The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 18, 1881, Image 1

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VdVortlMlnsf Ilcttex.
a . -column own year,
,.hair. fToruiliil. unv inwi '
. - e.mth Milnmn aim ffl.
til II
On, iqimre (10 tine) 1 iiMertion
KVQTJ ntl'lilKiuni mow iiuii,
frofoioiil And Hniine runt nl
not more ll,an 8 l""""i P"' ye',
alitor, Executor, Administrator
,l AMiirnoe Notice.
KJitnrial notice prr lino,
11 traniicienl advertising lens
All ftuvuibinuMiciiui Kir n niwri.iT pti-
nnd than one year are pay llo at the
ji pnmon otdcring tUom will oe hold;
MjpOnsiviv '. i..j iiiinivr
X' ooti y
K wore a railroad In-akemnn,
I'd holler the station no plain
That theiiian who wm polint to Texas
Would fro clear through to Mulnu.
I d open the door of thermioklnp; rnr
And I'drtive such n mh(lity four,
flint the nusngora buck In the
Would all fall out on the floor,
For I could not alTord a tenor Voice,
And I couldit't afford to Himik
In the we-t, soft tonne of A.oliuu
Foreloveii dollar a week.
II i Vrvrc a lau;Rage master
I'd rattle the trunk Uoii t;
I'd utmid them up lit a corner
And I'd tear thidr liowela out,
I'd pull the handle out by the root,
I'll kirk their corners In,
And strew their stoning all round the
And make thoiu Inuk and thin,
fir I coultln t afford to wear kid
Jfor put soft pud on tny feet,
'ur handle. things gently, when nil my
Just kept ino 111 bread Hlidment.
were a railroad coiuluotor,
An through the train I'd go,
I'd have for every question they asked
Tlii" answer ull reiuly '1 on't know.'
1'iliiilss connections for lot of men,
I'd run lone passengers prist;
I'd toll tin-in 'twin) eight when I knew
'twas ten,
And I'd awcar their wiitches were
Fur I rould't alTord to he civil
When I knew every man In the load,
."Would look at my watch and ring mnl
fay, .
Who stole them things from the
K. J. JtUltllKTTK.
liurijlinijlmx llawfa j :
a .BBaMBBawaiM-
My Heart and I.
I lure we laughed and danced together,
My litrlit heart and I,
71'lir,.1 unit mnl umft.ilmi 11 ii -p w.iii Mini
While the hours lied by.
J, iff wan loiiil.unil sweet, and winning;
Jiove weinod no true in the Iw'lniiin;
We were no foolish after shining,
My foolish heart ami I.
I'lii-re were graven and soasof wirrow,
Twixt my heart and I.
iVe have learned to dread t ho morrow,
And the hour that fly. ,
Ity foetare growing tired mid weary:
'lie way seems chill, and dusk, and
SVer u;;alii can time puis cheery
'Twixt my heart uud I.
Veare simply of the liviiij.;.
My lone heart und I,
lluldiiiK uothliiu worth the irlvin.
And the bourn ilrii); by. .
fe Iiiih lost it 8 guidon hcttinir.
Leaves uh only valu regretting,
IVItll no power of pain forgetting
tor my heart and I,
we (lies from over-warm pursuing,
Itl.llllVO llllf linn .....I I
- ... . vi ... j aii-iti b UIK( S ,
pfteist yields to eoohiHt wooing,
While time files swiftly bv.
Jut, wine day in fragrant weather,
' may lie in peace together.
Ileeplng'neatli the scented heather,
J'oor tired heart and 1 1
Tell Me So-
V you love me, tell me bo,
fait not till the Hummer glow
'-de in autumn's oluiiiu-Hfiil llirlit.
r. 1
lUber clolllU anil nnmln ll.rlit
Vuit nottlll th lno. k,.llni
iipwlthHiiow-flakealithe flowerB,
ill the tide of life runs low,
you love uio, teU ine so.
I'"" '""o me, leu me 10,
r'Ule the river's dreamy flow
lokls the love enohanted hours, '
fP'dln muuio, crowri'd with flow'rs;
re the luuiiner'a ilruitinv Ii.vm
vntt lnH. . .
fde In autumn's mystio haze,
e U huithed the iiiuhIo flow,
yOU lova Inn tll
- wit lilts BUi
YOU lova
. - veil 1IIU o,
ft me hear the sweet words low,
F me now, while life is fair,
r '7 Kisses on my hair,
L ,u womanhood's first bloom,
f tlutll oonw dark days of gloom,
oa love me, tell me so.
A tb danoe, the 'othtr ' "eVening,
Introduead in ..r.
I miai. and an nr. ......
r , 1 vi uuuraa, was
Jo'ibegt to merit his aood
HoK Hidden IndUnn.ltlnn
... uimieii lot t njinute.
ft rt . '
nd on
-.l0g wt iq the MCt 0f
B fsw kernel, of co9a
l pooW.t, whoa the d.nsel
r Him bv
A litUe girl had beeeo .00lded by
f inill1inl r. . . . . -
-uor. doo picked nn
utile kilt., .j .." .'.
di r " T" --- "
I , " . oi na three was
VOL. 19.
The Painlessness of D&ath.
At birth the baby nndorgect nn
ordeal that, were ho conseieiiH,
would bo moro trying than a most
painful doatb t yet ho fools it not.
Horn in au iinconHcious slato, the
brain incapable of receiving con
scious impressiono, his eutranco in
to this hithorto uuknowo world is
nocornplitiboil during a utato of
oblivion, known as atuie's an:i!4
thesia :
'Paiiileiwly we com", wh"iieo we
know not
PulnloNHly we go, whither we know
not !"
From tho earliest period of hu
man hietory death has been consid
ered as rieccsHarily accompanied by
pain so general ia this belief, that
the terms "lUnth agnnv." "Iftnt
stinxglo," "pangs of doath," etc.,
liavo been in almost universal iiho
in every ngo aud under all conditions
of society,
Nothing could bo moro orronooii;
the truth is, piiu and duitli sol Inn
go together wo in n fin tho Tint mo
iueut8 of life. Of c ourso. doath may
bo pr eccded by weik or even
months of extreme Hulloiing, as oc
curs diuiug certain iticuiublo dis
eases. .
So cxiiggernlod ha9 boon (his no
lion that it has been considered un
act of b ii u inity to anticip to the
"doath sti ngglo" by violuucu ; for
ages it waa c tislomary among the
lower classes of 1'uropo to hasten
death by suddenly jkiug the pil
low from beneath tho hell of the
dying, thus throwing tho head back
ward, straining tho plmryugcal und
Ihoiucio muscles, rendering tho re
spiration, uhctly diilliult, shortly
impossible. A Venetian ambassa
dor, in the time of t jnoen Jury,
aisei ted that it was common custom
among tho country-people to smoth
er tho dying by mollis of a pillow
placed over tho f ico, upuii which
leaned or sat tho noit'ust rolalivu.
This was founded up ni tho pious
belief that a short Mil was t!io
best ono. Thn custom was handed
down from generation to generation,
parents poiforuiing it for thuii
children, and rice iei:t . Hut, per
haps, tho sail lest piivilego ever al
lowed the near fricudri of a diug
mail, occasionally ocvniod dining
tho reign of IJ toeu I'.li.abnth, when
tluo' exceiit'.vo clemency in exo
ciiliiis by Iningiiig thoy woro
permittod to grasp the fuot of tin)
siiRptidud criiuiuul, and. by clinging
to tho extromitins, precipitato their
additional weight on tho body,
thoiuby hastening blrangulatioii.
It is ueudluss to say that these
theories are fatso in both ciucoptiou
and practice. Doath is a physiulogi
cal process, and like all other animal
fuuetious should bopuuloBi Popu
lar Science MintUly,
Took His Word For It.
A consninptivo-looking man, Utno
Ts;d f cible, and carrying a piut bot
tle Yull of something, halted a podos
tii.tju on Muiu street yestorday and
said :
- "I fooud this boltlo on tho cornor
back there, aud I wish you'd tell me
what's in it."
The other took it, removed the
cork and suuffod iu a full breath.
The next iustant he staggered
against a wall, -clawing tho air and
choking and gasping, and it was a
full minute before he blurted out t
"Why, you inforoal idiot, that's
hartshorn t"
Well, I. am perfectly willing to
take your word for it without extra
insults, obBorved the invalid in an
injured voice, and he took Lis bottle
and walked off like a man who bad
been abused without the least ex
cuse. At a somewhat I'aihionahU party, a
young man approaobed a table for
tbe purpose of taking a cup of oof
fee. As there was uo milk at baod,
ha turoed to Miss and said : "Nel
lie, I wish you would drive the cow
In I want some milk." The res
ponse of the young lady was t
"Wouldn't it bs batter for mo to
drive tho otlfont V
Josh Billings says i "I'asboooa U
a good think for a man to Lav, but
when be has got so much ov it that
be kan flsh all day over tho side
ov a boat, whitout eny bait on his
book, liizynsss is what's the matter
ov him."
i- . ' , J
Io tbe aothraoite coal region,
since tbe beginning of 1839, there
have beon uwaily 2,300 deaths' by
' accident. t
.-i,ii -.-arj. . '-lZVt-&J-
A Life Saved.
Uo wnutod legal advioo, and whon
the lawyer fold him to atatj his
caRo, bo bog An t ,
"Abouttwoyoarsngol was fool
onoirgh fo fill in Jove,"
"Certainly I understand."
"And for a year past I baro boon
engaged to her."
"A few months ago I found, upon
analyzing my hoart, that I did not
love her as I elioiild. My affections
had grown cold."
'Ceilainly they had go on."
"Ut hor pn uoo ii its truo
shape, and I ills,) realized tUU Lor
ehoes were Xn. C "
' Kxactly, and you in ido up your
mind to break off tho match f That
wnn periecny proper.
"Yes, that wiw my object, lint she
l''i'eatena to stiu rno for broach of
"C oi tuinly she does, and bIio'U d.i
it, too. His she recuivud uuy Ijve
letters from you ?"
' That's tho hung of it. Sho t tllios
"And d i they Imatho your bvo?"
'should siy tlmy di.l : bat I
think 1'vo got her tight. All t!i.m
letters me written on wrapping p ip
er aud with pencil, and I've oomo
lo ask you if such willing us that
will staud law "
''Of course it will. If you hal
writlou with slate and puucil shj
could hold you.''
"(linat bokey ! but is that so V"
"It is.''
"And slio's gut ino fast !''
"She has.''
"Well, that Hollies that, and I
suppose 1 11 have tj givo in aud mar
ry her."
i;lcss ."
'I'iiIobh what f
"You can buy In r o(T."
"Kg id ! that's it that's tho i lea,
and you have save I mv I f o ! H iv
her oil' why didn't I think of it be
fore. S iy, w here's tho dollar slorj ?
I'll walk in no - h -r wi'Ji ft set of'
1. 11 1 1- r 1 " 1 noon 111 1-11 t-ni'iii 111 wiiioii cm 110
jeweiy.allutaLionfau.acird c o llWt ,,m! ,,,,.,,,,,-. r,1(,;r ,,,,,,,,,,,,- u M vmniH
and two bracelets, ud she II give ino,,,,,,, Kll0 M,u, a ,, )X ()f (f u
a .,n,t.cla,, deod an. brow ,., uM;:U( t0 nl, ml it, ,lt , wastuu, i(. H ,.,,,,, ,
rli ,!...' I ........ ..! ...... 1 ' ....... .
tho poetry I ever sent bur tj bjit
1'iXli Vts.i
Tjniiian Proverbs.
"Tho I'oJt t!'oa whoio the hunt
' Jin a linn "lol cat ; but Jj n it
bo 11 wolf to llelilii 10,11."
ji 'i.w 110 1 iiin,"i iif bnu io I.
iliinr it U iinlv II, ut In. in u 1 1...'
P .' w ... .',
"W'oik fur tho charnetcr until it bo
reu jwuol; thuu it wdl w irk f'r
"I'" loh kind in gool for iia own
"lis has no Iroad to cat and ho is
looking for a wifo, signifies : l!o not
iiiiibiiinus whou your means uro lim-
il,1 I
"Tlio wn.iian to whom fortmio
docs nut como s tyi that tier bus.
baud is Lt'wi'ohod."
'Ii is tho crier kimolf who has
lost bis uss," is unod iu rpciking of
thusu who ciuiiot do for thuinsolvos
what thoy can do for others.
"Wbttt tho giuadmpp us liavo loft
tho littlo birds have eitoo," mouus
that misf'ortuuus uover come singly,
"a went to be eoa aud fuuud il
dry," uiomis that a cowardly man
will always luil la his uudortukings.
"His furtnuu has turaodinto Lails
and straw," rulers to u prodigal.
"lie outs the fruit el' tho paternal
garden, and yet iuHults bin ances
tors," rofors to iogralitudi.,
"Ono horseman duos not niako
iho dust-cloud." This tigaiQua that
the work of ono man cuonot produce
very groat results. 1'aris Figaro,
Last night, as ' a frisky colored
youth was np Clay titreol, bo was ao
costod by a cslorod acriuaiutanco
who remaikod t
"Well, Drutus, dey say you it in
lovo V "I iz, Undo Abru'ni I don't
deny do allogod olligatiou," "And
how does you feel, Brutas 1" "Yon
havo stunnod you elbow agin a post
or aunit'iiu' oho afore now, basn't
you, Undo Aia'in " "I reckon."
"And you reraeuibor do feoliu' dat
runs up yoor arm t" "I does "
"Well, take dat fool in', add a hun
dred par eeut., mis it wid tho nicost
h'ur oil in town, sweeten wid bonoy,
den you kin 'mngiue bow I feel t"
A young woman, while bathing lu
a crock in 8obuylkill oounty( was
severely litUn U the sat by a luf
t!. -
Expj.isivo Druas.
Tliero are two mad ninn In Mil
waukee. Ouo i a bald-headed roan
ar.d tint other is a dinggint. The
I aid man told a doctor that hi h iir
was falling out, and imkod him if he
didn't kuow of something thn t
would stop it. Tho diiotor s.iid ho
Would fix !iini, ho hi wr.ito a pro
scription, which was as follows .
t'lilaiidn of no linni, 1 oz,
A'pn pun, 8 oz.
Sluko woil and rati on tho scilp
every morning,
'l'iio bald-headud limn went to a
di'iigixt au 1 had- tho prorfcriplion
put up, paying a dollar and seven
teen omits tv it. Hi atVil tin
li uggist if it wasn't a littlo high. !
but felt hhW',1 when tho d u j7st
axkol him if he knew how much apia
pura cont a gillon. Ho siid hi
didn't. but suppose 1 it cumo high.
Tho druggist told him npn p irij
was one of tin m )st penetrating
Irn.ta in llm utru-n nnlul,. ,.1,1 1,, 1
II llgS III UIO HIOIO ail 1 M lor ( I1IOI I IO
sodium, then) was nothing like it
. . n .
und tho war in lYtuhud sent it up
kiting, l'.o said if tin tioii'ilo in i
i'i.:i: i-...,i .... ii .... I.,..,,...;.,..'
'H avii, nil iihiu "tin iiiivii uin
. i , ., mi mm i ii
lli v lllo Iv n.'iiiii iu, XIIO Ul.ll.
mail used tlio iiiii liiiino. ni 1 folt ns
though it w is 1 tin hi n g 1 1 1. His
wifii notion. I lillla now hairs coiniiiLr
out, and ho folt good, so whon the
stuff w ii g no ho tiok tin Ii lt-
tlo to tho store und
had it tilled
a,'iin. Tho ch ip who lillo 1 it this
, . t i i .i
Iiiiio was another chap, and whim tho
b.ild ho i l'.-d ni m throw d wa a d ol
lar tho drug j-r siil; ;)!, never
mill I. Wo won't di irgn yon niiy
tiiing f-ir tli it." I'lio bald in in nskti I
h iw tint .v is, when llu druggni
said : "YYuy, it's) only silt and wa
ter, iinvw iy. TIim s ilt is only liv i
cents a pound end the water is prot-
iy cnoup mis yo if. 1 lie n H I in in
-ave one gasp, nn.l hum, "Well, "V
the bild hti.idod K'.ij I pii I
11 dollar aud seventeen coats for hll-
ing that bottle buforo. mid I want!
my money back. It's a bald hea led 1
MAIU'H.1. I thoiighl thai, 1 oiuviaii
won't spe ik l to;
other dni.rif.'r
1I10 i-hargi d liiin
ii'. .'.','-
T!i3 Man Vi'liu Was Mixc J.
'Keally, but I hope you will ex
cuso tliu iulriision,'' uai I tho shabby
iii.'uiii 11.. .11 i.a iuu uni...tuuu itt ui
I, .1.-,..l nn.
l- I
"You are cxcusablo mr, What did.""-' """" "" " """" "' '
yon wish T" w,'Ht lightly mi l sto what I
Wcll you soo I'm a bit mixed. ""-'"'I'I'' eiirronls of poison start out
Was it Napoleon or U'lishin-lou who
crossed tho . I lpn .'''
".Napoleon or courKo.'
. . ....
"Just HO-ilianlis. 1 was inclined
' that way niyu.lf, but yet I know
that (Inn. W.ishingt-in was mi outing
....,.. i .... l i : .1,1 ,. I..I j, It'. IIU IIIIJH. II I'U bit, .Ul. b
into his boa I tj
t'los the Alps,
Good day, sir."
Ho passed down the hall thirty), .
. . 1 , ., . , , . ; huuilrc Is of "Ihrect
loot, im I moil I'ouu iiO.i an i iroiosi
od :
".Say, don't think illnfiuo. but I
am still mi.xod up dreadfully mixed.
Will you uuswer uio ouo moro (juos-
tion f
"Was it Nero win coiuuiandod tho
suu to blaud still V
"Xo i it w is I isha i."
' I had un Idea that it was Joshua,
bnt didn't d.uo to put up money
on it. X'iro was ulways lid lliug
around, you know, and I had n dim
idea that bo might havo taken a
whack ut tho sun. Very much ob
liged to you, sir.
This time bo wont half way down
stairs and returned on tip too. Tho
agout looked up and saw him io the
door and sharply querwd :
"Well t"
"Mixod again !" ploadod tho
"Say, I want to ask j ou just ouo
more question."
"Did you ovor londa man a dollar
to help him on bis way to Columbus
to see bis dying wifo V
"Mover I You are thinking of Old
Diogenes. IIo used to shell out to
overy dead-beat who oarae along-"
"Mixod again, by thuudor I" mut
tered the man, and us be passed
down stairs be took great pains to
set his foot down ou euoh stop like a
man who had bet on three of a kiud
and found a flush tuking bis mouoy,
Free 1'rttt,
A baaddair is a good thing, but
not to share with.
j -5r'
Information About Doqs.
"How largo is a dog 1
" V II. that deponds. If lie's fnn
nlng away fiom yon he l )okn ahmil
the nizo of n gallon jug, but if he's
coming tirou ho look J as largo a a
yearling co!t.-'
"Do doga guird tho hoiHn V
'Vi;s, pai tieul ul) tho kiie'inn
door. , Nothing hurt a dog's foelim
as much as to hare bis master think
he's waiting for hniioa, instead of be
ing thi'i'tf on gu ir I. "
"Can a 1 g tike u hi-it !"
''Yen. As s in in oi'i !! a fir
mer eomin, aero is I'm ii d I with n
gun. ho knows t'nt killi-i,' ti!in:
over for that iu lining, an 1 awiy h -
"Are d.'gs very str ing
' You think they c I p'lll a hi v
log t ) j'ldgo by thvi ii'il I'int, nf h iwl--
lug thev Will d ) between dilk Itn 1
, , ',,.., . , .
ibivbreali, bllt tllllllllllUt'iab IV W I'ltS 'l
. i , . ii.i i , ' i
I I'bl oil bis shil Ilia fmillV ! IS
. .. , ... . , ,. . i ....
n "ll oil-. i ii ii ii'-ari iiiiohhi nu l ':n-
i''"11 ' ,
I '.. .1.. lln.l I .o f wiv i imn
v... .." j
fi'ivii long'iuiM) !" ;
"It's according to tin dig. If it's
I .. . t e I 1
one .voil ant to !f-l ill nf ho cm
il'iiid his way back h i nn from t'alj.
Ifornu. (iag.ilon, 1,,'s apt
to not lost if 111! -Mts IO'in.1 the 0 ol'll-
"(Jin dogsseo i rt t'n dark ?"
I n i. i,,i.i.i I,, l.i.t iiLut'inii.ia nrn
" ':
noi raro wuoro n i,rs o imimi hi oi i 11
... .i ..... ....i i... ..h ....
I Hill Oil U I.IO I HIV'I'll ,11,1 ILll'i',
I ...
inn mot; ..lino, ii ii it iiinui'ii nn. i'i
I .i . . i . . .i
l lie bod bv I i.'t.iko ntld slaved llloir
That's all a'i l it d igs."
... ...
We p'Uil.sU tl.M woo!; till f.i.l V-
ing suggesti his for t'Vo reasons :
'(1) Popular ideas have never boon
i ,.um.ct,.Ml ,v t . i . . 1 i 1 1 moti. un I ( - ,
( ,,,-in.mcnsii ciro:ilal i .11 this issue
! BtuUor ,111Jsl ViiI;iablo infoima-
tion :
NuV..r, under nny oinviinsl iners,
, , ,10 iM ',JVVawrrd. Th"
,0,,,i ; ,.i,.,.,,ti , wiiioli cm I m
L .11.11,.. 1 .... i ,
n n.i.ip,.,..,, 1 1 n . ..,,.. . ii-iii, ., , , I
i,,,,, f,. purification. Al.vays rub )
iiir.i.ii .1. l'.o 1. few invili Is. i-mioei il-
' Iv wilh li'inilo ,li!li,:ultios, ho will
, not fn l u iio-'V life imparled to thoiu
U'hou this is tl'iud f li' lllil flint tl II'I.
I Valves urn pi icod in the veins pur
posely to roMsl 11 iwuw.ird uiovf-
-, .Minnui.i htm into, ns, near
," Iho hand, while none iippe.u- mion iu ..riihinoti,
j thi iiriu b u'k of tho Iig it ino. A lifo (
could l) deitrovcd iu ii short liuinj
I .' . 1
111.' ilt 111 111 U I'll lllll Iff I Ilk I 1 I 14 ililVV'li.i
, ' i ' -
w,,,,, ' l'"' ,U"",M- u'1'
: ,,ua'1 out ' l"" Kr'lv" " ' I""'
'sisloilt lllld L'uliorill lubbiil;' nl til
i:...i l :t .... I....: t . i M
"mu,,'""" " ; i
parts lias occurre i. iu view oi inn
why has it not been so staled iu t lio
h'ur A', xtin'tititm nf the tftntf
from iisphyxiu aud syncope as in
drowning and heart disease Kitb
bing to mid fio simply atl'oots tho
ciipillai'ioa, doing little if any good.
Artificial respiration is Iwiiotl'Mal ,
but ouly whou it has given impulse
to the heart. Tho best results will
bo obtained by having iu m my as
four or six persons rubbing tho
limbs synchronously (all alike iu
rythm,)whilo another manipulates
tho chest uud ubdjinen. Tlta Hour
Virginia fanners tiro still gather
ing up old guus from tho Lultlo
fields. One person inevory sit of our
50,132, 8(10 population is u church
The Mollio Magnirea liavo an or
gauization iu Alloghouy, Fayetto
and Westmoreland aouuties
This is tho latest Western form of
saying a man was bangod i ' lie was
unanimously chosou by a oonvout ion
of six property-holders to jump from
a uuw piuo platform iuto tho s wool
Rov. Dr. Howard Crosby saya
that tho old version of tho Now
Testament has soma "littlu iusidijus
absolesaeucas" runulug all through
it. Wo bad noticed them, but said
cothiug about it, taking it for grant
ed that the revioors would soo them
and mash thou ou tuoir tbouloical
av SWimmmhm
H 7)i.
IS81. NO,
HtwiO Keep a Situation.
15o read y to throw in nn odd half
hour or nn hour when it will bean
voou'ii n 1 iti in. a i I ilin'ts i i u l i
make a merit tf it. To it heartily.
Though not n word bo mid, j oin
empl lyer will make n note vt it:
in ikn yourself in Ii (TiiHablo to him
b he wi'l loii mm y of the op
i) wiln I. in I bnf in he w ill part will
voii. Th isn young nii-n wh-i watch
ilio !! )' t sn v!.)f tho very hoc.
O'ld of I'l'iir w ir';ing hour is up
wli.i lrt'.vti. ut n.iittoi- what Htnto
t.'i"ir w u l: in iy bo in, ut precisely
Hid Sinn i ii,i i uho caleiilate the
-xlri a n i l it lli iy run i-li-ht (Ih-m
'V irk an I y'l. n it Ket loprovod
who nrc lavish of their c iiihlovers
f..ta vi 11 I. ul .f i vi II, n I.
- viii ii ai is the In ht to
i"nivo Ii iho i. v!in tiimis inn iln!l
hi. n i. wu ii iiiiiiii nie mill.
M.nt ih.-ir Honici-s mo no lon-.-i
! I
1 1
tiu ..u... mmuhi
, . . , ....
1 1. t u-i on- tillil r t l In 1 f inlt.
ii. : i ,ii i , . i
i v oi o i-v h N iv l l li, 11 oil I I v Is Hull-
i'"' 11 11 " Hl ' "l
.I.nv,.'. i-. I . I.I . .. . t ... ii li
n in uir,
s iy t'nt the c'lino'i would bo
.right if tho ... ir.Ut.-r would do nml
pioiioli wm it ho on nhf
ii.., , .,
l'll It lUi t
oasy to look on Iho best side, to
that tlino nr . I. und.cls of faithful
liri-ioh.-rs. I Iiiimviii 1 t l...iw..l u,'...
je-ru ...on and n,Uon. countloss
la-Is of j.iMtioo, charity and Immilily.
..( ,i ,.l. .... i ...... .1. ..II 1.1:.... ..f 1 1...
mi,, ..i nn
"i ii'iiDiors. ho iiiih ii is roa iv iniiv
' -
i ui .l,.ui :,. I.. I I ... ....
.li': llm.;-. u-i-,. in i '.il ,'n '', 1 1 . 111
! . .. . . .
"vi i. iii. imi-i i .ii. iuu i.wii'i in
' . . II ! . . 1 I . ',
ii"l all wrong. l''oiybily isn't a
,iao,il. ( )iir iioi ,'hb ii;i are n,,t nlli
i... i . ..i i .... mm. . i i. : . I
..ii in;; i" i ui.'..i, u-i. i no 1.-OIH 1.-11 i.i i
iui'iii: i, umi i i in .ni too oijii.
. , ,
IIIOl OVI 11 t I.C gt'OWiers lire Hot bl.If SO
' ,li!)!l.;rc..ablo US thov soolil.
t . w
Alain in-V,..- .1 nn.l I,. .. II. ..i'i..;'"" 1 ''-'-" lun Hn.arlul ul
' " ""V
' i'":or I'-ve
J Should w.i:aeii bo called
Il.cuuso thoy turn men's heals if
i uiess.i.i nr.. thn 1. b. ...,..i.-e
( ..... .... ( .... ... 1
for wills skill ujI Iu contest
J Ih.nng n i,,l,,,sn hot M,,ll i, tho
"i t . pro;, ,s t , a f it, gi.l. She is
.' ,.. .
l-'on 111 11 inolliug n.o .
A M iss ielnisotts wonian was re-
'oully Ion i" I ut thn a ;n of on
Il II it -
'"'io I- This might bj termed a con
l:"y plant.
j Tho cheap boarding lmnso hoil
i'S.1 caniiol be expected to sot 11 f;otd
l.'lltlll IlllS WCalllOr. TillO titlS 1-0
in ihv fti.u Iii un i it i. ii'l
A roloio 1 In ly, lnvinling Ilio olli-
or day nf thn progress ma. In by hor
exult iugly n ii I,
'ho is in tho iiioi l ilio.itioii l iblc."
'Hie niin,l...r id ornnn einnMnnts
who ini'i-oil llirou.'h Ilambiii'ir nl hk.
wlio j m
to Anioiica from thn 1st i.f .laiivaiv
' to the Until of tlllllO Hiiiounlod
Wo road in the Inlilo. in Iho thir -
t i-n M i chnptor of I .vii'iiin l, und'
nii.otoonth vers. "that lliorn was no.
.lllillll 1)011 l Ull'OllgOllC un lilO i inn
of iHrutd."
A la. Iv who hal mi'irriihi 1 wi tl. i
her bal, ldioadod lover said, in dis-
about you, my friend, is (hut I have,
iionflitl'V loin "Whiiiiu i Ii.hirlil fill
not tho troublii of sending you back I
any locks of hair." j
AfUr tho choir in ono c f the
(-l.iiichi h iu Ithica, N. i'., had por
fni mid idllior a l.'ciivy hi It olion, llm
ininihtoi' opened tho lihlu and began
reading iu Acts XX, "Aud uftor tho
uproar bud ceased."
A threo year old child disnovoniil
the neighbor's bens iu tho yard
scratching. Iu a moHt indignant
tone sho reported to her mother
that Mrs. Smith's hens woro 'vip
ing their feet ou our grass."
The editor of the Hackeusack AV-
piihlicnn went to rail on his girl,
whou he saw ou tho front steps a
ein which said, "lloivaro of paint."
IIo went away sijhing. "I never bo
fore knew that sho painted "
A Hoorgia editor says t ' Gold is
found iu thirty-six countios in this
stale, silver iu threo, copper iu tliir
teun, irou iu fortytlueo, diamouds
in twenty-six, whiskey in all of
thoin, aud tho last gels away with
all the rest."
Uuoonsdlous profanity sometimes
oomos to tho most exemplary Chris
tian. A real good brother said ro
coutly, "I tuust got mo a copy f the
new Uiblo. I boar the lovibeis have
kuoekod bell out of it,"
. . . i-t'" avitr ...
v . lill1 !! ' '
r v tmofl, Willi"
I'ublhihed ever ThiiK " "' aib.i-r
Tonne of Hnba t.i.t 'M,'"i'r'i'
t wo doij.a s ri:n A'-
able vithin nix months. r;s Ji'f'' V
paid within the year. V,! ,n. rumi nf
rolitniiiod Until all firio-r.f i. p . rnirr
paid unh-s at tho option oJJ,;..V!iu"J "! , .
holier. . .-. in..i...;i.
rJul rip(lniin outside nf thn "'" ki'
fiV-reisons liflimr nod using pspuJor,
Addressed 'jn olli piu become siibsoriners
ami are linblo forth irice-f the paper
"Oh, Ky God, How I
Did Suffer I"
"I Ea-n?sl(y Prayed to Die 1"
J" l'ivn i.rrn r.l t-t .I I T (weniT imrn t h
X 'n nli-i tun',, .din (ll-'in.., .-a I lrl l-y inintf
M. il--nrl, I-, nnil nili-rn Lriirimy r.itn
ii i n. Itia nn n,, k-i,'i. anil. In i ili ml I futil l
I", mill Ui lii i . I il n in -i -k llinl Sim-hihi.
II . In w iy I. n i mn-t ly t--n.l-l. liltlll irji r n.
'Irr II fni-n I nn ir,llrn irnn In lunn
i i,ir, i ,,i,B.,., ,., 1
I " "' l'' ''" "" 1 n 1 "illn'lns m.
,,.,,, , ,,, ..v.,y mnri ins iiiors
",':::'.,:,.,r. ::':. .. ..!.: L1-. " ! J i" .
I, rn il.,- i,ltl,a rutiiMiiilnn llil li-l'f.
I 1,1 l.iiim i-i n ni Kinii-r in v fkm riniinnit-
t .-r .,. i..-n I Innl nmyll.J.ij. lin.l.
; Unit I- ul i i He, null i ni, 0 'i ,ui nnr p iih.
I l-i'i "I .Inn I ilnml '(, In l,m.i! I
I nnil I rrn-h in Un .tnw. I r, m-titil
itn ll, ii n-l .i m, .,w I II lit 1 rlnnil.l Imrs
, t , ,,,,ilHl, I nl llimlly iii.I Inr
;,; "I; 'ir'n. .uVXi
I i ' ' . . . .. . . . . . ' . . r!'..-
.in, n..n,:mi,i, 1 1 II ' HI I l 1 11 II l I'll Pltliri
limn in ll.. . I firni "ill iir iVF, I l.i.llli. i:ri-k-till,
rl lliriiiu'i l in -1. In nllmcr my Imrk. nrrn-
I i- ii"ir .1" i I itr H ill inn o-i nn u I.I run,
ti, n v 1 1,. I ! hiiir ,11,1 .,nii.,..
xl-liT. .llrn. K.ll. Ili . In 'I (mull
in , it i, y n i'iiIIi'iiik In llm ln.ii-n. sl,
'""" .' Ml": M. i i-o'l ll.n uri-IM.
Mfi.illi'n Iniln Ira tti'fil ii'i. Tlirf
: .''rJltilVn; :,.M.,,,,,,,.!:.,.'J:J
J,";;;;; SiXZS'll
' n i" ! l 'ni It'll r . oi lr'i . : nri'll -'I I mli'iirit
,riM1 ,u ,,,,, ,.,.,., nuii. iri.irn! m mr
. -.-..- .. , , "i.. ." ...ii'i u.7
.kin mi "tixi 'Hi ii-IM l,,,i'l ul ii U'im-
i i. . imli'iatiii
, ii... , . , ,, . . j
iii-niii-rmn. .! n. umi r , n. v.
i i-wuin iu iiviiif. iii u i hi run iiny i'i .iPnaflry,
1V. A. M l.lll'I'INiiWP I.I.
Jumlr nl ILo I'aicu.
Can 1 1 i ilil' . I iMtnuiiftillj nn, wAnnnilKallV
i-i'-tiii-i inn iiii n i-io .i nie . 'oniilex Inn sn,
i Nun, m-l nn tlm llutr. ati'l mr miry ni ri'ir
" lilorni Srily nn.l SitmIuIuu lllliniim of th
Skill. ,'iil(i i,'l It 1111I an 11,9 ru ur linnia
ill. i"ll-l-tltit ill Cl Til I II II Ki, KIT, h
linw III "ul I'lirllmr, nnJ l,i i iri ma uinl I'i ti
.'in M'ii',lli Mini iirn Auk ynnr
il 1 u
tl'l nl t Hi in, llluhl liiirn In ihln limn
nn; i.-ii-r.
1 , r Mini, nrn, T m nn.l 1 lriay Skin n-t I'd
I -tn t ii a -ii.m', nn inii,r id' ,,lni, (.nil, anil nnr
I Mir) f milun, lrii,r.,nt (lb ilillolimt lluiicf
ii'l'-rs ni,, I l.-nhiiii nnlMimr
1 iniriir. iti'ini'iiti arn Inr Ml nr all ilrug-
r.nV i.o' '"'H'Trr,
KV:. rxJr .i".!,ri r;
,..... ..11,111, i.i n"i 11.11. it'n.RT i-n.r,
I'I II ll'i It INlKlni .l, SIVIMI Siltl'.
1 1. 'i'. 1 lit l im inr Ii i:-l:ori a nil cun iuniri.
j Ii'tC. I'lllli'ljl , ,lo'ilt
I l8 A I'll I TI'.II. Iln-lmi, Maaa.
a.AII mall-.l fn-o i.n ri-i-i'iil'itf prlcn.
t I t'rT Itli ri.AHT.:ll. C-inl
j Y4PT"vi irnl Hfi'llnn li-lnr
, IV Txli.vo 11, , i, ,l,.,r l' .i, tint. U .Il
riu. I n it m. I , j .in nil li 1 1 if . v nn.l I'rlnarv
I'lifl -ultl.n. an. in ,v l,i nnrti nvor tlta rlt nl
tlin n to'li. ii.f llm k I ln.'V. nr nnv nllrpta,
I'.irt. I'll.-n ,-. ni-, s .'. f.nrywliero.
w i.kks ii. i'i i rr I li, iiiistk.V, Mass,
"Iaarriage!.,.-..r'...i SEXES, fur tin- n,nrfK,1 and
" .'ii in 'I li. .1 "I lllillll. rilorl
I 'Mn: liii.ii.. un. . -. ... i... o.,. ti.r. iuiiiin lianhii,
Hi-i , .i.,.iii.. n. , l,j..i ,i i.e..,, Mm, mnl w nn;
I' -l.t in l:,i. , .., ,., , l.y ',), , i.,i
:'"'""""' OO ernt. i.v ir. a. ii,
hi. I s. iii i, . :. . ,.. ,,, , ii,,. ,, ,, ,.,,,
nl .u.ll tny f.-CO I. il i v,i, in.., .,1 ,rli,ni. ,.r
I". I, ,111' l:-i; -. il .HI;,". in ,, ml,,., ,
I In M l' ,"i III., Mini',, I..I r!,.l.ln n
MonHJ-,. Rcllnrtlo lrcnilo HHI, 6
O UOll. -V -I I" I. I i .,- ' ll it iii); , ,,.
Uohhrr r:nnfS m il t li :iiii, ,,!
i.i! ii...i.i.ii.iiii, i v i .i.i..,, go cents.
Dr. A. C. OLIN,
I'l'ii 1:. ni S. I- rl; m., C'llkiti!.., III.
SlT f R T, 6' " "' '""I '''"'- run il Him.
iwr5"S:i ''' niiitiMii,... s.-.'i
I I W iii I'J N.'.'lli Ihni'Uhi., ( lilrami.
iacoiui. it i lid in, ,v ci).
' whui.ksai.k ukai.khs in
EEii, wOOSlS.
.o .'i:i:i .Alarlii't. rSt.
t:iiliiililpliiii ln.
lllil Mill. Iron to illio
lull Iii riiL'iiu ' In llm iii'i.t iilHH-artt nn.l
ZT. ., . ... ..;'. ".'-"i""'a
nr.. ,niiii ii. ii rr..,r- I. H n Mill lllrilHIl
o7m,o!,";o'.,n,'.,:vin:V KJ:
iviTDitiu. .' ri.-n iiliainmr. -Muiiy i,o
w,ir.,im want il nt mn'i, .iiniy at u.akiHK
fiirliititii nl llin Iniilnu-.. I.mio Intka Its
imiii ii .in iihiu, nml ,iiu l-.)- in I ulrl. ninko
Wf III l'H V . N't mi" ln I' Mr 1 1 1 1 11 H In Wiirk lull.
In milk ninrii m.ini'y ninry il.iy tli.m tiitu l
inn In in a, wi nl nl uny nr.lin .rv u niliiyiiinni.
I'liuKa who ei.i.o at onu win im.l a .i,.,,)
r 1. 1 1 1 1 i-t 1 1 , Allrojj.l, llti.uti r u
i"l t n I, l ii 1 1. Ill, H.J.W.
Jii't .iili'llio., a nw .ilon nf lilt . (Tl..
V I' ll W 1.1,1, 'S !ki.hiiiim kii KnV nn Hi
rmlii'al cum i( Si nul,,rrl, aa or .Nuninil
Wnitu-!. involiiiiiury Naininal ln..a, Imiu.
ii nny illamal ai ,1 lliy.nal iM'iiiy, In.
li' ilnua aa In M rrlKHii, an., nl( i I' ..i-u nil iii,
111 llnu-yanl Klin i In. I. hy H-ll Imlulsaui
ur nasu.1 exiraiuit.iiina, an.
Tim I'vlniirulail amli ir, la tlill ailinlrslil M-
ay. rlaurly ilti, Innn a liilrly yaara
tuooeM.lii I irai'ii,'a, tlta a.ariulittf ouo
iuunua. ul il-aimo nm v l ra-llt-ally email ;
li.tliillnu nut a innilif nl cur .1 imn oarlaln ami
Soeiui.1, ly wltlrliv.iy hniti.rnr, un niatiar
wtial ttla iHiiiiliilitu may lie, may dor lilwaall
olio,. iily, iiiv,iuly an I ra.ln lly.
1 I'icliiro uli.tulU lw in tha handa of
iry yuiith niol ..ry man In tlta .nuil.
hunt, uinli- nual, In a ,laln aiivM",, ioanf
aiiilraan, nu ruualit ul am mm., vriaiu jutl
ug alaniiia.
Wo hav tlta tur cur far Tali U'orm.
Ad. I.e..
41 Ann SI., Now Vurk, N. H i foil OlDc
Vnur.a m hy i k I n
uiunay mlian a g o 1 ,1 n
rliane laiill-ri-d, tnaraiif
alaava kaanlna iMivrrlir
Irnin your ilmtr, Thn who aluava tal ail
vanuaa ol th im"l oltani'iM lor making- m m;
Dial r I'llorail, nrally u"uiu,
l, I la IIiimw Klio tlo B"l linurnv man ihaa.aa
rauialu In iovrlv. W want many man, wuin
au, bnya an1 Hlrli Inwnrli rnr ua rltcht In tltalr S
own InralltlM. Tli buRiu- will tmf urnr
than tan lima ordinary waiiaa. w fural.k
au Xnatv nuini ami all that you oaail, lr
No im who onraHa lalltlo luak munay vary
r.ildiy, Vnu ran ili-vm "ur wbni lima m
ii,wiirk. or oiili- your aara tn'Mnnal.. t ml
liil"riiiai.,n ami .II thai 14 n" la.l in-.,t Ira-,
iddiara STivkiia k Uo , Hoillaod. Malltf,
uul, lil. iain.i.
t.' 1