The Post Hiddiebarz. Air. 4. o ) J."CR-3U$"e; Editor "Proprowf" ' Couiit.v Ticket. For Diftricl Jinl, J..MEKKILLINN, of Lr'Mtiri(. (lMOrf (tallies of Iks Dlllrlot t.fffl.) For Short tT, DAVID BEICIII.EY, ol Centre, Fur County Comiiiisioiicrs, JOHN KEITZ, of Frniiklin : JOHN M. MOYEK, of Mll.lilniri(. For t?iuiitv Tiemtirer. A A ION S. IIEI.FKICK, ol Itcnver. Fur futility'ors, DANIEL DIKrTESH.U lI, of iVnn, OKOIJOK V. SIERER, of Wi'oi l'crrv. faa i The President's Condition. j ul tteJ with thucontrul ono. Paris. Wnt-bington. Annual 2 A tliun' Vieiiun, St. Putoriburij ami Mu.lrid oVr-storm that has eratwly be u are soon to have aitoli an nrraoe rti.inleilforilssovo.itvm Washing ; ...j tbe ,..i,n..tio clonk is t t II alt Mr .Til It A Sill 1 1 nnli aBt.a,-.. list:ir' ed tin rent .,f many p.inns!b6 i,jlr "l ll',! ' into England also in the brat of health, docs nut siem Tho probabilities aro that its nso t" hare intei feted with the l'rHi rinnt' it and the morning bulletin announcis that be alopt swontiv the greater pail of the time and oke MrtMlind this moitiiug." Ho is atendilv itnproiinff. The rednctioo in the debt for the Andrew Duncan, at Ciuubury, Mid- list fiscal year, ending July 1. wbs;0S,)X conutv, wore destroyed by 8101.00J.IW0. For last month, tho , he on Sunday night. The loss is flint of the next year, the pro- cov,!rPln,v an ins'iraneo of $ 0D0. pmt.on was more t!mu nnintinod. j Tba fi,0 is biuvfl , tj h(IV0 been as the reduction ws I;).07S.OO '. caused by a c dorod boy who wa i lie nx per ccuts, hi this Iiiat itbt. aUti-uient figriio at continued three- it ...... i auJ-a-liair per cents. I ho throe month' notice ro ptired f jr tho py tuent of tho lives have not yut e.t iired, nod though their extetiHiou as tiiree -and-'thulf per ceuts, is virtu ully coiupleted, they Htill appear in tbo debt eUteiuoiit as five pur , ceuts. The Salary ut Harisburg. Judge Pearson Ins decided t')e , cotiditiourf, bavo multiplied five fold itra ol)J Hilary of members of t!io j V,mi. Legisbitllie aaiust tllOm. e ' aaaaaaaBaajaaai ays t -Wo are clearly of the opinion I Hur, r'11 l'Hrrt'U ,ua,ka cem"at that so much of tho . lot of the elev lU ,ve beou "!"l'l"l 'u E"kI"u.I which eoth of M.iy. 1874. already cited, ss ! woro f ,uu'1 10 c""t,iin nft'"l n"cb miaii,;in .i. in o I ,-, iues of groat power. The I'onitin . . Jr. , ia v xiaiir I' I I " ta iui - ' tion toahtotsum, to momhors of the l.tgiKlttuie, is nnc JiiHtittiticn .1 ! '"j nu'1 1" l'n '"0 Utt t,,r": h, r fa tLt r. std 05 euiH. by ki. l.iii ' ' Tl' lrticnl iis of iho en'.ir aro as aud void. It would bo unlawful for ;"? nt huoI. outraged. OfL. tJie on 'ji,ju,iiIVi j follows: Al K;H() o't loch nn niil;nnn tbe stato treasurer to pay it; tLislf 'a, Kveruwp"t won''' I"1"" 'during a tit of excite. 1 man walked up the Htooj. of tho old court cannot enforce ply-taunt by ."' H'"1' l,a u,""f ,l 0 M bu ' Uieut. I c.pitol. and , ..bout to enter tho mandamus, and the mast hv 't"1"' w1" nr"- j , . . . j,,iiri stownrf. of W.tmnrc J '"' l '' ''en tho sttivrinton lont refused. We leave out of view every Mgm Hr of MiM, Hjmm u )( , ,lic',j uti. acd 1 nl.tllv shot u-, I !"f 0 '"il-'S. Tlioiuaa Hyde, no question of policy or expodu-ncy. ,rH1b!a , ,lW Vj J t t t i klllj ,..,,. M(.,,ulli of ,,! tir-ii.g the blmnge npprance of the 1 i.u .pa;mi.j f il,.. i . 1 t :.. - .. .11 r i. -i ture alone, over which tho judicmry I baa no control, and no right or die- , position to pAMjiLlgtBont. j a-... .... .' tho Supremo Court of tho Uuted States will cive the 1'iei.ident the' appointment of bis successor. Ju lire! Clifford was appointed from Maine. and bis death leaves .New KuglauJ ! without a representative on the , Supreme beucb. The ausaestion is made that the Pissideut tender' 11 " ,rl,uer theappoi.,t.o,uttoRoscooCookling ; Judge Hunt, of Now York, is inca- T,i-uitie t .or aervice, aou win soon be retired, which wi I maVo art actual I vacancy to Now York, as there is . : - - i -i. tow praelicully odo. The proposition iho last ten years the number of its , ISR, iost. For the samo date ia 15 to tender the uppointuient to Mr. j maniifactnrin r oat'tb'iih'aents" b is 'mt, tbero were but 2V. Cotkling will, we hope, bo favorably j increased, '-'.7.VJ t j Ll8". the' K tltfaf BOl, jnilli0 considered. His ts'enls are too : number of hsn Is employed from 3 .,,! nt ; l',.l.iri ,;(! . valnuble to le lout uent. to the gavern- The New York Sua gives several rcaaoeafor r-jiieing io tha downfall or .nr. uonttung, one oi wincn is that he was the chief promoter of the Constitutional Klcctornl Com tuissinu "which dofiauled tbe poo-iHt pie of the Coiled States out of their choice for 1'rssideut " Mr Il in alicut lime, uow that Mr. liayos nas g' te into retireniet,t, .Small fragments of the coot and that this aenstleas tws lille ab.ut bis'.jjirt w,r0 disoharged from tho fiaudtilt-Lt election were toped by the I'eu.i cralic preas. There never as a man tuote fairly elected to the Presidency than Hayes. There waa cot a legal election in any one of the Koutbsro States, known in klavery times as tha bero States, aud tbe vote of ttrary odo of them could Lae bo legally roj.cted, leaving Mr Til leo with Obly aXut otie fotirth cf tba abator al vote. No election is legal ucluaa the voter can vote sneoos croap, and yet a disease without intimidation, and bavo the vote counlel. All these coaditioca wra waAliog at Ibe election of 1870 in tuoat (tf tbe Kowtbero 8UUhi. " Tbie fall Nesr York a ill elect f.'i Dt roller, Kcgiaeer, Surveyor, . . J ui... A.. f. . r'rrfiaiToi oiaia, sitoruaj ti jht- : .. . .,. . . . .. HuU Treaaorer. Jode o( tbe u.t"-lSM d,tJ?("l lb, w,tf r.ertof AppraU. AasWvma aodi0' ;b0 off-' V' f-JU hvoators, ao4 foar Ooagreas A Tremendous LlQhlninj Slroka. On Triors!. y ls.l Has ia the resiJtncs of John Osbjros of Rut ' ' momi lowna'np, Illinois, was strunk jbJ ,i,',,'l"K' Tl" chaw ep-ratad tut'i in nit u muituw, Bi.iJUfr h little son ii ml dnnUlcr. Another diuiglitor of -Ir. Otliortie's was pick, id up bodily nnleirriel tliroujfli it wiuJow nt sLioh s'io was dining, aoJ tlftown severul feet ia the air, luniling quite a distnuce from tiie liouae, aii l, strange to sny, she was not hurt in Hie leant. Mr. Oxborne and nn employee were lyintf n the floor asli-ep. Doth receivol sever shocks, A silver watch lying on the door was melted, and pieces of il tveie foiiml in various places in tin house, A barn iu the vicinity wa sti ncli ttt tho sawo tiino, an, witb itH nonteuls. wns ileatrtyed by tiro. J ri.liun J'Julit J'lUIH'lt, Atomic the othur gleet improve merits of the timufl, is the priia-tie I clock, by which tho timet;! jobs oTa whole City can lo regulated. Thi is ilon i by mem of compreeso I air .forced through tubes or pipes, which counoot nil of tho clucks to be iok ! will very soon become extendm! to all of tho luge Cities of the world. Tho Wilson home, shed thirtynii loads of bay. thirty loads of whont i and thrto h-irniH. ou tho farm of ! recently discharged from Mr. cun aeiun ilvmout Dun,i)ouuds. Thoi'o wero ti l diitlit M fuili I tl- phia hiet week, which was an increxsn of 03 over the corresponding p,i, i nf lnut Tlii a tt-ita nn tii.rniaii , f fifteen per csnt., which is pro bul ly rive times as great as tho increase in population. Iu tho imo the! ciin.ios of disoaso and death, iu tho dirt in the btrcet anil In l nunit'irv . ,. ,, . , , i """ Ouitean i raeoiving. bv bis close coofinwil0(lt 0ht ,,o,,lo will ll,inl ! Mr IIonl Mu .,.aL ; WMHtd. W(J bB,ifjT0 if , :uit(ml WM ot uul of I i til it would LoHtill worse for him.! r--a"tinlirly if tho pooplo acted as ,Ufc" fttl!nff" ' '!'. m n t..i.! ..q vr: i ..... -i:u,e- N"''. oviuybo ly iu Titusville ... , com,ul,niCltion "to tbo -n. ....... ...t n. ........ u. ....... v u.e-cii'i? vi.o.vji.. ujb ii'iniuii i.iji. v. .. v ..t. : . i . . . , every endeavor to aacorlaiu tue name ,.,1I101.,linr rtf nf,.,.naX mnnJ ines, recently diicoverod iu liver I j,0oJ aawaaaBwaaaM D titimore is a growing city. I In 1S2 toTt.OC). and tho amount of ; capital invented from i'JI.OdO.ODO tolBssaasin Ouilonu. !3T.f'0O.i)M. If 20 Nihilnts b id taken an 'to kill the Cr of Ruisii. an 1 oulv mied because tue ueart ol tue one "lu wl'om the lot felt misgavo Liin tl,H M Alexander a lease of lifo. fr others will iie to f j lU"ir P!-C3J w !lJ wiU b" 1 ul ta l- tak. nu th President's wound. This is regard ed by '.he surgeooii as a favorable sign that the woond is drained oot, and they say bia reoovsry U ouw as sured. A peouliar type of diphtheria which is pronouooe l to be wholly a naaad, has made its appear anre in the vicinity of ('arboodele. I it is said to be something like ojem wbieb results in the child's death in oine cases ont of ten. Tbe Rv. Henry Knight of Clio ton, Ksns., knocks I down a man who express hope that tbe Presi dent would not recover. An aye- itntss estimated tha weight of tha blow at 13.00) pounds. A chores , ...I;dfojrbobia is vaseoojejoa (U ( b part of tbe state. ....The physicians of Wiilos barre vaccinate free of cost. .... We at Cheater conanruea Lalf a too of peanuts a month, . . . .Pennsylvania timber fields yield COO.000,000 feot anutially. ....Tho Pennsylvania railroad company has ordered 2,000 freight car. ... .Three persons were burned to death in I'itttbtir by kerosene on Tnosdny. . . . .Orwigsbnrg, Schuylkill coun ty. has four shoe factories ia which ICS uieo are employed, ... .A Pittsburg horse kicked at a fly the other day und killed a boy named Walter Waring. ....Hay in so plenty in Centre county tbnl f.u'iuorj are offtrinj P. as low as four doll ir per ton. .... McVoylown Is the most af flicted loMiih in this aUto. Dipb theria has litorully djpipjUtud it of children. ....Over four hnndrod esluoti keepers ia Allegheny county h:vo lu en returned for violation of the licoose Invv. . . . . A man sevnnty-lo years of age, named Trout, cmii'iiitlod sni cido lust wk no;r WelUluro by shouting Liuiaulf under the chin. .... Deaths in TittHbnrg and Al legheny luat weok footed up two hnudred and fifty, nuirly all child dron, diphthui i l being tho scourge, . . . .Seventy-three candidates have nnnoiinced tl.eiuselves as will inc to accent noiuiimtions frivn tho D.nnoeratio cjuveotion of York county. . .'.U0. Bailor, of .Vonon-ahehi City, caught two blue catuMi on IVid.iv with a line, one weighing twenty three uud the other eightuou .....V Gcrmin signing biiracdf "Schroiiiii mil" on a scrap of paper. committed euicide near Oreioislmrg, I II'. l i ... i k! . .... I ... '". r.iuiu., The DemooMlic Stuta Committee;,... A ,,:.,,.,, WI,H forwarded to ill moot at Bolton's Hotel, Harris-jSl(,,iin Ho(.k (() Jnf c Kin!iio. milesilens and all otber lit . .1 " . . . 1 A 1 1 . Ill Unr'' 0,1 Wednesday, Angtist Jq. to ht-tho date of the Statu couvon- I tion. i . .It is eslimnted that tho aver- age annual adiuini.i ns to the bar of , ri'UiiHIvania reaches one hnndrod or. iLoiisiiud iu a iIi.chiU, lcavirg a am plus fur exportation. ....Llla htevnnson. an trirl i who was In 1 1 at ln-iv. in Mct'iiinl twil,ii). in.r 1'ittHln.iL'. Liliud l'laoe, nge I 1 1 years, on 1'iid ty Mct'all was n,, a tree, and Stewart. aeeit.g the loaves move, thought it WM a H1,lirrt.L . ..Sineih l,...Vr l.!.r.!:.n.;il. .discovered oil in hUgurden nt Ti ville. it is feared that thepo I-.. I itus !cr,,l of tl,1t ril,n wil' l,rovo n fkiI can bo seen in thuir back yards al ! all hours aiukiii wuU. but thd d.n- -. t - ger of the city b-nng il jo led wit1! oil is not very great. ... .Sitting Dull siys be wants ft I..-- l ! 1 : li. ...t.. . ... Kuukl .ui.ii.r.. . ui utjia nu w... be w hen be is dead. ... .There were .'137 iion fnro ices in blunt in the IJnitod Slatos on the pftp0r ,(,ii0iting sul-Boiiptinns for the lie wus promptly !iuilJ. r I I ha l.r.r.11 aniftiala,l flu. I DK to tho rnfiisnlof the English authorities to deliver up the bones of I'eoo to entrust the j b to a party of Ohio body snatch irs. The bouos would surely come. .The smallpox scourge has be come so bad in Pittsbnrg that the board of beultb has designated a large number of doctors to attend to vaccinating the poor and to Iouk after the patients. 8 far as knowu do precautions have tttn takeu in Wiliiarasport to guat'd against tbe advent of tbe disease, and as it is at llloomsbnrg, YVilkeshtrre, Danville and other points below bere, no one need be surprised to bear of its sr rival bero. Lot all be on their guard. . ... JJM. John Cessna bas re ceived the Uepnblioan nomination f r president jndgo in the ISodford and Somerset district. His competi tor was A. J. Colboro, of Somerset, who was a member of the late legis lature. Mr. Cessna will Le Uct ed. ....Tbe Prtoeo of nlei is re nnrtaJ (a naai.N.I .li(TI..U. r,,.in , , . i is . w vu.j iucuvw i aiwn m linn ion do'.lsrs aooually aud be tiuds it .iusposkible t "njake Ml a eods.vUU will aot.M-OuuwTiAj Aivo- oieot OaJ I . Sitting Bull Surrs.iders. Ft. Paul, July 21. Th Pionwr frets Lns the following dispatch, detailing the surrender of Sitting Hull, dated Fort 13 a ford. Jaty 20, 4 P. M t Hitting Ball nod abont two hun dred Indiao people arrived at exactly 12 o'clock to-lay and surrendered their arm and ponies to Major Brolberton. No speeches have yet been madi, as Sitting Bull and his orator aro fatigaed and hungry. Tboy were placed in compartments between the post and the boat land ing, and Are as securely ia ,1njor iirotherton's charge as if they were in irons. The Pioneer Vreit cor respondent visited Sitting Dull af ter bis lodge was erected and cheer ed the old man op by informing him th it be bad seen only a short time before the lost daughtor whom tho Canadians bad told biiu was in chains, aud that sho was well and bnppy. Tbo Chief exprosso 1 a do rire to have a talk after ho had rest ed and had aomethin r to eat Tho caviilca do. ns it fi'.od to tho gmisou, attracted much atloati n- It em ulated of six army wagons loaded with squaws and childreo, followed by twenty-five or thirty of Louis Logtre'a Ked Kivor carls well fillod with baggage. Much credit is given here to Mr. Legaro for bis faithful scrvico to the Government in finally inducing Sitting Dull to corao with him. Ho has used his own means freely ill providing transportation and provision and should be liber ally rewarded for bis work. Sitting Hull himself and his chiefs and head men rod thuir ponies and did nut iliKiuoiiiit and ahuke bands nntil they arrivnd at the pluco fixed upon for their crop. Captain Clifford states tint Sitting It ill h is snomn l morn sullen and insolent than any of the chiefs he had under bis man agement, and his act inns to-day con firm the statement, but is thought that kind of treatment will soon make him t-atisFicd. The Government has accepted bis surrender in gcod and Low Dog of Sitting Drill's ar rival, and it is believed that this news will removo any dnsire tho In- tliiius there may bavo to leave tho agency. Aii Albany Excitement Albany. July 21. Much excite- nieni w.ts ceittnii litre nt noou Uy a ruiiu r that nn ntlcmpt bud ln-eti mu do to bl.....t (lovernor Cornell i"mu - ' " """"j I ' R" ou U- "boulder, etopped I1'"" a'"1 "H,i0,1 w!l!,e 1,0 Ue replied : -I am adjutant general ' lU" 8,ute'" I'.vda. judging that awiutat's m 11 t i i. i nu i iu ti 111 maav ihiimu I, firm t.i thur. btutn .fl..,if&l aria "a.',0,intouiled, aakolfor tho gun. The sli-.njior declined to giro it op, ' ...i i i ' . v . , ? K ".' secmiug it. The gun proved to be unloaded. Tho stranger, who is evi dently nut yet re0'vera I from the effects of a spree, w.ts lodged in tho .Second district station hoiis. lie Jescribcs himselfas Patrick MaLano, a blacksmith, Whito Hall. It would seem as if tint settlors on tho Western plains w in' 1 learn by and by to put up hon-iU of uioro strength than moot of t'A.ise dustruv- led iu thecyclonos which so fre.iuout- ly aweopovor those locslitos. To call il ''Uadita" weaketn the force of liie expreanioii very miieh, Huw lint it will full on our ears whuu be cuiiite in sod suya, "That was a 1 1 ml on of a thing to put in tho paper about me." "Huggy Wiiijis ly the eart loatl at Oppeulieiiiier's ut prices so low that every mun muy have uu every day ami a hiinilay wliip-so low tlio woman run ullord to liny tliem to tlir.itli the ebililreii and the cat. unit tlin fellows who tliniKli tlmlr wives can ulTord to purohuito. Aug.b. ' ' a "I havPsiirTortu! beyiii.ilendurannH,' "My life has lnnn a bitrilnii to mo." "I have benii ilenied tbe pleasures of wMdety." Kxtruets from teittiinonlaU of tliiMie cured of skin and surofuloita limnuM by Cutleura Iteiiietiies. Aug. Haurded Mo- A Worklniriuait says: "Debt, jov- erty and auderlng baunte.1 me for years, cniiaed by a sick family and large hille for iloutorln, wltleh Ui.l no KimmI. X was eomplet'tly dlaeouraKetl, until one year ago, by the tulvlueof uiy pastor, 1 prottnred Hop Hitters and rMiiiuiieitiwHl their use, aud Iu one uiontU we were all well, and Dona of J "' bweil sick A day slltce; and I 1 ant to say to all xor men, you ev aeip your faiitUles well a year with I Hop Hitters for less tban one doctor's JCll. Attorn cys-. it- Law. y.M. li. HOL'SWEUTiT, ATTORNEY-ATLAVV, Sklfsso hotb, Pa., PollMtlonl nj kllnlhtr Isttt balnM pronpt. al.entlthj to. UODfulUiloot la Loflllta saa itioau. Jan 1, 1MI. II. DILL, ATTORNEYAT-LAW. I,rnu'trg, Penn'n. All tiilnfi rslruKlfJ to bis ears will bs promptly attfOiUJ lo, Pipt, SO, lSo. jjDEifwcTii; ATTOtE-Ar.I.S W. ittirket St. , Srtitwgrov. Pa. All profliol l.n n promptly attcaittit to. uooiaiiittiuua lo vagina nu i.arinn Feb. II f . WUNDEKLY, ATTOSNEY-AT-LAW, Mi'lMburi, Snytrr C , '! Can bo conmltid la tnslUb or'trn. Jd. li,-, N. MYEUS, AttrtuAt-Litii', lldallrbnrs:, Pftin'l All rMilAnl h'Mini., oitr'tttrl to hit Oiri. will rilv prmit (.ttAbtinn. O iniullktlont Iu Knullnt. Herman. 10.T1. JACOD GILllEin Attoriev-At-Tjav, MlKULKItfKO. I'A. AlllmalnK't n' to hit oaro will rf'nlro rompt ttantlon. JairM.'T-. JT E. 150WEH, AI0REYAT-LAV, M!ihllrbHrt) Pa. (t)itf In orno or .1. P. OroniBi.lor, Kq ) Cnltfctiont mado. Uoniattatlnni. In Knvtlu nd (formmi. Juno M, 'T.if. l. sniocn, ATTORNEY- AT-L AW, New Berlin, Penn'a. will rriv rnit ttntion. Jtni ,7. QHAS P "I'LRICIL Attorney & 0jans5llor-At-Lw,! Oftlon In App'i It'.il.llnt una ilmii North ,o( Kkvionk IIotri.. Kpiisiii-iv , I'eiiii'n. nollntlnn nd oil otiiir prnir Mlnnul linrt n't I- llrllo l ona will rao lv mraliil ami I rumpt Kitouil.m. Apr.11,'1 .tl. 7rrcR()N MILLER. a ATTOUNEV AT LAW, Mifllinburz, Pa., OfTara bU prnlca'iona afrlce Inihopnl hiiaincta cntruaioil to bia earn will rrei-ivp prompt nllonlion. f Jn 3, 'nTtf T J. .SMITH. ATTOIINKT AT LAW. MlliM.K.Ilt'll l, SNVt.UH OU., PA OCaralila Prifaaalnnal SrrvU'na to tha pabll (:i,nultHtlon in Knullrh and Oarunn. J. R. ZELLER. a rronxi:r.A t-la iv Jliljlinliitvij, I'ti ion Count i. Pa All rnilnr-M riilrUMtad to lila ruro will well and liilihfiill alien I.-. I to. Will prn.'tln it t,a aoveral c ui u o Sn.-trr and a't'oinin.'tt. 4li,n !, cuiii.ila.1 In It. Kriidlrli or ileriuau InuiiaKa o-i.;m.. ):itt f UIARLKS KOWKR, v Arro.isuv at i.w. Selinsgrove, Pn illTcra hla profiaaloni.lorici! to lli pub I to t.'iilletilioiia an 1 all oll.r profea tiuiifi liusinem enlriMiel lo bia o;ire will re nrivo prompt liileminn. ( III o i w 0 ii-nr aoi.lh (if I lie Normal H olionl. f J n o, T r M. LINN, J . ATTOIIN'IH' AT LAW. T.ewNt,nrz. Tu OITera l.m prufi-aaional orice to tli pnlilio. C'lillciilintia nn 'I all mlivr pro frHaioiinl biiaiiipaa entiuHleil to bia car will receitepronipl atteniion. Hi-pt. .ID, 10. p )rrK;t, Sjlinsgrovo. Pn-, Offer their prnlr4iiiml rvirea lo Hi pitliiie. Alllennl liuineaoiilriiie'' to their oare will renal ie rmnpl atlcutioo. Oilier at hia bora on tio ttiroot. July, 4th '72. UUDlL ALI.kSAII, Hoaai.s A AM S. ALLEMAN & SON. AT TO It X K 1' S A 1 L A W. HtJllnwKTi'o v, All profriMlunul huainena and enlleolltig fDlrmiel to llivlr lars will lie promptly attend lo. Can bi onnaiillml In Knulisli or OurioHn. Oifioe, Murk'. Biiuaro. II. II. (trinim. Win. If. Dill QIHMM& DIL.L.. Attorneys&jCouncellors A T'ti.X II', OITice Near t!io Post Office. I'reattiurv, I'rnit'n. Conaiiltalloa la bulb Knfliah ami flartoau Language. leo,l ' J01LV II. ARNOLD, A-ttonioy nt Iaw, MlUULKHUIIi), I'A I'rofeaalonal hualnraa enlriiate J to bi care . ba proinpily atiao'lcl lo. Keb J THOMPSON HAKIiR,, Lew.,t.urg, L'uiun Co., Pa luarOan bs conaullej lo tbaEucllah an Oar. nan language. , OKf K'K Mnrket Hlrset. oppoalla Walla Siailb a Co'a Htors 8 U Wll. VAN fJKZRR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lowiahur Pu. 0 Iter a bia prnfeaalonal anrvtna to "ia nub lis. Cullaoliooa ami nil oilier Pio'oaaion albualiieaatnlrii.ini lo tils ears willrt oniia prompt atteotioo. T. PARKP, ATTORMBV AT LAW. aULINSOIlOVK, B.NVtiKH CO UN TV, Pa dtpl.16, '07lt AO. SIMIMON, ATTOIINKY AT LAW, Hulinarove. Pa. Offers bia arofaaaloaal aartlaaa ts lbs pub ah ouainaaa on.ruaitit IS SIS oars ill be proaipiiy auau4a is. Use. 17, '07tf tAMUKLII. ORWIO, ATTQHNRY.AT t.AW. stiminbiirv. I'MlnH :w., !: ''''I'k frlallSS .. - , ....... P,:tntc!an. r. j. Y.sntNnnL, 80' 110 HON AND Pit VBtriAJT. Middlebiirr, Pa Offer a hU prnfenxlonst aervinM to lbs eil ions or Middlsourg and fln.nliy; fMarrb 21. '07 )n MAR AND KOTHUOCK, Fremont, Snydor county, Pa. Onelnftloot ItHlmiro () ill nf PhrMn n1 Harirvon. mffl ht prtill n .1 f-rvloo to iho putilio.JJSpf!.! tnniUu and urino. Marrh, IT, IKil. tf. j. smitTl Physician & Surgeon, trrmnnt, SnyJrr County, Pa. ffr h' nmfawlnntl torvleo tattoo ynM Oirioo oa Mlntrt. Juaol'i '7 QU. J. (). AVAUNER, I'liyslclnn sail fitireeon, .Tr lil prnfrt.ion.l rflra to 'h 'fifni r A.iinhiirs and tir iniir. A'i. l.'noir. J. P. KANAWKI, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Out rctlte, "injitrr i'n.. Vn 0:lern lila profeiiaianat lervicea le Iho pulilio. e-ir J I J. KCKUV.KT, SURGEON DENTIST. Kt T'S ni.OOK, AWin.jrr, i'ciin'a. Pnr-lonl buKlntlt promptlf mtan'ted to, jju. i. buiEit r.AitnEH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, having Inralnl at M IIDi.Er!URfl, TV., ofti' a fiif il'iora IVmi nf thf tlnnrihoii". in lli-mcr i Crick ImlUlinit, oltpra bia fro-frr-lnnil hitiiiih in ia publio. II peak Ensliiib anj Oorinao )et.17.'7. pERCIVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, h'ruts'-tiilli; Snytrr Co., Pit. OdiT" hi nrifil'ini t' lha rltltni a nj o j if ' or Krurrllla tn I HHItf . A. M. SMITH. rnvswM.v and sirnnnox Oltcrn bia prnfcaHionnl arrriera to tbe clil tens nt A'l iuiahurn snil vicinity. Hrp4, 7-1 kTv ANH Ti A i KI R K , siihCio.tL MrrntNicAt, pt;;;tist Solins;ruvp, Penn'a. Justice of the J'cace. IUM SMITH. Justice or the Pcaca & ConYeyaucir lU nvcrSpri uy, Snyder Co., I'a. A1lnfr.trU1 hfinlnnnn tf.klnir ilnpopltlnn p nnd tromptl tttnlol In, Oullcetlon nn1 rn.l(- yiLLIA.M 11. SXYDHR. Jotlco of flic I'onco- Saljm, Snyder County Penn'a. All Colloctioua and t'emitnnceti promptly made.,7 tf. JAAU PRAYER. JUSTICE OF THE PE. ICE nnd Oeneral Collootor. Mi'l lVbiirir, St. yi'.ce County, Pa. Ppermt altviiiinn piti'l In cnl.-ctlona nl '.11 kiiela. IImiiiiiI'oa will bo maile prompilf fur nil ou'loni i jus mi.ila. M..r. i!lr H7 If. V H. WAUNRH, Rsrj.. It JUSTICE OK THE PE(?fi, .link 111.1 Township, Snyder (-o. Pa., WillHlienJ to ail bti.iiioHa euirtiatcil tn Ilia earn auj 00 tbo in oil I iKotinble torma, March li, 'liHtl JJVID S. SHOLLV, Justioo of tho 1'cnco, I'ltinnjl'iiwitfliip, Unit if.r Co., I'a. Will atieml to all liusineaa enlrnaleil to bl euro nn iniit reai.nin.hlo leruia. 1', O. ailUreea, Uundore, Huyilirr I'o., Ta, Mar. , 'HD. J JlTTlAUTM.VX, "ji stick or tiik rn.tCG. V. Oom v.vtni;i CENTKE VILLE, Huydur County, Pa. tfolle"tlnna and all hoalnaat partalnlns to the ofnoe of !iiilna ol tbo f eaoa will tie aiun.le.l to at ahnrt Dolloa a i'r 17'7a RliraflTClIELL, Jualico of tho Peace Si Conveyancer, .1a"kaon Townahlp, KnyJar toiinty, Pa. Holla.'. loua, ITouvayaurtiiu, anit all other lm allien, pertaining to the olnrewtll receive aitenilon. 1'jhlolfli'oa'l lrol Maw It.-rlln, t'nlo.i count j, fa, Aus. l'i. le;T. JOHN K. UUUlllCS, Est,., .JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE, Penn Twp., Snyder Co. Pa TAMES MIDDLES WARTH. rj Justice ol (he Peace & Conveyancer, Troxlovillo, Snyder Co. Pa. Will attenl protnntly tn all manner ol bu.t naaapartiilfiliiM to thantrira. tlolloettoni uia ta, liaxia,, wriiuo. l.luiy in,1a-tl y.M. II. HARDING, ji HTiru or tiii: ftAt t Sc Con v.vtnii, FREEMONT, HnyJor ouunly, Pa Collart lowa anital hnaineaa tn tho umi'eor .luatina of .ue Fvaca will be atU'ufle.l to at abort nollca. Air. If'ia. J A. WKTZKL, Justice of tho :Peaco, lieancrtown, SuytLr Co., I'a. All It it. da tifoolleollnna road ou liberal tarina. Promptly altonUs lo all liualnoat iulrualoU to bia cara. (Juno 'JO, 7 il ' ER U. MlDDl.ESWARTH, JUBTICK or TUB TEACH aao CONVETANCKR MoClure City, Snyder Co.. Pt, (lolleatlnoa and all knelnaaa partalnlas ta tha oSlea nf Jail lee al Iko f eauo w III I ett.n'te.l ta al abort out Ira. Jul, M.'iatl. A 0 IIOIINIIKUQKII, jusTicit or tub pkaca Parrt Towal,li.ni1ar tleantt. I'a. saaaitVO. Ins to tUa oluea'wlll B.oaa'tl ea 4.4 ii iriiev ...r a iwaawu.aT...o. J. I10WKRSOX,. Justice of the Peace C- ConssyitM Pennsoreok. Snyder Co., Pa. Oollition and Simiiini prnmpttf mats. April , SI. M BiM Hotel. Corner 59 St. y Broadway, NEW YORK. On both American A A'uropean planst FmnOnt on Onlr-Hl r, tha Orand Ronlo. M, Brnl..,.u Klflf-Ninth nt Ihla Hofat orriipio nir aqnaro, and aa bull, and f.irnHlird at an atp-na of n,ir S4o.0i0. It lo onocttha miat airmnl aa wall aa balngthasn. mi livatrd In thaalif haa a paaannc-r (lava' tr an I all m . Irn linprovmnant, ami la within on.q.irof Him d-pota of lha sixth and Klgh.h Aw'i Klatd a. K cara and atlll naarar l tha Hrnailvaf rara nnranlant and ancoaalblo frm all part, nrthamif. Hnm wllh board, SS Prda. fvcial ralaa for famlllsa and paruia Daut suaata. E. HASKELL. An. ,' PaorainTos. B0ARDIN6H0USE. THE Unilfrlgnail would ra-peol fully la form tho lrfllins publio, bnlnta m-n, witnoa-aa and Jnmra In attandanra al oar t7nrta that h haa tnala ampin priparall'ioa fof hir trm mm I nion an t wilt andaatnr lo tri.aln hla patrona lo ood al;l at tha moat raa.tnabl rala, lloinllng llouaa fa doors aftof ttaaOtUrl ltiuao. U A1IBICL. BE ATRR. Apr. 81 T. I r. Pruprlrtof. TTflTTOTl I 1)11111 U 1U11 I1UU0U M ilalll)tii'f-, Jln.. JOHN LIMDERT, Proprietor Thanhnra pnpolar llnlal hat boan rofltta4 and rxfnrnlih I In tha bait atylo. Itanaatrnl location inakxa It pnnvanlant fnr bnalnoaa mun i pron in aitcndanro at Court and all Mhart who ara railed to Mldillebur. That I Ir la alwavaanppllad with tliabaat In tho mar aat tha liar with nod llqimra and tha Ktsblo attamiail !) oarofull hoillari, Tariua modarats April 4, li;i, pENTREVILLE HOTEL, V (Lata Mra. Waorar'i.) l entarrlla Mnydar Co., Pa, PETtK MARTMAN, Propria! , W. "'abllfhad and well knows kots , basins bean pnrcna.e.l by tha unrteta;eod.M tloltiUroolthapuhllopat rona.a. ' April, . Ia:i. r r.i c. it uah I MA fpIE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN n. FOCKLKR, Prop'r. SoljmKrove, Pa. Thla ftntal la nlanaantly loeatcS In tha "eqnare an I la a ery ila.lrable .ljoa for traaelera toatnp Die HKHTitf acrom tiiO't A I lima io..... - a.natriiinH nnra will tw anr to call again'. Tba u. li ,M,.,iir in .nr ii.i A tlratcla.a Kualanranl Inconnertlnn wf tha Hotel. Aur.lK.'ra. iTlcrcliniits9 House, -li.'. aSc Hf5 NORTH TIIIuD STREET. nilL'A Tk. TorinH--8L-.'jO per day. HEN RY SPAHX, Prop'r. C.W.aiAHSr. Irrk Apr.l.'Tl. Philadelphia Cards. J. S. FARNSWORTH. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot ,,!lI'jcry(No!ioii!i, Wiiitc Goods, Enlrol uuiiiMurni!iniii uuoqs K Mo. 51 1 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. T. ft. fonef, A H. Hoar. I. Mai. ll'M. W. H. athnlhlav. T. II. lioiohteh fi HA VIII LI. & V3T c..., WllOLSaALB Dsalsss ia WOOD AND WILLOW WASH 'il Clntha, Wlnilow flhailea, rironma. Mat Itruiliea C'ntlon Lnpa, drain Bags, f'.y Sola, lliieknla, Tirlnea, Wioka, &o. No. 4: .lurkat Blraat, rbllaJolaLia fU HIV ' r I'Ui U7 I 15. dKLIIlilMER .' a DKALf.n irs BIAUDWARE Iron, ITails, Steel, Leather, Faints. Oils. Coach & Saddler Ware AND MANUFACTURE OF Stoves & Tin ware. MARKET STREET. I iOWlNiuWll, ISrveinrior 2, lHTl-lf WM. MANN. Blank Book Maker Sta tioner, and Steam Power PRINTER, s JioioMiiie aNc ICotall No 529 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Protmtne.s. One lYict Belli J Price Slartcetl On All Uuod In k gnren. Apr. lS.-'a. QAVID WILLIAMS, Manufaolureaer k WbolaaatsDaalarla Ullt, MaliAKaiiy, Walnut and Roieaeel b, LUOKINQ GLA8S Pioiure it PhotOKrapulo Frame Hoi. 230 and s:i'J Arrh aHreet i'bilailalpbia Pa. Framaa Rapulrail in Iba belt aiaane Al.o, lloglldiug ia all lis branobas. JJNION PIANINO MILL BEI.INrldBOVE, HN YDER CO., PA Kccly Wagner liiiuihcr Dealt rs aau MAkurAOTt'aas or Ooors, Deer Hutes, Whitlows, fill alter Whitlow Bums, Blinds, Hash, Blair rUliiK. Hand Kalllnei, Brack els, lloaldluKia FleorlaK, SUKUI.I.HA WINtl atJAItlNET TIIHrTH"' bhluglOB, Lath, fco,, 4V o. Order aolloilod sad Bllsd stllk ro a taa and dsaietali. Plaaaa sail sad sis' Inss'tr nuok bsfsrs (iursbasls tlatea Irtp on haml all kind oj "f Llnni t ueae Hottt, ' mania, WarrutiU,. teatel, tukfOf Jbe.