Uoneyoar,.. m I enlurrtn, one t. v.- sdjitf.wel insertion. .f 60 naUndihiAineMCa"! thannlin, per year, 5.00 Bteculor, Administrator Pittioe Soti., .... 2-0( notice wrlins, 18 ,Mciat advertising lens then , ploenue lino. FcrtHemonto for a shorter pe i one yoar are payable t the are ordered, and it not paid in ordering them will o held; bie tor lU money. VOL. 19. MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, l'A, SEPTEMBER 8. 1881. NO, 8, Poetry kurUhip and Matrimony. Moonlight talk, Midnight walk, Longing eye, Soothing nigh, Front gate. " I parlor scene, ' -, Feeling me nn,' "Deart De, Answer Ye," Kind kiss, Blind bliss, Interview Papa, too, , Nothing loth, , Happy both, Couple tflail, ' ' Have It buiL Organ swells. Marring boll. Honeymoon, F.ndod soun. Double brown, Mettled down. One year, Skies clear. Years two, Rather blue ; Yearn three. Can't at;ree. Count- court, "Hplendid sport." Borrow. Sin. Jury grin, Divorce given. Tetter riven. Worried wife. Lonely lift. Husband roam. Care. Cost. . . "Love low." ' MORAL. When yon wed, Look ahead, MlKht Full. That all. Nkw OhlkHSs Timks THE STAGE DRIVERS STORf. Ia ,'07, Jko Tool wa atiiog tb mat from QnlUtio to Heteos. Id Montana, driving a iour-liotit onacb la aamuier, aod a ' jdrkv" in winter, seventy milut a any ' through luu wildest rejjios, aad dm ' one of the raoiit dtniforom road io the Hoi tod SUtet. The conn try through which thit truil mo W totally oiobabiU ed. But (or tue threo itag station. ber horne worj changed, and which were dntf ont, or ' log hut, twenty niilci opart. The IodUog, ah bough geoerally filod'y,i'ra liable to beoonie eoemlei at a tnnmont'A wtroing ; road-t(rDts tod outliwe wrra tliiiker upon the Oalla'in route tbta toy other uorth of the Uaio Pacific Uailroa l. aol the routo Uolf ran through proolpieev, a though orlgUnahy laid out by raouotiiu ehi-ep, NotwithNtaodio all tbi, Juke wi a Kuoocteful driver, ma le Itettcr time, loat Tower mail an'l ex preiit'eH, and rao his o )iol at a amul'er eiuonse to tue company, '.Inn ny other mu in tboir employ. Hut when mixlortuua did o vert u Wo bim, it was no llbt baud that tiitf genius of evil laid upon him, wliicb the following aJventurt prove : One mugy nuruini), id surly My, a$ Jt'ie lianled up in In4 of the tii(e.o!u -e, an J prepare I to ro- cene ruiiiU, exprons and tnoitnengfr, if toy there uluul i be fur IlbUnt, the WelU-Faigo agnt oallud to him from within. Throwng the rem, over the loot-brake, Po"l dep'udd fruiu bit perch aod entered Hie nl'ico. The ssent chut the door Mnud that mad pace down tbe inouuUio Bide. "Let's aes," be eontloned.'-if noth ing goes wrong aad tbe road's' all right, I ought, to make my lust change about flva o'clock and roach the I'aes before six. It will then be broad daylight, eo I can rattle right along, and then, after the spin down the'eansway, I'll strike. Ditaon's before aevon, cert tin. Beyond that the road is too open and too tmieu traveled into Helta to be danger ous. By Jove I he concluded, hit heart warming as be atruck his bcl agaiual the unfa beneath tbe aeat, 'I don't see wliuro the aeot oati atop me, uuIohs (lood boavone t what if they try it in tbe very Pits itaelf f I bad not thought of that 1" The tuia was silent for a moment, ao I bis face grave t tlion br'gliti-n-ing, he shook his rein, loosened hi rovolvora in boot and belt, an I, with a sigh, oonoludud his soldacjuy with tbo remark t "Well, if they should meet me In tbo Pan, 'twill be about a even thing. If tboy inies their first shot, I II rnn 'cm don, drivo cm into the canyon, or drop 'em with my pietol. Iftheydjo't tnisn, why thco the "wag's theire I'' It was uow high noon, and aoon station two wa reaolio 1, where hors es were again olnnjod, nu 1 whn Pool d ncl upon j rUal be.r uiett. hot braid nud bluuk OoiTdj. Strong food, but u i to) attva for t.'i't long rido yet before him. As he ruomitfd tho box and pre pnred to dcpait, the kecpor of tll.t Tbe grade was sharply descending now aud tbe road rocky and rough. A mile more and the Pass wonld be reached. Theaoach fairly awayed under It rapid motion. Old Jim was forcod to cling to tho scat with both bands in order to avoid being hnrlod to the ground. This was as Pool desired, and he milod grimly as be noticed the otb ei' aetion. "Yer a drlvin' pnrty fasti" screamed the gray-haired duMpem lo, tho word fitirly joiko 1 from him a the coaoU sprang forward, roukiug from eiJo to side. "Ye'll hev to hold up at the Pas--l reckon " Jako sot Lis teotb. The granite walls of thn Pa were avoid all now just bufore them, and tho rond-1 p cm pons Don't Uie BlflWoidi. In promulgating your esoteric cogitation, or articulating your snnorlicial aentimentalities amicable, philosophical or psycholo gical obnorvatioti, beware of pliititu dioons ponderomty, Lot your eon verMtional oommunioaiions p a clarified coucienea, a eoinpaclod comprehunsibleneKS, cotlecont oon sintency, ond a concaleunted cogen cy. Kschew all oougloinuration of flatulent garrulity, jejtne bHbMe muntaud atHiuioo atfoction. l.il your vxteinpornnnn us deitciiiilingk and unprvmolitiiiol espat iution havo in tUi gihility and veracioim vivacity, without ihoduniontado or thraxonioitl bomba Ht. fediiloiialy poljRalltibic prolnndity. prolixity, pttti:eon A Funny Old Story Tom Marshall was eo gaged in the cae of a trial in the interior of and Ken tuck r, when a decision of th I'tihllnli'Kl eiry '( hnredav Even JKHEMIAU CriOTJftM, Prwp-r Tenns of Snbeonptioo, TWO DOLLAIW TER A2V2TOM. Paf al.lo rlUiin six month, or lfiOlfnit paid within the rr. Jo peper die continual nntu a,l arvrx are paid nnlee at the oUon of the pub Iiher. NubK.rlpriors nnteide of the ooootf PATAtll.1! in AOVaMCB. tTl'crfn liniiiff ami iiins; panera addroMod t other beooineninnbera old are liable for the price of the paper way, dumuding and atet'p, rnn into vaciiitv, vrntrilooiiul vnb')ity, nnd tho lm.lo-v of the c?tnin!? uight an d vnniloqtii'nt vapidity. Slum donbl" tho ffloom of the crave like opening oiiti'titc. prurient jocosity, and J u dee struck him so bad that hi rose and said t "There never was snch a ruling a bat since Pontius Pilule presided on tho trial of Chrml." "Mr. Clork," rohponded tin Judge, "Hue Mr. Mnrnliell III) Lo oonttMiipt of Conrt.'' "I confena yjur Honor,'' con linuud Toi:i, "thut nhutl shkI vn a little bin d on 1'ouliu I'llatc. hut it i tlm thut tnnu in the bixtoi' of Keulucky jtn io u U'iH'o Unit it i lipd that to eptal( dmrttupK'l fully ot of I'ontiiiH l tlute is contempt of Co nit." "Mr Clerk, mxko the flue ?2d for a coiiIiikious C'tiituiiipl," raid lh Jlld'H. Holl'llltllv, a narrow path, but little wider than the coach ittielf. The roar of tlioanry rivor fur be low knuiled a novor ending warning it ran, ra.fgd nnd torn, mu iti tho j-iga I rocks, and tho dath-liko init tht crept upward W;H damp and chill. "I won't hol l np !" and, an I with thiHi word tho driver struck bU boiwu shmply, mi .1, wtwitin, they nprnng forward into thu Dovil' l'ttS, t the natna ioUnt, lt'ilf-wiy Well, Jitdjc," Tom od l.i 1. "a pestiferous profanity, obacnrnnt oi vott won all my money ln Mlit a apparent. In otln-r wordM, talk ' poki r, le:i 1 mo the twenty." plainly, briefly, tititurallv, -iisibly, f".Vr. C'l. ik.'' cii.'d tho Jud. truthfully, purely. K.ip from . hmlily, "remit tho fine. Tbe tate "wt.inir ." dofi'l o ilon nil i rv what can tifTold to Ioho the mouey bolter you mean i man whit you say Aud don't iiho big word ! Jx. him then drawing near he tuid, iu jBlatiou ij.j.oj Jtom Lis dug-out nud THE COMET. Mercy love u 1 Far above u I the comet xlaxhlng round Tifty million Million billion )Ullo mile above tho ground. VHiat a tall, Llko a wlmle. See it scout nud whiz and rare With It flipper In the Dipper, now It roll the Major neur. Now It' tryln' IVrO'ltyau (IrUli oxin;) that killed tho bull), A:. 1 the moon Prttty soon, Uive the comet's tall a pull nere and there. Everywhere, IteNtleis sprlteof ky idea ; Awful pert, Hee it flirt With Helen Potter's Pleiades, Unbeliever 1 Famine, fever, Plague and pestlleuce and war ; Fret ond worry, Trouble; hurry. That la what a comet' for. ' Lote of dept. Too much wet. Rain and hail and (fleet and flood ; Burning drouth, t j Torrid south, i , . Sunbaked fields and seas of tnud. Blood and jbones, Tears and groanit, . Onatthlng teeth and horrid cries ; ?v. Howl and yowl, "' ' Frowns and eorowla, . That's about the comet's site. ..' ' Everything ! It will bring That Is bad beneath the sun ; How It bums I Here it comes 1 - Ooodnese trraciou, let us rnn I . llUHLUXaTOK lUWHJYK, . ' " : A Fish Story. Some eastern tourists bad been pinning some Incredible yarns, jwbon one of tbe party taming to eu Wd mountaineer, said r Billy; that gets away with fishing io Montana, don't it T" "Wall, I don't know abont that" c"Do jm mean to say thai you have oanght larger fish V I tot, I've canaht tome party 9 ' I exaolly k. tell aa to "Waniroan'l U weight, bat joa folks oao flgger on It,VTon know it la two hundred ""ilea t-arotnd Vellowstone lake. M ttat 4owo; - Aa I said before '. donTkbow tU-eight of ' the big )( Ift at l ever yanked oat, but "Ofjr . J&aolsd one op on tue Wuh. aud after I - landed him tba fQ Uiree feet, and it ban't ris tulf-whi'por "There's fifteen thonsand in cur rency iu the safe, to take ovor to day." Ml rightl'' ropondod Jake " I've c irriud mora bufore no, and carried it safely." "But," said tho agent, drawing still nearer, "Dick's sick, aud there' uo mesduoger." "Ah I" sai I tho driver, meditativ ely then, touching tho revolver which bung at his belt : "I'll be mosHongor and coaohmaa both '.hen." "But," utill continued tho othor. "there's one thiug more," and bo leaned forward so that his lip touched his companion's ear. "Coppor Tom end his pal, old Jim, sre ou tbo road. A man from Cross Trees was robbod by thorn last night." Pool whistled long and low, and his band fell from kis pistol-butt. ' Copper Tom" was the worst road agent in Montana a desperado, with both courage and braius. "Dou't send the rags." I must I" said the expressman, anxiously. "The order is peremp tory i the money iuut go to- day, messenger or no messeuger. how, will you take and carry it through! Jake laughed. ' "I'll take it t that's part of my bubiuess. Throw' the aafo under the eotit and give me your pistol, I may waut two." Aud be took the otbor'a revolver from dunk where it lay and thraet it into bis boot-top. "As to carrying it through, that's another matter, with those fellows to stop it. But I II promise you this if I go through, the safe shall I The aaeot grasped bis baud and shook it warmly. The door was thrown open the driver mounted bis eeat, tho irou box was stowed beneath hie feet, the single pussen ger (an old woman, to be left at the first station) got in, the whip crack ed, the horses plunged, the ooaob lurched heavily forward, and, amid a shower of mud, disappeared dowu the steep monutain road. ' ' Although, it was May, the morn iug was cold, and it was not until the son bad climbed well np tbe eastern eky that the chill thawed out of tbe air, and by that boar Pool was more than twenty miles npon bia joarney, with fresh borsea iu their traoea, and an empty ooacb be hind bio Jit began to brighten with tba mdv Mfter I get through the Devil's Pass," aaid be to Limaelf, "Copper Tom or any other nan easy . whistle for me, for root that to Piokaon'a is as handsome a road aa ever a horse strhok foot npon. and whoever . tries to stoD me there, nolea bo shoots first, will go under tbe leader' feet I intend to make that little aeven miles in jnat twenty-eight mioatea without breakt I" And be gathered hie relna with a flrom band, as if already whirling at Tho llariinbitrg TtU'.y fnpU vory trntUfiilly roiunik thut tho m iple and hoiulouk foroxU of l'eutn IvuiiW Imvtt never h.id tli beuotit of the light kind of vuturpri o t ren ter thetn n important an 1 , ro l ic'ivo than I can." "I cmigratulnto tbn jT'omt it return to n riwio condition.' Tom, rrsnuiinjj hi seat nmi I roar of lmij.ht.-r. 7'c Ci)!'il. upon ant 1 drew near "There' nn oil ptrl dwn the road apiece, '11 want a ride. He war hero 'liont t wo hour ao. lle'll bear watchin." An I tun rough fr in'.ijrsmnn touched the pistol-b i'.t wb cli pro truded from hi open shirt front to emphasizo hi warning. Jake nodded. "Tbuuk Tom I I'll keep roy eyes open. So lonj ' The fresh rtouJa inharnus spiang strongly frward, and thu empty ooacb whirled away, "It's old Jim, sure I" half whimper ed Pool to himself, as bia trained eyes suaiouu.! tue wiu iiug roaa oe foro him. "1'lie old devil wants to ride so that he'll b on hut 1 wiiu a Copper Tom turn up in the Pans. I see it all." Tbe teeth closed with a snap. "Good '." he o mtiu'tod, a momont later "IU shall r ide." Some five miles wore paiae 1, when in the shadow of a great pine that grew near tho trail, Jake eapiod hi prospootivo piMOOgor, prone upon the gionnd, at the foot of the tree apparently resting. A the rattliu g coaoh drew near, the into bustirro 1 himself aad slowly roo. "U alio, driver I Kin yo favor an old beggar with a life f Vox pluyed, for m too old to trump as I used to, ao' too po ir to pay for a rido. Kin ye give me one f" He stepped forward as .he spoke, 'oor be was. if tittered gtnuents betoken poverty, for his olothiog was but a single patched rag from head to foot. Old be surely was, for the witbofed skin and sototy U ray lock, the claw-like bands aud suukeneyes, could not well be disguised. Half in scorn and balf iu pity, yet with a brain awake to bie danger. Jack drew rein aad replied to his potitioner i 'Yos t Be lively and climb up here. I'm behind time now. Where do you go f" -' The old man answered, as be struggled to a aeat at tbe driver side : Dickson's." A touch of the whip and the horses were again npon a quick trot. Pool eyed bis oompauion as they rode ouward, end almost uncon sciously dropped his h tn l to bis boot-top aud loosened the revolver carried there. "Cold day for May l" ld the oew-oomer, shivering. "This yer wind's sharp too" "Yes." responded the other, men tal I v wonderinJ where about - bis raaired clothes the soooodrel at bis side bad eoooealed bie weapons, "it is cold. Dot yoa'll Aad it warmer in tbe Pass." ' Sura 1" aaid the old roa, worthy bis blood chilling with tba eovert bint ia the word i and be urged bia bortea to yet greater freed- - Tiir. I'll r::i;iis,;K. Burdetto n lot CM the following 'I'lHoii.il observa tions : One day this hiI'Huht wo thrungh tho terrible gorge, stauding ja thvir real viilne onhl t pio luce ; rode fifty miles in u inihv,iy cur sent luotiouluse in tho coutro of tho roek f r them. Tli i muplo woilt'i of vd liliud four en, vnIio were opou the olio hand, n oll tsia of un- ! Pi'tinsj Ivunia iu u valuable at that pi tying with tboMj n w f 1 1 pnli things known depth upon the other, wn of her b'nek wtlunt, if pMpnrly !f (he devil cai'il. They played e, -ii a in in 1 Ihnnilled, becniHo the wo ill i hard, '(.nrliio until thev v. ere tiio l of it. Copper Tom was awaiting his and can lie utilize I to n bcnntiful They played a littlo sever-up, podro I'latryl I effect a iu building and furniture n 'and occasionally tiillo of poker. The old mm at Pool's aido niter-' that of wnlunt or null. This wood I We never heard n dispute. Tlmir ed a cry, aud loosening his grasp tiflgrowsto enormous abundance in buihte of nieiriiiioiit occauionnlly ot the seat with ono baud, he would , this state, aud will sooner or later ; some iiucn peeled puly leprittedly bare thrust it into hie breast i but beeomo one of its most profitable drew our eye from our book the oilier limr.n l him lout? toward sources oi iiuiustry ny moso wuo never quarreled and never him. an 1 pro-ising a rovolver-muzzlo jkuow how to put it ou the maik against hi forehead, whispered let. hoarsely atermelon contains about 'Jo What right has any one endowed with an ordinary annual of intalleot no I blotved with a respectable sbsre of good health, to despond f What is the meaning of sin f I'r ovi tsnoe never intended that one of hie crea tnrea should be victim of admire o feel and look the gloom, of a ihniider cloud. Never despond, friendly reader, for ono of the first nitrance of vice t-i the heart is nude through the instrumentality of leHpondency. Although we conot ct all our d iva and hours t b indi-,1 by snnhine. wn must nM f r mere inoiiifintiiry niieT suppose liiat they Bie to be mehr.'VI l- 1 ill 111 mist of misery or clou bid by the ipn'il v of irron nnd mi-f irtune (jitienra THE GREAT SFJIi CURE. INFALLIBLY CURES lUhintj ami ''(., Srrnf. ufoM t'inmrj, I. Vvr., Old .Sort, ox. M:miri,il ,f' ftCti'iitt icicd nil olh'.r Jutan A'ftirun Tnr. refers iiu:TV:vr. inr tti n.i l Miltl.Mi- t.p ami III" .1 iijh . n. ,i- tn I u lue f niil n. ol i-tutha lintin.v v it . Il: ni 11,1,.,. I t,rltt r. nnl tic- fiftprii -I it--,,i ri Ti'fu, nui i:v rirt h., .siiAr, lh ' M 6- I Skill ' , r- . I .ir -ii,it.iirM. I ., nrmy amn I 1 till HA nr, mn rui W tnllvf, littl Sllil t.U'-cr) .aiirttu-. lr4Krnt m;u i1:I.Iiiu UuMvriHl'.i nmi u'ili 14 ii.l-.. 111 p. Mill Clifiim, Will Mrll mi l Ml t. -sfors, OhlMir. It r m (1 1 illy ..tiw I. ott cur,, Ma II lOmiiia HO llill, un.-A, !,-. 4 'tl Itl'l A4 . ir HHV-'ll-lFi 4r- t 1, I ai.Iv l! wa.a I x. vl 'in t0 I' Anl t -- .i.' n- y-4 : iwt im 1 1 liAit . iil i. -r itf'it )mm ; trif.l l:unilrlt ot rii liitM ; i.,i.tnrii tri,niMiiMitl 111- et h'iil. f (i-ruikiivut'f L'urtil ib (.uilrut'A Ku,lij, I'NorluaM. "Down with yonr bands 1 If ve Mir ag'u I'll kill ve I kaow ye, old l,ul' CIU "f V"1 f and him.nu yeoftn'tcotoh Jake Poo! nor a trace of the purest sugar, and yet bis load tins time I Down wrtU yer Dtuues once. After wj got nt our btiitiou wo sat nt tho window aud watched a p u ty of young men and maidens playing cioipiut. In tif teou iiiiuule wu saw two persons client suceusifiilly. We board tho ,. c. i .1 ini.r, "l-i urn li-mtui n. I., mrKllltPdnl.l. A, I.M.. l K..III, t..,J I mkii.ii,., i,y ii,.- u-rn tii n"iiLtr Inur- tINlly All I Ct'TII't'NA Hllil IM'TII l.'H SlOAr tl ll.riillv. I'l, . ... m ....lArl.il .M....I. They ur priiA. in Mi.ir a juntii'o ul tb a. CalUd llicbln Ami K.'ly t ibu ild ,uii tu u lur nil" lAiiiiuuniAl la lull. hand I " Tho rLu Mnring rascal's ban 1 Joll jft- cure for summer complaint as at his sidd ; his faoo grow asheu-hiiaii watermelon, and uothiii elsu. Kv und Im eye stared before him.jW when diarrbmi has been kept Thev were rapidly approaching Cop- "P l)y continued outing of onliuury por Tom, noiuin na4 i.eeu .i.scovuro.i io0 J)lllyur wl (U,, ot cb(jllt n0CUij. thatftirnifht'aso petftct aud epeedy ),,,, , clu.Htniir five times. We complaint oh : i)(,Kr,i f.Ur (liHtttict bitter quarrels. We heard a beautiful young girl toll two lies, aud n meok-lonkiug young man throe, and dually wo saw the young girl throw her millet ngiiust tho fence so hard that it frightened a hortio thu other young girl food nut il tho disease has become P..r An inutnnl ah I low lra- liuar JCliroUIC, thlCliellCIHIIH UOVora 'e lor that worthy etood facing them ) I'"'8 lno, watermelon, taken thon, through tho fading light he jfouly two or three tunes a .lay, lias polu,iUti l4ir lllaiiot B0 i,ni o0 th(l sa the position of hi pal, upon ft"', ttS',in 000,1 known to work Kroiuld tlitat it knocked the buds off whom bo bd depended -he saw thej wonders, and to o iro where all th.i j Mn ,H)B trc0 . tu,y )ot, mllJ0, iM stern, set faoe of the drivet-bo saw,'"""" romu.iies i.aa iniiea norm the furious borsos plunging down upon bim nnd with a turior-btrick-eu cry be turned and lied I Could he but ruacli the lower cud of the causeway Le might escape could he but fiud a siugle spot to turn aside he would be eafo i but it was not to be. - Laio flakes of snow, that fall un perceived upon tbe earth, the seem ingly nuunportant events of life succeod oue unotlur, as the snow gathers together, ho ore our hthiU formed. No siuglo arlion oroitni, however it may exhibit, a man's to thu house at different doors, and the twoyoiuitf men looked Hhenpih and went off after a drink. Now whv was this t ktll OiAI'llNt'. t'. It. PrAi. t,q., Drlri.lt, Mich.. lunffAl I'syiiml all Hi trillion Irnin 'Win iIKaw wh cti a I'AArril in, Ul" garni-, b. Ail sail Ia. a, AnM nAitriy iii.-r.iy .1 ,ib Arc. Thn uitii CAIAIul tlui'tilllllM IaiUiI ti livlp bim ul ftilAr All bait li.llil I U" '1 On- ( Itu rm Hkaoi.v AKT IlitAinAl ,, I't-TirfMA ' Anil Hl'TIClHA MilAP ,tri.OIr. All'l A A If I, ( ABll bu r- ibaIuiI urtsi'.iy kbII to thu Say, Ktroiuia. linn. Win. Taylor. Iloatnn My,: "Aflaf ltir IliiltltliA' tti-III ill t'1'1 1,'t'IIA ItKWrtHKA, anil U iaata of ai ibilabl tutlarlos Ir .01 Un uior n ti, Lira n"K mi l a- alu -r mlurtil. I nan lay Ibal I iu ruri, an pro liuun" m t.tr 11 in,i ra-iitttaAbi un raooril, I Iiata hn n em a. 1 lih my aurrtaA tlial I It l i, i."l men 11., tu tr c Ii rr af lllnlA, aim 101,1 1 1. aid -o vi tli Itullour Kaui' in Ati'l iu y wuuiil i:ur-i ibwui, Nhlit iliimora. klrt. s b. Wblppla, Haiialuf, Mlrb., wrl' IhAi bar f h4J anil -mna tiao 01 b-r nuily wr- ainioit raw. liaa-l envarai lib traua an ni Suirn I Kirl illy an I ln 1 a, ry. Hil'i. I'araiAuaiitiy aurao by OullgUr IiAio" ill. A Methodist minister, Mr. 11 wusagood man, but rough in his wnys, un 1 very fond of uhewiui; tobn.-ci. Onn tlay be was caoyht in a !in r t'n I lu rn l;mMA r fnrAtAby all ilriisulAta. Prlo I l.'i Tii rn, a .MA.i(liial jAlly.ainAll Iaiiaa. Mfl , Ura l.il,A, 41; IU ill I'm rlKAOLUKATi thu h inn I l unoar tl ,v. r bam. t;rn- t I ' H A MKtlriSL I Ol l. T NllAF .ac.J I'lTl- 1 Oil i Hnmi a at tu Y an Siif, in, i in ban mm 1 "r n.nr, anil lArK etina UUAri. AO. rriBOl U. . rn.. ' l'l (laiiol, io Hev, wrl:K HiTtKll. ho.to Mau. ..All n.allail Ira rlpi ol ji lo. V ...... .l il,n.1r.,1 l,n ' AITnil 4U, H51IVI muiii'i J M I . . 114.41 ..!.. llf , . . 11 , , , ....... luuuraeiiii 1 tin as mu luiuiiunn uun 1 111 iiuuo;s, ami LMiniLf 10 union cio- iron-shod hoof behind bim, narrow ! , , , ., . , ( I 1 1 ik A u.al nn .vliil . 1 nt? 1 I lia t ilr ill II I it I II 'in rib,, s l I L niMilfuil a I in ilnn . 1 ' eiiu reiniiMiiii v . m w uvAii in uoni utii7b iiv- v ;i n v 1110 v -r . i there i . .... ... ....... ... lana overwuei.ns mo inuuouaiu biiuia sharp looking omi iiiiuio answer- askod for er grew the fatal roa l, aulil BtaaSViA-W M l.in 1 1 f H f 1 1 1 f litUVM ll'iilrt .-uj, . -i...., ....,., ... j, hu bltbiuli()Ui fl0 p,lftHi0rJi BOliu(, p cry, luiii'ion wnn tue 11 iniouun snort of the horses, a dark some- on the elements of mischief which pel nicious habits have brought to- tumg oeuniowo oo.ore tue piun,;. . - nilMrfimlll. tU a..m,,U o J 1 iug stood, lolled an instant before! their grinding feet, and then, spurned by tho (lying wbotils, was hnrled, aa nndistinguishablo mass, into tbe canyou baneith, and the ooacb sped on I Half an hour later, Jako Pool pulled into the corral at Dickson's rauob, and, tumbliug a balf-faiuting man from the seat at his side into tbe arms of tho astounded hostlers be said .' "Bind that roaa and give bim to tbe sheriff 1 It's old Jim, the road agent I Hie pard's at tho bottom of the gulf ia the Pas, this one ought to etretoh hemp when the officers get bim, aud I've driven my last run from Gallatin I There's too much risk about the business for me 1" Andiiike kept bis word, lie no longer ooaobes it, but now keep public bouse ia elena itself where uot long sinoe, at hie own anng fire side, be told me this thrilling tale. tion, may overthrow the ediuoe of truth ond virtue, Ihntham. Tho slaughter of buffiloe still continues on the Nurtwesteru plaiu at a rate which v. Ill place them among the extinct races, A steamer arrived in Chicago recently, from Duluth, with aca.igo oUi.OiJH buffa lo t-kics, and it is reported that oth or thousand are ready for ship ment, wbile there are constant ar rivals over tho Nortbura Paaiho road. It i estimated that 200,(100 were killed iu tho Valley ol the Vel- lowstouo alone 1 it yo-ir. When the telegraph oempaniee are compelled to run their wires under ground the worms will learn to read by soood so os to know when tbe fishing ia good. We can't all think alike. The horse think one thing and the man who rides him thinka another. The rid er think it easy to vet over tba road la lkal Knt that hnraa diffura J from bin. A drygoods bouse advertises lawn Iresses that will wash. Isu't it the busiuess of a laun dress to wash t A Brooklyn maiden wants to know bow to svoid bating a mustache come ou Lor upper lip. Eat onions, sis. Many yoang ladies at tbe eeasido take more interest in the wave of one handkerchief than in all those of old ooean. ,. Eighteen thousand more female than males in Boston, says tbe cen sus man. That's what makes it so delightful to live there. "John, ia there tnuoh difference between a see aod a aaw I" 'Tea i the difference between and a saw it inteuta." ed bis sumiiioui, lie shelter-. 'I dV iTniow you,' sho replied, euspioily. Ilumember tbe Scriptures, said the duniiuie, 'He uot forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have eutetlaiued an gold una wares.' 'Vouneed'nt say that,' quickly ret n rued tho other : 'no angel would come down here with a big quid of tobacco in bis month I' beebut the door in bis face, leaving the good man to the mer cy of the ruiu, and bis own reflection. Mftlltaiea " ''nl !.! TOI.TAIO lv Q ll.i.f-THii I'LAArau, B...I. SJaWa, r'nr arwry mhr ia.w Plic-rrR lr"l a.i.llan a balor l5ltrv iu .ubn. 1 bay Inniant lTrli,u oy -iioimI t, l.lvar i loin ilaillt, Malt rla. I amr a' ! Aada 4ii.l Kliln '? a .il tlrlnarf liltflfuiil-r., An-I nihy Ii unru fir tba Mt ul tba iiiiuiARb, A,-r iba ki loAyn, or ny aflvtAit liarl. Hilo ts -. n-. "M narywbait, Wtl'.KS a fOltl.lt, PlISTON, MAS. "finis'' tin if Never wnte thu word buck wards, It will be a a you do. A river's month is larger than its bead, the sea has arms but no hands and a raouotein baa a foot but no legs. Queer, isn't it 1 The Boston Globe says the total absence of mosquitoes in Uoston is due to tbo uetwork of telegraph wires passing over the house tops. An Ohio man ia said to be tbe owner of $75,000 worth of . dog We suppose tbi. sum ia arrived At by estimating sausage meat at 10 centa per pound. A "notice to vacate" need Hot be served by an o nicer of .be lew. Tbe mnezle of a shot gun atrikiog through a front window I Invuria bly taken aa due and aalfioient noti-fieatioo. Si ',J-l!r'I-flWl'li laUl.: rp H K nntlerkinoit has opened a I Furniture Store, near the Middle liiirit Depot, and keeps eon ttontly rut I mud a lureHinl WPlliflcoteU stockof Clininbor Hiiitra. 1 Ifdt nlra, Criiio-NfMitiMl ClinirH 'oclHnt Olivilrw ICxtoiiw ion M'l.blow HtantlK, Iomicrei. I'nljlof, and everything 1 kepi In m fln.t-eU.aS Furniture blore. H. H. PEVINCER. niir the Depot, Apr. 14,6m. Miadleb'jrg, Ta MARRIAGE : Oalda fh Wh SEXES, for lha marrlt aai" thn onniroiUliUK uirrilu a krtlllaal, ;!- aIIUS book. anualirurtlniaiUlliiniiullaiib, UIM-,ai.aiutt ruytl.Al Llh.ol Masau Woruau; UrA la langiiAne, an aniWnid ky vhyaicUba OI.IN, im oIiIaai Ki l.ii.l u l.a N.A-lUwAAl, Uowlll way $SQO airaacry caaa ol privai ar (hronts d.Miariirt'lthar Mt h aBdAnakaa arnt full. In cura. Sud lo aiaaii Cut Quid) t rtai-lth. fteilwble Feroale ril, a8 a ul, iuiai uuma lur (atlia darliif coo rlueibvin. Rubber Qoorfe u'l t Irculai mi UBpaciaBl lulu lualiua, lif i,ir4. Oeflta Dr. A. O. OLIH. Koatscky Brack. VH a. L'laik Ht, Cblcag, lit OPIUMi tain kf ()) ri. Vn4 tj(09 MrUlaaf.rr.slATat. It iurih f Uoo Me. C.to. It I