The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 11, 1881, Image 1

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    Vtl vor tlwlutj -It ate I
Oj oolumn one rear,'1 1 7 , tOO.Otn
jne-nair, column, one yvnr, muw
One-fourth column, ons year, Ifl.oo
On IO,uare (10 line)! insertion ,75
Krry additional funrtin, ' SO
"Professional and DintnoiA card ol
nit nioro than 5 lines, yew, 5.00
.ti.uvtT, iMnmuir, Aiiiiiiiuiuraior
and Astriirnee Not iron, 2.50
Alitor ml notice per Hn, ti
AU trAii!wjieiUUvertiig let than
I month? 10 contsa lino.
All Advertisements ' for a shorter no-
rind than one year aiu pavAhle At the
time they Are ordered, nod it not paid
the person ordering them will oe held;
:i.i t . i . - -
jcspuiniuio inr iiib llltinev.
Look to the End.
Will It come In the morning or at
Hidden In darkneos or seen In light T
Will it come with might of driving
Or f oft on the air of a new love song T
a -.
Ah!. tell ns, ye whu-pcring iimniier
fc-avea, -Or
ye summer flowers, bloHMomlug out,
Tell ha, yo (lower perfumed linw.c,
What l our angel of fate about t
Ilushl IjO, f lod's volne In heard afar,
Vnder the glow of the evening star;
Ills volee In hoard In Infinite space,
H-ieaklng with iiiooncelvable grace;
. -, .
In the mighty ooean's obb and flow,
In the flower that wake to bud ami
From thrmountaln tops and from the
And anon In purling brook' soft rill.4,
Every puking throb in nature' tune
Teeming with promise of sweet com
mune, Where that which I onrti of grief and
Lies burlud with all the bani-died
A smouldered lire burned away,
Hi promise clear a a new-born day,
Make the Ntrotig in fultli perfect rest
to reap
For "Ho givetll bin beloved sleep."
The doth Relrjn.
We are build(rs, and ea-h oi
Hhould cut and curve a best he can,
F.ach life is but a stone,
Kaeh one shall hew his own,
Make or mar shall every man.
Life I short, yet some, achieve
Fortune, fume, in war or art;
Pome nils their chance aud can't re
trieve, Pome fail because they stop to griuve,
Home pause Willi fainting heart.
'TIs the bold who win the race,
Whether for gold, or love, or name ;
'TIs the true ones always face
Dangers and trials, and win a place,
A niche in fame of fume.
Strike and Htm'le, ever strive,
Labor with hand, anil heart and
Work doth more tint ii genius j;ive;
He who faithfully tolls doth live;
"lis labor that doth reign.
Never Mind What -Iluy" Say.
Ion't worry nor fret
About what people think,
Of your way or your iin.-ans
Of your food or your drink.
If you know you are doing
Your best every day,
With the right on your side,
.Never mind what "they" suy.
Lay out in the morning
Your plans fbr each hour.
And never forget
That old time 1 a power.
This also remember
'Hong truth old aud new
The world is too busy
To think much of you.
Then garner the minutes
That make up tho hours,
And pluck In your pilgrimage
Honor's bright (lowers.
Should grumblers assure you
Your course will not pay,
With conscience at rest,
Kever mind what "they" say.
Then let ns, forgetting
The insensate throng,
That Jostle us daily
While marching along.
F-res onward and upward,
And make no delay
And though people talk,
Never mind what "they" nay.
- ' ' Kx.
Wonderful Clock.
The four dials of the clock of the
House of railimen. are each 22
joet in diameter, and are the largest
n tho world.- Efery LalNminute
the point of the minute hand wovos
nearly seven ioobes. The clock will
80 eight and half days, but it ouly
"tnkes for Mven And a half so as to
indmate by ita Alienee any neglect in
winding it up. The mere wiuding
"P of the striking mechanism oooa
!' two hourg. The pendulum i
13 feot long j the wheels are of cast
iron i tbe hour boll is 8 foet LigU and
- 'h in ammeter,, weighing nearly
Moen.loMY. The weight of-the
moier alone oiceeaa 10'J nounda
A - .
The meaning nf n..i
o neerly U IegaJ ' doouuHioti and
Mvertiaing is not generally known,
The symbol is derived from'.the La .
1,0 'Jlraso ' iuso Aolutaos--vj. e.,
B'Mling ot AddioBniog its owh, those
"'imnitsjuiisdiolion. , - - i '
Hf. ....
-oiiij. Abadows thatHflrcsA
OUr Bill II , .--.,
Ending Id our own l'ghi. V i
ft. '
VOL. 19.
The Factory Girl.
The noisy clangor of the wlioele
died away, and tho sis o'clock boll
sounded itt welcome call, Mar-
garet Wildor gave a little sigh of re
lief a she folded Lor apron and
loaned her hat. preparatory for
starting for home.
A modest little home it wan, two
room, where her sister Ida. a deli-.
cate girl of sixteen, wa waiting hor
return. Id.i was a cripple. A f til
several years before hud injured hor
hip, so that now she moved about
with tho aid of a crutch.
These two girls were alone iu tho
world, aud love 1 eae'i othir dovot-
edly. Margrot, too oldo-, idwI.vsu-
ty, was a tall, sonou. darkeyed gill,
while Ida was tiny and f ir, like
their dead m thor. Mira-nt wisi
at 1 t . . . ... ... I
i.iruaa wiu.ior in mo mill, and Ida
mvlo wax ll)er. and knittod piot -
ly f.incy ai ticlo fjr the bh p, wliuu
sua was sironf eoon'i. tlier o
were mauy days when tho poor
.t. ... . .....
cuini uiy upon llio loungo iu ptr
osyama of pain, tin able to do any.
thing. Those were dreary davs yet
in in!t.i rt Iw.t anlT,.i-iti.. 1.1.. ..t.. ....u!
llflil ft nmila T.ifl Murirm-nl i. ..1...
' - .......v. aw. ...i.i l.t W IIIJUU DIIU
camo iii nt night.
To night tho ront was due; so
Margaret appnro 1 at tho agent's
oflico to pay it, Two pound Sim
counted tho balance as alio left the
ofllee. 8ht had just two pounds left
and there wore so many things to
got with tho money. She sigliud ns
tho possibility of years of such a life
lay before her. Working and work
ing day after day for tho barest ne
cessities 1
Sho walked on in a sort of brown
study, trying mentally to make the
two po 'ind do the doty of live.whnn
she was started by tho sound of a
ohcry video behiud her.
"Iteally, .Visa Margaret, yon move
like a watch. For three minutes 1
have been trying to overt vk y n."
A faint color tiuge 1 M irg irot's
rather palo cheek, as she greeted the
ovetseor of the factory.
lie was a large man, with a kind
1 n. 1 . 1 ... . ....
-.onor ,,ng ,eo.
boi a 01 a man mat ono wouu ieel line
Inuting forever.
Ho had a li.indaome whito fore
head, honest brown eyes aud thick
brown hair which, when confused or
troubled, ho had a fashion of rump
ling up until it stood out like a poi
ciipine's ijoill.
To-night ho enrriod a baskot on
his arm.
"1 have some fruit here," ho said,
"which was brought iu from the
country today. I wonder if your!
sister would not enjoy aome of it 1
"Oh, thank you ! Ida ia a great
lover of fruit."
" 'o is my little Charlio t and
theso will make him open bis eyes."
Margaret looked up iuquiringly.
"Havo I never told you of Char
lie t" he said, with a proud sieiln.
"Oh, well, must briog him to the
.1 .1 I .:n :
iuuj nuuio iini nun jruil will BHU II i
ue is not a boy to gladden bis fatu
era heart
Margaret forced a smile, but sho
was conscious of a sudden keen pain.
Stephen Adams had been a very
pleasant frioud to bor, aud she had
thought at times that bia manner
implied something warmer than
friendship. She bad never thought
of him a a married man, and this
matter of course tuontiou of a child
bis child -struck hor like a cruel
blow, for in ber bewildorment she
took it for granted that tho mother
waa living. It she had deceived her
self by any foolish notion that he
was in love with ber, this was a just
punishment, she thought. Stephen
Adams was a noble and honorable
man, who was sorry for hor poor,
plaiulife; and the little attention
whjcb be had offered to her and to
Ida sprang from the desire of a kind
beart to brighten their dull routine.
I think yoy must love ohildren,"
he was saying, "and Charlie is a dear
little fellow."
'Yes, 1 am very fond of children."
murmured poor Margaret, with thatfen Adaras t her n dazed
set, unnatural smile which Stephen
Adams noticed with a fueling of dis
appointment i for be had particnlur
ly Admired Margaret's frauk And un
affected manners, bat now ber words
seemed to belie ber real feelings.
However no further mention of
the subject was mads.
uiinui inuueu iuttrynrsi. a uomu,
d,b w.tb tbe juicy Pem for Id.,
aviug reaoued Margaret's borne,
rZZ. ,
and, bidding therjiisters a cheery
good night, he wont on,
Two days later, as Margaret was
replaoiug lbe,framonts of hor
luncheon in the basket, Mr. Adms
came down the long room with a
little boy in a plaid frock and alit
or hat a bandnomo little fellow,
with brown eyes like hU f.Uhor'.
aud long, fair curls. Margaret had
beeu rather ahy of Mr. Adams for
tho past two div. but sliu ciuld
not reit tho chil l' aootly impiii
ons Binilu as his eyes full npon
"Who is you queried Maater
Cliailio, ruunin to hor sido, au.l
kauing againnt her kueo.
"This is papa's fiinud, Charlie.',
said Stephen Adam, smiling at Hie
wave of color in M irg irel's fieo.
And tlicii ho added, ' inny Charlie
stay with you a few minuteNf I want
to look at a dufoctivo ahalt in the
lower room, and I dare not U the
jboy ruu loose among all tbiamacbiu
'P, yt
: M-irgirel sigoilie I pie ia ire at
CharWu's company, u U i..Ul in tbe
littlj fullow's fi'-o w'jou ho sto I on
hi Iocs to ki.-n her. iu loves yon," ho a-ii I'
..(jharlie loves your piattydiik
syea 1"
Mr. Adims looked at Margaret
ivith a good d'jul of Aiuuseiuont.
Margaret laughed to cover her con
fusion aud Mr. AiU'ii echoed tho
Ian ;h ns he turned iiAsy.
When the ono o'clock bull snout
od, the opoiiitivcs began to cuiuo to
their machines, an 1 presently .Mr,
Adams ramo for Charlie,
"I shall co mo ng'iin ao:ne d iv.
pretty lady," said thn boy, pitting
her cheek ith hi hand, an 1 fieii
ho marched nivay cliuging to hi
father's head.
It was nearly a week befiro Mar
garet saw Ciiailio again, and then
his father bi'o iglit the little folio v to
her as bufoiu, "ulid loft hi.u fir
Margaret h id been cleaning liei
machine, and now begun to oil it up
foi the groat wheel were beginning
to move, ti u.l soon it would ho time
to work. Little Cliarlio bunt to j
,H,k ut tlio shining ro I. with his
oye wil Inly bright an t bi-j li n I on
olio side, very much after tho fashion
of an exijniste robin.
M.ii'.'arit leaihel to draw hi in
away. Ton lalo ! One long, shill
ing cm 1 s.vuug towiirl tin belt,
which sucked it in, an 1 tho revolv
ing rod twisted it up. There w.n
an agonized scieinn of terror from
tho poor buby. Margaret dropped
bugido him, with ono baud clutching
the b.iv'u ailL-en lriwu.iu nii.l IK,,
.. ,.,,;.... ... ,:,.. , I
, umii i iioinini: iin-u hi i it s'fiiit
away from tho machinery. Chtirliu'd
arm clung convuldivelv about her
Stephon Adams, half-'vay d wu
the room, heard tho Hcroam, and saw
.l.irgarot holding his boy back from
a hoiriblo death. He sprung to the
tulephouo which communicated with
tho pnoiiiA room iin.l v.mtv I l.o
' -
"Throw off the main bolt quick 1
he cried.
When he reaohed Margarot and
the child the former was iu a dead
faint, but tbe speed was down, aud
Charlio' waa safe 1
Tho torrifled operatives wore
crowding about, aud a messenger
from the engine room camo runni ng
up stairs to loam the causo of the
Thoro was no more work for Mar
garot that day, When she recover"
ed ootisuiuiisness, a vohiole was or
derod to take ber homo.
'I never fainted in my lifa be
fore," she said, half apologetically,
after she bad inquired lor Charlio,
'You must have thought mo very
'Margarot," said he, "may I tell
yon just what I think of you 1"
"Charlie's mother will never again
allow him in the shop, 1 fear," she
went or., hastily, And rather irrele
vantly. "Charlio' mother!" echoed Steph-
fji'hion, and lifting his bat to tum
ble his brown locks until they stood
up in a state of dishevelinent won
dorful to behold. "I have no wife
Charlie's mother died at his birth.
What must you have thought of me
Why, Margaret, dear girl' don't you
know that I love you t Charlie
ueeda a mother.
My bonne needs a .
mistress. Will you come aud jjj 0n him, after they bad been eat
bringldai" ling melonji and barj apples.
T. , r t Hi
Ho now, my d ar reader Char'io
has his ptctty lady" for a mother.
And .1argnret toils no more ia the
noise and dint of the factory, while
I I i, with the bmt of care an 1 modi
cal treatment, is muoli att jngur and
suffers less than o t ore.
An Inquisitive Lover.
Ono of tti'i I'anbiiry yonug mm.
who hat occasionally escorted a
young lady home on Snnd'iy even
ing, and went in for lunch, after
pm forming both services lint Sou
day night, snddouly said to lior :
"I'd you tilk in your sleep T''
"A'liy no,' sio Aiierel ia sur
pri so
"D y j;i w ilk in your eUot " hu
next innired.
"N'o sir."
lto m vid lii chair an inch
closer and with inctviibcd intercut,
asked :
"Do you snore ?' '
"Vj." all i Imiily ropliel. ljAin
uneasily at him.
At tli j reply hi eye f lirly spark-
jlod. His lips eagerly parted and, as
he gave hi clinir another hitch, he
biiskly iiiooired :
"Do you combings from
your hair into tho wash-bniu '"
'NVh it's th-it ?'' sho ask jd. with a
Ho tepeatel loo q l.'sti i'l, Ills
though with inereasud lieiv.m:!
"No don't," bho answered in
soma hasto.
Again tho chair went forward,
whilu hn agitatiiiu grew so that he
could scarcely maiiit.iiii hi place up
on it, a ho further a-tk.i I :
ii . . ... .i ii... .. . ..i. ...i
' . J l .- ,tl ! I, tUU t J.lltl llllll
von are Hi rough ?"
"Of course do." she said, star
ing at him with all her might.
In an instant ho wo on hi knees
1. ... 1 , . . , ...
001010 ner, iim eyes am.uo Willi
ilame, and his hand nutstreteliu 1.
"O'i, my d -ir Miss, .,v y m."'
lie pisHi.iiia'oly en . I. I givj my
Aholo heart toy.. J. ivo uu an I
ill l.o y Mir slave. Love me a I
love you. an I I will do everything
on eirto fir you
v ill i t re,
urn to be your lover, yo ir huVoan I
your', yotti' evory tiii i ; f '
t iv i i ii critic il moiuniit f or a1
young woui iu of hor y o irs, b it she 1
v i e pi d to tim e nergetiey, as a
woiiiun gouuialiy ii and s'je o p i t '
him iu.
Typo in a Nawspt;)Br.
The number of typo inn I in n
common newspaper i over a million,
i. e , tho number of bit of ,n it tri il
arranged n i l rearrange 1 evi i v week
i in preparing a nowspipur of t in
sizo for tlin press. Wo suppose lew
people think of thu printing train
a one of tho most evict and pat tio-
ular of all h nidieraft. but Hindi it
I. Iu making typo, variation that
may bo allowed in the tiiiust machin
ery would render tho type iisele.i
It i very rarely that typo furnished
by two loundrins can bo unci to-
Kothnr without a (grunt deal of
tronblo . thou r'. thev trv to .,, ,'to it
tronbio i tliong'i tuey tiy to it j
after the same BtiindarJ. Wo rend
once in a while of a wonderlul piece
ofeubinet work or moaio w oik.
. . ... ,
containing ten. teuty or Gfty thou- j ' he man w,l not kuoty what
sand piee, the maker of which has, do 't' himself , and wlic, ,
sneut months or years in produiting "',B reiu'lied stidi a point ns that, he
J ' "I, . , .. ,
it, an 1 puoplo go to see it a a great
curiosity ; but tho moat elaborate
and rnrefnlly fitted piece of work of
this kind ever made, does not com
pare with that which tho priuter
docs every week, for mitiatuuon of
detail and accuracy of fitting. Tho
mnn who doe tho first is lo ike I
npon a an artint, and if a few of
his pieces are put in wrong side np,
it is observed in tha general effect,
but if the printer, in fitting togothor
ton times o many pieces iu a singlo
dayputs one tbe wrong way, every
body sees it nnd is Amazed at the
stnpid oarelossnusa of those print
ers. Occasions of greater adversity
best show bow great virtue each
one lmth. For occasions make not
a man frail, but show what he is
The worst case of selfishness
that has been permitted to present
to the public, emnnated trom a
youth who complained becAiise bis
mother pnt a bigger mustard plus-
or on bis yonnger brother than she
Poor Profits in the Shio Qjsincss
If there ia a merchant in No Or-
loans who can soil g )ds t any p' ico ! ten a hew woik on Imd Kulish
he ch'oes to fix on them, It'ibo II it S-nnn of the errors which ho singles
fonstoin, wh keeps a rlotliiuj aaillout nr.t decido lly a.iiinin. For
slioc storo ou IVylius struct, is lli I examplo :
mull, I A fori ier, lamenting in an ndver-
A few dnjfs s,n a cnstO'iier M.loi'H j 'icemenf tlie tridts played on the
bis csl ibl sliiiiciil nd In c 1 : j public l y it: his
'"Have you got ii'iy luM mMei : vu tr i In,
gilc-1" I -'r.iHia.llv re.piiwt l-i ii.H to
"Ci'tt:vliily, mv ficnt. I h it n'- 1,1 to Inm their skiim, which tie
')le ymi visit, n I soino.Jing dot
v.ih neat. N iw her vn a p.iir ai
vctt'l o I'M vat U ni i L' ill" l' lei
di r, du pi t kind d d vm koMvn mi l
I diiiUs dcy vil' unit ymi. Sibbosi'
you dry on."
"All rilit," replied fie c m ein.r.
'Va't, my dciit, tin -I I'll pu' n
leedlo hu -t ili' r in, N i v il y ilem.
All 1 v it poller ' y 'j van' il i'i
d it ! 1 1 vili At ist is if s hiilIm Ii
t.k your nieiniir.".
' It's tjo lilil iwi'iim th itndcj,"
'iid the C'lstomcr, ru'tiiioj th i hji i;
wi' Ii fingcis.
"It v 1 1 1 . Ir.- in,' il lr -i -,
p'ii'd II iTrl-til i, liCH'l.i-'vely,
ledd'f ih iii.kIo i'iire-ly
HMclii tnin'.
"11,11 thorkj" i.;..jl.o my loi 11I-
I .1 la nodiug, it vill go
Vlf de
! ti ' dim.? it ge'.i v t. Y.n don't
i va'it to buy a p nr ui' sliee more as
III"' s .e, t io big on 1
ar I'lll I d
' l'i,iei nut our let look in.: like a
jgoiipl.i uv rulroil s.-ri'iTi, It
! .1 I,. ,wl I 1, ... "
j vouid hn a eniie, yon know
"Wiitit d i y hi a-k Inr the hlmi's ?"
' 1 1 ! y se.-x d 'l,ir."
"Icrii'-.iluui '. Hint's too much,"
j "i en, my I "ii r sir. yen uui"! n o ,i.
dud 1i.1t tleni rli iim v:is 1111. 1., uf 1'ii,h
I.l.'i in. 1 leiler il.n. v
1 1 ,l',B '
del .1, 1111 niilic I. 1 1- mi s nut
ui) nun 1 111 il,, 1, lines inir
it any lender. All .In Intinu-s d.'ie
is now mad" id ivooi."
I'll toll von hat 'II do " Raid tl.r
1 ,M. turner uxamiiiiu the nil m clesilv
"1" I ii'e you fiur I11 ir'.
"My g-i -r e'i mi ! a I'i ii'sian lei-
ll(.r hllo0 f,. ( . .'..ll-ira, v.,ti it cost
, ,r(, s tho di'llai nut llfty
VntH laid ut dj depot d w:i. nil tth'.i
',r,;t ,,., flir ,1,,, MH
My g-r-r icioiis, vat'a
do IU III :f tllit
dd peoplil I"
"iVell, I'm not going to givo i.i
dollars for thoso alio." sai l the
cilxt jiin r, moving t nvai' la tho do o
' tie v are not worth it."
"Yell, my frunt, ta!,o then n! nig
f r four tlnllaiH, nnd call lit i, in, I
iigain homo i,,.' day.
Tin.' ciHtoni' r pa! 1 for 1 1 1 11 i!in,' i
and !iis p m i l 1 ;f(. tl,.i i.t
"Menu in," iiepiired dVei, stein,
of his i-l -i a, "v it v t lie c ut 1 1 ri . .
of deci
hblit llo',l le, I r hlioi.ll I
shtl'-t s 1 I .Ij slientleui in ?"
V.mtl.illur uti'ln li:ilff BirM
"My i,'rtii'iiiiH, Merman, link limv
small do broth v i. If pUn, -n. y .u
know, Herman, don't get petfc.r jt
vill break nil do ht no up."
Wurk anil LiVO-
Man wa put iut'i fun worl 1 t.
wntk and cannot fi.. 1 trua l,,rpi..,H
' 1
iu idle. So long an a man
i" '" '"j r " '"" 11 !
must no hum or n will Ucimiuo a
"onree of giiovoo hur.tssing disc in-
i unconsciously d;r:gii)g a grave f ir
himself and fashioning hi own colli n.
Life need a steady channel lo run
in regular habit of sleep an I work.
It noo I a steady stimulating aim
a tendency toward something. .In
aimless life cannot bo happy or for a
long period healthy, livmi if a man
ha achieve ! wealth s'lifi.tioii t for lis
needs, ho ficipieutly make an error
iu retiring from biHiuus. A great
er shock can hardly befall a man who
hn beeu active than that which he
experiences when, having Yolinrpiish
ed his pursuits, he find unused time
aud unused vitality hanging npon
his idle buiiiis and mind. The cur-'
nut of his life is thus thrown into
eddies or settled into a sluggish pool
and ho begins to die. When the
fund of vitality sinks so low that he
can follow no labor without such a
draft upon his forces that sleep can
not restore them, then it will be
soon enough to stop work.
A religion which doe uot sufllee
to govern And control a man will
never sufllee lo save him. That
which does not distinguish him from
a wicked world will never distin
guish him foitu a perishing world.
y IS I
Our Tonjjuo.
V I u li 1 I ill, f.itt, liia n!f.
pro'iiisea shall bo converted into
miill'4 and lei is."
. fn itlicr a.lveitNni"ii inn llnis:
"Two sisters want wnsliiiig."
II"io iiiiist have I eon a strange
"lie rodi to town nnd
twelve eows on ImrselricU "
A (M'fillein in n lvei tied
for ii
V O'sil !
' I' 'r a l.idy of a d irli cilur, n
riil trotter. lii.';!i stepper, an 1 luiv
ing a luii Iml."
Letter, more niellf 111"-, nmlil in-
, , ,,,
t rue! Me. no, I 111)10 Cle, libel IS tie
. ... . . , .,
tiMl"ttl,; lllili-lliilnill of tbn I II V I ' a-
NO, V,
..,.11 1 , ii-
iilt I III aillblv IlltlrS IllVoived HI acCllf-
..i.l.n.. . 1, ,, ,
I ,r 'He In" ,'l.ljr . t lie gi till, liiilll .li-
served to iinotln
' '
"I have n wife nnd si ehihlten in
N nv York aiid I never saw ono ot
"Were you blind ? '
"Oh ! no." replied tho othnr.
foi tlier liipsi) of time, an t then
the int. or
itor resinned tho sub
! 'Dill
I ....
oti irrsim.l von to pavi
th if mi h 1 1 a wifu and six c-1 1 il -
di 1 ti living in New Ymk. nnd Vuu
lia I inner seen ono of them " j
"Yes, sncli is the fuel."
ere followed n st.ll l.oi 'cr lvanso
1,1 '' "iversation. when the inter-
rogator, fairly puzzled, said
' ll,l,tff'llllt ll.i flint. -(,tl'iii
saw one of thetn T "
"'"Vhy," was tho answer,
"ollO Pf
.1. 1 ,
lui 1,0,11 ',ror ''ell.
Cir.htie's rj.ii-ra.v Escapes.
Suinti ii 'i w'ioo 1 look Iim:' ov
er my life, say Hurlclte, I inn
a ii iz 1 1 t i s i lio.v I'ou p ign of its
le.'or I are dotted with hair blind. h
iM,'ijii-. (,.,i':ip..I tho Ii ar ltihips of
the rev i '. 1 1 1 m iry iv ir by w tiling
itmil the v ir h i lb ! i.i o.-,r n.uily
si!y year In fun I d burn. Wlieti
t i i I'.' i iLI v i I'ii 'I'ln li 1,'ne 1 I n ii
in l iriiugto i. V iji-ii I'i i yo lio.v
I 'Ver I'i', i!:.; hoi ia N',uv h 1,-aua I ,
was iu Mmii' i-ot.i. and mi iicli.ittlv
skipiii! 1 ii it f ir Cina 1 1. Win u I
W ii U I) iV it
Kl 1 OIH) il IV 'ill 1,'tJ
W.M-.) ll ' I I Jill
US lit
itii I ti. :1 ' r.n : li I i'l il 1 uiiv l-oh I,
I .,.
n voi y ln' tr nl' I'.ii ii ii t 1 u
li iii in t ! -tA till th it ini'lit.
'lUosiuo. A i 1 I I w i utt.'U.l.n'
a a iMicr H,'h i il tweoi - .t!ii i'o
l)ist V Inm .id of ,.,
' I
-. ,,j,..t.H WJ1(, ,,1VVI, ah tll() ,.,., i
I'l'lll Ii 1 1
;C:Ver, ivindovii in the It'll.', Hill
when I read th '-,o l"tt ur- from li nun
' -''N'ho l.iloud to tliitik of my great
',, 1 ("t,l 'M 1 tU 1 WJ ,M oul'
: h lv, l'J 1,11 sl"'t rtt om!" 1' 1 v""
.... t. '.... 1 ..ri. ..:..i.i.i t
u' '''"
"'io t!i:eo lime a day. Wuun a
(11ii'i eo in to tin. o'lci will, a
I bill nine time not of tun 1
n n out.
All 1 if lV H'I'U ) astlliilliu Mill ll3l',
). r. f i. i iiovoiiiiuiu S'siJ I'll TUUTIJ ill IK. m.Xf n ijij l.. tIWI,.1t H
, a h ,(itjjlti lllf.jrU. ; ".rXZ?
,.,, bt tln ,1M j u u UJ MMrlYS;
, . , . " iy,. ie.n,i vol. n.i
! Ill'.'a lliau U 'l 110. rutiv. N mi-mi'. l illlii I i urk lulli
A Ci.Tit ful Scntimsnt.
Tin fiiio.ving sentiment has boon
111 l t i ii t before, dualities, but it i
nevei theles beautiful, and wel l by
of reproduction i
"A man without soma irt of ro
llgion is, ut best, a poor rcprobalo
the foot-bull of destiny i with no tio
linking him to infinity and to thu
wonderons eternity that i within
him i but a woman without it is even
worse i Il ium without head, a raiu-
ibow without color, a llowor without
p i.'niiio.
A man may in soma sort tio hi
frail hopes and honors, w ith weak,
shifting grouud tacklo to bis busi
no4 of tho world i but a woman
without that anchor which they call
faith, is a drift and a a reck A mnn
may cluui--ily continue a kind of re
sponsibility or motive,' but can find
ii o basis in other system ? right
action than that of spiritual faith
A mnu may crazo his thonghta nnd
brain to lhoughtlesnss iu such
poor btubonwo an Famti anj ronn-1
1 -
tatioll IlkftT Utrotcti l)foro. but a WO
fUHII Wbere CUM fche put br Lopo
iu utoruis, if Dut iu bouven I -
rift' I'OfsA'jr.
rulillslied f very Thursday Kvcnmg
Terms of Subscription,
TWO IV !.I.A V i'V.U A NX KM. Psy
nble viihin six month or ('VriOifniit
paid within theenr. No paper ili
continiied until all arrearage nra
paid unless at the option of the pub.
HulweriptloTi eut.iida of the connf f
t$r I'ersons lining nnd lisitiif pnpers
Addrcs-'ed . others iieci iiicsiil.seril ers
and lire liable forthr i.rice of the paper
av uod,
d Suffer !'
Got!, How I
"I Earnostty Pr;.ycJ to Die
T I iro i.on ffl.'. l I r tnm'V t' ' ''
A. n II 1 lllil'v -k I : i
II. . . ..I!. ,1 I k
.... I" r- .TI, I.. HM n'l.-'. l.rn.y o.-'n
it fit. IP .n ii. y , i) .,!(., n1. In .illf . sll I
li, llli I'm hi'ie I l',n in l -k en, I il. 'I.e..
Il l"lv i nt .nr. l i I in, in vi-ir . i
i lil. wlrur II r ni'fi-l hi v le-n .-. n in i .mi
I an . ei... l'-ii iiim e,. tiirn' ) I h ii s
ni'iiiMf i . .in Hny i .1 nr. mil .u i'.m 1 1 4 ,n
Ii'll-Pl, Ml 11 lv--V l:g Oi'"
i'ii.iI I i.k nrtr'y n ,1 -t-niil-if ,.f ."1 . . .,, u
; tr .i.j II, n -I,.- 1 ..ti m, -, ,, nr. ,i th..m 1 n
, luirfi' li,,, rtiMl i r.,i l:.i ln , II I- l"l i-r.
In llii iv,, yrt 11I lnior 111, .k 11 n.i .
r I I'i'ii'k ,. . 11 1 11 1,, 1 ci i't 1 1,, vif , ti 1 1 1 1 . ' ,
i'"il p n, 1 t 1. iliiiuji;' ,.. win, .. ut liny r. Ill'l
I 1 1,11 I'.Hi i l .1.111. I hi 1 1 (, I,, i,,, r.
.""I'. '" I "- I 111. ! 1,1 t fV.n. l l,ivn
I" il, ,... hi. iii iiinii, ,-ni 11. i,r
i l.n-l n. ..1 1 -11 1.. I Iml 1 ...I.T
I'.i'lir ir Ki. I i. nl nl ..i w, .,1, .1.111
'" I ii.i im. j I. ill Hi. ..i..',! I I,,. I i.ui ,i,rl
" " " 1 ''I'll'' '! I -urn! 1.1, lira, t k-
1 llif.niu'i I e 1 I'i nil.. .1 in v i.j, d,
11 V HI '.mn . Iii.l.l- I 11 i. I, I lull, ,,. 1,
. -i...i. mi 11, in.mi , , ,1. ,,1 .int.irl
a- Ii in , Mir .Iimi 1 ,lrv .n .1 Mii i,.,, tr.i,
'. -I ' li .'t I ,11 mlV,.
, ., i',; "': , .I.V, Vv o ;";!,."''"
h. 1111,111-1 ul, 11 1, ; ,i,l ' v r k I I try 1 111 l-iit
' n 1. h..1ip 1 mm imn imiiii ,in, Hrm. I 11 -
ii'i.i ' n.,i. in- r II--: .ir.l tun 1, r.e.1.1
l.'irniti.! ,nti.:itii'ii ir.nn ii w.iiii ut l uff
I. iiiiiii.! Inly - I 1 he ll.- Ivrnl, liiii-iirt mi l
'-M. 1 I' iIiIIIII rt-f'l l.y t iktinr iu.i :.I., I,..
tin t'f II1....IV . I it. 1. I I'M-, it .1 . ,'. ulirr .t,t il .
I14.I 1.1,1 Ii i.r.r".. 11 .I n, i,.T sl.'ml 1.1. I n, I.
lir'.l I nil. 11 . -.., nr.. 1 : n , I 1 1 ,,i , ,, -1
II. 1 run u n ml pvpi Ilk. Kp.iiIi, ,rl , ri,.- I t.i in y
Ii 111" In iii.i ill ,'P, I,,.,,, ,, I I,. 1, 4ii I 11, f
' oil - Ill m Hit - nl -pr
11 nt a M 1.. i'a i,i'i:. 1 1.11.
Ilp.n.lpr-i.11. i. r-uii r.i . N. 1 .
ssurn In IoI.iit 11.0 Hil. I .t it .lny nl .lanini-y,
t-"M. A. .11 l.f.y KIN avi.l.l..
.ttlMlrn nl ILp !' .00.
I I'nti n p.lilv 1 pmmnpnilv S'i'l nn' ni'piilly
Ipsii." 11,. II 1 pIi ii iha '.nnl'lp 1 1 .11 nil. I
I. III. rp.l.n P I I, M II . I r . n I .nr.. .....
u? ''' ;l"k' ,,v ' " "r i'ii'" iunii"r . t tin
Mi n. sp.I 1 11 mi I b 1 no,,...
' .--1 "i 1 r,. 1 u , i...-..i,vm. nn
n HI I luriltpr. nl 1 1 ri. 1 it 111,, I Tin.
, 1 1 n .-.i.m-, 1 ir 111 M.111 1 nr.-. A-kyi.ur
l tiui.i ni. nit 11, 1,1. Hiii.i i.pip in 11,1. i,.. .
loll 11111 r u nl. ii li..,. I.ri.,1 ,...1
1111 I'
I r sin ftnrn. Tm n. 1 trss-T Skin nu it.
1 1' 1 1. 1 ,, m . in. i ,.i,-li" t. iIpi. i,,in il ,n,r.
"' ".n.iiKP, Iis.ii ,111 xlili il, IU!., ii. iliinur
i.t-i, i.iii-n 11,-.
u i.-nr, u('ii,i..ii,. ro 1 .r mil, h n .ini.
I'll. Ill1 11 l I I I 1 1 I II A . II .1. r 't Ir , tl il I .1. Ilv
mil ll,o ji- ; Un-ii ...e. 41. 4 't -liei-1.
I. I -i'i I M . II. P l.Pi, IU n. I'llllipi fl ,--I
i 'till) . I I I Ii I li A ,11 K I Ui I ., j. I ,n ( T ) I',
i '.' i I I i I, i : i i.i, ,
I i' i In I., i. i..r ln'lr is iul
l,o. I'rln ii... I i. en .i
'-ii 1 1 l mi lull,
I .ru c.i i pntnoiF.
w io us. i'orii:u ii... i, in, iim,
.All I,, ' vl Ir.p . ii fi -1 1 .t nl rl.- ,
I Mm 'hi t . vul r
I- I I TMi 11 fcTI'U.
lliti I'tilM, a (uf -MitiM
tr i- tl 19 l 1-4 ii I lit- iru
ti( i. til- t I hnv I n -t mi-
11 fi ll V - V.
rtn. I r( r u-
Mflt.' .,. F. .
I lift rloinHi'li,
1 if. I'i I .
I Ailli'ii'il IvlJu'i Km! I rlt iiry
it t ii'. .y . i r i tivrr tUa d "I
r Hi.' itt iiti-y, -r miy Mfr,M1
wi.Klt.N a i'ii, r,.i;, niro( yii
l vnr i Uo;.
'marriage f..r l- .i'i PCXrtS, T'-r Hi.- n,.rrl"i1 nr
' '"..,: .1.1.- i In III, ml III. r,.
ii i nu l. "ii. ., . i: ,. ,,,:i!i. ,,.,, ,.i,,,
III I'lili', 'I ; , , ' I i,i !) tl , . .1 u i,,i ,,,in,;
I' ire in !-,i,n, I. ,. u,,, ,.,,.l.,i, i., ,, ,,, .(.,,,,
.i;r.-l. r- I'i..'. 00 C0IU3, lv I if A. u.
OI IS. I',. I f.;i,; in,:.. 'ji,,. S,,,l ,
""' I '' "iiiO I'i'" .'... e: ,iui....r
"'" Hi-:.- "I I'.'i f I . in.l. i i.l.,.. ,, ml
'''-I"'''- --',.1 I', .';,:, l il t.i.i.'n 1.
Hoalth. H Motile Fnrn.ila Pills, $3
ill, . .., i.
Plil'tli.r Cnnrl4 ni'.l . ,1. il., i.f
lli.'ur-.iii.t II.:, . ii....,,.. , . , bQ ccr.tS.
Cr. A. C. OtIN,
K.-iitii.'k' M. k. i-t vk M., 1 1,1. .., in.
"i C '''' .1"r liif,e rntiT. f uriS i' till.
aIJ '"' i"'" '" ili"'i' li.. H. u J
y$ f iliii, Inr , 1 1. uUr...r.ll 4 I k,
tti I.' , rlh llin, ,,, N, Iiilavu.
Vi'Oli II., ('(I.,
' W.l; ukalkiis IA
roill'ItiN .V iMiM Ksi lt!
:t:t:i iui-kt hi.
I lliil:nli'lliiii lii.
iitii Ni-iti tr-'i- to tli'ixti u ii-i
h lo ffMtfuu In t't in'iB( ii1rMnnt ttinl
riittt i tiii hii !-" k n . fr ; r v Lit it
you lfrytil iu. .1 If Rrt i .'iw-tiilt' H
t.i li;nl n.,n.y i .nry il.iy Hum run I in i w r. nl -ny ni -ttniirv e'ni'1'.ytn.-ni.
ll..Mhn ini hi i ll" mi I lii' l
m 1 1 t I .r i i i . a I Iru.., il a O
-M i .i I, l il il
si'.'t. i , i ,i I ..
.'.i'l nut. Uli I a new till, in nl HH. I'l l.
V 1. 1 i.i.i.' i:.mi en iii
rmiit-l cur.' nl .riu-.l"rrli or H. iniiil
Wi'..! I,--1 llivnlilnlnri Sr niril I. i..p. in n
m nrv .-.i nil Hi .1 l liy.irnl llii-Kpanl y, Int.
ii ,1 , 11.0, a. i,i M rri-ii.', ,v, ut... r n.u ne'i'iii,
r:,l,.,.ll, Kilt; lllluon I liJV S. II lD'tultin
ur .uiu.l Him, i B,in,'i, sit.
'I'in rel.l.r.i. I nuili ir, hi Hit" ilinlrnlil I'i
iv. clrly i1hi-i.ii.ii iti'i, irmn Itilrty yeir.
urori.iilu I 'r. I liii.. tl.nt ttm dl.irnilxM ruil-fl-iunr.
nl t.ii'iiinir iii.v litt r4,lli'Mlly .,'I t
li.tlnllliic nut nenl- . i-ur.' .1 ica oartul i ai.,t
tla.'iu. I, i y mli'liev rr -nil. rr, 'ii.. matter
Mlial lili (.nmlliliin may i, rray car lilu.lall
ebani'ly, irlv ilely an I ri, urally.
I lilt l ai-lnra ihnniii i. In ll,a hanili of
.rry yuiitli and . vary man In ilia laiel.
Ha i. urt.l ar laal. In a la!u i-i,vali,ia, lo any
a,iirai. iiq ul iu mli. "lino oal
mm9 .lainl.
Wa tiara alio lura our for TiWora,
TIIK Ct'I.VKHWKl.1. MKIili'AI, I'll.,
41 Ann Ht., .Vaw Vol a, ,N. V.I full I'ltlO
llul, aMD,
Yars r hr in ft k 1 n tr
niouef -rttrn ot1
ihtinc Iiul1 M, ilivrvti v
alwkv krfinliihf imvrrt t
Irnin uur iloor, T-f who Mlvt tat k nit
vninif ul Mm oh1 elianraf fr tu.tkln c im My
ltit ur t lturcrt, Hanr lv !o.tjt ui ,
while lht( tio 4u nt uiirav noh chai'-f
i rutm in povvriv. a waul luany tbi-u. .m
. an, tv mt I ulrl to wirsi I r u riut Iu thotr
iuwn Iu4ia.lltt. Tim tti-iti'i will ii unrm
tUnn "M"-", h W'a fm; ,m
tin nrMi . u:iii smI ri i v,,it ?u nel, fra.
Nun fi.nvMi Uilita itiaka .on-v vaiy
rtlHy, V"t ' tlovota iir ll n
:nrli, ur only y.ur niara nioint.t-.. r i
i Ipttirniatl n ul It that U .ra-al vi Ima
--M'tMHri M o0., purtuiid.
I iiai, l, Ihw.It