co.. to Mis Hnttie Bailey ol
Kratzajrvi'lc, Sn)d"r ',.
Auir. 7. 1.'. Miteln-I to Mi Am. din
A. Krat'T, b.ilh of Celiir.; townubip.
Hiivder I '.
hnpl. fl, iii Ibis tiltii-e. Kvt-lvn
tbn, ilallu'liti r of riioiuus ,). Htid
ri Smiitj, agi-d ti iiioiilh and 11 .laya.
In St'Iioi'.'rove, Aug. son nf
II. J. Duck, agi-d probiilly i tot)
In Nt'liiisirrove, Ana. 21. f'Mrrii- Will
allium, daughter nf .1. It. and I'lura (.
hitiuple, aged a years, H luoiittis and l'l
SOU,, in Chapman ..wi,.blP
"J . (',,.,r!; ".hi
I ' ',
j Auu'. .MM. in Wa-hii .'t.,,, t..wi,..i,..
jiiuii-s i-iti-ivhi, ui in -i-p-i' ami ar
ali l.'-n:.-, a.-d ;i vi-ar.-, V i.i.itn.- un 1
v " 1 1 v. is i,k, ti- cr -n tiiit
ii m. j.i
" I'l ( .ri r II ? lar iia II i. J.tiai
i :iu,-..r f ail '.Ll li . .1 -iijl.f rt
H ij l.f r i j
: ai r.r. itn." tafm i ift la vi'Iilir,
,-n-l..-'. l'if. I'.. I4itir'in i. 2i ft. I-.,.
I'-r Af.'.l.. .. lro irp irsiluii I if fta;
l u'l -. Ill mr li,a .1-1 .11 Aril it. 1 Ti N.
I I V ! Mia I. r.l , !..., I La ul.,-.-l 1 1 It la' ,
t'. .a tr. vrp -t-i u, la to .ay 'Mioenit t. tt,a
p. r. nii im haousa m.rrbir. "in nf stub.
I'vM it. iu s'.'i tj s.aa'n.Q. aft i
' rtrtira.i. i.f uiami-ar.nip tu mtsa.
t.nni'li '.6 nil II..- c. L liiioi.. -. !
Uiatilauf lh. ...ii ly .
I'rio. leal . ti a a. sutJ.r l o
A II. U. l.lfcrKl.'H.
N'OTll.'K ia hereby civen tli'i. rr.
isln citlrem "1 ilia i-i.miLi'Tir.ii. ".
rin.. i usi i
Mm J. .' Hi
cnl-. sir i-iat
to tr.
Ir at lafit J J fi.a
01 ilia
.'it'irt ie ' atnn. m I'la . l-nj 1.- n,iunty , I'a
Uy tb vn'i .1 .y . f stp'an imr A. . !t, lor
tha .-I t'r...ii nf I no.iri lira. Inn
J ll'"!'?..
itllrlittt r a. I I ia aiipi a I I r u lar an I in,
purauana : an a-, o' a.'iiuuIt -niltla-1 ' An ,
Act f Lir'i.l i Im t'.a I iCuri'ot s'lou a'M rsu-
' latlun ol .rt.ln i-orp-j atluna" aviirutri-.l ilia
. Hni!a;ol Au ll A. Li. n;s. Tut tail
ri.iiiuii I. t i u tnorp.i'aii n B-ilar lb Ftrat
1 i.uni oar 1 . kr,-! -.ill bva . r l't -.O'att
la o' a s -la:j I. r taniial .& i
i rttriii. j ijf ixti In . t in li."
-litI laaram paa a .ilpnltl ua 'l
otf 'o uiiarrl-i. m- at it -i--n itair war-
rut , aJ tarn .rtin,-a aa kf u-auib rtuii tor
a iraein.i HLuti. ft, ai. a a ia aanan tary
I rr U rila r bar aaai.,a. al a ca tain II a tk-r-
ila aailos.l. Bi.oj tu laailrnant i tba v-
lliinn. aiantlun! tbarain, Irnoi a laud ralitd
Iroiu ti'tawau opun I a mainour.
i t, flnWIK
K.t. . issi. Ailnraar
NO TICK ia hereby (riven that tht,
toll,. Imar Truata Aaeouiil baa san Sld
In lb- I'rotUouolarr' oil. a. ana ma taraa will
b prn'il ! at iim noat Dourt for aunrji t
ll. in, au I anlvat att'ttnlaQt aau.a b aboaa la
tha noiitrart tba a.iaa will k aoorli-ina.1.
final ai-oount ol janat rraiior Truaiaa or
ttaao a. Hoiljuilslo.
J. UKOU4E, DlarS U, O.
Mit. S, ISHl.
AsrAljiioe Arjuuats.
NOriCB It barehjr gltn tbat Ibo ful.
lowing Aatlgaaea Aduouais bata baaa
Iliad ia tba oltio of iba ('rulboaulary nf
lbs Court of C. I. of Havdar duuoly anJ
will bs prsaaota l lo lbs ntit ssurt for
ouadrtaaliua, and ualaaa tutfioiant oauta
bs abuwa it lbs ooalrary las aaiaa will
Da oonnrniu.
Tba Saal saannql at Ubarlat al. Imim Aa.
llgnaof Utolal l.aabar bia l lor ooarirmatloa.
j. oaouae, rraib't.
Pratbl'l I l-na, eut. , i .
ITOTtOE of Widotts Appraisement
-ouder tbe 300 Law. Kotiee li
baraby aitta that tba following wisaw
apprslaaiaeals fcats baaa Alad with Ike
Clark of tbaOrpbaat' Court of Bayelar Co.
ror soalrmatloa on MotfJay, tbsxeui say
f Sept. aaxi.
.SSnrkUMiaiatlt nf ktaai.l.ilaiia fiarj all, Iab
ot wiinaim, dao'ii,
j spiiraiaaaaani oi -art powartoa
Joaatbaa Huwreo. da d. .
Moe at
,Apiiraiaio it ol M irt AC SbaSaf
Jatok V. HbaSar. daald.
ldot at
Aipraltauiaul of Mr A. WBfBar widow it
t i,t,iai - atttr, uh 11. ...
i ai irua ata iti aa. at manas naaa two. ai jvbb
. Il.aa. danM. . I
I . nn,.i....l ai ll .1.,,. k-iil (J, ..t
jUB. u -i,a. u.jj.
,. . ,. - 4, unuuob, viars w. o,
btpf s, fttt.'
Th3 Birdsell Clover Huller and Separator
the best and faalent Thresher In the worlj Heud for cirookf and price Itet
Add res the IJIRDWKLL MFO. CO., Ifarriburg, I'a . of
.v..ytM, L. rttMt Agent.
Kept. I. . Iwfafmrf. Pa
Dr. I . aitfH V taiha o'i s
I, I nK 1 F . non Is II nl.'.- I "-a I
i n lhrruh l.i iisfl lhl -t
t-.a'lnr Mnpiiir ltS "it lb nii -HB -a us I Is-
..r Iti.m.s Itllit. tin aistt. t la
Ixx-a' lltsrsal Ap llrail- ItnriM i
ni.nt tn liln.irsr.. a (m l-'ij. -nrilr
valnat I : i fr"i stt 'at.l Hnklura ,
f.llut. (n., in ,.,,,. irMOuaal aal
,prt l"f h'ia 11. aaiia i-y.
;::;!;iTEacte EiiiEfc, ilia
ftp g . t:--t- f . 1
MrMrV U oej-itt will t fl vt ,
ttis l..i ar- rla..tiaisa-l.,l.
r.B'la Vnsfaa Hl.t .Cl.arff lit!
I ar. f . 1 u--. S.r' t ' ll.''
I ni'.n. KH'-'J'i .t'' T. f..ri T-aaoriua
' t.Tir. 1 i.uf" ' t sn . a
Minns. fO'lM aaji, . smikls In.hi.
tarkaa, Vloiil.f s.pi li. Km'rar.Mla.
Haaff , 1 saa :l S .. IJ.
tl.a'a. s-.l, Wa.loal, Mrpt. II. I 1.1. t
li oa..
4-ms. I .iaa.laT asM 'V Tfi.- lflPa
I anlrs. 4"BilT. ' ' 1 ''"
,M,..i.iisr an I I'fankila Tsaia;. V.'.
Mi.l.M. t r
Ml.l.lW-a-a, wadnaa.lar. ar Si- w'atiapa.
I'.S'i, r.nflay. sapi tz. sa.m.
I'a.ft. Kf. la si t. tt Iran nt
Tlia lll banln kt M
i'ti-t r ol Inn '.( a-intalluti aia a f. t
d to ta in MiaoMaafa
Mll.LtAM K I B
A-. 14-. "!
fjrtlAL LIST SEPT. TERM -1831
John Ril-Mar a. A I B im aal
Hmi.nton a slua.-i rt. A.
l'SM.i I at.a J.!'"" i a..
A. M. K.S"il a. fnrJar lul'j
hi II I MoMaaaa ka a W. WaiL
. onitama, sa t l rr H siriav
W H KtcihimM uta ol Jaaoo J. Ar.iiM h i3
JaF' i o. sefiar SaL" tj k UMot
K.lT' a.t ci
Jot-. a M Ulna taa Ma.arT a Lalifra
li. R cs
!- A"Ka. kr rt Jal.n I). Him!
John S hssa-a ?r fiaar
ti . K 1 d 1 s. b H lei
Hiinu.t Uii J. W. ilaailar a J U
t .rlrn. :ta"jtr.
Rarsksn Itafiar ti J W 'lui .
jiarrnart Ha-!' ra J W
J fc. 'I. H F A p
-a i k - t 'BBf I ; t a, t- 1 1 S.ra at a'
rii'inil MO'i Laa i. it . h a i at' I
Lint at' naa: i , u a ia.,r,a io.ia
... Jhi aal Ka1--- 'f-a-v
v llo.aia t Varj h
W Si ta-.r. V t.' !' , '
W. X. . ar aal V. H dclii,
' if ..a ll "fjat i t I! an 1 .' asa T
fl r.Bi I' aia-a t ?. I aar- kaei-l
1-Mi.i- c naa. r t ii.m lal i'.t trial at
Ml ! I a-,
c . a '
Ttrn 'r.a it 2 J f. t ''t' I
.11.. J i it "f ' '! ( .! I
c-'n.i a I to ' 1 Jn' .aa cl ?
and Miiia o 1 ll.r.n '
l.u':. it Vivia' AatjC.a .
in tod fur Polr c- ;s j So i--.-
tracsrt tfkrior. Jan it t !
.Vis:. A 1. so 1
lis tc:-:'i. g cf ta 'irjiiair t--rr, i
of frtro. o T :ai. tvj-: ,.f Otr nj
imlffr and Orarral t:
of yaar-a
aicna cf tba rra? it ! ia In hn , : r
cniin ' T t f P n J 'lr, rt lit 4 L V'llli.
Ing ihs'.'i'Th lnr o.' -p:. f
, it.
c'a ,
- to- '
cuui in 'te one frt- .
!ciie ip Ibfivfoia liar t'd1
t'ertinr, J ?! ica cf i be 1". -: as. i t. .
' Mi. i.i and for lb co'f. ' if .
etr in luir rrcrr .rt a 'a'
rt.- r I.. iu.
otiist .ameift'
i.i.ioca. in. o. -!.'; kr j
rtii'ti lo i i iboa t.ii '
r cAc anJ !s it r Saaa.t
l.rf is) tinn.r' as! rer-
abicb if I .
r:a!n to 1
sou a rrosect, :iig'& .t.a.;c i&e t -mni 'B-
ta.lli again! ant feraoB tr feraoaa ar
i k- ii,..n ami in. r., na
, 7 . ,i
an l aol Jrparung without Irate al
Ip.ri!. Justices ara rau.-aitij lo l r pumi-
us a ttaalr alleudunca al lb. arpoiBiaJ
litre afrraliv lo m.iic.
Ultra uudrr uiT bau'J au.i ! ti tut
Hbcriff'a otiica la Mi J Jliu: . i be t b Jay
if Aug. a U
9ue ibouaan J cigbt ficLirtj
uaJ cabiT-an.
JTUaDaUIV O fl ii Ti,
Undersigned adminstrstitr
1 ol thi
Itieaatat cl Abraham Firga. lau of
M.ilillaerae 1'iwntblli. itai.l, lit. t ii,. i... ai k.i uaua.1 en.iAiiLa
. in ban.' t ou.l ol snrdar esamt, aiawta So
fiuuue aaia, on
haluiday Sep. 17, ISSI,
on lb pr.mla!, lb filtoatiig ,laar,.iJ Ka'
kuaia lo nit ; A rtala inatuag aaJ tract
ol land iilttit la MIJJiar waotulj , eoa
Ulaiag 77 Acree
a4 l aj'-r tr .r r aa JI Sartk
t-i latiJ f 'ia.i-1. Kitrlltlru.ri . l-a4
jt i la Jita ! .l tc.1 lt atalk
Ifantiut : s.oatt r 'a ..i itr. rva v Kttrt
K'.rad aa.i Ktlrr"a, kr4 W . tf
'vlasat of lr-ar.ra roMnar aad is,.,, l-otia.,
Pibra ara rt4 a Hoot aa hart. aaJ
Itiar onlbull.tldh-a
Hal to eoiaoiaae al o a. ta. vhes Itmi al
bail alll k atada aaoau tr
.till. it nraiiK,
rPHK obdersipned, A Jmioistralor
S. of tha aUUof Vllblra I sonant, lal of
lrrt loanable, daeaaaad, btr vlrla ol aa ordar
laaaml out of tba Orbant' Couit ul tiatdar
oouol,, at May larm, Ital, wlllU)oaM I'ab.
IIo8ala,aa taa praailaat, ua
Saturday, September 17 tb, 1881,
tb following daarlba4 raal aauta tl'naUla
farrf towuahlm ba)dc caanly,
i'., oatIB
109 Acree,
ara ar taaa, woaadail Norlk aa4 Baat by landt
uflkarla ttotu.aoatb br laada tljuub Hatk
fB and . roaat, aa Wat by toBdtofMI
aaal UaOatas a ad Pkaba Kaalyi waaraoa ara
araatsa s harsa, lao-ttory
Frame tloaee. Bank Barn,
SB4aAkaratbIMlBtra. Tbaaaai win batoM
la "Sola or is par la nil par thai Bra.
Haia as ae auaaa al la alo a. al. rM
Say wbaa lat-t 4 aaaa BUI be -ada bws by
lag. II, ISSI. AdauOUliator.
r kvi lasvLEii,
Notary Futiiic SnrTc? sr. CcBTojaacur
Epal Estate aai JnsnrancB Aicnt.
Usadt, Boadt and Mortgaga V'aparadani) a
kiadt nf aonrayanalnit atuaeaa (a aramutlii
lit Blnat and aaaurraay.
Aiv.a ii baying and avlllii
. iuai k.taia. oboi
mi mww. vnDt .a rnttini, e-ntuai ut
r.. P. O. Addlttt, iil. ritaaaat Ulllt, Sat J
jtlo., rasa's. 4)B!i..'t
. '
n- 'isn - 'V. iwhm t-wi
f" ml i'u (:s,.rtnl fe-i ainn!ta.l
.l- Bi tsinlaicm, rwrrhanla n 1 rtf.
aaaii.-l I" ! Ha. a.m a ka
raai,t4 si kla 1' ', I I BrxUfi
v lai. T i..lsa at I 1,1 , .- I at B
. . av r ...
"m'-- " ,'f'. W.iuaaU..-. f.i-a
Ht au I TrKlaT. e
tt nf iJmtr ttf fttit -ti f Mfftt W
' lr.nnV r1eM atawlakaT taa
"p "r ri imk M4ti mrw rmwwi-
t nrl-r 1 ll I U fJ f otkt. vl
aatail far ..tllati I
zsi't r ia norr
i (ii"Hnf: 1 i ir.
Vat 11, ' I , -in-trial ra tar
A i.iiiniiMii alll H- K.M al lh ia r.
1 lana ul ia 4 n aa lanla, Jaaa a. I"l
1 t'fra -' .-'air a'rsilon u it aalata
1 Vrhsl Vl'ni". la al I f-f taf atfaa
I ! .. .afd lata trio a-1 1a tk i-f
.-. s.1 A I' ar..-.a k-!-!nr lKla l
; da-ita r tat- atra at!! rl iitil IStntl.
a a at a t hMa ...-, baaiqiat
, l a.ti .; trn.M -t. f ' w,i l
I l.v is sni v.
i Jan. K. la-l A'ar
'f j
1 -tra f a ' .;,. . - al
-- iaa e-v.ra.,1 i-.i (s-ik.
tl Hit, Pi..o.--a! lataSa .att4
, ti.a Ub'a. itrl A ll tar.'.tii tnaaa
' al- lr la- ia-i . . .t I a.L.'. ;.t r aa tin;afi akl. . aakatfaainJa
j aiai-i-t illa. til i,l "aat fat MM
I H.aaai ta
r ft muni
: Mar II. I'. A' aiarava
I'MIN'I"iTh A T li SOTTCr..--
It f t T .aiM'l HUM f
' Ha . '.' t t . 1,'fl Jf
!' AH rf III ltV t aVat Ja) f-
ct,t: t ! I -t ill afH bU !rtf4 .
ttri 9 ,i. rmi tAr ' .f mi m
Jirtt -1 A .Tavtftirr.
Jy tt U CIi . 4! rf T tit ,
"r t K 4 rria4
t e -. ail. rtftt kaV-af
j it-i it t-m:J et:
l :ixt-. : uixci vhl. t Iva rraj
. 'v. :i pr w um
v LLI M ' : r H
i A tr i.": A iu ..9tr'mi
A k
!''. - " a ' -'r.a Uiit
. r.. ' ? a-r r -a ' ' ii.-.n i.-i.v
- . ia. i itft i a . a -k.i4 ta .a
.:.tfiaJ A 5ra--t t a-. a-a:a
I: :,-...! t, it 1 ...a a at l s till !
m'a:a an wi i. lm-.j
aca-a.t ta . . a. a . ' .'aa t : t Itt aa.
. ua-
avt; it
tii;iL i:4
; . - A a-aji-ai r
l-'il"'.... TA.
oil .
!?, Mfti.a. i rr.s. n-i
Mr ti
r .
. v .
:s:i i--.
,. X.-w ni
U .it
! I- art ' u tr r-laaa t aj taaaa W
iiiir.'liii.i t li! ai it. .)
1. . au tt a-t. tko I sot,, it as-aar
Hfi'. aa-ak, aar aretktui
sd. t.L
Jail lira '. iiMi(rs. -(-. (,f
Ti Fi ii i i.i Viiiitnii. rmt ti
t.t.i I . .. 'ii! . 1 rtr . i .
I rtui.ti rtr, hi niiar.a:rrs aa or Bvas a,
t Waki--s lataiuaiarf aiaal Laa -aa la a
I i.nT Maial kt 4 rtt'iikl lo-e.-j,r. I -i.
' tfcl ma u in js-r-i a , !-i i ' . si .
i V.riirp.jaBi IU i la.locwj i-f s ! iwi.ras
I i..,Wail saikir. ia tkn 4'a.rra'lT ta
aat eiariv i1nrtiata. fric a I......
aamaaaia I ra.uoa, 1,11 ta a'aial. f r -
ano. m . oa it.iit r,-H ,
i la-tun ti oi etrt ti i..i iaali ill
- a .licit av.rf aatlartr. i, atitar
"ba: alt r...uiloB mar ' af aara biaaaair
rt.,ll. lirl .lai) aal rsllcailv.
arXnlt l'xlnr abooUl r la ta haadi f
.rt yuBiu kL-1 -aar n an In lb iaai.
r-ai, ua.lar taal. In a ilalo ta at f
a iirar, ou r.-oiii of tit on. or t t
w tat alt a tars aura tar TapaWsrai
triKCI I.VKH wr.LL MKl'l.'AI. fs .
tl Ata Hi , Nta olb, N. Y : (til "fiea
A vrMla fnr the
B ak tir l.nnir a tit
t i liHSCAT riTl HK
In M- Ilia, Ibroagb ha dark ll. aa I lit
la lifalraal, at ta la tba baaa tsougcu of
l.ilng autb.-rt andaeb'ilart. aaa.iag (.-. a-
h.tnoiia klmptun, t'oaur, W arrra . Rarna I
I-oat, Joarfib i;ook, liMebw. Talsa. ! .
rnili. le. Alareb, Kr afrr...u, Iir.Cro.lT.t r
I'Ui-lar, o. 1). I'ranllr , In mm Vat bitu.
ar, Losirallow and albar. 'Ik ui a ,u iraai.
d ar 1'aalb. lairnartaUi, Mumtaai 4
oad Advst, lb Ha.tu Hi.n, JoLritaat. ll
Pnulabm.nt ol tbt Wiba4, aa.i iltktat. -T
lb Mlsbtaotia, A rleb taatt awa'tt IS raava
of tl ia bo. ib. ItaoaUlai tba grsndtal l-r :tv
of Iba wrldt graii, aatkCVt, au tub;a-t'.S
Ilia a. oa. profound lairratl la arya.. Mt
IrMinitaui brllllani. Tk trait not a tall rat
In lb took. It I ahaofsfaly wtlboajl a rtrat.
K ry'ioly will, ruj IV 8ehool Taaekoe.
bladanw. Yutti MM t-aa!.. mum k.
bbu fur thlt Vmk Bra inr tivJ a
Bioatn, arliantai O.i want aUI :i grti la
daya, auoib.r a la S dayt, anHbu 11 la I day
aoclbar lb and I HlDiat pi t data, a lady ald
la Id tonra, saars Unlurf e,alob, Alt'
aaaata waatod for tba baat llnatrk4 MaT
NawTMtaatant fue tb gnaat Pamt i Ul
ua"". a.iu Mittii. omi lor lra..Y
P. W. Z!
alpbl, Pa.,
ao t.
LEU Arok au .il..
or l E, AdiOit at., CUaVg, III.
Sheriffs Sale.
SY trioe of a writ t)i ti ft. jMn.
ad sat ( Ik Osurt tJ rVuionL. , .
kaydr bwbbI, Pa.anJ t Ul Jiru -nil.
baturday. iSeplettlber 17tb, 18nI
lO atlook A. at. tba following a ao.
kal gttau, I j tail i
aai 1 I
tltuata la Oa'ilta towaaklp. HsUr fiiiatt
Pa . buaudad onb iy las t a Co,r4 .
kalra, Kaat b land of -paratr. WAtr, Houvfc
NalLiautl Usoultr. souiaiaia
TfU ttid Tbree toorthg Acres
Bar ar laa..
niauad as la bar la aaaaarUM aaJ to t
a taa r(va t-t wi ciiaa is
feOLFMitS, lie if,.
Aug, la, I at).
''.NiVS'ASjrs- .
-a-a-rasaala.. .; ,,