The Post Wi-Jdleburg, Aug. 11, 1381. - - J. CRJiisE, Editor of Propretor. Cotiut.v Ticket. For litrii:t Jml,.., i. MKKKM. LIN'N, of le-wishtiri;, IKaljOet to Cecltloa of tb lMllrl' t Conferee, ) For HienlT, DAVID Hl'ICHLEY, ol CYntre, Fur County Commissioners, John kkitz. of KiHiiklin j JOHN M. MOYER, Of JII Mlctmr. Fur County Trnurrr, A Alto N . IlKLFKICK. of Ilr-aver. Fr iutily Auditor, DANIEL DIEFr ENBAC1I, uf IVnn, (JKURUK W. MERER, 'A Went Perrv. TbeilobtaUteinoat issue I on Mon day shows a iltcrnaae in the public di-bt during tbe mouths of July of It in b.iiuin j to be rtitrt 1 as dtiiibtful wbotbtr tbe tuetubors of th'i L-inl ituio ever aiMuotii iu ol lectin that extra $jJi), au 1 ,i no of tbo 11 woul I aull Ibuir claim, for fifty Ceiitb on tbe dollar. Tlio u iiuiuuu fjf attjruay tfosonl ou the Uji j IWiioiti ia tinkut ilu cliuost au 1 ami )it!jc hi iuteulion to support tbo Hepublicau noiuioeoa. It wouKI bo n wis-t thim for ull Lis all Liu axrfuciutti to ilW his ox- OUJJ.'ll). It rt i)tm tbat Uuitvau will uot g t off mt easily as was oxpnctoJ, for tbe law fixiug tbo penalty for tuur duroiis assault, in tbo district of Col umbia, at ciUt years, was repealed iu 170, oinl tbe law as it low stands, admit of a penalty of not less than bi-wd, nor uioro tbaa tweu ty years. Tbe -Stnto Coiivonliou of the Pro Li billon Reform Parly of renusvlva nia met at Altouna on Thursday of last week. Tbere were about sixty dolegatrs prer.ect ut tbo woetiutj, re proaentiux t-vouty-two counties. Hon. Jaruea M. Wilson, of Meroar county, was uutuioalod for Stale Troasaror. Maoy of tbe nienibi-i e f (be last legislature ate a little sorry tbat tony wore fojlislt enough to fight tbo attorney general on tbo salary question. They Qui that tly would hive beu iauab bottr ofTlo dty if tlnty b I 1 ti'tuu hii a I vice oh tj tbe ooiistruol.toa of tbu Imv. IJut tluy blindly followod (he LliiHUiin liuddim.tQ and cutuo out bobiud. All auoounU arne tbat the wheat crop barvoatod tbia aoiaon ia tb heavieat gathered for years, an im. proTe.ueut on that of laat year.which waa regarded aa superior, Tlr'a is due to the geuerid cliaoje of seed throiijibout tbo country, aud tbe iu tioductiou of aome ; new varietinH which Imvo roulizJ uiote tbaa van tkpccti-d of tboiu. 8eorelnry Hunt baa on tbe app Jtutmeot uf auO-oomiuinaioji iu uncb of tbo u ivy yard through nut the country to aMoorUia tbo amount of old, worn-out tuatorial which baa aocu nulate I duri aod a.ueo tbe war, an I i jf n na to the set vice. It ia lutondad to aa't Cuugruaa to authorise the aale of snob material. S I'no of tho elm at tbs Wbito Houkii urn now eugage I iu t'ji hur uKau latk of gattin, t oethsr aa l preserving in scrsp-u . v tbe var iout ne taptpar Seconals of the at teupt ou tbu Prasi'leut's lifu, together with the aocomp tnyiog edi oiiU. These books will make a most iutoroatiug aud valuable col lection, und the Preuidout will be ploauel to look it over when bo gets well. . Mayor King, of Philadelphia, is going to brca'k up the porniuious practice indulged in by so many ol tbs Quaker City of carryiug conceal ed weapons. Ou Saturday last be came down in good earneat on tbe custom by proclaiming officially through the morning papers tbe ne cessity f r the enforcement of the law. He holds that tbere i uo need whatever for moo to carry deadly tveaponi in city where policemen fixe ever within call, and cites tbe attempted assassiuatioa of President tterAeld as an instance of what tbe practice leads to. Let otbora wbo ttsve tbe powor to enforce tbe law f How Mayor Kin, and the practice v ill eoou bo broken up. Ihfl Siamese Twins Eclipsed- b.rwa tooit commotion Tu Friday morning at tbo Baltimore sol 1'olniiian il.'pot oo Ibe arrival of lb Kt.i'llicrn (lain wbnu there dabarke 1 a colored womtii, or rather two col- oieil oumo. lor nlie or they pna sussed two heaJa, four aruia and four and yet are ao cloaely joined tbat (it ia said ) van bnckhone serves for both ft bo or tbey came np from the tieighboihood of Wilmington, 8. C , on a niello ticket, through fot New York, aud while waiting for tbe uortbern train, at 10 o'clock, took breakfast at tbe restaurant (Cnptaio Matt eivtr'), and tbo food quickly diiipprartd, tbo motions of tbe four arms rcsomhlin tbe working of a tbrtiabing in icbine. If tbe two bnJ ies wero not so cloly joiued togetb ti thoy would be taken readily for twins, fur tbe fices are much alike, and the inner leg of each is shorter than fie others the looger lega bo irf( uaid for walking purposes, Washington Star, Ilartmauo, the Russian Nihilist who has just hnded in this country, contributes eight columns to the Meruit of .SVurd.iy, seven of which are devoted to a miniito and detailed description of bis attempt to blow up tbe imperial train in the suburbs of Moscow, ia .187!), supposed to contuio tho Car. Although he wis iigngod in the dastardly work of s;iHioatio:i, be d. veils with delight iipuu bis lubori, an 1 extoU bis fu mnle accomplice. Sophie l'crovsky, who recently peiis'io t on tbe scaf fold for bur complicity iu tbe affair. It is questionable whether this self- confesHod leader of a baud of ssitas iiios should receive much favor at tho bandit of Americans, particularly at tbe nation is now anxiously watch ing for the recovery of the chief tuilistrato who it sutTuring from the b libels of a bullet fired by uu os.ts aiu. Nihiliatio loaJors should rooeive no encouruemebt iu this country. Moaos, tho chief of the Coufudor- atetribeaof Washington Territory, said concerning the attempted asaan sioaliou of President GarUold : "Toll the Groat Chief at Washing ton tbat it ui'iles our hoarts sad to bear of tbo cowardly attempt made ' on his life. Chief Moeos aud ull of hii people offer their wannest sym pathies to tbo Great Father and bis family, lie has always been a goo J fiioud to tho Indians. We are glad to huar that be is recovering, aud bopo that bis lifo may be spared." Tbe I'unokylvauia Railroad is be- ginning to muke use of tbe stutiou tidicutor, an arrangemoul for notify- ir.- tinnnAn npra u- t,i uluttnti tbey aro opproacbing. At eithor eud of tbo c ar is u neat cure coutainicg a piece of mnidin or cauvas on tollers. upoo which is priotad or painted in l.'triblo letters all tho stations oni'onr 01 wn,,:u P""011 mul- tbn ru'td, Dy a levoron the locomo ....Tbo number of excursion tivu the tiigiuuer ou leaving a slatiou , trains run on the wsttorn divition vlmugcH tbo indicator so autosbowjof tbe Pennsylvania railroad Leep tba next stopping place. It is a oil tbo employes at work ovcry Sun complete and couvcuicut affair. day. Altvona Sim, Lit-lon B. GrofT.the Postmablerat Linton, Oliio, who viotiuuoj tho Postmasters at Erie, Philadelphia, lllaiitiville, PniAirL, Buffalo, Roch ester, Poiighkucpsie, Syracuso, I'tica, Home, Schuueclady, Albany, Troy, Hudson, and other places, through trumped op money orders, was uken to Erie lust week for trial iu tbo U. S. Dititiict Court, when and whore bo uiado a full coult'ssion of bis guilt, aud was sentenced to five years' im prisonment in the Western Poniteu tiury. Horses for the past week in Rod Hank, Long liranch, Oceau Grove, and other places have suffered se verely from it peculiar colic. Four leeu fatal canes have been reported. The animals iu almost evory case succumbed to the disease in about one hour Iu a few cases they drop ped dead ou tbe road. Chief Engi neer Thompson of Red Bank lost a valuable horse, w hich died a few miuutcs after being attacked. The simultaneous anuounoemeut comes of a very poor wheat orop in Iowa, and of tbe best wheat crop in Dakota ever grown there. Tbe ad vantage of the, lurge aud varied grain-growing area of the United -Mates is that if the crops fail ia one regioa thore may b au offset ia an other. K Jeffursoa county (Pa ) man, named Oodfrey Roilz, bad a stroke of apoplexy eome days ago, and to all appearaooea died. .Wuile pre parations were being iu id a for the obsequies, bowover, be rose up aud asked to have tbe funeral deferred. His friends willingly complied with bis request. Grant aays be is in business now aod bas no tiuis to accept iuvita- tious li 'luuor parties. 'Tt0 county i visited by aj ''fi ot last wec-lr. . . , .Chester contains more wind"; mills than any connty in tbe state, , ...Tbo Philadelphia Jiecord claims a ciranlutiuo of 70,000 copies daily. . . . - Mrs, Williams, of Pottsville, died of apoplety, at tbe waibtub oo Mcnday, . . . .The employes of the 1biooo uiunufncluriogooujpauy work eleven hours a day. . , . .The total v duo of live etook in I'ennsylvania. goats uot included, ia Jp35.37tl.01 1. . ... Henry Moyer of Allentowo, while grinding a scylbe, out three lingers off bis right band. ...,'Ialbraith Mo.Vullia, of Ve- naiio county, ia one lion J rod years old, odJ is strong and hearty. . ...Uilia repotted to Lave beeo found ia aa ol I well ia Clarion ooanty. There is more exoitsmeut tbua oil. ....A large iron smtk sHck, sovonty-five feet in height, baa been orected st the new car shop at Renovo. ....In parts of Westmoroland county tbe people are prosaautio railroaJa who rua tiaiunou Sun day. . . . .The nlale fish commissi onars sivtbreare firtyoaa kinds of flab in tbe Allegheny river and its tributaries. ... .The road between Downing town auJ Wont Ciimtter U crow Jul at all hours of tbe day with bicycle riders, ....The PhiUlolphii Thin buillingis to be run up another story. It is wjll to be oipiioiM iu in tbe upper re,;iou. . . . .Thore aro twonty-sevoo cases of small pox in ona s ptare iu Pitts burr, making 230 devdopod withiu two weeks. . . . .The rapacity of the artesian well roccntly put do vn at tbe Cum bria cou'tty alinsho.iHu is 4,000 gal lons per hour. . . . .Titusville it to have a n-jw industry in the she pa of a factory where handles of all description wili ho manufactured .... Petroleum is now successfully used as fuel iu smeltinr tilver. It is snid to bo better and cheaper than coke an t coal . . . . .Tbo ft oo suhol irehiprt award' ed to Ibe 'senatorial dUf.iii'ts of the state will all be tu tdo objects tf competitive contests. . . .The flirnrd colliory, Ibe larg est iu Schull(ill county, tut I which has been idle for two years, resumed i''era'10n' t . ..During tho month of June jtlie,' w tbirty-setron accidonte in Ibe collieries of Schuylkill county, .Mrs. Man is Downing. f Bellefoute while attempting to kiudle n firo with coal oil afow days ngo. was terribly burueJ about the face aud head. ....The boy McGralb, shot near Norriatowu list Sunday by Michael Taynor, while purloining fruit, bas bad 101 shot removed from bis body. Taynor is under f 1,000 bail bonds. . . . . largo bug, rojo ubliu r a locust, which fasteits to the ueu't of fowls near Greeosburg, bas beu very destructive of life. Thousands of the hne bug have bjea found in one nest. 1 boy at Scranton nearly Jost au arm from tbe bito of a mole,, the bones being b idly crushed. The mule rosombles tbo old swivel guns tbat revolved on tbe centre and spread destruction on geuural pria ciples. .... Upward of fivo million dollars worth of gold bars have beeo trans mitted to the Philadelphia mint from New York for ooiusge. Auotber live millions will succeed during tbe bi nt week in August. , . . .About tweaty-dve years ao, 7arry Richer, a farmer near Greens burg, set audi) an acre and a half of farm for a "sand band,1' From tbut time to tbe present he bas delivered an average of $1,0 JO worth of saud pbr year, making na aggregate of I25.00J dug out of tbe earth from a very small spaoe. .... Apples will be a drag ia the northern oountries, where tbe or chards are literally full to overload ing tbe trees. t .... The Area, aooi Jeots, robberies, mnrders. &.O., almost daily reported would fill columns of almost any newspaper. A Westmoreland county man.nam ed M use, recently married two re spectable young ladies in tbe same, neighborhood within a space tweuty four. lours. j0t,0 Gyomber, the Htrotrariaal who lay in ttaoce in tbe Lehigh almshouse for several months, ia now able to talk. . Tbs colored people ia tbe western part of the stats are already begin ning the preparatioa for a grand celebration of emanoipa tion day. The total coinage of tba United States Mints daring July, including 2,350.000 standard dollars, was val ued at $J,896,200. . ...ror the aixteen schools in Uloomsbnrg there were fifty-seven applicants It if estimated that about a qnnr tor of a million of peopel will leave Germany during tbe present year, most of tb m for tbe purpose of obtaining homes ia the United States. Tbo baby olopbant, born in rbila dolphia March 13,1833, weighed 213 pounds at birth, and within tbe year gained iOO pounds on aa exclusively milk diet It now woighs not far from 1,000 ponnds. Annio Powers died on Monday ia New Brunswick, N, J ''from the euecis oi tartaric acid poisoning from lemonade," She drank fitlten glasses of tbo beverage at an ex cursion, a few days ago. The Pennsylvania Railroad is en- forcing tbe act relative to stealing I -"i'lc on railroads. There wore fined 87.72 at Ilarrisbtirg and four com mitlcd to jail for wunt of monoy to pay tbo Cnes. Tornadoes and floods in the West, destructive Area iu various States, eatth-quakes in Switzerland, drought and torrid beat iu Europe a tut America have characterized tbe month of July this year. I'x-President Hayes is expected ''n Londou oext October, to be pre sent at the ceremony of nnvoiliog tbo memorial of tho late Sir Francis LysigliL which IB to be llbtcod in the r, ... . City Road Cbnpol. rt.. . , I he persont barvest prospects throughout southern Russia are so """""' tum, ii iuey soouul be realized, tbe farmers think thoy will be able to dispense with any bar vest during tbe next four years. Two cases of yellow fever the first of the season thore wore re ported at tbe New York quarantine. Thursday of last week. One of the pnlirnts is the captain of tho steam er British Empire, form Vera Cruz. Maud . did not e pnl bir bnst into at Belmont Park on Thursday of lust week, but trottod throe of tbo fastest consecutive beats ou record 2.11, 2.13j and 212.'. There wore over 15,000 persons on tbo gr mod. A tramp in Alabama is reported to have fallou doad while in th t act of sawing wood, for tbe purpose of earning a square moal. The noini 1 fraternity attribute hi taking off as a punishment for sawing wood, and no moroof them will do that kind of woik hereafter. According to the London (7?c the receipts of appl e ia the 1,'uitod King lorn from American ports amounted to 1,319,5015 barrels dur ing the poriod from Angnst 4, 18S0, to May 14, 1831. Tbo receipts from Boston were 510.800 barrels, and from New York G1KV-200 barrels. The Girard Colleja in Philalelph ia is a great success. It is a noble monument to S'ephen Girard. Tho college now contains one thousand orphan children aud thus far $ 2.- 000,000 bas been spent on it. For 1880 its revenue from Mr. Guard's provisions was $886,752. Tbe number of idiots and imbecile porsous in this country is estimated at one in every 1,000 of tbe general population. Tbere are about 2,500 pupils at present in the schools for idiot aod feeble-minded children, and cluss training is found very much superior to individual train -iug. C"Hitggy Whips by the cart-load at Oppenht'iiuer's at prices mo low tbut every man limy have au every-ilay and a Hunday whip so low tbe woman can atTord to buy them to thrush tbe children and the cuts-unil the fellows who thrush their wives can afford to purchase. Aug.3. m "I buvesuftVred beyond endurance." "My life bas been a burden to me." "I have been denied tbe pleoatires of society." Kxtraets from testimonials of those Ckred of skin and scrofulous humors by Cuttoura Remedies. Aug. Haunted Me. e A Workliiginan says: "Debt, pov erty aiul suffering haunted me for years, caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring, which did no good. I was completely discouraged, until one year ago, by the advice of toy ptwtor, 1 procured Hop Bitters and commenced their use, and in one mouth we were all well, and none of us bave been sick a day since; and I vaut to say to all poor men, you can keep yoiir families well a year with Hon Hitters for leas than one riiuitnr'n O', Visit V ill Coot," CHKIHTIAS ArUO-jCATK. Attorneys-At-TAtw. Physicians, Sic. I A yyM. B. HOUSWERTU, ATiORNEt-AT LAW, Sklisshrovk, Pa., rtollMtlnni anil all ntbr ll kanlnw. prompt. ty tni( iimiiiI! u. Uoatalutlaoi la Kasllik mi ii. Dim ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I.twitlurg, Penn'a. All hnntacsi alraiil to kls cars will bs ptumriilT atttaJail to, fpl, 80, 18Ro. U ITDrTiuciTi " ATTORlt:Y-Ar.I.AT. Market SI. , Srlinngrovf. Pa. All prrMlonftt hatinMt pronr-tlf atMndtS to. voHmUtfDi ia ffOHHia soa irnn '.. IS, 'SO. J B. WUNDERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, MMUburg, SnytUr V , 'a ca bsMDialtrd la toll orlrs. N. MYERS, A f torn 1 1- A t- Lair, Ml.l.tlvbnra, Piia All pmfM.In huln ntral. ta kit ,r will rK-l prompt stuatlon. UontultatKiM la Kniillik Bd Otrmtn. Oct. 10,'TS. JACOB GILliEllT, Attorner A t-Ijaw, MrUDLrlltUKO, PA. Allhutltmt mraxJ tokli rwl1l rcl rompt tUntloo. Jalv jk.'TS. If E. DO WE II, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, MidUehurtf. Pa. (Uitl.i la oXet of J. P. Oronmiilsr, ) OuM(tlnD B nit (ttriuttn. ndt. UoniuUtlnn In Knvllah Jau is. ' jJ Is. scuocn, ATTOHKE Y- AT-L A W, Now Berlin, Penn'a. PrnfVRUnftl ttnflna ntrutkt o tit Bar will r--lv prnmpl Bltntlou. Jim SOrti, QIIA3 P ULRICH, Attorney & ConnsiMlor-At-Law, Offlo la App't HniMlnic on iloul North ,ot SelliiNgroBp. I'enu'n. tlnllectlnnt anl all proimlonal kiinl- ' aw.ltottwl aoil will raolacarlul ai prumpt biibdiIub. A pi. Il.'lo.ll TP. CUONMILLKR, O ATTOllNEIf AT LAW, ad Miftlinburjr, Pa., Offers Ms protiiona services to the pub lic Collcoliotie and all other professional biminesa entnuie.t to his cure will reoeive prompt aileiitlon. f Jan 3, '67lf fjl J. SMITH. J. ATTnltNPY AT LAW. MMUlI.tilMMti, SNV tllUUIJ., PA orerr hit PrureMlonal Ncrvlcea to the pabll twiiuiiiiiiona IB CDKiif n -on ;rnn, V. J. R. ZELLER, A TTOnXFA'-AT-LA IF Hfi'Jliiihitrtf, L'uiou County, ri All lmln-n mtrttoit tn lilf car will wall an.l r.iHIilnlly Btlendr.l l... Win prai-tle at tt.a iie.oril O'Hiila o Snvtlor and aluliiloii c-otn.ti4. Im eonaulte-l Iu the Ki-nllb 01 IJaroiau Uomiaiie Oct... 'latl GlIARIiKS HOWKR, ATToMNilY AT LAW, SolioHirrove, Pa Offers his profeeeionalaervioea to th pub lie Oollecllona and all othr prnfeaaionn biialnem em runle t lo his care will rc Ai-ive prompt attention. Olhoe two door oulh of I lie Normal Mohool. f Jb n i. '6 ATTORSKV AT LAW, t.Bwi.hnr. Pb OtVeta hi prnfoaaional emioe to th publio. Citlleoiinns and all oilier pro feHnianal biieitiea eulrueltd to hi oar will reovifeprouipt attention. Sept. 30, 1880, PJTrattT ATion.vs i'.y A T J. A w. Holinaccrove. Pa , Offer their priifeeaional strvioes to th public. Allleftit businsBBstitriiBtsit lo their ear will receive rrotupt attention. Olfioe Bl bin Louie on Main Sirent. July, lib '72. AMOBb ALLlHtB. BOBAVB BLLSMBV S. ALLEMAN & SON. ATTORNEYS AT LA W. HolIiiHrovo, All profeaiional buaineaa and collecting eolniaitd to their )itit will bs promptly aliened lo. Can be cotiaulteil in EngliaL or Qsrtnsn. OiHoe, Mark. 8iuart. II. II. Orimm. Wm. H . Dill GRIMM&DILL. Attorneys & Councellors AT-h AW, Offico Noar tbe Post Office. Frreburs;, rcmi'a. Coueiillalloa ia both Eogliab and Oerman Lan(iiagei. Deo, I '72if. JOUN II. ARNOLD, Attorney ret Irew, MIDDLEUUDO, PA Profeasionsl biislnei entrusted to his care .'!.' bs promptly attended to. f Feb T THOMPSON BAKER, a Attorney-at-Tjaw, Lewlatmrg, Union Co., Pa ttyOan bs eoaiulted ia lb Enllsb an German language. teal OFMCK Market Street, oppoilt Walla Smith A Go's Store 8 itj WM. VAN GRZRR, ATTOBNKV AT LAW, Lewisburg Pa. Offers his prnfeaeionul servio to he pub lio. Collections and all other Piofoalon l business tntruited to bis ears will re- osivs prompt attenlioa. g T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 3EUNSUUOVE, UNVDER COONTV, Pa Sept.16, '7tt A C. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrove, Pa. Offers his professions! errices to ths sub Jo. All business ooiruited to bis 'ears ill bs promptly attended lo. , f Ja. tT, '67U tAMUELU. UUWIO, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mimiubiira. I'nlan Va.. OWr oeat amir lo Telosrsph PrlBtlas J ve-wi teif.ti. DR. 3. Y.8UINDBL, aCitGfiOIf AMD PHT8ICIA!t, Middlebarff. Ps Offer s hi professional tervloes to tbs sit ten of Ulddlsburf sad vlctnlty; Marek Zl.'HT JJB MARAND ROT U ROCK, Fremont, Snyder oounty. Pa. ItvaM&leAf Rttt.lMkAPAlfAlltttfA r UtBeputilie. Speak Boglua Bid Oereiaa. MINI, IT, IBM. (I. H. J. 8MITII, Physician & Surgeon, tremonl, Snytfrr County, Pa. tifler kit prafeeloBBl tarvlee tetb ralll ORIc ea Mala atraet. Jttaa IS 'TS,. D R. J. O. WAGNER, Physician and Surgeon, ttffere hla profiMatonal earvloee lo the eitleaa of Adamakarg Bed lrlaltr. Aa. t,'otf. D R. J. F. KANAWKL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. rcntrHlle. Unvrter Co.. Vm Offers his profeeelonal lervice t th pubiio. e-oHtr 3. KCKUERT, SURGEON DENTIST. kXKHKHT'8 ItLOOK, Srliiuwrove, Penn'a. rrafauloaal kaalaea proapllf eltaadad to, MijJ,'Tl D R. I. ORIKU BARBER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, bating loonled at MlDM.EHUP.0. PA., otDcw a few door Waal of th Cnurlhoue. ia Heaver's tlrlok building, offer his pro fessional aervioea lo th publio. II apeak Englinb and Oarman Oct. 1778. pERCIVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Krtitz'rrille, Snv'Ur Co., Pit. OSera lilt nrifoHlonil "fulijaa to the elttio of htaerrlll aa 1 vlnlallr. A t. t,7 D R. A. M. SMITU, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Offer a bl professional aervice lo lh oltl- to of AJtwsburg and violnily. 8rp4, 73 K. VAN RU3KIRK, 4UHGICAL A MKCIIAN1CAL DENTIST I Selinsgrove, Penn'a. Justices of the Peace. DAM SMITH, Justice of tbe Puacts & Conycyancer DeuoerSpringa, Snyder Co., I'a. AU'otSlrlal bnalnana -lakln depoaltlnnaand promptly atteoda-l in, Uollaetloua and lamll. taoi ea promptly made. May ll.'.IKV yyiLLIAM H. SNYDER. Justice of I'race. Salem, Snyder County Penn'a. All Collections and remitancos promptly tuaile. Hot. ,r If. SAAO REAVER, ,7 U STICK oFtUE PEA CE arnl Oenei'al Collector. Mi'Mleliiirg, Knyiler County, Ts. Bpeoisl alteniioo p.ti-l lo oulleollons of all kinds. Ilemitlauce will b uiJe promptly for all eul'.eutions mado. Mar. Jlal )H79 tf. VII. WAONER, Esq., " a JUflTICK OK TIIK PKAOtJ, Jjokioa Township, SnyderCo. Pa., Willallend to all buaiuoa onlrusled to hi oar aud on th moet reasonable term. Maroh 2, 'Uttlf D V1D 3. SUOLLY, Justice of the Peace, L'nion',l'owiihip, UnyUer (A., Pn. IVjl) attend lo all bualnea rntruilcd to hi Chi oo moat reimoueble terms. P. O. addr, Uundura, 8nyder Oo., Pa. !ar. 4, 'HO. J II. HARTMAN, 'jrsricE or tub pcace. JHc Coiivoyaiicer, CbNTREVlLLE, Border County, T. Oolleotloni and all bnalaaaa partalnlna to lha offlea of J uttlee of tbo feaoe will be ati.mleil lo at abort nntln Ap r '7 gEl'll MITCHELL, Justice of tho Peaco St Conveyancer, Jackaoa Townalilp, Huydar L'onnly, Pa. Oollaoitoua, tlonvayauetiia, and alt other bu altieM partalnlna to the otftna will receive prompt attention. Pealettloead&reeas Mew H.rlln. Union oouiily.Pa. Aug. IK. Itltl. JOUN K. HUGHES, Esq., JJU8T1CE OP Tn PEACK, Peon Twp., Snyder Co. Ps JAMES MIDDLES W A RTH, Justice ol the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snyder Co. Pa. Will attend promptly to all manner of bait oeaapariaintng to laeomro, Ueeda. ArllelaaAe., written, emre, Oolleetlona mala, uuiy i, yM. n. HARD I NO, jrSTICE OFTUE PLACE Sc Conveyancer, FREKMONT. Snyder ooanty, Pa. Collerlloaa and a I buaiuaaa Darlalolne to tba ofltceof Jualloeof ibePeeo will be atleud.4 lo elation notice. Apr. 17'T. j A. WETZEL, : Justice of tho :Peace, Beavertown, Suyder Co., i'a. All hind of collection mad on liberal lrm. Promptly attend I all buaineaa lalruatsd to hi car. (Jus lo, '7Utf N ER B. MIDDLES WARTH, IWISTICS OF TUE PEACE ASP CONVEYANCER, HoClure City, Snyder Co., F. Itolteelloa aad all boelne partalBlaata tha raw vi eaeiio 9 ibo raaoa win uobiimiioim 10 al (hart Botlee. July st.dtl. g hurnukrokr, 'justice ov tme peace imTJ?JX11V iJmomc, Warrant, Lcaece, Sulpo aeetiiltnl to th efBoe will bs protsultj J. D0WKR9OX,' Juttlo of tht rac4 Si Onn0jaitc' rannioreek, Snyder Cv, Pa. Ootleetioa and ftaanttaae ptoSiBtlV smSSi Ceaveiaaxlag Beatlf aad hailv aat. now. Granrl BodM nil. Corner 09 St. tf Broadway, NEW YORK. . On both American k European plans! rOBltaaOB Oaalral raTT tho flrand BoaU. tard, Broadway aad riflr-Nlnth Rt.,lhl. Hotal oernptee lha eatlr eqsar. and waabnllliaS . i an eipoaee or OTT 4li0.00e. It If l lonaled la the alt? baa a paaaana-r line tot and all mndara tmproromente, andle wltbla 'J," pBwiBejniiBBS Eiabiar Avenna ICIeaia4 a. H eara aod ami aaarar ta the Brnadwar eara aoarenlent and aeeaealblo from all paru of tba eitr. Rnora with boar, SS perdar. flpeelal rate for faoilllaa aad parau neat gaeete, E. HASKELL. Ang- M.'SO-lv. FaoraiBTOS. B0ARDIH6H0USE. TUB Underlined would reaptotfully ia' form th travelling pablio, boalnosS bjb, wllneaaa and Jnrare lo attradam-a at oat" tVinrta ibat he baa made ampla praparatlona tat balr aeoommodatloa aad will endeavor tea. Urtaln hla palrena to aood atjrle at Ibe moal r.nable raiaa, Moardlo Hoaao a raw door net of thaOottrt liana. - ..... . OABBIEL BRAVES. Apr. St T. 1 f. Proprietor.- WASHINGTON HOUSE! IVlltltllebitrfir, Ire. JOHN LUIBERT, Proprlelor The above popular Hotel ha be a re flttad ami rerurnlahad in the beat il. lueeniral loeatloa make It ennvenleat for bnalneae man t pereona ia attandanKB at t'oort and all etUrawlio are celled to Mldillebara. Tbe U bl It elwayi aupplled wltb the bem In I he mar art Ilia Uar with aood llquora and the Ptabl Bilended by earefatl hoetler. Tatini me Sret April 4, 1ITS, CKNTREVILT.E HOTEL, (Late Mra. Weaver'e.t Ceatervlle Hayder Co., Pa. PETtB HARTMAN, proprlel , Till lone eatabll.ha.l and w.ll k... a...- harlna been puroDaaeU by tho umlarfliaej . Holla a iUar el the publio pat ronaae. Apr 1.71. rpiIE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOCKLER, Prop'r. SellnMurrove. Pa. Thla rtolel la pl.aaantly located In the "aqnere,' --....-I.-....- piac, lor iraraiere loeloo) the BBHTtif aitnohitnoilalloua at low riUi. Par aiifiaatiiptiitiaonee will b. an., in .n Tk. iKatofllqiior In thebar ..f?A Sralolaa Uuataurant Ineonneellno wl the Hotel. 1ui.ii.iii illcrcha iits' House, NORTH THIRD STREET. PHIL'A PA. Terras:-- 150 per day. HENRY 8PAUN, Prop'r. C.W.BPAIIN. C l.rk Apr.ltl. Philadelphia Cards. J. S. Jb AltriS WORTH. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot Holseryjofa, vmte Goods, Emlirol usnoo ucBis immn coons &c. No. 5U Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. T. ft. fnnei, W. H. Slhelblev. T. H. iteloktei. A. 11. Hoar. I Mar. 12 '74. G HAVBILL Co.. nsoLSSALB USALSSS II WOOD AND WILLOW WABB il Clolbs, Window Shade, rlroom, Mais Cotton Lap, Orala Baa, I'.y Nets, Huokels, Twine. Wiok. 4o. So. 420 4.rkl eirt, Pbiladlphls Feb. 7, '07 J b. selheimeI; DEALF.n m HARDWARE Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Painta. Oila. Coach & Saddler Ware AND MANCFACTDRLR OF Stoves & Tinware MARKET STREET. Lewisjiown, Penn'a. NeT.mber , 1 87 1 -tf WM. MANN. Blank Book Maker Sta tioner, and Steam- Power PRINTER, Vi lioleatale Sc. Itetail No 629 Market Street. PHILADELPHIA. l'romytueta. One Prict Selling Price Marked On All Ooodt In, Fi guree. Apr. IH."2. QAVID WILLIAMS, Manufacture of k Wholes! T)alr la OIH, Maltorany, MalustsBd BoteweetJ I OOKIN3 GLASS Picture St Photographlo Framea Hoi. 930 ami 131 Arch street Philadelphia Pa. Frames Repaired ia lh btit bsdbs Afeo, RtgiUini la all it braaoh. 71 JJNION PiilNINO MILL aCLlKSOSOVC, BNTDEI CO., PA Kecly & Wagner Lumber Dealers asd MAPWAOTvasa or Oeers, Door Boies, Wlndoss, Ibe tier window Boies, Blinds, Bash, Stair Fixings, Hand Balling, Brack ets. Mouldings, Flooring, OHUM.SA W1NU a CABINtT TUBtflMO) Shingles, Latn, fro., dko. Orders solloilod aud 8lld wkh prone lat and deapslth. Plss call sad sssai in our stoek bsfors purobaaing lh U ktn on haiul ull iindt of w IHanX t euh a A'os, iit" ..... An Jtf I